OCR Interpretation

The Scranton tribune. [volume] (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 31, 1902, Image 5

Image and text provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026355/1902-12-31/ed-1/seq-5/

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V vnsM Sgwrqpp :
.'fln - -i vv flt"v. T' "
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Tho Modern Hardware Store,
A ploce around the door illls up
tho macks niul keeps out tho
cold air keeps In tho warm. It
also sevyes n a. cushion for
door to slrlko against, prevent
ing' slamming.
2c to 6c Per Foot.
Prnt( fir. Shear Col
H9 Washington Ave.
$800,000 of Bonds
and Stock for sale
Among this Hat are Included most
of tho Local Stocks and Band?, tho
former being Bank, Lumber, and
the Industrials. Our Bond list em
braces Railroads, Lumber, 'Water,
Electric Light, Electric Railways,
.Municipal, and In fact most every
kind ot Bond that In our opinion
aro a conservative Investment, and
include 4's, 5's and 6's.
. F". MEGARGEL. St Co.,
Bankers and Brokers.
Connell Building.
Make only one Now Year's re
solution and concentrate all
your efforts on keeping it.
Resolved that on or before
January 1, 3903 I will open an
account at tho Dlmo Bank and
deposit something at least onco
ii wool:.
You do this and wo will do
the rest at tho
Dime Bank
Corner of Wyoming Ave
nue and Spruce Street,
Uouble hou3o on Washington ave
nue, near l'lne street, for tho re
markably low pilee of $3,100. Ts'o
tlco the location. Lot is 10xl00.
What du you think of tho price? A
pioperty like this, so near tho post
office, library, high school, court
house and on a busy struct like
Washington avenue, at this prlco
is enough to daze you. Reduced
from $7,1)00.
$5400 T0 $5400
This house contains IS rooms, cel
lar under whole houso Good lo
cation for an apartment house and
business. Two years ago wo of
fered a certain properly on Wash
ington avenuo lor 810,000. Today
you cannot buy tho property lor
less than $CO,Ou0. Tills gives you
an idea of what you may expect in
the future.
R. E. COMEOYS, 709 Connell Bide.
Register Now
For the New Term in
The flardenbergh
o! Miisic and flrf
Carter Building;.
Infants' Outfits
OUT Specialty
The lnost advanced ideas
as to proper care and dress
ing of infants, with a full
line of their requirements.
Send for catalogue.
118 Washington Avenue.
Ready to Wear
Your thoroughly cleansed gar
metits are mended and ready to
put an, when they come from
j-lndabury, Su-joon, diseases ot
In specialty, -215 Council building.
H a. m. to 4 p. in,: 7 to G.3)
New M i
The Hoard of Managers of the Young
Women's Chtiutiiui Association
Will Receive Between tho Hours of
4 and 10 p. m. Y. M. C. A. Recep
tion Originally Blnuned Will Not
Bo Held "Open Houso" nt Knights
of Columbus and Firemen's Relief
" Association.
A number of public receptions have
already been planned for to-morrow
and thosewho may desire to go out
will havo flu dearth of places to go.
Tho annual New Yenr'n reception at
the Young Women's Christian Associ
ation rooms will bo conducted between
the hours of 1 and 10 p. m. 'Che mem
bers of the board of, managers will re
ceive, assisted by a number of tho as
sociation managers and JIlss Wood, the
In the afternoon there will bo a gym
nastic exhibition in tho gymnasium con
cluding with a busket ball game. Ue-
tween tho hours of S and 10 there will
bo it musical and literary entertain
ment in the main auditorium. Recep
tions will also be held between tho
hours of A and 10 at the South Scranton
und North Scranton branches.
It was thought ut first thut the new
Young JIon'B Christian Association
building would bo ready In time to
have It opened with a grand reception
to-morrow, but this has been found to
bo Impossible. Tho building Itself Is
practically complete but It is not com
pletely furnished as yet.
The Knights of Columbus will havo
an "open house" all day at their club
house on North Washington avenue
and the lady and gentlemen friends ot
the society aro Invited to attend. Light
refreshments will be served all day.
