Newspaper Page Text
- - . " . r: , -as. A l WS A. to. VOLUME III, XO 25. rR. p. c nrsDi&afrxctnriM. Ta.. wiafceX Mart vra rrft and p- tTt-tf T) min itrcct Soilh of Ilri-lg str d. . ALL A SO EXAMINE : ' our Stock f Ready MadeClothing before 9M 'rotiaw t'wlicre, you will And oa and a -u4 fr Men and Hoy arr, which be M cheai ttr catU of e-uuntrT irolug . . fttCKEY A VKf S EM. Jam l'uttfr', . ATTORHEY-AT-LAW, , Mijffintoirn, J'titi-ita CW,"7't., 4 cOffrr bitfrwoaaHWal serrke' b pti ('ullectiotis and all other fin-inns wtU receive -rin.t attention. Oflice flr.-t door '.rih t Crlford'e Stre, iup'tairj. ) lyiLLIAM t. AW.IS't.V. ' Attornftj at Ln ." Ann " Jlotani ilUc Till attend to a!' bn?ifwe MrWV4 to bis re. te n .-""wat, 4-intown. la. rMJIE undtr-iirnin ill rumtly rfw4 ' k. the eollec'ion if cImiim" a.ttn't either the State or National tfa'vmmaM. IVnfionK, Hack It.Miutr, bxtr I'.tjr al all other tUims riiinr out of the 'reseat or any other war, iUtted. JHIMMHn I.TtiNS. Aiinriify-at-Law. rnliint..wn, Jni&ta Co., 1'a. fcbl ALEX. SPEDDY, A U ST I 0'F2 E'E It, RESri:CTn,I,t.T"er.i, wvisesto the! , , .. . Vsj.Ua .rfJuswaa-w. U.; had a I H"J'' '"i, . . '". t tf eaeriae the mie of Vemdm, i W m rt!oS " ,re uiU1 tvaml ,B 'ryinr, he feels coiilidotit tht he ca rrl'."'r?.!'Tt' ... . general sati-factinn. II, can at all tiaies b. J. P"61! P'J for t -.rn.ul.ed at hi, resident in MlUlintoWn; Pa.! ",J " ,m.sH J'rofi,, toT "h- A ie r i all and examine my stock snd see t "J '" 1 ; for ynurself, as I am suwarw really to wait on ! I. K. KT.ll'I't'EH, C WATCHMAKER AND JCWCLCR. . i4 North SKCtiNK S'rweT SWiirr of 4.iarry. I'll II lLril! s.. . An assortment of Watches. Jewelry, Silver PlittVsl W4r5 e-ntanilT ..a lad. 8; table for UOUUA 1 warns nt . Ug Repairing "iesies and J&trlrj jromptly attenje l to' " . Dec. 6. liM-l ir. F. GROVE & CO. w;iilesai.c . DEALERS ft MANUFACTURERS OF ' Cijars. Tobafco and Snuff. sa f a vwj-rav . !. II rICAKII3 lrrrl . asTwriN i.sEin sku ! srrr.KTs, j 1SALTIM0KK. , 'jl'ICK SALES ASH PMALL I'ltOFITS. I rr.-T- .-- . I " Saperior IrriiTsi 'ior.s. fine Cuiw-' as,; Tobaito. and f.rirnf erv ,la,.rirl!nn .1 with general assortiaent of fipes. tfnuff latiey Articles, Ac. , . JulylV-3m. r. (iKove. r etc it ttw f: crove & ca. Altll ICALEES IS GRAIN' FL0lTR, &C. 3C. "W. Cor. Howard ft Jlulberry 8ta. &ALTID0&&. ' . " i fjasT Consignments ef Grain, flour,- and t'ountry Produce repectfully solicited. Also, large and general assortment at Groceries ju aiatd. . . i. f I ill'ijji jua 1 ,w. l'AFKll IIAM.INUS. 1 ' iii ii ii-i iiitr i fJOU LI.1. & BL'KKE, M A S I" FACT L' K E US OF WALL PAPERS, WIMKIW ClUTALV I'AI'KKS, Corner F'tl'IlTII and MABKET Ptr I'lIILAOELrHIA, N. II. Afinestotk of LINEN SIIAltE tantly on hand. Fah. 1 8iS-.l GOSLING'S itKlLMANT," EASY SIIlMXtJ, lnttier lrcasjrt Isaar "T ' VCooipositioa f Neat's Foot Oil and pure 1 .r-r l.k I-....-.:.... . .. luulT . I aH.rE LKATIIKli the softness and t liaacv ,f ' a.:i wi.ii. m-ifh r..... ri. i. i-.... B...!iu . euipUiyed in , tho application of the orlinary !n:kiiigs, it produces a JET UI.ACK EN AMl.'L ; l.t SS, .-.(lullc-I only byl'ateut Leather. . ld Retail by atl . Ii H.! AND SHOE I'E.LEKS. 'triers received by Auieriean . .