OCR Interpretation

Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. [volume] (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 17, 1800, Image 2

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The Latest
By the Ihip Voltaire, Capt. Bowcil,
arrived at this p&rt in 40 days
from Hamburg.
HAMBURGH, September r.
Letter from Copenhagen, the 26th 'Augnft
The Danilh schooner which was sent to
Pet rfburg with the Account of the captiiie
of the frigate Freya, i 3 this moment fretnrn
ed. Of the difpatch'es which it brought,
nothing is yet known ; but greater aftivity
and exertions in forwarding preparations
are observed. Four floating batterie6 of
24 pieces each are fitted and our road, and
this day all the measure-, of defence for our
harbour will be completed; outside of the
Citadel they are now busied in throwing up
a battery on the weakefl part of the har
bour- The (Irong batteriie» on the road are
well mounted itid the guards releived every
day. For the works on the Holm, they
press the vagrants and a'l enrolled sailors
are take# out of the merchantmen, and sai
lors from different diftrifts are bro't hither
in waggons The city militia is exercifint;
and does duty on two «ity guards and each
citizen is obliged at all events to have 20
cartridge! in readiness.
Anothrtr letter from Copenhagen, of the
fame date, j6tb Augaft.
Although the preps ,tion* for de f ence be
come more serious every day, yet nothing
of a hostile nature hath hitherto happened
between "us and the Eng ilh. The mer
chants of this place as well as of Klfiueur,
having asked our governor as well as the
English whether the merchant vcflel* could
go out in f fely ? they got a fatisfactory
answer, and Admiral Dixon offered to give
pafTports to th;>fe veffds, which would wish
to depart from Elfinenr, and would fuffer
themielves to be examined.
Meanwhile, the English MinifUr here,
Lord Whitworth, has demanded a categori
cal answer to his proposals to oor Court in
a short time, and proposes to leave this city
on Friday with hit whole suit, the charge
d'Affaires, Drummond excepted.
LOWE 1 } ELBE, Augull 18.
We hear from the Dani/h dominions,
thit all th« regiments are likewise called in
from the Dutchies. The repiments at Slef
wig, it is said, are to ma> ch to Fonningen
and the neighbouring coast. From Eckern
F®tke and the troops march to
wards Glockftadt, to wh ch place more ar
tillery has been sent, and where the fortifica
tions are put into tbe bed order. In several
places on the coast, batteries are to be er
ELSINEUR, August z6.
We are yet in a total uncertainty whe
ther we (hall have peace or tsar with Eng
land. "On the 24th in the evening, the Da
nish ships of war weighed twice, in order to
go further into the harbour ; the English
immediately weighed likewise, and came to
an anchor where the others did It is said
again that a Ruffian fleet is arrived in the
road of Copenhagen- We ctpeft here fix
hundred men more. A number of men
which had been prefTed here, are this mo
ment transported to Copenhagen.
August -3
I.aft night at ten o'clock a cry was made
in the ttteets, that the F.n lifh had attempt
ed a landing between this and Hammers-
Muhlah. where an English frigate lays. -
Eve»7 body was alarmed. A boat had ac
tually approached the fhorc, but whether
they were Englifii or smugglers is not
known. The ChafTeurs fired on the boat
and it retired.
HAGUE, August 10.
The day before yesterday the report spread
already, that five English men of war, se
veral frigates and a great number of tranf
jiorts had appeared off Catfard the day be
fjre, but now had com* in light of the har
bour of FlyOiing. Yeflerday morning a
strong cannonade was heard off the mouth
of the Meuze, aud in the evening, infor
mation was received* that the English at
break of day had attempted a landing 011 sea
land, and on the fide of the Rriel, and
aftually had put a number of troops on fiat
bottomed boats, but that Adjutant Gene
ral Charrier having marched rapidly towards
the place of landing with a party of the Ba
tavian troops, the Englilh were forced to
re-emWk. Qu both fides ten men were
killed in this affair. The intention of the
English to get poffeflion of a Batavian (hip
of the line, which lay there, wes also fruf
FRANKFORT, August 26.
