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:T iilill TB CONlTtTDTIQB TU PMlOlt AP TBI VTOReiMlXT OF THB tAWS. ' -!- -:-nir :-v ., i ! - iLIFfLINTO VNy . JUNIAIA COUKf , PENJi'A. &EPTMBB it, m. : :vf:N- WHOLE NUMBER, 950. 1 -7 " -KSSS r1;,.;,,-:..:WAJ::', ;' I il I F.'TM r I I- I I II II 1 1 I r II ' ' ' - C,'-u5'ttTSy.Wi'., - -i EDITORS. . (Democratic Record Vmtinp.c(d) " ' ' M6CMON CONVENTIONS- As indicated by Ac resolutions quoted At. , i , , . , , - above from the Philadelphia platform .. of J ate loth, 1S61, the machiuery ' ly proposed as would give the South Absolute so which this echctne was to be carried out, j So tSftlUS - wab that of conventions, either State or! lire together in peace, and harmony. The .National:' - The putty therefore commenc- i C"atiT pr.0T8. ? Inink.,hat the Slh ' J. .-.... mlf,,t be induced to take part in such a Con ed to agitate for conventions.'' The ex- j yention, and that a restoration of the Union rcricuce of the Sooth had thown how I woulJ b6 lh resull Tbe m03t "g'ou . , . . . -. . . ! members of the party must, however, look ' ay it was under sktllful manipulation, jspon the proposal of a Coftyentich merely as with such instruments, to carry State af-1 aast V;-me-t to test tfie posimty of rc- ter tate into open and armed opposition to the central authorttr. A national eon- , . . . , iL ,, . rentton might reconetruct the I nion on a Southern hasLi at one blow, or a scries f ' tt n......:nn i j ,. v of State conventions could accomplish the same, result jiieotuieal, whilo crip plin fatally the fiovernciefit in iu strug- gle with rebellion. The machinery of the party, therefore, was forthwith set -work. As early as Jn!y !5tn, lCi, the pro - ,icct was broached by the thte Jlon. cb- jamin ooa in tnc lonowtng lesoiuuon of d rore5n and unfrienJIj power bffojed in the House of Representees, ! show tllat JJr KecJ ha(1 odj been the which received the vote of every Detao- j Komli-pece of the secret councils of his cratic member : party. He, too, had urged an armistice as AVjo'W, That tliis Cunrrefs rcorii;nend- u . . i- - . , rd the Governor, 'of the cv.rl .s,at.s t, j preliminary to the contempla- unvcne their Lei-islatures for the purpose of . ted surrender, cnlliug n election to select two delegates 'rom each Congressional District, to meet in "I would begin With a cessation' of hostili j;cneral Convention at l.nui!villc in Kentucky ' xe3 nn n armistice for a fixed period, not .n !hu first Moaday in September nevt; the . l0. ello,'t v. If lirihs fere laid down for purrVse cf the said Con-ution to te to de-; ,imc- there V.ould be a repugnance to take vise measures for the rejtratlcn cf peace to 'uim "P "?:l'n. which, of itself, would be fa ourrrnintrv." ! verahle to satisfsotory adjustment," ; The revolutionary project was allowed' Thus was inaugurated the policy of a l' flccp tor a year, when tlie dLsistcta of , "cessation of hostilities" aud a Conven tlie l'ciiiusular campaign encourraj:d an tioa, to which the Democratic paffy slead attcmp to revive it. ; ily adhorcd. At Chicago, two years later, Mr. William 15. Reed came forward to it formed the ba.-is of the platform, aud l'oel tbe way. !a August, 1 S02, he pub-; :ti November, ISCi, it was iudigbaiSUy re- cMieii nis iutiic-ati'jii, in wincti ue . jeetcd Uy the people. During those two a uoc'r.J to believe that' a restoration cf : years it was constantly put forward that Ihcl 'aion ra ituiof.ible, and that all j the people might become accustomed to iJi.iTreuiaiticd for us wsi to decide -upon j it, and no longer dread the fearful anar- lie new it-agues which should tt rt riued. ' chy trliioti would he almost necessary re Tu accouipl!h thin, lie preferred separate suit State action. If the choi-e be hctween a continuance tif the war, vl!U its attendant suflciings and demoralization, certain miseries and uncer tain results, and a recognition of the South ern Confederacy. I am in favor of recouoi lion, of course reeking the Abolition Pnr'y responsible for tliis dread necessity. "If the inquiry lie further pressed as to Vw I Vtnild arrange the terms of- pacifica tion and recognition I do not hesitate to t;iy that, dodjee or d"fot !t as we may. in my omn:on tbe Ui.