Newspaper Page Text
IMPOHTAfiT ' n v A l IRON' IX TUB i d s ;i It is wrll kftflwn to the medical profession that IRON isthe vital Principle of Life Kletnen of the blood. This 5s derived chiclly from the food we eat : but :f the food is not properly di gested, or if. from any cause whatever, the necessary quantity of iron is not taker inlothe circulatirn, or becomes reduced, the whole sys tem suffers. The bad 1W1 will irritate the heart, will ting up the lung, will stupify the brain, Will opstruct the liver, and will send its disease producing elements to allpertsef the system, mid every one will si.ffer in what ever organ may be predisposed to disease. i'hc value of Iron as a Medicine " Is Weil known and acknowledged by all med ical men. The difficulty has brrn to optain suh a preparation of it as will enter the cir culation nad assimilate at etice with the blood. This paint, says Dr. Hayes, MassAchuseltsSlat Chemist, has been attained in the Peruvian Kyrnp, by combination in a way before un kaowa.' - THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Ts a PROTRACTED solution of theRO IXIDEOF IKON. A NEW DISCOVERY N MEDICINE that strikes at the Root of Dis rate by supplying the blood with its Vital Principle or Life Element Inu. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures l)yspepsi, Liver Coroplaiui.-Dropsy, Fever and Aeue, Loss of encrjry. Low Spirits. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Infuses strength, vigor, and new life int-r the ' srstcm. and builds up an "Iron Constitution." j THE PERUVIAN SYRUP) t'urc Nervous A Meet inns, Female Complaints. and all diseases of tiie Kidneys and Madder. . THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Is a SPECIFIC for all disease originating in a r. AD STATE OF THE P.I.OOD, or accompa nied by Debility, or a Low State of thcSystein. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and recommendations from some of the most eminent Physicians, and others, will be sent FREE to any address. We select a few of the namcs to slow the character of testimonials. John E. Williams, Esq , President oft he Metropolitan Bank, N. Y. Rev. Abel tevens, Late Editor Christian Advocate c Journal. Rev. P. Church, Editor New York Chronicle. Ilov, John Pierp.iut, Lewis .Inbnson. M. D. Rev. Warren Rurtoti, Roswell Kinney, M.D. Kov. Arthur 15. Fuller, S. K. Kendall, M. D. Rev. tl union Robbing, W. U. Chisbolm, M. D. Kcv. Sylvanus Cobb, Francis Danna, M. D. Rev. T. Starr Kit", Jeremiah Stone, M.D . Rev. Eph. Nute, Jr. J use Ant. Sanches, M. D I The undersigned would respectfully invite Rev. Joseph II. Clinch, A. A. Hayes, M. D the public to call and examine his stock before Rev. Ilenry I'pham, Abraham Wendell. M. D ' purchasing elsewhere. He has bought hif Kev. V. C. llcadley, J. R. Chilton, M. D. assortment at such prices tht he cunnot be Hnv.J.W. Olmstead, II. E. Kinney. M. I. ' undersold by any in the country. Special at Pri'.ared by N. I.. Clink & Co.. exclusively for ! lention paid to purchasing goods in thecityper J. P: DinsD'ore. No. 4!1 Broadway. Few York, orderat the shortest notice. Sold by ail Druggists. 11 rtliliiiff's Kuia Salve , FORTY YEAH'S exteriexce ' Has'lully established the supcrinrit v' of BEDDING'S RUSSIA ' SALVE Over all othor healing preparations Itcuresall kinds of SOR ES, CUTS. SCA LDS, TU RNS, P.tHLS, ILCEP.S. SALT RHEUM. ERYSIPELAS, STIES, PI LES. CORNS. SORE I. IPS. SORK EYES, &c, Sc., REMoVINti TIIE PAIN ATONCK. AND REDUCINC THE MOST-ANCR Y I.OOK1 NO SWELLINGS 4 IN I LAMATION AS; IF RY MAfilC. Oaly 23 cents a Box. roa ssi.r bv s.w;FowLE,co.,No.i8Tremontst.'iiost3n ! And by all WASHINGTON HOUSE. o Q9 Chestnut Street sbor 7th,!ii i 'piIIS old and popular lintel is located in JL t lie immediate centre of business, and to tirryon cisbinT thp Pitr on matters i,f trail? (ir I e - . p!casme. it is one of the most desirable II- iris "In Philadelphia- It fs convenient to all ' tl,cR.i:l Road Depots, an, easily accessible. iy vii v cuts i rui:i -m I'lins ii mv kiw- rooms arc airy and specious, and