i 1
i 1
i ritT tok ir.
Tim fularo mav be dreary,
An1 lriu( Be toil aoJ pia :
NT haart may oft h wi-arr,
My rap no wit auatala.
Ht whim lh dark's! hour aH-air
My liaart wUI lorn to tlx.
And rant away IU Unlil mr.
r'rif Will pr9 " mr-
Tli BriMiiti I Wvt may lwv n
I.-alli sway hy doatfc :
h- erra tony dn-circ mr
lrora falw aJ Bcrtlof ItmIb ;
Bat yoa wilt ar-r wmJ my heart.
vf pnTP antron.
F- w.T to my wm.irr art
The w,wl, "I pray IWyoa.-'
My lift my hava lt ploaaarwn,
I if l.riKhl ud hny buura.
hrn anl will hrinic bit trranirva
Ab I wrwtny p-h with fl .wcr :
Hat notlilnceoorli J iy all wt
Aa one. my aj-lrli knrw,
W hrn altOnx by yir al l'. I hi-arl
Tbw wonts, "1 pray .""
Whra oa lllr'n lUirroy oren
The Wrlowa round me rtar.
In Here and wild rotnoiotl'm,
A! hop of wwr Bioa,
My heart with all It ihouajhu catrwl
Ayom that railing a.
I'bUI they cling arounU Uic IticoJ
Vhe aald.-l pray for tbre."
) may thoat prarrm attenJ me
Tltroach every aeroc ol lilt'T
Frnm vll to Wi-ml oic
To ba tny ililrl i Id atrire.
And whr the UIs-Ihok tml'l i '.
Th la name fplrit frr.
I n ihat hrlgni, ealcallal (hure
May yoa Mill pray f. ma.
Most of the afternoon ma pent
oa tbe lake, tbe ladies taking- Uisons
in rowing from tueir vry wiiita in- j
tvructir of tbe opposite Bex. Sup- i
S-.VJS. Zt' Atrocities in tie MM
about j o clock a storm seemed urew-1
luff. Tbe clouds looked dark tod j
threatening, and tbe rumble of dis-j
tant thunder wag beard, bo tbe party i
ta.rtiil homeward, i
L. na, Biter eutbubiasticly declaring j
urn. she bad bad ft most "perfect.
.1t " relapsed suddenly into silence.
- ' tl l ....,.r.t
Leila Markham Mood on top ot
the step-ladder training tbe wild ro
se that clambered over the portico
of their nrettv cotiaire borne. Her
IUB U.uriJiU Ul mi t v
rerealing daintily- clippered lect, and
bcr dark-orown hair, o.-icapiug from
ii fasteuiogj?, was banking iu pic
turesque confusion at her waist.
Twiie sbc ti ied to put up a refracto
ry branch, and was raiuly essaying
m third time, when the gate Flammed
and the heard a quit k rtep on the
gravel walk,
"O, Uen," she eried without turn
ing her head; "I'm so little 1 can't
reach! Io eme and fix this rose for
Tbe stepping ceased.
"How provokin? vou are, Icn.
Mon'tyou we"
Thi time she turned and utopped
short in the middle of her spttech,
for there, instead of "brother lien,'"'
as she supposnl, sloml a bandscme
stranger. A crimson flush over
spread ber cbetk, and a sudden
thought leaed into her mind. "Could
this be Arthur Browning, Jh'q's fast
friend and 'chum,' w horn he was ex
pecting, in a short time, to spend a
tew days with him 'The fastidious
Trowning,' as ISen called him be
must thiuk ber a perfect hoyden to
bo clambering round so!" Jdiie
forgetting ber situation, she looked
at hira curiously, uutil culled to her
self by bis bowing low. and witb a
teasing smile, detuandiuir:
"Wbat do you think of me ?"
An almjst irrcsistib'e itujuhe to
laugh at tbe ridicul.tusuess of ber
position was smothered by iu unifica
tion at her rudeness, and, with a
stammered "Mamma is iu the house,
cir," she endeavored to descend dis
daining bis proTi'red assistance. Hut,
las! i"steadO' leapiug lightly down,
in ber confusion she caugbt tbe heel
of her slipper on tbo step, and ft 11 to
the ground. (Satheriug herself up, a
mortified heap, she fl'd to tbe bouse,
while the stranger gazed after ber
witb a look of curiosity and admira
tion in his handsome dark eyes.
"Welcome, old fellow !'' cried Hen
Markbam, coming up at ibis ui mieut.
"Iteeeived your card ten minutes asro.
nd have been looking everywhere
for yon. Come ia." and witb a hear
ty band-shaking lten drew bis friend
into tbe bouse and presented him to
bis mother, a stately little Udy with
sweet face, who welcomed him most
cordially. His name was a familial
one in the household, for Hen was
never tired of dwelling on the good
qualities of "Urowuing." and Leila
bad more than once declared berself
"sick of his very Dame."
Half aa boar was spent in
room examining fishing tackle and
guns, when the dmuer hell summoned
them down. Leila was already in
the dining-room and gravely acknowl
edged the introduction, but as the
handsome eyes before her met h' rs.
tier gravity gave way aud she burst
into a beany lau". . Arther joiued
in, and Hrn stared in open-eyed
wonder at them both. IeiU gave a
graphic description of their former
meeting, and amid langWrtsd lively
s.lies the dinner was eaten.
Jlappy, banpy, were 'be easutnzj
iajs that passed so ewifiU by:
Uuniia wild ln., delightful rides
&nd pleasant evenings with Leila,
aud ere he was aware of it Arthur's
"few days" bad lengthened into three
weeks, Kven thea len. would heir
to nothing but bis stopping until after
tbe Centennial picnic. '-Only till
Tbursdav, what nossiblc d:Ierence
can two days make?"
uVcided to Slav, not
Ixila's witching ways and charming
face bad made deep impresnion on
bis heart, notwithstanding she t r
EVnted biu unmercifully by being
by turns merry or silent, gracious or
haughtily indifferent.
Whatever bcr mood, no matter
bow perverse, be fouud her cub day
more charming than ever. He could
aot tell if she liked him or not. She
CtWe with bim, and sang iu .be eveu
iag at home, but she did the same
wilb ft score of other admirers Par
ticularly was she gracious to Will
Carroll, who she setrcUy ihongbt in
sipid and daodiGcd. bat oS whom
Arthur was, by this time, oiadlf
jealous. Tbnrsday morniug dawned
bright and clear. Tbe god if pleas
ure parties bad indeed favored tbem,
for the calm, blue sky, and soft, gen
t'e breeze made all the earth seem
joyous. Arthur ese-Tted leila, mh.i
waa unusuallv bewitching in full pic
oic costume, with cluster of her
favorite wild rosea at her throat, and
even in the black velvet that trimmed
ber jaunty leghorn. Both were in
high spirits, and th drive of five
miles seemed a short one as tbev j
drew op at Clay's Grove, wbrre a ;
number had already gathered, aaj.j
wa tbe children say, "the party be-!
Gaaet and dancing, witb tbe 4co
tiful lunch eaten ptcuic fashion.
te irrase. occpied the morning Will
Carroll attacked simself to Leila j
with tbe pertiaaotty of a tucking pi as- ,
ter, and, because she could cot do j
otherwise, leila accepted bis at Vi-'
Tb'iukiurof that Carroll," thought
Arthur, devoutly wishing said t.ar-
roll in Botanv Bay.
