Newspaper Page Text
A FEW TONS « Chipped Logwood, I FOR SALE, . filing at Hamilton's wharf. Apply to John Vaughan, WHO HAS FOR Sfi LE. 18, CLARET, Tnhogffieads and cases of the firft quality. ■ Aug. d btrayed or Stolen, the FROM the* Farm of JOHN LAURENCE, up< Esq. near the Falls of Schuylkill, a fmi 1 3t< yoiin« SORRE MARE, of the N'arragan- i*tb;eed, with a white flip in her face.— ( . ■Whoever ill return said mare to faidj Farm, or to James Thomfop at the Indian or Queen, shall receive Ten Dollars reward, coi August 7. d ful GUTHRIE's GEOGRAPHY Improved. Jda THE fubfeription for this work on the ing original terms, of twelve dollars and the binding, \Vill be closed this day—-and or Monday the fubfcrijition will open at tour j teen dollars, exclusive of the price of bind * av ing. by The new niaps added to this edition are be twenty one ; aruong' which are those ol New-Hanlpftiire, MafTachufetts-, Cbnne&i- - cut, Rhode-Island, Vermont, New York, L New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ma i ,r ' ryland, Virgirtid, Kentucky, Nor.tli Caro- ic< lina, the Geneifee Government, South Ca- * :0 rolioa, and Georgia. These maps hdve he ver been given in any former lyfterii ot Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone . be fufficient to entitle this work to a prfe- W1 fer-nce to any other edition of Guthrie, cu N B. The map of the United States, which is compiling by Mr. Samuel Lewis, fro;n the refpe&ive state maps, will be fa; nidre complete than any one yet publilhed, c and be printed on two large (beets otj^ r paper, nearly the ilie of the late Mr. Mur- w rav's mapi , 'ec May 31 _ . f*,..' Pl Scheme of a Lottery, To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 tc Dalian, deducting 15 per Cent, from the Prizes—this Lottery conjijls of al 38,000. Tickcts, in which there arete 14,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks, rr being about one and an half Blanks to P : « Prize. el r T~'HE L)irc£lors of ihe Socicty foreftabiilh- P 1 A ing Ufeful Manufactures,, having refolv- V ed to ere& LOTTERIES tor tailing One -' Hundred Thousand Dol l a r s, agreeably to an Aft of the Lcgiflature ot the State of y New-Jeifey, have appointed the following I persons 10 superintend and direst the dr w } ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufuj n King, Herman Le Roy, James Watlon, Richard Harrifort,, Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Roy, of the city of New-York— V Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M k Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city o P Philadelphia—H.s Excellency Richard How 1 ell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, General EliasDav o ton, James Parker, John Bayardj Doftoi p Lewis Donharn, Samuel W. Stockton, Joftiua o M. WailaCe, Joseph Eiloomfield* and Elilh. Boudinot, of New-Jersey, v/ho offer the c following Scheme oi a Lottery, and pledge t themfelvfes to the public, that they will tak- . every a durance and precaution in their powr? to have the Monies paid by the Managers. from time to time, as received, into thi * Banks at New-Yorfc and Philadelphia, tc 2 remain for the purpose of paying Prizes. i which (hall be immediately difchargtd by ? I eheck npon orte of the Banks. t SCHEME': i i Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,00* 1 10,000 10,00 c * 5,000 io,oo< 5 2,000 io,ooc 10 i,ooo to,ooc t 20 £00 I^,ooo ico 100 io,ooc i 300 50 15,00 c 1000 20 20,00 c ( 2000 15 30,00 c 30 06 iz 36,00 c 8100 10 81,000 14,539 Prizes. 262,00 c 23,461 BUnki. Firfl; drawn number, 2,000 Laftdrawh number, 2,00 c 38,000 Tickcts at 7 Dollars each is 266,00 c The dfawirig will commence, under the infpe£lion of a Committee of the Superin tendants, as soon as the arc f°ld, oi which timely notice will be given. The Superintendants have appointed John N. Cumming, of ftewark, Jacob JL Har. denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who hatfe given ample security for flifebarging the trust reposed in them. PT In order to secure the punctual pay I ment of the Prizes, the Superintendants o! the Lottery have dii'efted that the Manager: shall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with four fufficient fecuritifs, to perform theii infltuftions, the fubllance df which is I. Tnat whenever either of the Managers shall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol/ larsj he shall imnidiately place the fame n one of the Banks of New-York or Philade' phia, to the cieditof the Governor ol &< Society, and fiich of the Superintendants «: live in the city where the monies are placed to remain there nritil the Lottery is drawn for the paymnt of the Prices. 