The Junior Order Amercin Mechanics and
Other Societies Unite.
Is the Title of the New Organization.
The New Click Favors Protection
Tariff and a Prohibition Immigra
tion Law for Twenty-five Years
Demands National Control of Rail
roads, and Fiat Money Is Opposed
to Government Coinage
PtTTODima, Pa., Juno 8
THE Junior Order (Jaitd Ameri
can Mechanics ami other nitni
lur org.miz itious of Allegheny
ccunty, have taken a long con
templated step, that of forming a new
political party.
Last Digbt ubont 150 delegates mot.
They represented tin Junior Order
United American Mechanics 1 a ritic
hams of America, Loyal Orange ioaguv,
Boni or St. George and Daughters of
Llherty. An executive committee of
ten was appointed and another secret
meeting will be held next Monday eve
ning. At last nieht's meeting n platform
coniaiuing sixteen planks was pre
pared and will he placed before the
otlier lodges of tliH state for a loptiou.
A convention will noon be called to
nominute county and state tickets.
The organization is namd "The Pro
gressive American Party." No attack
is made on the Catholic church what
ever, but the Btand is taken that the
present school system shall not be in
ti rfered with by any ono.
Protective tariff is favored, and a
prohibitive immigration law demanded
lor a p-rioil of twenty-five yoars. Fiat
money and evn issue of curroncy by
national banks it oppose I to the end
that tha United States government
alone t hall nave the sole power to issue
nil coin and paper money National
control of railroads is demanded and
the recommendatiou made that all
union veteran! lujnrad In the war shall
receive pension of at least $S per
The combined patriotic orders claim
a nil mbership of 150,000 in Allegheny
county and 300,000 in th' state, nud
propose to inaugurate: a vigorous cam
paign Talk of candidates for gover
nor is being indulged in and friends of
W. T. Kerr.state councillor, Junior Or
der United American Michanies, have
mentioned his name for the place.
Should the plans of projectors of the
new par'y, secret as yet, mnteraliz",
several inroad on the vote of the old
p irties will be made.
Ten Paragraph! of the Tariff Aricultu
ral Fchfdule Difpis.d Of.
Washington, June 8. About ten
paragraphs in the agricultural sched
ule of the tariff bill were disposed of
today after a largo amount of talk,
mostly of a personal and political char
acter. The day's work stopped at the
buy paragraph. Before the bill was
taken up tho Hoar resolution as to dis
continuing the government's cloim
upon the Stanford estate in California,
was, after a brief discusoion, laid on
the table.
Consideration of the Indian appro
priation bill was renewed in the house
today with one particularly interesting
feature, Mr. Weadock (Dem., Mich.)
replied to the urraignment of the In
dian burean made yesterday by bis
colleague, Mr. Linton, and Mr. Aid
rich (Rep., 111.) supported the provision
of the bill for removing the Indian
warehouse from New York to Chicairo.
Messrs, Brosius nnd W anger (Rep's. ,
Penna.), protested against the enforce
ment of economy to the extent of crip
pling the educational arm of the Indian
policy. The house agreed to tholconfer
ence report upon the Pennsylvania
ami New Jersey bridge over the Dela
ware between Philadelphia and : 'mi
George MadUon Killod by a Jersey Cen
tral Train Nar Pltteton.
Special to the Seratiton Trihuni.
Pittston, June 8 (ieorge Madison,
an Italian aged 23 years, was rnn down
and instantly killod by the Jersey Cen
tral mail train this afternoon due here
at 4 p. m. Ho was walking along the
trucks at a point this side of where the
Delaware and Hudson tracks cross the
Valley road near Smithville, when a
north bound train hovo in sight.
Madison, in order to avoid it,steppad
to the south bound track. He did not
observe the train coining in tho op
posite directiou, for he no sooner had
gotten fairly on the track than the
train strnck him. Tins train was run
ning fifty miles an hour and tossed
bim several feet high in the air.
The train was slopped ond the train
hands went back to where tho postrate
dead body luy. The body was placed
aboard tho train and brought to this
place, where it was taken In charge bv
Undertakers Bums & O'Neil.