Half war borne the storm buret
upon them peal atter peal r heavy
thunder, vivid liifbtuing, and the ram
oonred n torrents. Arthur took a
savage delight in tbe "warring of tbe
e. -mem," at least it made bim very
bild. .
"I am goinp borne to-morrow be
.aid suddenly. .
No answer. Leila was ibiokmg
ruefully how dull ttoscdale would be
without bim.
"A re you glad!"
Still no anawer, and he continued
rapid! v : "I lore you Leila, love you
w ith my whole heart and soul W hat
f.iK to-dar convinces me there is
no hope for me, but I cannot help lov
mgyou just the same, even though
vou are engaired to another."
"How do vou know I'm engaged .
-aid Leila quick!-. "Because 1 gave
Will Carroll that rose ! I only gave
it to him because"hesitatingly "1
ihou rbi vou liked Kthel Uray.
"Wild lUse" His voice was low
and leader but Leila beard despite
.k .t,.mi-"miv I hope, will you
give me tbe roost precious blossom of
She only laid her bead oo nis
der, but her answer satisnea
bim. Though tbe beaviesi oi me
storm was over, the rain still poured,
unheeded by the happy lovers, wbo
reached home safely damp, but
blissful. As they entered the library,
Ben, wbo had reached home some
time before, was lying on the rug be
fore the grate. Seeing tbe unmistak
able light in their faces be cried t
-By Jove! Love in thunder
storm must be romantic
New Oiileans, November A
siartliug sccuo occurred before the
Returning Board to-day. I-our wit
nesses were examined. All bad been
wantonlv thot because of their Re
publican principles. 1 wo were
brought to tbe city oa cots, i neir
Dames are Ben James, Kalob Ling
wood, 11. W. Burrell and Eliza
Pinkston. Puriug tbe Uticr's pitiful
recital of ber wrongs ber huabaad
emasculated and then killed before
her eves, of her babe whose throat
- a rMI .lI-i .tL
was cut in ber arms.ot ber own gasn-i i id won inai mere
else. lie said that be would not live
ia ft State where such tbiogs could
occur, Mr. Julian refused to look at
the wound.
Bad as tbis'is, it ia only fair to say
that tbe Democrats, while they can
uot deny, do try to explain it. Chas.
F. Tidwell, the planter on whose
place Pinkrtton lived, is now in this
city. He saya that he raised Eliza
Pinkston in Alt bama. She has been
at work for bim tbe last two seasons
and ber husband one year. Un the
Sunday morning before tbe election
she arrived at bis bouse at about
;:30 o'clock. She first said tbat Bi
ker and Paseys, Radical negroes, bad
killed ber husband and ber child ami
injured ber. He went up to '.be
bouse as soon as it was light, but did
not Gnd the child. Piukston was
dead, having been shot three or four
times. He did not notice that be
was otherwise mutilated Eliza re
mained at tbe negro quarters near
his bouse uutil a week ago last Sun
day, and was about tbe yard every
day. Subsequently she told Mt.
were lilieen or
At nstntal Story.
ed breast and limbs, and finally tbe
outrage of her person by two white
Hemoerats ex (joreruor John M.
Palmer, of Illinois, leaped lrom his
chair aud said in wrath: "If this
story be false, ihose that prepared it
for ibis poor wumau should be bang
ed; but if, as I firmly believe, it is
true, tbe wretches wbo can perpetrate
sucb atrocities should be executed
without mercy. 1 well spend $10,080
to ferret out the case. It Ioos true.
This poor woman has certainly been
wronged. The question is broader
now that President-making it is
one of humauitv. If she has told the
truth, Sheridau should come back at j
once and hold witb a grip of iron a
tieople wbo caa ste such infamy
without remonstrance even in their
publio priutu." Governor I'almer
was greatly excited while makia;
these remarks, and astounded the
Louisiana democrats, wbo tried in
vain to pacify bim. tii-neral George
B. Smith, ot WisiMusio, also exhibit
ed mucb excitement, and turning up
on local Iemi-crats, said, "Vou have
deceived us." Subsetjueuil v Lyman
Trumbull, who was absent from the
room duriug the woman' recital, flat-
. . . .- i ....i I..1...... Tfc.
Vou see " said Arthur laugbiog, cou. ui.ru uu vicu. uuuci.
'Vheisso iittle, and Brother Ben j demoralization of the Democrats here
is complete, not oulv because of tbe
won t come. t ,
But Leila stopped his teasing wilb I fuels disclosed, but because or tlie
v, iw.re of wild roses. ! uauies of luaJir.g Democrats wbo are
Thev bale thorns." exposed in detail as the murderers
Ben had disappeared, tn 1 Arthur ; aud ravishers. Oiher witnesses, men
whispered- ; aud women, wLo have cruelly sufler-
"1 have felt the thorns to-day, and ed are yet to take s.aud
nowonlvthe beauty and fragrance To-uigbi the thief of I dice has
ecious Wild Rose. j oeen compeiieu 10 s:auon a iorce
'arouua the domicile wabu win on
ruxiOED my for refusing to
The Aaacriewm People.
remain, xy pr
An l.dltwr la lleavrat.
Just as if editors were not in the
habit of going to Heaven! We'll:
venture to say that a greater portion
of them go to that home of those1
who have performed their mission of
mercv on earth, than any other pro
fession or calling that poor mortals
An editor ia Heaven. There
uoibiag straoge abut that, at all
lt'sam ral as well as professional
impossibility for them to goanywhere
t-l.-e. " J .
Ojce upn a time, after a demise
of a member of the "corpseditorial,'
be pr. seuted himself at the gates of
the H lv City, aud requested admis
siou Tbo "doorkeeper asked him
hat ha i been bis occupation ou trra
Griua. He replied that he was an
editor. Well, said the watebmau, we
have a crowd of your kiud bero now,
and tbey all came in as dead-beads.
If vou can pay your passage you can
come iu, ir not, you must place your
self under the control of a personage
you ruled tyrannically down below
"(ttieauing the Devil.) Not having
bt wherewith to ir in, our brother
of the quill and scissors posted off
and i.reseuted himself at ibe eotrauee
j f Clootie's dark domains. A very
datk c implexioned gentleman stood
sentry, aod asked ia ft gruff voice,
"Willi comes?" "Aa humble disciple
o' Fau-t," was ibe calm reply. "Tbeo
holU oa. you can't be admitted," ex
claimed iheiieotlemaa ia black, evinc
ing c miderable agitation, and 6eree
lr scowliniron him. Why not de
manded the typo, wbo began to get
i.-.tfih and looked around for a
"sheep foot," with which to force
an entrance.
"U'eiJ, sir," replied his sable majes
ty, weltouj of your profession in
tT..ri. manv vear ko. and be kept up
a continual row with bis former 8e
linquent s-ibscribers, and as we bave
more of liiat class of persons fcere
ibaa aaY other, wo bave passed a
law prohibiting tbe admission or any
editor,, oulv those who have advanc
ed our interest ia their paper on
earth, and even those we keep in a
separate room by themselves Vou
Lake published many things that op
crated against us. and always blamed
tbe Devi) for everything tbat went
wroog. so you c au't come in. We en
force ibis rule w ithout respect to per
sons, for our own peac and ptgj.
vou can just travel
Mrs. l'iuk.-toii lies prostrate on a
bed A turbulent Democratic, crowd
is assembled, and they are loud wuh
menaces. At least ii is evident that
even Northern Deiiucaa' cauuot re
turn home aud sma-r down Southern
Democratic outrages as myths. The
testimony wiiich Hon. John Shcruiua,
tieu. (JaiticIJ, Eueut! Halo, Gen.
