Newspaper Page Text
THE BCBANTOX TEIBUNB-MONDAT MOBNTNG, JUXE 11, 1894. MATCHLESS SHAW PIAHOS. STELLE & SEELEY, i34 WYOMING AV. PIANOS Vf.nv.Tt. SHAW, KMKHSON, JUOW ENGLAND OlUVCffl I IMP III TITD fly my li'ii'i -nk hicutfd ut lia NortU Jluin v I'liijjOl LlHu 111 lilu 1)1 1 1 wli,'r" nworlptlon, advertisement now The price. KT.XV AND IECOND HAM) ALL TRICES A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD And always have Good Bread. MANUFACITREP AND FOB HALE TO HIE TRADE BY The Weston Mil Co, EEWARS OF CODHTEEFEITS ) THE BFMIJINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INmai.3 Ca.4 B. & Co,, frrpr nimi nn Faoh Closr. Sarney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. COUtt'i HOUaM mji a .'. DR. H. B. WARE RPKCIAM8T. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. EPFICR MINIS' ITWMPJu iJOTO 6.30 '35 WYOMING AVE- PLUSUXAL. Mr. .mil Mrs. A. 1!. Holmes spent yester day nt Elmnurst. Kev. Thomas E. Coffey, of Carbondale, whh in the city Saturday. Arthur FrothlnghMn ha returned from a business trip to New York. Miss r,rnce and E lit ti Norton aro visit ing relatives at New Hertford, Mnm. Mr. uud Mrs, H. D. Wilson, of Nebraska City, Nob., are vi-iting friends here. Kev. Dr. Henry H. Jnssup, of Palostine, is visiting I. L. Post, of Clay avenue. Colonel H. M. Boies, registered at the Hotel Bellevue, in Philadelphia, last week. William H. Beeves and J. W. Penny packer, of Pheuixvillo, were in the city yesterday. Mrs. John Seism and daughter. Miss Gertrude, of Qalno? avenue, returned on Saturday from u week's stay at Mt. Car mel Mr. and Mrs Frank Lewis, of Wilkes Barro, spent Minilay With Mrs. Lewis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. CUarlos Cjoper, of Wyoming avenuo. Mr. anrl Mrs. fieorso P. Orifflths, of Erie, are visi ing Mrs. Griffiths' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard J, Matthews, at Ut) Wyoming avenue. Mr. and Mrs. diaries Valentino returned to their home on Saturday after a vlBit with Attorney and Mrs. W. 8, Hulslander, of Church avenue. Professors H D. Buck aud E. W. Davon port, of Wood's Business Oollflge, enjoyed a bicycle trip to Tunkhannock 00 Sitnr day last. They took dinner at the Keeler House. COMPANY B'5 GCOO SHOWING. Nina Man Qualified as Marksman on Saturday If the example set bv the rnombers of Company B, on Saturday, should be followed there is no doubt hut that every member of the Thirteenth regi ment would be qnalified before camp, thus relieving the company ootomtud rs from a good deal or inxioty and in cidentally saving OOuliuVrabla money. Following are the total sc rei made by the men at the rang, on Saturday: Corporal Fred Ilahcock 41 Corporal Fred Bellorshiem ii!) Corporal Elmer Berry bl Private Chester Smith 43 Private ( has. Heogle Hi Private Burt Kellow .'ill Private Colwell mi Private Boberts musician l. Hughes.. 30 That makeg a total of nine men qual ified in one day. The highest score was made by the youngest, member of the squad, Private Chester Smith. fernnton'e Business Interests. Thk TiumiNR will noon publish a care fully compiled and classilled list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton and vicinity. Tho edition will bo bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure views of our pnbllc build ings, Cosiness blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens, No similar work has ever given An equal rep resentation of Hcranton's many indus tries. It will bean invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outsido the city, copiea of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement, of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as the city at large. Representatives of The Tkibu.vb will call upon those whose names are dkhihko in this edition uud explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in this edition will please Kave notice at the office. Ice cream at wholesale. Iteinhart's market. ORGANS use the- eunw wu tc OllUff 19 III D E. Captain William Davis Killed by the Kick of a Hors. FJNERAL WILL BE HELD TOMORROW Children's Day Wns Observed In Most of the Churches Yesterday Death of Mrs. Alice Durkin John Cassidy Buried Miss Fellows Tendered a Party -News Notes and Personal. Tlio West Bide iifllco oT tho Souanton u'tu v uiiiiiiuiiu allium ill IOUt'lVtl Illulllll llttl'lltlUU. Tho funeral of William Davis, late peiinaoent man at the Franklin Engine company, Who died at (! 