Newspaper Page Text
4 rmwrnti imtiata Sentinel. 4 union of lakes, and a union of lands, A union no potter shall sever; A union of hearts, and a union of hands, And the American fftion ftrtier! M I F F L I N I O W Wednesday Morning, September 6, 1865 "FEARLESS AND FREE." A. !. tiljSS, Editor. Lor. '25 : lo. pW Proclaim Liberty jgff pir- Throughout the Land Jtt jptr- to ALL the -W" mm- Inhabitants Thereof. -f TIIK J UXTA TA SES-flNKt gU has the Larjett Cm 'art's n of ny piper pub lished in this County. It is therefore the f uivtrtKtx medium, ll is a Taper, truly lyal, ably conducted, a f rsf class Localist, and well worthy of the patronage of erery N1 c!t(tn in the County. H."7V?J' ww le made odious Traitors must be punished and impover ished. Thru must not only be punislted lut tlieir social power, must be destroyed; And otter maJcini treason otii'ns. ei eru : 1Z1J" Ts Ik. a..m., t.l i . , A ' Ac remunerated out nf the jtoefcets of thott who have inflicted, this grttat suffer ing upon tht courtfry.' President John win, April 21, 1865. 11 nun UMU ' V . . . - Union Republican State Nominations FOR AUDITOR GENERAL .. -i a.- niDTdivi'T 1 hpi, wvn- - mb - - '.i y i . or MOXTOOMIfIT corsiT. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL Col JACOB 91. CIMPBCLL, Or CAMSaiA C0C5TT. Vr.vrm. The Democrat is very appre hensive that we will show up its assertions -.i r as tney aaerve. ani. mereiore oegs us ; not to indulge in the "pepper sy'e-' j cal talenl of a hiph order. Of hispure We well know that the TRUTH and tbe) iy executive ability, the sucoessful acd al nTnttTirnTT! PT?rvriPI.VS lrnrfd wava satisfactory manner ih which the by the SENTINEL have long been burn- j ffftto o'nly j " - - ing the Democrat's throat, but we can t ) proof tht wQ need to cite We h4(j ,j. hog when he was colted." We are re help it our duty is clear. We intend mogt 01nitted to mantion that from March, j minded of this incident by the last Dem not only topepperthem until their ungodly ' 1863, until March, 1864, Col. Campbell . at. Surely it has some thing worse eympathy for rebels and tl.eir copperhead- lm ticlles, scratches, fccorcnos, ecrspos, burns and blisters their peppered throats, but we rronose to cram their own damfc- .. t . 1 - T . 1 ' I , tj . t. leg, disptwting, utsiojai recoru awn iiieir throats until the intolerable stench warns .11 men to h,ware of the ungrateful ser- , i pnt that blowed it Venom on its besij friend. Doctors say persons with throat affectiona dislike lerreTi "na cr tlie i vile effluvia that his for five years well- .dupfromtherrU.roats.wcdonotwonder tnat tne t.yiir.ut,, uuu.iui auwiugg . bite and bum like pepper in a diseased j tbrnt. Our mission, as long as we conduct this paoer, is to give these , , r ' , eelf styled Democrats, not ly Tom Tep-, rer. but also black pcrrer, while our , rmmuniuj members of the played OUt Democraey. It - J a I T..Va jab tAa vosV nan. ' . . ! -1 I V . Aan rmrtnlnlit WflQ f TnQ. ' h rttB7 VI rrrrCT . lTr rer to Mrs. Surratt, Jeff Davis, and Hy-! fcrred to it, that it might rem-iin uudcr ' GER ! ! ! ! an'd they will i TPHinpni, aduv ifuuua'rj, uiva i-v : HiuiiTiiti lavui ilia unu ntuuvun nvn " s ena Wcrz. who in their day have all been commander. 1 ne Dngaoe suuere., , McCIe!,an Woojwar,, V "V " P , I failed. July 24th the brigade participat rtnso.NAi.. The Democrat after be- , . . . Winchester, and upon having well for several months, last week fajj 0f q0 Mulligan Col. Campbell gets ravage again and styles us thus '"the i took command of his division. He con Parson f7) it seems impossible for these j tinued in its command until its consolida tions to discuss any political questions j tion into a brigade consequent upon its .... . 1 ' many losses in killed and wounded, and without indulging in personalities. e i . j ,v fi-.J- Afwr have alway. except when driven to it in felf-defencc,4.ried to criticise what was j paid without discussing who said it but if j the concern down town is determined to rail names instead of producing arguments, we warn them as we d id at the end of our last controversy, that while we defy J J:.J.:. Vl.!