-c'. -t, !!; ttr-adn-nv Sew York. and whole-sle-l at ih - inf'ucfUrf r's Depot. - 11 '- l ilHead trt. .. V i- !nsani8 Coaptay f JJcw York- i ... ' . ' Ch Capital - Two JSUlion Dollar. Aiactc in Jaa'r. 1965 Liabilities, 44 " 77l,55 THE "IlOMC?' is an old, well citablish ed and reliable company. No premium note, ho asiessmeDii. It ineuret all kindi wf (roswny f eode, for any length of time, fVse, aii-.5y (tot of loss by Are. Ap plication! lolicited and j oliciee tetvied lay A. II. F.I DM AN, ' '' Agunt at Miilintown, Ta. A KV9 8TOBB " iN THOJPSONTOWN. Tb'AT pened ia the ew (tore Boom under ! toe Odd Fellows Hall, in Thompaontowa, iaaiata county. Pa., a well Belt cted and ele gant assortsMvt of Ory Uoods, coniirting ia frrt t Ladies' Drcow Hfim, Puch as Peiv.ttt, Ow'iiw, Vt-fnK, Af s?cai, all wool Dolaiaes, Sheperd Plsid Lawns, and a full assortment of Ladies' White and Faner dwds, and a large assortment of Staple DRY GOODS, Constantly ao hand and for sale fceap for CASH, by R. H. WRIGHT. Also, GENTLEMAN'S CLOTHING EM1 RIL'M ia the ascae building?. - An elegant awnrt.neTil of Toady saad Clothinji for en tnd T-ys, consisting in part of Fancy Troek Coats, Dress Coats, rants. Vests Oraw Ts, Collars, LleTihirts,Handker chiefs. fc Cap Boot V 9hoc, And Wery tliinr tlnsuaTiy founa in a first alasa Seatleutaa's Futnishins; Store. Faacv Goods of all kinds. Ladies Gait ers and Balmoral Fine .Shoes, for Misses and i Children, Carpets and HI Cloth, Ac, Atso, good aUck of i arstcerlM. Once itrart. ; custotii-rrs, ju-t sb 'nt jyar at nrigbt Cheap Cash Store and Clothing Kexporius, Tbompsintown, l a. Aug. 1. b. R. II. wrk;ht ?1w. Moor W1RTI 83 1. h o r 1 1 &' 'OWN MAKE" OF HOOP SRIBTS, are gotten up etpretely to ml the wants of riasT rum rasoa. Tey uhtao , Cotup'.ete assortment ef ' all the new ami usiistaLS f'yles, Hues and I I.entrth, for La-lies Misses' and Children, and t are superior to all others make in point of I Symmetry. Finish and durability ; being; mad? of (be finest tempered English riteI SpriujTS with Linen (ntshed Covering, and ' li aTiiijr ail the metahc faa-:aings imnioTahly ' ee.'nred, by improved n;aoliiaery. Thoy re j lain their Shape aad KUeticity to the last. nJ re waaaaatBu to g e sntirs satis- I Atso. constantly in receipt of full lines ef igKHi Eastern Made SKIRTS, at very low Sk-r . i-i i t-a u.i. . - j l . I . I iiwes. cn.ini.-i nun 10 rrur, .iiiinu tR4 lupaire-t. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. at a orACTORT and Pales Boom, 23 AltCII Street, abore 6th., nilLADEL III A. laA. TaastrCASH, 0a Pun.i Oklt : Aug. I, 01 , . . , , . - ' iTW SKIBT FOR ; The ' Great inrentio tf the Ag-e in HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BRA0LEV8 New Patent TiCPLEX ELLII'TIC (or double) 8PRINO 8KIRT. Tm3 INVENTION consists of OirLESor two) Elliptic rt aa RariSEb btiel braiMes, iugeniously braided tightly aud firmly togeth er, edge to edge, making the toughest, most fleaible elastio sad durable Spring ever wsied. They seldom band or break, like tha Single Springs, and coucequeutly preserve their per fect aud beautiful eliape more thaa twice us loug as any biugto fipriag Skirt that tve r has or Can be uadc. The wonderful flexibility and treat com fort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Ouplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced par- ti iil:irly ia all crowded Assemblies, Operas, arriages, Kaiiroaa Cars, Cinirea l'ews, Arm t.'bairs. for Promenade aad House Ilress, as the Mirt can be folded when in use to oeenpy a small place as easily and conveniently as a ffilk or Muslin Dress- A Lady bavins- Enioved the Pleasure. Com- i 'ort and tireat Convenience of wearine tha uplex Elliptic Steel Spring Hkirt for a single ay will never afterwards willingly dispense tth tbeir use. . Far Children, Misses and ouug Ladies they are