Newspaper Page Text
r J .1 I J rjVrms of lnblication. Ths Somerset Herald l, rj litul every Wetlnoteay Mimln at $2 ,.r annum, ir palJ In a.lranre othcrwlke 1 40 ,.i L-iearUhly be charxe.1. n eul-ripUuo will be, difxmtiriueu until u i fc4cnrji5ef arc pall up. Poetmattert nenlectlntr j ! , twill u when tubtCTlben do not take out ; is Ir iu!t will! keltltiahle ftirthesutttcTiptitio. j v.i!-forii r t-ib ving rroo. one Pottut8ceto u- j ,.,hT hoaIJgitIie nam of the furmer in '.l M Hit prcteut office. Ailrv j Somerset Printing Company, j JUHN 1. fed LX, llattnert Ma&afrer. Uutfiitcm Card. U nisaKTH AITE. ATTtiAt.Nl-A a'L'w Mnnw-ffc AfiwtwiuoaJ huti .picuiiii) auiuMc- anti puut.-ioai.j attend- r I 1" ,1'tLLAAM 11. KKJXT7 AmtY AT Lrf...iUi.-rsoL wiilaive prompt ntu-u-.."1.X,.ue,i. entrutleJ t k tare m "fj , , the . .jiuS cuuuliea. U 1" A-ruilm ti'..a'e Ktw. J A- S-iiuenwU Penna. - 1 I STINK HAY. ATTOKXtX AT LAW ., 1" ail buin' eutrutieil lu hi. care w uh ,..', ..met an- D.IJ. ami. PA ly. il. (iLE ArTVKNiv. AT LAW, reu l' Pnrtwlxukl I'uuw enlrune'1 ! ,'u,.''l"""rluM,u,1n,:Uljr A wn". .u. ultra. .... - -ui.i.f TTliliXKS AT -' !. ....... I to anvtulMl III. : M1IMIU lilOTk. r tN H.U1U. ATTUKN t-Y ATl.AW.SOM-r-U ;.. pr"l"' H AMES L. VUG 11, ATiyKXEY AT LAW, , , p,. imv. .NUnim-th lll.kk.ui '.lrK , r..'a " aiJiu C-rw su Clt;U' ..,ffl.lea I..WIIH pr..nil.tue uJ UiH-uiJ. klM.ULu'ATTtUSKY aTLA, " rf.,, will urm n U Ottrtuit. o- UN K V V. M'U ELL. ATTOK.N EY A t LA , ... ki.fv a n t re isnm (i-i.k. - . n-u. ATIIKK tJAXTHKK. Att..rue at , r i..t.ioaii:i.U.c.iri.-e m iilk, I x U. U HAt it, ATMKNtVS AT .A . "lnr:U ' H 1" "u'; w lru.,ol i tlicm will i-e .r.iuj.ll uJtU w. ....1 ..1 ..iiuniE aui.. AW .iiU-U-Alexaittrr II. I5.,tln4i. . ...- 11, S.tuielM I10 4 r,- .uauimuiiuw. Ufct iu iliiuu...i OlIN R. SCOTT, ATrol.XEY AT LAW. ;a.-ent. So Bi-f' lt'"L-;t.u..- cnuuvci i.. iicn- tu-u.!i f. . oil'. ill-" ' u ' ;. .1 K. VIlLLKkllM iro..Ki'-.lJ !':" - ..t 1.1. nr. Lftluli. -.i-it il I'-Kl BAKtK itclert bit k . . .1 ..i s.mi. n. i mn! vit-in- . ; t ttr iu . . . - . l.D- e 11, le'l'leuee, nUe -lmir wee. lit u-e. ; ;ne Imi- 1) 1( I. h.ll tlEL will .ttniliiue tu praetit i .iliien.e. .u l ie.i.l.r. bit rt-eHMnl... i ....... , l-i t:;i .'i.lWlt ! "1U' --"fl a' " ' i.hf. al Ibe 1U l.lace, a It Jottrt t - M ; ; t iia.le H tur-c. tvK v tt'LLlXS. l.r.XllT, Stli'-rrtel. I) P.. CM ,u V.-el-eer lilt. a. up i. . -e -.e .nn al tu tan-, t H.4...I I r. ioe.l u, . tfcin :.i tu bat Cl.lli. teKU,.tli.u. .a- ins .e. Afllt-eul teeth.. I alt kim tt lie .tminal.itirtea. 1 iTib. warr.a.cJ. s S. (H)Ol, rursiciAX tt- SURGEOX im. T-R. W. M MARTIN, ii:sir)Eisra- dentist, st ).MKi:si . i . I ' a. Uatinx f t eral eeari r;-eri!i . fl p,r-i Art : Il Ir ui t ural i ..t.... .11 i.Tratl-ili, li.n.i l"- leeili. ! Ii :n. rit-i .n all b- mipr-ne-i it..r me iu ai. enure -t. Pn rvli...' "I '- " !i t tlf-iaHt .'ttlee iw...!r we-, til Lie . rrt llt-Ute. Satl'lai'ilfn Ktt.'.taulceu. prlA "WIvI- COLLINS, ih:tist, ,-. i -atci-fr a Freatet '". S-mereet. ,r ilfl hllf U ears 1 watt grear re la l r I ttl .I.lE.'t.l itf.i. in .'" ! n't aeiuaM :. rt.t:i. ,, .t M. eniar.e Hit lae;.i.l. Ji.ti cao it t.l i-i!i a; iw r pr: -et ran y ..11, 111 ant irther piaer .:t .I..-- tf ' . . . .. J i .. i ..l :t e:h It. r 4. an.' il 1 tlj. u. tt i. - - - , ,,. ,.,.hi:.I I ant r. '. t-fli f o' eu..."o.el in 't th - -iiK-k -un I. -t r.-O .eema.'.e teeth ...r that I. D-l f " " I- ' "' i.i.rii,.,,. met .an t-all uc tne at any uo. an I K' l a m a -el tree tf cliarne. u. .rVa I i J. MILLER, aft.-rtwvlvr . v-lve prattlee In St anktt llle. Ii I ' ' , i.vai.Hl .1 S.n.i H I He .r.M . :. p,- .iu-.!er bit pril.-. -nil ter- -',. e u.ict : ie..i -i v;. ' . i, t il Stifle. i.-W". 1'e me Ktr... .. ' ire htTra b a.1.4 at ail aa.-f ""..'i .t.t .n.iij ' ttajetl. a.-. .t ifci pn..u.pil auereJ. c-' n :i ii- JtUIN RILLS, 'dentist. C'tfiee In fotlnh . NeC'i new uil.'.inic. Main 'rw Street. S-iuiereii. r"a. D iVll "yRTinc alTteeth:'. ' j. I?. V VTZY. tt 1 1) E2. T I S T IKXLE CITY, .vwut Co.. P' . vriJ.-li! T-e h. w ai, Li:, -like ar tnre-1 1 1 1 ' t he eery ??t i tr...-n in I1. ;i-,lk(- a". . T. . . ...... ........ ..... I. tl.e lret- r.riifu... -A-,." . ,.h- i .nam, ,1 "atw;.. - "-T" i.-nit tre h '.ier. c. . u. wis-Tii A.iare a i'-"e. ILL iioii:. JuIIX HU FRtTBisT' a. The .,.. pre;oreJ U .! ! Ttte tr.vV.- ,.k 4x: ruAU'-t.t kiaj.Jr tor- j i'ae tablet 1 1 cumk t (umii-hcl with the -!1 11 theu. rk-t .C-irt. Lre auu fnin..i-ut j tlal Una .tt-t.-f-e.!. iM HOTEL. SAMlJI. Cl'STKH. lViiwiftoi-. Tilt tiDv. a rul'tle. riitat. :Vlw an.l well kn-wn k-ttwr at all riilW ilt'IT' ne . .1- t 1 mm, tetwu tta- ..'k. lewTe UaUy h Jthatta and S-imerte .-.v itw-. lairt w. hm lEsms Sr Fire cai IifilEsfaa' JOHN HICKS & SON, s.)ii.i:s:t. r.., And Kcal KsUte Brokers. I-T.H1.1S11KI !-- fen. t.. Jt,reK. t.ll-NJ twrlSt prt K"t..rv.r.tlll owl tb.-ira ..ular Tjt-i He emi.M there..!, at eharae . La it. a - m wml 4. tin' f i Wt.1'!' Pirrt:t j w ,,rtaitT attenm J t' ' " ' auii ' ' o.MKS FOR ALL. . r.i' lr tare. c& tt'Ht ittir. ine p am m ... Wr. iMtite u-' .fc .it t-i-aea. I . tarm. mi l-r i.e. a. wt literal 'tin. hmt kit. ke . Uiaiaereui pan. " . ! iajrtreeitil rttiea nitanb vt acre t tt- Luut a rtra. Tt lee warraennA. Terase oak M tawu atai ik n i rtwal aaawal f; wrtit. prttperl aemre4. f-Mil applt .In. I. atn A J- r w ' i.iw rv-aateia. i il aa ta at the Ita4tttea wiU In kw raw il aM t ta D.W11AKD. I he VOL. XXV. XO. 2G. Ilanls. ! JOHNSTOWN SAVINGS BAM, 120 CLINTON STREET, JlHINSTUWX, PA. ' rale wi uiitrrv?; tit iK-r cm. iuu-rvi in tium in : llir ru .Bins ot June iu! l.(uiM-r, and if nut ! lilMiruwn . ktc ict; vloil mu (viuiuq- U r to cuii -T well tu trrrfAt lite 0-Ht( toak. j j .i.tnv loitiit-.i a rt-iil fsuiic. lrtrU rrm-e. with ltU rul ra;- d I nc ttio. jtiven lo trTwen ol- m trniiat orsi mnaic;e u laruii rib ttur ur mre : tiui: l ue aiU'rtiut tl Umb uirvil. t i tvirr- ! , eur eneci utir , rt,uirv4. j j ruuArWraAi..nucswuvlj SaTrickBiink.; BlM, L rBn, Bad Bresi,l-re-b t lcr mate. No Iohuh . n-l Mumv. j AHT!ptl.wuf are frmrdUWe .j the jroU-P, ti-ia ai.i n-ial taw nrUuog lo tt j .A,. Tuaiiein mrure bal ls u ytaier !taDktvmianva40rrrr.ittMl. W il,e tM ul the wuunU together! a Mlv; u KR? Tk?rl 'mKrB "T'rlt - 1 u honl,t uie fiilD uniu... a b..tctf J diw-l cuui- ; H.. Uli. A.J. Hawv.