OCR Interpretation

Juniata sentinel. [volume] (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, February 21, 1866, Image 1

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It. II. WlXSO.t,
T JrsiAT RajrnsKi. is published every
Wednesday morning, on Main street, by
The SCBFCKIl'TION PRICE of the paper
Vill be TWO DOLLARS per yer in advance,
and ti.jO if not paid within the year.
No paper discontinued until al ar
rearages are (aid except at the option of the
AnvEBTisi-to. The rates of ADVERTIS
NG are for one equare, of kiort liics or less,
ne timj, 75 cents ; three,: fl 60; and 60 cis
cr each subsoquent insertion. Adininist ra
r's. Executor's and Auditor's Notices, $-,00.
Professional and Business Cards, not exceed
ing 25. lines, and including copy of paper.
$t.oo per year. Merchants advertising
(changeable quarterly) f 15 per year, includ
ing paper at their Stores. Notices in reading
columns, ten eests per line.
.'o Wont. The prices of JOB WORK,
fjirthirty liiils, one eight sheet, $1,2! ; oue
fourth, $2,oo ; one-half, ? !,oo; and addition
al nuuiViers, half price aad for Blanks, i-,00
per quire.
I - . fq gg
rx dmtisfwfuts.
the first day of Jannary, ISGG, to the 3rd day
uf January, lBOfi.
Jh. JfUS If. M. TODD, Trm surer DR
To balance in his hands on Jauu
ary 1, 18U5 $ 3.092 00
To taxes outstandingon Jan. 1, '00 12.8'JU l4
To am't taxes lcried for 1H05 liU,&47 7o
la cash rsc'i af Callcctors of Mil
itia tax C!0 22
To cajh ree'd of Sheriff Louden,
jury fees 29 00
To cash ree'd of sundry persons
for old fence 17(5 54
So cash ree d J. A. Christy, suf-
rage tax Z 00
To cash ree'd A. Partner, ditto. 3 2U
To ' " J. McKinley, dama
ges 10 00
To iuterest charged on State tax
of Spruce II ill township 4 u3
To cash ree'd on sales of unseated
lauds 5 tK)
Total...! i....?43,471 1H
Jty commissioners and other orders
lifted from the first January to
January 3rd. IbCG.- f 22.P23 21
Pv Sim l'reas. rec'tof Julv 2'J, 'Ci 2,otW 00
Vy ' " " " 21, Oi
iij " " Aug. 2, '05
Hy cash paid S. Dimm, pensioner
By Treasurer's per centag on
f 30.8o8 J8
By exonerations allowed Collectors
My caminis"ions allowed Collectors
h'j Treas'r's per ceutage on Stifl
22 militia taxes received-
4,000 W
1,500 00
20 00
308 43
220 P'.t
4,527 t4
34 00
Br am't of outstanding taxes, Jan.
1. 100 8,201 81
I'.y cash paid order of Military
board 35 01
XI v balance in Treasurer's hand:;
'jauuary 3, lSbG 2.20'J SO
..$43,471 18
tn the hands of thr'vi'.ectore, n the first d"J
of January, lMti-
185 John W. Jacobs Kayette $10 00
1S51I John 1). Howeil spruce Hill 20 00
lht',1 James Kidd Tucarora 02 l'i
KstiJ "Caleb Parker l'attarson 43 54
1''.2 Wm. Brown I'errysvillo 12n 50
lr,i Joshna Beale Tuscurora 123 81',
lSt',4 David Brattoa Beale Sl 73
1804 II F. Smith Tuscarora 105 CI
18',4 Luke Marks Monroe 222 30
1804 Samutd Wntts Fayette 14 M
18t'.o John Anderson 1'a'tcrBon 08 ti'.t
18C)5 J, A. Christy Mifflintown 3i 79
IS'o Win. Christy Fermanagh ul5 18
W,h Peter Hcttlck Walker " 1.4VJ 34
18G5 Geo, W. Lloyd Delaware 3Uy 20
lSiio SnniuM Markley Fayette Mo OB
18C5 John McConnell Mimroe 283 35
18-;5 Jos. Karstetter Susquehanna 132 79
8 V Brannieholtx Perrysvillc 11113
1 8',5 Abraham I'art ncr M ilford
1Si'.5 John Koons Turbelt
1805 John P. Kelly Beale
18-55 h. A. Martin Spruce Hill
JffiS Sam. R. ZeiIer Tuscarora
430 03
747 75
202 27
8t;8 51
541 38
2S0 03
180i Joseph Bull Lack
Total 8,291 84
Sinee paid in full.
