Newspaper Page Text
5 $'?jL77jx . ..... .. . , :.- tutl" ifc'-o- i l-'i.: K mwm ... I A l. CJ18S & tyi. VOLUME XIX, -NO 20. P. C iU'ADIO. of Pattenod', JL IV. wishes lo inform bit friends and pa- I tiuns that he bu remored to the house on JvMe Street opposite todd & Jordan's Store. I Hl'l-'j-tf I 'JEREM1AI1 'LYONS, 3Vttorueu-Ht-JTaiut MiSlintowa, Juciat County. Fi., OEce a ...j.:n street ow 02 fci? et- TOMB 6TOXES. I", iii.i L . L I - 3iniIiaCTUITr fI lomi) Meiw, Mrlistec?it,s ar.d MifSiMown. AH w.rk put up in the mt tasteful and rat etamial manner. Give him a call, i'ril 13-t4tf. iTtALi. .vm i:xmine ! vir Stock of UcaI.v MudeClothiug before ol 1'uioliaic" .KNeHwe. you will find on iiau l :t g.K'J assciitmo.-.t T'r Men aud I5ojs wLich tr iil bo sol'i cheap fur cah or cuiitrv produce. MK'KEV & I'ENXELL, t..r 1 if I'itterSdn, Pa. K. 0. STKWAKT, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mijiiiiitou-n, Junta fa Co., Pa., 'ffers his profcasioual services to the put? :ic. O'll'.ections aud all uiher busiacKg will receive prompt attention. Office first door North yl' Krlfurd's Store, (upstairs.) w AI M. ALLISON,; r.f Lk, AMI Rotary nbUr. Will attend to nil bHs:ncr,s entrusted to hia rsre. Office on Main Street, Milflintnwri, Va. MILITARY CLAIMS. 'Ii'K un lor-ipnoa will promptly oMfiimi will promptlv altcuu to : . . 9 the i-.illecti.jii of claim" ae.iinM either the Mte or National (ioverntiiMH, l"enioiii, liack i !av, Il.iuntr, Extra Par, and all !ier claims : .;ri"ii;i ...utof the freseut or any other war. j t-ui:cct: i. JKKEMIAII Lf Pa. feblO ril.'Hijiiewa, Juniata Ci. I I', sal:; cr v .-h U. W 2)71! 3 , Iloed. &Co 'it .Also, Jtjbboirf in I.ttlHS. CASl M KI.KS. SATINKTS, N 4JS MAUKET STUEE-I, Nniiii i'le, lietweeu Fourth and i"ifth. PlIILAUELPHU. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, N.i. I If- NoiiU t)KriNl) .Street, Turner of Juarrv. I'llII.AJ'LLPH.'A.. An assortment cf Watches. Jewelry. . Silver & ...n-tnt!v vti h in l. Su'iahlc 1t l'.CtAUAl I 'HKfi. i r- Kvpairiii.' of wVtcl.ce aud Jcwclrr f roiiiptly attended to 1 I'ec. 'i. iSlii-1 yr. j W. A. LKVKKLVG, intiT & (onmtlssi'm 3? eriifaul -allnill Street Vhai rMluiIelrhia, Pa . Supplies nf Titr.lier, 'tarc. Locust Pins .loop roles, xc .so aim i.uniber genera.y, tll be purcl.a,td, contracted for, or recoived n coiiiiuissioi., at the option of 'he shipper. Premium r II AIR MANUFACTORY. t'rrT'jf .iiv th'. .Tim ta Corsrt Af.KICBt.TO Rt JStM'IKTT, . Perrysville, Oct. 1. ) V T do htrchy certify that the Committee :n Manufactured Ar'ieles has awarded to ClURtES W. Weit?e the Fj.'st Premium for he mot snbMantiul,. r.cateai made, and beat finished eett of Chairs. ... o. , .'cor.a, jr-v, William Hf.xcii. AVc'y. jaai3 tKMtl HARPER, 520 A HlCH Street, above Fifth rillLADM rHlA. . , f;iiiuiactnrcr arfd-tVeajef In F I X K J 1 W K L R Y , S Oh 1 t SILVERWARE, iud xuycrlor Silver I'lated Ware ... , March J85, 8moa. . rKXin:i: CRIE Al'CTIOVKKR The undersigned offers his services to the public as Vendue Cryer and Auctioneer. He has had a very large experience, and feels confident that he can give .satisfaction to all. who may employ him,. He may be addressed at Mitltintown, or found at his home, in Fer managh township. Orders may also be left at Mr. Wills Hotel. . Jan. -Zo, 18GI. WILLIAM GIVEN. PHILADELPHIA PAPER HANdlXGS 1 805 1365 iiou eix & nt iiki:, M A N CF A CT V R E RS f F WALL PAPERS, AXI , WINDOW ITKTAIX PAl'EIU?, orner FOURTH aud MARKET Stra PHILALFLPHH. , ' P -" st.trk' of LIVEN SHAItES ti.'Kiitly ltr.. l l.", Si;..-;tm. LAND FOR SALE! nHJS UNDERSIGNED OFFEE3 AT PRI JL vate sale a lot of land situated in Walk er township, Juniata county, ra. adjoining lauds of Jacob Shellenberger, Daniel Werti and Widow Meredith, containing, about I , About 8 of which are cleared, and in good I grass, the balanoe teicg well timbered. There i is a jLog House and Frame Bank Barn on tha premises. Also good water aud fruit i totes. .... for terms and further iafonsation inquire of the undersigned residing near Mexico, at ' "wtii I'mte iciivas uiy uo uui mbou o una. ,ulJ l-tn ba- WM. wm.u.ubu P. OROVE. rKlki KKW F. GROVE & GO. fn?Qt tforaratesfon ttfrrliant5 tfj DEALERS I!f GRAIN FLOUR, &C. (fljr Cousignments of Grain, Flour, and Country Produce respectfully solicited. Alo, a large and general assortment of Groceries oit hand. F. GROVE & CO. j WHOLESALE DEALERS & MANUFACTURERS OF ! l-igewj Tobacco and Snuff, . o. 161 l ttA.ltI.I Street, BErrrES oattt and paca stbkfts, ! BAiflMORE. iUL'ICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITH. Superior Impohteo i.irabk, nne LHw- ino Too cco, nnd LrAr of, erery description. with a gne,ral assortmQtt of l'ipes. Snuff boxes, Farcy Articles, &c. Julyl9-3m. Patrimonial. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Ifyouwi h to uiajry you can do so by addressing roe. I will ..rend you, without aioney and without price, valuable information, that will enable you to marry happily ani speedily, ir respective of age, wealth or beauty. This Tuw information will cost yon nothing and if you wish to marry. I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confidential. The desired inforiuttid scut. by return mail, aud no reward asked. I lease ii. close postage or stamped envelop", addressed to yourself. Address SARAK B. J.AMBERT, Lrcenpoint. Miiylt-Ijaios- Rings Co., New York. NOTICE TO DELINQUENTS. Notice is lierebv riven to all persons indebted lo i the estate of Thomas, Shoruiier, late of the I borough ef I'attsrsoii deceased, either by j Nite or Rook Account to come forward and j pay up before the 6rt of Scptcn'ber, or these cmini will then positively be put 1U1U mt hands of a justice for eclW'tition ANNA SHORM1ER 1). A. UOVOIIMAN Alt'. 9-3i Administrators. PHOTOGRAPHS. 1-$4- rpbe Patrons of theSrsTtKFL who may visit 1- I'arrifbiirg, or cfesir tL.tirst class Picture should by all means go where they take the roust. sp'.eri'J'.sl likenuia ever gotten up any vhcre, which is at DL RNITE & CO'S .110 Market st, Harriub'g t eafnes? Blindness and Catarrh, TREATED with the utmost success, by lr. J. IS i ACSi Oculist and Anrtist, (former ly of Leyuen, Holland,) Kd. 519 PJNE Street Philadelphia. Tnstimcrfiala from the most reliable sources in the City and Country .can be seen at his Office. The medical fitcuTty are invited to accompany their patients, as ha has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EVES, inserted without pain. No charge made for examination. Feb, 15. 'Cfi.-ly. T R'M'S OF ADVERTISING Seventy-five cecfs per square" of ten lines or less for the first insertion; three inser tions for $1.50 and 50 cents for all subsequent insertions. Estate Notices $2.00. Profes sional and Business cards with paper $8.00 prryear. Merchantile card's with paper $15.00 viT year. Local notices 10 cents per 11 tie. ? eop?e ought to look to their interest and ad vertize in the 8e:-tiel as its circulation is about one third larger than any other paper published in the county. JOB WORK RATES Eighth sheet bills, $1.25; qnartcf sheet bills $2.00; half sheet bills $3 00; whole sheet $6 00 30 bills are always given if de sired. Blanks $2.00 per quire. Colored or fancy work extra, Cards at $1.50 per hun dred. Job Work tespectfully solicited as we ibelieve. we can do up jobs m atly and attract ely and expeditiously. rpERMS OF PUBLICATION The JiSiata Sentinel is PuTilishcd on .Nfain Street, next door to the Post Office, Mitflintown, Juniata County, Pa., on every Wednesday at the rate of $2.00 per year in advance and ?2i 50 if not paid within the year. We wish to do a cash business as nearly as possible. . We wish to deal honest ly and alike with all, and therefore need no j he acked to vary from our terms by any one j Thankful for past favors we ask the continued nppprt and efforts of car frivols. tbi covititutioh tec psiqii 1 . I ' - -T , I "l - . . - .A I HIFFL1NT0WN, JUNIATA COUNTY, THE UNION STATE TJ0NVENT10N. hirrowrng u th resolutions adopt ed at the Union State Coareniton, held in the citj of Harrisbarg, Pa , on Thurs day, August 17, 1862. THE PLATFORM. Mr. McVeigh, from the Committee on Resolutions, made the following report ; The Union Party of Pennsylvania, in state uouvection assemoiea, ceciare : 1. That as renresentativeaof the loval people of the Cocimoswealth we rever ently desire to oner oar gratuuae u: ai michtv God. whose favor has vodohsafed i victnrv to the national arms, enabled na j to eradicate the crime of slavery from our laid, ad to tcHder treason against the Republic impossible forevermore and next to Him, our thanks ars due and are hereby tendered to our brave soldiers and sailors, who, by their endtlraccc, sacrifi ces, and illustrious heroism, have secured to their country Peace, and to the doffh trodden everywhere an