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LOVERS Of good literature will lind elsewhere a depart ment to their liking. ScrmtfouSliiff tribune. FOR Country readers there is no better paper than tne WEBS LY TRIBUNE. TWELVE PAGES--84 COLU M . S SCH ANTON. PA.. SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 10. KS!4. TWO CENTS A COPY. AM n IE IE-PA In HONOR DOWN IN OLD KENTUCKY Hiss Pollard Brings Gallant Colonel Brert earidge Before the Bar. THE SENSATIONAL CASE OPENED Examination of Witnesses for the Prosecution Convincing Testi mony of the Widow of Ex-Governor Blackburn The Fair Plaintiff Weeps While the Defendant Chats Unconcernedly with His Counsel. Mr. Carlisle's Forcible Arraign ment. Washington, March i) ONE of tbe tint pertout to enter the circuit court room this morning was Miss Madeline Pol lard, tue plaintiff iu the rait a,iiu8t Cougressm in W. P. U Brsck inridge. This was tbf first sight of the plain tiff vouchsafed to the scandal lovers who crowded tbe court. aud for a quarter of an bour before the trial be gun the was tbe target of nil eyes and tbe subject of many curious comments. Mis Pollard is au attractive-looking young woman, whose appearance would indicate tbat sue baa attaiued 30 years, with a slender, girlish figure, which was covered ly a louif black ulster. Her face w uearly coloriest, with a small, piquant mouth, upturned nose, fiasniug black eyes and heavy dari brown hair. 5?he wore a small black bonnet. Two ladies accompanied her and sat betide her at tbe table with her couu lel, directly in trout of tne judge. One of them, an elderly lady '!re-s I in black, was one of tne sisters of the Epis copalian House of Kefu.'e.iu which Miss Pollard is Sheltered. The other who at beside tne plaintiff, was a well dressed lady of middle age, Who figured as friend of Mis Poilird, but whose identity every one vainly eudeavored to discover." Miss Pollard's lawyer were not communicative on the point, and tbe lady nam remains a my tery. Miss 'Pollard seemid quite at her ease. Her face was covered with a thin veil, which in no way concealed her feature. Sbe talked with her lawyers most of the time prior to court convening. MR. CARLISLE OPENS THK CAM, The trial was really commenced when Mr. Calderon Carlisle faced the jury, leaning languidly against a table and in deliberate conversational tones outlined tne matters which the plaintiff wonld endeav it to prove. He con trasted the position of two partiti ons a man of family, of political prominence, high in tbe councils of tbe Presbyterian chnrch, famous through out the country as an orator; tbe other a friendless young woman Some thing was sai 1 about the lagal aspects of the case. Then he began to read the declaration which was Dnblisned in fnll when the suit was brought, alleg ing how Colonel Br-clfinridue- had taken advantageof Miss Pollard's youth when lie was a girl of 19 at tbe Wes layan Female seminary, and then further alleging tbat he was the father of her three children , tbat he bad in tbe presense of credible witnesses promised to marrv her, having previ ously made tbe promise to become her huiDand when his wife should die. that he had married insteed a Miss Lonise Wing, of Louisville, that Miss Pollard had endeavored to leave him and make a earer for herself, bnt bad been per suaded to continue as his mistress be cause of her love for him. THK PLAINTIFF AOlTATEIi. During the reading Miss Pollard flushed crimson. She trembled vio lently ond buried her faca in a hand kerchief. Colonel Breckenridge chatted in a matter of fart way with hi law yer. A'torney Calderon Carlisle is a snave, polished gentleman, with a high bred air. 1 la spoke in a manner devoid of any cnrt-room embellish ments, so that his address was the more effective, as he laid down the docu ment, concluding ! 