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Pat 7 Minn '-J II. II. WILSON, VOLUME XIX, NO 45. TERU3 OF niBLICATIOX. , T Jckiata Ssxtisbl is published every If ednesday moruing, on Main street, by H. H. WILSON. The SCBPCKIPTION PRICE of the paper will be TWO DOLLARS per year in advance, and S3. 50 if not paid within the Tear. Bf So paper discontinued until att ar rearages are paid except at the option of the K J it or. Advertising. The rates of ADVERTIS ES G are lor one equare, of eii;ht likes or less, ne timj, 75 cents ; three,:$l 60 ; and 5o cts or each subsequent insertion. Administ ra r's. Executor's and Auditor's Notices, $2,oo. J'rufessional and Business Cards, not exoc ing 25, lines, and including copy of paper. $.00 "per year. Merchants advertising (changeable quarterly) 1 15 per year, includ ing paper at their Store. Notices in reading columns, ten cents per line. Job Work. The prices of JOB WORK, forlhirty Bills, ope eight sheet, $1,25: one fourth. $2,nb :' one-lialf. !?:'.oo: and addition al numbers, half prill in I fjr Blanks, $2,oo per quire. Jiusintss (Curbs. JEKEmAif LVOXS, Mifllintnwn, Juniata County, Fa., Ofiiea n Main street South of Bridge Mr ct. E. C. STEWART, ATTOB N EY-AT-i-AW, Jliflintotcn, Juniata Co., '., Oilers his professional services to the pub lic. Collections and all other business will receive prompt attention, Oflice first Korih of Belford's Store, (upstairs.) door HLMAM M. ALLISON, Attorney at Law, Will attend to all business entrusted to li is eare. Oflice on Main Street, Mi.Hiutown, Pa. JOHN T.LSAIIM. glttorncir-at-Jaw, WIFFLIN'TOWS, JCXIATA COl'XTV, T.. OFFERS his professional services to the public. Prompt attention given to the prosecution of claims against tbe Government, olleevions ad H othr busiiwse entnitil to his care- Office, Main Street, one door Sou'ii ef Snyder's Hotel. Scpt. 'Jo, lti. j. .4. MILMKEX, A T T O II X E Y-A T-L A W, MEFLIXTOWX, JUXIATA , PA. Office Main Street, in the room formerly occupied bv Wm. M. Allison, F.q.) COLLECTIONS, AXD ALL OTHER Bus iness connected with the yrofesiion promptly atteudel to. Oct. If, 'Go. R. I C III.. MHO, r Patterson, Pa., wishes to inform his friends and pa trons that he has removed to the house on Bridge Street opposite Todd Jordan's Store. A prilO-tf IT-ENDUE CRIE 11 W AITCTION'EER, The undersigned offers his services fo the public as Vendue Cryer and Auctioneer. Ik has had a very large experience, and feels confident that lie can give satisfaction to aii who may employ him. He may be addressed at Mifllintown, or fuund at bis home in Fer managh township. Orders may also be left at Mrl Will s Hotel. Jan. 25, 1804. WILLIAM GIVEN. ALEX. SPEDDY, A 3 S3 S E KESPECTFULLV oficrs hU services to the public of Juniata county. Having had a large experience in the business of Vendue Crying, he feels confident that he can render general satisfaction. He can at all times be consulted at his residence in Mlfflintovn, Pa. Aug. 1(5, 18U5. MILITARY CLAIMS. rrMIE undersigned will promptly attend to JL tbe collection of claims against cither the rotate or National Government, Pensions, Back. Pav, Bountv, Extra Pay, and all other claims arising out of the present or any other war, collected. JEREMIAH LVONS. Attorn ty-at-Law. Mifllintown, Juniafa Co., Pa. febl Pensions ! Pensions! AM. PERSO.VS WHO HAVE BEEN' MS ABLE DURING THE PRESENT WAR ARE ENTITLE TO A PENSION. All per sons who intend applying for a Pension must all on the Examining burgeon to know weth er their Disability is nuRicient to entitle them to a Pension. All disabled Soldiers will call on the undersigned who has been appointed Pension Examining Surgeon fur Juuiata and adjoin. ng Counties. P. C. RUN 1)10, M. D., Patterson, I'a. Dee. 9, 13.