the Lanier will he unexcepttionable in every respect. Ihe Manager assures the public that no effort ; will 1e spared nn his part to make the WASH INGTON HOUSE, in nil respects, plxasant and agreeable to his gnrsts, and he will be pleased to see his old friends and former pal ruiK of the "States Union,'' Philadelphia, aud to welcome many new ones. Mr. L. V. Kel ler, the former otiice clerk at the States Union, will ho glad to see his old frieuds at the WAsniNGToN house. CHARLES M. ALLMOND, . Jfwttiyr ISAAC K. STATJFFEE, . WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, MAKfFAtTfnrrs ov MULT. ARE ND PrnRTER OP WilfHES S". 1 1 N. Second St., Corner Qtiarrv, PHILADELPHIA. 3 lie has constantly on hand an assort t- a ment of Gold and Silver Patent Lever tt.-,fi I.cnitic and Plaiu Watches Fine Oold : hains, Seals and Keys, Rreast Pins. Ear Rings. Finger Kings, Rracelets, Miniature ' Cases, Medallions. Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles. Silver Table, Desert, Ten, Salt and Mustard Spoons : Sugar Spoons, Cups, Nap-; kin Kings, Fruit and Mutter Knires, Miiclds, , t.nmos, tiiaimmd Pointed Pens, etc, oil oj ti-' rill ' tnlil U,w for Vttth .' : M. I. TO lit AS f'O'S best quality full jewelH Patent Level Movements constantly on ! paddles and Harness with such perfect system j hlck he will sell at prices defving eamneti hand : also other Makers of superior quality, j that he is enabled to sell a superior article of ! firm . N. H. Old tf7f and Silrrr bouvlit for Cr?J eierything in his line, CHEAAEfl than an! ' niffnprv f) 11 nr n Til V ' ' Sept. !-iy. i other establishment in the county. He invites utuoio, utii utiA MANHOOD: HOW LOST HOW HKSTOKKD. Just published, a new edition of tr. Cn- rrmtt Cclebr-Urd fv on the Mcical cure j 1 without, medicine) of Spermatorrhea, of S'minal Weknes, Involuntary Scmiual Lossr es. impotency, .Mcmai ami 1 uysicai incapa-j tv. .Impediments to .Marriage, etc.; also- i also- Consumption, Epilepsy, end Fits, induced by, clf-iud:ilg-nce or eacl extravagance. 1. Pi-ice, in a sealed envelope, only ft cts. The celebrated author in this admirable e' f.iy clearly demonstrates from a thirty years successful pnictice, that the alarming cuse (iiences of self-abue niay be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medi cine or the application of the knife pointing out a mode 4 cnie. at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of whieh very snf- ! fever uomntter waat his comlidiun may be, may cure Limself iheaply, privately, and railira !v. ' " feV-l this lecture should be in the hf nds i t ee y j-juth and every man in the laud ,SfMu"und"r seal, in t plaiu envelope to iy npdircFS. iist-paid. 011 receipt nfsix cv is ..; ,-,.. j.-i ::i(n;.n. A4tns the pnbl:r-. , HUS J KLINE feCW- - - ' -. R-..-rr i (,;!. I'.Kit h. 4oSC. Ai-i ;: iv ' HEADQUARTERS ! Mifflintown (Chair; Manufactory ! C CHARLES W. WEITZEL would inform the J citicen of Juniata county, that lie con tinues the ChairManufactorv at the well known old stand in Water street; where he is at all times prepared to receive orders for Windsor Chairs of every description, including Settees, Large Hocking Chairs, Sewing Rocking Chairs, Childrens' Chairs, Counting House Stools, Cain Seat Chairs, Bar Room Arm Chairs, and every thing pertaining to his business, nil of which he fs prepared to sell cheaper than ever. He is now prepared to wholesale work at city pri ces. Prompt attention will be given to Prepa ring. All work done cheap and expeditiously. Sawed Poplar Plank and Scantling taken in exchange ff fumture. . ay Furniture Room on Main street; oppo' site the Tost Office. CHARES WEITZEL. ft plemher3. l;2-tf. UJ GOING THE of , . CHOICE GOODS AT TilE STORE OF JOS. M. BELFORD ' Every effort will be made by him to give sal. iisfaction ta those who may favor him with a call. LADIES' DRESS GOODS ! ' I'.lack and fancy Sill", Moric Antiijue, Pure Chilii, llritlinntcs, ' I'onibazinels. , ' CashmertrS, Pctdins, Rerges Lawn, Grenadines, Ducals, Oingham Lawns, All wool