'That, gentlemen, is the story of my client. She does not come here saying tbat she is devoid of fault or blame, but there it the promise of marriage and ita breach, the isme of this case." MRS. BLACK LURNS TESTIMONY. Mrs. Julia Blackburn, widew of Ex Governor Luke Blackburn, of Ken tuck, was the first witness eulled. Sue stated that Breckinridun in her pres ence said he would marry Slltl Pollard. The testimony of Mrs. Blackbnrn was interesting. She said she lived in Louisville. In answer to Mr. Carlisle she saiil she knew Colonel Breckinridge and Miss Pollard. She had seen them together in her own apartments in this city on Good Friday In 181)3. When be entered the room Colon 1 Breckin ridge said: "Mrs. Blackburn, I want to plane this young lady under your pro tection, I expect her to become nearer to me, and she needs your motherly care. I expect to mnrry her when a sufficient time has elapsed after the death of my wife." Colonel Breckenridge had also talked with the witness about the engage ment at other times. At one time he apoke of the disparity between the ages of Misa Pollard and himself, and she agreed that suoh marriages were fool iab. CORBETT'S NIGHTMARE. Peter Jokon, the Colored Pugilist, Is in Exo'llent Conditio. New York, March () Poter Jack son, the nogro pugilist, was physically examined today by Dr, John W. Gibbs. Jackson's condition is perfect. His weight ia 210 pounds, stripped, height six feet and oue-balf inch, in his bare feet. that be intended to turn professional. Willis T. Boy, who will act aa mana ger for Zimmerman, and the proles -sional ehaiapi n wheeler will start for Europe nex- Sttnr day to see if th of fer of $5.01)0 to Z lutueriiian if he would turn professional be genuine If the offer is found to be all f Si 1 t . .inituermau will go to France and race there with Wheeler in professional contests through Europe. AN INFERNAL MACHINE. St. Louts Dstectlvas 1 i t ' Oae of a Nhw Pattern. St Louis, March 9. OlBotrt March ing the house of Hermann and otto Sase, recently arrested fur connection With post offlos robbery at Da Soto, III , discovered today an iiiferuil ma chine of a new pit tern. Two tire brick i Were found strongly cemented toBtther, Hnl 011 mtna tiou thev were shown to be hollow, an 1 the cavitv filled with nearly a (part of giant powder. A small opening was left for a hue. . . THE SHOCK KILLED HER. . WHERE M ftTURDAY IS THROTTLED An Epilom'z d Record of Yesterday's Pro Ceodiaga in Confess. STILL FIGHTING THE SEIGNIORAGE Republican Senators Struggling Man fully Against the Dangerous Legis lation -A Slight Delay in Action Is Gained Vote on the Passage of the Bill Will Be Taken on Wednesday. The House Discusses the District of Columbia Appropriation. I THAI, F INTEREST TO EWERV if Mm. KovaltL . . D-nth Dim to th) Ex plosion In tb .'af Tirmmu LoNl N, Mnrch 1) A disp itch to the Chronicle from Si Petersburg ay: ' Tne papers of Warsaw announce the death there of Mine Kovtltky, a Pol ish lady, which i iid to have been due tn shock received at the tun of tbe homo outrage in the Cafe Terminus in Paris. She and her husband were in Paris on their welding trip a:id were, sitting in tbe cafe wbeu the explosion oc curred." MYSTERIOUS SUICIDE. Wentworth Grover, Said to Have Been a Relative of the President, Takes Poison. Reaping, Pl. March 9 The 1 mystery surrounding tuo u.'tu or Wentworth Grover, who cone here from Chicago, cohtlnutt, but ttur are stronger evidences now that he pois oned himself. It is learned that his wife iu Chicago had applied for a di vorce and that the case was to have corns Op March 36 Grover told his at tor i. . j a weak ago tbat he did not be lieve be would live long and directed that lawyei to take charge of his prtva'e papers. On the day of (.trover's death a par tially torn letter ad Iresied to Attorney Shearer was found at the form t's boarding house. In it Grover referre 1 to his illness, his mental anguish, aud d-clard there was Hule left for him"o live for. He j ined the Knights of Pythias at Oakland. Ind.. and the members of the orler here will c imply with the wife'e request and give the bo ly a Christian burial. Grover was very reticent, bnt he told several acquaintances tbat he had actuallv lost $300,000 in disastrous speculations. He came originally from New ork state an I Is Raid