Newspaper Page Text
The City Of Soqtuton is yet only in its architectural infancy. Two Years deuce, judging from pres ent progress its sponsors wouldn't recognize it. EI( i IIT PAG ES-5 CO XWxl lr- fowqpj oj.u,s SCRANTON". PA., TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 18, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. IPROVE III THE RESCUERS BO 0 r'irs! Result from a Month of luc sunt Labor. CRUSHED BEYOND RECOGNITION The First News of the Entombed Miners Received at Midnight, When a Shapeless Mass ot What Had Once Been a Human Form Was Brought to the Surface -Exciting Scenes at the U.iylord Shaft. Plymouth. Pa, March m 1'5T on mouth at:o today the conn try was ttartled by the awful n calamity :it tne Uaylord mint oy vii which thirteen men were en tombed by u fall ot rock in the main gangway. Every hour of the day and night sinoa that tims rescuing parties bate worked with the euer.-y of de spair to reach the victims dead or alive, aud dariujf that time suspens.' in Elviuoutb has been awful. The wives aud children of tb vie tims have haunted the iniu day after day aud hs the shifts wers changed tbeir pitiful appeals for n? ws of their loved on woul l move the stoutest heart. Bat although brT man st the risk of their own lives toiled on uu ceasingly. it was only at midnight to nisbt that the first definite uewsot the victim, reached the surface. At that hour the anxious watchers at the mouth of the shatt were startle I lv an uuusnal commotion amoni the offi cials. The engineer was squalled to hoist quick, ami in a tew miuutts tin Cftg inie to the surface. The watch ers crowded close to the shaft and saw four riniy miners tenderly lift and carry mto tiie engine bouse a plain pine Coffin. The news spread lite- wit lfire, and in a short time the shaft was sur rounded by fully a thousand people. The new, was passed that on of the bodies had been found. A L'aited Press reporter gained entrance to woere tbe body lay Ttie remains were crushed beyond all recognition and it was impossible to discover who tb victim was. He had been batted under a mass of rock that crushed the life out of him instantly and at t'ue same time oblit erated all semblance of human shape. The eicitemsut at this hour is in tense. No one know at what mo ment the otnsr bodi-s may be found and crowds of people or oil the watca for further developments. Tbe body found was identified at 1 o'clock this tnorninir as being the re main ot Peter F McLonghlin. Up to 3 o'clock this morning no more bodies have been recovered. 3 am. A message received by tele phone frcm Plymouth states that there are evidences that t!:e man whose body was first recovered died of star ration and that he was not crushed, a stated in tb dispatches Rumors are also current about Ply iiioath to the effect tuat nil of tbe bod ies have been recovered. McLRUblin was a married man and leaves a wif and several children. B.'PTiZ-.O IN THE STREAM. Sixtv-Four Psrion, Imna.ried, the Fruit of a Negro Rev.vadsi' Work. BramBfULO, III , March 12 Three thousand people gathered u:on tne batiks of .Spring Creek, about three mi'.es west of the city. ystHy after noon, to witness the nnnsn il spectacle of an open-air baptism of sixty-four persons in the month of March. The sermon was the sequel to a re vival ssrvici under the leadership of Rv Jstnes Thomas, of (Quinsy, at the Union baptist church, a colored organ ization. The candidate an 1 member of the chnrch were tsken to the scene in a special train of six coaches. . - MURDERER TURNfD PASTOR. An Alabama tl v -m. '. for Ravins Killed a F-llow Prisoner. BmOMIHAX, Ala., Msrch 12 -Hnck Hunt, ai las Hev. W. H. Thompson, who ha been pastor of a church at Esst H.rmintthrm for three years, was arrested yesti d iy just ss he concluded bis sermon, and lies in jail bete. Hnnt. five years ago, was convicted in Mississippi of the murder of another prisoner and ssnt to the peniteatiary for life. Shortly aftr Hunt began the service of his sentence at. Jackson he escaped. A year afterward h turned np here and led several revival tnet intcs in subnrban to amis, calling