d'Laiucs, Alpacas. &c. ' A full assortment of White Dress Hoods, Mus i '.ins, Rrocha and other Shawls, Ronnets, iic n- net Satins, Ribbons, Flowers. &e. Also. Col- ; lars, Uuderslceves, Handkerchiefs in great va- j ,e-y. DRIGS. A large quantity of Drugs, also 'on ham!. Prescriptions rilled. He has also lai. in a larjre stock of Wool, Cotton and Rag Carpets, 0:1 Cloths, Mattings, , Arc, at the loweM prices. Cotmtry Produce taken in evehanpe for j poods, fi)r which the higbeit market prices : will be paid by J. M. UliLFORD. ' PL ! fail C 1 1 I i I U KllfUilUrC WafCrOOUJ 421 420. North 2n.l Street. fsTAULlSHED EIGHTEEN YEARS - Laviug a very lnrpre Stock of the best made Furniture on band, such as R"fs, Spring neai vuuirs, luicain i nnirs. ani 1 arior riir niturc penernlly. Also, Red Room Sets Com plete, with Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Looking t.lasses. Reds, Mafresses, Sc.. and a full va riety of all kinds of furniture geuerany. I warrant all articles sold - - and will set CHEAP for Cash, Mar2:'-im j. L. SCIINERLY I Perrysvillc Marble Works, j ''piIE undersigned desires to inform the citi I X xens of Juniata County that he has taken charjro, of the works lately owned by Henry 1 Willi in Perrysville. where he may be found j ready to execute jobs in his line of business such as- Tomb Stones. Monuments, Marble ; Slabs, Table Tops, &c. &c. lie believes that j a long experience and practical knowledge will enable mm to jrive entire satisfaction fir ! all who may patronite kirn. Give him ; as he fells confident that for neatness a call cheap- nu6s uu' despatch he cannot be excelled. CIIAS. EMERSON. Apr. 25th ' ' ' O OW TO SAVE MONEY BUY FROM XI JAMES H. SIMONS, who has now on han't Ihe largest gtoci of ready nrade Yvur.a nnu ii.K.t,s5 in luej county, which he is selling at ereatl7 1 educed prices. He is now nianufacturinft krs purchasers to call and examine his stock be-I fore purchasing elsewhere. James If. Simons, Sadd!.r and Harness arc ' aeknowledged to surpass in point of lightness j elegance and comfort, as well a.renl value and durability, all others manufactured in the connty. Remember his rS . is on Bridge slrcet, in the rooms formeriboccHpicd by D j "-'--.. - eS&- AH kiixls of repai ngneatly ex ecut- ed and all work warrcutek. ' CttTY HOTEL. Comer of Market and Rail ' mad Streets, opposite the Railroad Depot UAHSBUSCPA. B.Teruis as moderate atose of anv 'H tel in the gily. WM. f THOMPSON- NEW MILLINARY. " r rp II Eundersigned desire to inform the' La-i J. ittes of .Mifflin nad ticiuity, that they have justreturneti rrom tne city with a Hew stock ef .Summer MilHnary (roods of latest ftvl Jand most Approve-! workmanship, which they t arc prepared lo make U onto at Ihe shortest i uoticeaud sell at the lowest prices. Call ft their lu.p' juM opposite tiie S;n- , iiifl l'Hire.'n M.aia Sr. Mimint.iwn.I'tr : TALKIE HAWK ' TH.I.IE KEUI.r. IE risk's raieut Mctalic Burial. Case! ' FOR ordinary Interments, depositing in' Vaults and transportation they have no rival. They are made of the most imperishable ma terials, and are enameled inside and out fa' prevent rhst and the exterior has a ' FINE ROSEWOOD FINISH. When properly cement ed, the remains of the deceased, are free from irruption of water, or depredations of vermis. They may without offensive odor be kept aa long as desired thus obviating the necessity of hasty burials. Their long and successful use and fhe approbation given them fenders unncccssry any extended notice of their valu able advantages. . SAN DOE AND MARTIN, : I'tMlertakers and'Cablnet Ware .Manufaclnron, :., Keep constantly on hand an assortment . o the above cases. . Mifflintown Pa. Jan. 4th 18b5.-l "'.'