"Welcome, firemen," will bo tho slo
gan at tho headquarters of the Fire
men's Relief Association on Spruce
street, where, tho general public is In
vited. There will bo a New Year's eve ser
vice this evening in the Providence
Presbyterian church. "Lessons" will
bo the thema of the setvlce. The pas
tor, Rev. Dr. Guild will give a brief ad
Will Be Known as The VanDyke
Piano Manufacturing Co.
'The Keller & VanDyke company have
made application for a charte." and aro
about to incorporate under the firm
name of The VanDyke Piano Manufac
turing company.
The otilcers of the company will be
W. P. VanDyke, president and treas
urer; Arthur D. VanDyke, vice presi
dent; Arthur L. Collins, pecretary; Jos
eph Keller, superintendent and general
manager. Mr. Keller was the general
manager of the old company and Mr.
AV. P. VanDyke its financial head.
These gentlemcu are exceptionally well
equipped for the oillees they aro to All.
Arthur '). VanDyke will open a
branch je in Worcester, to take
care of me Eastern trade. Mr. Collins,
who has been the Eastern representa
tive of the firm, and who has built up
a very large New England business for
them, will, besides attending to his du
ties as secretary, take charge of tho
local trade.
Mr. J. L. L. Travis, who has very
successfully repiesuntod the firm for
the past two years in tho West, will
continue with the now firm. Mr. P. J.
Quinn, who has been representing the
factory locally, will fill that position, as
The success of tho Keller & Van
Dyke company has been phenomenal.
Starting a little more than three years
ago with a very limited output, they
soon outgrew their manufacturing fa
cilities and wens forced to double their
capacity. They are now putting out
about 150 pianos a month. This is
a more eloquent recommendation of the
quality of the instruments that tliey
manufneturo than anything that could
bo said for them, but every day tho
firm receives the most Haltering testi
monials from those who aro using their
The people of this vicinity weie a lit
tle Mow at ili-fat In patronizing them,
but they are beginning to learn that
they can receive very good treatment
and the best of satisfaction at tho fac
tory ware-rooms and notwithstanding
the unsettled labor conditions of this
section, their local trade has grown
very rapidly tho last year. Tho fact
that the output from this factory is,
porhaps, doing more to advertise the
city than any of its other products is
being appreciated. The pianos made
by this linn, to go Into homes scattered
over tho country from Maine to Cali
fornia und the name of Scranton 1h
eomert u hoiihehold woid wherever they
aio Introduced.
To the Republican Voters of the City
of Scranton.
A ltepubilcun primary to elect a lte
puulkan candidate for tho office of
city recorder and ward vigilance com
mittees will bo held on Thursday, Jan
uary 15, 1903, at tho regular polling
placed between the hours of I and 8 p.
in. Candidates for the nomination for
city recorder must register their names
with C. i;. Chittenden, 510 Lackawanna
avenue, on or before Dec. 20, 1002, and
pay the assessment levied on or before
December 27, lOOV If their names aro
to be placed on tho ticket. Tho city
committee earnestly requests that all
nominations for ward and election of
ficers bo held at the samo time and
place, tho vlgllunco committee running
a separate box,
c. K. Chittenden, Chairman Uepubll
can City Committee,
For tho Military Ball.
To nccommodato the many up-the-valley
persons who wish to attend tho
Annual MUltury Ball of Co. C, Thir
teenth regiment, which will bo held in
tha New Armory, Now Year's night,
the Delaware and Hudson railroad will
run a special train to Carbondalo, leav
ing Scranton at 3.20 a. in., and stop,
ping at all Intermediate station. "
Fancy Oranges, drapes, Figs, Dates,
nalslns, Apples, Orapo Fruit, Mixed
Nuts, etc.
Oyster orders for delivery New Year's
morning, should bo placed today, Try
our Uluo Points, Glenwoods or Itoek
aways on the half shell.
The Pierce Co.,
110 to 114 Penn ave.
City and School Taxes 1003.
The above tax duplicates ore now, la
my hands for collection.
'"' n.uti;rr.
