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THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 10. 1 S4. IVE NEWS OF TWO PITTSTONS Tn Scuanton Trihuns'x Pitta tot! dt Vnment is in charge ' ' X1- Ehy, to whom news items nud complaint may be referred.) PITTSTON HAPPENINGS. Event! About Town Told In Short Para graphs. The rivsr which has been on the rise for the past fw dsya i now receding, Thursday it bad reached the fifteen feat high water mark, Last evening it registered IZ (set A delegation of Keystone lolge, Sous of St. George, weut to Avoca laBt evening to pay a fraternal visit. "McCarthy's Mllhapa" is the uext at traction which will hold forth at Music hall. H. Myers, Charles Uohau and J, A. McNauiara, coinroUfiouers appointed to take testimony in the matter of the division of the lower eleotlou district of Jenkins township into an additional district, will m-et at the fort liluti -chard Hotel this afternoon, at I o'clock, to take testimony in the vase. Sheriffs sale notices were posted about town last evening annonnoing t tie sale of the old knitting mill inaobiuery, eto., Saturday morning, March 17, at 10 a. ui. The sale is to satisfy a judgment held by tho Minors Saving bank against E'.lithorp & Co , limited, the particular of which ap peared exclusively in the TB1BUNB some time ago. Gallagher A Fay, the Water street hatters aud fttrnUhert, have increased their store room by leasing a large room on the stcoud Boor, Late admissions to the hospital are: Michael Czar, utfed 89, married, living at Yatesville, offering from a frao ture of the leg rsosiYM ou the Wilkes Harre and Eastern road ; Anthony Po sers, of West Pittston, sulfjring with rheumatism. The Truth of last evening contain 1 an excellent cat of Post in ister-.dect J. H Mnllia. A conversational Bible class will be organized at the Young Men's Chris tian association rooms this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The object of the class is to prepare Christians for personal work, especially the Mo.dy and Whit tle work nest summer. City Mission ary M s Qalbraitb and Hev. T. W. Swan will conduct ths conversation. A cordial invitation is extended to all who m iy be interested. Come aal bring your Bible with you. The published reports of oar several banks shows them to he in a tloarish ing and healthy condition. J. J. McCorraick. Janus Duffy, J. C. Delaney and T. J. Murray have irons to Owego, N. Y , to attend the laaersi of Patrick Kelly, who was oue of the oldest and hishly repected residents of that pi ic. He was a brother of Mrs. D. McCormack, of Port Griffith. Ga zette. The funeral of Gerald Hillera will take place from the family borne on Delaware avenns this afternoon at 3 p. m., with interment in West Pittston cemetery. The will of Mary McIInga, of Pitts ton township, was probate! Thursday io .Mrs. awali jlcAmlrew, wife o Thomas MeAndrew, of Pittston town ship, is bequeathed all the real estate of the deceased and promi'ims upon the following policies of Insarsaos: Pre mium of $1,000 upon poli'iy in the Eijaitaole Insurance society of the Uuited States; two premiums of f 1,000 ach on policies in tnt Union Central Life Insurance company of Nw York. Thomas McAn Irew is oontitntad x ecotor. The will is dated Jan 6, 1894, and is witness by John A. MaN'amtra and Charles P. Boh in Conrad Fix fthr-in-law of W. J. Curley of the "Telegram" rstaurent received a telegram from Ball ilo yes terday announcing th serious illness of his mother who is M years of ag . Mr. Fix left for BaffslO on the mid night valley train. RECEIVED A WINDFALL. A Dtceassd Kl;iv Makas a Modest Labirr Harpv. George Bangley, of flamtown. was yesterday informed that he had been left 1,500 marks by an uncle who just died in Germany. Mr, Bangley is a modest unassuming vonnir man who is employed as a moulder in the Stove works. That he is much elated over his windfall is bat mildly expressing it. The value of a German mark is about 2. cents, which means