30 o'clock on .S.tliirday morning from injuries re ceived by being Iciclto 1 by one of the company horses th preceding night, will take place tomorrow afternoon, Usptaiu 1) ivih m t his dath in a moit iragio maimer. It was his custom to -ieep iii tb engine borne, occupying a led on the Mound, flior. About 10.40 o'clock Friday nigul no was awakened from lumber by a noise underneath llim and on going down stairs found one of the heavy black horse. loose, lie piTCeedod to tie animal and after i doing so went into tho other stall to I li 8 if the. other horse was secure. Wneu coming bhOR through tho sull of the li st horse, the animal gave him n vie 1 'Us kick in tho stomach, knoekini him I Imek on u bale of hay, from which hi lei to the Boor and writhed in agony. Mr. I) ivis had aufflcltDt presence of llliud to crawl from the stall to tba en gine house. When ne lay groining. I; chanced that John Lwry pnued that way Ibortly aftirward and hearing tho moans of the Injured man, be knocked at tho door. The captain crawled to the door and opened it. When Mr Lowry ascertain! d what had happened he carried the injured man to thu sec end floor and placed him on his bed. At an early hour Saturday morning h was removed to his homo adjoining the engine home, when Dr. M. J. Will iams was summoned. .Medical aid provort of no avail uud at 0 ) o'clock Mr. Davis, died, Csptain Davis wai born in Wales and cniiw to this country wh -n but a boy 12 years of age. He wai 51 years old at the time of his death. Wheu Abraham Liucoln issued u call for vol unteers for the Civil war in 1801, Mr. Dsvli was among the first to respond, eulisting in C mtianv D, Eighth rugi ment. New York Volunteer. For three years be Buffered the bardibipe of war, and retired with an honorable discharge from service. At the time ol the formation of militta in this city, Mr. Davil was made captain of one of the Hyde Park companies, H was au HOtiVe uiinber nf Lieutenant Eira H (iriffln post 130. Grand Army of the Republic aud ii devout member of the Wwlib Calvtoiitlo Methodist church. He is survived by his wife anil three children. The dig oti the Franklin Engine home is at half mast, and the linildiug draped with bunting. The rooms of the West Side Central Re publican club are also draped. CHILDREN'S DAY OBjERVED. interest: t,- Seiv;cea Held at the Wash burn Presbytsrlan Church. Children's Day was observed In nearly all tiie West Side churches yes terday. There was tasteful floral dec oration, tho children sang special sel ections end ministers discoursed on va rious enij cts appropriate to tho day. At tiie Wiishburn Street Presbyterian church lervioel opeu.d ut 10.3J o'clock with singiug, ''Hosanna to the Son of David," ulter which the prayer of in vocation was given by Wiliiam B. L-tctiWortn. A songof praise was sung. Scripture lessons followed. The spec lal hymn, "Building Diy by Day," was then sung. .Miss Ella Long gave a beautiful recitation, and the greeting of Dr. Wordeu was read. The 6chool then inng "The Two Builders." A pleasant feature was the appear ance of twelve little girls, who held blocks in their hands and finally built a wall of them. The inscriptions on the blbeka were, "love, faith, truth, courage, entity, reverend-, obedience, Sabbath keeping, pence, t mperance, punotism and Sabbath school." Rov. L. W. Skellinger gave an ad dress on "Children1 Day," speaking kindly words of encouragement to tho young. Tho choir n very beauti lul authem uiitier the direction of Reese Welkins. After reports wore read, the affair closed with song. The scriptuta lesions were load by Super intendent 1'hillipi JOHN CASSIDY BURIED. Funeral Serviced Conducted Yesterday Afternoon. The many friend of the Ia John Casiidy, a well known young mm wii was employed as driver lor IP is r & Warnke, iratbored at the family homo on South F1Iowh ct-oet yesterday af ternoon. The fun ril cortege moved to St. Patrick's church, where brief but Impressive servic-s were conducted by Rsy. Fathor McNnlty. The yotinL' man was a member of the fodality of th church and much esteemed, Among the beautiful floral tributes wers an anchor by HelseT & Warnke, pillow by ex-Mayor John H. Fellows, cross, Barney McGill; basket, James Cnmtninirs; orosi, Horatio T. Fellows, and a boqnet by a friend. The flower hearers were Thomas UoNamara, Thomai McAndrow, Terenc i McNnlty, Patrick Deven and Tom Hurst. Pall bearers: Pierce Fellows, Barney Mo Gill. Joseph Miillm, Jam s Cuiumings, William Filbert and Joseph MoD -r-niott. Interment was mad in tho ill do Park Catnoiic 0Ultery. m AN EVENING PARTY. Thn Frlenda of Mtsn Fi1owj Tender Her n Eeofp'.lon. Miss Nellii Fellow, the accom plished daughter of ex-Mayor John II. Fellows, of Tenth streot, wai ten leroii a party on Friday evening in ho lor of the attainment of her sixteenth birth day. A most enjoyable evo.iiug was pent, Dnilnif tho fostivitles MH9 Blnil Williams, of South Main aVenu, iire lented Miss Fellows with a handsonn toilet sat and a valu itde book, as a token of the osteon! in which she is held by her friouds. Rofreshmouti were nerved. DEATri OF AN ESTEEMED LADY. Mn. Alice Durkin Expired at Her Home Saturday J-v-nlnw. Mrs. Alice Durkin, widow of the late Tboms, Durkin, n much eiteemcd resident of this side, died at her homo, 180 North Hvde Park avenue, abont B. 30 o'clock on Saturday evening. Dt ceased was born in Pltuton and ii a bip ter to Jnmei Brown, of that plioe. She was 40 years of age There are none who will fail to mourn her logs. Mrs. Durkin li survived by her NEWS WES IE mother, Mrs. Msry Brown : her brother, Frank P. Brown; and listen. Mrs. M. F. Wymbs, Kate, Josephine and Celio Brown, the funeral tikei place to morrow morning A man will be cele brated at 0 30 o'olock. Interment in tho Hyde Park Catholio cemetery WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Dr. Tliomns Jenklus hns returned from Plymouth. John P. Thomas is erecting a cottago on Fifteenth street. Mrs. J. B. Peck, of Price streot, is suf- reriug witu asttima. Miss Annie Hower, of Price stroot, has recovered from an illness. Fred Decker. Fred Knlb and Charles Collins are at Niagara Falls. Miss Bertha Docker, of Price street, is recovering rrom a severe cold. Edward Bering, of Main nvnnno, is mak ing improvement! to his property. James Peters has nearly finished a double house on Fourteenth street. The Blue Clippers defeated tho Murray Hills by a t-coro of 11 to 10 on Saturday. John li. H ill has resinned work after several woolen idloucas from au affection of his eyes, Tie- Murray Hill Base Ball olob defeated the Young Sailors on Saturday by a score of I) lo H. Margaret, tho youngest daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. M. V. wyinb , of Jnokson street, is seriously ill. Mr, John H, Heed and son, Charlos, of Wilkes-Barre, aio visiting Mrs. Banniug, of North Lincoln avenue. Henry J. Phillips, of Pittsburg, a for nn r resilient of this side, has returned here to permanently real te. Miss Margaret Edward, daughter of Judge lanvards, ot South Mbiii avenue, Is Spending B tew weeks In New York city. Tho marriage of William Farrell. of Wnsbbarn street, and Miss Mary Kelly will occur a'. St. Patl ick's church tomor row moiuiug. Mrs. .7. C. Mover, of North Bromley