Newspaper Page Text
; i- TUST'cpened iu the NcwftnYc HoUn tinder the Old Fcllews- Hall, in Thompsontown, Juniata county. Pa., well sekctcdjaud ele tpLct assortment of Dry Goods, c-jometirig in patt of : '. .. i-,.: : , . .-,' .-. r-v f.-.a ' tiMies'- Dress Coois, v y... .... . --! , fnck as Delaines, CbaUies, Lusters, Alpaccas, all wool Delaines; Sbeperd Plaid Lawns, and a full assoritneut-of Ladies' White and Fancy Good a. ed a fargenssrw merit' of SJaple t :r ley t gools, r i Constantly on hind and for Sale cheap for I'Ariii.. by . - - . ' i .A : i.: " A . .V r.-l Ji. If. WRIGHT. ' Also. GENTLEMAN'S CLOTHING KMPQ ' ItlUM itr the sura building. An ' elegant assortment - of ready-made Clothing for Men nd Boys, consisting in part of Fancy frock Coats, 'Dress Coats, Vnrtf. Vests l'taw r, Collars, Undershirt. Handkerchiefs, Hats & Caps, Roots & Shoes. And everything arisually firinj in a Erst class Gontleniau Furnishing ftore. Fancy Goods of all kind. Ladies' Gait-s-rs and Balmoral Fine Shoe, for Misses aTid Children, Carpets and Oil loth, o.c. AiaJ, a pood stock of' . Groceries, Qurrnswar, Hardware and Cutlery, Drugs, Oils, I'ii,u. end all such articles as are usually found iu a country store. Tii highest prices paid for country i.rodiire. Goods sold at small profits, fm- C h. Call aud examine mv trtnek -itnd mr fir ymirself, as 1 am always ready to wait on customers, just ahovo, the S.jtinre at- Writit' t'hrnp Cash Store end t'lothing Emporium, Tlmiupsf.ntown. Pa- .; Aug. lo ISO... . R. II. WRIGHT. V2i. IIOOIV SKIRTS. '2. HWN MAKE" 'IF HOOP SKIRTS, are gotten up expressly to meet the wants of URST I l.ARS TRAIIH. .. They enibraje a compu-1 assortment of all the KKW llllj hksibaulk S'vh'3, Sites and J.enffili, tor i.rtdiej'-Slisscs' and Children, ami Mi o superior to all uihcrs in point, uf ymtiiiMry. Finitli and : iurahility :" being m;i tc t'C: 1 lie finest timpi rcd J'.iili.-h Meel fl'i ttits with Liuen (itiijhcd Covering, and liavini all the riol.ilic las:c iiinc immovaldy rurtiL, 1 y iu:u:vei machinery. They re tain their Shae and L'luciicify to (hc .lu.t, - and ave waubamki to gira kmjul 1 'TKS. Also. coo"tjin:ly in Vcceipi nT f'lll linos i4 I'astern ll!t( .Kl I'TH. a very lnv Trices. - SMvIKTK Made to Order Allcrod and neijiircd. Wllnl.KS.VLK and RETAIL, at nnNfFtcror.T anrf Sail ItonM, .No . GS IICH Street, above Ctlt., I'HILAHKLI'UIA. Tkkms Cash, Us FiurK Csi.-: Aug. K, oi. 'WASIIIXfiTOX- HOUSE. e 7!i9 fhrvinnt Strcft Rbav 7th, Yhild'lihii f PHIS' old un l popular Hold is located in 1. I'ie iininrifiiile centre of hnsiness, and to pi-win vihiiing the City on matiers of trade or p'.easuic, it id one of the most desirable. IIo telf in I'uilndclphia It iji coiiTcnicnt to U the R.til It'.ad l'epou. an- easily accessihlc Ly city cars from all parts of. the City. Its r-M.-riiS are airy and spacious, antl the Larder will he uiiCJccpiti'in;i1'!e in every respect. The Manager assures the puhlio tht iioefTurt will l spared on his part to make the WASII-1-N;TUN lloliii:, iu ull respects, pleasant and an,e?!hlc to his Ucis, and he will he pleaded t" sec Uli old friends and fuiitier pat rn of ihe "states rnion." l'Lihidelphin, and to we'uome nianj" new ouch. Mr. L B. Ncg ly. the fonner otticc clerk a Ihe States Cnion, wi'l Ve p'al t j sec his old friends at the VAsMMiTOX lloUSii. CHAULL-S M. ALLMOM), "NEW SK1KT FOR 150-5-C- The Great inventicn of the Age li HOOP SKIRTS. J. V. IM;UL1:VS New Patent LI'PLEX ELLIPTIC (or duu'uiej MPR1NU ..SKIRT. THIS INVENTION c.-.n.-i.sts of Duplex (or tW'i.l I'.I.I.II'TH! 1'l RB ItKl l.NKU SlTKI. Sl'BI.V(,S, ingeniously braided tighlly aud firmly togeth er, ede 4odge, making tlie toughest, n.oM :leit.l elastic ami dnratile Spring ever used. They sel loin bend on break, like the Single Springs, and consequently preserve the;r per fect and beautiful shape un-re than twice as bmg as any Single Spring tkirt that Ktcc has or fan be mude. , . The wonderful flexibility and great com fort an-l pleasure ti any Lady wearing the iniplex Llliplic Skirt will be experienced par ticuiarly in nil crowded Assemblies, Operas, Crri."iges, ilailiaud t ars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade aud House lipess, as the Skirt cin be folded when iu ne to occupy a ?niall place as easily aud conveniently us a Silk or Mulin Uress- A