On Madison's person was found a
silver watch, which baditopped at 3 40
The dead man formerly resided in
Peckville and recently came here to
Modesty of Nowepap'r Men Blocks
Sugar Investigation.
Washington, D. C, June 8. The
certification by Vioa-PreBident Steven
eon to the district attorney as to tbe
refusal of the two newspaper men,
Sbriver and Edwards, to testify to cer
tain questions before the senate in
vestigation committee was given to the
grand jury today.
Senator Allen, of Nebraska, was the
only witness culled. At the conclusion
of bis testimony adjournment was
taken until Monday. It is not proba
ble that an indictment will be made
ont before tbe end of next week.
In fact, well informed officials under
their breath, express doubt whether
any indictment will ever bo found and
go further and hint that none was over
intend .1 to be found.
Three Favorite and a Well Played
Flld Vctorioua
Philadelphia, Jna" 8. Throe favor
ites and a well played field against the
favorite won today at Bulmont.
In the unfinished raeo from
yesterday Brother Jim won in two
heats. There were sixteen starters
in tho 8,24 race and J, M. D. took the
rnce in five heats. In tho 2. 27 pacing
race Pattie D. C M. surprised the
spectators by taking three straight
heats In remarkably fast time. In this
rare the field was the favorite against
Tyrannn, who was never in the race.
Tho 2. 10 raco was won easily by Ain
tmy. Summaries;
Fil st Race 2.21) trotting class; parse,
IfiOO) unfinished from Thursday. Brother
Jim by Intrigue, tir-t: Kate by Wood
bridge, jr., second. Tinio, 2.21 jf,
Second Race 2 24 trotting cla-s; purse,
1800, J. M, D. by Fayette Wilkes, first;
Frank S. by Mudrbn, second. Time, 2.2;i'4.
Third Race 2.27 pacing class; parse,
WOO. Pattie D. ('. to. by Ultimus, iirst;
Ni.tion, Second Time, i!
Fourth Race 2.19 trotting class; purse,
f5()ll. Ami) y by Heptagon, first: St. Elmo,
second. Time, 2.15'i.
The Business and Financial Situation
According to R. G. Dun &
Co.'s Report.
New Youk, June 8 R. G. Don &
Co's weekly review of trado tomor
row will say; Tho outlook for busi
ness seems a little better on the whole,
though the improvement is not great.
Moreover, it is impossible to dialing
nieh between mere replacement of or
ders c mcelled for want of fuel or otlier
causes and the now business for which
works are anxiously looking. That
cancellations have been heavy is car
tain, and it is not entirely clear that
orders of equal magnitude have gone
to other works that are able to fill
It is somewhat encouraging that tiie
decreaso in payments through clearing
houses has been 21 per cant, for the
first week of June, 27 at now York and
ouly 19 elsowuere. The decreaso in
comparison with 1892 is about 30 per
cent. Railroad tonnage is larger than
a year ago in live stock and modnrate
in cereals, but considerably sinal
ler in coal aud iron pro
ducts and in other manufact
ured goods west-bound. Earnings of
railways indicale that competition for
the scanty traffic results in low rates.
Those returns scarcely w.rrant ad
vance in stocks, but the trnst stooks
have risen $1.25 per $100 and railroad
stooks 53 cents. Railway ro-orginiz-Hone
make slow progress but never
theless off jr hopes to holders of seeur
ities. It is also reasoned that an enor
mous traffic, which the prolonged
strike has interrupted, will onsy the
railroads when the interruption ceases.
