Newspaper Page Text
t - AMERICAN SINTPoci Described by IINGERS" Minn Kaiser , . , . on this page. WELCOME South Slde West Side Nows ou second page. Providence Dunmore EIGHT PAGES-5G COLUMNS. SCRANTON. PA.. MONDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 24, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPT. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA ROE CIRCULATION AMONG SCRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER u THE CYCLONE'S DEADLY Serentj -Ore 'Killed and Many Injured by tbe Hurricane, GREAT DAIBAGMTO PROPERTY 'The Storm Which Originated in Iowa - Passes Through Minnesota and i Into Wisconsin Many Persons Are . Killed Outright and Others Are In jured in Various Ways Loss of Property Estimated at $1,000,000. Minneapolis, Sept 23. EPORTS of the destruction wrought by Friday night's cy clone indicate that the loss of life will be in the neighborhood cf seventy-five while tbe injured will lumber several times as many. Some of those hurt are expeoted to die and it is not unlikely that folly 100 persons will be unmoored in tbe list of Ibe cy clone's fury. Tbe property loss is very heavy and it is almost impossible at this time to obtain anything more than rough estimates of tbe damage As indicated in lust nigbt's dis patches, the storm originated near Em nietsburg, la., and passed east and north to northern Iowa and sontbern Minnesota, finally passing over into Wisconsin. No reports.of evrioas dam age have been received from this sec tion and the fury of the ele ments seems to have been spnnt with the destruction of Spring Val ley. Here fonr persons are dead, some severely hurt, while the property loss is estimated at $35. 000, tbe resi dence portion of the town lying directly lu the path of the cyclcnt. At Le Roy, lying sonthwest, fonr are dead and several fatally injured. Tbe detrac tion of property amounts to $75,000. This M a heavy blow to the village for its ebief business hooses lie in ruins. FARM PROPERTY DESTROYED. Five miles north of Ojage, Iowa, six persons were silled and large num ber hurt. Tbe destruction of farm property is quite heavy, but no esti mates have been made. East at Lowther, a town of about 100 sonls, on tbe Chioago and Great Western, three persons were fatally hurt, and the whole country for miles aronnd laid in rnins. Tbe loss in this vicinity will probably be not far from $100,000. Fifteen mile north of Mason Clty.iowh, fonr persona were killed outrigh t and as many more probably fatally hurt, while 11 the buildings struck are total wrecks, the loss being- in the neighbor hood of $50,000. West of Mason City, near Brut, two persons were killed out right, while north of this town some half dozen lost their lives. North of Algona seems to have been the soene of the greatest harvest of death, more persons being killed in Kossuth county than in any other one county through which tbe tornado passed. Nineteen funerals were held at Algona today. North of Emmetsbnrg, whicn seems to have been the point where tbe cy clone first assumed dangerous propor tions, two lives were crushed out. As the storm traveled through the country and avoided villages aud towns, the property loss is largely con fined to farm bnilings and these beta badly shattered render even an approx imation of the loss impessible, but conservativeestimates place the dam age at not less that $1,000,000. 1I0B0 HIGHWAYMEN. i Bicycle Blders Are Htld Up br Weary Willlet. Newark, N. J., Sept. 123. Thirty tramps held up and attempted to rob a party of bicyclists who were returning from Eahway on Frelinghuysen avenue tonight. They blocked the roadway and rongbly demanded money, sup plementing their demand with dire threats in case of refusal. The wheelmen had dismounted and one of their number, drawing a re volver loaded only with blank cart ridges, gave a loud command to "Fire'' and bin zed away point-blank at the would-be robbers. The latter, think ing they bad encountered Newark's force of bicycle policemen, beat a hasty and Inglorious retreat, Then the attacked party became the aggres sors and captured five of tbe Coxey detachment and held them until tbe arrival of the police who were at tracted by the shooting. When locked np they were recorded as Peter Lynch, George Moore, John Sicklim, David Welsh and Conrad Bender, all without a home except