ave nue, had a moat delicate operation per toi med on Friday. Sbo is gettiug along as nicely as can bo expected, John Jones, of Morris court, will take porissiion of the hotel of Autiioiiy Deuue bauin, which ho has purchased, this morn ing. Au opening will bo hold this even ing. Rev. T. J. Collins and family, of North Hyde Park avenue, will leave today for West Virginia, the homo of the parents of Mr. Collins. They will bo absent about two weeks. Tho Sumner avenue Presbyterian church choir will produce the cantata "Lather at Music hall on Wednesday evening. Sale ot beats will bo held at M. A. llulhert s Wyoming avenue, aud Davies ifc Williams', South Main avenue. An unknown woman was arrested at 2.ii0 o clock yesterday morning at tho cor ner of Lackawanna avenue and Seventh street. The woman was drunk and re-si-ted arrest. Officer Gurrell approached l:er anil sne Degan to scream. The noise attracted Lieutenant Williams to the srene and she was placed In tho West Sido station house. IT WAS CHILDREN'S DAY. Spclal Servloi and Sermon at First Preebftorlan Church The Children's Diy services yesterday at the First Presbyterian church, were of a particularly beautiful and impros Hivo nature nud were witnessed by a largo number of people. The entire service was confined to the thonirht of "Character Building" or "Like Build ers." The exorciiei included a brief ad dress by A. W. Dickion, superintend ent of the Sunday school, a sermon by the pastor, Rev. jam's McLnod, D. D., rofpmsi ve readings and specinl sieging by the choir. The iuterior of the old church never lookad mora beantiful. Miss Ciroi Dickson, Mrs, Weston, Miss Emma Fuller, Miss Deacon and a nuin ber of the young men hud arranged the pillars, organ and window embras ures with laurel blosioms. Dr. McL 'od's sermon was addressed to the old as well as the young, He reminded the children to remember the Creator in the days of their youth and cited Solomon's old age, in which he was able to neither talk, eat nor sleep, as a remit of tho evils of young er days. During the service Mils Annette Reynolds sang, "The Holy City," with a chorus by the choir. It was beiiuti- fully rendered. TODAY'S LIEDERKRANZ PICNIC. Several Leal Ch lis and Sololata Will Probsbly Attend. If the weather is favorablo, thnsing ere' picnic of the Scranton Lieder kranz at Central park today will bo one the important musical events of the season. Ni xt week, Friday, the Liederkrnnz choir of thirty-five voices will leave for New York to compete In the great Siongerfest to be held in Madison Square garden. One of the pnrpoies of today's picnic is to raise funds to npplv toward the expenses of the trip. It ii expected that a number of Scranton choirs and soloists of various national itiei will sing at today'i picnic. The ad million fee to the grounds will be 25 cents. M ATAMORf S CORNER STONE LAID Vicir General Finnan Officiated in Ab sence of B.shrp O'Hara. The laying of the com r stone at the Catholic church in Miitnmnras, Pike county, was solemnized yesterday by Very Rev. John Flnnen, of Pittston, vicir general of the Scranton diocee. Kev. John Fritz is pastor of tho church and many viiiting clergymen from the diocese wero present at the ceremony Father Finnen delivered an eloqnont and powerf ul sermon after the service, and congratulated the M itamoras con gregation on their religion zeal. THE best investment in real estate is to keep build ings well painted. Taint protects the house and saves repairs. You sometimes want to sell many a good house has remained unsold for want of paint. The rule should be, though, "the best paint or. none." That means Strictly Pure White Lead You cannot afford to use cheap f Saints. To be sure ol'getting Strict y Pure White Lead, look at the brand ; any of these are safe : "Atlantic," "Bcymer-Bauman," "Jewett," "Davis-Chambers," "Fahncstock," "Armstrong & McKelvy." For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors arc sold In nnc-pniind cans, each can heinp sufficient to tint 35 pounds of strictly I'urc White Lead the desired shade; they arc In no sense ready-mixed patntl, bill a 1 ombiiiatlon of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to tint Strictly Pure White Lead. A good ninny thousand dollars have been saved property-owners by having our hook on Minting and color-card. Send us a postal card and net both free. ' NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. NOTES OF SOUTH SIDE Desolate Condition of the Detampel Family on Lavelle Court. THE MOTHER GONE TO HER REWARD Mrs. McGeo, of Cedar Avenue, Shot on Saturday Children's Day Exer cises at Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church Forthcoming Marriages Other Interesting Per sonals and Short Paragraphs. A pitiful cue of destitution nt pres ent exists in a hovel ou L ivelle court in tho rear of 820 Prospect avenue. T!iu Detampel family occupy tho miserable dwelling, uud the forlorn condition of the poor children, four in number, tl eoldeit 16 and the youngest about years old, their father a worth less character who has uot assisted or looked after them for years, is now in tensified by tho death of their mother, Mn. CiiriMinii Detampel, on Saturday morning. For nearly a yoar the poor woman struggled in the face of death to keep her family from itarviug, aud that would probably have been the remit had uot kiu i neighbors extended tboir charity, Mrs. E. N. Willard has shown her generosity at vnrions times in caring f or the family, and now she haH as stiiiied all expense in giving tho woman u Christian burial. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Smith, of tho Hickory Striot German Bptist church will oflbiate, and interment will be mad )iu Forest Hill cemetery. COMING MaRRIAGES. Throe Weddlna of Note on This Eide Within the Next Month. Next Thursday afternoon the mar riage of Miss Emma iiaur, of Birch street, to Charles Stoober, of the West Side, will t.tlio place. Both are estim able young people of social prominence with numerous friends whoae well wishes are already boing showered. On Thursday. June 21, another couple of whom many frieud.s ipeak Willi every possible wish .for wedded happiness, will become man aud wife. Ou this date Guorge Pfeiilor, of the West Side, will lead to tho ultar Miss Anna Scholl, of Birch street In the beginning of Juiy Michnol Madden, of Manistee, Miuliigan, will return to Scranton after an absence ol leveral years. Mr. Mudden, however, was born ou the South Side and ii well known as an upright young man of (elf respect and character. Uiiou his ri turo ho wiil wed Miss Rose, danghtir of Mr. and Mrs. James Brady, of Genet street. Mies Brady is a very pretty young lady and will be mlSied from tho social world ou thii aide. A WOMAN SHOT. Two Boys Fire at a Do and tho Bullet Strikes Mrs. JUcGae. Martin Moffatt, a young boy em ployed in Core irau's hotel on Cedar avenue, nud a companion of bis own age namud Patrick Con boy, . were amusing themselves in the hack yard of Corcoran's place Saturday morning Bhooting with a Flobsrt rille ut passing dogs. While they were tuns ougaged the butcher drove up to McOeo's hotel, next to Corcorau's, and Mrs. John Mc Gee, mother of the proprietor, want to the wagon to purchase some meat. The boy shot at a dog that itood near the wugon an 1 instead of hittitig it, Mrs. McGee received the bullet in tho ilishy part of thd thigh. Dr. Mauley was suit for, but ho made 110 attempt to probj for the ball, but dressed the wonnd, which he does not consider in the leait dangirous. Eioh boy ohargui the other with thing the shot, pnt as it was accidental there 11 no intention to briug the law to beur on the cute CHILDREN'S DAY SERVICES. Yeeterdav at Codar Avenue M. E. Church tbe Exercises Were Delichtful. The Cedar Avenue