on fire
will find
relief and
speedy cure
by using
When the best physicians, hoopla
tals and nil other remedies fail. To
those v ho have suffered long and
hopelessly from torturing, disfig
uring, humilintini; humors, ant
who have lost faith in doctors,
medicines and all things human,
with startling force. Their success
has excited the wonder of physi
cians familiar with the marvellous
cures daily effected by them. They
ha e friends in every quarter of the
civilized world. People in every
walk, of life believe In them, use
them and recommend them. Ihey
are in truth the greatest skin cures,
blood purifiers and humor remedies
of modern times.
9oM throughout the world. E0TTM Iaiu
am Cmi. Corp.. mU proprittort, Cotton.
t A II About ttw Blood) Sktti, Ctjlii uud
Hair," mailed free.
M Pimply, oily lain, falling hiir mi itohy
call, prvTeutoi awU cured tj t utieiirn Soup.
The dictionary answers with
definitions. We answer by giv
ing examples Any one who in
spects the following will never
need to ask what a baraam is i
a rain.
il-inch China Silkf, all
the plain colon and
black am table for dressoa
or fancy Work. Would
not hate sold blow :)"
or 40c. if the maker bad
Dot been oblised to raiae monay by
selling Ihtm t a lo.
Navy Bine Storm Serjr,
"J inches, wid, all wool,
tine texture, fust and nn
falin? color. To reduce
quantity we redocn tna
price, which retrularly is
tl.00 a yard-
(tint or town correapomlinitJ of Tun Tittit
DKiataontdaaipi Ihalr uatnsfl tu full to mou
uewa luttor, not for pabUoawM uut to guard
against dooolitluu.l
Happsninira of the Hour HiiirUtlv Cbron
iclad for Intallivant Faruaal.
fl) i nu to the Seranton Tribune.
Jkiuiym, Pa. i Marat) B, A large num
l'r of her fnwnda attended the tnoeral
of the late Mrs. William Farrel, in
Arch bald yeaturday.
v. B. Johnion, of BJngbatnton, ami
T. Stewart, of Sotanton, were Jsrmrn
visitors yeststfsy.
Miss Mary lilootner, of tue Kist
Side, is apeiuiliig the week iu Hersntoti,
The tela ware ami HndlOD Company
paid their employee In No, i aitaft yei-
The Odd Fellow ooutempUto light
ing their hall by slsotrlblty, and pal
ting ill a tnniriee, or steam beat, hh
soon as intlsfuctory prieet are ob
tained. i homii Bray i Improving hia rani
demo by patting on a porch.
Dr and Mrs. M. J, Suield, who have
been In WmMojBou, D, C . for fa fw
days, left for Wartentott, U.t . and are
now eujoying the siuuin-r bireeiM of
the sou tn
There will be a meeting in Bator
prise hall ou Saturday evening, Murtfli
19, for the purpose of orrfanmnjf a
LV-uioerutic elut.
The funeral of Johnnie, the 1 yoar
old eon of Henry Lux more, took plaOB
yceterdav afternoon
Mrs Henry Simmon Iih moved mto
one of tuo eaeN owned by the John
Gardner eatate.
Wo never did it before
sell this 46 inch, all wool
lustrous Black Sirf for
a panny leal than SSfl, a
yard. We only do it now
aa a temporary bargain.
The renowned Fletcher
Lace Stripe Scotch Oing
hams, which have been
imported and Bold to Am
erica for year at 2"c. a
yard. All the patterns
here apecially offered are new for
The same 200 Che
nilla Table Covers
again that wane like
smoke jnst before
Christmas, N'over
expected to sell
them again below $2.00 but here they
ar same r:h, elegant designs 6-4
size, heavy knotted fringe, iiat not
for long.
I 'aim a, fin and full bleached
cotton, made to emll at 7 cents
If the manufacturers will for
I nwm nu thia tin. mn rromiaA
never to do it again.
Funeral of Weatlay C. Stanton Per
aonal Notes nf I- !
' : r 'it ,! flBmafan Trihnit.
MoosiC, Pa, March !l Archie l)y
mnnd, the young man who was Injured
laat Saturday at the explosion of the
barrel mill, is much better at this
Colonel II. M Boies, of Hcranton,
wee in town Thursday afternoon at
tending the funeral of Wastley C. Stan
ton. I'd ward farfory, of Qroon Iti dge, is
visiting a' the home of his brother, Mr.
