OCR Interpretation

The Somerset herald. [volume] (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 15, 1876, Image 3

Image and text provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026409/1876-03-15/ed-1/seq-3/

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u u
The Somerset Herali'
Marti li.
a. s-rrajJ-rwin iv'-i
i.-.-r Ff niiry 5TTS tmua w.J
v a. K. I.. 1 Amu :.z.r ..'. La-
4t a.
1 40 p. I
r. V. a. u.
)': iLl
V ... t
Xi . aa.
..tV,iiKi ta
rfi.ei. lic !--
it I'.x a a xi-rr. t ;
m'ecieU f-r
..x-"!.;M"'.v tbe naaje.
1 in- Diii.tr i litt iolcaaed
... . . ...la r": irmu-e 1
ii.'u. tS' bo do u "t to..ow
tre ai ised ni ! tbt.r pv
kr .. -e afars;:. as we ili in
t.-Ci a ia t-rtva
fcvd Si. Pt
r.SBz" cotav as
a o. a
1. I.-tri-UBAtM.
5. i War. OrA.a asd j D.-icg the lait i;ine of a yoaa,; niar
i.L'.i let-t Mt'it ol r-e,j wbo d.ed stvera mon;L ao, a
iiti4.ri.f ibe same Sex as all gi-td neib-
;,i 1 Lt'.i ia t:.e
T' -r-ity evi-nln.
t y. o bi !c
'. . i. r... '."3 tbe
L- it-'.
. '- S.T.
t .-.'K i
I. V. C.:-"-;i
y I., but yuii ka-jW
.. i'it i-' wr.Ur
r C.A.? :a
i ie lcj
t a o:te t-'t
-j.'y L..rje. Tae a--
r. -: -.--reveJf-.cd K-nctb.
!C' .-b x f-.r UJ.ts AaJ cea-1 i 1
- r . rectivea al a,:iT I
La.-.. They
:iu:a i
L.yN'i w ;.-b 1!
- i. "sc. ire r
: -. pcTvba.e a contir
irred the felrer.ise
i: irr, E-"-' , in sa..tbtr
3lA.-cb .-tfiiks 0.
ni r i U-ies -wroci aiirtrd."
,jivi ilD be a COud hleA to a' low
t Jv t ce. ber crypo(is on pmp
re' " U-r .Vt t- tbe j-u'jl.c
frrrr.". whicerr.re3 ia ft:
re' of c-ii in tbe oeiisr ca Situr
i- 1.1 ,. . -,:. ), ns
.cate'v let it t-lip. catchiaj
N 13 t
, ttwv-a tbe twrni anj me 1
I re-. ili.: it Uiwecn the f.rt j
ii-. ;
A s 1; !'N'TT tvpe t.f foirV.t fever is
- v. ';r, '.a M":.!oie?rerk toahip. I.-t
f.k ..ar citn-.lreatf Wm. K. King died
".b.a tjrt-e J.ts. Wc have a heard
: tbi- de-Ath f - ci iUi ol Ilite-a McMd'.fs.
1-'; are a. tc-rt from the rAvaje
: t -'-: .c oce
i - K .r e. r-. .Tt-
J ii. Y:. i. w
Wtra -t
I r
t i.; t rarr.er f '
e at 1 o ci . f-r the pi.r;j
! . n r. ; :be rr.-.t'J ; -Tp:-d for a r .
'.. i az'-T :n t!.e Mary laid l.ns to Cr
:.,.-i c.lL
f -'ii.t.r fclr-iW U.'tr:cu3, LewC.
ii- . r,x t-.-en af ia electee5 Jlavor
..y W. ;Krk lLwk Co..
i L.? is '.lie Kir.b tiiiie t.al be Lav
r i i.ttiiit ;-;-,.n ; tbe best cvi
.e t.i". he i.As naie a fid
: k a .
c4 w hn It
; ; V.: rs -urr. a 1 1 ur. cm ot
'a:-tir'. kd tbe iuii-r.zz t
-". :.ar. 1 .a '.be -aw, Tcexiay
Lr 1 jt Vt tb A Sii. Ll r.
I .w Al! the facers t-a the
4,-0 ,j,
". A"l rtr-
r : -. !.!'i :
. -.'! -1 settle
r- cs ic-.! ted t. i:
it er ii.ite a'e r-;ae;.
1: tH aii tavt-c-'i.
::.t;iiti Vfi.
c 1 . .
" v. O. A En;, rv.a ,M. E ; L l-es
"...". r'.r.r at the l-".-.?nz pain's w::h tbe
r.r.;eJed r-u.i. ilrcrj '. cie: Ilarwusrh
i.t: ...- a; Pa Uptown, tiartcea; l'rie
ta-vn. twecty-nic; Ct;;ieice. f.::r.
T. il crx':r ot c?a ec rvt c . a tar as wt
; ,rr j. ore b-jnurd and twtn'.r
f ' Mr. E bt.s be id two other prrrted j
:: r s. 4i w Lva we bate oH teiTnrd
t .... .... I
- '. -,-.:.. . i.t 11 .tie ut;'vjurr
- ir;M;ff,aii!k3.,,,s, and reluming about the first of Jnlr!
.ic t..h fwrt .f trw djijtar Tbe companr ill uke with it two army
1 v I-7":- r", (iX '! r, I imier. two caMU-sdrSSS
.-th-d; : '"le-fq
11. - . 1 1 : - 1 - t-si i.c. 1 ic intra tj s m uc t fJf
F?rt!!tl Ossiform beis csrSd
va:-;.-.aitsb.r' -ifw-in.:,,
... ...
. 1-t.sn a.r.-ioy u-mj macte t.r
-or. i-.irr-f 10
-t are rerji, cmoty paid over. etc. !
-4'W C2'.l.
i-en nvtaey ia tckej opj
is n is r stiuj.. u Why
a 1. tc -ic. and thus let thai J
uta.e. make tinsiarsa, T ,
a 1
He Tcited H.fthrf t
n j
t.-r : ;rJt,
s-'riie ana.
tucc-rirr.t to tbe on f
"i retr.aiiKj ir, an uk", cT.ndT":
: r iwr tw. We hAcTl T,3 1
Ul tt, Ibrreretid ea Wnvan tUed ? ? , V lacli the
vtivd W the Z t r!-T Vs. IlUii-'Dr- Mdrtb wkw t Bea
rear.d V. ie in ti.- tiual Uz;a , m ' rtf' "' f5 Iawrece, Saweraet
;.cT. M-aaJ Waaticgton.- This new Dtoeeae wUl
. . j be under tte care ot Bishop Domeaec.
Ti. - ... i
',t vT
.'.libit Ss'Of. u lf.,ru r!vi
.t:.- a 'f'1 i
l- 'VX: . "Ta.".cg bymrs
U, Jlir- r..lU:
I "llllu ir! ''V04' !
. - a-aa sa aHI '
v.. : ... rt .r'
rTlr .:" ,.rrL . 1"0CB
" vvatTiriii-T, ania -.1111 km t- 1
- ltar r.-ww--; r.JrtI VtWil
ihceMUv. w ben B as-
. ... . ii. -4
ramrnt iu made Kr iae ueiretu vt uw
" uiJ asabj-Ded proper. cocii issae aa ex
ists. ccti- i occe and sell ttader Use sheriff" s
ihiiuur. tndera very recent act, how-
le-rrr. this cannot be donet whes property
! is itcs levied on fey tbe sheriff the Sb!iK
dafilS'o Court kini have the sate stopped, .
I th? cvuft isa-lia
u:S. time lor ude
I Ln-e tvod
! rem U being puslpnoed Pctriet.
:zS t:au cu,d W oce kri-c
n.o;r;-r to ;ue t-oamry J" '
ai r:er to ;ue t-oanirr -ui m-
tiao ana nTc ca w
k JittuiitUki, 4l1 P."T
l.i i .c r-mmcB:ca:x'n B j;e
. . .... . :i : .a. .
w ii. or u a ttwJ I
Uir t r-1i r:
. f J;-eL -d put
:3K-...ert II. Vu tfce trreL
- UirB pruned
J r ,.i .t
kl SrMaa aaW-
t. .u. a ! ! 1
r 1: ouae oatot uie i
t . . is ..ULt-fftcaabt used
. .i l iett ia tae
,.viriJ ania be
.... . r . 1
" ' ' '
L,,m iUi.:j I km ix a luiBor
v.t-r i. 1 ixtr.,at r ail toaquead.
-au t: u i..r-.. ljt toaJes. nor aa
I . dr;akr. a. iLal : doe no ioierfere
mr.A ff vi- : t'ut 1j run a- Uiiak we
ai:a irtunn; .
txf L. I ea ca lite icn:peraa 4
iwn. 1 taow ila a iarce bubimtot jwur
;c4 - ..:xh ' 63k-.'" an-1 ther do aot care .
, , the HiBtLD fiiled with am-
'rirf a leo:i-rance I.-r weet a.u r wwa.
1 Sc of iLe wr.iers would make fiae coa-!
' tr;l u:crs to tbe 7V;;rd)n- I'laJicalor, j
od 1 n.L-t-st tint they tara tfceir ai:ea-
ti.n ihafwar. txeuie Uie iatrading of
tia adrice tct u meant ia all kiadne?. ;
s Em- ape. rVime person one day ol
rk amused bUisll
lr shootias;
niart on Cemetery Ili'l just back of towa. :
A ba'.i froa.ibe l.i-i eniered the kt'xbea
jW.aJ-iw of uie reskSeBceo! J. U. Kiannel
irruot be t;ore and rebouaed aoaia ;
i tbe wall where it penetrated tbe wood to a '
1 cot.;.lt ralie riepu. Tbe ladr of tbe houae '
; a j ber b;red f. ;rl were botb ia I be kitchea .
.1 ! . ;.t.. ..v.
;u i..Tir. uie w.i i.at teiTOi wcw.
wa a rerr lonuaiut ciritimsiaace. that
lii'.ie uits.-:.e. Uiouru oo:a uaa tea Data
n.-bl Lre nroven laore dastroca. There
- a rni r i.t ra.rb:nt vann I k fit
a bo r,- in tLe babit of bandliac re-arm ;
is a i-t.biy ceLireni manner, and who
... n Ut4 ia t.; ::e el a.i ue warn;ni
, . . '1 , . .1 UbU WKV V 1. 1. u uisttt.m,
ur w ulicT bke cuccniSUccea, Ciadet
bt-rstif generally useful in atleling at tbe ;
u.Ue wt tbe sirkkea ooe. and w aea tbe
, Li; (.-n.io; aaic ui r;ai death Lad
' nM LiMt-y liana cr.-..a tut ut.ag w;:e waa
j liiuifttcr. tiie lue Ce:gbr a.rea4d was
oLe ol : ...r Lu;c bo prejwnrl tbe Uxly
ol the deL'AMrd 1-jr tbe grare. Ail ' which
: tokcavi a kind heart asd a cbariuble
" , ' ' . ' -. . w. ti.a. t avu. . t I ' 1 'H.
m tt, .jcb inward moniiora our read-
er t-an best 'uje w ilea w e
a6Ure tbeta i
:Lat lie 1-Jy ia queiU-.a ka rececl! pre-
! 1.. t;.. i..tJ h...s.-.4 i
,iTk.i..,i.. i-f...t,...'... .1.,. 1
iatt'tae i::aeaMd & for .Matins to pre-
5-e tie t--aly of hi. !ew..l wife for in !