asyluni of Liber ty; who have shown that the var for the the restoration of the Union is not a fail ure, and whose valor has proven for all time the fact that this Government of the People, by the People, is as invincible in its strength as it is bentueent in its oper ation , 2. That reverice the memory of Abra ham Lincoln, the great martyr of liberty. we canDOt show greater, honor tc his name than by a generous support of bis fellow patriot and successor, Andrew Johnson, the President of the United States, who has been called to complete the task which he left UDhuished. His unbending pa triotism m the past is a sure, guarantee that in the momentous future the author ity of the Government will be upheld, and the rights and liberties, of all the citizens of the Republic secured. 3. That the mild and generics method of reconstruction offered by the Presi dent to the peop'.e lately in rebellion, in the judgment of this Convection, has not been accepted in the spirit of honest loyalty aid pratitude, but with such evi dence of defiance and hostility as to impel us to the conviotiqn that, they cannot safe ly be entrusted with the political rights which they forfeited by their treason, un til tey have proven their acceptance- of the results cf the war, but incorporating them in constitutional provisie'ris. ar?d ee curing to all men within their borders their inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of .happiness. 4. That having couquered the rebel lious States, they should be held itl sub jection, and the treatment they are to re ceive and the laws which ars to govern them, should be referred to the lawmak ing power of the option to which it legit imately belongs. 5. That as the late rebellion is wanton ly precipitated by the property holders of the South, it is but just that they Should pay the expnsss ot the war, and Con gress should declare as forfeited and vest ed in the Government the property of all rebels whose estates exceed the sum of ? 10,000, and that the proceeds of the property so confiscated" should be applied to increase the pensions of those entitled thereto by the same casualities of the war, to pay the damages done by ihe Caemy to loyal citizens, and to reduce the burden of the national debt. 6. That is the duty of Congrca so to revise the revenue to afford. in creased protection to American industry; to secure the development of the indus trial wealth of the people; and to render labor profitable and remunerative ; to build up home Markets for our agriculturists ; to attract capital lo, the mineral fields of the country, and to provide revenue for the maintainace of the public, credit; and this Convention recognizes the chief en emy to a policy of protection in that European power which, for four years, has furnished piratical vessels war to the rebels, find thus endeavored to drive our ccrflfflQrqq Irqm the seas., 7. That any attempt by foreign nations to establish monarchical government, on this continent is evidence of a. .design fo destroy Republican institutions. Regard for our own safety and for the future se curity of the Republican demand that no such attempt should succeed. 8. That it :s the duty of Congress to secure the full Federal bounty to all hon orably discharged soldiers, irrespective of tbodate ot tneir eqlistWetft. , 9. That tte recognize .ia 'Edwin M. Stanton the fearless, honest and able , head of the Department ot ,War, a puhlic ser vant who has deserved well of bis country. and has borne himself so clear in his. great office as to merit the earnest gratitude of all loyal men ; ana we tender to him and to his distinguished . cojlcauges in the Cabinet our thanks for their valuable ser vices in the cause ot. liberty ani, Jaw. . 10. That the constant devotion of Gov ernor Curtia to the best interests, of the' State and nation, during .the last four years, and his indefatigable efforts on all occasions to pay the just debt of gratitude we owe our national defenders, not merely by words, but also by decd, entitles hin) to tho thanks of every loyal eitixen of Pennsylvania. -. 11. That this Convention, representing the loyal peopte of Pennsylvania, roooz- nizes the claims of our citizen soldiers on asw-rina wroaciitaw o iAwt. PENN'A. AUGUST 83, 1865. our coaifence and gratitude, and that in nomination for offioes especial, regard iImUUmU wUioH o$ thorn who have faithfully served their country in, the army or the navy in the suppression of tne rebellion. ....,,... 