superior to ail others. THE HOOPS are covered with j! ply double wi?rd thread and will wear-twice as long as e Single vera covering whiVh ls tisedon alt j Single tel Heop Skirt, JThe three- bottom ronnds on every f-Hirt are also voiinie Meet, and twice or double covered to prevent the covering from weariug off the rods when drag ging down stairs, stone steps, Ac., Ac. which they are constantly subject to when in use. '. are mad of the new and elogant Cor . apes, and are the bl quality ia every pert, riving the wearer the most graceful and Meet Fhape possible, and are unqneotiona M, ,he l'r' cmst dirh'e. eo.Urortable - " --- ' -v. WESTS' BR ADLEY k CARY. PROPRIR TOKS of th Invention, and SOLE MASC FACTVBItRS, f7 CHAMBERS, aad 7(kl KEADE STREETS, Sew-York. . , FOR S ALB in all first-etas' Stores in ; this ty, and throughout the I'uited States and uada, lluvnna do Cuba.-Mexico, South j rnerioa' and the Wert Indies. . i i 4lntrinr.jftii tub Uti Lti' Flmttk 'o r .: i ei.t i ri.v.; sViur. . fB COHtTITCTIOa THB ClO IlIfFUNTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTYt "mm 1 'lasraffis (Democratid JttSbrd 'Continuei)1. Such deHraction rf hunves 'ife had v .-, ,. ' never been known since the destruction. i'Ml'WCIArfO Of THE WAR. , ' Jeherib by the breath of the Almi(r)rt.. , ; , . iSittte lie ff.onWr Mwper, trioi-rtJ- Tot Zfcsnecracy from the am having rnt had occupied the prt4VJ,Tiai chair, tM denounced tu ar M tttlttftrtitetioBeJ, Republican party had shouted war to the , - , , , , , . t !knlf i kmft t hilt. Blood had unlawful, and bopelesi, were not likely j,wed in totrentt. and yet the thirst of the to sorted their oddosWob to il aft it pro- i t iuewehrf. H ry a creistd. If its fortunes were adverse, it aflorded an opportunity of unlimited . l ,1 k 1 - . .! . . If . t auuse e " --. " Iheu hopes or a pro-slavery recjnstruc. tioo, and their bitterness was intensified ; wuue tae saennces wta.rca vy m -us- gle formed an ioexhaustilde theme for p- pealing to the worst passions of the peo- f fc. ' ' 1. 'run&f t" r-snv.. held . . .. , - 1 ne man, or nno gaa w the .W(il.Tl5lt trt ra Philadelphia. September, IWwn. Wr,,,B Lincela t : r upon the meworate the adoption of the Constitu- ?5-.ith,M tioB, Mr.' Joel Cook declared, and his re- In thls.'Mr. Voorhees merely gave ex saarlts, acooniiag to the party organ, were j presnion to the received policy of his par reeeitt wi'.h great cnthusiasut : j ty as co"tantly recorded in the proceed- I do not wish in these d.ys to see the flow j iV WO-W requiyy too .r I,,! r.r hT th din of Wile r to h&v i much 9pce to trace Uie opposition aolo . I I t..Aa Mir,fsaBv-l ? ... ; tiri.'tM! r.oTi?. nr to know that my frienJs or neighbors, or perhaps my self, can be draped oil by conscription law? to light agiiiniit their brathern I cannot regard a great victory afT my brethern as anything but food for melane holy, reflec tion." Ia the saxs ti:ood, Jlsjor Cunthcr, the icpresentative of New York, the great headquarters of the I etnocracy, in his mcsk'eof September 2t, 1SG4, vetoing Mo p.