Newspaper Page Text
a THE 6CRANT0N TEIBUNE-FRID AY MORNING. AUGUST 17. 1894. BASE BALL ficranton Loses Another Game to the Avari cious Blackbirds. COME OfF THE TOBOS, PLEASE Wilkes-Barre and Springfield Both Win and Lose a Game The Clam Diggera Take Two from the Bingos. Buffalo Wins from Syracuse Stand ing of the Clubs National and State League Results Notes of the Diamond A Breezy Batch of Live Sporting News, Both Local and General. E lost another, and sonasqaeotly crop ped down still fur ther In the percent age column, and only tbrse points ahead of Wilkes- Tturrs. which club won one and lost on. as a result tmn Pimil TllaTf with Springfield Tha Prnvidane a,l ill nlreadv envUbl position at the head of the list of clubs hy winnlm two games from the by-thls-time disbanded Binghamton team. The Boffalos also won another 8me from Syracait. Springfield aud Syra cuse are tie for sixth plaoe, with a per centage of .439. The percentages of the clubs, num ber of games won and lost by each, aud their standing la the league race is as follows: Won. Lost. PerC't. Providence 65 29 .655 Buffalo 65 44 .5M Erie 43 37 .518 Fcranton 44 41 .515 Wilkes-Barre... 43 41 .613 Syracuse 43 46 .4S9 UpriiiKfleld 42 40 .49 Binghamtoa.... 23 611 .20 YEKY "UNLUCKY. Although Soranton Outbattsd the Erie Club Tney Lois. Erie, Pa., Aug. 16. Erie won again from Serantou today ty being that for tunate in making safe hits when they Were most nesded. The Scrantons Blared a much better game today than Yesterday and made fire safe bits more than Eii. bat were uulneky in getting their men borne. A stop or a not srounder bv Nioholion, Hoover's catch of a foul fly and Patuheu's batting were the features of the game. Score EEIR H. P.O. A. E. 2 8 3 0 10 3 0 2 2 11 0 2 10 2 10 1 0 16 10 2 2 8 0 0 2 10 1110 Tl B7 13 1 Nicholson, 2b........ 1 mitb, is 1 bearou, rf 1 I.allr, cf 1 Field, lb 0 Berg-r, c , 2 Kuuhne, Sb 0 Van Dj ke, If 0 Acaly, p.. , 1 ECRANTON. R. H. P.O. A. E. Cahill. 2b 0 3 Johnson, I'atcben, c 0 Hoover, If 0 Rogers, rf 0"ue, lb. : 0 t-'mith, ss 0 Hicki-y. 8b. 1 lllackburn, p... 0 2 2 4 2 0 1 2 2 2 11 Totals 8 18 7 19 Erie 0 0040000 8-7 fccranton 0 0100000 2-8 Earned runs Erie. 2: Soranton, 8. First base on errors Erie, S; Scranton, 1. IiCft on basei Erie, li; Soranton, 10, Firtt base on balls Off Blackburn, Ptrnck out By Healy, 2. Home runs Berger. Three base hits Smith, Patchen. Two base Bit" lubnsun. stolen oases- Nicholson, Vandyke. Dnule plays Smith to Cablll to Lehune. 2. Lally to Euehne. Hit by pltcuer blackburn, 1. Umpire bwartwood. Time CASE OF BREAK EYEN. Willns-Earre and Springfield 8wap Games on the former's Grounds. Wilkes Barre, An?. 16. The first pame between Wilkes-Barre and feprlngnsld this afternoon was a post pooed one Wilkes-Barre- went to bat first at 2 20 p. m. and secured three unearned runs off Naileau'a error. steal, BotUnus' drop fly, Betts' farce bit ana Ulllen's single bit. The third inning the home team opened with a single by Bstts, Gillen struck out and Hess made a triple scoring Betts and scoring himself later on a passed ball, warutr reaebed tint on balls, stole seeoud and scored on Keenan's single. Wilkes-Barre secured two runs in the seventh off Lezotta's base on balls. Betts' single and Gilltn's triple. The home team was easily retired in the eighth and niuth Innings. Springfield was ratirsd in the first three inulngs without a score, but in the fourth and fltth the Down Etsters (tot in a terrlfflo batting streak - on Keenao, who was diseouraged with bnyder's unfair umpiring. In the fourth Lynch started off with a single, bebeffl r gained base on balls. Bot testis hit down to Lyttle, wbo made You have to swelter in the city or to be able to flee to the shore during these hot days. Curse the heat if you will. Par better to be calm and endeavor to counteract its effects. Yon know better than any ono else how it affects