hiutself Rev. W. EL Thompson. YOUNGSTOWN STRIKE OVER Ths Men Will Go to Work Today at th. Old Rat.. Yoi'.NUSTOWN, O., March 19 -A t tltmeut was readied this afternoon in the street car strike. The men agree to go to work tomor row morning at tiie old rate of wages, and will hold another conference soon to decide whether or not to accept a 10 per cent, cut or less. ii i in All EN TOWN IS VERT CROUD. The Only 1111k, Kelly Will Manage H.r Base Ball Club. Al.l.liNTow.M, March 12 That Mike Kelly will be manager of the Allen town club of the Pennsylvania State league was assured todev. The terms under which he was so oured ate that he is to become practi cally the Hole owner of the team. Ho is expected to play with the team every day nod act ns captain. 1 -1 . AN ELECTRICIAN KILLED. Arthur L Reese Played With Lirhtning One Tim Too Many. Baltimore, March 12 Arthur L. Reese, chief electrician of the Mary land Steel company, was electrocuted this afternoon. Kease was to have de livered a lecture on electricity before theEpWOrtfa Leigut MthOtilt Episco pal church at Sparrows Point this even ing and was preparing his apparatus wiieu the accident occurred. Ho Wal assisted in Connecting; up an electric light by Albert Bgeberg. Rerso lustruots I Bgeberg to tern on the current; he saw i tilth, and hurrv- Ing acrosi the church found Reessly- lllg dead ou the ll or Ills hands wore, slightly burned, otherwlSS there wore no marks on the bo ly. SIVEN TllvUS fvURRICO J hn T Hllr Urouirht to Account for Reoklttalf Wtddlaa mu. Washburn. CHICAGO, March 19 John T. Hilar, the man who recently made a ItnSS lion at Bloomlngtoo by marrying Mis Washburn of that city half an hour after their first meeting, has been run to cover. Deputy Sheriff Sloonm, of Blooming ton, arrested him In this citv yaster day, and Mis Hilar fainted when the warrants were read. The complainant u Mrs. WMhbum, Mrs Hilrr's mother, who accuses him of bigamy and perjury. It is said that Hiler has been seven times married, but he claims that the BloomingtOO nirl tshis only wife. STRIKING SILK WEAVERS. The Police Are Kept Busy at Pater son Looking After the Riot ous Workingmen. PATEBSON, X. J . March 12. Toe po lice force of this oily was kept busy to day prevsnting riotous disturbances at the various silk mill, dve boasts and at th two larrre rta.w (pinning mills of the Barbour Bros. The most s. -lions disturbance took plao- at the Weld mann ilk Dveiug works at Riverside, About ou half of th dyers' helpers weut on strike In the morning for an ad vanoe ia thir wages of ifi) pr wsk, which w.i granted, but the firm re fuaed to recognize It Union. The helpers dci led not to return to work unless their organization was reeogniltd At noon tne strikers a smb'.el iu front of the works, and when those employed cam) out a man nam d Carl Surite took a he ivy le 1 -ther belt, with a lare iron buckle ou it. from his waist, aud beat all those who emerged from the shop, blacken ing the eye of one man aud breaking the jaw of unothr He was assisted by two brothers namsd Shilling. The police were called and they put sn end to the riotous proceedings. S.rke escaifd and has not yet been captured. Miss Annie McOill. 17 years of age. was arrest 1 this afternoou for throwing mud st tne opsratives iu the tlax spinning mill. A bookkeeper in Medings Silk mill who took tne place of a weaver was brutally assaulted by a srowdof men wtile ou his way homo thia evening. A delegation of th striking ribbon weavers visited Mayor Br tun an 1 th police cjmmissiooer's tody aud re quested that tb police oe kept from tne mills, claiming that toe presencs of the blua coats w?r the cmse of riot. - THE SAFE CON r A 1 ,1 E 0 GOLD. And a Lwuit Wul Pr obsbly Grow Out of Iu Sale. Au.kntow.v, Pa.. March 12 The personal estate of Silas (.' imp. a rich old bachelor who died som time ago. was sold today at public auction, anl among the arttcU-s knocked down to bidders was an old safe which wnt for $:i 50 to Mattern & Seagraves, plumbers. Before the ssfe wa, re moved by its nw owners a boy suc ceeded in opening it and in on of the drawers was gSOO in gold, 'I he heirs of Camp claimed and lm mediately took poHeaalon of tbe money. Mntt-rn & Soagrave, ob jected to thum t.iking the money and claimed that as they had purchased the safe its contents was thsirs. They say they will bring suit for the gold. HENRY'S SECOND VICTIM. Anoth,r P-rson D'i f.