11. The Managers to take fufficient fe curity for any Tickets they may trust, other wife to be refpohnble for them. 111. To .keep regular books of Ticket.'. . fold, Monies received and paid into th Bank, abftra&s of which (hall be fen; monthly, to the Governor of the Socieiy. Paterfon, January 1, x 794- On application to either of the above gen tlemen, information will be given when tickets may be had. February 24. tu&ftf The Lottery published by the ii Society for establishing ufeful manufac tures," will.commence drawing the firil Tuesday in November next — BY AUTHORITY. / From the Philadelphia Gazette. By the President of the United States of America. , . lat A PROCLAMATION. v WHEREAS combinations to defeat the execution of the laws laying duties s ., upon fpinls diitilltd within the Uiiited States and upon stills, have from the Lo ' time of the commencement of thofc rat {laws existed in some of the western parts me of Pennsylvania ; And -whereas the said v " combinations, proceeding in a manner " c< subversive equally of the just authority c ' of government and of the rights of in- J" e jdividuals have hitherto effeded their " Idangerous and criminal purpose; by r the influence of certain irregular meet to whose proceedings have tended to lL encourage and uphold the spirit of op- . position, by misrepresentations ot th. Clt laws calculated to render them odious, by endeavors to deter those who migln e be so disposed from accepting offices un ™° der them, through fear of public re- ( fentment arid of injury to person and ( property, and to compel those who had accepted such offices by adtual violence to surrender or forbear the execution of them'; —by circulating vindictive mena- ces again ft all those who Ihouid other- wife directly or indirectly aid in the exe cution of the said laws or who, yielding jto the didtates of conscience and to an( ' sense of obligation should themfclves M comply therewith, by attually injuring t |, f and destroying the property yf persons - who were understood to have so compli- tc led by irifli&iug cruel and humiliating j n Jpunifhments upon private citi/ens for no other cause than that of appearing- to a j 'be the friends of the laws; —by in- e ( °.tercepting the public officers on j t 77 the high Ways, abusing, assaulting, f and other wife ill treating them ; by going ■e to their houses in the night, gaining ad r, mittance -by fore* 1 , talcing away their 0 papers and committing other outrages j employing for these Unwarrantable pur- 0\ _ poses the agency of armed banditti dif- a: ... juifedin such manner asfor the most part to j t escape discovery ; —And whereas the en y -leavors of the Legislature to obvil.e ob >l jeiStions to the said laws, by lowering the p g iuties and by other alterations conducive to ii ' lie convenience of those whom they im- J 11 mediately aiFeft ( though they have j "• atiffaftion in other quarters) and the en- r deavors of the executive officers to con- . , cilitate a compliance with the laws, by ex u, planations, by forbearance and even by,a v ACComodati#js founded on the suggestion a v of local considerations have been difap-'p vi pointed of their effect by the machinations t us of persons whose indiiftry to excite re-y h liftance has increased with the appearance]^ of a disposition among the people to relax in; J' their opposition and to aquiefce in the laws: c insomuch that many persons in the said t 1 ' parts of Pennsylvania have at e (j t ! length been hardy enough to perpretrate c t< a£ts which I am advised amount to treason, s being overt acts of levying war against the ,■ . United States ; the said persons having on th