With only 2.937 coko ovens working
and 14. 5SG idle, with the Cambria dis
charging half its force, and seveu out
"t nine of the Crnegio furnaces at
Bessemer out of blast, tiie production
and manufacture of iron and steel are
smaller than at any other time for
years. While it is believed tnat de
ferred work will cause heavy produc
tion after the strike terminates, the de
mand for products is at present much
below general expectations even at the
Exports of gold have continued,
$6,150,000 having gone this week and
the treasury gold roservo is now re
duced to $70,000,000. The bunks here
continue to recsive from the interior
about ns much money as they loo.'o by
gold exports, though tbe crop moving
season is close at hand. Customs re
ceipts are again 30 per cent, less than n
year ago and internal revenue 23 per
cent, less for tho week. Exports of do
mestic produce have been exceeding
last year's a little. The returns of
failures are still encouraging, 216 in
the United States for the week, against
322 last year and 30 in Canada, against
27 last year.
Hawaii has hnistod her flag upon the
barren known as Necka Island.
Printer Schnedert. a sturdy German, has
been afoot for over two years, during
which time he walked nil the way from
Calcutta to his birthplace, in Prussia.
General John Hewston, the American
who is charged with causing tho death of
a strolling musician in London, was ex
amined in police court yesterday and held
for trial.
Tho hostility of persons in high lifo to
Sig. Crispi is proving a great obstacle in
solving tho Italian crisis. It is feared that
tbe prime minister may be foiced into pri
vate life.
It is stated that Prince Esterhazy, act
ing for the Austrian coverument. has ar
ranged to buy the colt Matchbox at the
close or tho seas in, for the Austrian impe
rial stud,
The London board of trado returns
show a decrease of imports for tho month
of May of JCi, 700,000 and of exports of
t-.u,uuo, as compared with the correspond
ing mouth of last year.
Napoleon Colnianni, an Italian socialist
deputy, states that 30,000 unemployed
miners of Sicily, aro about to inarch
through tho country.destrnyitiir tho crons.
believing that if they starve others should
starve with them.
It the chamber of deputies, yesterday.
M. Hauotaur, minister of foreign affairs
made a warlike speech concerning the
Angio-oeigian agreement, ami stated that
French troops MM been sent to the Congo
tori itory claimed by France.
The Kpiadron of Proidunt Polxoto, of
brazil, has sailed rrom Montevideo for Uio
Janeiro. Advices from Rio Grande do Hul
say that General Saraiva, with 3,000 in
surgent troops, nas arrived at Cruzalta,
and is roady to begin an activo campaign.
The dowager duchess of Sutherland.
whoso troubles with her stepson huve been
niven wide publicity, has como to terms.
and been allowed tnOO 000 and an annuity
of 5,0011. In this way the pending suit to
Break the lato Duke's will has been sot-
tied out of court.
The young duke of Marlborough, who n
year ago succeeded to the tule, is reported
to be about to marry a handsome and
wealthy Australian. Miss Lena Darcy. th
daughter of Knox Darcy, who is a large
owner in the Mount Morgan miue. The
young duko is chiefly celebrated through
bing tbe stepson of the second duchess of
Marlborough, formerly Mrs. Hamersley, of
new xork.
Pittsburg Railroad Coal Operators Decide to
Attend Columbus Convention.
The Conference Liable to Furnish an
Amicable Solution of the Prob
lemArmed Men Seek to Dislodge
Miners at St, Mary's Strikers .at
Manown Allowed to Remain in Com
pany House Parade of Workmen at
PlTTSBUItG, Jnne 8.
BY A VOTE of 63 to 53 the rail
road eoal operators this morn
ing decided to attend the Col
umbus convention tomorrow
ami immediately after this decision
was announced tho minority operators
bolted the convention nnd refused to
be hound by the action of the meoting
of tomorrow at Columbus.
The operators mat at 10 o'clock and
were in session nntil 1 o'clok. Mr. Al
exander Patterson, ouo of tho oldest
operators iu the district presided.
lhere was a large reproentatiou. Im
mediately upon the call to order re
porters were exeln led. W. P. Dear
mitt and F. I. Bobbins were the lead
ing spirits nnd the discussion between
the was sharp. The committee of ten
reported their failure to agree ns to the
proposition to attend the Columbus
convention and were discharged.
Operator Royle otterod a resolution
that a committee be appointed to at
tend the Columbus convention as the
authorized representatives of the rail
road operators of the Pittsburg district
with full and unlimited power to take
such action ns should in their judg
tnent be to the best interests of the op
erators in tiie Pittsburg distriot. Mr.