Lady having Enjoyed the Pleasure, Com fort ami Great Convenience of wearing the lMiple Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day wilt never afterward- willingly dispense viih their use. Fr Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are superior to all others. THE HOOPS arc covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the Single ynru covering which is used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three boltom round? on every Skirt are also Double Steel, nnd twice or double covered to prvent the covering from wearing off the rods when drag ping down stairs, stone steps, &c, &c. which they are constantly subject to when in use. " All art made of the new and elegant Cord tl .Tapes, andeVe the best, quality in every pert, giving the'Teaief ine most graceful and crfect Ftjaj.e possible, and are unquestiona bly the lighest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. " WKSTS' BR ADLtVA. CA RY,-PROPRIETORS of the Invention, and SOLE MANP FACTl'llERS, i7 cnAMRERS, and 7'J & 81 T.E.VDK STREETS, New-York. ' TOR S ALE in oil first-class Stores in this ' it, aud Ibroughont the United Stataa anil I'cda, . Havana ile Cuba, Mexico,. Snuta t.iiiica, ciid the W est Indies. . -k tit in r rnK the ltiPLKi Elliptic (ob tiiM-J SrniKa Skibt. v. rpo THE NEKVWVS DEBILITATE AND JL DESTON'DENT OF BOTH SEXES. A p-eat 6utferer baring Been restored- to health in a few day.?, ftcr many Tears f misery, is willhg t assist bis suffering fellow-creatures lv Fenling (free), on the receipt of a postpaid d dressed en veloroj a crpy of the formula of cure ccjipjeu. j'ireciiu. ... .... H E AD0U ARTERS J L O.Lg3 0" ;i.:.-itoBBBSWj?t.ii,' 2 JJiffliiUpwn.. Ciair MjuuifKlorf-! J citi?ens'of Junhrt "coiintv. that -he con- tlnoes tteClittft1 MstiWactory at the VijUknown old stanS in Water street, where he is at nil times prepared to receive orders for Windsor Chairs of every description, Including ncftees, Lartrs Rocking Chairs, Sewing Kecking Chairs, Childrens' Chairs, Counting House Stools, Cain Seat Chairs.-Bar Room Arm Chairs, and every thing pertaining to his business, all of which he is prepared to sell cheaper than ever. . He is now prepared to no!csnTe work at city pri ces. ' Prompt attention will be given to Repa ring. All work done cheap and expedition!-. hawed Poplar Plank and Scantling taken in exchange for furniture, i t--.. tif Furniture Room on Main street; oppo site the Poet (tliice. ; ; CItAfcES aTEITEEL.': S. pten.'her 3, VWiJit. - - Jb GOING . r; TltR OF ' '" . CHOICE GOODS AT THE STOKE OF . . JOS. M.BELFO D The nnderiHitiied wld respectfully invite the public to call and examine liis stock before piinhuing rlsewhcre. . lie has bought his .tssKvtinent nt such prices that he enxn-jl be undersold by any in the country. Special at tcntiotl paid to purchasing goodsin the city per order at the sharlc&t nutioe.. Kvery eBnrtwill be matlo by hiin to giveaat isfartiontv ihifse whp uuiy furor him with a cM. nun s' nucss koods : lilack and Fancy Silks, Rerges Lawns, Morie Antique, Grenadines, Xucaia. Pure 4.'hilii, llrilliantcs, Giughant Lawns,. iiiaibs7iueli, - . . All wooid'Laines. Casbmcrt'!, Pei-lins, Alpacas, &c. A full assortment of White .Dress Goods, Mus '.ins. Krocha and other Shawls, Bonnets, lion net Satins, Ribbons; Flowers, &c. Also, Col lars, Cuderslceves, Halidkcrchicfs in great m c'y. , . A l.-irge 'quantity of Druprs. a on hand. J'rcscriptions tilled. He has also Ink ;n a large stock .of. Wouj. Cuiton and Rag 'arteln. Oil Cloths, Mutt in-, ic, at ihe lowest pricps. Country Produce taken in evehange tor goods, f.r which the highest market prices will be paid by J. M. HEI-FOHD. rhilailclpliiii J'lirniturc AVareroom. 