Newspaper Page Text
I THE SCHAJNTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 10. 1804. EEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G., B. 8e Co., ftnprint"(1 on Ennli C'gar Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. Ul II I Mill NK UI aiiL DR. H. B. WARE SPECIALIST. EYE, EAR, ISOSli AND TUBOAT. OFFICE HOURS : ffiVotetXk j35 WYOMING AVE. CUKPll It UbT Of BOOKS Till of Handicm. V ' Sl la FopuUr Hn. Balow will be fouud n new list of the hniii m booki comprising tiie popa eris now mviiilnble to Tnuu INI re idrs The lit has been raid, Ami include thoe book now in ttock. An arly order will bo your lafcat 8ur Mice of Betting the volnnu'H you want, col .I'M W'S BUUK& Motltal Btrongle. Myetenr of Haaeoni Cab. ljuly Yolworth' Lliiuuoud. Black UfKuty. Tfut of Sli-in. I'M Memeeellata Secret. Kt ins Spa L I'rivutivr S itn Triucc Cbarlee' Daughter. siss Family Botrioeon. Dath Bad Marrini;- Utpsv Blair. ir r. Kortescue. UriniM Household Kairy Tales. Master of i ereniomes. Master of BollauuraL Merry Meu. Ivan hoe Men '.'ore. B.nnie Dora. Baron Munchausen. Vol Ijuantcs. Dark Day,. Oorallla. Life Remorse. crayon Paper. Child' History of England. Christmas Stone. Pathless Bargain. House oa the Matsh. Essays Elia. Evil Qenloa. Allot yuarterniaiu. atotaa. A in a Looting Glen. Witcnes Head. John Halaiax. Diaua Ceres. Janets Repeunuce. Hojie's t-iame. Two (Orphans. Desperiue Woman. Wife in Name Only. Between Two Crookeil Path. Chnstin Stories. Li.e s Remorse. Deersiarer. Javne Evrl. Mott. Oliver Twist. String Ariv-n'nr of a Phaeton. Fait hand Freedom. J nn Halilm. Pioner. Breezil Lancton. Dutchess. Dick' Wandenag. Friendship Hon. Mrs. Vereker. Delde. Rcr Mora. Seco Thought. Sketch B joh. OXFORD SERIK3. Bnrnahy Radge. Ivanhce. Lick's Sweetheart Aesop's Fables. East Lynn. Foul Play. David C'opperfield. 'inunt. Daughter -f H-th. Vicar of WakeSeld. Monastery. Children of tho Abbey. Lif of Davi 1 Crockett. Bride of Lammertnoor. Aurora Floyd, Don yuixto. Guild-roy. Guy Ma;. Bering. Vivian the Scanty. Knickerbocker History of New York. Cbando. Zanoni. The VteoMte'l Bride. Faith and t.'nfxitn. PrincfSi Sumhine. ymae. , Wit. HiiDO'-.r and Pathos. Vtuconsela. The Partisan. The Young Unite. Willy Kiiliy. The hrnaoi Qirdleetoae. Wigwam and Cabin. Half Hours Wttb Great Novelist. The D BT in the Eagle's nest. Eftie Ofilfle. The Sin of Joost Avelingh. The PiiantoOi .Ship. The Forayer. The Lieemster. Two Yearn Efore the Mast. A 11 .11 ked Man. Great Expectations. Tom l ringle's Log. Fair Wi.bvib. (Catherine. Hour on the Marsh. Beyond Par d ' n . The. Vendetta. The Spy. Tom Brown at Oxford. Child Bltory or England. My irv nt OrdvaL Mulders in lb Hue Morgjo. Mary St. John. Merles '. roide Mat.erman Bendy. MelMchajnpt, Katlnirih" Walton. Knelm '.hillingly. liarry Lonqaar. die. Gilded ( l que. The PartlDB of the Way. Famous or 7rifraous. Rrolc Hilghteys. The Owl llou-o. Eutaw. Dramas of Life.. Dannie liuval. Cutiigsky. Kivai Prlaoaaa. Story of an Africrn I'artn. Sonthward Ho. Scenes from (Jlerical Life. Syrlln. Sloan (-((iiare Scnndal. Shadaws and Suubeums. Klchiird Hardl. History of the L'nlied Htatns. Oblld'i iii 1 i . of Kngliiii. Einlit Yesrs Wnnderiug in ('oyloa. Birds of Prey Baled Hay. Beauchainp. UrlMa, the Carrier. CheatimtH, Old and Nw. Cbnlemont, Obaplel of Pearl. Khodo Flemtniug. Kepio.ich of Auuersloy. Aurelian. Si la Warner. Armorel of I v All Sorts and UondltlOBl of Men. A Pair of Blue Eyes. A Hardy Norseman. A. Fala Start. KELLY PROTESTED NOTES OF ITU SIDE NEWS FROM WEST SIDE Said That the Ptiople of Pino Brook Have Endured Quite Enough. JOYCE WAS REFUSED A PERMIT He Cannot Erect a Slaughter House Near the Crematory Report of Secretary Brings for the Month of February Health Officer Allen Says There Has Been an Epidemic of Measles -Other Reports Read. FI.OWF.HS OTTIM AWAY. On