White, Cunlitiidt Parker, K. W.
Slotlghtou aud Judge Kelley will
furnish the Nona will startle tbe
whole country The following is iu
substauee Mrs. Pinksiou's statement:
Ou Saturday night, the 4th of the
month, Hcurv Pik.-ion. a repecta
He c.ilored man, who w;is kuown in
tbe islaud dia'.rict of Ouachita parish.
went to his cabin after as is stated,
having held a consultation regarding
tbe election with a number of Repub
lican leaders. He was known ia tbe
parish as a atetdfasi and s.tmewbat
demonstrative Republican, but fear
ing lor bis life, he had recently join
ed a Democratic club. According
to the sworn sta'emeut of his wife,
Klita Piukston, which is now before
me, he went quietly to bed oa the
niht ia question, uot fearing or ap
ptvhetidiug any danger. At ab.iut
3 o'clock tbe next (Suad iy) moruiog
a uumber of mea, wbo from tbeir
voices were kuowa to be white, came
to the cabin, and, kax kiug oa the
door, said, "Come cut here, Pinkston,
vour Vankee fneoili want to take
You to Moiiroe."
To this Mrs. Piukstoa, who thought
she recoguized the rmce of the speak
er, replied. "Vou are no Vankee
you are Dr. Vou ig." A maa named
Goi:n, wbi) was af.erwards reeog
uized bv Mrs Pi'iksioa, immeditrlv
answered. "Dr. Young is not ia ibe
parish." After a few words more of
no importance had ps.Md between
the terriued woman aud the mea on
the ouis.de. tioiMa broke open ibe
door of ihevdliia, and a Dumber of
armed white nie.i. among whom Mrs.
Piukston recoguissd Dr. Vouog,
Billy Parks, G 'f.'''- Frank Durham,
' Buck' R.tker and o'bers, rushd iu
to Ibe room Tbey weut up to the
bed where Piiikston was ivinz, and
twenty white men present when her
husband was killed, aud that Dr.
Young was one of tbem. Tbe body
of tbe child was found ia tbe lake
lour or five daye after the murder of
Piukston. Dr. Youug and Mr. Logan,
who are mentioned iu Mrs. Piuksiou'a
affidavit, are here, and say tbat tbey
can'prove alibis. They also say that
Mrs. Piukston was a rabid Democrat,
but ber busbaud was a quiet man
wbo bad little to do witb politics.
Another most important vitness
was Benjamin James. He was oue
of tbe constables appointed for eleo
lion day in Ouachita Parish. He
said tbat bo s arted from bis borne
near Monroe at about 1 o'clock to take
ibe ballot-box to Logtown. When be
bad gone about two miles be was
stopped by men who took him to a
headquarteri. which had been estab
lished in the road. He saw seventy
or eighty men armed. Tbey look his
pistol away from him, aud iheo told
him to go on ahead or them. He
dismounted, and after going a few
steps, supposiog that he was to be
murdered, be started to run. Theu
tbe men began to shoot at him. After
he had ouce been shot and bad fallen,
as be laid on tbe ground one of the
men placed his pistol against James'
temple and fired. The shot stuuued
bim but did not kill bim, as it ooly
grazed his terpole. Of course no
election took place at Lotitown, and
James said tbat he has not yet re
covered bis borse, saddle-bags or
pistol. This is an undoubted case of
an election outrage. Tbe testimony
to-day has caused great excitemeut,
which is likely to continue until the
end of tbo oauvas of the votes..
dragging Liiu out oa the oor, crieJ. j
" i ou il- vote no more Radical
tickets here.' IJjck Biker aid, "We
must tend to the woman too."
Tbeo tbey commenced firing their
pistols at Pick-ion. He fell. His
wife screamed, and one of them
struck ber over tbe head with a re
volver. Sue was cut and shot in
Dr. Redfieldor the Cincinnati Coin
met via!, whose fairness iu treating of
tbe current history of parties in Lou
isiana has gained tbe approval of the
Democratic press, savs:
Tin? next worst case t that 'f
Pitikstoo's is tbe murder of two uu-u
in East Baton R uge. father aud son
They were killed tbe oicbt or the
Jtjlb of April, at the coiuuieu'-euini
of the campa'gu. Two weeks before
being killed they were warned, in
writiug to move away within leu days
Tbey were frightened, aud, tbe wit
nesses sav. applied to tbe wen-bait
where they did tbeir trading, tie
advised them to stay at borne, attend
to their busiaew, and pay no atten
tion to tbe threat. Hut death follow
ed. A doien men came in the night
and shot tbem to death. Two of the
faniilv raotber aud sister were
present, and bare made soru state
ments, witb all the horrible details
Tbe testimony is corroborated from
several sources, including certified
copies ot tbo coroner's inquest held
on the bodiei.
A more complete picture of oe I
never saw ibaa th?f two faces the
old woman wbo lost her husband and
sc-a, and tbe daughter who lost in
tbem a father and brother. Their
faces haunt me, and I say, can ibis
be true ? Were there two men taken
out of bed at night and shot like
wild beasts? And, if not true, how
came these two women here? How
could tbey tell such a straight story
wilb nothing to base it upou? Ami
m ire tbao all, ho- could their poor
faces assume ibat looa of settled, ter
rible anguish ?
Men of the North and of tbe
S utb, you wbo love your Ml w men.
and are opposed to murder as an ele
ment in the conducting of a cimptiign,
let us bave the truth abut this
wretched busine-s. Lay is'ide party
f.-eliugs No party can affrd to pro
fit by such tbiugs as this If these poor
pjople have been treated as alleged.
let us know it. If these parishes
have beeu carried bv murder let us
know :t.
4nd a ben the truth is out and it
will eou;e ott this wiuter, if wbat
tbe Republicans Lere aj'ege is true,
tbe Democratic party muU uot, cau
not, defend it. Tbe party will be
damned tbat seeks to win power
through murder cruel, poardlv
Casting droll leer at tbe outatdei' sF'ral places; ber jaw was broken, j cold blooded murder. The American
aontin-l our t vpograpbical friend
nrf iniiur started eff again, tletermineu to fei
but ste ii id not die. When she had
been "'tended to-' lj,e t-sen took ber
husband, lied a LativorcitJ over
bis mouth, aud carried
bodv out if the Lous
I i n llr ulnkrA This time he took witb
him an old file of his paper, and pre
untinr it tie guardian of the Ceies-
tial fitv reoueLc-4 liat it might be i kiiled him. Before be died
carefully examined, ftaij tbey would pod tbem to ifoare his life, :
see whether bo was eutitied to ft Jree I vote tbe Democratic tickit,
ticket. Jo due course of tic lie "No," said oue ot them, "
comliietor came along and look bmiirow cicrrtr heart, you have
in, telli
uiativ good thing!
martyr t the cause ol human im
proveiueU. and that resolutions bad
j been passed to tuiailt all members of
the "art preservative" wao tad Bous
ed tbe IVvil w bile below. He ued
people are G id-fearing justice loving
people. Tbey want none of this.
