Newspaper Page Text
THE SCItANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1G, 1804. f; Cleveland's baking pow der C does not contain v a particle of ammonia, alum or any adulteration. , Everything used in mak ing it is plainly printed on the label . " (Surej y Food raised with it re tains its natural moisture and flavor. Cleveland Baking Powder Co.,Nw York, Buccewoi to Clevcluud lirothera. Norrmanfi Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming AvenuD Eave your COLLARS starched to the ell way. when yon can have thum done with soft, pliable Buttonhole for TWO CENTS EACH. Lackawanna THE LAUNDRY 2-Days' Sale-2 OF WASH GOODS -ox-Saturday and Monday. Our entire lino of Scotch Ging hams, Persian Mulls, Printed Piques and Dimities, worth 23c, for 10c. Ginghams, Organdies, Sateens, etc., worth 12 l-2c, for 5c ULR0D 415 Lacka. Ave. If you want Carpets, Draperies. Wall Paper or 'Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line of goods, and our prices are very low. 127 Wyoming Ave. To my friends:- I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the nomi nation of district attorney, before the Republican County convention. JOHN R. JONES. CITY NOTES. Tribune Tender lORvlnir for their mmuier'i vacation can linve their favor ite puper sunt to them without extra cot, by notifying this office of the de- Hired chaoses In the paper's Hddrehfi, The city tax duplicate will be in the bands of the city treasurer for collodion on juonaay next. Mattie Gardner and Charles Bartosh, ol Ransom, were married yesterday by Alderman rost. George Hays was sent to the county jail yesterday lor stealing a coll of copper wire belonging to the telephone company, Patrick Gavin and Miss Charlotte Franks, both of Olyphant, were married at 4'JL Quinoy avenue by Rev. Richard Hiorna, yesterday. The funeral of Mrs. Thomas Burns, whe (Ilea Tuesday at tor home, r Btono ave nue, will be held this morning at 9 o'clock, irom ob reiers catneutal. John Mulderlg, of Minooka, charged wiiu aggravated assault ana battery, was released on ball from the county jail yes- leruay, rainon uonroy became bonds man in the sum ot foUO. The funeral of Arthur Mnlla. nr Third street, who died Tuesday at the age of 22 years, wiu ae piane tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock with a high mass of requiem al I i T 1 - 1 , i 1 1 , T 1 pu r-eter taiueu. m. interment in Hyde Park cemetery. Alderman John W. Millet, of the Sixth ward, yestoroay anernoon performed hi! first marriage ceremony in the matrimnn ial parlors connected with the clerk of the court's office. Richard M. Lnuv nrl Miss Elisabeth Fasshaner were made man and wire. A young man about 18 or 19 years of ag was killed yesterday morning near Mo. f dam, about four miles from this city, by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Weston: ml k train due in this city at 10.20. Neithei ' bis name nor his place of residence could be learned, though it is thought he lived not far from whore the accident occurred. The Youna Peonies' Soolety of Christian Endeavor, at Fuctoryvllle, are making nonRlrlarahla nrenaratlon for a stand Cleve land convention rally at the Baptist church en Thursday evening. Charlon Chandler, of Baranton. and J. 0. Manning, seeretarv of Tri-County Christian En deavor, are to be the speaker!, and will re port from the great convention held at, Cleveland, 0., in July. A special pro gramme of music is being arranged. Paebt'b Milwatjkm Beer, eool ana sparkling, at Loh man's, Bpruce street I wiu present one thousand dollars In . sold to an one whom I cannot cure of epl leptlo convulsions or flu, Dr. E. Grewbb, 811 Bpruce street Scranton, Pa. tears A B Williams EVscAnulty Hi War Veterans and Tneir Numerous Friends Jollify at the Put I FIFTEEN IBEDSARD ARE PRESENT The Railroads Severely Taxed to Ac commodate Pleasure-Seekers Vet erans from Lackawanna, Luzerne, Wyoming, Susquehanna, Wayne, Bradford and Broomo Are Present. The Next Reunion to Be Held at Montrose. There was standing room only at Farview yesterday. MoKinlev was not present: and Gen eral Beaver and other well known ora tors exuocted did not materialize, btill no one about the grouuds bad reason to experience a feeling of loneliness. The annual reunion of the Seven- County Veterans' association eulled to gether one of the largest pionio parties that has ever assembled at the popular pleasure resort. From early morn un til afternoon a steady stream ot pleas ure seekers poured into the grounds from the various directions The seven counties, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Wyoming. Wayne. fcuBan-'hanna. Bradford and Broome, N. Y., were well represented Ht the gitberlutr. The that train from Wilken-D-arre in the morning carried ovsr 700 passengers. Other trains following wsre wel; loaded, and the Delaware and Hudson trains losvlng this city before noon could scarcely accommodate the ex cursionists. At Carbondale, where passengers are transferred to the Gravity road, which is the key to Fsrview. theexoursioniste were mot by boats of others who came on the Erie and Delaware and Hudson trains from tbo north. The open cars ou the Gravity road, although theusunl number had beau increased by many improvised affairs, wero insufliolent to remove the passongers from Carbon dale to Farview as fust as they wero landed from the other trains, and hundreds who arrived early in tin morning were obliged to wait for hours utter arriving in Carbondulo to got an opportunity to ride to Farview. BUSINESS FOR THE GRAVITY. The Gravity trains ran unceasingly all day and deposited train loads of people on tho picnic grounds as late an S o'clock in the aftornnon. It is esti mated that over 15,000 people were on the grounds during the day. The Grand Army of the RaDublic uniforms and uronzad races of the old veterans wsre plentifully sprinkled through the crowds that surged about the grounds, bnt as a well-known vt eran remarked, the affair could soarcaly tie called a soldiers' reunion as thu comrades were lost to each other in tho immense throng. As the noon hour approached tho wise excursionists who hud come pre pared for the oocasion spread iuvltici; lunches upon the tables about tbo ground which thiy procaeded to en - oy while the foolish virgins clamored and fouuht for non lubricated sand wiches aud "milky way ice cream at the meagre lunch pavilion which wai Capable of accommodating perhapj one-tenth ot tho offered patronage oi the clay. At tables uear by a piece of water melon a little larger than a nickel could be purchased for nve cents, ami bananas that hud the appearance o: having parsed through the annual ordeal of the Delaware peach crop worn offered at rates that loft no reason for doubt that a banana trust bad cornered tin output. Not far away several enterprising individuals were warming clams on it sheet irou and brick arrangement that failed to op"n the shulis. Owing to tcaroity ot other filling material, mar.v of th' bravest tackled the clam buk and pounded tho sheila open with heavy knives in order to secure the bi valves, from which the chill of tho ocean had scarcely been removed. GREAT DAY FOR LIQUIDS. The ice cream and the supply from sundry kegs that contained something with the odor of malt seemed inex haustible, aud tha liquid dispensed by Waymart dairy maids from a pagod.t whicli bore the mysterious sign "1c Milk." also beld out during the rush Up on the hill away from the mad dening rash of the hungry throng, tin James fc. Ham circle of tbo Ladiei auxiliary of Honesdala .preiidud