Saturday. March 10, from 9 a. m. ;o 9 p. m., we will rW a beautiful jonqiiet to every cnatomer who buys 50 jenta worth of goo 1. Mearil & Hagen, 115 Lackawanna avenue. ... The Doctor talks street car in tomor ow' Elniira Telegram. The guirdtam of tlio heal 111 of the city met yester.lay afternoon in the muniolpal building ill regular inouthly leislon, Those praaant were Dr, W. A Palnti M 3, Kelly and Henry J. .iegler. In the abaeQM of Pr .lamos C llentley, the jir-solent of the Hoard of Baatth, Mr. ZUifUr was oallad to the chair The following officers of too board wore present and presented their reports: Health Officer Or. W K UleD, Sanitary PolioeluaO William It. Unrko. Food lmpector Kiohard rboptta, Suparlotaadenl ot Ofetnatory llenrv W. LlOtttU and Svrotiwy Val- ter K Briggt. Mr Brigga1 report showed that ilur -ing the month of V biiiurv there had been U'7 deaths iii ilie oity as against 119 in January or the deaths three were raused lv m -asle; t'lrntt ewrebal meningitis; tw ipfnal menltigitli; two rljip, time An to aOOldaotl, Ihiriug tne month 10'.' Idrlh were reported, seventy five males and elgbtyOTe fe in ilos. Of the 1S9 casas of coulagious diseases reported .luring the mouth, 11 1 were uieaalej, nine Harlat fever and four diphtheria. v vtviN x Hon of CHILDRIN. Mr Briggl reported that he had car ried out the wishes of the board witli regard to No IS school and thai Sapor mteudent of Schools Phillip was pre paring a report of the number ot school children wtio have been vaccinated Tne secretary also read a OOBUnnnloa lioo from the S;at Hoard of Health setting forth that small pox had disap peared from Reading and the quaran tine ha I been raise I Food Inspector Thomas' report was to the fact that the tradesmen gen erally showed a gratifying disposition to provi l pure anil wholesome food for sale and in consequence h had oc casion to condemn out little food. He bad uisd 416 official visits during the month. T ie report of the superin tendent of the crematory showing the amonnt f the rabe c insnmed dur ing the taouth was received and tiled. HK.VLTU OrFICIBS' REPORT. Health offic-r Allen's report set forth that there has been a desirabl- in pi iremamtnt in eleantimss in various parts of the city since the crematory was established, particularly in the West Side, Sout i Side and Bellevue Continuing the r-port said. There has been quite an epidemic of measles. The type is not severe, in most cases being exceedingly mild. Too coq li tion of No. 1'.' school remaius the same as mentioned in my laet report. The gutter in the alley has been cleaned out a lit tie, h 'wever, and tne little children wh i are seated uar the sti'Veshave some color in their face these warmilars. These rooms are certainly badly ventilated, poorly lighted and in my opinion are generally unwholesome. City Engiueer Phillips. M -I Kelly and myself visited the plant of ths standard Oil company and found the ground in the immediate vicinity apparently pretty well saturated with oil. especially on the eat side. The citv eugi ieer will repori tbe matter to the councils as it comes properly in thoir proviuc. It is to be hoped that some syt.tem of col Ucting garbage, as that is the burning question of the hour, can be speedidly reached. BIOS FOR QATHBRIira (JARBAOK. The bi is of James Scv--n for col lecting garbage in the Ffth district, OOmprlSlng the Seventh ami Thirteenth wards wa accepter). His price is twenty cnts ,er fsmily a month. Otbr bidders were Alamanzo I'ortr, l'ter Mnlligan, Jaoob K .rner, P. F. Kyan, J V. Robinson. It was decided to radvertise for the other districts as the bids for th-m were too nlgb. Patrick Joyce, of Bellevii'), asked the board for prriussion to erect a slaugh ter house on land owned by him near the crematory at Pine Brook, but the board refused to grant it. JAttorney