(. M.II.t. Jhn ilwiuan. : tliai rt.IIillU)I, uniKniaih t- hrcak i.ul aith ten- 1. . iiiKiv, iami iiniittim, 11. j. Ai.-m-ii, t Lki 1'ttii H. t,'oraa uii. uw. W. W. VV l rr. iinifl J. Murrrlt. J'ni ti nt: Frak IUert, TrM.urcr, Oru t.Mtr, Nii'-itur. novJ4. J. 0. K 1 31 31 EL & SOMS, Sarr,e??.r? to Schell & Kimmel, SOMERSET, PA. Accounts of Merchants and oth- er Business People Solicited. Drafts ! I nCEOtiablC IU 811 pa.riS Of tllO COUU-I I try for sale. Money loaned and j Collections made. 1 jjli Cambria County BANK, M AV. KELM CO., XO. S MAM MKLI I, JOHNSTOWN.PA., Henry Schnile Mrtck Hui .tn!. i A timrral Hanking Iluim,sTiattfted. ! KMtlf aiM O lii n l ' i'u.lii-li I.? mailt lit il Ji ' !!! I'arta.i. lultTiitt a i i-rrt-vrl. iMTaniimi;, I! I ilicr tuiih' Biiil f.-M. -u. -f Uie 1 !jiie.i se iMi .1 th ritt l 9ix wul .irrrif-iiii-n; lua H- liiwiunmoo oltirr" ih" rt.'l.i lui.-iiti' in :rut. lirlll?T3. JOHN D1BERT. JOHN 3. ROBERTS. JOHN DIEERT & CO., BANKERS, IVTr-lKi T r.TK IS. JOHNSTOWN, PA. 1 itf mutt of Mrrehanto hji1 lli-r liutnw - ttolicll ed. Irall. i-so ' " ! part of Hie wunir for a". ! l.oatitl mikI ( ulU-4-lioiK 1 JikIo. Iiittr'l at the rale of . fe. 1 . . ....... ...... .. .. ul. ial. 1 loKeil on 'l'iui IM'powitK. 1 . Saiiiw I"ioiit llookti iM.u.; -.ta a -r r,.. r . .......... .- 'i.Hiii lult-rcl (oiiipoiinilrtl S.-iiii-MiitiiiHll t aitAt'li teirMl. Til. jS.irin'.i'; su. l; i ncvi. I ivi:is uteu. - & V J. II. ZlniiiH'riiiaii. sy ........... f. . ' ta...,iru.t. I C II It 21. T! e :. i u I t;-t ri-Ai A."t! it V' t i r.e "t a.- k v r It u,. s- j'.ir ..I . I '. t tr, j (,! ai t Trli. t- u;t the : Cook & Beerits' FAMILY GROCERY Flour and Feed STORE. ri;c:)u -v jiiij aae t ur ; :u- ifffH rj I v . ii. i:i- tu anJ f frirn-t? is i II. . ; ririniix ( S--g.i-! : New;.-re MA IX CItOSS STHEE1 An.! ic a itlP.lnc ! o full line i! the ttt ' t oiirAM'tloiierlr. otioni. Tot;ato. Ocar. At, I I We will" i ton.ere fc.i le-tT'T 31 . t . !v jur cuv RES T O U A L T Y O F FAMILY FLOUR, L'VirS-MLAL, OATS, ULLI,i:i CO.'-V, GA'iH CiitiX CHOP, nr. AX. HI DDL IX Ob An:vry:ii!t iar:'nl:. ta IE Teed Kepart u.ent at tne casj OXL Y. Altu a weU telertel tt.-k of Ijiajiware: Stuaeware. Wx1enwar, Brattet M ai aatl W tti we a ul eU a cka. p a tae .Mtt. Pie:,- call, eiacui w a -i -if ail alifcla. aad h aatuartl rrvaa ttar own Iwnt l em where we fiat M A I" l'KtSS Strert, S-marteA. Pa. NAUGLE aWb. i W.a W- HOUSE ! Pi. FHi:i) NAICLE. Pro ( Ti e t'e-ei'T aaj lately pureatje.? act atvatly IL' pr re., it l tittirain. jr-,. . turui.n.t.K i ti '.n-pea turr rare t i. u..i.u: At w v ea j :j."c .leesrw M i it UJ leWUMeat t .4 -. ..eit: . vi- it. t- t, . . Ta'. let are alwtyt ,wa ill wHk the cbntrea! j Tv.n,:trl.erkei 8 . .,,.121 Ww4 Stiwt, Cwm. r riflJl ATfBOft, ami rttunv-'nH tt.Mlr.x tt at laches ! aau lai. I ial aJ attentive htmlert a.Wtjt In al-j Bonier. Lakea hy Ike week, day, ar meal. j PT TSBURGil. Bar .Iw.jt ti plied wkk the ea,rw Btiuorr. - ' ' Jar. It. JVVtc AdcertitemenU. Mil THESE FACTS! THE TESTIMONY OF THE WHOLE WOULD. HOI. LOW AY'S OINTMENT llir. tn . tk- Mir .u..i--ri1t irftuini in n.-ate.: !v naiur id to retut'edie mrldinamm la ani atn-ut thu wtmml ana .umkIic the DeuhlKiiiu iwrts tiy rutMiuiriu I'i'-ntv i iheH umiariit as aii if UMTt-a ltitu tueat. 1 tit: Will ruuxe thr inaltnant humor t tw tlraio U i' It Imtu ttio liara.'U, unit if lKiltred !;! nuul ain-ai tbr wunt. nrr. r uuvr. and a tit-n ttu-M are r tnuvctl. the wouuUsthtia c will ft k a utu : Witrui titai nl Hdtcr ul rf.j.!n' 1 Ncr ttie ;it!t.-'ifl irta. n!tr the ; H:iitii4 ji Imp Ewen mU ru'irl 111. will muthe anJ i 5-ifa tli' !4in-an-l nn ai l itsrt 1 lit vurv. I iirre ; i a it"4t-npiia tt u!.-t-r. rr awI fwrltiti, lik h j n "t 1- Q4iotM bt're. wtifii'tutit ujkii th t. ; lit ji.t T'utti. anl lir wiiii-ii tins itiniiiK-ta 1 ur j Kirlv r'X'UiUi' ti'Uil ut a uvTtlci r-nilT. iu j rurinlr ?u -h i(of! ju t n- it &rr tain 10 rn t'rv tlir v:tin U a !hmU hy slate il tlie Pills iUavou ucoriUtiK to the riutVti luttructiuus. Olpttarri. I !rer;rl Nor Throat. ml Srnrlet nutl other ft evem. An f tlie at"ve 'lira.f utJt It enrt hy well ru'd'itik liit. Oiuiuu'iit three uiuve a u iuu the r!i'Ct. uir-mt. Hii-t iu-tk tt the jtaiu-ni r u wiil jH-iietratt. iiu t ive liuiiie.uiv reili f. .Ueui -:ue 1.1.. it i- I l.i. 11 ) .(1 : h tl'l! -l 11IM Tdle Uih U I it )hiIP i-n.-iiiireumaaei.etuu In Itn m auy Ik-uI . 1 Mi .m. t.t .1,4 t- u.rk ut w tum.vt iru nu- uhicacn. tuihe atve tuitiiuer i"f 1 le (Hm: 11:1 uic. vr am :ii;ilar mi- I ir.ici rtii.;fUiiH Hie i-ucfi ar.ii tliriijt. win hii.l , I tiifintt-tv? inievi-.l a ! a rliariu. All cultt-rrr J ! Irt'in ili.-M: t-iiiiii:tl:il!t pii.-iilil eiiVtli'liv l i lltruat j i at tteiUllu Ml a larat lirt-'ail au i waUr .tnit-e, al- I ' u-r il.c 4::ti!tK-tu l.a twu wcil ru:tWtl iu : Il will j ' Ktv..?; v 11.1?. !! the rule nl uie tlirual aiui clit-M. I i u aiiiiy ilif l. v.-r uii'l l.-fpvli Hit iiitl-irniainn, 1 eialt; t.r leu l'iii. uli.'Ula im; taWen 11UI11 auu J j ui.-rimiir. I lie I Imlltlt-ul wi.l liruilut-t, lel)iira ' li'tu. lite ruua ui a.l cm.-. ui levers. 1 re tlir.i;i. ttr w lit-rt' mere miht In; ao itreit ittu (Ut t iiet-L, euliiT irum aitthia viner caueii. filrw, I llnla. Slrlrlnrro j i T!ie a'tter cLimioI ettniitlaiuts wlil le rem'iveil ! ' ittt$!ity ifiiKuiina liiejir.s with warta water. ! jini mU tiv uiiiM t-llet-tual niitntiK Ul ihe 11 ui- ' lut ui. 1'it"Ii iiatlerntir Irt.iu tlieM? tilreiul et.m-i iuiin fi.oiiM life lift a ui.-iiieril 111 arrei.lii.a- liri-rt!.. Ir Mfiu'.-l (ti'uielerii!i..l lliul 11 l j XI. .t ii!tl' telil merely tu plllear Hie I llll. Illelil olilite ten lur.J. l iu 1. litu.l In- well ra'tlt.l in Ma l-teriil le timeiwuwr three tiuiet a Uny. thai it . It- taken lulu me ttttcnu wl.enee II will re- any l.iil.i. ll t. rem WttuiLi at elleetanllr a. liu 1 w.tur i -uitKt-. am-r thr ruNum m t! t Mu' u.vM ill ! irr- Ht wr ice. I Mr . thr obij fur.