Newspaper Page Text
-tribune. 3 TWO CENTS. SlKANTOX, PA., MONDAY MOKNINC. DECEMBER T2. 1S9S. TWO CENTS f DEATH OF GEN. GARCIA Distinguished Cuban War rior a Victim of Pneumonia. PATAL NORTHERN WINTER Sudden Change from the Warm Climate of Cuba to tho Wintry Weather of New York nnd Wash ington Responsible for the Illness Which Cnused His Death The Last Moments of tho Hero Sym pathy of President McKinley. Washington, Dee. ll.Genornl C'nllx to Unrein, tho distinguished Cuban warrior nnd lender and the head of tin- commission elected by the Cuban assembly tu visit this country, dle.l here this morning shortly after 10 o'clock at the Hotel Raleigh, where tho commission has Us heudquartetv. The Midden change from Hie warm climate of Cuba with the hardships he had there endured to the wlntiy weather of New York and Washington is re sponsible for the pneumonia which re Milted In his demise. Ho contracted a slight cold In New York, which did not assume an alarming stage until the early part of lnsl week. On Tuesday night General !arcla, In company with the other members of the commission, attended a dinner given in his honor by Ueneral utiles, nnd it wns a result of the exposure that night that ctll mlnnted In his death. Durlnu: the 12 hours or more preceding dissolution General Unrein wns unconscious mot oi the time. At intervals he recognized otic or more of those about him. In his dying moments as all throu.i his 1 us and active life, his thoughts were for his beloved country and bis people mid among his Inst words were irra t.Mia' tnutterlngs, Iti which he gave order- to his son, who Is on his stair, for the buttle which he supposed wns t occur tomorrow nnd In which ho mnlci stood there weie only four hun tl.i 1 Spaniards to combat. Just before li- died he embraced Ills son. Icev. Magee, of St. Patrick's church, called in during the day and was villi Uenernl Unrein until the end, ad ministering the last rites of the Cath olic church. Oilier members of the co;.. mission and Mr. ltubens. their coumel in this country, wero also In the bed chamber when the end came. The remains were Immediately pre pared fee burial and were placed on a bier In the room In which he died. A t'ubnn Hag served us n covering and tlie bead rested on one of smaller di mension". Tile face and bust were left exposed to public view. The features ba' a lemarkably life-like appearance and gave no Indication of the suffeiiiigs v l.'ch the deceased had borne. Just aboc the head reted a magnificent !!' iu I piece of red and white roses and ii--H palms tied with a pure white rib bon, liy direction of Major Uenernl Miles a detachment of soldiers from Lattery E, Sixth artillery, at the bar racks here, under command of Lleuten t nt Cox. was detailed as a body guard for the leimilus. M'KINLEY'K SYMPATHY. After Ueneral Uarcla's death steps m -e taken to notify the government officials here nnd also the executive i 'inmltlees of the Cuban nssembly, wide li has Its headquarters at Jim Innan. Cuba Secretary Jose Vlllalon, of the i ommlsslon, sent a telegram of notlllcntlon to Mendez Capote, the preslibnt of the Cuban assembly, who Is now In Havana. When tho death berume known a number of visitors, lin hiding many public men, came to the hotel to express their condolences. 1'ivsideiii McKinley manifested his sympathy by sending a sultnbly word ed btter. and Vice President Hobart s nt his card. Among those who called w-rc Senators Foraker, Money, Proc toi and Chandler and .Major Ueneral Lav ton and MaJ r Ueneral Wheeler. Uenernl Unrein left n large family, only one of whom. Justo, a captain on his staff, was with him when he died. Ills widow and Mercedes, a daughter, 17 ears of ac, are at Thomasvllle. U.i. where the girl Is quite ill; Mailo, a son 1ft years of age, is with the mother nt Thoinasvllle, and Colonel C.uioas Garcia, auothe- son, Is In Cuba. A daughter. Leonora, who mar nod an American, Is now living In Paris. Ueneral Uarcla's mother Is still olive and l "sides in Havana. Ueiieial Uarclu. whose name will bo cv- r link'-d with those of other patriots who have fought against unequal odds f"i ilv f.vndoin of his country, has a active and varied life, much of uhkli has been spent In lighting for the cause or Cuban liberty, which hi bud the satisfaction of seeing ac 'nipl hheil sn short a time before his d'-atl- Me was a man of culture and M'Hn i.i' r.t, of splendid education and came l mm a distinguished family of .laquiud. 'if Santiago de Cuba province. II wns born In Coquln Oct. II, 1S39, iu 1 was therefore In the sixtieth year of Pis ,(jje. Ueneral Uarcia was ed ucated in Havana and Spain. In 1841 he wns mauled in Isabel Velez. Uen ernl Unrein wns 'he original consplr aior In the uprising of tin- Cubans rtg.