, teruieiiL 1 bat ;ae biti wt.1 be paid, after j
v Lm be.rn J-'y priated, we bare tbe I
is:- el' li.e jer-UcuiAa iatertsled, but
lb-! K rbc-,d e' er bive tteen preccUrd is
a o Lestioa ltr our
'ur readers to drterminc
hereX iieaai-trj
f-itb 1
Ar tLer place ia to day's paper will
uc ; -uc 1 a cufntnunioauoa trotn &.
in I
which he tcdertiaes to prore that the
trwnurs of licenr i a mere dUcretioaary
matter w itb tbe court, wsd that Um-t hare
ihe power and ibe ribt to refese U grant
aii UotCM-s. We aJuiit that ihe matter ol
cr-at:nj liceoe is witbia tbe discretion of
Lbe C t'tirt, but a. to ihe extent charged
t-y 5. Tbe Court certainly has tie power
k refu.e to grac: s licensw to a pnbiic
bocie w tore there is no need of one. or
where lbe law u ct cucn plied with. Bat
where there b aa actuai necessity for a
hoajeof public tctertiinnient aad a h.-re the
prtj. rie;or ccaipiirs w itb tbe law in all le
rect. and t rjch a man as trust can be
related 13 we tvke ;t it wooitl ra'.hr
c-a-jea itr a j:ice to reiose to grant
iieea-e because of any whimsical prirste
opinion be ntsr tare ia tbe matter. Tbe
discretion is one a :o wbo is a fit sahject
to curry oct lbe law and not as to whether
tbe taw is to bare any effector not. Tbe
zround taken lr S Utal we can now r- te
oa "ii3tl ocia.i" ererr Cre lauead of
eeery three yewrs U baruiy tenable, since
the act be re'ters ti is eaUCed aa act lor
the repeal of the "local optioa law."
Ktct-ctJr we rua.!e a n.Xe of the fact Llut
cv--al of the iMitbur journals hsre iibel
on bands, bar.n; been put cader
h-vy bvnisf r itta-lrenentiy cai'ing a
rr-.icc: 01 ttutt cur a taief, w ben it was
prc.ven that be bad stolen a large lot ot
jewe.ry. lie wasts just fio.UW from
'.rath, and commenting cpno tbiss Cinciit
Diti jwptr bumttrttuiiy remarks that on
tie first ot April next the managers hare
a.i arran ,red lor tbe discharge of editors
and re;,ners , and sill beg.a the publica
tion 01 the Bi'iie as a tews matter lor their
readers. Such stories as thai about Mrs.
Potiphar. t'iot)n, and Mrs. Uriah and
lit i.t.e will t loaed down as much as
;r.ble, and tbe word "sliered" interpo-Ltte-i.
so that B.i direct charge will be
mate. When lbe BiLle is cxaaasled tht-y
.ii publish lbe Koran and tbe book ot
Murtiwo, and. ci:- fall lci on tbe
w.ras e4 Ccfju-j and tbe Chinese
Ecccbipetila. Uerraftcr. no pewitire
or pervemai retereace les than
year o. j is to appear ia a Pntsburg
Dt-,rr. Li!e-ii.3uraace agents will Oe
atiU u do a land-tj21ce hus.ne amocg
ibeir ntiscriirrs.
A IX'SG March. From the Cincia
:: Ail ( chrrirrcuil, we krara that the Cia
it;nAti Liitb! Ouafi at ibeir last meetJir.
j dcvided ly march from Utal city to PhLa
joe'.pbia, to attend ibe Centeanial Ex
riiktci. The route adopted is by war ot
iVUn. Spnsgteid. Coiambna. Zanes-
ri,.e. asa Cambridge, Ohio; Wheeiiag,
West lrgiuia; Waynesburg Cniontown,
S.ajer.L BediV.ri." Cbambersbart Get-
- ,JU'- l'rs, lADGtser. anu West
Cbeler. Penn.. maiing the distance about
Ere baftdrtd and Kitr fire miles, and the
! time MstBel in going, ompta at Phii-
.' ,i " " ' . an.? rfil rr. n . t u . . . . .
ajon; carry their pin, hpht
: wtiweas pacaed with one chang4 ot
Jcio - .h jg.orie mbT, KVt woolen bhvakrt.
orerowl c. each. The Chicaro Jevr-
Htsuw ureea tkT IAht fnarri
W tso-eaia, and the tirws'd Rarida Gnmrd.
Michigan, ailtao march to the Centen-
rnJe. a day, purchase their own rati
and camp aK. - the route. Ther will be
f.nr 1.t it. ...
Tws- rm Siwm
1 1 ae -rw uaitaojc Dunse. it ia aaL4
Tbe rw Catholic Diocese.
' 1 rtun -r'. a'trtttt w . . it
uJ. if- nT. 'auwj.
f laaatna a4 WtatmorelaaJ. Very
1Ur- To'.pl- Bhop, will lake
The general rumor a that the new
1 . . , . .
wtn. In this oonsecuo. we might add
ittai fcaAop Domesec was instwtkd is
vlorcbes hare bee. cycled.
,. I "ut " 4-tsi aittsatw uawa
1 nas Dee a DAde, and the kte raw of the
-"heeaoAtle.sadu,. lats visit of
; ciaaop
ia m. . . . -a . s
kae stvik.w w w . 1
O " s-saaa 2 V I IU I I Aw 1 1 SlS I rWi.
tUtartrtrireatbem. It tie law to pre- Uearvoura. ai-orwan. ewra.n? ( fcw qatw a rrp.v .
.... ..r ...-- an of tod after eaune. low apinis, c. 1 ai whv U it tbi ti; - ::ir-y tf
! m- en,'j -eaf.trct.ij a lii ib: hare a ' we ask yoa to go to yoor Dra-isis G. " ; nli hqaot Wa ri jIjK .-j f tci .'i!:; i;.'..':,
'lotncialeJttt. Beator J Jfc Co. and fet a aamp'ie bottle of j luutujatiun ua wbiek real alt i.-o.u
v- r . - i -tat. to rives Bute
Ml EDtTOi Iaii to
pntduce atKbonty tor iae F-
taken is my mmier - ...
to ft
i ItL-rrmL Tkk iivlioue that I
Ittief our CoiM.wefct
Ia relelTiflg to-
"S" Trf
t) we kre tbe retl ft the -Lo-
I ' ... . . .. r i 1
r- ."""""JWi to tti fur . sips be Terr oae to t-ru y.u K.k I r r,; ar.taa -i fee -p to;
Ajsocas Jod Members 'thTfirooe to .mile t.D-i tnk whea vrb-a :h! tucker :a oa-
r . k. limine Co.. Mtened iht Tourr.iae s :-i-y ..... ...... ;, .
.tr.-i Pr.ri.W foria aim l trery tauj-y. 1 acrt. s
. '. . . 1,. th
1 it . 11 1 n-K m ir m n. uucri
eooatv t ibefirrtorw-d t ch
rear. 11 ta im e K .
f'"" . k
'cocrtot qarter seooa. 1 m -
11 it woata rema. 11 ic i
tbe conn o qiiartereewkiM prant oeb j l
licenae. then it woe id be s rioJaiiii , I
i. trmnt !Wni It was ialeeo
Tfry wise ia tur Legiaiatare to word Uiat
; tectioa lb a ; ussieaa 01 Twiag
iCTtioa erenr three year. e caa now
, 1- .t-. r. twi It I hare ais-
' ... . .
wis 10 oe cunroru.
r G Holderbaam baTe a rood two
. , .r.-, .!. Thimble skein.
Sr-itU to J? o-J
cludiag coal aud Canuzag JaaOa. ia.
adjaocat to the borooita 01 auoienei.
iimunv ;
Someraet. Pa.. March 8. 1S76.
Will arrire tbi week. A larpe lot of
' barrel, half barrel, qatrter barrel, and ;
kits. Price moderate for cawi. or ia ex-
n R0.(MltrT Raoon. Lard, Sugar,
Cook 4 Beep. its.
March 8. 17.
Yoa are atked ererv dar through tbe
. . ' t-v. .
CUiOBlD! Ot LHTKWnuu I'l )wi t'l".'
. ... . -,
f- Jmetbiaj for Drpepsia aad
. -
er with bat litUe aocceaa. ow to pre
y atia.'Wctory proof that blttl a Ar-
rou sa:iafctory proof that 1ebex a Ar
ecrr Flowek will care yon ot Dyipepaia
LiTer CutnpJaint
tith all na erTocu.
tuch a Scr Sun&ach. Sirk Healacbe.
Habitual Coantirenen. palpiutioa of Uie
lowca. lor 10 cenu !
aad try it. or a lie pilar Sixe for
; two doaes will reliere you.
75 cents ;
Hwp rr DtttaattaL
roe L ie been ooucbinc all winter
begin to despair of recovery, ut il
roa hare taken a recent cola. g at once
to tbe Dnsrr nore of Geo. Vt. Benfurd A
Co.. and ret a buttle ol L'a- Mobius'
Stkufof Tar, WildCherkt asd IIim&
HorsD. Take it aad be weik Xo olber
medicine arts ao promptly and effect aa. j
ia CoCitbs, Coida, aad all" diaeasr of ihe :
-. , . . , .
aas ana cuest. Kami i voo-
iairiooa. tiuaarea woo once urmsui
taer aaa uuti arewa uisewae aave oecu ir-
. - , . . , . . .1. . -
'rea to tteatia oy .ae use 01 ut.a ajuw
matTC reaiear. ubiwiikicw auii
pcifle. fo' Cro?P- er tails is
hooptcf Conea. Tnal z 10 eeni
ui ge at kum 1 -
Prwaapt StlBfreaBBi.
When tbe physical eaergie are over-
t rs.es ArorsT iwwh w ; criacmvor. ana a.i.:rA;: -a
j usaed or flag taroah wekaeas or ditease,
TVi-jutcr need "pronipl reinlorcement. lie
newed rbror is saott speedily auppiied
Uirocirh the mediojn of s tonic stiraatant.
and aatooe medicinal resoarces of that
rbun. HcwieOer 1 Stomach Bttkrrs asm red
ly deserre a proauacnt place. WewABcaax,
w bet ber coneutaliona! or ariatn from di
sease or orer fatigwe, cannot be better cmn
pensaied for than by a resort to tbia printe
strengthen in g cordial. The enfoebied in
ra'.id. tbe conralesceat aad the aed and
infirm Cad that it is an natailiag soorce of
rior aad comfort. Ta combined tonic
aad attentive properties also constitste it
aa invaluable remedy for indigestion,
w eakaess of the organs of urinauoa, coo
stirwiioc torpidity of Uie lirei, aad many
other iiregalarities and disabilities, and
render it aa iarsiuable protection ataicst
malaria, as well as disorders of the stom
a.h sad bowels.
Ia SnaariaH.