- treat uit-lil itir it-u.. le.. eafft wl canter in Ibe : t;i'ii:4. h. ttr wnere Kit re may lie bearinic I " jery she had in ber bauds, she open- I iiuitHt-rrtion r Toath i-tortt n,jtd"ibe wtcket, and ran to meet bim j llcrrw. ()ij j,ap8j papal" she cried, catth- ! in..;, int. j aifitweiiu.'.. ran iih ter.'ainty. ! ag Lim bv bolb bands, 'T BUI so 1 Ik- r.i':l turel II tlie (Jitilmetil It. u.l ireelt, t , , ,., i an -i il.c l-.ii, uk. u iiht ami wruiiiK. at reo.ui- glad JOU Lave Ci'Dlf. ' Ut. i-n . in he pni,t.-.i n,!tru,--l..u. W hen treat- f tbulbnot beUtdoWn and ; e.i .11 ant other av il.ev ..u:y dr. up in ene piaee I . t.. i rt.ta. ui an ji'ii. r :" wiiere.i mit omtineiii j kissed the excited young face, bbe ;ii leli,.. ve I lie I u- r Irt.m tile FV-lem. ab'l leave ; t - i j t , t fc ..,..k.. lrp.1ii,r1lat,'..u,a,ilhealtl,)l.ein. Il will! was V1' daUPl),tr. lte daughter .mire time wuii tin- uset t tne puis t.t inure a J t-i. ik : ure. j lriptirttl SttetlinKv. Iitrjtl jwla. i MilTJolnla. tttit a::!i. e.l, t'le .-ittttve e.tmplsitit. differ wi-leiy in tli.-ir' aiel nature, el lltey re.pure lijcat trr.ttnit'i.i. Aiji.y t.i U,e w.trtt eattet. t.i tui-b tll h ws w L.i y:t ui "in a cwuiparaiiveiy tlii rt -pace uj t:uic wh,-u iiii- t hunt:eul i.tiulienl.t- rutiiteti iun. ii'ite taite-i. Iu ail t. ri. ut niMlaiiiet the fiita , m.ui. ..i-,.,. II II' HINt4Ht-T iiv a Hi" i . ... . j , . :iatt.thepnii!c.i.iireeii.itbappened.' be aked, reading the tu j cocent face at a glance. "There's something wonderful to tell me, I ' - Lot '.j il ' ' a-. liiLii.ii. tn.'li I- X. dl.ilia.ul ad Pad rtli'-i tiiVtii.'lnr f eef : fi 't" R..curna:im Ii,. i l;ti,.i, ! url-i. ' jiUbii-iit. In:t i l M't-! c ! I"- .u l .nl t' t,lV, ! iM.-K.-"i.r.r - I i.;!wniii t'.i:tr:icte l anJ -rv . ij-plen. U!I J'.lliti. re T h ru i i. : l'.,;t4niiuri!. ihtVLU iiiular eiir.)(-. Sere lleajf. Tumor, t 1.-r, w unit' tu. , Vw. ft nuine uij1-s the ni i-r til" I nit! and i tn!tu lit vi-n if nr.' i;f r- n Iaiiu:aic.t, :v.i:-. nirr.-uri'. ea-ti 1 .i (i i, -ii r war I iw j I. ri; u 1; in; flu: ii-ti j in;iy t-l tn tiic n-(fc r ri ft ua:tTt .nj t z .t.i k.'Ai i:n Mu ta t i I-, it .-i n j.n ;-ri:-.'i.- a, i le:.i a r- iu M-. .in i f;r-i:irt:m; the t 'rff ai -j frit!?, ttUtil j '.t.r..i'fo jvii-jf i'V t a :ii ; I- Ki r mxa. j K. li.ri'V-rii.ii i-rih" zu:!;ir. tf l3tit;tf iii'T rr E. fl. LI with EDO, HEHFSTONE&CO. 3 Halt. St., I'laltimore, M. D., IV. ml : r..., .ft i- m:t. ily a.k tlw uerebantt' - :0 I iiu tllt'ir t-T'lers i-.r .f St .Tiier- FANCY GOODS. 1 1 .:.jrtiii.' th'ui aa'it;a."liji at price j nr. ' i,m:.:y e-l The tPtn-l-sL'. T:.i:f.u 1 lit.; In.- r'' are bictMiy r.ijurt-.tu Ttieaii lllitl ?ee j inc i-eirt- uijkii it pur.-hat. jlLATE ROOFS. who n,re ik aiMicir biwf sliutil J know ; (ba. if ; rtienj-t-r in iht i r run t i ut rn I!! iv- f u m tin r J:t:rci". " 5iir if i"ver. rti( ri t -:." .'' r.-3,rl. ii-ttc Ivej tte par est ttr ii.f (i:ei-iLi. l,.iT lt--f. Every r! htet..- h i.i-l hare .Ate Tv'f. Tbe Qivler A:i5f ; l-cn'Ni C4a;be-a:. ;ere he Lx ft wt'-i Uj-jMy cj Peachbottom &. Buckingham S L A. T E " r r..ui.. lue ker be,t ante. lie will ander take I.. u: sjiatcitAitt tin H'-uaea. aitiican.i pri rate. t iret.A'.. either in tuwa it cttuniry at the 1' em prices .If' U. wamtnl the JU A'aii an! ae him ur aii.iret r!in at hit t'tfiee. Xti. 110 BaPlnHtr. Street, ('caaenaiui, ilJ- Airtlert may be left witk AH CASEBEK, Aid Stmertet, Pa. Wiu H. Shi7;xt. Aprl ,h.:r:. :URLIhGt FOLLANSBEE & CO, Merchant Tailors, .A. nil Nl LnafstUTeri ol Genfs. Youth? and Boy?, i Fastricaatle CMiii ai I ffABDWELL omer SOMERSET, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER b 1S76. OLD HAT ISA.. A puor t a eharrli mcniw At thin urn rail ; At tat a a poriuiK. A ruogh u a gale : At bran u a liun. At tpry at a cat : At bela-lit at a fiirnc. At weak at a rat. At rtroud at a iwaroek. At tiy at a U,x, At mad at a Man-h hare, At ttmog at an ox : At fair at a Uly. At empty at air; As rl"h at a Cru-tut. At cm! at a lcar, A pure at au anirel. A' scat at a pin ; At mart as a tteaMrap. At nylya tin; AtJeaJ atadour-nalt. At white at a theet ; A t flat at a paurake. At red at a fleet. At maml at an apple. Ait Maek at y mr hut : A bruwn at a l.crry. At Mintl aa lat: As mean at a miter. At lull at a tit t ; A plump at a itartritltfe, Aa.-hirp as a tik. At clean at a enny, Attlark at a iall : Ashanlata mlil?Ctine, At biittr as rail: At tine at a lUIr, As clear at a bell ; A ,lry at a Lerrinir, As tieep at a Well. At liirlit at a feather. At hard at a rt-k : At mill at a p. ker. At eul-n as a i-hick ; A.irroen at a ffiliuy, At brink as a bee : Ami nnw let me ttttp, Lett y..o wear ol me. I'MS IIIKtl.t. Janet stood iu the gluw of the Sjp ember sunset, and watched the baud some carriage as it rolled avtav, ber bruwn eve.i like stars, it (lih io ber the the i be ks as viv id as ibe bean in uulaler rot-es that grew along In di I'own the lit? ie, wiydiDg footpatb, , leaaiug !rom tDe Dol l Miur ou wbicb ' . . . . , . , , IDC pttricU CUUrcu S'.OOU, Came Her j fd,ttr reelOr of St. UeS. The ' tfiri aw U1IU, BuU ILe iiieiiv earua- , 1 11 t, u iu uv Hi aa dteit'ned. Toss iug aide the ddin'v bit of etubroid- ot tte lair, vouncr wile, wdo bad died in the bloum of ber sweet woman bocd, acd Uy buried up there in the little churchyard, on tie green slope ibat looked westward to the Riue Ridge; for our story ia a story of the Old I."minion. "Well, mr little one, wLat has lt'iurbing and dimpling, Janet point 1 ed to. rd the carriage, which was jurt entering the park gate, at Hard wicke Hail, the great place of the neighborhood. ' They've gone ouly a few minutes oioce, papa," sbe said, ber voice : tremulous witb bappv excitement. Eugene Hardwicke and Lillian. Tbey made me a long visit, and brought me some lovely, bol-bouse timers. And, oh, papa, Mrs. llard ukegtvesa ball on tbe 10th, and came to invite me. Mav I Tte old rector sighed, as he caress td tbe bright, young bead. If only be could .ee bis way clearly! Eueue Hardwicke was a Cue, handsome, touog fellow, and for some time bad been ui;e devoted to JaueL Every other uigbl f juud Lim at the ouiet old Rectory, aid Jauct was growing lutt resied in hiu,' aud learned to a a'.cb eagerly fur b's coming. If tbe vouug lu.ii was aiucte io his atieu iious, u would be a tioe matcb for Jauet; but youug men, as a rule at-re tickle! aud tbe matcb was really loo greai a out: to b ipe for, even for .Jauet. Papa, may I go " ".My liu.e girl, I'm a; a loss what to say. ltruicke Hall's a grand place, aud tbere'li be a grtstt Uiany fjraaJ folks el lbs place. Hadn't my liV'.ltJ tiroU-bair'itd wren Ge.ler eiav at Lome lu ber aecure eet?" jb, papa, ouly for once ! 