-i.nnilinl 1.1 VjMvriPfl auu uiauum auj uwftuaiuiug tu j to our Parsonage, we hold ourselves ready ! at any time if it is necessary, to give the Record of things down town to the satis faction of all. Let it pitch into our poli tics to its heart's content, but when it comes to personal abuse it ft- a virtual admission of a- bad cause or an inability to defend it. Jury Commissioner. One ot the most important officers to be eleeui this tall is Jury Commisaioner. We hope our Convention will give us one of the Lest-men in the couuty. Let it not fol- - -t fnr riolei.t i s i.... wunu..s -v 0d ultra opmiona and bitterness v e 1 A . fi mn Imt nnt a mulish CI16 - J ic , ,.c,hP'n.ial.;, - i a'v man, i'Ut a I The iteaord Furnished1, B. The Democrat last week: asserts and intimates a lot of false and Billy tuff about Col. Campbell and calls on ua to furnish the record of the fields in wnfcn he fought we comply not for the purpose of either converting or gratifying tbe Democrat bat to enlighten the com munity in general. Tbe following is from tbe Johnstown Tribune : In April, 1861, Fort Sumter was bom barded and the first call appeared for vol unteers to "rally round the flat." At ! this time Mr. Campbfell Was first lieuten ant of a volun3er company in Johnstown, and this company at once tendered its services to tfce Governor, who promptly accepted them. It vat tke first company to enter (Jam L'urtin. Upon the organ isation of th Third regiment of Pennsyl vania Volunteers, Lieutenant Campbell was appointed Quartermaster, a position which be filled with great acceptability until the regiment was discharged. On the 28th oi July he was mustered out of service, and on tbe dUta was commission ed to recruit a regiment. In due time the regiment was raised, the companies composing it having been mainly recruit ed through Col. Campbell's individual exertions. Eight of the companies were recruited in Cambria and Somerset coun ties, and two it Lehigh and Northampton counties. The regiment was designated the Fifty-Foiiitn. For two years this regiment performed the arduous duty of guarding sixty utiles oounty are liereby lormca into a commit ot the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and , tee to drganiie Systematic afctidS in get while thus engaged really protecu-u me Maryland and Pennsylvania border from , rebel invasion and guerrilla outrages. It; i, , fact which may not be generally known to Pennsyhranians that to the Fifty- fourth regiment they owe much of the se-' curitv they enjoyed in their persons and property during 1802 and 1863, the two . I ...... 1 ..Ana nW 1ia Raf I h A nA. mini uimuai caiau. . rw .itinn . f th. Fiftv-fourth was at all times, t v j , an ettfcedincly trying and dangerous one, requiring the exercise of the utmost vig- ilance aad thc soundest discretion. Du-1 ring us guara.acsn.p o iue , was irequeuuy eogagcu iu can iuisuc; i.h a. -nm. and udob more than one I occasion gave timely and valuable infor- mation ot his movements and acstgns. in addition to his ordinary duties as com- - j .. r . 1 .Mnn, addition to nis ora.nary , mander of the regiment, Col. Campbell , was almost daily called upon during tuts , "j " "u""y." period to decide disputes between rebels ; Col. Geo. F McFarland , Col. J. K, Itob and UnionisU residing along the lino oft;nson, Maj. W'm. Bel!, Capt J. P. the railroad, and it is no exaggeration to Wharton, Capt. Vanormer, Capt. James say that in no instance was cheat-! PaU c t- L $ L;eut j D ed or rascality rewarded. It is not our, 6 . assertion merely, but the testimony of all J "wcll, Capt. C. McClellan, Lieut. Bar- who arc cognizant of the ftcts, that the ton, Lieut. T. T. commander cf the Fifty-fdtlrth manifest-1 Niffer OB th8 braiiirisger ia tke boots the tHJ-scMion of judi- was m command ot tne rounn origaae, t First division, Eighth