-ciion l mean as to limits sua ,.t ..i k. i, .11 .r fr"hc,4ir will have to dctVmin. irhor.' her lot shall be east, and what her necuniarv i ,, v ilfl,i . r. . .r 1 f"1"'''''; I'ederal of 'the Confedcracv debt. or wlieihcr to be exeuipl from both. What 3lnry lludoid Kaitu'iy to, Pennrtb ania nn.l Ohio ."(( t mile lode. This settles tho question iif boundaries, and nothing else will : and if inugelse will: ana if the decision involves' at'atldc'riment of'T, Washington, and leaving it the moment of l nuat was once the Capital of a great Repuh !ic, be it so. I would rathe? see it a ruir? ibHu.what it is now." In November, Mr- Reed returned to the charge, and openly suggested the raising of the stondurd of tevolt by the Middle States. Yei should, in ihc provier-co of God, the spirit of topical fanaticism which has bruht Ml this misery upon us still maintain its sway I! niiv be thedestiny of thce great Middle fila f cs to spenk, and if need be to act, in self defence in mainiainnrc of all that is left of Constitu tional liberty in the 'fragmentary and shatter ed Cnion which yet eurvives. They may act together, or they may act separately. tV'thin each of them ia the perfect machinery of Gov ernment, and all that is wanling is an ani mating and practical spirit of local loyalty. It limy he that oue mmi can supply lliat spir it : and it is the hope ' that ' these fugitive words of earnest suggestion rather than of counsel, may find an answer in the heart of he people, thai they arc given to the public.'" These utterances arc valuable as afford ug u a key tt the conferences between. I.ird Lyons, the English Minister, and the leadins Democrats cf New York, in November, 1 !:!. The party hr.d been elated with its success in carrying the yttite of New York a few days before, and "had been both depressed and irritated by the dismi'tal of McClellan.. Lord Lyona' official dispatch states : Severnl of the leaders of the Democratic Party sough interviews with, Wh before and after the arrival of the intelligence of Gener al MoClellan s dismissal. The. subject upper most in their minds while they were spek'mg to me was naturally that of foreign medita tion between the North and the South. M.uiy of them appeared to think that this mctttta- tion must come at lasi, wy appeared 10 or. i im much al'raiil of itt taming lot toon. I f ive no opinion on tho subjaec . I did not say whMher or not I myself thought foreign intervention probable or aJvisible; but I Ust-H Lned with atfentro. t, the account given mo . of the plans and hopes' of the Conservative . lsrty. At the bottom, I thougiit l porceivcu j a n-?sire 10 piu an rwi if ibc n:r, , tbe ; rik of losing the Southern Suucs altogotUer j but it. was plain that it w is not though pru dent to av.iw this desire. Indued, sowis hints it dropped bet'uro tuoeleetinns wore so ill -f"piY I. tint a M roi.f d 'ii'm i'Hi in. a contra ry ;..n-' .r 'bm-1-! i:0. u-iry !y tli li tuo w -iiM- i l.-r. iiossiblv as to deiit must Je mails bv tilt ; ' . . ' 1,,; . . . Slates and their citizens, as thef did, "when h,e a Hl'cc.1' Pe and U uon ant! I thai is yersago they iHto the Fed- !'-T eonrentio ns of the people. To effect this ' T,,ey ainUi" ,hit l l?st 6r the miu- Wary operations should be to place the North j in a ptwiti to demaud an armistice with hoa- i ?rud cCect- The armistice "hould, they ' hold, be followed by a Convention, in which , h change, in the Constithtion should be the more probable eonseonence of. an ariuis- '.tic would bo the estatUshir.ent of Southern , Independence, but they psreeive that if the . Sout'u h B0 ,ltIy lilZei that no poSSiblc i concessions will induce H to return voluntari- ly to the Cnion, it is wiser to agree to separs- 1 . th. le ut. . Hnd hJt ' ar. 