to have been a distant relative of Presi dent Clev-land, being a connection of the family from which the. president gets bis first name. CONFEDERATE'S CAMP. The G.ay V-tran Arranainir far a Re union in April. Birmingham, Ala., March 9 The resilient camp of Con fedora te veterans met tonight to arrange for the re union of the veterans of the oothern states to be held here, beginning April 15. A resolution Inviting Mr. Jeff-ron Davis, Mi Winnie Davis and Mrs. '. S. Grant to be the OepOCia gnests of the camp, was received with great en tb nsiaim. LOCAL OPTION VOTE VOID. THE Bh UD be p. tn lideri on the ehnrge of embezzling $86 000 of the bank's innnev, waa arraigned tie- fore United StHtes Commis-io ar Shields this morning and held iu $80,000 bail. In ilnfault of hail he was confine 1 in Ludlow Blreet jell, where b will await trial before Judge Benedict of the fed oral courts nrxt Monday. PERISH IN T M FLAMES in id Aged Couple an A despatch from county says I'm HornibU Death of Dels Bt M LliO March, s Delavan, ( 'atarragu last night detroved the homi) of Mi and Mrs. Willi. on Snyder, an aged couple of that place. Both perished in the flames, Bnyder was awakened by the tire and milled tn t he door calling loudly for help and arouiing tbe neigh i ors, He then nifhed back into the house prrHumably to aid hi wife, who was bad ridden. That was the last seen of bin alive, Tne eharred re mains of both were recovered. ZIMMERMAN'S FUTURE. The Rap d Whselman Expects to Turn Proflonal. New York, March 9 Arthur Zim merman, champion bicycle rider, was seen today and he intimated strongly A Circuit Court at Roanoke Dtclda AgAlnat Dry BOAKOKC, Va., March 9. -The locsl option election held in tnis oity on Sept. " last, was today declared void in a deeision rendered by Jndge Whitle of the circuit conrt, of tne Filth judi cial circnit. It is thought the "Drys" hava no ap peal. The election was carried by the local optionlsts tiy 1 1 votes, I. IVES BEATS SHAEFER. A Oraat Ojm Pltyed at Ezvpllan Hall, London. LoNliON, March 9 In Egyptian hall thia afternoon Ives beat Shaefer 250 points up at alraight billiards. At the fourteen inch b iIk line its me Snaefer beat Ives by a score of 250 to 221. Both gain were played on an American table. - ev THE WATERS RECEDING. Wllk-Barr Cu im Will Soon Dl carrt Thnlr (i iloh. Wii.KF.s-IUitRK. Pn. . March 9 The wati-r In the , i- -i i river ha fallen fnlly four feet to-day an I it is still golnr down. Travel between here and Kingston on the West Side by electric cars and vehicles has DMO resnmad to a great extent tn nigni IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. The Siiiquehanna river is booming at Cnlumhia. Berk county's dltric.t attorney is after illegal flshennen A call for public contribution for Mend ing's unemployed has 1oii Issntdi (leorge Cooper Conner, the eminent Masonic author, died at Inn home in Chat tanooga yesterday morning. All of the Heading and Lehigh Valley collieries in and n..r PottSVlllS havoshui down for the balance of the week. Tbe Meading company Is about to sink a new nlope botweeu Donaldson a id Ho id Spring, In the wost end of Schuylkill county. William Knercher. superintendent of the Packer collieries at Lost Creek, has been made genera! superintendent of tbe Van Winkle rollerles. near llar.leton. Mistaking tho report of another blast for their own, Francis Kennedy and Nell Ward, miner in Sugar LoBf colliery, near Bnzletou. were terribly injured when their blast exploded. Pen-Ion have been issued as follows; Pennaylvaiiia Original, John Bobbins, Dunmnre, Lackawanna nouuty. Addi tional, Michael O. Mulvey, Thompson, Susquehanna county. Washington, D. C . March 9 Bland a-lginorage hill enni" belore the euate to I iy at 2 opto winch toil' the con ation ot bills on the cul- en lar, unobjected to, occupied atten tion. There wer- a cor or more of bills, prtncip.lly for the relief of claim ant or for the grauting of penaions, pasted. Mr Allison who had the 11 ior on his motion to reconsider the vote ordering the seigotorng bill to third rending, did not