Newspaper Page Text
- -v - y The Prospect. The prospect of Republican success on i Tth of Novenber grows brighter every t The Democracy are making frantic - . NTrtW Vrkflr. nits fliia Arkfl nre registering fraudulent votes by the Jhousaml especially in New York city, but they rc marked and it is hoped will not ,v0t into the count on election day. We can rive Tildeu 45,000 majority in the city Hayes by 30,000. TiKleu sought the Presidency with all the energy of a wire-pulling ambitious tioul, while the nomination for the Presi dency came to Gov. Hayes unsought and uuexpectod. James Place, the Democratic candidate ft.r representative was in town oii Monday last, warmly importuning the Republicans lor their votes and influence. The Beethoven band were out serenading on Saturday evening last, aud discoursed some ot their excellent music which was very highly appreciated by those who heard them. . . V. 31. C. A. A business meeting of the YouDjr Men's Christiau Association of Stroudsburg, win be Held louuay evening, Nov. 6th, 7 p. m. All members of the association are urgeutry requested to attend. The stock hoi Jeos of the Stroudsburg Loan and IJuiMing association, will hold their an nual meeting, at the Tilden aud Hendricks Club room, on Friday evening, the 3d iust., l otween the hours of 7 and 9 o clock. As l-usiness of importance will be transacted at this meeting all interested should attend. . Accident. Ou Friday even ins last, about S o'clock, Mr. Peter Macord, an engineer on the I). L. fc W. coal train, met with a fata! accident this side of Oakland Station, on the southern division. He was stan Jin:; on the to the side of the enigine, oiling up, while the train was run ning at the rate of fourteen miles an hour ani wns hurled with fearful force across one of the rails of the northern bound track. He was picked up in an insensible condition and brought to East Stroudsburg where he liiiireicd until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, v.iun death relieved him of his suffering's His remains were sent to Hyde Park, on tiiC night-train, accompanied by an cseort of six cinrineens of the brotherhood and some i'ii-ii.K He wn 41 years of age, and leaves :i wile and three children to mourn his untimely t inl. Mr. 31. has been employed on differ ent railroads, in New York State and Penn sylvania for '2r years, and during iill that t::uo never received a wound or scratch. He v:s an indtitti-ius and sober man, and was LL-Iily esteemed by all who knew him. Dr. IVi-h was called and attended to the wants of the sufferer. maijrip:t. At Dresden, Germany, September 2Gth, in j-resnce of Aniorieau Consul, J. llutsen l':i!en. of Tunkhannock, Pa., and Clara 3Lria Schmaltz, of the former place. DIED. In Stroudsburg, Oct. 'Ust, Mrs. Jo sephine Nothelfer, aged 53 years, 5 months liud davs. Special ISTotice. V axamaker & Brown, of Philadel phia, may wr.ll challenge all comers upon, at lMt, two points on which they con gratulate themselves namely, the ex cellence of quality of the material, and splendid serviceablcnes-? of the manufacture in all their garments. An artist on canvas can scarcely put the of his brush with mere delicate and discriminating care tijvm a pet picture than the makers of Oak ll.ill clothing bestow upon every part and department of their work. Such scrupulous cure is bound to tell. The public will cer tainly 2nd it out more and more. OTIOE. To the Members of the Monroe Horse In surance Company. The annual meeting of the said Company will be held at Snydersvilie, on Saturday, the eleventh day of November, 1876, at 0 o'clock A. M., for the election of officers and settle nent of accounts. All captains are requested to be there promptly at 9 o'clock a. rn., pre pared to settle their accounts under penalty of the fine which may ensure. By order of the otaeers of said Company. P. S. EDINGEE, President. J. II. Fexxer, Sec'y. Nov. 2-2t. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of fhe Strondsburg Loan and Building Associa tion, will be held in the Tilden and Hendricks Club Room, on Friday evening, November 3, 170, between the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock. Ii. S. J A COB Y, Sec'y. October 26, 1S76. St. Auditor's Notice. The iindorsiened, appointed auditor by the Orphans' Court of Monroe county to make distribution of the Mil nee of moner in the" hand of A. Ji. !baf-r, Adio'or., f th- Estate of Marv Shafer, d ec.easfd , will attend to ffie d u tii of his appointment t his office in the Wough of Stroudsl.urg, on Friday tin -4th day of November, A. I)., 137(5, nt 2 o'clock," P. M., when aDd hre all parties iuut present their elaims or be forever debarred from coming in ou said fund. Nov.2-t. I). S. LEE, Auditor. DREHER'S GREAT PUBLIC SALE OF Horses, Carriages, Harness, k, The utKWsijrned will expose at public safe at his LIVKP.Y TAJiLL.s in titroudsburg, on Friday, November 3d, 1ST6, t 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following valuable HORSES, CARRIAGES, HARNESS Ac, vis: Oue threp-h.uiU.-d Park Photon, with top and storm r, as ftood ao new; 1 two-seuted Phjflon, with ex tension top, as good as new; 1 four .seated- fTfetforiu ' rriap, with top; 1 two-seated top Carriage; 5 single t"P Carriage; 2 P.uekboards ; 1 Rultcev; 1 t h ree-w-atod Nigh ; 5 ttiuxlc .Sleighs; 1 pair heavy Bob-Sleds, 1 pair iirhl "b-sicd,, with body and three seaU; 2 Lumber "ukods, Eight Horses, food Rinele and double drivers, for light or heayy ork,3eu heaw Harness; 4 sets light doublellarness, 1 6"t as ood as new ; 11 set of tiiuglc Harnese, two ta entirely new, never been used; 11 bote Fly-Net; 11 wraps Bella, together with - Whips, Robes, Halters, &c. &c. Terms and conditiona will be made known on day of ilu r.y t, DARIUS DREHER. ttrofisburg, Oct. J6, l&TC.-Ct. First Gun from Stroudsburg Decker 5000 Ahead!! Tho Meroantile Appraiser says DECKER & CO OF THE WONDERFUL CHEAP AUCTION STORE and one other old established merchant has sold more goods the past year than any other store in the county. So you sec, the people themselves have decided wuicn is the cheapest Store, and here thev will crowd iti suite of all onnosi- tion, pulline:, coaxing or hauling, for here tney know they Save Their Dollars. The Auction Store is now chuck up full of wonderful cheap fall and winter jjoods, and now we say to the people of Monroe, Northampton and Warren Counties, Come one. come all. Do you want beautiful dress Oods. calicoes, muslies. table diaper, towellings, denims or stripe shirting come to Deck er's and Save Your Dollars. Do vou want splendid Under Vest for Ladies' or Under Shirts and Drawers for j Gent', or Hosiery and Glove, come straight T .1. - 1 to ucckvth a auu Save Tour Dollars. Do you want beautiful Hose Blankets, Horse Blankets, Cotton or Wool Flannels, of all descriptions or a jrood Carpet .at near ly half price, come to Decker's aud Save Your Dollars. Do you want 200 Yard Spool Cotton for three cents, and large paper of Pius for five cents, or a paper of best Xecdles, for five cents, and all kinds of notions, for nearly Half Price, then come to Decker's and Save Your Dollars. Do you want beautiful styles of Ladies' cloth for Cloak or Sacks, or fine Cassimers, Satinetts, Tweeds or Kentucky Jaues, come to Decker's and Save Your Dollars. Do you want a good substantial Suit of Clothes for yourself or for your Boys, or a single Coat for 4 or 5 dollars, or a single pair of Pants for 1 dollar and 50 cents, lined, or a heavy Cassimere Vest for 1 dol lar, or a pood Overcoat for five dollars, come to Decker's and Save Your Dollars. Do you want fine or common Hats, or Winter Caps for yourself and boys, then, come at