Newspaper Page Text
THE SCTIAOTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORENO. AUGUST 10, 1891. STELLE & SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. We will show you what you want. 6000 BREAD -USE THE- And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB BALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston MID Co, EEWARB OF COUNTERFEITS ) THE fifNIIINE POPUUR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIM.8 G.. B. St Co., (mnr'nfoil en. Enoll C'flflf. Garney, Brown & Co. lift's, DR. H. B. WARS will be in his office on and after the first week in Septem- bar. To tUj utepubllcan party of Luckiwunua I llnrebvl niiiiniinf.A Hint T will be ft enn. dlilate for Oho office of recorder of deeils of I.Bckiuvauma coiviy before the next Republican con.,ntlon. II. L. HALSTEAD, To tlio Republicans of Lackawanna county: At the earnest solicitation of many frlumN I hereby announce mysolf us a raudiilate for the office of register of wills, subject to the decision of the Re pnbllcnn county convention. I take thii menus of informing my many friends that I am In the field, as I may not be able to soo all whom I should like to see before thu convention meet. Roinem berlng the klndnesi heretolnre shown nip, and assuring the Republican voters of my grntltudo for pitst favors, I remain Very sincerely yours, WILLIAM & UOFKINS. PERSONAL. Dr. John Burnett is seriously ill. Miss B. E. Gilmartin, of Carbondale, is In mis city. Miss Carrie Bishop, of Green Ridge, is visiting lu JNow York. Colonel H. II. Boies and family returned last evening trom Shelter island. Mrs. M. Scott and family are -visiting relatives at taut, Wyoming county, Mips Mamie Johnson, of Wilkes-Barre, is visaing menus at bcranton And tiunmore. William McCarty. of Pulaski Citv. Va.. is the guest of his cousin, P. F. Duffy, of JrTlce street. Miss llame Charlesworth. of Green Ridge, Is tbe gneat of Miss Emaliue Kil- lam, in fanpucK. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bontou, of Madion avenue, leave today for Wayne county for a ten days' vacation, Albert L. Connolly returned to his home at Honeadale today, after a week's visit witn mends in tnis vicinity, Miss Lulu Meek, daughter of Dr. Pierce Meek, of Narticoke, and Miss Annie Uurran, daughter of Peter Curran, of JNSnticuke, are visiting Sanitary unicer curse. Building Material for Gale. Inquire at Conrad Sohroeder's office, vommonweami uuumng. Ecranton's Business InUrssts. Thb TmbcnewIII soon publish a care iuiiy cuiuuueu ana ciassmea list or tue leading wholesale, bankiucr. manufactur ing and professional interests of Bcranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form,- beautifully illustrated with rhotoeravure views of our nnblio build- lugs, business blocks, streets, etc., together witu portraits or leading citizens, Mo similar work has ever given an enual rnn- resentatlon of Bcranton's many indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources, bent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers ' and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well afrthn city at large, yes oi i he thibunb will call upon thobb whosh kahks are desired in this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residence in tnis edition will please hare notice at the office. S. B. Dbrfey, mate of the steamer Ari zona, had his foot badly jammed. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil cured it. Nothing eqnal to it for a quick pain reliever. ' Erjcklen's Amioa Belr. The best tnlve in the world for Outs Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. . tlt Iiheum, Fever Kn... Tot tor tihunnnd Hands. Chilblains. Corns and all bkm Eruptions, aod posi . , , . - . ' tively eures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price So cents per w. n i,' B.i. v... t -nr- Rpaa ee UVA. rut Mig y ittstnuon. v-vs. PIANOS ORGANS a, A Foe to Dyspepsia : SHOW WHITE RJIIR REVEL lie; Propose to Mo Merry for a Period of Three Days. IFTEEN