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' Ikmocratk Record Continued.) "1 deay as t have ever done Bin this eprlmnt of civil war ku awakened me to the truth, that th F ederal Government naa toy right under the Constitution ta co arse by fore of arms or aay eae or saore of Its great constituencies.'' T0 8LAVES.T RXCONBTIVCTJOK. 8o far from maintaining tbe indbsol. ahle nature of the Federal bond, the 2?mocratio Part; at an earlj jeriod to the straggle adopted the theory that the ee cession of the Sooth absolved the remain ing Statei from all further obligation to the Constitution, and that thev were in dividoallv at liberty to separate and Sot up for themselves cr form sew cjnnectioas ca each terms of alliance aa the; sight please. There can be bat little doubt that the ultimate object cf thi scheme was t5 reorganise under the Montgomery Coaetitntion, wberebv the eld inpreraacj of the alliance between .slavery and de mocracy might b restored, tod the dom ination of the prty be perpetuated. The kej note to this will be foaed in one of the molutiotts adopted at the great Pern ocratis meetlog in Philadelphia, held January 16, 1861. We hare the author ity of Mr. Wiliinm B. Reed, for the as sertion that "it was adopted" with en thusiastic unanimity." "JltsMnd, That In the deliberate judgment of the Democracy of Philadelphia, and, so far aa we know it, of FtatHT'.vaa;. tb dlssoln. tiw ef the Union by tbe separation of the whole South, a retult we (ball most sincerely deplore, i&ay release this Commonwealth from tne bond which now connect it with the Con federacy . nJ itft'J aulknrilt aid rryurre itt iimu, through a convention to be assem bled for that purpose, ta determine with whom their let stall be cisl whether with the North wjjjj faattioism ha precipitated this misery upon ut. or with our brethren of the eth, whose wrongs we feel onr own, or whether Pennsylvania hull aland by herself, ready, when occasion offers, ta bind togeth er ttt brjkea Union." That tnew were th views of the domi aect men of the pirty is evident from the fact that Judge Woodward at that time asftde so secret of his desire thut Penn fjlvsoia should go with the South So, in the spring of 1801, e Governor l'rice, cf New Jersey, in a letter to L. W.- Baraet, cf Newark, argued the mat ter thai : "I b?Ur the Scatherc Confederatloa per -mauea: The proceeding 1m bees takes with forethought aai dllifceratiia it ia ao harried Impulse, but inevitable act, bated upon the e&cred, at wag Happened, "equality of theee States atd la my opinion, every slave State will, ia a short time, be found muted in one oafederecy . . . . Before that event happens, we cu act, howTer much we may suffer In oar material interests. It is in that con tingency, the, that I answer the second part of your question, "What position far New Jersey will bast eceord with her Interests, honor, end the patriotia instincts of her peo ple." I zay emphatically, t&ef ucvld go wj'fA IA4 South, from exvy trir, prudential and pa triotic Ttaton. At the time of the Chicago Convention, these view were not so openly ventilated, btit they evidently were not at the bottom of the reconstructiun contemplated by ?he "ecsatiot of hostilities" and "con- restbn f f all the Statee" advocated in the pUtfwta. One speaker, however, D. H. Mahonoy, of Dotmque, Iowa, wa bold enough to enunciate them, and they were favorably receive!, We tenst elect our eendidate. and then, hoVdisg ont eur bbnds to the Boutb, invite tbm to co:re and nit airaia in our Union cir ele A voice "Sufposo they wor't come?' If they will not ccme to us, then I am ia fa ver cf goitg to them." Loud cheers. And tM Van Bnren County irru, at Taw-Paw, Michigan, declared : r "If the North and Soma are ever re-neited we preset it will be when the Confederate Btatea Nor'h adopt thuir new ('Mcctgotnery') constitution, or something rry ae:r like "it. There' a gol ttmo omin; boys." To be tontinuetl next tctet. Restoration or Misstssirpf. On the first Monday in October an election will be held in Mississippi, under her new free State Constitution, for a regular Gov. erabr and other State officers, c, a Leg. islature