-om Eff o'. of th Bomb Explosion. pARW.March 19.- -Krnst Hordes died in a city hospital this evening. The physicians say that hi, doefh was duo directly to injnries rC''ived in the cafe of the Hotel Terminus on the evening of Feb 12. whn Emit Henry threw a bomb among the guests. As this is th) second death which was cau,"d hy tbe Hotel T-rininiis ex plosion the charge of mttrdeT is likoly to he establishnd asrainst Hsnry with out great difficulty. The chamb'r of deputies voted today on a bill forbidding the publication of repOTtf of anarchist triali. ! TELEORAPHir: SPARKS. Mrs. Benjanlo Parley Poore, widtiw of the noted cone pondont( l! dying at waab Ington. On a search for 18,000,000 in pirnt treas are, Henry ii stone, ni Minneapolis, will go to thi West Indies. Ai nn export In Oattll di-'S'es, Pfofet' torBobarteoB, Ottawa, Ont,, Myi ta ben ulosls csimot bl cured. on the lllth ballot, Republicans of th First T'iitwseo district nouiinated W. ( Anderioti for COOgn sman. Itefore h ii iunneiiMi audlimce, Monsignor Fatolli blessed Lhe station, of fliu cross in St. pter s church, PoDgbkeepata, Leaving behind 11 dofldtof 110,000 In trust fundi. Postmaster William (I mid, of stony iirook, L I . baa disappeared, I'm tlripants in tlin Winfltld, L. I., Pas sion Piny, were allowed to jj:i unpunished on pi onuses not to repeat t h - perfoi insure. stores of sanatoria! ipeeolai Ion in mgar are discredited hy Senator ObandlfT, who says he warned OOlleagaot not 10 get oangbt, A tmw guild hall, POttlng 110,030, will be Riven by Henator Vilas to I trace Bpb) copal uhurch, of Madison, wis., in memory of his yonng dangttter. To avoid taking prf in COlloM exercises, J. A. Oistlgan, b student at I'nion I'm Versify. Ia., sandbsg'q) luniKeli'.aDil when forced Into confession, II - I the town. William Dillon, a brother of John Dillon, Home liulu leader iu tiie British Parlia ment, has become editor of The New World, the official paper of tbe Catholic Diocese of Chicago. Franc Willette, who M a two-year-old babe was washed ashore on a pi. ink at Mouitowock, Wis., H7 year, ago, from the wreck of the eteainer Nlairara, has just learned that he was from Winooski. Vt, and that bis parents and 1 brothora woro lost with the vessel. h Ml T THAT CDUMTON ill m n IF I DYNAMITE FID IS HERE Arrest of a Stnoge Mtu drrjlng Bombs In Nei York. INSPECTOR CONLIN'S OPINION A Man Arretted at Harlem Carried Enough Dynamite to Hlow Up Block ot Houses -The Individual Making For a Locality Occu pied by Wealthy People He Claimed the Package Was Given to Him by a Farmer, NEW Yokk, March 19 dllN KELLY, the man arrested iu Harlem last night having in n liis possession a package of dvua L ' mite, was arraign,. I iu the ilsr- lum police court today. Hit - .1 I that at about 10 o'clock last night h was coming out of a rigar store ou Qrand ftrfet, when he was approached by a strange man, carrying u parcel. The man said he was sick an I had a pain iu his back, aud ho offered Kelly $1 50 if he would help him carry the t'liudle as far a the Harlem bridge. Kelly tayi he had 11 it the slightest idea what it contained. The man said h was a tanner living iu West 0 bet ter, Justice Simula remanded the prisoner in $5,000 bail for examination to-morrow morning, A MARVEL Or DEADLY UTILITY. Inspector Conlin.ln u interview this afternoon, said. "1 never saw bombs of such complete aud deadly make in tuy experience, they would send a chill through you to look at them. There is enough dynamite in otie of them to blow down a block of house." That Superintendent Hyrous regards the arrest of Kelly ail important one, ll evident from his reticence when questioned about the capture. Ho would say nothing beyond chat he was making an investigation. There is no more fashionable section uptown thai the one whore the man was