Lynch, who said he livps in New York. Tbe attempted robbery occurred in front of dense woods, where it was found later tbe highwaymen had an elaborately famished headquarters in an nnnsed barn. This was razed and a quantity of stolen goods found there was taken in charge by the police. The gangbai terrorized that seotion for two months. HIS ACT DISASTROUS. Fireman Break HI Neok Tumiag a Bomeraaalt. Norristown, Pa., Sept. 23. Charles Palm, a member of the Markham Hook and Ladder company, of Butler, Pa., who fractured his skull while turn ing a somersault on Wednesday ven I lng. died today. He was one of the visiting firemen. f TEMPERANCE PARADES. One Will Be Held in Jermyn and One In T lttaton on Oct. 10. The board of government of the Scranton Diooeaan union met in Wilkes-Barre last Friday and bad un der diiouasiou matters bearing on the annual parade of tbe Catholic Total Abstinence societies on Father Mathews' anniversary, Oot. 10. In tbe Jnne convention of the union at Wllkcs-Barre, a clause was amended, in tbe rules relating to the annual pa rade to the effect that each county shall have a parade separate by itself. Tha nanui nf the Lackawanna connty societies will be held at Jermyn ! WORK and of the Luzerne sooleties at Pitts ton. The railroad companies have promised to provide ample traosporta tioa facilities, and the workers of the union have extended an invitation to all well wishers of the cause to attend tbe parade. Every sooiety of both counties has signified its intention to be present. FIGHT OYER SCHOOLS. Pr aidtnt of a Builaas College Shoot a Fotmar Teacher. Little Rock, Ark., Sapt. 23 Yes terday at Texarkana G. L. Bryant, president of the Texarkana Interstate Normal and Business oolleire, shot and mortally wounded Prof. G. F. Ellis, a; former teacher in the college and at present tbe principal of a private school. Tbe trouble grew out of a rivalry be tween tbe two sohools. The men went on the outskirts of the eity to fight it out when Bryant pulled a pistol and shot Ellis through the body. Ellis was unarmed as tbe men had agreed to fight with their fists. Bryant was rjlaced in jail tn default of bail, whioh was fixed at $S,000. Pnblio sentiment 1b unanimously against Bryant. HUNTING SWEATERS. Factory Inspector Watchorn Investi gates the System in Philadelphia. Harrisbitrq, Pa., Sept. 23 An In vestigation of the sweating system as it exists in Philadelphia has just been made under tbe direction of Factory Inspector Watehorn, who baa been try to discover bow many of these sweat Bhopa are nineoable to tbe factory inspection act. The special investigation just concluded hows a icondition of things almost incredible in a city like Philadelphia. The investigation was made by Miss Mary O'Reilly, a deputy inspector, in whose district tbe exorable system is in full operation. Factory Inspector Watcborn accompanied Miss O'Reilly occasionally, and what he saw con vinces him that the report does not exaggerate the situation. He finds that 2,014 persons are em ployed in sweat shops at 643 places. Of this nnmber but 52 places oome under the jurisdiction of bis depart ment, whiob he nrgea as an increase of authority for tbe department In order that these places may be reached and the evil in some measure eradicated. Miss O'Relllj'j report iscompreLensive ss to detail and describes many of tbe places viaited and scene which she witnessed. The system flourishes in the tenement district- Few Americans are employed in tbe work, the Russian' Jews pre dominating, The report speaks of crowded rooms, men, women and chil dren huddled together eking out a miserable existence with their needles; men ashamed to say bow little they were paid for the work they do; the wsgea are beggarly. Miss O'Reilly describes the kind of goods manufactured by the half starved men and women and suggests the dan ger of a spread of disease from the sale of such clothing, She makes a strong plea for a division of home and -work shop. Erie Opara House Earned. Erie, Pa., Sept. 23. The Park Opera Bouse was entirely destroyed by fire to night The bona was built in 1S73 and was valued at t5,0(X)j insurance, $30,000. The fire was of iacendairy origin. POLITICS WHITTLEO DOWN. Senator Manderson is very hopeful, in view of his advices from Nebraska, of suc ceeding himself in tbe senate. Don M. Dickinson, who is in Washing ton, believes in the possibility of Hill be ing the nominee for governor of New Yord. 