Dearmitt offered a substitute which
was tabled. A secret ballot was taken
with the above result. A committtee
of four operators was then appointed
to attend the Columbus conference to
Tiie impression prevails that the ac
tion of today will mark a crisis in the
coal strike and that the Columbus con
f' rence will arrive at an amicable ad-
justment of tho strike is uot among the
Hakmsbuuo. Pu., Jnue H. The fol
lowing dispatch from Ridgway, Elk
county, tonight shows tho situation in
that region: "Assistant Superintend
ent Joo Bailey, of the N. W. M. & Ex.
Co. says 300 men, seventy-five armed,
have just left Dagus mines for St.
Mary's to dislodge the miuers who are
work ut Ilall, Kaul & Co.'s property.
They are very angry, hearing that
miners who are incarcerated in jail
h?re are being badly used. Revenge is
one of the objects in going to St.
Mnry'n. There is more fear of serious
trouble than at any time since the
strike started. More deputies are be
ing lUbpOB iad
PnsxuTAWSEY, Pa., June 8 The
miners occupying company bouses at
Horace and Anita were today served
with five days' uotice of eviction. L ist
nijhi a parade comprising 250 boys
was made aioug tho guard liuu estab
iished at Horace and uuother and
larger parade was made this evening.
At Cush Creek nud Glen Campbell,
near this place, tho few men who re
turned to work on Tuesday quit today,
and at the latter place a company
house was burned to the around last
night. It is reported bore that the
guards who left here yesterday were
sent to Ciish Creek.
Riduway, Ph., June 8 Three hun
dred strikers left Centrerille about 5
o'clock this afternoon nnd nre march
ing to St. Mary's, where Hall & Kaul
have about thirty farmers digging coal.
Tho strikers are well armed and wore
headed by a band. A npecial train will
leuve here at 7.30 to take deputies to
the scone. Thero nre a few Italians
and Huugarians among the strikers
who went to St. Mary's, and it is feared
they will offer resistance to the depn
Affairs at Shawmut are somewhat
quieter alio some of the deputies now
thero will bo taken to St. Mary's.
Mononuahela City, Pa., June 8
These was no trouble at the works of
Youghlogheny Gas Coal company at
Manown this morning, but tho excit
ing events of last night have had tbe
effect of bringing the operators to tbe
position of doing everything in their
power to gain the good will of tbe
strikers. Through luck of sleep, tbe
deputies were in a sad plight this morn
ing. It was uot known until this morn
ing that the number of deputies guard
ing the works is less than sixty, but
they have all seen service and if an
attack were made would offer a stiff
This morning tbe managers of the
mine notified the strikers that they
might stay in tbe company's houses
free of rent until the strike was set
tled. This was done to provent a riot
which would surely ocour should an
eviction be attempted. No coal is be
ing brought out of the mine this morn
ing, though eleven men went down
the slope.
SruiNOFiELD, III., June 8. Puna is
again threatened with an invasion,
this time by miners of the Springfield
district. All day long they have been
coining in and (segregating on the
railroad tracks on the Baltimore and
Ohio southwestern on the southern
edge of Springfield. It is Impossible to
get from the miuers any specific- knowl
edge of their intentions.
quiet at cripple creek.
Cripple Creek. Coin., June 8. The
long Btrike iu Cripple Creek is ended
and the settlement has been effected
without bloodshed. At 10 o'clock this
morning snch a consummation seemed
among the most improbuble tnings
that were liable to happen. About 9
o'clock the deputies began leaving
camp iu (quads of a hundred or more,
ostensibly lor the purpose of scouting,
but really to make a concerted attack
unknown to the militia on Bull Hill.
