Newspaper Page Text
8 TITE SCE ANTON iTEIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 17. 1894. How to Keep Cool Is asked by every one during these summer days. The seaside and mountain retreats offar a solution of this question. But none of these are complete unless you avail yourself first of the right kind of material to wear. For our August offer ings of requisites we have chosen exception ally SUITABLE ARTI CLES and recommend them for their Useful ness, Reasonable Price and Desirable Quality. TO DRESS WELL AT MODERATE COST Is a problem that must be faced by many. Our Success Has been largely due to the fact that we furnish goods in style and finish of the high-priced at Low Cost. GORMAN'S 00 WATER A3 A HEALTH CONSERVATOR. It May He Cud Iiitarnallj as Wall at Ex ternally with Ouud Remit The Internal use of water is a subject about which physioiuns have bad much dUiJUHiiim, aud about which cot all doc tor are agreed. Its value u an agency (or tbe prevention and removal of dis eased conditions is, therefore, too little nndersioud. Judiciously used, water taken futerually may be made one of the most important factor in tbe preservation of good health and physical vior. Nearly every case of inflammation and irritation of tbe bladder may by the prac tice of copious water drinking, especially on thu empty stomach, be palliated to such extent as to cease to give even annoy ance. Nothing that can be taken into the stomach will better conduce to keep it and the general system in a healthy slate than a pint of water about the summer temper ature of hydrant water, drank from one- half to thre-quarters oil an hour before breakfast. The first few swallows should be small and within a few seconds' intervals of each sther, but tiff last half should be taken in us large gulps as possible, with the body erect and chest well thrown out. The principal benefit derivable from this practice is perhaps the mechanical flushing aut of tbe undigested contents and the ab sorption of tbe additional water into tbe circulating system, although snme of the Hood effects may be attributable to the jrnail quantity of tbe secretions of the mouth, which is inoideutally carried down. and the loc.ti tonic influence of the water, Whatever may be tbe rationale of this treatment its efficacy as a promoter and preserver of health is second to none. The body should not be prone again for at least throe-quarters of an hour after drinking, The temperature of tbe water may, as a matter of Uste, be disagreeable at first. but that objection will soon become insig nificant before a little resolution. There is no situation in which firmness with one's disinclinations may be more profitably ap plied. Very bot or very cold water should not be taken upon an empty stomach. The practice of drinking hot water just before meals, which prevailed extensively a short while agq, has fallen into merited disre pute. The stomach does not until after a long time recover from the debiliating effects of a drink of very bot water imposed upon it while empty, iionce no food should bo taken into it immediately after such draft. New York .Mail and Express. Rut In the Barber's Chair. There is one place In which even in the midst of the busiest day tbe most hurried men rest, and that is in tbe barber's chair. !io matter what oares and perplexities, what schemes and anxieties fill the mind, tbe moment the soft fingers of the barber begin to pass over the face there comes a lull in the turmoil of tbe brain, aud for