Newspaper Page Text
Juniata tninel A union of lakes, ami union of lands, A uni'tn no potcer thntl tcxrr; - .1 vitro of hearts, wla union, of. hands, And tlie American I won forever! M I F F L I ' T O W N- Wednesday Morning, Sept, 27, 1CS FKARLESS ANP FREE." A. L. GI SS, Editor. Lrr. 25 : lo. jttr Proclaim Liaertv ie Throughout the Land -jxf ise- l ALL the AT- Inhabitnnts Thereof. TtlE JUST A TA SEXTISEL Tfij La& the harjut Circulation of any paper pub lished in this (VuutY. It ia therefor tbe et o vrft;i,i7 medium. It 11 a Paper, truly loyal, abl, coninc'-ed. a first el... Loyalist. al well worthy of the patronage of .very leva! ehiwn in the County. I n:on County Stuadiag Committee IliSin Col J J rttrr?on, Capt A II Martin, Fermanagh EKns Horning' R C Gallagher, TtTfttt Michael Hoffman, Cpt L Itaffun, Miire A Q,Slic'.lon!crg8r.v3 Sirouser, HusTiohmini I.firi Lisht Eol UpicgrTe, On:iuod S Slwjltvnbergfr. II H Minium, Da'swkrc J P Thompson. Iibu Btnnor, "!k.r J A Ga!!s!ier. John Mjtier, . Vtternn I.t Smnc! Brown, Geo Gohen, ' Milford "ol J K llobvnuon. Thos H Hardy, Tnrt'tt 3tewn Turbctif luu Ku3"mu, Perrj-vi!l I.t fninuel Laird, T S Liggett, (,-pru ;e Hill Vm J Eran Tliotsat Paiton, fe,5lo Dr J P Strrctt.Jticiard Doyle, Tuearor Irae Irwin, Geo M Smeiker, Lck Mathis t;unip, Jalio Leonard, Bick Log I) Mclntyre, Samuel 8Ueror. Uoiion Republican State Jlominati' ni - FOR AUDITOR GENERAL MaJ. Cen JOII.V r U tBTRASFT,! or MOFlliUKEItT cocmr. o FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL Col JACOB 91. CA9IFBCIX, Of CAMBRIA CCXJTT. -- . FOR ASSEMBLY, Trivata ErilRAIM BAKER, or nr.NTiXGiiqs corsTT. JAMES M. BROWN, -er-tfrMj comrT. - ! FOR COCXTY TREASURER,1 JOSEPH M. BELFORD, or xirrLiXTowit. FOR roi'STY COMJIISSIOXERS. ' BENJ.UILN F. WALLS, (3 years) Color re rr of 'the i 7 ti P. T. Aged 60 years, or lack. JOSEPH B. McPONALD, jr. (l year) 1 1 I'rivate in Co. A 1st Tenna- CaTa:ry. or Sr.AL.I , : .. , TOR JCBT COMMISSIONER." " . HARRY n. WILSON. Cr'in ef Co. F l?tb, CTiry, o PTTIH03. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. THEOPHILTS t. DAVIS, Q-iartertnaatcr' of 5?.fd Rrgt. T. T. i.j or rArsTra. k EOK COUNTY SCRVETOB. WILLIAM DUXX, Esq. .. or VAVSTTe. James M, Brown This gentleman is a farmer living up in Bie Valley. He is a man ot honesty, in tegrtty and good common sense jurt such a man as we ought to send to Harnebnrg. lie will make a sound Legislator and will be handsomely elected. . Ephraim Baker. ThU gentleman resides in Huntingdon county, and like most of our candidate, has been in the army for several years, where he was distinguished as a fine sot iicrand good man. He had also several brothers in the service who fell e'ms to the rebellion. Lot every Union man vote f.jr biru, and thus ruu tip bi majority as high as possible", " ' Mr. Irwin Smith, of Middleburg at wbofe llotvl we pnt np has onr thanks for tho many kindnesses shown us during our stay. He keeps a good House fill ed with good people, who constantly of- fere j us their tynipathie nil angratula-, tioni - -. tbTMr. John II. Wrigb. late of this o-j'iaty. now of Middleburg, Snyder Co., Itt orr thank for a full report of the 1 ti ri( onr trial. It i an in:jr.: TS...VU. Mil :r4J: Aft Apology. We arc under the necessity of apolo- sizing to our patrons for the late appear ance of this paper. Daring the week of - . ' - September 20th we were ?jck part of the time, ad unavoidably .absent lookicg "af ter our contemplated ehoo).dnring.the I last of the week WV have nothing " but j two boys in oar office and they got behind with the work. On Monday morning of the 25th we were forced to go to Middle burg, Snyder County to answer E. 8.' Doty on dtargeof . . publishing.