you. With most people it causes irritability, lan guor and indigestion. Johann HofPs Malt Extract cures all such is cooling, too. There's nothing better for Sum mer. Look for signature of "Johann Hoff on neck labol. All others aro imitations. A f total crest stop, threw it to first, catching Bottenus, who bad plenty of time, but Snyder would not allow it and it was forced to be a bit, oiling the buses. Nadeau then tingled, scor ing Lyueh. O'Mara fouled out to Warner. With the bases fall Breckin ridge hit a long ball to left field, which tell two feet In foul ground but passed Lscotte, who attempted to ft 'Id it. Kuyder allowed it to ba a triple and three men scored, timbers stogie floored Breoklnridge, and the side was retired. The firth inning gave Spring field seven raus on seven bits and tour orrors, while in the eighth two runt were earned by olean cutting, sooroi WILKES-BARRE. i SPRINGFIELD. k. h. o. A. a. H. H. o. A. E. T yttle, 2b..l 3 6 0 llShsnnon.ssl 116 0 Pet tit, rr.,0 0 4 1 liLeahy, K..1 10 10 btoarus,lbl 0 7 1 0 Lyucli. 3b.. 1 2 13 0 Lezotte.lf.l 0 0 0 1 SdollTr, rtt 0 5 0 0 He ts. cf...8 3 2 0 l,Bot'enus,ef3 3 4 0 1 (iillen,3b..O 3 3 8 1 Na.loiiu, 2b3 8 13 1 iit'ba. rr....i l l u uiu-flio ru, a t o W'rner.c.l 1 4 1 0:B'r'd'Be,lb 8 10 0 0 Koenau,p..O 112 O.Grubi-r, p..O 6 l 8 U Totals. .11 34 17 fi! Total... . U 10 37 U t Wilken-Parre 8 0080 0 300-8 Bprlu.fluld 0 0 0 6 7 0 0 3 x-14 Earned runs Wilkes-Barre. S; h prinirfleld, 10. First tiase by errors wilkos-Barre, 1; BprltiKtlHld, a. Left on bftses-WUkesBiirro. 5: SprluKllold b. First baso on bulla Oil Krenan, 3; off amber, 4. Struck out-Gil-ln, Kadeau. Three base hits Hubs, Uiilen, Breck(!iiri(le 3, Gruber. Two baso hlts Lvttle, Bottenus ti'Mara. Stolen basts Lyit e, Pettit, Uotti. Double plays Pettlt to iyttieio ftrearns, oummuu u mawiuuu), Passed Imlls-O'Jlara 3. Umplre-buyUor. Tiine-l:3o. THB TABLES TURNED. The second trxma was a hard hitting contest in which Wilkes-Barre bit the hardest at opportune points of the game. Miller pitched tor Springfield I He first seven innings and did well, but Gruber was put in the eighth inn ing and four runs were made off bim, two of which were earned. This change gave Wilkes-Barre the game. It was a hard fought contest, the score being tied repeatedly and was one of the moat exciting games of the season. Lyneh put up a great game at third, and Nadeau's second bag play was sharp aud olean. Otnara's hitting and back slop work was strong, and Leahy made two brilliant catches in lett nem. Score i WILKE8-BARRE. I BPRINGFIELD. It. II. O. A. I 11. II. O. A. I. Ivt1e.2b...l 0 3 1 0Shannon,ssl 8 8 4 1 Pfir,BB...l 3 0 4 1 Loahy,lf...2 13 0 0 bteara,lb3 3 in 0 1 Lym:b,U..3 a a a i Li'zotte.lI..3 8 3 0 0S'he(UVr,rf 3 10 0 0 Potts, cf.. .3 1 3 0 OjB-touus of.O 12 11 (iiilon. 8b. .2 18 2 1 Nadeuu .2b 3 2 6 4 1 Hs. rf....3 2 8 0 1 O'Mara 0..1 4 2 3 0 Warnor, c.l 4 4 2 OlU'k'r'golb.l 3 10 0 0 Meckin,p..l 3 0 8 0 Miller, p.. .0 0 10 0 iUruDer.p. .1 u u v u Total... 14 17 27 12 4 I Totals.. 13 17 27 10 4 Wllkea-Barro 0 2 2 2 0 0 4 4 0-14 KDrinKflild 0 2 2 3 0 3 2 1 0-13 tamed runs Wilkefl Barre. 4; Rpringtleld.B. First baso by errors Wilkes-Barre, 3; SuriuR- o t ... , ivr.i'..... n.H.. tit Kpiliiufleld. 12. First liase on baila-Off Meekiu, 7; off Millur, 3; off Gruber, 2. Htruck out O'Mara, Schiller, Buttonus. Uomerun Warner. Thro base hits Leahy, Lynch. Kadeau, UrooUiiiridgo. Two base biti bottle, Lozott., U llara B, m-ecaiuriate. Sacriflcn hita-Leahv. Stolen basea-Pottlt Betts. Meekln, Bre,-kinrll(Cu. Hit by pitcher Solielnur. Vuipire nnydor. uuue-3:lu. OTHER EASTERN LtAOUE RESULTS. At Buffalo- Buffalo 2 0 0 8 0 3 0 3 x-10 Byracuie 0 011 1080 0-6 Biue bits Buffiilo, 15: Syracuse, 11. Er rors Buffalo, 3; byracusp, 3. Batterie 'U,ffer and Urquuart: Kilroy and liess. J mplre i)oescuer. At Binghamton First game Bir.ghnmtou...O 8110000 16 Providence... .0 4 2 0 0 0 2 0 z 14 Hits Bluguamton, 14; Providence, 11, Eirora-Uinxbauiton. 