P. W. Stokes, who represented Mr. Joyce, made an argument in favor of granting permis sion to Mr. Joyce. He said that a the Crematory and Stow-n packing house were already located close to the ite of the proposed slaughter ho;ts h thongbt that the propr . place for such industries. IT assured the hoard that Mr. Joyc- would conduct it in such a m mrr that, it woiil I never become a nuisance. Mr .loyce thsn addressed the board an l offen I to give a bond to remove the slaughter liouse in six1 months if thre was anything objee tionable about it. PI07LI WOULD OBJIOT. M. J. Kelly, who represent the Pine Brook portion o' th eity on the board, OPPOOfd granting tne p-rmit to Mr Jove. He said that th people of neighborhood would not tolerate any thing of the kind TIh v were fore - i to tecepl th crematory against their vigojiia protests mid to allow this l'tlgh(r house to be rented would be 10 add insult to the injury they believe they Imve already sustained. Tb board declined to reconsider its ection in 'refusing to give Mr. Joyce the permit A city eaeanger'i license Was granted t flriggs' llros SPECIAL SACK On Safnrday .wo will open a linn of figured C'dna silks at '1 cents per yard. lllAM & Haokn, US I. oikawa ina aveuno. FEUSONAL. IT Win iimren, of M,.iir a Bagen, returned last evening from Now York. Snys yeeterday Philadelphia Press Fiank II. ermyQ,eOU anil partner of John .lermyn, a pioneer cnei operator III the I.uckawantia valley, wns a gnust at the Lafayette Inst night. Mr. .lermyn is iden tified with many Industrie in lorantOO Ha l viciuity. ' i INSPiCTOR ROORICK'S RF PORT. Th Documnt for th Year 1893 Ha Bsn Completed. Mine Inspector Roderick's report showing the Dumber of tons of coal mined HI the first district during the year 1HIK1 has been prepared, It nlso gives th number of Hccidnnts, fatal and otherwise. Owing to thn great press of matter in its columns this morning Till. Tim is iiuii hie to give th report In de tail. ' Boys, Attention! Wo will givo away to the boys on Satur day, March 10, 'Mi base balls at our aioro at 10 o'clock ahsrp. Y. M. C. A. building. Flory & Holt. If you want the later style nnd finish in photography, you cau get it at Griffin's, Wyoming avenue. We are introducing I new noveltle constantly. of a Day That Will Interest Many Tribune Readers. FUNERAL OF STEPHEN GUTHEINZ Largest Procession Seen on This Side in Many Years Several Societies In Line- Batllo nnd Connell to Give Us Belter Streets and . Ride to the City Lino for Five CentsSouth Works Will Pay on Friday. Th largnst f unerul soon on thin side in many year followed the remains of Stephen Quthetm to their l ist rusting plant yesterday afternoon. As early as I o'clock the avenue near his late resi dence was thronged, The funeral was announced to si art at 'J o'clock, but the long Hies of people that surged through the front parlor to take a fare well look upon the body delayed the undertaker nearly three quarters of u hour. Tin' iid of the handsome metal lic casket Was shut, the remsius eon veyed to the hoarse and the funeral started for the Hickory street I'resby teriau church. Too remain were placed on a catafalque in tbe center aide. A QeNUBU hymn was sung by theohuroh choir, thou i; v August Weber ascended iho pulpit. He dwelt on tne uncertainty deatb, the transi tory things of tins world and paid a des irvtd tribute to the char .cter of the deceased. An BugltOh hymn was then rendered by the oboir and Rev. D YV. Skellenger, of the Washburn street Preebyttrlau church offered prayer He reviewed the life of the man whoso remains lay oel'ore Mm. and earl that in him there was no slain The tloeting follies of the world were compared to the eternal j ys of th betlfenly kingdom, wherein, lie said, h was sure the spirit of Mr Oiitheinz had entered to dwell forever more. While the pall-bearere were bearing