army corps r irat U1V1SIUU. AJIKUbU ml 1 vv.u which was his own regiment. Early in 1864 Gen. Sigel took core ind ef the Department of Wedt Vir taand Department of eat ir- ... J 11 Va nwitKlA ' gmia, ana inoveu wim '" j troops tor Mart'msburg, preparatory to a ; "cement Jhewndoah mltey j la a reorsaniaatroTi ot the troops wnicn , toot piace" Col. Ca'mpbell, at his own re- quest, returned to the command of his - regiment. At the battle of New Market, j May 15th, the regiment suffered severoly. a jer jjunter the regiment ivo a promt- j nent part in the battle of Piedmont, June : 5tb, again occupying tho left Of the' fiffe "d this time flanking thr enemy s" ngbt and attacking him in tho rear. Alter thc Colonc, Campbell wa8 aiigncd , ,t 0f a bricade. and as a K11 in the. attack nnon the entrench - . . ... T nl. 1.... . A AivAroil Iia rp. fro.f nf Hunter s army when the aitacK " " - Shcridan came to thc bead of the Depart- j ment, he participated in the engagements in the fchenando ah under tnat rcnownea . chieftain until he was mustered out of service nearly two months afteT the cxpi- ration of his three years term ot enlist ment. His total period of service, includ ing the tbrec months' campaign, it will thus be seen, covered nearly three years atri balf. MpMkr fa Wlea. is now about time that the Coppcf heads were getting ready to' begin their wail over Win, the wholesale murderer of the Andersonville prisoners T They have had their cry over Mrs. Surrat, and can onized her into a saint. Wcrx would seenr to-be thc next subject entitled to their sympathy. He is certainly in a fair way of becoming a martyr to his political sen timents. Judging from the evidence so far published, extraots of which will be found in- daily papers, he is perfectly j for the haosrini!. Let the Copper Vipads - . therefore, prepare themselves tor header, therefore, prepare . V-.J.-0 oa fhis account. iit j . aw.tnr 0f cambric, -j 1- ... il..;. ,,.! i Iai.Uo mnn.. ana duuii' vv i.... , He A f,.. tKp floK, Win li their" 1 ran. SCSnESSM Exhibition. fi'e Juniata county, Agricultural So ciety will hold its Annual Exhibition, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, th 11th, 12th and 13 ih of October next, on the Society's grounds at Perrmille. - A full attendance of all the friends of Agriculture and kindred arts ia partictt larly requested. And it is especially de sired that every person will bring some thing 16 put on exhibition, aa a large amount of money is to be expended in premiums. It will be seen that the premium list embraces a very large num ber of articles, ranging from the first rate stallion to the humblest article of domes tic manufacture. As the present season has been remarkably favorable for the growth of vegetables, wc ought to make a valuable display in the Vegetable and Fruit Departments ; and as' a number of farmers have been purchasing blooded stock of late, we hope they will afford the public a sight of their fine animals. The ladies though praiseworthy for thiir efforts heretofore, will endeavor to sur pass all their former efforts. The last half day of the Exhibition will be occupied in giving a free dinier td the Soldiers of the Republic . beloig I iow ti this county. To this end, the ladies - . . . t . . jO' T CoroUSu Mtt owninip; ne ing up ad superintending such a feast n knQw h(m ' V- , ' be worthy of our chivalrous sons who have borne the country's honor in triumph over so many bloody battle fields. Every Juniata Soldier, from the vol unieer Veteran of four years to the beard- , t . .t. .i. r lcaa W who 8Pr"S t0 thc the re8CUC of his country in any of the various emergen- cies, hereby receives his card of invitation 10 atten(i lnc dinner iu honor of hw eal- lant corars(lcs. Then come one, come ana ,ct us I00K urn our Plon the country's dtifendefs id ode group. Tbfc foilowiiig committee of military men nwe-e.pMil, cuarge of a1 tha ffiili. J .f. t; . :k;t. . . . and Bigger all orar. We1 ouce kttew a ruin who had a vic "he ious horse of which he declared that than nigger Qn th(J braiu" it his Hini m j iM bcots, in its pocketfl, and a ge'e'd sized . one sticking in iU throat. In fact it has the Xuijeru ot Tremens and seems to be 1 . . 