SOCIETIES ARE COMING Hundreds of Delegates Will Ee the Guests of Scranton Turners, Who Have Prepared a Varied and Jolly Programme Parades, Games, Ath letic Feats and Picnics Have Been Planned for the Occasion. lWinnine- next SaturJav the mem bers of the Seranton Turn Verela will hiuk of no business cares for the space of three davs. The sixteenth mooting, or Beziiks-Turnfest, of the Philadel phia Turn-Bezirks will be held in this city. This inaus that the fifteen Tur ner societies of the Pbiladelphlt dis trict, will be the guests of the Scrau ton Turners, and the occasion will be most noteworthy one, , Next Saturday evonintr the visiting Tamers will arrive in this city. 'The societies will be met at Ibe trains in the evening by the local Turners and escorted with a parade to Turner hall on the West side. The parade will form at the Delaware, Lackawanna nd Western depot at as close to 8 'clock as practicable and march np Lackawanna to Adams, countermarch- n g and thence to the ball. When the visitors will have been ented in the ball, a short programme f festivity will ensue, alter which an ddreii of welcome will be delivered by Mayor Cornell. The greetiug over, the delegates will be taken in euro of the reception sommittee ana lurnisneu with accomodations during their stay u the citv.- It i estimated that there will be over 200 delegates. During Sunday the visitors will be making ready for their athletic and gymaaatiie feats and contests, whiou win ue tne feature of Monday's programme. PROGRAMME FOR MONDAY. Oa Monday morning at G o'clouk there will be a swimming contest at Mountain lake. At 0 o'clock there will e a parade from Turner hall to Cen tral nark. All the visiting soeitttiet and all the German sooieties of the city will form in parade with several bands wbioh have been secured. Central nark will be devoted ezolag- velv to Dicnio purposes snd the con certs of singing sosiotiss, and Schweuk's park arfjoinlBg will be used for gym na'tie exhibitions, for whioh prizes will be tffered. Not since the great Ger man saengerftst beld live or six years atro has there been suoh nn oecurrence. The picnic will be conducted on an elaborate scale. In Sohwenk'i park there will be an ntbletia aud gymnastic oontest between the different sooietlos, an cxulbitlon in gymnastics by the senior class of the Gambrinus Turn Verein, of Philudel- phia, wand zeroise and feats on the 1 .1 v... .... 1.. .!!.. -...,., Uarwiltfl UHl uj u luuiee wins ui ,wduit young women from Camdeu, N. J , and club swinging by the girls' and bovs classes of the bcranton .turners ; also calisthenio lexeraisss by all the tie live members of the Philadelphia dis trict. In the evening at VI o'clock the distribution of prizss will be beld. On Tuesday there will be a mammoth ex cursion to Farview. SKETCH OF THK TURNERS. The Turner aoeleties are organized principally for physical improvement, to develop tne muscle and Deeome pro ficient in games and feats of strength The meeting of these, sooieties will bring into competition the athletic Turners of the Philadelphia district. This district ooui prises all Turner socie ties of eastern Pennsylvania and they meet every two years. Ibe Philadel phia district is the most flourishing ag urogation or uerman societies una their bi-annual games are always looked for with anticipation. Appended is a list of the committee of arrangements and the offlc;ra of the Philadelphia district: Committee of arrangements Louis Qaeheidle, chairman; Fred Huraniler, secretary: Hy Vockroth. sr.. Carl Siaiber, Hy Ferber, Ed liartl, Alb Heune, Louis Hotti. Physical director Carl Staiber. Board of physical directors of the dis trict R. Pertuou, M. Ku Iters, John Bez tier, all from Philadelphia. Juclees Aug. Arnold, William Harr.Dr. J. J. fcraiti , Joseph Funk, D, M. Krozb. H. JUanu, Albert JNniBclie, li, tiernueiin, F. A. Finkeldey, Philadelphia: Ueorge feikel, Newark; (i. Bojus, A. Seibert,New York; t Liuecke, Trenton. District officers A. L. Wise, Otto