orce to Decker's and Save Your Dollars. Do you want Millinery Goods, such as Trimmed or Untrimmed Hats for Ladies', Misses or Children, or Ribbons, Feathers or Flowers for nearly half priee, then come to Decker's and Save Your Dollars. Do you want Rousing Calf or Heavy Kip Boots for men aud boys, whole leather, or splendid Pebble Goat Button or Lace Shoes, for ladies' misses or children, or the best Rubber Boots & Shoes then come to Decker's and only to Decker's can you Save Your Dollars. Now all we can ask is for every one to come aud seo for himself before be buys any where else. DECKER & CO., 4 Doors Below the Post Office. Stroudtburg, Oct 13, 1876-3m.- NOTICE. Notice 1 hercbv civen ttiar tVir. c.kmI T. J O-- j ... A wa Duplicate for the IWnncr. nt Strnnk 1876, is iri the hands of R. R. Depuy, Treas urer, and that all personn paying said Taes on or before December 5th, 1876, will have uwuviiuii til 'J pUI VV11L. By order of the Board, A. I. LaBAR. PrPftjJpnt. Oct. 20, 1S76. NOTICE. The Annual MMt i n t nt StH,rl.l. nf v.o Stroudiburtr Bank, wiii hn hold at iimir nnVin. Houiecn the first Tuedv of Norember, (7th.) 1S7C. imiw.nru iu uouri oi i ana z o ciocr, I', m. 5-4t. J. MACKEY, Cashier. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. Thcro wil! he an rlectlon hnM oTtho Stroudsbiirc Dank, on Mondaf , November 20, io.u, miwu me uour n, m a. m., and 3 p. m., to elect luinwa director. lur Mia Uanic to srv tua ensuing t)ct. lJ-4t. J. MACKEY, Cashier. REINHART'S Public Assignee Sale ! The undersigned, Assignee of Bcniamin r. iteinhart, ot riast btroudsburg, will ex pose at the Lackawanna House, on SATURDAY, NOV., Uth, 187C, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following Valuable Real Estate, viz : A lot of ground, situated in said Borough, 47 feet front by 150 feet in depth. The lot is nicely located in one of the best carta mf I of the town. The improvements thereon consist ot a new Two Story Frame Dwel-AN ung nouse, 20 by 2C feet, with a kitchen attached, 1G by 20 feet, and other necessary buildings, water, &c. Conditions will be made known on the day of sale by WILLIAM II. REINIIART. East Stroudsburg, Oct. 19, lS7G-3t. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Assignment of Benjamin F. Heinhart and Wife, oj Jvust otrotidsourg, l a. Whereas, the above named have made an assignment of all their real estate to the under eigned, for the benefit of their creditors, notice i therefore given that all peons having claims against the paid assignors will present them at once, and all indebted are notified to make immediate payment. Wm. If. REINIIART, Assignee. Jackson Corners, Pa. Oct. 5, '7C-6t FOR RENT. A Farm in Paradise Valley will be rented for 1 year with the privelege of longer time in shares or money rent. Enquire of or address ll. b. beip, Jviston, l'a., or Lsqr. John lransue, l'aradise Valley. Oct. 19-2m Believing that the only safe and fair way of dealing is on the cash system; for both buyer and seller, aud thereby save money for the iiurchaser. We hereby give notice that on and after October 1st, we will sell goods only on the cash basis. Thankful to our friends for past favors we solicit a continuance of their patronage UKO. E. STAUFFER & CO. East Stroudsburg, Sept. 7-2m. Caution! Take Notice! rTlIIE public are hereby cautioned against JL harboring or trusting any person un der any pretense whatever, from this date on my account, as I am determined to re sist, to the full extent of the law, the pay ment of all debts contracted by any one in my name without regard to person, except upon my written order CHARLES U. WARNICK. Stroudaburjr, Pa. Aug. 24, IS 76. A CLASSICAL SCHOOL. A Classical School for both sexes will he opened in the bailment of th Lutheran Church, at Stroudsburg The aim of this srhool is: First, to furnich a practical