ova: genuine barbecue and dispensed toothsome rosst pi 2, cluckon salad, boiled eggs, etc., to invited guests. Tnose who were fortunate enough to eiijoy the hospitality of the Ilonesdal i ladies declare the barbecue one of th i most pleasurable features of the n nuiou. The large dancing pavilllou was turonged dining the day by en thusiastic young people who indulged in the usual terpmohorean exercises to music by the t orchestra, The Union Ex-Prisoners associatioi banner hung from a sapling near tin white observatory, and here Coin r Ad Halsey Lathrop and a number of 3 oil f companions dispensed clay pipss tu x prisoners of war and amused th crowds cracking jokes and singing war songs. At 2 0 clock the bugler of Conyng ham post, of V llkes-Brre, sound J the assembly call and many of the ex cursionists gathered about the observi.' torv to listen to orators of the day, Governor McKluley and General Beaver did not appear, but excellent addresses, however, were listened to, Among the impromptu speakers were Judge Arcbbald and Judge Ldwardo, of this city; Distriot Attorney Painter of Broome county, N. Y. : Colon! Campbell, of WilkesBurej Homer Greene, of Honesdale; James Turner, of Jermyn; Captain Darte, of Wilkeii Barre, and Rev. bevenson. THE NEXT REUNION. At the close of the ipeechmakioc business session of the Veteran associs tion was beld, at which Captain H. V. Beardsley, of Montrose, one ot the bet known and most popular of the North eastern Pennsylvania veterans, was elected prssidont for the ensuing rsar, The association at the same time voted to bold the next reunion at Montrose The late exereises in the afternoo were interrupted by showers, an many of the excursionists wert drenched on the retnro trip from Far view to Carbondale. Considerable difficulty was experienced in transport' ing the crowds back to Carbondale and Honesdale. and the trainmen of the Delaware and Hudson are entitled to credit for the manner in which they performed their arduous duties of the day. In the evenin a bannuet was held M Hotel Anthracite in Carbondale, which was attended by offleers of the associa tion and other distinguished euests of the Carbondale Grand Army post. The iiitui speakers included Past rresi dent Frank Hollenbaek, of Waymart Vice President J. C. Turner, of Jer myn j Treasurer Dr. Brady, of Honeu dale; Secretary Chase, of Carbondale judge Arehbald, Hon. J, A. Soranton M,yor Hendriok, W. B. Grltinau, F, Ell in F. Forbes, C. R, .Mauville, Colonel Campbell, Bon. & 8. Jones, Hon. C. E. Rettew. ex-Mayor Eelly and Captain Darte. . TESSIS AT FARVIEW. Xh Carbondalo Club' Tourney Will Begin Today. The annual tournament of the Car bondale Tennis oiub will bvgin at Far view today. The event has always beer, considered one ot the most proinlueul regular social eiltirs of its kind in this eoiion of the state, and, aside from local participants and players from abroad, will be attondod by many Soranton people and othors from uearby towns. The programme is confined to gen tlemen a singles and doubles aud a special event for the Delaware and Hudson oballenge cup, which was woe last year by It Torrance, jr., of Car bondale. The winnor of the present singles will ooutest with Mr. Torrance for the trophy Its final disposition will be decided when it has been won by one person three times, not neces sarily consecutively. The entry list, wmau. closed yesterday, has been open to all comers and includes 1 galaxy of well-known players. A dance aud reoeptiou will be glvet the players aud guests this evening it Watt's hall. The drawings for the tournamen' took place ut Carbondale last nigh ; nd resulted as follows; Singles. Lieutenant R. P. Davis, W. L Fist. F. C. Fuller and L Sadler, lyes; N, L. Moou and M. D Lathrop, preliminary round: N. It Johnson, C. Orchard aud YV. J. Sadler byes. In the doubles Davies and 1' isk, and Johnson and Fuller drew byts The Sadler brothers play Torrance aud Moon in the preliminary round, Orch- rd and Lathrop drew a bye. TYPHOID FEVER SCAKE Dr. Allen Visits Elmhurst and ports Very Favorably to Mayor Connell. Re- The citizens of Bcraoton have bean not a little alarmed on account of u report to the effect that there were fit teen cases ot typhoid fever in Elmhurs" which might affect the water in thn reservoirs which supply this eity. iieaith umoer Allen, neenmpaniea by Sanitury Officer Burke and Anthony Uauman, ot the Elmhurst board o' health, went to Elmhurst yesterdav morning and found that the state 0? affairs was not nearly as bad as m- moraJ. The following is a copy of tho report submitted to Mayor Connell by Dr. Allen on his return to this eity. To Hon. W. L. Connell, mayor of tho cit;- of Scranton: Dear Sin: I have to inform you that ( visited Elinhnrst this niorninz accom panied by Sanitary Officer iinrke and A. Bauman, of the Elmhurst board of health. fortunately found tha attending physi cians, and had no dimculty in making a thorough investigation of the cases of feve;' reported, and surroundings. There were live cases iu two bouses, three of which were convalescent, and th ) other two not seriously .ill. No dentin have occurred. The cause of the disease eeouia to be the uiie of water from a cot- tain well, as all the families affected havi no other, and the well is undoubtedly con taminated by a number ot water closets ou the hillside above, ou tho north side of thn Dolaware, Lackawanna and Western tracts. Every precaution has been taknn to pre vent the pollution of any water supply. The excreta is thoroughly disinfected an 1 buried deep in the ground. Under the rii cuiuatances it would be Impossible for th) Scranton water supply to be contamin ated. Very respectfully yours. W. E. Allen, M. D., Iuspentor State Board of Health. Aug. 15, 1S94. Dr. Allen submitted with the abovi statements from Dr. Lamereaux anl Health Officer Bateaon, of Elmhurst. BISHOP O'HARA IMPROVING. Latest Utssaga Icdlpats That He Ma 1 Reoovsr. At the Episcopal residence last even ing Rev, J. A. O'Reilly stated that a message had been received to the enact that 'lilsbop O'JIara, who has bee 1 critically ill at Cape May, was able to sit up in bis room late in the day. lather UKsllly said further, thai each message received indicated that the bishop's chances for recovery am favorable. DR. BURNETT SERIOUSLY ILL Bis Condition Somewhat Improve 1 List Night. Dr. John Burnett, of Linden street. has been seriously ill for two weeks but upon inquiry last evening a TrtiiiUNi reporter was informed by Mrs. Bur nett that the physicians reported 1 slight improvemenli In the condition of the patient. lyphoid fever symptoms have devel oped but hopes are entertained that a better report can shortly be made. Fhythiana' Special Train. The Uniform Rnnk Knights of Pythius will have a special train via. the Jersey Central railroad to Washington, D. O., on Monday, Aug. 27, 18!) 1, leaving Scranton at 7 a. m., Wilkes-barro at 7.45 a. m. A Etiffet parlor car will be attached to this train, 'the special will leave ashingtoa returning Friday, Aug. 81, at 10 a.m. Tickets will be good to go on any regular truiu Aug. 2d to 'JSj inclusive, aud good to return on any regular truiu until Sept, II 1804 inclusive, blop over will bo allowc at .Philadelphia and Baltimore. Tb.s special will stop at all principal stations to take on Washington passengers. Kate from Scranton,; Wilkes-iiarre, 7.2H. Proportionately low rates from all other stations. Conway House, 132 and 134 Penu Ave. is where you will always find good service and courteous treatment, the table Is al ways supplied wih the best in tho market Transient and local trade solicited. Wood's College of Business and Short hand. To ths Public Since the orgnnizatioi ot our school we have given to the citizens of Scranton and Pouusylvanin advant ages in the commercial and stenographic work equal to that of tho best colleges in the largest cities. 