Newspaper Page Text
THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING?. MARCH 10, 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Want of all I: huh rail that inecfc, e.r tept Situations Wantcit.ulttch are (aatWed FllKE. Situations Wanted. nurse, host uf references. Terms 9LM per day Addr "W. B.," Trlbon offlc. billUATIOM WANTED BY DBUGQI8T, id vur cxtenenoei first oin-s references. Address, OP1L In care of Tribune omoa. SITUATION WAN f ED BY A KIRBT CLASS k book keeper and stenographer; will start at moderate wage's: can furnish references if needed. Address .1. C . Box 2iH, City. CITUATHlN WANTED BY A CABINET 0 maker nnd carpenter In a furniture toro or where iu ded. .Villiug to make hinuelf useful. M. D B , ."n Hyde Dark avonn.clty. Situation wanted as teamster 5 Addro-x P. B , 413 roreot oonrt, city. r ANTED-POSIT ON. PEUMANENT Hit traveling; hardware piefomd, faiull' iar with architects' pinna, Muck clerk, solid tor or collector. Address 'Middliton," 421 M uro,. avenue. DKB8ON8 WANTING A LADY TOR 1 washing or office cleaning, cull 41.i (lib Help Wanted Females. K GOOD COOK AND ALSO A WAITRESS iV wanted at .MU Adams avenue. Apply I toll p. m. For Sale. IU' A -. Hol.l.AlC fl'ItKilll' Ittl lli'l- leaving c- ii. i. '.P piano, only a few months m UM awaru struct, ttrocii Hidgc; owner town. son street. A VOUNQ i ii v kind ol H'L'ATION WANTED BY , eicoe who in wilting to do woikiam in; fair pmwan: era furnish good reference. Address il 0. (Poat Office.), Scran tea T)Y A VOUNQ MAN IN DKY QO0O8 OB I J grocery store, or nmi' puilB whore no could work up. Sumo experience, good refer etice. will work cheap. Address P, O. box 7-', Montroee, Pa. Wanted. ijosifuiS" WANTED 1 I with technical edueal BY SOUNO MAN sation, capable or lin ing anv work reciuiri'ig energy and a m non sense Teaching, drauffhting or office work preferred. Adrcss M. N , Tribune, Scruuton, 117 ANTED-A six nit B1QHT H0R8E 11 power upright boiler, teeond hand Ad dies-. Mar Steam Dye Works. Carbendale, r i Agents Wanted. U" '"ANTKlV-MAN WItXuPK AND FIKK insurance experience as solicitor in Lackawanna county; good IsdaoaaenU to liglit man Address ll'.'."i 2ll Bttl building. Philadelphia, Pa. A' AN 1 ED BOYS AND lURLS WHO 1 wish to make money when out of nhool: send name and we will tell you h w; no money want'sj. F. Sl'AYNER, Providence It. I. r ANTED TWO TOUNQ MEN of QOOD to call on busllies.1 llollsea. steady employment for good men. Apply NATIONAL CLEAN TOWEL COMPANY! Arcade building, I. OR SALE - A FARM oK ElUHTY ACUI'.f, I one and one halt mile trom llaltnu on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad. First ela. farm house wltliauever tailing spring naarDy; two barns, good land and good orchard W ill Is. sold .-heap, 'forma eas,. Address B. l VON stokcII or Isaac ELLIS, executors, Dalton, Lackawanna county, Pa. FARM, STOCK SHEFFIELD, 1 1 MR SALE ACRE I and utensil. J. M. Mouroo avo. I70R SALE I'll BXCHANWB FOR BCRAN--T ton property A bearing orange grove increasing in production and value yearly In tV oranire section lu Florida. Addrea F. E. NETTLE TON, Lake Helen. Florida Rcai estate. QMH WILL MY A SPLSNDID HOUSE V of nine looms; best location in Oreeu Ridge, if told ix foro April 1st: all modem nn p rO Yemen ta Impure n l Hcduwuro street J 'OH SALE HINOLE HOI HE, KM yUlNl'V i avenue; very desirable locution. Anply 5, F. REYNOLDS, or WTLLARD. WAR KEN & KNAl'P. fflMWWlLL buy modern NBWe-Rooal O house, all linproveiiieiiui; terms eiusy; rur uer Madison avenue and Delewaro btnnit. Ap. lv BAR RY LEES tM,UI WILL BL'Y VERY DESIRABLE LOT C1 corner Madison avenue and Delaware Street. Terms easy. Apply harry lees. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Iron and Stool Maiitihtciur.) at List Signs ot improvement. Shows Banking. w For Kent. HEALTBIEBI AND BEST city. All conveniences. Relit moderate, see this perfectly eqatppocl bouee before ranting etaewnere, w, 0109111 joues, Sll Spruce street. VOR R E S T - r bou pEI'ORT OF THE CONDITION IV OF THE Sl'RANTON SAV1NOS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF SCRANToN, No. 4s"s Laekawaiina avenue, of Lackawanna county, l' the close of business, February -'d, lsw: RESOURCES, Cash on bund Cheeks and other cash Items. . fine from bunks and bankers Loans and discounts Stocks, BoiuK 1 etc lN,tai.70) UortcaoeaA .ludu I DMUM..I&OM)Lal Real estate, furniture and fixtures.. 4.4U) la Overdrafts fil)7 111 InrMtment Seeurities Owned, viz.: S :tJ.4:i7 17 2:j'i an iga,tw ,"iT 161,289 '.I' AI5,T DO I?0R BENT RESIDENCE; MODERN 1M I. prorementa, IV per month. Call at p:w Murion strooL T70R RENT - THREE - STORY BRICK r house. Ailami ave. Apt lv MAURICE COLLINS, agent, T.I West Lack. ave. DOR RENT TW0.ST0RY IllilcK HoDSE. r N . -' ll.ul.steud 1 lac. Ap COLi.IN'S. uncut, Til West lav Apply MAC RICE ave. I 'i IR RENT. r Orst floor. Webster avenue, at Sit). -CITE OF lOL'R ROOMS i iN Webster avenue, at Ma t E. W.sjd, Wool's Colleife. I 'OR RENT- TWO SToRY BRICK DW'EL- V lin hoiuw: modern lmprovem -iits: 315 : plat COLLINS, avenue. lent, agent, .