Methodist Epii copal church was beautifully decorated yesterduy in honor of cliildren'e day and the musical programme luituble to the occaiion. The service! began at 10 o'clock and did not terminate until after the noon hour. The church wns crowded and everybody wns delighted biyond calcu lation. Besides the musical numbers on the programme, there were recita tions aud dialogues in which tho obi I dreu took part The pastor, Rev, E L. Satilev, delivered one ot tho best ser mons ever heard in the church. SOUTH SIDE J1TTINGS. Motorman Thomas J. Gallagher will servo on the jury this weok. The Gruetlo Verein society held an in teresting session yesterday afternoon in Germauia hall. John J. Schneider and family, of Codar avenue, drove to Pittston yesterday nud bad n plensnnt timo visiting friends, Mrs. Henry Hener, of Pittston avenue, is reduced lo the last sta;:os of etekneil, Her (jnily hourly anticipate her death. There will be s regular meeting of the Scranton Athletic club next Thursday night. Every member is requested to be on hand. Couuellmen Robert Bobinion and P. J, Rickey are in Baltimore as members of the fire co'tiniiuee, wnich is on a tour of observation. TH., -I.hI. DiIhwI.. mk Clmi I 1 I dnr the charge of the Herman Beneficial association was a complete success in ev- ory fettle of tho word. Tho convention of the district officers of the Catholic Total Ahstii ei o union di- mlid to hold tie- next quarterly conven tion in Hyde Pari; on July 8. Tho Llederkraul picnic today at Cen tral Park will be a brilliant occasion. The only drawback feared in that the giotllids will Dot contain the crowd. Two new fire nlnnns are about to bo added to the South Mile stations. No. 4',l will bo located nt Crown avenue and Beech street and No. 68 at Remington ave nue and Cherry street. John Bngno, whoso property has been burned several times recently, eontinuM in bard luck. Ou Saturday evening about, 9 o'clock his team run ovor the 4-roar-old child ot a Polish tamily named Martin. The child, however, waa not soriously hurt. Piter Ilicgins, sr., of Minooka. died Saturday night after many mouths of piilnlul illness. He leaves n widow but no children. The funeral will takeplaie toininorrow morning at 9 o'clock with a r, qiilem mass in St. Joseph'l church. In lermenttln Minooka cemetery. Dit. A. E. burnt, having opened hit of fices la iho Burr building, Washington avenue, will resume the practice of his profession, where ho will be glad to servs his old patrons and public in goneral, Rlr.INHAHT'R market sells meat and gro ceries at lowest pi ices. l'endle & Woeia'e and BallantlneV Ales i re tho bi bi. E. J. Walsh, Agent, 81 Lackawa iua nvenuo. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for ovor fifty yenrs by millions o mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It soothes the child. Boftens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is tho best remody for di arrhoea. Sold bydiugglsts in every part of tho world, lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and tako no no other kind. Twenty-fiyo cents a bot tle. CHINA HALL 4h We have REDUCED prices on BABY CARRIAGES, as our stock is too large. You can huy a Lrood Haby Carriage for t!i; price of ;i cheap ono. For Wedding Presents or Fur nishlng for Summer Cottages, we have a full and complete lino. Lamps, Dinner and Toilet Sets, Etc. WEIGHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Ave. Homestead CORN, PEAS, SUCCOTASH, LIMA BEANS, $1.50 Per Dozen HOME JERSEY CREAMERY B'JTTEfl In 3 and 5 lb. Pails. Eggs received Daily from Iho Home Poultry Farm. C. DITCHBUEN, 437 Laokawanna Ave. A. W. Jurisch 435 SPRUCE STREE1 niCTCIiKS AND sronTiNG GOODS. Victor, Qendron, Eclipsp, Loroll. Diamond and Other W'hocis. Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Spcrlnllst on tuo liya llivul.ioltoi nn NervoUKnoKfl relieved. Lftto-tt and Improved Stylo of Kyo i . i . . -i and Spotacli'a ut tbe Lowest Prices, bost Artificial Eyoj laaerted lor &T. J05 SPRUCE ST.. op. Old Post Office. Seasonable Suggestions .tlantio Whit Lead. 1 ho Old Keliablo luoas Thtod Gloss Paints. E.o. m nii-iil, Durable, PeautifnJ U. S. Dp. k Paints. Very Beet Thine; for Floors. Campbsll'sViirnisli Stains. Jim limit Kurmturo Uostorer Johnson '8 Prepared Kalsomine, Deeorateeand iUtir hot your rootna, Alnbnstino. Alabitln. BeautlftU, hard Bniib for walli Reynolds' E amsl Paints, The thing for a bath tub. London Purpb, Iv 1 in your fruit troen healthy, Paris Gr.ien. Pari 1 reen. 'J he old remedy for potato bugs Ge mini Dalmatian Powder and Magic Fluid, Baltevei yoa of tba "1 1 it," b,-d buua. Fatal Fool ratal Fool, Tho ptoper dint for roachos. Moth Cimphnr Balls, Moth Camphor Flnkfs, The name ladleatoi tho use. Matthews Bros., 320 Lacka. Avo. MR. ALEX, PHILLIPS l bm ru"fn "f thoKEYHTONE HO 1 bU rormorly culloil tUO Ciohs Keys, rornur Bromley on-, and swi-tlaiid. A full line of Lieuum, liner, Alo iimi Kino iirars will 1 kept In etugk. sir. r-hiiiipH win hepleaaedt o itreet hlH many trlonile who will favor blm twlth a oil. z... massss THE Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle Now on sale for 25c. r given away with purchase of every suit. Handsome line of Spring Overcoats and the Nobby "Bell" Cutaway Snits Martin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothier Wyoming Avenue. roroiiiniiitHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHniiiiiimiiiii iiiiiniimmiiiiiig Will offer some Special 3 Bargains for FRIDAY and I SATURDAY m I . S 100 dozen Children's HAXDK BBCH1EFS, colored borders, worth 5 cents, for - - . .3 CENTS 5 200 dozen Ladies' Plain Hemstitched HANDKER- CUtefl, worth VI 1-2 cents, for - - 5 CENTS S 3 100 dozen Ladies' Black HOSE, extra length, full regular, worth 45 cents, for - - - 25 CENTS 3 S 50 dozen Ladies' Black Silk worth 25 cents, for 3 Wo offer all of our Ladies' Trimmed Hits that were $3.50, $5, 3 W, $8 and 10, for just HALF PRICE. m s A new lot of Children's Garments just received. n3lligilIlllil!8llll!lllligilll!l9Hllllllllalli:IiillllSIIiligi:..I8Elllllligilllllllllllli TALKING OF COOL WEATHER Reminds us that we have a lot of nice Spring Derbys in all the latest shades that we will let you have at at tractive figuras. Drop in at either store and see them. 205 Lackawanna Avenue and 412 Spruce Street Christian, the Hatter It's a Great Shock 3 fri the fnllti who nn Halmlnir they undersell I ill othi-re ti) tltid that witbattl the leeel tiHfl or blunter we are glTlnf rui-toin-re the ben I ifltofeeoh opportnuitlee on these. A StrlOlly It-; I. tirade I 1 hi .; ttheel, 1SD1 putlerii, for tllO oaak. l!)it pattern, lo Wheel, for 78. 180 pattern, Him Wheel, for i'.k;., theeeprtoee make tho liusineee atouretoro. FLORE Y C HOLT Y. M. C A. BUILDING. SAY! YOU HEAVY WEIGHTS DO YOU KNOW THAT CONRAD, THE HATTER, HAS SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR YOUR SIZE? "BREVITY IS THE SOUL OF WIT." GOOD WIFE, YOU NEED SAPOLIO ashionl MITTS, fine quality, 19 CENTS : s s ILLMERY SPECIAL A Fine Diagonal Worsted Suit for Men, in colors black and blue, for Only $9.90 'in ujjyrc Clothiers, MemifunMsfiera Another Advocate of AnaBSthene OIlS. HENWOOD & WARDELLt OENTLRMKN-It afford me great pleasure to state that your new prorem of extreetinn teeth wa a Kraml success li my oase, and Iliearllly reenmmend It t 11. I sincerely hope that othen vlll test Its merits. Yours respectfully, CArT. 8. E. HKi AN r, Scranton, Pa, Henwood & Wardell, DENTISTS, 816 Lackawanna Ave. I Will on and aftor Mav 21 make a grest redtsfl tlon In the priros of plates. All work gn3 no i-1 urt-riass m oyory itarticuinr. THE CELEBRATED PIANOS ro At I'tr e r.t the Moit ro;nlar tnd Preferred hf sreroomi: Opposite Cohimbus Monument, VtAnhlhgtM Av.ScrantonePa. THE BEST? uv THE TRIBUNE injfrlli&teif