the casket from the cutireh, the cuoir sang with mm a feeling an Inspiring Qerman hymn. The Resident lodge, lu dependent Order of Odd Fellow, headed the funeral profession followed by the Btengurrondo, Torn enen. Leidtrkrtni and Hoard of Trade, ull of whic'i the deceased belonged to, A beautiful ark on which a dove rested, wa presented by the Odd Fellows. Flowers from the other societies ' and friends wre so profn.i that the people were tost in admiration. The Bower bearers wr-re County Commissioner D 'iuuth, Jacob linger, Conrad Piel, Jacob HtiinmUr, Jacjb Snyder and Edward Kell Tweive pall bearers, six from tbe Butcher's association, an 1 six from the Resident Lo Ige of 0 1 1 Fellows wr as toli 'ws Jaoob J. Hildebrand, Jacob Hofmeitter, tins Kramer. Frank Schauer, John Arnold and Charles Johnson; William Zing, George F.ugle, John H 'ftley, J icob Bshut, Conrad l'hiel and Bebastian Thiol. The burial service at tbe cemetery was conducted according to the O id Fellows ritual. The Saeugerruud and Ltlderkrtnt sang several choruses, and the body was lowered iu the graTe. For Pet'er Streets and Sidewalks. Conncilmen Bittb and Connell of the Twentieth have notihsd the city en gineer to give lino and estimates for tin curbing, Migi:iug and guttering of C-dsr tTCone from Breck street to Brook, Pittst on avenu" from Brack to Brook, and Prosp ct avenue from Palm to Cherry. This is a move on the part of Battle and Connell that will reflcol great credit on them. The people are sick of fho voyages through inn 1 that all must en lure when the spring and fall seasons come. The Twentieth Is represented by two as brainy council men as can b found in i the city, nnd they can be trusted to have the best in terests of the taxpayers at heart when ever any improvement is contemplated. They should be enouraged by every sensible minded resident. Will i s-.- Earlier Thi sionth. The employe of the South works will be paid on Friday, Marcti Hi Tbe reason for the drparlnre from the rule thi mouth 1 to give the t el workers, who belong to the Ancient Order of Hibernian, a chance to attend the pa role in Wiikes-llarre ou St. Patrick s Day. This dons not imply, however, that the mill will be idle on March 17. It will fie operated that day, unless differ ent orders are given, and every em ploye who wish ' to go to Wilkes Birr, mnst receive permission before laying off Superintendent lltanton as sured a TbIBONI reporter that he would accommodate as many men a he COUld, and any man staying home without leave would be told to stay home for good. A Correction for Mr. Whelan. David Whelan Onlltd at TllF. Trui OMR office yesterday afternoon and wss virv much "riled" over the notice of hi' spproacliing mirrige in yesterday's i HIBUJIB The story of his intention to w i Ostberine Roland, a pretty young . tdy fft the Twcnti-Mi Ward, seems to ne without foundation, The nw was f nrnished to a TltllU'NK reporter by a young man. who snd that be could CoUob for the truth uf th" atntouisut. Bhort Savings A committee of the street rtpitflog people made a morning call at the hob' on Fig treet referred to In this column yesterday. (The place was filled up, n I tcsiu sfer will, hereafter, please keep off th" sidewalks. Patrick Rogtn, of lOt ni street, has bought a farm in Susquehanna a nmtv, whither he will mov with hi fsmily April 1. Tli crosswalk on Cedar avenue where It i Inter Oted by Brack strset wns ethnmed yeeterilsy There I a btlMOe of about i from last year's spppropriatiOD for Iha Twentieth ward still in the trcinurv, anil more crosswalks miuht be shown daylight Anthonv Belt, of Stone avenue, has lmen addoil to the force of the em ploy tt of tint Seranton Brewing com -pany. Pereonel. Select Councilman Connell and mothtr will leave th latter part of the month for a week visit to Shamokin, Pa. .lame Ifelylo, outside foreman