12. That the leaders of the Democratic party stand, arraigned before the people of Pennsylvania for constantly obstructing the efforts of tho constituted authorities to maintain the life o t'e Republic. This they did,. By inflaming passions .cf 'their ig norant followers against the legally elect ed officers of the Federal Government, and refraining from all reproach against treason or armed traitCT3. . . ,. - 1 procuring a decision fom the Democratic judges of our suprerhe court, denying the right ot the Government to the .services of their imperilled country. By discouraging riieri froii- .volunteer ing into the armies of the Union ; thus rendering, it necessary to succumb to treas on, or to pay large bounties, and so burd- onincr evprv ward, tnwnshin and borough in the State with debt to 611 the ranks of our armies, By opposing the enlistment of negroes for our defence, although one whito taan less was required for every black one who could be enlisted, and this at the moment when the battle of Gettysburg was rag ing on the soil of Pennsylvania, and the result of that decisive battle was uncer tain. By denying to our soldiers the right to vote while fighting for tho flag of v, our fathers, on the plea that such right t?ere not allowed by our constitution, and by opposing in drhendment which removed their objections, and relieved our brave soldiers from this disability. By exaggerating the public indebted ness, denying the public credit, and teach ing that the financial resources of the north were unequal to the suppression of the rebellion. By a cKameful opposition to measures for extendioir relief to the families of Union soldiers, and by a malignant,efTort by these means to secure the sujcoss of the rebels in the field, or such a pro traction of the war as would exhaust the nation in, its effort to subdue their friends. Py now heaping abuse upon the Gov ernment for punishing assnsSihs and theij; accomplices; by demanding the releas? of leading traitors, by, frowning down all atterSps to bring -to punishment the fiends who starved our soldiers, and by assuring rebcb that neither in perfioa or property shall they be punished for their crimes. And if anything were wanting to com nlete their iufainv. w hare it in tht-ir determined opposition to free labor, and to a tariff which, while it would make la bor profitable by protecting the working men of Pennsylvania from British com- petiti'.n, wotild largely ncreae the reven ue essential to the maintenance of the public faiih and credit. The .report: of the committee having been read, Mr. . Cessna moved that the whole be adopted, with the exception of the resolution marked eleven fl 1,1 and that separate action be had on the resolu tion designated as No 11, which was unan imously agreed to. The resolution No. 1 1 was then sepa rately considered. Mr. Todd offered the fullowtntr amend ment to the resolution reported by the com mittee: . t-t!esolved, That this Convention, rep resenting the loyal people rjf Pennsylva nia, recognises the claims of our citizen soldiers cn our confidence and gratitude as superior to all others, and that in token cf the sincerity of this, its declaration, it will nominate none as candidates for office who have not proved their loyalty add patriotism by services in the field against the enemies of the. Ke'pr&iie. . Mr. Todd demanded the yeas and nays on this amendment, and a vote was taen, with the following result : teas 111. Nays 17., The original , resolution reported by the committee Was then unanimously agreed to. ... , ."'V., -I"- . Commissary General of Priso.vS. General Hoffman, Commissary General of Prisons, is busily engaged in adjusting the accounts of paroled and released sol diers, preparatory to their final discharge. A report is in course of cotkpfetion, giv ing the number of prisoners held by both sides durinf the war ; the aggregate num ber of deaths from various causes, and other matters of great moment.. The public will be astonished at the -number of prisoners, who have died .in Southerrl prisons from, starvation and systematic murder. There are but ten rebel pris oners held by the government, all the rest having; been paroled or discharged. Those held are arraigned fo various potty offenoes'. Master Willie had lately seen and heard