education for the ordi nary pursuits of life : Secondly, to give special attention to tbeelassies and hipbor English studies; Thirdly, to prepare young men for Colleges and Uni versities. No efforts, will be ypared to mnke our school-room the the most attractive in the county. Our work mu.nt recommend us. Tuition per terra cf ten weeks (common English branches ), S-.VK). Latin, Greek and German, each one dollar per term extra. The f.rt session begins on fonday, October 16, 1876. For particulars address the Principal, GEO. O. KLXKLE, A. M, Stroudsburg. or Rev. J. KOHLEIt, Stroudshuri?, I'a. References: Rev. F. A. Muhlenberg, Allentown ; Kev. J. Kohler, Hon. J. B. Storm, A. O. Grecnwald, J. Appenzeller, fitroudsburg, I'a. btroudsburg, Sept. 21, 1376. NOTTICE TO OWNERS OP FISH BASKETS. Notice is hereby given to all persons owners of Fish Basket, Keddels, Eel-weirs, and other contrivances to catch fish in the Kiver Dela ware, or other streams of Monroe County, to remove the same within ten days, as the same are known to exist and are declared common nuisances, and if not removed or dismantled lefore that time, I shall proceed to do so, as directed by the act of Assembly made for the protection of Fish, &c. passed MaT 24, 1871. JACOK K. SIIAFER, Sheriff. Sheriff's office. Stroudsburg, Oct. 2, 1S76. MUSIC! Tho Stroudsburg' Cornet Band Seventeen- 5'embers, in Full New Uniform, oflers its services, during the season, to; play at Pic IVicg, In Processions and at Political Meetings, at reasonable rates. For particulars, &C, call on or address, either . . . N. II. SUA FEU. Indian' Queen Hotel. S. D, ROBESON, Democrat Office. or F. W. BORN, Born's Barber Shop. Stre-udeb jrg, Joly 20th, 1876. 1876. FALL & WINTER GOODS 1876.1 .A-t UST. lUiSTEITSi The Mona Hall of Fashion! Those wishing to purchase anv thinir in the 1 . 1 . 1 wve piauc as mey win nna a larger aud nner Stock of than all the rest in town put together. All wool $5 00; English and German basket and diaenal iwemy per cent. iea. iiier are cut in the latest iaieai sijies in "White "Vests and Alpaca Coats. IX YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CIIILDREF'S CLOTHING, yon can't better yourself an they are made up tu unu lucm any wnere eise in town. HATS, CAPS AND Those Wishing In VlllV otvKcTl TT t nr Pan .III ...l CJ .1-.- . : . r rr, a mure wiupieie block, m town, Ladies' and Gcnis5 Youwill find all the latest novelties of the any thing in the furnishing goods line will do a mucn larger stock than in any other place in town. DRY GOODS! Those wishing to huy Dry Goods will also do well to call at the above place as prices are very low. Alwavs on hand a full line of the Capitol Alpacas, which are the best vou will find. A splendid line of Skirts and Shawls. You can $175. N. B. Particular attention paid to CUSTOM WORK. Good fit3 warranted or no sale. Our motto is, we will not be undersold, so call belore purchasing elsewhere. PROPRIETOR OF THE September 3, 1874. tf. MUST BE SOLD A LARGE STOCK OF Spring and Summer Goods, ALL NEW and HIGIIT IN STYLE! The best assortment in Town 1 Will be sold as cheap as the cheapest, and bet ter in quality 1 Can't quote prices but will guarantee yon more value for your money than you can find any where else, of which our customera may judge for themselves. Come and examine our entire stock. "We have no antipathy to showing goods? Will gladly Bhow whether you buy or not. We also keep a nice assortment of GEOOBEIES. Sell iliem cheap and take Country Produce in exchange for all kinds of Goods. COME AND SEE US, CORNER STORE, OrrOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL, STROUDSBURG, PA. C. R. AN DREE & CO. June 8, 187C tf. Carriage Making. The undersigned takes this method of informing the public, that he still con tinues the above business in all its branches at his old