something like $8,750 or a legacy. - Lars; Storage Barn Burned. Fire tonight destroyed the large storage barn of J. B. Carpenter, on Carpenter's avenne, about one mile above Pittston. With the barn there were destroyed 250 bnshels of rye and 1,500 bnshels of chopped stray. The loss will approximate $'5,000. PECKVILLE PICKINGS. Paragraph! of Oenernl Interest Pitas -antly Pencilled. Pec.ictii.le, Pa.. March 'J William H. Chadwick. of Brooklyn. N. Y., and Miss Jessie Fletcher were united in marriage at the home of tho bride's parents at Winton last Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, the Rsv F. P. Doty officiating. Mr. and Mrs Chad wick will leave today for Brooklyn. Hev. Thomas Vaughn, " Pottsville, who has been visiting his rents here, returned home last Thursday. Workmen are busily engaged in re modelling the ssats in the Baptltt chnrcb. They expect to get them ready for services tomorrow. Rev. F. P. Doty was cnlled to Moosic last Thursday to officiate nt the fu neral of Wesley C. Stanton, who was one of the victims of the powder mill explosion. Mrs. William Bill, of Jermyn, nnd Miss Maria Bell, of Avoca, were the gntats of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chap man last Thursday. Mrs. ThomnB Pope and Mrs. Hen tricks called on friends in Carbondale yesterday. Mrs. P. G. Harding is visiting with 'riends in Scrantun. Mrs. Aaron Hedden, of Carbondale, s visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Uool. W. S. Blosi, our enterprising rlmn -cist, has beautified the front part of his store by placing a new awning over bia stoop. m DEATHS The Number Growing at a Frightful Rate. ' The Proportion Has Increased 20 Per Cent, in 40 Years. The Boston Journal Asks, 'What tha Remedy." And Finds the Answer Hard One. . Not a Beecham's pills arc foi biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Hook free ; pills 2$c. At drugstores,or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. ANNUAL CLEARING SALS A. B. Browa's Bdd Jive, PxitSLoa, Ja. FILTtRtO AT FOREST CIT-V. A Quarter of All Deaths Duo to American Disease, The Boston Journal is csrtaluly to be admired. Oae if Boston's greatest newspaper', it frankly devote some, of its energetic editorial space to the subject, which at thiSMatonii of more importance to this and Hveiy community than all other topics. "Oae hoars the voice of the man whosi) knowledge of nerves Is almost unbounded," says the Journal, "uying that beyond any dispute nervousness is growing upu us at a frightful rate. " (aotiiig from Or. Weir Mittchell it continues: "In some busy centers he tiuds that the number of deaths due to asrvoiH ostites has iucreased '.'0 per cent, in 4) years: that oue-fonrth of the deaths now are from nervous diseases. His opinion is confident, too, that tlie Americans are, tiom this cans, becom lug a short-lived people." A clear stateineut of ths nervous weakness among the dwellers in cities and towns would send a pant) of horror and alarm through the country. Women are more uuder the influence ol this t-trrible scourge than meu ; and town dwellers more tlMin country folks. Tho Journal asks what is tho remedy an 1 Bodi SU answer readily. Hundreds of tired mothers, anxious housewives, school teachers and too ambitious scholars the vsry flwer of American womanhood vieM to the strain of tho serious atfsiri of life. Overwork and unnatural wjrry con demn a host of A'ujriciu womsn to spec! their after years on a sofa or in a sick room.ana w oe s uuraen i listen 1. of a hopo to thoss who are dearest to them. Oftentimes excruciating piins as In nenrslidis, rheumatism, and heart trouble, but more ofton iwp.