Newspaper Page Text
t I THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING. JUNE 11, 164. fcJAolu-E3AL.L ffe Lead the Scoiiid DivisjQ ia tb3 Race fur Caaiuoiousuip. ALT8GNA PASSED CORING WEEK Manager P.irks New Easton Team Defeated on Saturday in a Well Played Contest King Kelly Will Piny Here Today and Tomorrow. Result of City Lcaguo Games Played Standing of Clubs. rrrmC gat t'HANTON eontln. Hi's to lt;iu io fii'C ond ilivisiou in the Leagua rce, hav ing ousted Altoona from tlint position daring the wars. Although we have advanced ono st-'p forward in tiw race our psroentago is lens tlmti it was a irei k ago. To.luy and tomorrow wj Will do battle with the "only Mike" and his Ailontowu actfrjuution. and with any Icmd or team work sliouiil tnko onu of the garnet, We need tbe game, and if it i lout by any playing as "onr pMs" In dulged in last Monday mrainst Hiirris bttrg, it meant troublu abfad for some one. Ours is one of tlin highest salaried clubs in tlio Stats league ami there is n growiuis feeling among the lnumbers of the assooiatioo that the boys must put Tl an article of bill commensurate with the salaries they receive, Boranton has been unfortunate in two respects this season, lack of team work nud inability to get its pitchers in condition. Hudson, Flannagan and Dorau have no superior in the sUti lenKne when in condition, but thns far the majority of tli9 victorious games hare been pitched by Holson. The Warm weather is favorable for Flun-aj,-hau who is uow in nooJ form ns his work against Harris bnrg showed, Ho in unfortunate, however, in the sup port ho receives at critical monisms of the gama Doran would bp of great servico to the club if ho wr.uld mend bis habits and keep in form. He is reaily a clever twirler. Harrisbnrg continues to lead the pro cession with Allf ntuwn slowly cluing lip the (rap between thein. Htzleton cliu.ns tenacionsly to third place, but we will have them out of it before the end of the season if Manager Swift ciot'fl his duty. Tub following table gives tils per centages of the clubs, together with the number of games won and lost by each, and their standing in the cham- plonthlp race: Wou. Lost. Per C't. ..22 7 HarrMmrg, . . Allebtown Hazleton Reading Boranton Altoona PotUville Easton so 15 14 13 10 8 6 11 U 14 US ir 15 15 ,570 ,6tW .439 .;t:o .847 .886 BCHKDUI.E FOB TODAY. Easton at Hazleton. Pottavuie at Harrisbnrg, Blading 'at Altoona. - m WON ONE FROM EASTON'. Park's Rsorirnnizd Team Flayed a Spirited Gam. Scrsnton took a jrame from tuo raor ganlied Easton club on Saturday at Eiston. Although Manager Parks' team was a patched up toiin it played a spirited game. E iston had no catch er and Rogers, of the Scran ton club, vraa allowed by Manager Swift to do the back Rtop work for Easton. Spanner Carr, of last year's Scranton club, was in the box for Eiston. Tlio score: EASTON'. a. it. ro. a. Ponlbr'd, o ti 4 4 Delanev, 2b o o 3 i Dunn, lib. 0 0 tl 5 Pluck, lb 0 1 10 0 Moran, c. f 0 1 0 Rogers, c 0 0 a 0 Uarr, i o o n a Batten, r. f 0 u 8 (I Weihte, 1. f 0 0 1 0 Total o it BORANTON. 24 a R. ... ii ... u ... 0 ... 1 ... o .. o ... 1 ... 1 ... 0 ... 3 H. 1 o 0 1 (I PO. 1 I) Hngan. o. f Wetzel, s?. ..... Patched, c Btalta, I f.;..., Phelan, 2d.... llassey, lb .. . Westlafce, 3b... liiRgin?, r. f.. Hodebn, i 8 15 1 3 0 I) 3 (I 3 14 Total Easton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 I) 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 03 Earned runs Boranton, 2. Three-base hits Vr'rtzel. Stolen liases Hogau, Sac rifice liiti Carr, (lelaney, Potclien, Phn lan, Bodson. Struck out By Carr, 2; by Hudson. 