Newspaper Page Text
There are undoubtedly And tho readers of a good daily newspaper will be in clover. the political world. TWELVE PAGES-84 COLUMNS. BRAXTON. PA.. SATURDAY MOTINIXG. AUGUST 18. 1SJ)4. TWO CENTS A COrY. 1 THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SGBANTON BUSINESS HEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER WWWIVo CREDIT IS EXCELLENT European Eackers are Very Anxious lo No go:iate Large Loans. SILVER IS VISIBLY AFFECTED A Syndicate of German Bankers Be siege tho Viceroy Li Hung Chang for Options on a Loan London Bankers Also Fall Into Lino and En able the Chinese to Make Favorable Terms of Interest on Cash for War Purposes-Japan After Recruits. London. Aug. 17. THE financier! of tnie city, li rlin, aud oturr capitals of Europe re eagerly discussing the proposal I'Miiese lmui. Inquiries tnii t the nffl es of J irdine, Mathcsoti & Co., pr. iniu-nt London end Cbtti .. tUdClls'l, and rtt the oflk'es of the II dig Koug und Shanghai Bank company, show that the loan which the great bauking i '.stitu tiois of Berlin are said m he fl . t i 11 vc for China ntn nets to 10 (MO, 000 taels, and not to 10 .000 00J, as prviouly announced i elM u 1 in Berlin A tael is utiui ted to be equtl to about on.' ounce and ou-'-thirl of stiver, or, tonghlv speakitig, eix shillings sterling or $1.40, euppoaiug that thes amounts represent me value of silver of tbe weight of one tiiel. It is lesme! tUnt about a month ago China inquire!, through the Iloti x Kong and tf!ut. glial bitik, for tli si which such a lon, to be made In stiver, could re effected The lank tn- Hon. d iiuiudi ntslc tf rl to h-nd 1 0 :0,000 sterling or $ ODO 000 ti i ii. , .U.nlheisOi. & O:, who Uad uldo been consulted iu l to the pro j-.i'.sed Iohii, Lil.-ret to lend anothef XI, 000, COO or h iniicti uiore as the Ciiih--e (joveriiui'Mit wonl 1 requirH. tui Viceroy Li llunc C mug declined loin niTrs at that tim, eavinif ttmt tbre w ts no imtu-di ite need for tha money, as Cuiua bad plenty to go on with. L'er, however, it baOHtn known that in ri"W of tee paytnent of tne last portions of tha prnseut 7 and 0 per c'nt. gold bouit.i, due at tbe IIoiik Kiwif and SliHtiijUKi bank iu January, 1305. and in vievy also of the war need, Ci.ina desired o increaa tbe amount of lier aviilatle c-sn. Tne moment thia bacatue fkn'.wn a syndicate of tter Ul ia bauiter was formed in Berlin. and their s-nta at Tixntsln w re iu strncted to be-iea the vicoi'oy for an option on tiw Ion i. LOW RATF.S OF INTEREST. Dz-nso London and other banker nllowwd tbeeitmpleof tile German bankers, and Li iiunir Chang and tlie Cbiti' ministers ner wera besieged withiff-rs fri.m respunainl and irrn sponsibie pirties anxiom lo bava a of some description in the loin. Asar-inU it u prohatde that tn r thai; 100 000 000 whs offered to Ctiina, and ion.'.. qa utiy China was not in clined to py ovr 4 pr cnt. for the lo II). There is no doubt that a 1. SOO.OOO gold loan will be inni-d here eai I y in Si-p'eiutier. The loin will prob.bly consist of 5 pi cent, thirty-year bonds, and at leat two-thirds of this loan will be p yable to China in silver. For this loan there is no sp eiul S'ounty like the custom receipts, bnt only gun fr il faith In China. The nei'Miiiitions fur tbe loan have already : ftVcted the price of silver, and some finnticiers tredict that silver will go hs i ifrb s 321. per nnnce. Tne bardnt-KS of tha snver market bas ijm p-it'ieticitlly hir lined tne pria ol cf'pp r. limiUN. Ank. 17. The Pest sy thai ibesyndicato of Berlin t inkers which met al the Dis -onto O nellscbuft y. pterday has r-ceived a cable message fr in Slianirhai iirc p'inif the ayndi catu'a terms for n 1,( 0) 000 loan. PF.C'ld'lTi Full JAPAN. Los Anuklks, Aiu. 17 An rffort is mdnif nia.ln in this ciiy hy a in -in who is said to represent tbe Japanaaa (T"V ernroent to S"Ciir- t'ie servicaa of 1,000 men to gn 'o Jepau and help filit the Chinese 23 pr month, transportation to and iruin Japan, and necessary ru tions are proinis-d thoe who will enlist. B-caiisa of the penalty attached to work of this kind, under the laws gov erning the treaty with foreign coun tries, the agent has made himself known to I at few persons. Tbos whom he secures are ostensibly em ployed to engaue