Newspaper Page Text
MIFFLINTOWN We4a4sv Marslng, Xsreaber 2, 1870. B. F. 80HWEIER; EPITO rROPIUBTOR. GEO. P. ROWEL t 4 CO, 40 Park Row, New York . ' , ,;, ., A51 : . .. S. M. PETTENGILL L CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y, Arc oar eole agents in thai city,' and r au thorised to contract for advertising al our lewtst rates. Advertiser in that eity are re ijUHtid to leave their favor with either of the above houses. "Bull Una Ratsril." Two weeks ago we referred to snrue of the misn-presenutinus jg-iinst the Na tional Cause, tbat Dr. RnMell. corrwpon dent of tile London. T-mct sent, to that paper, duritig' the Rebellion." We also, nt tbe tame time, hiuted that be favored, in glowing Colors in his correspondence, tbe Rebel taue. The partial account vt the firrt Uttle of Bull Ruu' was of each a character that eiuce that time, when he is spokeu of he is styled, "Bull Ron Russell' The Northern press and people condemned him r-iunely for hia missrepresentatioti. Latterly he has hown himself a gain a a correspondent for the paper ab:ve referred to, at the G rman head qnarters in France. The snubs that he received in this country for bis unfair course while here, were not as severe a. were the snub he re ceived a mouth ago from the Prussian head quarters, for the reason that the Prussian snubs wera of an official char acters, and the Amerieau snubs were not. Count 1'ismark has put tbe mark of disapproval upou him A mouth go Russell, in a letter to tbe 77m, report ed a conversation that took place be tween King William and the Emperor Napoleon soon after tb surrender of the latter. "It waa well written, as are all his articles, but it was a fabrication, unworthy of a mau of Russell's preten tions when he declare himself as repre senting or narrating facts. Bismarkrays of the reported eonvereatinu, under date of, October 2 : "The report of the conversa tion between King Willium and tbe Em peror Napoleon, given by Dr. Russell, the T-met' correspondent, is founded on mere invention.' F.innaik's despatch, of c:tne cannot affect the fine style to which Rnssell writes, nor injure him as a fiction writer, but it annihilate him as a truthful writer of facts. I'icmnrk's de spatch id a "Biill Run" extinguicher for -Bull Knn Rnssil. A Convb.xtios, to take measures for, the removal of the National Capita! to j some point wert of tho Allegheny Mouu-, tains, held its sessions at Cincinnati last in tbe opiniou that it ought to be remov ed, but as to the place, it could not agree. Sixty seven delegates, all West ern men, constituted the the convention. A letter was read from Horace Grnely, suggesting New York as the proper place. Tbe Convention thought that awful for Creely. A letter from Col. Forney was read, denouncing the whole movement as fraught with "incalculable mischief.'' The members of tbe Convention, wheu votiug for a locatiou, voted for their owu places respectively. Di'KiNO the past seven months three attempts had been made by burglars to enter the store room of a New Tork gun smith, Mr. Agostrias. lie grew tired of these efforts at entrance, and set a gun trap at the window at which the bur glars had previously tried to enter, and lo, and behold, on the morning of tbe 25th nit., when one of the men employed in the store came to open it be was start led at the sight of a dead man lying be low the window where the gun trap had been set. The top of the burglar's head was blown off. A wkk ago W. W. Glen, Esq , of caiumore, gave a dinner to gentlemen of the turf. At that party a match between two three-year olds was made for $25,000 a side, with $10,000 forfeit; one horse to be an imported English horse, tbe other an American horse, both to be named within a month. In case either horse ia not named within the stated time a for feit of 500 dollars shall be paid and the match shall be considered broken. The race, a two miles dash, will be run at Jerome Park, at tbe fall meeting of 1871 Last week the First National Bank at Grafton, Mass., was entered by a gang of burglars, who gagged and bound the watchman, and then dug the safe out of the vault and robbed it of money, bonds, and valuables amounting to more than $200,000. They also stole a horse and wagon in the vicinity of the town and drove to Worcester, where they took the cars. Fifteen thousand dollars reward has been offered for the capture of the thieves and recovery of the property. Senator Morton, of Indiana, bas de clined the mission to England. His rea son for so doing is that in the event of his resignation as a Senator the Demo crats would elect a U. 8. Senator, they being in the majority in the Indiana Leg islature. Tdk Southern people are talking about observing the fourth 8nnday of Novem ber as