At special meeting of Berlin Lodgr,
Xo. 461. L O. O. F., of Pa., held Mon-
dar aftemtxw, Feb. 28. 1S78, la their halL
the Re bet Committee were appointed to
draft resoiuituos on the death ol PaM
Grmni, Aaaaias Hefiey, which occurred
ia Nebraaka Citr, on the 23d ol February,
At a regular meeting of Berlin Loire,
held Saturday ereaing. March 5, 116. the
follow inz preamble and resoluLttxt were
presented and aaaatmoaaly adopted.
W hkreas : Il has seemed good to onr
Heareniy Father to remore by death from
oar number Brother Past Grand lit-Hey.
Ketolttd, That whilst we humbly bow
to the dispensation of God. we ai ace rely
tender tbe bereared widow aad fkmilr of
w-w.Va.. --'21- - ""' i
our deceased bmcher oor heartfek eympa-!
thy aad L-aternal regard.
Etoitd. That we hereoT tender OSr !
thanks to ihe brethren of Somerset Lodge I
who kindly favored as with their pre-)
ence aad pwr.ic:patkn in the tuaeral ei
lUtolwi, That s rote of lhaaks be
tendered Use brethren of Nebraska City,
for tbe manifest sympathy and fraternal
rerard in behalf of tbe deceased brother
and wfiicted family.
Ret&lrtd, That we drape our Uatl in
mourning and that we wear the usual
bmtice of mourning for thirty days.
llftoirtd. That the Relief CommiUee
transmit to the family of the deceased a
oi y of these resolatiooa.
iUtnttd, That these resoluuoos be-
publiabed in Uie Somerwet County papers.
Isaac (stokes,
Are those wbo tell as of every enkind
remark made about as. truly oor friends ?
It I may be allowed to use a slang phrase.
I answer "Not much." If people remark
unkindly about us, (and enviooa persons
will i it we sever happen to hear ol it, it
is as if tbe enkind words were never spo
ken, and we hare it sot to worry as, bat
wbes some oQcxoos acqaamiasce, tailing
aoder trieadship's colors, repeats to cs tbe j
prtajl al every bHternews I ssv, that ooe '
is do foster oar mend. 1
were they trary s
their first care J
would be to keep front as everything
which might caase bs s momenu nnhappi
sew ; and we moat all acksoaledre that
titter words do krwrs a Kin. We may
say that we "dost care. sad if oar faces
are trained to smile wbes there are tears
may persaaae l&at laiter
inai we reatiy aos t cae. i et every ooe j
lajsaasakuidexpresano of feeiiag ci
- " "."i"" mouvi mutaa
nsmenaiv ixrn, wui cause as anoteaaant
tenaauoo is lbe heart whenever we re-
tnrmber it.
Bat I don't blame folks for pretending
that they don't care ia the least for any
thing which may be said shoot tara j
do that very lAuig Bsyseif, ml -ways. witi
wt taiL" w heaevex asy ooe repeats to ste
the eaviona, ill aatoreo word spokea by
SAother. I do this, hecanae I betiere that
ia so waT can the mawcaAel maker be pua
isoed so eflectoally aa by being made to be.
lieve that I really doa'l car for anything
tltat spiteful people may tar. We may
ooawtic tw twelve with the reflcetka that
the person sever vet Kved. w hax raininr
s good start is the race, was as dewaaotd
by ilis sarong kaacs U earey. atrrActted !
oat to mil the Icckv one back.
W nxar say to ounelvea thai tba CI
aalojird worda were cpukes bytboaswao
only eavied wmne good fortoae aviring to
as, isattawd of having asy real aakiad leel
ing toward aw We may aay that we've
frtewda raosrgh letl,- mA ess easlry spare
tlsrwe who seal aAkistCy ' by oaT Or we
ssay ssassxactare say of tas-tAoaaaAd
wther paasturtn heal wocjvded fee&BgS.
It all aasouaia to jast the stmt tAiwr
aad thai is Stmpry Sothiar at sB. Ther
is only awe streak of food that esa result
from tefiing a friend of aa srikicd crill-
dsn. and tbst is. tbst we pr-e the trcnt-a
we know to U trrjetfce n-.re. as tbe
otdvilvmcbt to prove Csis. ImiI itore
- u.a who xrt i vii0 u'. is .
, u-u sbaa. T rtr-
1? ttnw'l t try tU- jritr 5i3
ti-.i ea.w; j in i's w-y.
: wwa j. u t ,r .
iu-miat-e j -; -
eTc in: we Lr:n txvr aca a..(T
T.- iiir! tlu. re i ol r.as;2i 1
. - i.
n.i:iC. ar.i iuui ana J v. u
j ..f
aiu . ami rvgrei. a-d swr"W, aui
irsrs are ia &ure to Ulat - tiie t-.-Ui.iui
ikins jf iile. liiii, in iuy esiiaiiiitm,
were lki iiule urki, aid a Lai A h-n-
f.ir us. all IltaTta mrdiil t-r us t tnj
lite w.c!da't be worth a n t r-is. K-!
lUrre is iinj-l-iiited ia every Lean a lipe.
may be, yet stiil a in-i jS tixii- :uin be
rood aJ! Cdiiir:fe. cd to.I, asieary. aa-d
Tbe Cbrisiian fii-.-s ihc eye- of fV-.U p-i-n
lue prmist' "t Lje tr-;eJ. an 1 kmA
llic lii-ari.a j; of IhU i. : Tlie
iiiuddcric,; lca U- ikiiiiLo t-f tlc vsxint
docaLile eia icli Ciuit Ue e.ttib:
"Tkere ia Do God." I CIS v ILL ct!
hope of imaj.rts! Jiie txy
aaX ia eBd. ration tf lb? enoras.ST
tbsow asms, tvo-x ii.ere is no aere-
I alter ia wbicb be U)Ct r taJ2I and pi;a- ;
r tdjed acror lie; lo tie drtMS tlnzte ia Ue .
; Uxir. Tie j tntuab .;. is tOiautere
ia. I wLl" 1 tso jwrtia of k:n.!rrd '; iri : ;
BJ 1 that sou J freed Wu esrlilv aiici'.ds h'.i
via.;wetcoHiaiuaioa litre. Wbo is. juJce :
iietaeea us ad ?
Where am It DUa't I Us'.a i-bout ;
fritads. taise ad true, aad L.-ry 1 sia ir.-ai-
w.. A., r, i.-nr.r;c (mTn.V It ' t' !'" T
retara to tny test.'a-) I'll mj 'T".' j
aaJ n-yre.
Pa., iivb 7, 1;;. j
kn'i What
j Editob OF T3E Heuald V,". L
! IIlkald of Marth - concludes a r.:.
! lion as totloas: "la c-Di ;u-kc I vi'I
apiaia auesiiun. I it r.jbt ihil
the !
' vvHi.'l on one band iL.-J
CcllsC tJ j
i niea lo scii l..jaur ss-j ciic il.'u-kar.i
minister oa Lte c-Lhtr Ljii J m
lrea?h inl mlects'eriari &a I tL.-ri by
aodoioi " Kr Utir enemiei ix'a the'
seiicT and Ute drinker." Since iitere arc 1
circiiUia;Jices unoer wbica tbe kL-eiiti j
u! the liuei'd-a reilect Ibc Secauaz l re
auuiptiun oa tbe irw ar.tt:;ln.'. ai.! .
Lue proTerl'tii 1 aaitre rn'je c. arner.az
a qdcaUon is j coavec.ei.1 l- avi.ij .j.a
ill appears ace, I be; W.'t t jtm sr&ncv-
ctKicmVt)rs nj
1 te iijvc
ClUli 'Q A CAic ui
thunder sa' 1'
k:ai. i t.e j.T j
ribi t : c.iuit
aiK-ulu trAo; i.ex-sse to
a-ae diankaii-" I U 't tb: a ;
lalioa ol UU.b" W i.jkOMs u .
ts r: -.
l.'tAt tbe
law, UUder whicu
..re ':c
cu.,- m '.c '
j grairj, vut-r.sij iej.r;c
!sutb l.ietx.- ;-.y i.
1 t?a al aii u uii.e drjukcl.-,
i taa a uuU5od- Pnvi tcccv
i ;(Use aad oerveiiiH. : ii:e r
ble. 1 -- siraiu:
ers wbo tud u.:m
ItV UO t L 'J t tlil. J-
i.c bated bi ii... .l-
ef aiiU tlriLAcr el
what they caii teiiir:-a-.e, Calmer e-a-bae
Iheniseives t w bat is J rivti -At .c nr. :
attainable aad CcCioastrate to tji.r as: i.
cuccs Ibeir duty t-j li.nc ai pjiss; j.e ci
ictrts tu tDwlu; iux: i- ts tc ive 11,
ralQc-r tha i'.'ca'.t r I-c lisa ir
clamor for prob; bi wt:- b
are just as ba'lc t 1 v; -.-'t -3 tbe R: 1
aUtUtten; l.censc iaa". A i --l beva-e U
alwajs -arr:e :ta it the U r
allci a-j.'rtjfciali-.'a ot lb pub.-i, ..i.c 11 is
ti.rl.CUil tO IjallJ p
iitr La". or Ut i-r . i..iii-
lory Jaw 3.
Aotjtber cjcstl-.a whvh I '.its !eve U
ask is: Wbj is it thai so uitay pjcr;tll
ttiio-4oa -tied teebttai and prvaiiiiiory-
il.4u.jr law adrucalea are ault iT pt4-
t-aunder. f sriittfl txieokvy : Ul
rt. enluvrd tb nrei-biars of a tu.t.-O'Jita
tbeoluAn he would hardly hire m."ie i
atich a latioenlasb and galtimatia as be u;d i
m bis arucie ot tutpei. if aw, of dinae j
law ,
ot civil law ana tite j.-airiiui 01 evcj.- j
taatitg Lie tiir'tub ia.
Meteesdale, March 5.
llaekatwwa Itemw
Oar citr U situated ia tbe c-i.
Allegheny on the western s-oi. A!;L..ah i
at the toot of the mocctaia wc are smiie !
tweoty-eigbt tuadred ieet above the sea
t 1 t : . v . . ... . . . . ,1.., 1
titUch tavlkevi of nx.sA.ie minr. tul sieve u
.tTn,r h, !
We bad talked of toildinjr ntimercms ra
natJs and cities and were k king forward i
to the dar when this wtuid be a sect ad
-: :;-V ;, HI. i
I " 7, , , J At-t ", !
fif roU fnir vt-rr IniL W li: or. of th? i
members of Shalt ? churca w,s meiLdtr.az s
aloo.s Laure. rua one sta!Aih mormnj atii i
fishier ot coarse, bet fctdin; the beautiful i
Utile trout some worms be discovered a j
lump of yclbw ere. What ui you think :
D deme w itb it . Well fir be carried
" I
cbarch aad gave it to lbe Rer. II. Scii.b, i
wbo started to St merset to bare it tcated.