A new circumstance which is mentioned |
from Mentz proves but too certain that the
Consul, whatever may be the issue of the
piefent negocialioo, looks upon the! incer
poraiion of Belgium and the left batik of the
Rhine with France as unalterable, therefore
thefc beautiful provinces mud be looked up
on as unavoidably 101 lto the German Em
pire and the house of A uftria. An order
fjgned by Buonaparte and Councellor
Lacue, arrived at the D-iieftor of Domains,
Goyan's, declares the intention of Firft
Corifnl to build a Hospital of Invalids in the :
neighbourhood of the City of Mentz,
another near Brussels and a third near Lyons
or Atignon. He will appropriate to these
inftiiuiions S or 10 millions of National
domains and has dire&ed iht citizen Goyon
of Mentz to make aftaiement of the Na
tional. domains in ihc department of Doa- ;
nerfberg which may be applied for that
purpose and transmit the fame together
with a report oil several other points, at
fartheft on the 22d September, each of
of these three new institutions is calcu
lated for 2000 invalids, so that besides the
principle in Paris containing
4000 the First Consul will provide for
1 e.OOO invalids.
From the unfortunate Swabia, whole
troops of irapoverifhed inhabitants emigrate
to more peaceable countries ; they are to
tally unable to give the French foldiera
Quartered upon nheni the least fultenance.
Lisbon, Aug. 2ts.
Price Current.
Wheat 9'oo r« per alqr
Indian Corn * 54° -d®
Flour 14 dols per bl
Pipe Staves 13°
Hhd do 5* ® 6° ao
Barrel do 3° a do
Turpentine 6 dols per b!
Butter iBo rs per lb
Beef 8 dols per bl
Pi<rk >4 do do
Sugar White 3600 a 3400 per 3a lb
Do Brown 2400 a 2600 do
Carracas Cocoa
Lemons 4800 per box
Salt 4.000 rs per moy
Oit 5000 do per almr
Wine 86 dols per pipe
Exchange on London 63
Dollars 866 rs
Discount of paper 20 per cent.
By this Day s Mail
BOSTON, Oftober 13.
Extract of Inters from Ttrtola, received by
tbt Hannah, arrived bere yesterday.
" Tortola, September 17.
" Dejr SJK,
" The seizure and detention of the bar
que Galen, Thomas Afliby, matter, of Sa
lem, and cargo, has no doubt made some
noit'e in America, I therefore, as it is a
matter of considerable importance, fend you
Judjje Robinson's Rofors at large upon
making his decree for further proof, not on
account »f tbe trade be bad been carrying on,
but very evident erasures in the l»ver<!
clearances, wh ch giv-s r-.-af mi to sup
pose the Revenue was defrauded, by the du
ties not being paid on the whole of the car
go. These err.fares were in the word <• twen
ty-five."' It appears that capt. Afliby clear
ed out, and paid duties at Trinidad upon
" twenty-five hogsheads of sugar only, where
as he had actually 011 board " seventy-Jive" }
and after leaving the port of Trinidad for
America, by erafmg the top of the letter
" T," and converting the firft stroke of the
letter "w," in the word " Twenty" into an
•' o," altered the Clearance of twenty-Jive
hog flu-ads of sugar into that of seventy-Jive.
Bemgmet at sea by the British frigate Se
vern, capt. Whitby, his papers were exa
mined, and 'hr fraud evidently dete&ed ;
he was accordingly sent in here for adjudi
Another letter of fame date, in mention
ing this scandalous tranfa<f\ion, observes j—
(1 I am happy in informing you, that the
Galen would have, been acquitted, as to the
trade (he had been carrying on, the Judge
' thinking the trade at preferit indulged at
Trinidad a just and politic meafuie, and
which the Governor no dcubt wis ajthqrifed
to allow."
This letter, after {Vating the fame rea
sons for her detention, as are mentioned
above, adds" The jud 3 e therefore or
dered further proof«*s to those matters, and
Commissioners bate been appointed at T'i
nid.d to examine evidence thereon. By the
captain's not proceeding to Trinidad to ha
ft.-n the evidence, and to clear up this busi
ness, I very much fufpeft that it will ap
pear, that the erasures roust have been made
:,y the captain, if so, the loss of velTel and
cargo will be the consequence."
