Newspaper Page Text
1876'. FALL 85 WINTER GOODS 187C. A.t 3ST. EUSTEE'S, mm J, H? McCarty & Sons, Practical Undertakers, Beg herewith to offer to the public as a bn- P. S. WILLIAMS, NEW MACHINE SHOP! The subscriber havinff started a Machiu ion filness novelty and practical convenience the following price list, of superior Tlie '-Nafi lleii Shop, near the head of Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa., Those wishing to purchase any th ing in the CLOTIIIXG LINE, will do well to call at the above place as they will lind a larger and finer Stock of Clothing than all the re-t in town rt together. All wool suits as low as S3 00; the Unions as low as S 00; English and German basket and diagnal suits from $18 00 so S3") 00; the imitations twenty per cent. less. They are cut in the latest style and are equal to custom work. All the latest stytes in ' ' "White "V"ests and .Alpaca Coats. IX YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CIIILDREF'S CLOTHING, von can't better yourself as they are made up in the best of style and are cheaper than you cBn find them any where eke in town. ' ' HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS ! Those wishing to buy a stylish Hat or Cap will do well to call at the above place, as they will not find a more complete stock in town. The pricec are very low. Ladies' and Gents' FnrnishiKg' Goods! You will find all the latest novelties of the season always on hand. Those wishing to buy any thing in the furnishing goods line will do well to call at the above place, as they will find a much larger stock than in any other place in town. DRY GOODS! Those wishing to buy Dry Goods will also do well to call at the above place as prices are verv low. Always on hand a full line of the Capitol Alpacas, which are t lie best you will find. A splendid line of Skirts and Shawls. You can get a splendid shawl, alike on both sides, for $175. N. B. Particular attention paid to CUSTOM "WORK. Good fits warranted or no sale. Our motto is, we will not be undersold, so those wishing to buy for CASH will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. N. E.USTER, PROPRIETOR OF THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, September 0, 1S74. tf. Main street, Stuoudsburg, Fa. MUST BE SOLD A LARGE STOCK OF Spring and Summer Goods, ' ALL NEW and RIGHT IN STYLE I Tko best assortment in Town ! j "Will be sold as cheap a the cheapest, and bet ter in quality 1 Can't quote prices but will 'guarantee you more value for your money than you can tind any where else, of which our customers may udge for themselves. We Will i . ! ' : Come and examine our entire stock, h ave no antipathy to showing goods? gladly show whether you buy or not. We also keep a nice assortment of I-? in1 I-? TT1 VJ JLVVy V i ilV;J 1 ikJ Sell them cheap and take Country Produce in exchange for all kinds of Goods. COME AND SEE US, CORNER STORE, OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL, STROUDSBURG, PA. C. 11. AN DREE & CO. June 8, 1STC tf. e Making. The undersigned takes this method of informing the public, that he still con tinues the above busiues in all it.s branches at his old Stand, on FraDklin street, Stroudsburg, Pa.,, where he will be hap py to receive orders for work in his line, including general "Wli eel wright ing", Blacksmith ing, Painting, Trimming, &c. His Ftock, cf the best quality of seasoned lumber is large aud very complete; and also has a full force of firsr class workmen at all the brauches, he flatters himself that he is fully prepared to accomodate all who favor him with orders, aud guaran tee entire satisfaction. Kepairiog promptly attended to WM. HUNTSMAN. July 23,-1870. UNDERTAKING ! LEE & Co. would mo-t respectfully an nounce that having procured an elegant HEAESE, iL and having a person in their employ of twelve years experience, in the undertaking business, are now prepared to attend to un dertaking in all iis brunches in the best pos sible manner. COFFINS and CASKETS of any size, style or quality, constantly on hand, and ready for shipment at short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Our charges are moderate; we have no