-1 Apply to MAL'RICE West Lackawanna 170 f. RENT-STORE ROOM 2Si LAI KA I. wanna avenue Irom April I. also rooms on second floor well adapted lor business or housekeeping. Also house 14 Cupvuae are hue with an modern improvement.;, beautl fullypspTed. F s PAUTJ, 1V4 Sanilerson avenuo L'OR RENT, APRIL 1ST. DOl'BLE STORE V known as New York Store, double or stu gle. Apply tFL Paull.; LTJl Uttri ttlOUE. i.f LAI KAWaN.NA JT avenuo. by April. I. ! n , ot Henry Fr. v. 421 Lackawanna avenue or at the premises. L'oR RENT-THREE ROOMS, FRONT ON V second floor, oer N A. Hulbert's ramie tore. 117 Wyoming avenuo, from April L In quire in the sture. H0U8S FOR RENT ONE BLOCK FROM poat office, containlnif fourt "on rooms and laundry, all In hne . rder Fine locution to let turnished rooms. Apply at Ml Linden street, RB8,W T5 1.1 ABILITIES, Capital stock paid in $ S0,0no im Surplus fund SfiiUOO 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes pulil , ",098 69 Deposits subject to check. . ., 640,001 431 Time certificates ot deposit, 1,10:1 iV'i Dividends unpaid 0 UQ MB.M T5 A report in detail of above aaonntlea has been niudu to C 11 Krumbhaar, superinten dent of banking, ai call-d for. Stnto of PenuylTUUV County of Lacka waiinn. ss. : 1, II. S. Klrkpatrlck. assistant, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to til- best.ol rav kmiwledge and belief, (signed) 11. S. KiREPATKll'K, Assistant Cashier SubscritH-d and swiirn tu before mo this lith day of Mirch. 1891, (Signed) O. B. PARTRIDGE, Notary Public. Correct Attest: (.Signed i B, N. Wll.LAHD, L. A. WATRES. M. .1. WILSON. Directors. Business Personals. CANTAO FoK MEN ONLY IIREATEST i ' restorer and dev. -loner known, sti-.-nt'ht ens, invigorates, l rice K Onaranteed -Send stamp for confidential circular. Dr. H I MILLER. 21 QnJncy street, Chicago, LADIE-. TONTE cessful Bust D. lails. 82.01). Full s salad ' lor '-''. stamp 21 Qnlncy St.. Chlcag IS HIE ONLY SC( reloper known. Never otifideittial particulars Mr. Dr. n. T. Miller, TO LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS Part or all of three hundred feet of yard room along rail rout Apply at Wi F'ranktiu avenue. RENT-STORE 2oxi OR FURNISHED hall on Green Ridee street. V'. ry desira- cle hsation and on reasonable terms. Apply lo V E. NETTLETON or C. S. WOODRUFF, R.pnbliean buil'ling. T0 Dissolution of Partnership. DlS9DLCTIoN OF CO-PARTNERSHIP The co-partnership horitofore existing between William Welcknrs atel Ernest 1 1 end, under the firm nam., of W. Welcscr, is this day dissolved by mutual consent Th jmsineai will lie continued by the said W. Welcker, to whom all debts due the late firm must be P'tld. and to whom all claims against paid firm should bo presented for payment W. WELCKER, E. FRIEND. -eranton. Fn., Marcli I',, I'tii Special Kotices. Chicago Orain and FrovUions. BcttANToH, March '.I. The followlnj quota tionsare supplied ati.l Corrected daily tiy La Bar & Fuller, stock brokers.121 Wyomin are nue. WHEAT. Openlun ... Highest..... Lowest Closing CORN. Opening Highest Lowest Closing OATS. Opening , Highest Lowest i (J.lng u PoRK. Owning Highest Lowest Closing LARD. Opening Highest Lowest , Ch sing BH'TIT RIBS. Opening Highest i Lowest , Closinif r. Mny. Julr. a74 in t) 575. gn din. 6T, 69U (Ilia g: :m OljJ rsu r7s swm it'iv, H7-S fsH C4M b7 6s W,i lets m :il 2s?4 2"."s hi m &U, ;il fc nla ""la. iko ruo ii6J 1 3D LSI 11-17 HHi 1188 in. 1.31 lllu U4 i s7 KO 191 lis; 18) 1)110 llsO (172 091) 2 1.72 no .",ii: we r.l"0 S.i7 tM 6 '7 ef7 We M- LV1 6U2 TtJOnCE- ALL WHO WISH OOOD IN FOR nation concerning H.w.-r culture or .farming of any depart DM lit. should procure one of John Lewis Clillds catalogues. It Is beautifully Illustrut d and contains the most all. able instructions of any catalogue ever published and should lie called the uciue cata logue. Mr. Chi Ids has the largest circulation of practice of any s-edsiusii in the Unit"d States, and the inost-re iubln and trustworthy A'l orders are attended to with great intorest. which gives satisfaction to the puichaser. In buying seeds or bulbs people will bo better satisfied to buy of this firm, besides he glvo. a premium w hich la very luehly approbated by his patronlzers. The Mayflower, which they publish, is a very good guide to lovorsof Mow ers or out of door work It would he b ird to ssy too much In prslsn of this exc.-ilunt paper, which Is so earnestly studied by so many thousands of people all over our fair land. No one can afford afford to l.e w lthont the May flower, It LAN K 1) zins, otc., bound TmBVM office. prices B lOKS. Quick PAMPHLETS, MAHA relsiund at Till: work Renaonsblfl TP YOi; ARE INTERESTED IN CALIFol! 1 nla you should have our pamphlet on the resources ot that slut i it (lescrities grei bargains Pamphlet frae. F(mtftr A Wood Son, 144 Washington street. Chicago. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, corner Somen street and Franklin ave nue Twenty meal tickets for KM Oood table board. Not Dafdsnad v. lib it.n . i .