and members of the Federal TIouso ot Representative. On the third Monday in October the Legislature ia to meet, and all local officers aro to be sworn ia. Recently Provisional Governor Sharkey, issued a proclamation directing the formation of one company of cavalry and one of Infantry militia ia each coun ty of the State, with the professed object cf putting a atop to the prevalent outlaw ry of the guerilla bands. It appears, however that General Slocum, command ing in Mississippi, thought thatthis looked s-erj much like the re-arming of the Sooth, and has therefore ordered that no such military orgaoixatioas be formed anywhere in the State, and that ai! cttiseas having arms shall at onoe surrender them to the national offioers. B. Wen, the Andersoaville butcher of Union prisoners, now oa trul in Washington, has asked for th consoling company of two priests. His request has been granted by the War Department and of course everybody knows what the villain meant when he solicited such consolation. H is guilty eoul begins to' sicken at the approach of his doom, and as he Cianit escsps the p anishaent of e3, he iaiends lj e":2e if possible, the grip i,i il fan. Juniata JMnel. A union of lata, and a union of landf, A vnion no power thall eevrr; A uniim of heard, and a union of hand, And the American Union forever! MIFUlNlOffS WedaetdAr Morning, Sept. 13, 186) "FEARLESS AND FREE." A. L. G18S, Editor Lev 2 : la. Proclaim Liberty Threnghomt the Laa4 to AL.L ha Inbabltaatt Thereof. TBBJUXIATA 8EXTISBLa has the Lirjat CtrttUatien of any paper pub lished ia this County. It is therefore the eett advtriiting wudmm. tl U a Paper, truly loyal, ably oonJucted, a first eless Loealist. and well worthy of the nstrobsgs of every level citixea ia the County. Vnion Republican State Ifominatlost I FOR AUDITOR GENERAL MaJ. Gen. JOII.V F. U RTRA.FT, - Or MORTOOMtaT COVKTV. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL Col. JACOB . CAMPBELL, Or CANBBIA COtTHTT. UNION COUNTY NOMINATIONS. ?OR COUXTi TEB.tSCBElt, JOSEFfl W. EELFORO, er atTrtisTow. roa cou.fir commissionehs, BENJAMIN F. WALLS. (3 yeare) Color Dearer of the 47th P. V. Aged 60 years. or LACK. JOSEPH B. McDONALD, ir (l year) Private ia Co. A 1st Peuna- Cavalry, or eALi. FOR JCRT, HARRY n. WILSON, Ceptala of Co. F. 16ti, Penna. Civalry, 0t rarrtaaoR. TOR COUNTY ACPITOR. TBKOPHILUS T. DAVIS. Quartermaster of 53rd Regt. P. Y. Or fATSTTt. f OR COCNTI SURVEYOR, WILLIAM DUNN, Eeq. or rAtatre. tem " Treaton must be madt odious ! TVatfors mest be pnnishrd and impnvrr ished. Thry must not only be punished, hut their tocialpover, must be destroyed; Ani after making treason odious, retry Union men and the Government should 1 fie remunerated out of the pockets of those Kho have vtp'.cttd this great suffer ing upon tht country.'' -President John son, April 21, 1805. JIERM3 Of PCDLICATIOX The JcntAlA Sikwu is Published on Main Street, next door to the Post Office, Mifttintown, Juniata- County, Pa., oa every Wednesday at the rate of $2.00 per year ia advance atd $2.60 if aot paid within the year. We wish to do a cash business as nearly as possible. tVe wish to deal honest iy and alike with all, and therefore need ao be asked to vary from our terms by any one Thankful for past favors we ask thecontinued rjU'RMS 01' ADVERTISING Seventy-Cve cents per square of ten lines or less for tbe first insertion three inser tions for $1.60 aad 50 cents for all subsequent insertions. Estate Notices $2.00. Profes sional and Business cards with paper $8.00 per year. Mercantile cards with paper $15.00 pjr year. Local notices 10 cents per line. People ought (o look to their interest and ad vertise in the SaKTisat as its circulation is about one third larger than any other paper published in the county. JOB WORK RATES Eighth sheet billa, $1.26; quarter sheet bills $2 00; half sheet biUs $3 00; whole sheet $6 00 30 bills are always given if le sired. Blanks $2.00 per qaht. Colored or fancy work eitra. Cards at 91.60 per ana dred. Job Work respectfully solicited as we ibclieve we eaa do up jobs a. atly aad attract ively and expeditiously. Asseas the Soleliers I It is the duty of district committees. and the privilege of individuals, to see to it that all soldiers are assessed on or be fore the SOth of this month. Soldiers who served and voted iu the army lost their citzenship, temporarily, at home, and it must therefore be restored before they can be permitted to vote. A TABLE OF "DISTANCES.