Newspaper Page Text
s v. -' k-rtiwv; '.: ' " : -;!: 3! ,t.'..t? o;t; : ?'I V- 8. : Wi - I S Tli I" i ov mJ. uiw Ijiir :r .T9ir.'i-;t -c. jr..: . . 1 . mm. Jt-a M wTm i - i I ) rf ', t rets ; rtT j' i ( ; ' IHB COSSTITBTIOS tU CHIOS AD TH1 UrOBCIMSX 8'rAW8l 'j l-ifi-. -! -Im rt . : ;,; M il i It 0-H g-j?i y v." rC, 'i j J;i r I MXFFtlNTO WJT,' 3 UNlAtA COUNTTi rfiNlt'l. SEPTEMBfifi 1?, 1865. ru x rrr r : : r; 1 .. .i it v . v ( ' :rr. s jvi.t sw w.i Tr: z-- .s :c . -k. i . ' ; 2" : -1 5T?i53?!??i!?S?S-r?i-???SS .UA53' The CxtMiVM 'GoMMitWa'TuPUcr i timala -XWflf 51grcn1tUTl SociWelKiic9 AKt ground at PcrrysTi'Jo on the day JvelV'?iv " wi, unci rtii!v huj the sypww lins lwn a ftuitfulonel OUTdltlitiiMI will be mure than Cvmmonlj creditayc . we would .prosncr; 'in'griculrutSlil'JS.rifciif! nlv'.ecV'tti? tltre lie a jctieal tur.nt, ',vTj.'.tlWi" fte Xist of Ptariams-. ;i Ju-laiAitardeiLby-tTia vralfammitte?4 at 1 Jr. bt Et1.5i,'cav(lraftsover four '.' yeiirs (jIJ.?,--. .t..,. ...l'6i) I'Jr bet .--.. : 1 00 'Kiirtsi&'O-quiokdraf? 2 Ort ;VP-1 ' 100 - tof-oou M-re iwd Ct lilt) Scciv-..if..;..s; . i oo VHiMiri.Vri9i 2 00 Ti " f rfccoml....:..!... SCO h gfe-'lmrftesscd iiikto ' or !Wiwg-:r..-.i 1 50 .."' SmwiiA on.A..U.j-.....I. 1,00 . . iwiddln ffm e maro orgrfdrnJ"- If.'O O Sea.nd W,t.......u. .1 00 - . Colt over three yoar old...'... ) 60 , i - OVlTlWiJ . 1 50 oierme jeai..........'..:-l CO " -Uinl'T yux)i'l.. - o ' - ITiiruefset! mitte? fon ibe ring) 1 0 . Seccmd bc.-t 1 JO i " i 4 gr 6 In ir tKaia in tho Wiigurr- 8 IW . -r i jnuio t Ani ninal.i- S 00 " Familv hivse 2.50 Lett tr.jTTPrTm tHBtfST... .trtT. r:?ioo ..2 00 ' "" " fcV'oi-riJ". ' . -. - cutxLk. 'or lt Durham bulf ..,. i.2 0 Devon,- Ayreship; ( itif o " im o :. - eaoti ...j. 210 1 Durham o-r our and iinih-r , ' .. . to tears o'i. .... -i 1 oO ' Durham tulf nndcronc 100 ' " - Devon, Aynvhircur. 'utivo nnk-r one your !d 1 00 11 Durham Cow over fuur years 4 -fclJ.v .". 2 00 . . . Second 1 Wl . i:.M,.A t-tcldr r SlUx-e . -2 X Svrind ." - 1 0 " "' " lhirhara Ilcid'cr over 2 veurs eld ! 1 M " ?'-i:d ::im .-. - " DuvfH, -.Aynslivx or jyii"io . - over two jvursbM.....' 1 SO Scupnd- 1 00 " Itullock -2 years old end o-er.... 1 '') '" SucvliQ under two voKr 1 00 Yol;cof Oxen .". - 2 00 Soeond 1 00 " Lbt of fat cattle 4 in number... 3 IK) - '. SHEEP ANTDnd0S. best Southdown or Cotswold or J at- .' . , ive buck each... SI 50 " rVcond 100 - Kwe...-: : - 1 00 Lot of Lamb?, Southilowni, C'oUwold 1 in number eaeJj..." 1 O'l ' . i . ' Flocltof licv4 10 in mimbor- 2 0 ) " ' Hg'.:..4......-i.:.': 1 " j Sow and Pig...,. 1 W) Lot uf SboaU C in huntber 1 ' ' Uoar-.. ... 1 00 '. .".FOWLS. . .. . For bust Tair ShangbaU ...V-S 50 Iiroiuiia 00 " Jerfey Blnn .'...:.' SO . Culltcttuu or Fiw!s. oO Tiiir Tin let vs. "i l Tnir Geo-e.. 5tt Duiks .j:: 50 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEM EXTS. For b(t Fanning 5Iifl ....'.:.!. '..".$t 00 Cultivaior. - 1 0O " Grain SftrUcr and Cultivator... o ' Day Klevntor....i. 50 Hotl Wason, now -.. : One and 2 horo wagoit, oath now 9 rain CT:idle...:.?.......-...t.....".i Vo .. Straw and Fodder Cutter........ 1 00 ' Ilarrow....;.,.... Vo " Gnin DrilU new- 2 Oil P.eurKT and Mower 2 00 Vtfn PluuVh""""'""" 50 1 , . Kolkr.. x ,'. " Corn riough......' . 2 00 ' Uorso pow(,r and Tbfo.-binj " . 3facTiihe '...-,-l:.:,.-. 2 00 Clover Suller,' now '. 1 00 . lTorea Hake,' nc' -i- 50 . , Cora SiieJier;j . .. 50 b:irn... hew.,.. .,..'...'. ...... . 50 Washing 3Iachirn)'....,.. ,... 50i Wood i?aw Circular or ' other "r saw --r- 50 j i.,jru uruiuvr.y ioo!u MANUFACTURED ARTICLK3: Tcf lest pidfWcct Ware... vr:?2 00 w irmts ana ?noes.. ;l"rK)' 5-.iit:of Clothing-. 