-i-sall neceary bills to supply ' and r , . ... . , . . (. money, and the duty of the people to render the resoluttons to lllunuuute in honor "f. crery aid i , heir power to the eonstitute4 Sliriilan's victories in the Valley: authorities of the ttorernment in the crutb- . , -I yiehl to no man in my ahment to the io!l a i' was and theyoi.'stl'wtintias it is. ,t as the I ridcn. dswas.l of the Souk- TJnion but rn fjft ariandoa the rights which the Constitution confers. I do not see hw those, who base always held that the Federal Oov arnmeht has nolhinr 10 do with tha Uosacsllc institutions of the Statos. oan be expected to j rejoice ecr wtortes which, whatever they , may be, sure are not Union victories." : at the Syracuse Convention, held ! Antrost 18, li'H, preliminary to that at! Chicago,' among the rcaoluii iiwp.d ....... denriuncio'r the Adiatnietrswoa, we una . the following: It has, and Is still waging a bloody and relentless war for the aowed purpose of ex- terminal tight million of freemen from I faiacrp. d blo.timr o... i from the AwtritaR coaiCvlUti'Mi onc-lf or the ftt of ib Cnion. It hvi sjr'a 19 1 : a 1. a....atf aiokail aan.l lirnant passions, ieckless of all ends if W V . . . subvert l!.e existine Government and !?- i late American citucns. The Ashland, Ohio, '.,, a jtapcr warmly supported by the IVjinucratic or ganization of its region, could scarcely find words too bitter to describe our ar mies: "Hired Hessians going to the sunny South ern soil to butsber by wholesale not foreign ers, bat (3;Vt r.irn, as exemplary Christians as any of onr own men This is a damned abolition war. We believe Abe Lincoln is as much of a traitor as Jefferson Davis." ; . In a speech before the Lansing (Mich- igan) DemocrattO Association, in March. 1?03, .Mr. George W. Peck declared,' ' . You black .republicans began this war. You have carried it on for two years. . ou have sent your hell hounds down South to do- vastate the csuntry, and what have yotl You have not conquered tbeSouth ; yoa uevei can And why? Because they are our breihvrn." . i A tract, extensively' circulated b the Democratic Committee of I ennsylvanta, in the canvass of 1864, thus addressed the citizens of the State ; - r FiRMSEs, m'H of the rnlui rrMu .' This abolition business has .ibtoackh your farms fvrn-rr to the rioli aicn of this country and Lurope for every penav the lands are worth and you will have to pay the interest f this i mortgage lamualtg, ia the form of heavy and ever increasing taies. This, in additiou to the chance of being yourself or ot having your sensor relatives drarged away hy lh OaarT. te meet danger perhaps death pn the battle-field ! All, to set loose upon the enun- wy a parcel oi uruiat Airicaus, woo, i?r an tbey can ever hope, h,era or hereafter, are bet ter off ia their present homes than anywhere off ia the world, or than thuy Would be in Africa itaelf." At the Chicago Convention, of conn, this feeling found full and free expression. The Rev,C. Chauneey Burr exolaimed, "We had no right to burn their wheat flolds, steal their pianos, spoons or jewelry. Mr. Lincoln had stolen a good many thousand ne groes), bnt for every negro he had thus sto len, he bad thus stolen tea thousand spoons. It had been said that if tha North woald lay town their arms they would be received back into the Union. The South could not honor-1 for her honor. Two nulliau, of men had WM thrich nd A 0,,prewiTe in been sent dowa to the atoufhter pens of the . it3 , TOry provisiowTwhere t?!e free ?6 L"iia oW"tUen of thie State are illegally compelled to again be tilled, aetiher by eahstments .! g. out of the Aate to fight, being a forcrf conscription. If he ev.r uttered a prayer, it milUary serric never before demanded or was that no one ef the States of the L nion cUimed , ,h, p4era, GcnntaL We de4 should be conquered aad subjugatH;' - , . MUDoe ,je whole Ac, in jls general intent nd Mr Ilenrv Clav IVan . aad parpdrt. and Its special provisions, as -vua .it. tienry ciay irean . . i j despotic, harsh, unjust and illegal. We there- . "For over three years Liucotn hail been i fore call upon the Governor to "maintain and ealling for men, and they had been given. , i!ut with all the vast armies placed at hi coiraiand be had failed! 