1 - C I 1 areammg ot grcai iiobuj naunsuiuc darkie9 on the democratic platform Aj4 , .' . , ..... o of a.l rs, it declare that th jestiskl Gen. Hartraoft and CdoWel CaStipb'SlI are an ; favor 0f it Iy gracious what a timc there be ;f the negroes oncc get t0 80 Ua,.ity ' "" that they have so little brains, moral worth and political desert tbat tbej fear the ex-slaves will Soon cteell thtm. -Let our neighbor be entreated, however, cot to forsake his thcrcder. Let him ' I f ' ' Wrt. surely elect allandigham and Mrs Surratf and Old Scratch this fall. No Go. The copperheads have, loag been trying to mako the people beliivo I that President Johnson had dome over to the" democracy. Their papers have been in great glee over it and in several states the party endorsed bis course. A great change has however come ever the f their dreams since he hung Mrs Surratt. In fact they are beginning to "smell a very large mice." Tbe Democrat last week calls him "The Emperor ot the United States," and thinks he goes "ahead ot Austrian Despotism." Bt A Copperhead paper saya that the "Democratic party has never swerved from Ha famdainental principle;" ami we think that paper tells the truth fo once. The ' fundamental principle" of the Democrat ic party has been and still is the "loaves and fishes," and ft was held together for a great many years, as admitted by oHe of its ablest leaders, "by tbe cohesiv pow er or" public plunder. Lebanon Cou rier. - ! WtfBSTtR DiFECTIVE. A gfcat d'e fect has been discovered in'Webstcr's Dic tionary. He thus defines a" Democrat tfi-: ,:one who adheres to a government by the "people, of favors thc extension of ten ilJa f oiiffr-.r-f. tn all -I itcon m'.n ' " tHrcforc i"'3 would n'of itiduflcthe pack " copp-rneans wnicn mei si , , Harriibirr 0 . ' sua ontfrnstea I'avis ana i.iitoe 111 lIieCRATIC CfiNVESftOl! Its CaaiJates,Platlorm aad Prospects The Democratic 3tafe Convention met at Earriaborg on tie 24ti uli. The no torious Dick Va'nk of Philadelphia was appointed President. The irrepressible Dick', altier a characteristic flourish of big words about Constitution, defiance, knaves, Democracy, dignity, manhood and social equality, subsided and inform ed the convention that the chair was ready for business. In orier to screen, family jars from the public eye, the first motion made was to appoint a oommittee, to whom all resolutions on Federal or State policy must b? referred without debate. The convention, being thus muzsled and headed off from any publie expression and discussien of opinions, set itself down to wait for a platfbrm. After two hours patient wailing it became evident that there was trouble in camp, and it was soon known that a big fight was going oil in committee. The convention becoming anxious and excited a committee was sent to see what was the matter, but get ting no satisfaction it was determined to adjourn until evening. On re-assembling the committee on resolutions reported a platform and the convention proceeded to the nomination of candidates, which re sulted in the nomination for Auditor General of a Colonel Davis whose prin cipal recommendatien seems to have been that he was in the service long enough to acquire tho milita fy title of Colonel, then quit the service in the darkest hours of thc rebellion and went home to edit a copperhead newspaper in Bucks county, thereby assisting to embarrass the govern ment and making airiends to the rebels for any harm he might have dot'c them while in the Union service. The man Linton was in the same Regi ment with Col. Campbell. We know him like a book in fact we once published a pamphlet in partnership. We know him so well that we can not now give him jus tice. On another occasion Wc hope to do him the justico of proving