disposition lo distress the living or rob the estates ol the dead. N. B. Ready-made ROBES, neally got ten up, can be had at any time, at the Ware Koom ot LlA'j & Co. May 26, 170. ly. AOTIIi;U TItOPIIY M'OX BY THE ESTEY COTTAGE ORGANS! These superior and beautifully finished in Btruruenta so far eclipsed tlieir competitor in Tolume, purity, sweetness and delicacy of tone, as to cyrv ofi'tlie first and only premium iv en to exhibitors of reed Organs at the Monroe County Fair, held September 2, 1S74. liny only the bt. For price list address Octl-tf.l J. Y.SIGAFLS, B LANKS OF ALL KINDS fur Sale at this Officx. Carria "i ' in ii r -1 ' 1 SOMETHING NEW ! A SHOE MANUFACTORY. The unilersiiriwl vnulil respectfully rive notice that tliev have established at Williams' Hail ImiMinir. cor- ntr'of wr-e a"d Mo"rou trcfts. SHOE MANUFACTORY, for the making of all kinds of Lady's and Gcntlemens and Children's Knot.s and Shoes ;wd L'iicrs. Particu lar atteutiuu jiaid to CUSTOM WORK. Fersnn hnvinc defonned feet, hnn:o'i er corns, or children w ith weak aukh-s, nr crooked limhs, can have here of first class materials and at rea-sonable prices Shoes made to suit their cases. Having had a lare experience in New York we feel confident that we i-au S'lU customers as to ualii-s and price, all ol'oiir ; 1tli for uerai auU sp-jcial sale are warranted to he as represented l'h-ase v'ive ns a call, examine our .;N and materials eoii-istinif nt .Surges, glazed Frvnih, Mat and French Calf Kid, Ions 'American Calf and Kip S!:ins, all of which will .-heerfullv shown to those who m:v call. Intending to prained. lSrush and l' I .hied (ioat Morocco, French and cheerfullv shown to those who mnvcall. Intending to make a lirst rate wearing article we have nothing to conceal, eiiher in toek or m;ke from the puMic, hut would invite their closest scrutinv. July 8, TO-tf li. JI. CT.OMMETT t CO. SAMUEL HOOD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Uetal House Furnishing Goods. Roofing am! Spoufir.g done on short noti,, with the h"t natr-rial, are at reainnaWi' prions. JFisstiK-k of ('.!, r;ii!raiilJ!l'u-i' Stoves 'iiilra', all the tot vari-ti' known tu tho trade. Call ami sw. Store thinl hiiiMii)!;, alivo ihv M tholist ( lmr li, ?ain street, Stroisdsbury, 1'a. February 4, '75-tf. J. H. McDAEHY & S0SS, having long been disgusted with the barbarous custom of burvinjr or using Ice on (Corpses, not to speak of the horror of freezing the dead, as a relic of barbarism in itself considered, it a obnoxious to tne sensiomtv ot the reimea a Cremation; and would never have been submit ted to but for necessity, which thanks Ito the march of discovery no longer exi-ts, for J. II. MeLarty & Sons have a preparation which in its application is as harmless as writer, but which in its potency is able tograpple with the despoiler of our mortal tonus, and say thus far, but no further, hence leL thy corrupting jow ers be staved. This preparation is manufactured, and used onlv bv J. II. Mccarty t'c hoys, the only Undertakers in the Countv, or State, that can keep a Corpse any desired length jof time, for weeks and months, and bring back even the mellow tint and real bloom of life to assuage the grief and anguih of the bereaved, which fact can be witnessed at everv funeral attended bv them where thev have the entire control, and the preparation of the body for burial J. II. McCarty has made this preparation his study for over twenty years, and can now offer to the public this preparation perfected, with out money and without price to those employ ing them. Oct. 5, '7C-tf. J. ir. McCAKTY & SONS. HA5IIITQ.VS SUABSLUSS CORSETS.