-iiiiKt ftpuin In H0&. nnd in thut war under Cornea ho attained the rank of a b'-iy.ulier general. In October of lsS he captured tho towns of Jaiquanl and Hnlro and recruited many hiin oi ens of patriots, llo had command of the "iisteru departments dining that rev-liiilon afto.- jS7.1. and won many notable victories, including those nt Meloues and Atircz. Whilo tho revo lution was in a critical state In tho otl ir provinces and Its outcome was uncertain he maintained It with vigor In Mi" ter'.Itory under his command. In S7." whilo reconiioltetin.'j with his cscnit li'i was surrounded by 2,000 Spuniauls. I'mfeniuiT dentil to cap ture and subsequent execution nt the hands of his enemy, ho attempted sui cide by placing his revolver under his chin nnd firing. Tho bullet enmo out between his eyebrows. For months ho lay between life and death, but was saved finally by Spanish hiii goons who possibly had owed their own lives to his mercy. The Spaniards, believing ho wns ubout to die, gave httn. a par don. The hole which the bullet made when It entered the chin and came out between the eyebrows was always vis ible, nnd shows plainly In the calm ness of death. SUNT TO SPAIN. For his participation In tho revolu tionary movement Uenernl Uarcia was sent to Spain where for four yenra he was confined in castles nnd fortresses, remaining thorn until the peace of .an Jon. He then returned to the United States and together with Jose Murll attempted another revolution. Ho landed in Cuba with n few follower', but the country was tired of war and wanted to try the home rule offered by Spain. He capitulated to the Span ish forces In order to his few re maining followers nnd wns again ban ished to Spain In isso where he re mained urder surveillance until ISfIS when the lns revolution broke out In Cuba. Then he escaped to Franco and later to New York His movements since that time and his active partici pation In the war arc familiar to many newspaper readers. After coming to this country he endeavored to get an expedition to the Islnnd of Cuba In the steamer Hawkins but then met with shipwreck in a storm and the cargo was lost. Uenernl Uarcia wns the last man to leave the vessel. I'lidaunlcd by his failure Ueneral Uarcl.i made anoth er attempt to ship stores for the Insur gent", this time securing the ship Ber muda. He wns Intercepted, however, by I'nlted States authorities and wns arrested on the charge of fiillnieterlnpT but was released on ?3,000 ball. He for feited this ball and in a. Ileal attempt landed on the eastern roast, of the Island with one of tho largest expedi tions that ever reached Cuba. After landing he succeeded Ueneral Antonio Maceo in command of the tioops In the eastern department, holding the rani; of major general. Maceo lnarchiig wosi with his men. At Maceo's death Garcia wns elected lieutenant general of the Cuban army, which position he held to tlm close of the war. During tills commnnd he assaulted and look bv siege Tunas, Guisa nnd Uualmaro and cleared the Interior of his department of Spanish troops. After the declaration of war between the Culled States and Spnln, Gnernl Miles, commanding tl American army, er,t his representative to General Garcia and sub-equentlv the American nnd Cubnn g.-nerals,' co-operated In their movements against San tiago. All the olllcers who participated In tho active work around Santiago bear testimony to the great aid. nsslst ance and loyalty manifested by Uen ernl Garcia, during the campaign. When the Cuban assembly -net at the close of the war Ueneral Uarcia was one of the principal advlers nnd was elected chairman of the commission di rected to come to the l'tdted States and confer with the authorities hero with reference to the work In hand. The funeral arrangements have not been made. THK NEWS AT XEW YOIIK. New York, Dee. 11. After the news of the death of Ueneral Cullxto Uarcia was received here, Ueneral Palmn wns requested by the members of the Cuban commission to sturt at once for Wash ington. He was unable to comply with tlie request, because he has a child 111 at the Astor house ami because the general, together with his sons, was the host today of Mrs. Huls itlvera, the wife of Ueneral Ituls Itlvera, Hie Cuban exile, just liberated from n Spanish penal colony, who ni lived on La Cham pagne yesterday. Treasurer lleiijainiii J. Uuemi. of the delegation, wns Instructed by his chief to go to Washington and represent the junta in tlie arrangements for the funeral. Ueneral Palnia gave the following statement as hl tribute to the memory of his comrade-in-arms: "The Cubans will always consider Ueneral Uarcia one of the liberators of the island, nnd will keep his memory In grateful veneratlun, 1 was his per sonal friend since our youth, In my na tive town of Hayamo, and we have kept our friendship through all the stir ring events that have occurred since the 'CS war. I feel the loss of a com panion and friend. "A sad coincidence in connection with the death of Ueneral Uarcia Is the fact that his youngest daughter, Mercedes, who but sixteen years old, is now 111 with consumption In Ueorgla, whence she wiim to go with her muther nnd father to Cuba to enjoy for the remain ing months of her life the liberty and the old associations which the sacri fices of Ueneral Uarcia had helped to make realities." It. J. Uuerra, In an Interview, said! "Uenernl Uarcia was the highest typo of the line patriot. He devoted his whole life to the welfare of Ills coun try. Theie was no sacrifice he did not make for Cuba. He dies In Cuba's ser vice and his death brings deep mourn ing into every Cuban home." THE SULTAN IS CORDIAL. He Has Promised to Pay All Amer ican Claims. Constantinople, Occ . 11. Oscar Straus, I'nlted States minister to Tur key, had nn audience -with the sullan on Friday. It was exceedingly cordial and It Is understood that assurances were given to the American minister regarding a satisfactory settlement of all pending questions between the United States and Turkey, including the payment of Indemnity for American lesses In Ar menia, He Shot at Skaters. Lai.ciislcr. Pa., Dec. II. This afternoon a crowd of about fifty skaters were chased by Jacob Stehnmn from a pond on his farm near here, and ns they departed, Jibing him, tho farmer seized a shotgun can led by ono of his farm hands and llred Into tho crowd, seriously wounding n young man named Matthew 3hue. A warrant was Issued for the assailant's arrest. Dreyfus to Return. Pails, Doc. 11. Lo Solr this evening an. pounces tho return of Dreyfus at an early date. Jt asserts that tho govern menu has formally decided upon thin course and ban ordeied a body of soldiers to bo In lomllnesH to cjcort him from th port of lnnrtlns to Porlx. SIGNING OF THE TREATY OF PEACE WORK OP THE COMMISSIONERS AT PARIS IS COMPLETED. Impressive Scenes nt the Last Meet ingA View That Would Hnvo Afforded nn Excellent Subject for a Great Historical Painting. Spnnlnrds Comment Acridly Upon American Relic Hunters. Paris. Dec. 11. The trenty of peace was signed at S.4T. o'clock last evening. The slgnlni: of the treaty would have afforded a subject for a great histor ical painting. Around the great ma hogany tnble snt the ten arbiters of the destinies of an old and n voting nation, ranged standing behind them were nu merous attaches of the American com mission. The Jets from the crystal chandeliers above the bends of those present magnllled the brilliant green and scarlet of the upholslerhigs into l?n tidiness. Theiv was a theatiicnl contract be twcii the black-clothed actors and the Sconerj. To Hie Americans It was a happy endliu; of the epilogue of vnr: for the Spaniards It was plainly a bit ter tragedy, none the less painful be cause long foreseen. Thev sat silently as though almost crushed, and none could withhold sympathy from Senor Montero Ttl"s, the president of thj Spanish commission, who, coming from his bed, wns bundled In a great over coat, though logs were burning in the flreplnce near by. The spirits of tho two bodies wen; symbolised by the clothes worn by the members of tho commission, for the Americans were attired In evening dress for tho din ner given to them Immediately after the meeting by tho Due de Loubat, and the Spaniard-, wore black frock coats. SIGNING OF THK TITEATY. Although the commission:! met nt 3.30 o'clock, expecting to llnish their work In u half hour, the engrossing of the trenty on parchment wns found lo be so troublesome thnt It delayed the shin ing of the document until 8.20 o'clock. Mr. Martin, clerk of the American com mission, worked all day without even stopping to eat. When he came into the chamber at 7.20 with the document he found the commissioners wait leg. The Spanish copy had arrived ,i half hour earlier. Arthur Ferguson then proceeded to read the English nnd nf terthattheSpnnlshverslonof the tieaty. This finished, two copies were passed around the table, the commissioners signing them In the order of their lank man K. Davis. Senator Win. 15. Frye. man K. Davles, Senator William It. Fre, Whltelaw Held anil Senator George Uray: Senor Monlein Itlcw, Senor Abarzuza, Senor Uurnica. Senor VII laurutla and General Cerero y Saens each commission signing Its opponents treaty. Ilotb were tied with the Span ish and American colors. When the seals were prepared to bo alllxed, attendants were sent scurrying for i Illinois of the French tricolor, with which the documents weie scaled as a compliment lo the French hosts of the commission. The Inst seal being impressed, the commissioners arose, and without, for mality each member shook the hands of all his antagonists and exchanged assurances of personal esteem. The Spaniards afterwards commented acridly upon what they termed the bad taste of the Americans In mustering In a crowd of attaches to gloat over the consummation of their downfall and to scramble for relics. The signing was finished at S.iri. Tlie members of the Spanish commission left hurriedly through the vestibule to their carriage Tlie Ameriern com missioners strolled out chatting com placently and as the. dcscctuli-d the steps the lights In the chamber wero darkened. There has been a geiat contest among the families nnd friends of the Ameri can commissioners for possession of the pens with which the signatures to the treaty were written. Some of the Americans were provided with hand same pens purchased for the purpose. The Spaniards appeared to be unaf fected by the souvenir craze, and con tented themselves with the ordinary quill pens strewn on the table. Arthur Ferguson, the Interpreter of the American commission, requested Senor Montero lilos to give him his pen, saying: "Have you anj desire lo preserve the pen with which you will sign?" "Not the slightest," ' said the Span lard, with a courtly bow. SEVENTEEN A ItTICLKS. The tieaty as signed consists of sev enteen at tides, t having been found advisable to sub-dlvldo two or three of the articles In the draft agreed upon at the last meeting. The commissioners of the two nation wrote their signatures on two copies of the treaty, one copy being for the arch ives. The document was prepared by Sec retary Moore on behalf of the T'nlted States commission, and by Senor VII laurutla for Spain, on account of the continued illness of Secretury Ojeda, of the Spanish commission. Each copy contained tlie English and Spanish texts of the trenty In parallel columns. The wording had been approved previ ously by the commissions without a Joint meeting, so there wns no contro verity on this subject. COMMISSIONERS REST. Personal Friendship Between Amer ican and Spanish Members. PaiiH, Dec, 11. Tho United States peace commissioners rested today after the long strain of dally conferences and almost dally sessions with the Span lards, the Intensity of which wns hard ly realized until it was overcome. Warm poiKinal friendships and mutual relations have arisen between tho two commissions ns the result of their ex tended controversy at closo quarters. Today several members of both com missions exchanged cnllH. The Ameri can commissioners unofficially Informed tho Spaniards that they would be glad to hnvo the two commissions dliio to gether. Tho reply, which, llko tho In vitation, was conveyed diplomatically through a third party, was that the Spnnlnrds would bo most pleased, but fpHre ' ' 'nurivlwible. because It might be misconstrued at Madrid, where already much feeling existed against tho Spanish commissioners. Several members of tho United Statc.i commission were Inclined at first to publish the text of the treaty, but Sen ator Fryc made a strong pica yester day for the observance of courtesy to ward tho United States senate, and his arguments prevailed. Further details, however, have been learned ns to the wording of the treaty, which provides that Cuba Is to be re llnqtilshcd nnd thnt Porto Itlco and tho Phlllplties lire to be ceded. The Ameri cana are to pay for the repatriation of the Spanish troopsi from all the colo nies. The Spaniards are to return all prisoners held by them. They arc to retain possession of nil military stores and munitions of war In the Philip pines nnd of such ships1 as have not been captured. Tho commercial treaties between the two nations which the wnr ruptured me to be renewed nt the convenience of the two nations. The protocol makes nearly six hun dred typewritten pages. The I'nlted States commissioners have been almost overwhelmed w Ith offers of dinners In England, prompted by the desire by prominent Englishmen to emphasize the Anglo-American en tente, but they will remain In Paris until the dnv before calling for tho United Stutes. They will make formal calls upon President Faure and high oftltials hero to thank them for olllclal hospitality. T'nolllclal hospitality to the United Stales commissioners has been osten tatiously lacking In Paris. RIOS' ACTION APPROVED. El Liberal Regards the Paris Afl'nir a Sad Spectacle. Madrid, Dee. 11. The government en tirely approves the memorandum of protest against the action of the United States commissioners filed by Senor Montero Ulna at Paris. Ml Liberal says- "The Paris negotiations offer a far sadder spectacle than the ships which are bringing hack our soldiers, deplor able ns the condition of tho latter Is." The cabinet. It Is said, will mtet the cortes intact. Senor Sagasta. will ask an Indemnity bill for the cession of tho Philippines. The cabinet will then declare that as it finds Itself at a '-risls. It cannot ad mit any debate end will, therefore, de mand the Immediate adoption of the bill, which Senor Sagasta will submit the question of confidence to the queen regent. El Heraldo says the government be lieves that In the