democracy. " If'pat is, Democracy —This queflion has found jts way iifto tfie TraitOks Ga zettb, Edited h Tench Coxk Sc Co. ct' all othefs the dil'ciples of that DcArine (l)ould carefully avoid urging a reply to this query. Democracy is a ColufTus, fin ding over our unhappy country and with Hfllilh malignity marking out the vf&ims of its vengeance. View it in P-nnfylvania and you find in its mad career.expelling from Office of 1 rust and Profit virtuous men, who have been long and faithful servant? to their Country j—and for what ? Fordo ing toexercife the rights of freemen ib op. pifing the ele&ion of a Tyrant. By whom are they fopprceded.? by Traitors and Tbitves^!! —What , s Democracy! a n im pious fiend, letting at defiance the laws ol God and man ind trampling down, with lacriligipus jdy, theb.irrier of religion ; 'tis a moniker, which has initiated its disciples in the humane art,of teaching an unoffending wife and family "bow to (Varve"fuchis aflight . iketch of Democracy, a feeble hand were the pen of a mafler to pourtray it in all 'twere blacker than Hell. For (itG.«ELTTP. of the United Statei caution, Against a new and dangerous animal now at large: THIS country is now infefted by an ani- in which are muvuloully combined un> •der the form and figure of a man, the cow ardice ol a llieep, the ferocity of a. wolf, the low cunning of a fox, the treachery of a cat. the poifou of a viper, and the subtleness of a monkey. It i* C'ttninly-jrue. though ft range that this wonderful ptodndfinn of rfecroman ey and witchcraft walks upon two let's, car ries the " erectus vidtus." has becn taught to read and write, and performed, in addition to the uUul funftions of a man, every mif chiiv us, wicked and dell'uclive art. By Home he is fuppoled to be the genuine work. ■ Jimtiif)ip ot the Devil, wlio, mortified At the ■ creation of man by the Almighty l«nd, has thus endeavoured to immitate and mock the work. He has luccetdcd well in Sketching the form of liuman kird, but when Sir c:ime to animate the mas*, he was under the iteceffity of breathing bis"ei\»H spirit into ■it, inflend ol the divne inl'piration. This d-tdferi creature has for year.!, been rfiamiiV about dciiroying e«er'y l'l.cial and honorable principle ; inviong c»nlid«-,-ce by the mod forced and flittering attentions and betray ii'g it without rem jrfe. He is utterly in cap,lb!" cither of ll adv aid honourable triendlhip or enmity, bung diivfked entirely by a Iliu'.Hintr, feilM. .-xp-diency, bv u r!e. praved and low bred policy and iy his predo. minaiit love of 1.1 {chief—He flatters or be trays without any regard to the obj-ift 01 the tins which hold him to it. He is »i ihaiiow wit, but in eveihltmg talker, fore -ing eveiy man he meets into nnpleafrnt anc reluctant conversations, which he afterward; ni miims into such lhapes and sentiments Si .be fl j'uit Uis inrrtells and malice. There i< less fal-ty in his cooiianv than under th fan,'',s of a t ee r — Ih ■ p ce ol a ai.e hi# family may be brwketi up by a Gngle won perverted ami diftoited io the mind "f thi friend. i. is r pec': el. thiit. ill *he gooc. people »f |fcU country, --vi 11 carefully avoic this new raoi I;- r, and if by Chance thev fa 1 in his way. let them pni a leal upon their lips ITid be as f artul of op-' :;. 