feel well enough to address the senate, but Mr Vilus, Wisconsin. made a strong argument against the bill, and intimated that it did not meet the ap proval of the secretary of the iraasury, "who is charged with the credit an 1 honor of the governmut iu every financial asp-ot." An arrangement was arrived at by unanimous couseut, that a vote on Mr. Allison' motion will be taken at 8 o'clock on Wednesday next, and on the passage of the bill at the sam hour on Thursday. The senate at 5:30 ad journed till Monday n-xt. PKACK REIONS IN Till DOUB8. Almost the entire session of the house today was devoted to the District of Colombia appropriation bili. Toe gen eral debate Wat closed an I th oill was discussed nuder the five minute rule amendment Dtarmond'a amendment to repeal all lows requiring the federal g iverument to pay naif the expenditures of the district was r-jcted. An evening nea.sion was held for the oontldbraiioQ of private ptntion bill. FIENO ROUGHLY HANDLED. Th Allant of a Va.ley Forire Woman M' bbd by Angry NMfhbor. Xorristown, Pa., March 9. Mrs. Charles Johnson, s respectable wmte lady residing at Valley Fore, was criminally assaulted this morning at her home by Frank Brooks, colored, residing at Perltiomen Junction. After committing the deed Brooks fled from the house and Mrs. John son gave the alarm. A crowd of men started in pursuit and captured the negro after a hot chase. He was roughly handled bv the crowd of angry people. He was planed iu jail to await trial. HATFIELD COURTS DEATH. He Dir to Aid in h Prilou Survy of Wyoming County. Charleston, w. Va., March 9. Captain Hatfield, head Of the Hntfivld family Wbioh gained notoriety on ac count of the bloody feud which for several years ha existed between its members and the McCoy family has offered bis services to the United States authorities to aid iu makiug a survey of Wyoming county. Heretofore evry suyveyor attempt ing to do the work bas beu assassin ated bv fquatters. - WILKES - BARRE DIVERSION. Spjitinf Sooity Etjiysa Brutal Friz Flg-nt. WtLKBS-BARRt, March ! - .V two ounce glove contest between Tom DonfthertJT, of Maitby, and Jim Doran, of Plaint, took place here iu Jester's Athletic rooms tonight, that ended in a regular prize light. Doran knocked Dougherty out in the ninth round. The fight was a wicked one and both men were nndly pnn ished. The police were present and allowel the f'uht to go on, The humane society of this city re cently orgtniltdi will order tho arrest of sll parties cone rue I in the mill, . . WRECKED BY A LANDSLIDE. AFFAIRS IN OLD MADRID. Bt - .ten i Saxnata . 111 Knd'avor to construct th Spanish Mlnlatry. IflDRlD, March 9 Senor Sagastn, who is endeavoring to reconstruct the ministry, expretses hope that he will be able to retain Senor Morel us minis ter of foreign affairs, Aumiral Paiquin as minister of marine; Senor Capdepon as minister of grace ami justice, and U-jneral Lopez Domiuguez as minister of war. Old politician, however, are not o sanguine, many of them expressing be lief that the solution of the eriis will be a long and laborious task. PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. An Important Gathering of the Rep resentative Laymen of the Meth odist Episcopal Church. E ASTON, Pa, Marob 9. The Lay men's association of ths Philadelphia Methodist Episcopal conference held it second annnal meeting at the Sc ond Street Methodist Episcopal church this afternoon, lt-preaeutative laym n from all over the conference were urusent. John E. James, M D., of Philadelphia,' presided, aud addressed the layui-n on tbe broadening spirit ot the brotherhood of Methodism. A committee was appointed to revise tin constitution and au amendment ws offered to the effect that delegates may be men or women. These officers wtro reflected Pretident. Dr. John E Jam, of Philadelphia; vic presidente, north district, John I) Pstterson, Easton: west district, S. M. Myer, Lancaster: '.i ..'h west district, Henry High, Bending; south district. Philip l. BortS; Philadelphia; Treas urer, William M Whitecar, Philadel phia ; Secretary, Robert S. Mecombs, M. U., I'niladelplua. A. M. Burton, of Philadelphia, ad Iresied tile body on "The Connections! Spirit of the Cnurcb." which was well rettited and fnlly discussed. John D. Patterson, of Eiston, read a lengthy paper on "'The removal of the ptoral lime limit." He favored the present rule ot five years, and in the discussion which followed his views were upheld Hon. John Field, ex-j ostmssler of Philadelphia, delivered an address upon V1I Digging, or nariy Meino dism." He was followed bv J. C Mer rill, of Easton. who spoke upon "Tbe Lsvran, the Conservative Dement in MethoJism. " There were 182 laymen present and many took part In the various diccns sions. The andienco at both uieettugs were very lsrge THEOSOPHY IN I HORNY PATHS The Disciples ol Madauii Blavatsky iu a Pe culiar Muddle. AWKWARD FOR THE HIEROPHANT One of tho Enthusiastic Lady Mem bers of the Society Finds a Packet of Letters Written to Her Husband That Arouse Indignation The High Official of the Order Placed in a Peculiar Position A Row Is Brew ing in the Ranks. Fourteen Freight Car Dnrallod The Firm m Missing- OlL CITY, March 0- A freight train on the Western New York and Pennsylvania railroad ran itito a land slide several mil east of here this morning, causing the death of Fire man Martin and the destruction of fourteen cars The other members of the crew es caped by jumiung mid swimming across the Allegneny river. The train was composed mainly of tank oars loaded with oil. The wreck and final - ing oil took lire from the engine. No trace of Mai tin has tieen found. NOTHING NEW AT GAVLORO. Th Ro .vry of thsDsad Bodls Hourly f xp-M td. Wilkds-BarRk, March !. At the Uaylopi ahaft at 10 o'clock tonlgut they report that the men at work luv cleared away thirty-eight feet of the deiiris since midnight last night. No signs of the entombed wore found so far. bnt the rescuers appear to be en couraged at the advancement Ihey are making. Music hall nnd the skating rink In Plymouth are to br thrown open next week to ai I the poor widows and their families. It is believed tliut a large sum of money will be raised for their immediate use. WILTSHAW AT LUDLOW JAIL. Th Seranton Brokr Un ibl to Furniah a Bondsman. New 'York, March I) Harry Chase Wiltshaw. alias Watkiot, a former bookkeeper of the United States Na tional bank, of No, 41 Wall street, who was arrested iu Buffalo last Monday CHARGED WITH MURDER. Burt Seining, otRi.h, In Jail Awaiting a Trial. SrsotT.iUNNA, Ph.. March ! 8, W. Burt tfcsbringt of Bush, Snsqntbanna county, has been committed to tbe connty jail In Montro, without bail , to answer to tho grand jury ou a ehnrge of having drowned his Oabe. He will be formally indicted for murder. BLAZE AT MIUNIGHT. A Dim Fiie Raging at Wilming ton, Delaware,. Wii.minoton, Del., March II - Fire nt midnight in tho buildings of the Wilmington Abtiatt.oir and cold stor age company ruined 100 head ot dred ctttle. The los i not known. e ROLL OF THE GRIM REAPER. At Monmouth, III., Mov. Dr. J, W LiOgOe, aged Hi, a pioueer Presbyterian preacher of the vTttt. Cornelius Baring, years of ag", over seer of tb" Vast eeiate of ex-Minister to Ueruiany William Walter Phelps, of Back- tntaski N. J. Colonel A. B.Ellis, aged lii, who com manded tbe Hritisb forces iu the campaign recently c inducted against the BUM in t he Sierra Leone. Caleb S. Bragg, of the book publishing firm of Van Antwerp, Bragg A- Co., in a railroad car going from New Yoik to Cin cinnati. Be was 711 years olil and left 19,000,000. At South Chester. Pa., John A. Watts, BOlOfed, director Of the poor of Delaware county. He had also been alternate dell pale to the Kepiiblican National conven tion tlinl nominated Harrison, as well as Hchnol director of South Chester. NOTES FHOM FOREIGN LANDS. A cliean blank cartridge. Invented by Tailor Dowe, of Baanntbeiu Qtrtsany, will reduce the cost ot Ibt annual man euvers 11,800,000 it is claimed. M. NelidolT. Unasiaii Embassador at Oonatantinoplt) will probably be recalled to Bt I'eier burg to BttOCetd M. dtCHtrS us minlttor of foreign