-tf. MKniCtL. C'tRI. DR. S. O. K.EMPFER, (late army sur geou) having located in Patterson tend rs bis professional services to the ciluens o this place and surrouuding country. T)r. K. having had eight years experience in hospital, general, and army practice, feels prepared to request a trial from those who may be so unfortunate aa to need medical at tendance. He wili he found at the brick building op posite the .Sfstixei. Ornc," or at his resi dence in .the borough of Patterson, at all hours, except when professionally engaged. July 21, lfS-5 If. VLARliE atock of Vueensware, t'edtrware such as Tubs, Butter Bowls, Buckets l!l-KCt, I", ; !J ;? i PA ft-Ci;: MOTHER IN HEAVEN- Ml JAMES O. CLaBE. Sweet mother, the birds from the bowers have fled, Tbe reaper has gathered his sheaves. The glorious summer lies silent and dead. And the land, like a pale mourner, grieves; But the garden of mcm'ry is blooming to-day With flowers and leaves ever new. And the birds and the fountains that around it play A re singiog, dear mother, of you. Like green shores receding beyond the bine seas Seem the years by your tenderness blest. And youth's merry music grown faint on the brecio That is wafting me on to life's West ; Vet beautiful seems the mild glance ot your eye, And the blessing your fond spirit gave, As the mists of the valley hang bright in the , Though b miolini are lost in the wave. j I wondar, sometimes, if the souls that have flown Return to the mourners again, And I ask for a sign from the trackless Un known, Where millions have questioned in vain. I see no: your meek loving face thro' the strife Which would blind me with doubting and fear, But a voice murmurs "peace" to the tempest of life. And I know that my mother is near. The colli world may cover my pathway with frowns. And mingle with bitter each joy ; It may load me with crosses and rob me of crowns, I have treasures it cannot destroy ; There's a green, sunny isle in the depths of niy soul Whi-se the winks never strew, ' And the billows ajid breezes around it (hat roll Bring tidings of Heaven and you. THE VOLUNTEER COUSSEL- J ohn Taylor was J when a youth of twenty-two to practice at the bar. lie was poor; but well educated, and pos sessed extraordinary genius. He married a beauty, who afterwards deserted hint for another. Oo the Oth of April, 1SG0, the court house in Clarksville, Texas, was crowded to overflowing. An exciting case was about to Lo tried. George Hopkins, a whealthy planter, had offered an insult to Mary Ellison, the young and beautiful wife of the overseer. The husband threatened to chastise him for the out rage, when Hopkins went to Ellison's house aud shot him in his own door. The murderer was bailed to answer the charge. This occurrence produced great excite ment, and Hopkins, in tr.ler to turn lb,- tide of popular indignation, baa cir culated reports against her character, and she had sued him for slander. Both suits were pending for murder and slander. The itrtercst became deeper when it was known that Pike and Ashley, of Ar kansas, and S. S. Prentiss, of New Or lcais, by enormous fees, Lad been retain od to defend Hopkins. Hopkins was acquitted the Texas law- j ycrs were overwhelmed by their oppo nent?. It wafa a fight of (taarf against iant. Thcslander case was for the ninth, and tte throng of fpeciators grew in numbers as well as excitement : public opiuion was t-ctting in for Hopkins; his money had j procured witnesses who served as power ful advocates. AVhen the slander case was called, Mary Ellison was left without an attorney, all had withdrawn. 'Have you to counsel V inquired Judge .Jills, looking kindly a: the plain tiff. " No, sir ; they have a'.l deserted me snd I am too poor to employ any more," replied tho beautiful Mary, bursting into tear. "In such a case, will not some chival rous member of the profession volun teer ?" said the Judge, glancing around the bar. The thirty lawyers were silent. 