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J ...grlwillilir.fcJ II ! - I ; i " i 6 GENERAL ELECTION. mi 1:1:1 it s ivkock.a:ii atiox. l7IIi:ilKAS, by an Act f (Jeneral As T T sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "An Act relating to the Elec tions of this Commonwealth," passed the iM of July, 1S;!, it is made the duty of theSherill" of everv count v to pive notice of such election, and to m ike known in such notice what officers are to he elected ; NW therefore, I Jaiou IC. Shafkf:, High Sheriff of the county of Monroe, do make known by this Proclamation to the I'lectot s of sai l county, that on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 187G, being the day of the (Jeneral Election, the fol lowing persons are to he voted for by the free men of the conntv of Monroe. TWENTY-XIN E PERSONS for Elec tors for President and Vice Pre.-ident of the United States. ONE PEPSOX to represent the Eleventh Congressional Iistriet composed of tlie coun ties of Columbia, Montour, Carbon, Monroe, Pike and the town-hips of Xescopeck, Pdack Creek, Sugar Loaf, Pititier, Hazel, Poster, Hear Creek. Puek, Ko.irinsr Prok, Salem, Ilolk-n-baeh. Huntingdon, Eairmount, Spring J ! rook ami that part of the city of Scranton south of IJoaring IJrook Creek and east of Lackawanna Piver, and the Do roughs of Dunmore, Xew Cohimbus, Coiildsboro, White Haven, Jeddo and Hazleton, in the county of Luzerne, in the Congress of the I'nited States. ONE PEPSON to represent the twenty -Fccond Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Carbon, Monroe and Pike, in the Senate of Pennsylvania. ONE PEPSON t represent the county of Monroe in the House of .Representatives of l'ennsylvaiua. i v i i.ik.u. lor jnrv commissioners for the County of Monroe. I also hereby make known and give notice, that the Election of the several districts of the said countv, will be held at the places herc- mauer ucsigmucil, to wit : Placet if Voting. The freemen of the township of Barrett, will hold tneir election at the house ol Abraham Aibert. in said township. The freemen of the township of Cliesnut hill are to hold their election at the house ol Felix Storm, in said township. iiic freemen of the township of Cool- haujru will hold their election at the Aa'Mes- ville school-house, in s:iid township, 1 he freemen or East Stroudsburjr, will hold their election at the Analomink House, I n sa id Ioroii!i. The freemen of tlie township ofEldred, will hold their election at the house of Stephen Dover, in said township The freemen of the township of Hamilton will hold tiieir election at the house of Chas. .Mam I, in said township. The freemen of the township of Jackson, will hold their election at the house of Peter Ii. iStcrm. in said township. The freemen of the township of Middle Smilhficld, will hold their election at the house of James Phce. in said township. lie lree-nen ol tae township of Paradise, hold tiieir election at. the house oi Ii.!iitz, in s.ii.l township. ;ien of the tow:shir of Pocono, fro. -1 i Will Ja in-: Th will hold tiieir election at the house of Ma nassnh Milier, in s i id townsiiip. The freemen of the townsiiip of Polk, will ho! 1 their election at the house of (Jeoro (Jrcen, in sai l township. The freemen of the township of Price, wiil for the purpose of giving information to the inspectors and judge, when called on, in rela tion to the right of any person assessed by them to vote at such election, or such other matters in relation to the assessment of voters as the said icspectot s or judge or either of them shall from time to time mpiire. If any person shall prevent or attempt to present any officer of Hny election under this act from holding- such election or use or threaten tiny violence to any such officer or shall intenupt or improperly interfere with him in the execution of ins duty, or shall block up the window or avenue to any window where the same may be holding, or shall riotous'y disturb the peace at such election, or shall use or practice any intimidating- threats-, force or violence, with design to influence unduly or overawe any cleetor or to prevent him from voting or restrain the freedom of choice, such persons, on convic tion shall be fined in anvsuni not exceeding five hundred dollars and be imprisoned for any time not less than one nor more than twelve mouths, and if it tdnil be shown In the Court where the trial of such offence shall be had that the person so offending was not a resident of the city, ward, district or township where the said offence was com mitted and no&. entitled to vote therein, then on conviction he shill be sentenced to pay a fine of not. less than one hundred or more than on? thousand dolljrs, and be imprisoned not