4s frovidence. 8. Batteries U'Bonnell. Uarshnll and Rafter: Kgun and Dixon. U mpire Kettnck. At Blnghamton Second gaino. Biughamton ..0 0182000 06 i'rovidence.. .0 1 0- 0 0 0 22 x 14 Hits Biniihamton. 10: Providence, 16. Errors Binirbamton.' 4: Providence, 0. Batteries Duryea and Batter; Rudder- ham and AleAuloy. Umpire Kettrick. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Brooklyn- Brooklyn 0 0010000 01 Chicago 0 00003 01 0-8 Hits Brooklyn, 9; Chicago, 7. Errors Brooklyn, 1; Chicago, 1. Batteries Laird aud Dally; urnnts ana stinver. umpire Lyncn. At New York- New York. ...8 2 0 0 2 3 3 1 x-13 St. Louis 0 1000020 03 Hits New York, 17: St, Lnnis, 7. Er- rors JNeW York, 3; Ht. Louis, 5. Bat teries Mekin and Farrell, Uawloy and -inner, uinpiro Jicuaiu. At Boston- Boston 4 0200000 x 6 Pittsburg 0 030010004 Hits-Boston, 10; Pittsburtr. 7. Errors- Boston, 2; Pittsburg, 2. Batteries Staley and Teuuy; Muuefee and Mack. Umpires Emmie ana noayiana. At Philadelphia- Philadelphia. .8 2 0 1 6 1 8 0 2-17 Louisville 1 0001100 0-3 Hits Philadelphia, 13; Louisville, 0. Errors Philadelphia. 0: Louisville. 2, Batteries Weybing and Grady; Nicol and unm. u mpire ii.eeie. . At Baltimore- Baltimore 3 7 0 0 0 0 3 8 0-15 Cincinnati 2 8000 100 06 Hits Baltimore, 22; Cincinnati. 8. Er- rors Baltimore, 2; Ciuctnnati, 5. Bat- tories Hawke and Robinson; Parrott auu juurpuy. umpire isvtts. At Washington Washington... 0 1 0 20103 06 Cleveland 0 00 1 0000 12 Hits Washington, 15; Clevelaud, 7. Er. rors Washington, 2; Clovoland. .1 Bat teries ilaul and MiGuire; Young and z, i miner, umpire uursi. STATE LEAGUE, At Hazleton Hazleton, 4; Philadel frw..-, vt At Beading Beading, 7; Lancaster, 6. At Pottsvillo Harrisburg, 15; Potts- V11IP, 10. At Shenandoah bhenandoah, 15; Allen town, v. PITCHER NOLAN DID IT. Jamas Boys Win from the South Side Ttam. The South Side and James Boys Base Ball clnbs crossed bats at Hog in park yesterday afternoon, and furnished amusement for a large number of little boys with a very thin sprinkling of cranks. " The feature of the game wss the pitching of Nolau, who bad the South Hide club completely at bis mercy at all stages ot the game. The follow ing is the ottieial score by innings: . Bouth Slde....l 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 James Boys... 0 2 1 0 8 1 5 0 z 12 HitsSouth Bide, 7; Jamss Boys, 9, Er rorsSouth Bide. 7: Jamos Boys. 8. Bat teries Kuane and Finuerty; Nolan and Mullarky. umpire wan. j Mothers! Kotheratl MothriM Mrs.Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has bsen nsed for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children wcile teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all patn; cures wind colic aud Is the best remedy for di arrbcea. Sold by diuggists In every part (if the world. Be sure and ask tor "Mrs. Wiualow's Soothing Syrup," aud take no soother kind. Twenty-aye cents a Dot tle. . ' Tim Rkv. Wm. Btout. Wlarton. Ont. States: After being Ineffectually treated by seventeen different doctors forSorofula and blood disease, I was cured by Bur dock Bliiod Bitters, write him lor proof DP TO CONCERT P1TCE A Buslueii Man Gives Bis Experience and Telia How He Oeti Along Moely Without Going Away. "No vacation for me this year." Mr. J. Z. Clinton, a prominent bus iness man, seemed quite obeerful as he roads this remark. "No, be said, "hard times and bus iness csres prevent my usual holiday; but, let me tell yon I sin not so dis appointed as I would have been in former years." How is that? "Because Iem eniovinsonnd health. I never felt better in my life. Ia spite of overwork and anxiety, I manage to keep strong aud vigorous and instead ot suffering from tired feelings, dys pepsia and nervonanessasldid in years gone by. I feel like a new man. Even now I sbndder as I think of