much of the " Water-faBf with wich the young ladies now-a-days adorn the backs of their, heads. :, His attention was fully awake on the subject. . One muddy day he saw on the road a horse .whose careful groom had braided and knotted Bp his switoh-tail Willie cried, 'fOh ! pa, pa ! see thst leree f He's got a water fall to his tail MORE ABOUT ANDERSONYILLE- , Mr. Ambrose Spencer has contributed another painfully iaferbsting narrative in relation to the inhuman monsters who tor tured our soldiers in the prison-pen at Anderspnyille. We reproduce the ma terial portion of his statement : "I have referred to the quantity and quality of the food given to the prison ers, and have since been , asked if the country Was really so destitute of provis ions as to require it At the post-quartermaster's, at Americans, nine miles from Andersdnville, there was turned over to the United Suites Government nearly two hundred thousand pounds of bacon and . an immense arr-otrit of corn and o'.her produce; a larger quantity was stored at Albany, forty miles lower down, and very considerable stores at Oglethorpe eighteen miles above Andersonville. These amo-ots were continually increas ing form tithes and purchases, so that it will be seen that there was no lack of pro visions in the country wherewith to furn ish the prisoners food, "t have heard much of what is termed the "dead line;" few, however, know what is meant by it. After the comple tion ot the prison and its use, those con fined there were accustomed to approach the stockade and look through the open ings between the posts, or talk to outsid ers. After the assumption of command by Maor Wirtz, he caused the prisoners to be noticed that if they approached within thirty feet of the stockade, they would be shot by the guards upon the outiide. This limit of thirty feet was unmarked by an line tchatever ; it was ideal, and to the arbitrary determina tion of men on guard, a najority of whom were as incapable of judging ot distances, or of this distance ot. thirty feet, as were the poor prisoners who were doomed if they trHsgress it. The con sequence was that weekly, yea almost dai ly, the prisoners were shot icrra by' the guards, when these thought they had trenscended, the imaginary line which separated thirty-seven thousand human beings from eternity. "Upon one occasion, a prisoner who had been Confined there for more than a year, rendered desperate by hunger, want and filth, preferring death to a life so unutterably miserable, alter writing a last fond letter to his wife in Indiana, and biddiifj his friends around him fare well, deliberately advanced towards the side of the stockade, and calmly received the well-directed shot of the sentinel that released his soul from the tortures .which he could not endure, arid which his dan hood sank under. 'The southeast corner of the interior of the stockade was the favorite spot for this kind of practice by tUe executors of Wirtz's will ; for at this point the brook or stream to which I have already refer red entered the limits of the pricon. Here the water was less tainted and befouled by the drainage ot the bill, and attorded a somewhat more palatable drink ; of course this point was socIlt in preference to any other. Bui woe to the unfortunate wretth who ever reached with his arm be jcrfd the prescribed bottnds, to dip up a cup of better water than the reeking cur rent below him offered 1 A sentinel's bul let sent One more spirit trembling to its God, wiile the Wretch's body lay prone and washed in the very water that his less fortunate comrades must drinS, Until necessity forced its renjpyal. now many were slain in this manner will never be known until the records of a book un scanned by mortal eyes be made up in fig ures of living light ( ., . , "A short distance from the stockade was the field where the remains of the dead prisoners were supposed to he hur ried. As if the tortures and degradations of their wretched, life were sufficient, the culminating. stroke was giveri if their mode of interment.' In long fitches, scarcely two feet in depth,, without coffin or cover, without the ordinary , decent composing of their limb, but carelessly hustled into the bed Which was to be their last, thirteen, thousand and eight bundled shrunken, ghastly bodies have been ,tos- sad; and there they lie, "an army of martyrs." whose cry will go up to Jioaven