0 then >•-. uths a if a deniily poilnn were floating in the air ant would be inhaled at a breath. This apima is row at or rear Lxnfekfter, vomiting fort! vohiines , f p. I foil aod f'ooiOi-c in long anc tedious pubficatidiis-i-He raves a great dea 'about bis dear cou)ttry % his love fur her, ant the ilicrifice he made and is making so her; hut all ibis ihitf is unintelligible a* i is quite unce; t-iin to what country he belongs he has been fcen in the i'ervice of so ma til and laitiiUil to none. 11avin.j: dtflroyed hi friends one by one, he feemsnow to be *de vouring himself, and it is hope.) that in : (hort time we fliall be rid of him—Bui unti then— 0000 FEPPLt IFWARK. FIDES. * " Ipfe fuunv tor edens, hominum vcftim'a Ex'tra£l of 3 letter from St* Kittt, S'ptrm her 2, 1800. A flag of tiuce. which I sent with 50 French prifowers, in or-!er to leflen. the num ber heir, and relieve any Americans at Cui - ricoa, ha", returned without any and I have t,he pjeafure in faying 1 one were there, and by the vigilance of our cmifers no vef £.-•< had Ifeen carried in far many weeks. Two Americans who have Ur:-u detained in cile citizen of Wa(hhigton, was Ipoken at the openi. the Theatre in tlrat city, with pe caiiar pathos, by Mr Wigneil. THANK Heaven ! ten tedious anxious years ire pad. And here we've lit together met at Jail—- 1 iie Grecian States, ambitious to deflroy, Took ihe lame tune to level cloud-capt Troy : Thiir Hero, by fuhverting, fought his prail'e, Our patriot's n birr glory was to • aife Let nations tout to Greece and Rome, Columbia's bright examples are ac home : Whate'er is great or good we find in one, All virtues j. ined 10 form a Washington. Heaven partial seemed occsfions to dispense, Plejfef! to unfold his great Exulting thought 1 Why tlixt appear diflrefs'd ? But ab ! you feel the molt who knew him heft MoufU not, but tfeartkliil Chat his life was spared So long ; enjoy the bleflings he prepared— As planetary systems roll on .high Ilu'l'd hy th' Almiehry's law of harmony ; Th. fe States io cealilefs unity (hall roll, Swayed by the plans of hn mfpired foul. " To-night we II make you weep by minic play ! " For tears are tributes wtrich delight must pay. " Expand your tuckers, ya sigh fuelling fur, " Unfurl your lans, your handkcrchiefspreparc: " Catch the foft moments, ye emamoureij beaux, " Arrest the tear drop, treir.bli g as it flows : ft S'*eet f«Hfibility the foul endears, " And beauty iheds a luflre rr»oft in tears. This grand hotel, for epi. ures Nov. makes provision only for tne mind ; For you, each tw icourlts nipe we cater, Anl for our wants the prompter pall, not waiter. A bad exchange, you'll fay, solids for air ; Who's he that whispers " it is cuy faie." Sir, you're a poet, and delight for f >i»th, Rather to deal in fiflion than in truth. Those ruddy checks evince the air is fine, And thof« fat fides lhew on the belt you dine. " Well faith—we've formed a tolerable llage, " There's room for comic glee or tragic rage. I " Hut there [pointing to pitt and box#s J the city populates f« qiick, " I fear you've ftow'd y iurfelves'awfiy too thick. '* Ladies, you smile as if the- crowding pleaf'd " Sure yo«r fine frames must tremble to be fqutez'd. Tho' i>ow our corps rather too thin appear, This central spot must draw f»rth volunteers ; If power's their wish, to inonatchies we'll raile them, If fame, 'twere ample sure for you to praise them; If death and glcry, here they may be slain, And what ii better, " rife again." Their country's service to a generous mind. That firlt incentive, true they cannot find ; And yet we aft no defp.cible part, Who pll3Jfn life and meliorate the heart. The fioOds of late which drown'd you many a h.K-fc,* Have caut'dtous a much severer l»f» ; O'jr groves, our temples gone beyond repair, Theftorn. hath swept our canvas almost bare . For this deficiency we'll soon atone, Would you coultl build as f.ift with brick and ftoue. At firJt behold us with mdulgent eye, And soon with zcai weM every want fu,*piy— Thus toA *h? tfty all things will ac quire, That fancy can luggeit, or heart desire ; The bayonet, the Iword, the cannon's roir, Drive arts and f.ience to this peaceful shore If various tongurt from building could disable. Your houses would of course be like Babel ; Dutch, lrilh, Germans, French, all hither sue To enjoy the happy 4 fruits of harmony. With your permilfion—• ("iic.ll ringsj lurk ! I'm cafl'd away, That b»ll cuts Ihort the best I had to fay ; Ascept ihe will, I pray you for the deed, } For this on all occasions we must plead, > By your indulgence ooly we succeed, j * Alluding to casualties occasioned ky over flowing of the creeks, and damage fujiained by Jiagefcenerj. N. B. The liaet with th* coinnlas before them were omitted in the delivery. Convißs EJfhiped. About 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, a daring attempt wa> nude by the convitlt in the State Prison of New-York, to (fFett an eltape ; their plan was eonced twice, and 1 feverrly bruised. They lrft him and proceeded to the front gates seized the keeper of it, and wrested from him tlie key—they opened the gate de liberately, 1.i11i.-d into tlie road, and had the imptujeuce eventowrazyf as thry proceeded to the shore. Having foimd a boat ready for their pur)iof.-, they roTvcd to the opposite iide of the north river, and landed a little shove the Houboken feny houf'-. It ap pears on they took with them 8 loaded iiuifketlj and that they are 15 in in number—their names are as follows : James Runnel*, James Stanford, fohn Sullivan, Charls Mofier, William Bedf.rJ, John H. Bcy, Jaives Cril'pin, John Smith, Richard Shapley, Alpheu; Vii ccnt, David Reed, William Murdock, J -hn Bradley* l.ewis Taylor. Page, By .tcdjrignts fr»m tli| Jevfeys finee they Nnded, Mtpe country,?* >pl^attempted to' apprehend tj*m, but them armed, wtc obliged to desist. prisoners f.iid they intended £o keep in a !so&y —they were lien to .propped towards Bert^eji, Two-os the. keepers of nit prffoji were difpa'tched to Jei l'ey in .order to alarm the people there ; they gained the Jei;fry (liore in about 5 m.imites jtHet'-ihe pi'ifooerd lan ded ; Sheriff Morris, whfyjjour civil *>ij?cers, went ovei to the Jerseys With the fame in tention, nnd landed in. about half an hour after the prifrvne rs: The clerk of the pri fin was difpatclv d to give*he :;lum* New ark and Lhziibeth rniroedhts exertions witt he |t!ic fneans of apprehending them, as the ilitep'tion of the prifoiiers keeping in a body Will fouu disco ver their route. • The wounds received by'capt. Pray Ijy a knife are flight ; his fliou'.der is considerably bruited by with an iron bap* iry ft is worthy of remark, that Dr. Reyrto!fUc time the- above transaction took place, and for a few days previous. Gazette Marine Lift, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVED, SnowP'.llv, I-ib'rte, Gihralter Bng Hiram, Wh.:land> Port Republican B (fry. Whitens, Oporto Sloop Ind-pen l'nce, Dufcield, Savannah Thr l>i"iu Kuth nid Selby, captured - n her pafi'ajje from Havaimafi", by he St. Ai bans, of lixtv-fcir guns, lias been liberated at Halifax, cargo condemned. The Britifii packet La Jy Arabella, last from New'i ork arrived at Halifax the j:ft ultimo, and failed the next day for Falmftuth. The Pennsylvania, Kunx, Christiana, An drews, s> 1 the Sally, M'Cail, have arrived a' Hamburgh frun this port. Polly, of rt<>:ti% ; Bii* Dean, Barnufii, Jamaic Schr. Thomasarnl Deborah, Baip> Yar,n utl Scely, F.yiiij; Pi ft, Leilh, Nerit Sloop *t (jrorpe, Forreffer, ! Tobago ' live!. liriy Knterpmp, Willis, 23 divs fr"m 'it. f PtVtUnd, NH tor Ph ladelphia Spoke three days jigo f hipner Eliza,, feventcqj days out from ila vannah far hew Y«tk. Lett there the following vrjels : Schr. Nar.cies, CU» k, IMo3e Ifldh4 12 dayi Ea«le, Anrierlon, RaltirSere 10 do C .i»incrce, WJiittm-ri, •N. Y. 7do Travellar, Chamberlaiii, i lialt. 4 do On the* 15th of OitoUsr, fp-.kt al. hooner froip.G"naivc Sukey, Sar.ds, forNewYirk, fade! (ixda ; s before. Arrived, fchonner Sally, ir m Annapolis; and Defiance, from Boothbiy, in j days. Arrived at quarantine, ami, frsm Alicant 48 d.T,ys ; brig WIU am, Rowland, from Cape Francois, days, «nd fchooaer Jthiv, Wi'iiaros, Herb ce, 38 days. Captain Williams, from A|ic»nt, paftd at the rrioutit of the Straits, a biack (hip, with wade cloths, and white bottom and head an fw per cent, flock—toß a 108 i-4 11 Si* per cent, and ") „„ Navy ditto J , || Deferred 6 p»r cent 861-4 !i Three percent. £4 1-4 5 r-i per cent. 85 4 r-2 per cent. none at marfcet RANK U. States 3*037 p. cent advan."") Penitfylvania, j ditto / — ; —— N. America 51 ditto f 440 Insurance Cn Fenns'a too*!. ditto. J —— JJorth America t%a 15 prr cent.") - , below par—nominal i Turnpike - On Amfterdim, do 39 40 cents'^ [per Florin > On Hamburgh do 36 a 37 cents \ t [per Mark Bancs Rates of Foreign Coins and Curren rencies in the United States—per act of Cctogres for payment of Du ties'. ■ Dolls. Cts. Englilb pound fteriing 4 44 -v Iri(b do do 4 10 / I Du'ch Florin or OuiUer o 40 ( I Hamburgh M*rk ganco. ... .0 J3l-3.) I |rt7* Ihe subscriber having frequently heard complaints of the want of accuracy in tie price current ps public stock ", has conclud ed lofiifnifli the Qazette oft he United States, pccafionally (if called for) with what may in his opinion beconfidered the Market Prices ot Stock, and the Rdtes of Exchange. day* Philadelphia, 3d November, 1800. AS thfre are nn such coins in the United States as PouiHs, Shillings and Pence, The Broken ,f Philadelphia in future, intend to buy and fell all kinds of Public Stock, at so much per cent, in Dol lars and Cents, which are the proper coini of the United Statea, and not as heretofore, at so much per pound. Anfl to prevent any inconvenience which may arise to those who have bean habiiu ated tn the old method, the fullowiug table is pttbr lifted, (boding th< f*m in Dollars and Cents, per C<>nt, which correspond with (hillings and pence, per pound. They hope the simplicity of the mtte method, will be pleasing to the citizens of the U. States, and give general fatisfa.siion. TABL E. THREE PIHCEMT3. Pant. Per £. o D. Cts. s. D. " 50 equalU 10 60 5» 75 10 6 6 S3 00 io 7 1 53 15 10 7 8 S3 5° lo 8 4 53 75 10 9 o 54 00 10 9 6 54 «5 10 to a 54 50 10 10 8 54 75' 10 n 4 55 00 11 o o days Ajnfterdim Surrimm Philadelphia Jiavinna ic> do. SIX PER CINTS. 86 00 jj a 4 46 is 17 jo 86 50 1756 86 75 17 4 ! 87.00 17 4.8 *5 17 5 4 8 ? 50 17 6 o Subscription Balls. m. FranCis BB'iS leave to acquaint his scholars, and those gentlemen, who may wifli to honor his £»b- Kription 3all with their presence, that fuffcrip £;on tick&ts, are ready for delivery. Days of tuition, at thi: Academy, Harmony- Ccutt, Mondays and Fridays (at 3 o'clock in the art .rnoon, for young ladi« only)—Tuef-iaj 1 and Saturdays, (4 o'clock, for young gentlemen)—and at 6 o'clock on tSe I'ncfday and Saturday for those if a more advanced age Fcr particulars apply to Mr. F No. 70, north Eighth firect. £? 1 h- firft B 11, wiliich was to havs been on the 6th November, ispollponed 'till further notice ober 30 dtfiN New-Theatre. ON WEDNESDAY EVENING,* November j, SIGHS; Or, The Daughter. To which mill 6e added, The celebrated Musical Romance, called Cymon and Sylvia• Or, the Power oj Enchantment. With an INCANTATION, And a Dance of Furies. Be.*, one Dollar. Pit, three quarters of a Dol lar, and Gallery, half a Dollar. The Dt»r» of the Thetitre wilt open 4? 1 4 pad J, and tbe Cur\ain rife at 1-4 pafl 6o'clock. Gentlemen and La.lies are requested to fend their fcrvants to keep places in the baxes at a quarter pall five oVlock »CJ* On Friday, The Mcuntaineeri, With Lock and Key. * ♦ A new Musical EnHrtainaieiit is inprepar ation. THE firft crrnAitutional meeting of th: Club for th- season will he beld at their room. Hardy's Hotel, on Twefday, Novem ber the fourth, at 6 o'clock in the evening. The tnembrrs ;irr requeued to be pun&ual in their attendance, a; an cleclion of offi cers wjjl be held. Member/' Tickets ere left at the bar. WILLIAM BARK EH, Sec'ry. Noveiub. r 4. 21* T> ' v* • ». -s Prices of Public Stock, Philadelphia, NOV: 3, .Par amount of ii Jhdre M. M'CONNELL, Cbesnut streetj No, 143. f Ftr £. D. Cts. S D. 87 75 17 6 6 88 j*,o • 17 7 2 88 ij 17 7 8 *8 jo 17 8 4 88 75 1790 89 00 17 y 6 89 1J 1; 10 1 89 56 17 10 8 89 ?5 17 11 4 90 00 18 o 0 KIQHT P«K CENT 9. 108 equal to 21 J 1 »5 ar 7 8 53 21 84 75 al 9 o 109 11 96 »J u i«i ' •!«. II t« I 75 11 11 4 110 i» o o CATCH CLUB. licivßES : Oa the Theory and Practice of - midwifery;, Will be commence, on Saturday, the Bth of n£ ▼caiher, by WILLIAM DEIVEES. November sth, 1800. POST-OFFJCE. PftlL/iBEi.PHiAy November 5, 1800. ■£s* LE ITERS, for the Britifli Patket Print* 1• ' „ 0r ralr,,outh . (England,) willbe rac.ivad at tfcis office, until Friday, the 7th inttant, at 1* o'clock, noon. N. B. The inland postage to New-York must bo--paid. Health-Office, " 4tH November 1800. T"HE Pilots of the River Delaware arc deli red to uke Motive after the 14th mft. all yeffelsj from foreign ports are permit ted to proceed to the city without coining i? 0 . 3 , 1 t ' lc Lazaretto, to be examined by the Rendent- PhvTician. , • WILLIAM ALLEN, Ifealtb'-Otfctr. Nov - 4 dzvv The Dire El Federal Tax. T< HE owners of unftaied Land., in the com,lf ■ ot Norfhumberl?tH (at it was before Center county wasilmck off) are called upon to pay the taxes on laid lapds, agreeable to alfcfiments, whicV are most generally in the namci oi the ..riginaj warranties, and which names it is pr-fumed most be known to tlie owners or holders ot laid lards - to the fubferiber living in Punberry JOHN BUYiiRS, Jun. Colleflor. , Sunhury, tft. Nov. 1800. N. B; Lifts, of the w-arsntees' names will be received by the Subscriber at William '• lliot's, No, 18, North F.~urth firtct, until Saturday the Bih inft. and with whom arrangemsots may be made for payment of said taxes. Nov. 4. -!teqnefleJ to insert the above in their revive papers, once a week for tws inontfu. [# >• t?