- The host in use. The only place they cau be h id in town is at the cor ner .store. Try them. jan. 30, '7.3. tf. J C. It. .ANDRE Sc Co. FURNITURE I FURNITURE ! I Goods selling every day at Auction prices from 7 a. m., to 8 p. in. Goods selling at half price to maks room for their new fall goods. Oct. 5, '7G.J McCAKTY A .SONS. Mi 4 Received. Last Week a r -" THE LARGEST STOCK OF J HATS & CAPS, Gents' Furnishing Goods, EVER BROUGHT TO STROTJBSBUEG. Call and sss them. Stroudsburg, October 5,-1876, ONROE CO. BANKING AND mims company.. Chas. W. Decker, Thos. D. Stites, Chas. Fetherman, R. S. Staples, Geo. E. Stanffer, Thos. A. Bell, W. B. Bell, J. Lanlz, will pay interest on deposits amounting to three dollars and over, at the following rates : G per cet; on deposits left one year. 4 " . " " " six months 4 " " on daily balance averaging live hundred dollars and over. Interest will be computed from the first o each mouth and all deposits made previous to the tenth of the month will draw interest from the lfct. The members of this Company are liable to the full ariiomit of-thcir wealth fox .the security of the depositors. imiECTOits : ' ' V R. S. ST A PLKS,' G. E. ST AUFFEI1 CII AS. FETII HUMAN, J. -LANTZ THOMAS A. BELL. OFFICERS : THOS. A. BELL, President, CHAS. FETII EUM AN, TV Prcs't WM. H. BELL, Cashier. Jan. 27,'7G. J. 33. I-IULL, (Successor to J. E. Erdman,) ,,' Monroe Co. Marble Works, Main St., Stroudsburg1, Pa., "Where will he found constantly on hand or made to oruei, t ' t r. IIC ADSTO.VKS, &c, of thehest Italian and American Marble. Having been in the employ of Mr. ICrdman for nearly ten years, I feel confident in my ability to please all that give me a call. . AI work warranted to give entire satisfaction. JCrS Orders by mail promptly attended to. fib2U72-tf A CLASSICAL SCHOOL. A Classical School for both fxpi will h( opfnod in i no Diiscmcni oi me Ltilliciun t. htirch, at Mnnidstmrg 1 lie aim of this m hool i: J'irst, to furnish u prac(ic;il eiliuatioii for the onli i:ary pursuits of life: SccniiiIIy, to rivi! fp'cial attention to the classles and liiflicr l-.iiiisii stu.lics; Thirdly, to j)rcjare young men for Colleges aud Uni vrrilics. No efforts will he spared to innke our school-room the th most attrxctivd in tho county. , . - Our work must re oimm-iiii us. Tuition cr term often weeks (eommon English branches), $.TriM. I-uiu, t j reck and C.crnian, each one dollar per term emra. The first session liegins on tonday, October 15, 1S7G l or particulars address tli i rim ipMl, GKO. O. KL'XKLF, A. tsU StroiHlshurg. or Hv. J. KOITI.FR, Stroii(Iburg, Pa. IlrKKRicxcKs: lfev. K. A. Muhlcnbt-ri,', Allcntown; Uev. J. Kohh-r, Hon. J. U. Storm, A. t. (.iroccwaLl, J. Ap;i-nzll'T, Strondsburir, I'a. Sftruu-isburg, Sept. 'i, ISTG. COFFINS and CASKETS. An examination of the list will at once reveal the cost of articles in this line, whether metal or wood, 'from the plainest to the most elabor ate finished, so that parties at a distance or at home, have but to read to find the precise ar ticle wanted, at prices much lower than offer ed by any other house in Ciiv or Country. These goods are all of the best quality, nothing inferior being kept in stock, and will bear the closest inspection, which is cordially invited. The list will be found to embrace all the more recent and meritorious inventions. Price List of Qtjnna and Oiskcts furnihsed by . . , J. 11. McUarly cc Sons. Xo 1 Fnll fii7,e complete . $25 00 No.' 2 Full size O G top and molded ' basecomplete ' SO 00 No. 3 Full size, double top and mould ed base, rrench plate Glass, handle plated, Satin or Merino liuing 3-3 00 No. 4 Full size, round corners, rich mounting, .Merino lining, fcilk fringe 40 00 No. 5 Full size, double top, full glass Octagon ends, Merino lining, com plete . 4o 00 Imitation Coffins, full size $9 to 13 do do all sizes, from 20 inches to G feet, in stock ' 1 50 per foot. Children' Cofliins, Walnut $0 to $15 do White Caskets, complete, from 2 ft. G inch, to 4 ft. 5 inch. $12 to $1S. Children's solid Kose Caskets, kept in stock, from 2 ft. 10 inch, to 4 ft. 10 inch, trimmed and boxed $20 and np. No. 1--Full size Casket, complete $33 00 No. 2 do do polished, handles and plate, complete 42 00 No. 3 Full size Casket, polished Wal nut, handles, plate, thumb-screws and richlv trimmed, complete 45 00 No. 4 Full size beautiful Octagon or bent ends,' raised double top, full glass, heavy moulded, Me rino or satin lined, complete 50 00 No. 5 Full size Gem Casket, in Wal nut or Rosewood only, no sizes under 4 ft. G inch, price as trim med, from S50to$150 00 Style A Wrought metal Uurial Caskets, lull size, weight from 250 to 400 lbs. plain finish, imitation of Itose wood or Walnut, single glass, from $ IS to $05 00 Style I Full size beautiful Cas kets boiler iron, weight from 250 to 350 lbs. double thick plate-glass, beauti fully trimmed with satin or merino, from S75 to $150 00 Style C Full size wrought metal Casket, glass covering, whole -top, I inch thick, bar, handles, silver corner pillars, weight from 350 to 450 lbs. price from $190 to $400 00 .Children's Mrtalic Caskets, all sizes, from 3 ft. up. Trices in proportion. 