Ror der, John Benzer, Louis Urotz, Philadel Dbia. Recording omeers tr. u. a. L. lianr. Fred Beck, Hy. D. Aner, Herman Fuchs, fniladeipnia; K. rrenn, new xork; li. Keller, bcrauton; crank uummler, burau ton. Ladies of honor Misses V. Fabrenholt. II, Wirtn, L. Kobiuson, J. JNotfi, u llet fulfincer, M. Hauck, M. Neuffer, A. Mo Artnnr. ju. rorcuer. Love, mystery aud crime all commlngl In '-The Lone Iun." NORTH END. A Fire Alarm Causes Much Ado About Nothing. Considerable excitement was causfd yesterday afternoon In Providence by the tire alarm from box cl, corner of Brick avenu and 0k street, where a smull chicken coop was alleged to be ablaze. The Excelsior, Liberty and Ciitnlur land companies dashed through the streets of the North Eud, attracting hundreds to the scene of the coutl igra tion, and everywhere Were cries of "Where's the firs?'' end eyes strained in all directions to had a trace of smoke, and even noses sniffed for the odor of conflagration. Eventually the Excelsiors were cod ducted down an alley and shown a cbioksn coop where a little straw was certalnlyl smouldering. The jut was loon set to work ana the lire extin guished without any fatal accidents. JOINT CONCERT A SUCCESS. The Puritan -asd Uethodlst Episcopal Churches' Ualted Entertainment. The joint concert on Monday evening at the Methodist Episcopal churoh was a great snccsss and much credit is due to Gwilyrn Mortals for the excellence of the muBlo rendered oy tne runtan ebureh choir, of which he Is the popu lar eohduotor. ' The solo "The Old OtUn Bubket," by Master Edgar Richards who is but 10 years of ag. was highly applauded Several other pieces were given whioh well sustained the reputation of Pro feasor William M. Davies, who is also conductor of the North End Choral nnion. The proceeds were divided be twesu Miss Mulley's , class and the ruritan onureh oholr. NORTH END NEWS NOTES. known in the North End, sails on the Paris tuuay iur ooatnamton. Mr. jons will study at the London Royal college of music and the Paris conservatory and will be absent probably over two years The home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Silkman as been gladdened by the arrival of a baby boy. A. Blandin, of Monsey avenue, who has boeu ill for the past week, is now recovering slowly. v Miss Carrie Bishop, of Green Rirtire. 1ms left for a montu's vacation in New ork. Miss Katie Powell, of Summit avenue. will enjoy u well deaervod vacation at btroudsburg. We are cleariutr out the. wholn of our stock of fine etchings. Chicago Art Co., i i enu avenue. The Groen Rideo whne.1 men's Rrtnrts nt the Drivlug park on Aur. '.'3 will be well supported from the North Eud. A letter has been received unon thelocul iniuiug controversy but cannot be puh- ltBUi'd s uo namo is signed theroto. Miss Mnrcuet Vincmd and Miss V.Wm McDouuld returned yesterday fvoin Lako iuoia, where they huvo enjoyed a pleas ant two weeks' vacatluu. Thomas J. Gwynuo. of flreen Ridce street, lm annonuceil his caudidaturu for ury coimuissi-juor. SiJL-ond ward, su'.iieot to the Republican convention, und is stop ping around in a lively fashion umoug his friends. Ellen, the infant danorhtor of David A. Evans, of SHU Margaret avenue, died estorday morninc nt 10 o'clock. The littlo nils was but 15 months uf ae, aud wilt bo uiied on Friday next, interment beiucr at Washburn street cemetery. .Service will a held at tlio resulouco at " o clock. Tlio miners employed at the Von Storch lope have not been at workidnce Monday owing to various repairs beinir uecossarv. tin fan engine lias been repaired aud it is expected tlmt the breaker will be com pleted by Friday evoninu to cuablo tlio men to couimenca work on Saturday morning. Graco, the little dauehter of Thomas Jones, of North Main avenue, died yester day after a liiiReriug illiuiss. The little girl was only about two years of ane aud nod siiilered HI tiealtu aince her birth. The parents have every sympathy in their long and anxious care for their