less than six months, nor more than two yen rs. If any person not by law qualified shall fraudulently vote at any election in this commonwealth, or being otherwise qualified, shall vote out of bis proper district, or if any person knowing the want of such qualifica tion, shall aid or procure such person t Vote, the person so offending' sh.i II on conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding two hundred dollars, and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three month. If any person shall vote at more than one ejection district or otherwise fraudulently vote more than once on the same day, or shall fraudulently fdl and deliver to the in spector two tickets together with the intent illegally to vote, or shall vole the same, or if any person shall ndvise and procure an other so to do, he or they so offending sha'l on conviction, be fined in any sum not less i hi ii fifty nor more thin five hundred dol lars, and be imprisoned for any term not lest than three nor more than twelve months. selected and npointed, evefy convenience and facility for the discharge of their duties; and if said election officers shall refuse to permit said overseers to be present, and gerform their duties as aforesaid, sueh officer or officers shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be lined not exceeding one thous and dallars, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the court; or if the overseers shall be driven away from the polls by violence or intimidation, all the votes polled in such election district may be rejected by the proper tribunal trying a contest under said election, or a part or portion of such votes a foresaid may be counted, as such tribunal may deem necessary to a just and proper dispoition of the case. "At all elections hereafter held under the laws of this commonwealth, the polls shall be opened at seven o'clock a. m. and closed at seven o'clock, p. m. "Whomever there shall be a vacancy in an election board on the morning of an election, said vacancy shall be filled in conformity with existing laws. "At the opening of the polls at all elections it shall be the duty of the judges of election for their respective districts to designate one of the inspectors, whose duty it shall be to have in custody the registry of voters, and to make the entries therein required by law ; and it shall be the duty of the other of said inspec tors to receive and number the ballots presented at said election. "All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot ; every ballot voted shall be numbered in the order in which it shall bereceived, and the number recorded by the clerks on the list of voters opposite the name of the elector from whom received. And any voter voting two or more tickets, the several tickets so voted shall each be numbered with the number correspond ing with the number to the name of the voter. Any elector may write his name upon his ticket or cause the same to be written thereon, and attested by a citizen of the district. In addition to the oath now prescribed by law to be taken and suliscribed by election officers, they shall severally be sworn or affirmed not to disclose how any elector shall have voted, utiles re quired to do so as witnesses ii a judicial proceeding. All judges, inspectors, clerks, and overseers of any election held under this act, shall, before entering upon their duties, be duly sworn or affirmed in the presence of each other. mm. . : .. I .i.ii i i .i me jiMiL,'e snaii oe sworn uv me minority in speetor, if there shall be such minority inspec tor, ami in case there ue no minority inspector, nu n iiy a justice of the peace or aldernmn, and the inspectors, overseers and clerks shall be sworn by the judge. Certificates of such Tr.. . it i. .1 -"' ii .ion mm suau oe ouiv mane out If any person not qualified lo vote in his i..,.,i .; ,,?. i i.,. ,i, , ? ' i 5 J ' . ' atlll .-lL'tH'iI Ii t li oltii'ci-s s;i swnrn inl ttrt..l by the ollieer who administered the oath. Il any judge or minority inspector refuses or fails to swear the officers of election in the manner required by this act, or if any officer of elec tion .-hall act without being first duly sworn, or if any ollieer of election shall sign the form of oath without being duly swore, or if anv judge or minority inspector shall certify that any officer was sworn when be was not, it shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and upon convic fi...i l... . .e; ... . . ii: ii i- i ii i - mm, mv iinitti or ujiiecrN so oneuij i hit snail oe recenc.i. ami tmed not exceeding one thousand dollar Commonwealth, agreeably to law except the sous of qualified citizens), shall appear at any place of election for the purpose of issuing tickets or influencing the citizens qualified to vote, he shall on conviction loi feit and priy any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, for every such offence, and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months. "All election by the citizens shall be bv ballot. Everv ballot voted .