. . i TAKE CARE OF YOOtt TEETH. j WHETHER Y HE UNION ISPRSERV ! ED OR NOT PEOPLE MUST EAT. . rpEETK inserted npon an entirely tew style I -L of base, which is a combination of Gold j and Vulcanite, also Vulcanite, w'jich for i Beauty, Durability, Cleauli ess and the res- ' toration ot the natural gums. Special attention will be paid !o di easd gums and a cure warranted or no charge i made. -Teeth filled for life. - , The extraction of teeth upon the latest im j proved principles, causing the least possible I pain. ( PS- Having located permanently in Mifllin ' tnvVn and being" in possession of all the latest ! improved instrument and machinery. I wr ! rant entire satisfaction in all cases or the money refunded. i3-Will visit McAlisterville the lat week of October, January and May, the balance of my time I can be found at my office on liridge street three doors east of Snyder's Hotel, Mifflintown, Juniata county, Pa. 0. L. DKRR, janl'y rtridtnt Vent's!. A FRESH AlIsJVAL OF NEW GOODS, . AT TOPD'S 3T0KS, IN PATTERSON. Jutt lttentid and for S'de at lorn Vires Fancy Prints, from 20, 25, 80, -to 31 certs: Kancy DeLaines from 81 S", Jo ?,8 cents. Fancy Dress floods from 65, 75, to 00 certs. Rest yard wide Rrown Muslins, 35 to 40 cts. " " " Rleached " 30. 37, 4.5 ets. Balmoral skirts from 2.75 to S'i.05. Ibipgs from 75 cents to $1 Spoid Cotton, 8 cents. rtkirt ISrade 12 cents, Syrup Mohsses 8fl cent s per gallon. Extra Syrup from $1 to $1.25 per Oallon. Hood Drown Suprars from 13, H, 10. to 18 c. White Sugar at 23 cents. ' Als". n larjro assortment of Qneessware, ffim f 5-ttO to ?8.5Cper set of id pieces. Roots from $1.00 to $7.00. .17,1,1 ' ' . ful! .,,orImcnt nf Uw n:1r. A nf which j will haa?e nt Cut(er ,t 25 cents per pound, or e?gs at 20 cts per dm. or for CASH. i Au. Hi, 1SC5- .1. R. M. TODD. j SMOTICE! I Ladies wishing to bo supplied with nesi j and (food shoes will find it to their advantage , to call on II. I. WELLEIL at his shop on Main Street above Cherry, where they can be supplied with nlmost every style at moder ate prices. Gentlemen having repairing they wish dcfaMy and neatly executed will be promptly attended to by giving him a call. Tmiit : CASH. H. D. WELLER. Mifliiutown, July 2ith "(w. lEft IIKCnt New Finn in S.IIEE STHATE& Patterson. Genlleuicn's ..Furnishing Emporium ! ! Just opened in the new Prick Building, Mail Street, Patterscu by Levi Hecht and SnmcH Strayer, a lftrgs nrd elegant iissortment of Ready-Made Clothing, consisting in part of Oi't-rroiilK, frock Cwifn, ZVess C011U, Pantaloon, Vert, Drawer. Cullarjt, ' -Cmlerzhiitx, Hamlkrrchirfi, Ilritx and C"p$, Bnrrttnk tfhort, And everything usually f on red in a first class GentcmtJi's Furnishing Store. '' 'fax err goods Also a large and carefully selected assort ment of Fancy Goods, of all classes, kinds and qualities, all nf which will be Sold at the low est possible living prices. - .suits' (aitor and Shorn. They also invites the attention of the ladies to his tine stock of GA I TORS AND SHOES. They have on hand a beautiful assorfmuit of arpets, Oil Cloths, &e . which are of a goed 'l'1"'?- worth the inspection of the buyer. WATCHES AD JEUELUT Oold and SiU-er U'MhrK'- i ' Clock, Ear rim', ' an4 fanrV rinn,, . : naicn iveys, L.aues anu ucnts tsreast 1 ins, Gold Pens and Pencils, &c. which at this time form f be largest and best asaorliueui. in the largest snd best aaMortnieut in the county. . ItAll ihe above goods will be sold cheap er than any other store in the United States. Tf yon don't believe it, just give us a call and be convinced of the truth of the assertion ... f(. :: . UECHT & STRAYER. ratterson, April 12, 1805-tf. TA AKE NOTICE, LADIES- Mrs. Sarah Sleiw hsis removed her Milium ry Shop from WaterSfrcet to C!tnTySf. above the M. E. ' Church. . She has just returned from the City wifft a large assoHmcnt of spring goods which she will -sell low. f,'al and examine before purchasing eTscWhcre.a Wie is also prepared to do "di-ess inakine" r-1 j the shortest mrtice. Call and. exauiine you 1 will w the si wit her nme vit the doof ' Jpril-V'f. 1 jjfA ' torauon ol. tlie natural contour of Ihe tace, f cannot be surpassed. ; Either of the above I I Rases I warrant for ten years. Teeth also ! I 'I mounted upon VI I Gold, Plallna and Sliver, : I Coralite and Amber, with or Without artificial NEW GOODS! CALL attl eee tne New Stock of Spring and Summer