daughter as well as in their last bereavement. The funeral takes place at Nanticoke. C. J. Davis, formerly of the North End. but now of Chicago, is visitinfc his narents on Warren Btreet. Mr, Duvh is at present studcut at Moody's institute, and is a member of the famous Moody male quar tette. This organization has gaiued con- iderabla reputation ull throutrh the United Stales, and has just completed a tour which bas included several states be- ween South Dakota and 1! ussachusetts. Mr. Davis is its musical director. "The Lone Inn." SOUTH SIDE. Marriage of Miis Rose Hand and Solph Olennou Yesterday. The marriage of Miss Rose Hand, of Codar nvenne, to Dolph Gleiinon, of Pittston, at be. Johns churcu yester day was witnessed by a large number of guests. The ceremony with its simple details was one of tlio prettiest stion on the South Side for a long period. Tho church was packed with people when, nt 4 30, the bridal partv entered. They were met at tbe sanctuary rail by liov. E. J. Moliey, pastor of the churcu, und the sacrament of marriage was solemnized. After the ceremony Fathor Melley guve the young couple his blessing. At 5 o clock, the immediate friends ouly tieing invited, a weduiug supper was partaken of at the palatial Hand residence. Mr. aud Mrs Glenuon de parted for Pittston last nigtit and left the Lehigh Valley station at midnight for Niugiir.i Falls. ATHLETES WILL PARADE. The Scranton Aibletlo Club Will Attend the Turner-Fost The invitation of the Turn-Verein association to the Scranton Athletic club to join the parade . from Turner ball to Central park garden next Mon day has been acted upon by the club and accepted. The members decided to assemble at their rooms at 8 o'clock Monday morn ing dressed in uniform, white stove pipe bats: linen dusters and canes, and parade to Turner ball on Seventh street, whero the line of march will form. Philip Schener, president of tbe club, will act as marshal, SOUTH SID JOTTINGS. Miss Mary Snow, of Stone fivenuo, left yesterday for a fortnight's visit to Susque hanna. Mrs. J. J. Walsh will return tomorrow from Atlantic City, after having spent month's visit. Edward Kloss and Ileury Eiden will leave Saturday for Allentowu to attend Catholic convention. Misses Snrnh Murray and Jennie Lough' ney, of JUiuooka, arrived home yestor day from Atlantic city. Mrs. L. D. Powers aud daughters. Eva and Maud, win leave today lor lietu- lenem for a two weeks Vuualion. Emilo J. Rennrd. of Pittston nvonue. and Miss Sarah Jiooro were mnrriod yes' terday morning at St. John's ciiarca. The new steamer of the Neptnue En- Kino company was put together yeBterday and will be tested as soon as Chinf Ferber returns from his vacation. . James Judge, of tho Excelsior Athletic club, left yentorday for Atlantic city to enter a tournament in which lie will coir test with liadore Htrauns for the middle weight championship of amateur athletics, Mr. Judge's lriends expect to see him re turn with chumpiousuip honors. HIS FLESH WA3 ROASTED. MayfUld Mlnsr Candid Oiaut Fowd: Id His Booth's-. Arthur Kilcur, a Marfield miner, who works In thu En mines, had a bar of .giant powder deposited in his bootleg while ut work Tuesday. It be' cuine lguited aud while trylug to smother tho nimeshis clotblug toos tire. His orbs attracted some fellow work men who succeeded in extinguishing the fl imus only after one side of Kil cur a body hud boeu literally rousted. He wus taken in a precarious condition to the Cttruoudule hospital. GREEN RI0GE STAMP AGENCY. Miss Kargare'. EulUvan Appointed By Postmoster Vandllnc. Postmaster Viindling yesterdiy es tabliBhod a sUtup agency for the ac comodation of (he people of Green Ridge. It will be located at the confection ary store of Mirs Margaret Sullivan n, 8o2 Capouse avenue. Warded Off Ditease. "I have nsed several bottles of Hood Hnrsarparilla and found it to be all that is recommended. It lias warded off dis cases from several members of the family Alary a. leaner, iMuinursr, i a. Hood's Pills cures sick headache. $40,000 School House No. 27, E, L. Walter, architect, bids to be opened tins month, to bo built on Columbia avenue. Lots for sale on this avenue at low prices tor a Drier period. AltTHUR FllOTnlNGDAM, I , Buy the Wbr And get the best. At Guernsey Bros.' Ricrt, pure, wholesome bread made from Pillsbury's best. WEST IE riding Attended I a Urge Number of Persons.