that ha ought not to be elected to office. The platform we have already charac terized as a re-hash of the Chicago plat form, as a matter of course, some of the more unwicldly planks of that immortal locume ni have been left out, such as the 2nd, pronouncing the war a failure and demanding an armistice and peace at any pric4, also the 5th denouncing the gov ernment, instead of the rebels, for not taking better care of our soldiers, lan guishing' and starving in Southern pris ons, such a resolution just cow raieht have borce fecavi'j on Lee, Davis and Were &c, which is not desired by the Democracy. A few new features have been introduced, the principal of which are the 6th, deprecating social equality, (shades of Richajd M. Johnson and thc ancient Democracy !) and the 7th, a quasi endorcement of President Johnson's pol icy, with an addition of bils Had its and ani, that turn the whole resolution into one of censure and denounces the trial and execution of the assassins of Presi dent Lincoln as murder, and finally winds up with thc astonishing announcement that the Democracy are Ao longer in faor of compromise. Altogether tne prospects ot the Democ racy ate anything but bright. The peo ple of Pennsylvania last fall repudiated McClellan and the Chicago platform by a majority of 20,000, and this re-hash of that defunct institution, with its proteges, is doomed to a still more overwhelming defeat on the second Tuesday of ncrt October. t m . f The Skkiinel never had an idea of its standing in the Union Party. It appears from the last Democrat that when the Sextinkt, whistles the whole party says anicn that because e Said Civil rights ought not depend on color, jtbdre fore tbe Democrat flies off the haddfe aftd goes on about the "detestable doctive ot negro equality." We are happy to know that we are such high authority in a party against which the gates of hell" and democracy can not prevail. The Democrat 6eenn to B'snbH a color ed mice in tbe Republican Platform thinks there is something hidden under its words they are "covert expressions" -Hold up, neighbor, it will all be plain after the election the dark ghost which you seem to see is but the foreshadowing of tbe following: Dartranft and Campbell elected by SO,VOr majority- If the devil has a blacker . char scter than thc hyena keeper of the An dersonville prison, as shown by the testi mony of both union and rebel witnesses, we have come to thc conclusion that' we would' not like to be under his command. And yet this demon has thc sympathy of tho eoTpirlicads their papers howl fir him and their Platform speakea of hit I sxccution as being a murder by 1 resident JohmonV Can honest dem"ertr any .... ... inr Tctc witn such Icalers. jV ": lathe Juniata True Democrat of Au- ! gust 3rd 1865, on the editorial page, we find the folbwing, which though not original with that sheet yet evidently has the the sanction of its editor : - Sot tabs-. It is not true ttat tns Dett'ec- racy of either the State at large, or of any aountv voted as a nartv aeainat too air al lowing soldiers the right to Tote. Fourteen of the strongest Democratic counties in th Stata went . strobgly in faror of the amendment, while some of tha Abolitionists voted against iU There was no settled policy In regard to that law. Every body voted aa he thought beat on that subject. Johnstons Democrat. . The' Democrat rteuia aniioaa for the "Parson to give it the record" in matters of controversy, wo will stir up its willful ly treacherous memory by a statement of what the record shows and a proposition to prove it. 