Scranton Conservatory of Music
Lessons Will Be Resumed
ori Friday.
Now is a good time for new students to register.
Social and Personal
The annual ball of tho Bachelors, the
leading society event of tho year, takes
place tonight nt tho Armory. The de
corations were completed yesterday,
and everything Is in readiness for tho
.This yenr's committee has planned
and worked indefntlgably to make the
ovent surpass nil Its predecessors and
the expectations are that they will suc
ceed. Tho attendance promises to bo
unUHUnlly large, especially In guests
from out-of-town.
Music will bo furnished by Bauer's
band, augmented to forty pieces by
imported musician:. Twenty-six num
bers, with six extras, comprise tho
dance programme. Holland, of Phila
delphia, will do the entering1.
The arrangements of the armory fol
low the general lino of last year's
scheme. Only the front half of the big
drill room will bo utilized, a largo cur
tain of pink and white dividing the hall
In two. Pink and white will be the
predominating colors In the general
jlccoratlonv. The usual number of arc
lights havo been quadrupled to Insure
sufficient Illumination.
Miss Cornelia Galpln gave a card
party last night at "The Homestead"
in Dunmore, when a large company en
joyed a charming evening. The house
guests, Miss Julia McGee, Jersey City;
Miss Street, Frank Dobbins, Fred
Street, Dorin, Conn. ; Miss Lewis, Pitts
ton; Miss Grace Emory, Mrs. L. F.
Smith, Itockland, Me., were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. S. Galpln.
Other guests present were: Misses
Alice Matthews, Helen Matthews,
Marian Sanderson, Helen Sanderson,
Nan Sturges, Carrie Bennell, Evelyn
Gilmore, Eloise Gilmore, Augusta Mer
rill, Mary Linen, Elizabeth Blair,
Katherino Stelle, Nellie Steele, Eleanor
Moffat, Ethel Boies, Amy .Tossup, Elea
nor Anderson, Anna Laverty, Fanny
Laverly, Annie Watson, Eleanor liey
nolds, Louise Matthews. Marjorio War
ren, Flora Matthews, Fannie Osborne,
Annie Hand, Jessie Peck, Nana Arch
bald, Jeanne Dimmick, Grace Emery,
Miss Brixton, and Clay Osborne, Wal
ter Stevens, Luther Smith, Howard
Chamberlain, Hilary Zehnder, Ned Mof
fat, Peter Miller, Charles Sanderson,
Dickson Torrey, Harold Wntres, L.
Wutros, Jerry Foster, Walter Wolf, Mr.
Collinn, John Blair, Fred Allen, Fred
Street. Frank Dobbins, Clark Guild,
Hubert Merrill, Frank Linen, Russell
Dimmick, Mortimer nnd Fred Fuller,
Will Torrey, Max Bessell, Hugh Arch
bald, Worth Scranton, Douglas Moffat
nnd friends, David Boies nnd friends,
Charles Laverty.
The Misses Grace and Edith Norton
save a delightful card party yesterday
in honor of their guest, Mrs. Lewis
Parry, of the City of Mexico. The
game was live hundred. The hostesses
of tho occasion were assisted in re
ceiving by Mrs. Parry and Mrs. Arthur
Jones. The other guests were: Mrs.
Uay Fuller, Mrs. II. IL Brady, jr., Mrs.
J. D. Davenport, Mrs. John Coleman,
Mrs. A. N. Walker, Mrs. Wlllard Mat
thews, Mrs, Edward Franklin, Mrs.
JOhn Sherwood, Mrs. Frank Llttell, of
Washington, Mrs. G. C. Yocum, Mrs.
Dunn, Mrs. Penman, Mrs. Frederic
Hand, Mrs. William Curry, Mrs.
P. C. Fuller, Miss Claudlne Happy,
of Spokane; Miss Avery, Miss
Helen Stevens, Miss Ruth Dale, Miss
Pratt, Miss Elizabeth Sanderson, Miss
Salmon, Miss Buck, Miss Florence
Richmond, Miss Ripple, the Misses
Scranton, Miss Sprague, Miss Foster,
Miss Peck, tho Misses Simpson Miss
Helen Jones, Miss Herman, Miss Broad
bent, One of the most thoroughly enjoyable
social amotions of the season was tho
cotillion given last night at tho Knights
of Columbus clubhouse, under the
auspices of the Catholic Historical so
ciety and Newman Magazine 'club.
Tho beautiful dancing hall was pret
tily decorated with festoons of over
greens, and Bauer's orchestra, en
sconced behind a massive bank of
palms at the far end, rendered delight
ful music for the dancing. Tho upper
lloor of tho clubhouse was decorated
in red and green. The chandeliers were
hung with sinllnx and large red (low
ered plants were set at hhort intervals
alonsr tin? tables set in tho dining
hall, where an olaboiute luncheon wuh
served between 11 p. in. and 1 a. m
by Caterer Wuldner.
Tho cotillion began nt 9.30 o'clock,
and was led by Jack Tattcrsall, of Bos
ton, who had for his partner, Miss
Katheilno Smith, of this cltv. TTmir,,.
tho leadership or this couplo a number
of new and original figures were
Aiuontr tho out-of.tnwii irnnuiu nm.
ent last night were tlu! following; Dr,
J. J, Walsh, of Philadelphia; Hugh
.feuulnas and George O'Brien, of Pitts-
ton; .miss joruan, auss Elizabeth Jor
dan, Thomas Jordan and F. M, Lynch,
Glyphunt; Miss Crowe, of Blngham
tonj P. P. Morgan, or Plains; Jack
Tattcrsall, of Boston.
The patronesses of tho affair were ns
follows; Mrs, M. F. Sando, Mrs. John
P. Kelly, Mrs. P. J. Casey, Mrs. A. J.
Casey, Mrs, Joseph O'Brien, Mrs, P. P,
Smith, Mrs. D, J. Reedy, Mrs, R. J,
Murray, Mrs, C. G. Boland, Mrs, M.
Howley, Mrs, jl, Hlsslns, Mrs, P. How
ley, Mrs. William Kelly, Mm. T. ,1,
Kelly, Mrs. T. Keller, Sirs. O'D, Mnn
gan, .Mrs. J, Mellon, Mrs, ,T, Mauley,
Mrs, Frank MuAndrews, Mrs. J, J,
O'Boyls, Mrs. P. J, Ruano, Mrs, T, J,
McOuhf, Mrs, J. J, Walsh, Mrs. p,
O'Mulley, Mrs. It. C, Wills and Mrs.
M. V, Wymbs.
Mr, and Mrs, T, K. Jones g'.ive a
dance last night at the Country club
for their daughter, Miss Evelyn, and
her friend, Miss FrederJca Yenl, of
Brooklyn, N. Y. About fcoventy-flvo of
tho younger set wero entertained nnd
one or tho pleasanteat evenings of hol
iday week was enjoyed.
A reunion will bo held tonight at
the Scranton Biovclo (dub by the
members of the classes of 1SD3 and lboo
of the High school. This Is the fourth
and the idea of re-unltlng with tho
members of the younger class Is new
this year.
A splendid Now Year's eve entertain
ment may bo expected by all the mem
bers of both classes who meet tonight
at tho club-house. Dancing and other
diversions will bo indulged In. Tho
committee In charge, ot which Georgo
F. Coar, '00, Is chairman, has worked
diligently, and It wilt be no fault ot
theirs If tho reunion docs not prove a
most successful one.
A delightful surprise! party was giv
en Monday to William Bebllng, at his
homo on Diamond avenue, when the
evening was spent with games, music,
etc. Mr. Bebllng was presented with
a number of valuable gifts. Those who
entertained with music were: Mrs. A.
O. Gallenkamp, A. Korn, Miss Lizzie
Pelhrlck, Miss Mamie Camln and Mas
ter Georgo Briegol.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
John Genter, Mr. and Mrs. Gnllen
knmp, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Bebllng, Mr.
and Mrs. Conrad, Mrj and Mrs. Brelg,
the Misses M. Zeldler, Edith Rohr
wasscr, Rosa Rohrwasser, Lydla Schll
tise, Louise Kriiuse, Minnie Wllber,
Cora Bacon, Anna Phillips, Mary Phil
lips, Maine Camln, Anna Camin, Mary
Wlmworth, Lena Kellerman, Louise
Kellcrman, Sophia Sherman. Lena
Whoerlle, Mary Brauer, Lizzie Pcth
lick, Dena Hauf,Mamie Morlong, Maud
Moser and Mr. Gahn, Mr. Briegel,
George Richurdson, William Neigll,
August Krause, Edward Coleman, Wil
liam Nothacker. Louis Falk, Adam
Mause, Joseph Shamborn, Otto Sturn,
Charles Kellcrinan, Fred Kellerman,
Georgo Briegel, George Morlang, Mr.
Brauer and Prof. A. Korn.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Caradoc
Morris, of Leggett's street, was the
scene last evening of a very merry
family gathering. During the evening
songs nnd recitations were rendered,
after which supper was served.
Thpse present were: Mrs. Annie
Griffin, Wilhelmina, Cora and Thomas
Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Morris and
daughters, Lillian and Annie; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Samuels and children,
Rowland and Catharine; Mr. and Mrs.
David Evans, Thomas and Monte Mor
riu, and Mrs, Margaret Evans, of Oly
phaht. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Acker, of
22i Fairvlew avenue, entertained a
number of relatives at a dinner last
evjening-. The following were present:
Mrs. Tilllo Acker, Misses Margaret and
Ruth Acker, Messrs. John Hall, Harry,
Wll, Warren, Charles, Elliott and
Murray Acker.
Cards aro out announcing the mar
riage of Miss Rose B. Warner, daugh
ter of John Phlneas Warner, and Mor
timer Monroe Balrd, which took place
on Saturday, Dec. 27. Owing to the re
cent death of the bride's mother, the
wedding was very quiet.
Mrs. Gideon Moser, of Lafayette
street, entertained her Sunday school
class of Simpson church last evening.
Dr. Angus Gray, of Philadelphia, is the
guest of friends in town.
Misses Belle Snydor and Graco Cramer
aro guests of friends In Ithaca, N. Y.
Miss Bertha Wllllok, of Lake Ariel, Is
tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slote.
Mr. and Mrs. AVlllIam- Keith, of North
Lincoln avenuo, aro visiting In Hazloton.
Dr. nnd Mrs. E. Y. Harrison, of North
Main avenue, aro homo from a visit at
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison, of Hack
ensack, N. J., aro guests of Mrs. J. M.
Williams, of North .Main avenue.
Mr. and Mis. David W. Wylio, of Scran
ton street, aro entertaining the former's
sister, Miss Wylie, ot Albany, N. Y.
Mrs. Thomas Paterson and daughter,
Carolyn, of Flectvllle, returned homo yes
terday after visiting Green Ridge friends.
Mlcses Ruth and Helen Pelctrone, of
Balstou Spa, mo visitors at tho homo ot
Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Glbbs, of South Main
Mrs. Ifarrlot Bartram, of Susquehanna,
Pa and Professor nnd Mrs. C. T. Thorpe,
of Foiest City, havo returned homo nftor
spending Christmas week with Mrs. C.
E. Tohey of Electric avenue.
Will Bo Given in the Armory on
New Year's Night.
The military ball which Company C,
of the Thirteenth regiment, will give
nt tho Armory on Nev Year's night,
will bo one of tho largest social func
tions of the winter. Every member of
tho regiment has been Invited, and it
is expected , that fully 1,000 persons
will attend tho ball. A special Dela
ware and Hudson train has been se
cured, which will enable tho guests
from Carbondalo tind Intermediate
points to remain at tho Armory until
2.30 a. m,
Tho dignity and beauty of tho ball
which Company C conducted at tho
Armory on last Now Year's night In
sures tho eminent success of their
rowing social affair. Both tho gor
geous floral and electrical decorations
of tho Bachelors' ball, which will tako
place cm the previous evening, will re
main In place for tho ball of Company
C, Bauer's leglmentnl band will ren
der tho danco music.
Director Scranton College of Music,
Commonwealth Building, Corner
Spruce nnd Washington Avenue,
W(H organize new clabses n tho
study of piano-forte playing, to benln
Jan, 5, Terms $13 and upwards to the
end of the season, Juno 25, 3803. Com
petent and thoroughly tried teachers.
Private lessons only, For further par
ticulars write or call. New 'phone.
Scranton Business Colloge,
Now classes will bo forimi In both
day and evening sessions of-Ahe Scran
ton Business College on Me-Way, Jan.
Team Was on Its Mottle Last Night
and the Result Was Thnt It Took
Thrco Straight Games From the
Electric City Wheelmen and Rollod
Up a Total of 2,711, One of the
Highest Made This Season Hampo
Team Won Two Gnmes From tho
All doubts as to the ability of tho
Scranton Bicycle club's team to win
tho Bicycle club's league trophy wero
removed last night when Its five play
ers took thrco straight games from tho
Electric City Wheelmen's team and In
cidentally mado ono of tho best scores
of the season.
Tho team can now afford to lose ono
or two of the thrco games yet remain
ing to bo played and will remain at
tho top of tho heap. Every man was on
his mettle last night and a total score
of 2,711 was tho result. Tho work' done
by tho players was remarkably oven,
their lotnl scores varying but little.
Tho score:
O'Connell t'00 170 19J- SiVJ
aorman 1SJ 22 1IC MO
Mitchell 171), 17li ISO ,D3."i
Roper MS 201 203 CU
Wardcll 1N5 IS') 173547
S81 7(H SC3-2711
McCracken lr.l lmi JG1 178
Williams 159 K,7 127443
Davis 152 1IJ 9 403
Cooni 117 1i 120 419
Wettllng 111! 170 1U4-189
753 70S 700-2303
High score Gorman, 222.
High average O'Connell, 189 1-3.
The Hampo team won two out of
three colorless postponed games played
last night with the Franklins. The
Wharton ISO 197 211 OSS
Evans 101 111 194409
Piine Jut 179 127 OT
McWilllains ir,7 170 115 472
G. Murphy 15G lEi! 149 4Ui
753 S1G S2 23S7
Phillips 121 14J 15G-419
Dlmler 113 11'9 134 370
Bircher 14rt IK 217 COD
Rlliel 13S 159 201 49S
Welchel 112 140 128-378
030 71G S34 21S0
High score Bircher, 217.'
High average Wharton, 19G.
A Rare Opportunity for Lovers of
Fine Art.
Mr. A. D. Van Gorder, having
purchased the entire stock ot
tho Griffin Art Company, 209
Wyoming avenue, and being de
sirous of discontinuing the
wholesale department, nnnounces
a heavy reduction In prices of
all Pictures. Frames and Art
Very many of the best pieces
in the stock will go for much
le&s than cost.
An early visit assures a most
desirable selection,
Mrs. H. White, of Moscow, Commit
ted to Jail for Adultery.
Sirs. H. White, of Moscow', was ar
rested last night by Detective "Jack"
Tierney on a charge of adultery, nnd
was committed by Magistrate Millar to
the county jail in default of $500 bail.
Tho arrest was made about 8 o'clock
at a disorderly resort, and according
to the story told by Detective Tierney
under oath, tho woman was found In a
room with a man not her husband. It
was necessary to break down the door
to gain admittance. Mrs. White Is a
handsome looking woman, and Is said
to come of a good family.
Trainmen's Dance.
Dance tho old year out and the new
ono in with tho If. A. Mace lodge, No.
157, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen,
in tho Providence auditorium. Law
rence and his popular orchestra will
furnish music. Every courtesy will bo
i.howu you. TlckelR, CO cents.
Radishes, Lettuce, Celery, Cucum
bers, Tomatoes, Green or Wax Beans,
Cauliflower, New Onions, Egg Plant,
Muslnooms, etc. Order early and wo
will seo that prompt delivery Is made
and .selection ofibest goods In tho mar
ket, for tho pennon, Tho Pierce Co.,
" 110 to 111 Penn ave.
To Art Lovers.
By tho courtesy of Messrs, Connolly
& Wallace, "The Spanish Wedding,"
painted by Chns. Muller, New York,
will bo on exhibition.
Grape Fruit
ioc, 3 for 35c,
$5,50 per box.
Hot House Tomatoes
50c per pound.
Florida Oranges
35c to 50c per dozen.
California Oranges-
35c to 50c per dozen.
Bon-Bons and Chocolates
35c, s pounds for$J.5o,
E. G. Coursen,
480 Lackawanna Ave.
Francisco Constanlno Held Under
91000 Ball.
Francisco Cotistnnlno, of Carbondale,
wan arrested yesterday on tho oath
and Information ot Foils Morocco und
Antonio Popotoln, " ot this city, who
charge him wltli embe?.?.lcnient,
Constnnlun formerly conducted a
steamship ticket agency In Curbon
dnlo and the prosecutors ullogo thnt
they sent hlni sums of money amount'
ing to $73.80, to be sent to Italy, for
them. This money, they ay, never
reached its destination. Coilnlanlno ad
mits having received the money nnd
says that ho sent It on to New York to
be forwarded by n. company which
makes a business of sending money to
the old country. He never received a
receipt from tho company, he snys.
Magistrate Millar held hlm'under $1,
000 ball for his appearance In court.
Don't Forgot
That tho performance at the Dixie to
night will bo continuous until mid
night. Now Year's Ice Cream.
Although we aro very busy, all New
Year's Ice cream orders received by 7
o'clock tonight (Wednesday) will bo
taken care of. Will not accept orders
later. J. D. Williams & Hro., 314
Lackawanna avenue.
Meat Sale
Choicest and Finest
Cuts of
Two Pounds
Extra Choice
Three Pounds
AH Cars Transfer to
Clarke Bros
i5 authorised by law to act as guaidian, executor, administrator, and in
other Ilka capacities. It not infrequently occurs that an Individual executor
or guardian dies and that the care or tho estate dovolves upon Komii person
whom the testator would not havo snlected. Guardianships sometimes extend
over many years. What assur.mco havo you that your trlend, whom you ap
point as guardian of your children, will live out their minority, or that, it
ho survive, ho will retain his capacity for management. Why not securo tho
highest degree of efficiency at a minimum of cost bv appointing Tho Tltlo
Guaranty and Trust Company in tho first Instance. We will be glad to retain
tho services of your attorney.
L-. A. "WATTIES, President.
A. II. McCLINTOCK and HENRY A. KNAl'l'. Vicc-Preslilcritst,
,1. I,. PHILLIPS, Vice-President and Treasurer,
D. B. ATIIERTON, Soerotary.
Wir.LTAM A. WILCOX, Trust Oillcen,
JfiL 9 1U
It Is often a source ot great satisfaction to purchasers to be able tef,
make their own selection of skins for garments. We are now In tho1
exclusive fur business, and prepared to show you a large line cf tho fol-T
lowing high-grade furs ;
Remodeling and Repairing
Is Given Special Attention.
324 Lackawanna Avenue.
Gold Seal Ready
Flaloney Oil nanufacturing Co.,
Ml to 140 Meridian Street.
Old 'Pkoiie-62-2. New 'Phones 2581.
.j. uy unviug jrum UU1BI9
aliocl with a good, t
! Removable Calk I
J We have both the-
X Bittenbender & E
126-128 Franklin Ave.
.T T TTT TttTTTTTY t TjT T t T T t TV Tl
i 1
Sheet Music, Book9
and everything in the
musical line
N. A. Hulbert,
UT Wyoming Aye.
Rooms 1 and 2
Commonwealth Bldg.
lladc at Moostc anil Ruslidale Works.
Laflin & Rand Powder Co.'s
Electric B.ittciic, Electric lploJera, Ex.
plodlns Blasts, Safety Fuse.
( V 1
Cash Paid for
Raw Purs.
- Hixed Paints.
" i
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r - n
T. J- &,

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