a day of mourning for the rebel General Lee. Tks Vur Ja Fraaec. Tbarrea eraat of ths week' bses the tvrendei of Met Offices, dV tpetchea frwt Kipf tWiBfcis Qfee announce powerful aWtreaa. Vita Wftto aitef Later deepaUhes et oSeial ltwwt;sr-- state tbe number surrendered at 175,000 Thus bas tbe whole of the regular troops of the proud French Empire been gath ered tip by King William, except a corps or two under tbe command of General Troehtt. France baa no troops bnt raw militia-men to fight against tUa victorious Germane... The surreader of .Meip re lieves from aeige duty several hundred thousand Prussian troops. King Wil liam and Bismarck doubtless know bow to judiciously use these troops. Basaine is bitterly censured for the surrender of . ....... i . Mets, by the government of tne ttepuo lie. The General ia charged with treach try. Tbe government, in a thrilling proclamation, is calling on the French to raise their ''spirits and resolution to tbe fearful height of the perils which hare broken upon the country. Alas ! Alas for France ! Bazalne defends his action by declaring that bis army and the peo pie within the limits of the fortress were on the verge of starvation. This is prob, ably true. In it read the fate of Paris. Tbe German States, North and South, have agreed to name King William, Em peror. This, if true, secures German unity. Effects ef French Bepnblleaaisa. Monsieur Jules Favre, bead of the new government, is introducing a system of economy in tbe administration of pub lic affairs. In future a Counsellor of State will receive $3,000 instead of 85' 000 a year ; a Prefect, according to his classification, $3,600, or $2,400, or $2, 000 ; a sub-Prefect, $1,200' or $1,000, or $800 ; a Minister of State (of the Cabinet), $10,000 instead of $20,000. The Civil List, $5,340,000 a year, and the pay of Senate, $1,100,000 (each Sen ator had $6,000 per annmn, for life), are wholly abolished. A saving of $10, 000,000 a year will thus be effected. The pensions of all literary men and dramatists who do not prove their need of such assistance are suppressed. Last ly, M. Jules Favre and the rest af the Provisional Government refuse to ac cept any pay whatever. Ex, aea-SSSBWW -BdgStBpV-M Colored Constable A Democratic township in Chester county elected W Johnson, a colored man, constable at the late election. Tbe village Record says : We must confess that we had hardly expected to record the election of the first colored man in Chester county, un der the workings of the Fifteenth Amend ment, in a township that rolls up a Dem ocratic majority of forty -six on a total vote of two hundred and six. The Dem ocrats voted for Johnson out of spite, but they probably never made a better choice." , I fcFFICTS Or THB STORM I CUBA 1 i,etllili of the ,mt&e done by th8 .,te terrib,e to . . . ceiyed- From one thousand to two thousand people were killed or drowned, twelve thousand head of cattle were lost, several vessels were wrecked, and in Matanza alone over fonr hundred houses were destroyed. Among tbe most hor rible features of this calamity was tbe nprooting and sweeping away of a ceme tery and the scattering of the corpses through the ajaeent country. Ex. A wxek ago tbe sheriff of Orange county, Ind., waa taking two highway- men to Paoli to lodge them there in jail He reached a point about four miles from Paoli, but was there stopped by about two hundred disguised and well-armed men, who took the prisoners and hung tbem to the rafters of a covered bridge nearby. Thi Philadelphia North American, in last Saturday's issue, states its reasons for urging the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to assist Philadelphia in build ing up a steamship line to Liverpool. Philadelphia built up the Pennsylvania Central. The Central now should give the steamship enterprise its aid. , Ms. Lbckib, a leading distiller, of Chicago, a week ago, went to the top of a hot water tnb in his establishment, to turn off the faucet. He lost his balance and fell into the tub. It was at the time full uf boiling water. His cries brought assistance. He was taken oat, but lived only a short time after. ' The South congratulates . herself upon her growing manufacturing interests. A lSe cotton mill is now being erected at Canton, Miss and an extensive agricul tural impact factory has been in to live operation u Humboldt, Tenn.','for some time past. Ex-Mayob Caho, of BichnxMid, Va, was last week eonv and, sen tenced to fonr years in the 8t,te Pvigon( for defrauding the 6 tale of $1,000 on forged paper. It is said that the' ri oner's counsel will ask for a new trial. European despatches say that there are 200,000 shelterless people along the the Belgian frontier in a starving condi tion. Oh I