3. double plays Pholun (un aaaiated), Fonlktod andDelaney. Left on bates Hasten, C; Scrnrtnrj, 8. First tiaso on balls-Off Carr, 1 off Hodsnn, 3. Wild pitches Carr, QodaOtt, Hit by pitched ball Batten, Wetzel. Time 1. as. 6m-pire-Deitriek. OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Heading Reading o2 300031 0-0 Altoona 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 u 0-5 Hits Beading, 19s Altoona, 10. Errors Beading, : Altoona. 0. Batteries Jones and Guodharr, Wif-.ible and Cote. Umpire Mitchell. At Allentown Alleuiown.S 00001 1030-0 Hezleton...0 0 0000000 0-0 Hit? -Allentown, 8; HsSletOD, 3.' Er rors Allentown, 0; Uazleton, 3. Uatter icH Baldwin and Kelly; Ely, Fee and Sharp. AtPotteville- Pottevllle 1 0 0 1 1 0 80 9 fl ilarrisbnrg. ..8 1 0 3 0 3 0 0 r-13 llitn PoltsvillP, 10; llarriBbure, 13. Er rors PotUville, 7; Harrisbnrg, 8, lotter ies Hughes nnd Diggins; A! cany and Smiulc. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia, 9; Cleveland. 1. lioston, 13; St. Louis, 8. Brooklyn, l'4j Pittsburg. 5. New York, W; GhteagO, 10. Baltimore, 7; Louisville, 5. EASTERN LEAGUE. Wilkes-llaire. 17; Springfield, 0. Troy. 15; Buffalo, 3. Syracuse. 13; Erie, 10. Provideno 13; Bingiiatuton, 7. COLLEGE GAMES. Princeton, 4: Yale, 2. Lehigh, 9; LafayettP, 5. Drown, 8; Harvard, 2. C-V) "5 ?7 -Mi Adolf Lalloz, caniaije manufacturer, 1111 Carroll street, Luffale. N. Y.. states: I was troubled with nausea of the stomach, sick headache and general debility. Bur dock Blood Bitters cured mu. SEMINARY D.0Y3 DSFEATSO. Lceol Y. IT. O. A. Tem Turn Them Down with Ease. The local Young Men's Christian as jbtdation team profed toe much for the Wyoming seminary at the ball park on Saturday. Tbe visitors lad until the eighth when by Judloiona batting and equally judicious bunching ol errors by the seminary boys tht borne team scored STin rtius. The dvUil score was as follows: Y. It C. A. WYO. SEMINARY. II. II. O. A. V.. r. 11. o A. f. tfalott,3b.l 4 tl 1 0 Grc'r'n,lbl 1 II Drnm,ss,.0 1 1 0 Boffner.p.O 0 110 11 II 0 '-' Dftvia. n..i 1 1 I :t Allen. 9...1 I .", (i Lmrr la c. .u . - -Rymer.rf.l 1 0 1 Hitt'.ler,i-fl 1 (I 0 1 Hill. rn. IU I 3 tl 0 .11. t; ,'u,, fi 1 1 u 1 CunklinJSbO 1 1 1 7 U 0 1 3 l'!.Ml-..'li.l 1 II 1 Dornan, cfl 'J J 0 D smdaiu, in 18 10 Doran,lf..(l 2 1 0 u Total ..10 11 2: ill Total.. S U 27 H 11 v. H. O. A 2 0 n 11 ii 0 1 " o-l'i Wyoming Beainaryl 0 0 u 2 0 0 1 1-6 Earned run's V. Jt. C. A., J; Seminary, I. Two-base hits Davis, I; Dorris, L HtoleB bases Allen. Blttsnbender, McQonldrioki Urooka Surd mi, U: Uorcoran, Bymer. Bap rlflce bits Bltteabonder, Brooks, Dorrl Btrnckont-By Hoffner, ; by UcOarty, 4, Wild pitrhes-Jli-Carty. Passed h-tlls Alien. Tims ot gaaje -1.B0, Umpire McUlnnis. CITY LEAGUE. Tho follotvinjt ii th 1 standing of the leauis in the City leatme: Won, Lost. P'ct. St. Thomas 5 1 .31 Wood's 8 1 .750 No. 30 1 3 .25') Iiitjh Schuol 0 4 .t!U0 WOOD'S CLUB WAS TOO STRONG. Took a Game With Base From thi Hieh School Club. a postponed game between the IIi:;b School club and Wood's Club was playetj last Friday afternoon on the James Boys' grounds, resulting in a defeat to the Jli'h School by 31 to 3. Wood's team found Kelly for eigiil b.ise hits, fivu two base bits and a three bagger. Boblve idtched for tho College team and proved a pnzzle to tho High School, iiivinu' only three hits. A double play by Glbbs to Hughes was. ... . . . . t. . rm. '.r.e leaiuro 01 me khuiv, mouwunu score i found below: WOOD'S. IKliH SCHOOL