opturd. There are rows of tall apartment nouses, ooeopied by wealthy citizens, aud iu the ituuieJintu vicinity millions of dollars are invested iu building!. STABBEO HIS SWEETHEART. Casper Hend'r Pluna aKalfeinto Mi R.uel's Brast. PtTTSBUBO, Pa.. March 19 At 11 4o o'ciock today Casper Hender, aged iii. fatally stabbed Miss Amy Kengt, aged 91, at her home near Spring Garden, just outside of Allegheny City limits. . he young is sai l, was in a l-dicate condition and attempted to compel Hender, who had been her lover, to in.irry her. This he rfned to do. During the quarrel which ensu-d Hender drew a cialp knife from his pocket aud plunged : he blade into the young lady's breast :.ear her heart. Hender than rail to the police station aud asked to be loikedup, stating that h feared he woul d be lynched. Miss Rongt is at thu point of death. 0 BILLY EDWmROS DEAD. Expire, from Erf.c of Injarle, R, oelv.d In a Runaway. HOT BPBINOe, Ark, March 12. Hilly Elwards, retired pugilist and known throughout the United States, died at bit rooms in the Howard block this morning as a result of injuries sus tained by being thrown from n buggy In runaway yesterday. He asked that he be buried in Green wood cemetery, Brooklyn, by the si le of his old time friend, Marl; Wall ace, a famont aporting man, who die 1 h'ire a year ago. Kl wards has no relatives bare and hit letter! among his effects innku no disclosure. . THE NEW STAR TO TWINKLE. Rcckland, M. , 19 to Have a First Glass Mr.ruitiir Parnr. ROCKLAND, Me,, March l'J The Star PnblUning company has been incor porated forth publication of a daily morning paper in this city The editor iti chief will be W. R Karrington. Tbe lirst number of the paper will bfl i?sii"d on about April 1 Tbe Stat will be the ouly morning paper published within a radius of sixiy miles, and the only daily paper tmong a population of HI. mil) The Star will receive the full nig at report of the Net! England Associated Press. TAILORS ARE DETER MINED. Th.y Will Submit to No Reduction la Was,. New Yoiik, March 19. A. committee of Journeymen called upon the tltrob ant Tailors' soHaty today and presented their ultimatum that they would not submit to a 1 "i per cent, re Paction in wages. There are 1.200 custom tailors In volved. It is very probable, however, that n coinpromlsa may he If acted. NAVIGATION ON THE LAKE. Th' Enrlloat Opnir: of th Sea.on Kadn Pu.slbi bv Wind. OfttOAOO, III., March 13 fitk niiv ((ration opened today. Tflil it tin curliest opening on record it waft madt possible by a hnavv wind elorm Which lollownd a Ionic period of mild weather and drove the ice out of the straits of MtOklnaW, - - WENT WORTH' S SUICIDE. Hvatailou, bitter Hi Altorn.y Shearsr Hands ''w" . th. Coroner. RlAnTMQ, Pa., March 19 -- Coroner K lutner tnis evening continued th tdjonrned Inqnttt in the case of went worth Grover, the ObiOtgO man who died here from what U supposed to have been the eff ct of poison self ailmiuistered. Attorney Shearer, counsel for Gro ver. again refused to produce the Inttur in his possession written by Grover be tore his death and supposed to give the man's reasons for killing himself. Mr. Shearer offered the following abetraot of the letter, but the coroner refused to ICCept it and demanded the letter iu fall. The abstract offered reedi "I hart resolved to make this my last night 011 earth. II iv" mo hurled at I am found Do not notify or send for any one." The district attorney says he will go into eonrt and get an order compelling Mr Shearer to prodnot tim letter. " - . BIG WAR OVIR SAUERKRAUT. Th Dallcauv Plated Within R.auh of PotUtnwn Eplcuran. POTTSTOWN, Pa, March 13 The price of Bar Kraut il an i'sue in this town that eolipitl the Wi lion tarilf hill, Hawaiian question and all other national and foreign matters. There ii a lanrkraot war ou, and the people of the borongh are faring sumptuous ly ou kraut three Hums a dar. Two storekeepers at WnsliiiiiUou an I Wul nut streets M. K Miller aud ll. M. Hubtr re rival in the innrlcraut trade. Barly in the week, Grocer Mil ler cut the price to live cent a quart. This started a 1 1111 