- We have a very fins tabic exhibiting the die taries between 26 of the principal places in Jonistn County price Wcto on eards. The Democrats Idem of Gaoel Thlag. The Davis-organ dowa town, gets off the following, which it eadorsws a one of "good thiogs:" "Chalk and ivory! Heel and shins ! Sambo' glory now begias! - -: . Go 'way white man I You don't know How to voto riijht dat m so. Yaw, yaw, yaw 1 Yaw, yaw, yaw ! De happiest day I eber saw ! : Man and b rudder equal born- De Maker's imsge fin a horn I) De glory ob de risia' day - . De callnd ouss from Africa t Oh, kiaky, minky, stinkey, oh I If dis ain't glory, tell me so 1" We eaa not eavy the character and des tiny of that man who professes to belitve in the religion of the Lord Jeans Christ, And yet delight in such "good things" as the above sample of silly negro-hate and infidel sircasm. By such nighty arjtt- menu (?) art thou upheld, oh sham to mocracy I Wkoiesaie Falsehoads ta the last Register we find tbe follow ing falsa assertions about the Republican. Union Convention: - I 1. That the convention Was held nndtr lock snd key. 2. That there were but eleven dels- gates. 3. That they sneaked oat of the roost like burglars. ' 4. That half of the townships wen net represented. 5. That ooly one vote was Cast in Walk er township. 0. That several speeches were msde. 7. That some wanted to nominate sol diers while others thought tbe soldier bu siness a humbug. 8. That Liggett is a friend of the editor. 9. Thst Liggett was sent out with a search warrant to seek somebody to repre sent delinquent townships 10. That it looked as if the party was played out. 11. That a delegate said it was not worth while to nominate a ticket. 12. That wo will get licked like the d 1 anyhow. All these thinga the writer well ktew to be untrue when he penned them. In the last Democrat we also find the following falsehoods i 1. That the Convention met in Will i back Room to nominate a ticket. 2. That quite a number of districts were not represented. 3. That it was unanimously passed to put out ill spectators. 4. That t committee was sppointed to it! forts certain supposed privileged char acters to leave. 6. Ttlot snide one made the silly speech published in t lie Democrat. 6. That Lack, Fayette, Greenwood and Monroe were not represent-' 7. That the Convention was 6omeiIed through feui, bickerings and jealousies to disband and go home. 8. That the gathering was tbe greatest of humbugs. All these things and many more were well known to be false by the writer. I'nioa County Convention. Fur3imnt to the call the Delegates frnni t!.e van'ons Districts assembled in I .MifSmtnwit on Saturday the 2nd and af- ter cnnlfation it was agreed to adjourn until Thursday the 7th at which time the Convention assembled at the Court House and was orgaoiied by the election of Hoa. John Beale as President aad Col. J. N Moore aad II. A. Stambaugh as Seerota riesj Credentials Were tbea handed is as follows : Mifflintown H. A. Stambaugh, J. H. Simons, Fermanagh S. W. Henderson, Eph Sieber, Payette Michael Huffman, T. t. Davis, Monroe A. G. Shelleahcrger, S C Strewser, Susquehanna Levi Light, Sol. Updegfove, Greenwood H, Minium, S. Sbelleaberger, Delaware J. T Carpenter, Emanuel Smith, Walker J. N. Moore, John Moiser. Patterson Geo. Goshen, P M Miekey, Perrvsviile Lt. Sam. Laird. P. 8. Liggitt, Turbett Jacob Hoops. Henry Arbogsrt, Milfird Cel. J. K. Robinson. 