421 A. A-ir,, North 2nd Street. . ESTARLISHKl) L1GHTEEN YEARS-r-having a Very large Stock of the best made Furniture oabaud, such njt.Sofits, Spring SefU. Chairs, Rocking Vluiirs, and Parlor fur niture generally. Also, Bed Room Sets Com plete, wtth Bureaus. Tables. Chairs, Looking Glasses, Beds, Matrasses, &c. an bn full ta l icty of all kinds of Furniture, gpaertliy. i ' 1 warrant all articles sold and Will sel CHEAP for Ciusb, Mnrl!9-i;m J. L. SCHNERLY Pcrrysvillc MarWc .Works, rPHE uadersignel desires to inform theciti X zens of Jnninta County that he lias taken charge of the works lately owned by lleurv Willi in Pcrrysrille. where he may be found ready to execute jobs in his liftc of business such as Tomb Stones. Monuuients, MniMe Slabs, Table Tnp, &c. ic. Ile believes that a long experience and kiiowledge will enable him to give enSrc satisfaction to all who may patronize hi:n. . Give him a c;it! as he fells confident that for' neatness cheap ness and despatch he cannot be cxwsTIttil. ., CJI.VS. EMCli.SON.'": ... Apr.23tb ... Bo. to .SAVri' Money buy from JAMES H. SIMONS, who has now ou hand the largest of ready mad. vqUULKS and HARNESS in the county, which he is scllinzat creatlv reduced prices. Heis notr. manofucturing bis 1 gaudies and Harness with such perfect system j thai Jie'is enablod to sell a superior artiolu Ot I everything in his line, CHEAAER than any I other establishment in the ennnty. He invites purchaser to cum nnu eiaminc.his stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. - James H. Simons, Saddles- nnd Jlarnass are acknowledged to surpass in point of lightness elegance and comfort, as jroll as,real value nnd durability, all uihers- tnuuiifuctuied in the eonnly. Remember Lis r tf is on BrWge alreet, In the rooms formwiboecupicd by D W. A. liellonL aa a Taila nop.- t , A All kinds of rcpai gneatly execut ed ami all work warrentek. - - - - GtTY HOTEL, Coraer'of Marjiot and Rail road Strcc Is, onposite the Railroad Depot UAHISBURG,PA. ?)UTernis as moderate alose of any H IcI in. llie Cily.' WJL G THOMPSON- ', ,'rtt; ' r-;-T . ' niEDIC.if, CARD, v, . - -s t "(i.i -g i ; DR." ?. O. K!"EMPFER, (late army sur geon having tooted in Mifflintown, tend ers his professional services to the citizens of this place ami surrounding cotfutty. Dr. K. having had eight years experience in hospital, genaraland afcny practicoj feels prepared to re-iucst a trial from thoss who tuay be ao uafuiuaate a to rieedraedicil ttt tenduace. .- ' tzi : c.:: :.Ut wiil be found it IVill'a UoteL tit.all Jiotirs, except wbon priasional cnifH.d. , . July 22, JW,. Fisk's Patent Mailt Burial Cases.f sf NEW CODS ! . ' - v: pALL -W4 see" frff WStocK of 8 rttn -orainnry interments, dep6sifin in ,YaiUsnd. Lransporiatioa tljey haeno rival They are made of the mot imperishable nia tcri.lstand are enameled iasid and, out to prevent rust and the exterior lias- a FINE ROSEWOOD FINISH. When properly cement ed ttrtf'!f xrt li8e.lA&-ra fIOm I I . , w. . vl ..-riiua. They mar withhutnffeimro. o.for fie "kept B . long'as desired thus hviaiing tl'e neccstity of hasty hnrials. Their Ions and rnicce.ful j ue and the aj'probation grircn them' renders Tniineeery aTiy cllended notice of their talu- able ad-rant aces. - '; "'SAXPOE AXD MAUTIX,-'.' rn(1crtakerR niHl'cnblnet Ware - .tlaualarinrtirx, Keep constantly on hand an assortment' the above cases. . . ' ,. . Mifflintown Pa. Jan. 4ibT8i15.-1 : ' TAKE CARE OF YOOR TEETH. ! T T v , It WHETHER THE UNION ISPSSERV- ED OR NOT HEOPLE MUST EAT. -.. i i nEETU inerLjiI,niah an entirely nw style A- -Hi base,', which is a cnmbiiui(aa if Gold and Vulcanite, also' Vulcanite, which for Beauty, Durability, Cleanliess and Ihe res toration of the natural contour 'd the face, cannot be nurpassed. Hither of the above liases I warrant for ten years. !t Teeth ' also mounted uport - . t : .- '-. ! - - fJultl, I'latinn ;inrt Milter, ' Coralito aud Amber, with or without artificial gums. v . Special attention will b9 paid to di easd gums and a cure warranted or uo charge made. Tet-th filled for life.-. ' The extraction of teotn apon the latest im proved principles,, causing the least possiblr pain. . . St-fy. Having located permanently in Mifilin Mn'itnS being in potisvsion, of all the latest improved instrument and machinery. I war rant entire satisfaction in all cases or tht money refunded, i . . . - ' J -Wi!)..Ti?it McAlistorvillo rhe last weel of Uetober. .January nnd Mrtv, tha balanc of mv time i eon be found at my office n Bridee air-f.. ' J.e doors east uf Snyder' Hotel. Mil'tKovsB. .inniata county, Pa.- - ' ; C,. L. DER1L jas'-'V ; i ' -rtitlrnt Vcntitt. A YhESH ARRIVAL OF , . X E W G OPJIH, AT TODD'S STOKE, IS PATTEKSON. Junt 2lleit-I ntlf'f:m. Pnlfjfitj l(tr t Fancy Trints. from 'ID, 2"), ol, to ".3 Certs; Fancy Dcl.aiiies from (11 to 3f ceBla. Faury Press Goods from 05, 7i, to 90 cents. Best yan! wide Rrown Mulins, to IHcts. Bletu-hed :t'l. Ij cts. .ItHUnoml skirts from 2.7- to S'i.Uo. Baggs from .Ticenls to f 1 . . Spool Cotton, H cents. Miirt Bt-ade 1 1 eeirtsr t- . 