-, arlinlea concerning him tsnder the title, of. Ring master, and for which he claimed $1000 damages.. As we . had no appetite; for paying this sum nor the hundreds of dol lars of costs we had to leave our family, our office and all, and go in company with nnuiber of loyal men to the Court. . ft- tJ 1 :l -ii it -.. l jy. would h,?e M if ..jg i. -,, . i . ,; k . i been possible to avoid going, but n - nau neces- tity dragged us there and we could not get home aain before Saturday night. And although we'eante home "as happy aa a hummingbird" yet ' we ' were pained to Ieain that the boya were behind with the work, that amid the' excitement we had not furnished ' enough of eopy o that they had not issued a paper:. VTe ex ceedingly regret this, but rill .still supply another issue before the election, to that our subscribers will stil! get a paper for each week. When our -readers hear ef ! - i i t. ' v a -n ;ur SmJ ecka Work wc hoP l ! ticuw the delay in the paper, f. j . .. The Salt Eadca). -.:., The action for 'malicious publication" brought by E. S. Doty, Esq. , of this town, againut L.'Guss i W. W. Davis, Ed itors aod Publishers of this paper, and taken to Snyder county" by a change of venae, came up at Midd'.eburg on Thurs day morning. the 28th, and aftera pro tracted tiisl the jury returned ou Satur day morning with a verdict in favor of the defendants. The attorneys on the part of the plaintiS were Bucher, Van- t;eier, Simpson and Doty --on the part of the defendants, Miller, ' Hower. Stewart and Wright. This was an action on tho caso.ic. a civil suij. for damages, the 'claim being SIGOQ, and the a'iegatioo was that defend ants had published, three articles of and concerning the plaintiff under the hcad of 'ijiingniaster." The Judge", charged J the jury that if they believed that plaintiff Lad proven that defendants meant Doty by the term lliugmaster, they should find for plaintiff and fix the' amount at what ever they saw fit, but if they thought the j plaintiff had failed to prove that defend- ante meant Doty, thy ore to find a vcr ; diet for the defondanta. Defendants have 1 no fault to find with the charge and be- lievc that tbe Court tried to deal out equal ' and exact justice to all. Hon. Veorge F. Siller. One year ago the loyal people of Jnni ata cast their votes fur Hon. George 'F. Miller for Congre?e an aot over which j tbey may ever feel proud as it supplanted Ifii I . 1 1 I ll-L.Jii a Miller who 'would have delighted in crindinc the ' Union to powder,' with a Miller who believe in grindrBg into dust rebeli and their oopperhead friend. We cannot forego thie opportunity tore turn onr beart-felt thank and gratitude to our loyal Congressman for hi earnest, zealous and indefatigable effort in onr be half before the Conrt at fliddltburg; Sny der county, Pa. 1 Never,- long ae God let us live, will we lorget : him. Onr heart overflows with gratitude. - God bless him in body and in soul, in backet and in store. Union men of Juniata thank him loyal men every where " Ms him, n was more than a. match frr .all. the five dollar lawyers that could be raked np in five counties. Without preparation' he competed successfully with all that time, money and dilligent research could array against him. . Ho defended , our cause with a devotion and ability that showed bitn a friend to his friends, whonrweirher a fire dollar aote nor promises of liberal rewards could 'betray into whipping or muzr'-ng the ox that tread out hi corn. We rejoice that we are sending , io Con gress this winter a man of principle, who will remember his supporters and defend poor printers.. Never did attorqer stand up more manfully and dischargo his duty to his client, without fear or favor than did George F. Miller for Ai L. Guns & W. W. Davis. The Union party of thi connty own him more than thanks, and we arc much mistaken if he does not get a substantial token of tleir respect. - Charles Hower, Esq., late Commis sioner of the Board of Enrollmentof this District also labored assiduously in our do- fence. Although called in at a late .flour, ,-..i.. -rt Ud acumen, and in his address to the jury handled tbo ease I . .. 11J Charlie is a sale, ! true lawyer, and we advise ail Union men p Juniata, who may have, u-airi bejore ji.aSnriifr rountv fwurt to cifit;V nitu 10 . W.f lil to it. . . . ' ' - 1 -.... rAig-f.nn jsjj-t-'-1 aij'i'iii- -I'll uy-tLWyjafs.uu.jj.' -a Citizenship Forfeited Deserters. By act of CoDgress, approved March, i 3, 1305,. and; by proclamation of Presfl . i . T 1 ! 1 ? .1 - oeut LiiDcoia issueu in pursuance locreor, certain persia are declared to Hare for fciced their rights of' citUetahipV-JThey are: f 1. Deserters from the military-or p val service, who did not .report Jor duty on or before the 10th day of May, 1865; , 2. Deserters from the military or na val' service,; aince i tho - 10th of May, . a ' 3. All persona who, having been duly enrolled, departed the jurisdiction of th district in which they were enrolled, 'r have gone beyond the' limits of the Uni" ted States, to avoid any draft into the mil itary or naval service of the , United State. ' ' " .t '" We publish above, the law of Congrtss disfranchising deserters. It is the duty of every good citizen to see that no ' man, who was a deserter, should vote.' If jou have aay reason te believe a man a descr-! ter, you can challenge his vote' and make him prove to the satisfaction of the 'offi cers of the Election, that he is hot a de serter. It the Election Board will allow deserter to Vote, it is illegal and makes bi em . liable to funishment and ede iaent for the purpcte of recruiting' your e Election illegal. Every one knows! ,.t.. ,j P ,,., -,nrjM tne Election illegal, r.vory the deserter in their districts and there will be no trouble in bringing theso case to the notice of the Election officers. Jos. M. JJ el ford. - Let every- good citizen labor for the election of this gentleman. He is one of the very best citizens of the county. Hie honesty, capacity,' and worth, none but a reckless partisan will deny. We need hardly writ words in eulogy of one who is so well known, stands so high, and against whom the foulest of calumnies rebounded with vengeance upon his would be traducers. Let every good citizen vote for a man who is worthy, capable aod de serving to fill the post. Act him be hand somely aud triumphantly elected. " Benj. F. Walls, of Lack township, is the candidate for Commissioner (3 years). This nomina tion was peculiarly a fortunate one. Mi. Walls at the breaking out of the Rebel lion, was over fifty years of age, yet his patriotic spirit would not permit him to remain at home while big country needed his services. He promptly enlisted in 1861 as a private in Cant, Gobin's com pany (C) 47th Tenna. Volunteers. He was soon after appointed Color Bearer and carried tho etsrs snd stripes through all tbe various campaigns in which that Reg iment participated', nnd brought it home in triumph. , Mr. Walls it an honest, - in telligent, and reliable man, immensely popular among hi neighbors, aod will make his mark in the Democratic stron--holds of Lack and Tuscarora. He would make a most excellent Commissioner, and the fact fhat he beats upon his nerson' honorable scars received in action, surely .. Bhovld rchder his fellow citizens to renew bis1 triumphant election. JBM'Doiialdajr. This gentleman is a worthy associate of Mr. Walls he served over three years in company A, 1st Pa, Cavalry. We are told that be was one of the best soldiers in the company and that we would be justi fiable in saving almost' any thing good of him. Let evorv soldier aud cverv eood cttizen vote for him. ., . w w I - 11. 