affairs, A project for electoral reform in An-t ria would mid to thnHiIt deputies now elected to the Iteichsrath another group chosen by citizens paying an annual tax of II. 72. Cardinal LtOtt Benoit Charles Thnnms, nrchb sljup of Rnuen, who ha been ill for Home tlinu, died in Rouen yeterday mnrn ing. Be was born In Prance In 1820 ami whs elevated to the eardln date In ISil t. The chamber oi deputies at Home by an overwhelming majority. Voted to cut Joseph I)e Felice Qlnffrlclo, of Ct' inula, for alleged complicity with the Slclllau nnarcbist. Tbe announcement of the vote was received with applause. PtTTSBUBO, Pa., March !). H SAN FRANCISCO epecial to the A Dispatch gives an amusing story js of ironblo in tbe ranks of TbtO UU eophy in the following u 'PritCO th osopbittt nroini to fnrnith tome lively news when Hirophant William y Judge, of New York arrives here next mouth to take park in the eighth annual convention of the theosopbiats in America Judge promised to come oere last fall to settle serious diflier ences in the looal society, but be failed to keep hi promUe, so tbe quarrel has bet n smoldering ever sine . It originated in the uicovery by Mr. Allen W. Griffiths, wife of the I'ucitio ooatt lectarer of the society, of a package of letters written to her hns bsnd by Mrs. Vra Stanislaus Beane, Secretary of the society. Mr, (irifflth was overcome when she read these letters for they ware ardent in tone an 1 hopes were expressed of mutual felicity when their hands were free from pre sent fetters. Mr, (trilfiths has great confidence in bef husband, wnom she likna to Joseph in his power of resist ing temptation, but sue at once com plained to Jndgt that Mrs. Beane should be deposed. Judge counseled secrecy and promised to come out and give the matter his personal attention, bnt failed. So Mrs QrilHths proposed to go into the convention with these letters unless Ju lge force Mrs, Beane to retire from her position. awkward for tiiic hif.rophast. What make it awkward for Hiero nhutit Judge is that he is u great ad mirer of Mrs. Beane. LTpon bis desk in New York are two pictures, one of Madame Blavatsky and tbe other of Mrs. Besne.and the 'Frisco theotophist is far the handsomer woman. She is of middle age, but she has great per sonal mignetiiin and is remarkably wtdl preserved. She seems to attract men, for she always has a large follow ing even when younger women are present. Henne jealousy has arisen, and if Mrs. Griffith pro luce her com promising letter there will not be any monrning among tho pretty young fe male theosopnists. B-sides acting as arbitrator in this case Hirophant Jndge will have to look closely after his fences or he mav be deposed from the general secretary ship. Much bitter feeling has been aroused against him in California by what is claimed as his illicit methods of canvsssiug for support. He is ac cused of utilizing Mahatmic letters to strengthen his influence. Several prominent thfosophists here have re ceived Mahatmic letters in such queer American wording as "Stick by Judge" and "Stand by Judge." A Mahatmic letter is written on light fine rice pap r, thought tobemanu lactnred in Tuibt only. Th writing is In red or blue The theory is that no Bttbljt hand impresses the seetenc -s on paper. I tie writing l atir'huted to a preelpttation of color. The Ma -hat ma thinks what he wishes written and immediately the ptper is marked with the words, the color falling from the atmosphere. it may OAl'SF. A ROW. A the Mahaluia knows what each adept i doing, he is thus able to slip one of his letttr into the same envel ope with an earthly l"tter. The theos opbilt who receive such an enclosed letter is sworn not to reveal the secret, but the indignation of some local be liever proved too strong for their oath. One case here excited much comment snd will b brought before the ooming convention. While Judge was making his tour on this ooatt a Mahatmic letter was received by a theosophist of note in India. It urged strongly tht support of Jndge It was in a letter which a gentleman in South -trn