Fully two thirds of the entire force
had thus addition to the regular police
The volunteer deputies were sworn
in last night and today, and will as far
as possible persist In ma iitaining the
peace. There being uo aggressive
move contemplated on th' part of
either the firm or the county official",
there is no incentive for further riot
ing, nnd from now on it looks as
though tho strike will be conducted
Columbus, June 8 In a telegram to
Governor McKinley tonight Adjutant
General Howe recounts tho most stub
born resistance to the troops
on the part of the striking min
ers yet experienced. After driv
ing the miners fr m the Baltiuioro
and Ohio railroad at McClniu's cut,
General Howe took bis command to
Wheeling Croek, on the Cleveland, Lor
raine aud Wheeling ruilway, in liel-
mout county. There mill sinners h-id
the railroad and refused to withdraw.
1'he regiments were drawn up in line
of buttle. This enraged the tbe strik
ers and they started toward the militia.
Tno latter was at the same tinio or
dered upon the strikers,
1 he strikers faltered, but hold their
ground. They did not offer to assault
the soldiers, but they stubbornly hold
their ground ami had to be pushed
from the railway proporty by the
troops, The strikers cursed the soldiers.
hut only one stone was tl.rown. ttoneral
II we states that the troops are now
surrounded by strikers, who nre on the
hills, and every prtcnutiou is taken to
prevent an assault during tho night.
Governor McKinley is very anxious
about the safety of the troops, as the
region contains n large unemployed
element, mostly foreigners. The Six
teenth regiment arrived here from To
ledo tonight aud awaits orders.
At midnight Governor Mckinley re
ceived a telegram from General Howe
iu camp at Wheeling Creek, saying
that in conference with his officers
tonight it wbb deoided that, owing to
tho great number of strikers sur
rounding thorn, their defiant attitude
and threats, more troops were
needed at once. Governor McKinley
immediately ordered Co). Buuker to
proceed east with the Sixteenth regi
ment, the Toledo cadets aud Bittery D
of the First Light artillery, which
arrived this evening from Toledo to
report to General Howe at Wheeling
Creek. He alio ordered a part of the
Third regiment at Diyton to report
here at once, to form a reserve foree to
bo belli here.
Speaking of tho situation at Wheel
ing Crook tonight, Governor MeKinley
said ho regarded it as very critical.
Twenty-four hundred troop i are now
in the field. Tho Sixtoenth rcgiunnt
had left hereon a special Baltimore
and Ohio train at 1 a. in.
Charleston, W, Va., June 8. Strik
ere ut Bogg's Run, Marshal county,
enptured a coal train on the Baltimore
and Ohio railroad this morning. The
sheriff of the county and his deputies
were soon on tbe ground, but it had no
effect and Governor MacCorkle was
asked for aid, This afternoon be ord
erod six companies of tbe state militia
to the scene of action. Tbe companies
will reaeh Bogg's Run by 4 o'olock
p. m.
Fifteen Members of the Denver Con
tingent Perish Like Rats in
the Platte River.
Denver, Col., June 8. At least fif
teen members of the Djnver contingent
of Coxoy'e nrmy lost their lives by
drowning in the Platte river last night.
Coroner Martin this morning went
down to Brighton with coffins. He re
turned at noon, being unable to secure
any of the bodies. Four have been
washed ashore ou tbe other side of the
river about eight miles this side of
Brighton at a point known as McKay's
To reaeh them it would bo macassar y
to truvol about twenty miles out of tho
way, bat he expects to recover them
later on. The other meu who are miss
ing bavo also been drowned and their
bodies carried farther dowu tho river.
One man found drowned at Brighton
has been identified as Charles McCune,
a Missonrian, a member of the Utah
A large number of the men spent the
night in the trees along the hunks of
tho river and several were left on
islands. A searching party was sont
out this morning to help these men.
The rnuchmen along the banks also
aided a large number of the unfortun
ates. The men claim that Commodore Hig
ginson was drunk aud lacking all the
essential qnalities us a leader, and at
tribute the whole disaster to his mis
management. The Coxsyitos wiil
make no further attempt to go east by
the water route.
Serious Accident Reported on the Colo
rado Central.