-ciilly in the spring) "that tird feeling," is na ture's cry for better nutritio i in ord;r to resist'tns fearfnl strain on the nor v?s and vital organs. The remedy la known to every physician and to tbom an Is who have been benefited by it trfen and woman who find themselves getting irritable, nervous, turn, run dowu" and ailing should take Paine's celery compound It feU tired ex hausted nerves, stores the blood with th food for the wasted tissues, and parifles it of the impure hnmors which result from its stanaut, unhealthy condition. Nothing has pver equaled Paine's celery compond far giving tone to the stomach and a renewed appitits. It strikes to the root of rheumatism, neu raligis, diseases of the heart, the liver, kidneys, and all disorders due to poor, thin blood and underfed nerves. Poor appetite, ontinnil headaches, lost of strength, neruous deliiiity, and a scr j fulness, unhealthy condition of the skin at thia season are sure signs of nervous weakness. Paine's celery compound will rob one of t tie "rnn down" feeling, the languor arid despondency that come from badly nonrishel nerves, thin, pale blood, and underfed organs of the body. New life, a bnoyant feeling, and the jiyomnesiof health will come when ; Unty of good red blood begins to fill tho arterioi and tuvigorete the system. This Is just what Paine's celery com pound is doing for thousands of men and women throughout ths whole ex tent of the country. llKNitv SOHOnmaXS, foreman Henry Krug fucking company, Bt. Joseph's, Mo., uses Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil with his men for sprains, cuts, braises chappert bands, etc. It Is the best. No ether sarenparflla lias the merit to hold the confidence of ontire cemmuuitlea year after year, as Hood's Sarsaparilla. It possesses curative powers peculiar to Itself. Hood's P. II are purely vegetable, care fully prepared from the bust ingredients. Wc. Live New Not fc'roia ni Eotrpiilnir Ku'iiuithanna Town. gpMfal fo the SorAatoa iYioim. Foiikst City, Mar. !t-L)onot forget tho date lot' the cantata, "Rebecca" which will bee givii at Davis' opera house, March 17, by a talented com pany of local siugers Brie Station agent F. Cunningham, of Berrlok spent last evening in town. John Max.'V intends spending Sun day at ,Kystono Acadomy. Factory vi 11. as the gusst of Joepli Lsppsus a student, from tiiis place. Mr. Lappsus is the court crier in the mouk trial which will b given to morrow night by Phi Mu Society. The Hillside collieries are Idle today aud will remain so until Tuesday, Attorney John F Reynolds and wi' wtre the gUlSte of Mr and Mrs. W. X Ueese last evening Warm Muar sociables will soon be iu order. The weather since last B'riday has been decidedly spring liko, most of tho time as bright an 1 warm astliebiliny days of summer. This la for distant readers and tor such posterity as ntSV seek meteorological data in the files of The Tkiucsk Station Agent W 15., B ik ir. of the Ontario aud Western, at.rtud today for a sojourn with Now York city rela tive. Hev. Edgar Campbell returuod this, afternoon from a suort visit at Hamil ton, Wayne county. WEDDING BULLS CHIME. Mar: lair of a 1' p Young Coupl at Hondal. Bptctol to tie Setmtmt Tribune. H0NK8DALB, March 0. When it be came rumored about last oveuiug that Heury Schwemley and Miss Julia Freeman were about to be married the lights iu the Episcopal church called iu a large number of psople, but the young couple, accompanied by James E. Plncknev and Miss Clara Bartung proceedtd to the Presbyterian parsonage, where the were united in holey wedlock by Rev. William H Swift. Both pirtiss nre well known by Hontadalo'a young people and their sudden marriage creatrd quite a stir The Praia as Evaneelizrj. Alleutuicn Ltidfr. Tho newspapers ottodty give far nmre space to religious matters than the casual reader realizes. The sermons of Ta Imago are published weekly in thousands of secu lar journals. Tho city papers of a Monday teem witu acouuts ot the services 01 the day before. Church conferences and mis sionary conventions form a prominent fun ture in the news of the day. Tbu Sund iy school lesson and Chrislinn Endeavor topics receive due atteutiou from nun dreds of nuwspapers. This broaden t dissemination of religious news an 1 coin ment must have a marked effect. Instead of turning people away from tho Bible it must draw them to It. Thousands Keiiiniints of Dry Goods. Cloaks aud Fur Capes daring sale :ii less limn cost of material. Every Inch of counter room covered with the greateal bargains ever shown. Ladies' Felt Hal, this season's Btylos 10). eich. Boys' Winter Waists . 