a blessed quarter of an hour there is quiet in the cerebral cells. Boston Courier. In the Breakfast Boom. If practicable have the breakfast room face the morning sun, and In the window set some blooming plants, to be repluced by others when they cease to blossom. Let In thesuuliubt upon them and the table, and try to greet the dawning day with happy couversa and gentle lauirhtor. Noth ing so well fits man or woman for the duties of the day as to begin it with cheer fulness. Yankee Blade. The black ironwood (Condalla forrca). found only in southern Florida, is more than 80 per cent, heavier than water. The world is always interested in tbe care of consumption; yet its prevention is of far more importance. Dr. Wood' Nor way Pine Syrup is gnarnute-d to cure coughs aud colds. SoA by all dealers ou guar an tee of satisfa Won. Hirrhcqf nf all 5n T.eavpninar Pmvpf. .T.arpsr TT P.nv'f TJonnrt I a - - , e -- ,.r . ABSOLUTE!? PURE LIVELY SCHOOL Ittston Educators Become Excited at Regular SessUs. A SPIRIT OF CONFLICT REIGNS Tha Appearanca of a Gentlsman Who Poies as an "Attorney and Citizen" Creates a Breeze Interesting De bate Follows Teachers Located. An Estimate of the Press Reporter, Special Ui th$ Scranron Tribunt. PiTTSTON, Ps., Aug. 10. The souool oard mt la spruial seisiou in th- uigb school bull llu last ereuiug for lbs purpose of beariug the report of the committee bavin in charge tb Discing of the teeobers for the ensuing year aud suoh other busluesi as inighi come before it. Msrs Allen, Aobott, Brvdeu. McCormlc Langati, Mil", Eagen Htus an I MuN -intra answered to tbe roll call. In the abs-nee of Sortery Brennaa, Direo tor Eines vrssuutilutd to ot in tha oapsoity. Ou motion or Ltngau, sec onded by Abbott, it wasdoidd to kal soniint tb- walls of the seteral sohools. W. F. Myr's bid being the lowest, $143 20, he was awarded the ooutraet. decided on motion of D.rtotor Mt-Naniar to have tbe directors' ro ni u tbe oi l William street school bull I- nf pp-red The report ef the soiamlttse to lo cate tsaebers for tli eusuiug scholastic rear wns present, aud ou motion the teport was reeoivel aud the couiuiitte was ilsobrs;d. To teachers as they re located follow: High school bulMina High school room, Aliases spencer ana oyie; eigmu grad. Howell; seventh grade, llclile; sixth grade, Morrow: fifth grJ, Deinp sey; fourth grade, Collier; third grade. 1'atters'U: eecouJ graUe, Uuraon; nrst grade, Shnrpe. UIJ bullntna first grain, u.ewitt; sec- ouil grade, Battle. Lppfr nttKtai Koom 1, Burse: room Jordau: room S. Ualiagufr; room 4, Kesilug: room 6, Lsvau; room 6, Carroll. vln tlill -Kouiu l, li aruey; mora 'J, Price; tooiu S, Martin; room 4, CooUcau; room S, t'laike. il kt street Koom 1, (Jilhsple; room, (' ley. Orrgou Boom 1, Fay; room 2, Cunning bam. M. N. Doun-lly, who was present daring the niilug, n-xt oecu.ii'd tb Htteniloa of the bord Uou receiv ing recognition, he' said: "Mr. man and Dlreeiors: I appear before von la adul ospaclty of attorn-y and e Mzea to prefer cbaraes against th- priuulpaior your sebools. 