53 THE SCRANTON . TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 26, 1894. Tff'TffTIl'f lllillll IWEST SIDE HE WAS THROWN OUT. JioAndrswe Has No Terrors for 9. 3. ZlntelL A lively scene occurred yesterday afternoon at the shoe ibop of J. J. Ziu tell, on Scrantnn street Patrick Mc Andrewe, of Edwards oonrt, was drank and eame around to clean out tbe firm of Zlntell & Co. Tbe tronble arose over McAndrews' children who have appropriated several urticles from tbe Ziutell domioile on Tenth street Air. Ziutell biiw tbe articles with the McAndrew children and took them away from tbeui, MoAodrew arrived at tbe shop nni after a few mighty efforts to regain his equilibrum, opened tbe door, lie then began to assail Ziu tell with his tongue and threateued to do them hodilv harm, Without more ado Mr. Ziutell, seeing that bis visitor was likely to prove troublesome, picked him up la bis strong arms and a moment later tbe inebriate found that he had reached tbe sidewalk. Tbe discomfited Mi-Andrew walked away vowing vengeance on the shoemaker. No arreBts were made. FELL FROM A PORCH. A Folandsr's Child Meets with an Ao oldtnt A sad accident which resnlted In the serious injury of a young child ocourred yesterday afternoon as tbe fireman's parade was moving out West Laoka, wanna avenue. Meronica Yuske, the 18 mouths old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Yufk, of West Lacka wanna avenue, was leanlug over a baleony, which is situated about fifteen feet from tbe around. During ber elder sister's temporary at- senceflhe leaned over too lar.and.losing ber balance, fell to the pavement. The child was rendered unoonseious, but was conveyed to a room in the house and placed under the ears of Dr. Doug lass. Last evening she was much im proved, Fortunately no bones were broken, but the frail form reeelvd suoh a shook that the result of the iu juries is not known. MARRIED AT WASHINGTON. A Young; Couple Left Town Early This Horning, The fact beenme known yesterday that David Williams, a well known resident of Washburn street, and Miss Lizzie Roberts, of Price street, would leave at 4 AO o'clock for Washington, D. C, where they will be united in marriage. The young couple have tbe best wishes of the community. There is just the slightest tinge of romance in connection with the affair, although the principal reason for the trip to vvssBiDgton is supposed to be their wish to bare the ceremony performed by Key. JN. (j. Jailer, a former pastor of the Jackson Street Baptist cburcb. At any rate, we will welcome them on their return. INJURED IN THE MINES. James Dickson fqueszsd Eetwsen the Cars. James Dickson, of Jackson street, was seriously Injured yesterday morn ing while at bis work in tbe Oxford mines. Dickson was employed as a driver, and was waiting for two cars to meet each other, as it was his duty to fasten them together. He did not notice the approach of the other ear, and as be was standing in the center of tbe track, be was very Daaiy squeezed. The yonng man was removed to bis home where Dr. liny- noius attendee his lnianes. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. The Father Matthew society will give a van ui jueanr nan on vet. iu. Banker John T. Richards, of Tenth Street, has returned from Syracuse. Miss Lucy Morgan, of Decker's court, viauea irienus in ntteton yesterday. juiss aiattle nines, or Mooslc has re. turned home from a visit with friends on this side. D. D. Evans, of South Main avenue, has purchased the plot of ground next to tbe mott estate on Mouth Main avenue. Miss Kittie Montaaue. of White Haven. is the gueet of her cousin, Miss Margaret juccormoca, or nor to bumner avenue. Robert Morris lodes. Order of American True Ivorites, will give an entertainment anu social tomorrow evening. A fine pro gramme win oe renaorea. The Franklin and Columbia companies can well thank the pupils In the public scnoois