California sent to the theosophist iu tbe Orient The latter doiibttl the authenticity of the Mahatmic message, and, with out alluding toil, he, in replying, in quired where Judge was at the time bis correspondent wrote. He learned that Judge was at the Callfomlan'l house. Judge has been directly seem ed of being the author of the so-called Mahatmic letters. Thb skepticism about these airy epistles in on the in crease and the alms of tbe Mahatmic letter will be ventilaUd at this conven tion Among prominent theosophist who will attend t he convention are: Secre tary Judge. Ernst T HtrgroYC.a rising vming barrister of London; Proftif Or J. D, Buck, dean of the Homeopathic Medical College of Cinoinnati, nnd Claude Wright, of London, for a time Madame DlnVatky' private secretary. There are twenty-eight brunches of the e :ioty ou till coast and 800 mem bers. ANOTHER GHIP SUICIDE. Cihx d by th in..,. . Qtoiga Moat Cut Mis Throat. Carlisle, Pa., March 0. George B. Moatns ot iKiir Hagerttown, Ml., emu knitted suicide this morning. 11 was confined to his bed with the grip and securing a razor from his wife lor the OtttntlblS purpose of peeliug an orange, be cut hi throat from ear to ear. He was SO v-nrs of age. trance evangelists from Illinois and a woman who is with them. Lucas Mar tin, a furmei, bus gone mad. He wants to preaoh iu a nnde condition. Kiln King is crazy after remaining iu a tranoe for throe day. A protracted meeting lasting thirty six consecutive hours lias jnst closed. One man prayed. Soon bis hands began to raise nntil on tiptoes, with outstretch. 1 arms at full length as if ready to ascend, he stood for thirty minute by actual count. Then he fell to the floor and remained in a trance for several hour. Six others followed the aame programme. Two more peo ple are threatened with insanity. - HIS BODY CUT IN PIECES. Dtail of a Revolting dim Committed in Savannah. Savannah, Ga , March 9 A horri blt murder was unearthed here today. A negro uaiaed Isaiah Harden, a long shorem an, disappeared about Sept. 8. Investigation failed to det.rmin what tied become of him until his clothes were found where ibey had been placed by the murderers. He was killed in a room, presumably by Mary Washington, Sam Edwards and Richard Washington His body was cut in pieces and buried under the floor of the house. Washington, his wife and Edwards are under arrest. The women admits the killing and all tbe horrible details, and says Edwards aud her husband were both accom plices, e 1 HASTING'S MEN HAPPY Th General Liable to Have a Walkover At th Coaventlon. Philadelphia, March o ( vr one hundred delegates have already been elected and instructed for General Hastings for the Hepublicau guberna torial nomination. All the county con ventions tnus far held have declared in his favor. There are 264 delegates in the state convention, and such is tbe situation that there is little doubt now that he will be given the nomination by acclamation. It is said the convention will be the most representative in character that has been held for years, many of the best men of the party are being chosen be delegates CHARGED WITH BRIBERY. FINLEYS Annual Spring Sale of SILKS TJap'iaaant Outcome uf the ladmtrial School Wr. HaKRISBTJRO, Pa , March 9 Thomas A. Anl, charged with attempting to hiibe Thomas C. Sample, a member oi the soldier's orphan commission to cnange his vote in favor of Scotland to Boiling Springs as a site for the stste industrial school, has been arrested at Carlisle. He gave bail for appearance at the present quarter cession in Pittsburg file oase will probably come on for trial th last week In March, and At torney G-meral Hensel will assiat the district attorney of Allegheny county. In addition to our magnifioeilt Ftock of Printed India Silks, we bav; added it new line of Wash Silks, Louisennes, Crystals, Glace Brocades, Swivels, &c., &c. Extraordinary Values in BLACK SILKS and SATINS. Four Great Specials In PEATJ D' SOIE and SATIN DUCHE88E, 98c, $1.15, $1.35 and $1.50 The beat ralues ever offered and wear absolutely guaranteed. Cheney