All of which is repctfully submitted.
Commissioners Cerim.
MirrLiKiows January 4, 1800.
flu dnburi'mtntt of the County Trravirer to
January lit, 1 806, for tht year 1805.'
Court! and Juror! Pay,
8. B. Louden, Sheriff noti !
fying jurors, &c $88 00
E. L. Anderson, et a:. Grand
and Petit Jurors Feb Term 377 80 '
I. 1. Walli, et ttl. Grand and
Petit Jurors April Term... 267 55
C. A. Sheruier, et al. Grand &
Petit Jurors, Sept. Term. ...390 20
Jos. Ard, et al. Grand and Pe
tit Jurors, Dec. Term.. ..604 94
Alex. Speddy, Court Cryer.... 34 00
Henry Willi, et al. Tip-staves 43 00-11700 45
Conttoilf!' lleporti.
John Bearing et al. constable returns
Pralhonotaiy, Sheriff, $c Fee!.
(io. W. Jacobs, Troth'o fees. 97 40
fi. B. Louden, Sheriff fees. 178 49
J. A. Milliken, Distract Attor
ney fees 47 00
George Goshen tt al. Consta
ble fees 49 80
J. Middagb, et al. Justices
53 68 '
83 78
Commonwealth Witnmn.
Jeffries Ingram at al. witness
es in sundry cases
Tararoy ft Sherlock, rebuild
ing Bryner'a bridge 41S8 96
MiT ft FWnolda, btbta
- aa H fn ,rh! ou
40T, 03
Jbbn Landiset al. repairs to
bndgear-w........ 601 ia-0010 tifrr
j rintiny ,j stationery.
J. B.M. Todd, Militia Record
book .....V. $0 CO
A. G. Bonrall, Pub. rrinting214 00
Wm. J. Jackman 215 75
A. L. Guss & Co " 130 83
F. I.. Butter, Kciords, Tran-
e. i t .o, nn . n .-, no
ecrifis w.f ucaics ioi u - oo
iiounty Debt t Sntereit. I
T. B. Landis et al. bouuty
claims 2131 00
D. Heffly et al. interest " 147 502278 50
Relief to Soldier!' Familiei.
Amanda J. Simmers & others 1595 49
Fullic Often.
R. V. McWilliams, recording
Treasurer's bond 5 10
R. P. McWilliams, Glass and
Stove Grate for Office 2 70
J. A. Christy, Auditing Pub.
Account 18 00
R. P. McWilliams, Presses and
seals 74 50 100 30
General J- Spring Flection!
G. W. Campbell et al. Judge,
Inspectors and clerks 589 00
G. W. Jacobs rec'g election
returns 34 00
R. 5. Warner etal. constables 93 46
James Jfart in, et al. assessors 6 00 722 40
County Prison.
Levi TTecbt, t1inkt 1 i OO
S. B. Louden boarding pris
oners, &c. ....'. 189 25
J. C. Waits et al. repairs 17 50
S. Basom, paint'g ft popering 75 99
Mrs. M. A. Louden, tuakitg
bed clothing 6 00 302 74
Eastern Penitentiary
For maintainance of convicts. 528 81
8. B. Louden, Shift" convey
ing prisoners 271 00 799 SI
S. Beshoar et al. for miuk, skunk &
wildcat scalps 395 70
John A Rowe et al. Jurors 23 00
E DCrawtord& Leight, post
mortem examination 10 00 33 00
A lienor! and Atswments.