present circums lances the holders of the Philippine debt will accept the arrangement arrived at, nnd considers that tho Cuban bond holders should demand of the future r.'vern ment of Cuba a fulfillment of th con tract by claiming a mortgage 'in tho customs which guarantee the de'it. LIEUT. WARK REPRIEVED. To n Certain Extent He Was Inno cent of the Crime Chargell. London, Dec. 11. Lieutenant Wark, of the Iloynl artillery, who on 'Thurs day last was sentenced to death on the charge of murdering Miss Jane YatiV, of Liverpool, a girl of good family, by conspiring with her to procure in .'11c gal operation, which resulted In her death, has been reprieved. The evidence In the case ten 'led lo show that the glil wos solely respon sible. She made a statement before she died exonerating Wark, who, nfter the jury hadj-eturned a verdict f, f guil ty, protested his innocence in open court. Wark. who Is an Irishman, Is If! years of age and married. He en listed as a private about 'M years ago and rendered distinguished sei vices in the Afghan war. He met Miss Wites while he was stationed at Liverpool. She was a pupil In a riding t'ctnol there. Tlie witnesses for the defense showed that Wark tried to p?r3iiado her not to undergo the operation but on her Insisting, he promised to stand by her. The scene In which 1 e pro tested his Innocenco was highly dra matic and was followed by an extra ordinary demonstration aga'pst the trial Judge when the latter Itft the .'ourl room. The newspapers tcok tho mrtter up, declaring that !f tlie ver d'et was legal It would be an cjutrasie ti carry out the sentence, ns "VVar'.c was evidently entirely innocent of de liberate participation in thj girl's crime. MILLER WINS THE RACE. Tlie Noted Chicago Cyclist Scores His Second Triumph. New York, Dec. 11. With twelve of the thirty-one original starters on the track the six-day bicycle race at Mad ison Square Garden was tlutshed last night at ten minutes and twenty sec onds after Hi o'clock, the signal for the Juded men to quit being a pistol shot llred by Frank norland, of the nrooklyn Ilieyiie club. A big crowd was present to watch the finish, but not so big as that of last year. Chailes .V .Miller, who won the race last year with 1,flS3 miles SSO yards to his credit, was ngaln the winner, with Frank Waller second and Hums W. Pierce Hi ii cl. Miller will receive $1,700 from the. management ns his share. Nawn, who finished eighth, will get $12.'). The final score was: Miles. Laps, . :i7 l , LiKI 2 . i,;m i . 1.S22 . 1.72 2 . 1.7u7 r, . 1,720 : . 1.721 7 , IMS S . 1,31'J S . 1.31).' 2 . 1.1M 7 Miller Waller , Pierce . Albert .. UllUIII .. Lawsou Aronson Nawn .. Former Stevens Hale .... Julius .. Victim of Powder. Wllnihmton. Del.. Jjcc. 11. -Thomas Me Caun. ubciI 00 yearn, who was serlousl biinnil twin the explosion nt the Uupout powder works on Friday morning, died tonight of his Injuries Thursday nlsht MeCann Joined a beneficial "oclely pi.ylnx (1 Initiation fee and his family will lie Klvcn 12,(Kni funeral bemiit tomuirow morning. The othem Injured at the ex plosion are recoverhiB. Letting Up on Scovel. Washington, Dee. 11. Tho order ex cluding Sylvester Seovel, newspaper cor respondent, from all naval ships nud yards ami nrmy reservation" unri ioti has been revoked. PROGRAM OF THE WEEK IN CONGRESS SENATE WILL CONSIDER THE NICARAGUA CANAL BILL. Will Be Called Up by Senntor Mor ganThe Anti-Scnlping Bill Will Also Be Called Up if Posslblo at nn Enrly Date Beyond the First Threo Days Thero Has Been no Programme Mnpped Out for tho House. Washington, Dec. 11. Tho course of proceeding!) In the senate this week will depend upon tho disposition thnt is made of the Nicaragua canal bill. It Is Senntor Morgun's Intention to cnll up this measure Monday, and ho ex pressed the hope that he will secure action at the Monday session. Few of his most sanguine co-workers agree with him In this opinion, and the be.'t Indication is thnt unless nn ugreement can bo reached before postponement, several days at least will be consumed In Its consideration. The opponents of tho measure will meet Us supporters with a proposition to defer considera tion until after the Christina holidays, and they will give as their reason for this request the fact that the report of the government commission nppolnt ed to Investigate the feasibility of the canal has not yet been made, urging the Importance of receiving the Infor mation which tho committee will be able to furnish before acting upon so Important a question. If the bill Is taken up In earnest It will consume tho greater portion of the senate's time un til finally disposed of. Another subject on the calendar Is the antl-scalplng bill which Senator Cullom has Informed the senate he will seek to get up at nn early day, but will meet with opposition If ho makes the effort, and Is not likely to