the horrors jf war. Two prominent banking houses sus pended business in Richmond, Va., last week. , ,r, , : ' ' : Tbb friends of Chief Justice Chase fear that he has symptoms of incipient paralysis."' ilia: The American Social Science Associa tion held its session in ' the Hall of the University of Pennsylvania, last week.' Thi South Carolinians ere holding -a 1 Fsir at Charleston. ' il Bon. John Covode (f oClpa trip to the Paciic. , ; J M frtrty sttafentt ' at Tormell University are trying "beathesi CjMSsie. iumains f a rhfaoeeroswswe resur rected In Kansas. ' :'' .. ' ) There are now over 2 500 pure Ayr shire cattle in the United dtates. A piece ef calico a mite long has been manufactured in Sew England. Tbe Jews of Panrfllo are, gplojf to build a new and beautifnl synagogue ,. Bees ou the, prairie have starved dur ing tbe dry season.;, v ; )Li t. Talent alone is only tbe rough metal ; it is diligent industry which works it, and ascertains h real worth. : ' 'Thieves and buglari are successfully doing 'the ! smalt towns 'and village of Ohio.'1 A,) ' ; '"V ":,B ' ' ,r 4 The' social question in Washington just now is, "Can Cabinet officer five on his salary V "" ' " -I -in r . i vi'' ; a ii The shops of the 'Atlantic and Great Western railroad, at Meadville, were par tially burned, Wednesday morning. : . Font thing coma not back tbe broken word, the spent arrow, , the past lif , and tbe neglected oppprttnity.1L..i a-.-' '"' Amottc; the prasaiunu offend at a eown ty fair in Kentucky ia .one ef $10 tor the neateatpatch put on an Jd garment by au unmarried woman. i . In East Tennessee, tbe other day. an old lady ' Waved a red flag till a train stopped, and then asked tbe conductor if her daughter Sally was aboard. A. Milwaukie tobacconist . has placed in front of his , store a. blackboard, on which he bulletins sundry small accounts that certain parties have neglected,, to settle. ' ... ;, A learned doctor has given opinion that tight lacing is a public boaefit, inas much as it kills off all the fioliab girls, and leaves the wise ones to gw into women. . ' ;-.. The citisens of Paris did not hear from 8trasbnrg wntfl v days after its surrender, and it was nine days after tbe surrender of Tout before' It was known at the French capital. " N ' l'-'' ; The amount thai a laborer would re ceive for one year's labor at $ 1,50 per day would be $474,60, which amount would j be the interest of 6 per cent on $7,986, which latter sum would be the cash value of the r aH to his family. Chicago js bragging over a big organ just introduced into one of the city churches. The instrument has sixty- three stops, nearly four thousand pipes. and three manuals, and ranks third in the country in volume. , A minister in Erie being remonstrated with for swearing at a cow for knocking over a pail of milk, said he knew swear ing waa not a Christian practice, but he would be forced to give up being a Chris tian, or trade off that cow. A ana named Carver, convicted of the murder of his wife, but for some rea son set at liberty, returned to his home in Corydon, (England), a few days ago, and was mobbed and pelted with brickbats by 700 or 800 wonan. The carrier ' pigeons in ' Europe con tinue to fetch and carry intelligence of battle and blood Shed, and every form of human suffering incident to war. They no longer can be considered an emblem of peace. " - ':-' : -, .1 ;!;-' .n .mi ..... . The shell of land-turtle, with the flesh freshly picked out, fell into. Meriden, Coon , the other day probably from the claws of au eagle who had made a din ner of him. ; The. shell . was engraved with an initjal W.and the date 1750. . A Roman Catholic Silesian farmer, discussing ' war matters with one ef his neighbors, said: "The Prussian have got the beat of it in Schleswig-Holstein and in Austria fk but they will never conquer the French until God Almighty himself turns Protestant." '- Down east there resides a certain M. D. One very cold night he was aroused from his slumber by a very loud rapping at his door. After some hesitation he went to the window and asked : "Who is there 1 ' "Friend!" was the answer. "What do you want 5" "Want to stay here all night." "Stay there, then ! was the benevolent reply. Some 1 Prussian - wags before Mets crept out one night very near the French lines and plsnted a "battery,." of which overtuened bee-hives were the mortars, old stove-pipes the cannon and old clothes on stakes the men. In the morn ing the French, batteries opened a terrible fire on the supposed battery, and with such effect that soon not a vestige of it was to be seen A correspondent says the new 8wedish inhabitant of Maine: "All the people of fifteen years of ago are church mern hers.' . It is the custom in