1 do not sav that all ibe partisan
his biica;or; Republicans allege bere is true; but
Theu tbey J ibir arp t,erttiu!v makiu nut a
ii beg isiroog ciso
a csij Ujdl will reouire
1 will s.iuie e!I irt upoa ibe pad of tbe J
sure j Deai'-crats to gut over. Let us bave
i the truth. If tbe ll'-publican eek
fool ; . j profit bv lving, let us know ut if
. li: l.i' i r - l . ...
ing bim tbat be puonsDeuiea u icajf caougu : a.iw you : mc I etnocrai nave carried bvc par
xd things, ftnd bad been ft ; must die.' llanug i.U.'4 ti.e busUanu
ibe mea next turned to iu Hot
iufant lay at ber side. Tbey cttl its
tbroa-. frjja ear to ear and threw the
dead b dy luto pond near by. Then j
thev left ibe cabin, and ttj hleediog. j
sbes witb ibe sbot-guu, U t us know
Fill aej lluir.
ii i
I I'liw nn in A 11 in m f M..i
... : L. . J nK I V 1... n- (.. , f II...1 rml n. -l ' 1
loat inev were puuiium ruuuju ; jyim aiuun .nn.u - i. , . . ieIlian . ! k m, II.,
ibeaso pore. I bere are 2 i... l.e- U.j w-fcliUflaJ everything he wao
pubiioan o--i:n the parish where!,..,. i,. ... ... ; 'm ., . ...
..u.j t-v. s --v things did not go as be
in iiifiu rav 10 me v un e.c:-nou ;
th-ir lie-imr wilb tbe "devil" ail their
lives, tbeir future punishment wa
fommutetl He further stated tbat
not one delinquent subscriber could
be founJ ia U Heaven. Printrr'
4waeatae4 aiawwlec.
The tea tree waa brought to En
gland from China ia l'&i.
Tbe first barrel of tar wade in Ea
glaod was in ICS.
Tbe art of knitting lace ws di-covt-red
in Germany ia 1501.
Cables made of chaia were first
u ed ia tbe royal nary in 1S12.
The manufacture of silk was intro
elu -d into Europe in tbe year 1551.
Tbe plact known as tbe' "dahlia"
a as discovered ia Mexico io 17 J9.
Steam waa rst aiwej to produce
mo'.i n in 1CJ. in Braica. ia Rome.
Water was first conveyed to Lou
Human bair varies from tbe
Tta correspondent of the Ttiliunt,
after giving substantially the same
details of the woman story, adds;
When this sickening statrcaent whs.
made befre tbe Returning Board aad j
the wounds wtre exiosed, a great!
w beu
go as be wisbed, L
was very cr-ss. At last his servants
left fcim. iiiie cut vt temper, be
eat to orJL"; rith a e-.ory of
bl diitrease. "
"It seems to me," said the neigh
bor, sagaciously, " 'twould be well
for you to oil yourself a liule."
"To oil myself?"
"Yes; cd e'plaia. Some
lime ago one of the doors iu c ".orse
Tbe correspondent of tbe Chicago
Journal, writing from ew Orleans,
give ine puilui atory ij a qojorea
man thirty year old. 11 is in bis
own words aa follows:
"My name i Zrkial Glover; I
live iu East Feliciaua lu de Eigbib
Ward, uigh Clluton, on de telegrapl.
road leading to Osyka; 1 wa boru
aud raised dar, ou Levy Doty' plan
taiioit; I reut a bit of laud lrom VY.
M. McAdams aod worked in a saw
mill; 'bout 10 - o'clock Sunday uigbi
'for de election a mau cmo to my
bouse; he was John Norwood; be
tole me be wanted io see me tor
do barm, but on very 'tic'lar bus
iuess; sed be was a fren to me; asked
me to step away a piece from de do',
cause be didn't waul uo one to kuow
what be wasgwiue to RaY. I stepped
'bout twenty leet from de rioab, aud
be began talkiu' to me. While be
was talkin a lot or mea rusbed up,
with slicks and pistols, aad one ot
'em said ' your radical
soul, we.ve got you udw; we'll fix
you to-night.' Dey grabbed me, aud
made me go with 'em about fifieeu
yards iuto tbe timber. 1 made no
Yistance; 'twouldu't bave done no
good; dey would bave killed me dead,
dey tied my band together arouud
de wrists. Dey took me to a beech
tree. Dr. W. R. Robert ays, 'Let's
bear Zrke's lesiiui joy awhile fore we
whip bim.' I tole 'em my testimony
was I didu'i know wbat dev was
giue ti do wilb me; dat 1 bad al
ways voted tbe fu Uncau ticket; 1
tole Vdi I didu'i know exactly wbal
ticket I'd vote tb's year ut.nl the
time come. Deu Jbh Norwood said:
We came bere to wi ip dis nigger.
aud don't let u qur-mion buu any
mo.' One or em a.-ke i me it I'd rather
lake 500 lashes or be buug, and 1
lole 'em I'd rather take de whippin'
dan be hung Dey id sucb
Rad'cals as me ruiued de country
Dev stripped me naked. Wbeu 1
come out or f e bouse I 'm uxin to
go to bed, ao bad notbiu' oo 'cept
mv sbirt and drawers. Dey i ied me
to a beech-tree, cut beech limbs ali
round aud five or six whipped nie a
a time. I hollered. Dey whipped me
nil 1 c iuldu't stand. Den dey say 1
was plaviu' possum, au' dey laid on
agiu.' 1 raiuted while I was lied t"
de tree. I can't tell how loug de
wbipjied me; dey whipped me awbii.
den st dau at' rested, au' wbip
ped me agia'. I can't tell bow louu
de lime was. Wbea a man is in
mucb misery as dat be tiuksde lim.
prettv long. My wife tried to Tollo
me, but dev left Jim McAdams, sou
of old McAdams, on de road, au' b.
drove her back. Oil MoAdaiu
owus de place 1 live oa. lie kuf
I was gwiue to bu wbipied. II
-aid 'bull.l Z-u' was owe of de grea
eiitbiugs ever iuVeuled Af.er de
got tbrougb Aiiiptiij' dis ll R it
t-ris talk-d lo me a Ah It-, ul l"lo m
'twas best fr me uoi to report it, a
I'd see troutile, an' uex' lima d-
got me d-y'd put a n-pe arouud iu
neck lie told me bat dey wbip
ped me lor was becau -e 1 WoulJu'
joiu tbe Democratic club. 1 d t.li
ome of tbe men dat whipped me
dav or two before dat I wouldu'i
joiu de Democratic club nor vote d
Democratic ticm; dat l u uie crsi.