1 never was al a bail iu my life. Rut 1 tttu dauce quite well, lor Mrs. HardAKke raid so berelt vt Leu 1 dauced at tbe Mav pariv. And, papa, I've saved ever so uiuch moue trom embroid-! try. Wiiy, Margery's got tne silver pjucli-bjwl alausi of change: aud 1 bare earned every peu uy. May 1 get u niCe, white musiij, and irtru l wtb mamma's MOliUertUl old lace? And ob, papa, may I gel ibal ?el ut piuk corals we saw al Doffrafield'a in tcwn, tbe other day?" .Mr. Arbuibuol bad uever denied bis da'igbur a pleasure in ber li!e, aud be couid boi deny ber now. ' Yes, Jauet you may get the pink corals, and jou may 50 to t&e bail." heoaid- "YoU are aood, Industrie ous'ebild, and i cau'i bud it ra my Lean to rpoil your pleasure.' Janet kissed bim an rapturous de lifcht, aud Dew back ju ILe bouse, to iell Margery ibe good news, and to cuuut over ber precious bard earn ings. "There's jUit enough. Miss Janet," said' the' urd woman bo was a fanblul reitaut and lender foster mother in oue wbeo tbe coo tenia of ibeeilver U.l Lad been counted: "jut enough u buy a nice niusliu, auJ some rose ribtons; auft tbe pink coral. " AVe'ii go do n on Wednes day and get tbeui; aud I'll get Mrs. IVuigrtw to come and belp us with tbe ttouuees And won't my bairniej i look sweet! There'll not be a grand ! lady at tne Hail one-balf fo pretty.'' qauej couid almost Bafe cnea in Ler lunoceot deliebt. ben the tun j was down, and twilight tell over tbe uuaint. old bouse. sLe Weill up tie ! Lill to tLe tburen-vard, as was ber custom. Midway tbe ainrent, a tail i ogure aojuiutu utr. ! -Is it vou, Janel?" ! "Yes, Mr. Hardwicke, it is I." He tovk ber bau'J ui drew it un der bia arm. "1 came down io know what jour set ESTABLISHED, 18 father said, Jaaet. Are you to come to the ball?" "Yes, Mr. Hardwicke, be says I roar." "Ah, that's delightful! Lillian want's yon, bod so does my mother; and I'm sure you'll eDj'oy it, Jaaet." "Oh, yes, I know I sball."8be an bwered, simply and fraokly. The young man looked down at the sweet, girlish face, ber eyes full of tender admiration. "Sbe is such a simple; unpretend ing im.'e thin?," be thought; I'd sooner win ber for my wife than the grandest lady in the worid." "I'm sura yau'll have a nice even ing," be said aiond: "and I shall couie for you early; so be ready in gooa time; and, Jenet," be added, bis voice a triSe unsteady, "one of these days I want you to go to the Mail ror good. I love yu. dear, and I want you to be my ; wife. Will you: The band on his arm trembled, tbe bright bead dropped." Have you no answer for me Jan- el?" i 'You must ask papa, Mr. Hard w icke." ; "And if papa says yes, what then? Oh, Janet, do you care fur me, at all? Look up, and let rue read my answer in your' eyes." ' Tbe soft brown eyes looked up at bim in tbe autumn moonlight, he read his answer, and was content. Janet tvent home with tbe first Jove kiss of her pure life, warm upon ber lip-. fcbe was too happy to sleep. She sat on the steps watching tbe moon sinking down toward tbe dim, west ern bills, and 1 siening to ibe mur mur of tbe pine trees, ling after ber fai her aud Margery were in bed A step on tbe gravel starlled ber. Sbe leaped to her feet with a suppressed cry. i "Hui-h ! Jane, bu?b ! It is me Ralph" "Oh, Ralph. you?" The intruder was pale, bagzard and wild-eyed, and bis garments ! threadbare. He was Janet's broth ier, Mr. Arbiifhoi.t's only son; the Isou who had hroku bis father's heart. and made himself an alien and an outlaw. Yet. despite hi evil ways, Janet's tender heart loved and pitied him Sbe put ber arms about bis neck and kissed bis haggard face. "Poor Ralph, bow ill you look! Lat is tbe trouble now:" He laughed a bard sort of laueb "The old trouble. I've had awful ill luck, Janet Tbe cards have gone against roe of late too. I'm done for. I mut get out of the country before this week ends." 'Ob, Ralph! a:id you will not give over cards? And voa want mon ey?" "That's it, Janet. I'm a eeoudrel to come to you in my trouble but I couldn't see anotberjfaj," . "You shall have all l've"got, Ralph," "You're a good girl. Janet; you always were. I shan't firget you But voa won't tell the Governor that I'm in another scrape?" "No. II '; 1 ; it would break poor papa's heart. Wait here, and I'll get the money." He sat down under the rose vines; a nun whose feet bad trod the down ward way for years: a son wboe name was a forbidden word in bis father's bouse. Janet brought the contents of the silver bowl, and put it iu bis bands "This is every cent I posses Ralph." Tt won't do; I want at leasttwen ty dnilars more." Sbe looked at bim in dire distress. "I can't a-k papa, Ralph, without telling him you were here." "No, no; you mustn't go to him: Cau't v'U get ii somehow; Janet? i You were al wavs clever. ! Her troubled eves brightened. j 'Can vou come again? On Friday) I rhali get ibe nmnev for tbe altar, ... ....... 1 ClO'o I am embroii.enng. ! a. X' I 'll T' - V I. 1 a es a win come on rr.u ay mgnr. , ou are a good cn.ld and I am .ri- cal to take vour earning iood cai to take your earnings, t.oou , r.T.ti.r .untT ' Mie clung to b:m ber taers verv fast. falling I ..Vlt Tt 1.1, i 1. ... J . ! tta, ita:p!. look up yooiier at ; poor mamma s grave, won't vou do beiteri' Il y t I laaillfl 1 1 n 1 1 1 j) . 1 ' 1 ' 'f I I'll try, Jauei: I wili. n honor," j be rejilied, wi.b emotion. "Good- uiybt " Through the rest of the week Jan et worked steadily at her altar cloth. Silent aud tbougbifui. "I shan't gel the pick corals, or go to ibe ball. papa. Please dou'l t , t, I . . : J ask me wuv, was an sue saiu Aud,su,Vectiug ber trouble, and ! perhaps su.