of the William Connell Coal company nt Dnryea, and Margaret Crane, of Minookn, will bt flurried In st. goteph't church, Miuooka, after the Lentsn sea son. Mary Jane McNa'lly, of PittRton iivenne, returned from White Haven, where she want to attend the funeral of a relative named C"X, The friend oi Fred Phillips will be pleased to hear that he is on the road to recovery. He was taken to bed Feb 10 with lung and kidney trouble; but will be able to b around in a few day. Happenings of a Day That Will Interest Hyde Park Readjn. GAMMON HILL SHOOTING MATCH Many of the Well Known Shots of This Vicinity Participated Funoral of Mrs. Thomas Johns -Death of Miss Catharine Cawley Alter an Ill ness with Pneumonia Singers to Compote at Wilkes-Barre. The West Hide onto of tn souanto I hi i.i m iu located at 1J1 South Main ave nue, Where Subscription, advertisement and communications will recelre prompt attention. A large number of men congregated On (jhuntUOn'l hill at 'i o'clock yeter day afternoon, whore a shooting match f.n which three prize Were offered took place. Six birds each worn shot at by tdeven ptrtlolpante, with the following reHUll: Clam Marsh. IS; Williamson, 0; W. Pry, 5; W 1). Spi r, of Danville, 5j House, 6; DaTO (iumert, 5 Coyne, I. Young, I ; sun Dam I , Davenport, Ij Reynolds, 1, The first prize, a breeob- loading abOt gflll, Valued It l'l. Wan divided between Marsh and iVllllum son: Tha second urtse of ISO and the tbir I prll I oi $l.i Wore divided tmou tb shooters according to thir reoordt A feature of the match was the use ol woo l powder by W. D. Spier, of Dim vllle, who reprosenta the manufactur ing compauy. Fonaral of Mr John. The funeral of Mrs. Th una John, of South Kverett avenue, who died at her homo ou Tuesday last, oecurra I yesterday afternoon at 4 o cloak. Toe ceremony was to have taken place an hour earlier but was postponed ou ac count of the eon arrival of the ileeesBed woman' eon, William Johns, of St. Cnarlee, Mo. ImpreeelTe cervices were held at the hom by Rev. W. S. Jones, pastor of the Firet Welsh Biptint church, iu the presence of a large num ber of relatives and friends of the fam ily. Among the tloral tribute wa a handsome tribute inscribed "Mother." Interment wan made iii the Wanhburu Street church, close by. Tne pill-li-aiers were: John W. Ilevan, Edward K Danes, Thomas Davies, John D. Griffiths, Reynolds ami Evan Anthony Those who atteuded lrom out of town were Mrs. R Price, dmgtiler of th deceased, and her three sons, Elmer, Benjamin and Reese, of K-b, Iowa, and William M. Johns and sou Benjamin, of SI. Onirics, Mo. Catherine Cawley Dead About 10 o'clock yesterday morning death entered the home of Michael Oawley at 119 Van Bureo avenue, and took therefrom his oldest daughter Catherine, aged about 'it years. Miss Cawlev wan tnken ill some time ugo with pneumonia from which disMnae sue partly rcovered. The dreadol malady again neizid her a few day ago, this time with fatal effect. She was a woman of estimable qualitits and greatly respected by all who kuew her. The funeral wiJ take place ou Monday morning. At 0.30 o'clock a solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrated in St. Patrick' church. In terment will be mad ,., the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Arrested for Drunkeness. All nged man at.ired in a long coat whose general tpp ar.aucewas tha of a Rip Van Winkle, was tten Staggering along Jackson street about 8:80 o'clock yesterday morning. When in front of the store of H. D. Jones, he fell against n large bulletin board, which accom panied him to the gutter. He wan in a beastly ntato of Intoxication and had fallen in thi manner several times be fore. Officer Moir wa notified nnd Carried him to the station house. When placed behind the bars, be liionued .pitifully over his situation, and begged to be let