I can 't say what became cf Uie lamp ot ;
ore, bat 1 do know tbe next time 1 met :
tbe TU. Smith, Lis lace kxked ome iJiril
i Li, ilea saa.ci. a wt ur a. wns. r ica. "-
td thai Col. Samuel Pearson bad uktaj1
iDcan iiiLcr. a lit urn trt r ic. n
! the gold fcver. 5weinaUe it our
rki in inlmitw th, I i,l .n? ia lrr.-,' ,
tut bttie. lo.e triead ( Ihe Coi's had '
discovered a gold mine. The Cot
! tor aJi;Kiii4 tbe laaAev aa i;xi;
f-. . eat'"" r - t - aw v tn iaiu
say where iter oaW trott. Ail we could i V"1'- Mf' W oLe
getouiof bim'was -i: Ua frc--t r-l.t.";0' tbioa. aad the i;Ule too tasty
"it is a great secret. ctducl of lbe Speaker. Iluria? tte
Daniel Cc-ssna, of Eedfor J countr.
baa true firu-tn or eighteen hrcn.Uat a rk
brie, making strap f -T the PhiiadelphtA I
market. He is now io Rectoekv l. Aid;
cp ibe nailer w itb the view o!
a catato of straps to Culi. by way
Orleans. Il is thought bv st4ie
will take a small aa.our,t .! cul
rtrt!n-T !
i- - ,
t be
w i,
him on tbe first trip.
r. li l-ik;c, ir, . Las t u.'cia.-
property and w ii! metre bi town tbe
nrst ot April. It is reported ib a'. 5! r. M.
L. tlatltr aili alio move io town in the
air. Joan t rt-sey aas eocclTt-eJ to tesre ;
nnr irtw n it, m n. m.,ett in Tilt. sTtrtnct itt
bark ia tbe busuies ol blacksmubicg.
building whla Ac. Juhn U some "a
lemperinr axes and tradic b
we ibink tbt; best oa lbe former,
9, but
Very truly yours,
Ik Ola" Oatiaew Batkrk
There is a man lirin; a cjcp-e ;f miles i
I t. r .. t. . i ... . . . .1 : . . .
x delusion aad a scare. W hen Lc went
to live ia bis present twine Lis wif
tim - Icoadact of siiv cemler Mr. Riit:-
MrKearT, joahad better tsre s cn-tDarj Ctai.-caaa of ibe aipropriau.ro
camber rump pot into that we)L To n , ... , .. j . r ,
whtch he made rep'r. -Mrs. Henrr. x . Cumiuee reporied the pjaeral sp
came to tbe couairv foVtbe besatv tbe ; propnatioa bill back to the HoQtre oa
rrt roiunz sea ot
the meadows, for tbe '
TTt air of lb Ilcareas for lreb totter. J queftioT
mi:x trs!-b etEs, but above ail forUt,i3Mrsj;
p0re watrr
pomp water nr ntc An itecn-. let
hare it trots
n, 1
ra wa. .ereJ backet, that Lar i thewei-'
Sotbecreakin?old windlass was altow.
ed tosund. a pleaains sisbt to the ryeand j
a tnbate Io the romutjc cisroeiiiic-o of Ut.
Henry. ,
a Friday last, while eos in ban-- j
' . -I . "iio the H .ii. rr.vr.1tf hr lLt intru- i
cry at use well, ana tnrned lest in time:
to see tae stnnetl stociinrs aad maikit
boou of the pride ot. ibe house hukl cTisap- j
pear ia Ibe well.
Tbe shriek Laat the let :
nt tiirtVd Mr II
that Le tumbled 1
trom the cherry tree,
he was triramtar. I
into the -jiikI h-rneatX UailTericj B!ce!ft
harriediv en he baaieaed to the welL ajtil i
- j as ae comavtiicecl to lr t tLx becket tlowa
shriek i
nenry yoa stocltla't oasbter
uafci xrian3er, yem tana i am
Then she wrapped hha
onr the head i
with a bucket aotl hit biai a kick ualtrr
tne ctun wita both teet that UiJ him oa
hia hmek a ttiicesi rtMt . AT Tt. . UlUu '
rrl.ai it friwn I . ' aj j 1,
A I " 7 " ..- ;
atmas cMiauta iorjstaci revcrisUDCS ai
miaBie, aad tim ruined f.aaucjuly at tbe .
haa-2e to stop it. Eat it tU ter a clip be-
hind th! ear that made her see raore stars '
tb--n thc.-e ere ia the miltcy way and Sail
her &er st rv'r, a.:nr's::le 1.1 htr mu
iil.tri hr.:on J.
- -Yosts H-rA--beaJ tad emerred trotn
the water. Tttili waa f-la.ai ia
Tj.e ae)i;l;b;rs rushc-i ia sod a 3J was
!tt u.iaa ia-..! Uie wtll. aad drawn cp a
r-,.'fi..-i.! L!":tr iU lt Sac. r t 5ne-i Vie.
iurly ia yjEz II .arr's ..r.n, red Kk.
A!er tu-.y fcj.l nJ'-e-f fcim orr a lrrel
i.ir ba!f an ur, acd l.e ii.vl drank a fiit
of ca;rjip ;-. arid i:aJ his cirs 'jatcd anil
e.Jts e. tu JaKirr d. ai-sber werr rt-cjor
el t.i !: ' '.s.v Ti.f i'r. wis !h -v
1 aOiO 13 iau.viJii.iv craw up
ULkt. . u
.....1 . . . I . . T.K W..B-
I'.iiauTciy r
f'riilk.- a Mlii'i
u-.ft :
put s
.1 c-i:.
Pi.;o,jn!.f, il.rcb 5. x-:. by
U J.
l-. is. ti-J.. .Vir. J.tc;.a 51:aHier, ol
s-.merMrl ivuaty, rt, aiu Jlia JlaCvU.e
ni lii'-'Cgb, t.5 Cn2i!-rU crusty, IV
C liOs PILE. C& tbe COih of Feb
r.ari, nl Ibe rc-fi-k-acr "f !bo lide's lr-era-.
i;.- Hrv. J. L'nn:b. Mr. L.ia 1 or.w
io M:;- LoucicdA Ii;e, bf.b ! Muloje-ixei-k
t'jatisbijs SvMiierset txoaly, l't "
YUTZY ECIILER f)a the 3th t:iy
of Mirt-b. lTS. at tbe re?ideac- of IIjc
Itfuie's rwreiil. by Iicr. J. S. CueJl, 3r.
iltsry Yusrr io M: Strait 5Jticr, boilt
:f S.:tierss to.
HDKXEIl. Oa Mrch the 90i. 1
M s. attiua llorctrr of uh1ob, a
SJ 1 i'j., acJ 17 da.
IBj Oar
:nr ktimin -u coal mine bill
W.-LFtEt HE filyVi His f ANiJa j
l-S'.-i'ajATK'X KILL T&OittCti CT I
il.M-tl-BLEC March II, 1?7G.
Tte si week ti beta A most
excit.a: oiie lit the ILjur-e a: lewst.
FT' 111 lbe1 ''Jwb.UiJ -jf the weeks &e--1
.1 i n M m lay a::bt to n.s c'o?
Vf .-'i ! ; jj. t-iUv-b :fce!.iir, partizaa ad
. her a ire Ls btt-j esh.bited iu the
Ai fa The c-i iisideratljj of tte b'.i!
r.-'i.s..?4lt.- iLie veutiia'.iv ol Uitu
n.i:i is C' o! Ji:Lr U- tt'.raeled
ui'.v-t a'.teL'.vn. Tbe tLt-ctltj of the
Pt-.t-'ja.v C K.vcLittti,'e on last
rti:-.'iv i.-ith; i:i tn.si'.i'.a t- tbe
hi.- ittetA
aijfhi bv
U- :
ell. iV:,!
i-f w.
Tb-st- r
-t Itii '
1. 1 i - Ii- i
- t ,1-
Ol UilUCls c f t Si-
- M V a
L . A
A id riirue.-t eiipiKirl
et fe liie L.ei.'1-iaitjre.
re I
1 tie eject ci:
2e fee:::: if Upvlt
1 biitir bteti
lor TburaddT,
;,) iii i.f
r The
1 jtprt'Ui cf Je"
i:.- coisiiTa;;- a wjtakta u;. A'"
fhvur iLriKtgb i".e repres-niiives.
t r s -rjir rK.-'il !s : ;: .-si HaT lbe 6.11 j
ftji the fir-: uit.vetueat iiutle wa to j"
i.b'.ii4'.e s ir "ii- fi- he c!t j
TL'J sjt:-;:i;j it a rtiii..ai"j
CrlJ O-AT, and s-tbt die.---js.-ivn OjtL'D I
It's Uui ,':t- arxer tibi W Aruier,
aa i Ho-d Lr tp a? a n.ttter of ;
c 'tir--rariovi-iiti'e svcaea were ea-
acted, a fi.i! ami rerbaUQi report ff !
w tica WjuIj earce!j be credited by
j Tur re a Icra TS tb wattldla o(
fa fleraooa s.:a partiZJusbip
i . . . . r
appearance ia s;
raiher caespected Ciarjn-r. Ia ttir!
b.li ttere U j rovisi jo made fjr ihe
anpuictmeDt 10 s BsmLer of p -i:i..DA I
' s-uch as Miie Iapector, etc. The
I app-.-iatia? pwer by ibe or:.
I to bt; p:sctd in
Lands cf ibe
i Governor
A susuicioa et
r.er'-blKacis Lad all
ir- l ii.ej was nioved t i atienipt
iipc-riion of a proviiton in the b 11. tbd j
placing this appoiniiac loer ia ice 1
. . ' .
jvr- r w
iOuverncrsBdibe&ecretsrjof Inter-
51 .fftr, tee las: cieDUuced of!
w htm your readers are award is s;
deiiiocrat Fa: and furiou r.zed i
... . . - I
.Me. water, tui waa plaits ia jtvLue.
tite oattie over tit s point aaa nri
.... . . . .!''-
l tt!ed before the orders of tbe ;
diJ Called and tte Lin went!
over for further di-cuiiion ia tbe fa- i
ture. V democratic caucus was '
vfcld ... ... dettl, .d j
r . t a t .t.
tt-eits ueea e4irteu or i2e
d:ttsioa f tb AtfTe bill lai it
tvas alco-t acaairatiitlv determined
by tbe democrats to y'.aLd bv their j
..ndBCal jn rer!ird tlJ lfce erc
i-.r . -
- V luternal Auilts ca m;il npoa j
ii iasertit.-u io ite bill.
several, wc
n.a UI rii.trrantfill itHtiM .jwifv.i
in i'i (...'r!..rin th. r-.r alv
eav-im,.. ... .-. ;...,:. ..r
d -cu-ion of tbe Coal Aline till
per-Otal eiCO-Jiter Aides', lo.k pisce
betwtta Mr. Yul!e abd the speaker
nticb w aaoc'v averted bv aa exhibi-
. . .... .
noa ci g-.it u tea-e ia the tpeater; ia
ber: te lurLed OlT certaiu i.I-advtred
tae jiiSite vl Mr Wtnles 3S a Joke.
urreauers mill beiu to tbiak that
-tjl.Mr. Wiilfe is .u.etb:njr of a 're-
wten we ttte that later in ibe
Uaoie dav A5 ther anjrv eacjjnier
i-vk piace between bia Aad Mr.
i R'lLard; aovibia serious b.iwever
W4s ja ttls ca .verud bv tbe later-
uiore iTesiicajaciy
Ht as tfcao Mr. Vt'
io tbe
ife of Ui
moo ana
Jit is to be re-re t.-J tt : te Ilus bis
j uAs-ty tea-per to over-masier Lis di
jcreti ta S3 'rej3tniv. D:d be but
. p-M-sesa the ctolr.e?.s and discreiioo
i cf bis eol.'d seat male M.ichell bi
, record woaid be far more worthy cf
bis ability Wroez doin or aiirze'l
roDT? dc wg on tbe part ite Speaker
ii tse Jiotise s? no excuse lor tee ia
.4tt .