ou his store. The following day (inner Hiiber. soros, lhe street, put out the tiin ''S iiirkrailt reduced to four Otnt " The tide of trallic wiih at once turned from Miller's to Huber's store. The next day the form-r retaliated by marking down sail rk rant to three otits, hut his sign hadn't dried before Huber hud a rival placard out announcing a cut in prices to two cents a quart Purohattri in long rows sought the couutori of thete rival stores, but be fore buying would mekl sure that the, mail across the way had not made 1 red UOtiOQ since they had last read bis sign The whole town, at this stage of the merchants' war, became arOUted, and the odor of cooking kr out lingered around almost every tircehle. But the end wil not yet Miller marked bis kraut at l OtUtl, !Od Huber put his tit 1 cent, 'i bis occasioned a fresh cru sade upon his store, but Miller stopped the tl od by offering sour kraut free to any one who made any other purchase at his store. (Jiror IIJU quarts have b-en sold iu a day or two, aud today trade was so brisk that clerks were in kraut barrels up to their elbows all day. SENATORS LIKE SUGAR. Newspaper Allegations That Certain Members Invested in Stocks Are to Bo Investigated, WASHINGTON, March 13 The debate on the Bland seigniornge bill occupied the senate today titer the usual morning bmioon. Senator Vilai,(Dtm., Wis.,) spoke for noaily two hours against it, iu oontinuatiun of his argu ment of lust Friday. Senator Allison Uiep., Ia ). argued upon the necessity ot so amending U as : to preclude the possinility of having the o-i.uo i.UUU or silver dollars supple mental by an equsl amount of silver certificates. Senator Wolcott (Rip., Col.), favored the passig" of the bill as one aiil to the country out of its pres ent depressing linancia! eondltion. Tne new senator from Louisiana, Mr Blanchard, was sworn in, and Mr. Peffer'l resolution for an investigation of the newspaper allegations that sen ators had been profiting by speculations iu sugar securities waa laid on the ta ble. Tht senate at 5,80 adjourned. This beinir District day the time of the hoUtt was taken up with bills of interest only to the District of Coluin bin. No other business wis transacted and at oo'clock the bonis adjourned LEWIS NAM I O FOR JUDGE. R-sult of tho Wyoming County Nomln atlm Convention. SfecitU tt the Srrttnton Trihnne. TtTNKHANNOCK, Pa., March 12 At Repnblioan county nominating conven tion held hen today I! V. Lwis wa, named forjudge and Myron n. Wright for congress, both bv acclamation. Mr. L wis is a well known and popd lar lawyer lie was born near ("amp town, Bradford county, but has prac ticed at the Wyoming bar for many rears. - ANOTHER STRIKE IS OFF. MtiUldsrn fur th Fnn Hnr.lware Com pany Aootpl a R'dnutl on. RtADlNQ, Pa., March 19 Tne strike of tht monldire at the Peno Hardware company, which btgan last August. was declared olT Th" men struck tgeinit a ndnotlon of 10 and 15 p"r cent., according to the grant of goods, and refused a compromise offer of a gnieral reduction of B per cent. Tbii offer, that was refuted, wt to day accepted by thn tnoldors. i. SUNDRY STATE NEWS NOTES. Misi Mary l ine" is in lhe Inw'u clutch at pittnimrit foropenlng htr lovoi'itettera The Hovino association of Schuylkill county will hold a fait at Orwigtburg lii May. Jn itemized loll hows tie, t,,t,i c, ,,r Onester ooonty'i new court home to be 109,010, Kerned Willi sudibui illiuws. young Mel choir Morn Tell into a creek at I'.astou and drowned, Kdd.irS. W Itoyd anil .1. II. )rr have lied ii h. ml Imttle on th streets at Wllktsbtrre A survivor of the .leausville diater. ktniwn a, "Hitf Jot," hi! Ittod the company ror J.i,n:io dnniHgn, A charter was yesterday granted to the heading and Wiininlsdorf Irolley torn pany, capital 180,000. ll is thought the n ii tn school teachers in ritt'ilnirg will dlKOard yarb if nlliiweu to letalli their positions. The Uravily club, at Kesding, was raided by police on the suspicion that si nli Inckeii, found their way there. Pension tertlScatei have been issued h follows) I'euusvlVHiiiH. . u : 1 1 . I dacoh lloppeii, Sliii