Timothy I'arterey, of Railroad atreet.
The fnneral of Westley V,. Stanton,
the yoninr man who was injured at the
explosion of the B irrel mill, Saturday
morning, Mnrch o, was held at the
Presbyterian church on Main etreet,
Thursday afternoon. Interment was
Biniln iii the Marcy cemeterv at llnrvea.
The Patriotic Order Sons of America
and the employes of the Moosic Pow
der company attended in a bo-lv. Ad
dreriaes were made by Rev. M. Doty, of
Peckville. and Rev. L A. Liudemuth.
The Women's (jhristiau Temperance
union will hold a special brsmeas meet-
inir tonieht at Mr. S. W. llouae of
Brook street.
Archie Uvmnnd iH a little 'better at
this writing. Not much hopes enter
tained of his recovery.
Mrr. John La Barr was a caller at
Dnryer tod a v.
The Methodist Episcopal Sunday
echool Is practicing music for Enter
In tiiouhandh of esses the cure of a
cough Is the preventive of consumption.
The Btirest cnuRh medicine in the world is
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Hold b y
ill dealer ou a guarantee of satisfaction
nOPPenlnaTi ox a Dv KjojrJed in au
Eji otn aed Form.
s)M0BftjJ to the flbroaioa iHeeeq
CAKBOItOAUt, Pa, March U Last
evening occurred the monthly business
meeting of the Baptill Qurtotlan En
deavor lociety In the ehapeL The min
utea of the last meeting were read and
approved, and after listeuiug to re
ports from the dilf-trent eotumittaes. B.
K. Hall, the superintendent of the Mi
eicu iry Sabbath aebool, which has re
eeutly len started in Carbonlale
Township, addressed the netting in a
favorable tnanueT.
Miaa Lottie Qllei entertained a
small party of friends tbir evening a:
her home ou LlMoln avenue in honor
of her guest, Mus Fiora Allen, of
Forest City.
On Tuesday evenin of next wek
the Baptist Christiau Ead-avorer so
ciety will entertain their frie:i Is In the
euapel of the church by a ta social.
Kafresnmento. consisting of cako,
fruits and coffee, will be served.
Peter Maag, the Sonth Haiti street
baker, who met with au accilsnt ou
Daceuber 13, 1803, while crosaiug the
Ontario and Western railroad com
pany' crossing, has brought a suit of
damages against the couipauy for tho
anm of -),000.
The last in the series of meetings
conducted in the Young Men's Chris
tian Association hall was held thia
evening and was led by S. Bolton, who
took for hie subject "Tae Reasons for
Coming to Christ."
H. A. Patterson, of this city, has, iu
company with a party of Scranton
youne men, gone to South Carolina,
where they will be absent about two
weeks lookiog after their iutereata in
the lumber business in that locality.
Mrs. BeDjamin Maxey, of Forest
City, was a visitor in this place today.
Mrs. James Ireland and daughter
Helen, of DanvilK Pa., are gnusts a
the home of T. B. Vaunan, of Dnndr.ff
Mrs. Martha Crans and Mrs J. W.
Psrrine have returned to their bonus
in Owego, N. Y., after enjoying a visit
with friends in this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Jam Wilce, of Can i
an, street monrn the death of their
little daughter Annie, who died yester
day of diphtheria. Tha fnneral was
held to-day. Interment was made in
Maplewood cemtary.
A cottage prayer meeting was held
this evening at the home of Chester
Wright on Archbald street.
Mrs Samoel Moon and Miss Annie
Bush of River stroet called on Honea
Uale friends to day.
Mr. and MVa Will McLonahlln Ara Tin
darart a Roeptlon.
Fper.ial to the Sfranton Tribune.
PtlCIIOlO, Pa, March ft. Mr. and
Mrs Will McLaughlin wre agreeably
surprised last evening Mr McLanh-
lin, who hss leen a resnenc onsiness
man for several years, inaenul to re
aide in Carbondale, where he will oa
enpy the Arlington house. A large
number of hi menus ngrnenmy sur
prised him last evening.
After the party were all seated, Mao,
who was eqnal to the occasion assisted
hv hlssrood wlf. mads the table fuirly
... .. J . I!
aroan witn me goon tuuig ni nr.