8 M inarches. I Beale Hoa. John Beale, Dr. J. P- Serrett. ! Spruce Hill A- J. Patterson, W. J. Evans, ! Tusearora James Irwin, Henry Morrow, Lack William Varaer, Math las Stamp, '. duck uosi nos. aieiaiyre, oemoei oarer, Oa motioo the Cooveotioa proceeded to nominate Candidates by acclamation. On motion of Harry A. Stambaugh, it was unanimously reeolved that Joseph M. Belford of Mifflintown be nomina ted for the office of County Treasurer. On motion of P. S. Liggitt, BeR JAM IN F. Walls, tbe color bearer of tbe 47th Rcgimeut, of Lack township was unanimously uominated for County Com missioner fur the long term (3 years) Ou motion of Dr. J. P. Sterrett. Jos. B. McDonald, jr private of Company A, 1st Pa. CaTalry, of Bella township was unanimously nominated for County Cod ittiesioBer for the abort tots (1 year). . Oa notion of T. T. Davis,' (Vpt. II. II. WiLSOtr, of Company F, 16th Pa. Cavalry, of Patterson borough was unan imously nominated for Jury Commis sioner. On motion of J. N. Moore, Lieut T. T. Davis of Company I, 53rd Reeiment of FayeUo was unanimously nominated for County Auditor. On motion of A. J. Patterson, Esq., William Dunn of Fayette township was unanimously nominated for County Surveyor. On motion of P. S. Liggitt Messrs Capt. II. II. Wilson, Capt. W. H. Patter 1 son and C. B.. Horning were elected to meet the conferees of Mifflin and Hun tingdon bounties aad nominate a Leg ula tive Ticket Oa motion of A. J. Patterson, President wsa authorised to appoint oaaal County Standing Committee. the the The President has appointed the fol- lowing Standing Committee : , Mifiia Col J J Patterson, Capt A H Mania. Fermanagh Eliae Horning, R C Gallagher, Fayette Michael Hoffman, Capt. L Degett, Monroe A G Bhellenberger, 8 JStrouser, Susquehanna Levi Light. Sol Cpdetrove, Greenwood S SMleaberger, R B Minium, Delaware J P Thompson, Elihu Benner, Walker J. A, Gallagher. John Motser, Patterson Lt Samuel Brown. Geo Goshen. Milford Col J K Robinson. Thi A Hardy, Tut bett-Stewart Turbett, Isaac Kauffmaa. Perryaville Lt Sam Laird. P S Liggett Spruce Hill Wm J Ivans. Tuottas Patten, Beale Dr J P Sterrett, Riohard Doyle, Tusoaror James Irwin, George M Smelker, Lack Malhiaa StUmV. John Leonard. Blaek Leg R Mtlatyre, Samuel Shearer. - .Oa notion. Messrs F. M. Miekcy, Dr. J. P- Sterrett, A L. Ouss, J. T. Carpen ter, and Michael Huffman were appointed a Committee to draft Resolutions express ive of the seme of this Convention, in regard to tbe political issues of the day. The Committee oa Resolutions report the following: Rctohtd, That we congratulate the Union Party of Juaiata County that the war for tho Union was not a failure, but that the general Govt rnroent by the aid j of its loyal people has vindicated its au ' thority in every State, ha subdued the , tbe hosts of treason and haa triumphantly ' shown the wisdom and patriotism of all : its measures. I Resolved, That tho Union Party, hav ' ioK redeemed all its promises, now pre , sents its principles and nomidees, with the ' sifongdt possibl clalAis, to the earnest support and suffrages of the American i people. j Resolved, That we endorse heartily the j platform and principles snd candidates j act forth by the Union State Convention recently assembled at IlarrisbUrg. Resolved, That we hail with pleasure the fact that tho hobbies, faultfindings and falsehoods of our political enemies, duriog four years ot war, have gone down with the rebellion which they were designed and calculated to aid and comfort. Resolved, That the record of the so called democratic party, of Juniata Coun I ty, and of the State, in opposing and vo ting against the Amendment granting Sol- i diers tho right to vote, presents in them ' a spirit so ungrateful, nnpatriotio and in famous, that it ought never to be forgotten j by any true soldier or soldier's friend. Kesoivea. mat tno aastaraiy couauct of our leading so called democrats in dis turbing and interrunting public ccctiogs, and the repeated efforts to gag aod curb the organ of the party in this County con clusively prove that all thicr complaints aboUt ''free speech and froo pres," arbi trary arrests, military interference, Lo, La, are but the veriest hypocracy. as they lack only the power to effect for themselves what they falsely charge npon the friends of the general Government. - Resolved, That we present this day candidates for the various county offices, men who are honest, capable and worthy, and as far as postiblo med who have shown their devotion to the Union on many bloody fields that their claims oa the suffrages of our people are of the very highest character, aud more especially so when corn-pared With their opponents, all whom while sitting at home in security have been loud and bitter in their denun ciations of the war and of every efficient measure adopted to subdue the rebels. Resolved, Thst we revere aad grate fully cherish the memory of A. Lin coln, who saved aad delivered his Coun try with an honesty, faithfu Ines aad pa triotism that commaaded the admiration of the werld. sad who after having fought the good fight aad kept the faith, was fiend ialyh slain by hands rehooled and piepared by the teachings of ouf political ene-nres- Rcsdced, That re endorse the demtfs racy of Andrew Jo'HK80$, President of the United States ) that we appreciate the seal aad taitafaleess of And. G. Cubtin Governor of our noble commonwealth ; aad that our thaaks are duo to Jkes miah Lyons, Esq., for tbe boo est devo tion that characterised him in bis labors as Chairman of Standing County Com mittee duriog the past year. On motion the Convention united in three rousing cheers for the Union Sol diers Tioket just nominated, which was responded toby those present with a will which betokened a most decided enthu siasm in tbe good cause. The Convention oa motion ilea ad journed. Hoa. JOHN BEALE, Pres. 3. N. MooRt. ' H. A, Stambatxjh, r ekw vt.r saansBsaaaM GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION WaaaiAa is akd bt ah Act of tbe Geo eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn- sjlvenia, entiled "Aa Act relating tOthe elec tions of this Loojnonwoaltii," passed the 2nd day of July, A. D, 1836, it ia made tbe duty of the Sheriff of every oounty witbia the Commonwealth to give pnblie notice of the General Elections, aad set forth the officers te be elected, and the place at which the clectioa is U aa bald. " , . .-. I. SAMUEL B. LOUDfcff, High Sheriff of the oounty of Jasiata; do hereby mkt known aad give this public actias to the aleetera of tbe eouaty of Juniata that oa the SECOND TUESDAY OFOCTOBEd aext (being the 10th day of the month) a General Electioa will be held at tbe several electioa districts eatabliah ed by law in said county, at which timo they will vote by ballot for the several onsen hereafter mentioned, to wit: ONE PERSON to fill the office of Auditor General of tbe State of Peonsvlvenie. ONE PE&SON to fill the oihoe of Surveyor General of the State of Pennsylvania. TWO PERSONS, ia conneotion with the counties of Huntingdon aba Mimin, to nil the office of Member of the House of Represen tatives of tbe Commoawealtb of Pennsylvania. ONE PERSON te all tbe office of Treasur er of Juniata eouaty. ONE PERSON to all the eSee of County Commissioner of Juniata eouaty for three years. ONE PERSON to fill the office of County Commissioner of Junjatacouaty for eue year. TA'O PERSONS to fill the office of Jury CommiMoner of Juniata Cou tyk ONE PKRSON to fill the office bf Surveyor if Juniata eoudty. ONE PERSON to fill the office of Auditor of Juaiata connty. I ALSO HEREBY MAKE KNOWN aad give notice that the places of holding the aforesaid General Election ia the several dis tricts aiid townships ia the etraaiy of Jnniata are as follows, to wit i Mthe Court 'House ia tie borough of Mifflintown. for the borough ef Miflintowu. At tho Court House ia the borough of MiSinriwo, far Peraaoafh township. At tbe School House ia Metioo, tur TValk er township. At the Academy at Tbompsoatown, for Del aware lownship- At the Public House cf Thomas Cos, for Girenwood township. At the School House iu RiebSe'.d, for Mob- roc township. At Xdousc's a iliocl Ususe, fr Susiuebea n township. At tha School House ia McAUistersTi'.'.e, for FatcU tewiubiD. At the School House in Fatiers-o. fir the borough of Patterson. At the School House in FoTrjsvllie, fjr the borough of i'crrysville. At the Locust Grove Suheol Bcuee. near the residence of John Metliis. for Milfe?d. At the Spruce Bill School Mouse, to? fpruce Hill tnwtniiiip. At the Srlitol Mouse near the residence cf Samuel Allen, for Beale tcnsl:ip. At the flcbocl House asr McCuHocb's Mill's for Ttis.larora townebtp. except thit portion cf it lyinguorth-wesiword of the sum mit of the Shade Mouuuin. ' At tbe Lies Schorl House aar tbe reel deoce ef Benjamin Walls, for Lack township eittr-t that portion cf it Ivine aOrth-weet. wardlv of the summit of tits Shade Mountain. AttheCentie School Houre, for so much of tbe townships of Lack and TuCrori Iyiug norlh-wertwardly of the sutuuit tf the Shade Mountain. At the Church Hill fiebool Ifoe. ia Tur bett tonebip fir Turbett township. I ALSO MAKE KNOWN and give aoCce a in and by tho 13th section of tbe aforosoiJ Act. I am directed, that every person, except Justice of tbs Peace, who shall hold an office of appointment, cf profit or trust, under the Government of the United ftates, er ef thiS Slate or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned offioer or otherwise, a sut'Ordtastn afPser or agmt. Who il or shall he employed undrrthe lecislative. judicary or eeeea'ive department of this state cr of the United Spates, or ot any city or incorporated district, and stso, that every member of Con i;rcs. and of the Stale Legislative and of the Keled and Common Council of any city, or Commissioner of any incorporated district, la by law inoapobte of holiiing or eiereisiTtg at the same time tbe office or appointment of Judge. Inepector. or other offices or any such c'.&'.ion' !in be Mlleil'e to any office." Also that in the 4th section of aa Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to Exe cution and for otber purpose." approved April Ifkh. 180, It is enacted thtthe afore said 13th section '-shall not be constructed s as to prevent any military officer or wrongs nflioer from serving as Judge Inspector or Clerk of any General or Special Election of this Commonwealth. Pursuant to tbe provisions contained in tbe 73th Section ef the Act first aforesaid : "The judges of tbe aforesaid district shall respectively take Charge of the certificate of the election of their respitlve district and produce them at the meeting ef the judges from each distriot, at the Court House in the Borough of Mifflintown. oa the third day after tbe day of the election, being the loth day of October. A. P., 1865, thea and there to do and perform the duties required by law of said Jadss." Also. By the 19th settlse cf "an Act to regulate elections by soldiers ia actual mili tary service, approved tha 25th of August, A. D., 1X65." "the return judges ef the sev eral counties shall adjourn to meet at the pla ces now directed by laW. on the third Friday after any general or preaideatial election for the purpose of counting the soldiers' vote," The return judges will re-assemble at the Court House ia the borongh of Mifflintown, oa Friday, October 27, 1865, who shall receive from tbe protaoaatory of the county aad shall iaclude ia their enumeration, tbe vote so re turned, by soldier ia sotual military servioe. Also, that where a judge ay aicsaea or unavoidable accident is unable to attend said meeting If judges thea the certificate of re turn aforesaid, shall be taken charge of by one the Inspectors or Clerk of the electioa of aid district, waft shall do and perform the dmlSa required of said Judge unable to at tend. The return jndgea for this Assembly dis triet will meet at the Court Howae fa Lewie- town, oa Priday, November 3, 1865, thea and thereto do and perform each datics required by law of said judges. . . . ... ... . Also, that aa Act oi AnemDiy, entities aa Aot relating to the elections of this Common wealth passed July Si, 1839, further provides as folio, to wit: "That the Inaptotorsand Judges shall meet at the respective places appointed for holding the election la the district to which they De long, before 9 o'clock, ia the morning of the SECOND TUESDAY ia OCTOBER, and each cf the said Inspector shall appoint oa clerk who shall b a qaaHfied voter of saoh distriot. ArreeaM to the nrovision of the 61st No tion Cf safd aot, every General add Special election cbal) be opened between EIGHT aad IEN O CLOCK in tbs terasoa sac eosucue Vithont interruption or aijourmtnt not.. SEVEN O'CLOCK in tha crania. wUo tin polls shall be closed. SAMUEL, B. LOUDEN," AJUrtf. Mifliatowo, Septem'nT 13 tcur - n. r. sAiG&n . ' WITH PElPER & MARK LEV, .JUAHtTACfUREB Aa WHOLES ALE BEALE Hi is BOOTS & dHOEO R, St KortiiTblr4StretrkU4s M. G. PEI?IR. 2. H. MARXIST. 