'bff .'.' rarLtn.' V. I AILLI: : : I Such a failure had never bcea TH iWTyfct f TBI LAWS. fENN' A. SEPTEMBER 27, Entertaining these riewi witk ' "' i of the b the war. .of coarec tho efforts f pdj TOe directed to render it unpopular, to oppose every measure necessary for its continuant d stc?s. The lino I) V YiVifiifs nP Indian, iin. Jerto tQ hh constituents in April, 1361, he proitieed i them ; : . t I say it , my contitac4, that m oar 1 representative, I will ev i!r. I 1 . J . v s. n J financial and military measure WM ob structed by Democratic members, and it will be sufficient to mention a test vot taken in the House of Representatives. I'ecetnber, 17, 18i3, on the following resolution of In Hon. Green Clay Smith, of Kentucky : 'That wo hold it to be I ha duty of iingwntot toe rebellion, ant in tiriniring tne Uadvn tBtr,,f 4- panisiment." ... . ' . ,i 'Wp'e proposition in a lul' House, the vote on ibe Pemoeratle wJe was threc yeas to sixty-five nays. And the pledge thus given for the party has neen taiitiruiiy carried out in every Ue-i. .. ' ' ' ' . ..' ' I r... in volv.mcsiii.o. Thus, when the country depended up- on -rolwiireeTs tw WCt-p the ranks of the fv. . .,. t nion armies mil, I'em-Kratg in their zeal constantly exposed themselves to the tienalties of the law by discouraging and diuading men from enlisting. Their . . , . , arSument5t are well put by the Grand Rapids (Michigan) Enyw'rrr, in 1 SOI 'The Oemocrats and the Sooth have no r- ii 2- i j F lo asaault and murder our fn.nH. iml .Lt- I we be called uDon ' , ""T, , . . 1 .er 1 "? rtstc their binds ! It seems unreasonable that sensible men should n-k sach a thinr. If we remain p a.isiveiu this contest, these AboU'I-jn- ists ought to be tnttsoe-i. Aga-a we y. Democrats ponder well before you enlist." Even the smallest incidents were tslxa advantage of to keep Democrats from vol unteering, both fiom opposition to the war and a desire to keep up the party strength at home. Thus the Philadel phia J.e, of .November 'J, I?(3i1, nn I learning that the defeat , ot Vallandigham in Ohio had caused rejoicing in Rose-! crans aTiy, says: '. ..Kwry IVmocrat, therefore, who v?!untcor i and happens to get into the Oeparttnent 0f ! the Cumberland, must expect to joto 11 "fkece !,;., three' whenever his party is defeated j Ve ,n?w. ,UM in ,hi, StMe we outnum- I b(r ana ouioiaisi, ti,en, t although, they , mv hc un,ble to cm all or cur throats, Why t v, 'etH commit tiieUc. Let us hasten to do it " j i If these were the orthordox Demo- i eratic views on tlie, subject' of volunteer ing, u is easy to imagine now bitter ware their , v , . , . ' ... IlNl'!ClATltNS Or. THE DBA FT. It might have thought that the Ne York Democratic draft riots, in July, 1863, in which Governor Seymour ad- dressed the mob . aa his "noble hearted , . . hi. . .. , ne4',' wooU have proved a ternble warning of the results of. thus workio? ,, f' .i ..,;,- T" 00 tbe 1lM ' th u.tltta. Jt would appear, however, as though tbeir only influence was to excito . regret at their prompt suppression, for, they were immediately followed by a systematic process) of again stimulating opposition to the point of resistance. Scarcely was the month ont, when the "New York States' Riatkta : Association'-' jabliahed a "Declaration" in which it tck the ground that, The cf flofliaoaty called fbc Couscrift Acf does invade the sovereignty and jurisdiction of this State, and unsurp rights essencial to its existence. We deoounoe it as contrary to 4m r. V'. rz.