sixteenth and seventeenth of July last pad proceeded in arms (011 the second day amounting to several hundreds) to the house of John Neville inspector of 0 the revenue for the fourth survey of the oc diftrift of Pennsylvania, having repeat edly attacked the said house with the. ° r persons therein, woundingfomeof them oc —having seized David Lenox marfha 00 of the diftrift of Pennsylvania, who 100 previous thereto had been fired upon, , oc while in the execution of his duty, by — a party of armed men detaining him for >0 ° some' time prisoner, till for the preser vation ot his life and the obtaining of ais liberty he found it neceffavy to cut joc intoftipulationstofqrbear the executio the ofcertain official duties touching proce ,n - fes issuing out of a court of the Unite -01 States—and ha-ving finally obliged th ,h„ said infpe&or of the revenue and th ar. Marshal from considerations of perfon-i mi f a f e ty to fly from that part of the coun try, in order by a circuitous route ti proceed to the feat of government; a a; vowing as the motives of these out o! rageous proceedings an intention to pre !r r s ' vent by force of arms thef execution o. ieii the said laws, to oblige the said inlpec tor of the revenue to renounce his said office, to withstand by open violence th lawfuhauthority of the government of le' the United States, and to compel there to' by an alteration in the meafuies of the erf 1 ' e giA ature an d a repeal of the 'aws a vn forefaid—And <wh'reas by a law of the United States entitled, " All aft to jrovide for calling forth the militia to ICI execute the laws of the union, fiipprels ■cis infurreftions and repel rnvafions," it i th inafted " that whenever the laws of the ' a United States (hall be opposed or the -■xecution thereof obftrufted in any ftau en )y combinations too powerful to be fuj orefTed by the ordinary courCe of judi rial proceedings or by the powers veftc n the marlhals by that aft, the fair being notified by an afTociate justice 1 ; r f. the Diftrift judge,, it shall be lawful so the President of the United States t. call forth the militia of such ft*e to sup- 0 press such combinations —and to caulc the laws to be duly executed. And il tht m litia of a ltate where such com- , binatiou may happen (hall refufe or be yi, insufficient to suppress the fame, it shall the be lawful for the President if the legif- Ch lature of the United States (hall not be in feflion to call forth and employ such numbers of the militia of any other he ltate or dates molt convenient theieto, tor ' is may be necelfary, and the use of the ] militia so to be called forth may be continued, if neceflary, until the expi- ex . ration of thirty days after the com- oh j mencement of the enluing feflion , Pro , vide J always, that whenever it may be neceflary in the judgment of the Preli- . dent to use the military force hereby ch-11 retted to be called forth", the President r (hall forthwith and previous thereto, by Proclamation,command such insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to theii refpedtive abodes within a limited time. ' —And -whereas James Wilson an aflb W ciate justice on the fourth instant b 3. writing under his hand did, from evi u dence which had been laid before him , notify to me that " in the counties o." , " Walhington and Allegheny in Penn (i " fylvania, the laws of the United States, j " are opposed, and the execution thei e e " of obftrufted by combinations too t f " powerful to be fupprefled by the or- '•j " dinary course of judicial proceedings r _" 01 by the powers* veiled in t,he Mar .. " dial of that diftrift.". S And -whereas it is in my judgment jj a neceflary under the cireumftances of the bj cafe to take meafurcs for calling forth '£ the militia in order to suppress the com |'. s binations aforefaid and to cause the laws F to be duly executed, and I have accord-' e '£ ingly determined so to do, feeling the (c 10 deepett regret for the occasion, but with-j t0 al the most solemn conviction, that the]— n " eflfential interests of the Union demand S )n it, that the very existence of goverii -2> ment and the fundamental principles of social order are