Newspaper Page Text
V" EIGHT PAGES 5G COLUMNS. SCKAXTOX, TA., TUESDAY MOHN1NG, NOVEMBER 27, 1891. TWO CENTS A COPY. ROYAL RUSSIAN WEDDING The Czar, Nicholas II, and Trim-ess Alix Are Married. INCIDENTS OP THE CEREMONY Crowds Line the Streets of St. Petersburg and Lustily Cheer the Emperor and Ills Bride -The Troop Assigned to Keep order Are Unarmed. By the United Press. St. Petersburg, Nov. 16. At 1.30 o'clock this afternoon the guns from the fort ress announced that Czar Nicholas II. and Princess Allx of Hesse-Darmstadt were married. Before 7 o'clock this morning large crowds of people assem bled on the Nevasky Prospect In order to secure places along the route of the wedding procession. From the Anitch koff palace to the winter palace the avenue was lined with troops. The Imperial council, the imperial ministers and the foreign ambassadors and their wives, who were assembled In St. George's hall in the winter palace, did not take part In the procession, but were conducted by Prince Dolgorouki direct to the cathedral. That edifice is only 120 feet deep by sixty feet wide and scarcely furnished accommodation for the royal and princely guests and the other dlnltarles present. From its heavily glided doors to the rich bronze and gold gates of the Ikonostas the In terior of the edifice was a marvel of gorgeousness. Immediately In front of the Ikonostas, upon a crimson dais, stood the Arch Priest Janyscheff, the chaplain of the late czar, attended by two priests. When the rings were ex changed the arch priest took the two rings, which had previously been placed upon golden plates upon the altar, and placed them upon the respective ring fingers of the bride. After the third exchange of the rings the nuptial bene diction was pronounced. This was fol lowed by prayers for the first time for the orthodox and autocratic emperor, Nicholas, and for 'his orthodox wife, Alexandra Feodorovna, as the Princess Allx will hereafter be known. The cere mony was concluded at 1.30 p. m. Kissed by Their Relatives. After the ceremony the newly wedded pair approached the widowed Czarina, before whom they offered thanks. They then received the congratulations of all present In the order of their rank, the couple receiving kisses from their rela tives among the guests. The procession then re-formed and returned to the winter palace in the order In which It came, the czar and his bride bowing right and left in rec ognition of the congratulations they re ceived in passing through the various halls until, they reached the Malachite hall. The bride looked pale and tired but beautiful. Her ornaments were conspicuously splendid. The crown of ,diamond. which she wore was sur mounted by a diamond studded cross. The czar wore the red uniform of a general of Hussars. The pair proceeded to the Nicholas hall and at the foot of the grand staircase entered a golden and white coach, drawn by four white horses, and were driven to the cathe dral, accompanied by a small escort. During the drive of half a mile they were vociferously cheered by the enor mous crowds which lined the roadway, guns booming and bells ringing joyous peals meanwhile. After offering up prayers In the cath edral the pair at 2.15 p. m. drove to the Anitchkoff palace. There was no pro cession in the streets. The crowd was most orderly and the troops assigned to keep order were without arms. In honor of the wedding 40,000 poor people of this city will dine today at the expense of the czar. All the schools have been closed fof three da vs. According to current reports, the czar has caused consternation among the officers of his household by leaving the palace unattended and walking through the streets in a military mantle, or walking arm in arm with the first of ficer who recognizes him. On Saturday he went for a walk with Princess Alix, entered a glove-store In front of the Anitchkoff palace, and made several purchases. On leaving he was recosr- nlzedby the people and loudly cheered. TRAGEDY IN CHINATOWN. Gon Shoots Hung Quong, Inflict- :'-2n& a Fatal Wound. By the JUod Press. PhiladeMiia, Nov. 26. A quarrel with a tragic eliding between Chinamen took place this afternoon In the grocery store of Lee Hung Quong, at 926 Race street, when the proprietor was shot in the head and mortally wounded by Lee Gon Yeura, the proprietor of a laundry. Quong was about 04 years of age and is one of the most influential residents of Chinatown. "fe is known as "Judge," and his countrymen have referred to him for settlement many of the dis putes that arose among them. Recent ly Lee Gon was arrested for writing scandalous letters. Quong Interested himself 4n the man's behalf and spent considerable money In his defense. Yes terday he heard that Lee Gon was ne gotiating to sell his laundry, and he called upon him today and tried to re cover some of the money that he had spent In his behalf. The "Judge" was unsuccessful and a violent quarrel took place. The "Judge" returned home and Lee Gon remained In his shop brooding over the quarrel. This afternoon he started for the "Judge's" store and on his way bought a revolver and a box of cartridges. He found the "Judge" In his grocery store and the quarrel was renewed. Passers by on Race street were startled by four shots and Lee Gon ran out of the store and down the street. He only got a short distance, however, when he was arrested. Of the four shots fired at the "Judge," but one took effect, and that struck him in the head, inflicting a fatal wound. Lee Hung Quong was known to fame as the only Chinaman in Phila delphia having a Chinese wife add two almond-eyed children. INCREASE OF FRAUDS. Lottery Business Is Booming Through the Express Companies. By the United Press. Washington, Nov. 26. The annual re port of Judge John L. Thomas, assist ant attorney general for the postofflce department, treats at some length of the enormous Increase for the fiscal year ended June 30 in the number of companies engaged In conducting lot- terles and fraudulent schemes. Against these concerns 223 "fraud" orders were Issued by the postmaster general pro hibiting the delivery of registered pack ages and the payment of money orders to certain companies and parties named. The lottery business through express companies has increased enormously during the year in the direct ratio of the decrease of that business through the malls. Mr. Thomas therefore rec ommends the enactment of legislation that Is now pending before congress relative to the subject. LOOKS BAD IX PRINT. Published Accounts of the American Out rages Displcusc the Turks and Ameri can Papers Arc Excluded. By the United Tress. Constantinople, Nov. 26. The recent edict calling for the seizure at the fron tier of foreign newspapers containing accounts of the Armenian massacres prohibits the entry for ever of any American newspaper Into Turkey. This action on the part of the Turkish gov ernment is supposed to be due to the attitude assumed by the American press on the Armenian question. Washington, Nov. 26. The edict per manently excluding all American news papers from Turkey, has not yet been officially communicated to the Turkish legation here. Secretary Norlghlan Effendl, who is In charge of the legation during the absence of Minister Mavroy enl Bey, expressed surprise today that the edict should have such a scope' as to be a permanent exclusion of Ameri can newspapers, and thinks the report may prove overdrawn in this respect. There is a press censorship in Turkey, he says, and a press bureau is main tained by the government for the pur pose of reading all papers and seeing that the press laws are observed. Superintendent Brooks of the foreign mall service says that the agreement signed by all nations In the Postal union provides that any nation can ex clude any mall whloh the government deems detrimental to ltB Interests. At the state department no question Is raised as to the authority of the Turkish government to take the action indicated. Nearly every European power has asserted and exercised such authority In the past. DEBS IS PEACEFUL. He Will Not Fight President Gompcrs at the Coming Convention. By the United Press. Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 26. Replying to the Associated Press' recent story that the American Railway union will fight Gompers In the American Federa tion of Labor convention at Denver, President Debs, of the American Rail way union, writing to a Milwaukee cor respondent, Bays: "It la totally untrue that I am to fight President Gompers In the coming conven tion, or that the American Railway union is to attack the American Federation of Labor. Whatever differences there may be relating to policy, principles, or meth ods, between the two organizations, they enjoy each other's confidence and respect, and the American Railway union will do nothing, either through Its officers, or oth erwise, to mar such harmonious relations. The American Railway union harbors no resentment; It Btands for the solidarity of all labor and if in the course of events the American Federation of Labor In any con flict it may have with the plutocratic power, requires the aid (not the vapid, meaningless thing in labor called 'sym pathy and moral support,' but the active and actual reinforcement) of the Ameri can Railway union, it shall be freely given so far as it lies In my power to give it." CHIEFS OF POLICE MEET. An Important Step Towards Securing Co operation in Work, By the United Press. . Philadelphia, Nov. 26. In response to letters sent out by Superintendent of Police Linden, of this city, who is vice president of the national organization the chiefs of the police departments of a number of the principal cities in the state presented themselves at the city hall this morning. ThoBe who attended were: J. N. TII- lard, Altoona; J. A. Fenstermacher, South Bethlehem; Rodger' O'Mara, Pittsburg; William D. Rudenbaugh, Norrlstown; Peter Cullen, Reading; Charles Saxton, Bristol; Evan Russell, Wllllamsport; James It. Bagshaw, Chester; William T. Simpson, Scranton; George M. Fehr.'MeKeesport, and Jacob C. Fana, West Chester. The visiting chiefs were welcomed by Superintendent Linden. He said that the object of the meeting- was to pro mote a more hearty co-operation for the prompt detection of crime and the apprehension of criminals by a better acquaintance with each othec. The next meeting will be held In Read ing on the first Thursday following the first Monday In June. IRWIN'S CASE POSTPONED. Urgent Business Calls the Defendant to Albany. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 26. George M. Irwin of tho brokerage firm of George M Irwin & Co., of Pittsburg, managers of the discretionary pool which suspended payment on Oct. 24, was brought before Judge Ingraham In the court of oyer and terminer today on habeas corpus proceedings. Lawyer Howe, who represents Irwin, explained to the court that he had been called to Albany on urgent business and asked that the argument be post poned. The case went over till Wednes day by agreement. KEYSTONE VIGNETTES. Erie will have a new opera house. Reading will have a new $23,000 market house. McKean j"ounty will build a workhouse tor tramps. Wllllamsport's first toboggan Blldo Is scheduled for this winter. Twelve new cases will come before tho board of pardons at Its meelng today. The new Evangelical Schuylkill semi nary will probably be located in Myers- town. Daughters of Liberty met at Pittsburg and resolved to form 'a state council in Philadelphia on. Thursday. York is trying to raise 35,000 to secure a $60,000 textile, mill barked by Phlladel- phlans and to employ 200 hands. The Dawson Construction company, of Toledo, o., has the contract lor the inte rior finishing of the new public' building at YorK. The Connellsvlllo brewery ' proprietors geek to monopolize beer sales In Fayette county by arresting local agents of ouy Blue urowviicn. STRUGGLE WITH A LION A Trained Animal Attacks His Keeper in a Museum. NARROW ESCAPE l'ROM DEATH Wallicker Suddenly Springs Upon His Nubian Keeper. Who Is Hcscucd After, a Hurd Struggle by the Attendants Who Flock About the Cage. By the United Press. Wilkes-Barre, Pa Nov. 26. Harring ton's museum was the scene of a very exciting occurrence tonight. Among the attractions this week is a trained Hon, named Wallicker, in charge of a Nubian, Veno. The latter enters the lion's cage at every performance. About 10 o'clock this evening when the Nubian went into the cage the lion suddenly sprang upon him. Before he could es cape the enraged beast struck him down with his paw and jumped upon him, fastening his teeth In the man's arm. He yelled with pain and fright. The large audience became panic stricken. Men, women and children made a mad rush for the door, fearing that the lion would break out and at tack them. Meantime the attendants, arming themselves with whatever came to hand, surrounded the cage and en deavored to beat the lion away from his victim. The taste of blood had wrought him up to a state of fury and It was some time before they succeeded in driving him Into a corner. When Veno was liberated he presented a bloody sight. His right arm was badly lacer ated, his hand bitten clear through, and his clothing almost torn from his bodyv He will recover, however, although the wounds are very painful. This lion Is one of the fiercest In cap tivity. He killed three men. It Is said, during the last season, while In the Southern states. PITTSTON SPECIALTIES. Several Scrio-Comic Councllmanlo Ar tists Delight the Groundlings. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Plttston, Nov. 26. An Interesting meeting of council was held tonight. On motion of Mr. Donnelly the Street Railway company was ordered to keep off Parsonage street with its proposed switch until it had first secured coun cil's approbation. Mr. Hennlgan and President Mangan next entertained the audience with a rhetorical "scrap" which resulted In the former's withdrawal from the hall. Ar rangements were made to take out a city charter. Lastly, Mr. Kearney, in a resolution. cited the long delay In the payment of the borough's street workmen as a vio lation of the semi-monthly pay law and wanted the burgess prodded. His reso lution was tabled. A long parley on the paving question brought the enter tainment to a close...... . .. -. ADDICKS DIVORCE CASE, The Millionaire Candidate for tho United States Senate from Delaware ilus Seri ous Domestic Difficulty. By tho United Press. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 26. J. Ed ward Addlcks, the millionaire candidate for a seat in the United States senate from Delaware to succeed Senator Hig glns, has been sued by his wife, Rosa lie Addicks, for absolute divorce with alimony. The papers were filed Oct. 19, and the matter became public to day. In her petition Mrs. Addicks alleges the statutory ground and names Mrs. Ida Carr Wilson as co-respondent. Mrs. Wilson resides at Miramores, a hand some county seat at Claymont, adjoin ing Mr. Addicks' home farm. In accordance with the1 custom In this state the court will appoint a commis sioner to take testimony in the case, He will hear the evidence In private and make return of his finding to a subsequent term of court and the court will then act upon it. Unless the par ties choose to contest the finding of the commissioner there will be no hearing of the case in public. Mrs. Addicks has not been living with her husband for about a year and has been In Europe, At present she is living In Philadel phia with a daughter of IS years. A reporter called upon Mr. Hilles, coun sel for Mrs. Adddicks, and asked him for a copy of the libel. He refused to give it or to say anything further than that the suit has been entered. ANOTHER DEFAULTER. Clerk in Dank of the Republic Is Short $32,000. By the United Press. 1 New York, Nov. 26. It leaked out to day that a discount clerk in the National Bank of the Republic named Morgan was found last August to be $32,000 short in his accounts. When the dls coveryAvas made that Morgan was a de faulter he was promptly dismissed, and relatives, It is said, made good a great part of his stealings. Oliver S. Carter, president of the bank, when' questioned about the case today, declined to make public the name of the clerk. WALKED THE TRACK. Two Austrlnns Are Killed by a Lehigh alley Locomotive. By the United Press. Bethlehem, Pa., Nov. 26. Thomas Hngay and Walent Kleh were run down by a passenger engine on the Lehigh Valley railroad three miles below here yesterday and instantly killed. The men are Austrians, and with Frank 'Ferha w(re walking on the tracks. Ferha escaped. The men had been In this country six months. FOREIGN CHAT. A society of Henry George slngle-taxora has been formed in Berlin. Large parades In honor of executed Fenians were held in Cork and Limerick, The Australian premiers will meet In Hobart to discuss Imperial federation and inter-colonial free trade. Holen Wilson, the young American pianist, made a successful first appear ance at Dresden conservatory last week. For scoffing at the Emperor William's "Sang an Aeglr," Hamburg resident vas arrested, but the emperor ordered his release. After serving two weeks of a four months' sentence for fighting a duel Baron Klderlen-WaechW was released at the kaiser commanu. .' V t I 1 1 1 Mr -. hie llllllWte Wants MASSACRE OF ARMENIANS Confirmation of What Seemed Im probable Reports Are Received. U'HOLE VILLAGES WED OUT It Is Estimated That at Least 6,000 Were Slain by the Kurds Cholera llreuks Out in the Vicinity of the Slaughter. By the United Press. Boston, Nov. 26. These private let ters, received in Boston today from the highest authorities In such matters but not from Armenians confirm the Incomplete reports of massacres by the Turks: Bltlls, Sept. 26, 1894. Troops have been massed in the region of the large plain near us. Some sickness broke out among them which took off two or three victims every few days. It was a good excuse for establishing the quarantine around, with its Income from bribes; charges, and the Inevitable rise in the price of the already dear grain. I suspect that one ret son for placing quarantine was to hinder the informa tion as to what all those troops were about.ln that region. There seems little doubt that there has been repeated in the region back of the Moosh what took place in '77 In Bulgaria. The sickening details are beginning to come in. As in that case it has been the innocent who have been the greatest sufferers. Forty eight villages are said to have been wholly blotted out. Cholera Is Raging. Bltlls, Oct. 3. No letter from Harpoot this week, but things have been moving on here and you may be interested to know how matters are. A letter re ceived from , of Moosh, yesterday, shows that Indeed a virulent form of cholera is spreading In that city. From twenty-five to thirty-five deaths a day occur. As the time goes on, the extent of the slaughter seems to be confirmed as greater than was first supposed. Six thousand is a low figure; it is probably nearer 10,000. Mr. Halward, the new consul ut Van, has gone directly there and it is said that the other con suls from Erzroom have also been sent to Investigate. The government tried to get the peo ple here to sign an address to the sov ereign, expressing satisfaction with his rule, disclaiming sympathy with the Armenians who have "stirred matters up," stating that the thousand slain In Talvereeg met their Just deserts and that the four outsiders captured should be summarily punished, expressing re gret that It had been thought best to send consuls to investigate, and .stat ing that there wus no need for their coming. The Armenians here have not yvl signed It, though in four districts similar papers have been Becured prop erly sealed. SALE OF THE 110NDS. The Stewart Syndlcnto Will Proeuro Their Gold Outside the Treasury. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 26. The sale of the $"'0,000,000 new government 5 per cent bonds to the Stewart syndicate is grati fying to the treasury officials here, as the members of this syndicate have ar ranged to procure all of their gold out side of the treasury. The officials est! mate that the treasury will gain at least fifty million gold on this account Already members of the syndicate have began to deposit geld. There is only one unfortunate feature In the sale of the bonds to the Stewart syndicate. Fewer bonds will go abroad as between eighteen and twenty mil lions would have been taken by foreign houses outside the syndicate If the Stewart award had not been made. J. Plerpont Morgan said this after noon that persons wishing to obtain the new bonds can procure a limited amount, the first five million anyway, at 113. It Is stated that John V. Rocke feller had a ten million Interest in tho Syndicate, but he will be allotted only five million of the bonds. GAME WILL BE PLAYED. Yolo Faculty Will Not Interfere with the' Coming Scrap with Princeton. By the United Press. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 26. President Dwlght, of Yale, this afternoon declared that he knew nothing of the rumors that a faculty meeting had been called concerning postponing the oomlng Yale Princeton football game because of rough play In the Yale-Harvard game of last Saturday. The Yale faculty voted a fortnight ago to allow the game to take place and there is little reason to believe that they will reverse their decision. There is, however, a strong current of Indignation among the mem- THC TlES SntRirt Sal9 1 ,i 1 f- a Contest for Revenue bers of the Yale faculty at the brutality exhibited in Saturday's game and some action by the faculty to prevent a re petition of the spectacle is looked for before long. Manager Ben Cable of the eleven also said this afternoon that he had no notice from the faculty of their Intention to rescind their vote allowing the game. HOLMES CONSPIRACY. No New Developments in the Celebrated Insurance Case. By tho United Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 26. Developments in the Holmes Insurance conspiracy were lacking today. Holmes Issued a statement from the county prison de claring that no attempt had been made to keep his wife from seeing him as has been reported. Soon after this declar ation Mrs. Holmes No. 3 visited Holmes In hi3 cell. . It was reported that Holmes' ball had been fixed at $2,500 bail, but this was denied. The officers of the Fidelity Insurance company are now as firn? In their belief that Pltzel is alive as hey were for merly that he was dead. President Fouse said today that Pltzel had been traced to New York city and that In spector Gary, of the company, would go there tomorrow-and endeavor to locate him. It Is hoped to run Pltzel down by means of the $100 bills that were given him by Holmes in his share of the money obtained from ithe insurance company. It Is thought that Pltzel may have tried to change these bills in New York city for one of wnaller denomina tion and a tour of the money brokers' offices will be made for the purpose of learning If he has been around among them. President Fouse also says that the missing Pitzel children are known to have been at Niagara Falls, but his reasons for this belief he would not give. CAREER OF CRIME. Andrew Smith's Recent Act May Land lllra in the Penitentiary. At a hearing before Alderman Horan, of the North End, yesterday Andrew Smith and Joseph Keturisky were com mitted to the county jail to await the reHult of the beating which they had inflicted upon Charles Hlack In a Penn avenue saloon Sunday. Hlack Is in the Lackawanna hospitnl, where his condi tion is not considered alarming. Evidence given at the hearing showed that Smith, with the assistance of Ke turisky, had beaten Blnck because he was a prominent witness against Smith three months ago when the latter was acquitted of the charge of helnfr an accessory to the murder of Tomalinus in Park Place. It was proven that Smith said he was sorry that Hlack had accessory to the murder of Tomllnus and that It had cost him (Smith) $."00 to get out of the scrape. In the North End Smith is considered an all 'round tough and bully who should now be in confinement. His name has often been associated with crime, but his recent offence is palpably plain, and it Is likely that ho will be punished for It. WOMAN'S BODY MANGLED. Appulling Accident on tho Onturlo und M'cstcrn Hullroud Ncur Olypliant. A Polish woman, presumed to be a resident of Scranton, wns killed on the Ontario and Western railroad, between Olypliant and Dickson City lust even ing. She appeared to be about 45 years of age and was walking the track when an engine and tender approached at r good rate of speed, Every effort was made to avert the calamity but, for some unexplained reason, the woman did not seem to be aware of her danger. The body was frightfully mangled, Coroner Kelley wnB notified. SMART POLICE WORK. An Alleged Thief from Pittston Arrested l ast Night. Officers Day and Marks arrested an alleged thief named Jefferson" Huston, at mldnght, upon the charge of steal ing a set of harness making tools from Fltzpatrlck'a livery at Plttston. The message giving particulars of the theft was received at Scranton at 9 o'clock last night and three hours after ward the man was arrested at the Jersey Central railroad station with the tools in his pockets. Huston Is a har ness maker by trade and is well known in Piittaton, where he will be taken to day, Will Begin This Week. "We will file the papers In the con test of Thomas Davles against Charles Schadt for the office of county treasurer this week," said Attorney H. U Taylor to a Tribune reporter yesterday. Mr. Taylor Is a member of the firm of Tay lor & Lewis, retained by Mr. Davles to look after his Interests In the contest. They are now preparing the papers. Only. THE GREAT BANK ROBBERY Seely's Transactions Causes a Shak ing Up Among Bookkeepers. BAKElt WAS HEAVILY INSURED He Objected to the Suicide Clause in the Policies Decently Obtaincd-Offcrs of Assistance from the New York l'o lice Declined with Thanks, By the United Press. New York, Nov. 26. Superintendent Byrnes said this afternoon concerning the bank robbery case that the police were taking no active part In the mat tor of pursuing the defaulting book keeper, Samuel C. Seely. On Saturday afternoon the matter was first made known to the police. Inspector McLaughlin promptly sent three of his best men to see President Crane, with Instructions to offer the services of the detectives. Mr. Crane politely Informed the detectives that the matter was In the hands of the at torneys of the bank, who were even then busy with -it-in-th United States court. He thanked them for the offer of their services and said that he would call upon them If necessary. Up to 2 o'clock this afternoon no trace had been found of Seely, the absconding bookkeeper of the bank. Tho Seely defalcation at the Shoe and Leather bank, made public Saturday, led to considerable shifting of book keepers in Uie down town banks today. A large number of the leading banks also called in their depositors' books for the purpose of examination. The directors of the National Shoe and Leather bank held a meeting this morn ing and decided to levy an assessment of 20 per cent, on the common stock of the bank. President Crane stated that during the first hour of the bank's busi ness today about $20,000 was paid out. This is not an unusual amount In the bonk's daily business. The; clearing house reports that the bank has a credit there. linker Was Well Insured. It Is stated today that the New York agent of the Connecticut Indemnity Life Insurance eompnay, of Waterbury, Conn., wrote a $10,000 policy for Freder ick Baker last Monday. Baker objected to the suicide clause, but the agent told him he could do nothing except notify the home office of Mr. Baker's wishes, which he did. When making his formal application for his policy in the Connecticut com pany he stated that he was already In sured for $11,000 In the Mutual Life, and $20,000 In the Equitable Life, but men tioned no other policies. At the offi'"" of the latter company, It was stated this morning that Baker had taken out a $20,000 pulley last month. DOUBT AS TO BROOKS LAW. Question as to Its Constitutionality Is Kulscd in llubcr Cuse. By tho United Press. Carlisle, Pa., Nov. 20. The question of the constitutionality of the Brooks high license law was recently raised In the John Huber case, and a new trial was asked for the reason that there Is a conflict between the title and the body of the law. Judge Sadler today over ruled the motion for a new trial, but held that there is reason to believe the law Is unconstitutional so far as It re lates to selling on Sunday. He did not sentence Huber on that count, but gave him three months in juil and $500 fine for selling without n license. - Welsh Murder Trial. : Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Aberystwlth, Nov. 2C Thomas Rich ards, the seaman, charged with the mur der of Mary Davis, at Burth, near Aberys twlth, on Sept. 20, was sentenced to be hung. Attempts are being made to pro cure a reprieve. Pllmmer Wins the Contest. Coney Inland, N. Y., Nov. 20. The box ing contest at the Seasldo Athletic club tonight between Hilly Pllmmer and Char ley Kelley for a purse of $2,500, winner to take all, was won by Pllmmer In the third round. FROM WASHINGTON Demurrers to the Indictments against newspaper correspondents Shrlver and Edwards were filed. The navy department proposes to spend half a million of dollars for the improve ment of tho New York navy yard. The state department has been notified that Peru hus put nn Import duty on watches and a duty of 8 per cent.' ad val orem on coal, and wiped out the free list. WEATHER REPORT. Conditions favorable for rain; warmor; southwest winds. , KEYS ANOTHER SPECIAL WEEK IN OUR n 0 DEPARTMENT. It being our intention not to carry over a piece of Dress Goods that wo can turn into cash, we make the fol lowing quotations, I ONE LOT fine all wool mixed Suit' ings, former price, $5.00. This Week's Price $2.50 a Suit. ONE LOT extra fine Silk and Wool Scotch Suitings. Special price for This Week $3.25 a Suit, ONE LOT 52-inch Covert Cloth, ex tra quality. Former prices, $i.uo This eek 75c ANOTHER LOT, the last of the sea sou, of our special Foreign Cash- mere in 40 and 46-inch. The price This Week Will Be 35c. and 15c Interesting price; on Fine UlacU Dress Goods. See our Vclvetina Cords for Drcs9 and Coat Sleeves; also in Cream fof Babies' Cloaks. U r Fine German 50-inch Seal riusb FIN LEY'S 510 and 612 Lackawanna Ave, H. A. KINGSBURY AGENT FOR THE VERY BEST. 313 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON, PA. I0UUHIES 1 Vi'e will have wet weather. Ta will furnish you with SHOES for wet weather. It will be a healthful iuvestr mint. ttlliOV . 114 Wyoming Avenue. ; m i HAVE just returned from New York buying Holidayi Goods. We are receiving them daily. YCU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to call and see our fine line ot Jewelry and Novelties, whether; you buy or not. K. B.Look at our show windows ai you pass. W. J. WEICHEL. 408 SPRUCE STREET. NEAR DIME. BAN rtf K THIS 1K II III