-!l., "l.r 'T" i'.i.- defend the sovertigaty and jurisdictioa of tb State." aad to protect the people in their j rights and liberties from this raoit odious and jn'ulcrMc cjt rcsjioa.'1 Gorernor Seymour af quite ready go as far as he dared in response to this Tte hi letter of August f, 1S53. MtLincoln, he says : ' -"It is believed by at leait one-half of the nconleof tha laval SLatu lhl llir Pnnacrin- tion Act. Which they are call"! udou It obrr 'jeeanse it is on toe statute ik, is in ltteir ' toUtira of th sjwyeae emtitiene law. ! There is a fear ai s"iiei.-.u thai Li; 't are threatened wftb the severest r aitrts of Uw Ihey are to trtele'-.v?- rf M rvete-!- ti'MI . ,;..'...,. Mr. William B. R4y tf course, was ao( Vtfcind head in the endeavor to Ten der the h edioi. In his Meadville speech, September 17, 1863, he remarked : ."Sow what shall I say of He luer Feder al centralism; device, by which uniiorms are forced on the fcecks of those wbd not uh t'O IfV., VHA a heavy tax is laid, act leech ing to any principle of law or Constitution, but by lot. This, it will be admitted, is a very Imperial sort ef decree, by which Mr. ttincola declare every able bodied citizen of Pennsylvania, from eighteen to forty-fire, a soldier ia r-rs Army, to be handcuffed, if need be, to be pat in any reciBsent he ehoos- and t relieve from svrriee only by syiag nc Mi ereasur a ta of r huu dled doi9., No time was lost In gutting a decUiou j adverse to the Act, and on November 10, the Democratic Judge! of th? Si'preme Court of Pennsylvania, Lowrie, Wood rarJ, "d Thompsoc, pronouncod it un CoEstitUiionsl. The use made of this judgment waa promptly shown by the Philadelphia Ajt of November 12, which paid of the Porcllment Act: "It ceases to be a law, and li bt2oms the duty of every gooi citizen to resist lis 3u- rnreflliint ' Al i , . ! V T ft!'Jtlltol fir Jafi' . . that HOI", the draft was .tary 5, 1S61, and Iedt the neonle under its pressure should en- 4 deavrjr to avert it by volunteering, the Age proceeded to argue that no danger of ot a collission with the authorities was , - ; - , however, to be feared, for ' "War there na better reaaw-). it wwnW be ',Beientfor the Washington authori'We to kaow that those who should attempt to arrest at mi (Dia rriate, dj- viriuo i iuo vourcnp- tioa Aet, would be mere tresspassers, and to raut (Am would it every tru'i Tight and duty. It is not possible that such collisions will be provoked, and we eonelude, therefore, that for the preseut the penplff Penntyh-ania are re lieved from the frrori of the conTy.ffon." And Conjscrase) wst :aft:ely orgaoiaed before Mr. rfcllif Johnson, a Demo'JMlh representative from 1'eniBylvinia, mtro duced a resolution requiring the Presi dent either to aqniesce ia the decision of the State tribunal or to submit the ques tion to the U. S. Supreme Court, then under Chief Tustice Taney. For this ohslruCliTe tnsasure the !emocratic mem bers, with the exception of four, voted ia a solid body. - What ia known fea the Columbia Cottnty Conspiracy, an armed and organized resistance to the law, ' was the fcatwe! esWyU rs these teachings. The privilege t?f commutation had been the chief point of attack bv the Ienio ctats, but ita rcBtoval only intensified their bittercoe. At the Chicago Conven tion the draft wa? the