We have been furniChed with the
whole Proceedings of the Admiralty of
Tortola, in the cafe of the Galen, but which
on account of their length muftbe deferred
till Thursday.
NEW YORK, Oftober 16.
SwindtersSs'Coiners T
On Thursday evening la(t, two frttows
came to the (lore of Mr. Cook, in Cherry
ftitet, purchased poods to the amount of
50 dollars, and paid for them in specie ;
after they had,gone off, every Dollar was
found to be counterfeit—The public should
be on their guard, and endeavour to deleft
and bring to }uftice foch villains.
V RICHMOND, Oft. 10.
We are informed from undoubted autho
thority, that ort Wednesday evening last,
Jack Bowler, alias Jack Ditcher, for whom
a reward of three hundred dollars was of
fered by the Governor, surrendered himfelf
to the civil authority, as being considered a
chief in the infurrcdlion lately meditated
by the negroes —Gabriel, who was con
demned to be hung on I uefday last, receiv
ed a respite from the Governor until to day ;
when he, together with fifteen others, five
at the Brook near this place, fi\e at the
Four Mile Cieek, and fix (including Ga
briel) at the Richmond gallows, will be cx.-
Thomas Wotherspoon,
Has received by the late arrivals from L.Oll
don, Liverpool, Hull and GUfgow, a
general allortment of
Suitable for the season among which are
Superfine and lecond cloths, |
Do. plain and ribb'd Caflitners
Do. l'aftiioowible Swailfdowns
Qiittvngs <ind packing Baizes
Ylannals and plains
Plaid and ribb'd Caliijiancoes
Durants and Joans Spinnings
Black Uiiffels and B.in'ibizetts
Plain and striped Wildbores
Cloak Cambletts
Velvets, Thickfetts and Fancy Cords
Chcck'd and striped Ginghams
White and brown Platillas
Checks and Bed-ticks
Purple and Chintz Shawls
Printed Pocket Handkerchiefs
Black and col'd B.ircglona do.
White and col'd Satins, Peelongs and
Per Satis.
Trilled bia'ck Sattin Florentines
Wide rich stripe do.
Queen's Grey Liiteftrings
Stitching Threads and Scarf Twist
D mitie* and Qjiiltings
BUitk and white Thread L;tcǤ and
Edgings .
Rich wide patent Law VeiU
An affjrtment of Ribbons
Curpets and Carpeting
Tapes, quality and shoe Bindings
Shirt Weires and Moulds
Plain and. Fancy Buttons
Plain and ribb Cotton Stockings
Fancy Handkerchiefs and Cott»n
Table-clieths and cotton Counterpanes
Thread, Le ulers, Ferretts and Gallepns
British Muslins of every description
Ounce Thread in baxc*
Coloured do. in do.
Suitable for the Weft-India Market,
A few boxjs ®f
Madfafs liandkerchie.s, a few do. Fancy
Mull ins, a few do. Gingh.ims, entitled
to drawback.
O&ober i 6 djat
5200 a 6 dols do
6800 a 8 dolt do
Robert Smith & Co.
No. 58, South front Street,
By the late arrivals from London, Liverpool,
Hull and Glal'gow,
t A-general afCortuient of
Suitable for the fcaloil—auiong which are
SUPERFIME and second cloths
Forctt cloths and plains
A variety ot pltio, ribb'd and emVodcd calE
meres <il every colour
A variety ot fa(hionabl<: fwaofdown
Kendal cottons
Bucking aud Colcheller baize of every color
74t0 11 4 rose ulankets
1 i-a and i do
White forges suitable for fadlcrs
Ribbed «>d plain cilimancocs
Rattineu and fhallopns
Durant» joans and bombazeens
Bomhazetts, llriped and plain,
Velverets, thickfetts and fancy cords
Check'd and striped ginghams
7-8, 4-4, 11-H cotton checks
Bed ticks, Scotch ftiirting
Brown linens and cotton bagging
Plain and tambor'd jaconst aud book muslins
and handkerchiefs
Coloured tambor'd ditto
Olive, lead and Mue muslins
Cambricks and lawns
Lawn,and printed linen handkerchiefs
Blark and colored Barcelona ditto
Black tove ditto
Worftttd, yarn and cotton hosiery
White and coloured threads
Tapes, quality and shot binding
An afljrtment ot ribbons
Sewing silk and twist
Ivory and horn combs
Shirt wires and moulds
Plain and fancy buttons
Knives and forks, penknives, scissors, needles,
pins. Sc.