1 oeedar with ameLOoients. Tfe
isi fa'aries for meiibers
, ticttt-t.:,.:. ii Lit.. r w tt.rtn .T
i afrcritriaUr'
I for Legislative extends
It I
' j beiuz cut down
from $500,001) to
; $3 tO-COO. i; isevideot that a salarv
of ? I'-'O f-r each Eiem teris intended.
Ttif .f ? dJoctt- 'lb'
lu lt tundred days. Tbe qsestioo
ioi adjoiiraciebt however.
ol acjoiiraciebt Dowever, has been
preitt dc5iii:e!v Eied bj tbe caacaa
,t-,jvDa uf tbe "democrats evidenced
, . . ' - , . J r J , , ,
.(ti4.is- r . ... a fiviitnikit 3ltk
iu'" - 'J t a tersj.ui.tjj 4444.5 '" r
of M arc b f-s tbe time sfte' w bicb do
bills tb -11 be introduced into lbe
11, ...ItV.'l.t . f that m..n-h
as tte limit it committees. Ttia ac-
Uon steiaa to indicate ibat final
Jouramcat ci tbe Etesris.atnre
will i
. take n!iic-e about tbe 13th of Aoril.
The Senate ca the deciaia vf At
General Sear has determined j
. .i - , , - ,
all priatiBir lor tae Atejjiaiaiiirt:
Qtkst be ordered bv jctitt reso'.iU -i'r
t,r bill ia n!at-e. This dcterutiaatiou !
- - . .x. .- . )
" ca.i,r4ut am ittritt a-4 .tt - .
, . ' araBai 01 ClALlcr
. . r. . .
wticb tuberto eaca lloase ordertd
oa simple reso'.nn'ori?.
Tbe o il induced int tU
ate bv .Mr. lija. prTtaiOjf aaaec
i-r sci-j.!iij uorps.'r or,t it larn.i
rd tit-ec?.uc, w., iir in eraet
dirru.-f! -o. defeated. -Tbe
di lea Jkt
i.ti i.i:e fif.
Tke rie fj.
I.i'ii'isviLLB. March 10 Car'a:a;
. M. lsnt, ,f .Ml Ste lae. Ka-
With tfi-imeiis of fir?L b,cb fell
ile-h c vffei mo ten cf rrouad. i
lll,Ui,.-U,: ILUlli'U. U'J itt tiavvo
, - . , .
. .u ill irreT inn icutrr? wu:t.a tit!
, u acLed Iff falllii? fi-ik.
Tte fcar-
o I
tf clear. ib
eua bor.e, ana
oa.ii: cloadii acre n-ioe
li e 1 u. f p m 11. ch 2d Oaati -
tie- i ae?b Lare t n prettrtea.
e;' I rofeMt-r Lawrence Smith, the,
, n.-awu siicui.n, uo rays ik u
no d jct.it acima! flesh.
A Yertllrt Asalaat Twrrd
March 9. The pro-
c-ed ia tbe $7. GOO. 000 -ui: came
. b) an end. S3 far the iurj trial was '
c 'noraei. yeterd3T with tbe ren-'
derinjof t rerd:ct in fsror of tbe
people for $4,719,910.35, wirh inter-j
!e arB"ont!DZ to I,?1T,17 03. tr-ak-'
, in? aiioeetter tneacrn cf 6,;.j..ll7 -
. . . t. jv
3", or ab- ot twotb rdcf theaujCaLt
' S"ed fir
. c-tu .
: r : -" ' -.-.-rr. -
i: Dr riaiftt' fWl j n p r Ba.
' . rha it (uru. nl to eura isaaamartue tt.
j kiitf kbJ hAiiltr. (fal r npprcjied arts -
' a:ie fmjoeat la od itnfcl or wj-prrwd
1 atKmt a. kwocTriMU or att. mri. zvl.
larifism h..lT oiviurm Ri-.Kt ditMtM
! hrvk:atf dnrsha ttmtV "In thjt hk ar
' li. aj.-a aear&c (uKpilea. Uote&ea aatt craf -
i U. oo tj fate, and mi! d:retrt of a rr.oe or
, ti;iiifial uo?e. nhNin f dvraiKS. af
or ?x. Ctnviud Strap of Krho it a putlur
awl r.liral mr. Fr bT W. BeaT.) k.)
, x. Nmerteu Fa, uri Ai-jenutis A C, C-il- (
tEce. Pa. arf ii
' (
CorreeteiJ by fucx a Bcrcrr
tnuii,t urtuctruta. rLutn rttuf
A r. 5rii. f
I A -vieNatier. rai
1 .-e y hl aa
j r-a::rr. ? S (kei:)
; Bot-kwaeau f bwbei
- Btrai, 1 -3 1
' B- AI S
i B-wi.5. i ajer. f S. ........
; " -
1 t- sunrr tiu. y
Cr-m. iar; fl rnttet
. IVra. lr-!--.2.i Tf tt."fci
I 1V.T3 BieaJ f"
! Call stuii. V a
; f- .-jtt. a? U-t
1 K..r. fi 11
; raii f ikii
' Kamft. ifluir-nre..) 'f ft
! Lars, v a
La v it,. r4 fr-t. V '
- u:tr
! - k.; -
' !'.; iUo-. wait--,
SI u
2 W
12 - ,
.... -3
... Sigtue i
... W -i-5
K.-ta-.... V tl
AJ ( ,
Peirit . ar-.wi, f A
b;if rn
K-.J.. V
No. l. fl V Ltxtra
" a'D-. . twr wrk
bxi.C-.4r. .f-., A y E ,
TIj.w. y
tV fi'tOA .
W.j.4. S.
...... -
.VVc Ai':r-rii.t'Tpen'.
N. E. Corner Diamocd,
riAtEB ix
FISE . tJP5,
' T.TLasjii T9 i ttti)'Ai. w:; u sr.c
i ttkea ia eae-arVje aj tb rrovriT of J intt H
Pet at its- jit -a W aaauf.ta 3aZAAxa f
. .
ft M
VTiyrrs anj L!OCOK-S fr aJral
I ia
Alo an rsortnnt of
Fine Cigar,
PartAaUrauerttta Cirea ti tcaxptsxatliar
uf PaTAidAaa Prer--Jat al Fattly Kf irsr.
! T fT-.w-rt-ot-l k, n
Marek li, 1ST.
C. i. lVunx
tj- x -
" "1
Cheap Store!
tKY omvs, CBrx-rBits.
Fe CasA er rVt.'oer.
i Ae raekAoltlers of tk SaMttan ataitmaJ
Owiftaay ar berel-y aoCae-l to aaeaj aa eieeiaw !
t w ttu at irtrir uarr. la the ttoecma af Suroer-1
rt. Sa Sarsroay. Auii A IsTS. Lr taw cwrrmw of
eleeuac a Preaikeat aaa fcowro of lnzteux ir
tac xwata rear.
Sotit It kerelv ritea tkal lit LikaAt ,a
i-witi aaw m aim aao wm o pres-atnl w it
tVwtt tur tiArwiatai a T bar-day. Ai-nl tSTt: t
. b- -neaaeta. ajwirar ttf u CtveAfU I
Peter Sader uaamju f Henry rswtler.
j. wa-iarw. uwnwc tr ati ai saiiatrT A
Baliiaorc xtai..-i
f rh.,a,ir-r.
a Ivwa aad fa, wherw I rcsvln. owner f Xaia
Cv tad Swwik Sossrta. Saaiereec. Pa. Aay per
Ka -vtcc a pieaaaat aocaw to Stwteri. kert ir
a rkajyw t-tr a aarzata. Pr atitaiiu glTm axj
tiiseairer .-c cay vei'-eier axi
ilT i Zl liTl"Ji,. T7"
'V,. . " . ... - 7 7T-X 07
Ml aaliV fMlTI. Bl IAS I AVU 1 1 n Sal tWt S miaf tM
Friday, Aarc 31, 1375,
- - - . i tw., 44s Ma.v tmicw rr-j rr-
. . - . . V . - . n , .
An Uve rat. title, twterrstatui eiaia af Uearr
' xWaaart, et.
ia aa4 Ut taw k.w j isrr.rted '
! real etttaie. via;
Aecrtaia timet of laxtw sttsat laOaexaaaax
lt.na.-lt Ml I ! t. cwwaxy. 14.. CWertaaxtC at
air-s riaar w:lk a aaw mill aad a aa t- fr..
; Qwriilaw aoawa aaa (tablw n.t . i
tcaif jaaca a Jurr.a asjaag, LarH kaa-maa,
tw, nu ta rrwrri a tia t
Takea ta x.
aa taw Etana ir -
ParxAin u tai u tf ItA. tv...i t t
t a-savta. tratilac aa Jttwtw TkuataA a Lw. i
. I
a t. iw.i44, t4Tae. mtwrrwt aaa ti&tta K
caxata. rtir .
A earutiw lot wf rroaad i-g ia Wererwial '
atrw?k. Siaatmt toaarr. , .--."t-r 1
Socru tot, WM r
Acsa, watk a tww rwry rraa J
,&1j&S&"5? fi
- i a-i:. aa:-!- 1 x aj .., )i
. .. .
- i 1 -ri .- ? "... -. . j...
t stl i,
t ALSt
vrrwa:-- e-:.t a;r. P-ti-: ;
i 4 av- -. , . v - - . ' ' - - - - a. . i .
Caat:..:.-4 A
Aii li-i IU-:. t.t . iii;crrt aai citX .'f J
at;,.. r Mr. 1 . e-M iJorrv.
!tjI kfr- n 's"re " ""': Jm
a s. c
at i J a r. iiw
1 r-oa czi.mn ai
3 i i!e ,
h r. s-t-
it -
Ari te rt. irttr't sad r'Ait if H. J. .'
. v-t ahmr;
s.rb. Sittifl Iw.t ua in ewt. ii a. n.
ii: i.o : -a i:.e Tr.j it- J.
n-;Sit.s at the -r.i vt IxtI W a:ke .
he ea-"S. la l A. H. .''.:-
All tte ra- ctl. tstcre!. an-i rUSa -4 W. H-
..:, n: .
'A lu ;.f irta it.i;nr hr taii-
.;TClte ;- !iT f -Ks.-a ..; Nrrvt. in
!cMj l ttcr-ct. r-.aie vf fec:aai. ia
ut . j;. ... ... .i.-.- !.'. Mi . iijwrt .-a
' te K..-r -t rt I . ti.- 4itk. ain-' n Sttr
' r.i ih wa ia a jTUi. a-: Ij ur j.ircc i.t'
gr-jer.a an: reruitys a; yer.nst.
fm ic ti.n.k u u. r ol tV. 1L
. .r-- - ,a.: ... .:atfc A ,v r."