Golden, Colo., June 8 At 11 o'clock
a message was received here saying
that the passonger tiain on the Colo
rado Central ruilroad whiah loft Den
ver this morning rolled into Clear
Creek, three miles west of this city,
and asking that all the doctors be sent
at onoe to the scene.
No particulars of the accident have
been leurned. It was undoubtedly
caused by the bad condition of the
track, caused by the recent floods.
The Central was opened to truffle
yesterday, having been blocked for one
week by washouts.
Usually the morning passenger train
carried about 150 passengers, bat it is
believed the number today was larger
than usual.
A Mtohlpan Scandal Arreting the Stau'd
Attornay General.
Mason, Mieh., Jnne 8 A sensation
was caused yesterday in the trial of
Attorney General Ellis on the charge
of forgiug alterations to returns on the
vote increasing his salary.
W. H 8. Wood, formerly dork of
the board of state auditors, testified
that he made certain of the alterations
charged on the express advice of Ellis,
aa attorney geneial.
Important Report to tin Norwegian Storthing-Belligerent
High Military Officers Place Artillery
Pieces in Readiness For Action.
Claims Against Spain Hungary's
Cabinet Problem Dr. Wekorle Re
ported to Have Yielded to the Em
perorAn Address to King Oscar is
Christiana, Norway, Jnns 8.
THE Storthing committee has pre
sented an Important roport. It
says that at the height of the
cor.flict between tho Crown nnd
tho Liberal party, in 1881, resulting iu
the impeachment of the Conservative
cabinet, several high military and na
val officers deliberately mined 300,000
rifles, placed a number of batteries of
artillery in readiness for immediate
service, and caused the warship Horten
to bo cleared for action. AH those
preparations the report says, were
made with the utmost secrecy, and
Admiral Koreu, General Wergel and
others declared that tho officers re
ferred to ncted without instructions.
The committee deems the statoments
concerning these notions unsatisfac
tory, and lias reported similarly re
garding Admiral Hurens' action in
1803, in adopting socret military meas
ures. M. Houghland moved that tbe re
port bo sutimitted to tbe government
with tho view of bringing about the
prosecution of the guilty officers
M. Ullmunn, leader of the left,
moved uu address to tho king (Oscar
11.) pointing ont the danger o( the
situation, demanding a guarantee of
constitutional freedom and in depend
ence, and appealing to tiie king to as
sume the duties of supremo commander
and guardian of the foices.
Madrid, Jnne 8, The United States
minister, Hannll Taylor, has sent u
note to the Spanish government, de
claring that the custom duties ure Im
properly collected iu the island of
Cuba, owing to misrepresentation of
the treaty with the Uuited States. As
a r-Bult, the Unitod Stetes claims re
imbursement of the sum of 22,500,000
pesetas, on tho ground tuat the articles
which uro free of duty, according to
the English texc of the agreement, are
uot included in the Spanish copy of
the agreement which was sont to Cuba
for the us; of tho Spanish custom offi
cials on that island.
It is said that if Spain should yield in
this matter, the Cuban revenue, tinder
the estimates, would undergo a decline
of $15,000,000.
Vienna, June 8, Dr. Wekerle yes
terday sutimitted to the emperor a new
list of names for his proposed cabinet.
It included Herr Szilagyi, to whom the
emperor expressed un objection, and
excluded Herr Chaky, Count Beiblen
uud Count Louis Tieia, who were re
placed by Baron Loraiit Eotvoes, Herr
Bauffy'nnd Herr Julius Andrassy. The
emperor declined to accept Herr Szil-
Bgyi as b member ef the ministry, but
Dr. Wekerle insisted lor a lime upon
his admission.
Advices received here from Liberal
sources at Budapest today oay that Dr.
Wekerle in so nutting the name of
Szilagyi came into direct conflict with
the crown, as it was well known that
tiie emperor bud decided objections to
Szilagyi. It is reported that this .'af
ternoon, yielding to tho urgent request
of the Liborals, including Szilagyi
himself, the prime minister consentud
to propose the name of another poli
tician for tbe portfolio of justice.
Antan.uuvo, Madagascar, May 21.