They have alio on hand,
, nt '
Ceisortt! ko'difcA LoteOri»j*, S«cX*w* ud
For Liverpool,
Tie American Philadelfb a, cedar and lite-
Daniel C. TtHinghaft, najler,
Intended to fail early in November, and to return
an early spring (hip to Philadelphia—will b« ready
to take in shortly at Perotts wharf—For freight
or pafliKC, apply to the captain on Snard, «r to
Jeremiah Warder.
Tliofe gentlemen who have goods on board the
Amia! le, are requcfted to fend their permits on
hoard at Gerard's wharf, ahove market street,
where the fliip is ready to diloharge-
Qfthefirft quality ; London refined lalt petre ;
London white lead, dry and ground in oil; red
lead; London tin plates in boxes ; Roman tea can
1 tiers in cases; Irilh linens assorted, 4 and 6lb
cannon, Woolwich proof, aud J»nd 9 Ib liot.
Oftotar >S
No. 56,
South Fhont Strbst,
an assortment of
Has for SaU't
Liverpool high (tored fine
Dancing Academy. ~
MR. QTJE3NET, v.Vh r?fpe£l informi hi« pu
pils andthe public in general, that he intends
opening his Academy, on vlonday the 6th of Oc
tober , at his new assembly room, No, 6.4, Couth
Fourth rtrcet.
Mr. Quefnet is thankful to the Ladies and Gen
tlemen, tor the liberal encouragement he has ex
perienced every season —he wai desirous for some
time to meet with a gentleman of whom the cha
rsiler and talents, could, united together dfferye
the confidence of the public \ deprived oi fueh ad
vantage, Mr always thought proper to
divide and fix the number of pupils; but this seas
on the school can be improved one third more
haviig to introduce Mr. Auriol, as an affiOant to
him, and a pcrfon of ability. The (cholars fha',l
be attended three times a wc. k as usual—Ladies in
the morning ; young Gentlemen in the afternoon;
and grown Gentlemen in the evening.
N. B. The fir (I pra&ifing ball in private for the
feholars.will be a few days after the opening ot the
school ; and thgfirfl ball will be on TUurfday, the
16th Oitober next.
Mr. AURIOL lately arrived freih Paris, re
fpeftlully in.Vrms the public in general, that hav
ingfome time to difpoft 01, h« will attend thoff
Ladies and GentlemeD, whe wish to be taught
private at their own houses.
His lodgings are at No. 3*, south Third street,
where directions can be lelt with his lady if he
O&oberi. th&ftf
Indian Queen.
THE Sublcriber begs leave to inform the
Public thai he has taken that well-known
Inn, the INDIAN QUEEN, lately kept
by Mr. Jamts Thompson, deceased, and
foiicits their patronage as well as the pat
ronage of those Gentleman who were ac
cuttomed to give it their fnpport, alluring
them that it (lull be ccndutted on the fame
liberal plan which charadteriled it when
under the luperiatendance ot his predecessor.
The house has undergone a thorough repair,
and it would be needless to observe to those
who know them, that the (tables are, in spa
ciousness and convenience, unequalled in
Philadelphia, and the bed' prevonder and at
tendance are always provided for horses, by
the Public's obedient servant.
Odlober i. #
J lift Received,
By the hte arrival: here, and at New-York,
and for sale by
Lorain & Son,
No. 5, North Third Street.
An elegant affurtment of Chintzes and Calicoes,
Englilh btim, Preatongs, Mod-.s, Sarfners, and
Lutestrings ; Dimities, Bobbins, Coatings, Flan
ntls, Bocking Baozics, Broad-Cloths, Swandowns,
Double-mill'd brabs ; —Worded Yarn and Cottos
Hosiery ; Plain ForeU. Cloths
Alto on Hand,
Low-priced and fine India muslins, Iriih and
quadruple linens, Gefman Dowlas, ribbons India
fatin»,lutftrings,and fonflianws.miU'd yarn glove.,
ivory and horn combs, fadl«ry,aada variety of
Ironmongery, and seasonable.
To be Sold, or Bartered,
For DRY GOODS, a Handtome Three
With Piazza and Kitchen adjoining, situate in
Vine near Fourth erect, bu'lt in modern style
with excellent materials, and well calculated to ac
commodate a large family.
ept a. «M.
Carpets & Carpeting
By the Subscribers,
In the Tillman, Capruin Harkcr, from Li
A very extensive and beautiful assortment
No. 5, Navth Third Street.
The House,
LATELY occupied by the Chevalier
D'Yrujo, Spaniiii Ambassador, will be
let out to an approved perfoii or family, on
easy conditions. It is large, commodious
and elegant, with 'coach-Uoufe and stables
Enquire at No. too, Spruce flreet.
Arch Street, Nt. 94.
July 23. eodtt.
aooo Dollars Reward,
And all charges and expcncs paid.
FOR apprehending and bringing to
the city of New-York, Nathaniel Ol-
COTT, late of the said ci'y Br ker, who is
charged oi oath with feionioufly, fraudu
lently falfe pretenae«, taking from
tKrßank of New-York, large sums of mo
ney It it supposed that he has a large
sum of Bank notet now in his pofleffian,
whirh any person appreheadi g him is par
ticularly desired to secure, with all his pa-
P® 1 " 5 *
Natha\i»l Olcott, is about hve feet
ten inches high, has dark hazel eyes, and
dark hair, which he generally wears torttd
up behind, has rather a down look- is (lout
built and straight—rather red about the
nodrils, in confecjuenca of takißg funff -
he is from 2Jto 30 years old—had on a
dark great coat and a light coat undsmeath
Any information given to the Cashier of
the Bank relative to the said Nathaniel OU
cott, will be thankfully received and reward
Caflir. b. n. r.
ICJ'The Printers throughout the United
States *r requested to reprint the above-
New-York, 061. 9. tf.
For Sale,
THE following property belonging tothcTruf
tee« cf the Agg.egate Fund, provided foi the
payment of certain creditors of Edward Fos
and James Oreenlcaf.
PART of the property of said fund, in the City
of Wafbington, that now is rendered clear of
every incumbrance, will be expoffcd at Public
Au&ion at Tanniclifl Tavern, amongst which are
the following valuable situation, viz. it Lots in
square No. 973., a lots in square 974, 15 lots ia
jqnaro N#. 995, i lots in square louth "of fquart
1019, 19 lotsin square 1010,1 lot in square iote
I.lot in square l?n, ? lots in square 1023, 4 lot
in square 1044, 3 lots in square 1045, 3 lo"» in
square 1046, 9 lots in square 1047, u lots in
square 1048, wilh sundry others, advantageously
Dtuated in various parts of the city. Also the %
llcry frame houle now occupied by Mr. Deblois,
beautifully(ituated (with an cxtenfive view of sev
eral miles down the Potomac) on thefouth eafl
corner of square 973, fronting 4a feet on 11 street
east, ahd 41 feotoofouth G street.: a commodious
Kitchen with an oven, &c. adjoining the south
front. A large frame stable, carriage house and
fay loft jo feat by 15, and a pump of excellent
water near the back door of the hitchcß, the lot
extending9i feet on 11 street, and 139 feet 1 inch
in G street, compriting lots Nos. 1,4,3, and part
of 21, in the registered division of the square.
1 he falct will commence at the said tavern at ten
o'clock in the forenoon.
, The termsone fourth calh, one fourth in fix
months, when a deed will be given, the remain*
ing moiety in two years, payment to be secured
by bond and mortgage. But the creditors in the
above fund, may in lieu of mortgage secure pay
ment of their bonds by deposit of certificates <s£
the truflees at the rate-os five Ihillings in the pound,
to the amount secured and fcouM a dividend take
place before the expiration of the two years, ie
will be set off againfl th« bond, and the certifi*
catcs returned in the fame proportion.
Henry Pratt ")
Thomas W. Francis |
John Miller, jun. }> Truflets.
John Afhley j
Jacob Baker. J
Awguft 4. 31aw to
Robbery. ,
300 Dollars Reward.
T AST Saturday night my (hop in Water*
i-i street was opened by-a fall# key, and fun-.-
dry articles of Jewellery, to theameunt o£
ten or twelve hundred dollars, \verccajrie4off".
Among them were,
Two marrow fpoonsn»rked " Werr>ck
LikenefTes of Mr Jamis Robcxtfon asd Wife, of
Pcerftfurg—one do. of a Mr. King- one do.
of Mr. John Trimble, late of this town, the
back set with a large blue glass and a smaller
in the centre, under which was a pTait of haic
hid llrait, with J. T. in a cyph-r worked in
ptarl. Together with a number of fancy piss.i
ces, painted by Sully, which cannot now be
recMlefltd ; 5 Boitfwaju's Calls damped
' Warrock.'
The following WatcheS:
Gold watch, maker'a name Frovav), Paris
silver do. Thomas Greco, Liverpool, 7703
do do. George Hifielil,L«ndoD, 13,500
gold do. French, no narte
d». d#. John Kyland, London, 1331
silver do, French, no nam*
do. do. John Bull, London, 744'
I*uld do. Rodart, faril
ilver do. Joseph Kembtr Shaw
Id. do. J. Darlington, London
!o. do. No. 98$!
■lt do. G.M. Mefcalf, London, 4195
i fil. tr do. Gesrge Hafwood, London, 1906
1 do- do. J. Smith} London, ait
I double csie gilt witch, R. Gibcrn, Rich
iro Dollars will be given for the reftoratiaa
of the jewellery, or 100 dollars if the thief of
thieves are ilfo fecurH.
Mr. Benjamin Morris, the owner of the
Watches ivhich were taken at the fame time,
will a'.f* give 100 dollars fer them.
July 19
£T The Printers a* Peterfburp, Ricntnsnd,
Alex»ndria —B»ltimore—C'nar'eAon —and o
thers, are requested to insert the above for a.
Taunton Ale #
of an excellent quality,
Per hrl{r Amity, fmm Bridal,'
By John Allen,.
No. 122, Sprucesstreett t
Who has alio on Land,
Bristol Patent Sail Cl«th,
No. i to 8.
feptember 22
OLD Long Primer,
Small Pica on Pica Body,
Englifli, Chaiics, Compofirie Sticks, and agrea«
variety of articles neceffciry to carry on the Hrin»
ing Bjfin?fs. They will he fold cheap tor cafl»
Apply to the Printer.
£jf The folic wing work may perhaps appear
from in Title is only neceltary to the Gentle*
men of the Bar—The <wbo!e trading world are
interested in the knowledge of its contents. It
ii replete with information to thr Man of Bi/Jt
neji ; and the Merchant, the Untldrwriten the
Sea Captain. &c. &c- *ill find then,felv«s par
ticularly ind immediately conswatd in th*
knowledge it affords. '
And to be sold by James JJumpHFETS,
No. 106, south fide of Market Street,
part 11.
(which concludes the First Volume) of
Argued a. J determined in the High Court
of' Admiralty, (Great Britain)
Commencing with the JUDGMENTS of
of the
Right Hon. Sir William Scott,
M'chaeluias Term, 1798,
By CHR. ROBINSON, L.1..D. Advocate.
At the same place may be bad
|Cr"l'liefe REPORTS will be continued
regularly as they come to band.
t ',

V . *

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