1 00 1 00 50 " .Lot of Cnstiuss " 'Lot of horrc ibops and nails Lot of Com Brooms... -v25 ' .Tsnned and Finwhrd Unriiefs. 1 On ' '" " " Variety of upper and calf skins 1 0r - r Mlc Sole l.etner.... .-..'..' rw " 'Buggy, new... .'....:. ....."2 00 Family Carriage ...t'. 2 50 -' spring Wagon.. 1 00 '" - Knlky ...... r........ ; 60 ... - Uisplav of .btisity hnd wagnn .' Harness ......-'.; 2 00 - Display nfs.lery...: t 50 Vir,ki,ig ft.vo .- 1 OO ' Displnvof Tin-ware 1 00 --' - ' '' Chaios .....w-: 50 : ; '- 15eeliives u w';75 " FLOUR, GRAIN AND SEED.' . For best Karr.l of FU.ur..J. J . $1. 0(r '. . :- :Uukel Kuch wheat Flor..' . , 00 .. . i. ., .Corn Mcl...;:,...-j L ... - ... s White Wheat.-....... - ItlO - . Red ' -......... 1 00 V. . . Barrel. of -Cora in cr ...,..,.". 1 00 ". y JluHheL of .Oats or. Barley.., . : 20 . V i ." . ,. Covcrseed. .,.,.,.. ; 75 " . !Hthyeed..,......-.-70 .41 i . v '-At IiL TABLES. Torw.'tTBiriHnei pStirtocii.. 'X . ' " Street s. X'ie W"iAftHit AtiuukiiibI Jbat wjnlpsH,-......'-'.,,'.! 0:3T:i'h Lot v. " f rLt)fofrtrt4bagi. sogarbeefs,"'13 " SiS'S9'lf PeWs' 'ir .v r wewialL.Er''' ' r.n - - v-fKyiay or vtctaMcs.,.. "1 00 SeenndV. 25 Lo"Of drrfd- ehertiesl.vl i r" T Lot of Pears...., WiTlay-of Ih-icd.fruit " ' 50 60 00 00 50 t'p?ay'ff Oreca fruit!Y-' J 5 Tiot Cf Q'ihises:...?.;.-:..T. . . IHniilitT of ffrnnpa -50 ,00 : UAUU". PBODCCTS.-'i i For bcst fi-nit cake, rusk, pound calce,' ' rt '. " -lialit cakea orloaf f bread-, ' i -acb.i?... ;.:;..?;.4:.v to ." '-irini,blaikbcrf,r er cler ' :t.z? 1.- barcywtM, eaeh ' fO " Ilalf gallon pnre juice of : 3 ' : .'i.r grI'i quinoe, peach, to- -.. -.ri '. i:Ue, apples ti crab- pre-::; v i . . . '. Ker'res, eaub it . Di.iiUyof iredcrre and jet-: "' ' : .' Jies- five lbs butter in roll 1 00 Peooud . . i . . o ' "'. -Jal' apple buuer.... 50 ' Ilor.c-made clieese..... . 60 .. - Jloiiey is ;he comb and. box Otbs . .50 ; Second.......,...--. 52 DMKSTIC MAXUFACTl'Itr!1 " ,! " ' --v ;- -a -.'- . For .:eet Flannel 10 yards.... . 1 i)Q w-. Second. ..M......r.i; .-. r.O tt'iiit .-. .y ... .fieooud. ...Nk.j.... 50 " Coverlet i..-.vj....i;..; J 00 Linen theeJa...- .iir j'.iien table cloths 60 s. ' Fair woolen hoec ......... 50 ..'Second 50 : Pair woolen blankets . 1 00 Second.'.:: . CO ... V oolen carpet In yards ; .1 00 " Mitlenf. pluves, or oraahicnt- : ;: '.."'-,' al needle work,-mat run, : fliellwork, . wax tloweos, .j ... . . cusuiens and table cover, - 7 y . ';" SEKDtE V'ORK.- ' , For best liirt. ....!....... :. .'. fesond.v. .... "'i -Di'pUy. of embroidery " , CiiilO'6 cbair tidy, ot-. . ..' iju cver, aainpler' Mipptr?, t-;in!, cover,. -: Unpruf. Ao:, A:o... , MUW1NT.S AND PAINTINGS. F-r bc.t difp'iy of drawings, and 1. 00 00 5 00 60 1 00 i : PLOWING, ,) For best 'ilowinR and plouglraliiu'. ' " " Heennfl -"" 'Third i 3 00 2 00 ! 00 - KL'LKS AND REGULATIONS. V. - Is'. -Prtniluius will be affanled on all mer itorious articles omitted in the above enunier- f '-ii L No articles or animal's can bo adnjit- ted in the fiir ;rmiiiil5 until properly cnleied on the books of the Secretary. Srd. No article or animate must be re- Uiel until its" closo, except by the permis- t'.WtJ"'.T;-?y' i cause of slarerj and, state' rights Ws'tl rwht-flErBeciwioihe told 7 Ae jt.-ciVi v.i:HU; V: . lled'all 'risiftg'Sfeifilirfd ; iod the riiour.n. whidh t aointnt. Irak taking the Wtfcil?Ms:Sljfijil v ' ih o'f a na'tloii lis forced those Wio fattfly 8Pa'"eoode;' that; if the winter. each.. r.' . ' T0 . -..