I kuew all de uieu dat wbipjed me
Dey' all my neighbors; lives close tt
uie. D c Roberts leuds sick folks
He lives in the E'ghlb Ward, bait
a milo from me. Alexander Dot
dou'i do notni . bat driuk whiskv su"
lost rouu' de crocerv. William
East lives along side me. He's ou
dat side of tbe fcDce an' I on di
J ihn Hart lives close bv me. Jubti
Norwood workrd in the saw mill with
me. William Brown live near d
saw mill. Jim McAdams is son ot
de man wbat own de place I live
oa. Dev went off aa ler me. When
I got back home my back was a
bloody. So was mv shirt. Mv wile
was skeered ni m' to death. I lefi
hum de same night. I went to Cliu-
ton, where de United S.ates soj--rs
war. au' I bad to skirmish rouu' so
do build -Z- rs woulda'l tee lud until
1 f uud Lteuteuaut Dj Gray. 11
sb ied uie io Cap u U -tiers zimiu
i-d me an' seut for Moudha.i au
WedifH. two boss bulldozers, whai
tole Crto'u Roirvrs there was u I buli
dorm' in de pari-h Dey sb owe
Vm mv back aud Wd.f a-ki'd me
Wbo done dat. black or while?' 1
i. .Ie 'em a bile. The Cap'u a.-ketl
iuh if I'd go au' make alli lavit, au
Liouieuaut say dey wuld kill me
1 did Dou d Cap u give me a uot.
to de Sergeant, au' I stayed with
him: 1 came down de river with
Cap'a Rogers sogers. 1 can't g
bark dar: dev would kill me 1 wil
send for mv wife as soon as she get
de cr p iu. I raised au acre an'
half of potatoes. Eve of corn and bv
.f c utou, 'bout three ar,' a b!f baler
1 'poe my wife will try to save tt
eron. I duauo wbat I " do uo
u.r har I'll go, but I dars'ui g
back dar, sartin. 1 n. bb r did notb
in' to the mea lbt build. .jd me. nor
dev to me till dat lime. I did
vote at all: thev said if I did the!
would kill me." De cu'.lud mei
w-'uld a!l bave v ed do R-publica
tu-t'pt it'dV UnA urot-ctiou. but de
err i-kot-rd ot de bulbb Irrs. D
cullud meu bad to lay Ut
l a.uutj u.fn A of tn iu huildozt'l b
fu' elec-buu dav, aud deu nh
iiti.il aar f.Ti't-ii lo Voir' ailbd
Gl.iver. at our reouest, to k ff bi
shirt. His b-odv, fr-.m his betk
Lis kuepS, was a sickeniug sigbt
Uis bark and side"; aad" thigbs wer.
cut and iwru, aud w'Lii n-' on the
blark flesh, crossing eaeii other ber
and t.ere, proved with wbiU zeal lb
advoeat.' of "Tilden and Reform" in
Louisiana gougtt to carry the State
Xetc A doitrHsamr.ftfi.
AVw AiioerlUemrnt.
A"''io Advert iwmrnt 4.
Another feature of American char
acter is tbe fussy and restless pursuit
of personal prominence or notoriety.
There being do formal distinction of
rauks in tbe Republic, we see every
human being there st-iving as tbe
great end of existence to perk bis
heard a be can above bi neighbor's.
I'bere is do country which i bo bro
ken up into sets and clique, eacb
-cbeniiug to find something to give
it a pretext for affecting an individu
al superiority. Thus it appears, tbat
auioug tbe watering plaeos, Cape
May looks down oo Atlantic City
bat Cape May i looked down oa by
Loug Branch, and tbat Saratoga
tbiuks itself decidedly above Loug
ttrancb, wbile Newport, on the
strength of its blue blood, assumes to
be an aristocratic eyrie percbed al
together above the rest of tbe world.
It i mucb the same ia ordinary so
ciety. .New 1 ork professes contempt
for bostomaa priggish ness. Boston
retaliates on New York witb scorn of
shoddy," and twit Philadelphia
with provincialism. And so it goes
on through every grade and section
f tbe community. The quiet occu
pation of a settled and acknowledged
position witb which tbe occupant is
content is starcelv known in tbat
land of freedom. There i room for
very bodv to aspire, and everybody
doe so. Tb easiest platform to
mouut upon in sucb a state of thing
is money or tbe sbow of money ; aod
thus the American ambition becomes
mainly fixed on it acquisition. Per
haps, however, what is most wanting
io tbe American character, or at least
to it peace of mind and happiness,
i self confidence and self respect.
It may be thought at first sight that
ibe Americans are especially of a
conceited and confident nature; but
be extreme sensitiveness which tbey
display in regard to almost every
kind of criticism shows that tbey are
uot at beart thoroughly at ease a to
heir own pretensions, at is hardly
possible to say auytbiog to Ameri
cans about tbeir country without
jarring on some lender point. Tbey
canuol bear to be told ot tbeir faults,
and tbey smart under anything like
praise as if it were an assumption ot
upenoriiy. Ibev are inclined to
ride themselves on their sense of
uutnor, but on this particular point
beir sense of humor is very dull.
The sort of banter or caricature which
people of other na.ions, firm in tbeir
wn faith in themselves, only laugh
at, seems to irritate an American exc
lusively. He is like a man with a
aw skiu, to whom a midge is torture.
fclveu .Mr. Lowell once lashed out in a
latuphlet, (hi a Certain Condeven-
ion in i oreif.er.s, and threatened
Euglaud witb war as a punishment,
jot for hostile acts, bat for ber "airs
t patrouage" toward America.
Every seuible person recoguizes
nut the I uited States are a great
eople in iheir way, but they t.re not
i.-youd the reacb of criticism, lbey
.re wbal the conditions of tbeir ex-
teuce bave made them. Tbey bave
iiiber'o eujoved the material pros
perity which lay at tbeir bands in tbe
.sources of a vast and virgin terri
orv ; but ibev bave not advanced
AUti equal success iu othe' directions,
ior perhaps could it be expected tbat
bev should do so, considering ibe
H-cubar character of the population,
aud the work lbey had immediately
io do. There are, no doubt, faulis,
.weaknesses io old States, consequent
on their course of development; but
o there are in new ones, and the
great mistake of America is to fancy
tsclf full grown. It is still, in many
respects, ia a cradle and loosely com
pacted condition. bat is mainly
Hardware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints
OILS, 5cC, &C.
The following is a part'al Est or goods in Stock: C irpeuter's Tools,
Planes, Saw, Hatchets, Hammers, Chisels, Plane Iron A Jzes, Ac. Black
smith's Goods, Bellows, Anvils, ices, riles, Hammers, Ac tannery
Hardware, Tab Trees, Gig Saddles. Hames. Buckles, Rings, Bits and loois.
Table Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Spoons aad Razors, the
largest stock in Somerset County. Painter's Goods, a full stock. White
Lead, Colored Paints for inside and outside paiuung. Paints in oil, all colors,
Varnish, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil, Brushes, Japan Dryer, Walnut Stains,
Ac. Window Glass of all sizes aad glass cut to any shape. The best 'Coal
Oil always on hand. Our stock of Coal Oil Lamps is large ami comprise?
very elegant styles. Ditston Circular, .Vu!-y uad Cross Cut Saws. Mill
Saw Files of tbebest quailty. Porcelain-lined Kettles. Handles of all kinds
NlIOV:ia. FOI.K.S, SlMI)i;.S, JMKI.S.
Mattocks. Grub Hoes, Picks, Scythes, Sneaths, Sledges. Mason Hammer.
Cast Steel, Step Ladders, Carriage and Tire Bolts of ail sizes. Loookiug
Glasses. Wash Boards, Clothes Wringers, Meal Sieves, Door Mats, B;i-kets,
Tub, Wooden Buckets, Twine, Rope all sizes. Hay Pulleys, Butter Prints
Mop Stick. Traps, Steelyards, Meat Cutters and Sniffers. Traces, Cow
Chains, Halter Chains, Shoe, Dust and Scrub Brushes, Horse Brushes. Cur
ry Comb and Cards, Door Loc!:, Hinges, Screws, Latches and everything
in tbe Builders' line. Caps, Lead, Shot, Powder and Safety Fuse, Ac, Ac.