subject of th most itiflsffiCiatory appeals to the people- Thus, the Hon. James II. Reed, of In dianna, eaid : - He advianl open and aqt-board I'eais tance to the draft. If Linccln and his satraps attempted to enforce it. bbrd Would flow in our streets, and it woald be right it should Sow. Lincoln wa already damned to all eternity, atxi he did not know if even this in iauitions nieir Would materially affect the estimation in which the people held hi in lie alvised his bearers to shoot down those wh3 wSuld enforce the draft ; to resist 13 the bitter end the attempt to make the military power superior, to the civil, and to openly arm themselves that they might be prepared for horrible contingencies," -Mr. Paine of Miaeouti, asked his hear ers a ' . "Did the rieeple .-.' a draft Not by a d d eight. Then , the must upset the present government at Washington. This dynasty bed already placed In the field 2,2"0, 0"0 mell lo be o!fei upon th altar of th s?gro, and now it demanded 600,000 more. It these are given there will be no finality, but only a prelude to fresh calls, all to ele vate the flat-nosed, wooly headed, long-heeled, cursed of God, and damned of man, 4. ceadaats ot Alriea." ... v . The Hon.' II. S. Orton,' of Wisconsin, however, admitted that be liVed the dralt ca account of the political advantage' it gave the Democracy. . "fader th atessttre of the draft wed God bless the drift it is the best argument that has ever been addrefed to the American pe; pie. It proves that we have touched bottom, we have got a realising seaoe that, we have got pearly to the last t Ueh, the last man and !be last dcllar." Tfcs Iv. C. Chawnccy Burr floated over the resfetasce tbat had alrcaJy Veen made, and threatened a ffflution. "In Sew Jersey tbey had shifted the jnonsibititv of fbes despotic acts to tbonlders of the Aollttnits, and more the ; one provost marshal bad hole mad throng'.! t his head. In im tate it as a t - rr y noil; n iiuf sVi to J matter at one tt? t- tnd. an Abolili.inl.t wn would accept such a position, and th Administration had tried lo bribe Democrats, but, thank (Jed. they bad failed. But they honld not . any farther, they Wee about to be a-Ji uoia lji Jfw-I by -aw indignant penpla. They talked nhftii'. K rebellion down nouiD, irrt i-iier renrin m na l been in procret in ihf rVi rtt.v DEMOtM:l: ASSACLtB ON TUK tI.A.- 'try. it Iho Democrats thus did all t'ney could to prevent the government from getting men, tVy wcH? r.ot less eager t. cut off its supplies of mutiny, by attacking its credit, and keeping the prospects of repudiation before the people. Nor have these persistcu: assaults up on the credit of the government ceased with the triumphant clwe of the war. That ha tindicaiod itself, but the public debt is a thing as well of the present tnd the future, and the Democracy, who grudge tbe object for which it was creat ed, still continue their attacks upon if. On May 24, 13oj, the Democratic Judg es ef ?'.prewe Court of Penn-vlva- aia pronouucci the Legal Tender Act un- constitwtioCil, and .Mr. Edward Ingersoli, in l's New Nork pcech wf April 13, iJJ5, l'.ta:kJ the very corner-stone of public faith and national credit, and boldly justifies repudiaiiou. "I shall dtal wiih this que-tion politically, and inquire, for a moment, whether the Ta booing and producing classes of America are, by our laws, or by our sjrstem of government, or rf ny c-sd1 f r honor, human or divine, P?iadto assume ttilT) SsrJeaT If, on the contrary, it is rsvolutirrlary, and haa been crerated