the mis erable symptoms I onoe experienced. What were they? Well, icuneral v a headache in the morning; dull heavi ness or selling at the base of the brain; waksfulluesa; loss of auDstite aud dis gust with food; loss of msntal ensrgy and interest in ordinary duties and onsiness; restlessness and . anxiety without any assignable reason; bad breath; giddiness ; palpitation of the heart; ssllowness of the skin; ousted tongue and gradual failure of strength and ambition. I consulted dootor afier doctor and with but one exception i reoeivad the same advice, namely; to inae a tnree months vacation. This 1 could not do. At last I consulted another physician and the result ot our conversation was that he advised ms to take pre-rtlgested food, about which I bad beard a great deal. Bnt I had bad some experience with cod-liver oil and feared that this food tnleht be tmetbtng like it and equally sicken ing, I said 'no,' I preferred to try something elss. The dootor, howsver, persisted. 'This food' he said. 'Is not a drug or a medloine or a greasy mix ture like cod liver oil. It is a pure starch food, totally different from anything that has ever been intro- duosd before. Its flavor is delicious, and it is most refreshing, and it is stim ulating to the weakest stomach. Take niv word for it and you will find Pas kola Is just what you need.' So upon this recommendation I cotnmeueed taking Paskola." And what has been the rssult? "A decided viotorv for Paskola. Be fore many days bad passsd I felt much better. All the miserabls symptoms I bad formerly endured Dussed awav. and I found that by taking Paskola I could eat well and digest well. I also gained a healthy appetite and a feeling or rresii vigor that was simply won dertnl. 1 took Paskola with great relish, for I found that, as the doctor bad said, it has a very pleasant taste. Unlike all other health foods it causes io bloating sensations. Buitiar nre-di- gesieu, u is aosorosa oy tne system tne instant it is swallowed, tbus im parting nourishment immediately. The result is, I no longer sutler from indigestion, while under the nourish ing influence of Piskola my weight has lncrsused from lo to 155 pounds in the past two months. - I fiud it a splendid thing to take at noon, after a morning s hard work,and at night when busiuess is eudwd. It seeme to take away that feeling of weariness and nervous strain from which most busi ness men suffer. As I say, it has done so much for me and made me so strong and well, tnat 1 have no need for vaoUioa even if I had the time and opportunity to take one. ' feurb statements as this are beioif continually made by psople ot all cla;ses, and such unsolicited praise is tuo Dest evidence tnat jf asjtola owes it wonderful popularity to merit alone. lou can obtaiu Paskola of any good druggist and a free pamphlet will be milled by the Pre-dijtested Food Co., 3U Kaile street, .New York. ALLENTOWXS TODAY. They Have Binghamton'8 Franchise and Will Play Here This Afternoon, The doors of the Eastern league have beea swnug open to Allentown and they will play iu this city one game with the bcranton team this afternoon and another game tomorrow afternoon instead ot the two games announced for tomorrow, when it was supposed the borne team conld not reach here in time for today's game. The Binghamton franchise was re linquished lust night and accepted by the Allentown aggregation. The games of today and tomorrow in this oity are those scheduled for the Scranton team at lilnghamton. The Allentown team will arrive this morning from Ubsnan- douh and the home team will reach here on the 12.80 Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western train from Erie via Buffalo. Along with the news of Allentown entering tbe Easter league, a United fress message rrom Allentown last night stated that tbe teem would be transferred to Yonkers, N. Y., and will represent that