kslilnny, laizenie. I issue Rnitell Carpenter, Oarbondali, Laeka wanna. The pretidtnt has soul to the souato the following nomlnationti Pottroattert, PtnntyHfanla Ubarlta M. Lee, Tnokhan- nock; Alvln K Lindtrman, Troy; Nettie b. Johnson, Athens. The enpcrlutondent of public instriifllloti is daily iu reedptof complaints about the teaching of physiology Iu the public schools The latest Is rrom lurd Iu-IIhuiI Lancaster county, where a teacher recoin mends compulsory educatiou us a remedy JUDGE BRADLEY VERY UNKIND He Excludes Curious Women Iroin the Pol lard BrecklDridgj IriiL MR. SHELBY SLAPS BR. JOHNSON Tho Racy Breach ol Promise Case: Continued with Renewed Vip.or Miss Pollard Shells Tears A Num ber ol Women Aro tjected by Order o( the Court Mr. Shidby's Attack on Attorney Johnson Nearly Arouses a l-ree Fight, Washington. March is prABPRGSHBO bytwooav of cou )) inltatiou aud planning, tbe Pol rn hud Bruoklnridgt legal forcea J U bristled with law books ami por teotiom looking doonmtnti this morn ing as they arrayed themselves along the two rows of do-ks iu the criminal court room. Jnrori, too, wore rmiling with just provocation, lor directly terOM the court room mid facing them sat a groiin of fashionable young women backed by u row of solemn ma trons all uui led by that fountain ot curiosity which springs eternal lu th female tirea-t. Expectation fsirly beamed from be neath their bonnets. Five minutes alter the appointed hour for court con vening Miss l'ollard entered demure and with downtatt eves, wrapped iu her long black clonk, with the congress man lefendnnt and btiiatcbalof doc indents following so clos ly after that the two teemed to have come together Judge Bradley leaned in handsome head hack iu his pad led leather chair, the roll of jurors was called and was no sooner finished than the judge re marked: "Air. Marshal, 1 wish yon would request these ladles to vacate the seats uuless they are witnesses in the case, " Thereupon Mr. Marshal Wilson's portly form loomed up before the women, waving them out. Thy wont with clouds of disappointment over their faces and moh an angry tiabblliiK of protest that the judge was obliged to rap sharply for order A PHYSICIAN'S TESTIMONY. Dr. Tabor. Johnson, n prominent physician of Washington, took the rtaud at the afternoon session and said he knew Miss Pollard through at tending her professionally on Mav 24. 1SW3. The witness was nfikel if on the occasion of his visit to Miss PoLard he had seen letters and telerau, at her house. Dr. Johnson said he had looked over them at the request of Miss Pol lard. The witnejl identified the signa tures and handwriting of the letters as tho.-:o of Colon! Breckinridge. Mr. Carlisle read the letters in the order of their date. There wore three of tin 111, none of which were particu larly affeottonate and they were direc tions to Mis l'ollard to Obtain the ser vices of a competent physiciau. A middlentgod woman who gave Miss l'ollard a bright smile as she took the stand gave h.r nam as M in Parsons, a physician ol Washington, and said she attended Miss Pollard pro fessionally iu the winter of 1SH al a convent and again ou BtOOnd .treet. THli USOAL FLOW OF SALTY TEAItS. Here Miss l'ollard broke down and her sobbing became so violent that the proceedings were stopped. Miss l'ol lard was led out of court. Dr. Parsons said he called on Colonel Breckiniidge at the nqnett of Miss Pollard aud presented htm a bill tor professional services. Colonel Breck inridge snnt tho witness the amount of tii bill. Under crois examination Dr. Parsons sal I Miss l'ollard had tol I him that Colonel Breckinridge was her guardian and ths witness bad gone to him in that o,p ci!y. Ai th close of Dr. Paraons examin ation a prolonged controversy arose about Hit 111 1 tt 1 n'lilivits It tran spired during ih dticnition that 100 witnesses bad been examined in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia William Q Johnson, who is sssitiug Mr. Calderon Carlisle for tho plaintiff, in opposing the motlo0 contended ihat the defense was cuilty of chicanery, effrontery and Insolence in endeavoring to keep the depositions out of court. Win n Mr Johnson made tbereinark ahontohl oanery there wai a murmur from Col mod Breekeorldgi and his conniel. Shortly afterwards when the court was declared sdjourutd, Mr. Bnotby, Colonel Brecklnrldne, Colonel Phil Thorn oton, .Major Btnjamin Buiter worth, Charln 11 Btoll, W A. Mc Kenny o 1 Desha Breckinridge went out in a bodv At the door of the lobby outside the oottrl loom Mr Calderon Carlisle and Mr. Johnson were slopped hy Mr. Shelby who had waited there for them SMALtPoX .'