In cons quence of tho concession made
to John L. Waller, ox-United States
consul at Tnmatave, the French resi
dent here has entered a formal protest,
saying that Franco will rofuso to rec
ognize any concsBslons made to foreign
ers without her permission.
Tho concession referred to was
granted to M. Waller in lust March by
tbe prime minister and commander in
chief of Madagascar, and covers an
urea of SSS square miles in tbe rubbor
district of Fort Dauphin, on tbe south
toast of the island.
Attention cf a. A. it. Posts Called to
Their Condition.
Harrisburo, June 8 A circular
letter has been sent out by the soldiers
orphans schools commissions calling
tho attention of Grand Army of the
Republic posts and otbors to the condi
tion of the schools and the act of May
2T, 1893, regarding admissions thereto.
There are now three schools and the
commission desiros to have all appliea
tions for admission in July or August,
Unless sufficient applications aro re
ceived one of tho schools will be elosed
San Francisco Authorities Allv to the
Danger of Infection.
San Francisco, June 8. The health
authorities of this city are taking pre
cautions to prevent the introduction
into this country of the bubonic plngue
now prevailing in some parts of China
All vessels arriving from affected
ports will be thoroughly inspected,
nod if there is a suspicion of dlsoase
the vessel will be nnaruntined.
Exultation Overoomet Qeneral Killy's
Typewriter, Now Mrs. Sutcliffj.
Cairo, III., June 8. The camp
common wealers yesterday was
BI'Aiifl rif II Weil line It n-flo Ilia mm
riage of Thomas T. Sutoliffe. of San
vrancitco,agea 33,10 "uenernr Keiiy s
typewriter, Miss Annie llooton,
Council Bluffs, aged 27.
Squire Joseph Steogela secured
license, charging no foe for tyiug
ial knot. Tho bridal oarty wat-
to mount a log heap ten feet
1 1 :,,, 1" i.-. ,ii .. .,i,..i ti.
ami l.TiOO men surrounded them
l I A .
"inn ueau-4
are heads.
rthe couplo had been pronounced
ad wifo the bride, overcome ry
ion, faintod.
I ffirta to TraC9 the Source of tho Rail
way Accldn' Rainor.
Vancouver, B. C. Juno 8 There is
absolutely no truth in the dispatch
from San Francisco that a Canadian
I'acittc train was wrecked by a cloud
buret and forty lives were lost. How
such a dastardly report could have been
inspired even is difficult to imagine,
as there in not the slightest foundation
for it. No such report emanated from
thil section. The Canadian Pacific,
with otlier roads north of California
has been more or less affected by tl e
prevailing freshets. On the Norti
1 aelhc watershed its roadbed has beei
washed out at several places, so ns (0
impeile through travel, and uo train:
are ut present running.
Passengers who wero on route nr.
quartered at the differont hotels nlon:
the lino waiting for a resumption 0.
There has been no accident of an
kind, much less loiis of hie. The ill
leged report is false, malicious, ai d
An Elaborate Report from the Com
mittee on Valuation Is
Harrisbuhg, June 8. The state tux
conference this afternoon heard an
elaborate ronort from the eonimitie
on valuation and taxation as suti
mitted by the chairman, J. D. Week
of Biltsbnrg. This report embraced
tabulated and other statistics on tin
selling price, aisessed valuation
an taxation of real estate in Penney
vania, valuation and taxation of rail
roads, valuation and taxation of sip 1
railroads and passenger incline planes,
valuation ami taxation of canal and
navigation companies, valuation and
taxation of manufacturing establish
ments, building and loau nsBOciatioiir',
mortgage indebtedness iu the United
States and i'ennsvlvauin and total
taxes paid in Pennsylvania.
No uclion was taken upon the repori,
which will be enlarged upon byfu:
ther rep-its on different sutjoets now
being investigated by the committee
The Jfuurea submitted on real estate
show that $1,204,282,321 of the total
assessed Value of real estate In the
state ($9,808,016,207) or 89. 18 percent.,
is in cities; $27.1,010.020, or 11.05 per
cent., is in boroughs; S-j8, 713, 000, or
39.H0 per cent, is iu townships.