city in tbe Eastern league. Cahill will stop off at Binghamton in order to secure some of tbe players of that team. It is quite positive that Dslnney and Mitchell will be secured and lt is likely one or two others may be signed. Soranton and Wilkes-Barre will play Monday at Wilkes-Barre aud will alternate during the week between the two cities. PASSED BALLS. To date the Cuban Giants have won eighty-two games, lost twelve and tied two. Up to last Thursday the Providence dab had won sixteen straight victories. That conies pretty near beiug tbe record of the season. There ia almost nnlvorsal condemnation throughout tbe league cities over the character of the ball furnished by tbe league. Hamilton, of Philadelphia, beats the ball to first more than any other nlaver in the league, and that is how he .gets his high average. nogan, Cincinnati's Scranton plok-np, ts a very fast rnuntng out Haider, but that eems to be all. lie is a very striker. New York Sun. Kelly is reported as saying that Scranton blundered In joining the Eastern league and that ne isn't in a nurry to repeat It. Ia be still uiumngr Brodie, of the Baltlmoros, had played in eiuhtv-tliree games up to yesterdar. and struck out but four times, and got his base but nine times on bails. , Bodson, tbe new Boston pitcher, is re ceiving loud praise rrom every direction over bis brilliant debut in Boston last Thursday. New York bun. The records show unmistakably that CampBsld is Wilkes-Barre's wlnnlug Ditcher, ss he has lost but seven games. and of tbtss contests only one was a game merited by bis opponents on more earned rn us than tbe pitcher be bad opposing him. The club has now played sevon rnmes at home, anl Lampneld has not been nssd once, while the other pitchers bave been pressed into service, only to loss in all names excepting tbe one Mc Laughlin won on Saturday. This ssems a COST A Word. rants of aU Wnis eost Vita mue ea ec Situation! WanUfLvhich or Snsssa tkss. for Rent IPOU KENT F1VB OR 81 J J- ply US MeriUlau street. X?OR HUNT ONE-HALF STORE. 120 A' P.nn avenue, tijOper month. FOR HB.VT NICELY-FUrt -ISHED HALL suitable for lulrs rooms. JOHN Jiitt- MYN, US Wyomin avenue. Helo Wanted Females. WANTED TWO COOKS. TWO DINING room virla and laundreaa. STAB Ell PLOYMENT AGENCY, 4S Spruce street. Architects' Notice. A BOHITKCT8' NOTICE-COMPETITIVE j-m. jiiaua aua peoincauuns are mvueu lor oity bullalns to b used for fire department douse aua police patrul station. A pnapeocua of the building m.y be Been at the office of the city clerk, ut which office the said Diana and tpecincatloua are to be submitted on or bufore Yi eilm-Hduy, Augiut el, 1SIM. By order or olty council. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., July 'U, IWA. Special Notices. IHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Horanton Forerlnff Company, for tue election ot director aud -he traunnotion of oth.T builuesa. will be held at the office of the company, lu the city of -Scruitou. on Wedntuultiv. Auifunt 2L 18m. at .) o ciooa p.m. V.. F. CHAMBEHL1N, Beoretary. YOU WANT THIS BEL1C REPBINT Frank Leglie'n IllustraUd Weekly War lUustratluua 1S11.1.1S. 1'wu Volain,.u Follcv; payable monthly, IM. Del vered by uxprcu lomplnte, prepaid. Address P. O. -MOODY, (ills Gibson etreut. Bcranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKH, PAMPHLETS, MAGA aiuua. eta., buuad or rebound at Thb Thiiiunb office, (juick work. Ueasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT lit, corner Buruce ttreet and Franklin ave nue. Twenty ueul tickets for S3.6U, Good bible board. Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm known as Florey It Holt is this day dissolved by mutual consent, John H. Holt retiring. The business will be continued by C U. rlorev. who assumes ell indebtedness of the ttrin, and to whom all debts duo the arm must be paid. C. M. FLOREY, JOHN H. HOLT. Scranton, Pa., August 13, lnUl. legal. TESTATE OF EZRA DE W1TT.DECEA8ED. X-J Noticois hereby tciven that a rule has b'ten urauted to show ,'ause whv June Lt. De Witt, executrix of the last will and trstameut of said decedent, shall not be discharged from the duties and liabilities of her appomtmunt, Application will be made to have suld rule made absolute and the executrix discharged, July z, itsm. li fHiUb, Attorney for executrix Resi Estate. t!CBAATUN KEAL EU i ATE A'D 1N- O VESTMENT AGENCY. offers bargains as follows: CITY BUSINESS PROPERTY. 10 ft. front by 60 ft. deep, on Bpruoe street, rents for $700 $10,000 10 ft, front by 60 feet deup, on Spruue street, corner alley,,' 10,500 These togutber give 0 ft. front on Spruce street between Penn aud Franklin, with alloy on side. Spruce street property is advancing rapidly. CITY RESIDENCE PROPERTY. CORNER AIONUOE AND VINE streets, lot 60x86, two dwellings, SC,iX), giving a nioe residence and an income for small Investment: ALSO A PLOT OF 8 LOTS, glvin 120 ft front on Monroe avenue, near Vino street, Thexn make a hrst-cliiss residence plot In a desirable locality. If not sold in oue plot will sell above separately. WEST SIDE. Lot 60x180, South Main avenue, adjoining residenee of Smith B Mott, prl''e, $2,7oO; also lots on Bock street and West End place. Only four left COUNTRY PROPERTY. A BEAUTIFUL HOME AT DALTON, PA, modern house, spring water piped into it from hill buck, baru fur three horses and two cows, bonnory with cement1)! floor, young fruit fine lawn, grand outlook; oue aud a half to throe acres, as desired, (5,000. Also lots of about same size on Western Slope, Dalton. Call or address SMITH B. MOl'T, Manager, No. 421 Lack, ave. rear board trale. CATALOGUE OF RKAL ESTATE FRGE to all. Plee send for oopy. B. ERNEST COMEGYS, Price BuUdinir. Situations Wanted. WANTED BY Atf EXPERIENCED CAR builder, a position. Address A. J. REICH ARD, care Y. M. C. A, oity. peculiar treatment of Campfleld. and many are wonderiun at it. Give him a show. Wilkes-Barre Reuord. The flual game of tbe year between Bos ton aud Brooklyn at Eastern park this aft- ornoon was by no meaus a brilliaut contest. rbe champions baa as tbelr pltoUer, Hod- Hon, lata of the Bcranton club of tbe Pennsylvania Butts league. Due cu curves just appeared to suit Foutz's men. Eight een hits were reoorded against him. Oorcoran's fielding was a foatnre. Brook lyn Dispatcn. Secretary Diddlebock'i bluff at expelling the Bcrauton club from the Pennsylvania league is "rich." Tbe Scranton State 1 leagueciuo nas not existed since Aug. 3. and therefore eouldu't be xpelle'1, and when it comes to blacklisting an Eastern league club Mr. Diddleboclc is spouting wind. He has called the Soranton players to desert, bnt what will he do with tbm whn they are blacklisted! Springfield x. The Biughamton Leader thus eloqusutly complains about our Larry: "It must be that Prssideut Powers has a grudge against this town and that hs wants to torture the Binge while be is cutting short their span of life. Ele why does be leave Larry Kettrick here for such a long, loug timer Larry ought to have been moving some days ago. He ought to bave guns somewliere else before this to thin ont the grand stand population. Report hath it that Larry was ouoe a fuuny man in a minstrel aggregation, aud, judging from umpiring, ba sems to bs laboring undir the impression that he is still doing black face comedy. A man can't take any com fort looking at Larry's performance unless he gets near a post so that he can lean up against it occasionally aud sigh." It has become an Eastern league fad to "Jolly" Larry: bnt just tbe same be Is a tip top umpire, and his newspaper critios all know it. Pierce's Ilrd Won. The pigeon race between tbe birds of John Tyson abd Christopher Plnrc from tbe Hyde Park bridge to Grassy Iaiaud was flowu lat Saturday for tli a side. Jobs Tyson's bird was