materially involved ,; r the issue, and'that the patriotism and 5 ; firi.inefs of all good citizens are seriously ir- Called upon, as occasion may require to j if- aid in the effectual fupprefiion of so fatal n a spirit. _ d ,b- Wherefore, and rn pursuance of the t he provision above recited, I George Wash- 1 to ington, President of the United States, a no- d 0 hereby command all persons, being , en i insurgents as aforefaid, and all others c :tl ~ whom it may concern, on or before the '■ !" jfirft day bf September next to disperse . by and rfitire peaceably to their refpetlive , on abodes. And ,1 do moreover warn all 1 p- persons whomsoever again(t aiding abet- 0 ins ;ting or comforting the perpetrators of 4 re "ithe aforefaid treasonable a£ts : And do t '"'require all officers and other citizens ac-S ' fs . cording to th* refpeftivc duties and r aid the law of the land to exert their utmost \ at endeavors to prevent and suppress such t ate dangerous proceedings. 1 the In testimony whereof I have cauf on ed the seal of the United States last of America to be affixed to these >nd preferits, and signed the fame tO (L.S) with my hand. Done at the of city of Philadelphia the seventh the day of August one thousand fe eat- ven hundred and ninety four, he. and of the independence of the ;m United States of America, the (ha nineteenth. " ho G°. WASHINGTON. on • > _ _ By the President, for Edm. Randolph. fer-_ " ADVERTISEMENT. LETTERS on the fubjetf of the Waft z( ngton Lottery, being by mistake repeat te' dly addrefTcd to the Commiflioners for thi th ;ity of Washington. th Persons concerned are hereby ini'ormci )n ..j hat,all such Ibouid be addraTed either tr un V. Deakinsjun. of Wai&in. on, oi- to tht )( -iubferiber. The commifiior.ers neverhav :>•» contempL.'-'d any further concern its > a :his business, than iu their aflent to receiv lUt * 'he bonds and approve the names of th; ire managers. The prizes have been paid am i o. 're paying on demand by W. Ileakins )ec . Washington, Peler Oilman, Bolton, ant said Ae Subscriber. For the Lottery No. 2, the securities al ready given will be retained by the com ° uifliioners, or transferred by them at theii ere- option to the bank of Cotambia ; and tht the cominiflioners will be consulted refpedtinj j a ajudicious and equitable disposition of tht the houses. to be bujlt thereby ; their treafur . or the bank of Columbia will receive tht money intended for the National Univer sity, and they will be consulted in tjie m re . iination of the it, managers ; but ail th ' |r esponsibility refpedting the general difpc the ition of the tickets, and payment of pri tlit 'es, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, oi taii" ie persons whose names are and may b. . lereafter publifned as afliltants to forwart ' { this business with S. BLODGET. Jtr N. B- Mr. Blodget -»ill be particularly ibliged if thbfe persons who poll'efs prize/ ' ' :et unpaid, will apply for their m»uev a, rai-ly as polliblc. !t' June 7th. d. Ont WHE Month o. tlieSubfcr v d Che its of Bo' and weighing persons with ISAAC CL/ iie ciid not r< format ion fc who got the iaia iu., - above and it isrequefted that the * Dealers in the Article will be careful in examining the Marks and.Numbers of the t £he its that have palled through their hands iince the perit«l above-mentioned, and give thedcfired information. New-Yoik, July J 7p4- i William and James Conjiable. i Ship Wajhington. T C. q. lb. Tare q CNo. 327 3 2 16 60 ? Whole f 473 34 24 (>A S Chests w r 177 1 3 1* 39 1 3. 177 1\ a 3 39 13 7 41 ar . 2x3 13 18 37 Half 227 137 40 • Chests. 