Sweden, as soon as a child reaches the age of fifteesv for the paraon to go to the house and see the child 'can read and write. If he on, he U admitted to the sacrament butot)N,wae he is placed on probation until he he, paired th6 requisite eda cation."' . , ,j , . . ,, An editor in Iffiw Ulksin this way J -If yen ewe but a si dIlar. go and pay it 1 when there is a. Kttle money,' we ought to keep H moving v, Hre. ly.' Jim ewed ei, and ' We ow jp and Bill owed Jim. 1 Jim got man. fee cause we made him pay one' morning last week j boV we paid Bill, hod Bill paid Jim, and Jim went to bed lthht bight happy as a clam, with j tut as much mosey he had in the morning and three men out of debt." ' ' -r WmwsvJaetodJaanetof the General AsrWy WthbjCoaswmaltb. approved tU sjeoiod daj oiJjplV, P. one thosnand eirkl htandrstf rJfcirtT- nbse, atidesf "An tH hU - m .St Sv ' tav sL. eteettoo M ass uoaminonwoa , -jm i , j, -. v vT: madetke duty of tkw-43TWW.t tlA G- Treasurer. -It ceini ef An returns of thealacliosi of members of the Hos JUpresentati ve of the United States, by the . Secretary of the Commonwealth, to daclsxe, by proc lamation, the names of the persons re turned as elected in the, respective dis, , trictst. i.u.i A lL'oVJ i-K -. Jmd WTumu, Thrrns of the Gen eral Election, Md paijttniaji ths elev enth day of Octobeijast past, in and for the several districts, for ' epreeutati vea of the people of tuistate, in the House of Repraseatatives of the Ctingress ot tbe United States, for .the term sf two yearn, from and after the .fourUi, day of March, next, have been received ia office- of the Secretary of the ! Commou wealth', agreeably to the provissions df the above recited set. whereby it appears thar," a': ! 'In the First1 District composed of the Beind, Thirdvcurth, r iftb. Sixth ana Eleventh wards of tbe city oi juua4ei phia, Samuel J. Randall has been duly elected: " In the Second! District, composed of be First; Seventh, Eight, Ninth, Tenth and Twenty-eicth wards ol the city -of Philadelphia, John V. Creely has been duly elected j ,,.... i .-. ' In the Third District, composed of the Twelfth. Thirteenth., Sixteenth. Seven teenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth wards of tbe city 'of Philadelphia,, Leonard Myers has been duly elected J"'0"" in the Fourth District, composed of the r ourteentn, x utqentb, 1 wentietb, Twenty-first, Twenty-fourth,, Twenty seventh and Twenty-eight wards of tbe city of Philadelphia, William D. Kelley bas keen duly elected ; ' I.Iu tbe r mb Lhatrict, composed ef the Twenty-second, 1 wenty -third and I wen fifth wards of the city of Philadelphia, and the county of Bucks. Alfred C. Har- mer has been duly elected ; ' In the Sixth District, composed of the counties of Lehigh end u Montgomery, Ephraitn L- Acker has been duly elec ted ; In the Seventh District, composed of the counties of Chester and Delaware, Washington Townsend has been duly elected ; : i . , In the Eight District, composed of the county of Berks, J. Lawrence Gets has been duly elected 5 , . in tbe Ninth District, composed of the county of Lancaster, Oliver J, Dick By has oeeq duly elected . In tbe lentb District, composed of the counties of Lebanon and Schuylkill, John W. Killinger has been duly elec ted: ,. , , , . In the Eleventh District, composed of the' counties' of Northampton,' Carbon, Monroe. Pike and : Wayne, John B Storm has been duly elected In the Twelfth District, composed of the counties of Luzerne and Susquoban- na; u onoemaxer oas neen auiy eiec- In tbe Thirteenth district, composed of the counties of Bradford, Wyoming, Sullivan, Columbia, and Montour, Ulys ses Meraur has been duly elected. In the Fourteenth District, composed of the counties of Northumberland, Un ion, Snyder, Juniata and Dauphin, John B. Packer bas been duly elected ; Ia the Fifteenth District, composed of the counties of Cumberland, ; York and Perry,. Richard J. Haldemau has beeu duly elected ; ' In the Sixteenth District, composed of the counties of Adams, Franklin, Ful ton, Bedford and Somerset,-' lteojiimiu F. Meyers has been duly elected. i In the Seventh , Disti ict, composed of tbe counties of Cambria, Blair, Hunting don and Minim, E. Milton Speer has been duly elected . ' ' ; ' ' - J In the Eighteenth District, composed of tbe counties of Centre.Clinton. Lycom ing,, Tjoge and Potter. Henry Sherwood has been duly elected : ,, . , ' In the Nineteenth District, composed of the connties of Erie, Warrenl'SPKean, Forest, E Ik, . . Cameron, Jefferson, and Clearfield, .General W, , Scofield has been duly elected j, , ., h , , In tbe Twentieth District, composed of the connties of Crawford,' Venango Mereer and Clarion, Samuel Griffith has been duly electeded :: : : In