R. II. O. A. E. U. II. o. A. i:. LSWiR, If. n 0 Harris, 8b.. 1 " 0 Moaor,lb..O 0 8 ( usick. ss.O 0 1 D'n'ne,!ib.U 1 3 Kelly, p.. .0 1 11 Oweas, o..l 0 2 Jiimis' 1 1 Fuller, c..4 Bobive, p. .4 lliynn, il..l K'rVt'n.cOi aibus, 2b.,S Wt tter.fll.a Hnghes, ibl l!briaty,S4.1 Uayes, ilo.8 8 11 :; I 4 0 J 11 II II 1 I II 0 2 :i 3 1 II II 3 1 1 II n 0 11 11 Widk' II II U 'I B'o'fld, oLO tl 0, 0 0 rui8'i-,SLu n ti 0 0 1 II II U 0 tl Ti. till. ..21 15 2J 11 1 Te'al... 3 8 18 10 Wood's I) 0 7 3 5 0 0-21 Blgb School 0 t 1 U 0 0 0- 8 Earned runs Wood s, 5, Two-baso hits Fuller, 2; Bohiv?, 2; Hashes. Throe base hits -Wottir. Passed baUs-Pnllar, 2. Wild pitches-Uchlve, Kelly, 4. Bases on bills tin Bohfve, 8; Kelly, 3. Bases 011 hit by pitched balls Wood's. 2. Struck ont-By Bcoive. ii; Kelly, 1. Left on bases-Weal's. ': High Behool, 4., Doable plays Qlbbs and Hughes. Sacriileo hits -Hamnaton, Qlynn, Time of tame 1.5.'. Umpires Kipple and Peters, ST. THOMAS CLUB WON. Defeated tbe C ub irom No. 08 School Sstmdiy Momtnir. An intereitini: gams of the City league series was played on Saturday between St, Thomas club and the team from No. ISO school. It resulted in u victory for tho St. Thomas club. The feature of the game was the bat tinor of the last named club, which made s'x two-base hita. Wier, of the same club, also bad a tbree-basn hit One of tiiti two-base hits was made by Hart when three men were on bases. They all scored. The sore by tuning! was : St. Thomas College.. 0 0 0 2 3 4 x-15 No. 3d School 0 8 1 0 8 1 411 Batteries Miller and Hart: Smith and Botbe. Umpires Fitzgerald and Walden. Time 1.45. Nates of tha City Lagus There la some good material in the High School club. The fielding of Slason, of No. 88 school, on Saturday was of a brilliant order. (Sibbons, of St. Thomas' college, made a difoVult one handed catch on Snurdsy. .Miller pitched a splendid mime for St. Thomas' club on Saturday. Ho has soiuo (,'o id curves and BXOeUeut command of tho sphere, S. hive, of Wood's Busiuflps college, easily leads the pitchers of the city league. He is one ot the most promising amateurs ia the city. TRIAL SPEED AT THi PARK. It Took Place B .twoen Local Hormn on Saturday. With tho exception of a mile heat between the respective speeders of Thomas Barrett and Walter Connors, there were uo raoas at the Driving park on Saturday afternoon. Several local horsemen took posscssia'i of tha track in exercising their animals and some good time was shown iu these trial heats. Thomas Barrett nud Walter Connors met on the porch of tho Park hotel and became involved in'nn issue as to the relative speed of their flyers. It was agreed to softie the matter in a mile heat and the track vms clearod'foi the purpose. Jockey Frank Hannis was judge, timekeeper and Btarter. At the third attempt tho horses scored. Connors' pneer bad the polo but was unable to bold it beyond tho first turn. I'irrott's lanky black then asaumed the lead and at the half was fully ten lengths ahead. But when eiiteriux tho last ijuarter Connors' little mare began to creep up, and just then Jdarrott's horao threw a hind shoo and in overreaching, badly pplit liia quarter. This took all the snnp out of him, nnd Connors was able to finish and win the race without any trouble. The last half was made in about 1.20. Frank Anubnry drove a fine te'im of bays atOUOd the track several tims. He WM offered $000 for them, but re fused it. Children will not dovolop uniformly unless they get sufficient nourishment. They will be thin, weak, hollow-chested. mm. Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophospliites, over comes the tendency toward thinness and makes children strong and healthy. Physi cians, the world over, endorse it. Dan' 1 be deceived by Substitutes! r. 'I by iioott Si Dun ue, ... Y. All Druggist OteAJLL A CUNTS FROM THE DIAMOND KioK Kelly anil hit) braves will bi w I'b ns today and tomorrow. We wan: at least one of these names Mr. Swift. Kelly Casey's L'ali club ohal lengea any other brewery dub In Lacks wanna county for (rj, Sctantoa brewery preferred. 1 itchur Nolan Is in the city oat or a job. Be refused te go with Altoona because Manager Donougbe would not givo hi:n advance money. TheSci aulon Juuiors defeated the Little Tycoon's by u score of M to 10 in the moriiiuK and 15 to U iu tbe afternoon game OU Saturday. Btoux Ity lends tho Western league clubs by a narrow margin over Kansas ca y and Minneapolis. Detriot is comfort ably settled In laH place. The Phillies are going to ;iive Lukena, late of Pittsburg, a trial. He can certain iy do mi worse than seme of tins present staff. Philadelphia Press. "v'.iu Haltren must have forgotten how to play tbe name," ay the New York World, "The cranks think tho sooner Van rial tree is taken 00 1 of center field and MikeTlernan is removed from right the quicker will tho Giants rise In the percent age column.'' Treasurer Talcott of tho ginnts says the popularity of the metropolitan newspapers is responsible for the team's hard luck at home. Be saya every ball player known that the New York papers are quoted all over the country, and every player works Ilka a house afire In New YorK to t:et a no tice. The Cleveland papers are kicking now. Ouo says: The Spiders seems to bo wretched poor flnisbera It teems to bo tbe old, olu story of the disastrous eastern trip. The must Unpardonable errors lost yesterday's game for tho Olevelands. Con tributions will be received at this i fllco to purchase Buck Swing a pair of blue glass es." A winning player must have both nei vo nnd thick hliin. As soon as a player loses his uervo he is of no benefit to his club. For a club 10 be successful it must have pluyers who never know what it is to (,'ive up until tho last man Is out. Be-siile-1, a ball player should never nllow criiici'.m to interfere with his work. Spurting Life, The base ball patrons are not at all satis Bed With tho work being done by tho Cin Oinnati team. Individually the red lens are among tho strongest players in the leagoe, but there seem to b.i somo inside troubles which are telling mightily on the team's work. Thero is a well-defined ru mor that unless tho team does better work soou Cotnisky will bo released and a new manager chosen. If the negotiation! for the purchase of the Carbondale Traction company's line, which nro now pending, are successful, it can be set down as a certainty that Car bondale will next year bo represented in t be State Base Ball league with n team that will do the city credit. It is the intention of the syndicate who are after the road to lay out and Construct iu Carbondale town -ship a pleasure park and fair grounds that will give to Carbondale facilities lor out door gatherings and ports second to no interior city of the state. Carbondale Leader. MISCELLANEOUS SPORTS. In tho trotting moating recently hold at Geneva Switzerland, tho American gelding; Black Jim, (ek-Frank s.), lately purchased by Jlr. Ligou, of Alyou, won tho international event. The National Trotting association will soen bo asked to ad ipt a rule requiring each driver In a race to wear a uniform representing the colors of his stable, to consist of Jacket, cap and pautalooas. Tbe largest horse In the world, King YVillinm, :!7(C hand high, weight U,tW pounds, died at Chesterton, Iud last week while being shipped to Coney b land. Jlr. Westlake, his owuer, was ot tered flO.lud for him last week. In what was intended to be a twenty round glove coutost before the Leaven' worth, (Kan ), 'Vthletic club, Tuesday night, for a nurso of 11,000, Patrick J. Panel, of Leavenworth, knocked if. lie ISvnns, welterweight champion of tho Pacific Coast, into insensibility m 2m. 28'. In the llrst round. It was tlvo minutes be fore Evans regained consciousness. Tho eighth annual handicap races, un der the auspices of tho Pelican Athletic club, of Forest City, will be held July 4tb, 18M, to commence at 1 o'clock on their grounds, near the Erie station. Tbe pro gramino of events is as follows: First, l'-0-yard race, open to nil comors, lirst prize 5i, second prize Second, 440-yard race, first prize 810, second prize j'J. Third, ." yard sprint race, prize (4. Fourth, tuj; of war, ten men 011 each side, prize 5, All races will Im handicapped on the grounds. Dancing will also be indulged iu. Admis sion to tho grounds froe, Following islhelntest betting in Chicago against the probable starters tnr tho Amer ican Derby: Al Beyer, lOOj Atropine, 50) Armitage, lOOj Aloanor, iU; Agitato, 100; Bobbie Uuylor, 15ii; Cash Day, Domino, 6: Dorian, 2S Danton, Despot. 'M: Dub bins,8: Discount, 0; El Telcgrafo,3i); Friar, 100; Oauekm, 30; Gateway, ion; Gwendo line, 100: Hornpipe, 15; King Bors, 10(1, Lorena Mack, full; Lucky Dog, 10: Loan Bee, 60; Matt Byrnes. 18; Orinda, 100; Olllo Bell, B0; Potentate, 'Jn: Portugal, 50; Peter the (Treat, BO; Pirate King, 00; Pearl Song, St l; Prince Carl, lSiReiplendent, 03; Key El Santa Anita, 15; Kightmore, SO: Bpr lug land, 80; Sebka, ;U: Bqoare Fellow, so; Senator Gray, 0; Sam Lucas, B0; St. Pat, 60; Tnpto, loo; Tmu Elmore, 100; Visitor. lOOj Volt, B0; Yo El Key, 80; Ecuador Tomato colt, 100; others from 500 to 1,000, Kptcioen Cns:!n. s. Ji. .;.li-,r.i, iNow cassyi is., wag troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, lusstoniacu was disordered, his liver was effected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced ia flesh and strength. Three bottles ot Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd. Barrisbnrg, 111., had a running soreou his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Elsotric Bitten and seven boxes of Buck leu's Arnica Salve and his leg is sound and Well John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five larco fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable, One bottle Electric Bitter.-, and one Ihix BuCkleO'a Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by Mat hews Bros. Criticising a Yu.unir Lady. "Sho would be a pretty girl for but ouo thing." "W hat's Ihatr naked Charley. George Her face is always covered with purple and red blotches. Charley Ob, that's easily enough dis posed of, Used to be tha samo way my self, but I caught on to the trouble one day, and got ri.l of it in 110 time. George What wns it? ( hurley Simply blood eruptions. Took a short coarse of P. P. P. 1 tell you, it's the boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bad that you could bear him holler clear across the country every time ho movod. He tried It, and you know what an athlotic old cent he is now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, she would thank them after wards. All the drug stores sell it. Special Notices. 'iH) WHOM IT MAY CONt'EKN AI.I, .1 persons are warned that H. UMoraan, who lias been selling lots on what is com muniy called "The Bwetbind Estate" in Hyde l ark, baa been relieved of any nnil all author ity to net ioi Bolllnff agent from May n, 1804, Ki oin that data all persons are notlileil to do no business with bUn on our aocount. BOBEBT T. PETTKBONE, For tho Owiu'rs, 1JLANK BOOKS, PAUPQLETtL M.MiA At sine', .'.., bound or rebound st, The TRlnUMl olllcu. (jukk work. Heasomtblu prices. BAL TICKETS OAK BB HAD AT let, Corner Spmoa street and Eriinklln ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for $;ioii. Good table board. Proposals. 4jkale rTp iTopi ha'ls "viTdTBiT HE- 4J co'.ved at the City Assessor's offl tin to Juno 16th, 10 n.nt., 18H, for printinK hlr.ding. etc,, aaeeasBtent books for year iso.v Sam ples of paper, etc, can be esen at their offlce. The bosril reserves toe right to reject any and nil bids. By oi dor of the board . CITY ASSESSORS, For Ueohub HnusHKH, Clerk. ncu UL A Word. aiifs of all kind eott that much, es ( A'iiuufiona ti uutcii. nuci are (ftterta Situatlo--.3 Wanted. LADY WOUXjD ukbtodo washing Alulliorry b r;ct. 1XT ANTKD YO UNO MAN, 85, WANTS r 1 II. ill pOtUlOIli UW U aiiunwuu ibortluudMd h. okkot'piiiu; kuoA rferncM it 1 a,l : v 'J i lilu difli-n 1L I 111 I I- I . I I i I " , llf ANTED .'. MIDOLK AQBD woman IV ,.,. v. r I.'. . bV til.' day. Address 614 tmuiett i.trote. OITI'ATltiN WANTED -BV A YOUNO i J man IS v. in l,l. ni i t ilt or bookkseOeri plain writer and accurate at flgarea Address E. H. w.. No. 11 Halo street, ITL'ATION WANTED . NI USE tllRL orliebt hooaowork. Address K. E., ISO N . Pilmors u venue. i ) os i t ion wanted a5 Boceby J il.'tk ilth thuahauce of working up; no bad babits; can furnish good reference. Ad dretiF. C. box 64, Montrose, Pa, Wanted. WT ANTED TO BUY COMMON PIGEONS; V will give SB ceata a pair, Cull at room -, i rice Bnudlae. 180 Waablnaton avenue, or a'lilress letu-i's to l ost Ullieii Box M, .-eran- t n. I'a. f.genln Wanted. WAlrEilALnr VI the Prudential Inhurance Comoanv. Good pay to rjght party. Call at oncu ;wo asniimr.on avonin'. 11TANTE1) FOlt SCHANTON AND NK AH V hy t iwns two eoiiil soll.'itO'S. (IisnI po sition upon to tin, right purlins. Apply to MONIES A JACKSON, 4H bprnco Htrout. VTANTK1J-MAN WITH LIKE AND FiitK V insurance experience m solteltor In Lackawanna county; u.l Indacententa to rit:ht man. Addrcaa u:r--M Hiti building. PlilladelphUi. Pa. Kelp Wanted Male. vv nnamplovod ami will work torllSper week, write MarConniill Bros.. 11 Franklin street, Boston, Mass. I 'ANTED -AX KNEKGKTIO MAN WITH V 1 about $160. Can get au agency whicli will pay J-'in week nii'l .-.vfienKen, A A. BABNES, Conway Hones. Hclo Wanted Females. ANTED - GIRL housework, No. FOB GENERAL ;.l Bin street, Dun ps a: . -t jbti "vweji SI Doarding. 'j'WO (lit THHEE RELIABLE MEN CAN 1 find hoard at Itil I Swetlati.l street CUMMEK noAi DIM; FOUR RESPECT D Iil.le persOnH can Hud llrst class board With sninli faniilv In large, niry house. Hot nnd cold laths. Free Carriage to depot and church Threcqnarters of a mile from sta tlon. Healthy locality. box tU.(.'larks Summit For Kent 'po LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS 1 l'nrt or ail of thrfo hundr.'il feot of yard room along railroad. A..4y at m Franklin rvenne. 'TO RENT-STORE t6x60 olt FURNISHED 1 ball on Green Bidge street verydastra pie location and on reasonable tornu. Apply to I B. NETTLBTOM or U S. WoouitUFK nepnbUcsn l.uihlinif. For Sale. I.-Ott SAI I'.-' STEAM SAV.Mli,L,'iliiCSE. J 5 acre, laud, Bi ll machinery, horses wagons, farm Implements, bus, Bxtures, etc. Circular on appllcatloo, A. D. PULLER, Wavorlv, Pa. nOiTATOES l (Hi HALE A cut OK POTA 1 toes for s.ile' in job lobi at.lersey ( entral yard. W. I.a Law anna nvo, P. Je It. Cat, No. 104, IJOB BALEROLL TOP DESK AND J typowiter cabinet for sale. Boom 4, fries i uiiuiDg. nOB SALE THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED I Photograph Qalley. w ill sen at one- ii.iii ii. u in.u- uo : u. i, oi t,iiier uuaineu. Apply to D. R. BRAMAN, Foroat City, Pa. pOB SALE- AN IDEAL COl'XTTty HOME. X 1 acres of bind, line large house, modern improvementa Easy diitance from Hcran- ton. Also "i di sir hi. i Dnilding lots m country. D.W, BROWN, Att y, BOB Spruce street. VVH SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SCRAN X ton property A bearing prangs grove Increasing in production and value yearly in lbs orniiize section in Florida. Addres F. E. NETTLE I'ON. Lake Helen. Florida Strayed. I'TltAYED l'Hii.M PASTURE Ni.Alt kJ Moses Taylor hospital two year old Idefer, black and white, spot on shouldor, white on under part of body and on and Of tail, Reward for return or infi rnuition that will And ho r, .lollN A. MEAits, 0 rner WaaSlngton and Vine. legal. 1? STATE or THOMAS MULLEN, LATE Xj of the city Ol Boranton, county of Lacka wanna, state of t'cnnaylnanla, deceased. Letters te-t im ntiiry upon tho above named ostato having boon granted to the undersigned, nil persons hnvhur claims or demands against tbe sal i estate will present them for payment Mid those Indebted thereto shall please make Immediate payment to TIM IS. ,1. Mt'LLEN, Executor. .TrtSPrsft II .SI. Attorneys. rnHE UNDERSIGNED, AN AUDITQRAP A isiliit.-d by the Orphan's Court of Lacka wanna, topass ii on the exceiitinns to the ac count of Charles Gardner, sdminlatutorof the esuteof Maria felbsn, deceased, and tools- tribute the fund s iouiid remaining in the hands of the tad Charles Gardner, admlula. trntor. ns aforesaid hereby glvei noUes that he wiii Rttend to thedntlos of his appolntmeat at his i .tllce in the city of Be ran ton, Pa., No. So Wyoming avenue, on Thursday, the 12th day ot July, A, D., 1894, oi 10 o'clock, a.m., at which time and place all persons haying an Interest in said fund, or estate, will have nn opportunity to be beard, and all persons hav log claims against said fund, or estate, must Presont them, or tie forever debarred from coming In on snld fund. B. F. AKERLT, Juno 8, UN. Auditor. GROSS, FOSTER & CO. Great Bankrupt Sale Of the Pomphrey & Morton Stock Is Great Slaughter of Prices in all Departments. Millinery, Ladies' Hats, Gents' Straw and Fur Hats, Clothing, etc., Almost Given Away. Dress Goods, Silks, White Goods, Muslins, Curtains, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets, Cloaks, Suits and Capes, Children's Reefers, Shirt Waists and Blouses. At prices yon never heard of iu your life. Como early, before assortment Is broken. GROSS, LADIES ' Do you wear Silk Gloves? trouble with the finger tips It can be avoided. By buying the Kay PStGflt '-I i. Black, They are sold with a guarantee ticket in each nair. en- w titling the customer any case where the F urniture Upholstered By the most experienced workmen in the city. NO FANCY PRICES. THE SCRANTON BEODTOO CO Banking. 1JEPOKT OF THE CONDITION IW UP THE LACKAWANNA TBCBT AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY of 4ul Laokawanna avonne. Hormntoa. Lack uwnnna coiinty, Pennsylvania, At the close DI IIIHIIIMp. JMilV Dl. IWl: BE8OUB0E8. Caeb on band ( 2s.4i 88 CbecloJ and other cash Hems ZfiYJ Bg Dna from bank and banken M.19I VI Commercial and other paper owned M,HS7 m Call loam upon eollnterals H:.'.5II0 CM Time louns 11)1011 eouaterala 120,012 15 Loans upon bonds and mortgages... 12,118 27 Invi ntnient 1 StoekH.bondH. 1 aaenritiaa - &c 21,UD SO V MJM 63 owned, viz.: M'teagee., 112.161 u;i Ileal eatate, furniture and nxtnrea, ni.72i 66 Safe deposit vaults Su.Utin nu Overdraha ltim 9038,748 i LIABILITIES Capital RfoNt paid in .Surplus fund , ,625(1.000 no .ill.lllU uo 81,276 71 684,(170 o7 2U,OU8 ;,7 701 li Kona Undivided protlts, les expenses and taxes paid Deposits rabject toebeok Deposits special Duo to bonkl and hunters Commercial and other paper or se curities pledged Bills payable . None JRJSBJM 66 Amount Trust Pnndl invested 8 41,1150 66 Amount Trust Funds uninvested '-'.(iila 73 s 10,42a a Beport In dotnil of above securities has been madoto C. II. KlIl'MBHAAlt, Superin tendent of Hanking, as culled for. Ktuto of Penneylvanla, county of Lneka wanna, fas.: 1, Henry J. Ar.di rson.vice prest.of the nbove n lined company, do solemnly swear that the a iove statement is true to "tlin best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) 11. J. ANDERSON, Vlce-Prest. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of June, 1804, (Signed F. L. HITCHCOCK, Notary Public. Correct Attest: (.Signed; W.M. T. SMITH, 1 B. T. BLACK. Directors. GEO. BANDEBSON, 1 spasm RICK DRAIN TILE. FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW. VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON BRICK Best in the market. OFFICE. Cinghamton. N.Y. FACTORY: ilrandt, Pa. Brandt Clay ProductCo. FOSTER & CO, Finger Tipped Silk Gloves Modes, Tans, Slates and MCE 75c. and $1 VJ I . - - , - . . to another pair free of chame in C9 tips wear out before the gloves. 209 COR. LACKAWANNA AND AD AM 3 See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Set? We sell Furniture as cheap as any house iu the country that in tends to givo honest value for the money. Try us. Hull & Co. 20B AHD 201 IROM and STEEL noivw'ay iron black diamond SILVER EXTRA SPECIAL SANDERSON'S ENGLISH JKssoi"S KNGLISH CAST STBBL HOUSK SHOES TOE CALK TIRE MACHINERY BPUINQ SOl'T STEEL ANVILS BKLLOWS HOKSE NAILS WILEY & Kl sslli, AND WELLS BROS CL'TTINU MACHINERY. iiitenbendsr&CoJcranton, Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wagonmakors' and Blacksmithi' SUPPLIES. LOUIS B. SMITH Dealer in Choice Confections and Fruits. BREAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. FINEST ICE CREAM 1437 CapousG Avenue. Now Going On. Do you have wearing out? Greys. WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Cowl; Housa. AVENUE. WIOUIG AVE. WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS IIL'RS BI'OKES RIMS STEEL SKEINS R. R. SPIKES SCREW l PAllI.OUS OPRN FROM 7 A.M. TO 11 P.M. - tiPEOLAL ATTENTION QIVUN TO SUP (PLYINU FAMILIES WITH ICE CHE AM. WE'VE BEEN HOUSECLEANIM Givo us a call and tell us what you think of the many changes and improvements. Paper and paint have wrought wonders, but A Brand New Stock And our new Cash System have done much more that i, perhaps, of greater interest to you. Prices have dropped and qualities have have gone up. Thai's the case in a nutshell, but you may want more tangible proof of this. If so, you'll find it at the store. Look in our windows. FREEMAN, Call Dealer In Diamonds, Watohei, .ion Wry. Ela. Cor. Penn Ave. and Sprocs St. Ladies Who Value I A refined complexion moft nno Pononl'a Pow-J derIjroduceiioftndbeijuti