1 More than 1,000 students have attended In a single year. A Great Multitude has been inspired to higher living and have won important places in tbe business and professloni.l world. With the experience and success of the past we propose to give onr patrons of ths future higher, more practical, and tho ouRh business aud steuoi(raphic courses. Conditions in the business world have changed. SchoolB must cbaaga to meet these conditions. Students must be taught to do as well as to think. The faculty i$ an important -factor in an institution. Heretofore we have educated ovr Uachcrt this year we have engaged men who have made a record and acquired a reputation. We have bad good pupils in the pas We shall have better ones in the future. No bnsincse school in the United Stat can exhIMt a more competent, culture 1 and efficient class of aggressive tenchon Tbe college will reopeu August 87. Day ana night sessions. Old students, studeni s who have not completed the course, an I prospective students, are invited to call. The office it always open. ?. B. WOOD, President. KICK IG OH THE PARTS Trouble Experienced la Making Up tbd Cast . ol Characters. . PRODUCTION N3T YET . BILLED Managers of the Democratic Com pany Are Having No End of Trouble in Getting Actors for Fall Season. The Company Is Large Enough but They Cannot Agree About Roles. Much Depends on the Republican Convention. The Democratic convention is yet "tc take place in the near future." No stops have been taken even to call a meeting of the county committee, al though it was expeoted that this would be done during the fore part of the present week. None are mors anxious for the fixing of tho date than one or two of tho omdidates, as upon the fix inir of the date depends the fixing of the slate. If the convention is beld after the Rspublionns have made nominations, as it now undoubtedly will be, there will be no time lost by the Democratic machine in filling up the tiaket, which will be attended with considerable ease on account of the determination to do certain things if the Itpublloans do certain other things. One of these tar tain things is the placing of J, G. Bailey in the shrievalty column if any man but Mr. demons Is nominated on the Republican ticket. Mr. Bailey will not run against Mr. Cleuious on aocount ot certain social relations ex isting between the two, and if dem ons is nominated Mr. Bailey wants to run for clerk of the courts. John Durkin does not intend to peacefully make way for Mr. Bailey. He has bit, mind set upou defeating John Thomas and no other. "Thoy can't force im up against Clarence Pryor," said Mr. Durkin yesterday. "I want clerk of the'eourts or nothing." SCHADT DOESN'T WANT MUCH. In case Mr. Bailey declines to sk the nomination for sheriff the elatt makers would have Charles Schadt tan it, but Charley says "I want county treasurer or nothing." The aforesalr?. slate makers are anxious to have &V, these men on the ticket, but thsy art sorely troubled as to bow thy shall be disposed of. Here is the way they would like to se the county slate printed. Congress W. H. Gearharv, Judge P. P. Smith Sheriff Charles ScUd, I'rothonotary John J. Durkin Clork of the courts J. G. Itailoy District attorney John P. Kollj- Recorder J. l. Meaioy Kogistor H. T. Koehler They do not know es yet just how they would like to fill up the treasurer column, but as there is plenty of will ing victims no trouble would be experi enced in securing one. THE IIAPry, HAPPY FAMILY. Mr. G earn art will accent. ex-Judzo Smith was reported yesterday ss favor ably disposed toward acceptance, Mr Schaut won t have any sheriff in his, Mr. Durkin vron't accopt. Mr. Bollo'' dousn't know what he wants but will be able to tell after the Republican convention, Mr. Kelly won't have to be coerced into acceptance, Mr. Hea- ley and Mr. Koehler are fixtures. From this it is quite evident that tb'i Democratic englueurs don't know jus'; where thoy are at, and they don't waut to make a move toward a convocation of Democracy until they know what purpose the calling together is for The Democratic managers, generally, do not give a show nntil the different parts are well rehearsed. Until tin leading men get over their kicking .bout the nstlgnmsnt of parts, the pro duction will not be billed. A strong effort Is being made t satisfy the maloontenta, and it would not be surprising if the dead walls should be covered with their paper within a few days. STREET CAR WAR AGAIN. Will Be Carried to the Courts by thj Railway Company. .Now that the people oi Taylor ars again up in arms against the laying ot rails through that borough, the street car company has determined to use no further effort at an amicable adjust ment between the borough and tho company, but will take the matter to court in order that thsy may euforc'i the rights which they oiaim gives them the power to construct the road with out consulting the borough. When Taylor was a townshlD 'tilt company secured the privilege ot run ning a road through the plass and as the borough bad to assume the obligations of the township the company eluimn that it need have no further dealings with the borough. Court will have t (Isolde whether or not their olaimi an valid. DILATORY MEMBERS. Sheridan Monument Cannot Be Built b? Abaentsss. Less than a quorum of members prat ent provented a meeting ot the Sheri dan Monnmeut association last night. Many of tue members wsre absent at Farview with tbe veterans. Those who assembled at the boar I of trade rooms discussed the matter of arousing the members that belong tj the committee and are not prompt at meetings. The hope was expreasel that those who have been careless 1 1 the past will see tbe error of their ways and make amends. THIS XKA D1UNKER TEAS are among the most delusive goods sold in a grocery. Frequently tha most inferior goods are sold at high prlceii. We bave made it a point to make a spec ialty of the best grades Imported. Priors never were so low. We have good Tea st 20o. and Japans and Oolongs at COc that recontly sold for 11 par pound. E.G.GOURSEN, 429 Laoka. Avo. WEALTH OF LACKAWANNA COUNTY. From the Annual Tabulated List of Values and Taxablea of tha County Pre pared by the County Commlssionjrs and Sent to the State Department. The More Important Schedules of 'he List are Herewith Given. Borantou City, Flnpt ward..., Thin! wind. Fourth wind..,, Fifth wni-d H jctli ward Hoventli ward Klifhth ward ,, Ninth wind- ,,, Ti'iitli ward F.:oronth ward Twelfth ward Thirteenth wnrd 1'oui to'-n'h wnid.... Fil'tiMihth wurd Hlxteoutli wurd Hovonteonth ward..., KiKhtoenth wind Nim toonth wurd.... Twentieth ward Tweuty-tlrut wurd.. Totals I Archliuld borough , .? lilnKoly borou -li Huntou township , luruonilulo towu-u.p ,, Covimjton townenip v Clitl'ord towmlilp Carbondale city, First ward.. Hocoud wnrd Third wurd.. Fourth ward. Fifth ward,.. Sixth ward,, Dickson City borouifli Dunmoro borouKh Klmhurst borough Foil townubip tilonburn borough Oouldsboro borouuh, Lirnsufleld townsliiii....,M Jefforson township , Jormyn borough , La Plume borough Lackawanna township Lehigh township Ihidmon township...,-.,. MuyliuU l)Oioii!h.... Nowton townshii) North Abington township Old Forgo