-pecung her secret, father ased no ijuestioc- TLeaij:btt.f tbe bail came. t . . A glorious uiui, tue fk nae sauuuire, t a lu.l m.on haaging "over tbe Biuel w . : bkT .t .ti, I .: t. . L . . I. lit. - L ' I Jlouu.aiua. o.uci u.u uuisucu iuc altar cloib, aud had ibe money in ber .try S n....k..t S.I.A r.t the rtrpttv nTck colors, and tbocgb she was ii 1 bug to give lt..m ..n r.-k eT..I- ' - . . k t . . - t t-. i .. 1 t'lrii u r, N let- .1.. . ... 1. ...... f 1 t.t . r . . .ln-a ! A.WkJk ASte UtJUl.1 t,uv m vmr wauw. w. , ,t f A tx-. t-V.aA K I":.....?.. '', ii. -4 t.t.... r,..,, VZ ..rflal :Lt" lithe tVoTrT ".oaT I dwirrw ewv Wt 1 ,t:..i, ..5 i r..fli ,nA .k" ...i.lftf.h,ll.f.nrInrprA I khmtLi ' Mt"uun.' "m" "i" ""f- kuc of carriage w heels and ibe murmur 1 of voices grew incessant. Just es tbe first sounds of th; Irass' band bt.o tLe euiame'r air, Mr. Hard wick appeared, a bunch of bot-hoase flow ers iu i ms band. 1 told you. I should coaie early; and Lillian says' vou mast wear some of those qow;'rs j ia vour bair." then be stopped bs- wifil.-red.' and stasimered; "Dut. ! Janes Joa ire not dressed." "No, Mr. Hardwicke; 1 am not go ing." "Not going? Why noi? "There are reasons wbicb hare caused me to change, mj iiad. 1, ans Trj sorry, bm ;' SLeaiouned sCort. unable to keep ter voie steady, Tbeyounj man's Color biased up. "iijt you gave me your word that you wouid go," be cried indignantly; 'and you kuow 1 bad my bean set on it." "I cannot belp it."sbe faltered. ...... , ' - 'VI At iLe Iai i?ocjel rod change your'ttiiud aiid disappoint me." he went on, angry ibal sue did not ex plain. "1 wouI a oot have believed k. Thtre is sotse mystery here. 3 7. She made no answer. His anger increased. "If you can change so easily in one thing, you can in another, be con tinLed excitedly. "1 don't feel safe in trusting you." "Withdraw your trust, then, Mr. Hardwicke." The quiet answer cut him like a keen blade. He threw the bot-house blossoms at ber feet, and turning on bia heel, strode away. "I was an an idiot to act as I did. Sbe looked in trouble, poor tbing! Sbe bas some reason sbe cannot tell, perhaps. I'll go back." And back be started. On tbe edge of tbe thicket wbicb intervened between the Hall and the Cectorr, the sound of voices arrested bim: lie j turned in tbe direction of tbe sound, and, clearly recognizable in the white moonlight, be saw Janet. Sbe was banging fondly on tbe arm of a tall, beamed man, and speaking witb tear ful eagerness. 'tlood-by, Ralph, darling. Don't forget my last words." ,-l won't Janet." lie cIl sped ber close, kissed ber again and again, and was gone. All tbe blood in Eugene Hard wick's body went seething to bis brain. He leaped forward like a madman, "This is why you changed your mind, is it." be cried, seising the frightened girl by tbe arm. "You wanted to meet another lover. Rut I won't be trifled wUb. No woman livinir shall plav fast or loose witb me. Our engagement bad belter end j ai one.;." A little flush lit up Janet' usually dove l;ke eyes. Sbe drew her figure np with dignity. "You have said quite enough, Mr. Hardwicke. Our engagement ends this miuute. Here is your riug, and 1 bid you good evening." Tbe following morning dawned cheerless and stormv: but (testiite the bad weather, at an early hour Lillian Hardwicke drove down to tbe Rec- lorv. "What is it, Janet?" a--ked; en tering the little room where Janet! sat at her erabroiderv. "What is tbe trouble between y. u aud Eugeue? He bas gone off tbis m.r.iiuz, we don't know where. To India hi says; . t..UU. u.u... .. u-. . . has happened, dear?" "Xotbing thai I can explain, Miss Liihan. Mr Hardwicke could trust me, ibat was all. not. And Mi-s Hardwicke was forced to return as she came, whollr unsatis fied. After tbat the slow years drifted by. dull and uueventful. What a flat affair life is wben some cruel blight bas swept away all the bloom and dew sparkle, and left ouly tb dull, bare field?! Rut Jauet did not repine. Like the little brown birds in tbe hedges wbicb chirp, and flutter, and keep heart, in tbe midst of ibe winter fronts, she was always cheerful, and ber w iiling bands never tired of work Aud w k . . . An i a Inii (T rt- tt t nana ft-A 1 1 1 It 1 1 human ills. -,, The summer roses bloomed and;. fell aud winter snows whitened the blue hills, and nothing happened w break tbe quiet monotony of Vh at tbeoldKectorv. One autumn" tigU wben it was cold enough to have a blaze in the cbimnev, Janet sat sewiug, while ber father wrote out his sermon k tbe coming Sabbaib. A sharp rap resound d through the quiet bouse. "Wn can it be tbat raps so loud and no late?" said ibe Rector, laying down bis pen and going to the door. A tall figure pushed forward. "Father ! Father!" For an instant tbe old man lated, and then he opened his and sobbed 001: ".MysonV besi arms Janet flew to join tbem "Ob, Ralph! Have you eome.' ; "I've come, little one; I've come I a1 r'nt tme- 1 couldn't for-1 ..... .: i . . i I gei jour paruuif wirti. i u.icm t,,nrii.J a .aprl aimaa " I t vi awl tl A - ' j .r "er and I ra a good b.i on rigbt rode, 1 bope. but bere s an n .-'V ,:.; inu i ruu. , . . it t. ,t, ... .. . .-. .. Esther, Mr. Hardwire." Mr. Hardwicke entered. r 1 . . Ue.a- l-.e, ,;ttl t cl.a m.l kiert ";i, . 't h ea .-..iPfinAk t .a .A A n I d1l i ' nun a eviAUC lott; auu i. rti wi v ww . i ' He knows all." cried Ralph im- .. . . ' petuously,; "and be is come for your; . i'oi u. i etc iuicw un iv.A7iuvi,vw there in Iudia; be caught tbe fever I i t- . i auu a nurseu mm, anu one nigoi when be fancied be was dying, be told me the whole siorv of his trou ble. ! t,r.,;r m J.nof " aa ,1 Tncor,-. , Forgive me Janet." s-id Eu?en;.. I takimr her band bin fcendson:. eyes ! telling ber tUt bis Lean was loyal. - ' J i 1 ! . . .. . . .. . . i . r , ncr. a nttinmi, T.t lArtrir. .Mr. Hardwicke, audio anotber min ute she was sobbing on bis bosom. I aid, li.a cnea full 1 1 1 "ttm .t... JK.t.t.t,t. "You can't tell how ii grieved me cc ..,K Kail" ar.r.M .'1 , K. e.' -p - ., ... pent uo pain flowing out ol ber:."" .