Stand, on Franklin street, Stroudsburg, Pa., where he will be hap py to receive orders for work in his line, including general Wheelwrighting, Blacksmith ing, Painting, Trimming, &c. His stock, of the best quality of seasoned lumber is large and very complete; and also has a full force of first class workmen at all the branches, he flatters himself that he is fully prepared to accomodate all who favor him with orders, and guaran tee entire satisfaction. Repairing promptly attended to W.M. HUNTSMAN. July 28, 1870. UNDERTAKING ! LEE &. Co. would most respectfully an nounce that having procured an elegant HEAESE, and having a person in their employ of twelve years experience, in the undertaking business, are now prepared to attend to un dertaking in all its branches in the best pos sible manner. COFFINS and CASKETS ot any size, style or quality, constantly on hand, and ready for shipment at short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Our charges are moderate; we have no disposition lo distress the living or rob the estates of the dead. N. B.Ready-made ROBES, neatly got ten up, can be had at any time, at the Ware Room of LEE & Co. , May 26. 1870. ly. A.OTIIi:it TllOPIIY HOX BY THE E'STEY COTTAGE ORGANS f These superior and beautifully finished in struments so far eclipsed their competitor in volume, purity,' sweetness and delicacy of tone, as to carry off the first and only premium giv en to exhibitors of reed Organs at the Monroe County Fair, held September 25, 1874. Buy only the best. For price list address Oct 1-tf. J. Y. S1GAFUS, TjLANKS OF ALL KINDS for Sale at JJ this Office.- CLOTHTKn TJXP. will rlr. wpII in 1! t tb J Clothing suits aa low as S3 00; the Unions as low as Fuits from S18 00 so S35 00: the imitations style and are equal to custom work. All the in the best of style and are cheaper than you STRAW GOODS! will An ir toll at tliA ohnro nlflPO AC tTlT I r , r ine pneec are very low. Furnishing Goods! season always on hand. Those wishing to buy well to call "at the above place, as they will find get a splendid shawl, alike on both sides, fori those wishing to buy for CASH will do well to N. RUSTER, NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, Main street, Stroudsburg, Pa. SOMETHING NEW ! A SHOE MANUFACTORY. The undersigned would respectfully plTe notice that they liavo ostal)Iihel at Williams' Hall building, cor- ner of George and Monroe streets, Stroudsburg, ri SHOE MANUFACTORY, for the maVInj; f kinds of Lady's and Gentlemens aua enikiren's Boots ana bnocs ana Uppers, rariicu- lar attention paid to CUSTOM WORK. Ternons having deformed feet, bunions or corns, or children with weak ankles, or crooked limbs, can hare here offirct class materials and at reasonable prices Shot's made to suit their cases. Having had a larae experience in New York we feel confident that we can suit customers as to qualities and price, all of our goods loth for general and special sale I are warranted to be as represented Please rive us a I call, examine our goods and materials consisting ofl surges, glazed trench. Mat ana hrencn (.'an Kia, lone grained. Brush and Pisbbled Goat Morocco, French ana American Calf and Kip Skins, all of which will be cheerfully shown to those who may call. Intending to make a first rate wearing article we have nothing to conceal, either in stock or make from the public, oat would invite their closest scrutinv. July 8, '75-tf K. E. CROMMETT & CO. SAMUEL HOOD, t ' . :..' ,r,-.;:, ';:.V 'J II mm Wholesale and Retail Dealer in C00K&PAKL0R STOVES, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Metal House Furnishing Goods Roofing and Spouting done on short notice, with the best material, and at reasonable prices. His stock of Cook, Parlor and Office Stoves embraces all the best varieties known to tho I trad. Call and see. Store third building, above the Methodist Church, Main street, Stroudsburg, Fa. February 4, '75-tf. j. ii. Mccarty & sons, having long been dipgusted with the barbarous custom of burying or using Ice on Corpsea, not to ppeak of the horror of freezing the dead, as a relic of barbarism in itself considered, it aa obnoxious to the Fensibility of the refined as Cremation; and would never have been submit ted to but for necessity, which thanks to the march of discovery no longer exists, for J II. McCarty & Sons, have a preparation which in its application is as harmless as water, but which in its potency is able tograpple with the deRpoiler of our mortal forms, and say thus far, but no further, hence let thy corrupting pow ers be stayed. This preparation is manufactured, and used only hy J. II. McCarty & Sons, the only Undertakers in the County, or State, that can keep a Corpse any desired length of time, for weeks and months, and bring back even the mellow tint and real bloom of life to assuage the grief and anguish of the bereaved, which fact can be witnessed at every funeral attended by them where they have, the entire control, and the preparation of the body for burial. J. II. McCarty has made this preparation his study fur over twenty years, and can now offer to the public this preparation perfected, with out money and without price to those employ ing them. Oct. 5; '76-tf.J J. II. McCARTY & SONS. HAMIIYTOX'S SEAMLESS COR SETS. The best in use. The only place they can be had in town is at the cor ner store. Try them, jan. 30, 73. tf. C. R. ANDRE k Co. FURNITURE I FURNITURE 1 I . Goods selling every day at Auction prices from 7 a, m., to 8 p. m. Goods selling at half price to maks room for their new fall goods. Oct. 5, 76J McCARTY & SONS. ELECTORS. Benjamin Harris Brewster'; John W. Chalfaht; John Welsh, Henry Disstori; Christian J. Hoffman, Charles Thompson! Jones, Edwin II. Fitlcr, Joseph W. Barnard, Benjamin Smithy Jacob Knabb, John B. Warfel, Joseph Thomas, Ario Pardee, Lewis Pughe, Edward S. Siiliman; William Caldcr, Miles L. Tracy, S. W. Starkweather Daniel J. Morrell, Jeremiah Lyons, William Hay, William Cameron ; J. B. Donley, Paniel O'Neill, William Neeb, Andrew B. Berger; Samuel 31. Jackson; James Westerman, W. W. Wilbur, CONGRESS David J. Waller ELECTORS. John W. Qhalfant; John Welsh, Henry Disston, .. Christian J. Hoffman, Charles Thompson Jones; Edwin II. Fitler, Joseph W. Barnard, Benjamin Smith, Jacob Knabb, John B. Warfel; Benjamin Harris Bfewfltef; Joseph Thomas, Ario Pardee, Lewis Pughe, Edward S. Sillimari; William Caldcr, Miles L. Tracy, S. W. Starkweather Daniel J. Morrell, Jeremiah Lyons William Hay, William Cameron; J. B. Donley, Paniel O'Neill, William Neeb, Andrew B. Bergor; Samuel M. Jackson; James Westerman; W. W. Wilbur. CONGRESS David J. Wailer" ELECTORS: Benjamin Harris Brewster; John W. Chalfant; John "Welsh, Henry Disitoh, Christian J. Hoffman, Charles Thompson Jones; Edwin II. Fitler, Joseph W. Barnard; Benjamin Smith, Jacob Knabb, John B. Warfel, Joseph Thomas, Ario Pardee, Lewis Pughe, Kdward S. Sillimari; William Calder, Miles L. Tracy, S. W. Starkweather; Daniel J. Morrel, Jeremiah. Lyons, William Hay, William Cameron, J. B. Donley, Daniel O'Neill, William Neeb, Andrew B. Berger; Samuel M. Jackson; James Westerman, W. W. Wilbur. CONGRESS David J. Wallet ELECTORS: Benjamin Harris Bre'wstef; John W. Chalfant, John Welsh, Henry Disston; Christian J. Hoffman f Charles Thompson Jones; Edwin H: Fitler, Joseph W. Barnard, Benjamin Smith, Jacob Knabb, John B. Warfel, Joseph Thomas; Ario Pardee, Lewis Pughe, Edward S. SfllimariV William Calder, Miles L. Tracy, S. W. Starkweather, Daniel J. Morrel, Jeremiah Lyons, William Hay, Villiam Cameron, J. B. Donley, Daniel O'Neill, William Neeb, Andrew B. Berger, Samuel M. Jackaon, James Westerman,- W. W. Wilbur.