'fT- t Kvrup .-floTasses W refit ypef gutTon:'1 . Extra fyrnp from Si to $1.2' per Galloi. . Go 1 Brown Sugars from 13, 14, 16, to Ke. V bite Sugar at 23 cents. A's . a large assortment of Queonsware, from :i iMo rer set of 40 pieces. Bo.. ts fru! S4.O0 ft) $7100. . Grained Kip Oavelry Roots, 28' inches in U3. at t.oo. . -Visit, a full assortment of Ladies' Gaiters. Ail of wbii h 1 will exchange for Butter at 2" cents per pound, or cl-jts at 20 ctt per d i. or for CASH.. .-.''.. ' Aug. I' ltGj- J. B. M.TODD. NOTICE! Ladies wishing to be supplied witiieat and good shoes will find it to tlieir advantage to call on II. " D. WKLLERj nf "his shop on Main Htreet il.ovc. Chfrry.i wlisre f hey iCln be suppliel with nlmost every styTi-nfmodrt--ate rriecs. Gentlemen having repairing they wish durably and neatly cxeenled will he promptly attended to by giving him a call. T.nm: CASH. II. D. WELLE 11. Mifllistown. July 2iJili '(Sr).,' ' Levi urcnT SAMt Lr. ftHATKl Gentlemen's Furnishing Emporium I ! Just opened in the new Brick Building. Main Street, Patterson by Levi Hecht. and Bttir.ucl Strayer. a large and elegant assortment' of ReadyrMade Clothing, consisting in part of Ootrcoaf, ' Frock Coats, V (" k l)rt Coat, FantaUtuuti - ,- -I ( JJi au i rn, Ciiffars,", ..: . T Fmhrthiit, "(.-t-(7i(Vs,. .'If lis and Caps, Boots Shoes, And everything usually found in a first class Gentlemen's Furnishing Store. ; FAKhr Goonx ' A Also a Jaige and carefully selected .assort ment of Fancy Goods, of all olasoes, kinds And qualities, all of which will be iuM ai the low eat posbiblc living prices. Laitkt1 Gaitort mid Shot.' . .. They also invites the attention of tbe ladies to his fine stock of GA'ITOUS AXD SHOE?, which he will sell at prices defying competi tion. CA RFL TS, OU,, JL 0 TIIS. They have on hand a beaitliful assortment of Carpets; Oil Cloths, flit j trhich are of a good quality, and well Worth the inspection of the buyer. - - - H ATCHES AlVn JKWELRV Ooli and Sihrr WTntthrf, . ' ' Cletk. rm.7, ' -' " Plain and Fanrtr rtnyt, "' AVateh Keys, Ladies' and Gents' Breast Pins-, Gold Peusand Pencil, tc, which at this time form the.largest and best assortment in -the county. ' . i . V3U.A11 the above goods will be sold cheap er than any other store in the United States. If yon don't believe it, just give lis a call and be couvinced of the truth of the assertion. fc. '. - - IfECHT ft STRAY raiterson.-Ajiril 12, ISOo-tf- T AKE- NOTICE, LADIES Mrs. Sarah Stein has removed her 'Milling ry Shop from Water Street to Cherry St. above the M. E. Church." She has just returned frgm ihe City with a large assortment of sprint goods which hbe' will, sell tbirv. Cal antl exnmine before purchasing' elsewhere.a She is do-'-drtbe making" r-l the shortest notice. Call and examine yen will spe Ihe sign' ritt her nje at the doot April y-l f. I I 1 rikth "aul see' tnV fiew'TSt'ocK ofSpringirj 1 1 (5 tAlTtrJ'fftPUtt' ' iVDIIP " Jf and Summer :: v MICKEY & PEKlfEII'S . .iiJit.s- IN 'PATTERSON". ' ' Jusf rbeerveJ a new and cotnplote" asSortmoul' of.- :. :.--r .- .-! - ? .- v- ' liadics' Latcsli Style Press GooJs, .. . 1 " TlaiD and Fancy French Merind, ''s' Paid and Fancy' Frencli Kcps,' ." ' Black tiiia Cdlored lapacn,"- ; ; . c Black and Fancy eashmers. A largs assortment .of . .. -i . t. . Mourning Cooiis,1- , . . Balmoral itirL'' "' ""Brooch Square and Lontr Phawls, ' '- Striped and Barred Woolen bTiawls Qur stock of Doowsiio Goods has bxrea lafreU' increased by tleurcUase of a complete lot of Choice Priuw, 1 Bleached and Un-Blochcd Jluslins,1 Tidkitlgs-DcniniSj Wool Shir'tings, u v J .Keutucky Jeanav. -;!. it - ,. Jwill.t)d aud Plain FIuddoIa,. ' Also a large assortment of Cassimers and Oassinetts, all of which we offer to Purchas ert town prices Jftr;Cash or Country pro duce.. ... , tc I s ! :MICKeY fENNELL, '.' - 'j : Pattei son, Pa. P. S.-iUso, you' will find - large stock of Groceries,- w .- -- r.IIardwartf, .:--, a :'r .