- HE PHILLIPS-SIHiTH MARRIAGE Ceremony Performed at Home of Bride's Paronls by Rev. D. C. Hua;hes Tribune Carrier Eoy Seri ously Wounded by the Bite of a Dog. Numerous Notes of Events and People. ' The home of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips on Academy street was the sesne of a very pretty wedding last evening. Tne ontrcting parties were their daugli- r, Miss Amelia i'uilllps. and Louis F. Smith, of North Rebecc avenue. The house was very tastefully decor- t.d witli potted plants aud flower .'he ceremony was performed at S.ilO clock. Ktv. D. C.Hughes, pastor of the iickson Street Biptist church pro cunced the marringe rites in the resence of a largo number of friends mid relatives. The maid of honor was Miss Carrie Smith, sister of the groom, Hid tne bust man was LUvid J, i'Utl lips. brother of the bride. 1 he bride was attired in a gown of ilk heliotrope trimmed with cream luce aud curried white roses, Thu bridesmaid wore a pretty dress of dr ib cashmere with oream luce. After the erutuony the newly married oonnle and their immediate friends and rela tives enjoyed an excellent wedding re past. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are well nown. He is a pattern maker for the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company. His wife, a pretty uu accomplished young lady, is well nown and muoh esteemed. They will reside on Academy street. Amotie the out of town guests were Mrs. Elizabeth Montgomery, of Wilkes-Bwre; Samuel Phillips and wife, of Luzsrne; William i'tiillipj and wife, of i orty iorc, and Mr. aud Mrs. James Phillips, of the South Side. BITTEN BY A DOG. A Bsrious Injuiy Inflicted oa the Wrist of John Burke. As John Burke, the lG-ysar-ald son of Mr. und Mrs, James Burke, of North Garfiuld avenue, a Tribune car rier, was delivering papers along his route on Railroad avenu at 5:30 o'clock yesterday morning, he was bitten by a argo and savage dog. The animal prang at the youth, and before he could defond himself it had buried its teeth in his arm. The gash made was a deep one. burke went to Dr. Carroll and had tho. wound dressed, while Officer Walker went iu search of the dog. Mrs'. Nolan said the doz was not out of tbe house until 6:20. Burke will pro cure a warrant. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Mrs. Jones, of Pnlnnrl' nrenrm. vlsitad lrienus iu isauticoke yesterday. Atlmititna Wvnnrri nf Woof. fMinatai. n,-- Ciliated niiiouu friends on this sidn vostnr- day. Mill Pttii Mnnta r,f Mai.II, TT.,n rn.l. avenue, is spending hor vacation at Forest City. UTra. VraA V Pavrr iml lniir.1tlnH r,f Frink street, visited friends iu Carbondale caberuuy. TjOII .Tnnfll nf ?Jirth Palr .nnnim will return today from a visit with friends Tif 1U iUUBUUW. Mrs. J. D. Jones and Mrs. Anna S. Reese. of Bromley aveuue, are visiting friends iu iiui-nmuu, wis. Mrs. Louis Stevens, of. North Sumner avonue, visited her brother, Dr, Houser, of loviui, yesterday. Elegantly frnmed pictures are beinir sold ror uait price or rruine. unicago Art Co., in reun avenue. " Miss Amy Howell, of Washburn street. lett yosterdsy roi a week's visit with friends in Kingston, Mits Sadie L. Burns, of New York citv. is visiting Miss Mame Crosby, of West LBCKawauna avenue. Harvoy Christie, of Elmhurst haq ac cepted a position as book-keeper for As well & Co., of Rock street. Miss Mary DeLon?. the musio teacher. left yesterday for a two weeks' vacation in ftew Jersey and Long Island. Louis Stevens and daughter. Edna, of North Sumner avenue, have returned from a trip to JN uignra r ails and Toronto. The Crescents