--j wounds, "but I bad nothing to wear. 1 k.0,JWC liim3li co.ald ridf f ach 1 intended to buy a nice tires and f . i i a r i tu t! I Ii P lit Y I PUT CO' ft I 1 II la I F a I in ; ... li.Ma'li'r. ir i,ri..M m. in itvinir ,.f iVitm ik.e wr i.t inr..l ...... . . . ... . a - .v. Iv: btit vou set?. I had to let oour ! rjjf ' . ! i v' r Krili.h haw th m.miT . ,. mn !... ... T . . r Z 1 never Lave cououa you. "ever doubt me again, dear,"1 sbe said softly. On ibe nrrrow when E.ugeqe came again, bringing bia s'u.t-l witfc bim, be put a preuey jewel case ia Janet'a band, he opened t and at; of pink corals. "Tbe aiiiy boy traveled all night to obtaia tbem, Janet," laughed Lil- lian. but bsr eves' Janel said nothing. bri nmed over; and a month later, w hen tbe bappy w edding day came, a'ttoujb Mr. Hardwicke insisted tbat pearls were proper ornaments for a bride, Janet insisted upon wear ing ker pink corals. Hmnii Garri- i""! Jtne;PcUTtn's Mijazin. A Day ton mau wbo received ao invitation frotu friends ia 1'hilade' pbia to come oo ana v-n rue t eiv tennia! wrots l-Aciv, You are very j.ini. bat since 1 married and became familiar with tbe mysteries of a woman's wardrobe, variety shows Lare lost tbeir charms for me." San at Ivoaim Bo8 Twettl era Clear tiri. About thirty years ago, Said Judge P , I stepped into a book store in Cincinnati io search of some books ibat I wanted. While there a little ragged boy not over twelve years of age, came in and inquired for a geography. 'Tienty of them," was tbe sales man's reply 1. 1 1 n.k A: lit.. Mist v. "One dollar, my lad"" "I did not know tbev were so much." He turned to go out. and even opened tbe door, but closed it again, and came back "I have got sixty-one cents," said be ; could yoa let me have a geogra phy, and wait a little while for the rent of the money ?" How eagerly bia little bright eyes looked for an ansver, and bow be seemed to shrink within bis rarged clothes, when tbe man, not very kind ly, told bim he could not. Tha dis appointed little fellow looked up to me, witb a very poor attempt to smile, and left tbe store. I followed him, and overtook him. "And what now ?" I asked. "Try another place, sir." "Shall I go. too, and see how you succeed?" "0 yes, if you like," said he, in sur prise. Four different stores I entered witb bim, and each time be was re fused, "U il! you try again :" I aeked. ies, sir; i suau try mem an, or I should not know whetbe" I could get one. ' We entered tbe fifth store, and tbe liitle fellow walked up manfully, and told the gentleman jurt what be want- eo, anu now mucn ne naa. "You want the book verr mucn ?"' said tre proprietor. Yes very much?" I V UJ u" J "01 . . 1 1 -1 j. . it so very ! mutJ? ". .... . , . "To stiidy sir. I can t go to school; I our. i siuuy, wnen i can ai Dome, .au ! tbe bova have irot one. and tbev will ! iikI ahead ot uie. Resides mv father w as a sailor, and I want to learn of , i luc --u uu w go. j ; be g to these places, now?" ! Z'l , . i iao ic ncnu, oaiti tuc iVj 1 A l j y j tnen be added alter a wbile ; "J am :-D!t to fj sai'"r, too " Are vou, mougn : ' asiea tne i gentleman raising bis eyebrows curi- ouciy. 'Yes, sir, if I live." "Weil, my lad, I will tell you what I will do. I will let vou have a new geography, and you may par tbe re mainder of the money wben you can, or I wiil let you Lave one tbat is not quite new for fifty cents." "Are the leaves all in it; aid just like tbe otber, only not new?" "Yes, just like tbe new one." "It do just as well, tben, and I wiil have eleven Cents left towards buying some other book. I am glad . mr? u u uui itrt lire uave ODe at bdv - I d not let me have one i of the other places." 1 be bookseller looked up innuir- ; M ,l , u U,UJ UBU j of tbe little fellow. He was much 'V- J. be brought the Hook along i saw a nice, new pencil. clean white paper n. il Pre?eD m7 ior jourperse- "rfDCe; tave courage like 1 M ." 7"' -uur said tbe bookseller. "Thank you sir good" you are verr . . . "What it your name ?"' "William Haverly, sir." Do yoa want any more books I now asked bim. "More tban I can ever get," he re plied, glancing at tbe books tbat filled the shelves. I kave bim a bank-cote "It will buy some for voa," I said. Tears of joy came to his eyes. "Can 1 bur what I want with it ' 'Yes, my lad, anything." "Tben I will boy a book for moth- ; er, said be. "I thank vou very much, and day hop, I c,a pay you , , . He wanted my name, and I gave it to Lira 1 hen I left him stnnrlin3 . . T lue counter. r oauov. mat 1 ai- I ... V . . t . t T t J k . I U'OBl ru aivsi ciiiitu uuu : auu niaiiv vears . . , . . . . L.MV"' 1 We" l? Eat0 i.T thA n nu.t rujcclj that ava " "V.T;; u". , , . . . . . . . OBU T"-T weamer nnt.A very near tbe end of the vovare . ttac . . .. , - 7 came a most ler'ioe Siorm4 taat jtiemen, i remarkea, ei ice corners would have sunk. a'U on board btvl it is to be overowred by tbe mioyuns nr.t Jior, r..- tta k',,!!.! rtrtursr " " - Y , . W V" ptt.ll., K..t.t,C-tl.litt I' ' ' ' 1 : 1 I . 1 ..11 l .1 i.:.. .. . "? U? .'J.? .m0'li " a ' " . " WIUIOSI ud reat ,eik bd shown Ft Jclf ri.FatiiAinn Ia K'l iti.ak n Tt - rSZ : . . 1 a a . : rn .1 .l t- t !An:lt r.A r. nr pa vtrt rtr. ipal itiitmn ' , i of the firs: class ; but after pumping; ; lorone wnoie mgnt, ana tDe wate , ., . . - . , i suU. 'I1 DP S -P- " despair, and prepared, ta take to . . ,. . h.. ? "P'? a wbo bd WILD Ells CDbiU. DOW CbQIB DD. 'I He saw bow matters stood, and witb r .... voice tnat 1 beard distinctly a,Lofe .A. the ruar ot lbe P Xitl eve. - - .tr man ar Atia nytl . . ta.o psih, It we aurprweje to see Uom bo .' "pl-'O. utj bmct U t-e pumps, The caDkwia then aUrted kIov to ex.- Tbe capkaia then started bo low to ex amine ibe leak. As be passed me I asked if there was any hopes. He looked wt uib, and then at tbe other passengers, wbo crowded opto bear the reply, and said, rebukingly : "Yea, sir, there is bope as long as one inch of this deck remains above i water; wben I see none of it, tbea I j j shall abandon tbe vessel, and not be ! fore : nor one q! far erew, sir. Eve- fT?11'82 "51 duM to wt "' od Al wc ltt, il wui boa oe irom mac tioa. Rear a band, every one of you, at the r.unips. Thriri linrmtT tht, dar did wa tie-I spair; but tbe captain's dauntless eoorage, peraeveraoce. and powerful ,n ., i . k. .rA j ... win, aianteiTU t- t-1 , waatt. , .nrl . want t .I.rV ,aa Z. .7,V" T".V:r7ka . .