in railroad construe' tion. San Francisco. Ausr. 17. The steamer City of 1'ekinir. which sailed for Japan and China yasterday, took away a large eartio of freight, among which was consider hl fl inr For China tbere were 10 91)8 harilaof flonr, 4,-107 pounds or Ki8n, 03 caa-s of ra tied fruit, 178 cases ol canna I ra-tata, 11 250 ponn-ls of pearl bTley, 73 pack- sg'S of provisions, and 09 packages n' groceries. For Japn there wer- 1.412 barrels of flonr, 15 rolls of lealliar, (55 175 pounds of eouipressed eotton, 500 tmrrwls of corn beef and 474 cases ot canned ints. BLOWKKS ARE FIRM. Will Net Asraa to Fiopotals of Oreen O ris Manufaotumrs. Philadelphia, Aug. 17. The com mil tee of green glass manufacturers and tdowers from all over the oooutry. wbo bave bean holding conferences here, endsvjring to agree on a wag scale, disperse 1 today, ti idlog It Im possible to eome to an amicable oonclu sion The manufacturers wanted the blow. era to accept arrdnction of 23 per cent, benanae the 'duty is decr-ased that amount in tha the tariff hill just passed but the blowers declined to accede to this as tnanofnomreri had not in creased their WaeaS when the tariff dntv was increased. Another conference will be held, and rending an agreement, the men will go to work Tliav will be paid tbe old scale, bat a certain percentage of tbelr earnings will be retainea uy me menu tacturers, aud whi'ii ttmn-w scale is adopted a settlement will lie uiade. COKKKSAT WOKK. Havs Givsn Up ha Struca'a and Njw Tholr CONNKLLSVII.I.K, Pa,, Aug 17. It 1' evident to lay that the coin workars wbo bave for so long a tiina eoutiutiad th strike In the face of eei'talu (luteal have given Dp tin struggle for blglwr withes. They now deuounce their Uadsrs wbo thy sy bsre knpt thtm out by false rprtsutations and prom ites. Toe Slavs are now bustling for their old positions sod many art stcuring work. Tbe operatdrs will at ouce Are up hII of tbe Id la plants iu the coke r--iou and plaee them in operation us fmt a uieu can be eeoured to work thuui. AMERICANS AT BLUEFIELD5. Captain O'Natl Explains Wbv Some of Them Ware Nut ProLc.d Washington, Aug. 17. Reports transmit te I to the state department from Cat tain O'Neil. of the Murlde bead, now at lilanlds, fully confirm tbe press reports to t e effaot that tbe captain refused to protect suob Aru-rion resi dents tkere as had tkn up arms in "hulfof Cbief Clarence against the Xicaraa-uen governuient. Tbe eaptaiu gave thas men ample w-irning that tby uiuat not violate the laws of Nicer igui if they expected protection, and In doing so he actad, It is said, in strict accord with inter national law. MR. HILL'S REBUKE. The Senator from New York Takes Occasion to Refer to Blunders of the Democracy. Washington. Aug. 17. Amotion or resolution tor 'n appointment of Senator White (D-m., Cal.) to fill the vacancy on the finance committee occa sioned by the death of the late Sen ator Vance, of North Carolina, oc cupied the attention of tbe senate dur ing mt of the brief p-rio I ( m hour and lorty-fire niiuutes) that it was in onion today. Id the first place, ob j 'ition was tuado to its prs nt conaidertiou by Mr. Chandler (U-p., N. H.) under the rnle which requires resolutions to li over for on iay, if there be a single obj.c'ion. 0:1 tbe other side it was contendud by Mr. Harris (Dew., Tenn.), who made tbe motion, that it was a q ieti n of privilege, nfft)cting tbe orgauiz ition of the senate und did not, therefore, come nnder tbe mix. , Tbat claim uave to Mr. Cbaudler the opportunity for lunnchini; one of his shafts of ridicule at bis politioal oppia-nts for the tardy orgauis ition of the senate j ist as U was anont to a j nrn. Mr. Hill, of New York, complained that there had been no consultation among Dxni"oratio senators, and in iiner lik- c- .s, in rgard to filling the vacancy on such an important commit- tee. He thought senators from the threat state of New Yurie should have been consulted, und he intimated tbat it wasacaaaof "packing"tliH committee for a certain pnrpoa-i He favored let ting tbe resolution goovr until tomor row and advued his I) moaratio asio ciataa that in the meantime they Bhould navo a caucun, or uonf-rence on tno at j -ct. lie also to k occasion to re stato his opposition to the income tax and hi" inerence to the principle of free m- iiar, free anal and free iron ore. And he reminded bis D-Muocrutie associates of "tbe blunder after blunder" which nad b-an made throughout the wlude tariff discussion, llv thought th t tbere should ha more consultation in order that th' ie things miitht be avoid a I. The resolution went over until to morrow. The eonference report on th list of tbe appropriation bills tbe deficiency hill was prusetitel and ngred to. This and the sundry civil appropriation bill will now be suit to tbe president wbo bin still under ton nideration th river and hamor bill. Tbe bouse bill for the repeal of the clause in tbe new tariff law allowim. a rebate in the tax on alcobol usad in the arts went overfill tomorrow, as did also resolution offred hy Mr. Mur. phy (U.m , H Y.) declaring that therx should be no further tariff legislation at t Is session Notice of amendments ware given by Senators Cttandler, Manderson and Gray to the free sugar bill. Mr. Chau Uar's wus to repeal all the provisions of tbe new tiriff bill; Mr. Maoderson's was to couttnti the sugar bounty nnttl February, 1895, nt the rate of 8-10 of a cent per pound, and Mr. Gray's was to strike out the differential rate on refined sugar. Then, on motion of Mr. Gorman, the senate at 1.40 p in., adjourned until to morrow. MISCILLANlOUi SKWS FLASHES. Tha Georgia Farmers' alliance has form ally disbanded. Emma Goldman, ths anarohist. was re leased from Black well's Inland N. Y. F. T. Lnvejoy. vlca presidont of tlm Adams Express company, is critically ill at Saratoga. Confession to burning a railroad bridge nt Antlers, Uolo., was made by Walter Trlbble, a striker. Boldly entering a store at Braggs, I, T., John Fields, tha notorious outlaw, was sbot dead by J. Lnngsford. Tbe absconding deputy secretary of state of Michigan, A, W. Lindholm.bas been captaraaat uuttenoarg, aweou. School InsnertorB Walsh. Licbtetibere. Davis and Llphardl bava baen arrested at Detroit, Mich., charged with receiving bribes. The banging of Phil Pettus, tbe Arkan sas wife mnnlernr. is set for Tuesdav. Governor Flsbback refusing to commute uia aaaience. After many weeks' absence, ex-Trees urer Bimsrott, of the Switchm-Vs MU' tnal Beuetlt association, ba returned lo lDlcago to face charges of mnlfoasance. . In a Qnarral over n nnnrlv.inada imi Convict J. J. Fnnjoy, of 8ing 8ing prisou, i..-.n,r,, ,u,i,utu niacrncior cuanas sails bury five times with a tailors' sbears. uy tne onritlng of boiler tubes in the yaeoi V'lni.n, which was i acini? offSheUe.- iHland, . Y., Rev. J. A. A-plnwall, her uwurr. nuu mB eugiaeer were Lauly UUl UVlly RE DESCENDS D :i Tbt SCt Kills it tixbr, Lambjrt S C Totally Ceslroyid. 8THES BUILDINGS SR3 III MStE! Fire Breaks Out in the Third Story of the Main Edifice at 10 O'clock and Spreads Rapidly Three Hun dred Men, Boys and Girls Thrown Out of Employment AthouRh There Is No Fire Department the Progress of tho Flames Is Stayed by a Bucket Brigade. Sp'Cia't to tie .Vriaoa Tribune. IlAWI.t Y, I'll , AlU. 18. XTER. LAMliKlll' & CO 'S -ilk mills at this li- V" been ileatroynd by fire, and the fl itnes .ue spreiding rapilly, ending )ring other property in the town. The fi;e was discovered about 10 o'clock lst ev-ning on the second uu third il 'or of the center building. As there is no fire department iu the town it was impoesiblo to control the con nitration, which soon eonsiuii":! the nuin buildings of the plant of the Silk comp.iuy. Unhampered, the Unites ra tde most rapid progress end at mid night tbe walls of tho buildings fell iuto the river. Large crowds gathered about the sceneof contl igration and gnZ)d help lassly np in the crackling flimes whose progress they were nnnble toiinpnle, and regarded with apprehension th rapi Hty with which they leaps I from building to bnilding with relentless fury. J. S. O'Connor & Son's glass-cntting works, Taft & Pierson's giist mill nnd other frame bull lings in the vicinity owned by tbe Silk company are in great danger. A special train left for Honrs lale at 12 DO to secum aid from the fire depart inent of that city to arrest the lire. which menaces the whole town. The total loss to the Silk company in the d struction of its property will probably exceed fJOO.OOO, and ovr 300 mn, boys and gins will be thrown out of employment. The amount of in "tiranca is not known. As the silk mills were among the chief induitries of the town, the logs will be serioudy felt by merchants and business men generally. Latpu, 2 a. m Through the efforts of the bucket brigade tho fl'ines Imv been confined to the throe stuunwalle of tfco Bilk mills, tho renr wall only having fallen iuto the river. V.'or 1 was sent to ilonesdalo that the sorvics of firemen from that city would not be needed. Ti e wills of tli a glass works nr- of stone and the windows nr- prot cled by iron shutters, and although th mills are still burning, it is thought that the glass plant will not suffer from tho confltgration. MILLER'S SUICIDE. Faun Exan inor thuots iiiraielf While at Vork nt Alfi-na. Ai.toona, Aug 17 Bank Examiner Miller, who has heen i m.niiig the books of the Second Nitionnl biinif. shot himself through the head nt 10") this Hfernoon and kilhil himself iu stiiiitly. Whin the fatal shot was fired by Miller he was sitting in an arm chair at a disk back of the miling in the bank. The center drawer of this was open, and after he firod the shot the rr volver fell into the drawer. Several 1 rge splashoH of blood f II upon the lek and papers in the drawer and Mil lar fell nt full length on Hi" fl ir, where his head was foou snrroun led by a large pool of blood and brains, which flnved from the two ehastly holes on either sida of bis head. Tno weipm with whioh tho deed was done is a Colts army r-volver,41 calibre, and the ball which piiBsud Inrouiih bis head was afterwnrds found on the outside stairs. Piesid nt L'vau was the only other person in the bank, and was com pleUly prostrated ty the and event, having to be taken home, Th coroner was notified and the bank placed -oharge of the police. It h ts been statad that Dank Exam-, iner Miller had completed his work of Koing over the bank's books, and had forwarded bis r port to the comptroller of tbe treasury at Washington; also that the bank was in better condition than at first supposed and that it would reopen shortly. The truth is that none of these Btate-rVi'-nta is known to be correct, but it is a fact tbat depositors have lieen Ilea)) leg cauaure upon the examiner for not having out a report, and it is now be lieved that he was also censored by the authorities atWasblngtnn.and tbat this will be fonnd to have been the cause of tbe suicide. Persons who saw him in the bank last night Bay that he seem I to be go lug over the books and papers in a bap hazard sort of way, and it is generally believed tbat beoanse of worry and probable o-nsnre from his superiors bis mind bad become unbalance I. Mr. Millar's borne was at Mer cer, and 11. J. Haywood of tbat place, cashier pf the state treasnry, left H r riibura for hern this af teruoon to take cnargeof tbe body. - UPON 1IE( THE HAWAII..N COMMISSION. A Etatvmont Abt u: 'ih.ilr Mijaion and Thalr Fii:nra Cnuraa. Chicago, Aug. 17. Samuel Parker. 11. A Widemnn and J. Cuiniuings, tho iiuwniiaii royai commissioners, ar rived in Chlsigo last iiU'ht cn their way back to Honolulu. "Our mission was not wholly unsaUsfaciorv," said on" or tne coiumitsiouerf. "Wa Rite- evedi-d ill presautitig tila subject of tho pi ('Aunt situal ion in its prnpar litcht. We 1ml expected, bowavar. to have beim able to kwep the republic, as it is called, from receiving recognition. We failed in that. President Cleveland hs &hu fit to rucorfuiz-t It. T ir.j is uothfiig for us to do but live under the government in the hope of sme day flt'ciuitiK a chanire. they joiNjniE rors. The WilJ-Eyd Fiariy Eoojpi tha Ohio Lib r Vota. Cdlumiius. Aug. 17. The joint con vention of the Populists and Labor par ties here today nominated a lull state tlck.-t In a closing spoh John MoBride, president of tha Mine Workers' union, announced that th- labor delegates present pledged 120,000 anion labor men to support the ticket, and ho bud letters from many unions statin ir tbi.t for various reasons they could not sund delegates, but would support the ticket nominated. . REVIEW OF TRADE. Rosy View of the Situation from the Standpoint of R. G. Dun & Co. Nkw York, Aug. 17. U. G. Dun & Co's Weakly Keview of Trade tomor row will suit: "TI.e new tariff bill, if signed by the president, as exp-cted, provides a definite basis for business No supplemen'.i l legislation is thought possible, until next year at least. L irg iiujrov lli-uts bad been expected from uny 8attlcui-'nt, the more be- cntise of n vast amount of iiusiuess deferred from week to W'ek in the l.on of more d finite conditions. TlJo rush of such bushies-', or even a part of it, might easily doU 'le transovtions for a time, It is not to be overioolcel tnat tbu ff-K't of new duties upon many br inches of in-iujtry and trad is prob lematical and may he determined only after eome months' of ex perience, and meanwhile the se rious Injury to corn and some ot"er conditions exeivi8' a restraining influence. While it is uot wise to look for a great "boom," there ie warrant for a prudent h. "fulness. It is ton -arly lo look f r ifl-ictscr the new "iti. niiin in th great industries, bnt th uradual rec ivery which has appeared for eome tnno is seen in a better at mand for pr ducts. ll'sn nipt ion of iron and steel works which were stopped by tho strik-'S con tinues to depress prices of some fin ished pruritic s, but with m re furn aces operating prie s of pig iron are not lower. Coinpirisons given tod v show a full in c s ranging from 2 ) io 4 I p r cent in 'rou and iis fro lu-is sine.-O toner, vj)i which sutUiMatly lucounts for the idleness of more than a third of tha works. Th demand for sirin'tnriil forms so -ms sin dler, though trofliij iiiinrov.'s, but for soma otlur pro lucts is belter. The striking feature this w?ek is th strong incraase in demand for commr eiul Iohiip. Silver is also stronger be cause of the eastiirii demand, which the war in China U expected to pro long. Liabilities of firms failing in the weuk ending An'.' 0 'r a little larger thnii. f lute, J3 291 089, of which $1 041 101 were i f m iiiufiictuiing no 1,01)8,108 of tr.idiiw concerns. Fnll r.-tor s tor Jnlv show an iiugregate of $11,291,003. The failures this week tittvu D""n ,'0 in me u nii u btnti s agaitiBt 'I ') lusi year, and 45 iu Caua iu agaiusl 27 lust year." RUMORED CaBlfJET C H .' N G J. Kr. WiUon Ltnbl.i to Occup; Mr. Car U.l' Flues tn th Cabinet. W ashington, Aug. l( ihe rumor was fr- ely paused around at the Capitol today that Secretary Carlisle woul I re lir-j from the cabinet and tbat in his i iace would be Mr. Wilson, of WeBt Virginia. Oi course no verification or contri diction of this remark oould be bad from tho personnel's ohieil interested, imt in disensaiug the probability of the rumor proving well founded, one cmi uont southern congressman slated that Mr. Carlisle hud expressed bis opinion that the senate tariff bill was one of the bi'st nionsiircs ever framed, and that holding these views Mr. Carlisle must naturally find himself at variance with the expressed opIniouB of the president THE CIRCUIT KACES. Tbe Closing; Events at tha Mett at Rochester. Rociikster, N. Y.; Aug. 17 The Grand Circuit meeting closed here to day with three good races, all of which were won in straight heats. The per formance of Hal Braden in the free for all was tbe feature. This young son of Brown Hal fiiiinbad an easy winner in each of bis brats and Mascot had not broken and bsd pressed him to his finish. Summaries: 2-17 trnttinB! DUrse l'J.000, Ralph WilkeB, ch. g., by Red Wilkes dnm Maiy Mays, by Mambrlno. Patclien (Golden) 1 Judge Austin, g. g 5 Hretchen, h. Ul 3 Sixtv-six, b. g t 1 Edith R, c. in 8 Jamas L , b, g 0 t'omniodnre Porter 4 1 8 0 8 C 8 4 7 Latighrin W., br a s Claymore, t. g Minnie U., r. m Aunt D liah, b m U 10 9 9 11 11 Time, 2:I'J, Free for all, pacing; purse, 3 500. Hal Braden, by Brown.Hal (Qei8)..l 1 Ony 8 S Mh si'o t 2 1 Will Kerr dis. 1 line, 3.07, 8.08, 2.09. 2.25c1hbs, trotters; purse, t2,000. Hnttiw Mont..,'. 1 1 I auny Lady 8 I n-;paa..... 3 ' W'illiHsnioiit 4 . , Time, 2.UVX, 2.19. U-lJO. LAST Gl 01 CAMP GRQUMD Kemli:rs of Ik Ci;:.rd Preparing for Eoni.Wiid Juuniey. EE Mm DRILLS YESTERDAY As Usual Members of the Thirteenth Carry Off the Honors They Fire as One Man in Contrast with the Pop-pcr-box Volleys of Olher Troops. Adjutant Conklin Resigns Cov crnor Pattison's Reception. tl c.Vif from ii Ntntr rnyresmmh nt. Camp t uawiohd. ) Cirri YsiiuiiG, l'a., Aug. 17. f I'j'Kli going liUIIIU tOlllOI- row," is i he refrain that ia being repeated and re echoed tonight through thesir-eta peopled by the members ol the Thirteenth regiment. The lat day in cuinp was si) "tit by the members ot tho National guard in brigade, reni meutal and company drills. Tne. sil i shone with great lierc-ness and tuurie the work of tbe guard-imi-'ii very ex- hansiing. In the morning members of the Tliir teentll participated in brigade drill, during which thi.To w is volley mi 1 skirmish firing. The voli.-y lirmg of Ihe Thirteenth was the feature of tbe drill. They fired as ouo man. their work being in strong contrast with the pepperbox shooting of other regi ments of the brigade. This evetiing tne Thirteenth had dress parade, und then the guardsmen beg in to get. their effects in shape to break ciunp at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning. The Second brigade broke camp this afternoon and in embers of Bittery B and the Fourteenth regiment returned to 1'ittBburg to attend the funeral ot D. Perchiuont.lnte colonel of the Four teenth, tomorrow. Mhj ir G. II. Whitnev. of the Tbir- te.'tilu, was hrig iU oiliuer today and Captain F. W. Stillwell reziiii'utsl officer in place of Captain Fellows. wno is indisposed; Lieutenant Frank .McMuller, of Company E, was reul- ui;iital commander of tbe guard. ADJUTANT CONKLIN RESIGNS. A sensation was created in cmr to- lay by tho resignation of Clnu Ie C. Conklin, who was made niijiitant of the b'cnnd battalion two mouths ago. Mr. Cinklin has been in tbe regiment lor eleven years. Coming so close on th iippointin-nt of A'torney W. F. Tracey to the position of quartermaster, th resignation has cin-eu no little com ment. Adjutant Millar advised Mi', Conklin to recousi lr his resignation, t.Ut refused. Il Wus accented by Col onel Ripnle, to take effect tomorrow Corporal E iwar 1 B Joachim, ot Com- ny O, Montrose, was npnniuted com- mis-iiry sergeant iu place ot Mr. liuuey. Captnlu William K llow. of Com pany u, was lest i-veutilg presented with u numb 'r of Valuable Hoiiyeuirs of the haul.) of Gittysburg 'by mem bers of bis company. General II .slings, the Republican nomuien for governor, wno was nt he .ilqu irters yeater I iy, left this ai'ler noou for liellefonte, und tlie olher prominent viaitnrs have about nil il i parte.1. G ..vernor F.ittison give a neeptio.i at ihe Springs hotel last uight, nud ti morrow morning will leav. tor H.irri- tnirg with bis eliiiT. Liter in Ihe day G Suowd n iml bis stall will de sert In a Inu irtors for their ruMiective In m s, SVe itiesday evening Capt iin Kenny inspocti'd the guard ul the ilnrtueut.i while ihey wero on duty nnd lhursdiy morning M jar L.agx, jJriga le sur geon, inip cul tun quarters of the iii .n iiinl I oi ml them ail clean aud iu a neat condition. Tiiuii-day afternoon occurred the crowning event of the I'neuiiiniiii'iit, the governor's and division com m ind' rs review. Fi'vr wiather coiili uot have tieen desired and tha lb m- ands of spectators witnessed one of the liuent reviews of tiio guar I tintt b in ever reun ln-1 I. iin- men forni"a on the open space in front of division headquarters nnd m irie ii stirring and luapiring picture lis they an' tur aiout tier in conip inv frn's on the gently sloping plane, the sun Hashing on 111 ir burnished arms und the guns of the artillery. Tno infantry w.ih massed iu front witu the artillery nud cavalry in the rear and they gave tbe uIruo a very war-like appearance. THIItTEKNTll'S FRONT At the head of tlie second regiment that pii-sed liin reviewing stand was the cor.itna iding Cure of Colonel Rip ple and behind him with firm nnd soldier-like stops came the trained guards men of the Thirtenuth. There was no bowing of lines, tlie boys presenting perfect coinpuny Ironts as they passed the reviewing stand, where Governor Pattison. General Snowdxn and a boat of notables i x mined them with a criti cal eye. For fiity iniutit"S the regi ments of soldiers, marching company fronts, followed by the regular aud state csvslry aud artillery, continued to pass the review stall I. Toon the tired soldiers retired to their quarters only to come mi hour later uu dress parade. Preceding the review the regular ar tillery and cavalry gave an exnihitiou drill for the bom fit of Assistant S ore tary of War Doe. By th time these lines reach tho readers of Tint Triuunb the Thirteenth teglmsnt will be ready for the horn -ward trip, beariug with them the new honors won at this encampment whion will long linger in the memory of the guardsmen, Tbere was little sleep iu oamp tonight. After supper the soldier boys begau to get their effect! iu shape to return home. Most of the in had tlie work completed when tups souudod to night, but there they slept little, nev ertheless. Many determined to make the last night in camp a merry one and tbe efforts of the officer of the day were not altogether effeeiive in suppressing ibos wno had nn nching desire to pull .heir companions from their comfort able t-uaksout iuto the comyuuy birc'tj. bengh tho encampment as a whole h is been a pku' in', one, t! e boys will he glad wnen they roach bcranton to morrow ni;;lit. ECHOES FH3M C:,MP. Many irams of footba'l serve to while liwny hours between drills. V. F. of r-cr.'inion. spent Thurs day iu camp ns the ijiiet of his son, l'i ivnte I.owK i f Coiniiaey F. was one of the brigade urdoidios cbunou during tno week. Companies C and li played a gnuie of ball Tim lullur won by a score 7 t.o l i The pnv rolls were Bigned by the nmm b"iH of tho vuri'.us coinpiuii .'B Thursday afternoon. Sergeant Major Aibrt Divio?. rcm piiiurd (ieneral tioOiu and party to Hound Top on Friday. John D. Williiiti's, ft Hcranton, was a vi-itof at heiidipini'tor.-i of the Tbii teeuth regiment yesterday. M.-tiiy of the beys l ave banjos nnd man d'lins wi:h tb mand give concerts in tbe company streets nightly. Private JoH -ph F ihringer, of Company F, has b'cn tluhbud "tho orator" by tbe members f that company. Attorney J W. Browning, wbo is a member of Company A, has blocked out a set of Di-onnrclt whi-kers for future use. Adjutant Edward IJ. Ei:l:ni:it), of tb Fourth regiment, eonihi'ted the guard mount of tho Third brigade on Thursday. Mr-. W. (. Fnlton, of ircranton. visited her buslmud, Surgeon Jiajor Fulton, it 'lie Thiiteonth, iu camp Tbuiiday and Friday. Second Sergeant Coarsen is filling tho posuiiin of lirst sergeant of Company C very satisfactorily eiiice Mr. Culleii re turned home. Lewis Surdam, of Company I), was Colonel Hippie's orderly, and W. II. Freiz , of Company E, Adjutant Millar's orderly on l nursday. Captain Kellow, of Company fi. is a thor ough soldier and tactician nnd always carries his men successfully through tbe most difficult maneuvers. Captain E. I). Fellows, of Company F, was regimental ollieer of the day Friday, and I.h'utxnsiut Frank McMtillen, of Com pany E, commander of tho guard. Private Bump, of Company I), was hon ored bva visit from bis nnele and cou-iu who reside iu Scranton, Thursday. Pri vate Johnson entertained bis sisters. Ted Richards, the bugler of the Thir teenth, was -ummon-'d to trigade head quarters on Wednesday by (ieuernl iiobin to sound the skirmish calls during brigade drill. Private Siirilatn, if Company I), was so. lecteci this morning as the b st Ore sort ai d best appearing man on the guard de tail, mid was accordingly made colonel's uderly. At all hours of the day the roar of in fantry from various parts of tbe battle ll";dorili3 hemming of cannon niiiinutics that Kliam buttles or skirinish drills ure in progress. ('amain A. E. Melnlyre, of the Twonty- fonrtb senarato New York company, of i.i Mletowu, N. V., nnd L. S. Stivers lieutenant of tho mine, are the guests cf . iiptnin K'icic.eii ot i.enmpanv t . Lieutenant Colnuel Ceiirseu acquitted liinise.f with gieat credit Thursday iu the re.sponsihlx pn-ition of division i fil er of i be day. Tho fact that it was review day niano tne ninco u most important aim ex acting one. Among those who culled on Colonel E. II liiapienu Thursday were Secretary of Internal Affairs T. onias J. Stewart, Wil liam K:n-lie. lUtiartinent rommaiiilee i f tin- (f and Army of Pennsylvania, and his adjntaiit. James Morrison. (.iiptnin II. Ii. chase, of Coirpnnv C, Cave mi "at home" at his tent Thursday evening. An i-ntertaiuiugpr- gramnie was rendered by the memoi rs of tne captain's versatile c.inipany for the edification of his numerous guests. It win an enjoyable function. Musician Charles Van Vnlen, who parti cipated iu ilio battle of ifetty-duirg as n i nber of tlie Sevorit-y-i-ixth New York infantry, on Thui-diy visited the spot near the Chnmber.-bnrg pike where his regiment took part in tbe opening of the bat tie on the first day. The Company C quartette sorenndeil their captain nt bis quarters Wedne dtiv lrght nnd later a i-qtiad fr. ni Cnuipany b if the Twelfth regini nit, ntiired in tati tii'.tie. cnstlinies, cnll. il on Captain Chase and rave a bnrlcMpi'-drill that milled forth hearty applause liom tlie spectators. Private Yest, of (' A, while on geiird at No. ! po-t Tbnrsiiay, was struck in tbe stonui 'li by a base hud driven from the bnt i f Company C'.s team, lie was taken to the hoMiital. where ho is now resting (oinfoi'tiiblv. Lienteunut Corwin, rommunder of the guard, ordered tbe players to another part i f the ground. Thursday licvernur Partisan issued nn oribr nnnouuciiii; tne death of Colonel P. rcbiiiunt, of the Fourt ' regiment, S'Cond brigade, at bis home iu Piitsbtirg. Colonel was ill when bis regi ment left home and he ilid not accompany ll lo camp. Lieutenant l'ol h"l William J. (ilium has been in command of the Four teenth in camp. Company G, of Montrose, and a Four teenth regiment company from Milfi.rd weie tbe companies from the Third brig ade assigned to patnd duty at Gettysburg by (ietier.d (lobm on TbuiMlny. The unit and s.ililimly npp. araiioo of tho members of Company (t made a strong contrast wh"ii they were coino ire I with other coni liimies that had preceded the Company (' iiovs on patrol dntv The latter always gave the correct military salute ami al lowed no privnto to pass them without showing a permit. Company I) bad a most, excit ing skirmish drid and sham b it tie iu the woo rs luck of camp Thursday evening, :o company il ployed in Kkirmishers, and ll series of ladies, rushes and retreats were indulged in, in which the boys bundled each olher prelty roughly. Corporal Foote hud bis hands skinned and Corporal Ingiis had his ears well scratched, while Corporal Sickler wan brui'i'd in several places. These in juries, were taken good naturedly, bow ever, and all agreed thai they would undergo ninny mure b uises for the privi lege of enjoying another such drill. J. F. M. IN CUR CWN COMMONWEALTH. Of receipts or S01,Sfi5.72 nt the Lancaster Internal revenue i tlice, $S8,O0u wero for whisky tax. After a dispute with a relative, Mrs. Wistar Hlionds. of Dougbissvllle. hs dis appeared, leaving four .small children. Ginseng roots are being gathered nlKiitt the sources of the west branch of the Pcikiomou, aud sold at H aud $." per pound. Tho convention of tbe State association of county commissioners will be held in the l'oitsvillo court hoiiBe next Wednes day. WEATHER FORECAST. VnirD II Wakhinoton, Aug, 17. Forecast ' far Hahinlati: For eastern 1'enn sylrania, ami Sew Jersey, south winterly tuinds. For M'eifeni JViinstii'fiiH'n, iniTdisiiif cloudiness and probably showers neer tl)u (u.-.m; tvarmir; suutnuesterly winds. FILETS Summer Sale OF BLANKETS! INTERESTING PRICES TO BUYERS: One case WclHter 10-1, Scar let aud Blue, Borders, 59 CENTS. Ouo caso Kenwood 11.-1, both White and (Ji ay, Borders Scarlet, Blue and Orange, 98 CENTS. One case llelianco 11-4, both White and Grey, Borders Biiilc, Blue and Drab, $1.35. 50 pairs Hampden 11-4, All wool and Shrunk, Borders I'ink, Blue aud Lemon, $4.50. Ona case Bio Visla, Califor nia, 12-4, Borders l'ink, Blue. Lemon aud Drab. $6.00. 30 pairs Sacramento, Califor nia, 12-4, Borders Tiuk, Blue and Drab, $8.00. Crib Blankets in all sizas, with latest pattern bord ers and colors. 510 an! 512 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' Wholesale an Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. TELF.l'HOXK XU.VBEK WO. Lewis, Reilly& Dairies Tnko oiT the old and put on the new, That neatly-fitting, easy shoe. When low prices rule ns now they do, Wbo would deny himself tho new? Burt & Packard Shoes Make Us Friends. Lewis, Reilly & Davies 114 WYOMING AVENUE. 1' . .v.;; - v:l.i.j-' We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor ia needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantco a perfect lit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES The Jeweler, 08 Spruce Street. IK 9, If. TV. 1 V