11. ff JlSOUa Captain Wilson is too we!I known to our readers and his character is too wall established to nee d any praise at our hands-, or even a defence from the slang that was heaped upon him down town His election is certain and he will make a very good officer; -! .' " o T. T. Davis, 'This gentleman" like Wilson, 'Warts and McDonald, also served a full term in the army, being Regimental Quartermaster of tho 53rd Regiment, at the close of the war. He deserves to be remembered by all lovers of the Union cause. , 1 Win. Diiiifi. -i Si f. 1, Squire Dunn is a very fine old gentle man, and a good. Surveyor. ..One. of .the copperhead organs . says he "hobbles along" because is he a little lame. If we.1 would, any unfortunate defect, U would be unpardonable, thev can sav 1 what tW T J. please and pocket tho credit if it gives tbem any. There is not a man who do- Ber Beor(iat our. Hands, than Mr. lhiuti 1'uuu - ' "e g one ot tm sons to hi a. a. I 1 a 1 i J ' wuirj i ueirysD-irg ana naa anotner in lne ". ' lnn. . -:. - . t c cL'e: 10 latae aootner rwt ry Saturday the tll. Uoc-k forit - " . Wfcv Soldier then'M te the Dcnio - . cratic Tlekct- , It is interesting an well as amving, aay the Washington RepOrttfto see the efforts just now being madeby the Cop ptrlkesV' lecyteihe' votes of the sol dier for their ticket this fall. "Dcmo eraio orators and journalists are exer cising their utmost ingenuity to convince the gallant men .who have, turned to their homes, that it is their duty to rally to nan ia supfoVt'bJ" thv'party .tfiaf atignuUaed the war as an "abolition .ru- jade,".aud declare it x failure by resolu tions solemcly adopted in their National Convention, but little "more than a year ago.' while tne Lopperneaa teaaers are thus plying the soldiers with every spe cie of argument to win- their Votes, a eotemtoorary, thinking that some"of these gentry may be troubled with 1 short mem-ories,- tuggesU that by way t inducement they remind thesis ' war-worn ' veterans of what they did for them while in the field, by urging upon them' irach questions' ns the following -' - "- : . 1st- Did We not oppose the war tor . tne preservation of the Unien, and refuse' to vote a man or a dollar to support it 7 ; 2d. Did we not oppose tbe various j drafts which were orderet -by the Presi- from being destroyed by the rebel army ? 3d. Did we not advise our fullowera - to buy revolver aod to resist and shoot down the officers of the Government while lying to enforce the law ? Canada to. avoid aiding our country in 4th, Did not many or ua run away to Tier extremity ? " . ; TVI wm (vrtf atit A n(rtMra WV who wer endeavoring to recruit yur armies ? 6th. Did we 'not denounce the war which you called a glorious attempt to i save the Union, as a' damnable cruade, and the soldiers aa Lincoln hirelings, Lin coln dogs, murderers, &c? 7th. Did not many of us wish that you might all be 'abpt and never again 'reach your homes? " i.---) .m i ,, . 8th. Did we not create riots' in "New j York and other places, in favor of the rebels, " and organize secret societiet throughout the North in favor of the aame ? " ' ' - Oth. Did we not declare that the Pres ident of the United State' was a tyrant, a monster, a usurper, and wish auiua bold hand would take bis life? . 