in unceasing peaTs, asking for vengeance." j Mr The statement that the cholera has broken out atBenningbim, EsglaaJ, it EDITORS. Whole number, 956. . tCPNG MEN BUSLNESS MX ll ia aaia UU gqod h s tnaa than poor one. Half of the energy displayed in keeping ahead as Is required to eateh up when behind will save credit, give more time to attend to business, and add to the profits and reputation of those who work for gain. Be prompt. Keep your word. If you promise to meet a man, or do a certain thing at a certain moment, be ready at the appointed time. If you have work to do it at once, cheer fully and therefore more speedily and correctly,, If you go out on businss at tend promptly to the matter at banc, then as promptly ( go about your business. Do not stop to tell stories in business hours. ' ' If you have a place of business, be found there when wanted. No man can get rich by sitting around saloons, playing old sledge, euchre, peanuckle or other games for whiskey. Never "fool" on bu siness matters. If -you have to labor for i living remember that one hour in the morning ia better than two at night. If you employ others, be on hand to see that they attend to their duties, and to direct woik to advantage. Have order sys temregularity, .promptness, liberality. Do not meddle with business yon know nothing of. Whatever you do, do well. Never buy an article simply because the man who. sells will take it out in trade. Trade is money. Time. . is. money. A good business habit and reputation is al ways money. Make your place of busi ness . pleasant and attractive, then stay there to wait on customers.. Never. use quick words or allow yourself to make hasty and ucgbnt)cmanly remarks to those in your employ, for to do so lessens their respect for you and your influence over them. .Help yourself and .others will help, you-... Be faithful over the interests confided to your keeping and all in good time your responsibility will be increased. Do not build till you have arranged and laid a good foundation. Do not as you work for success, spend time in loafing. If your time is your, own, bu siness will surely suffer if you .do. If it is given to another for , pay, it belongs to him and you hayei no, more right to steal that than to steal money. Be obliging. Strive to avoid harsh words and personalis tics. Do not ktck.eyery stone in the path. More miles can be made in a day by (,oing steadijy , on than by stopping to kick. Pay you go. A man of honor respects his word as he does, .hi bond. Ask but never beg. . Help others when you can without inconvenience to yourself. But never give when you cannot afford to, simply because it is fashionable. . Learn to say no. No necessity of snapping it out dog fashion, but,firmly and respect fully., nave but few confidents. The f!:wer the better. Use your own brains rather than others. Think and act for yourself. Be honest Be vigilant Be active and liberaj. .Keep ahead, rather than behind the times. . Young rain cut this out, and if there is folly in t&e argu- menta, letua know. ., ... ; The above rules have done , ts good service, and are given as hints to the young men of our country who must be either loafers of gSntletnea,. fc'Jlsinc8. men of baakrupts, respected or nncared : for, as tbey themselves may determine, Brick Pvmerojf. A CURT ANSWER. Some. .yean, ago, an old sign-painter, who very croes, very gruff, and little deaf, was engaged to paint the Ten Com mandments on some tablets in a church not five miles from Buffalo, lie worked two day's aj; it, and at, the end of thm sec ond day the pastor of the church came to see how the work .prpgressed. The old man stood by, smoking a short pipe, as the reverend gentlemari ran hia eyes over the tablets. '-Eh "' .said-the pastor, as his familiar eye detected something wrong in the wordincr cf the nrccer.ts: "why. von - - O K . ' careless old person, yoc have left a part of one ot tne commandments entirely oat; don't you-see ' ' "Nokno such thing," saia the old nan -putting on his spectacles; "no, nothing left out where ?",.- "Whv- there.!" nersisted the pastor; "look at them in the Bible; you have ' left some of the commandments ot." "Wall, what if I have?" said old Ob- atinancv. as be ran his eye complacently . . . . T I 9 over bis ..worK ; yuan u i nave There's more there now than yon will keep!" - ' Anotner oa Bar, etmr, arii w mf l-yri the nx-t