-h t!l he numbered m the order in which ii shall be the number recorded bv the e on the list of voters, opposite to the name of the elector who presents the ballot. Any eb-etor mav write his n upon bis ih-kt t. or cause the same to be written thereon and attested bv a eititzen of the di-trict. The election officers their c-e'c; in sua townsti'p. : n t the house of Lewis hoH Ion, I iie freemen of the to wnship of Ross, will bold their election at the house of Jacob II. Smoker, in s-ihl township. Th a free.-.j.-n of the township of Smithfield will hold their election at t!ij house of' El ward Vetter. in sal. I township. The freemen ofihe town-hip of Stroud will hold their election at Jti ris-. in the P r nih of Stroudsburg. The freemen of Stroudsd.urg, will their election ut the- Court House, in said borough. The freemen of the townsiiip of Toby ha n- m, will hold tneir ejection at the house of Robert Warner, i:i said township. The freemen of the townsiiip of Tunk hannock, will hold their election at the house of Jai;i ;s Xewinrt, in said townshin. of ieorge hold That in Article . Section 1 of the Constitu tion, it is declares. "Every male citizen twentv one years of ag pos-essing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all election-;: J-'ir.-t He -hull have been a citizen ol the I nited States at least one month. &row.l lie shall have resided in the State one year (or if, having previously been a qualified elec tor or native tx-m citizen ot the Mate, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months,) immediately pn ceding the election. Tii'uil He shall have resided in the election district where be shall ofilr to vote at least two months immediately preceding the election J'ouj th I f twetitv-t wo vears of aire or umvard- he shall have paid within two years a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election." And, that it is provided by an Act of As sembly, approved July 2, l,"5:jtj, "That every person, excepting Ju-tices of the Peace, who shall hold any olfiee or appointment of profit or trust under the ( loveri.ment of the United States, or of the State, or of any city or in corporated district, whether a commissioned ollieer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or a-ent, or who is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive, or judiciary depart ment of tin State, of the I'nited States, or of any city or ol any incorporated district, and also, any member of Congress, and of the Slate Legislature, aud of the select or common council of any city, or commissioner of any incorporated di-trict, is by law incapable of holdidg or exercising at the same time, the office or appointment of judge, inspector, or clerk of any election in this Commonweatlh ; and that no judge, inspector, or other officer of any such election shall be eligible to any odice lo be then voted for. "In case I he person who shall have re ceived the second highest number of votes for inspector, shall not attend on the day of any election then the person who shall have received the -econd highest number of votes for judge at the next preceding election shall act us inspec or in his place. And in case the person who shull have received the high est number of vo'es for inspector thall not attend, the per-on elected judge shall ap point an inspector in his place and in case the person elected, as judge .shall not attend, then the iinp'Ctor who received the highest number of votes shall app nut a judge in his place; and if any vacancy shall continue in the board for the space of one hour after the time fixed by law for the opening of the election, t. ie. quilified voters of the town ship, ward or district for winch such officers vh-ill have been elected, present at. such election, i-hill elect, one of the number to till such vacancy, and each of said inspector hall appoint one clerk, who shall ho a qualified voter of said distriet. "It shall be the duty of the several a-se-sors. respectively, to attend at the place of holdimi every genera!, special or lown-diipo'eetiou dur ing the whole time the election i s keptopon, hall be sworn or affirmed not to disclose h iny elector shall have voted unhss required to lo so as witue.-ses in a judicial proceeding. "Electors .-bail in all cases except treason. felony and brea li of suntv of the ieaee. be privileged from arr.-t during their attendance on elections and m oinir to and retm-mii.r therefrom. Whenever any of the qualified ehcto's oi his Commonwealth shall he in actual miliiarv crvice, under a n-qui-itioti from the President "t the United Slates or by the authority of this. Commonwealth, .-neb electors mav exercise the in year, or or both. rLdit of suffrage under such regula;i .11 elections by the citizens, .us as are or .-hall be pre scribed by law. a- fully as if they were present at their usual places of election. All laws regualating the holding of elections by the citizens or for the registration of electors .-.hall be uniform throughout the State, but m elector shall be deprived of the privilege of voting by of his name not being re gistered. Any person who .-hail give, or promise or oiler to give, to a:i, any money, reward or other valuable consideration for his vote at an election, or for withholding the same, or ivho shall give or promise to give such con sideration to any per-on or party for such elec tor's vote or f ir the withholding thereof, and any elector who shall receive or agree to receive, tor himself or for another, any money, reward or other valuable cou-ideration for bis vote at an election, or for withholding the same, shall ' l.m-r.I . ..,. !..; t ., .. ... t. I nivive i.'iien i lie il.ll lo ilie ,li SIK U C CC- tion, and any elector whose right to vote shall lie challenged for .-neb cau-e before the elec tion officers, shall be required to swear or affirm that the matter of the cha lence is untrue be- n ... - fore bis vote shall be received. Any person who -hall, while a candidate for ofnee, be guilty of bribery, fraud, or willful violation of anv e!e tion law. shall be forever disqualified from holding an office of trust or profit in this Commonwealth, any person con victed of willful violation of the election laws -hall, in addition to any penalties provided In law, be deprived of the right of sufirage abso lutely for a term of four years. For the purpose of voting no person shall be deemed to have gained a residence by reason of bis presence, or lost it by reason of bis absence, while employed in (he service, either civil or military, of this State or of the I'nited states, nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of the State or the United States, or on the high seas, nor while a student in anv institution of learning, nor while kept in anv oor house or other asylum at public expense, nor while confined in public prison. District election boards shall consist of a judge and two inspector, who shall be chosen annually by the citizens. Each elector -hall have the right to vote for the judge and one inspector, and each inspector shall appint one clerk. The first election board for any new district shall be selected, ami vacancies in elec tion boards filled, a shall be provided by law. Election officers shall be privileged' from "arrest upon days of election, ami while engaged in making up and transmitting returns, except upon warrant of a court of record or judge thereof, for an election fraud, for f -Iony, or for wanton breach of the eaee. In cities "thev may claim exemption from jury duty durin"' their terms of service. " oVotice is Also Given, That it is provided by an Act approved January :0, A. I), lo? I, "On the petition of five or more citizens of any election district, setting forth that the appointment of overseers is a reasonable precaution to secure the puritv and fairness of the election in said district, it shall be the duty of the court of common pleas of the proper county, all the law judges of the said court able to act at the time concurring, to appoint two judicious, sober and intelligent citizens of the said district belonging to dif ferent political parties, overseers of election to supervise the proceedings of election offieer. t hereof, and to make report of the same as thev may be required by such court. Said overseers shall be persons qualified to serve upon the election boards and shall have the right to be present with the officers of such election dur ing the whole time the same is held, the votes counted, and the re turns made out and signed bv the election officers ; to keep ali.-t of voters, if they see proper; to challenge any person offering to vote, and interrogate him and his witnesses under oath, in regard to his right of suffrage at said election, and to examine his papers produced ; and the officers of ai I elec tion are required to afiord to over-eeis, so in the discretion of the court 'On the day of election any person whese name is not on the registry of voters and claiming tlie right to vote at said election, shall produce at least one qualified voter of the district as a witness to I he residence o! the claimant in the district in which he claims to be a voier. for ih period ot at least two months, immediately preceding said election, which witness shill be sworn or affirmed and subscribe a written or part ly writt-n and partly printed affidavit .o wie i.i cis stated tiy hmi, winch affidavit shall define clearly where the residence is of the person .so claiming to be a voter, and the person so cl.t iming the right to vote -ha! also take and subscribe a written, or parti1 written and purify printed alfi.lavit, stating. lo tin? best of ins knowledge and Leber, wIi mi and where ho was bom; that he been. i t itiz'Mi of the United Ntttos for one inuitl ;inl cr the commonwealth of Pennsyl vani.i; that he Ins re-i. led in fhe comm in w e.iPb one year, or, if formerly a qui lifted elector or a native born c.tizen thereof, and has remov ed tberefio-n and rcturcd, that he bus resi ded lh. rein six months next precrdin,T said election; i hi t he Ins resided in the district in wiitch he cl iims to be a voter for the pe riod of at least two months immediately pro c-ding said election; that he has not ino.od into i fie district for the purpose of votin therein ; that In Ins, it twenty-two years ol age or upwards, paid a state or county tax uiiiiu no yars, which was assessed at least. I wo inonthsiiinl paid at least one month before the election. The said affidavit shall also state when and where the tax claimed to be p t id by the u Giant was assessed, and when and where and to whom paid; and tin tax receipt ihere'or shall be produced for ex- aminat ion, unless the alfianl .-dull state in his affidavit that il has been lost or destroyed, or that ho never received any; and if a natur alized citizen, shall als state when, where un I by whrt court he was naturalized, and sfnll also produce h s certificate of naturali zation for examination. Put if the person so claiming-tin right lovote shall fake and sub scribe an aflidaut, that he is a native born citizen of the U. States, or if bom elsewhere, shall s-tate ihe fact in his affidavit, and shall produce evidence that he has been natural ized, or tint he is entitled to citizenship by reason of his lather's natur lizution ;) ami shall further stale in Ins affidavit tint he is at the time of making the affidavit, of the age of l wenty one and under twenty-two years; that he Ins been a citizen of lhu United States one month, anil his resided in the State one year; or, if a native born citizen of l ho slate and removed thorcfroin and re returned, tint he has resided therein six months next preceding such election, he shall be entitled tovote. although he shall not have paid laxe. The said affidavits of the witnesses to their residence, shall be preser ved by the election board, and at Ihe close of the election they shall be enclosed with the list of voters, tally list and other papers re quired by law to be filed by Ihe return judge with the prothonoiary, and shall remain on file therewith in the prothonotory's office, subj:ct to examination, as other election pi pers are. If the election officers shall find I ha 1 1 he a ppl ica n t or a pplica ins K)ssese all I he legul qualifications of voters, he or they shah be permitted to vote, and the name or names shall be added to the list of taxablea by I he election officers, the word "tjx" being added where the claimant claims lo vote on tax, an J ihe word "age" where he claims to vote on age; the sime words being added by ihe clerks in each case respectively, on the lists of persons voting at such election. "It slnll be lawful for anv q-iali-tied citizen of the district, notwithstand ing the name of the proposed voter is con tamed on the list of resident taxubles, to challenge the vote of each person ; where upon the same pro d' of the right of suffrage as is now required by law shall be publicly made and act-d on by the election board, anJ the vote admitted or rejected, according to the evidence; every per.-on claiming to be a iiitunlized citizen shall be required to pro duce his nuturaliz ilion certificteatihe elec tion before votin jr, except where lie has been for ten years, consecutively, a voter in the district in which he offers his vote; and on the vote of sach prso:i being received, il shall be the duty of the election officers to write or stamp on such certificate the word "voted,' with the month and year; and if any election officer or officers shall receive a second vote on the same day, by virtue of the same certificate, excepting where sons are entitled to vote by virtue of the natural ization of their fathers, they and the person who shall offer such second vote, upon so of fending shall bo guilty of a high misdemean or, and on conviction thereof, be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of the court; but ihe fine shall not exceed one? hun dred dollars in each case, nor the imprison ment one year, the like punishment shall he inflicted on conviction, on the officers of election who shall neglect or refuse to make, or cause to be made, the indorsement requir ed as aforesaid on said naturalization certif icate. " If any election officer shall refuse or neglect to reqnire such proof of the right of suffrage as is prescribed by this law, or Ihe laws to which this is a snpplcment, from any person olfering to vote whose name i not on tlie list of assessed voters, or whose right lo vote is challenged by any qualified voter present, a nd shal I admit such person to vote without requiring such proof, every person so offending, shall upon conviction be sentenced, for every such offence, to pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or lo undergo an imprisonment not more than one year, or either or both, at the discretion of the court. "As soon as the polls shall dose, the officer of election shall proceed to count all the votes east for each candidate voted for, ami make a full rUum of the same in triplicate, with a return sheet in addition, in all of which the votes received by each candidate shall be given after his or her name, first in words and again in figures, and shall be signed bv all of sai officers, and certified by overseers, if any, or if not so certified, tlie overseers and other officer? refusing to sign or certify, or either of them shall write upon each or the returns his of their reasons lor not signing or certifying them. The vote, as soon as counted, shall also be publielv ana lully declared from the window to th citizens present, and a brief statement showin; the votes received by each candidate shall b made and signed by the election officers as soon as the vote is counted, and the same shall be immediately posted upon the door of the elee I. ...... r... i ..; ii- n.i iioii iioijst- jor lliioi lliailoli t)J puOHC. i lie triplicate returns shall be enclosed in envelone and sealed in the presence of the officers, ami one envelope, with unsealed return sheet, given to the judge, which shall contain one list of voters tallv-paper an 1 oaths of officers, and another of the said envelopes shall be given to the minority inspector. All judges livin" with in twelve, miles of the prothonotary's office, or wiunn twenty-tour miles, if their resilience be in a town, village or city upon the line of a railroad leading to the conntv seat, shall, be fore two o'clock post meridian of the dav after the election, and all other judges shall, before iweiveoc.oeK merniian ot the second div alter the election, deliver said return, together with return, to the prothonotary of the court of common jdeas of the county, which said return sheet shall be filed, and the dav and hour of filing marked thereon, and shall be pre-ervc 1 by the prothonotary for public inspec tion ; and the other of said triplicate return shall be placed in the box and sealed up with the ballots. All officers Provided for bv this ict shall be compensated as like officers are paid by existing laws. Whenever a place has been or shall be provided bv the authorities of any city, countv. town-hip or borough, for the safe keeping of the ballot-boxc, the judge and minority inspector shall, after the eb-ction shall be finished, and the ballot-boxes or boxes con taining the liikets, Iit of voters and other papers, line been securely bound with tape and siale 1, an I the signatures of the judge and in-pectors affixed thereto, forthwith deliver the same, togi ther with the remaining boxes, to the mayor and recorder of such cities, or in com, ties, townships or borou".hs. to such person or persons as the court of common plnas of the proper county may dc-ignntc, at the place provided as aforesaid, who shall then depo-u the said bnxe and keep the same to answer the call of any couit or tribunal authorized to try the merits of such election. Whenever the election officers of any election distiiet shall require the election boxes of such di-trict, to bold any election, which, by law, thev are or .-hall be required to bold, they shall keep the same securely in tiieir possession without open ing, until the morning of such ebction, and until they shall severally be sworn or affirmed not to disclose bow any elector shall have voted, and after being so sworn or affirmed, they shall open the sa'd boxes and burn and totallv destroy all the baiiois and other papers which they shall find therein, before proceeding to hold such eleelioti. The respective assessors, in spectors and judg- s of the elections shall each line the pow- r to admini-tcr oaths to any persons claiming ihe right to be as- sessed or the right of Miffrage, or in regard to any othr matter or thing required to b done or inquired into by anv ol said officer.