(lams, singing and dancing were in -
Aalged III until the nn w hours,
when all departed, wuiung .ir ami
Mrs. McLanghlin sm:css In their new
Tha Misses Wooi rinllghtftillv Entertain
a Nnmhir of Young; Friends.
Special to ' $crantnn T rihunt
III h YEA, Pa , March ft Misses Lilly
and Jennie Wood entertained a num
tier of friends very plessantly last,
evening at the home of their psrents
on Clmreh street. Mnsic and dancing
forsnod the features of auiuement and
rafrealunents were served. Among
the guests present Were the following:
Annie Graham, Ida Frederick, Ma
mie Cranston, Annie Cranston. Jessie
and Fannie Brown, Carrie McDonald,
Jennie While. Bile Hheddr and Mr
Bnd Mrs. Tlnklepatigh, William On
ham, John Oliver. Robert Oliver, Wll
liana Alexander, William McMillan, of
Avocs, Bert Lewis, James T. Brown, of
Moosic; Mary Walsh, Bertha and
Mabel i'gbert.of Lackawannn; Thomas
Palmer and Harry Waters, of Price
burg; Frank Morton, of Oiyphant; W.
II. Lugg, Thomas Wilson, (iaorge Pat
terson, Thomas OoihlOg, Miss Anuie
Jones, John Curtis, of Duryea.
All tha Lateat Newa from the MnpU
City Brlvhtlv Olicuasad.
."I lo the Srranton Tribune.
HunkkuaLK, Pa. dMarch 11 Dr Head
Burns returned from Tliomasville, Oa.,
Mrs. W. B. Holmes, entertainsd Inst
evening. The occasion being a thim
ble tea.
William Howe and wife returned
to their home in St. Paul, Minn,, to
day. Paul W. Gardner and Benj unln. jr. ,
will open a gents' furnishing store
shortly before Etster with an entirely
new stock of goods.
Honk- ix more men santeneed for
election crimes by Judge Barrett iu New
i ork, live pleading gmity. uougreeaman
Dnnpby reeigiiH fronvTammanj because of
its corrupt political practices. -Gotham
real i".tnte men indicted for letting houses
for immoral purposes, Governor Plower
refuses to sign the Troy non-partisan elec
tion inspectors hill General Julial A.
Karly, ex-Confederate olllior, dies iu
Lynchburg, Vs.; waa Imru Nov. il, 181ft.
In congress, house passes lorlirlcatinim bill.
FoROION. .Mr. Uladatone informs the
aneen ol In intention to retire from office,
Lord Rotobon formally inmmonsd to
Windsor. BrOllllan n,- .:,-.-ui , defeated
at Barandt losing phi killed, mans
wounded. Pone Boo oelebratei bis 84th
birthday and the mth aoaivereary ofbls
BAT I it DA Y , m vncH a
Home. l.'onoy Island citizens move for
inner election. Iliiigtuiiiitou .il
Bleotno oomnony passe into a receiver-
r-lnp. Teller iiaker, ol ('ouanlidat ion Na
llonal hank, get seven and a half year
for etnbeaoliug f 47,000,-1 Sheriff at Powel
ton, W, Va, asks tor troop, tearing a riot
of miners Hunt ! llnd a negro iu the
WOOdt Of Harlan county, Ivy., with agnl
bo bad stolen, and lot the mi l start the
Bre that roasted him to death. Near Bt.
Joseph, Mo., au engineer saves Ills train
trom robbers by polling open tin- throttle.
At sioux Falls, S, D the stats upreipe
court nnUiftee that partol the Prohibition
law dlsollowlag the browing of beer.
PORCION Pope Leo celelirntes hpecisl
man In ue Blstlns chapel, in in nor of tim
twenty fifth Vertary of Ins coronation.
Vnqut Indian iniil liumlre.l of Mexican
rauehea Mi. Qlodetone deollnes with
thank-yneon Victoria' offer of a peer-up-.
Southern liussia disturbed by t-arlh-
Bomb. R v Thomoi Dixon in New
York i reaches on the qneetlon, "l Oar
N at t it-1 1 ii I t iovei ninont a I'm lure?" Dr.
Taluage Wltlulraw his resignation ns
pastor of the iirook'yn tabernacle, the
church debt having been lilted. ,1 .M.
limit v, the "Banbui) Ni-ws Man," but u
Seit. .'. 181)1, died nt Dauburv, Conn
I ourteeu riotous ttrtKers are lodged in
I'avette couui y, W. Vu., lull. ( olunil lana
county, O., is bankrupt mid the courts will
suspend until the tteiiHury is rrpli-tii beil
World's tair iuiendiary caught with torch
in band.