0tT rartkvlar atttntivn poU H sreV 3 Ttt atsasois Daialta CablMt Or- gaMia, forty different styles, -sdfsd eoaa ored aad secular musib. froa $80 te MOO eeab. THIRTY-FIVE GOLD or SILVER MXDAU. or other first premiums awardatt them. Claa t rated CaUlogues free- Adress, MABOlv A HAMLIN. BosTOit. or MA60N BP.OIHEM, Naw Yoaa. ' WAHTCD- AitltaaHoa ai Cbrk ia a stors Vy a yousg mea of reepeetbility, The best of reffareaoe gitia. per la for at tia apply at this efflia. Aug. as. ea- NOTICE TO PIUKQUaWTB. !fotla is hereby gfm ta aS Sanaa faaieasesl to tha estate ef Theavae. Sharaisr. lata f the borough pf Pattcrsea dec sa sad, either by Ntf cr Cook Account q SeS forward aa4 pay up before tb first of September, er theee Claiw.s will thsa positively be put into tho hands of a Justice for eaSevtiea ANNA SHORMPSR 1 D. A. DOUGHMAN Aug. 9-3t Admia.':rtore. fm. AT PUBLIOJIALE- THE undersigned Admlnieiraier cf ??tvi . ef JoSttamt. aill offer fut sal at pub lic ontcry Ly uHer of the Orybans' Court en the ptemisea in Delaware township. Juaiata Con my. IV. al.ont two and ace half mitea North West of Thompsontown, oa BATCBDAT. BETTEMBER SOTH A tract of lanp situated as above staled and Varied by laada of 8. O. Sraa. ravtd Wllher e Heirs. Margaret CUasea aal others eiataiaiag about i: About 05 acres of wliich are card sii un der food Afiltivelioo, tbe baiaoce !.ci berland. ia en the premise a HDl'SE actT LOG BARN aa-I a 0..e Sf rbg ef water aear the door. ad "o the pia: AH APPLE ORCHARDs TERMS: One half of the puriliise mrB ty to re paid er. the eon&ruiA'toa of the situ by the CoCri and the other haif ca tii era: of April neat to be secure i br jndgiucnt. Sale to cuoicienr at 1 o'clock. T- sf.. of said day, when attendaace will be given Yy tbe und'ersigneJ, frou vca aay a-ldiUoaal iuformatioa may be oblaiaed piw-r to tho aair SAM v EL J. KCRTZ. September 1, ICiJs. The Ualrcrsai Clotkes TTrtBger WITH COCi WHEELS, HIGHEST rREMIUM Large Sue, f 10 00. Median, 80. 1HE BF.cT 13 THE CIIFAI'HST. Too TniTtw! Cog thfrl Vtiupt Was pronounced superior ti all others at tne WORLD'S MIR I L05DO.T. Ia 1862; received the L'ronie Medei. ' high est premium) at the Great Fair or In aew Tork City, in It b a also re ceived tie r lbaT 1'KKICMS at the ing State Fairs : New TorU. !M2 1C3: Vermont. ltM; Pennsylvania, 18631861; Michigan. 1964: Indiana 186i 1861 1 Illinois. 18631864; Iowa, 18031864; Wisconsin, 1864; Ccaa; River Valley Fair, 1864 ; Chemplaia Valley Fair, 1864; aad St tbe prioipal County ea Iastitat Fair ttrocgteul tlie lead. TESTIMONIALS.. "My family weald as soon give on the eeek- ir.g-stovs aa this Clotbbs fitnoii. It ca nut be too highly reoomtaeadcS. Soto Mcti- son. ''After a constant ass of the IVtrsasAt. Cioras Waiaosa for mors than four years fa my family. I am authorised by tha "power that be." te give Itibe aaaat aafjualiSed praie. aad to pronounce it sa indispensable part of the machinery for housekeeping." v. 3r ry Ward Bticfitr "This is the first Wringer I have found that wonld stand the servioe required ef iC J. P. ffuffius, LotHfcy's ffottl. "In tbe Lstrsdry of my house there is a psepetaal thaBbsgieing ca Msndajw far tke ia venti on of year eaoelleat Wringer." An Ttooiar L. Cuyltr. "We think tha Macaiae araeh more than pays for itself every yaer ia the saviags at gaimeut. W tbiak it Import sas the Wring er should be fitted with COGS " Q Judd. heartily commend it t. lo eoaaomiets of time, money and oonteatmeat." Jts. Patter "It saves labor, espediste work, make the laundress good eeTtrd. cces aot tear off but- tons aoa looispeasaoie to a weu reguixea fomily." K- S. Sterrs. Jr X). Z. "Every week ha given it a atrenpernotd apoa tbe sffeetioaa of the in mate j of tb '.sun dry. Every membor of toe bonsshold U ia admiratioa of it." .Vv York O.Wrr. tgOa receipt of price fires any ptrt tt tie country where we tavs aa casvscse;;, w i Seed tie Wringer frea of freight charge. A good canvaoer wanted ia ?ery UwaaUp. Se&d for liraatraMd Price CircuUs. s. c ssowma. MT JSroatSwur, K.