of this side challenge tho Toyior chid to a game or ball on Saturday next, to Dts played on West bide grounds Henry P. Davies, of Eynon street, left yesterday afternoon fop a month's tour through Utah, Denver, Salt Lake City, and other western states. , The members of the Cbeetnut Streot German Presbyterian church beld a most successful picnic at VV abler s grove yester day aiternoon ana evening. Arthur E. Morse, of North Bromlev ave nue, and Fred Davis, of Scranton street. have returned from a week's camp along tne DanKS oi tue ousquenanna. The funeral of Mattie, tbe 10-months old daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Davis, occurred yesterday from the family home on noun nyuo rark avenue. Clarence Davis and Alton Chase, of JNortu sumuer avenue, aud Uutberford Closer, oi JNortn hvorott aveuue, are spend' ing a week on iittany 's lurin in ileetvillo, Love, mystery and crime all commingle iu ine Lione inn." - SCRANTON HIGHLY HONORED. Richard Crokor Dolg-na to Stop Here fo Luuoh. Riehnrd Oritur, thn fumnnt Tnm. uianyiu, pasaed througa tins city yes tprd.iV morn In 17 nnrnnta from Nut xork to tticnueid springs, wtiere he trill an, ,1111 a nurt rr l h iiiinmav He lunched nt Hanley's, but created nn stir nn-sihlv nn nrnnnnt nf tho ih se nee of any bead gear that would be' token tne identity or tne great sucue em THE MERCHANTS FIND FAULT. Bay Laokawaune Avenue Is not Prop erly Repaved. Owing to tbe reoent street railroad work aud steam pipe laying on Laoka wanna avenue, a movement is afoot Hinong merchants ou that thorough fare to have an inspsoter appointed who shall see that tbe street is leit iu proper repair. It is claimed that the Scranton Trac tion company has done its paving in workmanlike manner, butconsiderabl criticism has heeu occasioned by tl 813 Lacka. Ave. Q TIME Xgya TO GET ON 13. jpfex ' $3.75 i09k Ladies' Watch. R'iJXn hLWl BtomWind V llrW a'rrnnto'd. KexfopdJewelry ' Company relaying of the pave by the steam beat ing company. Out Hall, The bi-annual meeting and tournament of the Turner societies of the Philadelphia district will be hold iu this city Aug. 20 and ill under the auspices of .the local Turn verein. Katiirday Evening, jinp. IS Reception of the delegates from Philadelphia, Will ianiBport, Alleutowu, Wilkes-Barre, Tren ton, N. J., Camden, N. J. Monday, Any. 20 Graud parade of the visiting societies. Ail local singing and other German societies will participate to Central Park garden; Bports and games between visiting aud local Turner socie ties. Admission to park 23 cents. Picnic all day and evening. Tnenday, Aug, zl Mammoth excursion to Farview. Traim leave Delaware and Hudson depot at 8.30 a. m. Tickets for adults, 75 cents; for children. 40 ceuts. For sale at C. D. Neuffor, Fred Durr, John T. Fiihronholt, city; Schneider Bros,, Charles Schonch, Charles Kirst, SoutU Sid; George Wuench, Joseph Zimmerli, Hydo Park. Committeei Louis Gscni:iM,it, Fitr.D tiuMMLEH,socretary. Hnriiago Licenses. Marrincelicenses wore ye-iterdny eranted bv Clerk f tho Courts John li. Thomas to Louis Schmidt and Amelia Phillips, of Seranton; Charles Bartoech aud Muttie Gardner, of Ransom; Patrick Gavin and Miss Charlotte Franks, of Olyphant; Fr-d-erick C. Forhnch, jr. and Kalie SchaiTor, r scranton: Henry i. Lonroy and undece Toolin, of Cm boudalc. Water Piltfte. rure water Recnres good hoalth. T. F. Leonard, at 51)5 Luckawanua aveuti", hps for sale four styles of stone water hltrs tLat aro sold at prici't within reuch of all, and are its easily cleauod and taken caro of ns a water pail, tad will lust for years. Tho filter is all stone, nothing to ru.t, cor rode or become foul and will lifter from fourtotwelvo gallons per day. Drop iu and see them. Musio Boxes Exclusively, Best made. Play any tleMred number of tutios. Gnutaeln fc Sons,, manufacturers, (.U0 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Won. derful on hesti ial orijaua, only io and $10. Specialty: Old nnisia boxes carefully re paired