-ma juM , .tvj .-w . - - - in Viverpool," said ke, "if yon rill be sueo." And be did land as safely : but 1 .AtA . a.1 a.tnk fT I Ktt drifk-l The epiaia stood on ike deck of liv i sinking vessel receiving the thanks; ud biewinga of tbe passengers, as; tbj passed idowD the gan plaDk.l WHOLE XO. 13211. As I passed be grasped my band, and said : "Judge P , do you recog- ni,. mw I told him that I was not aware that I ever saw him until I stepped luneral, wbi b took place during tbe aboard bis ship. i forenoon. Rut few, however, we o "Do you remember the boy in Cin- prepared to witness such an ef.ra .r- cinnatif" " j dinary display and the heatheai-b "Very well, sir; William Haverly." j file '"at celebrated the eve-.t. At "I am he," said he. "God bless. al earlj hour the near relatites and you !" friends of tbe deceased asemUed at "And (iod bless noble Captain Haverly V'Ba.litt I'm..,). 'ASHY STAGGERED. He Orf tal.ea tkt UA" I Pre. desk llae. Nasby writes the Toledo Hiatl? as to bow tbe "C rners', received the announcement tbat tbe electoral rote of South Carolina was for Hayes. He describes tbe conduct of the De mocracy when they realized that Hayes was to be President. Tbey met at Raom's for consultation : Captain M'Pelter remarked tnat be bad not felt so sad sence be wuz cap tured by tbe fedrels at Atlanty. Tber wuz, he believed, no further bnpe uv the yoonyun of ail tbe Matea, Issaker Gavitt, bein uv a more fiery spirit, assertid that be did not per - pose to submit. He bed killed four j niggers bisseir, and bed perventid twenty more from vot:n, ez bis eleck soon precinct wiwu uow, uuu ne j didn't perpose to lose tbe result uv ; nig laoor ny iromiieni returns in isiaana "Wat are we standin here for?" wuz his elokent remark. "Are we 'slaves? Let us show tba: we kin at i leest die in defence uv our ri'.es, let , us organize and prevent tbe inogger-1 asnen uv tne yoosurper. naze:,' tbare feel, md. eating bis t.t:r. i.i.r "I will pledge this frate arm," sed i T?i and wue.and from bmb of wL n Deekin Pogram. "aud this frale body, emanated ttie most disinul bj.ik in sich a boly coz " ! Xbe Chinee band, con.-istiu.' of t. :u- Andtbewar spirit li'.ed up the ; t.jni.fulille. castaaet aud fljte, ke-.: no tace uv evury man in tbe room with 'tbe mo-t doleful strains ami .-..rii'.,. a demoniac glare. I never saw sichL,! crowds of tM-ouIe t. wirn,-., , yoonammity, nor sicb a seli-sacrincin i sperit. "War! war! agin tbe yoos urper!" wuz the cry uv every one of em, and ez if by one impulse tbev marched cut uv hascom s to the;Leavvaud disagreeaole ra n v.l-h meetin bouse, and organized : feI! throughout' tbe wh.:.- p.:-" r meetin. 'mance. Wiib a proper r'i'i! for "No compermise! No yeeldin !"! tbe stauding of dereaid an-i w.tu shouted the entire meetin, "we will i ike detern.iuation to give bim a j.rt- 'die rite here, or anywhere, in defence of our rites." jaud every carriage and bat-k "nul "Gentlemen," said I, iu my ca- could be "obtained were e i.- 4-'.. passity of perpetual chairtnao. "Is ; Hutlliy, having conclu i-: l tif : -it yor.r purpus to march to-wunst on-! r8rv f,"ri;)jHj .he? ta!i!es wne .l- to Wasbinton, aid lay down yerlives j tbe'e ..fliu placed in the hear-i, e; J there, or will you devastate tbeiedbv tae band pUviotr faii.TuI ' ablirbn party ov Iujeany and Obio, j airs, such as "Yankee Doodle," " A' p till sicb time ez the Dimocrisy nv the g.s tbe Weasel," etc., the pr ce-.-i ;n other States abel jine us?" u,, ju jiue 0f march through tbe? "To Washington !" sbontid Nsa-1 principld thoroughfares in tbe Mow ker, "tbe Treasury is there!" jjDi, order. Hearse, mournera, witb "lojeany and Ohio !" said McPel-; tbe widow aad sou on f.ot, suataiu. d ter, "ibem States is rich in bosses and i 0n either side by friends of tbe U:tii 'A'b -" j Iv. Cousins lo tbe number of Cf; v in "And in tbe suthern part uv em ! d'ouble tile and a regiment of ("ele- mer is diztiiienes . said I'eefcen I gram, quietly, but determinedly. The others sboutid tbat tbev didn't care where they wuz taken, but they : demandid to be led agin the enemies uv tbe country, and tbat to-wunst. They wnz a.l z thirsty fer gore ez a .5orjgyliaa neighbors were do'ib;!- Dimekralic country editor, and I . proud of their apoearance and satis can't say anythiog more tban tbat. j fied thaubcy had made an iudci.b e Tbe war spirit wuz 30 terribly ' jnipres-ion upon tbe minds of tbe r aroused that it wuz w ith diff.kilty ; American brethren. We p-e itiie 11 tbat tbe biznis cood he done in any particular larm was done hv't nir order, but finelly 1 did get a roll pre-; id.jlations and hetben sb perf iruian parcd, and ihe entire meetin bed tber tea Do real tienetii can l a tu names put lo il ex members uv the ' vprtd to ibe m:nds of our pe. pie by First Ratialyun uv Kentucky Aven-!SiJth scents. O'lservaoces ui iLn gers, for immejit servis. j D4lure j-bouid be prohibited if w tbi .list at this critkicle moment Joe ' province tf the authorities ! . , .L .1 1' iiigier aprieereu at toe uoor, anu ' I whispered to 5ouire .Utdratb that' j hostilities Piite commence to wunst, 1 and a glorious begianin mite be bed, for a Yoonired States Marshal, which wda in tbe viefnitv looking seme crookid whisky, bed beerd uv I tbe proceedins, and wuz on bis way there to arrest tbe entire metin, treasonable proceeding and in a , . ,, ! ut tLe intalhgence war. all over for ni in- all over the . . .. ; hniiwp 1 he A ventrers out tLeir r li I 1 ' . L I.I'.. . ..1. .1. . . voivers, in tuer iij.kiit. uuu a i.iiies - l,.,l . 1 .. . iu Miuuesa utntucu iiig loetriiu. Silence wuz bron, Ly Issaker Ga- : Vitt. l'urioa,1 sed be, woodent it ke weU enuff to destroy tbat roll ?" j . . . . , . aiu u prompi.T. ciLd don often for My presence uv mo ' :it. i , .. . , , .. e.u . - . " ' I J ' f,r reP!-T- ! I ' er n . i n r 1 1 n r . r- tinlftf so i Dut 1 spo.-e ther ain't 1 oiecL-bun in . mtit.t i n m I tl i i-iMern to rori-tiil. er tbe rressnt eoudisbun uv afftirs, u there ." 1 sbood say not,"' sed Josef. "And if amiavun uv pjwir kin ..' . . prevent . nuiteun u. .r. . ! trm dyia in defecc. ut ther rit toraers riles. Le ! Pre".Dt m UK OLYIN, i k,. I hut ur niAru ivti'i tban . IIU UC Z A mi V aa-a . - one ut luakin tyrauts tremb.e.'' And a committee wui appintej . i t . j .l. . it...; n ... ... 