in violation attd in overthrow of our institutions, our d'tty as conservative and honest citixens is to reeit it and srifr- port these institutions In short, sir, to put th argument iu a word, this is the debt of Abolitionism. . If, Abv? litionism has been false to American institu tions then are the laboring and prvluc- ing clashes f Aatertca uuder no obligation to its iporti" This is not merely & sfcsHl joric : mani festation of individual scH'tous dishon esty, but an indication of & terminate, party policy, which shows itself elsewhere with wore or less distinctness. Tho N'w York Vforhl occasion ly experiments upon the patience of its readers with in sidious comparisons bt't tW Federal debt. Th C:r:in5r.l!i "rvf", U,e or gse of tlte pfty in the Ccutral West, is more outspoken. In its isueof hui 1 ' 1S6., it aay : "As the good Mr. r-leek said trf Ibo P..f. watomies, we say of tbp publio creditors, w- hope they will get their money Vim have always observed, that M some men begin to spsak of est ptyibg their debts, pro viding thin afe thus ud ihx it is net loug Vefsre they Iwifn to drop the contingen cy aud go iu for c" -payment iit'geihtr. ' TH WMA.NTIPATION I'HOCf.A f AYir.s was nft !s!ls?'lwd to soothe the exaccrba tiSP.s rf pt? Sa'tfry Peiuocr.H-y, and n surprise, therefore, can be lelt at its. csll ine fcfth dent'.nrr'ltions in every 4f?vci of bitterness. To examples will sulTicc to show the t-jrvft' itl which it was receiv ed. Thus the A-j: of November 1:1, 'tI. indulges in plajfbl plwaeetitry, 'The ori;iuial drdft f"f li" n-Srteipatmii Privlaniiti.iii is for sa'c c't tr i nd one bid has been uttered nf iwe! bf IF"d d.. lars for it. Some Loyal Leag"lr ' Brpes it tiHIy be secured for a loyal Hisir-! Sm-ie-ty." Dick Turpiu'acctfwi --r 3 5k on th highway, wbi-'h this 'ecVeRtlls rastal had drawn np and foi gei th coal and sicnaturi tiv recently sold in London - Ic XZiU jiuc e'V'.li the priri! offered for the Emancipatiosi Proclaraatioa." r . ; , The Philadelphia Evkmh-j Journal of January 'JO, l8tT, was, however, not dis posed to re gard the subject in so jocular a light. It quoted the following from Jeffericrj Davie) reeent mcsswfo concern ing t'e rrcclaffiatiori, ttfr'J ehdorscd the I rsi".tvs ss being "rrtttftftilj v fpoteo :" "it is !o in eneet .m intimation to : rr forth ihty mutt pnpvre to tut-nut to a tf- a'4lion:!....,. Iluinaiiity shudders ut tlis arTil!i!j ar"?c"ti"9 which are betairdaily mul- ' tiplied undvr the saOCticu of those who bavo claimed temporary possinn of the power in the United States, and who are fast making; its once fair name a reproach among civilized men." .And the Jvni'ii? proceeded to couinieut and enlarge upon this tcx. ".'one of thegreat bsMe'tis reilictcd from the V,,as)"ir.nion Preclamatiiirf have been re- ali- The Slaves hav rl risen and cut :w tej?:"? throats, as ?he Aiiotitiomsts sii fondly hoped.. m. We'!. tf-e s'Sres hav not risen, but it has been -Oi the Providrnc ef Ool, aud not from th dWrtr of Mr. Lin rein to the contrary. ' H fsued his Ineetl disry address, to them; iMtting them to strike for freedom, bit ll r bive remained faith fully with their rSSSfer?; exerpt where thy have been dricn away at the point of the bayonet hy Federal iroop. Tbf Presi dent hrs ju.t as much right to declire the -rarriage tie dissolved in th South as the bvnd of masH'f and servant. One is as much a military necessity as the other. - Who but t D?.!t3.1B or a fool believes tbat the Cnion 'an restored hvsuch uisanj.' (V.i'r;i'C.''Z on .S'"-iiH' i'tii.