.T DANVILLE. The Churcheaaud h. ...,..! Ar Cloaad by 1 In Leoal I: .... 1 of Haaltb. t-hrtHit Iota npraafow 7VI5ua, DaNVILUC, Pa., March 19. The pre vailing eontagionsdiseaees of nmaiipox, chicken pox and ineailes have assumtd a molt serioui aspect here. Thlrteoi new case have beu a ided to the al ready long list of those previously re ported. Tho local board of health at the install'- of the slate hoard have caused to be eloeed thu schools, th Thomas Beaver free library, the Young Men's Christian association and the churches aud yesterday, for th first time iu many yKrs, no servic.s were held in any of Him UbUrCbet here. Tho utmost caution, however, is ta km that tht smallpox may not spread, and nineteen infected houses are. in a compltte statu of quarantine; bing guarded night and day so that no one may enter or leave except the doctors I he looal hoard of health iu the uame and the authority of the state issued a Urge proclamation this morning com ptlllng, among other things, that every person be Vaccinated who lias not been Within five years; and that no public gatherings whatever shall he held. The regular term of conrt was to hav b'-eu held next Monday, but Judge ikxler hits already made an order continuing it until such timo as it may safely be held. Company F, National Qusrd of Pennsylvania, was to be inspected tonight, but the board of health has stopped that also. The Thomas Bavr Free library is oulte a serious luser the Ii liniriK-i Imviiii nr. iters to burn nil outstanding bwki at I hey are brought in. mk IttaXBi BEOOIIU nu t. nn ham' "Mr. Johnson," said Mr Shelby, ooniMor your rtmarki ( be intufttog, and 1 demand satisfaction. " Thou Mr, Shclhv slapped Xir. Johnson's face. Mr. Johnson nivle a movement to strike his BMallant, but Mr. Carlisle placed his body between the two Just then Colonel Breekinridge rushed in witii In arms extended "Keep yoUt hands olf me, sir," cried Mr Carlisle, expecting nil attack, 'you'll siilT-r for it." "1 Intended only to separate them." said Colonel Urcrlt inridge, excitedly, Mr. Carlisle had raised his hands to avert any hostile intention oT Colonel Breckinridge's, and as he did so som. -bodv struck him iu the back of the head. A conplo of bailiffs were hurrying oft through the crowd with Desha Breckinridge. Colonel Breckinridge's son, and Captain Leonard, the deputy marshal of tho District, told Mr. Car lisl that he was the one who made the at tuck Mr. Shelby and his brother counsel hurried out of the court house, while Colonel Breckinridge remained to make an explanation to Judge Bradley, who had heard of the row and had come back. Mr. Carlisle. Mr. Johnson and others also told the judge ot the affair, and h" promised to settle it iu the morning. FINLEY'S Lace Curtains call attention to our largo spring .siock, comprising Brussels, Irish Point and Not tingham Laces. ALSO Plain and Dotted Swiss and Tambour GooJs SHOT DOWN IN COLD BLOOD. I W0 GREAT SPECIALS IN The Butchery of Two Young Men Necessary to Preserve the Glori ous Republic of San Domingo. PANAMA, March 18. Tbs Star and Herald of March 2 sy A story from ban Domingo coming from good au thority say that the two sons of ex- Prwhiditlit P. 11.7. Iiuil lieen ch..! l.v nrder oi i reeiueiu nuureaux. According 10 the story the elder son had previously O'eu eoritenced to imprii mutant for life for plotting to overthrow tho ex isting government, and when tbe younger was also discovered to be iin plicated, Iieurcaux determined that both should die. Soon after the younger's arrest the president sent word to ;tb Baz family that