'L will, your honor," said a voice i from the thickest part oi the crowd, bo- hind the bar. At -the sound of that voioe, Mary! started it wag unhealthy, sweet and mournful. The Crst eecfaltoi was changed into laughter, when a tall, guanfc spectrr.l : Cg- TH CONSTITUTION TBI UMOH EIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUiTO and placed himself within ihm bar. Ilis clothes looked so shabby that the courj hesitated to let the case proceed through his' management. "Has your name been entered on the rolls of the State?" demanded the Jud''e. "It i immotarTfi! " insvor.ll toA strnn- ' ... - - - ----- ger, his thin bloodless lips curling tip with a sneer. "Uere is my license from the highest tribunal in America." and he handed the Judge a parchment. The trial went on. He suffered the witness to tell their own story, and he allowed the defence to lead ofT. Ansley spoke first, followed by Pike and Premiss. The latter brought the house down with cheers, in which the jury joiued. It was now the stranger's turn, he arises before the. bar, not behind it and so near the wondering jury that he might touch the foreman with his long. bony finger. lie proccedod to tear to pieoaa .the arproente of Ashley, wHich melted away at his touch like frost before a sunbeam. Every one looked surprised. Anon he came to the dazzling wit of the poet-lawyer, Pike. 'Then the curl of his lip grew sharper, hrs smooth face began to kindle, aud his eyes to epen dim and dreary no longer, but vivid as lightening, red as fire globes glaring at twin n:e teors. The whole soul was in his eye the full heart streaming frqru Li? face. Then, without bestowing any allusion to Prentiss, he turned short around on the psrjured witness of Hopkins tore their I testimony into shreds, aud hurled iuto their faces such terrible invectives that al- trembled like aspen leaves, and two of them fled from the court houe. The ex citement of the crowd was becoming tre mendous. Their uuied souls sesmed to hang on the burning tongue of the stran ger; he inspired them with the power of his malignant passions ; and he seemed to have stolen nature's long hidden secret ot attraction. TSut his greatest triucpli was yet to come. His eyes began to glance at the assassin, Hopkius, and his lean, Uper finger assutn ed the same direction. He hemmed the wretch with a wall of atrong cvi- dence and impregnable argument, cutting offal1 hopes of escape. He dug beneath the murderer's feet ditches of dilemma. and held the slanderer up to the scorn and the comtempt of the populace. Having thus t;irt about him with a wall of fire, he stripped himself to the work of mas sacie. Oh ! then it was a vision both glo;ic.iis RBd dreadful to behold the orator. His actions became as impetious as the motion of an oak in a hurricane. His voice became a trumpet, filled with wild whirlpools, deafening the car with crashes of power, and yet intcrmiugled all the while with an 'tndertone of the sweetest cadence. His forehead glowed like a heated furn ace; bis countenance appeared haggard, Jke that ot a maniac, and ever and anon he threw his long, bony hands on high, as ihough grasping after thunderbolts. - He drew a picture of murder in such colois that, in comparison, hell itself might be considered beautiful ; he paint ed tbe slanderer fo black that the sun "ceiued dark at noonday when shining upon an accursed minster, anl then fixing bo:h portraits on the sinning Hop. kins, fastened them there forever. The agitation of tha audience nearly amount- cJ ,0 wadness. All at pece the speaker-descended from the perilous height. His voice wailed out for the dead and living the beauti ful Mary, more beautiful every moment as tears rose faster till stout rneu wept and sobbed like children He closed with a strange exhortation to the jury, aud through them to the by standers ; he then advised the panel, after they should bring in the verdict for the plaiutiff, net to offer violence to the de fendant, however richly he might deserve it. In other words, "not to lynch the villiao, but leave his punishment with God." This was the most artful trick of all, and the best calculated to insure ven geance. Tne jury returned a verdict of fifty thousand dollars, and the night afterwards Hopkins was taken out of his bed and beaten almost to death. As the court adjourned, the stranger said : 'John- Taylor will preach here thia tveai:'", s: ta'v c.i5!c I: sit." AND TI IsrOftCIT OF IH lAWS.J FINA. FEBRUAKY 11, 136G,, -. fhf stcrand Calhoun to Dwight, Baom and Bee;her but I never heard anything in the 'orm of sublime words even, remote, lv approximating to the eloquence of John Tajlor massive as a mountain, a catar act o( fire. PEP THE LOAF USDER YOUR ARM- ' The following is copied from a New York paper printed in the year 1775, and in related as a fact. Similar cases often occur it these days, where a parent, hav ing given all into the hnds of his child, ren. is obliged to spend the remainder of his days in poverty and want : At this t'tue there is living in Harlem an old man who relates the following sto ry of hiins!f. He wa3 possessed of a pretty gooi farm with everything neces sary for hit business, aud had ouo child, a son who having married, it ;ra3 agreed that the young couple should live iu the fcoc4--wiU the pared as be -wan a wid ows. These things went on exceedingly wel' foo some time when the son proposed to lis parent that he should make over to hea his estate, promising to build a new house and otherwise improve tha farm. Tht father through persuision, gave h:m a deod or gift of it, aud everything be longing to it After a few years, as the father grew old he grew a little fretted and dissatis fied, while the son. thinking he had noth ing more to expect from him, forgot his filial duty and used his old father worse than his servants. The old man was no longer permitted to eat ai the table with his ion and wife, but compelled to take his meals in the chimney-corner, and was catilinuiily ill used by them. The ill usive of the old man was at length car, ried to such a height that be could no longer bear it, but left the house and went to a neighbor, and relation of his declaring that it his friend could not help him get his farm back again, he should be obliged to come and live with him. His friend answered that he might eome and lire with him, and if he would foilow his directions, he would help him j to get his estate back again, Take thia bag of dollars, carry it to ', your room at your son's, shut it up well m your chest, and about the time you cx pect they will call you down to dinner, shut your door, and have all your dollars spread on the table in the middle ot the room. When they call you make a noise with them by sweeping them into your bag again. The bait took completely. The wife had peeped through the key-hole, and saw the dollnrs spread out on the table and told it to her husband. When the old man came down, they insisted on his sitting at the table with them, aa-J treat ed him with uncommon civilty. The old man related to his friend what he had done, who gavo him directions what to do, if his son asked for the money. After a few days the son discovered the old man very busily engaged in couot- ing out his money, and at the next meal j time asked hioi what money it was he had been counting. 'Only some money I have received for tho discharge of the bonds I had standing out. I expect more in a few days, and I fear I shall be obliged to take Mr. N's farm, upon which I have a ; mortgage, a he is not able to raise the money, and if the farm is sold it will not fetch as much as will discharge the ruurt- After a few days the son toll his father he intended to build a h'ouse on the farm, if he would let him have that money. -i'e?, child, all I have is coming to you. I intend giving you the bonds and mortgages I have, but then, I think it will be tho best to have it put all together in a new deed of gift. I will get neigh- 1-! bor L. to call here and draw a new one." j Accordingly his mend and cousin, wdo ; had devised the scheme, came VA ' A ' and the son gave the father the deed, .i... t. v. .t nr ; mat anotner migui va urawu uu ii.. When the old man had got the instru- j ment into his hands, in the presence of j ' ,. ,' ' . A t v- I had been saying. Lobham challenged m unto ms nanus, v j on the other side yes'erday ! lou are ; hi d Doddinzton repeated a h;s friend he broke off the 6ea!, and com-, at M Mocs;eur wa9 tie I UlJ a,LhaU0 owne he had nutted the writin-to the fire, say.og: nM with dignity, -"I never said I been telling it. "And yet," said Dodd . "Btfrn, cursed itfstrument of my folly j j wear a wQoden k or f ingt00i -1 did not hear a word of it ; and misery ! And yon, my dutiful chil- a0 ag cot t0 WMr out my trowscrs, and I j but I weut to sleep because I knew that drcn, as this estate, is all my own agaiu chanre the leg to prevent one leg of the ' about this time of the day you would tell sr ressv jas llafe'y. ualccs you mil ! iranrews vozcisg out b'efare e." tia; toJ-'l i - I have arftecr, by a"ex6enencTr, tHavrt is for a parent to hold tlie loaf under hit oun arm. That one father can better maintain ten children than ten children can a father." ON HIS MUSCLE. Thomas Topham, the "strong man," was born in London in 1710, and was bred a carpenter, but afterwards "travel-1 , . ' , , ' . . . . 1 ', . lay, so instead of postponing the marriage ed on his muscle. lie was a quiet,! . , . . , , ... . . the Becona sister, covering herselt Titn a peaceable man, of middle size and weight !, ' ., , , - . . , , r ' ii ii 'J0S Tc" personated the first, and duly made like other men except that the usual cavaties under the arms and hands were, in his case, filled full of muscles. The wonderful storig? of his feats of -. . -. .. strcngth are well autuenticatcd. tt ' . Ile could hold under perfect rs-itraist, . ' aud with case to himself, the strongest ' ' n horse. He lifted a table six feet long with fifty pounds on the end of It, with his teeth, and held it in a horizontal posi tion a considerable time. He rolled up a powtor dish weighing seven pounds, with as much apparent case as the reader would roll up a sheet of paper. He held a pew ter quart pot at arm's length and squeez ed the sides together like an egg-shell. He lifted 200 pounds with his little finder and waved it gently around his head. He lifted Mr. Chambers, a cler gymen, who must hare live on the fit of the laud, for he weighed 27S pounds with one hand, Mr. Chambers' head t iu placed on one chair and his feet on another. At a blow he struck a round lar of iron one inch in diameter, against his arm and bent it like a bow. On- night, observing a watchman asleep in his watch box, he picked up box and watchman, carrying the load with the greatest ease, and droppet them over the wall into Tindale burying ground. A btfrcher once passed a large window at which Topham was sitting. Ho stopp ed down aud took half an ox from the fellow's shoulder with to much ea?e and dexterity 'that the man swore the devil had fiown away with his beef. At a race a man insisted upon driving upon the track ; so Tcphani tojk hold jo the tail of his cart and drew it gently back, the driver whipping the horse like a madman all the tisis. When he kept a public house two men were determined to fight him; so, to sat isfy them, he seized them by the napes of their necks, and knocked their heads together till he knocked all the fight out of them. He astonished a sailor who presented him with a cocoa-nut, by oracling it close to Lis ear as you would a paa-nut; and upon one occasion Le lifted three liii'uili of witer. Oie he threw Lis horse over a turn pike gate, and at any time could go through the manual oi arms with the beam of a house. QU0DLIBET3. Johnny says he supposes dwarfs coulJ'nt get enough to eat when they were young, so they weut short ; but giants nrast have been better fed, because he cannot think howthey could le kept font withou' food. Man leads 'sroman to the alter in that act his leadership begins and ends. Age is venerable in man, and would be in woman if she ever became old. Why are we justified in believing that the piigrirus to Mecca undertake the journey with mercenary motives? Be cause they go for the sake of tho profit Prophet. Select from all the ages of the world the one of whose history we know the least. The saus-ye. What islands in the Mediterranean re mind you of woman at sea ? The Cycla. des (sick ladiesA What kind of publications are the driest ? Those that are the most pored over, ot course. JST" A Person in Paris noticed a poor man with a wooden le? walklntr ni.t bi hofe, and him a The nest anS"d the wooden leg from the : - . , . Ruratred nt th rfen - r , tinn Iia nrnntiin rn th mn nn, -roi;m. ! , !,Vt i u i -i ii ed "Von rascal. YOU had the vnmlpn lo.r ! EDITOR ASD PrnLISUER. WHOLE NUMBER 931. 