01 287 13 9 38 301 1 3 15 40 (iy 379 x 3 18 41 [ 404 t314 39 , 6 " lm 3 Treafury Department ,i Revenue Office. -August $lh. 1794- PROPOSALS will be received at the Of- sice of the Conimifiioner of the Revenue, o 1 NOl 43, south Third street, for fmnifhin, >. iby contradl, Seven hundred and sixty eight 0 COCKED HATS, S For the corps of Arfillerifts and Engin ♦•ers, to be made agreeably to a pattern 'hat which will be shewn at the Office a e forefaid, to any person difp°fed to contract. L-j ug eod2w : j STAT£ or -CAROLINA 1- In the House of Reprefcntatives, f DkCEMBE R 21ft, 1793* { . n |TTTHEREA s the Commiflioners of pub- \ VV lie Accounts,have reported, that the\ canilbt proceed to the investigation of t'n< y Treasury Accounts, refpefting special In -0 dents, without knowing the outftandiug mount thereof in circulation :—Therefore, RcJolvtd y That all holders of special In- 3 dents be directed, and required, on or befor. if the firft day oi November noxt, to deliver th' a special Indents in their pofleffion to one o \ jther of the Commiflionets of the Treafur) 1( 9 who are to give receipts for the fame, and t- ( report to tlac Commiflionerj. on public ac rs counts, on or before the tenth day of Nov ember next, the amount by there refpe&ive , r ly received, and also to the Legislature, n , e :heir meeting in November next, and th* vc all special Indents not rendered into th< ill Treasury as above, on or before the firft da) of November next, shall be, and the sam( rare heieby batred. 3 Rcjokedy That public notice of this refolu , tion be given in the several Gazettes in thi C-State, once every three weeks, until the fir! I( jdayof N oVeir, ber next. And that the Dele n gates of this State in the Congress of the Uni ted States, be requeued to cause this reiolu tion to be publidied in one or more paper. l in thtf cities of Philadelphia and New-York, and that provision will be made for the ex jf- pences *attending such publication. es Ordered, That the resolution be sent tc r the Senate for their concurrence. By order of , the House, ne JOHN SANFORD DART, C.H.R. he In the SENATE, th December 2ift, 1793. ( fe* RcJ'olved, That this House do concur with the House of Reprefematives in the forego- ! ir ' n 8 resolutions. he Ordered, That the resolutions U>e lent to he the House of Representatives. by order of the Senate, FELIX WARLEY Clerk. cwt N« Just Published, In onehandfome volume, 12mo. Price 5 s AND FOR SALE BY ~ JOHN ORMROD, At Franklin!s Head, No. 41, Chefuut 115 " Street, AN ESSAY ON THE Natural Equality of Men, csl )n the Rights that refuft from it, and 01. tc the Dutie9 which it imposes. t,u Co which a MEDAL was adjudged, by the Teylerian Society at Haarlem. . ' Corrected mid Enlarged, by ;? VILLIAM LAV.'RLNCE BROWN, thv D. D. 111 'rofeffor of Moral Philosophy, and the ns of Nature, and of Ecclesiastical Lni History J and Minlfter of the Englidi Church at Utrecht. a ' Oiqnid semper ad conimunfm utilitatenr ni- aiFcr'ndum. Ciceio. le ' : The Firjl American Edition. the l"<HEgrand principle of Equality, if 1. rigiitly understood, is the only basis thi n which universal justice, fdcred order, ur; ,nd perfect freedom, can be firmly built, th nd permanemly secured. The view of er 'exhibited in this efiay, at the fame time no hat i» ripreifes th? insolence of office, th he tyranny of pride, and the outrages of pc 'ppreffion ; confirms, in the moil lorcible 3r ; manner, the neceflity of subordination, 0 1 nd the just demands of lawful authority, j, io far indeed, from loosening the band: ar( f society, that it maintains inviolate, e cry natural and every civil diftindtion, li a>vs more clo ely every social tie, unite 1 one harmonious and j 11 Illy proportionei irh .'yliem, and brings man together On tln ze: ;ven ground o! the inherent rights of hv> ra: ran naure, of reciprocal obligation, an: if a common relation to the fcommunitj . March i 9. tuts PfeTfciVßi H)IP 1 FOR SAT r * I • f _ PF O : *Q--~ *> ._. i ter casks . LISBON do.ui pipes'indquariercsfkc s Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter ; chests A quantity of Lisbon and Cadiz Sat t ' Soft shelled ALMONDS in bales Velvn CORKS, i n do. . Russia MATTS. J'"" 9 d The Public are caution^Tto beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bill f the Bank of the United States, J,j Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank ofNv t Amenta,feveral of which ha-ve opto, - / in circulation within a few days faft-'tb are good general imitation of ills, but may be dijlinguifhed by the fJ owing J MARKS. rive Dollar Bills of the Bank of th, United S'ates J ALL that have appeared have the letter for their Alphabetical .lark. ' The Texture of the Pa usr is thicker and I