out, entering the plea that lm was only a little 'Under the weather. " The old man gave Ins tiauio as J. Talson of B i tig haul tou. To Compet at Wilkes Barr. A Seranton female party, tinder the leadership of Mrs. T. W. Powell, iMorftldd), has been organized on thin side and will OompetC iu the Wilkes Marre eisteddfod on St Patrick's Day The choir consists of twenty-five voice. At a tneetiiiK recently held, Mrs. I). B Thnma wa elected president, and Mr. Lyndall Jones, secretary. The piece that the choir oompste in are 'Robin Adlr" and "Merry Song ster. " Evicted at Twilight. Mrs Margaret Bmetrdon, ef 'JOS Ed wards court, a widow with four small children, was evicted last evening nnd her household goods piled in n mas on the street, Tbe cause was noDpty mnul of rent, hut Mr-. Smeardou's at torney, 0, S Bophtr, is of the opinion that the eviction would have been just a legal earlier in the day. As it wns, his helples client had no place in whlnh to shelter either herself or her childrou. I i Bil-fer F rm. D. E Thomas, president of the Wilkes Itarre choir, which will com pete at the Eisteddfod to be bold in Hi a l city On SI Patricks Diy, visited musical friend on this aide yesterday. Bdltb, daughter of Dr. and Mr Ltodtbury, oi South If tin avenue, is ill A rpgular meeting of the Yning People's Literary ami Debating society of the First Welth Baptist church wa held last evening. il go T. Griffiths, of North Sum- ner avenue, ha accepted a pt aidon a bookkeeper with Philip J. Leonard, of South Main svenne, PtMB llsh Ol all kinds at Koluhnrt'n market. AMUSEMENT NOTES. "The Skating- Rink," whioh comes to the Acadomy tonight, is ssid to be one of the funniest of all th comedy farcee on the itage. While the ecenea in the "Skating Rink" are farcical, yet its comedy is of the highest and most le gitimate ordur. and both combined form a most enjoyable entertainment. The piece is produced under immediate inperviliofl of it author, Robert Grif fin Morrit, who ha nlected the follow ing well known artintn to portray the same: Blanche UbtpmtU, Flora Fin liyinn, Belle Martin, Leona Clark, Lea Van Dyke, alio Fred Frier, Juuies Sturgi. Nathan B Canton. Harry Nelson, Joseph F. Sparks and other Special scenery will be used. A high order of specialties and all the Intern, and most poptilur musical features aro promised, TBI itmiNG OBMBBATIOH, The clever and witty comedian, Win. Barry, and hi comedy company will tppttr at the Academy uf Mmtc ou Monday evening. Thia is n special rv turn engagement and the Acudemy will no doubt contain a large audience, lo witness thi great comedy. Tbe company is playing in Philadelphia thin wek an l come here direct Mom their eugaieinent there. All who missed seeing Mr. Barry in bit new plat on thn occasion of his visit here several week ago, thould not fall to attend the Aoademy Monday evening hPI 01 IL S ALK. hi .Saturday we will open a line of r d China silk at '.'7 0nU per MSABI & Haukn, 4lo Lackawanna avenue. FLOWBBfl 01VKH AWAY. On Saturday March 10, from 0 a. ro. to 0 p. m We will give u lieantilul bouquet to every customer who buy 10 cents worth of good. Mears &. Ilagen, 410 Lackawanna avenne. Yni' aro invited to visit the Seranton Oath Furniture Store; is now open; 134 and IK) WaiblnglOO avenue. e tpclal Bale. On Baturdty we will open a line of figured Coma sillfs at '7 cent per yard. UlARt i: Haukn, 4l.ri Laokawanna avenue. Dunlap Hats SPRING STYLE ON SALE THE HATTER CHRISTIAN Sole Agent, 206 Lackawanna Ave. BELOW COST. Going through our stock we made a careful selection of CHILDEN'S BRAND NEW SUITS To close out these odd lot we will sacrifice them, Out Bargain Counters Filled with Surprises. Martin Sc IDelany Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue. NEW LINES Progressive Euchre Prizss. Tall Flower Vases. WHITE CHINA. JARDENIERS. SPRING . . . Styles of HATS Have arrived. Best quality and lowest prices. COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lacka. Avenue. P B P L R A I A I N A A 3 N Q N M C U 0 P E S W S T s Wire Lam? Frames for Covering. Easter Opening OF Capes, Jackets AND Wraps For the Spring and I Summer of '94. Stin k Large and Attractive. Prices the Lowes) n Record. VISIT US, BITS OE NOT, CHINA: HALL 6. W. OWENS WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. sfiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiimmiiiii: 5 Tho GENUINE Nov S I 'OTU.HET fianos 1 ESTAB. 