the two brothers had need of two broadcloth snits. This was on Febru ary 2 The clothes were tent and the next inoruiug th youths were told to put tne black suit on. When they had compiled the? were told that the tree Join of the jail yard was given them. In the yard waa a tquad of sol diers, whoso bullet speedily put au end to their livrt. This, it is said, makes twelve martial executions in the Dominican Republic iu sixty dsjrs. Among tht twelve was that of Francis Pidtado, an alleged dynamiter, brother of the Spanish con sul to San D mingo. The consul him sell was ejected from the itland with out recourse to any of the diplomatic formalities. - MADMAN'S TtRRIBLE DEED. Thomas Elnrngan, a Lunatic, Firclr Attacki Hli AkacI Parent. LaTROBK, Pa., March 12 Thomas Kinnsgan, a demented man living near lore with his aged parents, became vi olently insane today and attacked his mother and crushed her skull with nn iroo bar. He then kioked her, and kicked and beat his father in a savage way. Leaving the house he went to a neighbor'! and oommenotd to demo lish the furniture A crowd of men attracted, by the tutu ilt entered the house and at t mpted to overpower the man. an. H fought desperately, and not until b was shot in the face and a dl I mi men rushed In upon linn was Rtiineiran over come Mis parents may die from the the effects of the assault the mau made upon them . . - THE CORNELL OUTRAGE. Mr JscUsnn'i Dssth Laid Befor the Omiol Jury at I hnca. Ithaca, NY, March IS. The grand jury met this morning at the conrt house, and after organising, adjourned until 2 o'clock this afternoon. Ditlrlot Attorney JnuiuS statrd that the court would charge the jury this afternoon in the cue of Mrs. Jack son, the colored woman who died from Hie , (Tecls of chlorine gas prepared for tie purpose of stopping t lie recent din ner of tne freshman class of Cornell university. ROLL OF NOTABLE DEATHS. Ex-Ley Judge Thomas Koeac, once an extensive builder, at Media, l'a. .lames Theobald, Conservative member of the English parliament, who war. fatally Injure. I iu hoarding a railway tram. lr WilliatU Humble Young, a grutuale of the university ,,f Peunsyleenia and Lafayette oolltge, at Uouth Bat ton, Pa. Major William Nevnn. the veteran tnill- t,M bandmatttr, whose bsmi led Bher man's troops to the sen, at Chicago, III , aged lil. At ChlOSgO, Hev Charles Haohju, tgtd, who has served in the war as chaplain of tht One Hundred and Fortieth e York regiment. . WASHINGTON NOTES. A New York Srtill made a design of an eagle 0 a suitable Hgiiiehead for the war ship Texat, and Ohergod the navy depart ment 11.800 for it, but the bill has not yet hern paid. Banstors again threaten to refust to add necessary appropriation! to house bills, which have been purposely left olt iu the hope of making s reputation for economy its against the senate. Four bills, carrying an aggregate sum of Sl'.U, 010,1100, linvi) been reported to the house I he District nf Columbia, the sun dry civil, tho ferlilliations and the pen -sum appropriations hill and of those two tin vo passed . WEATHER FORECAST. I CLEAR) rVAIHIKOTOH, March Yi. Fore east or iSisiaagi Jor tatttre 1 ftmwpivaiieB, gseeraifa ir, slightly swrmer, tertaMt iMadt, Fiiiwestfin I WinsjIiunid, ytucrallu fair, tlfghfig wannor, aoutU winds. Irish Point Lace it j dt long at $2.08 an I !3. 90 a pair. I he Greatest Drive Ever Shown. The quantity ii limited aiui canuot be duplicated. 510 and 512 Lackawanna kit THE GUTTl PERCHA & RUBBER M'Ffi Cl'S FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE, CHAS A. BCHIEREN ft CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC Aud Oak-tanned Leather Belling, H. A. Kingsbury AO EXT Si 3 Sprure St., ScrantoiL Pa, Lewis, Reillf & Davies Reliable Footwear. S. III Feet of every dctcription fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Daviesi. Will olott every evening at I.M P.M. except Satuiilay. We Examine Ejes Fivt of charge. If a doctor i needed you axe promptly told' bo. We also guarantee a per- foot lit. WATCHES AT COST for one week only. 1. J. WEICHBL, ARCADE dT.Vi ELER, 215 WYOMING AVL