tbe.Twenty-f rst District, composed of the counties, of Indiana, Westmore land and x ayette, Henry V. t osier has been duly elected : ' ' ' " Ia the Twenty-second District, com posed of that part of Allegheny county south of the Uhio and jsYnegbenj nvers and including Mevil Island, James S. Ncgley.has been duly elected In the Twenty-third District, compos ed of that : part of Allegheny county. north of tbe Ohio and Allegheny rivers. and Butler and Armstrong connties, Eb enezer M'Junkin has been duly elected : In the Twenty-fourth District, com posed of the counties of Lawrence. Bea ver, Washington, . and Green, William M'Cklland has been duly elected. . JVW therefore, I JOHN W. GEARY, Governor as aforesaid have issued this, my Proclamation, hereby publishing and declaring, that Samuel J. Randall, ' John V: Creely, Leosnard Myers, Willian D. Kelley, Alfred O. Harmer, Epbraim L. Acker Washington Townsend, J. Law. rence Gets, Oliver J. Dickney, John W. Killinger, John b Storm, L. T). Shoe maker, Ulysses Mereur, John B Packer, K 4 Haldeman,: 1 Benjamin 1 . Jleyers, R, Milton Speer, Henry Sherwood. Glen ni W. Scofield, Samnel Griffith. Henry D: Foster, James S. Negley, Ebenezer M Jnnkin, and William M Clelland have been returned as duly elected, in tbe sev eral districts before mentioned, as repre sentatives of tbe people of this State, in the Hons of Representatives of the Conr gress of the United States, for the tenn of two years, to commence from and after the fourth day ef March next. ' Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the State, at Harrisbiirg. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and seventy, and . of the common wealth the ninety-fifth. x 1 " JNO." W. GEARY.'11' By the Governor f. !) J.- -inTvn-v, ;mc F. JOftDAN, 1 ' .!::.; -.Wiw , , Secretary of the Commonwealth At a Oolnmhhs ( Georgia )f marble yard there it h solid block of marMe which is tobe dugout, a metalle eoBn iPUeed therein, and the ' whole, after ' a corP Is deposit within it, to be hermetl e1! eIed abote kronnd. ' U 'has been ' ordered by gentleman in Barbenrn etran- ty, Alsbstna.1" ' ' tv' ---. i Miter atasjaeat at Juniata CesmtJV. At a meeting held It the borough, of Mifflintown, v eat . MnoV) eweningy Ofie ber 24th, J70,y onl'iiotfoii.v Shjuiff John Dietrickl Was rtedj Ptesidet, Lle-ut. M. L jLittkiLitl, Stesty, wd was fesolved that Thursday, the 17th cf No vember, 1870, be fixed upon as the day for dedicating the Soldier's Monument, thai has recently been erected in the Court House Yard, ia memory of the gal lant men of Juniata county who fell dur ing the late civil war. :M"' " " On motion, it was agreed that, Cap. Amos H. Marl in, Mifflin. Lieut W. W, Davis, Mifflin. Col. William Bcljf Patterson. , CapL S. H. Brown, Patterson. , Jonn Holl Jbough, Patterson, , ' be selected aa a Committee to invite speakers.' military . companies, civil orders, bands of musio, etc , to partici pate iu the ceremonies of the day. " Ou'iiiotion of Maj. John Weimer, it waa resolved that, ' Lleut'-M. L. Littlcfleld, Minlln." ' ' Lieut. T. V. Irvin, Mifflin. i'Gorge W. Wilson, Patterson. " '' Miss Mollie Parker, Mifflin. . . Miss Saflle Irrin, Mifflin. Miss Beckie North, Patterson. Miss Annie Kolp, Patterson, be appointed a Finance Committee, whose duty it shall be to solicit sub scriptions from the citizens of the county for the purpose of defraying the necessary expenses. , When, ou motion of Capt. Amos IL Martin, it was resolved that, Capt. Cornelius McClellan, Mifflin. E. W. H. Kreider. Mifflin. John Kirk, Mifflin. Col. J. E. Robinson, Milford. Maj. John Weimer, Mifflin. Solomon Bok Mifflin. Isaac Kaufftnan, Patterson. David P. SuloutT, Mifflin. Joseph Rogers, Patterson, be appointed a Committee of Arrange ments, with power to appoint all sub committees: " On motion the meeting adjourned to meet on Wednesday evening, 2d of November, 1870, at 6 o'clock, p. X., in the Court House, for the pur pose of bearing the reports of the dif ferent committees and making fuither arrangements. BJSfr S - The Presbyterian Re-Uulon A Memorial leiume. The Presbyterian Re-Union, a fine book of 568 pages, lies on onr table. It is printed ia large type, 011 clean book paper. It is a valuable book, and should find its way into every Presbyterian's house. We presume, however, that its circulation will not be confined exclusive ly to Presbyterians. Every student and rendur of rlinrc.h biatorv should have it. . . It contains eleven engraving?, represent- iDr a number of Presbyterian institutions e J of ldarniug, and cliurclies, and portraits of toted Ministers The volume is di vided into eight ehaptert, with an appen dix..-: CO.TB.NTS OF CHAPTERS. 1. Historical Review of the Church Old School Branch 27' Historical Review of the Church New School Branch 3. Biographical Sketches Old School 1 Branch. ., I 4- Biographical Sketches ew School Branch. - 5. He-union. 6. The Assemblies of 1869 Addi tional Impressions. 7. The Reconstruction. 8. The Future Church. ii ... APPS.DIX. . 1. Statistics of the Church-Old School 2. Statistics of the Church New School. 3. Brief Sketches of the Members of tbfc Re-union Committee. 4. Documents. 'Mi. E. Schneider, of Lewistown Acad emy, Is spent for this conntj, and will soon deliver books to tuose who have ordered. Publishers, Dswitt C. Lent & Co., New Tork. :) : Administrator's ffotice. staU of Robert Stewart, deeeaud. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration, on the estate of Robert Stewart, lata of Milford township, dee'd.. have been granted in due form of law to the undersigned. ' AH persons indebted to said stats are requested to make immediate pay mem. and those having claims will please present them properly authenticated for set tlement, 'p -, r: . v THOMAS 8TEWARTvxoVr. Nov ,'1870 " Executor's Hotice. Sttate of Sarah Sanntlt, denoted. ' TVTOTIC is hereby given that Letters Testa- L v mentary on tbe estate of Sarah Rannels, widow of Curtis Rannels, . late of . Fayette townsnipv dec a..- nave been granted to the nndenigned, residing in the same township. All persona indebted to said estate ara re quested to make immediate payment, and Uiose Jutviag claims will please present them properly authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL LEONARD, Executor. oeU2-6t - - . JiOTrCE TO CONTRACTORS. SCALED PROPOSALS will be received by the Board of School Directors of Walker township for the purpose of building a School rU.,,M ... ci;n, Ultl ! . , . ....u.-. ni , iiii. inn. IU 91.IIA IIIWUVHip, BD l( SATKRDAT, NOVEMBER 6, 1870, at cne o'olock P. M, Plan and specifications can be seen at the residence of Samuel MoMeen. at Van Wen. ' The Board of Directors reserve ythe tight of rejecting proposals. nj oraer or tne uoard. DAVID DIVEN, Pres't. Stci McMxes, See'. : , ... Octl2-8t CSORGE FRYSINGER'S , Cigar and i Tobacco Store, ,.s i I .. t,. ' ' ' In Kirlt's Boom, on Main Street, 'JFLITrtC-OWIV, PA. Is new open- Ererybody is invited to give him a call. None bnt the ehoiseat brands of Cigira, Tobacco,1 Pipes, fte., 's,e., &c, kept 0a:!DSBt. iliu'J ii 1,. sSWholeeals to merchants) at manufac turers prises, j, Orders promptly filled. j (., v . ' Septum.,, 1JOR 8.VLK Tree set of Cook Steve Pat--rtwras, K4 7, 8, aad 9, Futtkaand Follow Boards. aU cesiplete, by ,,,,, , u - .!-,; SILAS 8HAMP, -Oct 8-8" aliffliatewn. tvs Ktttntttstxs. JflfijJP;.' COATS' BEST 8IM03D IS HOW TUB Thread put up for tbe American market which t SIX-CORD IN ALL NUMBERS, From No.'-8 to N. 100 inolusive. , ' ' Forf Hand and Hacliine. InH RAVELERS ,fPE AXD ACCIUEST 1NSUR- AXCfc, COMPASr, of ilartford. Cobb. Cash Assets, 1.6"O.G0. Oraats Lin andLltMIVmT Pol icies of all approved forms. - Aaiple security, low ri AUo insures ICrittEXTS eausine death or totel disahiHty. Has paid 7 1 for Six lean m banafiU 10 policy-holders. TIE.rtUTICiL FlBMsV The lead ing Asrieuliural laOBthly of the Dnited States ; eoataining 24 quarto pages ; is recom mended te Farmers everywhere as a thor ouithly reliable and well illustrated Agricul tural and .Hortieulteral Journal. It is large ly made op of original matter, and devoted to Stock Kaising, Orain Growing, the Dairy, Orchard, Vegetable and Market Gardening, Graiing, Rearing and Fattening Animal a Veterinary Department, Ae. Price i.60 per annum, in advanee. Sample copies sup plied on application. Liberal terms to Agents and Canvas-era. with show-bills, tanuhti on application to PASCHALL MORRIS, Edi tor and Proprietor, 1 -North Thirteenth, street, Philadelphia. : HOME, HEALTH, HAPPIXES?. How to be Obtained for Five Dollars ! Plan tations. Farms. Villa Sitee and Town Lota, at The Great Premium Land Sale, Aiken, 8. t. The "Saratoga of the Sonth." 48 hoars from N. T. The moat delightful elimite in the world. Free from the rigors of Northern wintcta. exempt from 1 hroat Diseases, Vine yards and orchards in full bearing. For de eriptive pamphlet, aHdreis, with strap, J. C. DERBY. Anguata. Ga. QOK I Week Salary ! Young men tjpsOtJ wanted a- local aud traveling Dalesmen- Address (with stamp) R. H. WAL KER. 34 Park Row, N. Y. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Priies embed and information furnished by GEORGE UMPHAM. Providence. R. I. THIS IS HO HUMBUG. RY senaing (SO CIS.. w n age. ne.go.. - I..:- nn will valsalva hV tff II T 11 mail, a correct picture of your future bos m cc ------- band or wife, with name and date of marri age. Address W. FOY, P. O- Drawer So, 248. Fultouville, !i. Y. HORRIBLE. I suffered with Catarrh thirty fears, and was cured in six weeks be a simDle remedr. and will send the re- : eeipt. postage free, to all amii ted. T. J MLAU, Drawer 1BO, Syracuse, l. ASYSTERY 80LYED Fifiem Minute' Private Conversation with Mitrned La dies by ore of tht-re u timber. Sent fre fur two aiamps. AJdn-as .Mr.". II. .'JK lZatK, Hanover, Pa. A CARD. A Clergyman, while residing iu Sooth America as a niissiona-y, discovered a sfe I and simple remedy Wekne.-s. Emlv l for the Cure of ervou Weknr.s, Eaily Decav. Diseases of the t ri- j nary and Seminal Organs, and the whole i . r .1 : , v. l. , nn v.- 1 r.,i 1 l .111 VI UIUI UU I l'IVUU WM . J . 1J M vicious nahiis- ureal numbers nave open cured by th's noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit tbe afflict tel and untoriunes I will the recipe for preparing aad us ing ibis medicine, in a sled envelope, to any one who needs it, Frtt of th trit. A'Mress JOS t- ... J,. ,'v c t. V k CI y- Xew : List Of Causes for Trial at December Term, 1870. First Week. A. J Fisher for use. 4e., vs. Tfm. B. Rey- nolJs. No. 19 Dec. T.. 1S70. 2. Flannegsn fi Remolds vs. IS So. 24 Dee. T.. 187 '. F. Kepter. S. Uronson (iravea. Selover Co., vs. David Adams. No- 44 Feb. T.. 1869. 4. Com. of Pa., ie., vs. Win. MeConnel, el al. No. 205 Sept. T.. imv. a. Com. of Pa &c, vs James MeConnel, et at. No 26 Sept T 1809. 6 tlom of P Ao ts Henry MeConnel, et al. No 207 Sept T 189 7 Jes-e Reed vs Win Cox. No L'6 Feb T !870. . , . , Orimee endorsee Ac ts James .1 8 James A Crewell. No 325 Sept T lSt.9. 9 A J Fergnoon vs Noah Heruler. Dee T 1S69. 10 John L Resston vs Fred Hack. Sept T H7'. 11 F M Mi-key vs John Earnest. Dec T 1879. 12 Columbia Insurance Co vs John ..g 0 ,ut" No 19 , No 119 J tan ur- mer. No 143 April T 1870. 13 Columbia Insurance Co vs Jos Gingrich. No 144 April T 1870. 14 'Columbia Insurance Co vs Sam Stine. No 160 April T 1870. 16 Columbia Insurance Co vs J T McAlister. No 146 April T 1870. 18 James Cronse vs Wm M Allison. No 11 April T U70. 17 State Bank vs Ncal McCoy. No 123 Sept T 1870- 18 J Rhinestromi Son vs Jaoob Will. No 146 April T 1870. List or Caosks yob Dxcivbeb Adjocrsid Coubt. 1870. 1 John J Patterson vs John M Kennedy adm'r. No 166 Sept T 1869. 2 David Cree vs F Hertxler etal. No 150 Sept T 1879. 3 Samuel Moore vs Salvadore Lowery. No 15 Feb T 1870. 4 J B M Todd vs Borough of Patterson. No 127 April T 1870. , 5 0 W Whistler for use, Ae vs Borough of ratterson. Kollj !ep x I87U. 6 John Cox vs David B Cox, adm'r. No 107 Dec T 1869. 7 Daniel Knouee vs Jonas Long. No 81 Sep m . . a A lOIU. 8 Jacob Zeigler vs Penna Canal Co. No 146 Sept T 1870. 9 John M Kennedy vs Wm Hackett. No 1S1 Sept T 1870. ... . . 19 Jeremiah Lyons, adm'r vs Emanuel Wetx. ler and wife. No 141 Sept T 1870. R. E. MoMEEN, ProfA'y. Prothonotary's Office. Mifflin- town. Oct. 29, 1870. NEW DRUG STORE. BANKS fc HAMLIN, Main Street, JUifflinUncn, Pa. DEALERS IN TMLCC9 Us) BEDICMES, Chemicals, , Dye Stuff. Oils, Paints, Tarnishes, Glass, Putty, , Coal Oil, . Lamps, . Burners, Chimneys, Brushes. - Infants Brushes, Soaps, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Perfnmery, Combs, Ban-Oil, ' . . Tobacco, Cigars, Notions, aad Stationary. LARGE VARIETY OF PATENT MEDICINES, selected with great care, and warranted from high authority. . Purest of WINES AND LIQUORS for Medi cal Purposes. " W PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with great care, mal670-ly Real Estata-at Public Sale ! WILL te offeree; at publie sale, at toe Court Houae, in the boroagh of Mif flintown, at 1 o'clock, P. M., oa TUESDAY, DECE3IBEE 6, 1870, A Tract of Land belonging to the Heira ef John Wright, deceased, sitnate In Milford township, Juniata county, adjoining lands if Sbelbara Robiaaea and James AioCrum, eoa taining '. . !.j ' .-.t - 130 ACRES, about FIFTY ACRE, cleared, and the bal ance well set with cboiee Timber. Any information relative to the aove land ean be obtained by applying to the under signed, residing in Patterson, or George W. Jacob, Esq., of Perryiville. , ; WM., WRIGHT, Svntor. Nov21870-U. - V . . REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. THE undersigned offers at private sale' a certain Lot or Tract of Land, sitnate ia Milford township. Janiate, county, adjoining lands of Alexander McCahan and otheii, containing ' ' SO AOHES, and some Perches, about Fifteen Acres of which are in a good state of cultivation aud the balance well set with Timber, having thereon erected a LOG HOUSE AND LOG STABLE, ane all neeeiary outbuildings, also a Young ORCHARD of excellent fruit. Persona wish ing to view the property will call en George Bowers, residing near the premises, or the undersigned, near Patterson. JOHN T. METLIN. Oct. 5-2m Valuable Farm AT miVATE SALE! THE undersigned offers at private sale a Valuable Farm, aituate ia Fayette1 town ship, Juniata connty. two miles southeast ef McAheiervtile. m. homing lands or Peter ris- shoar. Daniel Westfall, and others, contain ing 185 A-oros. 130 acres f which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation, and the remainder wll set with good timber. The quality of the land i limestone flint. The improvements are a Good Log-frame DWELLING HOUSE, j R -K y RS j fc OBtbuiMiD , I . There ia a never-fai re is a never-failing spring or gund water on the farm; also, an excellent UKCHARD, bearing a large variety of choice fruit. Any person wishing tu purchase real estate will do well lo examine the above properly. For further particulars call on the under signed, reauling o the premises. (. EZRA SMITH. Aug 24. lS70-3ai i LADIES' FANCY FURS ! i J O II N F A It E I K A , ' 7 IS A lit "II Sirect. MiiiJle uf the Block, be twron 7th anJ Jt fa t-, 8outh Side; J PHILADELPHIA. I Importer, Munufacturer and Dealer in al! I kinds and quality of Fancy Fnisr, FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR Having enlarged. reiuoJe'.cii and improrea my old and favorably known FL'K t.Ml'li KIl'M. and having imported a very Inrge and splendid assort meal of all the different kinds ot Furs from rirst hands in Europe. n.I have ka l them made up by the m. i kil;ful 1 "O"1' respectfully inv i my frien ls of Juniata and adjacent count i ! and have bad them made up by the most vile ties. I to call and examine my very Urge aud beau- j tiful assortment of K.-.ncy Furs, for I.adie and Cbiidreu. I am .IcWrmin-d to sell a', as low prices as any other respectable House in 'this city. All rurs Warranted. Ao uiisrep I resentaiion to effect stiles. JOHN FAREIRA. 71 S Arch Street, 20. 70. am. Philadelphia. Oct. PROCLAMATION Whsbeas tux Hon. Janus H. Gbahah, lresiilent Ju.lge .,f ; the Court of Common Pleas ef tbe '.'ill iuJi j cial Distr:ct, composed of the counties of ; Juniata. Perry and Cumberland, and the ' Hons. Tiicxas I. Miliikk and Sami su ! Watts. Judges of tin Court of Common I'lea ' of Juniata couniv. bare issued their i-recett 1 ,i;, i ; .u r, t. , .v imv u.iri,,C'., iitniui uiaic IIIC .-(U Uay . Qi j Sept.. 17.', for holding a Court of Oyer j aud Terminer aud General Jail Delivery, and tteneral quarter Sessions ot the Peace, at Miflliufown. on llie tir.t Mnvu.v ItA.n. ler, IsTO. being tbe i'.ili dav of tbe mouth: MITII'K !S II Kk KKV i:fri.'V . .1.. .- tier. Justice of the Peace and Constables of ..., ,.r t.,-:...- .i.... v. , .mi... . ,.kfc iui-jt o mru ana there in their proper persons, at I o'cloek in the afiernaen ot raid day. with racords, ia qtiisiliins, examination and o'.her remem brances, to do those things that to their offi ces respectively appertain, and those that are bound ry recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then may be in the Jail of said couxty of Juniata, be thea and there to prosecute against tbem as shall be just. By an Act of Assembly, passed the 8th day of May, A. D. 1854. it is made the duty of the Justices of tbe Peace cf the several conn- ties of this Commonwealth to return to the Clerk of tbe Ccurt of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, of the respestive counties, all the re cognisances entered into before them by any person or persons charged with the commis sion of any crime, except such cases as may be ended before a Justice of tbe Peace, under the existing laws, at least ten days before the commencement of the session of the Court to which they are made returnable respectively, and in all cases where any recognizances are entered into less than ten days before the commencement of the session to which they are made returnable, the sail Justices are re- ' quired to return the same in the same manner aa if said act had aot been -passed. Dated at Mifflintown, the 2nd day of Nov., . SherilTs Office, Mifflintown, November 2, 1870. ( . JUNIATA VALLEY BANK OF MIFFLINTOWN, PENN'A. JOSEPH rOHEROY, President. ; T. VAN IRVIN, Cashier. ntBECTOBS. i Joseph Pomeroy, iJohn J. Patterson, Jerome N. Thompson, George Jacobs, John Ealsbach. Loan money, receive deposits, pay interest , on time deposits, buy and sell coin and Uni- . ted States Bonds, cash, coupons and chccksl Remit money to any part of the United Statea and also to England, Scotland, Ireland and, Germany. Sell Revenue Stamps. In sums of $200 at 2 per een. discount. In sums et $S00 at 2) per seat; dMon- ' I In sums of SI 000 at S per oent. discount. ' r(t 18 1869 s.B- LOUDEN, MIFFLINTtTWN, PA. i . . : Offers his services to the citizens af Jnnt- ata eounty as Auetioae aad Veadue Crier. Charges, from two tm dollars. Satisfac tion warraatsi. fnova-ftm