10th. And did we not finally . by our treasonable language, succeed in bringing about the murder of 'Abraham "Lincoln 7 Afier such a showing as thla.- it will indeed be strange if the Union soldiers lefuse to vote the ''Democratic" ticket. . Legislative Confcience, The Legislative Conferees of tbe conn ties of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Juniata, met at the Court House in Lewistown. at 2 o'clock, P. M., on Tuesday, the- 12th day of September, 1SG3. Tbe following gentlemen presented themselves as Con ferees: ' ." "; k , . . Ifvntinydon Capt. J. D. Campbell, II. R. Shearer, I). M. Painter., " Mifflin D. W. Woods, Jos'eph Sig- Icr, C. S. McCoy. Jutu'ata-J aha J. Patterson, "Capt. II. H. Wilson, Capt. W. H. Patterson. On .motion of John J. Patterson. D. W. Woods was elected Chairman ; and on ' motion of Capt'" Js D. Campbell, Cant. W II. Patterson was elected Sec- j'etary. It was moved by John J. Patterson to adjourn. Tbe Yeas and JTays were call ed on ' the question with ' tbe following results: . - Yeas J. J. Patterson W. II. Pat terson, ani n. II. yion.r-3. Nays Campbell, Shearer,: Painter, Seiglef, Wooda and McCoy. G..' It was then moved that the Conference proceed to the nomiuatio'a" of candidates. The Year and Nays were called - on the question, with the following resnlt : .' ' .YrAS; Campbell Painter, . Woods,. j Sigldrand McCoy. 8 " ' NAT8-7-J. J. Patterson, W. n. Patter son, and Wilson S. .. 1 (Capt. Campbell nominated Ephraim Baker of Huntingdon county.' Mr, McCoy nominated - James ; 31. Brown 0 Mifflin county. . . . , . On notion of Capt. J. D. Campbell, Ephraim Baker and James M. Brown were declared the nominees of the Con ference for Assembly for thi Xigulatve District'.,';": :'. : 3 , ' On motion, tbe.Cohferenee adiotirijed hBMthe "j" kP constantly-on ; '-'- Ti W wAono n. r'jhn4Ma4reatlydneedpneea. , W. II. Pattkhsos, SectpS .1. 7J 9 ft. tieorge daoobs ot Perry and' fofi mer sheriff One of the Perry papers eayg : ' tht,i'.l fail too. OLR FRIESD IIcS.MCiTT Tt'RNF.D IP Aoaix. -On oar return home we find on our table a very fine, large paper publish ed in Richmond, Va., called TtlE NEW VT tTT A V 1 . I'. ! I T- T W Hunnfcutfa fmerliKof-FredericksfiuM. SatarJav lat will be rerueiuDerecf stumped -our county prior to Gov. Curtiu's re-election. He ia warmly remembered by many of us for his zeal aud sacrifices io the good cause. He has started a real live Union paper in Richmondand. wjlLbsardthc.lion. in. Jua, den ." - Price i'ZtO pt. vcar. We hope he nfay'frwmwiorfubirtrnwrsinthw eountyv , We will go ia tor one. -Among columns of good 'thiugs we extract the i i".. J- r- following : ,'It was demotion' to 'our-1 coantrjr','and hatred to tbe rebellionani a determina tion to do all in. our power to put it down, j and nottrarsympathy for rthe North or the Northern people. that influenced us-to go there,' even after receiving an invita tion. r Common sense dictated to us, that if the rebelliot should, triumph, not only the Union, btrtthe'-Sa-J-Ifc a& would be ruined.i "The uoatj terrhlf ctcMe ythat could possibTy have befallen all classes of people in the Sonth4 except the nabobs, would have been In succeaa.of tbe rebell ion. This we positively knew, and were, therefore, willing to do all 'we could Jo suppress it. Solemnly before. God, we believe to-tl iy. that had it not -been for Coiperhtadt of the iortb and disaffected officers in the Federal armies,' the war would not have lasted more than two rpar. if thaff And finite tLt tinfTi ini. niiti f'of leading" Copperheads rests the blood of untold thousands slain on the battle fielda. i - " ' ! that the dead sfrbnld not be 'badly spofccji t . . J . r . 