-: i. v.. lumimI liW rt. lia and straw fc? Jill animals free of j""'" "1no-,i luu, aeuji. uy irnuu cbarge. . , ciil abujitionists to . interfere . with the 5. The riuj sliall ;io be entered eiihet " . . , , , " . , ' '". i- i dr!vfnS a. hwsoby any. per?on in-1 movement would be Diet and neutralised toxii-arcd. I br their tteuioeratic. allies irt the 'North, ,l,fdVVH.fiiT1,',er,''-i,een ? rk''a eventually tl.e Union would be their report to tue secretary by 9 o clock on j J . rri'iay uie inn. . . . , th.Unuzhinx. match v ill occur at 9 I ivill occur o'clock A." M. on Friday the ll'h. ' . The finiilies. of persons taking two shares of stock enter free, and have also the ri;;ht of l. :i : . .. . The famines of those taking one1 share of stock enter free but will be charged flfijr cents for right of exhibiting. ' .. Family tickets wiili the riglit of exhibiting seventy-five ctiits. , single ticket Tiflecn ctg. ' . ... II. HAriLT07Yu. T!:e mnnagsrs of the Society would say tcf I fliose who may compete for premiums,' .'that whilst Ui.y are sorry hat s4me.-who at'form- Mi.i.; jj u... ' c c.iiiuiiiuu, jFiTjufiuuin, u., been flibjeeted to disappointment "in not ob- taming them at the appointed time, froiu, caus j es beyond, thoir control, yet au have been U nally paid. They claim to act fairly and hnn estly ata$ times and pay as pronllly as they "n: ."-'' fJ -"J or'derof ke Board of Managers,'! V. a Vai.-r'i M- GRAHAM,' Sect' ;5 w :.- : Til E Record, of die;' Dcuiocralic.,Parly ' ;- -.1800 18C5. - - J - !.-SECKSSlON ASD R ECON ST RTJCTTO -V. J. -i - (. , , V. ' L m 1 ' 1 .... . : The War against Rebellion has passed into history; " UaJ it proved unsuccessful,, tho political party Vhichdias never eeased to predict its ill-success. and . to obstruct its progress would have' claimed and se-j ctrfcd,-as the reward of , its political -aga- j city, -the management of our national j affairs for a fcCncrstroft. ' To orrcsi a site coesful war, however, u lively, .in .a. Re phlic,.to prove the destruotion - of -any organization guilty of so unpatnotic:fa blunder, and tho. Democracy, which rkas bus prwd 1M laithtittness lo the gfeattcrfercnce of the-.Northern, peopled with the priufiples on which it was' founded,- is 0ue-,lion of'elvery has 'at length produced toUliterat the damning i record of its course since the' election1 of i W 4 ' i- a Uti ,Ti . , i . Pjl jof Snmter, tlie inJignant energy of'tlie ffih stippVcskell branifb3tatiqns- of jfadtious opposition!' ' Sioce tliC streOdcr ht ihe rebeh aed the assassinitibn of Mr. iueoTnr afeo." the' libDeIessDe of the Waseless VteaOin- ti h'eslim54 memory witkyct more nanpeous praise.' ?TKesee"'-:4 "-.'--5;'' i '-'' ' :jJfn "scanty proofs of "patriotism are B0W: ap - . , , r' .' ' , '. ; ,' . - poaicu iu B. m. mi-o c v-v- nisvki nifew ehflrt years lorgatthe - 'eoi - sisteot polioj-wliili .sti iortunit, of embarrassi-K.the Governmetit and en- ctMiraip"- the" liebtttIioo,V-duriDK..: Uie gloomy period when 'ths'. national life hung: in . the balance aud' destruction seemed only. to k averted L.V: nnaiiimous effort.' It M not pleasant to "reflect that a powotful. party, which UadTTor.-aeariy Uhe conntrj . has played & base and" W7"V"!".:.-.f rw -socable a part-in the7 hour of peril j-s aid the peojiro will be ready , to banii-h all memoriefi ot-so disgraceful and humili ating a fact. It ii 'important,, however, that is the future we should . kbow who are to be trusted apd who to be tkUntcJ. The problems to be solved ithill the nest ten years arc too uiomcutous to mankind to Ija coDfiJod to. tbuwj who have proved themselves rctrcint alike to republicati on and to true ddmooracy. ' It may there forc"not be amiss' to" throw together, in a sbarje " fgi . prev.;rvation and ' convcnict reference, . a few .