POBBIOIf. Kussia Inoreejei her warliki
preparation. In Buda I'cstb, in a demon
ItratioD favorable to the civil muring,
bill. 800,000 persons join. Thirteen an
arcbist artt-sted iu I 'tins.- Husuin bnlla,
tiaiubia, occupied bv Uritish West Indian
regiment; tho natives repulsed with honvv
lose The Sultan of Morocco agreea to pay
Bnain I8,800,(Kki ou account of the Ionian
liouble iu Meblla.
Home. Ex President Harrison and
patty in rived at Shu .lose, Cal. The busi
Leeh portion of Morgnutowu, lud., was
completely destroyed .by lire. -Tho first
state day of the Midwinter fair was cele
1 rated; it was Vermont day. Tbouihs 11
Uauuall, of the "barrel of Mouey"com
pany, swallowed a dose of morphine
in Uutte, MOD. -alias Bessie Harts
home, accd 37, of Locust (irovo,
N. J., was married to David
Jacques, nged 73, of New York city. Mr.
at.d Mrs. lleni.ebaruer. nu aged Herman
couple living at BUlOboro, Itt.,wero beaten
fatally with hummers by burglar. The
story about LiSQ rye skinned alive by
farmer in Harlan county, Ivy., lor kid
uapuiug a yoaug giri aud secreting her in
the wood ha beeu confirmed, Scott L
Atwood, a farmhand, attempted to kill
Mrs. Hubiuson, duughter of I'harles Birch
of Thomeston, Conn., and then killetl him
because the girl refused to mairy bun.
FoiiEioN. Reported discovery of -Tnck
tho Hipper turns out to be fa lee. Lord
lioseberv takes the Kngli-h premier-hip,
make Larl Spencer secre nry of state for
foreiau effairs and Sir William VOTnol
Harcourt govortiment leader in the house
in announcing Mr. Gladstone retirement
iaeeti Victoria fail to express regret.
1 1 I shay, MARCH .
RoiUt. The Michigan salt combination
advance 1 the price ten cents a barrel.
Laura Fry, a buffalo woman, confessed
that she poisoned her sister's lovorinOil
City. A special convention of th Masons
of the Kansas coinmandery will ttenv Mrs.
Lease storv. The report that there will
ti more trouble with the Tonawnnda lum
ber BbOVOra is contradicted. Two chtl-
dten of John Keliv, of FavetteviHt
Onondaga county, N. x died from
eating wild psrsnips. Tn Engliah brig
antine V. (I, Gordon anil the sciioone
Magiji" M. weut to the bottom near Nova
Scotia LotiU Somers, who disappeared
from New Haven with a large amount of
money, has been discovered mentally un
balanced nt Newark, N. J. The Illinois
Democratic state central committee dis
enssed the name of William It. Morrison
ami Frank MeVeagh for I 'tilted Slates
At Troy, N. Y., Democratic thugs murder
Robert Hobs, a Republican watcher at the
charter election, and wound three others
the thug candidate wins tv frail I. llesvy
Itepubiican g i mail i throughout Now
fork state.
BoWt. A cyclone near Slob Hill, Ifo
dnl ifreat. tlHinaee. Stnk-rs smashed
street car in ionoastown, O. A diirenn
table bou-e in Chicago was slialtoted by a
b itnb rh I tiil'-d states training shii
E'sex sailed from Newport. H. I. on her
summer crnise. Tweiitvmillton dollars
is the smouiit involved in a land suit.
Against, the Northern Parlflo. -- The
sixth nnnunl cutivnniiou of the New
York state Master plumbery oaopcietlnn
began in llnltalo. Chief Of I'olittH I raue
of RabWOTi N. t ha been removed fo
neglect of duty and conduct ; Unbecoming
an nnicer. Benjamin Almade, a batch
ofNeWstk, N. J., has been held for trial
on a charge of poisoning a rival butcher's
horse. The steamship A lirondnek, which
arrived at. New ork, reported that th
insurgent vai-lit Nntnli- is still lying at
Fortune island and that two linytiau war
shins are now watching her.
Fiiiikiun.- 'I tin Mi '(' sto disaf
feeted over their loader! attitude toward
tho new English premier Mr Gladstone
wa confined to bis homo by a cold, which
aroused apprehension I'ottoguoso and
llrittsh forces (ought iu South Africa over
a rnhli- line. Iletiilorreuienta have been
sen t.
ll'iMK Successful trial of the new Am
erican battleship Indiana. A jury sol
ected in the Breokenrldge-Polierd emu
Three Iraiiiinen killed by a locomotive
boiler explosion near While Haven
vv ilkes llari- inundat-d. Au angry mo
of 'J,KX) silk weavers nssnult a non-union
man nt I'ateraon, N. J 1'rof. Swlthln (
Slioitlidge inillnteil for murder by Hie
grand Jury at Modi i.
I iilOMuv Many persons killed In
bomb explosto.i at Itome.- Mr. (Hailstone
improving.-" uOOll KOseOtB hns a relapse
A Ifnuaeholtt Trenaurn.
D. W. Kuller, of ('nnaohaiie, N. Y
anys that lie nlwnys keeps fir. Kings New
DioSOVOry In the bouse, and his family hns
nlwnys found the very best lesiilt follow
Kb use; that, he would not bn without it If
procurable. (I. A. Dykeman. druggist
( atlsklll, N. Y., says that Dr King's New
Discovnty is undoubtedly the beat 000(1
remedy; that lie has iismI It In his fatnilv
for eight years, and II. linn never fnileil t
do nil that. I clnitoed for It. W'lrv not tr
n remedy so long tried tool tealadV Trial
hnttlcn free at Matthews tiros', drug story
Regular size one nml J 1,00,
I'lider .ludgo (bluster's decision, the
poor board grants outdoor relief Oly
pliant citizena protest against giving aewe
contract to nrivalo coi oot nt Ion. aluat'l
veins of maiiganeso discovered in Brook
lyn.Huiquehnnna ronnly, Oly pliant school
board decides to continue the night
schools --West Side lleptnsophs Install
new officers. Adjutant. W. H. Millar
spoken of for a captaincy. Daniel Kelly
son. on the South side, is severely injured
by falling in boiling grease. The roreit
House is closed to guests, preparatory to
its demolition. Bv the blowing up of the
barrel mill of tho Moosic l'owuer company
i home weir was Instantly killed, weeiey
Stanton and Archie Diamond Injured and
much damage done to property. Atter
tho npring Inspection of l.'ompany li, at
.Montrose, a bnniiuet is nerved. Julia
Dealer Charles Kelb sues the Traction
oinpany for tfi(X) for spilling In milk. -
inpniiy I iioieats ( omnaiiv u at nauaer.
ball, II'' to 1(1. Banker Uockafellow's fine
W likes Harm muiiiuou is sold under t he
sheriff's hammer to L-e Stanluli.
I'he John Mitchell club ooinmoiiioratos
Itobert I inniot . Ilttt.h luithilav aiinlvni-
sary. Frank Kollot, while intoxicated,
tried to loll his wile with an ux. Scran
ton PrOM club re-nlecta It old ofBceM,
l-'lineinl of Thomas J. Davirn uud John
1'. I'hlllliis iu Ityiiu i- nro largely at
tended. .Mr. Sarah Morgan die ou
North Bromley avenue, aged T-i years.
liiirglur .lumen Conway isj-auglit while
Ining to enter Jom-nli F.inery'a iiiurket.
Sunday cock light is held at I herrr
stieet no i Crown iivnuuo. Norilieunteru
reiim-ylvanin Lilliiiauiaiis hold a monster
parade at Wilkes-llai ni
1'ho Hyde I'lirk Literary and Debating
society lustals offloere, New oonndli or
gaaiae in nil i . i.,i,i , borougbai
Diiuinore there is lunch M ltemenl. Tot
meiiloiH lied the arms ol John Kane, of
Miuooka, with a siiHOenibi. uuiil they
wen- rendered powerless, Bcrostou Troc
Hon couiiinny begliiH to nut III eloi lllc
ntnals. Joiiii in idgo comuilttnn of 0OUU
lis llllopt approaches lo the two new
bridge uud report ordlliulie n speeding
the gooil work along Judge Bultiiigton
opens (Jotted Stntes circuit court Hi the
new led-. nil biiildiin: lour year old
i, In- LoftUI in run over and kllleil by a
I taction company car. l.nsi duy for filing
nuionstruuces brought n lintc'i of oblec
tionnlo the L'rnnlii'g of luiuor lioenne
iiHhuian's Bijou llumtre, w ith coutluuouH
Iglit hour daily pel foriuauce. isopuiii iliu
Music hall. Select ('oiincilinun Clutlotideu
hosen by csucii to huh end hiiiuielf as
balrman, Porter Fred Ktchuioud oon-
feine uiiiiiy robhtfi ie ut. tha Alh-ti house,
Honerditie, mid Is arrested. -1'inying with
tnatciieh uturly resulted Inlully to the
baby ou ofllcorgo Schiinmell, of Arch
bald .
Mr. and Mi. Prod Kittle, of Luzerne
Street West Bide, are tendered a farewell
in nine. Thomas llolwell, Kichard
Hughes, Jiitnes Nortliev and Albert Hicll-
srds nre killed by fall of n ck ami gas ex
plosion in the Ulchmoud shaft. - Merchant
Henry ratlin is Injured in a runaway.
( oroin-i jury charge Scranton I ruc
tion company with running car 70, which
killed William Lftin. too fast. St.
John' Father Matliew society fit up a
gymnasium, south side board or trade
favors le tter and clenin-rstreot,--Thoma-
llealiy bests Johnny Vuughn in three
rounds." -Jennie Itnns.cbarged with sending
threatening loiters, i comtuilted to jail -
Mis. Mary l.uiuiiiberger want I'J.i,-
000 from the Tia.tion coninaiiv for
injuries snslnined in a runaway car.
it ib decided to boom a Phil Uendaa sta
tue fund by a public meeting Harry ().
at kins, the local -dock gram broker,
Is arrested at Buffalo, charged with mn-
nezzlltig fHilKHi Iroai tho Uuited States
.Mi lonnl bank of Now ork Secret it v
II. A. Kingsbury hi-- admirable re
pot; t. ttio In a:d of trnie. I.atitnntoi-
cotnmittee complete their work. John E.
Hull sums tim i.n- inn . '1.111" alley
Uailroad conipanv for 'Ji'.oKl. Dickson
i ity Kepiiblicann orgntn.o a campaign
club.- Burglars molest Moscow, entering
several stores. Method 1st Miuisteria! as
sociation meets at Unl ndale. Defective
chimm-y causes tho burning of Widow
Burke I houst-, Feckville.
Members of Royal Arcanum, No. 1139L
entertnin. Funernl of Mrs. Isaac B. btof
gnn is largely attended. Negro tramps in
vi. mroe county warned lo leave -Leui.ard
Workixer. of La PlnnML run down and
killed on the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western railroad. President Walter
Scranton inspects the stoel mill. -A bear
saunters in Duryea nnd kills two pigs, on
the if ivnn estate. W. 11. Sthoonover strips
off Ins clothing and fires a bullet into hu
breast, severely injuring himself. A. H.
Coleman, the merchant, died, nged B7
year. 1'ittston business men talk of
forming n knit, goods manufacturing coin-
puny. -Attorney lieorge a. rarrls,ol ritts
ton, announces his candidacy for orphan's
court judge. Residents of Wilkes-Bai re
tn-gan to be alarmed nt the spring freshet
in the Susquehanna. officers of the Lack
awanna Iron nml steel company elect offi
cer; William Council, James Blair nnd W.
W. Scranton nre directors.
Scranton Bicycle club heid it annnal
meeting Select council shoved the bridges
along. Prothonotory Pryor confesses that
he knew (uon Lil Miss Mary Campbell
i appointed toacletkship at Harrlsburg.
r.-llurgess John II Mullen bug the
Pittton postmai-tershiti, sncci-edtue ('nlo-
nel C. K. Campbell. United states Dis
trict court adjourns. L. S, Coffin, of Fort
Dodge, lectures on tenipornnre Newark's
city i llicials come to Scranton to study
good methods nf municipal government.
Mineral fhfrg, 7'uscnrauxn Co., Ohio.
Dr. Preiioi;, Uuffulo, N. Y.:
Itrnr Sir -I am glad
to any Hint the use of
your "(lolden Medi
cal Disoovery " has
saved me many doc
tors' bills, nn I have for
the punt eleven ypurs,
whenever needed, iiecn
using it for the erysip
oliis and also for chron
ic diarrhea, mut um
glad to say that it bus
never fulled. I huvn
also recommended it
hi inuny ol my neigh
bor, as 11 is a uieillcliio
worth reoommendlna,
eVj jf
J. Smith, Khi.
anices a
io "Discovery" purifies, vltelruc and
enriches theTilisKl, thereby invlgorulitig tho
Kystoni nml building up wholesome flunti
wlieti renn(arl hv iviislme dlsejuea.
Dr. FD. Grewer
The Philadelphia Specialist,
And Jus Mopeiated html of BnAllafa and (!er
own rnyaunaoaere uow pcrnuiaentlr located
Temple Court Building
:ti t RpnuCR s r.
Where ihoy muy In, eonaulted DAIL1 AND
The Doctor Is u gia lnuta .,t tho T'nlvorsity
tt 1'ennaylyaala, formerly demonstrator of
physio Ion and surgery at the Medico Chlr
nrsioal College, of Phll.idelpliin. He Is also
an bonoraiy mbtr of the Medi. o -Cblrur-
(ical Aesoclntlou, nnd aa phjueinn and
surgeon In cluef of the niiwt noted Amsriean
ami (lerman boipltabv comes highly Indorsed
by I Da leading professors ol Philadelphia and
Uls many years of liosnital rirtierlenoa eU
ablua tills cininmit physii uin nml aurgvoa to
correctly diagnose mid treat all defurmitas
and dlssases with tho most Haltering s uceesa,
and hi hlh atatidlng in the stuu- will not
all w him to arcetit nnv inenrabl' case
wkakm'.ss OF yil a HI N ri'.Ff)
Ifjounave i n nven up ny your physi
cian call upon the dm tor nod lie examined.
Be cures th worst casi-of Xeryoua Debility,
BcTofnla, Old fioroa I atarrh Illes. Keraala
Wiaknnss. Affestioni of the Enr, E .j
and J hroat Awthm-i, Iieafm-ss 'l'um.ira, i 'au
eara ar 4 Crimilea of every di-scription. Con
snnarlon in English and Herman Kiee. wnloh
aha 1 1 bo considered wicred uud strictly conti-oentlil
i:llei. Ilouis: n A. M. to 0 1'. M. DailT.
fiuiulity, I) a. tn, to '4 p in.
There are hundreds of young men and young women in thii
country who nave splendid ability, Imttlicy havenerer beeu
wakened np.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
Hns been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yon
are tired of Inactivity and want to do aomething tangibly
come lo tho College,
Bl si si ss toritsi;.
F. E. WOOD, Proprietor.
(Upholstery Department i
Green or Red Billiard Cloth
1 Uovenng, $2-25 each.
, "i
wood and Brass.
90c. one in Ox
Hat and Coat Hooks,
Easels and Screens.
Step Ladder Chair, $1.25.
Oak Tables, 90c. to $1.15.
SPECIAL, to Close Them Out:
Velour and Tapestry Table Covers at just one
half their former price.
Full line of UPHOLSTERY GOODS, Gimp Cord,
Tacks and Fringe.
National Bank of Scranton
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000,
The most complete
.. . .
in the market
Hull Co.
; J 205 AND m V.-. v Kf- m
Kr. II'. II. Hrffner
A Mi ft, I'a.
After Typhoid Fever
A Running Abscess Discharges
Pieces of Bone.
AM HopnClvon Up But Hood's Snr-
snpBrllln Clvos Pcrfoct Hoalth.
"C. L iIibiiI Si Oo., UrWell, Mns i
" hear ln : I ltait bnD stiffcror for noarlj
Ihri'ii yearn MM) liail dottONd ilutlnti lltiit tlitto,
Init wftlxiiit avuil. tkMl kIvpii tip all lmp of
Tl VtrlBI my Imaltli. A I llmca I MOM
ratltpr hart dtod that llvl, but WW 1 am
t tin iik ful that I btfta Itiklnir HtOd'l IHffMpaV
rtllklM I um now f aound ah a dollar. 1 wai
Afflicted With Typhoid Fever,
ind m tbHtu tormtd on my right ildttbovt
tho fourth rib. Tim Strug imrt IboUl thll ;n
tho hurt Ihul It .ti, I not ODU for six RKMItlM Kftaf
it ipprtrtd, ilttKragh it Dttntd me eonMnntllr,
Alter It lirokt It btMIM n ritiiiitiiK sure ami I
WMMnMlM lo Hoar a Imml.iL'r nil tho tlmo.