tor many or tne Mowers which they carried in yesterday's parade. Frank Mullaney, a young man residing on Chestnut street, was arrested lost even ing by Officers 8anl and Dyer for creating a disturbance at bis home and for engag ing In a fight on West Lackawanna ave nue. On the way to tbe station house Mullaney resisted the police. SOUTH SIDE. 1 AFTER LIFE'S FITFUL FEVER. falrlok Connolly, the Well Known Breaker Boss, Sleeps Well, , ' A queer life came to a sudden ending at 6 o clock yesterday morning. With ont any previous illness, Patrick Con nolly died unexpectedly. He was a siugnlar character on this " The secret of my strength is perfect digestion. I use the Genuine Johann Hoff's Malt Extract, and find that it greatly aids me in the proper assimila tion of food. Beware of imitations. The? uine must have-the signature of on neck label. Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sola side for the past fifteen years. His occupation was that of slate picker l oss, tbe disability iroui wnioa ne suf fered unrittina him from bard work. He was an odd character and although he bad no relative, ha bad multi tude of friends. Tbe funeral will-be held tomorrow afternoon from his boarding home on Cherry street Interment will be made in Hyde Park Catbolio cemetery. A FORLORN MAIJ). Miss Mary Davit t, of Pear Street, Pra- Uim Fhlladslohla. To neighbors of Miss Mary Davltt, of Pear street, were startled some time ago by the news that bur amanood lover. Patrick Lynch, to whom she whs engaged to be married, bad left towu. The fuithkssiiofls of her lover bus beea a cause of worry to Miss Davitt and she preferred to take up her resi dence in another town. List Diuht she bade all ber friends good by. She will leave for Philadelphia this morulng. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. Druggist F. L. Terpre will move into bis new store next Monday. The South Bide Building and Loan asso ciation will hold a meeting tomorrow night. Mrs. Michael Wetter, of Cedar avenue, has bad a relapse aud is now dangerously ill. Her life is despaired of. Tbe tierniania baud, deserves special mention for tbe rich Quality of musio it luruisueu yesteraay in tue Uremen's ) rado. Au Arabian peddler was set upon by a crowd of young scamps yesterday evening near tbe city line aud bis bead wan badly cut by the stones which they showered at him. He was nnable to speak Euslitih and uu name coma not oe learned. There is an ill emelline stsenant pool on Remington aveuue just off tho comer of Elm street, which needs attention or the board of health may have some casus of typhoid fever to look after. The street commissioner would not waste his time by devoting atteution to it The employes of tbe Hcrautou Oas and Water company this weok boitau to ereot lire hydrants In tbe upper end of the Mne' teen til and Twentieth wards at spots where, no one will deny, they were sadly Deeded. Heretofore when a fire would break out it took sometimes tbe combined leugtbs of hose of two companies to reach tbe burning building from tbe nearest water plug. Altugetner six new hydrants were put In. lue next thing needed is a few fire alarm stations. Miss Jennie O'Horo, of Mulley's store, is in fiew loric. Miss Maine Lvnott. of West Market street, is seriously ill. Mr. Bliss will lecture again today in the Bame piaoeon the patriarch Abrabam, Constable Bernard Davis, of tbe Second ward, will visit tho Hartford fair today. Miss Anuie Brennan. of Wilke-B irre. is tbe guest of Miss Mary Grady, of William street, Mr. and Mrs. lanao White, of Church avenue, have returned home from a trip through .New York state. Mr. Greasier, of Deacon street, fell down the collar steps yesterday and injured her back. Dr. buretn is attending Her. Mr. and Mrs. James Flynn have re turned from their wedding tour and will take up housekeeping on ilrica avenue. The property owners of Church avenue. who have not already laid them, are put ting Uown substantial rmgstone sidewalks in front of their properties. John L. Wolfe is now engaged In organ lzing a conclave of the Heptasophs at FecKville ana tuinlts it will consist ot at least thirty charter members. A large number attended the entertain ment held in the Methodist Episcopal church last evening by the Kpworth league. An interesting programme was given. Michael, son of Michael Kelly, of Put nam ktreet, was kicked Dy a mule In the Von Storch mine yesterday on the fore head. Dr. Sullivan was called and dressed the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo O'Donnell have re turned from tbeir wedding trip and will begin housekeeping over the drug store on Market street as soon as tbe repairs, which are now being made, are uuisueo. Word has been received from Philadel pbla saying that William J. Thomas, for whose benent a concert was recently beld. is muen better anu tnere are cood pros pacts of his coming home with a sound eye. William Kellogg recently purchased the property on the corner of Oak street and Cburcn avenue, now occupied Dy t. ii Jackson, from Wade Finn for 12,500. He is making a number of improvements around it, one being tbe layiug ot Hug sidewalks on oak street. A fomnder residing on Lloyd street, en tered tbe store of Mrs. John Lukin on Lloyd street yesterdny afternoon and bousnt 3o eents wortn or goods, la Dav of which he tendered a ?1U bill. After he had received tbe change and left the store. Mrs. Lukins discovered mat tno Dill was a Confederate, and called his attention to the fact; and asked him for the money she gave hi"). He refused to return it and she notified Lieutenant Spellman who sent Officer Rodham, who touud tbe counter fetter at bis boardiug house and took him into custody. A isree number of people gathered In tbe Methodist Episcopal church yesterdav afternoon to hear Mr. Bliss lecture on the Apostle Peter, lallio Morgan had chsrei of tbe singing. Mr. Bliss i-ald that Peter was an Impulsive man, always ready for action aud not afraid of the consequence but became self confident and tlifirpfV:'? negligent and so fell as is recorilo 1 in tii twenty-sixth chapter of the gosp.l if Matthew. People become self rontidVnt and lax, cease to pray to God for help, do not attend meetings as usual and lastly deny tnat tneyever Knew (jurist. About 1,000 persons gathered in the tont last evening. A preliminary meeting was held in the North Main Avenue Baptist cburcn, lea Dy ivev. w. . naiains, wnicu was Well attended. - The one of this even Ing will bo led by Mr. Knight, of the Methodist church. During the praise ser vice M1b Verna Mitchell sang "He Died for Me," the choir singing the chorus, which was mucn appreciated Dy ton audi ence. Rev. n. . uonee, u. u., and Mr, Bliss lea In prayer. A meeting will be beld In the tent at 7;ii0 again tonight pre ceded Dy a cnoir renersai. . DUNM0UE. 11 4ii5?'5"9sJ,5J'J,i"3'SJ Miss Mamie Seile, daughter of William Seigle, of Dudley ctreet, is dangerously til. Chnnneev Decker has moved his family to Nay Aug, where he will work for tbe new tire brick company. Mr. and Mrs. William Young, of Am brose street, will spend several days visit- ng friends in Carbondale. Otto Bresser, Owen Flynn and son, will leave town this morning on a fishing trip to Maplewood. . They will spend several days traveling through the rural districts. Do not forget the Epworth League literary entertainment In the lecture room tonigbt. tveryboay welcome. Uomeont and till tbe house. Light refreshments will be served at tbe close ol the enter tainmen,t. II. E. Spencer, who bas been ill with typhoid fever for the Dart six week?, has recovered so as to be able to walk from his borne to the corners, He expects to re turn to his work in tbe Duamore .Cash store in a few days. N John Lvnch's child that was so sevtTelT burned Monday, at tbe residence of 1A T. Burke, died yesterday morning. Tbe f n- o'clock, at tbe resideuoe of Mr. Lynch on 4?rouK atrcet. A number of Patriotic Order Sons of America boys from Hyde Park visited Washington Camp, No. 2-6, last evening at Odd Fellows' hull. After lodge was over thev were entertained bv the Dan- more members. A good time was enjoyed Dy an present. RACES ON THURSOAV. Entries for the Events as Becordtd Thus . , Far. The races of tbe Gentlemen's Driving club for this week will be held tomor row, beginning at 2 p ra. Eutries have been made as follows: S.00 CLASS. ! Frank 8, b. g., J. F. Soigel. Beauty, Dl. ui., Dr. Wtmtz. Frank U., cb. p., F. II. iluzzard. Fred, b. g., J, L. Crawford. Beauty J., s. m., (J. M. fciholly. Hazel, b. m., J. R Hours. 2.00 CLASS. T. L. 8., ch. g., C. S. Beamans. John Honan, b. g., Harry Bellman, Pet Hand, b. tn,. Frank Sponcer. B. 8., b. g., Sutherland. Gray Foot, b., g., J. R. Mears. t'oruey, bl. g., 11. P. Simpson. 2 40 CLASS. John, b. g., Dr. Hill. Blue, s. g., J. II. Ladwig. Maud L., a m., Dr. Porteos. Funny Blair, b. m (i. M. Shelly. Johnny, br. g,, C. 11. Schadt. Thief, b. g., A. L. Spencer. 2 35 CLASS. Little Agnes, g. m., E. J. Goodwin. Jack, b. g., Dr. Hill. Hollie, b. iu. A. L. Spencer. Abagail, br. m., Dr. Houaer. RED RIDING HO00. Olyjn by Membr of the African II. E. Chuioh. The members of the African Methol- iflt church, Howard place, promoted a first class production of "lied Hiding Hood" lust evening at the Ohuroli, The principal characters were: Queen, Mrs. Charles Plater, who acted tue part with becoming dignity; wolf, Master (Jharlie Johnson was excellent in his part and as Rd Riding Hood, JMlss U. 1. r oster displayed a splendid voice and fklllful use of the same. Many souks were encored and th e humorous points which were plentiful were received witb penis of laughter. Refreshments were seryed after the performance. 1 be proseeds were devoted to the bene- btof the pastor, He V. U. U. (iee, who leaves on Monday for tbe conference, Pittston. George Sherman, ngad 25 years, died at bis home on Delaware avenue, West Pittston, yesterday morning. Ue was a railroad man, and was married a few years ago to Miss Cora Leyslion. The funeral will bt held on ibursday. Ihe remains will bo taken on the 1:45 Le high Valley train to Lynn, Surqne- 1) aural county, where interment will take place. 'Ihe marriage ot John J. McUaire to Miss Mary McOee, r this place, will be celebrated in St. John's church this morning at 10:30 o'clock witb a nup tial mass. Frank Gillespie will be groomsman and Miss Mry L.Bolin, of Carbondale, will b br.de-mld. Jos eph Craig, William M. Fay. P. J. Gallagher and M. A. Ford will ushers in charge. be tie Clark's Summit. There will be an oyster inpper in the Methodist Episcopal parlors by the Kit worth league in nid of the church on Friday evening, Sept. 28. ' There was a ball gums between the Ramhli-rs of Chinchilla npd the Morn- iug Glories of the Summit, in which tbe Ramblers were defeated by a score of 9 to 0 Opening- of Fall Sassn at T. V. O. A. A concert will bo held at the Youns ileu s Christian association on Tburitday night at 8 o'clock In connection with tbe reopening of the evening educational clauses aud also tbe formal openiug of tbe association ttymuaiHiiii. 'itie gymnasium has been In uo lor some time ana tins been highly appreciated by a liirti num ber of mitiiibers and an opening exhibition will bo given on tno sune evuinn , A. W, Dickson will prebide and a splendid pro', gramme of vocal aud instrumental uiut-io lias oeen prepared. Real Meiiit is tbo characteristic of Hood's PnrMiDurilln, and it is manifested every day iu tbe remarkable cures that medicine accompii"nei. lloous carsapa- nlla is the kma. Irylt; Hood's Pills are the best family cathar tic aud liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, cure. Ecranton'a Business IcUrssts. The Uubunb will soon pnDlHli a care fully complied aud clussiUed list ot tbe leading wholesale, baukiug, manufactur incr and professional interesta of Bcranton and vicinity, ine edition win ue Bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of our public build' lugs, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portrait of lending citizsn,' No nimilar work has ever given an equul rep resentation of Bcrautou's many inilu tiies. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Kent to persons outside tbe city, copies of tbis canusome worn win attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. Tbe circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to tbo'-e concerned us well as tun city lit large. Kepre-eutatives or l UK l himjnk will, rail upon thosb wHorb amiss are uehirco in this edition ami explain ls nature more fully. : Those desiring views of their residencoi in tbis edition will please have notice at the office, CHAMPION PIGEON SHOOT WILL TAKE PLACE AT Scranton Bass Ball Park FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, AT 9 A.M. Tliore wns never a shoot of this kind in I a' k i wtinna county, n nv not turn ont bring your f l iontls even if you du not shoot Tell Iotir friends about it. ' The winner of a medal eenmes the absolute owner. The following are tuo prizeB: Mrst prize; pres ntel by Green Ridge Quo club. ST.) (fold medal. Kecimd 1'riiM, presented by Green Ridue (.lull clul), Vi naminui less gun. Third prise, presented by Lnmbor dealers of Hrranton, t r gold "top watrh. Fourth prize, presented by George W Sclda ver.hftndsoino mm case. Fi th prize, jiresent.-d by E, R. Parker, split LniitiKMj UMiiing rou. . Bixtti iirize. presented by A. W. Jurlsli, Reniitipfton rifle, Koveuth prize, urosented by Ooorge W. Fel tnii, hunting coat, Eighth prize, presented by Alox Dunn, jr sonrtniaii s nnibroll'k Th rules si e 21 yards rise, nso of one bar rel only and ouly Vi ounce shot allowed. The boundary will be the fence which encloses the grounds. Kitch shooter will shoot at 'ii live piteous. All M . a to be shot olf at five birds each. An admission i tt'i cents will be rhai g- ed. grand stanu nee. liio puiillo is coruialy InvitwL There Is at the present time 211 entries and th y are the m ack wing shots of north east ern Pennsylvania. We expect to have at least 40 entries which will take over l.fKHI pigeons to decide the contest, tv busts re ceived a number of entries from Wilkes Barre and Luzerne county. There will be no selling ont in this matoh, every sho iter will shoot the shoot of his life. : . Tttero bas been nothing In years thnt has at tracted such attention as our coming shoot. Take Prorid nco or Peekvdle car from Scranton vo ball pork. . . All entries will cloie Sept. 22. Address all letters to GREEN RIDGE GUM CLUB, 01 CENT A Word. Wants of all kinds cost that much, when paid for, in advance. When a book ac count is made, no charge wxll b less titan tS cents. This rule applies to all small want tds, except Situations Wuntecl, which are inserted FREE. . Agents Wanted. SALESMEN EVERY COUNTY. SALARY or commisslou. No experience. New tariff bill trives unlimited PMtlts. Active men ' Pl'ly quickly, stating salary and territory wanted. MAN UF AC 1 U HEHS, Box 631)8, Bos ton. gents wanted everywhere- iV gull th latest aluminum novelties, enor mous profits, sells at slifht, delivered free, so cure tei rltory. Bumble in velvet lined case Willi full information, loo. Catalogue fre.n Aluuiiuum Novelty Co.. Klj Broadway, New j orn. For Sale. L-OR- HALE AN OLD ESTABLISHED i- grocery business; ono of the best In tho city, Bne location, renson for selling ill health, address Grocer, Tribune oflloe. " SALE A FOLDING BED. IN PER- foet order and used but verv littlo: coil- tains a mirror aud linen chest; manufactured by A. H. Andrews & Co., Chicago. Address ''Folding Bed," Tribune. V-QUAHS IN ANY QUANTITY, 1111 CLIFF O street. For Rent IUll KKN r ONE-HALF STORE, t'enn avenuo. 