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A Im CrSS Jl CO: VOLUME III, NO 16. Srlftf JJctlrj, SONG F0& THE WEABT. Heart he U'J, L t"r th darkness of the wot, I Bow thou iltiitly, tad low terns tt the what e'er 04 will, Bt thou (till. E tboa still ! !Ty H thy words are epokea, 'Till lfc word of God hth broken Ilfe'e dark mytteriet, good r ill, 4 taou ttill. BethouetUl! Ti thy Father' work of gr, Walt thoa yet before hit fot. He, Hit tar proxite will fulfill, Rett thou ttill t Lord, toy God ! 9y Ik fTe, O may I be All eubmieeire, eilently, , To ike chastening of thy rod Lord, my Qod ! Shepherd, Kief, free tkr fullneee, (rant t me, PteadfMt furlaee fuk la the. 'Till from night the .day ehall cpring, 6hepberd; King! THE CAMPAIGN IN PENNSYL VANIA. Address of the National Union State Committee. TO TSZ PEOPLE OF PE558TLVAHIA The Verdict in 1804 Pillow Citizbss : Id a ihort time you will again be called upon to exercise the kigheit privilege, and perform one of the moat aacred duties of Freemen. One year ago our State wai deeply agitated by a conflict of opinion which Was emphati cally and unmistakably settled at the bal lot boi. Than the public mind was thor fliighly aroawd by the warmth and ability f the oon test. Oa both aides ware ar rayed men who earnestly, and perhaps in mat cates sincerely, endeavored to pur sued their follow citixene that the tri umph of thoir views wa indispensable to the welfare and prosperity of the State, the peace and enjoyment of the people, aod the dura tun and lifo of the Nation. After a long-contested and thorough can vass, the people of Pennsylvania, by more . than twenty thousand, and the people of the Nation, by more than four hundred thousand majority, rendered their ver dict. Tbo linen were plainly drawn, aod it a issue clearlv ard fullv made up. It it impossible fr one to be mistaken as to the charac'.er of the trial, cr the nature of the verdict. The administration of Abraham Lincoln waa on trial. The American people were the jurors. The ontest was waged by bis friends, under most inauspicious circumstances, and in the midst of unparalleled difficulties and trials. No event, in the history of the human tace, was so well calculated to test filly and completely the capacity of man for sel f- govern me tt. The people wera nailed upon, voluntarily, to tai themsel ves for the payment of an imirensa, and daily increasing debt. They were asked to furnish more men for the army; and n the very eve of the election, Presi dent Lincoln proceeded to enforce a draft to fill up the army at all hasards, preferring the suppression ol the rebell ion and the life oi the Republic to hit own tnccesa at the polls, as example of 'disinterested ptriotiim and of hero:o ac tion, never t urpasaed by any ruler named in history. The people of the United States pror 4 themselves worthy of such a ruler. animated by a lofty patriot iam, rising above all considerations of selfishness, and having resolved upon their kneea and in their closets that the noble old Republic of our fathtrt should not perish ; in spite ef all our enemies at home and abroad, tbo tyrant and aristocracies of Europe, iht kinga of the earth, armed traitors in the South, their sympathisers ia the North, and all the enemies of human lib arty, everywhere, they heroically and courageously recorded their verdict at the ballot-box. Both parties went into the contett with their principle plainly in tcribed upon their banners, and it ia im pouibla to euppose that ths people did not understand the natnre, extent and m rhrtar of the which tby The Union Convention at Baltimore, which nominated Lincoln and Johnson, dec'ared at foilowa : "Retotvtd, That It U the duty of ev ery American citizen to maintain against all their enemies the integrity of the Constitution and laws of the United States, and that, laying aside all differ ences of political opinion, we pledge our selves aa Union men animated by a com mon tentimeut, and aiming at a common object, to do everything in our jtower io aid the Government in quelling, by force of arms, the rebellion now raging against ita authority, and in bringing to the pun ishment due to their crimes, the rebels and traitors arrayed against it. 'Resolved, That we approve the deter mination of the Government of the United States not to compromise with rebela, nor to offer any termt of peace ex cept such at may be bated upon an "un conditional surrender'' of their hostility, and a return to their just allegiance to the Constitution and lawa of the United States and that we call upon the Govern ment to maintain thia poaition and to proseoute the war with toe utmost possi ble vigor to the complete auppression ot the rebellion, in full reliance upon the self-saeriGce, the patriotism, the heroic valor, and the undying devotion or the American people to their country and ita free institutions. "Resolved, That Slavery was the cause, and now constitutes the strength of this rebellion, and as it must be alwaya and ev erywhere hostile to the principles of re publican government, justice and the nat ural tafety demanJt ita utter and com plete extirpation from the soil of the re publio ; and that we uphold and main the acts and proclamations by which the Gov ernment, in its own defence, has aimel a deajh blow at this gigautio evil. We are in favor, furthermore, of such an amend ment to the Constitution, to be made by the people, in conformity with its provis ions, as shall terminate and forever pro hibit the existeuce of Slavery within the limita of the jurisdiction of the United States. In opposition to the views and princi ple! thus announced, the representatives of the party in opposition to the adminis tration, met at Chicago, nominated Me Clellao and Pendleton, and erected a plat form, which among other things, contain ed the following : " RetoUed, That this convention does explicitly declare, as the sense of the American people, that atter four years ot failure to restore the Uuiun by the expe riment of war, during which, nuder iiie pretence of a miliUry necessity of war power higher than the Constitution, the Constitution itself has been degtaded iu every part, and public liberty aod private right alike trodden down' aod the materi al prosperity of the country essentially impaired, justiee, humanity, liberty ana public welfare demand that immediate ef forts be made for accusation of hostilities, with a view to an ultimate convention of all the States, or other peaceable means to the end that at the earliest practicable moment peace mny be rcst.wd on the ba sis of the Federal' Union of the States. FALSI AN1 TRUE PREDICTIONS OF TDK CANVASS. Daring the progress of the campaign of 1964, the speakers, writers and can vassers filled the country with their hopes and fears, their opinions and prophecies. In accordance with the platform of the opposition, their leaders boldly denounced the war as a failure, openly proclaimed that the South never could be conquered, aod that the re-election of Abraham Lin coln would certainly prolong the war for at least four years more, and fill the land with debt, with ahame and disgrace, and with untold horrors and woes, and finally destroy the Republic of our fathers and rear great military despotism on its ru ins. On the other band, the friends of the Administration urged that there could be no safety for the nation, except in a vigorous prosecution of the war, and that he re-eleotion of Mr. Lincoln would go tar and do much to hasten th overthrow o the rebellion. The result is before the nrU The nromieea and pledges of Union men made in 1864, have all been kept and fulfilled. Those of oar political adversaries have all been diaaipa'ed and nroved hollow, delusive and false. The ballot-box exhibited a majority anprece- dented in the history of the nation. The enemies of liberty in foreign lands stood aroalled at the result. The friends of the Union everywhere took new courage. The rebels trembled with fear , the heart of the rebellion grew sick and sank in the bosom of treason, and the sympathi sers with rebellion in the North hid themselves away from the public gate, and many of them to-day deny that they ever advocated the dootrines or made the prophecies which they then so earnestly def-nded, and to conndfntiy proclaimed THB COBSTITCTIOB Ttil P1Q HIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUNXTTTeNRX OCTOBER 4, IS63. Thanks to the heroism, courage and" this ntterauce of the late so-called Demo akill of American soldiera, sailors and of- Watte Convention. Let the whole army Seers, and to the God of battles, tht war M freemen which tnarefced to victory in ia over, our nation saved, and the good !lW4, under the banner of Abraham Lin- old Repubjio atill livet. Peace hat again spread her gentle wings ever out once happy and ttill beloved land. The sound t . . i . f . i oi trumpets, me noise oi cannon ana mas- ketry, the tread of armies, th victorious cheers of our brave soldiers, and the sick ening groana of the wounded and dying are no longer heard in our borders. The nation, as in fromer times, comes oat of the fiery ordeal triumphant, iad now re deemed and vindicated before the world) stands forth more bright than ever before as a beacon to the down-trodden and op pressed of all lands, at a tenor to the ty rants of the earth, as an atsylunt for the oppressed of all nations and ai the wonder aud admiration of the lovers of Freedom everywhere. The grass which we were told would grow in the streets of Northern cities in case of war, is now growing in the streets where the prophecy was made. The ruin, poverty and suffering which were to over- take the people of the North, are resting upon the people who prayed for such blessings upon our heads. The new par adise which waa to be discovered to delight the taints of the "Southern Confederacy," is filled with darkness and gloom, with sorrow and woe. The large and mighty armiea of treason have been overthrown aod scattered before the larger and mote powerful armies of the Republio. Taait ors aod their friend everywhere have been compelled to yield to the greatness, the power, the energy, the resources of the nation, and the courape, skill and en durance of her heroio soas. Some of the leaden ef the rebellion are buried beneath the soil they attempt ed to desecrate, some are fugitives in for eign lands, acd others are awarming the National capitol and Crawling iuto the White House, begging pardona from the man whom of a!l othtra in tha land. thy have moat fiercely denouced, and most bitterly hate. The chief of the rebel lion himself from his prison at Fortress Monroe, surveys the ruin he has wrought among bis own people, and silently ana sullenly awaits the action of the Nation he vainly attempted to destroy, to makt known to him, in its own good time, the doom he so richly merits. In the North, we have prosperity and plenty, all the evidences of increasing power aod greatness, everywhere present, aud the nation surely and certainly ad vancing more rapidly than ever before in the path of progress. Aud, notwithstand ing all the calamities and sacrifices of four years of bloody war made more destructive by the inhumanity and bar barism of our enemies we have just welcomed to their homes more than one million ot brave men who have saved the nation and made their names immortal. THB I88UIS OF T,11K PREHXXT OAM PAfQrt. After the settlement of the issues of 1865, so diaastrous'y ia the field, and so overwhelmingly at the ballot box against our adversaries, it would seem most sin gular that the same question should be again presented to the people of the Key stone Stats. Bat they have selected their ground and we willingly and gladly ac cept the challenge. At the convention of their organization, reseotly held at Ilarrisburg, it was retolxed, that "the men and tht party administering tha Gov ernment tince 1801, have betrayed their trust, violated their saored obligations, disregarded the commanda of the funda mental law, corruptly squandered the public mo lie j, perverted the whole Gov ernment from its original purposes, and thereby have brought untold calamities upon the country." The measures of the administration of Abraham Lincoln, so recently endorsed by so large a majority of his countrymen, are here foolishly and wickedly denounced by the members of I this convention, and the people of Peon sylvariia are gravely asked to sanction the aet, reverse their own judgment and re pudiate the verdict oi the nation solemn ly rendered at the ballot-box. The jSvc Semper TyrannU of the ever-to-be execrated Booth, uttered as he rush ed from the scene of the great crime of the age, conveys no greater inault to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, nor rant more directly counter to the fellings and ssntirnents of his couotrrmen thsn dws 1 BtI0BCBMBT Of TBI LAW!. I win, be called into the field, and march tt the nolle in October, 1865, to resent the intuit to his memory. Let there be no absentee! no deserters no ttrag- ... a a m glenbut let all the old soldiers, omcers and men with a host of new recruiu be on hand, ready for the fight. But our adversaries were hot content to stop with thia resolution. They say ia substance and effect that "war existed as a fact npon th advent of the success ful party In i860 to the seat of power," that "slaughter, 4ebt and disgrace are th results of our 'ate civil war," and that "no more pe9ns shall be murdered by military compbeiona." We had thought that it had been pretty well settled by the American ptople that the war was caused, commenced and toroed upon us by the ac tiont and onduct of traitors, and that the election of a President according to the provision of the Constitution and laws of the country, was nd beeause of war whatever. We thought, too, that shc- cess, the glory, greatness and renown of our common country the death of trea son, slavery, State sovereignty, and the right of secessloiljand not simply, "debt. disgrace aud slaughter" Were results of the war. As the action of the Military Commission had cost only the lives of a few of the assassins of President Lincoln, and as only a few of the vilest of the reb els were in danger from similar trials, it is next to impossible to divine a motive for the hostility of the late convention to ward military commissions. It would be uncharitable to intimate that it originated in sympathy with such criminals as Werz or Jefferson Davit. In contrast with tbit remarkable plat form of our political opponents, we have that of our own representatives, which. among other things, contains the follow "Yhe Union Party of Pennsylvania, in state Convention assembled, declare : "1. That as representatives of the loyal people of the Commonwealth, we reverently desire to offer our gratitude to almighty Gud, whose favor has vouch safed Victory to the national arms, enabled to eradicate the crime of slavery from our land, aad to render treason against the Repubno impossible forevermore: aod next to Him, our thauks are due and are hereby teudered to our brave soldier aud sailors, who, by their endurance, sacrifices and illustrious heroism, have ke cured to their country peace, aod to the down trodden everywhere an awylum ot liber ty; who have ahown that the war for the restoration of the Union ia not a fail 'ire. and whose valor has proven for all time the fact that this eovcrnment of the peo ple, by the people, for the people, is as invincible in its strength as it is benefi cent in its operations." The doctrine and principles of the par ty in 1861 have been re asserted by the snnven'ion of 1865. It is confidently believed that they will not be deserted nor abandoned by the people at the polls in October next. THE 80LDICR8. Extraordinary efforts are being made by our oppon euts to abtaln the votes ef our fellow-citisens recently returned from tht service of the country in the army of the nation. In these efforts they should, and it is confidently believed, that they will fail : 1. Because a vigorous prosecution of the war for the suppression of the rebell ion has ever been urged by tha Union party of the country. 2. Because the war has never been sus tained err advocated by the leaders of the party opposed to the administration. 3. Because the friends of tbe Union cause have always sustained and snpport e the soldiers in the field, and the lead en of pretended Democracy have ridi culed and derided the soldiers of the Union, Calliig them '-Lincoln's hirelings," "robben," "plunderers' aud other epithets unfit for repetition. 4. Because when volunteers were call ed for, they demanded draft. 5. Because when the draft come, they opposed the commutation clause, and de clared it was a discrimination against the poor man. 6. Because when that clause was re pealed they complained that the only hope of the poor man was gone. 7. Because they denounced the war as ft negro war, and did nothing to aid or assi tt in carrying it Co, 3. Because they became highly indig nant when negro troops were called for, and threw the benefit of all their sym pathies with the Sdttth. 9. Because they opposed1 every meas ure the Government found it tiedesiary to adopt for the suppression of the rebellion. 10. Because they magnified every reb el success, and deprecated every Union victory. 11. Because, in 1864, they declared the war a failure. 12. Because, in 1S65, they declare that the fruits of the war "debt, disgrace and slaughter." 13. Becaue they trisd to present the extention of the right of suffrage to ol die in service. Their leaders opposed it ia almost every form. Senator Wallace, now Chairman of their State Central Committee, said, (.see Record of 1361, pages 335,339,) "I vote agaiust this bill upon prinolpl, as well aa for form. It is said that so meritortotls a clasa as volun teer soldiers should not be disfranchi sed. To thia I answer, that neither the Con stitution of 1790, nor that of 1838, con ferred this privilege, and the act of the soldier in taking upon himself duties that are from their nature incompatible with the right of suffrage, deprives him of this privilege. He disfranchises him telf token he eecur to be citizen, and take upoa kimutf the duties of a sol dier." When the amendment of the Constitution was submitted to a vote of the people, many of the so-called Pemo cratie oountica gave majorities against it, while every county in the State (and it is believed every election precinct) which gave to Abraham Lincoln a majority ct its votes, gave a majority in favor of the amendment. Li. Their leaden almost invar'a' ly op posed giving bounties to volunteers, while the friends of tha Union party always -ustsined and supported these measures. 15. Even since the war it over, they employed their ablest lawyera in an effort to declare the bounty laws stitution stitutional, aud really peredaded their two ftienua on the bench of the Supreme Court to to hold. 16. When men were greatly needed to fill up the ranks, and the Government or dered a draft, they resisted, and all of their representatives upon the bench of tbe Supreme Court declared tbe law au thorising the National Government to take rich out of the State, by draft, was unconstitutional and void. Men were on ly obtained, and the nation saved because their party was defeated at the polls in 1863, and the aot of three of these J udges rebuked by the people, and one of their places filled by a loyal and sound jude. 17. Because they have tried to injure the credit, and disparage the currency of the country, by means of which the pay, bounties, and pensions of the sold iers can alone be paid. This point they alto press ed before the Supremo Court of the State aud lailed by a division of three to two. 13. Because the platform of the Union party rccogniiss the services of the sol dier declares that the war was commenc ed by rebels that pease was the result of the courage and heroitm of the Union army that the cause in which he fought was holy and sicreJ, and tht hotsr, glo ry, and prosperity to the country, aod not "debt, disgrace and slaughter," are the legitimate fruits of his toil. 19. Because when Union men express ed the hope that cur troops might soon b able to conquer the South, even by their exhaustion and want of food, those leaden of the new Democracy declared that we would never conquer the South.' and that "they had more to eat in the South than we had in the North." 20. Because when rebels were starving our brave soldiera by hundreds at Libby, Belle Island, Andersonville, and else where, these same leaden excused or mit igated the crime by declaring that "they fed our prisoners as well as they did their own men ;" that "owing to the unconsti tutional blockade of the tyrant Lincoln, they could not obtain a sufficiency of food." PRXSIDINT J0HN8O! AND THI OPPOSI TION. The opposition1 has not been to eonsis- Una in their oourse towarai a reiiaent Johnton as they have oa the subjeot of,UIru' v j hHtor? fjr the base purpose of reaching the war. Prior to hie reaominatiou they u"lurJ i f dwa.TiBM dMKttwd him --j L Oncd m &wil JffrZ EDITOR e. "Whole kfmbeb, 952. From the time of his nomination until the election , no epithets were too coarse. From the inauguration until the death of President Lincoln, they continued in the same serain. After that they began to flatter then to approach. When h or dered the execution of the asaassins, they sent forth a loud howl of indignation. When be ordered a trial of the Andcaon ville wholesale murderer, and talked of trying Jefferson Davis, tbey wtr about to give him up in despair. But now they profeas to grow a little mere confi dent. They endorsed him in Maiue and New York. Tbey endorsed him (pro vi Jed he will do a they wish) in Penn sylvania. In 1833, tbey epoke of him thu : Senator Lamberlon. Record of 1363, page 369 ; "But then he waa An drew Johnson tha Democrat Now, how ever, he has deserted his post of duty in Tennessee ; he is stvltifying his past re cord ; he hat become a ptuiioner on pow er, and a defender of the unturpation of Abraham Lincol n ; and he appetrs amotuf us to-day as an int intrant peddler of abolitionism." Senator Wallace, page 374 ; "Durin g ail the existence of tbe rebellion, where is Andrew Johnson f In the Senate of the United States stak ing protection fur himself and his fallows under the bayonets of the soldien of McClelian He ia uever found ia arms In defence of his State, or valiantly fight ing in defence ot tbe liberties of his peo ple, against tbe armed cohorts of the re bellion. Never, never." Sen.ntor Cly mer, page 377 ; "I say, sir, that his,' (Johnson's) "appoittmcnt, by the Presi dent of the Uuited ta:ea, to that position was a usurpation of power on the part Of tfcS PlCHtd.Ut." That is my position, so far as concerns this pratetidui Governor of Taaoejsee. But without any regard to any question of h.s oSoial position, take Andrew Johnson as an iWi'viaVzf. I nerer, by my vote, will allow a msa to come into these halls and from this place speak to the people of this great State, in support of what I know to be illegal, unconstitutional and tyrannical acts of the Federal Government. I know, air, that Andrew J ohosou has gone aa far at the fait Lest, and is ready to go ttill further, to destroy, to uproot, to vplurn every principls upoa which this great and good Government of o'irs was founded. 1 know that he has beet with suppliant knee before the throne of powar ; I know that for peff or some other consideration, he has s.Lccnmled to every measure pre sented to him for approval or disapprov al." These political leaden now are simply Watching their chaucas. hoping thot om thing may turn up which may enable them to return to power, I h New York they adopted a platform at variance with all their past professions, and actually re fused td Condemn negro suffrage 1 They hope to ure President Johnson to sub serve their selfish purposes. TBI CHARGZ OF NSORO EQVAIITT. For many years our political opponenta seem to have a large investment in slavery and the negro. Now that slavery is pret ty generally admitted to be dead, it was thought that they might allow the old sub iect to rct. But not so. They return to the question with as much apparent teal and wtrmth as ever. Willi a full knowledge of the faot that negro suffrage and ctgro equality are not and ceuld not possibly be an issue on the October con test, they are making extraordinary ef forts to mialcad aud deceivo their fellow cifiiens into a contrary beliof. They think that our hostility aod prejudices against the negro aro so great, and that they have so often appealed to thet with, some show of success, that it is only ne cessary to repeat the effort in order to ac complish their designs. They toll you that efforts are being made to elevate the negro, and to place the two races on ait equality. They seem to be very much at.aid that some poor degraded negro may outnrip them in the race cf life. Tbey tell us that these negroes are weak, igno rant, and inferior to the whites. If so it would seem that tbey needed our help and assistance to educate and instruct the in. Tbe oniy danger of equality we can ee is, that tuuxv white men, by continuing longer iu such a oourse of argument, in .... tit frntti r rp rinn and SI