suceed this enrly In the season. The special order for Monday at two o'clock is tlie bill providing for the re gistry of foreign built ships, but if tlie Nicaragua bill should be talcn up the registry bill will not be allowed to consume much time. Senator Morrill has given notice of a motion Tuesday to consider the bill providing for the purchase of a site for the United States supreme court, but the proceedings with leference to this measure will be confined to a speech by the Vermont senator, it has been prophesied that the nrmy bill would be used as a pre text for discussion of the Spanisli war, nnd the fear of such a course has not entirely subsided. IN THE HOUSE. Beyond tho first three days there Is no programme mnpped out for tho house this week. Tomorrow will bo de voted, under the rules, to tho consid eration of business relating to the Dis trict of Clumbla and on Tuesday the District of Columbia appropriation bill will be taken up. This Is In pursuance of the determination of the leaders to give the appropriation bills the light of way whenever one Is ready. There Is nothing in the district bill this year to attract opposition, nnd unless the unexpected happens the bill ought to pass Tuesday, or Wednesday at the latest. The appropriations sub-com-tnlttee will commence work on the pen sion appropriation bill tomorrow, but It can hardly bo ready before next week. It Is possible that Chairman Hull, of the military appropriations committee, will be able to bring In the nrmy reorganization bill as soon ns the district appropriation bills are out of the way. He Is anxious to set the bill in tlie house nt the earliest possi ble moment, as he is iiartlcu'iuiy sollcitlous that It should pass before the holidays. Tlie future policy of the government Is ordained in the bill for the Increase of the standing army and tlie whole subject will be opened up. The Democrats are divided on tho question of Increasing the resulnr nr my, but how far the opposition will go In antagonizing the measure It Is Im possible to forecast. Only last week during tho debate on the urgent defi ciency bill Mr. Denrmond. of Missouri, one of the leaders, evaded direct reply when the question wns put fairly at him by Mr. Cannon, chairman of the appropriations committee. If the nrmy reorganization bill does not con..! up the various committees tinder the call will probably be allowed to dean up the business which they have on the calendar. DETROIT REFORMERS. The Good Government People Open Their Campaign. Detroit, Mich.. Dec. 11. The resigna tion of Police Commissioner Halph Phelps, jr., was demanded today at a mass meeting of representative citi zens1, held In one of the leading churches. This action is the direct re sult of recent agitation toward tho en forcement of law, und abolishing of vlco by the Good Government league of Detroit nnd others. Mr. Phelps was charged, among other things, with being on fifteen liquor bonds prior lu his appointment as com missioner, when the law exprescly pro vided thai no one shall sign mote than two. Anglo-American Commission. St. Johns, Dec. 11. It Is teported III oil! rial circles hero todnv thut the Anglo American Joint high commission, having under consideration the questions In (lis. pule between Canada and the T'nlted Stales, will adjourn on Thursday next to rrsiimo Its slttlnss next March after the expiiatlnn of the present congiess, when ,i special session of the T'nlted States sea. nte, then under Republican control, will he called to ratify a treaty submitted by l he Joint high commluslon. Lee Sails for Cuba. Savannah. On.. Dee. 11. Ucmral Leo and staff sailed for Cuba this afternoon on tho transport Panama. Crowds of pen. pie lined the wharves as tha transport passed down tho river. As the tug boats cut looso the slron taken from tho Span ish cruiser Almlrante Ofticndo nfter the battle of Santiago nnd now on the tug Cambria, screeched the Panama a parting filiate. Ueneral Leo will remain outside of Havana until January 1, when ho will enter the city. Picquart's Relense Ordeied., Paris, Dec. 11,-l.a, Llberto snys that tho temporary release of Colonel liequnrt pa alrparlv benn nrrtere. THE NEWS THIS M0KN1NCI Weather Indication! Today) Fair; Westerly Wind. 1 Ocncial Quay Asks the Supremo Court to Grant a Fair Trial. Forecast of tho Week In Congress. Ueneral Uarcla's Death. Treaty of Peace Is Slsncd. 2 Uenernl Quay Asks for a Fair Trial (Concluded). Financial and Commercial. J Local-Sermon by ltov. Dr. llarcourt nt Kim Park Church. 'Xlio Vnn Horn Appeal. 4 Editorial. Comment of the Press. G Local Two Murder Cases Down for Trial This Week. Sentences Imposed Saturday. 5 Local West Scran tn and Suburban. 