1 propose to proTe and snbslautlate by am avlts rrofe-sor ohlel, who was present, jumped to bis feet at tbi . oiiil of th proeeedingi and a.idressinsr tbe ohair, r-qaetted that if the sp akr bad any ea rges t prerar, be proper way to do it ffm to pr-a-nt them in writing. At the aun-tiui" he look ocoaswn to remind Mr. Don nelly tnat be cucld not appear befor tbe bonrd a as attorney for the reuso i ne was not suob and, further, that be ws not diottilng to manskin, bin a - man as ws bU privllKge when in the oonnoi ehuuiror. A bot exchange at rvportree followed and for a time things looked erlous Mr. Donnelly tinaliy reqnstel that a tlm.' b fixed when he ooulJ ap pear betore tbe board and present bis ckarcet. A motion made by Dir otor Ulue and ircouded by Miles prevaile , that the board Would bold meeting i or the purpose on Friday evening, Ang 24 lue awarding or tbe oootraot for the I uildiug of an ailditioa to tw O e.u nobool was award') t G. KorB W i -sob, his bid being $3,448. On motion. be ws rtqaired to i uruis i a bond in tbe sum et $5,009 Frofssor Sale! ap peared before the board aud sold he desired te ssy thai be regrett-d the allfd lawyer wbe bap psaed to be preaxht earlier in ibe evealBg wae not present as be desired to say be oonrted any in. veetiaaiiea tbst he deelrel to Di rector Hlnes iatennpted the spesket by saylsg that ss the matter ba l bee dtssjene; ef be tbeasht tke discussion we aaeaiua rer. Ukairmaa Allea also took noesi te say that as luere were seTeral members of tbe "prs" represeated there was no telling bow their reports would ap peer in print. Professor Sblel responded by ssying ' Tnere ar news paper men wbo are gentlem-n, while there are others wbo are liars ty birtb, instinct and profession," This ended tbe discussion. The awarding of the contract lor the fnruishlng of sup plies was deferred until tue next meet ing. ' Oa motion of direotor Langun the salaries of tbe old teachers w. re al lowed to stand as last year. The new teachers' salaries were ordered regu lated by a previous rnle governing their oase. After disposing of som minor matters tue board ailj 'UrneJ, MINOR PITTSTON MBNTION. Tbe Troilontjmp.iDy ip'Ct to have their cars running to the junction by today. 'lbs walls of tbe new Miners' bank building are being constructed at a re- mrkble lively gait. By a chimney toppling ovr, upon wbiob be was sitting, How ir I, sou of J. U Riokette, of West Piitston, bad the misfortane to break bis left arm at tbe wrist. At a meeting of tbe Ilagbeitown soliool board hld Weluesduy evooing, J T. Foy. reoently elected, rstgnnd. It was accepted and Miss F orenoe Abbott wns elected to fill the vacancy Tbe complete list of tescliers now I as follows: Prinolpal, J. V. Lord; srsamsr room, Ella GHllespi; inter m-iilat-, Josepblue Gilleple; prim try, lirsoe Morrow and r lomuoe Abooti The seeretary .was instrnoted to bave tbe teachers sigu eootraots previous t the opening of tbe subools. aad to nolily them that tbe np-nlng will take plno on Monday, Sept. u, Tbe csrp'-nters bsve starter the fr tting of tbe new Reap building on Willi . m street. Jame H. Collier, of Butler s'reet, is preparing to eret a hau.isoui-) 8 story BOARD MEETNG 1 r sbleus en the corner of Broad au I Duley elreets. Fred Brews anJ family bave taken ap tbeir resldenc o Bro id street In Ibe w.sterly half ef Jehu Koast s new doable dwelling. Owieg to a break in lbs masblnery that propels lbs Djla blower, tbe moulding department of tbe Stove works has be a idle the past four days. Rev. Father Gtunou, a priest of tbe nrder ef the Jesuits, wbe a .a bees eoa dieting a retreat at tbe eonveal ou Vfilkes-Bitrre mouatalu, aad Rev. Father Jordou, of the Wllk s-B u r 'lioeese, were the guests of 0. Djuuelly yesterday. Mrs N. J. Smitti sad lahter Hein are visiting frlads at Bluanunt. Rev. P. J Kala l-Tl yoterdtr m ira lag for Oueau Grove to jiu bis family. Mleses Mary aad Carrie Williams are visiting la Maine. Mrs. Jane Watklus, Mrs. B