The fact is, I keep everything that belongs to the Hani ware trade. I dea
exclusively in this ki'.d of goods aud give my whole atttention to it. Per
sons who are buildii-.', or any one in need of anything in my line, will fine
it to their advantage to give me a call. I will always give a reasonable
credit to responsible persons. I thank my old customers for tbeir patronage
and hope thi season to make many new ones. Don't rorget the place
April 8
K.-i..ter ll
37 Ffth Avenue,
Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, FA.
jaine to till.
Prices tlie
G. B. BARRETT & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa.
AAtMXid, JJi iiii ..X, wvw-w. ) fV tjr
Plated "Ware, Gold and Silver Chains, Oold and Silver Spectacles. Watch
makers' Tools, Materials, and every description of goods sold by the trad.
L4RUE fx rH STOTL) l.owet Xrwr York trle. I'-M'll, 1 a-n nn
fit A Ar,.r.,,i,iitv. it i iu ir.n e. I. '' 111111 A 1 Oil 11 C.
Fall ami Winter Trade. 173 ) H liolroalr t:xrlnlv-l j. SKiKNP FI,pI(.
Cherry Pectoral,;
For Diseases of the Throat and I unzs, j
aucb aa CoUKha, Colcis, Vhoopn:K- f
Cougb, feroncmfiH, a...;nuiii,
aud ConumpUco.
: m t.
O. W. S t DDI I K. n D.
lnIUt ami A nr-Kf.
Vt I K A I i'r lit U A tt V.
3io IVnn Aw. Pi't-JMih. P-
i .i:-:i(-,t ui n r.. . k n
Til KOIT. iiu-l ilrrh -- n
Iv tr-;tt'.t. tj.T:Ti rv t. r Infnmri
''F.irniti;.' 'rta.k.'-! ty-r-i "- 11
M ir1.' i HBffr an i T:ifii"r U
li J. Y:r, it TirtiiT. r;rt'!.m
Twain lJ'-!:fi!, Kt: irj'riti"n. aS.. , k:il it!t
IV tin', li'.'Af' raff J i.t! .i;it ul ;.-..
. 1 I
tr::tl ft i:
TiHr rMin:r''
ii'vri tli'itt K
!Uiv;-.- flTc!
eontrst thm. Tlw- f-tiir.-i v ..I' w.r I i-t citi
zen!., of ail cla?o-, etaliJi-!!- !!.-? t'lt-T, tlipt
?HEnnT PrcTOCAL vi.i au l r. a:. I
rare the atH.ctinj limrlr. ef th- 1' r., .t :.r I
I iiiim hprnrt.l n" :hkr llu-.ii.-Ki-.. ! S.' ::H'-;
anted is more eoergv and determin- dmreroui aiTectiubs of tlie re'-w--i-v "!-'
lioa on the part of tbe booest and ' J,V .'rrr!:
intelligent pari of the people to en- m renwrkab!e a hantty t I l-liev--!. vr-m
force a higher Standard of manners they not proven byonJ "rfi.pTire. .l.ir.-nw!v.
na morality, ana io cuunaie uau..u- for fu pn.ti(n. Bv curi,ip oush-s
1 fcelf-respect. The
A TVewfowwrtlanrt Dmg.
att'raa'l At- f.irminnen of more scriou di-m.-. it av,-
numbered lives, aivl ail ar.jont.tri -nf.V-rlur t
j u be. compntej. It ch.-iil.-pc tri.i!. n:i. cfn-
i Tiiices the nKfet sccftu-al. Kvorr i:ina!v -iioi-.IU
i - .. , , -
: iecp it oa haml as a protrrtim arai:.t ilw r.
mi nup-TceiveiJ attack if I'tii!i:ir- At:
u:l. aw. ..;i.- v.. itr i.mt t
A seutlemaa conaectea Wllh aew become incnrable. and Un often Uta!. if lift:-
PiTTRnu;, im.
S - J .t . lo.
f.inu olaud fixherv was once bosses&ed
r a d-'g tr singular fiuelity and sa
;scitv. Oj one occasiou a Doat and
crew ia hi eni;loy were in circum
stances of considerable penljusl out-
ide a liue of breakers, which owing
o s ime change in ibe wiud or aeath
,r had, since tbe departure of the
bjat, rendered tbe return passage,
through them bazirdous. The spec-!
ators on shote were unable to reudtr
any assistani-e to iheir friends afloat.
Much time had been spent, aud Ihe
danger seemed to increase rather
hau to duuiui.-b. Uar trieua, me aog,
I. t.ked on fur a length id time, evi-
tlcudv aare ut tbeir bciu greal
. L . .. - - I
cuse lor anxieiv iu luose aiuuuu.
Preseuily, however, be took to the
a;er. and made his way through to
be boat. Tbe crew upposed be
-vi.-hed to join them, and made vari
ius attempts to iuduce him to come
iboard, but no! be would not go
itbiu iheir reacb, out couiiuued
swimming about a .-licit di-tame fr. Di
ibtm. Altera while,' atid several
.-..mnieuis oa the ptcuiiar conduct of
be d-g, one or the bauds suddenly
i.viued bis apparent ueauing i ' Give
iiui lue enu oi ce rojr, ub t.u ,
tbat is hai be wants." Ibe
tectcd. TendiT lunrs r.ceti txi doicm-e: tuui n
ii nnwise to be withot-.t ir. As a aal'.-sard
children, amid tlw ili-trc-if. c:i-cn--- uliich
beact the Tbroat and tfcet'f cIiKoIsxJ.Chekbv
rECTOIi.i. inaluablc: for, by its t-iiv u-e.
mnltitniics am rejened from n;Vn:at'.:re ?rav.-,
and aaved to tho lov5 ai;d aiuvti.-n cntn-l -n
them. It acts apesdity an 1 ur-ly rt:n orti
narr colls aeexxrin!? soord and hou!th-rPtnr:n
aleep. Ka one w-ll autfer tm:i! iir.e lnfln
enzaand painful Bronchitis, .ihca th -y lr.ow
how easilr they can be caro l.
OrininnUy the pmlnct of Ion;. bWx-n. art-t
wjccesftil chemiciil invctitiin. i:o c-t or :
is spared in mnkinj eA-cry bfie in the nim-t
possible perfection. It n:sy be corn -ently ivliol
upon as possessing ail tbe virtu.' it biu cvr
3iHited. and eajab! of prxiacire; c;ir" a
jnemoralw? as ft a greatest it has er?r . !i.cv: i.
Dr. J. C. AYER L CO., LoeiIf Hj;s ,
Practical and Analytical Cbetuiais.
aou a au pei'Cgits T.vrr.TWRrrc.
IVriting Doa'N Ac.
doneooslkirt D-Jilceaod at. rea.iiiit.- trm:'.
wj!i)ilre at Tasebrer a O.V
Auiru-t W. t F. w A l.W 1 3.
the fu;cit;u Jl 'iiTH-wuftTiia b iih
Km'-r-i.-f ur.'lr (f nn:isz,rrt";t 'Jn
Truttit Kii:jv It.i? mi il.f U --t 7.,ri
t;i ii ;j m'.r -U It.ib- fi- ai.. -i.nTif
i'i i.-r : U.t? ;-.r(.-. a ( n : t kjf-i r.-ii'c h
t-nri'i-ji.i.;iiti al tn m v-i. i-i
r.i,--iit. i iili!-.ri:: j. A tic wVr-.LTii rm .ri
Oinalru anj ( Arifv'nu'ii Line
N-r. (:.-rj( iliiift?. I w . I
i Ii. . t.;.-,.i, .1. L ..ii kU
r -ure f -r M t:n:.
i'Uiezzh M s . is, n jal Vt. Tar:! 1,-
-?t. hi
Kiai. M m
l-lrc -i,.,.,i-..i u i- t VY Tl I'.K t'lll'l'l l: r:.-.. fit.
A as throw li ihe dog seied ibe eud j lmriMnuiurtiu ti.-iiai.-. aw m.'o.-a.!.
ii an lustaut, turned round, ana made j ninosrir rut umis. ir o,e f t im;
Mraivhi fcr tbe chore ; where ia a i n ". . tt it at 'y.r h .r--wJr i :
e ... , i su-re. and wre o.i 1- h.i it!- al-.. -r.
aiterwartts boat and : ttwrf mr b --.t m.K r I o i -.
to the lutelligeuie oi t , K , ru ri nrfa.tva-
neir four footed friend were placed i nwsu fiuu .
afe aud undamaged- ' H'esibeirp no !" ..- .
eas-'iiing here ? ko acting with a .jv:;aa-att- ijwe-.ivi
: ? i . r..- - ,. : ?d 10 ?v,i s,ti...j 1 1..,., p,,-t;;.t!,, !
ir au run, ui I". - " " j MiOB.
tve? Or waai; notbiogbgi ordiua-j -
rv iustiuet jCrar.aK Jova r.r:i Puii-J.
ITinoua and M. P.-ter Line
' 1 lben!T r-a:e f-r Winona. K .-n.-Ker. (I.an
at. M;uifc3: . IVttrr. -w 1 111;, ar.t !
i in S'U;l-mji LVnfrjl Mmnesnta. l:t
t.rc n I5aj and Marinttte Line
Js-hp.-nlr tine f.r J inrri:. WrerT.wn. F .n
l'u i Ki.a-i-n. A-'i.tik:..n. i!vBiirtT, t.-ao.
t. i ui t-. M .r j-jrTH. M-.u i-..:I H-in.-.
aii i tlie Liac Suj-n r '. aiitrr.
Frefport anl Dabntiue L:b--
aci 1! i. ui:. a h'
e-l-rr. lis
ChUiir i aud Mihrankce Line
cw miuutes
ff ibaoks
If Ihe.il,-. T.ik-IM.-.lii
.: I'-rk. W..
w:i. k-f .
h l.ur.tm K .n-. .. it u
u-.ia. Ka-lrj... K'.'n.!;.. li X.
I'lil'.r.iau Ia!ace Car
4wecale t I'rraldewl brawl.
Grove & Danison
Xaara the rfc .
nll,.a cu isnri .-mi4 ri V
u..i.v tk V.irtln viJ,. " waked. .Nobody, therefore, liked to
n., P.I,, go io or out by it. Oue day I oiled
was a qucaiioa beyond tbat of wbo
should be President. It was a uues-
tioD of humanity, and he should not
rest until it was fully ibrestigated.
lie would not be saiisSed witb a sim
ple cross questioning of tbe witaas
There must be answ er and proof. Ia
conversation tjis evenicg, after the
ttona Arthur noticea that he wore,,, fft0ln part of n inel ia thil.k.
wil i rov in hi button hole. Now ! c
il fciifgi-a, fad it has been conitantly
usea oy evwyoou cro; since."
"Then you thioji I am ti
cresting door," cried the old eentle-
mas. "lloa- do you want me to oil
myself f
"Tbt'a aa easy matter
:n ... r
uriSuwr. -UODonUI aod r0n a
servant. ar.d when hi r;..k. I
t. t. l I ' i . i : . . . : ., '
uu ut .a.y kt3 a uame-ueiu on : cr' ntm. it, on ine ontrarv ha
br means of leaden piaes in 'frPSjoion of the Coariclosed.be aaid
A new fabri-gr uercrcsses is of
iifc aod wool iu dniefc bguw witb
a rough kcoity turfoce,
Oae thousand dollars is the price
of a fine crown nable M-t, mof and
bo, tU :le Poest seis bring $1.100.
"Marie Anto,!f'lta"' elbow
sleeves or tight fiiiiug cat sltcvc
down to tbe wrist are both worn for
A new ray of oroawjutia; the
bottom of dresse i W use thick
said u,e j friSff falling over box or kaife pleat-
This neat bit of humor of Presi-j
lent Uraot-'i apjgr; -J0 ?ar
lime in print ; ' '
Just before lb cloao cf the last)
session o' Couirress, while riding outi
one day, be was struck with the ap- j
pearance or a horse tbat was driven j
betore a butcher's cart. Tbe butcher j
was sent for and asked !
ir ha - o,.l sell. Tj!2 batcher'
would do so for a pVcpeV ' toosidera-j
tioq. The proper coosidertion 'was!
estimated at $io wbirb was paid, j
Subsequently, after driving out wiihj
Senator Cockling, the President j
said : j
"Come U lis staVe and look at a I
oew borae I've bought" " (
Mr r-oriklTiiB' who I aomethloir of! -V : -: t
a judire of norses, looked
Xa nil fa c t it re:
' MpringTiaaUw
r Meigh.,
llJtrne-. etc.
Factory one aare eaH of liuni'l
Somerset, Pa.
wHh t'l:l---
He was shocked tbat the j no bar b or neir
he aa. ase for one on the way out, p.rcbed cor U cot a modern loxa-
Iwt U na baa ttid ber rose erc:rTt but was common io aarient B blei story
ioo nrcctons io rite hit. iia ,.,,.. i
. 7 : null;.
when he aaw tbi on Will be took it i
as a token of their engagement. ( Ofeotime a man ransacks tbe
rnodioosly avoiding ber, be devoted bole boose for a pin, and Dot being out aoT apparent aiteuct to brio the
bimaetf to pretty Libel Urar, aad able to find one. drop iata a chair guilty man to justice, and tbat tbe
beartaly wisbed he bad goo homa tbe j witb disgust, and ia immediately re- Ipb!icaos neeaied to car more lor
daybefr-e. I warded for U eeatrh. I iu political effect than tor anTtbinr
Ul.ck i tbe faYorite coior lor a,l-( 'fb W J? Fct f1'01 r
which Ibere veris f. thousand dead ' doe aomeihing amiss, do noi be cross; a,"- bl bib von t T mita weain- - y.
and wounded men, Ut iii iad cever I oil your voice and words with the oil ! w .are n'-,1, -'f f "f cr drJf cluel ( l3 .L Prsidenr "P:
nair ci. ins. 1 r l a-a i-
"How tsticti did ron par for birr?1
thH "Two hundred and afir dullar."
seeo anything that shocked buw as'o' live."
tbe tgbt of this woman and beri 1 be ol. ron'Vrr.an wm K.,.- .j !
a " ouir ,uu
uj- were ever
bim orrt 4 l-,lXXATBHii. rXiT;t k
. i ai i . i l. : i : - v
bim her, m- 4iiJ C tbat a firswlase f ' J .. . ' ZZZ?,
"' Jfl '. ?J -
I prrjrnt tttrm .- tr bn'tW-aai Hrw-K.nr.-rxt , W.II &fr-rTT, XriTt 11 ro-n-rr.