2so extra charges lor attending iunerals. September 23, 1876. A. 110CKAFKLLOW, DEALER IN Ileady-Madc Clothing, Gents Fur nishing Goods, Hats &Caps, Boots & Shoes, &c EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. (Near the Depot.) The public are invited to call and examine goods. Prices moderate. . May G,'G0-tf Q. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher Pi-iCEisris: (2 doors west cf the "Jeflersonian Office,", ELIZABETH STREET, Stroudsburg, I"a., DREHER & BRO., DEALERS IN Drugs, Ulcdlciiics, Perfumery aud Toilet Articles. JPaints, OILS, VAUNISIIES, GLASS & PUTTY. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder .Braces. Seeley's Hard ULKISEU TRUSSES Also Ritfcer's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. N. I. The highest Cash price paid for OIL of WINTERG REEN. iuay-4tf. CAUTION ! All persons are hereby cautioned not to trespass on any property of the undersigned, aituate in Stroud township, Monroe county, Pa. Anyone violating this notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. JACOH IL BUTTS. Stroudsburg, July L'D, 1875. Br7ANKlr7K a s es For Sale at this OfTico'. Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN-ST, STROUDSBURG, PA. Located in corner building-, third door be low the J efier son ia 11 office. Room handsome ly fitted up, and heavily stocked with the fi nest assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers Ko tiocs, &c, everoffprcd in thissecthn ofccunlnr. A full assortment of Spectacles, of thp best quality, and suited to all ejjes, always 011 mi le. Silver-ware, and Silver Plated ware, al ways on hand at manufacturers prices. 03-Repairing neatly executed, and char ges extrrmely moderate. Calls from the public- respect fully soliciied. Aent for the celebrated Dunmnd opectacles. JNovember 5th, 16G8 ly. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL Vr 110 WANT Carriage Work or Dlacksraitliin DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER ! fTT, c..i zv. 1 1- . . iiiii uegs leave to in jform the public that he is fully pre f pared, at his cstahlihtuent, at the corner of fcimpson and Sarah streets, in me. uuiouj;n 01 oirouasDurir, to uuake to order, every style of Carriage, Vagon, and, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible notice, and ou the most reasonable tcruss. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the best style of the art. Having first-class material always on hand, aud none but first-class wcrknieu engaged, the public are assured that none but first-class work will be turned out at his shop. In connection with his Carriage Shop he has also a Riacksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are invite.' to tall and ex amine his stock before purchasing else where. VALENTIN K KAIJTZ. September ly, lsG7.-tf. J. P. M0W&BR0. Dealers ix Queensware and Earthenware, Glassware, LAMP FIXTURES AND CHIMNEYS, Wood and Willow-Ware, and constant! on hand a lnre assortment of DKIEDand CANNKD FIILTfS, Foreign and Domestic; Dried Jecf, Prepared Sausages, Shoulders, Pik led Meats, and choice HAMS a specialty. HACEHSRAL A3iD CO3-FSSZ:, SYRUPS AND MOLASKS, Extra Family Flour, Coal Oil, &c, &c. In fact the larjrcst general assortment f Groceries to be found in the County at the lowest cash prices. Store opposite the UUKNKTT HOUSE, Corner of Main and Franklin Streets, Strouds bnrp, Pa. P. S. Ili-host CASH rniCE paid for PRODUCE or Goods in exchange. James P. I'rowx, Wm. V. Urowx. May 2,'7(tf. Cards, Bill-Heads, Labels, k NEAT, CAEAP AXD QUICK, lYiuted to Order at tho JEFFERSONIAN officii:, Main Sfcrfifit. Strnnrfahnrfr. Pn. teUr All Ordera promptly filled. (Jive us a can. J 0 13 Printing