'Squire McMullen.'of Philadelphia, thinks Harrity was Innocent of McAleer's defeat, but admits that "everything is now up side down." Tbe rnmor comes from the Seventh Hatsachnsetts district that the Domocrats mny nominate ex. Governor Russell to suc ceed Dr. Everett. Ex-Director of the Mint Leech, now a New York ban a ofllocr, doean't believe any Democrat conld beat Morton for gov ernoreven Hill "would be pie" for him. Walter Lyon, candidate for lieutenant govornoron the Republican ticket, sug gests that the Democrats eould save mnob expense by withdrawing their entire state ticket. Republican Congressman flooker, of New York, thinks tbat D. N. Lockwood Is the only Democrat who has tbe slightest chance of election to congress in the twenty-four districts north of Harlem river. x It is said Mr. Singerly has declared that he wiil not give One solitary cent to tha campaign fund. Some money most be bad somewhere aud it has been deoided to as sess place-holders 8 pat cent, of their sala ries. After a conference with Senator Hill, Lieutenant Governor Bbeehan, of New York, said: "Mr. Thatcher is a very strong man. Of all tbe Demooratio candidates thus far mentioned I conaider him the most available." O. A. O'Brien, a Pittsbnrir Democratic leader, discussing McAleer's overthrow, says; "Mr. Harrity baa achieved another glorious victory, as he is reported to have defeated another successful Democratic congressman, for which class he appears to have a deadly hatred," The Republican congressional commit tee has decided tbe contest for nomination from the Seventh South Carolina district between Messrs. Ellory M. Brayton and Johnson, in favor of the former. Mr. Brayton is a white Republican, formerly collector of internal revenue and chairman of the state Republican committee. The fact that Mr. Singerly has issued a manifesto to the Democracy of tbe state taking himself out of tbe light has evi dently not served to fully relieve hi feel ings, He is still fighting mad and will continue to pepper the Democratic organi zation in a manner that they will not rel ish. It is reported that Mr. Singerly is so much vexed tbat he will not attend the big reception planned for him. In thts event it will be tendered to the other candidates on tbe state ticket. John J ilea, of Pittsburg, formerly Idea titled with the Harrity machine at Harris burg, bnt wbo has since broken away, says: "The defeat of McAleer was noth ing else than an outrago. it waa a breach of faith on tbe part of Harrity, as it baa long been the agreement that McAleer would receive ttx nomination. Singerly only became a candidate for governor for tbe sake of harmonizing the factions, and hia work in tbat direction ha all been un done. It will have a demoralizing influ ence all over tbe state." MORE HONORS F BISMARCK Admiring Friends of tbe Iron Prince Visit Him at Yarzin. INCIDENTS OF THE RECEPTION Though the Rain Poured Down in Torrents the Enthusiastic Friends of the Prince March to Varzin to Pay Their Respects Choral So cieties and Brass Bands Furnish In SDiring Music Upon the Occasion. The Ex Chancellors Speech to the Visitors. Berlin, Sept. 23. THE demonstration at Varzin today waa marred by tbe heavy rain which fell throughout the day. Tbe roads were bardlv nasi able. tut this did not deter tbe people from tne vieinity from gathering about tbe railway station at Hammeramuhle to await the arrival of the special trains. Seeing no signet cessation of the storm, Prince Bismarck telegraphed from Varzin to tqe committee: "Don't trouble yourselves to come to Varzin. It will be bad marching in tbe mod and rain. I will come and meet yon at Hamniersmuhle." Councillor Von Gerlich put tbe ques tion to tbe committeo whether tbey should stay at Haminerstnuhle or march to Varzin. Aftor a few short speeches by members of the committee it was declared that Varzin was a sacred resort for Germans and that they must go there. At this point a great number of ladies, forming a separate battalion, pare of them march ing and part occupying harvest oars, formed a column and proceeded to ward Varzin. The rest of the proces sion followed. As the bead of the procession marched into the ojstle yard at Varzin tbe bands were playing and the pro cessionists were singing "Tbe Watch on tbe Vistula" and -'The Watoh on tbe Rhine." As far as possible the yard had been covered with boards and twpaulins, bat tbey did not suffice-to keep off tbe rain. AH VAL OF THE PROCESSION. Abou jfaoon tbe procession entered the yard with ladies in front, each carrying a bonquet. Prince Bismarck ordered forms arranged for the ladies te sit en srfaiia -be we speaking, and walked behind and around the ladies to see tbat they were comfortably seated. The battalions formed in good order each under a standard showing the die trict from whieh they were deputed. The banners were inscribed with a variety of mottoes, such as "Faithful" from ElblDg and "True'1 from Gran de nz, etc. When Prince Bismarck mad bis ap pearance preparatory to speaking there was a prolonged ohorns. - Then the ohoral ''Deutsebland Ueber Alios" was sung and Baron ' Fourneok presented tbe ex-ohancellor with an address adding- "Your are our ideal statesman. Onr star is still old Blsmarch. " There was a chorus of hurrahs at this and the band playedi "Ich Bin Eln Prenss." Prince Bismarck, before beginniug bis speeoh in reply to the address.drank a glass of branky and soda. Then east ing hia eyes over the assemblage, be aaid: "I am greatly pleased with your visit, all the more so because the hot weather Aid not deter you from com ing. None of yon can longer hope, fear or expect anything from me, yet bare yon are. What leads us together is common love for tbe Fatberland. Cheers. It is a distinction tbat no state colleague of mine or no Prussian minister ever experienced. I claim nothing except that I havo done my dnty in the service of a master with whom I am bonnd in common faith to ward tbe country." After the prinoe's speech, Councillor Von Gerlich handed Princess Bis marck an illuminated addrees, and the ladies presented her with bouquets. The procession then passed in review before Prince Bismrck, the bands playing and tbe choruses repeating "Ion Bin Ein Prenss." Prince Bis marck's chief ranger supplied the visi tors with warm drinks, sandwiches and milk. The weather improved during tbe afternoon and the marob baok to Hnmmeremuhle was pleasan ter than the march to Varzin. THE CAYE-1N SPREADS. More Than Two Aorea of Ground Af fected by the Pqaeeae. ' Special to the Scranton Tribune. Duryei, Sept 23. The territory em braced in the cave-in here is getting wider, and today over three quarters of an acre was added to tbe ohasni. No houses have been damaged by the squeeze, but the surtaee has dropped still further and left a yawning pit. The officials of the Halstead mine have a large fore of men at work pre paring to get tbo water pumped out. The sensational stories tbat twenty eight honses had sunk out of sight are manufactured. There is no truth in them. It is thought now that the cave-in has reaohed ita limit and no further danger is apprehended. RECORD SMASHED. Fast Time Hade by a : Stallion at Johns town Johnstown. Sept. 23 Since the races at this place Saturday it has de veloped that there were two record smashing event. Crawford, a brown stallion owned by R. A. Stratton, Conneaut lake, .in the free-for-all trot and pace, made the mile on a half mile - track, in the fifth and sixth beats, in 2:12J aud 2:12. being the world's best record in the fifth and sixth heats on a half mile track. What adds more Interest to the performance in the race that tha track was at least 4 or S seconds slow on account of tbe recent excessive rains. The two heats were made without a single break. Mr. Stratton'a aon had driven tbe four heate, losing all of them but the second. Starter Sutton, fearing tbat the ' bosre was being thrown, ruled young Stratton from the track and placed Crawford In charge T. M. Hewitt, of North Bend, Ind., who drove him to win. Crawford has a rsoord of 2 00 on a mile track, JUDGE GAYNOR'S ROOM He Give Protnlae of Soooptna Empire Stat Demooratio Honors, Saratoga, N. Y., Sept, 23. Demo cratic statesman from below the Har lem bad it all their own way her to day. The Tammany leaders and those of the State Democracy from New York city and the Shepard Democrats from Brooklyn, formed nearly the en tire advance guard of Tuesday's con vention crowd. Not more than a dozsn leaders from outside New York and Brooklyn have put In ' an appearance. All tbo talk about candidates centered in William J. Gaynor for tbe head of the ticket. It was admitted on all sides that he bas bten elated for the place. Apparently no one has been pushing his boom, bnt it bas grown to such proportions that all other booms are pigmies in com parison. DEATH OF A DRUMMER. Dlszy. Life I Endid with a Single Bullet. Chicago, Sept, 23 H. B. McCurdy, a traveling salesman of Johnstown, Pa., committed snicide yesterdav in his room at the Hotel Gray by sending a bullet through his brain. He came here a day or two ago from Pittsburg, where be bad squandered some of bis firm's money on a woman and whisky, and was in a state of sol lapse when be arrived. TRAINMEN MEET. The Two Days' Celebration of the Railway Brotherhood a Baltimore. Baltimore, Sept. 23. The Brother hood of Railway trainmen began today a two days' celebration of the eleventh anniversary of the organization of tbe body. Several thonsand railway em- Sloyes are present, representing the Motherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, Order of Railway Conductors, Order of Railway Telegraphers and tbe Switch men's Mutual Aid association. This morning the delegates assembled nt Harris' Academy of Music, Hon, L. S. Coffin, of Iowa, opened the meeting with prayer. In the absence of Mayor Latrobe, Colonel William H. Love, his honor's secretary, welcomed the' visitors tiTthe city. S. E Wilkinson, giand master of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Trainmen; F. P. Sargent, grand mas ter of tbe Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen; Hon. L. S. Coffin, author and president of the "white button" work; M. M, Dolphin, assistant grand chief of the Order of Railway Telegraphers; Deloss Everett, third grand engineer of tbe Brotherhood of Loeomotive En gineers and F. M. Ingali, secretary and treasnrsr of the Brotherhood Home at Chioago. each spoke in response. Rev. Dr. H. M. Wharton and L. S. Coffin delivered adressea at this after noon's meeting, whioh was also held at the Academy of Music Tonight Mr. Coffin addressed a meeting at the Will iam StreetMethodistEpiscopal church, taking for bis topie, ''Sunday Rest." Tomorrow at 10 o'clock there will be a parade of the railway men and in tbe afternoon a secret meeting of tbe six organizations will begin at Hazazer'a hall. Besides taking stops toward the federation of the various orders repre sented, the questions of compulsory arbitration. Sunday rest and proper hours for work will be considered. Twentieth Senatorial Convention. The Republican senatorial convention of the Twentieth Senatorial diatrict will be held at tbe arbitration room in tbe court house on Tuesday, tbe 25th day of Sept., at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpsse ef nominating a candidate for state sena tor. An election for delegates to this conven tion will be held on Saturday, the 22od day of Sept., betweeu the houis of 4 to 7 p. m. Vixilunce committee will please govern themselves accordingly. Each election district will be entitled to the same number of delegates as they bad in the late oounty convention. The same rule applies to tbe Luzerne portiou of the district. John K La Touchb, Chairman. H. M, Banskn, Secretary. Fourth Legislative Dletrlct Tbe Republicans of tbe fourth Legisla tive district will asmemble in conveution in the McEinley Club rooms, Odd Fellows' building, Jermyn, on Tuesday, the twenty fifth day of Septombor, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nominating a candidate for tbe legislature. Election for delegates to this convention will be held at tbe regular polling places on Saturday, Sept. 22. betwoen the hours of 6 and 7 p. m. Each election district will be entitled to the same representation as'tbelate county conveution. Vigilance committees will please take due notice and govern themselves accord- mgijr. rViLLAM J. SciiuBMEnu Chairman. H. a, Jonies, becretury. Clerk' Aeeoclation Reorganized. The Clerks' aasoclation of . Scranton, called the Twentieth Century olub No. 801, Knights of Labor, was reorganized yesterday afternoon at tbe rooms, 408 Spruce street, by the election ot tbe fol lowing officers: General master work man, M. J. Grillln; grand worthy fore man, Robert Wilson; recording sooretary, Will O'Malley: financial secretary, Joseph Custard: treasurer, H. E. Hine; worthy guard, . Wilson; secretary, Nelson