Of tho total actual vslue of real
esiato in the state, namely $3,097,047,
000, there are $1,874 616.249, or 50 70
per oent. iu cities; $483,523,043, or 13 05
per cent, iu borcugns, or $1,340,507,724,
or 38.25 per cent. In townships.
1; solutions wero adopted expressing
the loss of the conference in the death,
of Joseph D. Potts and A L. Taggurl.
The committee on priuciples of taxa
tion was authorized to draft a new tax
bill to be submitted to the conference
ut a meeting early in December for its
consideration. This committee will be
enlarged to twelve members,
management of the Daliclenov Bill to Be
Taken Out of Hie Hands.
Washington, Jnne 8. Representa
tive Breckinridge, of Kentucky, has
been informed that in tbe opinion
of his colleagues on the appropria
tions committee the attempt on
his part to take choree of the gen
eral deficiency bill in the house would
endanger the measure and that it is
their desire, thorofore, that its man
agement should be placed in other
This comes of the objection, which
is qnitn general among tiie members of
the house, to recognize his leadership
in anything.
Lawrence Sptller, the Staunton, Va.,
Blacksmith, Expiates Bis Crime.
Staunton, Va., Juno 8 Lawrence
Spiller, convicted of the murder of
Lottie Rowe, on April 28. in the su
burbs of Staunton, was hanged at 8 25
o'cloek this morning. The drop was
only four feet, 1 ut death was instant
aneous, the neck being broken.
Spiller made a confession which wob
published immediately after the hang
ing. He was a blacksmith and a man
of tremendous strength,
Haivard Faculty Dliortdita Semlnarls
and Examination Bevlewc.
CAMMtipaB, Mass., June 8. Th)
Harvard fucultv has issued n notice
discountenancing the reviews known
as "eeniinariB" conducted immediately
before examinations, the unauthorized
publication and sale of lecture notes,
and all coaching that nbots students in
the neglect of regular work.
Roviews before examinations have
been held for yean and tho action of
the faculty causes considerable sur
prise. The "seminaris" are not pro
hibited, but it is probable that they
will not be held so openly in tbe future.
Tho United Stntee steamer Lancaster
for whoso snfetv some nuxiety has been
felt, arrived in New York yesterday.
Whilo William Mcticar and Chester
Loud were in 11 bont with four girls on
Tumbiliog Dam pond, at Hridgeton yei ter
day, ouo of the Rirli stood up nud fell over
board. The others In tryiug to rescue her
upset tho boat. May Hires nnd Millie
Powell wero drowned.
Much cxcitoinont was caused by the
identification of tho body of Eddie Bro
thertou at Danville yesterday by his
mother. The boy was supposed to have
been abducted. Tho body waa later Men
titled as that of a Polish boy wlo km
drowned several weeks ago and his .ather
took tho remains.
frSFAfi Washington, Jnne .8 Fort
for Saturday: for Eas
oiiii Wtttetik I'ennmilrania, fair,
wanner, soMhtvail winds.
Four Great Specials
100 Dozen Ladies' InL
tial Handkerchiefs,
warranted all Linen
and hand embroidered,
60 dozen Unlaundried
Handkerchiefs, guar
anteed hand embroid
ered and every thread
100 dozen Sheer Linen,
hem stitched, hand
embroidered, initial,
50 dozen assorted, scal
loped and hem stitched,
embroidered Handker
chiefs, reduced to
These four lines are the
greatest value ever shown in
510 AND 5 12
Maltese Cross
And Ook-tannod Leather Belting,
H. A. Kingsbury
813 Sproco St., Scranton, Pa.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
In Russet Shoes.
114 Wyoming' Avo.
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge. If a doctor
is needed yon are prcirnptly
told so. Wc also guarantee
a perfect fit
All SILVERWARE and Damaged Goods
at Arcade Fire will be aold at
50 Per Cent Below Cost.
1 j. rant
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street
: 11 irm