'We assert then on the other hand. It is Tats. It is true that the so-called democracy of both the State and of this coun ty Toted as a party against the law allowing the soldiers the right to Toto. The fifteen counties that .gave majorities against the sol diers also gave proportionate majorities for Woodward. . JEwy bouo'y voting against the soldiers Vctea against,.'n nd erery county roting for Cutin voted for the sol diers. There was a settled policy, the Union men were favorable and the demccrats oppos ed td letting soldiers ?t. ; '; : a w ; Now wc offer the sum of ONK IltTC- DKKD DOLLARS, to be given to thc 1 J 1 families of Union 8ufaiJ of Juniata coUhty, who write starved to death' bV hyena WrJrJ at 4 Anderson ville for whoiii the copperhaads arc now manifesting their j sympathy, if the managers of thc Mifflin- j town Democrat trill prove by the official words the truth nf their prfijnsition and) 'he filntj of ours. Pitoh in. And further we agree if they succeed in it to run up the . names of Davis and Linton in the Skxtiski and to dtc open tickets for them and the whole copperhead j pnimtc ticket this fall vrovidcJ that if i they fail in producing such record they agree to run up and vote thc full Union tioket. Here is a fair offer. Wade in boye. Bl ried AlIve. -A man belonging ot the 202d Penna. regimen., was captured l. A1.nla lua vintor nHnr $flirfft IJV LUC ' V I J IU.). ........ . 1 - - r.... 1Intt.n Va A a (i lippfi tha cane with other prisoners, Jit! was almost starv - -A k. ,b whn released and returned to otir lines, partook too freely of the food placed before him. Poddeii death apparently followed, aid the sol dier was buried, tvecently his remains were brought to his home in Cumberland Kmtntv anil itnnn oneninr the coffin it - ' 10 His family i$ horror-stricken at this dis- j .... . . . .... 1 covcry. It is mdeea saa to tnina in:i a human being should awake ii h:s" grave, I to meet death. ; t. The trial of Wirz, the keeper of the .'indersoftville prison, is progressing very slow'y at t'nsi?ngion. The com mi.ision was on tB'e first day dissolved and reappoih'td again on the second day, in I order to change thc indictment which at first iuc'uded General Lee and other reb. el leaders. The two leading ' counsel for the prisoner thereupon reflipried. Still 1 . . i-'t'.. . .a.t. 'u'7""u6""". """"S """j gfy With the court for some ruling, threw 1 irp thft' case : they were afterwards per- ! ... ' . - . I suaded to return ty the entreaties of the , prisoner.- The testimony of the witnesses r . . , I eafrtnined is made up Of repetitious, by j eye-Witnesses, cl the fearful cruelty prac tised1 toward our poor defenceless' soldiers. ArTLY AND SARCA8TICAtliY Fxn.AIK- ei. Quay, of the Beaver Argus, siys that the Dcti'ocnrts' n'eminated Col. Davis fot Auditor oufc of puVe love for his name, which is a t'owa'r cf strength in the party. The cathofii j'rish in the mining re gions, constituting the back-bone of the organization, who can't read and hate a eokttdr, are mado to believe they are Tot it'g for old Jeff, who is a great fitfvorite amongst them. Query. Would it be' atf uirdcrxiocrat- ic odious doctrine to put the children of certain distinguished democrats on an equality with other democrats? for in stance the children of Richard M. John son a" good Democratic Vice President on Eti' equality with some democrats here abouts who can't see thc difference of col or between Dinah and Sally in the dark ? Democrat please answer ? The Secretary of tne "frcasiry re presents tnat the deprtraet is in an easy condition as to funds. The receipts froni internal revenue bav4 been ' fully equal toe tbi Calculation heretofore made, those for the rnmith .f Angurt amon;:f t ra 53 j poo ftQO. I , 1 wt v. 1 i -1 " 1 9 was discovered that he was lying face j 1. j863 1864 ; Illinois, 18031864: downward, having turned hiitsilT it' his'loxa, !63 1864; Wisconsin, 1864 ; Conn: . ,. . a i River Valley Fair. 1854 ; Champlain Taller "narrow houw, and there were ether ev- j j. ,0C4.',n(I at the pricipal Count, and idences that he h'adbcCn' buried alive. j Institute Kairs throughout the land. r. no issuitca a iany iupi mgm . i gtflvfrti-Kinrai. The Mason A. namlin Cabinet Or gang, forty diaTereSt styles, adapted to sa cred and seeulaf sanaic, from $80 to $600 each. THIRTY -F1V QOtb or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Illus trated Catalogue free- Adrets. MASON HAMLIN. BosTOjr, 6 MASON BROTHERS, Naw Yoafc. FARM AT , , PUBLIC SALE. ,ao . . THE undersigned Administrated, of Estate of John Lanti, will offer for sale at pub lic outcry by order of the Oryhano' Court en the premises in Delaware township, Juniata County, Pa., about . two aad ana half, miles Xbrth 'West of Thompsontown, on r ) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH 18W: A tract of lanp situated as aboTe stated and bounded by lands of S. O. Evans, David Walker's Heirs. Margaret Stinaon and others containing about ' ( , , ; 160 Acres, About 66 acres of which are cleared aad un der good cultivation, the balance being tim berland. There is on tbe premises a LOJ UOUSK and LOO BARN and a One spring of water near the door, and on the plaee AN APPLE ORCHARD. : TERMS: One half of the purchase mon ey to -S paid on the confirmation of the sal by the Court and the other half on the rst of April next to be secured by judgment. pale to commence at 1 o'clock, I. M., of said day, when attendance will ho girea by the undersigne-l, from wlinra any aaaitiooa. information way be obtaineu prior to tha sale., . . , SAMUEL J. KCRTZ. Septaro'ncT 6. lWi5 fa. The tflitirsal t'lothes TTringff WITH COG WHEELS, HIGI1EST PREMIUM PRICES REDUCED. ; f,arg iae, tio OO, Medium, THE nEf?T IS THE CHEAPEST. triitrrsgt Co hrrl Clothn Wrinrfr ', Tllf ! Wm pronounced superior to all others at the ! WORLD'S FAIR I. a LOXDO.V. In 1?62; received the Bronze Medei. 1 high eat premium) at tbe Great lair of THE AMERICA t.vitiTt;Tf', In new York 'City, in lf63. It bas also re ceived the FIRST PREMIUM 3 at the ing Sute Fairs : Kew Torki 18'J 1863; Vermont, 1863; 1 i-i.: tana t;j. f;.ki. iaci. TESTIMONIALS. "My .family, would as soon give up the cooking-stove as this Clothes VTaisosa. It can not ha too highly recommended. Mm Kobi ton. ' After a constant nse of the UxiTiasab Clothbs WaiNora for more than four years in my family, I am authorized by the ''powers that be," lo give it tbe most unqualified praise, and to pronounce it an indispensable part of the machinery for housekeeping." Bf. iVn r Ward Hetcher. This is the first Wringer I have found that t w n 1 1 1 t slat ml tliai aaaf!! rannira.1 nf ti ' iruoaiiu lb,,;ou'. y0,;. J. "In the Laundry ,tf my house tusre perpetuat "tlicnisEivipg oi Mondays for the invention ct our eicellenl nnnger. Jtt I'ltmnfinre. I., llimle? I "Ws think tho Ulacajno mucb more tnart pays for iUelf every year in the sayings of garment 1. We think, it itrfportaoa t&e.VfriOg- 'hiu,J b a,,"! wU? C008.--0 Juid "I heartily commend it to economists of iime, money and contentment." Hi: Doctor B'l'.oia. "It saves labor, expecrfes work, makes ths ialindrefs good nai'afrd. does not tear off but tons anl is lr.cupcnsaoie in a well regulated foir.ily." R. S. Storrs, Jr., D. D. "FvcrV week has given it a strongerhold : tU. nfVaMinnfl of th inn',ri4 ftt K lAllfl. ' dry." Sverr trie mer of the household is in auo-iration of it." Sne Tort Observer. 8fL On' receipt of price from spy part of the country where we have no canvassers, we aenii'the Wringer free of freight charges!'. A good canvasser wanted ia every township. Send for Illustrated Trice, Circular. s. c. BRowsnro ' No. 3 ST Broadway, Bf.' T." GOVERNMENT MULES AT AVCfl6 i"v rniLADELrikiA ! V I TVTTU ACTA TPQ W II T OOll- j I itpt-rii Arrvinv . a a j jaiv il v v a ivi h t Cttaaiple7 f City Bi JVb9 1126 Race Street t 100 MULES. on aclr WEBXfSO.tV AXD SArrjR&AY AFTEET fHE 20T1 DAY Of SEPTEM-' BErtc'ommencin' at 10 o'clock A'. M. . These Mules are all serviceable, and sold only f"r want cf use. Buyers are invited to ill bp given for a thorough inspection. Bsnmy hheds are provided for inspection from bun and rain. Terms Casein ioiiritmnt' Fuis. ALBERT S. ASHMEAD. . , Captain sad Aa Q.M. WAST en. Sitnilica as Clerk in a ty a vcusg msa of rrsreitbiUiT - . A il Tbe best ci reScrnce givfn. T"t isf'raa tin applr atihia rff -e. and ou:;d iuxiU;ilit