" LSi
i Ail tbe rtz.M ti:. ir:-rr an 1 rLuai of I'arU
I K'J S.L. uL. lit IU U) i 1 Mi .'111,1 ir.-n -wl rrl
1 tui.. vn.
' m rr friaw u" btarf. f.'rcat t3 th
! r-iia i-i r-- rrr t. :a r.tiitrrwi oui'.j. i-a
i ia -bt !mi - l-i-i! Iet aa-i t IM
- . x ;ju.x ; s:p-rt to tae . .
Zsstr-ti: . iRc.n. ! fura fc...jscr j
t.r :4m1 m'U w-n. wy.h tlse ar-j-ornettner ;. i
Ti-o c: circuiK'C aJ tlx: w.wnt i hrU
' -i it . v i.i.-.'
All tb Krhr.
; butl.tsiU f.trt.t'i
' aau 2i aii rrcc.:
e.-etr:-.. a!.--!i.j:
z -c I t;m ?:'rtm. w
iti ti Aft-
; pur.t-iiai. -,
I.ii.n vu !'-:!. s the 1 rrry tf Ja:-
brr -tll Tt al ;te K.lai F. C. J--naii..
AU ti rjhu t::'?. interest a&J cIa.si of tfc
St!i:i. M:l: -' I .. sC ia atvl i- tk s-lk-wrj.
, r 1 tier.ftl rra. ei:a:c. vix:
"ii, j '. 1. a crra irac. c( Is::.; .:tia'. Id S-n:h.
' llt.a tat-i:t. yvta-T .;. Fa.. t..a
.. ..... &4 : r.e .ar.l tani.tv a:nir2 aerr. of waica
: lte.-e a;-: a--rc r-r al s'.s-ul li a.Tes
""lc 'L -r -w- ' " a tw autt i. z tli.:t fxs
j.r, j af-l ! ii.A t . TO ;iirrt"C crr.-;b a... .LLLiC -tiVl?
T i 7s' s I ! b?KT. itaLl t'tlfc AC.'. Ctttrrs.
' aliii' X-j. s. Ac.-Jtia tract n LttJ .ioa; in tie
lie jsiii? ao i t."c.-; timi; tja as ik liiT-
' T i .-1 Lna, c 1 .i i: r it? arret, a ' e ' . j a-T-t
' tx r, u a.-r-4 : "1 rrt-ivr. n 1 -ry
r I. ' .1 . '. . atti ii."Ti '. .'(- t 1 1 -TW-- A-.
3I uci.. A Ja a Lfz.ii atvi Htettry Manx.
t - . r. w,.a iw t.i ar waatct j
-...-.. -T 1
A.: !.k .-r.zV. ::
-11 ! V m. leB'j ana A A -
r. ;t t -:a;-. ! -tit
: aettt. ih...
. t ia
'icii real .c. -1 ?
A ccrtiAi U iar. i
f U. - aC" 12 Etrsstis'. Willi
ry f f
tt . i. :
:trs ur rr-. ec-.it.i. a-.
j- .-iia-Xaf kn
r i . J .ailiiiii t r ;
Bu iitrt"er, wua iij: j
i-Sts-a III tlrwOt1S The pr S:
n. anj w lite K'4i.'ii.$ -tesju i rca.
iicl A-rxiVi :a 'ab.'.il Tr.
Xt'.i la .4...w Ti
i a . r. jt.: -i a vacrt-. ni-,.T
irrtr r ai-t lttatea tirar.
JJutailifi Lftj'.w -! V a.. llr. rn. tTi-a j
i a i A irvs: ;i lAiri guttJi:e :a xiT--e :" w-wh.ft, j
1 frjabait-r 12 xrm. airt tr i5 m.i caeArvii. w:aL. !
, SVC VlItLjf aX t'l J -VC.-O rliUl'aJ-Aa J VA3 5lV.-a
; aj tswiavf. witii '.iv AktirAetuaccw.
Pa. j 5 rei -oiy. 1. ocais-.e av-r-,
(( liA 4 e!.aLi lij-r llt-r- 45 t-rrVTt-i. t-vSii;".
fry t'sKyiiiia nvtr aaj fovti pr'.n. , aii rsuk
rusrui. wkuft Use i-j. neixjyL .
I .N . 4. ii svj j rrvoD.i la 5i ini Fo-r;,
puTti auj t :iui3UD ner Ajyn a lac 1 '?-
tr LrnrjrTt v. W.Lil ;Lr AiyL'srOaJsCrr.
AH :he rrhi. r:-J. i-:Tet Mi l c.i.a rf J -iah
H. t itrtl. t. as iH-i W vli isyiicvrsi 'ifjar-r."! Pl
! A wr"..ia thr?s n-jry bri'i. jV-qav vi Vk b.M-
bftcs Uwii-iit ;at.A-rria. St fwM, avae a
HjHTvr ir-e tr' fcy A.x. S;a:ina.a. m
Ur aKixii ty v ir b &juctii -ahL-i
( etiTirt, si it-.- it a cr p-stsrr -jrj prim: vr -"r -r"
I AUiaerifht. title. tamt aaJ flaJm al J hn
'ktraui Aii-one jtcl. at, it tu w a cenaia j
irartMia-i m W:.jeymeK us-t-k i.-trer- !
ItSiH&iy. 1'a cta.iaiiii&a' S arrea. a.er ce e sa. of j
' ""A- a -.fcere are ao.-ai i.. acrua clear, lai truu ,
4 aertea li Baea,hw. wits a two jutry dwet'iac r a-e !
' aal k. itara tam. ereertti, atnatciii taaa t1 j
' tTrf arparaa:icea. .
i Iaa.a ia xraii.-a aj tbe f n-nr of J-caj
' E-J an.1 A :-.:ae a- tb siii'. f Inzi 1 '
' :;.. as ,1 j-etrr .-Sveie-.-r. I
A't '.be r-.i ' t, title, luremt anilal'jt Jta j
D. iiCir att Hsraa Few? Ay. nf. a jD-t ij tie .
I :i w .rjc ot-scr.ioi t-mi escai. m:
i A.l rre vtees cr par- j rf iai !yt:i aryl be
! tws- wttarrtua w"waa-pt. S-we'tn .nry.
I ttL, w iica are Ejre iauy a 1 par-truiar.y s
rn:tl y B:e es ar. ! t.aao. "a-s-s ai i:
I taas-e lia 't o-4 tcvo Alaai sWiirr w.&e tatt
I k.;.;y ari h
aoy, trji4 Ca'.e Ji' a Mar :x.
' I. a y rsierewte tiemj, wul avr ns-;y ri
r paacaT. t arcear. ctAiaimax aere. Ef 1
. te-s. a
j l73:r.
2 iirii -t J Trt-atrrsta. J a.- i
jsBtirew kjaeea mat ctnerj, u ma I
at'irtrAijces. .
I W 1 Ut ii
en rftcivn aa Itt :nn f J-. P. '
R sjiy act! Hi.-rxz Ftatt-Ay at taw nil of W lit la at
i ?trTL. 5"-rtr- ai - --
. .
1 -. . . .- . t.tT-. tv-tttn m t .ia. ia
- at t, v., iici. .vuv i, lmj irs-n.w rcai
estate. n: .
A eerta.a rv-t r laj rtraate la iirAaeTSTai -
- i- 1 t . -1. i 4 C a.-. . j . i a., c wt :i.it
rTTarres. a er tf ward ikrntna'aw
I Aw aeres t.mr n-l atta: s a-m ia meattuw, rut,
! a t atfl a aai) sorj k Jwet:ias frje. A !
ham. aivi j rjin buoac tcerrvw enecwtl. adjnoiiaa;
iain A J tai S-crts-k. tuil U e.anJ. iiurj
Aitt-Vr. Ji.o CTtxset C tiarVs MUirr aaa wta-!
ers. wut tae i arnAri.
Taken ia
a. at th
rnx ! prtjrfTTT r,f Lin ' v
'n.t M Jttaa Eii
All tV.erizhr, itl-cs. tsrer;si a.i riaaa i J jtea 1
D. Hutloy taa hjit. FiOty. . s atal ta tb j
Xi-ssiii!? (KScrtoeu iwi estate, t ix
Ail trial LWttt B-r-el 4 ianj I
et it t:
!a SswikwBtntusi wwwAir. rtmtrvi Mtit. Pa."
watcn iA wv-r. u -j aa l irt.ew.ar y rr.sM if ,
atet. jjm t-.ait, orsrstaJ -iifuafM. ia atietnl ;
tr. Aatirrw ai hrvk . ta atvi It,.! aaa !
Jrcaiay. tar.ii tate iia Oat f .Wanru. .ski. aft
ty rreMtaetvtwwt.i aytrc fafy aa.1 a: Itrxw !
PW. aetata m ,1 am tM 111 prrrtsnt. a-.-1
J!l:l.t aa.t rl ttrif! tn-l. itsti tM Alia
Atat aurs. Uansawr wiia taw tf-anMaa.
. . .
rkre h 5a !T""rfv .JVta D-
f1 ".'''J turaax inaj
. SUtr-r aai Oe-e.
At. Iat k. Bw -4 Aa
itrer, atS'sr-rf I lia Sait-r
A!l tkeritV, ti- je. ier-t aatl -laiia f Frrb
nea Itrrwr-k. ia a-l w Uie itntitw
ten tea rswl taT. v.c
A orr.ata t-c of zrxaaa ia tae VLtiAe af Darafa.
Tt. Ir. SM-rt? etTttT. Pa -.tt'a.n.sx tjwaaif
arre. axtr vt 4-ss. w txa a iwtt gurt i-.ak amatc.
wati aa.1 .:tir i: us i-lltai taua Troe-eo.
1 Ctriac
una at tt- is teavna aatl a, itret as dent k tret.
! 1 a k . J in T-iiaf-. ayt4aaaj( Jcweak
4nM .. J in eaM t;.Ai iruusxf Jcweak
.swaek t t sy r.i. s-m-st tk-r vw ta a si. A
, J-.tA r-Ttat m ta- ea. atvl Aaiw wrstrx ow t-i
west, aaa ta ka -a ptee ot rr-w-l earataxe r-
tenaat iw ail kaikitar. t:tt tkw aprteaaars.
Ittra ia tx-atjuo as 1 n 7nr-j ai aKto.inl
at li. fat: et s.j i:!iert.
1 two
a j trie rlxrri titSe. hit t xa j .lain of Tna
B- wrmaa. ai. ta aal to taw AsJowutr oermMa real
escare- tlx:
A aerta re trvn xy rrtaatw is 5a;aiit Tp
o" weyh tv-re are aautt !. aerea
VI 1 . . i, T. . l . . - .
. SaCj Hrratey. keirs Pwker Utrer oeewajtea.
I al tleri, wira tt ar j ar.iAioi.
a tM trn t nf rriar
Psaaa at tit fjt
iA J aui stater, Ja-sJ- J.
tb t -- r-ti e-aie ui
i lauwer. traw-.t
sarwe! P. A
a I
tit:, iatirtst aatl of Catria
, Altnt. K, t art-J 1 1 Li Ai.juWjr jmraj -ea.