-. "John Ii. welter mu nn Ohio politloiu in the ny buck days, said mi Old gent man WuO was ontSrtaiOIDg several JTOtlDg men In the whent pit of the Isiaril of trad Ths crowd dm been talkina about. Ohio men just before the luirriih broke In. "John went to California in the early ilnya, and I think he was elected governor or lieutenant (nveninr. I don't, remember which, of that, state. Ho came buc k to Ohio once nftenvurd on n visit. On his return to California lie went by vessel, as that was the only way of ijriinn in those clays unless you went, overland, which wnan't always safe. The vessel on which John returned was wreclt"d on Ilnncador roof, and th( uiNHcnuein lct all their hajf(raKe. "They also had to subsist on anything that country bad and live in huts until another yeaeel came to carry them on home. Finully tool all succeeded In reaching 'Friaco. Many frienda uf the reecucd met tlicmnt the pier, floine of WwlOrl nil inlrers welcomed lilm. He gave them a graphic account of ( lie wreck uud the hur viral. " 'Did you save anything?' asked one of the Mead! who hud listened. " 'Not a thinj- but my character,' the reply. ' 'John,' said an old forty-niner who i.u.l known 'filer in Ohio, 'you urrived in California with less baggage than any man 1 ever heard of.' "Chicago Tribune. THE FAVORABLE REVIEW OF DUN Output of Piir, Iron Increases Ten Per Cent., While Unsold Stocks Have Begun to Dwindle, in Response to the Reawakened Demand Prices, However, Continue Low Various Opinions as to the Outlook in An thracite -Miscellaneous Industrials Pickings. The most distinct gain of the week's trading, according to Dun, i in iron and steel manufacture The increase of the output of pig Iron was 10 per cent, during the month, though it U atili 1)7 8 per cent, less than a year ago. It le also ateted that aotne other furn aces have gone into blast since March 1. mill Hint unsold stocks have made practically no increase in February, so that the actual consumption in all branches of mannfactnre is at least 10 nor cant, greater than in Novoiubcr, December or Jauuarv. Yet pricoj are lower, steel billets $15.25 at Pitteburg, and plates $1.15 at Philadelphia, tbe lowest ever known. borne moderate, but no important contracts are re ported here, and in Philadelphia busi- uess in finished products is not as uc- tive as it was two or three Weeks ago. At l'ltlsburg markets are weaker in spite of fairly large orders fur atruo - turul iron, ami encouraging conditio:! iu the produoliou of wire, rols and nails. 1 facie in bar irnu is very un satisfactorily, rails are II it an I with a larger production ot ooke, contracts are made as low as ever, In Ilia the opinion of the Philadel phia Stockholder, next weok's meeting of the coal sales agents will see n re duction of prices, especially if the weather continues warm. Thj extent of the reduction is yet to be deter mined, though it is probable it will be from 10 to HQ cents t or ton on all sizss except pea aud buckwheat, the demand for which continues to absorb the sup ply unite readily : I hiring tbe past week tbe market at Philadelphia and New York has been quoted quiet and iirm especially for the siz.-s named, but some culling on domestic sizes hue been reported. Trade is (lull in the west, where mill weather has aim prevailed. Prices nre said to be steadily held there, hut there is littlt doubt mat concessions have been mad to buyers. The New England market is flat, ttte (leiiiaiul falling oil with the lisappgaratice of cold wenther, and t:i little business which has bdoti reported has been done at a sliaila under cir- ulur prices. The only encouraging feature to note in the general condition of the trade is cor.tniusd success in curtailing production. Tae agreement is being lived up to very closely by the producing companies. A dispatch from Uniontown says: The dull times have forced wages lo so low a point in the coke region that the worker have at last set about to resist further reductions. Saeret meetings are being held and the men are per fecting the oldtime powerful organizi tion that existed prior tn the disastrous strike of lslll. The Nationnl Board of United Mine Workers have sent organ izcrs into the region and nre furnish ing money to assist in putting the okera on a war footing. 8ome of the opTntors pay in store truck and have not had n cash pav-day Tor many months. A demand is to tie made for cash pay and uniform wngos. Announcement is made -that some soft coal contracts hav been taken re cently on a basis of if 2 "1 per ton nt Philadelphia, against 3 00 par ton last year. This wonld be without sig nlficsnce were it noi for the fact that it is tacitly understood that the railroads will make up the diSennot in price by a reducli in in freight rates For the week ended March 3 the de crease in the anthracite output of t' e tliree regions aggregite.l 811,344 tons, milking the total decreafu for the year to date l oOli,, bl tons. 1 he Wyoming regions loads in point of redoctd oat put for th" week, the decrease having been 101,1800 tons, compared with tli Lehigh Vnlley's decrease of 20,557 tons, and the Schuylkill's decrease of 03,41!) tous. The total tonage for the week was 012.81)1 tons, against H3I.00-I tons same wek lust yoar. The restrictive policy of the large companies is re fl cted hv a ce-nation of rate-cutting, but the trade cintinuos duil : Iff nn idl ness of several