-r . limiknuit-nrn . . . ' i 3..atii s""-i U !L-n a t.v.v:. ..i, ... t) .. .Boot" and Shoes, '' I' ' (rWa!l aud tVi'ndo'w Paper. Janllrf""1'"1'- MltKEY' i PENNELV. KVAKICL'g CELtllRTAEU piTTER WINE OF IRON, . -,,-' . I) BITTER WINE OF IKON, J HITTER WISE OP IRON, ' . ,UlTTEtt WINE OF IRON. , THE GREAT TONIC A"r' ' ' ' THE GREAT TONIC - . T1IE.ORKAT TONIC .v-v.. THE GUEAI TOXIC For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, . . . . . lor Dyspepsia and IndjgcsLU-.n, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For l'ypcpsia and Indigestion, For weak Stomachs and General Debility. For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. For Weak Stomachs a?il General Debility For Weak Stomachs aJ General Debility Reliable and Sure to do Good, Kcliubld and uro to do Good, '"",.' Kclia.ble and, Sure to do Good, ' . Relitrblo and ijure to da Good . -. . . . ' ' ' 'And Cannct 60 Harm " '..;' And Cannot do Harm ' And Cannot do Dat-rii ' f . .' And Cannot do Harm. It costsbut Little and Puiifies the Blood.'; r It costs Imt Little and Purifies the Itloo t. ' ' It costs but. Little and Purities the Wool. It costs but Little and Purifies the Bbiod. . A ' I Nw Ask a Trial . ' ' ' 1 Now Only Ask a Trial ; t. I 0w ttnly Ask a Trial ! - ' ' ' I Now Only. Ask a Trial Of this Valuable Mediciue, ' Of this Valuable Medicine. " -Of this Valuable Mcdbine. Of this Valuable Medicine. Only Seveuty-five & Oue Dollar per Rott'.e Only Seventy-five & One Dollar per Bottle. Only Scvctity-five &One Dollar per Bottle. Only Seventy-five &oac Dcllar per Cottle. Manufactured solely bv S. A. KL'NKLK k BRO.. General Depot 118 Market si., IlarrisburgPa. For sale by R. F. Kepner, Miffiintown, ami respectable dealers everywhere. ' . : julyl3 61 -On. -PLXNSYLVAIVIA HOUSE. - 41 Railroad Dopot, I:ittrr.on. Pa S.R. NOSTINEj PROPRIETOR, j riHE above uatnod having taken charge of X. thb large and convenient hotel where he ! is prepaid to entertain travelers, sojourners or regular boarders. ' Persons wishing to take the trains east or west will find this the most 1 convenient stopping place as they will be . waked up at any hour desired- The loea'io-i is most' favorable and the accommodatinnsre : of the best kind. - The stabling is excellent and hostlers attentive. The' Table and Bar will alsol-e well piovided. ' . tHe has, in connection with the note!, a good LIVERY STABLE, lloise. Carriages, Buggies, &e., always 10 be had. Persons conveyed to.auy part of the country.' S-tU Ry strict attention to business and a desire to please, he tiotes to merit public pat- -ronn gerund render the-wwjourn of iris guests both comrortaitlo an 1 pleasant. Patterson June 8, tf WM. WISF., Merchant Tailor, beg lnve to inform bis friends and the public generally tawtldiaiiaii just opened out a Ua-ge and. fashion able assortment qf , , :FALL: AYCD WI1JTES UOOD, wliich heis reudy to make, to rder promptly and on. the . most reasonable terms. - The public ;onrriilly wiirfiaifitto their interest to call at his room above -- . FA-SIGK'S TIN SllOiy on Rridgc street, Mjfllintowri, pa., and inspect rfff Goods and workmanship before purchas ing elsewhere.' I. warrant all clothes to fit or no sale. ' ' . ' , ' SINGEE S SEWIHG MACHINE. ' tSjrAU persona desirous of purchasing any of Sixgee'b Sbwisu Macrlnk8 will obtain sll necessary iuformi'.nn on thc.subject and see them in operation kc my establishment. If favored with their orders I will tit them up a better machine tliirty percent, cheaper than ever hithcrtodoncinthiscounty. No family should be without a machine - jan 1, Gl-tf . MIFFLINTOWN TIN SHOP. HAVING purchased the Tin and Shcci Iron Store, located en Bridge Slieet, MiiU in to wu, 1 would respectfully inform, the public that, I. intend io keep constantly on hand . a eeueral assortmont of j ... C00X& PARLOR STOVES, tin -nnd' Jnpanrware, the largest and best in the county, and as to uuality and workman ship cannot be snrpassed. ,. SFO UIIXG, EOOFIXG, ; Job and Sheeting work, will be promptly at tended to either iu town, pr country. . Brass Copper and Enainoled French Preserving Ket tles, Dippers, Brass, Copper, French Tinneu. Enamelled Hollow. .Ware, V.'aflle Irons Coal Shovels, Fruit Cans, both common and Patent, and of various lneaaurev always on hand and for sale- . . ' v" . Parsons in want of anything in the above line are requested to give biui a call before pr,ciiaeiog elsewhere as he feh eonfidont luat he. can suit tbeai either as.regatds the article or the price.- : :: J1--".- -:.l. figf Old copper. Eras and Pewter boaghs ani lie highctit frica raid jn cah -cr goodt. JAC03 G. "TCTY SHREirlER'Oi- I Fur'Coufhif Ck4ets( -Creifjr, Whonpinff Cough, Asthma, '- Lronchitk,- "Spitting Blood, Fain 'dSni WetMets of the Breast, difficulty 6f Brialhing, &c , This ayrup iaa purely . VtgetabU Camptund. H is pleasant to tare, and never dc'aa injury ; bnt owing to itstqurifyinff qualities, must do good under any circumstanoes. -. Its effect- is truly wsnderfel soothing, ca'tiiing acd allay ing the hist,i"lent Coughs; Purifying, Strengtnening and: InrigoraLjug the whole sys tem ; c.lniing agd soothing the nerves ; aiding an-l facilitating Expecorafion; nnd healing the DISEASED UKOS, thus striking at the root of DISEASE, anil driving it from tbe system. , J '-. i'KOl'P. ' ., : . No child need die of Crqup, if. this Syrup is properly used and used in (inie. Mothers hav ing croopy children should watch the first show of tire Disease, and always keep this Rettedy at baact '. . - - . For Coughs aft Measles, this Syrup is most excellent. ' Experience baa proven that it is equalled by no other preparation. Price 50 cents' per Bottle. ' '. ' ..' . -' Preparedly S. A. FOUTZ'S BRO., At their Wholesale Drag and Medicine Depot, No. llti, Franklin St. Baltimore, Md. Sold by all Druggists and Store keepers tiurquhout the United States. ;j , , i r t . " , - - FOUTZ'S '.",? CELEBRATED i go aud Cattle f oidn?.' These Powders will strength entheStomach and Intestines, cleanse - them . from offensive matter, - and bring them to. aheujlbystate. TheT are ft . sura preventive of lung Fever, and a certain , remedy for all Diseases incident to tbe Hon, ancn as unui- , , . i deia, Yellow ' Water, Di -temper," Founder,, II e a t o s, . Wavering, 1 Coughs, Fe vers, Losa of Apjietite and .Vitid Ener gy, c .. In poor, low-spirited animals, it bu3 ths most beneficial eO'ect. ' . The use of Uiem improves the wind, strcfigth ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin thus improv ing tho appearance, vigor and spirit of this aoble aniniaL v " FOB MILCH COWS. , . Toe property this Powder possesses in in creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, gin it an importance and . value which, should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of liilk aud Cream twenty per cent., and make the Eitter Arm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it givea them an appatite, loosens their bido and makes them thrive much faster. H O O S. In all Diseases ef the Swine, such as Oonghs, Ulcers in the LungJ, Liver, Ac. . Bv putting from half a paper to a paper of thess , Powders in a bar- 0r-. ' rel of Swill, the above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre. vented. By using tbeso Powders the Ilog Cholera can be prevented. Price 25 cts. per Paper, or 5 Paper for $1. PEKPARRD St S. A. FOTJTZ & BRO., . A THEIU r WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, ' fro. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, lid. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers tbronghant the United States. FOUrZ'S MIXTURE. 77tc lett Lihiwnt' for Jt mid Beast ' Is t safe nnd reliable Remedy for tht cure of Rheumatism, Painful Nervous affections. I Sprains, liurns, Swollingo. and all Diseases ' requiring an external application on Man. - I On Horses it will never fail to cure Poll Evil. Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney ; if properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises j Scratches, decked Hoofs, Chafes Saddle o , Colar Gall, Cuts or. Wounds, it is aa Infallible Remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its ef ficacy. , ' : : RHEUMATISM.. . Persons alHh'tcd with this Pisrtsc; no mat ter of how lung standing, can he promptly and effectually cured by the use of this Mixture There s nothing in the world so sure nnd il gocd to take away tad CORNS and cure Fros Biles as this preparation, Try it and satisfy yourselves. Price 35 and "3 cents a Bottle. Prepared by - S. A. F0LTZ S4 PRO., At neir Wholesale Drug and Medicine De pot, A'o. 110, Franklin.Sk. Baltimore Hid. Sold by R. F. Kepner, Mifflintown Pa., and al s ore-keepers throughout the United States. The above M edicine can he had at mann ctor'Br Prices of Johnson H.illoway & Cow NO. 23 North 6th St Philadelphia. . ( . 1; , , ; , '. "r '. ''Pensions! Pensions! r All rERsws'wrro KAVn keen dis able DPIirNS TUB PRESENT WAR ARE ENTITLE TO-AN PENSIOS. All per' sons who intend applying for a Pension, mujl call on the Examining Surgeon to know wc!h er their Disability is sufficient to entitle them to a Pension. All disabled Soldiers wiH fall on the - nndersighed who" has been appointed Pension Examining Surgeon fur Jdniata and Countica.- - P..C.HUNDIO, M. D.r ' ' L ' Talterbon, Pa. . Dec. P, 13 tf-'. Q-yo eerie s ! Prime Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffee, Pulver ized Sugar, Crushed S-jgar N. 0. Sugar, S. Il. -Sngnr, N, O. Molasses, S. II. Molasses, Levering Syn.p, Chocolate, Mustard,' Bice, t 'arca, 'ujnegs. Cloves, Cassia, Ginger, Corn Starch,' Fish, Salt, io., kc, for sale cheap at thbNnw Sioits in Patterson. Jsnl-tf J B :t TDD - a trril 33 ".T taawp'loaaitKtwsroi Bcrofula an Beroftiloos IHscaseR--From Kmtrg JUa, it ojr-knom meMkanf of Ox- . fvra, Maine . . "I haro sold large f)nantltie of your Sarsata KlLLA. But never yet one bottle Wlnh failed of tha riedired effect and full satisfaction to thoiie who teetc it. Aa fast our people try It, they area there hr been no nedtruie hke A before in oar onunaaity." Eruptions, Ptm plea. Blotches, Pustule. TJ cers. Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. . From line. Robt. StrtUfn, Bristol, Snglrnnd. " I only do my duty to son and tbe pablla, wBi I add my testimony to tlun yon publish of the me dicinal rirtuea of your Ssapakii.i.a. My daugh ter, ajed tea, had an nalittinq humor in her ear, eyes, and hair for year, which wo were anaMe to cure until w tried year "AtuarABILua. Sb had teen wU fur ooibc tiMath." . i from Sfn. Jam B. Kfee, n irrtt-hmm-ati4 aiwa ... utamultiKluqfOMMMut: law IfasTi.V. ; "Mr daughter haa atitTi-Kd for a vear jaast with a rrofWlous eraptioav wUeta ni. ai 4rsMeaome Nothing affofded any jetief ontil we Wed yoilr SABSAFAiutxa, which sooa eEleteJy cured Jiey." Trim Chirlet P. Caje, ttf thi tci c lWna Gaffe, jtnrmv d- Co-mtmrhetnren tftnametkd papersin Xasiiua,JT.JL' .i. t fi " I had for aercral years .a very troubleaoine vmnr in my face, which grew constantly worm naril jt disflgdrtd art teatnroB aud Mul aa InVitv eralde afnictiou. I tried aliaost every tbina a nun' eonldof itb advice and mdaos lull1 ifMut any 'relief Whuteter.'until I took yeaar SAjMAraatRLA. U lmmedUtly nude my face worse, -s ton to!Lm' it might for a time; bat ia a -wv weraa the- new akm began to form under the blotches, awl- eo- trnnnt'untff my face is aa smooth s aay body's, aud I am without any eympanns of the disease that- , 1 know of- I enjoy perfect health, and witoewt a doubt owe it to. your SABSArAMi.LA.'V" , XryslpelaaQeneral Debility Purify tnei ... .'. - - Blood. - . .! -i t vi frnm Dr. Tiobt. Saicin, Houston St., Kew Tort. . " DB. AVKR. I aetrhnn fait to remove EmpHoni and Scrnfulwu Sort by thp persevering tweor year 6.tRSAi'iKiLUt.nd 1 fiave just uuw cured aa Mtark of Mnhpitnnt Enniftlnt wtth la.. Ko-sateratiTe we poascsa o,uals tV'.o saksap.muli.a vou hare sup plied to the prCfcSi-ion aa well .is to the people. , From J. E. Johtutmt, Ebo Mdemnn, Ohio. ' . "For twi-lvc years, I had the yellow trrsipeUa on my ri-'ht arm, during wliicb tnno I tried all the eelebrnred physicians 1 could reach, and took hun dreds of dollnni worth of meiticiuca. The Btivri wore so bad th.-tt-the t-oril& became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I ' hegae takiirg your SAiisFABILi.. Took two bot tles, and some of your l'n.i-s. Together tliflyv ci!-ed nic. I m nnw as welt and .und us r.ny body. ' living tri apnbncT-tice.icastrWTtnoWll fTWn-e bo-lv iu lliia couiuumly, and excites the. wonder of all.A - ' -. i'rom ITcriry Monro, .tf. P. P., of .Vcirc.vf, C. It', latil'nuj tHcmker of the l'nadia iterVa- "I have aseil yonr4its.M'.rTt.i A in my fcrai'.y, for general lc.ii, fthiT for pri'i;iff lh! Llm, witti very bevScial resutts, and foci coundcaee an comiuendiu it to the antu.-ted.'' . 