1 "... STRANGE STORT. , , . A strange story is told of two listers at Berlin. About three years ago one of these young ladies was engaged to be married, but on the bridal morning be came so ill that she could not possibly go ta the church. The bridegroom was a desirable one, and was a fish who, it seems, had not been easily hooked. Pbr wis tlnsrnfnri irv!if. rlflnrrr in At. j went through the ceremony. The mo i ment it was over she transferred tbe tri- ' rlnl rlress nnrl rirnnmrnts fn lirr si.tpr I , . , ., 1 who, in her innocence, was thus considor- 1 , . , , . , . , I ed to have all proper claim to this hus- I , , v , . T. . band she had rtarriea by proxy. It is , .,. , i i nnlTT rppnl c thnf n msrornrv haa tienn j j made of the real facts, and proceedings are to be taken not only in the civil, but iu the criminal couru of Berlin. aTsEKHOK- ON ' VREC10U3-6T0SES. An extravagant baronet, well known to the clubs in St. James, London, being, on one of very tiany occasions, hard pressed for money, bribed his wife's wait, ing woman to procure for him her lady ship's casket of diamonds, with which he forthwith proceeded to the family jewel er, expressing a wish that Le would sub stitute the bert pasta for the real article " I vl.pi bpr I.idvch'n wonM !i(i flnnA tril ,. nW.. w . ingly replied : "Why, Sir Chatles, did thut for mi 1'xdy more than twelve month? since.'" thus showing that "my lady" was quite as "fast' as her 'lord,' and in nothing was he her 'master.' ' A Man for the TimI:s. There is a progressive chap round Philadelphia who liv:s cn his wit3, and from theii quality, wo guess he won't starve soon. On a rainy day he goes into a bar-room, or a harbet shop, and seizing the first um brella handy, he very angrily says: "Ah, found it, darn pretty ncte, to go and steal a man's umbrella in that way !'' and away he goes. The other day he rzarch ed up to a gentleman on Chestnut street aud grabbing at the umbrella in his hand say he : "That's mine, sir ; where aid you get it ?" '-I beg pardon sir ; it was loaned to me by an acquaintance. If it is yours, take it, sir." "Mine ? Of course it is," says Did dler, and he took it He'll do. Teaching Politeness. A Western correspondent says : In a district iu tho West we had a gentleman teaeher who thought it advisable to give some lessons in politeness. Among other things he told the boys that in addressiing a gentle man they should always say "Sir," and gave them examples, and made quite a lesson of it. One boy was particularly delighted,' and took occasion to speak to his teacher often, to show he profited by his teachings. When be went home to dinner his father said : "Tom, have some meal?" "Yes, sir, I thank you." The next thing the child fcnev? his father's hand came whack on his ar, and his father's voice thundered forth, "I'll teach you tc sass your did !" Tom gavo up being polite. Neveja Ketsact. "'Sir, your journal of yesterday contained lalse inrormation." Impossible, sir ! But tell me what do yon allude to? "You said that Mr. M. had been tried." "True." "Condemned." 'Very true." "Hung." "Most true." 'Now, sir. 1 am that gentleman himself." 'Impossible V "I assure you it it a fact ; and now I hope that you will contradict what you have alleged." "By no means, sir." " "How 1 W hat do yen mean ? Yon are deranged." "It may be so, sir, but 1 will not do it." "I will complain to a magistrate." "As ycu phase ; but I nev er retract. The inot 1 can do for you is, to announce that the rope broke, and that you are now id perfect health. I have my principles, sir, and must maintain them." ' That Storv. The celebrated Bubb Doddihirton was very lcgsrthic. Falling asleep one day after dinner with zd Lord Cobuam, tho General reproach, Mrovr - mess. DodJiozton denied havine ... in i.ii i ii ifi i I n rrmn mirn nil been asleeo. acd to prove that he had not - offered to repeat all that Lord Cob ham oueieu "r. . . ...