4, and it is. ejUaliy mvau tor apeak evil of thoe' who cannot' help "tbemselvea. Sb WgMW iUtUUrga,aewt. IOM .' to ... abuse tbe I nion. nominees that it could "V . -.'.l.: '...M be, butrontrai'y and maliciou5!y drags in to its abuse Captaip Job a 31 Thompson, of PerryHvillc, than whom a truer bravet or moreg.tUantnol(fier iftver breathe 1 the air of h'.aven. Cactain Thrimr.sen- was the t ho'rriblv wouu Jc j ydiataU Jicr 1 ' Dutc-lma" He !Mtan arm aud has been confined to bed "since the battle of Win chester. He has never asked a clerkship orothr office tr natTiVteen- able to at tend to anvtbiog ot tbe kind yet, poor, htiplets, bedridden as he is, ho must be hasheJup it a copjjjerhgad .sheet and giv en to understand that if nominated he could not be elected, because Bob Parker wlU the pofitiun. Yea, the soldier of many battjes,". VjmoteJ fx gallantry, suf fering from many hOnorf b!e Scar, Wblii that democracy prefer one who did uoth iog for the Union and did not even give H his sympathies. Ye, democracy pre fers such a man to John M. Thompsoc, whose only crime Ts 'Ihat'beibg a democrat when be went to thewrwy, he has return- ied a sound Utien Tjan.J?"" KUfiarfiqnillas Seminary, JOHN T. L SAHM. T';i' -af- proectttioD of claims against tbe Goreramtst, collections and all otber buainnssemrusted to hie care- Office.' Maa. Street, one door South of Snyder's Hotel. Sen. 20,1805. '' ' . ' "' . . ' Proposals : In aceordmce with the ree-' ommendation vt the Gram! Jnrv, approd br SEALE 1 FBOTOSAtS will' be-rUeW-J i by tbe Boar J. of CemmissioBers 'ofJntrta'ta county.,up tm lOtfclort, rT-. 'M. on SATUR DAY SEl'TEMBER 30, 1865. for building an Eight-Sure brick Priy, an-the Court House lot. 1,'lan and specification .to be aeea at the CAmmisgiqncrs Office. . Also, proposals trill be received atihesam. time and jilac. for putting .'enitian window shutters upon the upper .story of tba Court Ifouse. : . ' 1 ,, . Also, at the same tiina and plage,, proposals Will be received forfurnshing two bed steads and beddi."g for. the use of the County Prison. By order of tba Commissioners. . A. J. GUEER, Clerk.,. , Spt.0, '65.. : . . . .... - NEW JEWELJITSTORE. TIIE undersigned would respectfully l ' inform the citizens of MitHmtowa EJb and vicinity, that he has opened a Jew-ttw elry Establishment on Main Street, Mifflin town, m Thompson's' Hotel, third door from Gold and. Silver Watche, AaJa'aeneralTarilv of CLOCKS, FIKGER TRI.HOS, BREAST PIN'S. EAR RINGS. GOLD lituU-b' :.' t -.tiptfi-nr a"-, ait vvs . Trr fWAKC, 6PECTAC.B. toethrr wfth. a coa- Jewelry .promptly attended to, on sSort notiee rrii 1 nil r rn rnr ui tjnjcu. irnrtun u' au on vary reasonable terms. All work ar-1 ranted to uive aatiitfactioe. Tbe robbe are ! TTTILL open it Winter .Session, on.Oaj- ! )--te -IHT-! AflV ' '- VV .?r I'itb. 18W. Tuiiion, Boar.l,. LijiV,1 iimiutr-ltl. Fuel and FurnishiJ Rooms per session fit fivp. ii , J" XC Y ( ) A P,s;, mouth. 85. ' t or. farther partienlars addrebri , , : . Hi. Z SHMIP I"'1 :rRa vaneiy of nonotj ; as al j - t. Kiahaccqnillas. PM j , BTQCK. OF WATCUK3, OF MRS i bk frrrfTeseionai "aiWiew To' tbe public, rrompt attostion aivea. to. tbe Tfic atatisfiattts. STEATJSiJ wr Irotn me tntn iscs of tW; subscriber, retid- re totrn-bip. on f RED STEKR, witbftu about two yeara old. ny ttLiereahouts will be tbiok- fuffy received and nmply rewarded. . i . . J v-l uemwar- townsnip t Stpt. Uth 165. j 3. O. EVANS. ASSIGNEE NOTICE. Notice U nibr gien that Iaid Sellort and Jab Detriek, Esq. of Daiaware townabip, Jituiata conntT, pbave apoiaudElihu.iiDuer