1866. S g N.'w York wari i omt .. m 90 Plftli avi Quo S F, C. RICKER A CO., 5 Si4dniil(trln tht seotton m m HIBce va dm VHnuo S niiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiDipiiiiiiiiir Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, Tim Sirlnllnt nn llin I've. HimiiWIip nml Ni'rviniRiii'Ha lflloveil. I.utiHt hihI luiirnviil Blyle of Bjre (IUsm-m nd Spaotaolee al th Loweekt'rioea BattArtUtylal Bye lnerted fur 5. Jos SPRUCE. ST.. op. Poat Offlca. Removal We aro now in our new quarters, Wyoming Avenue. Come and see our Window Display Saturday, March 10th Florey & Holt 8c Co. Cloak Maktn and Furriers, no t-i 'ki ice -. r . i)Ui COl KT llin SIC SQUARE Special for This Com ing Week. Ifen'i (ork Bolt Laoa Bhoae, Qocdyear Welt, i grade, ( to bt C-'1'" Mpii's Cork Sole Laoo Siue, lmiiil Hewrilwi' grid,to J''i (1 be C.JO Ltdlet' Dongola, Kid Button, Patonttd Tip, i.ndyHr welt,Commoa n' Inst. all O') c(j 4.50 grade, tyinOJ l.Hilie' Kino Kid Bott40,OOtk fol. hnnil tnrti.C.iintnon Siic last, Odljf a fw ptitl O'' '). Of (In tn, lf.'i grade, lobe... 0"-' liHilii!' Drill Dongola Button. doable solas. Cumin va S"iio only, i grade cloeed onl at I J Utttee' strmlit Goal Button, print betl, nHH n io 3j oi () grade will pu O l'i Hoy' School sim, button and lnu, lite 11 lo O; t U will ( eell t I C. SC HANK S Arcade Shoe Stow. WYOMING VU HOW LIKE AN A FE & The Croat Murvol ol Denial SciOnoe Anassthene I AST YEAl; li u, i ivetl - 100. Be bonght .1 Itouse worth 91830 paid 1800 dowu, gave a mort gage for 11,550. Codaj be est i matea as follows; Rout savod ftfJ 0.1 lattieatiM laorttaae. .$WW Txes tml ropatra -.'8 10 l iv w NetaaTiagoa rent jiui .vi Savtsl on Mi!nrv IU 1)0 To ai piy on mortaate fJii m liKvi ri io "in nun ,:! in hoQ. Will ba lr,-. fvont debt ftitil I nlmll baV n abaea ol my dwh'1 RKF RrDOE in Iha pamallM m hnina vinn .v oit e 1 1 y Bih latiet ii bemtlfai villa, ahich ih,a ,a,'rt on h payuioats, i t Call hi thalr oflleo, batwaaa II niiiiiyion and Adam on Ollvo ilroot, EZRA FINN & SONS, THE CELEBRATED SQHMEi PIANOS Arc ul Proaenl ihr M,,t Potjrilr 't lrffT4 by Irt'AillUK ATUliU WUtfoemi : Opposite ColumNul(nunint, 2015 Washington Av. Seranton, Pa. uiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'. 1 TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON. ! A recent discovery nnd E property of is Hen wood k Wardoll, I a II 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT .Mi. SEA HONS SAYS ABOUT ANiESTHENE. DBS. HBNWOOD 41 WABDBtXl Aflar in in u e irvi'n iMtii ytrmoted t oi r bltttug bf titi prUiImm tnrtliml, I pin inntnoM it tjutlrely ml im it. i In very imrtlculnr. Je SKAMONS. i on; iii tbM COUPONS, vrp- a 11)1 1 mt Tin Tribune 'OltW. -Hff Trmi r vn ne nu t BprilM atrt'et, UtltlMtha holdC to nil the irl ilrea uf the unpurHlleleit utTer lor distributing poptilHr hooka RMOIIg 9Ut lenilrrn. 1 lu olVera niu.lo D llir I ri Initio in in 'iiii ni iro HH foil own: 15 CENTS !"1 l'tnir Coupons for tiny olume iu thi OtitatnbM s" rlcfl. Over 1110 fclUM to MlMfc from. H'.7rt nnl Tour Coupon for i 10 volume net of DtckuttV complete trorkfli m i I MMin i Four Coupon! for miy hook In tho HukIi.v Series. ISCKMTflnnd Four Coupbnj for fnv hook hi theOxfortl Srilea. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiB