OCR Interpretation

The Scranton tribune. [volume] (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 17, 1894, Image 1

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DIE Ilfc
The Popgun Tariff Measures Are Embalmed
In Committee.
Senate Transact Business with Des
patch and Passes Several Measures.
By Vote of Nearly Two to One
Four House Bills Placing Sugar,
Iron, Coal and Barbed Wire on Fr. e
List Are Referred to the Finance
Committee Appropriations by the
Washington, Ang. 10.
'HE senat snowed itself today to
be of a practical turu of wind
and rather inclined to notion
than to discussion It passed.
with only tbe briefeU staUmnut tbe
bill reported by Seuator Hill, (Dew..
N. Y ), fur the exclusion and deporu
tiou uf alien anarchists. It dispose!
of the four house bllli to plaoe oa the
free lint, sugar, con!, irou ore end
barbed wire, by reterriug each of
thi'in to the finance committee by votes
of n-arly 2 to 1
Various notices were given of amend
ments to the f iur independent tariff
bills and it will he within the compet
ency of the finnuc committee to con
sider and p upon tbrui. Th-s-Amendments
wre: To restore the Mo
Kinley not dutle on wool, by Mr.
Dolph (Rep., Or ); to repeal the new
tnriff bill, by Mr, AMrlc'i (R-p). and
to riMtina the ngar bounty till July
1. 1895, by Mr. Mamleraon (R-p )
Tnere were ouie ainuatiig epleodo
between the aeta in onnneotion with
the '-solution of Mr. Kyle (Pop., S. D.)
p-.ohibitlng the sale of liquor iu the
sinai res'anrant during the reoe.
Mr. Kyle was pictured a posing a a
special r former, and tie bad a general
Inncrli raisd ualuat Miuatasiluol
he tongue, by which be polc or sttf
gerlug against druuken uien on the
avenue inat-au or as senator uray in
timateddrunken men staggering
against him.
The vote on the free sugar bill wus
83 y"i to 17 nays, ua follows:
Yeas Mesars. Aldrieh. Allison, Blanch
erd, Dnce, Butler, t'effery, Camd-n,
Chandler, Cullotn, Oavis, Faulkner, (ial
linger, Gibson, Gormaa, H mabnugh, Har
ris, Hignius.Joiies, (Ark.). Kle, JUuder
boh, Alurpby, Piittoii, PeiTer, Perkins,
, Pet 'grew, Piatt, Pugb, Quay, Koacb,
, Sherman, Shoup, Stewart 32.
Nays ilra. Bate, Berry, Blarkbura,
Ccckrell, Coke, Georee, Gray, Huutou,
Jnrvls, Ijiudtay, McLaarln. Mitchell,
(Win.), Palmar, Ransom, Vest, Vilas,
Wbite 17.
The vote on the motion to refer' the
free coal 1111 was yeua U5, nay 17.
The rote on free irou ore was yeaa
27, nays 17 and was principally the
en me as the vote for free sugar and
Mot of the day was spent in discuss
ing the item In the general defleienoy
appropriation Mil, added by the senate,
providing for 'h p-ym-nt of a judg
ment of $1,800 000 In favor of the
Southern P. iUo Kail way company for
the transportation of troops, mails and
wrohandise for the TJuited Status.
The payineut of the mouy was bitterly
oppoied by numerous representatives
and sironely urred by others, aod by a
vote of 1)0 to 41 the bouse refused te
concur ia the amendment. A few
minutes later, however, on the recom
mendation of the eonferrees it was
agreed to pass the hill with a reduction
of the amount tn $1.27") 000.
Mr, Bayera (Deiu., Tix.), cbairttisn
of the committee on appropriation,
made the follewlng statement of the
appropriation bills for the majority of
committee. The appropriations made
At the present and extraordinary ses
eion of aonrreas, ineludinK regular
annual appropriations and permanent
annual impropriation amounting to
$490, CG!) 869 They are le.s trnn the
estlmaies submitted by $29,994,471;
less than the appropriations made
at the laat aelnn of the last
congress by $28 833 089; leas than the
appreprlations made at the first session
of the last congress by $10,981,819; leas
than the appropriations at toe laat ses
sion of the Fifty first congress by $50, -655,481;
leas than the appropriation
tn u.l e at the first elnn of the Fifty
first congress by $3,787,879
The bill to nnuiioit tne immigration
of anarchists passed by the senate this
afternoon wus laid before tbe bouae
and whs referred to the committee on
the judiciary.
Baoome III and 8llpt Away Without
Having Sianed Tariff Bill.
Washington, Anir. 10 President
Cleveland left Washington via. tbe
Pennsylvania railroad at 7 SO this
morning for Gray Gables, In explan
ation of his sudden departure the fol
lowing statement was furnished by
Private Secretary Tburber:
''The president left this morning for
S few days' absence under tbe advioe
of bis physicians in the hope of shak
ing off an attack of malaria, from wnloh
be baa been suffering for several days.
He has gone to Gray Gables aud be is
accompauied by Dr. O'Reilly "
The president took with him a
printed copy of the tariff bill, but not
the enrolled copy which he must sign.
The enrolled copy of tbe bill was taken
from the white home about noon to
the treasury department in the usual
course of official routine,
Tbe ten days within whioh the presi
dent has to net on the river and harbor
bill expires Saturday night, bat he has
nntil Monday, the 27th instant, on
Which to act on the tariff bill.
It is regarded a very strange that he
should leave just at this time. Tbe
' tariff bill was sent to him yesterday
Beside the tariff and river and barbor
billa tbe cunrtry civil appropriation bill
was agreed to between the two bouses
yesterday, and both this and the gen
era! deficiency billa d -maud his signa
tare as soon as possible, since the old
iipproprlatluas have expired. Especially
is it important that the sundry civil
bill should be signed at ouoe.
Hie Anger Ioorea.es at t'aa Flight ef
Kike Keltr.
Fuiladblphia, Aug. 10. Secretary
Diddlebook, of the Stat Bate
Bull league, was indignant at
the desertion of the Atleatowe
ulub to tbe ranks of the East
ern league, but be look to the
meeting in New York en Monday of
the netioual board of control to com
pel tbe deaertcr to return,
Mr. DiddlebMkseid that he expected
no other other outcome of the N-w
York wetting bat the ordering back
into tbe Pennsylvania State league of
both Allentown and Swan ton. He
elalms that the jumping of tbe State
league by these two U a grots violation
of tbe national agreement and that tbe
national board can net decide in any
other way, Mr. Diddleboek further
said that he would not be curprised
if the national beard expelled Presi
dent Pat Powers and tbe entire Ent
ern league from tbe national agre
tuont. Mr. Dlldlehoek cays that Mil-K-lly
was offered a guarautec ef $123 a
game and 50 per aaut. of gate rre-pM
for games plared away frem Yukeri,
aud when at h ui vUltlug clubs are t
rtceire tint $75 iroiu Yukera.
Mr. Diddleoeok touignt laid claim to
tbe Allentewa players aud called a
meeting of the State league in tUls olty
Saturday night te arrange a six club
uireult until the exoeoted return of Al
lentown and Scramon.
Democrats in thj Fourth District are
Sulking and a Republican Is
Likely to Be Elected.
Fvrcial to the Scranlon TYibune
Carboxdale. An j. 10 Tii renomi
nation of Representative M. T. Burke,
of tula city, for a third term ban occa
sioned such hostile comment on the
part of Fourth diatrict Democrats who
bj ct to the third term ide that re
newed iuttrest hue been imptrtel to
the Republican side of theoiuvass.
At one time tkere appeared to bo quite
a demand for the honor of what was
thought might be only un empty nomi
nation, and five candidates hnve been
suggested, namely, those of M. J.
Neary, of MayUeld. and Squire Turner,
of the same borough; that of Jotin Mc
Carthy, of tnis city; that of Elitor
Thompson Baaue, of the Green Ridge
Iiem, and finally that of Charles P.
O'.Malley, of Olyphant.
L italy, however, the canvass bas
narrowed down so that of the fore
going O'Milley aod Beane arc the
only eats believed to entertain crious
stnbittcus is the rcmls. Mr, O'Mal
lay, altboaga esa ployed in Serautua,
poaseise widespread personal popu
larity throughout the distrlot. He is
especially stroag ia bis own home,
Olyphant; and it ia thought by his
friends that he could, with harmon
ious support, ovcreouie the norm il
Democratic Majority in the district
and add cue to the many Repnblloan
Victoria believed to be due this flL
The convention will probaaly net b
held until after the couuty convention,
Sept. 4. Prophets ere predicting that
by that time Mr. O'Malley will be the
unanimous choice of the convention,
and that he will give Mr. Burke's third
trm aspirations an unexpected, aud
emphatic set back at the polls.
The Situation Near Flttaburg Is Agala
Pittsbcro. Pa. An?. 10 The Pitts
burg and Chicago Gaa Coal company
have made application to Sheriff Rich
ards for a farce of deputies for duty
at the Saewdeii mines, where, it is
claimed, the striking miners bav been
Interfering with tbe user me a ir.ported
by the aeaapaiy to break the strike at
Caatoavillc and Saowdea, aud tbe situ
ation is alarming.
Twelve deputies were sworn in by
Sheriff Richards and were sent to
Saewden, which U close tc the Wash
ington eeuaty line. A force ef Wash
ington taunt eapnties is on duty at
the Castcnville mine.
Oaeigla Farmers' Alllanoe Csuld Not
taad Prpullsn.
Atlanta, G., Aug. 10 The Ger
gla Farmers' alllaaoe bas gone to
piees. After a stormy meetlug held
at Dublin with only seventy-five dele
gates in attendance, this course was de
termined on.
The leaders endeavored to effect an
imitlgatnation with tbe Populist party
but it was determined to olose out the
business of the Alliance exchange, dis
continue the publication of the Living
Issue and disband tbe order.
Wisconsin will sue Uncle Sm for (7, 975, -005.77
for munitions of war furnished in
California's fruit crop boats all previous
records, and canneries can't begin to han
dle It.
Saloonkeeper Matt Ryan was fatally
shot by rubbere in Chicago just as be closed
his place.
Tbe perfectly petrified body of a roan
has been unearthed in a swamp near Stur
gia, Miss,
The richest of Iowa lead mines has been
struck tear Dubuque. It will yield 50,000
poouds a day.
Convioted Bank-wrecker E. C. Settley,
of Kansas City, Mo., ia out on f 10,000 bail,
peudlug an appeal.
Three masked men held up and robbed a
lot or ljake Shore railway employe, just
paid off, on a freight train at Whiting, lud.
Lord Randolph Churchill lost bis temper
becauae Han Francisco customs officers
overhauled his tweuty-six piece j of bug
gage. After half a day's brays battle for life
in Lake Mlcuigun waves, at Chicago, O. J.
Williameon wae drowned and Chris. Miller
rescued. Tbalr row boat had npsot.
After a prolonged debauch. William
Betis Lawrence, a wealthy member of
the Century club, New York, shot himself
mortally on tne club House doorsteps.
Miss Anna ehaw, of the National Suf
frage aiSHolntlou. refutes further fundi to
the Kansat Equal Suffraglata,tor treachery
in awiugiug over from - Republican to
Another Rumor Concerning the
of Chinese Vessels,
The War Fever In Japan Is Fanned
by the Press and Popular Orators.
According to Reports a Recent
Naval Engagement Results in the
Sinking of Seven Chinese Warships.
Foreign Treaties to Be Revised.
London, Aug 10
DISPATCH to the Tim- from
U Shanghai says flat Janan is
pouring fresh tro ip iuto Kjr-a,
U upwards of CO 000 Japanese
-olulera bing now ia Koru in territtry.
ine Chinese 11 -ut. according to the
same dispatch, is remaining passive.
in jupn the war rover is intense
and generul, tbe press and popular
orators preaching to the excited pc-
pie or vastly amtntlous solieiiHS, in
cluding the eonquest of China, or at
ica-t or tbe unlueae province of iMan-
cliurla. The Japanese pnpnlao and
press are under complete official con
trol. Perfect order prevails among
tbe town puliation, T.;e govern
ment enrorces secrecy lu respect to
ill military movements, und a rigor
ous censorship is observed over preis
ami oiner uispatones.
A Yokohama disnateb to the Chroni
cle says that a minor bas reached there
of nu important naval engagement be-
twean Japanese and Chinese fleets off
Wei-Hii-Wei on Aug. 10. Seven
Chinese vessels, belonging to the
northern squadron, were sunk, accord
iug to this report.
Toiao, Aug. 10. It is officiully an
nouueej that the government hns re
ceived tbe report of the Japanese ofll
cer who wus in command of the Japa
nese squ idron which recently attacked
Wei-n ii-Wei. The report says that
on Aug. 7, nineteen warships left
Korea for Wel-Hni-Wd, which they
approached at midnight on Au. 9.
A torpjilo flotilla was immediately
eut out, uud on the following morn
ing shots were exohang-'d with the
enemy's forces, but the Japanese, find
ing that the Chinese 11 et had goue
away from Wei Hai-Wei, returned to
tbeaties to be revised.
Yokohama, Aug. 10. A notice bas
been iflju d to the eft. ct that a revision
of the treaties between Japan ad the
foreign powers will be takun iu hand
rortiiwtin. is essential features will
be that foreigners will not huve the
right of trial in their on consular
courts; tbe government will confer,
upon foreigners certain privileges iu
regard to the tenure of land and the
right of settlement, and foreigners will
also have certain privileges in regard
to taxation. Tbe foreigners are greatly
concerned at tbe proposed revision, and
arc of tbe opluioa that the time has
not arrived when their interests can be
left with the Japanese.
Berlin, Aug. 10 It is rumored here
that the Diuontu-Gallscuaft is nego
tiating a Chinese loan.
Victoria, B. C. Aug. 10. -Tbe
steamer Tacoinu, which has arrived
here from Hong Kong, brings tbe fol
lowing intelligence of the situation in
the east: Since the naval fight off
Gasan the running of Japanese steam
er between Jinsau aud Fusau has buu
uspeuded. General travel of the
smaller Oriental liners is very much
broken un 1 now of an au
thentic nature is difficult to obtain.
In Yokohuin it is belivd thilt China's
iilen will be to march troops iuto
Korea by way of Wiju, and the Japan
ese government is said to be taking
measures accordingly. The queen of
Korea has been reported uisaing, bu
she is under medical treatment, huviug
bean attacked with uialuri fever. A
ibe time of sailing of tne Taeoina from
Yokohama four Cliinasj transports were
snp.iosed to have been lost in the .ty
phoon or to have been captured by tbe
Intelligence is snid to have been re
ceived iu Tokio to the effeot that the
Chinese man-of-war Kootsu, wbiob
fled eastward to the Kon-ao const after
the engagement on tne 25m, reached
Casan, where her crew atmudoued ber,
and a Japanese man-of-war followed
and captured her
A Famine Xrapendiiig An Appeal for
Blltlah ProtcO'-ion.
Auckland, N. Z , Aug. 10, Advices
received here, dated at Samoa, Aug,
10, suy that several thousand armed
natives continue in their encampment
within rifleshot of the government
forces. No serious engagement baa
taken place however, and only anoesa
clonal straggler bas been killed. A
serious famine is impending, as the
plautlng of crops has been neglected.
Complaints of robberies are frequent.
Chief Malletoa, accompanied by all
bis followers, visited the British warship
Orlando and n quested tbe British ad
miral to proclaim the Stmoau Islands
uuder the protectorate of Great Bri
Rebele at Z jutpanbrg Murder Woman
and Children.
Pretoria, Sontn African Republic,
Aug. 10 The Kaffir rebel at Zjut-
spausoerg and in that district have
murdered large uumbers of women and
children. The 'Boer forces of the
Transvaal government will attack the
rebels today.
Bloodshed Liable to Keault Between Op-
paving Interests at Bemmondeburg.
Findlay, O., Aug, 10. An army of
several bUUiirea men, uivi ieu into ien
ODDoslng forO'S. is encamped on tne
farm of C. C. Harris, near Hammonds-
burir. Wood county. Harris owns a
farm of 100 aerec, npon which the
O to O.l company has a lease, lue
company bus drilled twelve wows npon
oue-half the farm, wbiek bav ereved
such good producer that Harris re
ceives $10,000 annually la royalty.
Because the company would not put
dewn twelve more wells on the other
part of the farm Harris declared the
lease forfeited, and proceeded to build
a rig to drill for himself. The Ohio
Oil compaay immediately removed the
(imK.i.1 k .nil n iw aunk 1 .1 m
has over 200 men 'on the ground, Harrle
trying to get nu derricK. erectea ana
the Ohio ceraoaay preventing him. A
cot fliot is imminent and blood may be
Narrates the Mannar In blch Pullman
f q. icazid Emplovai.
ClllfiAGO, Aug. 10 Thomas Heath-
cole, of tr.e Pullman strike committee,
ws the first witutss examlued at the
af leruooa session of the labor com mis-
ion. lie said the company reduoed
wages until it was impossible for tbe
meu to live. Tbe Puilmau employes
lid uot notn the American Hallway
union nmil tbey saw the necessity of
erg nizttin of couiesort.
Considering the American Railway
tr im tbe strongest laber union in the
TJuited State, tuny jolued it when
affair reached a critical point with
tliem aud some who were getting but
80 cents a dev. He asserted that
the meu joined the Aiaerlean Railway
union at Grand cronsting becauae Mr.
Pnllmau would allow no union men to
work lu hi snopi.
Members of a Polish Catholic Con
gregation in Winona Create
a Riot
Winona, Minn., Aug. 10 Winona
wa in a furor of excitement for several
iiours last night, und bloodshed was
averted by the releaae of a man from
jail upon the demand of a mob of tnur-
terous Polts,
For a long; time the poople of St.
Sinuiflans' Polish Catholic church
linve beo'i dissatisfied with the appoint
ment of privets by Bishop Cotter. A
few weeks ago Rev. A. Klowitor, the
priest in charge, resigned. He had torn
down the old parish church and started
a new $75,000 structure. The people
demanded his return, aud, failing in
their domunds, held a series of mas
int'etingD, at which highly inflamma
tory ep.-ecuiis were niaile.
The last meetiog was held Tueslav
evening, and it was deeided to forcibly
close work on the new ichurcb. Otto
Blue nek, a bartender, wa chairman,
und has been a recogQizsd leader for
some time p.ist. Another mooting was
on the programme for last evening, and
fearing violence to a nutnoer of mem
bers of the pariah who are in disfavor,
the authorities placed Biachek under
arreet " .'
H.lf an hour later a procession of 500
Poles appeared at the county jail,
where Biachek was confined, with the
American flag flying, and their pock
et full of cobble stones, and demanded
BUc'uek's release. Sheriff Gay endeav
ored to parley, but without avail, aud
the mob moved on the jail. At this
point the fire department appeared
armed with axe and laid aline of hose
ready to play on the crowd
The militia was notified and was in
readiness neur the seeue. Finally the
natter was temporarily cemprnmised
by the release of Biachek on $500 bail
for his iippeurance ia court today ou a
charge of inciting riot. The assembled
mob greeted their victory with cheers
and bowls.
Riders of the Silent Horse at Den
ver Lower the World's Stan- .
dard in Classes.
Denver. Col., Aug. 10 Fivo world'
record ware knocked out of existence
at the 2setinal meet of the League of
American Wbeelmea today on the
Bvuver Wheel club's new track.
The ball began rolling at the vary
start, wh"n Clyde Turubull, of Denver,
obliterated tba noviee record of 2.29
and put up 2 23 3-5 in its plaea.
Then Art brnwa, cf Cleveland,
shaved Sanirer'c Mile ecutpaUtlon rec
ord of 2:12 3-5 to 2:10 3-5. eelag given
the race through dUquallfication of
Fred Titus, who unintentionally fouled
Sanger and got ahead of cvtrybody at
the tape.
But Titus wanted lemetMng tc show
for bis day's work aud took the 5-mll
national championship in 12 19 1 5,
lowering his own record of 12.28, and
riding one of tbe prettiest races of tbe
eeusou. Harry Maddox, who dropped
out ou the fourth mile, rode in again in
the fifth and out oat a terrific puce tor
his colleagues.
The half-mile national championship
writ to El ll Bald, of Buffalo, in
1.05 1-5, just 4 4-5 second uuder the best
Df viou. competition half mile.
Lee Rithardaon, of Chisago, who
wear a gold medal for the fatet kair
mile ever rid Ian baokward. 2 87 3 5.
went for hi previous mark aad brocgi t
the figure down to A 85 without tnnon
Chairman Raymond, of the league
raoing board, was rarareo.
Will Fight Oorbett to a ?lulsh ia Eng
land tax $15,000. -New
York, Aug. 10 The Auitalian
ehamulou. Peter Jackson, said in an
interview today that he wa willing to
aceent tbe offer Of til National Sport
ing club, of London, Eng., for a fight
with J. J. Corbett to a nuiaa tor ifio,
000 He said be did not knew uutll to
day that a fight to a fiuiih could be
had there, bnt now tnat ne Knows it ne
is anxious to bring it off:
Au American referee will be allowed.
Triumphant la International Rao at
T.nnn in. 1(1 Arthur Zlmmee
man won' .the international live mile
race at Laicaiter today in 11 mluutes
51 2 5 s.'conrls
Bauker was . second and Elwards
third. . .
Governor Pattison and Stall Inspect the
Regiments in Camp.
General Merrill Says That Members
of the National Guard Have Nothing
to Learn from United States Regu
larsAn Interesting Sham Battle.
Relic Hunters on the Old Field.
The Last Days of the Outing Are
Fraught with Enjoyment.
Special from a Staff Correnpondent.
Camp Crawford, )
Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 18. J
TODAY'S reviow of tho state
U troops by Governor Pattison,
General Snnwden, their staffs
and other diatinguitibed meu,
was one of the finest in the history of
the guard. At 4 o'clock in tbe after
noon tho troops began to form on the
great field in front of division head
quarters and an hour later tbe soldiers
were iu position drawn up in company
fronts by regimonts. When tho gov
ernor and Goueral Snowden and staffs
appeared ut 5 ;10 the field presented a
truly impressive appearance. The
lurge parade ground was one-fourth of
a mile square, and about it were
massed thousands of spectators, while
the hill at division headquarters, over
looking the parade ground, was
thronged with onlookers. The weather
was almost perfect. General Gobin's
Third brigade had the right of line,
tbe Eighth regiment being the that to
puns the reviewing stand und the Thir
teenth second. Our boys excited no
little admiration by their splendid
marching and perfect lines. Tbe Four
teenth regiment brought up the rear of
the Second brigade. Its colors wore
draped with mourning out of respect
to Colonel D. Perch me nt, commander
of the regiment, who is dead at his
home in Pittshnrs.
Lieutenant Colonel Couraen was di
vision officer today, and Mn jor George
Wallace, ir., of the Ninth regiment,
brigade officer of the day. Among the
distinguished persons who reviewed the
parade were Assistant Secretary of
War Doe, Uenernl liaatings, (ieneral
Gregg, Secretary of the Common
wealth W. F, Harrity and Attorney
General W. U. Hensel.
Saturday morning at 4 o'clock tbe
Thirteenth regiment will break camp
and Btart for home at 8 o'clock. The
regime nt should arrive in Scranton at
0 p. m.
HUNTING for relics.
Tbe members of the Thirteenth had
a flue opportunity of saeing the battle
field Wednesday morning, as they were
given a half-dny holiday for that pur
pose. Thoy started out early in tbe
morning in wagons and on foot and
returned to moss with relics galore,
They all declare that they found them,
but it is safe to bet that tbe majority
came into possesion of their prized
souvenirs of the battlefield through
tbe medium of coin of the realm.
Richard Beamish and James Moir, jr ,
returned to camp Tuesday night with
tbe stock of a Confederate an I the bar
rel of u Union rifle. They located them at
a farm house about three miles from
Round Top and became their owners
by the payment of $7, These relics
have every appearance of being gen
uine. There have been a number of dis
tinguished men in camp this week as
gueBisatdivieion headquarters. Among
those who witnessed the review today
were: Governor Brown and staff, of
Maryland ; Assistant Secretary of War
Doe, Governor Rovnolds, of Delaware;
Governor Pattison and members of his
staff, ex A'ljutaut General Lotta, Gen
eral Hueid.ikeper, couim uider of the
Bncktails during the wir; General
Merritt, p-tireJ, of the regulur nrmy;
ex-Postmaster Larkin, of Pittsburg,
and tbe following officers of the regu
lar army; Captains Booth, Rogers,
Barrel, aud Lieutenant Pax-ion, Car
son, Abercoinbin, au McAskio.
After the reviewGeneral Morrill,
who was In the regular army for forty
years said to The Tribune reprsenU
tive that he was much gratified at
what be saw at the onckm.imeut.
"The men huve the soldier, spirit
strongly developed, retnarkid the
general, "and in the mutter of activity
and promptness in obeying orders have
nothing to learn from the regulars I
met during my forty years' nrmy ex-
President Cleveland was pre von ted
from attending tbe encampment by the
trouble over the tariff bill.