D. Thomas and family, Mrs. Charles W. St. Johu aad daughter, Luoy, left yes terday luorulng for D lunr, N. J. P. Gallagher, Wlillam Fay aud T. Durkin, who bve been stopping at As hury Park, returned home WeduHady i veeing. Mi-s Either Toahlll, of North Main uV'Uue. uo"iupiuid by Mi Nor K.UM'ty, of aursnlm. have gone to New York, where tliey will spend several weKi with friend. Wavcrly. Mrs. Alice Fines, ui iiJMOton, visited ner brotuer, G. U. Wiute, last Tuu dy Mr. aud Mrs. S erllng Blfrland Mrs, Byron Uall, areeujjyiug tbe Dean lies of Aai ury Perk. Mr. and Mrs. D B. Graham and son T. N, Graham, olerk of tb oullrts, of D-uv-r, (Jul , are the guests o. A B. Winoliel's family. Miss Lottie L4, of th Waverly House, has retnmM after spetrlin n week visiting fi'inidj aud relatives in Soraniou. All kinds of soft drinks and tobncoo, i-igars and elgarettes at tbe Little U I mnnico The W verly B t Bil club played th' Clark's Sumiui B B II clnbsnd won by a soom of 21 to 20 Frank Urtlley n in pi rd the guns Mrs. J. B M-r-lion Is ei'ji.'ing th Abrovn sad surf I'nthiu at VVeei New Brighton for a w-ek E. F Leightou od f mily re visi in k G"org B-dford, at Br Creek. R'V. J. Wnitebuisr, formirly pastor n th 1 Uaplis' cbursh here, ut now of , Brooklyn, N. Y. will bold servl :es in the m irnmg at 10 30. and the rogular pasior, Rnv. A. ti rgn Browe, wlw uold services iu the evening at the B i, lsl eliui'on. Messrs G'orgs Perry, Hirry F, vV arurrand Clu la Relsh aco uipa'ile I Oompuny A, Thirteenth r-i;iin ut, to Csuip Crawford, Gttyabiri. Ice cre' m al the Little Dolmonloo, Mra Hrnrr ThotaLnou, mother of Mrs. L-ster Steue, is serlooly ill. Mesr. Lneioa Kuneily, John Pe!- nam, Fred Mumfnrd and B rt Midtau retnrned frim c raping at Gravel pun' and report good flsulug and having i general gnnl time, Alfred H rvey and family, of Seran ton, were visitors here vsstenlay. Rv. John Wlntcb.of the Frei M'tb- odist ehurcii, is attending the otnp meeting of that denomination at Ararat, SQqi-hanua county. There will be a woods meeting meeting) nt Fell s grnv next S-itur lnv aud last tat over Sand y, un der the ansnloes of the African M-th odlst EpUcopnl ohurob. N pains will its snared !y tbe pistor, K-v O. T Davis, and tbs eungrsgatloa to mik the ra-tins a sucoesi. E alneol min isters will b preheat to eouluo1 the rvio-s, whlo i will be held at 10 80 i. m aud 3 3) a 7 p ta Dr. C. As nury, of Pt.Utmrj, will Oe present. All kinds ot hot and cold lunches a tbs Lltile Dilitiontoin A Byrua Cowl", R B. S'lerman, Mra. Jonn Freer, of Uinghatuton. Mlts I la Sherin n, Mrs. Cheliter, of New ark. N. J., Mlex N-llle M'rsnou and Miss Bl ineue K nnely o insurined i party that utt-nd d the rentiiou of th Graad Army of the R pnidlo at Fir view, and ei, Joyed a trip to iionesdale an Wednesday R v. F. H. Faraon, of the Methodls Episoopal enureh, having fully rocor rrl tils beaiti, win noia s rrio-s a i s Methodlat E'dcpal ohurob San .iv tu rning at 10 80 Clam ohowler tomorrow and ev-ry lay tnereafier at Martin Buld's Little Delmonioo. Ouaian eed Curs. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King JNew Discovery for Coir ninnilon, Coughs and Olds, upon thU condition, it you are allllcted wltn Cough, Cold, orauy Lutii, Throat or Chest trouble, and win uie tuis remedy as ill rected, giving it a fair trial, aud expei ieuce so benent, you may return tn- Dottle an 1 bave your money rof uuued. We could u make this offer did we not know that Dr, Kluu'e New Discovery could be relied ou, It never disnppoluts. Trial bottl tree at Matthew Bros', drug store. Lnrje size 60c. aud si. Honcsdalc. The raoe mo-t of the Mipl- CI' whurlonen, to be held here on O is atracting much attenilou and looked forward to as nnn of the fe- ares of tbe year. The wl e linen ar nthnaiastin and are doing all in the! l ower to ni'.ke the raoe attractive hii to senre ntrles from riders from MorantoB, Wllkes-Birr, Pltiaton, Por J. rvis and all n-U i boring t wie Jnienn M. H-rria and El ward C S'oue, of New York, are the UfSti of Mrs Lsooold Fuerth Tee pasange of tue tariff bill has b a marke( fiaet on Urn- I tie sufar L took a sa ideit tnmnl. The fall oa oarred in the post nfuV. Mr. and Mrs J. D Weaton bave re turned from their trip to Aabnry ptrk J Kirk Rose rMnrn d hm-yea terday after an ehiiine of s-veral day Mrs. Willi m 8 Uaywarl who b been seriously ill for sVerl weks liiwly Ininrovlnt. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Torr-y have returned bouii aflar an nbmucs of aev ernl weeks Word was reoIved yaster'ay tha Colonel Daniel a K Her, lr ,t'ier ol Mrs George C II ill uad died after lingering illness One of the prlnelpal feator l of lb tiicyele meet Ou-tuber 4 will b the one tulle Wayne county championship lor county rl't-rs only. Joseph N. Welob Is suffering from sprained ankle. When about boardiug tbe train at Fsrview Tuesday be stepped on a blocking pin and was throws to the ground. There will be a Dnde or wneeiutea might. Btartlag from tbe elty hall at o oinck, the line of march will tans n all the principal streets. Carbon dal 2. Mrs. Marshall Kider. ol Soranton, Is the gnest nf her psr-ntt lu tbls city. Mr. and Mrs. WlllUs Ulngb.ta will eave this w-k for their aauual Visit wiih friends in Canada. Mr. aad Mrs. Chnrl-s W. Mellon aad in will leave today tor a Stay at tbe Me. E. a Sahrlver. formerly freightages or the rie eeupauv bat new boldiag i sirallar poaltiaa at L-xingtou, Kf., Is p-nuiug a few dya la Ibis plaev. Mlas Olsua Uerriug baa returned from a iwe week' visit with fiull- steat frleuda. Mies 8adl Lswls of Sou til Mala ireet, Is visittug friends iu iJuraatoa mi uyae rrk. George M. ohm. ot Bingbamteu, N. Y , aiade a busluess trip te this puce es terday. Mrs. Wlillam Sberrer and sen, Joseph, left yeeterday for a weatb's islt with frieola ia BheUola Glen ad Kingston, N Y. Mr and Mre. T. L. MeMlllan of Helem avnae, are speadiog a few lays at Crystal lake. tulelllgenae bes bees reelvej lu this oity of the death of L-wia K, see ei Mr. and Mrs Johu Kaee, oi 184 Hprlug street. A few years ago be lost sis -non and was taken te tbe Danville II isidtal for the Insaue, where he died it We luesday. Deceased was bora lu his oily twouty-fotir years aie Th remains were bionxht to this city lasl eV'-ning tor interment Bernard, an Infant eon of Mr and Mrs. John He nan, ol 100 Speooe aire t, lied ou W-'dni-s lay eveuiuc of cholera Infantum Tn funeril servlcs will e hld tnls aftrioou. Iuterment will e marie In ut. Rosa cemetery. 1 ms v-nlng occurs the eonoert by H if In Evens' company lu tbs Bplls hirou. Mr. md Mrs. Peier Swlgert, of Cot j sir-'?, ar- m mrul ig tee death of nelr nttl" s in. it I ward, wbo died ys- tt-rday morning. Tbe funeral will oi cir ou Saturlay nflerooou ai 3 ., c eck I'lteTin-nt Will be made U Maplewood C'-niiery There will be ne preaeblag ta tbe baptist tab-'rn iole on Suaday. Sunday school nd Chrisilaii E ideavor meet ing will ft held as usual. Howard Potter Is ou a month's stay t Atlantlo City. Mrs. Al. E Ritynor sad daaghtor. Gertrude, rlnrnd yealerday freta an x end'"! Visit with friends iu Ciian- t .nq u. William Broadman, one of the in- spi-trs of the state lord of health, rrivs l iu this city yesterday morning 11a nume in to tne uutli'e .roin the local hoar I of health oi li-mninz the water forniaiel to tu ivesi side reel leuis by the Fallbrook ud Newton Water c nap my. Throop. Tbe parlies who i.p.-ut two Weeks' v.oaii.iu at Wild Km oolt.ige, Lnk Wluols, broke c-inu ou Tuesday Us ud returned home very asucu beue- fl ted from th frsti air as I wholesome Wil-rs of th IwauiilUi Kke. B llui in & Cll.u are vary aco mm Utiug to I, eir euatom -r, as s. ui uave a great dllanee to waik aud are UVr& ud Ulr y; tU-y will flu I a eoel aud refreshing ''rlrjit of 'vfld ebrry fur- nisned by the firm, which is very Pleasing to tbe palate. Mis N -itH Beriiy, accompanied by .Mis G nru I btteeps, of Bloomsourg, r turned home yesterday. Henry Buoohorn was a sailer In tow.i on luesda.v. George Hiverly makes a gracefu tB.inster. M-srs. F. E. Hill and J. a Drou , of 1'rovi lonce, spent Wednesday eveu ing with frtwuds here. Mrs Charles Faherinssr is still on trie sick list. Mr and Mrs. Ctmrles GUI left town for Puekville on Monday last. rvil-e sianohoru and fesally. are sp-B.IIng a vacatlou visiting friends lu Wayne county. Tbe members of the Republican club f this pUc, b-ld a metiug ou Tuj day evening list, Mr J. B. McD inald. better known as the silver-iongue t orator, et Turoop, will deliver a leetnre at tne Calil thnmoiou room a. Ba'jiet to be "Tbe Poasl bill lbs of flo'.i- Aut'iltlon." firthsbeuelt ef tke Grat,d Order of Baohelnrs Adminalen, 25 eeuts. Do not mlas tbls great l'Oiore. Mrs. John Borate, of this plaee, -. brat'd her fortieth birthday en Toe- d iy evening last and a large asm i-r el friends and re! tives wr breseal the gu's's enjiied inemsevs with vosnl and instrumantal minis and . few popular gam s ued for ami luent nl such g th' rings. At 10 80 urmd and sumptuous supper wi s -rved and all present gave amp e las lice to the repast. 1 boss preset front out of town w-re Mrs. Jonn Tioran and sons, of Peckville; Mrs. GrifS Williams, of Hyde Park. Tuns nr-i enl from Ihroon wer- Mr. and Alra Siiott, Mr. and Airs. G rver, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Air. nn I Mrs. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Fryer, Mr. and Mrs. T I. Williams, Mrs. ( - Knni an daiigntrs, Mr, and Mrs. B sal R blu Mr. and Airs. Panr-y, Mr. a id Mrs Biagliam, Mrs. Gill, Mr. A King au I a few o her frWud Tne boet'S of tb weuiug re-lvel q-itte a uuiuowr of v ry uaeiul tr-sn s Tnsy ull euj.iyei themselv auitli ri clcek, all le.viug the oompllmeiila of those gatbariaa and wibing ibe lady many relurus ol the Same an nil tl day OlyphanL Mrs P J Iin,.,iii. ,.f iSornnlon. W IS a Oill rl'i town yesterday Mi-s LizbI- Blewlit, of Pit "'on, w ihs been vieili u her cnnaln, Ml Jn 111 Cnwley, return a h in Inealty Miss JUIant- M . O t ne Hi Si I i-i spending A f-w diVl nt Wlik It.ira Mi-s L Kisi Mi C .wlev. win h is been vi 'liing iri ii is in loiv'i ferlhpi two w ka, bis ri'tiimel to U-r n'lin' I'l Pl'tStOII. Mrs P. C. Kill nil r and two shll I r n, of Newark, N J , returned home ft-r an i eude I visit In t.iwn. The Brown, jra., til tyed two gam ol ball yes erday alt' rn ion, one with the Athleilc, or Green Ridge, and th" itner witn the El'Otries, of Taylor i n yw rj vleiorum lu tint h gum Score of ih fonii r nm , 14 o 4; ol tne latt r, 17 lo 10 IvTian DVjy wu icv, w rare her fWaorie. Whoa alia waa a Child, she cried fur Caotada. When she berame Mias, she cluag to Oastorla, When alio had Cldloreu, she gave Uusa CSastaruv Minooka. Miss Jennie Lauxhaey. who has eeu spending her vaeutiua at Atlantio City for the past month, returned noma yesterday. Jeha MeGswan. of Provldeaoa. stu dent ef St. Thomas's, attend tbe rarewetl gathering at Euan's ou Wed nesday ev-ning. . Patriot G llairber removed to bl iew hnnse ea 8 ff ird etreet vesterd y. MiBI Mary Egan. Of Wllbee-Barre. vislViil Mlaooka frleuds during tbe week. A farewell soelel was tendvred tn John Egaa en Wednesday ereHg at ma noma. iae m tuners or tbe I ia Men's Institute were present and xtr seats 1 Ulus with a copy of Wh et-r's staadard dlerloaery. W. U. Me Donnagh, president of the Young Mea'e Iistilute, delivered tke preeeatatloa speeeb. ltV. Jehu Lougbrau Was present aud delivered a very fine apeeeh In behalf of Mr, Elan's go id qu li'ies. Jbn Mtekia, Johu Mo Laughllu aud Johu Lougurau, thrae young studeuts ef St. Mary's seminary, siilliiuere, made brief spaeebes. Tue followiug uiaia W at tie Yauug M.u'a Iustitute e .eh dalivereJ a short address: P. J. Malheria, P. F.Caalek, J. A. Powell, M. 1. Jasge, M. J. Car roll. The addresses were followed by number of solos from tbe different members vf the party. Jermyn, Geerge W. Dwyer, who bss been away vieWot fer aouie time, returned Wedurs lay ulubt, Arthar W. Ciose, DtaM Reef, Dun- mure; F. E. Parkhurst. Wilkes Brr; H. E Peine. J. J. Me lagile. A P Cur- ran. Hirautos; G. li. Porter, Cliff r J; James N.tyUr, Pltlslou ; J. W. Buunell. ocrautgu, reglatered at tbe HoUl bt. George yesterday. A large gang ef workmen who bav beau eonstruoting tie loag distaau' telephone between Forest City aud Sol'autou for tbe past tuoul, Uve re moved to Lerhondule for a few days. Mrs. luoinas Kietl Is quits seriously ill. Harry Durk, of Nluholsou, was a caller lu towu ystrday. Alonday ulght burglars agala entered Ibe Onurlo and Wealeru svallea aud t'oeaday moralng Agent Duuu fouiid h UHUCage of elolulna- uark-d Lonie Jipiiz Mayfleld, c. d,p 82, stolen irjm tue express ro uu, aad a good many eatables from tbe freight room. A goo 1 tuasy people from our towti were at Farvlew wltn the veterans ou Wednesday P. T. Flaherty. dlDttober for the Ontario and Western, has gene for a Vacation to til mnnatalus and lakes. He will be away ah'tnt one week. A I uu muting Seal. The mother seal at the Zoo got rather gnj Sunday afternoon while a IjIk crowd of ladies, Kentletneu and children wns stand ing around enuorly watching tbe baby seal. The mother seal would watch and tee where tbe crowd was thickest, elide quietly under the water, come up cloee as poeAible to where the crowd was, and Mien, with seemingly pure deviltry, jump up aud splaah the water iu sash a way as to cover uud wet every one within twenty feet. Aud it kept this sort nt fun up all Uie after- noon. No mutter en which side of the tank the crowd ot, the seal would makes quiet sueak under the water, and then, quick as lightning, show up near the crowd uud get in its funny business. Cincinnati Enquirer. Itaruabee aud the Tramp. Henry Clay Baruabre ia credited with bring tbe author of a new juke. Tbe other day, while standing iu front of .the Standard, au ableuollel, but a very dirty, old tramp came up to him uud told bim of a great uvuiy things be could do, trying at tbe some time to wheedle a twenty five cent piece out of tbe comedian. At last Mr. UarLahee got weary aud said: "Can you play ebfekerar" "Yea," answered the