1 St. Anthony's Fire, Ho'so, Salt Bheum, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. . u - i i'rom ITurrty Sirf'r, Knq., fie able Klilor nf the 7WfMiiteir ltrtnirrtif, l'niryrrnmtfl 1 "Our only chiM, ttin-e years of e, wa attacked Iry pimples on bis mrelieait. Tliey rapidly . Spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent . sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded his eyes for some days. A kilful i.liyMrimi appltiil nitrate of ailryr and other rcniclien, witliont atyr appan-nt cff.vt. For IKleen diva we guanlod his, lct with them he should tear open the fes tering and cornnit wound wbfeh roviivd liis Wliol face. H iving tried every tiling else we had any luipe trow, we began glinij yoar SARHAi-AiULI-a, and applvmg tlie io.ii.le of jioUsh lotion, as yon direct. The noro be;."ii to If il when we bad ffvan . the first little, uud was vffM wheu we hnd tinihci he "ecomt. Ife child's eycl.h-wliieh liwl come out, gn-w strain, nwl he ii. now ss lualtliy aud fait as nv other. Tire whole nei0-h6orbood predictesl . that the liuld must Uic." . , ' aj Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From fr. Hiram Slout, nf St. LeniA. Mituir ' "I tiuJ your bAKsM'ARii.uv a more remedy "for ttio seeowlnrv sympbims of tiwfkUit an l fi.r syphilitic disease than any.otlier.Me puss.. The are iudet.ted to ou for some of flw best ni.-hcines we have." From A. J. Fruih, .V. f., an rminnt ;.ny.i'.V.i of J.airimc, .VflM., u W it a prouiiBttit number nf the I.cjiiititre of jrn.Ktrht'eilx. "In:. Avkii. My doar fir: I found yonr nn cxceileut for .y'7ixj 'joth of the rimryt and scronitaty yp sn.l wt.-- iiml i.l somu casee that were too-obstinate to yarld to other remedies. 1 do not know what we ran em ploy with mure certainty of eucccssiwbire a power nil alterative is f.uircJ." Mr. Chn: .. Van lirtr, of Snp Crmmrirt, X.J.i h.vl dreadful ulcers ou his h gs, caused by the bu of merrarv, ortBjercr.rfao'i.'.caac, wlueli grew more and inore'aggravatril for years, in st ile of every rein. lv ..r treitmeut iliat mil l t the a-rccvcrnf use of ATtn'o S .ksai akii la rWievrd him. Kewcasi-aean lie fonml nv:re luvou-rate aul riitn-ssing than tins, aud it took several dozcri bottles to core him. Leucorrhofa, Whites, Female "Weakness, are generally produced by internal Scrofunut t'l t'rntioH, ane- are very often ruml by the alterative effect of this tARHAl,ARll,l... Some cases rrnirej however, In ktt or tlie pARSArAlllLLA, the akilful apilication of local rcnulica. From the vJ-lrmrn nnd wit?r7yrlebrafeI Dr. . Jatxtb Morrill, of Ciiwhwatk ' I have found yonr Saksaharuxa an excellent alterative iu diseases of frmale. Manv eases of lm-L'ularity, Lcncorrhflea, lntcmnl I'lccntion, an.t local .b bilitv, arisirar from the scrofulous diatheais; have to it, aud .here nr few that ilo not, . wlicu'itscdect is properly aided by loflstonxtmem." A krfy, umcilling to aloie the puUication qf her name, irrit's .- " Mv daughter and myself lure been cured of a verv debilitating iVucorrTir a of lonr etanding, by two butties of your ! uai-aeilla." Eheumatism, Gout, I.ivor Complaint, Dya- . pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caased by Srrofula in the system, are rapidly eared by tlus .r. SAI:SAI-Alliut. " AVER'S ' CATIIAItTIQ PILLS' possess so many advantages over tlie -other purgatives in the market, aud their anpurior virtues are so universally known, Uiut we novel : not do more than to aMure-the pnblic tlieir quality is maintained equal to the bet it ever has been, and that they may lie depended on to do all tbnt thev have ever done. Prosnireil by J. C. AVER, M. IV V, Lowell, Mass., and sold by . - We have opened thejarge Room jus t oppos to our Store ia Patterson where, we ofle or sale at low prices a general tssorunect of Tables, CFiciirSj Sofas, -Lounges, 12 c il .v e a d s , and Mattresses, Trunks Carpets Stamls, lacks9 & Many other articles for house furnishing ' -' ' IIECHT & STRAYER Ucst Wliitc.Lca17" '.-"Uest Ziae! rUKIi LIBERTY LL'AD, Unsurpassed for "Whiteness, Pine Gloss, "ffura . bilily. Firmness and Evenness of Surface- " PURE, LIBERTY LEAD -r Warranted kj" cover more surface for same wcigjit than any ether Lead - Trif it nnd yrin rciTI litre do ofhrr T ' - PURE LIBERTY ZINC, -- ' 1 Seleelcd ground in refined Linseed' OH, unequaled in quality always the same. ' IU li K LIB L'HT Y' 2 IXCY Warranted to do more and batter vroriV a , given cost than any other-- ' ' " " Get the. B-:st! . - Minufaefnrcd at PENNSYLVANIA 'PAlNT & COLOR WORKS. Orders exeeated prompt ly by ., ZEIGLER & SMITH; Wholesale Drttj, Paiirt fc G!nsf-Di?er. 1055a and office, XO. 1ST North -Street PHILADELPy HIA. ' Mir.-h1i?.v'i-