7 Nows Hound About Scranton. S Uenernl-News of tho Thirteenth Regi ment. Industrial News. EARLY MORNING FIRE. James Lewis nnd Daughters Had a Narrow Escape from Suffocation. At 2.1j this morning fire broke out In tho double frame dwelling owned by Edward Farr at 410 and 412 North Main avenue. The fire started at the chim ney nnd burned the ood wot Is In tho vicinity of it from tho X asoment to tho roof. The building is quite badly damaged. The apartments nt 110 wore occupied by .Tnmes Lewis and three dnughters. They had a narrow escape from suffo cation. When awakened their apart ments were Silted with smoke and they barely escaped In their night clothes. Mr. Lewis crawled through a second story window In the rear nnd dropped to an outbuilding nnd from there to the ground. His daughters reached a. porch lu front of the building and cried for help. Lieutenant Williams und his olllcers let down the awning In front of tho building and directed the young women to jump Into It. From the awning they wero rolled Into the arms of olllcers who stood beneath It. The apartments at 112 wero occupied by Nathan Koplln and faml'y who fs caped without difficulty. Mr. Furr's loss Is covered by insurance. FOUR PERSONS CREMATED. Result of a Fierce Fire nt Prospect Place, Brooklyn. Xew York, Dee. 31. By a fierce fire which occurred tonight in a Hat houso at Xo. 134 Prospect place, Brooklyn, four persons met death nnd the lire men arc still searching the ruins in fear of iiudln? more bodies before morning. A late report Is that six are dead and six missing. The :!re started about 9.30 o'clock In the basement, of the structure. Three alarms were instantly turned in but all the engines In the district were at an other lire, and by tlie time thev ar rived at th, Prospect place Hru the flames had t'aned such headway that very little could be done to save the properly. The house was occupied bv live fam ilies, and a boy's club had looms lu the basement. It Is supposed that lu some way the boys accidentally set the place on fire us at the time llames wero discovered coming from tho place. The known dead are: S. L. llOHF.HTSO.N. MKS. L. S. HOnEHTSON. THOMAS AVINNK. Cniitcntillcd woman, supposed to be mother-in-law or Joseph Xoblett, of lirooklyu. POTTERY SYNDICATE. Trenton Manufacturers Confident That It Will Succeed. Trenton. X. J., Dee. 11. The option secured by a syndicate of capitalists on a large number of general ware pot teries In the T'nlted States, notably those of East Liverpool and Trenton, has been extended to April 1. Trenton manufacturers are confident the syn dicate will succeed and expect the deal to be closed within a few weeks'. It Is Intimated that the absorption may also include the sanitary potteries now being operated by the Trenton pottery syndicate. Colonel Bryan's Resignation, avaiiuah. On., Dpi1. 11. -Ueneral Klefer, who Is lu command of the remaining troops of the Seventh Aimy corps, since Uenernl Lee's departure for Cuba tonight, conllrmul the rumor of Colonel w. J. llrynn's rtslgnntion of his command. Hoih Ueneral Lee nnd Ueneral Kelfer endeav ored lo Induce Colonel Lryaii to go to Cuba, but were unsuccessful. Lleiiltnnut Colonel Vifquaill Will succeed him. The Barcelona Disaster. Ilnreelonn. Dec. 11. A huge quantity of back work In a ac wer in course of con stiuctlon collasped this morning burying many ot the workmen. Eighteen bmlles have been recovered. Steamship Arrivals. New York, Dec. 11. Arrived: T'mbiia, Liverpool; La Champagne. Ha vie, Quecnstown Arrived: Luenul.i, from Liverpool, Xew York. Federation of Labor. KaiiMx City. Mo., Pec. 11. The annual convention of the American Fedcratlo of Labor will be called to order at 0 o'clock Monday morning. Policy of the Vatican. 1'onie, Dec. 11. The pope has decided that the Spanish policy of the atlcan shall bo aiitt-Caillst and not neutral. novelist Black t)ead. London. Dec. 11. The death Is an nounced ot William Illnck, the novelist. t -M-f -M-ft -f WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Lee. ll.-KorrciiKt for Monday: For eastern IVnit. vniiia. generally fair; limit went- eily winds, -f M- -HMf-M-rt-H--t-t---t-f QUAY PLEADS FOR JUSTICE Supreme Court Is Asked to Grant a Fair Trial. STARTLING CHARGES MADE Justices Williams nnd Green Mnko fi Rule, Returnable Jan. 7, to Show! Cause Why a Writ of Certiorari Shall Not Bo Granted to Rcmova tho Quay Conspiracy Cases front the Philadelphia Court of Quarter Sessions Complete Text of tho Remnrknblo Petition Upon .Which This Rule Is Based. Philadelphia, Dee. 11. Tho latest move In the Quay-Haywood conspiracy cases came to a focus yesterday in thu form of a rule granted by Justices Green and Williams, of tho Supremo court, on the commonwealth of Penn sylvanla, to District Attorney Graham, to show cause why a writ of certiorari should not bo granted, removing tho cases from the court of quarter ses sions, where they were to hnvo been tried on Monday, to the Supremo court. The rule wns made returnable on Jan uary 7, ISflfl, and all proceedings ard stayed until further order of the court. This1 order removes all possibility oC the conspiracy cases being tried at the present term of the court of quarter sessions, nnd It nlso takes them out of the hands of District Attorney George S. Graham, unless Mr. Graham should bo retained to upsist his successor in otlice in this connection. Tho order ot the court Is as follows: "And now, this iltli day of December. 1S!)S, It is ordered that a rule upon, the commonwealth of Pennsylvania bo served upon the district attorney of the county of Philadelphia, returnablu on Saturday, the seventh day of Jan uary, 1SD9, at 11 a. m., to show causa why a writ of certiorari shall not be granted to bring Into this court certain indictments and the proceedings con nected therewith now pending in tho court of quarter sessions of the peaco for the county of Philadelphia, to Xo vetnber sessions, 1S9S, Xos. 32S, 329, 330, 331 and 332. All proceedings In tho court of quarter sessions of the peace to stay until further order uf tlie court. (Signed) "Henry Green. "Henry W. Williams." TEXT OF THE PETITIOX. The petition setting forth the ground on which the order of the Supreme) court was based Is as follows: To the Honorable, the Judges of tho Supreme court of Pennsylvania, sittlnfr In the Eastern district: The petition of Matthew S. Quay, HIcliard It. Quay and Henjatnln J. Iluy wood respectfully represents: That they are under Indictment In tho court of quarter sessions of the pence, of Philadelphia county for various sup posed offenses set out In said indict' inents, ns follows: One of said Indictments, to wit, Xo. 32S of Xoveiuber sessions, 18!IS. chargeH your petitioner. Matthew S. Quay, with conspiring with one John S. Hopkins, late cashier of the People's bank of the city of Philadelphia, to use the mones of the bank in tlie purchase and sale of shares of stock for the benefit unit account of him, the said Matthew S. Quay. One of said Indictments, to wit, Xo. 329 of Xoveiuber sessions, ISfiS, charges your petitioner, Matthew S. Quay, with conspliingwitlitho saldJohn S. Hopkins to buy and sU stock for the account of him, the said Matthew S. Quay.througlt him, the said John S. Hopkins, who was then cashier of the said People's bank. One of said indictments, to 'wit, XTo. 330, charges all of your petitioners with conspiring to convert to their own uso a portion of the public money of tho commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One of said ludh tnients, to -wit, Xo. 331, of Xoveiuber sessions, IS9S, ejinrge.i your petitioners, Matthew S. Quay and lJeujnmlu J. Haywood, with conspiring on tlie 21th day of .March. 1S9S. with various persons who had respectively held the office of state treasurer of said commonwealth during their respective terms covering a pel iod of more than twelve years prior to wild date, to mis appropriate and mlsus-e public inoue.i of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which had been puniously deposited m said bank, und, theieupon, wholly ceased to be public money. One of said Indictments, to wit, .Nn, 332, of Xoveiuber sessions, 1S9S. charge your petitioner, Heiijamiu J. Haywood, with unlawful loaning out moneys of the commonwealth and entering int agreements to del he beueilt and gam from the deposit of such public moneys of the commonwealth. Xo affidavit waa made against your petitioner, Ilenja mln J. Haywood, on said charge, imr was there ever any arrest, healing or binding over upon said charges. A DENIAL OF CII'ILT. Your petitioners are absolutely guilt less of each and every one of said sup posed offenses, and have neither con spired nor attempted to conspire, with uny of the persons named In said In dictment, nor with uny other person or persons, either to misappropriate nnd llllssuse tlie inonejs of the People's bank or the moneys of the common wealth or to'do any other unlawful act whatever, nor has your petitioner, said lienjamlii J. Haywood, loaned out money contrary to law or entered Into any agreement or agreements to derlso nny benefit or gain from the deposit of the same, as Is charged lu said bill of Indictment No. 332. Your petitioners are advised by coun sel, and therefore aver that said in dictments Xos. 32S. 329 and 330 and 331 nre absolutely defective) In law. In that they full to set forth any nets which tiro unlnwful or any means which mako It appear upon the face of said Indict ments that they or either of them con spired to d" any unlawful act or to uso any unlawful means to do uny net not lu itsseK unlnwful, In relation to th" inn tiers therein set forth: and that sail Indictments failed to charge either or any of the said defendants with any offi use known to law, und that by rea son of Mild liisullleleiicy of said Indh -incuts no Judgment could bo entered thereon against them, even If the fuels Continued on Page 2.J