A report to the effect tnat the pro
vost guard we to be withdrawu from
the town greatly eluted the soldiers
Wednesday, but it proved to be un
founded. Provost Marshal Green iu
speaking about the rumor to The
Tribune representative laid:
"I bave no doubt that tbe members
of the guard and poseibly u portion of
the citizen would like to tee the gnard
withdrawn, but no such aotion will be
taken. General Snowden bas entire
charge of this matter and will counten
ance no such action. Tue dignity of
the gnard must be preserved and it can
only b done by enforcing proper
measures to preserve discipline and the
gnard will remain until tue end of the
encampment. Ouly one or two cases
of infraction of the law by soldiers
has been brought to my attention and
I consider the conduct of tbe soldiers
very good indeed. Proper precautions
though must be observed.
Adjutant General Greeulind also
stated that the guard will not be with
The parade ground in front of divi
sion headquarters presented a spirited
scene Tuesday and Wednesday after
noons. From five to ten regiments
were constantly on different parte of
the field engaged In golug through the
regulation drill, dress parade, ' skir
mish or inspection drills. Tbe
cavalry and artillery, rjnlar
and : state, addud variety and
color to tbe pieturs, Wednesday after
noon the regular artillery aud cavalry
bad -n sham battle which wus ex
tremely Interesting. The roar of artif
l"ry and shouts of the cavalry as they.
dinned through the smoke; completing
ail tnat wus necessary to bring up viv
idly a picture of the scenes enacted on
the same field in July, '93. First biig
de infantry bad a sham battle yesler
day morning, Tbe volutions and drills
is another very interesting feature of
the eucamptnent, which will rank
among the greatest in the history of
the gnard,
A colored boot blucl:, who visited camp,
was given a tossing iu a blanket iu the
main street of the Second battalion.
George Owen-, of Company D, was ord
erly at Colonel Ripple's headquarters Wed
nesday. Private irlulc, or (Jompauy U,
was orderly to Adjutant Millar,
Harry Young, of Company C. found an
old Whilllt'tree in a field near tbe camp.
Ho is now industriously eugagod in filling
it full of bullets, and will take it home as
a relic of the battle.
Lieutenant Stratton. Corporal Brandt
and other members of the reel meu t have
their cameras with them aud are taking
b n up shot views of tbe battle Held aud
amusing camp residents.
Colonel Ripple Insists that there shall be
no gambling iu the teats of the Thirteenth
regiment and that all lights shall be put
out at 10 p. ni, aud quiet reigu after that
nour. in the matter or deportment as
well as military knowledge the Thirteenth
ia tbe model of the department.
Lieutenant Frank Robllnu received a
largo box from ex-Sheriff Rjbinson Wed
nesday which contained a little of every
thing from chewing gum to razors. It ar
rived at a time when the stock in the
lieutenant's cellar was running low and
was, therefore, donbly appreciated.
Corporal Jocnchiin. of Conmanv Q. was
brigade corporal of the guard on Tuesday.
v nen ne was relieved irois duty be was
publicly commended by General Uobin aud
Major (jerst for his splendid work. Qen
eral Gobin told Colonel Ripple that Cor
poral Jocachiin was one of the best cor
porals he bud ever seen.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Rice, of Scranton.
are boarding at the old Pitzer homestead
ou the outskirts of the camp. The build
ing is known historically as Longstreet's
nonpitHl and contains many indentions
made by bullets during the battle. A
place where a shell tore a large hole in the
side of the building can easily be deter
mined oy tne patching tunt bas been done
to repair the breech.
Quartermaster Tracy says that the state
rations were probably never worse than
they are this year. A lot of beef had to be
condemned on Wednesday. Major Cool
baugh, the commicsary of the Third brig
ade, was talking to Major Mattes vestor-
day nbout the excellence of the rations.
"Ihere are no flies npon them." said the
dignified major with considerable satisfac
tion. 'I don't know nbout that." retorted
Major Mattes. "There were nlentv of
Hies on the beef Compauy A, of the Tnir
teenth, got today, so much that the beef
bad to be burled."
Major Coolbaugh did not again refer to
flies. ' J " ,:
Sergeant John Moir, of Company C. was
anxious to have au opportunity to view
the eights of Gettysburg and as the bono
ot obtaining a pass was meagre he resorted
to euDlerluzc Captains bave the privi
lege of going to and from town without
question so Moir obtained a captain's coat
und cap. gave his moustachn a proper mili
tary waxing and started. He was the most
soldierly looking peraonage in the town
ana ought nave passed tor anything from
a ui 'sion ttatt otucer down. As be passed
the i tlitary patrols he received tne salute
due ..Is rnuk until he met one careless
guard who saluted him ia a balf-hearted
manner. . "Captain" Jack would tolerate
nothing of thut kind and. assuming hie
most serious tone, wanted to Kujw if
"that wus tho war he had been taucut to
salute nn olllcerf" "I I dou'tknow whether
I was everehown the right way or not,"
replied the guard with troubled counten
ance, ilust then a corporal ot the guard
rushed to the sceue and made haste to ex
plhin that the guard was a new recruit aud
bad not been.instruoted as to tbe proper
salute. "You'd better take him arouud
ou a side street, then, and show him tbe
salute, We cp.n't tolerate such an exhibi
tion on a public street. It would briug
tbe National guard into disrepute," se
verely said Mr. Moir.- "All right, cap
tain," said the corporal, saluting, as he
dragged the unfortunate recruit into an
adjoining nlleywuv. Half an hour later
Captain Moir passed the same guard again.
This time the latter was prepared. He
straightened out, hold head erect aud.
with his bund held on a level with his
shoulder, gave a salute that would bave
done credit to a regular. Captain Moir
smiled approvingly, commended the uiaa
and passed ou.
y nirtermaster Sergeint John Gibbons,
of Company D, is one ot the bard working
and invaluable members of that organiza
tion. j. w. M,
Summarise of the Grand Circuit Events
at RichfUer.
Rochester, Aug. 10. Following nro
the results of grand circuit racing to
day: 2.21 class, trotting; purse, $2,000:
Carldon, ch. s., f. in. Dodge, Pitts-
Mold, llnsi'., by Don Carlos, dam
by Scott's Thomas (Dodge) 1 1 1
Scranton Belle 2 2 fi
Hoirs-at-Law .....6 8 8
Prinsontau 3 4 t
JehsieSheridau 4 6 tt
liomola 6 7 4
A.iklut 7 5 8
Ike Wilkes , ,,..8 8 7
Arena 0 y dr
Time, 2.15tf, 2.15, 2.15.
2.15 clahs, pacing, purse $1,500.
Cloy llouias ch. c, Smith and
Gumiuet, Watkius, N. Y by
Pocoboutae Boy.dam Susan,
by Buckley's lleury Clay,
(Ueuvor)... 3 8 111
Eneton 2 18 3 2
Lucille H 1 2 2 8 8
Time, 8.1: a.iajtf, 2.15X, 2.12X, 2.184'.
An act to repeal the rebate allowed in
the tariff bill on alcohol used lu tbe arts
has been introduced in the bouse.
After fixing the date at August 20, in
stead of 24, the senate bas agreed to the
house resolution extending the appropria
tions. '
The appropriation for sufferers by the
Ford's thuutor disaster ha been stricken
from the sundry civil bill and a commis
sion appointed to iavetiguto the claims.
A gold production throughout tbe world
of nearly $175,000, 0UO is indicated by the
figures which are reaching tbe bureau of
the mint for the first half ot the present
calendar year.
1 rtr . .... r, .
i ABmauTON, aub.;io. rorscasi
for Friday: For eastern rtan
syttania. Delaware and Mam-
land, continent cooljair weather; northerly
ifimi.t, becoming variable. For v ' 'ern
i'l'iiiKj.'tuiu'a, Jair; northerly w' be
coming variable.
Summer Sale
One case Webster 10-4, Scar
let and Blue Borders,
One case Kenwood 11-4, both
White and Gray, Borders
Scarlet, Blue and Oranga,
One case Eeliance 11-4, "both
"White and Grey, Borders
Tink, Blue and Drab,
50 pairs Hampden 11-4, All
wool and Shrunk, Borders
Pink, Blue and Lemon,
Ona case Eio Vista, Califor
nia, 12-4, Barders Tink,
Blue, Lemon and Drab,
30 pairs Sacramento, Califor
nia, 12-4, Borders Tink,
Blue and Drab,
Crib Blankets in all sizss,
with latest pattern bord
ers and colors.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Wholesale and Retail
H. A. Kingsbury
.313 Spruce Street.
Lewis, ReiJIy & Davies
Take off tbe old and put on the new,
That neatly-fitting, easy shoe.
When low prices rule as now they do,
Who would deny himself the new?
Burt & Packard Shoes
Make Us Friends.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge. If a doctor
Is needed you are promptly
told so. We also guarantee
a perfect fit.
The Jeweler,
08 Spruce Street

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