- under tins act; and any willful ta'se swear ing by anv person in relation to any nntter or thing concerning which thev s-hiil In? lawfully interrogated by any of siid officers or overseers shall be perturv. Any assessor, election officer or person ippointed as an overseer, who shall neglect or refu-c to perform anv dutv enioined lv this act, without reason ib'e or legal cause. shaM be subject to a penalty of one hundred dollars, and if an assessor shall knowin-rlv issessany person as a voter who is not mini di ed ; or shall refuse to assess any one who is qualified, he shal I be guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and on conviction be punished bv fine or imprisonment, and also be subject to an action for damages by the parly aggriev ed ; and it any person shall fraudulently alter, add to, defice or destroy any list ot voters made out as directed by ibis act, or tear down or remove thesimc from ihe place where it has been fixed, with fraudulent or mischievous intent, or for any improper pur pose, tlie person so offending shall be guilty ot a high misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both, at the discre tion of the court. If any proth onot iry. clerk, or the deputy of either, or any other person, shall affix the seal of office to any nalurabz .turn piper, or permit the same to be affixed, or give out, or cause or permit the same to be given out, in blink, whereby it mny be traudlently used, or furnish a nalur i liz ition certificate, lo any pers n who slnll not hive been duly ex iniined and sworn in open court, in the presence of some of the judges there- it, according to the actot Congress, or shall lid in, connive at, or in any wuv permit the issue of any fraudulent naturalization certi ficate, he shall be guil'y of a lii-di misdemeanor ; or if nny on.' slnll fraudulently use any such certificate of naturalization knowing that it was fraudulently issued, or shall vote, or attempt to vote thereon, ifany one shill vote, or attempt to vote, on any certificate of n ituralizitiou not issued to hitn. he shall bo guilly of a hign misdemeanor: and either or any ol the persons, their aiders or abettors, guilly of either of the iiiisdeinea- nors u foresaid, shall, on conviction, be lined in ii sum not exceeding one thousand dollars i ud imprisoned in the proper penitentiary for a period not exceeding three years. Any person who on mthor ulTirmat ion, in or before any court in this Slate, or oil'cer authorized to administer oatiis, shall, to procure a certificate ol naturalization, for himself or any other per son, wilfully depase, declore or affirm any matter to be fact, knowing the same to be false, or shall in like manner deny any mat ter to be fact, knowing the same to be true, shall bo deemed guilly of perjury ; and any certificate of naturalization issued in pursu ance of any such deposition, declaration or affirmation, shall be null and void; and it shall be the duty of the court issuing the same, upon proof being made before is that it was fraud lently obtanined, to take im mediate measures for re-calling the same for cancelation ; and any person who shall vote, or attempt to vote, on any paper so obtained or who shall in any way aid in, connive at, or have any agency whatever in the issue, circulation or uscof any fraud lent naturaliza tion cerificatc, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction' thereof, shall undergo an imprisonment in ihe penitentiary for not more than two years, and pay a fine, not more than one thousand dollars, for eveysuch offence, or both, at the discretion of fhe court. "It shall be the duty of the secretary of the commonwealth to prepare forms for all the blanks made necessary by this act, and furnish copies of the same to the county commissioners of the several counties of the commonwealth ; and the county commissioners of each county shall, as soon as may be necessary after receipt of the same, at the proper expense of the coun ty, procure and furnish to all the ebction officers of the election districts of their respec tive counties copies of such blanks, in such quantities as may be rendered necessary for the discharge of iheir duties under this act, and shall pay all necessary expenses for lights, rent, fuel and stationery, on bills certified by the election officers." And by an Act approved February lo, 1S7-1, it is provided, "In all elections hereafter the certificate of naturalization, if genuine, shall be conclusive evidence of the facts mentioned therein ; and where the person offering to vote claims the right on the payment of tax, the receipt for such tax, if signed by the proper officer, shall be the evidence thereof: if such person does not produce such nceipt.ihcn pay ment of the tax may be proved by the oath of such person, or other evidence, stating when, where and to whom such tax was paid. Cod save the Commonwealth. JACOP K. SIIAFEP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Strondsburg, Oct. ". ISTU. NEW UACHIKE SHOP ! The subscriber having started a Macltin Shop, near the bead of Main Street, Stroudsburg, pa is prepared to build, and repair all kinds of Machinery with accuracy, and dispatch Peing fitted with SPECIAL MACIIIXERY FOR TURX SAFTLXU, AD Pl't. JsFsS, AM) W ITH IM- PllOYKI) TOOLS of of various kinds, and bavin; over Thirty vears, in : an experianco desio-nidn- an,t ill- i- 13 es,u building machinery for special purposes, t feel warranted in guaranteeing the best of worh. nave on hand, and building POKTABLE STE12J EMIXES, Oi from 2 to 10 Horse Power, de',,,. especially for Farm u.-e, or lor drh light machinery. I nlso several thousand feet of keep lug a any in stock. Premium New York Oak Tanned Beltin 0 in width- of I inch f , 0 inches, (C8n obtain wider our s at very short notice) at manu facturers prices, nj.-o Eace Leather, Belt Hi vets, I'unches, &c, STEAM PIPES &, FITTINGS Pipe cut and fitted, of the va riou.-s at siiort notice. ze I would call thf-niton-ion r.f Ulacksmithn Wheelwrights. ;,,) others, to mv assort! ment ol all sizes ot G. H. Dreher. E. E. Treiier 1101 Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, ' which I Hdt-enc.- htted offer at Vork Pnces. Tin? e.-neca v. I.eiiir il,,-.j,i . . t i j . . i . i W Mil nil'S )V IM.iC 1 iei'l v i acksmiths to furnish bid's i much cheaper, and ouicker. th tticin by hind. Cali in and see ml enable the i n v hn ntli an to cut mv (2 doors west of the "Jeffer-onian Office,") KLIZAUETII STKKHT, SlrocuSsIturg', DREHER & BRO., PKAI.EUS IX ISrusrs, 'IcMlicines, Perfumery azul Toilet Article.. 3?aints, OILS, VAKNISilKS, (I LASS & ITTTY. March n, i er:i tr. AMoininal Supporters and tiraces. Shoulder Seeley'; ESard lit Hi?i:Ei TSil'SSi: Also c v ntn. .'.irhinery, d. SAM OKI)."' COUNTY fcin::,"!!!;, W?.' .... - -.v . ; - - - '-'S Y 1 Jj I niMlTKii l'KRPKTI'A L. T! I, 1m. I:, vi : V.v-T- rv r. . li.- n V i Si A!'! I-, v .1 t.-. ! :ui , : i- ..ii !. 1 r v 'T! V S-'i.'li. in 1;. !. it -,r : ". - iT' v rn ut..;. i! y th :t of any f.:;..ii . i d i..r ;r-:ii.:-.!i!i ii .'.Ii. ;t. i ; - TiirssES of yakious pATTi:;;xs. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating: Oils. Physicians' Prescnitioiis carefully Com ix Ul!lhl. X. I.-T-Tlie highest Cash price paid for oil of WLTi:nc.i;i:i:x. inay-dtf. Cards, Bill-Heads, Labels, fie, I.:;. vu i ''! ill . . . :ri!.'; i-r i i; -;, . ; :.!!'i:t! t' !-: .y ! . I! -V! J" 1 li-- !'). :iiiv i i'l '" t.-i :,.'- j,,;;- !::. ir ' v i : si ''!! t!i.- tr.. llrsN-.f ;.. III.' r' v ..!'! r i K A T , CAEAP AND QUICK, Printed to Order at the JEFFERSONIAN n n j o y print 1 II V O FFICI Main Street, Stroudsburg", Pa. t!-7r All Orders promptly filWd. flive us c.tll. K li. 'i i: i:. it. i ii i : ii i : i ; , Sibs I- lrnko, T. V,-. Kh.,;, s, .K hi) 1 : 1 i :t I. !. j I.. t . i. :-i-...;!i 1,::.. -. ;- 'Hi.-.-. 'i'!:.!:.! w'a'!.,,'.-. U'll.l.l i VI.!. .-!'i:vi:voi:s. "r M -M- ..- I V in i . i' J. I' -i-u I.. r. it T. V. I'ri-'t. n it: v : ii. ( i iir, r. a. I' ll. for W: NV:n. vl,,. ' 1 1 1 1 r -: ( - A. M.i rr i'iko C'ut;n:v : l'r Ni-i!:.ui:ft'i!i t'muity lik iianl C':iiii.U'ii. for Cailx.n rmnily : Saiuu.-I Xi. i i,i-.i-. li. M. K. l-'or Wvomin-,' Cn:!iTv ; f, flic Man:iirt.i-s tni-ct rc-ularlv at the So(-n-lar" OlUtv in'.iMv, u tlio ftvlt Tit. vlav .f .-a' h month, at 2 l M. , May lx'T.'r-if. Harness it Saddlery. The above l-nsinrss Iins njr.iin been re sumed at fiie old sin ml, lately swept away Hy tlie late flood, neur Baldwin's Hotel, in Stroudsburjr, where will be kept constantly on hand the best assortment of Karnrss, double uud siuglr, Saddles, Collars, and every other arlicle n.-nnlly furnished in this linonf business. Work made to order on tlie shortest notice of Mountings V larre assortment and Sacldlerv Hard ware always on hand. C.ill and make your own selection, mid it will be furnished in style ard price not to be excelled in this market. JStrict attention p.i id to re pa iriti and done in shortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O.SAYLOK, Agent. October G, 1370. if -1. stock .truest lust scloctfti stock of Fuinhiiro cv. r exhibited ! Stroudslmrjr, cau now be seen at the Odd lVllows Hall. Oct. o, 'to. Mccarty: & sox. A r ware, XIV K StOC'Sw or inulv tnocci ics. ( Inccnswaiv. .iass- uod nd W lliow-ware. at i i vi')i:K d Ttru, CASH. ;;;, '::;-tf. T in