M tb fpstwtoar M tlit uri'-r in Pn.m r.. tV i,l.L So t, Chiear
n 8alarf-r fhhtsr of l-mr. 1 r Mi ' a
I Letters of diami5tTo-a o th Svt rte
t r? r.i -c :r r r:lj ..f tM
lU.il !.""iNI.i Le' i". r;ifi ifTj :hf(-t f.tr r
t-i-n .'"; :'! as- Kmi. tMak-skr ni Ml
t itiX"ia.l W in-:..-.
A I'u.aliJ "ur -j- r e..i:i--t irttlrr?r
I. .. i n liit? X "fi-ifi K-,ar ii.ai.nw. l
alt t i:t Art Hi' i:-.Hirt KiVrr.
n i a h- lrttfi .i h 'l.mxv v nh U 'rer
K '; ir-iivr (',n'W:
F -r I'- un-!1. i.!aii. ttiuihj r! Caiif-mi.
r.-.r.-i,':. Trii. oi!t. wuh Puilm.-ta l.w
!nwt::r Kt-m vd! Mernai? C.rt tlip.Minri t
, 1 .r t. i'a ! a-M Mr :. ,;.. t w Thri.u
Tr-..L? 4iy. v!tt: awa ! rr? ir.n nr
.in : ii r.:-,.
Uiiy. iin t-'tai'Ua-an I'aU i'r ia
. ru -.uir. .!ir-uiu u M..r
K r M.-wau. -jr fair Bh rrain tiU
ruiitiin rtr a ut.h: tmii 'ark-r Cli-vir t'r
, :n inm.
KorS;.nai.1 WltB j int ia Mimw
ern !o '.V ii -o-.
Y"' l'f.-ue. Ti Frwjrt.tw .Tf.rnj:b Trln
i it-Mr; r.i r. i'.am 'a,.. i.itu irirv.
i F t f'af-wi- i .v. ti tint-ii. T
T;.n-h Tniii .U;.., -iri. Pu!!4.:a fm m
n;t:T r.m t Mi-Oir-j -r. -a.
' Ftai.tuMt. r.fi i. Mt.a ui JipiAirtu.
F-.r L.tkr ihwvi. 1 ut Trtifi il.aiiy
F T ni,"t"T'i. .Ttinx. Krti?u, jAPteii:
M artlw-r rtn:v. j m ca fcv f r i t .
trUi uailv.
w t 0!1W Xo. 41$ RravTvar: ?
(af-cr. N-a. R Hte S:w: i mY.m I rft-."'ii.- t An.
'; bTj. ?j : ; -j." k:am-, -l j-ji .".i-t
-f w-UTUIAa 1MIat --vfTr Cati-al ..) Mv
Wi-i:art km) if S:nrr'fi.
F- r ri. t iDf nna:'.' -ittaiaaSie fr-
j'-ur booic tKket jairo'.J. n-U l
! Vkd Pa such a story heard ia the house afterward ' Every 1 draw trin" in a
iwtti aoclt bdcooctd; that tbe .family b..uld have a bottle or tbis' bait bfe.ius,
. local oftcia. allowjd u to pass wuh-j precious oil, for every family is liable '
Aelsherer?oea. tt: Ifenry I( xht i(r 1
.T MrF.la a. fcV. t w.ut , i'a , ff it.-va l
mtaaary mttgimrn fe awvtvnl att Ir. r ai. ,
ml ami twrwwal. Ihr mi l H -urr K H- Bti- ,
Irr. la Uiraa boy-a. 4 lart i!lr."s.jirrM I
hack of dres skirts by running a I answered President Grant.
ca-iotr across the "Well," responded tbe Senator,' be
igsi b? low the koee. imavla very gxid animal, and
hi tdoubtks is, but ir it wereia mv ease : "?7;,st vnem or iac rru a u-
TKatw.ra.iw ark.. a nuifincad Ot 1 I think a ahculil retbpr havth num. : i. i..,i., n u. .,
a fretlul dtsrvOsilion a rr.iw 1 L. . .I. .. ... .k.. ti.. I ' , ilramltlh taii Amrnr. ma-i lb.au- LavuvB
- - - r i waa aai i.v i ur .um "i . -j .m.u .. . ...tra ar aaaada will mafta kmWa tba
per. a barh twoe. or a fault audimr kik-d U i- a m.al eoward. and "That is what the butcher thouuht -wkw u. " "x""
' i. ..... i.. ..r. i.n -o-a rv..v.n ' . hikax botts.
to bave a creaking binge in the shape
SraTtPA iribiis aruub pTct'tfci-v-i ktuf j.ia.
.'Mf-S. iV-r rlrrvUr !niR ta:i jwrtirn
C SMITH. A. M. Principe
thi r iff- i" 8f"rRF lor ru
Grocery & 1'eed Store
t. B. tllffl Ii E3.
Cheap Side, No i, P.aer's P.lock.
Somerset, Pa.
New Firm.
Haling piircli.a-M thr SIim
Sior-IalrIj wurI by
'jilif t'iunrf m railtiii; ttnu--.... i
Ul'iiC h. lft Ij-. ;.;tt -.' c 'w &
trp v-tiPiK!Uiy ,ntb hal t r"-;aCt ; j"
itrni ul
Boots, Shoes
and Gaiters
lastern and Home Hanufactun
a ran lw tV.on.1 anrwhrre. Wi aiv wit! feavaa
.ami ci-aelantlj a Jail a; y'.j ui
it all ktcis. with a "all llnaof
Shoe Findings.
. E.N T wia W is chara o. - f
y. Ii. Sll'ilor, l'l-q.
W aw riavaik f-r aaaktsc
Good Work and Good Fits
w.l uBe tn tb Staia. Tae pahlK la r
-I'nltr inTt;rl to rail ami X3miit. -r ft,.
w. are d.timninl U rt ' : t uii : t .
a; ami aall at yn.n aa Kw a. -.141 ,
,f J tiny at h m. apn wr:rd. .St
4,in. a
376. WHERE NOW? 1876.
Tj MlfHM W. mr oT th yrm st, e,rus
QX aal bal;av S.'.r : -
One Million Acreb
f 8m farawlwax lan-t" ir it iK iNIi
k.vl'iu.si i-,ii;t v j,
sr ajf s..i. Kfi Vii.rT;. arr r (
w K..la. K. R. ran ihr-bh nii-r k-r . . fc
-t.iww: all ahaur il ain! i prtta--. p
1. Fli-wty f wa:r. IitOT aa4 bail, lax aMbrrv
.a yrrr Tr.m 4 io ai per a-r ; ana
a. llaBrvj uar.
a-.1 H!n(rw? naj.bh ta'l j 'art
B-i tlirarra. aa-1 s. manama. i.t.n
w. a. Uuai&U UaWr Oraaa HajHa,
P. U. t. PETRCE. 5r" tal PrrT.
.Va U E.O. W.