Goods at XICXET & PEH1TE1L S ;-; IN PATTEHSON, . " Just received a new and complete assortment of ' .. Indies' Latest Style Dress Goods,. ', ." l'lain and Fancy French Merino, PuLJ and Fancy French llejis, Dlaclc and Colored A Ianaca. . lack and Fancy Cashuicrs. A large assortment of Mourning Goods, ' . Jialmoral Skate, Brooch Square and Lontr ShawJs, Striped and Harrcd Woolen ShaVrls Our stock of Domestic Qooda has been largely increased by the purchase of a complete lot of Choice Priuts, . Blenched aud Un-BIeached Muslins, . Tickings, Denims, Wool Shirtings, "! Kentucky Jeans, Twilled and Plain Flannels, ' Also a largo assortment of Cassimerg and Cassinctts, alt of which we offer to Purchas ers at town prices fot Cash or Country pro duce. MICKEY & PENNELL. ' . ' ... Patteison, Pa;. P. S.-Also, you will find a large stock of j Orowries, . : j Hardware, " '. - . . (jueensware, . i. .Booh" and Shoes, j i Wall aud lYinduw Paper, f Janl-tf MICKEY & TENNDLL. Kl'iHEL'S CEtCpRTAED . f BITTER WINE OF I RON, j HITTER WINE OK IRON, ' BITTER WINK OF IRON, '. t'l'TER WINE OF IRON, : THE GREAT TONIC ! THE GREAT TONIC i TIIE GREAT TOXIC j TIIE GREAT TONIC For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, j For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, I For Dyspepsia and Indigest ion, ', For Weak Stomachs and General Debility, j For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. 1 For WeakSionioch and General Debility. For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. : ueiianie anu iMireto no ttoou. Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Gooil, ' - And Cannot do Harm. And Cannot do Harm, j ' And Cannot do ITai 111. j ' ' - And Cannot do Harm. ! It cn'-ts but Little and Purities the Ilbod. ! It costs hut Little and Purities the Rlood. . j It costs but Little and Purities the Rlood. J It costs but Little add Purifies the Rlond. i -' I Now Ask a Trial 1 1 Now Only Ask a Trial .1 Now OnlvAsk a Trial I Now Only A .-It a Trial f this Valuable Medicine Of this Valuable Medicine. ' ' "; Of this Valuable Medioiue. : Of this Valuable Medicine. Only Seveuty-five & One Dollar'per Bottle. Only Seventy-live & One Dollar per Dottle. Only Seventy-five SOue Dollar per Hot tie. Only Seventy-five &oDe Dollar per Dottle. Maflufactttrcd snlely bv - S. A. KUNKLE& BRO. General Depot 118 Market St.. HarrisburgPa. For sale by B. F. Kepner, Milhintowa, aud respectably dealers everywhere. - ., (julyl3 64 -Cm PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, At Kallroad Ocpol, PatterMon, Pa S. R. NOSTINE, PROPRIETOR. TIIE above named having taken charge of this large and convenient hotel where he is prepared to entertaiu travelers, sojourners or regular boarders. Persons wishijig to take the trains east or west will tin I this the most convenient stopping "place as they ill be waked up at any hour desired-'' The "tucaiio is moat favorable and the accommodations !re cf the best kind. The stabling is excellent aud hostlers attentive. The Table aud liar will alsobc well provided. : 5s3?- He has, in connection with the Hotel, a good LIVERY STABLE. Hotse. Carriages, RuggieS, iee., always to be had. - Persons couvcyed to any part of the country. BP,Ry strict attention to business and a desire to please, he hopes to merit public pat ronage, and render the sojonrn of his guests both comfortadlc and pleasant. Patterson June 8, tf . - ' TAILORING ESTABUSUMtOT. TVM. WISE, 'Merchant Tailor, begs leave tn inform his friends and the publie generally that he has just opened out a targe and fashion able assortment of ' ' PALL' AND WINTER GOODS. which he is ready to make to order promptly ( Colar Gall, Cnfs or Wounds, it is an Infallible and on the most reasonable terms. . The . Remedy., tfnd be convinced of Ms cf pnblic generally will find it to their iulerest to j ficacy.. . , ' . " call at his room above I RHEUMATISM. FASICK'S TIN SHOP,- 'Persons afflicted with this Disease, : no mat on Bridge street. Mifflintown, P.. and itfspeet I '?jf? mITIL' my Goods and woknr.irshifr purchas- I xl" . C i .V , f M,x,,"r., ig elsewhere. I warmnt all clothes to fit or I J,,8. T.ZIll Z' T ""r rI nosal ; potd to take away tad CORNS and cure Fros ' ' Bites, as this nrenarAlinn. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE. J W.A11 persons desirous of purchasing any i of Sixorb's Skwino M.m'HWhs will obtain all necessary iuformutijn o the snbject and sec them in opcrafiou i my establishment.. If favored with their orders I will fit them up a better machine thirty prrernt. rhraper than ever Hitherto done m this eormty. So family shorrld be without a machine. , jail 1, C4-tf MIFFLINTOWN TLN SHOP. -t- HAVING pm-ohnsed the Tin and Slice! Iroa Store, located on Rridge Stieet, Mifflin town. I would respectfully inform the public that I intend to keep constantly on hand a general assortment of CCOH & PAfiLOR STOVES, ! Tin and Japan ware, the largest and best in the connty, and aa to quality and workman ship cannot be surpassed. ' -. - SPOUTING, HOOFING,' Jnh and Shoctiug worit,'. wifl be promptly at tended to cither in town- or country.. Brnsy Copperaud Enameled French Preserving Ket tles. Diopers. Drass, Copper, French Tiimc'i. Enaiiiericd Hollow Ware," tVafller Irofis Ccnl Shovels, Fruit Cans, bofh contunand Patent, an.l of various measures, always on hand ffnd fur sale- 1 Persons in ira,ut of nnylhing in' fht afove' llue are rc'iucstei to gtve him a call before purchasing elsewhere,- as ho feels confident thai he can sirit them either as, regards the aniclo or t&c price. - . . ' t Jld copper. Iirorsjan l Pewter boagha and the l'ft!".'tt pnuc paid in cash cr pnrdt JACOB MINEV SHREINER'S DALSA&IC. COliGir SYRUP . .' - " " 4 - ' Fnr;; Coughr Culd.i, Croup,.. M'hoofriup Cvivji, Asthma, Hroiu.kitU, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness of the Lreatt, Difficulty of 'Breathing, &.. This Syrup is a purely Yrgtlubt Compound. It is pleasant to take, and never does injury ; but, owing to its purifying qualities, inusi do good under any circumstances., Its effect i, truly wonderful soothing, calming snd allay ing the" most . violent Coughs ; Purifying Strong! nening aud Invigorating the whole sys tem ; calming aud southing the nerves; aiding and facilitating Expecoration, and healing the DISEASED LUNGS, thus striking at the root of DISEASE, and driving it from the system. CROI)I. . No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup U properly usel amlusetlin time. Mothers 1it iag croupy children should . watch the first show of the Disease, and always keep this Remedy at hand. .-For Conghs after Measles, this Syrup ia most excellent Experience has proven that it is equalled by no other preparation. Price 50 cetits per. Rot tie. Prepared by S. A- FOL'TZ S & CRO., At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine Derfit, No. 118, Franklin St. Raltimore, Md. Sold by all Druggists and Store-keepers throughout the United States. - FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED gorft anil Cattt f m&w. These Powder! will trengtb en the Stomach and Intestines, ' cleabse them from offensive matter, and bring them to a healthy state. : Thev are a ore preventive of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, euca as wan ders, Yellow Water, DLs temper, Founder, n e a v 0 s , Slaverinif, Coughs, Fe vers, Loss of Appetite and Vital Euer er, Ac. In poor, low-spirited animals, It has the most Denencinl ellect. Thenscof them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and giies to the Horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin thus impror In!; the appearance, vigor and spirit of this aoble animal. '. FOB MILCII COWS. Tne property this Powdc-r possessn in In creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, girca it an importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven . that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the Butte; firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it giv. 3 them an appetite, loosen3 iheir hide and makes them thrive much faster. HOGS. In all Diseases ef the Swine, such as Oonphs, TTlcerj in (he Lungs, Liver, Ac. By putting from half a paper to a paper of these Powders in a bar- mi . nf Kvi'll lha above Diseases can bo cured or entirely pre- . vented. By using tbeso Powders the Hog Cholera can be prevented. Prioa 25 eta. par Paper, or 5 Papers for $1. rBEPARKD BY . . S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., at Tnr.ra WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, Wo. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, lid. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeeper! throughent the United States. fotjizs JiiXitntf. 77te Jfsf Liniment for Mm itnJ Jirasi noir itt nxr. Is a safe and reliable Reniedv for the cure of Rheumatism, Painful Nervous afTectiouS; Sprains, Burns, Swellings, and all Diseases requiring an external application on Man. On Horses it will never fail to cure Poll Evil. Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney if properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises Scratches, Crocked Hoofs, Chafes Saddle Try it and satisfy yourselves! Price R3 and cents a Bottle. Prel-ared bv s. a. FOtTz a & nr.o At neir holesale Drag BTr-t Medicine De- Vnt No. 115, Franklin St. Baltimore Md. Sold by B. F.. Kepner, Mittlintown Pa., and al ore-keepers throughout the United States.. The above Medicine can be had at nianu Ctor's Prices of Johnson Hallowny & Cow (r. No 23 Norfh 6th St Philadelphia. Pensions !'. Pensions!, ALL rERSO.VS WHO HAVE REEV.W3 A RLE DURINO THE PRESENT WAH ARE ENTITLE TO, A PENSION. All ier- sons who intend applying for a I'ension' Bi:nt 1 theuV to a Ponsion. All disabled Soldiers will call on the' undersigned who- has been appointed Pension Exauinring Surgeon for Juuial a and iS'n.n2 Counties. t V. C. UCXDIO, M. DJ,' '' '- ": Patterson, Pa. - Dec. V. 13.-tf. 1 :triuie Rio CoB'ee, Prepared Coffcf, Pulver i7td Sngar, C'rnshcd. r?ugnr, 'N. O. Sugar, P. II. Sugar, X, a, iS. II. Slolossea, Ii'vrii;g Syrnp, .Chocola'e,'l, Rice, fi.'aich, 5minegs, Clove's, Cassia, Ginger, Corn Siarcli, Fish. Salt, ic, Ac, fui' sal'e ehesp a 1js."rwC.0RH ia TiHTeTsen. J ml tf j B M TOL'D. r Tub peculiar tnjnt of infecthin which wi call ScBorrtA Uifks .'. in iliiifQ;ititanmis75r nuiltitudea of men. It eiflo-r prmluces- or ia produewd an en-.fe-'blcd, vitiated tt that fluid beoomea in- f v3,.nm-,rt.,tlt ti. .t,tnin 'ine uai lorcc in ineir vi: t?"r,us actum, an1 2-leaves the svsteni t fail into disorder and decay. The scrofulous contamination is va riously caused by tr.-crcitrial disease, low living, disordered digestion from iiuht-althy food, impure air, filth und filthy hilnti-, the depressing vices, and. above all, by the 'venereal infection. Whatever bo it origin,-it is hereditary m tlu contititulioay ilesceudinn ' from parent to childsva unt' the third and fourth generation indeed, it eccnis to be the rod of Him who ?ai, " I will it thu iniquities of tlic Cithers upon tbcif children," The discase-a It originates take, various nanus, according to the organs it attacks. In the hings, Scrofula pnxlnc- tiiliercles. and finally' Coasiiinption ; it flio glands, swellings w liich suppurate .imi b(W come ulcerous ores ; in the atontach and bowels, dernngiicnts which produce indi gestion. ilyiH-pia, and liver rouqdaiuto; on tin- skin, eruptive mid cutaneous nHif-tions. I'lierf, all having the same origin, riMjiiire th same nuicdy, viz., purif.cation and inweor-tinn-of tla- blool. Purify the Mood, and thi'jc dangerous distempers leave you. Willi fec-blc. ft ml, or cormptud blond, von cannot have health; with that if.: i.t tlie rle-h" In'iitliv, jou cannot have scrotulous disease. ; ,. Ayer'a Sai-sapariUa is compounded from the most -!h-ctua! ,irti dotes that medical science has discovered for, this nfllicting distemper, and for the rvv of the disorders it (iitails. That it is far supc-. rior to rry nt!icr remedy vet devisod. is known by all h ) have given it a trial.' That, it does combine virtues trnly t Ttraordinarv in their ctif-ct upon this class of