-of the . innumerable proots that tho treat Democratic Tarty jpniWees to our Constitution ai will -pro-has thrOnl'liOut tho cotitfift been the -'con- t his property froni the spoliation of re- extent and iaithful ally of the Rebellion : that it invited seeeisioa, declared, that cocreiou wad i uaejustiiutiunal and war . il legal, and that it opposed every measure adopted by the ua fion' to carry on - the War suspeh'dion of the habeas cvrj'tn, c'oc'scriptiori"enianciiation, loins,, leral tender money and taxation everything, in fdot, to-.which we 6wo tho fortunate result of our unexampled struggle- , : 'iirrw Tflf: sovtA was -tbspied ' 'h-'-r TO' -bKCKDB. r ' ''' "-; So onb imngincs that, Laa ftib' South sa;ipo?ed that its revolt would have ' been restated . by a uaitel and j dctcruiiutd North, it would have plunged into the fiery gulf of rebellion. ' Its people were asfdrtd by: their' lbadurs - that " scccFsion would be peaceful, that it. was justifiable:, tbat it was t&cf only reuiddj for innumer- recoustrutieu uuuer a pro-siavery cousti- .,;' f t,';. .t:...:,. V England left out, or only -admitted as one consolidated state.'.' How fully they were justified in promulgaticg these fatal- cr- rors-ean easily be proved by reterencc to ! the utterance of chosen lender" of 'the r . x .... Democracy. S . ."1 " s " ' OfrRS V ASSISTA-NCB TO BBBELHON. Ex-President franklin' Pierce, in i!ctter to Jcrsori Davis, as early as Jn-1 iiarv 6. ISf.O. thus assured him thai ' kia I , -,. - . - : Northern allies would be faithful to .the tdst eXtTeitfity. ' '' " I do not believe tbat our friends at' lLe South have any just idet of the stnte ef feel ing, hurrying at this moment on the pitch of intensc.ex&speration bet woven those who re spect their poKtical.'obligaiions. and -th6se who bsve apparently iiiHiripelling -power bnt tbatfchich taaiuioal passion' en the ..Object of domestic -slavery ; impiiria. -.Wjtboutilie-oUssmg the. (mention of right of, abstract power to eocede, I haver sever believed that actual Aisrti'pttcif c'f he' 1'nio'n'can occur with out bloi: and 'if -tliroiiirh the taadnesi nf Northern .Abolitionist that diri calamity citizens oPehiiylvania'sliOuld must come, the fighting will not be aloae'"' .- . , '- , juason aua uixon g liua, uortly. . It will be witfcin our wo borders, in our owtt-. .streets, between the1 two classes 'of eittens td whom I have refened-." 'TUazc uko 'arfy lam tini ttotit etihstilutionttl obligation wilt, if tvtr we 'rtach tie vbUrmunt of arms, occupation enough uiM"r"i w;: v. , ::. i.r'e . Few iienocritic statesmen were ' found bold enough' to' defend sece'sssion ; as "it constitutional rightbut;1 tho'outh'. was assured in the' most formal' way that the if rongs inQictcd on it were ample to' jus- tify secesssion as a revolutionary remedy Thus President TJuehahan in his Ttfcs sage of December SSGO, ptoV:la;m'ed ' tcH the world, that ; the first law pf -nature, affirhasbeen imidanted Ia.lue heart of man by his Cr.fcat0E.4fo; the 1 wisest purposes, and no political union. 'how ever fraught with tleiatrpfl and benefits in other respects, can lon continue if the nejee- g4!7 consequenee be to render tbe hotnei and (be firesides. of nearly half tb-parties to it habitualry and hopelessly insecure. ' Sooner or later 'the bonds of Buch a Union' mils be , BcrTed'" ' J '" " ' 'nd, though; h. deniei the cfegtita- vemt.orthern- States wort tct repeal- : ' "In tbat event, Ice injured E'A'.es," after laving 6rst used aH peteeftrl--and constitu- nonal dimm U obtain redress. ft yu- 1 '! m bevolutiojurx .besistance io tue J vef'.sf F"-. i ;r,WjJl njightj HowoJLCotb say, in a con- ,acnllul letter 10 a Georgia editor : .cj i "I repeat U ypu that the admin-ijjtratibn of Jlr Buchanan is the most thoroughly id en li ned with our principles and our rients of anv tbat ha ever preceded it, nd