1 0c esoll. Muffs 30c. each. Cloaks $1.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTION'S AT QUARTER OF VALUE, COME. IT WILE PAY Vol.'. Great Clearing Sale. BURGESS M3X-.VS ADDRE S3 Tha Chltf MU'rate of Fareat City In tead to Preserve Ordsr. Fptrial to tkt Scranlon Tribu n. Forest City, Pa., March 9 Bur gess Benj, Maxey has had the follow ing printed in the Forest City Newe: To THK PF.OPF. OF FOKRHT CITY: I with to announce, since you have by ycur ballots elected m to tho cfnee of Imrguss, that I havo takon tho oath and have boen duly iiistsllorl Into tho dutlus of said office, lining fully aw are of the re -spoiiMbihty that I havo nisuined I deem It proper at thin tiiT. to ask tha uuited s ipport of nil law nhlding citizeus to aid me in the discharge of the duties net forth by law. I propose to carry out tho law as sat forth for boroughs by our state legislature. Also our owu ordinaoceH that bsve from time to time been framed, shall bj en forced as occasion requires. With your help we cau overcome a great many of the evils that do exist. It might be well at this time to onum nrato a few of thnm: First, common loaf ing: second, standing in groups on the side walks; third, profanity at all hours of the day ati'l night: fourth, loud and boisterous tiilkmz: llfth, standing on stoops of stores and hotels, pointing our side walks LwilD. tobacco jmce and ren dering thoui impassible for ladies and other) sixth, Sunday desecration In all forms shall be prohibited, an II re peetfullj ssi nil buaOM man to close tiiulr placna of business 011 Sunday (except those who nru allowed by law to be open CertsJs houn of tho (lay); seventh, tho habit of young men anil b y playing In th middle of tha iitrmts nnd taking the riskof being run over by teams; eighth, snow balling Is too much ludulgol iu by thee who pao no regard to th Injuria It might Indict on those passing by, I appeal to the reason of those who havo been indulging in riotous conduct to de sist mid co-operato with me, hs it will greatlv aid in making tho work succossf ul. The police now appointed will be responsible for thu maintenance of the peace aud shall arrest nil persons caught, in any ncl that disturbs the pouce of the borough. I ul." recommend that tho of Been making arrest) should use calm and cool 1 ir I.; in 'ni nnd not use harsh moans, except I11 extreme cases where It Is deemed absolutely necessary to complete the ar rest. 1). .Maxiv, Burgess. When Paliy was fllrk, wn pave her Castorta. When kIhi wa a (.hllil, alie cried for iviorla. When she became Mia, she clung to CustorUt, Whuri she had Children, sue ,;,.. 1. Castorla, Regulates The LIVER CURES Biliousness. CCRK8 Biliousness. CURES Biliousness. I)lrrt Proof My wife has been troubled lth Liver nomDUunt nnd P pltatloii of the heart for over a year. Her cnae baffled the skill of our best phj-ni-lD8 After usnitf inree Dottles of your Dorooca WOOO liilt. rs-be 1 al most entirely well. Wo truly reajzumeiiH ymir medicine. UKomil W. BHAWU. Montpeller, Williams Co , U ANMEHARTMAH 906 South Washington Avenue, Contrnrtor and buildor of C'oucroU Flaclnz. Concrete Hl'ks. Potato, Batter and CjiI Ulna, Wet Collar dried up. Orders may In left at Thompson & Prslt, Will sins A Co. Msln and Kynon rltreeta, or st Hcranton BViTe Works. Alse Koundstions. Cisterns Kihh Wire Tunnels and C'offlhs. Klagitlug for usraen walks. THK Thatcher IS THE BFST. Oet prices and see the furnace nnd be ron vinced. A full line of HEAT F.KS, Appello aud Untizi Boor Banges CONLAN'S HARDWARE PITTSTON, IA. A Handsomo Complexion Is ono of the grcateat charms a woman can poasesa Pokoni'h Oompi.kxios Powdmm gives It. MARCH 10, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your choice of three hciuitiful pictures, "Telephone Girl," "Ue llveriu ('hriKtmivi Presents" and "Maidens Swinging," Hend by mail or messenger or bring coupons like this of three differ ent dales, with 10 cents, stamps or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Peun Ave. und bpruce St. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE. PITTSTON, PA. Spring irthams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, W1RK CUT, HOLLOW, VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON B RICK Best in tho market. GLOB E Wnnrunirct BrandtC.ay ProductCo muiLiiuuuu PITTSTON, PA. OFFICE: Bingbsmton, N.Y. FACTORY: lirandt, Pa. Fair and Timely Warnin We desire that none shall he be left out, hut that all shall have an opportunity to conit- in before the oiler closes. ON LY 22 DAYS remain in which to take advantage of the THE TRIBUNE'S Encyclopedia offer. These men became eminently successful because they took advantage of opportunities as they preiented themselves. If you would succeed you mustdo likewise. THE TRIBUNE now gives its m tltitu le of reaiew Fair and Timely Warning of the close of fat . . . V IPfij LYMAN AUBOTT. life' v Wis! OHAUNCEY DEPEW, WENDELL HOLMES THEIR UNPARALLELED OFFER wiiich him furniaiit'ii hondrsdsof bomM in onrnldtt with stlbrsry irkloh oinnotbol mske thuv bumps iisppiiir unii bi'iulitm' hv llsrsflalnfl ami oaltlvstlng Inflstnae for culture nnd rilluinent nriHvnoniniui with n kuoivlmiK) of all tliliijfi. It lm t n endnrrsd by Ihu pulpit and the school n uu oducstl -nil euterpriso worthy ol pntil nnd i lit. hearty 00opnsUon or our cltlznns. ornsnsopls would not tsks wisdom from Kln Bolontoa sss rmoIoim gift But most prople urnainbiilius to loam and to kuow hucb will p'l In on (nil Wondsrfal MUM to sreurothe llrttannios, which Is tho n-nnaltory of windnn of nil tho Km- of Knowledge tho world bss STsr kuon. It is tho Oltlastvn or Itsstsr Osnios, It is Library you will bo pr.nnl of if you own It Do not put off S gtopd thing. Cotna or send ntome nnd Imvo your nnmo plnooil on thh long Roll Ho AFTIilt twknty-two DAYH FROM THIS OATUthsoffsr will bsolossd nnd notsn otherordoraccepiHil. Now U tho tlmn to initko suro of thin odlipsnssblct -nt ni Hooks at Wholentlo t'luh itntes. If you put it off you will hv.' to p tv ilu pabllshsr' price. ItKAD (' XHKI'l'I.I.Y OH II IMIOPOSI I ION AND ltr,IM MIND THAT THIS SPECIAL OFFER WILL RtCMAtN OPEN JUST 'ill DAYS LO.MOUR. On rocelpt of (4 .50 wo will f lrward tho o nnoht. s, t. of volumoi of our New Wide-margin EJitiou of the Encyclopedia Brttsnstos, ths bslsnca to be psid at tho rate of ft mouth Iv; or wo will send one-hnlf the sot nt oneson receipt ot IB, and the balance to bo paid ut the rate of 10 coum per day, payable monthly. The rstnsindsrot ths sst will bs sent promptly ss dos ss ths first bsU of tin seti paid for This edition Is printed on a line quality of pspsr and tl elegantly and substan llSllr liound in heavy siik cloth. Ths lids or the back sro of stout oskum board, woioh wttl bold ttisnsps sod nsysr wsrp Tlw l-tteriux is iroM lo.if of tho purest qnalttf. It Is bound with a double fistlblS back jnit lik-i tho Oxford ToaohorV Bible, and Is mors ItroOgly bound than t'l.i edition whlOtt is sold for fig p'r voium.i. We will UuarantMe this work to b . precisely as represented in every way. Rndors who desire lo sxsrsins bfffors ordsring tho satlrs st oss hsvo s volume sent for examination. Bear In mind thst this offr will posttirlr b Withdrawn in -- days, a bssntl tal Dims tarings Btak Will DS sent to each subcrib.r for th j bo.ik, wherelu yo i nn deposit a dime a day, THK PRICE OF THIS EDITION TO THQ8B Wilt) TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SPECIAL OFFER IS ON' PER VOLUME This elegant library can be seen at filK T1UUUNK g l. DsOMlmsni, No. 43." Spruce street, any day or evening until tho offer cloioj. Ad lreisall communications to The Tribune E. B, Department, 37 Spruce Street.