months. The plaut is pushed with orders uud will wake 5u,HJ0 bricks a day. The U-iueli mill of the Koailliig iteming Mill company resinned operations Thurs day morning, and with Otner department milling the inn! gives employment- to nearly lino men. In rebuilding the coil storage yard jig house nt Schuylkill Haven, which was de stroyed by lire several weeks ngo, the Heading Coal an I Iron company have planned some very big addition iu the shape of extra trackage, machinery, etc. .v .uh HHI moil aic now at work mid in a short lime employment will be given to OVer 200 construction men. The Mouoiigahela Iron roinpnuy has re sumed in all deiiartinents. I bis main's thu fourteenth mill which has started up In full lately in the Pittsburg region. The workers iu rolling nulls begin to feel that better times will soon come to them. fho new llarveM.ed plant at th i Home stead Stool Works ha been completed end the Urst test plate will b sent to the naval proving grounds at ;ludian Head at once. The now plant cost the (. uruogte Hteel company about tLOlXLIlOa. although It was thought at Urst that f 75iJ,oOi would bo all that WM necessary. The lllnck Diamond Steol work wero bu-icr lust, January than during tins same n out lc of 1H!M, mid orders are said to be in.. Chaileiol Olass plaut of Macbeth cv Co, will Co put In operation April 2. The steel works of the Johnson mill nt Johiititowu will resume Monday. The number of fuilnres during the past week has been 24K in the United Stales, against 1111 lost year, and til) in Canada against, 112 lust yoar. Scarcely a muglo ouu is of importance. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCJAL Etocka and Bond. N'kw Yoiik, March 0 Thoro was less activity at tbo Stock lxuhaiige today than Tor several days past, the transac tions fooling up only 1711,000 slmros. Tliero was no trace of the foverUhnesi and excitement which have rooently character ized speculation in this specialty, (sugar) but it still holds first place bot'i lu point of activity and fluctuation. Tbe stock was sold down 1 nt the opening to b0'. Hie luKiders staled that the sugar duties as llxed by the luuaie liunuce committee were uiiHstistnctory to the trust and would virtually cripple t ho independent refiners. The stock touched its lowest pilco withiu a few minntes after the opening of busi ness and crept op stenlily until It reached 'JOtf, closing ut SDK. being a gain of The foil .wing complete table showing the day's tliictuatioiis in active stocks la supplied anil revised dally by Laliar A F'ullor, stock brokers, llll Wyoming nveuuu: Open- Hl-'h-Ing. est 21) Connolly & Wallace SIX ITEMS OF INTEREST. 100 Irf f Ladies' Umbrellass, made of J J Cotton Gloria, Paragon frame and fast black.novelty handles. Special pneo, $1.00 each. I A A Dozen Children's Hosiery, I UU seamless and fast black. A genuine bargain Siz3s 6, 63, 7,at 10c; sizes 1V2, 8. 8y,. at 12 y.e. 1 QC" oz Boy3' Fam0U3 Oast Vn irorj Hosiery; our special number. The best stocking for service ever made. 25c. Der Dair. Am. Cot. Oil , Am Bofaj A. T. & S. F Can. Ho Cen. N. J, 14 M Chic. & N. W IU.') , E. C H. A! (i, unie. uas 0.. C. C. &Ht. L... Col . Hock.Val. T, i). & a... , D L. & W D.ftC. P Erlo U. E. Co Lake Shore L. .4 N , Mat. hat hen , Miss, t'ae Nat. Lead Y. ,t N Y. Central.. Y O. & W.. Y.,B. & V. s. 0. Co North Pao North Puc. pf., Omaha .Mail cadlinr HiM-k Hand T St. Paul .C. As I Testis & Pac..,, ninn rac VVnbasn, pf Liiton & L. B W. &L. E. pf.. ROM I1.1V-4 lis to MM m Bj I1TU ID-VlJ M1H nau U) Low est 29 WIW 1.1' u8 T9M 114:14 lit) CI OS leg. Sll 14 ri bat Hcgllilis. Wye mlng. . Lehigh Schuylkill.. Total Total for to date "1 lecn use year Mar. .1. iVar. I. HM. Mil Dif MUM Ml t lilM i'i .v.. 1:111.1111 U,t1 lfl,UIQ PfM 09,411) UI2.HU1 Wl.oiia 241.1912 t,14tiM i),Tl,T:ll 'ItHttTtl Propoaals. CEAlEI PItOl'OHALS WILL I1K UK O colved up tonoon, loth Inst., for the us ravatlnK reijulred for now building, corner of Wyoniiug avenue and Kpriicu street Plans ntei .pcclllcatlons may Is. obtained upon ap plication to JOHN A. DLCKWoltTII, Ar. hit. et, 44 Coal Exchange llulldlng. ceaud pbopobaTS wifcir lit l5 celvcd nt the otto of thu city clerk, tkranton, Pa., until 7 IIO o'clcs-k p. in., Thur day, March 15th, 1HUI. to nonslruet a terra cotta pipe dram with receivers and fixtures. 'The said drain to commeucn at a point at the westerly corner of Humnur avenuo uud Pott bono strecd, thence ext oid westerly through privite propjrty ti lleraldine ccnut. a ills innoe o. about one hundred and fifty -live feet, thence south Westerly ulong said Her aldlue court, a distance of about one hundred feed; thence noith westerly through privnte property ndistiucoof about one hundred and fori y two and oun half f e t to Lincoln avenue: thence In the same dlioction across Lincoln avenue, a d. stance of about fifty-two and one Mil feet. Bidders shad enclose with each proposal the sum of twenty Ave dollars cash orcortlQed check, as a gum nt- to comply with ornnoHal ir swarded the cofltl a tt In case the ibidner to whom the contract shall havi. been awardod, emits to ex colli a contract lor vssld work within tn days from dato of award, the enclosure accompanying Ids pro pcsal shall bn forfeited to the use of the city of Korantou. The city leiorves th i rliiht to reject Hny or all bidn Ily order .-fthe city councils. M. .1, LAVELLE, City Clerk. Soranton, Pa., Harch 3, lbUI. The Medical Csn of Klectrlrlty. The ideas that, people attach to the value of electricity nnd mngnetlsin are often sad ly erroneous. I tial elec tricity lu the hands of the skilled medical practitioner may bo of great benellt In the treatment of disease Is beyond all doubt; but It is also true, uu fortunately, that people very frequently do themselves great Injury by reaortlng to electrical remedies without the advice of a physician, simply upon their own Judg ment, or the ivirelens recommendation nf ,, well i nt . ni ii en. I but, ignorunt friend. Th HUecrstitionH that exist on this subject arc of tbe most, absurd nature. People talk of the curative effects of magnetism, while, as Sir William Thomson haa shown, the biggest magnets do not exert the slightest influence ou nny part of the hiinwiti body If the electrical current Is tu bo used, let the family doctor tie consulted Urst. New York Commercial Advertiser. Couldn't Uu Worse. "I have, here," remarked tbo lone- haired man ns he laid n bundle of manuscript upon the editor's dusk, "two poems. Which is the botterf" With a weary sigh 'ho editor ulancci over the first he came to, thou laid it down. The other a tho lictter," aaid he, resum Ing his interrupted labor. Kato Field's VMIsaiM f c e ii Tin. ski 'in t art of beauty lies not in cos luetics, nut is only in pure blood, and a healthy perfoi mnnce of the vital funutlons. to be obtained by using Burdock 1 Hood Hitters. MINOR Inhcrtkial Notes; Thu Catawliesa division of the Heading railroad Is now being ecpilpped with the stnudsid semaphore order and block sys tern of buriinla fuiierliitendeut Twilling, of the Central ban issued an order to all freight and coal conductors running on main lino, Munch ( hunk to Scraiilou, to report in the rogu lar form to the general car agent nt Jersey city tbo movement oi mi rrapty coal cam The Lehigh Valley railroad has supplied Its passenger and freight, agouti with neatly pilnted cards on one side of which appear the name of Its representative and outnuiHiior a map oi tun rcnia sot in heuvv black (.'round work. Ueuernl Lilly's estate was worth ILUUU,- (KaT W. T. Cnrtei's Is estimated nt in .v k i, non. Australia mined tUoT.tHV tons of coal last year. The supply is anpsretitly in exhaustible ana Is counted on to he nn important factor in ths future Industrial development ot the country. Tbo coal trade shows little or no uu provement, the wnrin wenthorhaschecked what llttlo demand set iu last weok, and the business doing shows only a small prolit. I he amount of capital stock of the 1'ennsylvnnlu Itnllroud company out. land mg at the close ot lew was flli u, 1,1) .o, an iucrease of FJ, .Ml."i, o,Vl, due to the run vers ion of that amount of tho serin dividend declared In May, lH'.m I'mighkoepKie. bridge (Philadelphia, Iti-udiiig and New Kugland) bondholders decline they are content to rest on tho Heading guarautee,) whloh tliey believe good. An order has I eon posted In the Dubois otllces or the liullalo, Kecclinster mill I'll Is burg railroad leducing tiy 10 tier cent, the wages of all employes rerelving over till mouth. It will sff.ct 61)0 mi n nnd will take effect March 10, The opposition to tho Pennsylvania rail road management, which will be broucht nut at thu annual meeting next week, is expected to result as uerotofore, only long-winded speeches. vice rrttranni . i uroen. or the Penn svlvnnia railroad, has gone to Thoma.vllle am The Sstueltnu liriuk compaiiy's No. 1 plaut lesumed work Thuisday morulng with n large mini bur of men aud boys, at M m 'MX itii 'iSM iif'li L'7-4 V::-H Mi; I'JTjb 4U4 47 HWi, 47 lUfj 1116 HUM 115 iii 'iiiis iii" IIU ii I:-, 12 WU, W I'.i'h WH lot, my 16' Ibii iw im i6,i4 vm HHi ii'.'i Li in itU isi, isii isi.4 :r,i its ;i7 H 8.1 17'., hit! lilbl PH-, t:u ml Km it's, i,HW Clii4 bl'.is UliU 4-1s 4W 42 DIM Hi Ml llti Ill's ln?s WM WH is hU n hU IM4 UM IfVii 18U UU 4i4 UM SeHH rou wvi m is inj 11 4"H 4'.l!4i i'M 4llJh Dozen Men's Colored Border, Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at Half Price. 10c. each. 100 Dozen Ladies' Kid Gloves. Do not fail to eret in on thean t.wn lots, at 79c. and $1.12. T OQ Boys' Navy Blue Sweaters, AWV,a superb quality; usually sold for $3 00. Our price, $2.00. Spring Capes and Jackets Now Open for Inspection. CONNOLLY II WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. GENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. I LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthrae-lto coal Deed exclusively, insuring clcaulliii ss and c omfort. Ti.Mi; TABU II BttVaOI IHB. I, UM, Trains luavo Scrantoii for PitUtOO. Wilkes llnrro, ate , nt (tin, U.IJ, 11 :tu a. m., VIA), '1W. tM, 7. 2.1. 11,08 p. m Sundays, .UU u. in., l.uo, iw, 7.10 p. m. For Ailaiitie: City, H.10 n. m. Tor Now York, Newark and Elizabeth, H.13 (expre ss) a. m . l-'.idi (exproa with Duflut parlor car), II .'IU (i xprus; p. m. Hunduy, iOO p. m. l'OH JUri II CHI Mi, Al.l.l MOB 111 Till. I MKM, EasToK and PB1LADKLPHIA, 1.10 a. m.. vim a.( (uxcopt PbOadolpula) p, bl Sunday, auuii. m For I.ono IiiiAMi ii, Ocean Ouovb, etc., at H.IOa. m . IJ.llOp. m. For Heading. Lebanon nnd Hnrrleburi;, via AllBiitown, MO a. m., VMi 5.0ft p.m. Sunday, -.10 p. m. For I'ottsville, s.Hla. rn , 12.80 p. m. Iteturnlng, le ave New York, fo nt of Liberty street. Nonb river, ut '..10 (express) n. m., Lift l.UU. 4.:U (cxpross with BoBet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.:tl n. in Leave PhttuelpnU, Ueadlag Terminal, ftoo a. m., 2.00 and 4.:f i p. m. Sunday, fttt n. to. Throuirli tickets to all points nt lowejt rates may bo had on anplicatlon iu ndvnuco to thu ticket agent at th) statu n. B. P, BALDWIN, Den. Pass. Agent. J. EL OLHAUSEN, Qcan, Supt. AND 1-kELAWAHE, LACKAWANNA " KSTI.K S HAII.IP1AI) Trains loavo Hcranton as follows: Express for New York and all points East. 1.80, Z'M, 5. IT, N Ol ijiid U.-'iO a m. ; 12 6" and 3 80 p, m Express for liushiu, Trenton, Philadelphia and th" South, 5.1& 8.00 and K.50 a. m.; UM and II iVl p m. Washlijgton and way stations, li.40 p. m. Tobyhaona aorouimodatiun, ail) p. m. Expr ss Tor Hinghainton, Oswogo, F.lmira, oniing. Hath. Iiaiisvlllc, Mount Morris and UutTalo. VIM). 2 Ifi a. m. and I .'I p. m., making Hose coniiiH-tioiisat Buffalo to all point! fi 83 West, Northwest and BoUthwftt, Huffslu aeeieminodatiun, U.uTl a. in. BbiKliamtoii and way stations, U 37 p. in. Nicholson and wav stutious. 8.1a p. m. Blnghamton and Elmlra Express, MB p.m. Expre-ss fur Cortland, Hyrucmse, Otwego, Ltlca and Ulchfleld Springs, lit n. m. aud LM p. ra. Ithsca. 2.18 nnd ftltQ a m, nnd 121 p. m. For Northnmborlaiid.Pittstoii.Wiikos-Barre, Plymouth. Bloorasburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Wllllnnuport, Ilarrislmrg, Baltimore, Wash Ingtc'ii and the South. Nortliuuih..rland and Intnruiedlato stations, D on. MOt. m. and LBU and 0.07 p. m. Nantlook and intormedintn stations. SOS nnd 11.91 a. in Plymouth and Intirmedlati htatlons, MOand ft&to, m Pullman parlor and slueiiing f oaches on all express trains. For detailed information, pockettim-. tablns, etc., npply tu M. L. Smith, city ticket olfl'ie, 32s Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY, MARCH 10. Tho Inimitable L'omody Farce, THE SKATING RIM The funny comedy up to date, produced with many scenic and electric features and a cast of iucompnrabls artists, among whom may, ' mentioned Fle,ra Finluyson, L-ona V.I.WK. uejie. jiarun rreei i rler, James Stur gls, lurry Nelson, Josoph F. Spark snd Nat Cantor. SEE The Electrical Eecentricitiaa. The Droll Comedians. Halo opens Thuisday. New York Produce Market. Ntw Ynnx. March 11. Flocr- Quiet. Wheat Fairly active, U'o.; lower clos ing steady; No. 'i red store aud vator, 0Wnt)."c.; nlloul, 03ao!)Mc,:r, o.b., fjaji'a&lJiC.; nngraded, tMM0j No, l northern, 0sVial.s"4i'.: options were dull, steady; No. I red; March, 01?'".; May, fw ;c: June, OlJic; .iniv, DOXO. 1 August, OOJs.: yeptomU'r, OSc. ; Deceim- tior, 71Wc. coun Dull, cpilet. easier; No. ?, 4.1 4Hc ; elevator, 48Ka.4Wo.cj ntloat, options, dull, weak, lower: March, itif0. ; April nnd, May l-3,c.; July, bio. Oats Dull, lower; options modcratciy active, weaker; March, pBltO. ; April. c,; May, S;Yc; No. 2 white. April, 17Wc: spot pi ices No. '.'. 37c, ; No.'J white, 88HC.;N0. Chicago, sSc; No. 8, white, Ictfc-; mixed western, BBMJO.; whlto dc. and white ftnto 40048c nir.v Quiot, steady, uncbang;d. Dkkk Mams-Dull. TlBBCID BbBV Dull, steady.nncliaiied. ( 0T M:iats Qoitt, easy, unchanged. Laud Unlet, weak; western steam, 7ll2'; city, BJfC.; March, . UU: .Mnv, 20; retlned, cpiie); c.mtinent IT.oOl Soillll Ann ricii. SS 211; comtiouud, (MOMO, PciliK Slc ilcrnto doliinnd; extr.i prime. t9.6Uat&0 1. llUTTEli rnir demand, stealer; west ern dairy n.iw, HialSa: do. creamery, ISa is. I do. factory, I0al80.l rolls, lOalOO.: I'eunsyivntiia creamery, new, tab.) olgins. IIHC ( HF.tsE lair demand, firm: fancy, HSal2c.; part skims, UalUn.; lull skims, 11.10. EouaUulst. loss firm; slntonnd l'enn- svlvnuia, loft: western fresh, lTValSo.) deck. 27a.'!0c. ; limed, lie; southern, , i al8c. r eranton Wholaaal Market Bcra!ton, Mar. I). Famre 4id Pao- Dvcx Lined aiiplrs, per lb., Bare. : evap orated apple-, malic, per lb.; Turkuh Iiruu, 4 '-., .English currants, Va-H'a; ayer laisin, fl.75al.S0; muscatel 1.20a l.liii per box; uw Valencia, Ua7. pel lb. UBANB MBrrOW-IBU. K.OOa2.00 POT bushel; mediums. il.70al.WI. i'lArt iireen. 1.28al.,10 per bOBlMinoUl U.50n2.l'iO; lentels, Halllc. per pound. Potatokh OOalioc. per bushel. Onions!- OOnToc. per bnslie I. Buttxu 20a2fic. per lb. CBEXsalOaiDe. per lb. Euot-Freh.lHKallU: pickled, Hui.'k-., coolers. 12iil8c I'c.iui,TUY-('hickons, dressed, HUniaUc. : turkeys, 12h13c. MIAT8 nam. llVs.: lent. 103. c; iklnued bams, ln'-.'o, ; California hams, I- Y-; shoulders, dry salted belliss, tto. I mokd breakfast bacon. 11 fresh pork lolna, Ucj "Wyomlug" porn sausage, Ho.; Wyoming home made sau sage, .i poll ml pull, Inrded, lie,; butch er' sausage, Hc our own innke; fresh pork shoulders, Po.: fresh pigs' feet, M, fresh jugs' heads, 8c; freeh spare ribs, 8c.; fresh leaf lard, Ho.; frvsh kidneys, be, doz.; rough sausage meat, HHc: tongue, S'c; plucks, ficeaoU; whole hogs, lo. Poiik Mess at 117; short rut, iK Laud l eaf In tlere at dc.i In tnli. '-'Sc.; Ill ll)pound pails, inc.; In 8-pound pans, iuBc; e pound pall. 1UX. per pounu. Hekv Choice sugar cured, smoked beef, 14r. FLoon Minnuiota patent, per barrel t4.4lla4.'l; Uhlo and Indiana ambsr, at M.78; Uraham at (ftoO; rye flour, at K.H, HtiCKWHEAT Fu)rJB-$2.S5 per owt. FiEii-Mlxed. parewt, at II .00. Uihais Kye. Oft.; com. 4b to IM.; oat. IVa45c. per bushel. . 4 Philadelphia Tallow Mai lot. 1 1 1 1 1 a : . 1. 1 i iii . March U.Th11uw was quiet aud steady. Pilces wore. Prime city, in hogshead, 4c.; prime coun try, in hicRshe'iids, ia.; do. dark, In hugv heiids, 4)ic. ; cakes, flc, grense, 4l'c. I in li loo's A I n . ; l Seclv-. The beHt salvu lu the world for ("uti Utilises, Sore, Ulcers, llt ltbeum, Fever Seres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and nil tskiu Eruptions, ami posi tively cures Piles, or no pay leipnlrod. It is guaranteed to give perlect Hatistnetlou ur money refunded. Price M ceuta per box. i'ui ulo by Matthew Dion. IBHIOa VALLEY RAILBOAD, J Feu. II, li;. Train lenves H.-raiiton for Philadelphia and New York via. 1). II U 1(. at s a.m. 12.10. 2.;isund 11.10 p. m via D , L. Ai W. II. It , UOO, s.lls, 11.20 a. in., and 1..I0 p. in. Livei Bcronton tor Pittston and Wilkes Harm via D., L & W,, H.OJ, 3 03,11.2) a. in , I.:), IfiU, li.07, t.n p. m. Leave BorantOB for Whim Haven, Ilar.le!ton, Pottsvillo and nil points on the Beavar Meadow and Pottavilfe branches, via R. A- w, V.. 0 III a.m.. Via I). , II. II. H. at H a m.. 12. 10 2..'H 4.U1 p.m. via D , L. & W. K. It., (1.1)0, (..OS, u.'Ji u in., i.3n. S780 p.m. Leave BeraatoB for Bethlehem, Boston, KiMillng. llarrishurg and sll ntemwdiat I points via 1). A- II. II. H., s a in .12 10. 1.38, IM p.m., via D., L. A: W. it. H..i. U0 s.liS, 11.20 a. m.. 1.1 1 p.m. Leave Bcranton torTonkhsBBosk, Tow.mli, Limine. IthOOS, tl nieva and nil intermedi it i points via D. & II. R.B.,S.lr7 a in.. 12 10 and 11.31 p. m., via D. U efc W K B., s oh a mnl-Wp in. Leave Scranton for It.K'hester, Buffalo, Ni agara Falls, D.-tr-it. Chicago and all points we st via D & II. It. It. 9.07 a.m., 12 10,li.tvll.8" p. m , via D. L. & W. R. It. nnd Pittston Junction, HUH a m U10 U J p. m . v.a E W. It R.. 8.41 B, IB. For Elm ra and th I west via Sal uu mo i, yt H. is II K R ft07 a. in., 12 p. m . via D., L. .t W. Lit, 0tSa in.. 1 in and Ii.'i7 p ra, Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair rars ou all tra ns betweefl L & H. Janotlon or Wilkes llarre and New York, Phllacl lp'iH. i.ieiineo nece .ecHpeiu-neii Kill. I, IN H WILBUR, Hen. Supt. East Dlv CIIAH S, LKB. (..n. Pas.. Ag t. Phila.Pi A W NONNEMACHER.As't O-n Pass Ag't. south Bethlehem, Pa, DELAWARE AND HUD SdN RAILKOAD. Coiiimcnring .May BL IsiiJ, train will run an follows: Train leave Bridge Street station. Hcranton, for Pitts- t n. Wilkes liarrc, etc., .(, '.117, 0 37, 10 42 a. in.. 12.10, 1,25. 2.3S. 4 III. 8.1c, (1.18, 11.18 anil 11,16 l m For New York and Phila delphia, MIU a. iu . 1210. IJO, MB, 4.10 and 11.80 p. m- rr ll'iiicsilalc i trom 1 icl iware. l.nckawanm uid we tern depot), 7 u), 8.80, 10 10 a.m., li oj m ., 8.17, 1 10 p. ill. For Carloiidale and intermediiita stations. 6.4(1. 7 00, c.lK', 10.10 a. m . ItOJI m ,2 17, 3.2i,S 10 S.SDand BBS p. m ; from bridge street Dtno. tn n. in.. I.ITaBd 11 :8 p. m. Fast express to All. illy, faratnga, the Adi n ndaek Mountains, Dost n and New F".igland points. 8. Ill , m , arm. n: at AU'.'.ny 124.1 Saratoga 2.2U p m, slid lavinr Sematuu at 1 p in , nrrivlng nt Albany ats.8 'p m., Sara toga. 12 Via. in . and B istoii. 7.00 a. m Tin-only dire ct rout., between ttw eoolfteldi and Il.vston "The Lc adlng Ttir.rists' Route of America'' to !ln Adirondack Mountain ri sort c. Lakes Heorge and I 'liainplain, Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train sorvlce between stations on nil divisions Dela ware and Hud SOtl System, may In. obtained at all Delaware and lluilsun ticket otHe;rs. 11. (4. YOUNG. .1. V 111 UDICK, Second Vice President Oon. Pass. Ait. HIE AND WYOM1NU VALLEY RAIL Ij i'raln le ave Scranton for Now York and in tcriuediate points on the Erie ra.lroad at 4,0 a. in. and 3.21 p m. Abo for Ilawloy and locnl points at rt 3.1. tM and 1 21 p ra. Train leaving t t.ts a. m p., are through trains to and from Mones-iale. Trains lu.ivu for Wilkes-Barru ut6 4'J a. m. and 3.41 p. m. WE BELIEVE We have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing Room ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY. MARCH 12 RETURN ENItAUEMENT. The Coe.uelln of Irish Comedy, WM. BARRY In his latest aud gTtatest comedy succors-- The Rising Generation By Wm. OUT Beautifully Staged. C li1 II1 ,T!-C 0ret n-e of Draw Poker OJEilii IheHextettoof Graceful Dancers. Tho up-to-Date Comedy. Halo opens Friday. mm Hi 14'-. 5 mi Week commencing MONDAY, KA l((U J Furniture ever shown in this state and we would like you to see it. Hill & Connell Washington Ave. Wonderland Theatre Co. Monday. Tiusday am WcCnrsiJay. Boucl'-ault's Uieat lrth Play. COLLEEN : BAWN Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Streets of New York ADMISSION, IO,flO an'. SOCXKTS. Optra chalisran be rater ved, by nvmlcr. every af ternooo, from 1.80 to : n. Icrthe e vening'!, eiitertainineot. Performanc. se-vc i v nfteiiio.ii txcept MundsvK and Thortdayt, at 2.30. and oven evening at 1 i. Poors open at LOU tad OJ I". J. SI'K ANTcHN Hill KIN. in liiii'ci Jaaaaw asih, inim Ne.nii neiimi m im ifoi muiiiIi Hmind, stiittons Mi tfu l 'J'.l. - J P 4 3; ij w - m -I x . 9 Q S H MU rupi Dally. Kx- - S J .l y. ceit i-undiiy.) - - C i' m arrive Leave US N Y. Praiiklln rit .! ... 7 ID West 42nd street ... 7 U0, Wci'huv. ken c n Arrive l.e nve j i ID titnoook JunoilOB a u V M 1 ... ie ... 7 0 ... 7 IM ... 7 I.'. . 7 ml . . . 7 8'. ... n In "'. MB " n.M ii i- M 4V(I il-ll! il HI fllllV! .1. I IN .-:.! 12 1,2.1 rul 0 M .1 n 0 21 AO fl) 19 4 IV n 15 41V Hi i:i fi.v. n in i rm p Mr 82 IV ifdi 15 ill Hi ' M Ml il I' fino ct I D 2n 1 1 M i i i i , :, Ii MltfS II 21 II 17 n i:, II 13 II UK II Oil el.eaie RMOOOk MlUlllghl 1'ieslon Park Come l'uyntelln llclmnnt Pleasant Nt, rnlnidiile Pnrstt city Ciiihendue White llrldge Miiyileld jerinyt) Ai. Iiil i.i 1. 1 Wlnton Pi ckvilli Oli pbaiit DIckMin Tliroop Providence link Place eoranton A N 738 7M HUD I M '.'OS I ell .... 1 1 Ii IS .... 2t?4 112.") .... 2 11 "Hi ... t II 1141 .... UM uis . Jim .... :i 0i ra an ,, 1 a uu 7 in' A m 1 tu 7 M IM.'i 3 31 7 27 Q C- ISM II BJ tliivi tun 7 81 IM 3 i:. ', 4.) 111 1 2 3 51 7 IS 10 M I 'I 7 4S 10 jo .'I M 7 52 10 IS 1114 7 54 III I7 4l7 7 Oil 10 1 1 I la f nn 10 tM 4 14 HM HI2.' 4 17 SO. l.i .'111 40 w 1 (USHMANS FORMERLY MUSIC l) e. Boekafeller.Leaaet HALL. Scranton. ; Kred. Bandell. Man. Grand Opening March 5. Continue. us performance from 2 P.M. to 10 3.1 P.M. dally. MR FRANK CI mum IN, 1 he Prince- of l oraedisn-. The Wonderful "fl)A." .U 1 B8 JOriOON.the Metropolitan Favorite. THE SIBTKRt MdHKOB. M'MABON AM) KINO, direct from Tony Pastor's Theatre, Now York America's I remler Main Soprano, Ml'. OBOROK IIASsn r MK PBANK OAMLTON, Scranton 's Well-known Comedian. UU PK1MROSE Ql AKTl.TTK. The Ur.-at nnd Onlv KIBMRLL, Ilarniim's Je.OlO Novelty and late of Haverly's Mas todon Minstrels and others. A reflm-'. entertainment Is promised, and we Intend that ladles and children can nt tend without earorta and will be given every attention nnd courtesy by the attaches, uu eier the personal attention of Manager Ban dell. Iricesof udiuisslon, 10, 29 and l cents, with a few reserved reaU for 50 conts MT. PLEASANT Arrive a iia m r All ttalns run dull v eiOtBt luodtr. f slunllle that trains step on :il null lor pas sengers. Addlllnnul trains leave Ciiitiniitalii for Pcraaee tnn i. in and S.U p. in., SiTlvU at Nciautun i.u and 7.00. I Leave Poraoton for carbaredalc 8.11 and 1 sol arriving, n! Cart indole at 7 .18 and :i 15 p. in I - coin c i ai i s v in c mi ai in a v. ii iH'ioro purchasing tickets BOB sure muiicv Hay ami, Nlligi K prc.-s to the est .1 C Aiidcisoii, (ion. ltsn Art. T. nitOTOlti DlV I as, Agl Briaiiton, Ku Ladies Vho Valuo A refined coinplc .Ion mnatuan Ponont's I'ow-j der. It produces n noft. aad tN'autlful skin. .ecyi7i 9 DON'T FORGET That wnaro beadaoarttri lor evervthliig In the line nt WATCH lis. If yn have anv Idea, of purchasing anv kind of a Watch, ladv'sor gent's. Hold or silver, yon will make a griev ous mistake It voudonet irlve in a call and get our prlcos, which yon will find far Mow all otners, especially in all the high grades of Mlein. Waltltatu and llaineilen movemcntee If you have any doubts and nre nt nil posted on prices gio us a call and it. will have no trouble in convincing veil. We still hare a large stock to dlsp e-e of, and will offer yon won ilertul Inducements in Jewelry, Mlverwari", Clocks and all other goods wluoli wo have to stock. C. W. Freeman P nn Ave. nml Spruce St. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING llnvlniMcM ured the SUOElNtl POIKH'. ot W nil. .iu Illume M S .n for n permanent busi Bet stand. I shall conduct McUntlflo aici Patlwlwiaal bhoe Bg for tbe 1'ieventlon, he MI undone of Lameness and other Impedl niciits in the moron ents of Hoisc incidental .er due to lmierfoel shh, lug I nhall give the workmy ptrtOBBl utlenti u ami gnarnnUia no extra charge, except lor nn pi uvc mint. Ijinin OtSti etc., Will beueatiid nfteriUHcns. A free clinic and profe'siunnl ndvleu given every Monday I. in . iu - I. M. JOHN HAMLIN, D. V, S. AT RETAIU of the Best o,ua!ltv for domestic nse.and of nil size delivered in any part of the city at lowest price. Orders left at my oftloe. NO. U8, WYOMINO AVliM'f. Roar room, fir-it floor. Third National Bank, or ent by mail or telephone to tho mine, will receive prompt aitennon. .Special contract will be made for aud delivery of Unokwheat Coal. the sal WM. T. SMITH. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING Cft Msinifactnrers and Dialers 1 Burnfngt Ml Q-Oi lutiicatlogUILu pjj Use Sliafting anil Journal Greasa. OFKICK:-721 VVnt Lackawanna Ave, WcdihS Meridian Street THE LARGEST CHI'.Al'EST liEST The Tribune