township Olyphant borough Hunsom townnlup noanuK liroo t iwuship (Scott, township Boulh Allugt n township BprinR brook township Taylor korouiiii Wnvcrly borouitU , Wiutou borounh , ., Totals DOWN IX A MINE. Novel Vaoatioa of Two Plucky Evan gelUts. Au interesting and effective evange listic work is being done in our valley by Messrs. B. F. Armstrong, general secretary of the Bloomsburg Young Men's Christian Association aud Thomas Thorburn, general secretary of the Sbarpsburg and Etna associa tion . assisted by J. U. iennant, n ' theological student in Wyoming sem iuary. They are holding servloes in the mining villages between Wlikes Barre and Carboudala, traveling in m closed wagon and holding services from the tear of their conveyance, whloh is supplied with organ, hymn books and other appliances. Yesterday during the noon hour these gentlemen held a religious ser vice at the foot of the shaft in the Oa tarlo mine in Peokville with the per mission of Mine Boss Chapman. Tho meeting lasted a half hour and was very Impressive. Slips of paper with the words ol hymns printed on them were distributed among the men, who joined heartily la the service of song. Ho collections are taiten up at these meetings, all expenses being mat by private subscriptions from gentlemen through the valley who are Interested in Christian work. Those in charge give their time to this work in pref erence to spending their vacation in the usual way. TRIED TO BEST THE LIEUTENANT. Eat the Offlcor Know What His Club Was TJjed For. Michael Gallagher, of Riley's Patch, was parading around Monsoy avenuo yesterday looking for some one to tread on tbe tail of his Prince Michael, No one could be fouud to perform this little office for him until Lleuteuant Spell man came along and made an official request that Gallagher would koep bis clothes on. Gallagher doubled up bis fist and let 'or go, Spollman drew his club and re turned the fire. When tho smoke ot battle cleared away tbo lieutenant was in doubt whether he would ring for tbo ambulance or the patrol wagon. Tbe latter was decided upon and Gallagher was placed behind the station house bars. SERIES OF BURGLARIES. Two Jobs in One Night Up ths Val iy. The Jermyn depot of the Ontario and Western railroad was burglarized Mon day nigbt, supposedly by tramps, and a number of express packages taken fcom the freight room. No arrests have been made. During the same evening or Tuesday morning the store ot the Riverside Coal Company between Peckville and Arch bald was eutsred and goods to the villus of f 100 were stolen. Restful to tired tollers, bread mada from 1'illBbury's Best. FOR DECORATING. We Paint and Fire China to Order. Come in and See Our New Goods. W. W. BERRY, Jeweler 417 LACKA. AVE. Best Sets of Teeth, $8.oo Including the painless extracting ot tcth by an entirely new pro cess. S. O, Snyder, D.D.S. ISO WXOAIIHU' AVE, a I 9i IIs S3 9 re O O Hi 7M,rli:i$ (IK! m 3Sl,fH 711', ICS 1,01J,(KM 11,1711; lUH.SIn 2,i'IH,(i;U IVMI, 111(1 'm,'M 401 Ml' llS,':! SIS.iW' 61HAM; 4M),t Bl.OTJ 25.175 l.tWI OVWO lM,:rti B.tlM) 18,1)00 JW.l.VI 1,0I!1,DIKI 1M.NHI . (is.;) :U'.i Tii.414 MMil 4;l..kl 2li:i,U5ll lti5,U) 8,000 14,M wvunl 10,7l0i 7,57(1 78 7. M (W 0. 567 01 7,7511 Oi ll.fWI (II 1,557 tSU 8, :S 75 Ki.ltW 11 1H,M 51 8,751 i!l 4.KI7 70 1, -51 H t K.IHU 44 5. ;l ''4 D.ium os Il.l:i2 M 1(1,841 (17 1,158 7:1 6. i 71 H.093 fT B.liiS 08 ,ri:)l,KU 1,7UN, l: HH,i7i 4iill,67rJ M1.7.VI DOU.oiia 8 ltl,57u,3&;$ 2,ZWl't H, 322,801 15ii,72 10 41?,U:iJ SI.Wl. 1SH.1H7I lmjut ii:i,MJ Z5,5U7 4';5,7H4 sni.aiu 1I,K11 iii 1, mm 155.1(11 IKI,5M 1,,S". 4,Mi,'.'S4i a,H5:)i lK,-i7u; lo'A.liil 2.1'l,:ill 7ii,;fti tt!S.SI7 21,1151 1511,(110 17(1,1(5; 4NO.047 7i4,;t;i 4;H,0i! 154.1SU. (17,210: 172,70l)i 1(0,7 H 2(,.7,i$ 18,1(KI 6,251 1 1,175, 8.410, 400 (H),K.O 1311,1'UOi 4,2;Vlj 5,,'(0tl V.45U i(H,70ll 1,05 2,(KK) 1,4(10 in! 71X1 :i.W0! 