; etsatw. rlc
Awns t irvt rt am ritaate ka Ixwer Tar -
. 'Tws-?- rec Tjwaty. Pa -ootaia-
were, msrwwrles wA a aew two
. tctry iraat tit.jt roete lasrrsta ert-r'-!. aa-
K!a-e saact wi la M Aakeay. Josw ltaTg. aao
; r - Kf"t i
' War. C. H At. ten., aad Itrsni ater'm ar tkw
1 rati of Sajww-t aa:-r. at w U ax. Uririrr a Una.
. V .
-- j t r"ita, at taw awwsw
pksase tae btsk-w tsat tea par eat f
it. twrrkt-a ttwt t.. t. n,t 4.
ft"1) kawea Sswa, tattarwia fe will aatata
I tjsale. T6 nsaiM tha r4T. I
't - sisr. - !
- t j w.tOTtwwtaw ejiaw;.
ajes-iaaru. I-.x. UK ut l.t-4 fty itst'Hnar
k i
tv-.wT-c-wt . aaJ
a ,
igjjTlMiatktiiai.Lia rtw j at
utl ia i IL
AriC AdccrtutrmnU.
.'iui,u .iLfcA4r..
..f -1-
t.!!. w;tT wrn !un fefe h; m t.
tSrtr ii fc r bjnu w sop tur-n u 1
Au?i jiorfci-r. I p.
J Fats-.x -
"ni. La lnrTp.
; er J. J
j .'re- rz- ft.
! Jm !Srl!-"lt -
. f:n.t-.i ""f. .-nr-r. rw Hi J-T-cr-.
; I"na. cr, n:win r. r-m
lTizvi itar to. -
A. K.:-a. s.rrrt V-rsi.
' J-.ie H. L
: frxr.'.t Na;!3. -
-' J ! r . s; - Tfk t. ma'u.
i.wiua. uaLil r.
- J;'! -"Kiar. - -
i J -a W. V .sis - .
r. J.
K'J" rr KR
1 EiilsTEI'.-S -NOTiCK
... preui- tr ama'vw ti
. in , rrtao, l'n. t ! nel-i a S.Qcn'. m
Thurti'xv 4rr 17.'.
i br all perM huemse-l maj arteai
th:ci rroT.
I A o uu. Ifxoyti P. ffurr
u 3.' J U4.
; F. W;r, datr.J.
Ara aal ui J-jtn L iJarrkk. ai"Er.
f AVx.
! Aror.t ( J. Sa.w A W. H. Kiibcr. a,i or. !
A;-.;iM vf iilim Kafpj. ai'mr aijt tra-:t
1 of ir".-a Kappr. cwatj.
! Aonat wt Ssiiud A i t - exr-H Wm. M.
I E'jraer. .ereaaL
J Atiisi J.taH. VhS. rsT of STi.itai .Hay.
. Sr. . lrm-
' M rul C. F. HTf. dMnwi
Arrnut o a .1. atsioa uc J i jac.:is.
j A"fa&t"f Airabaa If. MXer.
, fraca.ji Brrrier.
puriiaa of '
a.irf. Cirri.
' T'i'T ti-.r Ciir A Frett' r. rr, S.xr,rwrt. 1
dr.i :ie ;-n 01 AruaiUhi le:a is iu ptA. !
Tic-jSiK3t icr?mii:f tieaiJiR.1 fr:e;a i ia- '
an n 10 to emn! a rarutiira tr.at can
scaac c ae-j of -rr nr. load y.
1A3 D-TW BAt A XUkl t vl tiB W aaJ
: uerv i any perua ABMnAT laj i i UMi.1
, t-itswaaer l& :fcts -jc it at; ..initrf etyttciitr taai
' 1 taw Btao... te;a tctr laat ia n.A cincc v.-xi
i ifianicc. thy ran eail m al atj Uis at-1 r-5
a M Irtss A cirx.
i n.irti Vec aitpL.:at-J niUtr hy lbe Or.baLj'
' LVn t-I S.avertbi count to -imre t fttij
a t:. hAsos 'tf J-jcatAAH J. Lirtaer. ai;B..!.tra-
'b-Tul :L-eest: "f t..rrr Tr-.-r. o-eAe,i. ?
: ao-l aa,5 to-aw ieyj.iy rwiiltsi lijeretj. osjete is
r-r"''y c.w iriat I w.ti v.Tri tis ia;ts a
! ft ti a&y-SEias-ttt. at mr t-A -. la ta ..a 4
! S"nw:rJ-rt. 00 Tirtalay. t& aia oa .1 Marra.
i Is 6. w".err ad a-'tere ail prsuos lartriitstl stay
. AlT-fc-l.
miTti Aj;i:.r.
A Cvoir -iet Rjitt .1 P
.1 rrajj-
Irs jr:
L. It
Frt ia tx.e nr
1 4 pvTt; t.e!E3i
W tlte pretet.
t H. C-tbX L
! -ariy act) !arr- twnaT,. pta"- Cref Tt aae ulat-irrf.A-tu.
j fa-; ri -j .jar Siaie tj. 'ra
-a--i i-T -yT-t-r a aa.l -reniar. . .ittr&iwi., r--t-.v-
a 0 - j.; ,cc ia m-r... tt. i:? s-'.-a-
: -
.i lfi. ra. A n r? eliA nr. W f im fm ji.u 1
ir -.atr-e; Tp-. j 53 ,Tcry ti.wair.ip. n: a-e j..r fu.i ar.Ka
i ia acr. m.r , jj-, eii .M of temr-rr. Ai.re. ua-r
! r,.l4. ' jj.,-15
liat 1 j
!ti"i,fl: jut . s . 1 fci-rerty
I w:j a.j: j,, i- !3r't br o rtr-1 jr. Aiirr ;
I t5a'. 1 a.r. ai:, a tf t rrA f . t t v y .
)njltlttBw ::e -.'k w:a t '
I !TJrt t KtiTIA. r.lf ETEaS.
I .. ..... . . .
tTLtl a: Ac-n? Term,
e. ;ay &! a; n tiTa, ,ru ,
its. ocaistarJar lt ;
AJ )
jTwat B. Jrao.ci aad wiit r Itri! EVstca 1
J it K. Jrn czs r Inl Kb,:' a !-rr
5itnJaer ad irky ra i-tfterOrrtfa.
" -fcil a Kei ae.7e rtt lianil Wetaa-i.
Msi-i Woi; r J. B. AVriwi.
Jeb SefT rt C AKUa Ba aL
HiTTtft J. Coitwra r Inaae A. JsskiSA
J.rpi TVsaa rt Daa.'l Wrrvat.
Osr rc L. Layman M A. f-inr.
J ev-a Sx:-u ex:j- vt Peter fai:::: pl
F. L. aad D. . taraeil r. Porter Hii'i:?
J tcas WTeT r Air-xi F Btk-r M ii
J UT- aaor ti H-arr O. Jiiu"TxeF.
I'svac UoiS'. ije i, A. I. Baaer al.
Sim f i A. V. er at ai.
L K sjnrtaa r Ihi Caraa
)!:: a Bro. Ai1 . Viir.
rsaaaei Cant t John O Ceoaer.
lsaas Jeea ji n E Ii. Tatty.
liermaa aticnal Hank t R. J. EatifT A Ca.
J. D. Van Horm nP.tC.ILL ev.
S-.era A allein r J. P. JLbier.
Saane t. Saae.
J-ta w. kiat ts. Haw Isa. C.
C aaeis Lett Tjtra-tD err.
F- J- FatlWy rt CatAanac Farfely.
aihao r-r. t baraet Pie tiu. "
Va Horn A lbistqa n Aadrrw Bowfha.
ArrsAaai Hara r t hrMcopaer Baax.
Pecj' Fire isjansce C-. riS. J. C-. vr A
SaaM ti EtiaMad Kirsaa.
Sans t Ttxmaf 'iiAzBer.
l-aac J asea tt E, 31. Kimmt t ai
laa: Uiiiti rt M m BoraUtir.
Bt. Sawk Pr Kiaiajf?T et -x.
l.aac Haras s Heery Beart.
.E-ei Wa.ker S.'Pbi'fw A Co.
ci V ?r A Co. r J. R Ltob A 1".
J'-dn H May r Jjha Uaaaa.
Ja.t:-6 S. Pbiibppi 9 aie r Ja, aai ia
Wax. H- i."ry ts Wax. BowaajL
1 n.o!w A A.lwra.t!, ts Wat M. Sehrrek.
E- S it. we t at ts Inis M etr-r et Ai.
S- rJaM a WilM Tt. Prter L.e -t ax.
R. ke h n ttaaiet Sbaita.
X a i tw '1-r ts jaaM ParwiQ.
S. P'lisW A C'O TS ltT.a4 Tj . t -T
.rystooe c jaj atvtl Maatttaetsna Ca. x H'.V
: u.a-.i a n itJ
F:.- Errk Ca.
Siss rt rsaaxe.
U. W. Btaek r, XT. VT. Dit-" s. Er..
F. J. K".SFR.
ar PrvtAi.OpnarT
i V J
tTanLtv tA Hwtjrai-'te'Wiiu.LAW M. E cu.
rirxir a. . trtrr4i t . .a r u. t. vatut I w
. trtt CANLaurs c.saputnx tae f .t.at-id j a. : triat
I aas Jantre o ta C'ctart f Uyeraatl Ter-
1 avaer ai t irjeral Jul IteliTtrv. for tS tratl o4
aii ntptLat atva x r oa-ntaer ia taw saw otstrrx.
! 1 Law: A. Trxsta aad J'Mti Unvir, t.
arra. J ls af taa C'-anof t'naoi P)s. aa4
JMwt at ta .'rtt Uyer ana Ierauar. aatl
i Oeweral Jail larilrery. f tie uial of a.i ate. cat
' and ivrofleajers ia iae Ccmy of sierei cat
ia-.l taeir enrrut aa.1 to e Ja-xii. ft kc-Ul-
j as a Omn vf I'tona FiiC aad jarrl Uaar
t irr es f ta pa.-w. and lityni Ja.l ltuv.
j tj isl kvdt-S'if Ujer aa-1 T-snxier, at raerst
Oa Vlaadw. April S, 1STS.
Vwt-i ta kwwTTww Ktaa tV. TwUt-i
! Pi. utrvratttMOiiuiMt watA ta-1
m,,., soiwi. tit! tbti a1 :ae a
..JU nltJ1u-M. tal r.!WinAr. n
tkmr waii vo trtr j- ey xrai ,a tiat
aoprrxaia ts tw wooe: aaa aiu. tarr w-
w.J p-Wi! xrarittra x-isr. tiiai a.-er aa.I
. "st er CVtwa-r to 'aew aad
, , SZZ. aaitir. tf.-tn an taa : t
: sbu r jE4jk.jE.pilk. -t
!s.ritM. Xarra a. t SrtenU. )
, turI .,wf . . t; t-. , r, i y -a- pit r
I t ! 7V -s, Ia!.
Xxr 1, y:s, t Ar3 39. is
i Tit Kv1 r-tatwtrt M tit fsitrt Stajet. Sw-
! tiat tsr. .
r a aad 222. rss.-iir- erery yr-sya
! mtaT.1 in aay tw-toeta, arwe.-ua. r s ty
; wettt waiea rtujm aiai itatfte w a triat tax
t arerw aatl ttatwet.wtteaitattty ist tia
twrwi r piaew of taotorsw a ttastrt rmiz taw
atrann wf aat-1 sctenai lax iur tkw -n.:.tax
I rear. May L 114. a fee tawagiearia wr ouata -
1 UK bia. a after Attn! Sa. L-TS.
' f taxes emkeaewl w:thtn ta prt-wirieea jf tia
I taw tataotawa ar Utw fcaivwin. Tit. ,
j kcex.Am XS as ;
j ltera. isrtaU iiowitr zi
! lOArra tw aix uaawrs. waoieav: jw -;
I Cm. t . - - . t t ' itw t( i
! Aaa oa twArs wf wrwr ti. ear au rr r-r; 1
ieclar ta i-e-t of Sl.a
I l"-ajer Iw maaaiamtr-sl todwttr
MaaaiAetarerf atiii ... ...
Aau Sjc swea tsill avaawiartwrHt.
A1 fur sack wwrw aaataasrt .
k wa
t jtiarvtartn wi itn-a
aj ao
! v.aaafAetaTsrrt f
t petxiert at teemwst. Aral cam
lavm tkaa tw.
i kmwuatt H'aistit).. j
r-eti jrra ttg wa w .a, astjtwtt c ..ta ftws, acvwa
1 twlt-r aaiata.t i xa
: Priium of btrwacsx. lAtrtl elwai ,sre Vese arstawr
i aa wtai).. 1
i A'ttaTS j ucra, H-erVA CitJ ,ro ivt x
i ewwrwraaoa)
i r -ci j u, a mm bkt...... .. . -
1 Aai arrasa, a iiaMa. was tkali fciit ta cac,Iy ,
waa lbw aw-M..aaw rwaclrawatj wiil kw swtrca ta
: tnTlIlLh"rZ , at.
. w . s ym. m..j -v-
t lal Taxes aaaett aix-s mzk iKfy tu
Ext. S-eiL. Calrvw
laterr Omsaw at SootrrwM,
atal awr Ulsl wrm Lk t-ak7a.
- t..w.7 rs t -A a, 49. a, a
witavat !r: ter aount.
1. .
IW aaS-JOf us. I). (J- i ? aT
I'.ua.r .
1 . i. a a ;
. .. . w.:
A tri ? ."- .r iIT..?..j,;:M
N... j A ia k --" f J - f a
.XiA, A ir--i". - a. -t Jj..: i-r, .1
: LI t 4Z M
'tii. z " -ri'..
T. t a a t -r? ft a r tc '
rjic.tr "I s : " k....-.4 ' rc .
A . a A ra t 1;
.' ; airre '- lt".er Eri a.
1 l A
. .r.t; 4rr
.y. A T.-v-:
. A -.
rr ji;
x- if
... A .-- t
L i. ac - f fc -! T
a- cf J in ir xzu -'.e
Is ? r.
II L-, cr. r;;
B r , r.
' tt.ia:ra''u
rs-c-T; jr7 rs irfrt ,T
1 urAi.sM ;.. r. ujr o...
r - ! ; ,a -. 14 i. l.. a . - -a-ax-nt.
-. -w. d..T;t c:a-.t
' ta.lvll s,j trT.i.-
v- -' -i it. : tft.t - a-'. J.
.n r m .-r-f r-r-irt.
wu.an.4 i :- ' i m.
t-itjctt' r.
: . .
; I U k iM.Mb.U O tl
6 NUT 1 EC.
a x.i'.iTwt
It; 4 r?a aj:i h
f i o-m 1 tf.rfa ui t& ,a-
J. Uif . lm-"r r. iafCt !W M
a: dct-k a.
.UN r.i:V ASf'.N.M tN T.
) .i iv. J ha ; K.n Ki-.-n. p-n
ir io 'r.r . 1 -t ,f J -Lr. a k.r.r-
II &JT3 O.A -.- n f a.:
; -,.' r- i
; -r r.
; - ii
ti-.a- iiji
I lr' y i:.e (.iimNti
aJT'-ri A Ajcrtuaa c . fttr name
t A- t
- - r: rtza -t-.y i -r.i:-ra:-.t
, i. 'f J
i Ler:e- .if
r m: :
o - a tfc as trjts
, aavina- ra Ta.t;.si w
. v-.-r - t.l ' j ir-.-'-i 14.
; ia:e 457;. ic : t4.r.z
u. rvtsi .ivrat :a:T tutricia: e.
-trJ. aff ts
f 10 afcta- :n:n--
isiTBS rsii.i It
( :
-r9l . a -i a."-'.
arm, S. :.
I rr i't A Uita.-.n: ,r.
- a
I M 1 N I T 1 1 A T O K N 0 T I C Li
t Ct-Viri-i il-i b.;. r,.caa.v--a If-
a. V.r.sC c- AA.tw ij Bft-'r-'iar".. OruJi" ;
b. -rvr-j tb ; -c i-,.--: t-. ,; ii.jar ta-
LBtrsA-f JtS t rTi-II".. as 3 USk JPSW rh .l ay-J-t
il -i : t t. a; .-.! -j 'r c;.'-e-
jAiil.i MtAL,
cibrt A :mir..- r.
ixecutoi;- None
of Jca Fa.'
!a:e -f A.
araty Tar-.
i . :
'. tt rai-- ia a.i'r-:ta r. im t-r'ts-r aw-
I J.- r,... irt uu-rt 1 j.t.t ioll), Ma. w
I t: :,. alaatt ia.aM-iia-e j.-ntil. U.-1 ttt'ir
ei-i-aiA litxt, r . ;-nt. a. ibima.y ia aroita;-
ei !'T --".:rnicrt'. i'S A.WJt--.". a. Ii til T--'-
,tr vt
A .r-1 sa
H. M1WET .
'END i:-r
Rt ELX. A 0'. W-w
1 1 e-Qia.n -r
aal ft- w r
fcr 1 ispi
etwK o( a-lT-r.i?.
T Cf lis ClT- A3
f.. tv :;srT-.
a-C tftWr. alic iVrtfa-
.Sat'ur.fai,, JLrjr:a 1?, 1:
t 1 o'fiec p. t
"ji rr.t oatt--. t,r
ta ptojnt trf Jtrrmixa
H- raiix. uMiMtl.
x L Tbe fc me tlast. ctc-faia 7?
m.n"r le- a.: -Oir.it laa.! 4 H-e-t w m-
. rer. Jta Krvaj ai tae Orevnaoarz A rlv.tt-
t wa tarnt ss. tar r a -rsct.1 a :w , atdrr
tv-sse. boo, hara ail 9tar oatrtuoixs.
! . 'A A .es -1 taotl rt.i a.a: acr aw,
or les. aj ' ir.. i. the La:-fraa
j pr. trty, aa-i it? cir"watan( k StiTtiiwa tars-
itKX.-ie,f-ra;i . r tea part-aase mctieT w
r-rraiD A -n ia : rt- pt at taw Bitertrst Ci be
patj trat, y ; Hit! ? 'ta5-r. w; ,-w. aarr-c
aer !:'. aad at hr 4aik ti pnapai "13 to
2ai w tie w.-s ti.: i rr r rr ia::r-s Jer
MUth H Saarler: un-tLiri Dtiaarua mrtr
cia.Ast f aa.e act r aiAiiKier ai lw. aat aaaw.
at ymjmxc i. V. s se-e-J ry ; A.ttrent: tweair
per atat of AaaJ Bt acj t e paki at ka.s al prcjl
cf't ii kjra-sl c-jttl
-e-15 Tr
1 Ci-r-J. late f
Letters al a-ixiaisTratioa oa ti aSnr enatw
aavrag ta rraa-o 'm :a anlrtart. sotttrs -st
rrr-r j r-v-a uti2- iler.i o it to ataaa iaxas-
ia la patxarci atvl trtvw aar.ax -iataiA a.-aiaat it
ttt rrest.nt i.-rai ca y aur aeatAnii tttr srr tatea.
t. Frvuy, Mir-a :i. :7f. ai tie .f J jlu .i.
FEEO. A. rsMrTH.
a JBtii.r.-,.
F J HALE k :
Mew w.;;
S, I--. .-s. irMi:
4 a- early io Jlr-i,
Moody & Sankey,
Aa aatbtr.-. a.'s S1; j ;i.L.ia!iSn:-'.
.' " a1 IiASK . READER.
Uc V !.U -i- P r-n.i'. Ptres -e. f "...a . i.
Tae t -r. a j-t j . -r i a w-J t i
Praams Ta'i.a cwta:r ru rett :v-r r, vars,
-at ia'ttrat trtiai ' r -- 1 m RaEaiva ai
I r-,a": i'1..h a fV
aa-y. ta taor
'.:- ts - .'.tt -t -,.
1 U'Vn.
-I aat."W of ao &wLtt,: aar ast.:T- ... t . .
! ka-1 Kitr rc.-r.aa. -vet '.f b-tr atiL 'at-iaaj 's.1
j . r-'1'sAai o-'rjr aj taaw Xr
: ...
u a tar!a,.r a-,aUn:wl wk M -
' ") ' -A..-a - kit 1 aa.
t" rev-.w.j ry a tr-a.J..
1" - ;-" -e.ta.aiar t Li s Mr.
! s"'? tweet iar waa aai .-Sarw t
' "ntBy "... t. ao.1 a i i-.-rt of ta .jr.
i 1 -" a i:tw kja i r.w-7- --
! r-r-
11 '.A y i- aVrk wi:- a -.tkr. r T
4 iie iiTs atrt w, r f ty.w Abtmw
, it ,. tvaly -yea . r-t ......
t-l i.i. Ajki in -er-.ci;!rj -r.:-r U tii:r
ta ureal eri'a : a.i J j.t jc-i. sjs ta r-t
! trt IKtSi
1 A very ianre irt -ii-.it wfl tra-A t-a:
' Tr rapena ,lelrt aryj -aata.TS f itrL.l t
I In ers ai '. TTk t-r : taaii --a ts v
. ir,a- w 01 a lir-aL
! W aea atx tt e aa-i at ta ssm . tkw
V. wttl h i.t.,-4 : . ut j vrc ,4 -
i tae prtr.
17 Murray Street, kew York.
J ta j
' ' 1
I lhii-
h-:t:. .' !!, imi::
: t. TAi-E X t, Aarrtfa.
ftiaaLCT StafiS.
At Low Prices.
af'A IlBtrai UlarWDBI naue is
j wfia!rrw and Ota fa rrLit
. aw. a-MH.wv.
i VQ ;-- r.-'i.fc'.
-rrv-t(. 3 'i.-rr . , : . 1 .
, 7 I -tfia-a, u Ma. .j ..
..T ?! 1 O 4 i. ; :
( Lt'-fl a.i L-n '
fcj-ir: -.f f J. . - ki.
; s.t-: ti j-;.r:..:. - j.t; -I.
A trar; c' !j: !
ut -S mr t T rx
29 Fifth Ave. Pitt3txirg!:.

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