conipl.'iinU, i indipiitalilv proven by the great inultitirb of pnblicly known and remnrkalilmrr-h has nuulc of the following disvases : King's Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tamon, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St Anthony's Fire; Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Conghs from tuberculous deposits in the kings, White Swellings, Delalit.7, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Fr mile Weaknesse?, and. hwhnd, the who!i scries of complaint that arise from impurity of the blood. Minuto report' of individual ca-es "may he found in Avkr' A.ui.nii vix Alm.vnap. which is furnished to the druggi.-ts for gratuitous ditributin. wlii-riin may be learnod thu directions for its use, and souu; of the remarkable lines which it has mad" when all other remedies had failed to a fiord relief. Those ta-cs ara rurposely take a frotu all section of . the country, in tiplcf that everr reader may have acee? t mine one who can speak to hou w its Vncrrts froni personal e.pericnco. erofula depreses be vital energies, and thus leaves it vctinis lr tiiorc subject to di.-cac and its il re-lt than are hcnlliiy eon.fitntior.. ilvncc it t" t'l fhorten, ::nd doe "really therten, the nverae duration of loiiiian life. The vast importnuer of tlue consideratiopH ha h d its spend years in perfecting a reimiiy which is mleiiuate to its lire'. This we now oll'ei- to the public under the naiiie of AvebM r-.M:s.'.r.vuiu-v. aiti:o!ich it is ruuiposeil nf ingredients, some of whiefi cxceeil the bc-t itf Surtaparilfa in alterative i-r. ly its aid you may protect yourself from the sutl'i a itiii and danger of these di.-ordcrs. Punic iit the foul corn!ition that rot and fester in the blood, purge nut the eauM s of di.-eose, , and vigorous health ft ill follow. Ev its pecu liar virtues this remiilv tirrul:ites the vitar function", and thua ipels the disu-mpci -which lurk within the .system or burst out on any pint of it. .' We know the public have been deceived by many coiuioiiiids of SarMtpttrilia, that promised much and did nothing: but they will neither lie deceived nor disappointed lit this. Its virtues have Kt-if proven by abuo trial, and there rcui.iiua no qnettion of Its surpassing excellence for the cure of the? iitllieting disease it is intended- to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any ether which has been before the people, and is far more ef-" lectiil than any other which has ever bota available to thcin. ( IIERUY PECTORAL, "ho World's Great Remedy for . Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and lor the relief of Consumptive patienta in advanced stages or tno disease. This has been so long used and so uni vcrs'iilly 'known, that we need do no nior; tliaii assure the public that its quality is kept up to the Ix'-t it ever has lieen, and that it may he rclic3 on to do all it ha ever done. .Prepared b- 1k. ,1. :. Aykii & Co.. -l'racticul and Analytical fltrmiiist Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists every where. Furnitixre We have opened the large Knom just oppoa t" our Store in Patterson where we ofle or sale at low prices a gencrs't tssortment o Tables, Chairs, Sofas, JLoimges? Bedstead and Maltressc Trunks Carpel k Stands, Racks, & Sfany other articles for house furnishing , . IIECHt & STRAYER ' Best While kad! Best 'line I VVHK LIUKliir LKAI. : Unswpsscd for Whitcucss, Fine CIoss, dura bility, i inuncss and Evenness of Surface: TUKE MRKRTV LEAD 1arraated to cover Tiieve surface for same weight than any other Jjead - . , .. Try it mul you iei1 hav? no oth-r . : ' ' l'L'KK J.IBEUTV ZIXC, Kctafe'T 'ZWV, ground in rcfiued Linseet Oil, uiieiialed iiiUiililv always the same rim; HBKKTl ZIXC, W'airauted to do more and better work at : given cost than anv other- G.:t the Btt! " 1 ' " Manufactured at PESSSYLVAXIA PAIAl & fiil.OU WOBKiJ. Urdcn executed prompt ly fy -. ZtlULEK A S.MITII, Wliuks'iie Dri'j, Paint A- tjlam ,-r and oc, !KO. IZ1 Xorih rwiLAi ELivniA. :iarch3l3.c- a , L' MA. v t mm m J I