liberated at 180 p. ai., doing the dlstauce in 9 minutes and 83 seconds; Christopher Pierce's bird whs lib erated at 4.45 and made the fly In 0 ruin ates and 8 sncouds; distance, seven miles. Tyson's bird was the favorite and wss baoked strongly to win. Auother match will be made. Bpooimen Cases. a H. Clifford, New CasseL Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, ais stomach was disordered, bis liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and be was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Bbepherd. Earrisburg, X1L, had a runuing sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electrlo Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and bis leg is ouud and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., bad live larse fever sores on bis leg, doctors said he was Incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Buoklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Bold by Mat thew Bros, drug store. On account of extensive alterations now la progress at ou gtoro, we will conduct a SPECIAL CLEARING SALE FB0M NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1ST. Dor purpose Is to reduce stock in order to aocommodate the large purchases we have made for the fall jrade. Prices will be such that you cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Immense Attractions in Every Department Our limited space forbids any further details in regard to prices. "We only ask yon to visit us tnd ascertain how cheap Dry Goods cau be sold under our new regime. With the addition of 1,500 square feet of floor space, which with our present capacity will give is 5,500 feet, we will be well Qualified to satisfy the demandj of our large and increasing business. When finished we will have the best lighted, most attractive and convenient storo in Scranton, and our LOW PEICE3 will continue to be our drawing card. LLY & Pine Fibre Mattresses Are NO W Made and Sold VERY CHEAP by The Scranton Bedding Company, SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co. 3. E. CROFTJT Proprietor, 11HI8 BOUSE Is striotly temperance, Is sew and well furnished and OPBCTtD TO 1H1C PUBLIC TUB YEAR ROUND; Is ocated midway between Montroe an 1 Scran on, on Montrose and LiHOKawaunt Railroad. Ix miles from D., U Is W. R a at Alford Station, snd five nxUi from Miotroii; oa lacity, eighty-five; three minutes' walk ( rom A. B. station. qooo boat. fthimo tackle, Ac, HIKE Ti OLKSli. Altitude about 2,000 feet, equalling in this espect the Adirondack and CUt.mUl Moun "Aiua. Fine groves, plenty of shade and beautiful icenery, making a Summer Resort unex celled in beauty and cheapness. Uauclng pavilion, swlum croquet gr frauds, to. Cold Bpring Wstor and plouty of Milk. Knt, 7 to SlO per week. t1.50 per lay. Excursion tickets sold at aU stations onD. l. & W. lines. Porter meets all trains. Hotel Waverly European Plan. First-class Bar attsefaeS. Depot for Bergner Engol's Tanohsuaer Beer. 1 L Cor. 15tb &nd FUbsrt Sts,, Phllada. Host desirable for residents of N.E. Psnn sylvaiila. AU oonventenees for travelers to and from Broad Btreet station and the Twelfth and Market Btrext station. De sirable for vlsitinc Berautonians aad peo Ills la the Anthracite Region. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR, MR, FRED WE1CBEL a.t his nowlv-renovatod and licensed Hotel at CLARK'S rfUMMIT, is now prepared to fur lieh traveling men aud suclx! parties with die LATEST, NEW-8TYLED BIGS, single r double, ti take them to 1-uku Wincda, jravei Pond and all suburban points and Summer resorts at reasonable prlcus. A lare ivory barn connected with notel for travel ng public COME AND BEE US CONCERNING THE PRINTING YOU NEED SOON. We can please your taste and vants. Get an estimate, The Scranton Tribune Job DepL Shadowed by a Detective' .?his woman is one of tbe mysterious tod ute resting characters la our new Ds I sutive Stery, toy Fergus Hume il yuH uiv inicresteu ia uiiraycmn mjw t ories you should follow the tortuous for nes of tho hero of this story, , We shall print it in Serial form. WALLACE "SSAVIL GRAND CLASS A BICYCLE RACE MEET OP THB Green Ridge Wheelmen AT Scranton Driving Park WEOHESDAY ftFTERHOOM, August 22, 1891, at 2 O'clock L. A. . Sanction and Race Rules, Admission, 63c, Grandstand, 15c The GENUINE New Haven "MaUiushek" Ranos ESTABLISHED 1866. Kew York "Warerooms No. 80 Fifth Avenuo. E. C. RICKER & CO,, Sols dealers la this Motion. OXTICB-U1 Adams Ave., Telephone BTd'g See our FIFTEEN DOLLAE Solid Oak Bedroom Sett We Sell Furniture as cheap as any home in the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. . Hull 205 m 207 nMJ.ll.Hn ether. AC0rn AKKVJt ckus.-w., masouio iojof". For Sale In Scranton, Pa., toy H. C. SANDERSON, Drugjfist, oor. Washington anil Rnppcn st.w. . JUAVjy PEflfiYROYAL -u nn woews femnmnviT. ttt.t. and take no ether. iVBend for olrouUr. Prloe 1.00 per box, ft boxes for $5.00. TJK. NOTTM CHELVIIOAXt CO- - CleveUad Ohio. For Snle byO. St. HARRIS, DmirBlst, EVERY WOMAN a flmst)tsssnasanllabla, ssentbly, iwjruIaUnf medlelns. Oalf hsmlsss IM the porut eiuas shsuld bs nssd. If you want the bast, get Dr- Pcalpc Pennyroyal PHIs They an nipt, safe snd eertain In rssnlt The rsselee (Dr. Peal's) ev ilnp. nulnt. Adlttu tzu. MaDIOUia Oe UOTSlmO, O, For sale by JOHN H. PHElPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING OCX SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRK, PA, UAKUrACTCRKRS Ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY, Geaeral (Met, BCEJLNTOU, TJL as lace CORNER Lacka. and Adams Ave a. Dr. EX Grewer The rblladolpMn PpecleUst, and his associated stall ot English and German physicians, are now permanently located at 811 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON. The doctor lsasrradunte of the University of Pernsvlvania,formerly demonstrator of physi olovy snd surecry at the Medlco-Chirurgical College of Philadplphla. A specialty of Chronic Nervous, 6klu, Heart, Womb and Blood diseases. DISEASES OP THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confluence, sexual weakness iu men and wo man, ball rising in tbe throat, spots floating before tbe eyes, loss of memory, una Ue to cou eentrute tbe mind on oue subject, easily Startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which unfits them tor performing- the actual duties of life, making hap piness impossible; distressing the action of the heart, causing flush of beat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tlra easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression.constipntion. weakness of ths limbs, etc. Thane so effected should consult us Immediately aud he restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your physician sail upon the dootor and be examined. lie cures the worst cases of Nervous Dobility.Scro fula.Old Soros, CatsrrhPiles, Female Weakness, Affections of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors. Cancers and Crip ples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential. Office hours daily from 8 a. m. tcpm. Sunday (to 8. tucioso uve 2-ceut stamps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Life." I will p yon thousand dollars in gold to anyone whom I cannot euro of EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. DR. E, GREWER. 811 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. h Co mm im RESTORED!' "NERVE8EED8. awi ssceasWeak Memory, Lou of Brain Power, lleadaolie, Wakefulness, EoitMaoU4,lfltUy Emissions, Servouness,alllralnsan(l loss of power Uimwnrsj ssii rvvaa icMilveMt f tobaeecopvani or stimulants, which lead to Inflrnitty, Con l"mP"JnorVsM Psrsox. SforW, Jit. Jia. .-.i PTT.T. PILL ver offered to Ladies, especially reoommend I ed to married Ladles. 1ST I'enn Avenna. Phsrmscl.t, cor. sVyomlng Avenue and