1 ! .. ; wuica .fuiriru ibe I'lienu p. ' t".t . . t . 'ana resoiotsaeos uaas. Tbe Corners bleeves tbat and Wheeler, tbe Radklecau- didatea. are beia counted iu by fro-i .. .w- "... . ; 01 ICC iiiosi at.iuiiu ' , t. 1 . L . - .y ..n.t.. ta.c.r. artt W ahas Notwitbaatndin tbe eleck- ahnn in I.tr01iian&. Fioridv aad South Keriinywuzav tbe luo.t peectful character, owia V ike precausLen takin bv the Dimocrisy not to aliow. 1 .... ..j Coa,e neer tbe pollia ' .t to iDaaaie em and .,,: .k, .hii,hnis:3 are pruToae; m determined to ibrow oat sich t reciaks and de- .-. ... r . Il 1 I clare tnem eiaies ior Wheeler, wben we need em for TUd and Reform, and . , . that the Digger be natural rite to . i !1. ti.l.r h a dn tat- Wabas, We bleeve, ao mm a mwrnt i n .. ., i . 1. ..t n .t.t. i , . tti u itep aDd ten -m the !ceea;a' B tBe word stain-) is con- t , i oaiioi, av-.iituw, " I ..rttil .nn l,r 1 . .u. - ,k- .Wk.i . nl" :"," i ' " l..: "Z .ao nv liayea ice power uv ,an.rtB in tK fiaiisidle i. , a ;..k a..e tana uv tne .oriuetis.a, - .z enable -7 weservia the Yooo- n at at lk.a liKrtUM 1 Vtafe-lif and ... . , lbe Corners, with its - 200,i0warclamea will be bank- ruptef Tilden and Reform .s bceteo. therefore be it PcAd, That tbe Corners TiWeo -n-4 Itof-r-n i ' elected, aad tb .t we will rosl-r ar.' : attempt uv Le Radikels nr the N.V;",, t inogeratc Hayes to tbe I wuz goiug to say 'deaib.'' I,:... 'Joe Bigier seni, audible, "Here bo is." iandlssaker Gavitt sejested it wool t be better to insert "by ail e.r:tn- tional means," wbicb I did. j I then attempted to put the qu. 3. i lion uv the adopshen or the rcsoloo- .,1 1 . . .. .1 . . . 3UCB9, our, me m?ei:a seerued so ant urns 10 gii .way teat rv tne time waz reddy to annoncce the mushen they bed all disappeared. Them rev olusbens wuz never ad pted. Am lnpMlai(n.(.. Tbe announcement in ye-terdat's fr-y.tM of tbe death of O'niu Wa, one of the oldest and m '.-i in fluential Chinese residents, appris d ibe community tbat that iirtposinir : ceremonies were on ILe tapis tor im the intersection of Alder and Sec.iU'l ftreeis and ioiuated thepreparaiin:!-, w hicb Were decidedly superior to i ,v ibingof the like character seen in the city for some year Sev eral temporary tables, formed of rough, unplaned pine boards, were erected and decorated in the iu ot fanciful and characteristic ft?liitm. The interval between wer- filled with banners inscribed witb nutto". and prayers to Joss, interceding for a favorable reception for tb depart ed. Tbe tables were bouutCtiiily supplied with every Chinese d ip'acv, tbe names of which we ackn-. v!eit.-H our entire ignorance, and g:iii.thfi! roast pigs, browned to a turn. Solids and liquids were abundant, and de lighted Ibe sensitive olfactorim i f ihc assembled Celestials w b were present by hundreds, ao'.iiipithiir tbe feast wbicb would enue at the i conclusion of tbe ceremonie.-. The j wbole was surrounded wiib matiiug. , Unon which were the high ir.e.-.t and relatives, clothed from bead foot ! ja sooiless white. At tbe bead - ' ihe uisplav, enclosed bv a gue.rJ juvenile Cbiuese, Isr the j ii,iafJ.. "a ia full state, wui' U bv i way, emitted a most overp stench, preventing too near pr oacb for the gratification curioritv Conspicuous in iLe nil an. r i.; tbr '!' Oi' llo te- I ti were the recu:nteni Blurt s ! reiict aud sou of tbe defunct. ter evelotied iu sackcloth atii wi b outre pa.'eaM. Tbe offcri tg .f vi- cense, tbe burmuir of praver a ri I witch-like; cuilations continued f rrat Kultra nt.I ttf it I..: lit r th. ! i-u.-rA futier il. the Northwe-ter-i I'.j.. i tials w it b carriages lu tbe rear cirri- pieted thf imposing corteire After ; marching aoout tbe streets tor soine j time, ite pro-eRii)n beaded ir the ceme'.erv wnere tne mortai ;of Ouang Wa were laid torosr thr ,f b.l let mm j There are undoubtedly seas 12 sa S leriods when it is wi-e l wn : w ten it is n t wise to cou:tr h-h r uclertaking, great cr nr. :'. Tliere are studies wLic .s not Worth, a man's while to laic ptire jit.a w hich is no: worth L i. ' lo follow. aiiuiiles arid hours w:.kb a e not worth while ! fill with ai mv-.i- No doubt we have tti, t,r ; y.""" r..,;:.e,.n tl.ia l.n.i jt-uit-, uvv.j. v,- --- I. not seem to us w jf.ii w L .e re. 'J dinctr-t.oie, or outer door-, . one s self to learn a language , curring spare moments ; t hi i eome under tbe came valeg. ry I tllP W It h t Old boU.-e W ilv S t ..:.. t :..i. .....v. l,. ioi nmr uu u m.. .. ..... .... -t, in led and knit stv k;og.i ;n '.f. .ia or re-tbread ber heedle. at an ic'i'. ' . ...... r-.u tr-t. anil ve; sl I T.V ... " T. .Z , u. I .utu w. . ...... . - " ..,:toa. , ur.iiibtrs of mall ir.dttr.e .a, .1 nol worth the wii le of a n. i;i .'j ione Settled occupation wLicn e'.i'J." ; a fair prtit.n of kis time. We fck' not mucn fa. ;b ia the a a.ev ai-X done ia odd miou'.ea. H'e l,.eie tlal itere ia Usiiaiiv more lo- ll.a'i ,gaia by ttem, and that aid : conservation bolb sufier where t'r,i-r is tbis trick of thinking it 1 "' ao pu.i ou. vuie i" p- - Jab.r pec, reneil, or ueeU.e at t.a wteo Ailher people a;e to tt to seem unemployed, aid areoi.iv bi.-v iu be. ng agreeable acd .Lehi--ehes attbe eervice of tteir c'Dr';y Xuibir auioi-ter so uifi 8 to ''ni pa'teare as tbe-e Labita. I: is ... eviiteoewof thorough eit Mi-un . .1., br..,. h..T . ' ' . , ianeu.-e w.o.. ; ;- ' t!SV !s D'jl I'jiia lasiua, tij - cstnsib.'e wav. A IvaisAr yoiilk ol who wanted lo Barry a w:..o -f thirty -six. witb mix children, was 1 -terre'd i.erefrom by the lady's fr.. r; wi- viai-edhim one nigbifcrriitd wita , . , nill.r.t,rl4 ,nii '1' .tun .o. 1 II. rMirnl tofa town w ber l v r. . . mil ce force and bas wriittn :o t.-.e oa M4briBT.:i tie "I JJ ' v ,- ., i iiuin-tut. r.r A TeiA aawrpaper avers bal a i CiAi -o deliberately rratjf.aJ infant at Lbe christening, was .rTi.t- - - wri k. M -i ;ba: irti " m j j . . the Heed Was eomaitud WLlie L9 d.-scovtrv a, oi her , , crau j thai Ma f-r.:ai rurtmuicti tt in law. . aometia-e Jk man J . , . . wowaa.'4 bad c-i3i be-idmaex tiafta woman. I