Bros. Black Bro cade Duchesse. John D. Cutter's (warranted pure dye) Taffetas, Gro-Grain, Mervelleux and Duchesse Cord. TROY ELECTION TRAGEDY. A Rig Mass Mtine Denounce th Pre vailing Political Method. Troy. N. Y., March 9. A public meeting of citizens to protest against the alleged irregularities practiced on election day and to denounce the mur der of Kobert K ss was held here last night. The Kiflh avenue Presbyterian church was tilled to the doors, and an overflow meeting was held in the Fifth avenue Haplist church. Stirring addresses were given by the same speakers to the two audiences, which numbered over '5.000 people. The outcome of the demonstration is to be the Speedy appointment of a rom tnitteo of safety to have charge of prosecutions. the trials to take the same method ne i In tbe case of the Grave end cffeiulera. FLASHES FROM THE WIRES. World's Fair Official have sold 3,.VKi,000 unsold tickets to a speculator for 111,01)0, Masked robbers held up a stage coach near Klkhoru, t'al., and rirled the treasure box. Cangbt under a poeding trolley car Mrs. be) Wertheim, ot Denver, was cut to pieces. Hurglar Claud .Lmes was shot and killed at Uorristown, Tonn., in attempting to escape. Unknown troubles tied A. A. t'ole, OSS of San DltgO't wealthiest men, to blow out his brains. Missing A. L. Otnard. of Beaton, who was thought dead, is believed now to be ludiug from creditor. Itemerse for his dual life, led for many years, drove Samuel H. t'lieeK, an Atlanta contractor, to suicide In a row over dominoes at Whiting. Tex., Frank Itartek siahbed William lslicff, and was himself fatally abot. Per robbing the 1 Soto (Mo.i pOStofflcS of IS, 000 in monee' and atattpt,Jim French and two Sasse brothers are in l.inihoat St. Louis. Theft of a !ui diamond lhu from the dead body of Henry chute Is charged against Deputy Coroner Park, of Colum bus, (. Saloonkeeper Samuel Mueller, of St. Louis will die from a stab wound inflicted by Arthur Ashley, whom Mueller mistook for a highwayman, The New York board of trade and trans portatlOD has approved the Hewitt plan of rapid transit, the city to advanoe the entire napilal needed The American Protective association is declared a league to disorganize labor unions bv President B. V. fiebiis of.the American Railway onion. e WASHINGTON NEWS NOTES. The house has passed a bill to abolish the olllces of commissioner and deputy com missioner of customs. It is said the administration would like to see Btere ary Herbert ui-ceed Mr. Mor gan in the senate from Albania. The Washington Light Infantry bas presented a ahip' bell to the secretary of the navy for use on the cruiser Columbia. Secretary l.nmont bas accepted the resignatiin of Captain M. W. Lyon, of the artoy ordnance department, thus allowing him to escape court marshal for alleged small Irregularities in his account. 510 and 512 Lackawanna A?e. (HE EOTT. PERCHU RUBBER M'PGCtt'J FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. PRAYED IIM10 TRANCES. Illinois Evanssllsts Throw Man and Women Into Inaane Excltemant. Gltl'.KNCASTLE, Iiid.. March !) Much excitement exist in this county over the results of tbe preaching of two CHAS A SCHLEREN A CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak-tanned Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury AOENT S13 Spruce St., Scrac-toii, Pa. Lewis, Reilly & Davies Reliable Footwear. Feet of every description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davies. Will close everv CVtuinS ttS.10 P.M. eXOSpt Saturday. WEATHER FORECAST. I pjjjfl WAsniNOTot. Mnrch 8. Fore I I riiv for Snflt rdayt For ea.ittrn I ' Hmfttyteonta, sAowera la thf emlji moniinp; fair Saturday; lightly nni-mer earent sfnfi'oiuirj fem- peeatars en the aos)tt met uu'mf pceoasfap SOSttcBlf. Pot MHsftm I'oinitylrania, fair, slightly iMfSJltr eoutn winds. We Examine Eyes Free of oharge. If a doctor ii needed yon are promptly told so. We also guarantee .1 par feet lit. WATCHES AT cost for one week only. I IB 11 I Ul 11 JHi.uiJ.uu; ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE.