OCR Interpretation

The Scranton tribune. [volume] (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 02, 1897, Morning, Image 6

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026355/1897-06-02/ed-1/seq-6/

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The regular $5.00 and
$4.00 kind for $2.75.
Finest hand-sewed welts,
French patented leather,
the best shapes to be had.
Friday, May 28th, they
will only be sold for one
day for
$2.75 '
To Insure publication In 'this paper,
volunteeied communications of a con
troversial character MUST BH
writer's true name. To this Just rule
we 'cannot hereafter make exception.
The Junior Republican club did not
meet last night. The initial meeting- has
been"ptf3fponed )intll June .
J. (J. Bailor, JaxI (Hector .of Lehigh
towivshty, yesterday 'had his bond ap
proved ly'(ho court. It Is In tho sum of
t!HW and has Osborne IDuMer and Ueorjio
Itlchardsoh for' sureties.
The Young People' Society of Christ
Lutheran church will meet tonight at
7.30 o'clock for tho monthly buslneta
meeting transactions. On Friday even
ing the church council will meet.
Constable Gcorre C. Wilson, of the
Ninth ward, Is reported seriously 111 of
Brlght's disease at Walden, Mass., where
he went In company with his wife a few
weeks ago to recuperate his health.
Vanderbllt 8lmpson, Arthur Price and
Charles Morris, the three little colored
boys who were arrested for stealing shoe
from N. Weiss' store, on Penn avenue,
were fined SI. GO yesterday by Mayor Ual
ley. They paid the fine.
The bond of Wade M. Finn, tax collec
tor of the Sciantcn poor district, was
filed yesterday with Prothonotury Pryor.
It Is In the sum of SIO.OuO and has R. O.
Brooks, Mars-hall Preston and G. W.
Benedict for sureties.
On Thursday evening the business meet
ins of tho Young People's Society of St.
Peter's Lutheran church will meet at
7. In the absenco of the pastor, Dr. Ra
mcr, of St. Mark's Lutheran churoh, will
be present and deliver an address.
Tho Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern company will pay today at tho Dia
mond and Hallstead mines. Tho Dela
ware and Hudson company paid yesterday
nt the Manvlllo mines nnd tho office em
ployes at Scranton and Carbondale.
An attachment under the fraudulent
debtor's act was yesterday Issued against
Ocorgo M. Deats, of Olyphant, by F.
Coales, jr., representing Armour & Co.
The First National bank is made gar
nishee. The amount of the exuutlon Is
The Ladles' Aid society of Zlon's Luth
eran church will hold Its monthly busi
ness .meeting today at 2 o'clock In the
ohurch. The Young People's society of
the samo church will have their monthly
business meeting on Thursday evening
at 8 o'clock.
J. W. Hollenback was taken from the
county Jail yesterday and ro-commltted
in default of $1,000 ball by Alderman Mil
lar on a charge of defrauding Mrs. An-
tonlna Zofoskle, of Old Forge. Another
phase of the same case was reported at
length In last Saturday's Tribune.
Mrs. Kllen Sullivan yesterday began an
notion In liewptiss against tho Carbon
dale Traction coirpany, Lackawanna
Valley Rapid Transit company and City
of Scranton. Mm. Sullivan asks $3,00!)
from each for Injury done to a property
of hers on Brooklyn street, Carbondale,
by tho building of a. trolley road.
Marriage licenses were granted yester
day by Clt'rk of tho Courtu Thomas to
Myles Ross and Belle McDonnell. Scran
ton: Klmer W. Swingle, Peck.llle, and
KUher Moyle, Scran' a; Bert C. ConUlln,
South 'Men'ro.-'?, Susquehanna county,
and Anna L. H'itson, Scranton; Louisa
Bennett and Hlda Benovlch, Scianton.
At the regular monthly missionary
meeting at tUo Penn Avenue Baptist
church yesterday afternoon. Miss Clam
Long read a paper on "The Greek
Church," and Miss Betste Kenwood
treated the subject, "Work Done by Mis
sionary Societies In Greece." Therf was
a large attendance. Mrs. Carr presided.
The Next NiRlit Mrs. Lmvlcr Waylays
Him nnd Ho In r,'nn,tttrftl.
Monday evening at 5:30 o'clock Mrs.
Mary Lawler, ot Olyphant, having oc
casion to go to Grassy Island availed
herself of a short cut through the
wo vis used by the miners on their way
to and fiom the Grassy Island colliery.
As she went along unmindful of harm,
a man Jumped out from tho bushes
skirting tho path and laid hold of her.
She screamed nnd fought and after
a desperate struggle managed to free
herself from his grasp and escape.
The assailant wns attired In mining
clothes und It wns conjectured at once
when -Mrs. Lawler related her exper
ience at home that he was employed at
the Grasy Island and could probably
be detected. Shu was quite positive
ehe could Identify him and with this
end lruvlew she with her husband and
a neighbor secreted themselves near
the scene of tho assault at 5:30 o'clock
last evening.
As the workmen pased by on their
way from the mine, Mrs. Lawler
scanned them closely. Finally one
came along In whom she unmistakably,
recognized her asallant of the even
ing previous. Her husband and hla
friend pounced upon him and took him
forth.wth before 'Squire Cummlngs
who, after a hearing, committed him
to tho 'county Jail in default of $1,000
The prisoner gave his name as Thom
as Smith and his age seventeen. His
appearance, however, would indicate
that he Is older than that. His home Is
in Olyphant.
Ilcldiullnil for Assaulting Michnel
Jllnnlor on Circus Dny.
Patrick Convey was Identified before
Alderman Millar lost night as the man
who assaulted Michael Manley on
Lackawanna avenue, Circus day.
Convey wa held In $500 ball to ap
pear at court. He denies tho charge
but severul witnesses appeared for
Manloy and against Convey. Hla home
ic on Fourth' street. '
Residents of Jofamon'a Patch Refuse to
Glvo Mm Their llenrty Support.
Ilnd SovornI of Hit Neighbors Ar
retted for Selling l.liuor Without n
.License, Solllnc on Suildny find
Conducting n Gambling Homo, but
Ills Witnesses All Testlfr the
Wrong Wnr nnd II Will Hnve to
iny tho Costs.
Poor Thomas Dempsey of Johnson's
patch today has an overpowering re
alization of how false men can realty
be If they try To bo a prosecutor In
four cases and those cases to be a ques
tion of public morals and to have three
of the four cases go against him In a
single night and the probability that
the other case will go the same way;
to have fourteen or fifteen men whom
Dempsey thought were his friends tes
tify that he is "empty-headed" and
that the other people are angels nnd
lastly to pay 0 cents apiece to his own
witnesses who went against him It's
no Joke lt'o a sad state of affairs In
So feels Thomas Dempsey and the
only friend he has his wife.
Dempsey lives in Johnson's patch,
which classic locality Is In the Sixth
ward of Dunmorc. Ho had a grudge
against the whole patch or else he
wanted to purge the condition of things
up there; at any rate he went before
Justice of the Peace Cooney, of Dun
more, yesterday afternoon and Bwore
out information for tho arrest of Thos.
Foley, for gambling and selling liquor
on Sunday; Mary O'Hearn, for selling
without a license; Thomas Qaughan,
selling on Sunday: Michael Flnnerty,
selling without a license, and he
couldn't remember tho name of ono
other law breaker a woman.
Ho swore last night "you can get
liquor on Sunday or Monday or any
other day In any house- In the patch."
Warrants were duly issued and served
yesterday afternoon by Constable Lof
tus. The hearing was given two of th'o
cases last night In 'Squire Cooney's of
fice on Chestnut street, Dunmore.
The place was crowded with men
from the locality of Johnson's patch.
lempsey was there with his wife and
nat in a corner with a shame-faced look
at tho bantering crowd. Attorney R.
A. Zimmerman was counsel for the de
fendants. Dempsey's counsel was his
wife. 'Squire Cooney said something
In French about the Incandescent
lights which were playing at hlde-and-peck:
and got a lamp, lighted It, and
cleared his throat. Then the game
went on.
Thomas Foley was the first one to
receive his medicine. Foley was ar
rested for permitting gambling In his
hotel and In selling liquor on Sunday.
Dempsey swore that he as In Foley's
place at 2 o'clock yesterday morning
and that he was gambling with cards
for money. Mrs. Dempsey fortified her
husband's statement with the Informa
tion that, she had looked through the
window in Foley's place at 1 o'clock
a. m., and had seen money on the table
and cards In the hands of men.
"Well, whero are your witnesses?"
called out Attorney Zimmerman of
"There all here " said Dempsey, and
he called "Michael Gaughan!"
Michael Gaughan took the stand and
much to Dempsey's surprise he swore
that he knew of no gambling In the
place and as for Mrs. Dempsey's look
ing in through the window and seeing
the cards and money; why he himself
(Gaughan) had fastened the shutter
at midnight and he swore that the shut
ter was a piece of walnscoatlng with no
cracks or crevices. Foley, he swore,
was a reputable citizen and never sold
drinks on Sunday.
Dempsey felt bad when he heard
Caughan thus testifying but he cheered
up and called Domlnlck Dempsey, his
"Do you know this man Dempsey!"
asked Attorney Zimmerman.
"What do you think of htm?"
"Oh, he's a little wild," uaid the wit
ness. "A little bit off," suggested Attorney
'Yes'," responded Dempsey' cousin.
Dempsey's face was now really plty
ful, and his wife wore a worried look.
"Whose your other witnesses?" sar
castically called out Attorney Zimmer
man of Dempsey.
"I think," said Dempsey falteringly
that we'd better adjourn the case. The
crowd laughed. "They're all swearln'
lies," he continued, which statement
was greeted with laughter from the
crowd. 'Squire Cooney did not feel
disposed to continue the case and there
was a pause.
Tlnally Dempsey, in peering over the
crowd of men, saw James Dempsey
inoiner relative, and a resident of the
ratrh. He called him to the stand.
This vltness swore nbout the samo
nn he rreeeedlng ones. Foley kept a
respectable place, ho said, and titers
va no Et-'l ng on 'Sunaay.
"What do you think of this man.
Dempsey, the prosecutor," asked Attor
ney Zimmerman In a seductive way.
"He's a peculiar fellow," hesitatingly
responded the witness as If not wash
ing to hurt Dempsey's feelings. Mrs.
Dempsey sat through this, nervously
clutching her husband's arm. She was
his only friend In the room.
Demjaey then called John Ruane
and Ruane swore that he never was
In the pj.ice.
"Como en, come on," railed Demp
sey at the witness. "No, I never was In
tho r'.ace," Bald Ituane. "I thought so,"
kindly put In 'Squire Cooney,
Deinpey was now very down heart
ed. "Let It go till tomorrow night,"
ho bp'soeehed, but the 'Squire ruled
'that as Dempsey had called the wit
nesses the caso should go on. Demp
sey again looked about the room but'
saw no friendly face. "There are all
my enemies," he cried, and he gave up
the cases against Foley, who was
thereupon discharged. Tho costs were
placed on Dempsey.
Tho next defendant was Mrs. Mary
O'Hearn, who was charged with selling
liquor without a license. Dempsey
braced up when this ease wae begun.
Mrs. O'Hearn was the one person who
liad cauMJd him to make the raid. She
had of late prosecuted ono of Demp
sey's relatives and It was a matter of
Just before Dempsey waa called At
torney Zimmerman called out to the
crowd "Watch my bicycle out there,
will you boys." "There's no thieves up
here" wns tho answer of one young
fellow 'Squlr Cooney opened tho wln-
dows so that th crowd out sldo could
h'car the case; he had some more
trouble with his Incandescent lights
and the cnoo was resumed. Dempeey
took the stand. He swore that ho had
paid 15 cents to Mrs. O'Hearn for a
quart of boor last November. "And I
owe her rtxty-flve cents yet," he added.
Ho bought beer there all tho time for
the past rlx months. Whon ho bought
It there wna a crowd In the houso,
"Who were sofne of them?" "Mlko
Ferguson, Patrick Ferguson and John
Joyce," said Dempsey, meanwhile look
ing around for tho men. "Any more?"
allied tho attorney. "What more do
you want?" exclaimed Dempsey. When
aslted what Sunday he had bought beer
there ho caused a. laugh by saying EU&
tcr Sunday in hl native tongue.
The case was going on In all serious
ness when suddenly a voice with a Ger
man accent came through the open
"Say, 'squire, I came here to pay my
rent, what about It?"
The crowd yelled with pleasure The
man outside continued:
"Will you relieve me now or wait till
"I'll take it now,'' yelled bhek
'Squire Cooney; and will give you a
receipt tomorrow,"
"No, you won't either," was the an
swer, and that settled It.
The case of Mrs. O'Hearn was con
tinued with Just such features. Demp
sey warned the crowd that he will get
a search warrant and find beer In every
house In the patch.
Mrs. O'Hearn was called to the stand
and Indignantly denied everything.
Dempsey asked her If a man wasn't
near killed In her place one night. "No,
sir; no, sir," she said with posltlveness.
John Judge, a milkman, never saw any
liquor sold there; neither did Thomas
Thomnu Gaughan drank many a
glass of beer with Mrs. O'Hearn but
he had not paid for It. Then It was
that Dempsey singled out another man.
"I'll not serve for an empty-headed
duck like you," tho fellow answered.
IThe O'Hearn case, like the Foley
case, was decided against DempBey,
and he has to pay tho wltne.s fees and
the alderman and constable's costs In
each case. The cases against Thomas
Gaughan and Michael Flnnerty will
come up this afternon at 5 o'clock.
. .
Several Interesting Papers Rend and
Solos Rendered.
An interesting meeting of the Laurel
club was held lust night at tho Young
Women's Christian nssoclaton hall.
The topic of the evening was San
Francisco, where the. national Chris
tian Endeavor organization will meet
this year. Miss Sarah Bevan read a
paper on northern San Francisco and
Miss Ethel Craven read another on tho
Yoscmlte valley. Mrs. Skeuth Jones
gave a piano solo, followed by the
reading of a paper on the "Principal
Points of Interest In San Francisco" by
Miss Theresa Kelscl.
Miss LIda Northrope told something
about "The City of Brlghnm Young."
The concluding number was a piano
solo by Miss Edith Swingle.
V. W. C. A. NOTES.
Miss Helen Long, state college sec
retary, has returned to her home In
Auburndale, after a five-months' trip
through the state, during which she
visited the headquarters in this city.
The board of managers will meet at
8 30 o'clock this morning.
The annual meeting will be held next
Tuesday evening. Election of officers
for the year will be made and other
business which calls for a large at
tendance of the members. Miss Tlm
berman will be the soloist.
Tho Crittonton Meetings.
Charles N. Crlttenton, the evangelist,
Is a man of sterling Christian ability,
he holds his audiences, as It were, spell
bound by his simple manner In pre
senting the gospel of Christ, that a
child can readily understand. Come
everybody It Is free and you will be
heartily welcomed. He will hold meet
ings In the following plaoes In Scran
ton, beginning June 7th to the 16th In
clusive: Hyde Park Simpson Metho
dist Episcopal, June 7; Providence
Methodist Episcopal church, June 8;
Green Ridge Presbyterian church, Juno
9. Remaining meetings until further
notice at the Scranton armory.
if Woman Ilnd Her Wny.
From Judge.
He "I Bee they are again discussing the
question, 'What shall we do with our ex
presldents?' It seems to be a difficult
She "That's Just 'like you men; you are
so unpractical In everything. If women
had a say In the government we would
settle it In a Jiffy."
lie "How?"
She "Why, abolish tho office of ex
presldent, of course."
Follimnn's Worst.
From tho Boston Courier.
Fraser "I have been thinking of getting
a pair of maTlne glasses; I wondor where
I should bo most apt to find them,"
Folllman "Marine glasses? At a notion
store, of course."
To Ho Kxpcctcd.
From the Philadelphia North American.
Mrs. Strate (severely) "Edward, 1 think
that new typewriter of yours is very
Edward "But remember, my dear, sho
Is compelled to work on tho eighteenth
"The waiter is vory atter.tlve. I wonder
what end he has In vlow."
"His tip, of course." Detroit Journal.
Spring medicine is a necessity which
Hood's Sarsaparilla grandly supplies.
It purifies and vitalizes the blood and
thus gives, tone and strength to the
wholo system.
Hood's Pills are the only pills to take
with . Hood's Sarsaparilla, Cure all
liver ills.
I And What It Will Buy.
Corn Starch, pkg avic
Gloss Starch 3-,,o.
Electric Starch, pkg. ,.t..,, 5:.
Diamond Starch, pkg. 5c.
Banner Soap 2c.
Live, Oak Soap SHc
Rice, lb sy&c.
Milk Cra:kers, fresh, lb 5c,
Lemon Cakes, fresh i,.Cc,
MolarscsCakes, fresh .Be.
NIc-Nacs, fresh 3o,
MoUsscs, best N. O., gall 25c.
Table Syrup, best, gall 25c.
-I- Vinegar, pure, elder, gall 12o.
-f Parlor Matches, doz. boxs 3VU5.
Q-ld Dust Corn Meal, lb liio.
-f Rolled Oats, lb jiic.
T Oat Meal, lb , jujc.
Don't pay big prices for vour
-e- socua. iou aunt nave to at
F, P. Price, Ag-t. -
Thirty-nine True and Forty Ignored
Dills Presented to the Court.
It Is I'robnblo Thnt tho Jurors Will
Complete Their Lnbors Today nnd
Will Then Present Their Final ltc
port nnd Recommendations to tho
Court Large Number Assault and
Battery discs Ilnro Been Heard
nnd Jllnnr of Thorn Ignored.
Another report was mado to court
ytsterday by the grand Jury. It con
sisted of thirty-nine true and forty
lgncred bills. Today the Jurors will
examine the Jail and In the afternoon
will probably present their final re
port and recommendations to the court.
The bills reported yesterday were:
Assault and Battery John r, Noary,
William Dlffgs. pros. Lucy Jones, Mary
Jano Richards, John 8. Jones, pros.; John
Shevnesky, Andrew Gordon, pros.; Wal
enty Dypka, Julius Mondkn, pros.: Giles
White, Charles Headden, pros.: Joseph
Besteok, John Boris, pros.; Ocorge Gur
ka, Mashlunka Thomas, Joseph Muka,
Jacob Megalla, pros.; Michael McCabe,
Bridget McOabe, prox.: John Cawley, An
drew Heffron, pros.; Mlchaol Musk, An.
drew Heffron, pros.: Augustus Fltzpat
rlok, Mary Fltzpatrlck, prox.; Wordock
Coshlnskey, William Rlchnock, proB.;
Harris Cohen, Myor Goldstlne, pros.; Ar
tenzlo Francolne, Glovannla Francolne,
Flllcerto Francolne, Josoh Paldera, pros.
Larotny and Receiving Martin McGar
rls, Michael Myontsky, pros.; Andrew De
gutlss, S. Middleman, pros. .
Cruelty to Animals Anthony Drygalla,
Michael Rock, pros. ,
Obstructing Execution of Legal Process
Anthony Rutkowsky, Timothy Jonos,
Statutory Rape Frank Stevens, ullsu
John E. Kelley. Annlo Brosky, prox.
Robbery-John McDonald, Jr., Moses Ca
bot, pros. . ..
Pointing Pistol Martin McGarrls,
MIChne.1 Myontsky, pros.
Embezzloment by Consignee Samuel
Rosenthal. M. Cohen, pros.
Carrying Concealed Weapons Martin
MoGarris, Michael Myontsky. pros.
Forgery Michael Moran, James Snee,
pros.; Michael Moran, Michael Snee,
pros.; Michael Moran: David Welghman,
pros.; John Atkinson. Michael Snee, pros.;
John Atkinson. James Snee, pros.; John
Atkinson, David Welghman, pros.
Fornication Dora Snyder. Annie Gates,
prox.; Mlohael Patrlllo, Tony Pernato,
pros. '
Fornication and Bastardy-George Har
rison, Annlo Tlndale, prox.; Thomas E.
Mills, Annie A. Sullivan, prox.
Falso Pretenses Anthony Walsh, r D.
W. Brown, pros.
Felonious Attempt Andrew Gordon,
Joseph Shcvensky, pros. .
Selling Liquor on Sunday Samuel Rod
way, JosoDh Pool, pros.
Selling Liquor Without License Dennis
Maloy, Mary Campbell, prox.: James E.
Laughlln, John Dixon, pros.; Samuel Rod
way. Joseph Pool, pros.; Patrick Flannel,
ly, John C. Peck, pros.
Assault and Battery Thomas Ford,
Mary Barber, prox., to pay costs; Frank
Slovens, alias John E, Kelley, Annlo
Brosky. prox., county to pay costs; Clark
Barber, Jane Barber, prox., county to pay
costs; William Keller, John Benarch,
pros., to pay costs; Mathlas Wagner,
John Benarch, pros., to pay costs; John
C. Peck, Lucy Welghman, prox., county
to pay costs; Simon Hlnerfold, L. Acker
son, J. M. Frank, pros., county to pay
costs; Simon Hlnerfeld, L. Ackerson, J.
M. Frank., pros., to pay costs; Frank Grl
eth, Mary Brown, prox., county to pay
costs; James Clifford, Jame Burns, pros.,
to pay costs; John MoGuIre, Mary Mc
Gulre, prox., county to pay costs.
Larceny and Rcoeivlnif William Furst,
Michael Rupp, pros.; William Richards,
Bazel Pawlowskl, pros.: Rocco Calvlllo,
Gulalppo Cambrlllo. pros.; Simon Hlner
feld, L. Ackerson. J. M. Frank, pros.
Selling Liquor Without License Patrick
MoHale, J. W. Clarkpros., county to pay
costs: James Walsh, J. W. Clark, pros.,
county to pay costs.
Selling Liquor on Sunday John You
hosz, J. W. Clark, pros., county to pay
costs; Patrick Flannelly, John C. Peck,
pros., county to pay costs: James E.
Laughlln, John Dixon, pros., to pay costs.
Robberv Dennis Maloy, Mary Camp
bell, prox.: John Frances, James E.
Laughlln. Jtfhn Dixon, pros.
Perjury Mary Rock. Anthony Dregella,
pros., to pay costs; Michael Rock, Anth-
onv uregeiia, pros., ia pay uokib.
liaise Protcnies Solomon Solomon,
Lawrence Skorupskl, pros., to pay costs.
Carrying Concealed AVeapons John Ho
mer, Thomas Leyshon, pros., county to
pay costs; Samuel Miller, r Michael Bo
blteh, pros., county to pay costs.
Malicious Mischief John C. Peck, Lucy
Welghman, prox., county to pay costs;
Louise. Lyman, Louis Smith, Harry
Schesslcr, pros., county to pay costs;
Stephen Lyman, Harry Schessler, pros,,
county to pay costs.
Embezzlement Samuel Rosenthal, M.
Cohen, pros.
Manslaughter George Svetz, alias
Georgo Smith, Thomas Leyshon, pros.
Adultery Donado Pernato, Tony Fe-nar
to. pro., to pay costs.
Pointing Pistol Samuel Miller, sr., Mlch
aol Bobltch, pros., county to pay costs;
John F. Meagher, John Maxwell, pros.,
county to pny costs.
Larceny by Bailee Frank Ruslnsky,
Frank Rustusky, pros.
Breaking and Entering Freight Car
Thomas Rooney, D. M. Lynch, pros.
Defrauding Boarding House Alexander
Rogowskl, Annie Harwln, prox., county to
pay costs; Samuel Perlse, Fred English,
pros., county to pay costs; Lewis Gentle
core, Stella Delaney, prox., county to pay
Morris MiiNCOvitz, of South Washing
ton Avenue, Drovo Over It.
Morris Muscovltz, the South Wash
ington avenue butcher, drove h'is wag-
11 is
Large assortment of styles, in
desirable shades, worth 50c, now
The best bargain of the sea
son, all wool, silk and wool and
Mohair Dress Goods, in Jac
quards, Chevroues, Overshot
Checks and Bourettes, 45c to
65c goods, for a few days only
A great variety of the finest
$1.00 Dress Goods, all new
styles and colors
on over a bicycle In front of Alder
man Wright's olflco yesterday after
noon. Tho wheel was owned by Joseph
Kathenpals, of tho South Side.
KathcnpeU left it standing on the
curb while he went Into Alderman
Wright's office to see him on a matter
of business. A puff of wind blowed
down the bicycle and whon Muecovltss
came along ho drove his wagon right
over It. The wheel was bent all out of
shape and made practically useless.
II. E. Pntne, tho Insurance mtrui, saw
tho happening from a window of his
office In the- Price building. He Inform
ed ICothenpels and the latter went
down nnd requested tho butcher to pay
tho damages. Muscovltz refused.
A warrant was then Bvoni out before
Alderman Wright. A hearing will bo
given tho case this morning. Tho war
rant charges "malicious mischief."
Aggregate Cost of tho Improvement
Will He 9117,000.
Tho report of Building Inspector
John Nelson for the month of May
shows that permits were Issued for Im
provements, the total cost of which
will be $117,000. Those to whom they
were Issued were:
Building Inspector Nelson has Issued
the following perjnlts for the month of
May, The total cost represented by
these buildings Is $117,000:
Michael Natter, extension to hall, one
story, wood: Alder street, Eleventh ward.
W. R. Edwiirds, extension to barn, one
story, wood: Linden streot, Eighth ward.
Ohurch of tho Holy Cross, on story,
wood; Fifth street, Sixth ward.
L. A. Cole, single dwelling, two stories,
wood; Leggett street. Third ward.
Nicholas Lanlng, extension to dwelling,
ono story, wood; Evans court, Fourth
Andrew Abplanalp, single dwelling, two
stories, wood; Main avenue, First ward.
Chris Stange, single dwelling, two sto
ries, wood; Birch street, Nineteenth ward.
Henry Sohadt, slnglo dwelling, two sto
ries, wood; Birch street. Nineteenth ward.
Henry Peel, single, dwelling, two stories,
wood; Maple street, Nineteenth ward.
A. McGutgan, single dwelling, two sto
ries, wood; Lackawanna Park, Twenty
first ward.
John D. Armbrust, block of four dwell
ings, two stories, wood; Cedar avenue,
Eleventh ward.
John G. Klamln, single dwelling, two
Btorles, wood; Taylor avenue, Tenth
F. St. Amand, barn, ono and one-half
stories, wood; Qulncy avenue. Ninth
J. B. Woolsey & Co., double dwelling,
two stories, wood; Qulncy avenue, Ninth
Peter Robllng, double dwelling, two sto
ries, wood; Qulncy avenue. Ninth ward.
C. R. Mathews, barn nnd carriage house,
two stories, wood; Monroe avenue, Ninth
W. Broadbent. double dwelling, two sto
ries, wood; Lafayette street, Fourth ward.
Carmine Orleco, fruit stand; Linden
street, Eighth ward.
Thomas Flynn, double dwelling, two
stories, wood; Sanderson avenue, Second
Thomas Flynn. double dwolllng, two sto
ries, wood; Sanderson avenue, Scond
Trustees E. V. Church, single dwelling,
two stories, wood; Falrvlew avenue, Four
teenth ward.
W. S. Cowles, single dwelling, two sto
ries, wood; North Main avenue, First
Charles B. Soott, three stores, one story,
brick; Adams avenue, Ninth word.
Board of Control, No. 28 school, two sto
ries, brtck; Wyoming avenue, Thirteenth
H. N. Patrick, single dwelling, two sto
ries, wood: Fairfield avenue. First ward.
Henry Hartmft, single dwelling, two
stories, wood: Brighton Place, First ward.
Fred A. Johnson, single dwelling, two
stories, wood; Grlghton Place, First
Charles B. Woscott, single dwelling, two
stories, wood; Brighton lace, First ward,
E. Finn & Sons, two single dwellings,
two stories, wood; Brighton Place, First
Herman Uran, extension to dwelling,
ono story, wood; Emmet street, Eigh
teenth ward.
Michael Kelly, single dwelling, two sto
ries, wood; Penn avenue, Thirteenth
C. V. Smith, double dwelling, two wto
rles, wood; South Main avenue, Fifteenth
Jacob Hauserath, single dwelling, two
stories, wood; Alder street. Nineteenth
E. Finn & Sons, three double dwellings,
two stories, wood; Webster nvenue. Sev
enteenth ward.
Lin Frlnk, slnglo dwelling., two stories,
wood: Prescott avenue, Tenth ward.
Charles Sehlager, single dwelling, two
.and one-half stories, wood; Clay avenue,
ooventeenin ward.
Scranton Savings Bank, bank and of
fices, two stories, stone; Wyoming ave
nue. Eighth ward.
Charles Neuls, &lngle dwelling, two sto
ries, wood; Mulberry street, Seventeenth
Ohurch of the Sacred Heart of Mary and
Jesus, private dwelling, two stories, wood;
Prospect nvenue; Nineteenth ward.
Peter Relf, single dwelling, two stories,
wood: Willow streot, Nineteenth ward.
S. B. Robertson, single dwelling, two
stories, wood; North Main avenue, Sec
ond ward.
F. F. Arndt, extension to dwelling, two
stories, wood; Green Ridge street, Thir
teenth ward.
250 XX White Envelopes for 17a at 8c.
Store, 523 Lack'a. ave.
Fnrraers' Institutes.
The county board of Farmers' In
stitute managers, will meet at the
county commissioners' office on the
second Tuesday of June, to arrange for
the placo where Institutes are to be
held this season. Ail of our people
who desire Institutes, ought to attend
this meeting and present their claims.
This board Is composed of the local
members of the state board of agricul
ture, and one representative from each
county agricultural society, the Pomona
Grange and County Alliances. If you
find that you cannot attend this meet
ing, address a letter with your re-
We Have Reduced tin Price on
Ladies' Suits, Skirts,
Gapes and Jackets. . .
Now is your opportunity to secure
a stylish garment cheap.
Geisha Waists.
Are "the most stylish, best fitting
waists manufactured. We have them
iu all the leading styles.
Ladies' light Percale Wrap-
pers, made as good as the best,
of extra good print,vorth $1.00,
now for
Linen Skirts, full width, and
very nice goods, only t
quest to chairman of board of Institute
managers, care of county commission
ers. A suitable hall for tho meeting
ought to be provided, free of charge, by
the locality wishing the Institute.
There are pills nnd pills but Dr. Ag
news' Liver Pills at 10 cents a vial lead
In demand. The salo borders on tho
phenomenal. Sluggish Liver, Constipa
tion, or Irregular Bowels are the pre
cursors of many physical disorders.
These Uttlo wonders remove the cause.
40 In a vial for 10 cents. Sold by Mat
thews Bros,
to oxamino our stock. Our store
ia overflowing with tho beat solco
tion of Homo and Foreign Manu
facturers. Two things wo never
loao sight of hero
Good Quality,
Low Prices
Wo civo tho best valuo in
money and tho moat satisfaction in
wear. A raro collection of
Millar & Peck,
Walk in nnd look around
Nothing like a telescope
for a short trip. Just got in
a lot Took all the maker had
of some styles at under price
figures, made for knocking
around, all sole leather cor
ners, riveted together. Best
leather straps and handles.
14 inch 29c.
16 inch 45c.
18 Inch 63c.
20 Inch 75c.
22 inch 87c,
34 inch 98c.
Dress suit casses, too.
Imported That we have im
China ported ourselves.
Dainty dishes that
are half what you'll pay when Mr.
Dingly arranges matters. Flow
ers and gold enough to look pretty.
Cream Pitchers,
Oat Meals,
Cups and Saucers,
Bon Bons
And other pieces,
The Rexford Co.,
303 Lackawanna Ave,
Sv Jv !;
China Hall
415 and 417
Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton.
These Prices for Monday Only.
10-qt. Enameled Dish '
Pan, was 49c., Mou- )Cft
10 qt. Enameled Water
Pail, was 54c., Mon-ftTp
2 qt Enameled Covered
Pail,was ioc,Monday
8 qt Enameled Cook
Pot, Blockton cover,
was 74c., Monday...
Enameled Cullenders,
was 44c., Monday...
Many Other Enamel Bargains for Monday.
irnlMfl ySiUr
HHrp WImp
310 Lackawanna Ave. "
is now open to the public.
He has in stock somo beautiful
pieces finished in Vnlnistnartlu, metal,
mahogany, delft, bird's eye maple,
etc. Ho Invites tho public in general
to call nnd examlno his new and beau
tlful stock of furniture.
of the newest designs, which
are without question the very
best for out-door use.
Call and get a costumer
for 79c. They are very
Why let your home and business xt destroy
ed throuzh itrontc drink or morpMs. wb.a
Sou cun be oar.d In four weake t the KMley
natltuto, 78 Madison . venue. Bcraaton, P
be Curs WUI Bear InresUgttlea.
Honeycomb, soft finish, reg- yn
ular price $1.00, now for ( JJi
Silkalines for summer coin- 7
forts, i2c goods, now for (j
Summer Comforts, silkaline
filled with very fine cotton, (Jj'f PC
Leather Stockings,the most
durable cotton hose made, will
outwear three pairs of ordi
nary 25c hose. Ask to see
them, Price

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