Eai.AMigBr for tba purgpao of, settliuj tbei. ace-jtints d ly nrtienticitFT f ej aettlcment and' thoae Ja dabtwi r ri'ait4rnrs'7lbindtaU pJ Bieat ' 6pt S7. '65. - AHSINEE'8 NOTlCE.iiHanvfi Drubakcr of T5eleJtonship' Jutiatnfcunty, Pa., lUving m adt a yolcniry aieignmeiit ef all his 'nrfr erti-almf pSii'tal tb bene-, ft oTafeilitor ' 'All pet!i'ons,batlBgCl1oa against aaid JJenry BrubaVer nre rtjuated t present :IDta pV.iperly iii! f- ett letnent and all persons owing him ararequert -ti to make payment inuoodiataly to denitgned asiipie residing at Miifiuituwn, Juniata county, V. .. 4 . JEREMIAH LTOX Atii! 8aptj7, '65. . . .9 , fatVHT IIAUrtK, -. ; h-I No. )ARCU Street, above Fitth. x,,, t PHlLADELPIUA---. , ; ; " . J ;. ; :V . , 1 Maaiufafttxrer ana Dealer In vla4 i r 1 A ft j k iv r. ii it 1 , SOLID' SILVER WARE and anprrlor -Silver tMatttl fTara 8e t, 20. 1606, amoa. ' rp H ipVJtX IRPfc jtf gS IPX OF THIS IX5TI W"ia''.'jj, Xortmlrr J.I, !;;.. Hcn nt' xlt b"" I,n"ti,ule: ''! tUe f "f0- n Tounff lvlws who wib to obtaia a I thorough dncioo Bcai adTntugw j;t i biancbes.,rtu,'arr.if. . i f ' J ... 1....' J'. --.1 I ..II:..I. Co!Jipetsnt ,e,c'uera will taka charg trf.tha ! different d9partmenU44.dJre . CARL F. KOLbE. Proprietor. Aecut-mia. Juniata t.ouatj, ra. September 27. IStw Ct. . Ofcfo)fcr'2tti; 'C5. . i. ' a Mr.s. ' s.r.An riytc" Ki.$'vKtrtli.x ' iaf.rm tte tadi of MitB:n:owa ai vie:njry that 'ie La jut roceirJ a Ura tt ortmcntof !i'inrj (iooji. ud taacoaataut. If on ban l noit for sale ready mu te !9nn-.v of all descriptions, and also Hats and Cf. She has all assured the rri-et of hvr isr who is a competent Ureas Mater aa4.will glt aMltfactton in that line of bntintn.- Let Ladies aa41 and aiitniro for thanawlTaVf at lar fyriaar ridrnc on Cherry street. In. (jnire for Mrs. i-arah (.Stein; i'iuk.- Sept-27, IttQS-3 inos. 1. ft. aOLLHA!l w. B. iH IM.ll. RokX!i a ijftuTii s;nit TWO Doors North of BvlforJ's ?!t4. 3IIFFLINTOWX, PA. , -' . "-tii:' . : rl. WOULD RESPECT! "t'LLT CAM. tl he at'ertfiua of Stock, of. ..... , drug's;;" a WATCH CllAlNH, DBEAST-PINS. a KAU AND FINGER TvIGS, SPECTACLES tJ- WATCJIEs. CLOCKS and all kind 9 ' repkifed t tb'e a'uorTist notice and .jn th. MOSt RlitSONABLE TERMS'1 ' ' ' 1 '' ' -ORiEI from PHYSICIAN'S pronrt ly attended to. A liberal dietouct to Phy sicians. ' " '' i7.J0o-tf -POLLMAX BROTHERS"" A VALUABLE FARM At Private Sale! THE HEIRS OP WILLIAM IIARTtATK of Walker tuwn.bip dee'd., offr W ell at Pri vate Sal. a valuable t AenTt'ItJif afv oattd in Walker township, JaniataeoBBty, Pa., fire miles from MitBiniown, fear Sud a half miles from Perry still , three miie' from Ma icoandthe-M.' R 'R. f.: a4jdnrnlan of Jerome Thompson, Jonas Seiner's heirs, Stew art Lukena n-othera containing I 1 more or less, ab out 160 acres cleared and ia a good state of cultivation, and the balance well set with choice Tiait er. There is Lime stone in abundance on the propeit y ; also splendid stream of Water running through tb. farm. Tbe improvements ar. LARGE TEAMS HOUSE, With a Spring of eacellenr Watereooventent, a LRGS LBrM3& DA&n And all of neafy nt-boil,lings. An old Orehasd Mnlaiaing Treas ; aiso a yeuaf. Orchard of 120 Trees of choice fmit on tfca rreiwses.. Tba property ia. convanient t4 Schools. Churches, M ils aad Stores. Eor further particulars er a view of the above nropertv, eallan T. 8. llart vsidin? on tb. pr.mi.eY THS HEIRS, i , Sept, 27, 1P06-J mo. ' 0i. Lewisbnrg Chronicle ptease copy two moBtbs and send bill to this o!6ca. . . .. .. REUBIS CAVKSEY". Maunfaeturer ft Tb suntB jieSatervRle and Miaiutw. All J tbe most tasteful aal sib .Aug n l5. ,fr.i I-O-ilt-i ui- .!.