I am -tilling to ilaild to the fail upen the issue." After this hideous jnyitation,. to rebell ion in the solemn Btate' papers of, our I r . . x n .. i I. : j t r .1. . would seem to be supererogatory, but a fow; Utterances br other party leaders may be admitted to show that this doctrine wag accepted by the Icmocracyr and iras continually promulgated Jioth baforeand during the whclc. course of . the war., . Thuon December 13, 1 800 whilathc secession of South Carolina was rapidly maturing, Judge Woodward, the most proriiincnt and triistcd Democrat in Penn sylvania, profaned the siiered precincts 6f InJcpcndance Siinars with , the. follow in? :. . . .T I " We must arouse ourselves and ro-nasert I unions bigotry and persecution, or else we give np'onr Constitution ami I'iiion. Lvcuts arc placing the alternative plainly be fore u? constitutional union and liberty nc wnlir.g to American law; or else, extinction f slae nwperty, -negro fVeedom. lisr0i tion of the l.'nion. and anarchy and confusion. We bear it tai l Let South' Carotin go out of the L'nion peaceably, I say, let .her go p.ably if she go at all, but why should South Carolina be driven out nf the Union by an irrepressible conflict about slavery?''. . ., And nit only was the speaker btidcrsed by receiving the Dcmocraticnomination fur Governor of Pcnrtsylvaoia. in 1863i btit this' speech was, doclared ;in : tho ad dress of . the Democratic ,?:atcentral Committee in August,. lSC3t) to hare 'been vindicated by subsequent events, aS a sigqul exhibition of statesmarilic sagacity ;" !t was reprinted by that Coiu mitcee and . circulated . throughotit". the State thousands,, as the purest embodi-meut-'oT the Democratic creed, r with a preface in Trhicb the. Chairflan of that Committee, Charles J, JVddlc,. declared his belief that no intelligent ma "will t;til to see in it the wisdom and foresight of a statesman such as the Conuuonwealth now needs in the direction of it3 affalis." In the same spirit, the tddrc.:S of the Dcmocratic'State Central' Committee in lSfi3, assures usthat ,rThe substrintfal iritcrests of (be South; sI'cl,Iy slavebolding interest, were re- P,i1(,r i,,i ,i, iuu,i;., ......": "I J . , ,,..,.1.1 umia UU HU 'c"y triumph (hrong"! the aid of revolted I slaves,. and, . i chit- relikneo. were Icareless how aoon they provoked a collision To cover op tneir own tracks, fhey invite us to traitor.;- but truth. oompeljs us to add thttt, opiun mt um imiigaiuion npon awimern ,n cf treason, the -Northern traitors lo the Conathrtiin hllh . (. So, on the lGth of January, 1901, fhci Democratic -Party of - Philadelphia,' as sembled at a great meeting in' National ..Hall, while State after State vfas defiantly' passing ordinances of secession j and- scis Tn ToHs, 'arsenaiV; dockyards jind "iistom houseu. i They had no word -of- reproba tion' for Southern "treason, but,' Id 'the series of 1 re&olutions. adopted, ,xliey . de clared their -party-' faith, to be that' the "Determine with wh 6m 'tHfJir lot should be cast i wiiefher with the JJorlB and East whose fanaticism has nreotnifated thisr misprif nnnn us, or-rtb onr brethren of the 'South, 'trAor .r . . J ! r wrongs teeftH or our wen. " t 1 8o, the Detroit. Ftceu.Pns a "Dcmo-4 cratio- organ April lf,18Q2; " History willTelate that we." Ahe ,KorthU..'. J.'.,.J..jJ.i.iJ-iL - - (i .T,'n..f ...,T. i.i a . e j , mate ocanKoiveajrom farrr rcirui vuLvjutwn... " manufactured the conflict, forced it to host . ... . llw. K-,m.i nntrih- led nrecoeifv. nAiii..Kff nuil tnvffcl !i " So, teo"; Edward Ingirs'oll,' in'' an' ad dress to the Democratic Cen tral' Club ' of Philadelphia, delivered June 13,. 18G3, when Lee was on the borders of'Pennsyl .Ttniii :a. ! f ul - ....