is prepared to build, and repair all kinds of Machinery with accuracy, and dispatch. Being fitted with SPECIAL MACIIISERY FOR TURX. IiXd, SIIAFTIXG. AiS'D PUL. LEYS, AM) WITH IM PROVED TOOLS of various kinds, and having an experiance of over Thirty years, in designing, and budding machinery for special purpose?, feel warranted in guaranteeing tlie best of wcrk. Have on hand, and building, P0RTIBLB STEAM. ENGINES, of from 2 to Ift Horse PoAer, designed especially for Farm uae, or for clri ing a ny light machinery. I also keep in stock, several thoand feet of Premium New York Oak Tanned Belting; in widths of 1 inch to G inches, (can obtain wider otn-s at very ehort notice) at manu ficturers prices, alo Lace Leather, Belt Hi vets, Punches, &c, STEAM PIPf:S & FITTINGS of the variouss s;zes. Pipe cut and fitted, at siiort notice. ISosiip & ntibbcr gj cam I'acliinp. I would call th? attention of Blacksmith, Wheelwrights, and others, to my assort in en t of all sizes of Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, which I offer tU New York prices. The B'ut-en!s. e.-pecially, being tiireided and fitted with nuts by machineiy, enable the Blacksmiths to furnish bolts of any length, much cheaper, and quicker, than to cut them by hand. Call in and see my stock and Machinery. G. is AN FORD. March 0, 1873 tf. moneoecouSty"" STSOCrEBURO, PA. char tj:r prrprtua l. T'i Ty-7T.rsif (Tits f nnr.r.rr1. rpjii1.:!i..ii -orrn-111- iiisiirainr li:ivo, riviiilv W-n v.-rv i.i;.t -riailr i ,!.,, u:-; it a !..i-i rmd to that of aur l'irt Iii-iii r:i'u-!' Coiiij,:siiv in t 'n-St ito. I in ;'r::;::t iirn-ti jf tlie thait.'s a:v tho f ing. r.ilii-;.-, inst,.,! ,f jcrjH'tu:iI, are isMicd five y-;irs. AI! pr.ij.i-rtr ( ::,l t: r,.,. f j,r-i;iiaiu U fixil :ir-or:!hirj; tot'v ri-V ( l)w Tiji--r' v. l'rciniiiiii n :t"s ;;ri tukni, ani all a:ssmeii! arc !ii:(.if up :i. i f. l'mrwrty i-i ii;-ri. l f-.r jj-.t mon than tr.i thinKof it iK tu.'.l a-!i va'ui-. :!i. i'm,- f.,i .u.i i.f iiitinm.-e in cn .it"l .;, -t.r.. 1 1 ti the 1 .' t. (,.ial tu tho am nt nl iiur:itii-.'. 'Annual ass.s ii rii.,'' milv nr n'-nl". cvo"nt in i-ni "f heavy hiss, a ml w?..t a ssnvi-.i! ;i'A-i;i.nt is ii-N-ai'v. T'ir ."i.n;ir.iiy ! tJi.r-f vr-.ic-il t.i ;v-iir i,mii,.ri r n t-' Miuh i v.-iraliio than uiuh r the ol'l Al'j'Hi-ti-ii-i i-i.-y v Ma le t jnr of th- I:;na-?r, survi-vm-h, cr .-ivtarv. MAN'AiiniS. .1. ii t in- T.i TI. S. stt hn. C. 1. !:-',: .1 I, I: rl -"., IMur.'.'r, K. Hum-miau, '!'!. s !., T. W. Uh.h-,. AViiiiaiu Wa'hi.v. v;.!.Lr.r. iv.-s-t. ,T:icfil 1C. Shnfi r I.lli.h K11 s!it K. r.. Ii:i:u:k, .vr. tary Tri a. r. s:i;v::v(!P.s. t'T !.:;r.i? .vntv : T,. Pra'uo, W iili n i I, " Cm. O. Shafor. 1. u.lth'Hi s. .1. l-M.'.io .I.11-0I1 Stanir-r. Juhn;,'i r, Win. Sv ho.u:,.ver. lor Vavn; PhiitiIv: F. A. Oj-iH-It, ' rtiark-A. Masters. For I'ike (A.untv : Moas Patrick. For Northampton County : Kicliarvl CanuK-u. For Cui iin Cmaity : .Samuel Zioyonfus. 1'or Wyoming Couiity : G. M. KiHin, A-Tuo Matiasrfrs mo; t rv 'l larlv at thf (n-nrc'i OlYuv in Strosulshurj:, mi t!,e tirt Tuextav of ta'ch mouth, nt o il.H-k 1'. M. I May lo,'7:wf. Harness & Saddlery. The above business has ag-ain been re sumed at the old Ktand, lately swept away hy the late flood, near Baldwin's Hotel, in Stroudsburr, where will be kept constantly on hand tiie best assortment of Harness, double and single, Saddles, Dridlcs, Collars, and every otlier article usually furnished in this line of business. Work made to order on the shortest notice. A lare assortment of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on hand. Cull and make your own selection, and it will be furnished in style and price not to be excelled in this market. Strict attention paid to repairinjand done in shortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O.SAYLOR, Agent. October G, 1S70. tf rilJie largest aiitl Itest selected JL stock of Furniture ever exhibited in Stroud.sbnrr, cau now be seen ut the Odd Fellows Hall. Oct. 5, '76. McC AttTT & SONS. A MCC STOCSL OF C1 BIO I CI! Family Oroeories, Queensware, Glass ware, Wood and Willow-ware, at C K. AN DUE & Co. Terms CASH. jau. SU, 'TU tf.