David Ilaslett, Beale, Asses
sor, 1804 30 00
Triennial assessments, Nov-
& Dec. 1804 078 OS
Extra assessment Aug. '05 67 7
S B Louden, notifying Asses
sor of Walker twp , 1804... 1 50
W Brevher et al., room rent
for triennial appels 21 25 CS9 14
Commissioners' VjKce J- Court House.
i S Cox Commissioner's pay ..!! 75
John Folti " 83 00
John Kanawel " " 191 60
Wm. Logue " " 25 00
John Buzzard, Clerk 100 00
A J Greer 350 00
I R Weiser, clean'g court hou. 39 00
Wm H Kasc iusurucce " 60 25
E Horning et al. wood, &c.... 3 50
II Heck, et al. clart'g gutters 3 50
J Middagh, swear'g ceumis-
iouers 2 75
Sulouff X Siambaugh coal. . 93 00
A Speddy, freight & eryiog
sale of old fenre...:. . 10 75
J II Orce S Co., Matting 115 13
J C Finn, paper forcourt room 84 00
G Goshen, et al. scaffolding,
. plastering, lie 31 75
Sandoe & Martin, repairing
chairs , 56 88
G Wi e, et al mason work &c 14 00
C B & C Bartley work to court
house -540 50
C W Weitiel, Settees 45 00
A II Martin Fence 2587 69
J W incy repairs to spouting 6 45
P H Pannebaker, work to
Court, House - 40 00
D Trout work to Couit Yard
Fence 16 00
Purcell .( Clanehv. putting un
Curt Vard Fence 1.129 96
J C'aveny paiut'g pnperinglOO 00 4S56 86
D Ha!pl et al exonerations... 70 47
It P M' Williams, coal 8 Oil
J 11 M Toddet al merchandise 92 80
J Suluuti militia funds overp'd202 00
S B .ouJt-n, Mercantile App'r 3 00
I) F Kepner postage stamps ic 5 45
D Partner, et si, percentage
as ttlleitors 1...305 02
I North, keeping prisoner 1 60
J A Christy, procuring records
Ke 10 00
G W Jacobs, et al, draft of fence
As 3 00 767 83
total ; . . . . . . .Sil.lUS t3
L. S. AVe the Commissioners of .Inniaia j
county, in compliance with the law, do pub
libh the foregoing as a full statement ot the
Keceipts and Kxpenditures of the County
aforesaid, for the year 1800. Given under our
hands at the Commissioners' Office, in -Miffliu-
town, thiH IRih day of .unitary, 1PGG.
J1A1 1 Htn tLAKa, Commissioner!,
A. O. Gbefe, Clerle, feb7-4w
(Ute Mdjor in Quarter Mnatet Department,
Real Estate Broker k Conveyancer
Farms in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Mary
land, Delaware and Virginia. Have
Agents in all of the above States.
Catalogues now ready for dietribut-'on by
pending a stamp. Jy Officers and Soldier's
claims anjusieu. He&.(;oiiectiuiii made in all
Mates. tt. K. COK50N,
112 South, 4th Street, Philadelphia,
Box 518, Philadelphia P. O. P
Dec. fi, 'Co. Sm.
PXECCTOII'S NOTICE. The undersigned
Have received from the Register of Juuiata
County, letters testamentary upon the last will
and testament of 110 15 r. It T THOMPSO.V, lute
of Thotnpsontown, dee'd. All persons indebt
ed to said estate, arc requested to make pay
ment to the undersigned and nil persons hav
ing demand agaiust the same will present
them for settlement, on or before the 10th day
larch, 186-
W. ,s THOMPSON, Eztatlon.
TIiqTTtfiR'-tfi, Inn. iit y.'rj. ("'.n. T7 ft
.. C.f.,. 1ft.Trn
citui uimii.
Well hath the poet said that Death,
With ghastly mien and his chilling breath,
With his icy hand and his heart uf stone,
Hath every season for his own.
There's no escape from his poisoned dart
'Twill pierce in its flight each, throbbing
heart ;
E'en now the bow and the string are set,
And the shaft is aimed at the Houtchold
She struggles now with the monster grim;
Her ohecks grow pale and her eyes grow;
dim ;
Her attenuate form is racked with pain,
And efforts to save seem all in vain ;
They are in vain she is going fast ;
Her form is chill she has breathed her last,
'lis a solemn fate, but it must be met
E'en by the little Household Pet.
She is gone '. we never shall sec her more,
In her childish sports, as oft before ;
Ko more bhall look in her sparkling eye.
No more shall list to her avr?Tt bye-bye ;
The soul has gone to its rest afar,
Perchauce to dwell on some distant star;
Uf all she was, naught remaineth yet.
But the dust of the Household Pet.
She has gone from earth with its pain and
cure ;
Sbe's safe in a realm that is bright and
fair ;
And 'tis cheering to us who linger here
To know that her way to heaven was clear:
But yet it is hard to give her up,
And the band is slow to tnke the cup,
And hearts arc blccdiug, and eyes arc wet,
For the little, playful Household Pet.
Adieu ! sweet child '. it is thine to go
And ours to retnniu a while bcow;
Ours to lament that thou art dead,
And strew with flowers thy grassy bed;
But while we grieve, 'twill be sweet to know
That our heavenly Father ordered so;
And that, how'er deep may be our regret,
It is well witb the little Household Pet.
Well, this yer Smiley had rat-terrier?,
and chicken cocks, and tout cat, and all
them kind of things, till you hand't noth
ing for him to bet on but he'd match you.
He keiched a frog one d:iy and took him
home, and said he calculated to educate
him : ard so hs never done nothing for
three months but set in his back vnrJ
and learn that frog to jump. Anl you
cau bet he did learn hitu too. He'd give
him a little punch behind, and the next
minute you'd see that liog whirling in the
air like a doughnut see him turn one
summerset, or maybe a couple if he got
a good start, and come down flat footed
and ail right like a cat. He got him up
so in the matter of ketching flics, and
kept him in practice so constant, thttt
he'd bail a fly every time as far as he
could ace him. Smiley said all a frog
wanted was education, and he could do
most anything and I believe him.
Why, I've seen him set Dau'l Webster
down here on this floor Dan '1 Webster
was the came of the fro" and siug out :
Flies, Dan'l, flies," and quicker'n you
could wiuk, he'd spriug straight up make
a fly off the counter there, and flop down
on the floor again as solid as a gob of
mud, and fall to scratching the 6ide of
his head with his foot as indifferent as if
he hadn't no idea he'd done more than a
frog might do. You never see a frog so
modest end straight forward as he was.
And when it come to a fair and rquarc
jumping on a dead level he could get
over more ground than any of his breed
you ever see. Jumping on a dead level
was his stronghold, you understand, aud
when it come to thai, Smiley would ante
up money on him as long as he hud a red.
Smiley was monctrous proud of bia frog,
and well he might be, for fellers that had
traveled aod been everywhere said he laid
"over any frog that ever they see.
Well, Smiley kept the beast in a little
lattice box, and he used to fetch him down
town sometimes and lay for a bet. One
day a feller a stranger in the camp, he
was come across him with his box, and
says :
"What might it be that you've got in
th box ?"
And Smiley says, sorter indifferent like,
"It nrght be a parrot, or it might be a
canary, maybe, but it ain't it's only just
And the feller took it, and looked at it
carefully, turned it round this way and
that, and says, "Ilini so 'tis. Well,
what's ho good for ?"
"Well," Sally ca3, esry and oarelve,
piHTI FEBRUARY 21, isce.
--- -v..- . ..
t.-Ypo ongh tot one thing, 1 should
judge he can oat jtinrp anj frog in Ca
laveras county."
Tha feMer tool the box again and took
another loDg. particular look, and gate tlhem were several y0UI1g ladies of the
back to Smiley, aid aays, rery deliber- npper.tendom 0f those days sensible
a:cly, "Well I don't see no points about jlooking creatures, happy as larks, and al
that frog that's y better than any other , s ulI of fua at)(i mischief. It hap
"Maybe you rbn't" Stuilty says. Jlay
be you understaid frogs, and maybe you
don't andcntul'em; maybe you've had
. .. ,
experience; ari maybe you ain't only a
amature, as it were. Any ways, I've
got my opinio), and I'll risk forty dollars
that he can ott-jump any frog in Calave
ras county.
And the ffllcr studied a minute, and
then yvkirder "'1 'ike, "Well I'm
only a stranger here, lnd I ain't Kct no
frog but if I had a frog I'd bet you.
And thea Smiley say- "That's all
right that's all right if you'll hold my
box a minute. I'll go and get you a
fios nd the feller took the box and
put his forty dollars along with Smiley 's
and setduwn to wait.
So le eet there a good rhile thiDkins
and tluuking to hiuieeif, and then lie
ot the frog out and pried his mouth
open and tooK a teaspoon aua niiea mm
full of quail shot filled him pretty near and Betty's father having a fine supply,
to the chin and set him on the Coor. j n the youngsters for miles around assem
Smilcy he went out to the swamp and j j there on the hulliday to feast on
slopped arouud iu the mud for a long j melons. 31. wa3 prominent in tbe circle
time, and finally he k etched a frog nd j untii af'tcruooa. Betty had a piivate in
fetclied him in and gave him to this feller j tervicw with the young men and arranged
aud sxjs
"Now, you're ready, set him along side
of Dan'l, with his iorepaws just even
with IWIs, and I'll five the word."
Then he says, "One two threejump:"
and him and the feller touched up th e
frogs from behind, and the new frog hopp.
ed off lively, but Dan'l gave a heave,
and hysted up his shoulders so like a
frenchman, but was'nt no use he
couldn't badge ; he was planted as solid
as an anvil, and he couldu't no more stir
than if he was anchored out, uiiley
was a good deal surprised, and he was
disgusted too, but he didn't have no idea
what the matter wai of course
The feller took the money, and started
J- auJ when Le W3S S'AaS out of tbe
door, he Eorte jerked his thumb over
his thoulJer this way at Dau'l and
says again, very deliberate, "Well I
don't sec no points about that irog that's
any better than any other frog."
Suiiley, he stood scratching his head
aod lopkiug down on Dan'l a long tiuie
at last he says, "I do wonder what in
the nation that frog tLrowed off for I
if ondor if there ain't something the mat
ter with him he 'pears to look mighty
boggy, somehow," aud he Letched Dan'l
by the nap of the neck and Ifited him up,
anj eays, "Why, blame my cats if he
duu't weigh five pounds," and turned him
upside down, and he belched out about a
dout:e nanuiin 01 &uol. Ana meu ne u
en. li ,ivw if- vxia onrl lio vac ilm itiirlii.iir f
e set the frog down and took out
' , . , . , l . . i
after that feller, but he never ketched
Never Kxock Under. No, never.
Always rally your forces for another and
more desperate assault upon adversity.
If calumny assails you, and the world
as it is apt to do in such cases, takes part
with your traducerg, don't turn moody
and misanthropic, or worse still, seek to
drown your uuhappincss in dissipation.-
Bide your time. Discover the slander if
yuu can j if not, liva it down. If pov
erty comes upon you like a thief ia the
night what then ? Let it rouse you, as
the presence of a real thief would do to
encrgUio action. No matter how deeply
you mtiy have got into hot water always
provide that you did not help the Father
of Lies to hate your case-, if you are made
of the right kind of stuff, it is not des
perate, for it is in accord with the divine
order and sweep of things that life should
have no difficulties whkh an honest, de
termined man, with Heaven's help, cannot
jfcThjre ia a boy down East who is
accustomed to go out on a railroad track
and imitate the steam whistle so perfectly
as to deceive the officer at the station.
His last attempt provea eminently suc
cessful ; the depot master came out and
"switched him off."
8How long did Cain bate his broth
er 1' Aa long as ho was Abel
About the jear 1832 and '33 there
lived a family of some note on the Gau-
nalniinn rivpr in Wratarn Texas. Anions
pened that among fifteen or twenty young
men residing in that section there was
one by the name of Miller, a surly-faced,
, haired chuff ,nd mooa.fved
ei j i j .
cliappwhb became wofully smitten with
the most charming ol the aforesaid young
ladies who, of all the buckskins in the
... ra- ... , , ,
.... .
! .... u n..i
cuuciui uiiiuuiauav 1 1 uiiiiittii nun
lut; vcuus CCA nuic bV lie vuuilicu. " uu
an j wed.
His visits became less like those of an-
Kcia mat uuce a uuuiu, liicu uuuuhiik
i . c. .t. .t J ...i t;...,
to twice a month, and ouce a week "anil
' .
soon" said the old man, "this amber spit-
. ..... , , .
ting, deer ktlliDg fellow was almost every
, . b :
day forcing his company on poor Hetty, j
, . . 1 3 ,, , f
Mauy jukes at her expense followed, of '
, . iic tr
course, aud bhe resolved, after sunenng ;
', . , i
under them lor some time, to get clear of;
j i,er admirer or quit the ranche herself.
An opportunity offered on the followin
, ubbath. it being watermelon season
that 31- should be decoyed from tha house
and frightened by the cry of "Indians,"
from some of his comrades, which would
wound his pride and drive him away. A
swim iu the fiver, some three hundred
yards distant, was proposed by one and
seconded by several. Of course poor 31.
was in.
They west to the ford near the melon
! patch, and began undressing. In the
meantime eitzbt or ten others, with guns, :
Lad gone down under cover of the bank,
and secreted themselves along the path
from the bathing place to the house. The
company with Miller were in fiue glee,
aud in going down spoke of the recent
outrages of the Inuians, their increased
boldness, &c., thus exciting the anti-combative
buuips of 31iller to the highest
"Notr, boys," tsid one, "who'll jump
into the river first ?"
"I'll bet I'm first in," said .Miller, "by
Josh I'm first with the gals in course
I'm first here,"
Off went coats, pants, shoes, socks, Ac
Just as 31iller had doffed everything but
his short red flannel shirt bang ' bang !
tang ! why-o-wo-ya ! bang ! went two,
throe and four more guns loud aud more
shrill rose the teirib'e warhoop in the
dmse brush under the bank.
"Good gracious ! I'm a dead man,"
groaned James Simpson.
"31y leg is broken 1 Oh, save me !"
... '
iiun for life men ! run for mercy's
, . . 1 J
o.u, uu. tueu ae. i arson, "one 01
my eyes are out, and both legs broken I"
AH was said iu an instant do you see
that red blare along the path 1 Look a
moment what velocitv ! That ia.l hnir
J c
all straight out behind-ihat is Miller
streaking for the house shirt and all see
him turn the corner of the field, by the
corner of the thicket bang ! bang I went
half a dozen pieces, and louder than ever
rose the hidootts war cry.
"Oh, my '." gruuted 3Iiller, redoubling
his speed, the red blaze getting larger,
and buoches of his bushy hair dropping
out as he spread himself see hita leap
the yard fence, high in air, red thirt and
all. '
The porch was full of ladies ofl went
two or three more guns 31. glanced at
the ladies and then at his short flannel ;
"Kun for your life, 31'." screamed
Betty, "the house is full of Indians 1
father is dead and brother Sam is wounded.
Kun ! speed !"
In the twinkling of an eye 31. was put
of te yard, and supposing the premise
surrounded, off he shot the red blaze
more brilliant than ever and stiikin
directly for the thick, thorny bottom, he
reached and swam the river, and although
t was nearly sunset, 31. got into a settle
ment fifty miles distant to breakfast next
morning, still retaining the sleeves and
collar of kid red shirt, and reported alljwefo. It says : "Bit-you-mcn."
til FftnWf, MTOrs,""S(f7" atnong tbe slain.
As for himself, he said he had fought as
long as fighting would do any good.
It is unnecessary to inform you whether
or not Betty was ever troubled with "31.
after that scrip.
"I was g!ad to have it in my power to
do anything my husband wanted me to
do," was the beautiful reply of a wife
lon3 ned of ;th j positlon
whri I aikpil ha V :
" 1 nuji uvuiiHAinj;
bprplf rIia hnd iidntn.t .... I-
fa 'J "
. ., , . .
A man was terribly injured; a muslin
I bandage was essential to his safety; it
. . .
i was not 81 nautl. anii tbere was no time to
run for it. A young woman present dis
appeared, and returned the next instant
! with the rctjuuite article taken from her
, 1
was saved,
llr , .. T , , ,
-MJ deux wife, I am hopelessly bank-
: , r '
lupf, said a merchant, when he entered
. c
hl3 fiue mansion, at the close of a day, all
,., , , . ,
rultless " endeavor to save himself
, . ....
when men were crashing around him iu
airtinn ..t-ii ... .i
j .vit u, uic iMiut uiais,
dearest," said his wife calmly. "Is that
all ?" and absenting herself a moment,
she returned with a book, from between
tbe leaves of which she took bank note
after bank note, until enough was counted
to fully meet all her husband's require
ments. "That." said she, in reply to hid
mingled look of admiration and astonish
ment, "is what I have saved for such a
possible day as this, from your princely
allowance for dressing myself since we
were married."
If every ni.ther made it her ambition
to mould her daughter's heart in forms
like these, who shall deny that many a
suicide would be prevented ; that many a
noble-hearted man would be saved from a
life of abandonment or a drunkard's dread
ful death, and many families prevented be
ing thrown ucon society in destitution and
helplessness, to f'jrnth inmates for the
jail, the poor-houae, the asylum and the
hospital ?
- ... . m --
Lookixo for a Bektii. While the
boat was lying at Cincinnati, just ready
to start for Louisville, a young man came
oil board, leading a blushing damsel by
the hand, and approaching the clerk, ia a
suppressed voice : "I say," he-txclaimed,
"me and my wife has just got married,
and I'm looking for aeccnjmodations."
"Looking for a berth ?" hastily inquired
the clerk passing tickets out to another
passenger. "A birth ? thunder and light
ning, no !" gasped th young man, "we
ain't but just got married! we want a
place to stay all night, you know, and a
4 3lany cotton bales arriving in New
York have to be overhauled, dirt and
stained cotton thrown out, and then re
baled. The other day two laborers in
discharge of this duty found in one of
the bales twenty seven thousand dollars
in gold. Both seller and purchaser claim
the spoil, and the law is like to get the
oyster, and the other the shells.
sf"A bachelor aud a young lady pur-
ehased Some tiek,;t3 in r'nership in a
ii., . .i . a l :.. ir:i
wlK? " ,MT . 1 1
waukie, agreeiug to divide the proceeds
equitably. Tbey drew a double bedstead,
a baby crib, aud a lunch basket, and the
question is now to divide them, or wheth
er they shall nut use them "jiutly."
tey'fho Artesiau wells of Chicago
have proved a splendid success. They
arc now discharging over a million gallons
per day of pure water. They are located
about three miles from the City Hall of
Chicago, aud are sevea hundred feet ia
bSA man named 3Iouroe Harrington
wa3 BUddeuly killed at Titusville a few
days since, who bad an insurauce of 10,-
OW on his life, but who had neglected to
renew bls P0'10? wuic.n naa exPlrea ,Jf
a day before the accident.
SsTLucy Stone says : "The cradle is a
woman's ballot-box." Then we have
known some unlawful voting, where twa
ballots were deposited at one time.
EQ. What is the difference between a
drummer boy aud a pound of meat ?
Oue weighs a pound and the other pounds
-A singular echo is said to rever
I,orta rmmd a crcat many petioleura

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