- . ..'! . I'l.'Tatil.tho-spirit cf disnnioa and , hW rel, which is Abolitionism, is. put, down in our midst, government, which alone can give us peace, , impossible.-. Tloa't- trouble your selves about the disuuion spirit in the South ; don't trouble yourselves aboat the Southern .Cenfedracy; - take the beam out ot your own eye ; we will fijid poEtical occupation enough. -atr houM for some' time "Id" come. " TTheu' the Federal Administration cranes to be govern- neat; and represents nothing but the instincnt af Jiiftaa.ajMl d.ere1jon agaliui S lection Otpaf mryf,rjiiflw ana nuiu- i falfy tfKtjUmt tte Wyr itt,(Wre in rfitUmit,'' Mr. xticWtiTM . Ufd fbTM-a!Ty declared, in hiVBIcsBajVi ther ras no sion. Ills, party .thert.upn . commenced to agitate plans by which the South could be, coaxed' back into a TJnion wherein tl) a right to secede should be legalized. The most pdttrku$ of thefo schemes was that iatroduoed into Congress: by Jlr. ValJan dingham,' proposing 3 i constitutional a- tbehdm'cnt by .which the. JJnion should be ! peaeefully divided, Hsdlldws:, --' Article XIH.'. -Section', I., The'tnited Staree-are drrHed ic?c fotrr-:l6cc'.fons. 9 fol- H The-' Stares-of Maine,- New Hampshire, VerWont'i MasincbuscttS, Rhode Island,' Con ncctient. Sew York. Hew 3trfj; and'Penn syWa'iiia.:.....liall co'hstitnto one Seetion, to 'betnowa'ashi "North.- "-- . . ' " '?fhV States V??lirdi .lridihna; "Iljrnoh, ,Fichi(nYW.4nsrnj,'.'JfihnCo(a, Toiva and tfansas, ..sbaH cons'.i'utennotbcr section, to b known asrthe West- :. "".; z-. " The States of Orefon-and California . . shall constitute' another; fection, to b kcon as the PACirtc. The States of Delaware, Maryland, Vir ginia, North Carolina, Sooth .Caolina; Oeer gia, Florida, AlabtMKS,. Mississippi, Louisiana, Tex,rArkans.'i.i,Tcnr.ese," Kentucky and Missouri., shall constitute auother sec- t!n, to tj Rnowm as the Ron n C " Article -XIV. No tate shall secede with out the consent of the Legislatures of all the Suite of the section to which; the- State pro posing' to secede belotigs." " The' "President chaH ave,-, power" tq "adjust Mth .seceding States all questions- arising by reason cf their secession: but the terms of adjnstment shall . , ... -. r .. . 1 oc suomiticuw x.ongrei.11- vue..- -pprova. ,f Dccembcri-rSeO; Rial Lw.ri auu rf&VlWlf.r-F "."-.f t t - t.; rr no authority in toe vonJtnutton to mter constitntipal rwht of scpes- , , " , - ... . . . ,. .7.- r : , - '"'-",lu" b;i".: ; I it would be right to acknowledge the independ- This artful scheme for legalizing -seces. f ene of the Southern States, instead 0 Huyinj sion was well received by the Democratic i lfil yoit th-m," y - J ' leaders ,yIr. GeorgtJ IL rebdleton,. .thS'f 9- g,meetln3 of the. Tbil- Chieago candidate for the Vice-Prcsidcn- adelphia Demccra,' held January Hi, af cy, defended it in thejllousb -of Repro-1 j the fixing'Oa the ."Stiir or the .West" scnlativcs as late as January, l?t3. .May 9J8G3, Mr. Wall, Democratic Sen ator from New Jersey, 'in,' ah '. address to the Democratic. Central Club "of . rbila delpbia, not only did not hesitate to give It b.!s hearty approval, but declared that it, or some similar scheme, was the only alternative to eternal separation! ' Tic plan suggested some years ago by Jlr. Vallnniligli.iui bears fe -stamp of his clear sagacity and statesmaiiIikeforecast dividing the country into four birgc sections or masses and retiring a, noijorhy.- of the Yepresenta tiou fiom each t.ocousent to a measure before 11 auyuiu uecuu e a ui-.v. .ur, ! -. I 1 1 , - T , f Calhoun, not- witl'srandin'; hc"un3c?errc?bttoo,My now at taching to his name, was to tny mind the most honest and comprehensive statesman who grappled with national problems, and I make bold here to say that no wiser, purer, patriot ic state?man ever lived. It may be that the South might be will to rettirn npon the adop tion of some such system cf reconstruction a this. If this plan of reconciliation and re construction tiiis, then a separation must be the f nality.' -'-.-" Mr. VallardiL'ani's scheme ' for' bieak- . . .. .-... ... , , ing up the Union . having been, rejected by Congress and the people,' Other plans ., , i . , v ,, . - n o , were agitated. A Northwestem Confed - ciaey was freely spoken of, and for a long r?i!e thh' rlhtTs had confident 10tl nf, . . , the success ot tneir agents 111 that direc tion, workiog in co-operation with their Demociatic allies. It was not difCcult for that 7arfy to find justification for this Or any other destructive jict'.: '" ' ' ' Jiiiigo TJIaeltj Mr Tiuchanan's Altofnry General ever went so fat as to declare that war. made by Congress upon a scccd-.l ing fciUte Could legaliro Secession and dissolve-the union of ..the 'remaining States. la- an official opinion,- dated - No vember 20, 18G(?,' only a fortniglit' after Mr." Lincoln's election, and which through made known lo -the- traitors Vgan'uicg! the traitcri 13 tne, CaLiuct was ot . course icbellioa throtJghout the South, he says: "If it he true thatr-aT Pannot be declared, nor a system of general kostilitiea carries on bv the Central Govern n.eEt airaihst a Stite 'an enemv. she wenld-ke compelled to' aet ac . . r. ., . t v corumgiy. Ana n -viongres itp if the presext Union by unconstitutional puttipg strife and enmity and armed hostility between different sections' of the' country, msteal of tb'e "dfomeitie ftaBfiiinty"Iwleh the" Consti tution was meant to. iiiBure. trM nH U the is any portion of. the T9pl bound to contrib ute their money or their blood to carry on :a contcit,likc Ui'atr; , . ,.rtv , - .- .Tho SyracusaCoflVntion in August, 18G, under the lead c(jlr. ?Tallaudig- ham, drew lhe,same conclucjon .frpm.diff erent premises, and. openly declared the revolutionary doctrine. ,. 7; . , . "P'lohuL That ..,it the administration) has denied to sovereign States constitulo'onal righs, and thereby absolved them from all olle jiancr.'" , " coercio-n; i-sconsthttiosac. . "' . Had tho .Union men of the SoutK felt that they wp'uld receive, the- aCpport of the Governmten to the x& e xtreim ty, then it seems to follow thai an ritlempt to do' so. " Joiuds, Ik. uiAnst orcoBBCloS; aa-.p-wouldbeo uio. : anejpulniA vf tueh State plied to any State pr. eombinauod of States, from the Unio n, being treated as ah alien and j H-wonl.f have been far s trongbr In the le- they might hive' succeLfulIy' resufel foe tWe of seceaLfoh which swept -'oVci' 'tte Cuff Sfatys in the winter of 1?G(- wc,aS.T an,, it lis Jle'ssagi'of i?ecefiiter !t 3C declaredr ' 'T VXIi " 'the q"ue5nen,fafHy'ifivte',Sl-li3'? lias' (Vie Coastitution dfdegnttd .to iigre3lbtf tigt to c-erce a State'jmiakia, .wWcli ft 'a'.tenipting to withdraw orha actuatly with drawn from the. Confederacy "IP oewprY-l in the affirmative, it must ba ddou tie. win"i- t le that power bag been conferred upoo Con gress to aeoiaror-to make warupon a-S;t. After much serious renwtien; I have, arrival at the conclusrbn that no such pfwerhas bae,n delegated to Congress ir rb any cihtfcfSH mtiu of ti FedevalGovrnmenc.v..V 't:ou'. iiiieo'iiug to parUouUra, it miy tAiejy fce - aerud that tuejiower t,mke w:i ex-t State ?5Et. variance wuh the. wael'?pii'it the Constitution. '..XyiTe, p,S-t many means of prtverviug iwihe l'iMn i, fej. concUiation, but Uia iiW wm du. ,laot-j tu their bands to preserve it by. fov. ",-, Thisdirtct invitation to rebclrroti'bya piomtse ot immunity, was at once taken up those who hare ever s:nee controll ed the policy of1 tha HcwoeraUo Vartyv, On the 3d of Janttarj,-; IWI'af'a T:tTnion'r' meeting held in- rLilaJvIphia, tbc:Ioa. Lewis, a well , iaown -and influential Democrat, introduced a series of resolutions, in .wbielv.tfcx-rit. of. se cession was de&ied.Jiut aJIer-blaniiag Ue North for its uneenititutional procijfaiing, it concluded ; . j . . . ... . .- c'i'.ii. 'Rnolf etl. That .if .Ihe owbirn. States ! .IUU1U uruu,ni,u in I r'.uiiiutc .jut V-iould be unwilling fo recognize thcrr ponsti- tritioIlat dut5 towj9 ,he Southern tutes. iiouiiouiiiuu,, dons cnthusiastieanj' adopted was. the.n!- loWing : r .. ..-'"r- -o. : - "Tenft. Tiiat w. cordially approve h. itis avowal by theTresidetif, in his last antral message, Tfr himself and for t'ongfes.",' of a war-making power agninst Stnte of the Con federacy, thns reaffirming the express doctrine of two of the great founders of the Constitu tion, James Ma-Hson and Alexander Hamil ton.:. . ' - , .... , v.- ,,'. . Theae views were formally adopted by the party. On January IS, tho Military Committee reported to the Iloues Repre sentatives a bill to provide fur calling out the 3Iilitia, when (Jeorge ll -PchdleVin opposed it by ari elaberat trgument, in which be said : .' - ; . : ij "Now, sir) what force of arfts can compel a S'atc fo -o tbrt ('hieh she has ajyeed to do? What force of arms can eompcl a, State lo re frain from doing that which lir State govern-tfoit,- supported by the scutimcnt of her peo ple, is determine! ic fcrsistin doing.....'. f'r le whole scheme of coercion is impracticable- ' It is contrary to the gj'iiins an I sijirit of the Comrltution.... . . .Mj voice todiiy is for OTiCTii.ttioin my Yoii-e is tor com- 'rop:is(, i-igyou, gentlemen, t bear that vciee. If you will not, if you find concilia- tion imoossilile - 'if'ronr differences are jo , grftat titU y0IX CMnwtT m mSi them, theu, genlemea, let the seceding taiies Pt peace ; let thein establish tlieir.ROV- I ernment aud empiie, and work out their, des tiny according to toe wisdom, wuicn U04 nus givm them." An JiiitJi4, diyiaion v whicli QlMd, the Democratic members, with but four exceptions, registered their; agreement with Jlr. Pendleton in- a solid body. . It was for such doctrjecs as these that tue Sre "emocraup dn.J setecttc jtr. .1 ' . T 4- 1 . . 1 r renuieton as its sranuaru pcarer tn tne prcsidenful contest of I8G4.( .That those views were regarded, as a sure, passport to Its favor is evident when - we see them dvanced by so shrewd and dqicrupuloai . a politician as Mr.. William B. Reed, wfco, .c.28tl. of ;3I.ardi? 1 1363 an ad- dres3 to the Democratic Central Club of Philadelphia, obscrvfid ; "iM-t tne l.ovcrnuieui never oev.m.i limits of Consent: had it rejected, it Vid all the panoply aiid parade of war.' .. Even three years of war did not suffice to cauie the abandonment of this dogma. The Democratic Convention f Kentucky, assembled June 3 1 13C4, to select ,dele gates to the Chicago Convention, adopted a series of resohrttrras, among. which the following is the third: " . Gnidecf byfheKO iights, we'ddCaTe iiat the co-ereioa and .ubjugntiotf of eletoa or more sovfreigu States was. never contemplat as possible or authorized by flie-' Constiru tion, btrf wm prondiiVaefl by Itn-makAw-an actjof suititUl fjlly." .. j - ; . ;- 1 ( And Mr.Villiaui B. Reel, retierated his views in a letter Ja a "iyuipalhetic Marylander.aled November 5? 136J, and published. November 7, as . sound Demo cratic doctrine by the Philadelphia organ of the party : -tl . (Cnnthritrd nest TTrf.) ' lore wnn reoeiiioa. xnus, iur, Duxuan- -i mentsef repuiucan power, man it is now in