'lf thotr own tiiirtv wen in niiWV. nv Tr. I world rather, if pcsslb!e, obtain an armistice 0 ; Without the aid of foreign governments ; but inej wauid ne aisposca 10 accept an oner ol meditation, if it appeared to bs the only 1 means cf puttirg a stp to hoftilitiei" these humiliating negotiations with the Thus, nt the formal inailzilration of the Pnriiocratic Central Club, of Philadelphia, with which the' party cblebrattd the 8th of January, 18C3, the orator of the day, Mr. Charles Ingersoll. made the proposed Convention the subject of his discourse, and was prepared to adopt the most revo lutionary mains of atttiitiifig the objeit. 'There is I ut one way of arrivir'g at a se- i. nrtiiiv states in possession of the Republicans. Vler. he?iruwtnce9, we should do what ' ffeoaently Lecn resorted to in E.g. i.-.t - i- it i T,-U wc ro:a must inc siivpuc. me Kpenkv er advocated this measure 'at some length as a means of instituting a State Convention. This would be followed by Conventions throughout the Northern Stalest Yf should thrn hi in tt rrtirinn In nffnr Atir tArin'c nnj ... ..' ... ..;..- . ' , ! 3U,'",'' S',' Me u ,.ru ongcu ar- planse. In march', mV' fngcrsoll a'gaio urged the subject irt an atldrcsn delivered before the sitne body, aud on the 28th : of the same month, Mr. Reed also fdctfrr ed to it on a similar occasion.' His remarks, though somewhat obscure, . are fcarfuHly suggestive. ., . , ,,.. ' . ... ;i: - n "The path which I desire to pursue to take me out of the miseries and 'oppressions npon us is one which tho Constitution prescribes ; a popular Convention National, i fit can be, jif not JJationt.1 n Sld'.e ConvccUcn, . Jiut I look upon a Convention at an end, not as a meant; for, as a meant, tti totloic. We shall bleed to death before a Convention can be instituted. Stilt, Hut $poi ultimata result.... Such conventions cuicuating from and directly representing the people, would haveadccjuaie power. 'They would be as the Convention that made the Constitution.' ' They mould change, modify, nbrogdte."'' . '' - We are thus prepared td understand the authorizod expositiou of democratic policy, as published to the world at Chi cago, and can appreciate what was meant by the second resolution of the platform, where the war was explicitly declared to to have been a failure. . - "Resolved, That, this Convention doos ex plicit iToclitre, as the sense of the American people, that after four years of failure to re store the Union by the experiment ot I war. justice, humanity, liberty, and the public wcl- iare ueoinau mai immeuiaie cnoris ue maac for a cessation of hositllitioa, with a view to an ultimate Convention of all the Stutcs, or other peaceable means tp the end that at, the earliest practicable moment peace may be re stored on the basis of tho federal I'nnn of tho Slates.". v; , . i It is n0 wonder that the rebels in . . .. , , -' thcl1' ieW hailed the thd -"ray of light from Chicago.". There ift a I w6o-'j jerfuj similarity between the words of Alexander II. Stcpheus, wlicn treating of such a Ootrvcntion in his . hitter of Oct. 16, 1804, and Jthusc whiuh'wor have al ready ((irolct. Crow Mr. R-wd's " Vindit-a-inn."' mem. I acre lie "All questions of boundaries, eenfederseies and union or unions would naturally and ea sily adjust themselves, according to th inter ests of parties and tbe exigencies of the limes. Herein lies the true law of the. baiAoee of power and the harmony .of States." ; ' So, too,' the ' HonAV. Vr. oyce, of South Carolina, in. a letter to .Jefferson Davis, Sept. 29, 186.4 V, ' "I thiukouronly hope of a aatisfactpry peace, one consistent With the preservation of free institutions, Is ia the supremacy 'of this (the Democratic) party, at .some time or other. ' Our policy, therefore, is to give this party all the capital we cant -'Yon should therefore, at once in my opinion, give ; this party all the encouragement possible, by de claring your willingness to an armistice and a Convertien of all the States, in their sover eign capacity, to enter upon the subject of peace. -: ,v A Congress of the Stales in their sovereign capacity u the highest acknovlidgcment of fAg prtattpict of Statt Riyhti.", ,- Mr. -Stophens was suspected of ' being weatf in , the knees,, and, on .Nov. . It, 18G4, when a frank exposition of his views could no longer injure the proe- peota of McClellao, he communicated - to tho press another letter, dated ITov. 5, 1804, ia which he gave his reason .for desiring the Convention, as propose! at tnicago. . paragrapn in ting remarka ble document ihows in the clearest light thcresults expected, North and South, from the co-operation of the States Rights Democracy with rebellion, ' and the fear ful abyss hi';h we escaped by the re election of Mr. Lie coin. 'There is no prospect of such prcpostfion a convention ot tue Mates) being tendered, unless McClellau should be elected. . lie can not bo elected without carrying . a suffcicnt number of the States, which, if united wilh thofic of the Confederacy, would make a ma jority of the Sta'es. In such a Convention, then, soi formed, liare we Cct strong reasons to hope and expect that a resolution could be passed denying the constitutional powerof the Government; under the '.compact of 1787, .to i coerce a ftp1: The Chicago platform vir tually does this already. Wculd not- such a convention prefal'ly re.".nlirm the Kentucky and Virginia rcBoliitiorts df 1H8 and 17M! Are these notjitrong reasons, at-least, to in duce us to hope and believe that they might J If even that couKf be done, it would end the war. Hvrotild rw oenize as tho fundamental principle of American institutions the loJji- niaie jio!"i!iic poTriiui ui tub several States, This fnlly covers our iudependenee as fully as I ever wish to see it covered. I wish no other kind of recognition, wheri rver it comes, than that of George III. of Kngland. viz : the recognition of the sover eignty and independence of each State separately arid byname." Tbe same ground wss taken by the Hon. H. W Hilliard, of Georgia. "It seems to me plain that we should ac cept the forum indicated by the Chicago Con vention, as the appropriate enc for the set tlement of our troubles. The Very proposal to refer the settlement of tho great quarrel to the arbitrament of a convention, composed of delegates from all the States, is the most emphatic recognition of sovereignty of the the states. j :. , . j Thus, by the mere fact of their assent bling, the Union would be resolved into a mass of idependcat jarring nationalities, and they - would ' then proceed, as Mr. Reed told us, to change, mouift, AB ROGATE." ' : - - SYMPATHY WITH Tui 601TH. Entertaining these views, and cherish ing these schemes, it fai riatural that De mocracy should look upon the Southern leaders with sympathy std respect, and should endeavor to divert the antipathy of the people from thetn to the Admin istration. Thus the following, from the Philadelphia Age of Sept. 23, 1864, pal- iates the rebellion and iU chief by esta blishing a parrallel with . the . .Revolu tion and George Washington. 'They (the Yankees) hafe lately ast-ad to theircollection the Bible .of Mary W.'jiug ton, the,mother of a certain slave holder nam ed George, who made himself rj'ito'ioas same years back in a little rebellion which, was jot up in this country. Mary's Bible was very property stolen from Arlington and carried to New fingbind, for if she had read it in the spiritof the' enlightened .thief whose library it how decorates, she would have' taught George better than to hold slaves and lead re bellions." ,t . . .. , , .... !, ' , , ,', i So the same journal of Dee. 7, 1SG5, in.comuienting on General Meigs account of the battle of , Lookout Mountain, ob serves :! VI 'It was shining this full moon of the Tennesee mountains on other contracts. It shines, as General Meigs is quite aware, on the great joker at Washington and his trucu lent War Minister and it shines, too, on tho stern, attenuated and resolved rebel at Rich mond, whom General Meigs, of all men in the world, would be the most sorry to encoun ter, and who, when the name of Mciffs and others and mentionce; must thrill sadly, on this world's ingratitude'."' 1 ' - IZ This comparison of .the national with the rebel authorities, to the . disadvantage of- the former, has been a favorite with' the Democracy. ! Thus the same journal, the A-jt, of Feb. 6, 1801, inquires ir ' .' it a n't worse to fire at our 'fair than it is to f.rc iuto our Constitution ? Aa ioow we take upon nurjclves to say, that while the rebels, at Sumpter. tired at the Jjj. Mr. Lincolm, :in hia" sphere, has fired inio.ihej Constitution, and hae litterally attempted its oestroctibtt. If the rebels, for firing at the j flag, deserve to bo devastated by : war,1 what punishment should be visited upon the Presi dent for firing into the Constitution ?" 7. And fr. William B. lleed'ia a iette'r to the iron. E. F. CKamlers, of Mary- Iand,"publisheil in the ,4ye, Nov. 7,' 18G4, draws a picture of the time when, in case Mr. Lincoln should be ro-eleotod, 'Lee and Beattrcguard, Johnson and.Long stre,et, anl lireckenridge and Ewell and Kar ly are killed, oreapturad, or ded to the moun tains, or gone, like the unfortunal.0 but gal lant Jacobites, like Berwick and Sarsfield, into foreign service," while "the work of eon quest, or evei subjugation, if that be the wretched woid," is entrusted to the unaslu rated Moloolis whom three years of bloody, fruitless warfare have not satisfied." 0 the rhiledelphii. Eveniwj Journal, of Jan-.. 20. 1S63, commences an .elabo rate article devoted to the praise ' of Jeff erson Davis, as follows ': ; - , "The third annual messaeo of J.iiTerson Davis to the Confederte Congress and Abra ham Lincoln's last, messase tu the United Suites Congress, provoke a comparison quite damaging to the intellectual capacity of tho r cacial 1 residon t. At tho great ratification meeting of the Chicago nominations, held in Philadel phia Sept. 17, 1864, the Hon. Emerson KtlicriJV'q made speech, in which . he said, as officially reported 5q the Ajet "There is not. an honest man in my State, there is not a man with an honest reputation who will vote for Abraham. Lincoln. Laugh ter and cheers. "I They think the unlawful despotisiaof Jefferson Davis is no more un constitutional and dangerous than the arbi trary usurpations, of Abraham Liacoln. That's so, and applause.. .... Before the war, no Southern man ever mide war upon liberties until Northern aggressions converted them from our friends to our foes, and to-day, Abraham Lincoln- stands, according to his own confession, as triad! epposed to the,res torationof the Union as Jeffersou Davis. Lincoln says they cannot come bank unless under an unoonstiutionnl condition, while Jefferson Davis says he will not come back unless he can have his own way. Now who is the worst traitor, Jefferson Davis or Abra ham Lincoln ! Cries Of "Lincoln," and cheerse." r. , Svod the Hon. S. S. Cox, of Ohio, who was the leader in Congress of what was called the War Democracy, while professing opposition to the rebels, in his Chicago speech denounced the Adminis tration with equal or greater bitterness. . "For less offences than Mr. Lincoln had been guilty of, the English people had chop ped off. the head of the first Charles. In his opinion, Lincoln and Davis ought to b brought to the, same block together. The other day, they arrested a friefld of his, a member of Corigress from Missouri, for sayr ing. In private conversation, that Lincoln was no better than Jeff. Davis. He was ready to say the same here now in Chicago. Let the minions of tho Administration ob ject, if they dare." At a Democratic, eclsbittion, iu veff York, April 13, 1S65 just after Lee's surrender, atd the day before the assassi nation of Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Edward In gcrsoll, of rhilcdclphia, made a speech, reported in full in the New York Xetes, in which he said : V)f, , , . , . "I yield to no man in sympathy for tb,e people of the South a gallant people strug gling nobly for their liberty agninst as sor did and vile a tyranny jas ever proposed the degradation of our race. Say, I go furthur, ani with Jefferson Madison, and Livingston, I fully embrace tkadoctrine- of secession as an American doctrine, without the element of which American icstitut iens cannot per manently live.'! . ... . '. 1. . Thus iu the beginning, . the Democra cy itfvitod secession, and, to the end, it encouraged rebellion rith sympathy .and prospects of ultimate success, j Let us now turn to the relations : held by tbe party to the: Government L which . ras fighting the desperate battle for national life.-.. ,! .. ; , II. OPPOSITION. , .. ; ' Every ,'. rrfcasufe ." adopictt by tlie Administration to sup press the rebellion -was honored by the herfrty opposition of the Democracy, Avhich' ! spared no effort to , influenc'b the people against those to . whom was. en? trusted the safety of the nation during its hour of ; trial. ; The war itself received : their heart' iest 'condemnation.' . '. ' . , THE DEMOCRACY A JTEACE PAETY. : It is true there was a wing of the party kxvwn iaa "Tvaf' democrats," ; bat they were powerless anJ anch as attempted , in- dependenee of aotion were, promptly read out of the; party.u : The peace men . eon trolled the organizatioa and polioy of the party, and the war. men aever failed to support them at tho polls. Praotically, thd party was a unit io fator of peace ; and in this it was conautent froui firao to r3t. At thtt great Democratic meeting of T.-i 'lft tt,:i.JU,,:. t, Jf I8' I851'" rbtMOphim, the nrntbireeoluticm adopted declared, . ''Weafw'lliareletti.uUe i'ppottcd to any auch compulsion as is demanded by a portion of the Republican Party ; and the Democrat ic Tarty of the North will, by the use of all constitutional means, and with its moral and politioal, influence, oppose any. such extreme policy, cr a ft-atHtSdal war Thus to bo inaugu rated." . , - ' And a month later,' at the Democratic State , Convention, held at. Harrisburg, February 22, 161,- the following resolu tion "was received with the most raptur ous applause, nearly all the members of the Convention rising, cheering, and wav ing their hate." '' "Riio'vcd, That we will, by all proper and legitimate means, oppose, discountenance and prevent any attempt on the part of the Re publicans in power to make any armed ag gression upon the Souther. States, especially so long as laws, contravening their rights shall remain ..varcpealed. 0. Jbe. statue books of "."ortlifm States, and ao lcng as the just de mands of the South shall continue to be un recognized by the rephblieau majorities in these States, and Unsecured by proper amen datory explanations of Ihc Constitution." It was in precisely the same spirit that Kdojamin G. Harris, a Democratic mem ber cf Congress from Maryland, on April 9, 1804, had the efTrontery to declare iu the House of Representatives : ,' ' ' "The South asked you to let them go in peace. But no; you said yon would bring thcal into subjugation. That is not done yet, and God Almighty grant that it never may be. I hope that you will never subjugate the South." . This being good Democratic doctrine, it is not surprising that, with one excep tion, tbe Democratic raembers-f oted "fn; it solid body against Mr. Harris', expulsion, nor that, when he. was sect as a delegate to the Chicago Convention, ' he was re ceived there as a member of tbe party, in full communion aud good standing. At Chicago, in'leedvMr. Harris found biuifclf asiong congenial spirits. There the Rev. C. Chauncey Burr, of Ifew Jer sey, publicly declared, 'You cannot have the face to s the South to come back into the L'nidu until you with ynur marauding army. Is there a man in this audience that wants to have one-half of the States conquered and subjected ? ' No. When this is done you have ended the Gov ernment. After three rears of war, who are conquered, you or tbe South t 1 ssy you are conquered. Von canuot cenquer the South, and I pray Ood you neJp may." James S. Rollins, of Missouri : t. love our Southern friends: they are a liable, a brave, and a chivalrous people cheers, although they are trying to break up the Government; and however much we rosy hate them, we must remember that rhey are our countrymen, and cannot he euhdited jo long as we insist upon depriving them of their right"." John J. Van A Ilea, of New York : 'War is disunion. Wat criuld never pro duce peace. , It was impossible lo subjngate eight millions of people, and it ought not to be done, if it eocld be done " in fact, the Chicago Convention was a peace convention, of which the ruling spirit was Vallandigham.' He framed the second resolution of the platform, which, as we nave ecca. was regarded at tho South as tatamount to recognition of their independence. In hia Chicago letter of October 22, 1SC4, he boasted that, in the Committee on Platform, it received fifteen votes out of eighteen ; an3 in his speech at Sydney, Ohio, he stated that an amend ment, suggesting the alternative of war, in case of the failure of . ''peaceable means," was unanimously, rejectee. So well was he satisfied with the result, that; while- yet fresh from Chicago, ib hia Day ton Speech, of September 6, he exulting- ly exclaimed : ' .' ' '''.'' J . . . . t 1 . ... u "That convention has mot every expecta tion of mine. , The . promises have all been realized. The convention was emphatically not Only a peaceable but a peace tomenlion. It wok a peace convention; and,: speaking in the name of more than, twenty , millions of freemeai it demanded peace after the failtre of the experiment of war. Ho mari among the earnest advocates of peace, from .the bo-. ginning of the war till this very hour, 'has; in any formal public eeoiaration. Uemanaea more than that convention has declared. It meant peace, and it said so. ' It meant, aad it means now, that there shall tie no more Civil war in this land," - ., " . . :'',;, ' Mr. Vallandignam tvas justified in this aaserticJu1, ndl only by the' platform,' but by jthe temper, of the Convention, as shown by the speeches of it members and hangers on. :, Thus Mr. G, C Sanderson exclaimed, ;' 'J''J'-2 ' ! 72'; "Is it not time that this infernal war should stop! Cries of yei.l Has there not been blood enough shed ! lias there not been prop erty enough, destroyed!. Have wo not all been, bound, hand and.foot,to the abolition tar that is rolling over our necks like another Jugger naut. - We must have peace. Peaoo is our motive : nothing bat peace. 1 f the Southern! Confederacy, by any subjugated by the abolition administration, the next thing they would lurn their bayonets en the freeaen of th Forth, aad tramjW yea in teo . And the Hon. James II. Reed, of In diana: ' ., '''' . "the will. of the people is declared for pence, and in this declaration there is aoth ing tending to folly, in as much a in tho eomjng election thoy intend to oust the in cum' enu of olflcc, and 10 inaugurate a rule which will bring peace and prosperity once more to thisland." . . . ; So the Rev. J. A. McMabtcr, of Sew York:! ' -- -"Let ns demand 1 cessation of the sacriSc until the people shall pronounce their great and emphatic verdict for peace, and let the tyrant understand tho demand comes from earnest mon and must be respected. Wo are often called the ' Cnterrificd.' I trust you are. I hope that yonr nerves may be of steel, for there is a day of .trial aomiug. and yon must meet it." , . It is hardly worth while to multiply examples of this seditious peace spirit ia the convention, and we will content our-, selves with a few indications of the mods in which the party elsewhere endorsed it.- Thus at the McClellan Ratification Meeting, held in New York, August 3?, 1364. every speaker declared in favor of, peace, denounced the draft, and congratu. lated the party that it had finally and definitely accepted the peace policy. Mr. James Brooks exclaimcJ, "No more fight ing; fighting will never restore the Union fighting and cuffing make no friends." Judge Daly "thought there was a possi bility of a peace and a preservation of the Union through a compromise." Mr. Nel son Smith toll the crowd of admiring Democrat!) ':, "The question now is, whether afier four years of war this Cnion can be saved without any further piosecuticn of the war.i.... . .. After four years of war, we must now resort to some other mean 3 than war, by which our' troubles can l-e settled and peaco restored that peace is rcceivecd as tbe duty of the iu rotcing administration, a cessation of hostili-' ties, and a convention ef the two pfofli ot Tins (.ocsrar, to see if .they cannot settle thisiuatfer." Mr. Conrad Swackhammcr assured his applauding auditors that, "George B. McClellan will be the next pres ident, and within tweniy four hours after that election peace will bo declared. - We are tired and sick of colls for. O,00U. more men by those who have uq. thought b:;t for slavery. 1 hope in .Nevetbsr you wili all go forth, not with a niusktt to take your brother's life, but to cast a little white ballot frr McClellan and Pendleton, and thus this war will be stopped. Th,s war will be ended by diplomacy.' Mr. lioberi C. Hutchius declared that, ; "The pcoplo demand some other means of restoring the Union than that of war, and be lieve that a restoration can be reached by peaceable means, and not by massacre. War and only Wat1 can never restore the Union : th armistice may, but a million of men can not ; it bits been proved that an armed fore carinoi." Mr. William G. Gover said : "I am in favor of an armistice! and believe that we can settle our difficulties better by diplomacy than we tan by the bayonet and the : sword." . Mr. John L. Overfield eiortcd his. hearers": 1 1,. . ,., "Now, gentlemen, you've Vat to, look thi matter in tho face and say whether you will pay trese high prices, and be drafted and tors from the bosoms of your families. Cries, No, no. Will yoit be torn from these, or will yon stay at hoiyc r,d 'rain qur children up; that, gentlemea, is to be ocaide"! next Novem ber." ! k-And. the great peace organ, the New York ..Vera, rejoiced over the authorita tive e position of its favorite principles, as follows :..:.,..-.... "We accept the plat for in' of the Convention as a great triumph of the peace party. . The j proposition "for sn armistice and a convention , of all the Stalest as, suggested several onlha , !o by The Macs, lias received the sanction of the Democracy through their delegates, and the peace cen may rest:, assured.. that that proposition, 'arried into effect, . will bring about an enduring peace between tho sections. . Tho nominee of the Chicago Con- 1 venlion for the presidency is not. the candi- . date of our preference, but, - standing .npon the platform npon. which he bos bee a aomi- naled and...x.. being assured . that with th , election of General McClellan the- war, will ' eno, we will support the nominations mods ' at Chicago, from this hour until the clos of the polls in November. "The .nominee fur the" Vice Presidency is the man of all men, whom, had the choice . been ours, we would have selected.' In tho nomination of George II. Pendleton, a trib- ate has been worthily offered to the peace, sentiment, of which he has been bee n a con- ' si3teat champion." J3 : o: It in trae that General 1 McClellan ' rnado a feeble attempt to justify the War ' Democrats in their support of him by .: serine generalities in his letter of aceep- tinceV bat he was speedily given to under stand that, as James Buchaunan said, he : was a platform and ' not s man. . Thus - Fernando Wood In a meeting hold. Sep--.l tember 17, in New " York, assured his . " . . -i.i... - -! .:' v . hearers: ; , .... r . , , "Besides, if elected, f am satisfied he wil entertain tbe views, and execute the prin- mples of the great , party he will represent , without regard to those .he may himself poseess. He will thus be our agent, tho creature of our voice, and as such cannot -if he would, and would not if he could, da ' ' otherwise than execute the publio voice of the country." , . . , . Ul U o in y. O it