27, l'..i! 50,2501 2a,15n loO io.ijiio! iW,5l $ :il'7,72l! ln:.',(i;t7i 1H2.721), 1-1,(141 25, 1W 374,IKJ4 255,:ilO 1I)4,5H1 K5.l,'iK l:t!i,:i.52 . (11(1,312, 1,071. 15 85.2IHI 457, 7K4 !',4W)I n.n.',:i 151.771 t.7u;i 2.11', M 21), 58(1 M)t.7l7 21,251 H0.(W) 1(12,057 22 1, (HID 2IH,;i7!l (i!'5.IIHl 4'i7.(Ki5 14i(,5sil 110, m Slii.fili li55,Oill b7,4:JI 4:7,112 81.155 fJOU.INi 2.2113 4'.l 1,24'i 10 1,223 Oil K'O 87 175 84 2,589 83 1,7111 11 801 52 'M IK) l.ltlU III) 1,125 at 4,2111) 07 7,4"i! 27 25S 47 8,000 50 400 118 W 18 9S7 43 (Mi 71) 1,61)3 71) 203 I) ) 6,1(18 43 1111 41 1,015 92 1,2111 21 1,451) 18 1,485 05 4,707 07 2,Ht.i 51 b78 7J 442 50 1,5'.I5 04 1,088 lil 582 01) 2.5H5 42 501 43 2,105 14 8,i)'K) S5x,a-17 in.i'fl !i8,(Hl 4,(Jihi to) J7.WM 427.11; i:i,ll 8!bW aiV,6,lt) 16,4M !S 10,33 4,010.3 l,o:i5.:wj.'3 i),28,03i!: 04,070 32 AGATE Preserving Kettles Tho tima is near hand to U3e them, figure ahead. at so 3-qnart, 25c. 4-quart, 35c. fl-ounrt, 40c. 8-quart, 45c. 18- quart, 90c. 10-qunrt, 12-quart, 14-quart, 55. 65c. 75c. Also 1-quart Tin Fruit Cans at 45c. doz. E BATTIN & CO. 126 Penn Ave. J235En2S We are now prepared to do business at our new build ing, 322 Washington Ave. EUREKA LAUNDRY CO. mm mm m Of SHOES Is Now On And you'll not be treating yourself right if you don't take advantage of It. Every shoe in the house is reduced to cost, and many goods' Buoa as RUS SETS and ail SUMMER SHOES, a good deal leas than cost, WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS, best quality, worth $1.50 a pair, will be sold for 75 CENTS. Some ihat are soilad an! discolored will be sold for 23 CENTS a pair. There Is no half way business about; it, but a great bousefull of GOOD SHOES at the cost of making them. LET US SEE YOU. Tl TTT I s an in iim eat Blows Nobody Any Good i Our large stock of SUMMER GOODS has proven an ill wind to us, but is blowing to your advantage. We are offering our Big Discounts on Summer Goods. Embrace the opportunity. The Discounts o fared last week will be continued 0NJ3 WEEK LONGER. ,ROW 224 LACKAWANNA AVE, Two Weeks' Trial Immodi Tree. Coston's popular school only retains such pupils in stenography as show ability to succeed, by taking two weeks' trial practice. No charge unless they are con tinued. School re-opens Sept. a, DIELX O'MALLEY August It, at 8:20 p. m., Ar thur O'Halley, at his home on Third street, Bellevue. Funeral 9 o'clock Friday. B1 E SATISFIED with nothing but the best. You will be satisfied if you call on J. BOLZ and get some of the bargains he is offering. A $5 Coat for $1.49. A $7 Coat for $3. A Fine BlackClay Worst - ed Coat for $5, worth $12. Ladies' Cap 33, all shade 3, for 98c. Ladie3' Tailor-made Suits for $4.75, worth $9. STORED and INSURED IF ALTERED BY US. FREE OF CHARG3 During the Summer. 138 Wyoming Ave. next dime: bank. 8 A EVU 128 Wyoming Ave. Hip Pads, Stocking Supporters, AND A LARGE VARIETY OF REAL SHELL PINS OFFERS the best business education of any Institution of its kind in tha country, at mini mum cost The pro prietors are instruc tors with years of ex perience and know tbenecessitiesof tha business work. In struction is thor och and praotical. College building li a beautiful structure, well ventilated and possessed of all modern conve niences and is located on Court Houso Square. Day and Evening Sessions. will open MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. Our Journal tells all about us and onr methods. Send us your name and you will get it by mail. Back, Wbitmora & Co. PROPRIETORS. or, Adams Ave. and Linden Street. BI HATS AT DUNN'S Cor. Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves. I mi i ! Furs will WS BEE HIVE