vhiter and it takes the ink more freely han the genuine paper. The O. in the word Company is fmalier f. ,han the M. and other iettersot that word e, o that a line extended from the top of the lj 1 >, to touch the top of the M. wouldrxtend tit -onfiderably above the range of the whole ivord. In the word United the lettfrsare nar. ower andclofer together than the reft of he bill. • The i and /in the word promise are not a >arallel, the /inclining much more forward :han the i. » _ The engraving is badly executed, the a trokesof ail the Letters a?e stronger and he devi' e in themargin particularly isn,uch -oarfcr and appears darker than in the true lills. Soineoi the counterfeits bear dale in ; 791— -Whereas the Bank was not in opera eN cion till JDecember, and no five dollar bills • n ; ere illued in jhat year. n . Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North i America. ALL that have appeared have the lettw n- V. for their alphabetical mark. >r< They are primed on a paper nearly fimi h« \r to that of the counterfeit Five Dollar 0 >Jotes above described; the engraving is ) n-tteexecuted, and they approach nearer l ; o the appearance of the genuine bills. ic The fine ruled Jines through the word ,v Twtnt\y in the body of the bill, are 111 nutti n >er th rteen in the genuine bills, and btfy ? welve in the counterfeit?. y The word Company is much like the fame voftl in the Five Dollar Bills as described 3 bove, the 0 being less than them, and 0* m ' hers following. j There is no stroke to the tin the word \ J orth whereas in the genuinebills theftroke • rl s well defined. • 1 ( . The letters ent in the word Twenty) to n j he left hand at the bottom, do not come ,l u . lown to the line, hut are so cut as to give ,er> ta irregular appearance to the word, the irk. Ttu and they going below them. ex- The signature J. Nixon, has the appear ance of being written with lamb-blackaud tc til, and differs from other inks used in printing th bills and the cafhicr's ligna ture. R. It is supposed these forgeries were commut ed in some of the Southern States, as all t e , ourtterfeits thai have appeared, have come nth !rom thence, and two persons have been ap go_ prebended in Virginia,on fulpicion 01 being she author of ihein. Lto There ward of ONE THOUSAND DOL LARS wiH be pa'd to any Person or Perlons who shall discover and prolecute to conviCtion tion the several ofteuciers of the following descriptions or any of them, viz. The person 01 persons, who manulattur* ed the paper on which the Bills are pnnte . The person or petfons, who engrave t •5 s plates. The printer or primers, of the bills. 1 Every person who has acted as a princips ' n any other way, in the counterfeiting an Ut it'ering the said bills. Philadelphia, March 28, *794- April 22, 1794> en. Other counterfeit bills 1 ot. of the Eank ol the United States have ap pearcdin circulation. tvvF v T Y i. v The denomination is ol 1 " , . 1 DOLLARS, and the alphabetical niaik » tlie letter B. They may be diflinguilhed from tne £ nuine bythe following MARKS : The paper of ilie counterfeits is «i f' ,c more ter.dcr texture and gleffcy U- r 1 cL ' than the genuine, and there is no wa glifli ;,iark in them. . . • The letter C. in the word ' ' •twnhe true bills is ftrongly parked, w " e ' e * D * in the counterfeits, ihe whole lett- r ' fine hair Itroke, evidently in an "" "'* j ', ifftate. The letter ain the word e " ' bafisjis badly lormcd and the whole wor i 1 ■■ der,jand there it no pomma at theend o i> uilt.lthere is in the genuine bills. r ofi The marginal device, is V UC i tiine in the falle, than in the genuine ■ s See, ing to the lliade strokes btingcoai ei, ■s of nearer together, aftd «o»»le«lue>=t cible more numerous. This difference 11 tion, eye at firft view. THOUSAND I*llv. The tatne reward of ONE T , -andsDOLLARS, will t* paid for apprc | e, e fc pro ("ecu ting to conviflu." i tion, above described Offenders in :c-p n.ite* as to the iaft described bills- , c r l( joit- | one,! THOMAS, WILLING, w . I tlir ot the E nk Unurd e . ~ hi, JOHN' NIXON, P'cf'dtnt Bjnk ol N 1 ""' 1 Amer'J 2 ' itv By order ol the ConHnmc.. '- ut f pcflive Bojrds.