O. (i, Leeta; worthy inspector, Harry fid wards; committee on preen, Nelson (i. Leeta, Miles J. K. Levy, Joe Cussard. Twenty-five members were In attendance. The principal bueiness places of the eity have yielded to tbe request of the associa tion aud will close at 6.U0 this evening. SHORT STATE SIFTINGS. Easton merchants complain that coun terfeit quarter-dollars are filling their tills. The electroliers in the new state library and the executive department will cost 113,000. Tailors at Allegheny city and Pittsburg will strike utiles present wages are main tained. The estate of the late John H. Lick, at Lebonan. will be sold to cancel a debt of over $VO,000. mm FIND II WELCOME The Cambro-Amcrlcan Concert Company Bo gins Its Welsh Tour. HAS A DELIGHTFUL RECEPTION Miss Kaiser Speaks in Grateful Terms of the Pleasant Greeting Accorded to Professor Hadyn Evans and Associates in the Land of Song The First Concert Is Warmly Commended Glad, How . ever, That She Is an American. fyeclal Correspondence of Tlie Tribunt. Pont-y-Pridd, Sontb Walts, Sept. 13. U are now in Font-y-l'ridd ami having a glorious time. Ow ing to the lateness of tbe Ber lin in getting into SontbamD- ton and to the temporary loss of the trunks ot two ot onr party, we began our concerts a week later than we had promised, thereby disarranging sev eral dates; but we are now in working order again. Our time is all filled up with concerts, one Doing givin every night. We ure staying at Pont y Prldd as our headquarters, and go from there every evening to towns eight, ten or twelve miles , distant where we give a concert and return to our hotel tbe same night, after having been royally entertained by tbe towns men of the place in which the co'noert occurred. We are being very cordially received, to put it mildly. At the first concert, given at Treberbert, JMr. Evans was greetid with cheer after oheer as he stepped upon the stage, and a very flat tering reoeption whs given to the rest of us, even before we opened our lips. Bnt when tbe concert began the open ing number was greeted with wild ap plause, nnd nearly every number called forth unthusiaatlo recalls We are one and all appreciated by tbe musical Welsh people, and I should be the very last to complain of my reeeption, as it is perfectly beautiful. They are very kind to me, indeed, and I am surprised and delighted beyond measure by the warmth of my reception. MISS ALLEN COMPLIMENTED, The playing of onr violinist, Miss Allen, is everywhere commented on with tbe highest praise. Her audiences rise to tbe "highest pitch of enthusi asm rthTiewgjSnperrsy,' over net playing and her fine instrument, and aa I said before, we' have nothing to complain of in the appreciation in which we are held. Tuesday nighl, Sept. 11, we performed at Peutre, and last night. Sept. 12, at Ferndale, and at each place onr reception was only a repetition of the others. We can see that the Weleh people are very much surprised at the ex cellence of the American voices. Tbey knew, of course, that we conld do something in the way of making music, bnt not much, yon know. They ex pected ns to be sort of uncouth and in artistic 'about it, I fancy, as they take no pains whatever to conceal their unmixed surprise and pleasure iu our work. We have met several of the leading Welshmen in the Rbondda val ley and have been beautifully enter tained by their wive and themselves. Tuesday night we were given a small reception at Tom Stevens' bouae, where we had a very pleasant time. Mr. Stevens will be remembered as tbe 1 wider of the Ebondda Valley Male choir whioh carried eff one of tbe principal prizes at tbe World's fair last summer, and afterward made auuh a sueeesef ul concert tour in the States. He is geui allty itself toward us, and every timo I eee him I have to think of that quota tion we come across so often in tbo hack part of tbe magazines among tbe advertisements: "We are advertised by our loving friends,'' for he is always doing something tbonghtful and lovely for ut. INCIDENTS OF TRAVEL. Today there is a horse show at Car diff and some of us are going down. as it is not many miles from Pont-y-Pridd. I expect to enjoy myself very much, as there is nothing I love better than a fine horse. There is much of interest in Pont-y-Pridd as well. On Sunday I attended the English church here and listened to the finest choral service I ever bad the pleasure of bearing. It was exquisite and in passing other churches all day Suuday, the congrega tional music of which I caught snatches was very Sue iu every instance. No wonder these people are fine chorus singers, as a couple of hundred of them will often sing a whole anthem with out tbe support ot any instrument and not deviate a single thread of a tone from the key. This part of Wales is often called "the much-ohurched" country, on ac count of tbe myriads of churches which one moots in going around at all. There are churches everywhere, but when one stops to think about it, it is really not surprising, be came this valley is so densely popu lated, that I daro say tbe numbor f churches is merely proportionate to the nnusber of people in tbe valley. It is said tbat there are at least 800,000 people In tbe Rhoudda valley itself. WELSH SCENERY. Tbe last throe evenings we gave con certs we had a man with a trap drive us from Pont-y-Pridd to our oonoert town, and the scenery through which we drove waa simply magnificent. For wild, startling bits of scen ery this . country exeela any locality through which I ever passed. The roads are, of conrse, fanltless, as you know good roads are what England and Wales are famous for, and we roll easily along from one town to another, passing the numerous mines or pits, as the mouths of the mines are called, and going from one little valley Into tbe next through scenery tbat is simply idyllic. Volumes conld be written about the difference between their way ot mining ooal and ours, and tbe scenery, the old Druid temples whioh we saw, the famous Rocking Stouc, nnd the wonderfnl bridge (Pont-y-Pridd), fter which thi town waa named all tueie last three. here at and near Pont y-Pridd but I know you don't cure to heat about it and if you do you can read it all In guide books much better than I can tell you. There ore so many amusing differ ences between being Engliah and being American. If yon are English you will call a telegram a "wire," as "Here is a wire for you, Miss." as the maid 8id to me this morning. They call a smoking room, a smoke-room, and in stead or saying "Post no bills" they eay "Stick no bills." A street car is a "tram," and by the way, let me soy that tbe most antiquated street horse cars are goiug ovr here still. In faot there is but one electric road in big Loudon itself, tbo whole city being traversed by means of cabs, horse cars, buflseo, and of course, the underground railway. DRINKING CUSTOMS. Over here every oue drinks beer, or ale, or stout, not water. If you ask for a glass of water the maid does not uudurstaud you at all and brings yon a glass of stunt. It yon sand it away and repeat your request for a glass of water you wait and wait and get- nothing, uouee la horribly made over here. Tea ie made very well, and as I am fond of coffee and dieiike tea, bnt cannot get good coffee and will not take tea, I compromise on cocoa, whioh is very well made in Wales. As a con sequence of the general ale-etout-beer habit there are, of course, more pnblio housifl or ions than there are saloons in our conntry, and their name ay a constant souree of amusement to one. Continued on Page 8. mr. sauer Indignant. There Was No Fatted Calf for Him on the Fatherland Lunch Counter. Zanesville. Ohio, Sept. -(23. Fred erick Saner, who, with bis wife and 5 year old daughter has just retnrned from a visit to his boyhood home in Alsace Germany, is highly indignant, at his treatment by the German authorities and will ask Unele Sam to demand indemnity and damages. The matter bas been put in the hands of Congressman Van Voorbis. Mr. Sauer was thrown into jail in Welsenberg, Alsace, and-kept there five dars on bread and water and a little aoup and then compelled to pay a fine of 000 mark which had been assessed agaiuat him twelve years ago, and two years after be bad emi grated to this country, for not appearing before tbe military commission for examination. Tbi action waa taken notwithetaading the fact that Mr. Saner bad his oertiScate showing him to be aoatoralized citizen of the United State and bad a passport signed by Secretary Oresrmm. Mr. Sauer says the United States was insulted by the petty German officials every time be mentioned tout he was a citizen ot this country. THE FIREMEN'S PARADE Will Take Flaoi To-morrow at 2 O'clock. , The Scranton Fire department will hold its annual parade to-morrow, the line moving at 2 o'clock prompt Eleven host companies, five eagiue companies, one hook and ladder com pany, five brass bands and three drum corps will participate. Tbe Monbagen llose company, of Mlddlotown, and the Lincoln Drum corps, of Netwark, will be among tbe visitors. The total no in ber of firemen on parade is expected to number 600. The parade will move at 2 p. so., headed by a platoon of police com manded by Chief ttimpon. Chief Fer ber, ot the fire department, will lead the firemen's line. Mayor Cnnnell, tbe city officials and councilman, and also tbe vwitors will occupy carriages. The mayors of King hamton and Middletown will be pres ent and it is expected that a larue number wili avert themselves of the excursion from Blnghamton. Tbe parade will be reviewed by Mayor Con neU and others at the city halL A banquet will be erven in the eve ning at the Westminister in honor of tbe Monhaen "com puny by the Crys tals wbo will euvextain tbe Monbagen company daring their visit. MISCELLANEOUS WIRINGS. Lizzie Christy, a protty Rirl, pleaded guilty s n or se tmeiat uartnagtf, Mo. Illnffla drove Pablisher C. C. MoIHier to kill hirnaelt with a pistol at Branden burg, Ky. tit. Louis trados aud labor onions pro pose to expel Americau Protective asso ciation members. Corporal D. J. lloigan committed sui cide at Detroit to end bis grief over a beau tiful but erriug wife. For the admitted counterfeiting of $30 Manning silver oertilicutes, A. II. Hulflev is in jail at Ashley, 111. Massachusetts' snprerue court rofued to granted tbe attorney goneral's motion to restrain the sugar trust. J (Delaware, O., Is greatly mtcited ovor an aaxault which Blacksmith tteorge Tnylor commuted upon K. T. Warroa's ltttle daughter. Storekeeper James Dareey, a supposed informant Bgainet moonohiners, was called to bis door and shot at White Mouu tain Top, Va. John and Joseph Atkinson, wliise men,, nncle and nophow, were hanged at Wins boro, 8. C, for tbe assassination of John H. Clamp. A windstorm blew down wires and buildings at St. Joseph, Mo., nnd one of John McKibben' horses stepped on a live wire and was killed. Russian Immigrant Morris Vieltenbalk, when refused permission to land aa a poor stowaway at Uostou, jnmped overboard and was drowned. Conviot William Moore stabbed and mortally wouuded Uunrd W, C. tioetzv, who was going to report him for dis obedience iu tbe ponitentiary at Colum bus, O. Tbe Austro-Hungarian Consul General to New York, Dr. Auton Palitchik, has been dismissed. It is said, for exaotinc fees from Austrian exbibitorsat the world's fuir. WEATHER FORECAST. SCLEAR I Washington, Sept. 23. Fore- I east fur Monday: For eastern I ' 1'cnnsylvania: Fair, cooler; tvi'n da becoming northwest. For western "ennnjIranio, geumaUy air, cooler, northwtM winds. ' FIEEY'S Fall and Winter AND We have now open the most complete stock of Underwear and Hosiery for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children ever shown in this city. Vo mention a few specials: The Stuttgartea Sanitary Wool In Vests,. Pants and Com bination'Suits. The "Wright- Healtb- Underwear For gentlemen. Special drive iu GENTS' NAT URAL WOOLand CAMEL'S II AIR SUITS. Ladies' Swiss Ribbed In Silk, Silknd "Wool and Cashmere, Black, White and XaturaL We call special1 attention to our Ladies' Egyptian Vests and Pants at 25 and 50c. Each. The Best for the Money Ever Offered. And Ladies' Combination Suits. Our special at $1, $1.25 and $1.50 up. .Full line of Children's Goods, in bcarlet, White and Natural Wool, Vests, Pants and UnionSuits. 510 anil 512 Lackawanna A?e. MINERS' Wholesale and Retail H. A Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. TELEPHONE NUMBER 40.13. Lewis, Reilly 4 Davies School Shoes JL Ton know how that UvaIt. enorce'lobor of Vour'B knocks out his shuca. We're bees thinHng of him providing for hltu and hia destructive energy. We have a regular wear defying ghoe from jOc. upward. Lewis, Reilly & Davies 114 WYOMING AVENUE. U New Store New Good: 0 Wedding Presents Wedding Presents Fiue lino of DOKFLLNGEE'S KICII CUT GLASS juat re ceived. Also, a fiao line of CUIXA, BAXQULT LAMP3 and . Silverware Y X 408 Spruce Street g W. L WEICHEL, Jeweler, f