tramp. "Well," aid Mr. Baruubee, "it is your move." JNew York Telegram. Remarkable Fungi. Meet remarkable ut tbe f ungi that grow in the great oarer ua are mushrooms, edible or otherwise, lu vnat beats, Uie product of which, nasulllvated aud uneaten, reminds one ot tbe champignon proruuratcd by thousands of buahels artificially in caves of I' rauce for the markets of the world, Washington Star. Geiseler tubes cau be converted luto brtl liaut beams of 11a; ht hy being held utur a ouil or a large sheet vi tin plate eouueeted ' with a pole of an allerauilng tuaablue, and the uroepeets are that we will tooa bave a revolution la the artificial produe Uouof liRbt. The custom ot rislug at tbe "Hallelujah Chorus," which has coutiuued to tke pres ent day, waa beguu ou March US, 1743, ut tbe first performance of tbe work iu Lou don, when tbe kinx set tbe example. Tbe Biuet lutereetfug gt-ograpulcal fea ture ot gvuat caverus is to be found lu the etrmui which aiuk lute the sand or leap down Korges, dieappeariuK aud reappear ing ut intervals uioel mysteriously. Ktne buitdred and fifty-five religious periodieals are published In this country, wuich are estimated to have a total circu lation of 8,U7,G60 lor each iasue. Ail That's Claimed " I hud a poor appetite, that tired feeling ana was run down, but Hood's Siirsaparllla hat Dtf 'aw done mo a great do:il o P 't 1. t evvlu UUVU O UUblCc appetite and do not feel tired. I can rco. oniniend Hood's anrsa- pnrtlln as nn excellent B) Tin;: or full ucaicino ': .: si r'1'! teep the Wood hi nrftur Mvcalf n-.t three dnugliiais have J taken over six hnttlc. v '(J aim ii uas uono us much food. Vi do not now have te oall upuu a uoctwr, u lor- ' nu-rly, in tbe spring Albert Kinwy Uiue, anJ 1 e.m say that Aut urn, l'u. Hood's Uuraioi Ilia is all llntis claimed fortt. I mult boarUly ro orv.nicnil it, and u!:all always keop tt lu my lioime." Ai.iikht Kut'scv, Au'jiuu, fa. 'S Sarsa parilla Be sure to get sftirCS TJrtnrtc v 1 IUWU O 23T eVWsV Hooiil'a Pill ure purely vegetable, and do tot purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists. K EYSTONE Academy FAC'IOIIYVILLU, FA. I rfflnj suluol huina Prjpir for the beet 1 eg . horouih eoursus tn iluato and Art Teeeiiere' Llau lvea bet preparation for Teaahlae, ( uuna ereial Course biclndes Typewrltiag end tbortbaad. t'oel loiis cured (or Graduates, bead for Dew lllveirated circular. 1 li. LOUMUJ, A.M., rluclpal -i W TT A ! iSi X gtmnsiuiimzmnMiim THE SALE suj , 1 1 ;JUU yiTMi'iiii 400402 Lackawanna Ave, Commences SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 GREAT BARGAINS 3 r.lEEf!JE:2:ii;U!sS!:ra:i:!II3!lltn!IKI2tII!3IEEIi!ll!JHlIHllIIl!lIIlIllll!H!lIIIk- Fine Holland Shades, with heavy knot fringe, Hartshorn Rollers, BOc- Eacli Plain Shades, 20, 25 and 30c. each. Measurements taken and shades put up by experienced workmen. We Carry All Widths Store Shides in Stock. Brass Extension Sash Roili 15 and 20c. each. A few Vienna Porch Shades left that we will close out at cost. 406 and 408 They Say Had ioo mm m&1 WE HAYE lit in Scrnuton and vicinity that can attest to the furnishing-up qualities of the "Economy" especially the FURNITURE part of it, but 90 km: C'r.:yv, IS THE STUFF that we arc blowing loudest about this season, and our TOOT will bo heard with delight by the economi cal housewife, whila it will vibrate disagree ably on the ears of the Carpet Dealers Bring your measurements and get onr estimates. iPPaeiiii, GREAT AT Lacka. Avenue. Solomon Wives mm 4 r SHADES 1,000 v. 1