aud improved with now tunes. Shoe repairing promptly attended to at ibo Shoo xtoro. theG Import Samples mean 20 per cent, less than import prices. No two pieces alike. Flower Va3es, Jarden- ieres, Plates, Chocolate and Tea Pots, &c. To secure REAL BAPw- GAINS, come at once. WEICHEL 4 ILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. If a Tornado Strike Scranton It would cause little more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST HAS DONE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEW EL.RY, SILVERWARE, ETC., never have been sold before at such prices; but, remember there is no CREDIT at Freeman's. Our line of Groceries is complete and you can rely on them being the fmest. If you want a delicious, high-flavored TEA, try our New Crop JAPAN for 50c; worth 75c c. 427 LACKAWANNA AVE. AYLESWORTH'G Meat Market- Tiie Finest in the Citj, The latest Improved f ur nlshinRS and amiHrntug for keeping meat, batter and egjs. t29 Wyoming Ave. i I ILL You Heed Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. axtin & Belany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. StKSmillE.'XSSBuDBESIs.HSailllW m S We Have - AT Hi 308 Laoka Ave. SPECIAL g 45 dozen Ladies' White Embroidered 4f I Handkerchiefs, value 25c, for . . 1U S 50 dozen Children's School Handker- I s chiefs, in plain and colored borders, Q Onro value 5 and 10 cents, for .... " Clll& I Sail ii 35 dozan Ladies Hemstitched Handker- R f nrifn H & chiefs, value 10 cents, for - - - - " wilia s tr IW A new line of Chemisettes just, received. n2BEBias:B323E.Z3ilBS33i.SESIlIIBllES!I Scientific Eye V.'' )MtTHINC MW IN A HA? For Fall Wear 305 Lackawanna Ave. It's a Great Shock .,.... tote folks who aro clilmin! they unJersell ill others to And that without the loast fuss Dr bluster we aro uivinR custom-rs tho ben flt of such opportuuitis an tlioso. A trletlv Hla-li Orndo I.lcht-welgbf IMu'.-l, pattern, f.irUO rash. 181)3 rtnttiirn, 10 Wheel, for 87.. 1894 pattern, IslOO Wheel, for 85 essl' these pricos make tho business atourstorcw' FLORE Y & HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. Maioney Oil aod faufacter'g Co, OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER ill. TO 15i MERIDIAN ST. THE CELEBRATED i.n st I'nuiBt tho Mn.t Pwnlnr and rrafenod by Lnnsnis Artinic Warerooms l Opposite Columfcas Monument, 03 Washington Av. Soranton.Pa. sb i ,l. a mm Received I - VALUES Testing Free By DR. SHIMBERG, Tho Specialist on the Eye. Headaches and Ner vousness relieved., Latest and Improved Style ot EyeglRssea nud Hpoctacloi at the Lowest Prlcej. Lest Artificial Eyes inserted for $5. 303 SL'ltLCIO ST., Opp. Old Post Office. H. A. HULBERT'3 City Musio Store, DKCKRR BROTHERS An LVRANICH & BACK Vnusat WVIuXZ BAUiUU Use a krse stock, ot flrstIass MUSICAL MKTtClWNDISH AUbio, ktu, urn Another Advocate of Ansstiiene DltS. KENWOOD & WARDEIX: GENTLEMEN It affords tne greai Vleasnro to state that your nenr prooeM of extracting- teeth was a grand sneoees ii any ease, and I heartily racommond ItM 11. I sincerely hope thai other wlU test Its nierlta. Tours rcHpeotfolly, CAPT. 8. . 11UVAXT, SoTaaton, Pa) Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS. S16 Lackawanna Ave. WlU on and nftor Mnv 21 make a redan tion in the prices of plates. All work goaV anteeJ flrst-cluas in evorr particuLir, - - U A. W. JTJRISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE BICTCLK9 AND SPORTING GOODS. Victor, Qendron, Kclipse, LovelL Diamond anaOthor v'hoole ROOF tinning and lolderlntr all done away with by tbenseot HAKTMAN'8 LAT ENT PAINT, whkli consista of iugrodlintf well-known to nil It ran bo applied to tin, (telTHimod tin, nannt Iron roofs, also to brick dwollinirs, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, crocking or breaking of the brick. It will outlast tinning ot any kind by many yesm.and it's cost does not exceed one fll'th thatof the cost of tinning. Is sold by the job or pound. Contracts tnken by MXUMO UAlll'ALANN, 627 IilrohBl