5'UI per month. 120 OH KENT NICKLY-Ft7it .nIBHED HALL 1 eultabl.i for lodo rooms. j JOHN J E it- MYN, lilt Wyoming uveiiun. Real Estate. (J MALL FAKM-WE HAVE NAMES OP O twenty persons who want to buy small lurms. Senu run particulars, juuko pneo low. R. ERNEST COMEUYS, Price bulldinu. Horse at Auction AT C'USICK'8 STABLE, SCRAN ION, Fill day. Sent. it. at 1 o'clock, sound, young, well-broken work h'e si s. W. B. MOOKK. Lost T OBT-OVAL. BLACK ONYX LOCKET. lJ with purt of watch chain attached. Has monogram "A. K. L." on one sido; other sidu iilaiu. Reward at Room Hi, Republican builJ- intf. Special Notices. rpo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THIS I 1 to notify all norsons Interested that Mr. Fdward Freeman is not authorized to collect liny money for us on any account whatever. w e win not reooKnlze any receipts alven Dy by him in his or our tamo. All payments must oo made to usorour attorneys. Wats.in & Diuhl, Commonwealth litiililuiK, Boruntun, Pa. 11. KOEHLER & CO., New York City THE ANNUAL MEETING. OF THE MEM X bers of the Pennsylvania Oral school for the deaf will be held at tiie ofllce of the secre tary, Third National Han it building, on Cnl- aruuy atternoon. Sent. IU at o clock, fo the election of four directors for three years. and such other business as may properly be brouitht before such mooting. Tbe board fit directors will meet immediately after, for organization. MCiNKY lir.LliN, jr., secretary. VOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT 1 Frank LetilioN Illustrated Weokly War llliistratioiM 111-ll.'i. Two Volumes Folio, Slii.Mi; pnyaule moutlily, 8100. Delivered by express complete, propaid. Address P. O. ilUODV, tils Uibsou Htroet, Horantou, 1'a. PLANK BOOKH, PAMPHLETS. MAGA It sines, etc.. bound or rebound at Tim Tiiiuunk ullko. Uuick work. Reasonable trices. HfEAL TICKF.T3 CAN BB HAD AT l'.l. Ill corner .Bprure street and Franklin ave-' nn. Twenty meal taW hoard. . tickets for $A50. Good legal. TN RE INSOLVENCY OF rOF.OROE A Repuwski, So. Dili, Bertombcr term 1HIM. Limrt ot (joinmon county. PI leas ol Lackawauua Notirn Is hereby glvort that the Court has fixed Monday, October IS, IK'Jl. nt V o'clock a. m. as the time for final hearing of the above named petitioner! application lor dibebarge as an insolvent delitor. E. C. N E WCO MB, Attorney. Ft HE: INSOLVENCY OF THOMAS Cunubel', iu tlie Court of Common Pleas. i'.n 'in), September term, ISH. Notice is hereby uiven that tlin ennrt. linn fixed Monday, October 1", 1MM, at V o'olock a. in., as the tinin for hearing tho aliovo named petitioners' application for final discharge as au insolvent debtor. E.C. NEWCOMB, Attorney. INSTATE OP WILLIAM H THi .M)'SoN, J J lute of the city of Scranton deceased. Letters t stamontary noon raid estato having bien grauted to the under-, s gned, all penous having claims or de mands aL-ainst Ihe said estate are reouested to make known the same to him without de lay, and all persons indebted to said estate iiro requested to make Immediate payment. A. H. 1'l.ai. ftxecutor, W. W. LATHKOP, Attorney. Scranton, Sept. 15, lMI. INSTATE OF THOMAS MULLEN, LATE 1J of tho city of Scranton, county of Locku- vanna. Mate or reiinsyiuaniu, deceased. Letters testamentary nuou the above named estato having been Kranted to the undersigned, all persons having claims or demands attainst the mid estato will present th m for payment and those Indebted thereto shall please make immediate payment to i mis. j. jtiLLt., executor. .lEssrrs & II VNii, Attorneys. Incorporation. IS THE COURT DP COMMON PLEAS OP I the County of Lackawanna. Seutembur Term. IStM. No. HUI. Notlco is lieruliy ulven that an anDlication will lie made to above court on Thursday, Si-pti mber, IWlth, mH. at t in o'clock a. m Under the "Corpor.itlou Act of 1S74," of the I'oiiiinumvealth ot Puuiuvlvania, and thesun pleitii nts thereto, for the charter of anin- leuueu corp.iratioti lo lie called "The Wil liam A. and Lawrence Colliery Keg Fund,'' tho charter and object of which is for I eneneial ami protective mirnoses from funds collected therein and for theso purposes to h re, possesaand enjoy nil tin rigms. benefits and privileges of the said act of assembly and its supploiucnts, I , The proposed charter Is now on file In the Iiotliouotary'somie. JUHIN 01. HAKiilS, Hollclter. Notice of Dissolution. TOTK'E OF DISSOLUTION THE PAKT iy nershlp liere'ntore existing twtwi'en T. J. Monahan and M. K. Kane under the firm mine of Monavhiiu & Kami, doing a tonsori'd buslnnss under ihe Trnders' Natinnal banlt, 2.11 Lackawanna avenue Is this day dissolved. Air. 1 . J. monumiun win continue Dtisino at tho old stiiud.by whom all matters relating to l no aoovs nrm will ne set lieu. T. J. MONAGHAN, M. E. KANE. Situation Wanted. CITUATION WANTED-DRESSMAKER C would like) to go out by the dav o take rowing at home. Address M. il'i (Spruce Street. SITUATION WANTED YoUNO MAN U diKtires a situation sS book-keener. Ex perlenced and good relorences. Willing to begin on small wages. Address J. W, L, iil Wyomlna avenut. w ANTED SITUATION AS SALESMAN, booKKeener or slilnnlna clerk. uy vouna with five vears' exnorietice. Address E, BHEHKICH, 1420 Wyoming avenue,clty. VOL NO LAUY WOULD LIKE PLAIN I sewing; will I go out bv the day or at home. Address WH Spruce street. SITUATION "WANTED BY A WOMAN D to do house cleaning or c ilices, or washing by the day. Address J. c, sm Twentieth street, Hyde Hark. liESPEOTABLE WOMAN WOULD LIKE It i mace wttu child iu vears old as Douse keeper, no objections to children. Can give beat or relersnoe, Mrs. Usai, -on 1'enn avenue. AN ACl'lVU KKIIAIIK MAN. WITH iV good refermions, of middle age wishes employment, fire year ex Quick- and correct in figures, ipenenee as single entry dook eapar audeiera. rnui worn ior any. wages that wUl payboard. AddrMi W. & Tribune onnolly SEPTEMBER 20, JUST TWO YEARS ago we flung our banner to tbe breeze and floated Intn I. f w iuvu mo mnui vi UUHUttlS. VVS were confident of euecess from the start and onr confidence led us to ex pect great results. We went in to win. Onr friends were with us, as they are still with thousand! of new ones added. Our aim baa been to con duet a business establishment upon a fair and honorable basis to make our customers' interests our own. to deal witb all alike on a strictly one-prioe system, aud that always tbe very low est possible price; to keen only tho most reliable makes of goods, that we might appeal to you on their merits. Have we succeeded! CONNOLLY & NO BETTER BEDDING Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREET BICTCLK8 AND SPORTING GOODS. Victor, Oendron. Eclipse, LovelL sod Other Wheels. Dlamottt MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. Cbal of the test quality fjr domestic ns,anj Of all aizea, dehvered In say part ol tbe Ot) at lowest prioe. Orders left at my office, KO, 118, WYOMING ATENTJK, Rear room, first floor. Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to the mine, will rsoeive prompt attenuo (Decll eonlrocts will made for tke salt SMt OeUvery of Buckwheat UoaL WM. T. SMITH. FI Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Artistic Hats and We will show the latest conceits from London' and Paris, together with many of our own original ideas. Every lady of Scranton and vicinity is cordially invited to attend. urn it mm H. LANGFELD, Successor, 324 Lackawarina Ave White Front & Wallace HERE ARE A FEW FACTS CM YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS. Stock twice as larce iswkon we opened. lluslness Increased 100 per cent. An addition of 1,500 square feet of floor space. Enlarged and better facilities In every department. Number of salespeople Increased from 9 to 18. Several departments added. Among them our new Cloak Parlors handsomely furnished and superbly Hooked. WALLACE 209 CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN Wm. Linn Allen & Co, STOCK BB0KER3. Bay and sail S'ocks, Bonds and Grain On New York Exchanges aud Chieagt Board of Trade, either for oas 1 or ot; margin. 412 Spruce Street. tS?" Local Stocks a Specialty. a du& DI'i'lCK, Maneger. TELEPHONE 6,002. lonev Oil and Manufacture Co, VINEGAR AND CIDER Ui TO 151 MERIDIAN ST, I OF onne on September 27th, 28th, 29th. SCRlflTON BED ts 1 894 Evidence good enough r Yes, "we hear you say, "the boys have done well." We expect to do better. Every dav must bring an increase in our business. We realize that to ac complish this wa must give It onr un divided attention. Our endeavors will be to please our oustomere, to satisfy their wants with the best classes of merchandise obtainable and at prices at low and, in many eases, lower than sny other bouse in onr city. The re sults are even greater than our expec tations and we heartily thank onr friends tor tbeir substantial support in the past and hope that our methods and eff rts will merit a continuance ot the tame. WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. Jt 01(16 GO. THE CITY. Dr. K. Grewer IThe Philadelphia Specinlist.and his associated Btail of r'nglish and Ueruion physicia is, are now purmaneutly located at I Old Post ( 111 ue Unl'dlng, Corns Penn avenue unci hpruce street The doctor is a graduate of the university of Pecnylvania,f rmerly domonstrator of physi ology and surgery at the Medi(!o-Chirurglol college of Philadelphia. His saecialtiea ore Chronic Nervous, t-kin, Heart, Womb and Blotxl uisoosoe. DISEASES OF THE KERTOOS- SYSTEM The symptoms of which dizziness, lack ot confidence, sexual weakness in men and wo man, ball rlfdng In the throat, spots floating before the eyes. 1 ss of memory, unable to con centrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull. distressed minn, which uunts them for per forming the nctual duties of life, making hap piness Impossible, distressing the act! n of loe uenrt, ihuiok iiuf-u 01 uent, uriimmiuu spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, molam holv, tire easy of company, foaling s tired in the morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, conf nslon of thouirnt. dcpresslon.constlp tion. weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should ennsu t us Immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If yon have been given up by your physiclsn call nnon the doctor ana Do examineu. no cures the worst cases of Nervous Debility, Ki-rnfiiliL Old flnres. Catarrh. Piles. Female Weakness, Affections or the Kye, tar, rose, and Throat. Asthma. Deafness. Tumors, Can cers and Cripples of eviTy description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential. Ofllce hours daily from V a. m. to p.m. PnndayfltoJ. Enclose nve z-cent stamps ior sympiom blanks and my book called "New Life." 1 will pay one thousand dollars in gold to anyone whom I cannot cure of KPlLtPTIO CONVULSIONS ot FITS. UK. r. UHHWliH, Old Post Office Bnllding, corner Pean ave nue and Spruce street. Buais 1 and 2 Commonwealtb Elf & 8CRANTO, PA. MINING andBLASTINQ P Hade at tbe MOOSIO and &USH . DALK WOBKtk Lafflin & Band Powder Oa'i ORANGE GUN P0WDEB Elecrrlo Batteriea, Fuses far explor ing blasts, tWety Fuse and RepaunoChemkaJ Co. High Exploalva K8TABLI9HBD I860. 26,000 IN W Instrnmants in every sense of the term as aopl ed to Pianon . , . .w.,. Bxceptional in holttof their origiasiAUneis 'nkW TOEK WAEEHOCSiVNo. JO Fifth BOLD BY E.ORicker&Co. 115 Adams Avb. NewTelcphoM Bdfl. tV JCOME ANDBKBTJ8 X. T CONCKEN1NQ THE PRINTING itiS Y0U NEED 800N" t. We ean please your taste ane 'vanta. Get an estimate. The Scranton Tribune job Dept fill POWDER Agents., New York. i eral will oe nem jLuursuay aiwrnoon m ' EOX (CO, BCRAHTON, PA. olllce. j2