The dMtori told IDC that UM only wav It I'otihl
M OUrtd WU to havo un optrMWII performed
nml harn tha rlli taken out, olalatOf that I hail
bout dllWMi liminni'li an four phMM o( bono
hail heon illselinrnoil from llitt aoro. Ileforo nlv-
log nuMli up to the tioi tortt l deeldod to fit
llonil's Sanaparllla a trial, l4thOUl I had hut
little faith Mint It wunlil do me any uiaiil. I
UNd It ItfleUy peordfni to dlreetlons, and ho
foro I had xid three holtlea 1
Bonn to Fcol a Change,
and DJ the time 1 had used the fourth buttle tho
aoro on my aide had healed. 11 In now nearly
three months ItftM the eruption eJoMd and I
have not Ute leuat fear of It ever bothertllg ma
again. Hood's Hnrnaparlllii Is rerlaluly ti pern
among medicines, llhasnired me and It will
cure otltera," W. 11. Deffnkh, Alvlia, l'a.
Hood's Pills euro liver Ills, constipation,
biliousness, Jaui)dlvo,alcklicaduche,liidlK(tstloa
W. W. WATSON, Vie Preaudtnt
A. U. WILLIAMS, Outhtor.
SAMtm. Hnrtt, jamm II EmtRAn,
IHTISQ A. PmOR, PlBSnB. Kim ky,
L'HAa. 1'. MAiTiiKWa. John T PoRnVi
W, V Watbo.n.
Tbif lmnk invito thn patronage of Imsinosn
mm nnd Hi'inn m-iif mlly.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Statement I el '.'K . railed for lv
Hie Com ttrillllT ill the llileliei.
Ill XII l.l I V
LajMia i.'Jiii
I i lied Stales Itiimln si)
Othsn Himda BIS,
lifiniiiiiu Hetiaai 'JH,
rremittm on I . s llooda....
Dm frotn II s Ttiisiiii'si 1,
Hue rrom llanka '.'OS
Caali I41
4 Hi
rapttal ."mi nim oo
Mnrvlna '-'io MM 00
Undivided Proflta ,. is,.,,,.
Clreutaitloa BH.OOO.OO
OlvldomU I niiald SB4 .Ml
l. limits .' I.. Mt4 llllll .1 1
Due to Hunks (Ill .'Hill. .Ml
WlM.t M roNNKM, Prealdent
OKU n i 11 1 i v in-- Prealdeat
WILLIAM II I'l l It. ( iiNhlnr
VIIIUm onnell. turn II. Callln,
Alfred llllnd. .lillltos A i r It hu Id, llenrv
II. II,, iti, Mllllltm T. -null,. Inllivi
Tills Imnk ofl'er to denosltol'S rvort
facility u n i , i.i, 1 1 it l tltelr hnhineos, Ini-I -
nas ami , .,,,i,-.n.ii,t ,
Hpeelut Httenlloll given lo bOllROM M
SOtlOtt, IntereMt (laid on time depiiHttH.
Rooms 1 nod 1 Commonwealth Ml
aladiialtlm KO0HI0 ami HUrtll
LalMin & Hand Powder Oo.'s
Electric Batteries, Fno for explol
Ing blaata, (Safety Kuae ami
RcpaunoChcmical Co. 's High Explosives
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
Marriage Made Easy
While wo don't pretend f furnish a
wife, we'll do the next beat thing 1 furnish
inj: your home complete from cellar to
ret, and at a very small cash outlay. Have
you ever stvn tho
Economy Bedroom Outfit?
One Antique Bed One Towel Rack
One Antique Dresser One Woven Wire Spring
One Antique Washatand One Husk & Cot Mattress
Two Cnnc Chairs One Pair Pillows
One Plush Rocker One Ingrain Carpet
One Table One lamp or Toilet Set
The Above Outfit
IVcornteil Iiitmer SIh, 100 pieces f ' 90
QBCOrsttxl Toilet Seta, 111 piece .... I (13
Antique Bedroom Suit. 15 SO
Silk Pluab Parlor Suits
Halvy ("arrlacas
Sideboards, Antique Onk
UM 4 iu
f SO
All Our Stock at Economy