Newspaper Page Text
V , J : CT..----.-.-.,-;'-- , ,,,,, ,IJTOtM,J.,,,.11... , Tomvs ui.' Publication. -r Tb Sja-t Herald f 11 ( ' ' T T ' I I -III. JLJLVy OiLJLJ-VyjL .t V7 M b -l J .N M) I v4 M 0 , ir wii!lli.-MIi:i'.:cl.rthefuliwrl!.!lnii. - t " -w - w ' ... JiTrc vilr.-. opc I.vt.:nvM.ii. j . I ' .. . ,r!5lii' name ' :c i'rmcr " ,rsot Printing Company, j.ll.N 1. SUl'1.1, I!,i. ah ... u'l'i'iiNtt e.t .litu ea -.Uai'j 1CNE AT! ... iu i- T.ji ,u'u; . .., , r . .til" in SoUli-reel ' , U.U.V iu i'rmuug .-L.IU-. ..'A v -li 1 ij. ii:i. All' . l'.V A i' L. A , I'e'atia. M'Hlk.V Itl AT L.A'A .lo, fw.m ri-.A, I'., will :iruMira lo t.ifeare with uit. li ly. . i ,.i r. .! ' . i . . , i r law. rni'T' -i "kip l! ,., cntrui"r.t i....ii!aiiJ';i!iy. ,.,.1 i .j 'a .i 11 j-rouii-i 1 1 w'i a. ;,! il .v .W V!l M'MU-- . . uri 'I'm.. L illt'iiAtVs AT tU-'.i-J ll. ll.l-iS n;i'-i'.'..-" I" . .- r-'U, ..j.iwite the i "' :;:l. t H. 1"IU ATI' .. !.. fi'i ir 'Hi . 1. 1 i, mi. '1 u L- 111 iliaiilUl a jev A l UAW.SCM ,li I i'i all l'UHi:- v'ailial""- ul1 i' n.i'i;ii"ll uiiai'.iir. A ri''!iN l'Y AT LAW i. .. ... iaii.i-J'-: " Ww'k ul' ft.i'.:!. ..i.ii:ii' "' ! ill il'U.H I'Ui- ., ito:i.!-.i ,ia.i nai-ii T- n ul a; lei'. .uiK.ui'n.vCT.-n-, ,., : ii. rM '.m.-i a-ij.-iiiiu """' .. -i a ...i K-i..i:y. '"' " i '"'-li-S(. lbt"-' li! .'.iVOirNEY ATI.AW. . n iu'll. S' li,l- it jhU. 11-tl. fAVt H. UAITHKlt. 1 :.i.r ifAlTiiK.U. Ai--::i it iir'il:--M"Hl al latv., ..tlSlalf ( i:. iii Hai.r iilK-.n, cji .. lAI-., '. K " ; ....'i'' A!iit;i'! w-v li l i t.i.-e 1 t I- aiiJN'KVN AT ,1 jin. !' it. sU" II. '..fir -ta lias lit itii r-'-i anil I -liili'-' 1. J ii'.tZllt. :" .-'CO '1 i", .3 A r L A -V'. il. in I'- ..ii. j J- Link. ...-.! t.) .'H ;i:.i.' t.-mi:-.iot:y i-o-.i .r..; jkc-.i;- il i.u. ,.niTiii. . Ki; -.i-in'crf uir i-rvii .'H" j i.. as i'i I"'..!.-:'.-"-", a'.-1 "-a" i ii. u; i'i u'.-lit : . (.'..vK...i.i: ':"' : ; i-i iu.r Mirr.'U.:'i'..i; i: : "i-Kirs w.-t ." , i :-Vtiti'. r. ui. i?;..i ' i ..rfJ-:,.rT"l :'" u ' tii.aii.:. ca iui.a ll .:i ..ill'-.!.- ami '-i ra'i n n; rrauic i'lli .K'. ,st: SI - r. t V il ' Ii-- -T ii.s: A. ..tu 1 l M MA II TIN, -vi , ..iri i-xri' i.' 1. :.".i . ;..-r:iii.T'f "i- 1 r:r.i on " 111 i,.,:c si i. ro - i'"lU t ia.l l . " '-.f'.' 1 ' ' l!U.iV i'i"'-- .I.i- u i m. ! r.ive.i '' : :., -, i loii- . .1 !" I ;(- III V-l . I. r.- ai-"i vl . :'C ' ji at.i'i''!. , i li h 11. ui. Nail.iat . . :. COL.LU7S, ,- .'.Ill ill I I'"- '" I.. I : . i- r a in'iwi . S- rti'-ri-t I a i- it . :. ril .... rt 1 If .11 1 1 : I' i ,1 l.'.'iil tn 1 1. If" inn--. i-iiii-i-'l I -rti't Mi I. an i;i-1 u- i.t. lliil nl:.i ' c-;in ! , i". .'..r ' j ri ina'i you ; r i.r. iu i l-i r. IITiirt'. ".an.. S. 1 l.l l fill I'': T". .' lll.l IH-Ti" "" "II" -'K ':." -" i-'or ;!n- -'ttii'i- i.;i.t I, r ihai in n--t ;.;iii ii -"-:, i-.-.'l oil :r ; al a.-.v i""1 ll-i Srt '. l:..r.L-.:. . li. t I'H l:.i ".I i M I Ll.KU. aii'rtw -v. ir.i-o la Si,ulikv!ili.. Ia !.-.iii- 1 S-'lil'T-i l Ilu- -ra mr ten I' rr oi' iT.:.'i-!'i'r.:i r- i- 1-1 .-tifr nf Soin-r-"-: all'l viriimj i-.-::n S-.ort iif.i-ln Ilu. i'.n-rnet 1. r- ;il!?U "i'i m i.: nil"-. r.i rr ! P.! LL Mi a, ;-ll't l.' w .'a.l'':'iK- .Mala I r.s Street. Si.!Ti-r--t, r. i ki iv u.: a i TKK'lii:! a . a 'i . T I S 'j' ;'-.:r C' , I'll., .; i ! " "-y ii t i;.-rri-.. u ei : ti. tin. fir r- I-. .i-jr r i-viiu i : ' f'l'Hi ; ' -. '. :i: -i Im--.Ii. I I t !. i r. i c '' i" ill-. ai-'itn-i I'i I. !.-. Ii i.l M'ir.-i:, ..'t I!" .Us l":i-ri.i :-lo i ...i i .ri .i: r ; Ul "I .0 1'"'- an an- i?u- f.t .i i-.i;i.':-i- .ry in.ii."cr. r;.i 'ii.-iit ''r - tur , l .t .r-in . a i"i.. .V an u..:i- an-. In .1 ol 1. . a! c .i.i em- l.t loll I li.-l a.i.iro.. ai.iai-1 fc-' . i lurni'iii'.! "ti oie 1-ij- K.i.l i-. uiUi i"i JOI.l i)' n.i VUJM' COTl.l S SlOiV I' A. t . l 's'l !'.;. I'loin :-tn-. ... , a ..ii .i .ri wr. fi-jm at all ' .'-, .'..lii ia' -l'.r mi-'ravi-iiiia - utl-i l'.tir Drw-f'i". ih'miinM I -ki lav tli.i tor''."WU fUl j,-...'.r-. a. iii.tru. Ml. St. . I.AKI M. ni' K Jr-irtc 1 lift Insnrancs, 1,4 XJi iij kua I'll JOHN HICKS & SON, so.Mr.i:si"i', i'A.. ind Kcal EsUtc Brokers. i;;sTAi,i.i:-;ni:D l-r-'P- !, wtmil-'l-t-to h :l.lej or "fi.uiif pr.'J f . -i' r ri-n-i v.S'i fr -. ti ii.'-ir.i .anui-i. -T !'..( li r':l.l!-l ,lilT.-';. o ' !l" ' V" ' I i. 1.1 . r'r-i.nW. I.T'il r3;e.;.l.-J'in in -:il!; vi -j'fijr rltti-'ie-i (' . ' j kai.ij. i 1 1" : i. f i : iff. i , . . - i . .li. ni- m net ) ri ii .a- r':.' ii i - - i i ... . -A X. i i-ii. ti ii,.iii :.-ai. l,.-n'. I". fnrui. 1 1.."., r 1. ii -fe. laln '.ti-. i". I o.l .Ion l"H". a.- in . I ii. t. i.i :-.:i- ' vuury in' if I iK ... ..... . r. i i'i-i- Ol. to LMHUW. 11,li.! 11. Hull III llall.l all'l 1 1. 'oi Jrl ! tiiiut-'e lo "1 ain.ual -:i im.-liiit. Wlire.1. ' f ": ' i r'? " " - l. Itl lliM llHi'.altll" mil nam, - ,'rn.e in ma , , r;raot will l Kir ren It put ,..l wni tt,u I.WtYAiD. VOL. XXV. NO. 27. Bank. JOHNSTOWN SAVINGS BANK, 12U CLINTON STREET, JOHNSTOWN, 1A. I'ltanen-.l setei.iiier 12 l.-T'i. Ii (h.iis rpeciv. c: ui (tllsuiiin u.ii ier uuume uiliur ln-;iit rairui luaim i i-cui. lLiU-riri i .lue In L::c :uuiliii ujJuue Jcceiutxr, nuj it uii n liitiiranu is Mtiiiuo Ut iiic ai-ju!ii iuut c.juiua :i;ii;iwi-v a ycr Biin.'Ui ir.iuliliiiii tii'Ji.' v.r m iaill r i yen tu inxrni iiic t-i.&i ikmU. iUui lujluu i.u real c.-uilu. liv!i.'n.'Ui, wiih liln-ral rale muj ii.njr .1:iil, Rivea ! ikrrwrraul it rtUK Uriii UirtKai'jvoii mrui w.rtU limr nr uiire linn tut) a in. u in ii .mh atirel. 0k.kI n liT iiit. inrrifiu iiii"t.w;., rUireil. I Iiib eurHiraili.u if txcluMvirly a Sarinit Iiai:k. Nn eaiiuuori-iat diK&Uri rviviviM. nor aicnunu uiaile. So loxufuu pcruai veeurity. Hiuuk a;. !,': ! ..uf li.r buiTuwcm. rtiic( ot I he runs, l.y an,! Pwtlal law rclnil'in lot lie l'auk Rrut to a:iy .riort-c rciaiil. 1 i;t uii.:. J..u:ts i:u,.HT, l)aU Ui!rt, C KHi?, A.J. Hawes, '. U'. Hiy. Jubu I wiuuu. 1. li. L.....-lv, Imnlel McLiuultuu, 1. J. Alorrcll, L.nis 1'livi. 11. A. lfca.N C'iirad uhri, iii-o. 1 . STjnk, Janiot ."-icuiili n, JtfineBMurii-y Dii v. . V. . W ai.iTs. J. M.irri'll, I:ml.lent: 'r'ik Iibcrt, Trta-urvri C" run i-.:ijtr, s'ilicilT. no"i. J. O.KDU1EL&S0SS, to Schell & Kimmel, SOMEUSET, PA. Accounts of Kerchant3 and oth er Business People Solicited. Drafts negotiable in nil parts of the Coua- try for oale. Money loaned and ! Collections made. ! C ainbria County BANK, Lu W. KI2IM ttCO., NO. 2AS tl AI M KI1.1, ; JOHNSTOWN.PA.., Henry S- .'laniilc's Illicit Itui tnn. A (icntrai Itanklns Hn!neHsT!i.iisaitd. Irl.i' ui I"1(1 .oJ Mlrrr IxiukM nn.i rlil. (Vl!ti lions ma.le i:i all ar' l fie I'nlteit Male, au.l I'anaili mSireft all mi'il t the ra!e l sil ihtiit.i. i-crammiii. 11 li lt nx numl :i .r l.mirrr. Sw-iai .irr.iiiifi'ifniii lili GuarJiaii" and uiut-ri. f!i" U ii 1 Diueys in trant. i?Iri: I-T2. ! JOHN D1BERT. JOHN D. ROBERTS. JOHN DIEERT&CO., 1. D COFR XaLN asd ravelin e a. JOHNSTOWN, PA. '-fiiiiH of Ier!iaul and jtuht-r tm-iiicsH people molifH e:!. Ki tieotiahle in all () 1 t" ttic ooiiatrj lor aSe. ';riic3 l.aiiei;tiil Collection M.-Mie. Interol Ml Hie rale of ii 6er eeiit. per atitiuin al Iow l oi 'I iiae ieposii. i SaTlnt; ?epotfl ilottkn ! e'f. and Imere! i omponiuletl Seiui-itniiir.-tllj when lelreI. A i ji-ni ii.'t liankin ; :n(- ! rans moil. Krh. 10. Totecco WKIiLUflU AMJKUTAIL, '4 'S J. II. Zimmerman, V! Sonter-el, Peniia. ... Tl r of cinrti o! "lift. -nut Iiraifln. munuiac- tan il Hy 1 imM-il. ol '.lie r-lwinert ol lotmo. u. I !. -iai ran nol tiemi'lleil t.y any In llio u:ar- IK. - . ii.t l.l me urn mihii .i .-ncina .(.'- i-ur ;-rotijc'" to !..iiiirii"t. I'ritin lu lull 111 ti-..' i. Jiil.28 Cook & Beerits' ; FAMILY GROCERY Flour and Feed STORE. We W'.al ! moi-l rcstxt-tluTly autmuirre tt our' iiihl Hie put-lie irni-ral'j. in tlie lw.i nJ vi -lnlty of S.iniiTiet, that wc liave o(k.-uh.! our MAIN CROSS STREE1 Ami in a'iulUon tu o mil line of he ' on fel loner Ion. oilon, 1 obtteeos, t'ltfarw. ic, t W wit! ',t all Orci-s l" "H-ly tunii-ri wiiii t : ii i; s t u e a 1. 1 t v o r FAB1TLY FLOUR, COIIX-MEAL. OATS, HUKLLED CO IIS, o. ts a cons cnor, UPAS. UWVUSUb n.!everr!iilriir larainlnj to the Fel Pej-art :u-Dl at lit LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. FOH CASH ONLY. A;o, a well il;tea ilock ol fJlaanware; Stoneware. Wo!erware, Hro.-t.e al anil Which we will tll cheip aa tbe etieie. j.iai.rail.eanjloe our .! ot 11 kliii, md t aaiimeil Iroui jour own ju lnmeuu tum't lor;et wli-re we iuy o M VJN CKOSS -Street, foment. V. rt -i. ih;u KAUGLE HOUSE ! Hale Ct., Ccacrsct, Fa., I Hie iioiiii.nT l:a lutoly .ut tiam-l unil ureally ' iintir v.l thin ii'imt.le l'r"lriy. tunnnliiuK It .... aa.B.riu- aKiiiiifn-r t.hirva lir fr.nAMnt irM-irl ew' IntheMiae, j Tal h r are atwave ilIM with Ihe rliolocrt vi ,.. i h. market aft r!. !'- - I,,r. .ml r..n:DiiK'liU alaMlne In attnihfxl '" ,,,u' "' Uui holiiltm alwaya lu at- . v., .1. -,1. .1.. ml-.l;i. J " Bar ilwayu.plied With the ctitilot-tllijuorf. Julyl. Xcw J.dctttistvitnli: I HE ALTH AND ITS PLEASOEES OK Disease with its Agonies: CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. HOLLOWAY'S PIUS. AcrvoiiM IiiMirtiiM. Wliai li. uinre li'arttil tliau u I ri'HUiiic !n.ii 1 ltiruirv.iu rtn'.Kui? lo -r evil :.iu ..r uitvuiis la fiuall in frri-i- it, lu.'rit ni!rtlii ;, kr wlu re i' in a ri niiOy Ik. louiut ? '1 lit:ic N uik; ; lrii.k 1-ut li'.iie wu.r, iVt-r. ur yiurlta, or ftir tv.u-r, ii'nu: LiWd na.v Hee, w?;k w.a n-itiie (iri-lir. :!..-; i.ri all lii" ln-M air .'U ran ; takf I tirre or l.-nr i il..i vi ry infill ; t-ut jili-uiy i.i M.liu.s. aini .hr tfiu um; ut hl. ji. ; mi l il ikcsu inl.i.rii riili-B tiro i.I1.iwi; j, you la i. li iii in uiiiiti utiii Mr.ii. iuiH.-yt uii-1 ior- Kl Villi llalu aiiV Ill-IVlll. Mlh??; anil In: hliTn. ID 'serein one umrc ui:-..tur fr win. li llue I'l.i.'an m I tn.m, ii i? il.r.-j uriiy iiik ir.'iMiiicr".i,n?i-:.4i.y iiinr j..'.vi-r i'i i-K-autiiii; lue iiiinni irjtii an n.iiuiiiu--'. aiiu rutii.iviiiu ttaii (5.rou; unit mi.n-ii..iii net n '. : i.j. 1 incrs.i;l' ali.jit..i a:, ihe out ki'tuiii n-iiiviiy ir li-iaaii. itii ii.itiiti. ilit-y ut i-r i.tii. iit'Vrr wi'a..i'ii i Jit cysu-iii, auaaiway. oriiijj; what i rn'utv.l. Mick Ili-Majwiim Mint Waal ol .liic(l'. Tlii'se li t liiiKf wiiii li f;i ii us ii. ini'iiily ar:t: iroili aiiiintalit-i-j it Iruunl'j, Irnin uomi uitt:i Jlvtl-lat:"it or tr. .in i-aiif aii-i lamuui ulru is uuui iur tliue tiiiH.riiiTU. i iit. iiivr atrl u'Hi- ui-a. 1 i.i vrii.uij' ...un it- rt iuiait'.i ii ii.ii wi..ii lolK'Hi'U. i'lic I llli", 11 lakt'U at-i-i.r.iii 1. I ill! t niilt:l instrui'ii'iiii., i in iuirki r iuru a. Jit-aiii. HI. lull u O.-II. IIIIT au.l etnuiai'li. It 11. II t" li.l.uw, an a ua ural itiafi-iiui-iit-i, a K'hI uiijh-iiIi: an., a clrar m t!i' f..isi an 1 i ri ii,..!!- far- .-ly am muiT iii.-iii'-iiii; i i-vi r upr-.i tur ihi-.-j ,ii-. r-ili-ra. Iliiw lv S irons. Ni Vlt Ut :l.i-! iiWfi I'O f..ntini''l it uir'.itly .n-t o 1 U'ii:. iiiua aj-i-ar Miiuur '.iiat 11 ai ys I'iiif. cli iuii (h: i-.Ti.iiiiui-ii i. u lor a run U-u .it.- ItoWt-'i.t 111 t.iV Tr... Ml JwiUK 111.11 !nl W. UiJ r. iajiaiuri. 'i ni.-i.di;ii-.;i li-. w-t-v.'i ; tur tiii.-?.-.' 1 ill- wul iiai-i"ii..i. 1 y i..!--v.-t . l.c livi-r an . t .oji fVt'rv a:;i'i ul o-.-n-l i-..::h-uiih. In Wat 111 I'll til. ut- I tiuu .11. in "t l: I II iVt- .'ill itlV.-'i liy Itli-UM ul l li Ir. !!!t.-i!irtn.-, lll.-l, in all t-.; K Kivt-s lone uii-1 iir in in; a lit. lo organic MMi-ia, liowi-vi-r ut rai. iri -u li-:: ii K anil .-irniati. joSi in rm, af u iiiatii-rnt i-.'Uritc. 1 hi- m.-lii.-, it;, in w..n uiT.uiiy iin-n-uMM ly ta.; i- m i.n..-t; I'liiit, r..m- l'l!B-il 111 tile D ol Poll I III .ri l--r. ll' . t-i iilll i liI.-l. Aiiitnal tiMi.1 1 ht'Ui-r ilian oi-otliii au-1 p.rMF. J;y rtui.ii mu ii- rni. Ii-r!-.ii-iiii- l. i.r nMir in.j uru l.u- m-H Iroltl lilt: llVt-r. Mouiai-M, or I'!. lat- l-.l'.l-.: ol ir. f-iiii-ri , iiiaiiiiii-.i iin. 1 otinr Imit' l i-w:n- lilatii ?ia i xjM-iitii. i !i rrMin if. inai iin; ui-lurli.ill-.'c if" arri-Ml 1 an. 1 till: rt'-ll ill ol Ilic l.owi'l tn-coiiit it ri-nular. hii will mop tin; n laxa ll.iuol ilu- o-iWi-U f.) nui.-alj as 11:13 ii!K- "-.-n.-l'li:"!' ill. ill. nil'. Dlnurilt-rs ut Hie Kldticj. In all ifrf aHft-lliis t'li-tw (Tirins. wlii-tliir lli- i i-r.-ic iin) niu.n or lou Ir.ti.; w-.ti-r: or n in" l in r iln Ik; aili.-ii-tl w!.li iuiu r icravi-i, or with arlit-i" anil 1-aiiiH si-tiutl in ilu-1 i:i" oi t-r i'.c r. ii.itui!" ..I itie ki im y.--. my-.; miu!I ".o tak cu at'.-i.r.iiiii: to ilio .nnt'.l tlim li-inr", ar"l Hi-; liiutiu.;ui fon.ul.l ik. Hi-il rai.lK-u mio 11:? f-u..ili ol ilm tia.-k in i.t-iiiini... liiK" lr-ai:iit nt vi il trivt- it 1 m"t"t i iiint.nitt rein f wlu-n all i-il.t'r mian- liavo l.iik-il. l or Munitti lit out l OrOrr. Ti-. r'.-.-.:i !n? will s.i t'!i-tu i!ly tin- toi c cl 1 li- ai"-in."c!i a.-" Ui'-v- 'a : ilii-y reui.iit nil a'-i.Hiy. "K-i-uj'i.'iK-.i i-iil:..-r I'y iuii-ii;j-i-r.a.t o or im liit'l. 1 hty r.-.o Ii tin; In i-r i.iki r:.'r.'-c It lo a ui-:i;liy ut'iiiiii ; "iiit- ar; w-.i itnully i-Hi a.-i.-us iu eim.;i ol aliai.u.-.iii lari ilu y i: -vi-t in .ui tnit; ml (i.j.'iriit'r.-wi tli stoiuai-li. II'llnKuy' I'ilU tiie l.'u i ijl'l 'iu if II hi th? vorb'j'.tr tUtf'ilkufii'j ll"t ' : Aisue. A .it lima. i ilii-ui" Cum- j.l.nnlr. In.. I . lu- oi: Pi skiu, Jlowri Com (..lints, iV-inali; Irrt ku- 1'ilny i lariti'f. S.-riula, or Icvith ol i ll Kill's i-il kiu ii", Sur.- 1 iir..a'rs. Kiln. At ( 1 mi i j, tKiut, Sec li'laiy Ilia lurhe, .-yuiplnnifi, Jn in' Kiioii. i ri'.--P..iiloun Hi, I -.11 f. 1 i.U . tnai.t li. I:, 1 t-ni'TS, I'lt-i.TS. uiit-rcal t,'.''lJ.l.Uli:in Of .1 lUII.ili'P. (lie Ooui'ln. tint Com- Coruuii.ii"ii. I i-lainti", ! ! ill y, ! ? i. l'ro-". 1 llm. pi M-ii;i-ry. i:!n u:ii:i:i.- m. Krysij olaii, iieiniiion ot A lite l ail tr in tl-.n-i, V..r:iu if ! kin '.Vl,lklOf CA I'TIOX ! on are li'-tiuli.e ii-iI-m the piifna unr ol .1. 1!a-i in k. a. a"'U I r ll.- I ui'o.i Siaii-.i, mrri" i ai-li tu x ol 1 nlr- uii.i ( i r . t in in. A liamtMiiiie n-wjpl ill lit-ctvi-n t any m o nai ilfrinii su .-li liiloriiiiun.ii n may ! 1 1" Ilu' !. .I' li.iiil i.i:y piny or .aru --oii:i rli'l'li-a iiu:.!li in.-ii or ven lina I lie jiiu k::oii.i ilttOi lo W v;.urit'ii. ,.il i at tl:" r.I:ii;u( .--t..ry I'r .1 r lt i. Li.wivlilii, XVir i.ra. hi I 1 v ail ri-iK-i-ritl'if lnii.'iMH an.l Pi all r in .Mi-'O- ii:r njiii ul ilie rii lilt'.; W ill I, in l'M- at Vi. it in. . tiJ i . at: 1 VI eai li. tw.Tl.i-re if rmisiiii i r. t . s . -tii i. .j ly tnUi: g ilic iar;ivr hiii- N. H. Pir.'i-tiins f.r fir suit! line if . 1 1 :; Ij In ivirv i:iMr'i rar" aiiu. I m ia li l-s. Juiie'j;. !.. I). W. E. H. WABDWELL, WITH 2S. IJalt. .St., IJaltimort-, M. !., Voi: i rijtootiul.y it. k tl:-' un r liaiim" S' H'.t- u n ft FANCY GOODS. cmrliiz thrm ralil,loD tailh ' rKHr.1 rine .in-1 i,uali:y m kiiitlJ. The liu ri vin inn llali iuiore art-u.eiit".. rt tiut-iotil lo rail anl nvv Bie ln-lore ma ail ii iuf -hi"i b. L A T K ROOFS. KTh..!"r w hoarr now LuilOinK ti"-5 s'u'ui l know ili. ir U ! nrcr in tl.e li.iup run in i ut Kiite K.'i tt ui 'In ori!l;iin!t'. Slnu- wiil lasl l .n vi-r, nil. I li" rt'iiaiu aro n-ijuin-tl. Sla'- iv-f the J ur-i-ii wati-t lor i:i.:Ti. '" i tin j.r.f. 1-v-ry tfniMl li..u" iliowl'l havei Slate runt. 1 t enn o'r HKU"! U I'Htali-! In Cumlx-rUio'l, w !.-r" tie h.i a trout! nu,.(ily ul Peachbottom & Buckingham S L T E lor rnoBinif the v.-ry het artwle. Hf w 111 un.lrr (kr lo .ui Slait lltlii..i II 'D .. putilli-an.i j rl va'e. .in, rlihrr In iwn or ".unlry al Ihe Iowbji prlii-K an.t lo warraiil ibJi. Call un l litm irt-H.l.lri'i' t:liu at lih.oih'e. N'. 11 ISal!im..n Strwi Couioerlao'l. MJ. r.!er may hek-n with NOAH : A S E B K E K. AKnt, Si.uierei-t, l'a. Ww. II. ?iori.ET. Alrl th. 1S7&. FOLLANSSEE CO IVlerchant T'ors Ami Manuiaclun'riOl Gent's. Youth's and Coys, Firalil Goofe. 121 Hood Sliert, f rn r Fifth Avenne, TSIJUKGII. prl SOMERSET, PA., WEDNRSTTAY, DECEMBER 13, IS7. li ar:i:i:ie. In : ai'.ct iii;lers o'crtlio sr..y tin wall Tiie i..rtM irU lean in llila autuninal air. JiiM niii-ii ilic ii"!i!j a:iu r.irlnu .lo;. are !u Au'l vp." t!;.- t;r-..-n !..-:il take" H'C li.-it uf fali. Thoy i" t'.i.. to lniko (!c rus IV-' '. A'...i. (lie .vll -.llli s tln-lr toiTlic. 11 ir?. A!i! IT ynnr .Iwii-jim coral with lint r.iro (The iiam ::,k r. 5 uiis'.it cavy it wl;ha!), VVh U tart! a lia I . nay; y ur T iU. 1 utf aiii", t'.i Iwi y .a iin nrt!.t in ii in -y icr iml b '.. Tin- M?y tr:i:v;'of tiini.;U" ami of l:;:if, S,!tialicr I 'u'- , Orw' 11; ittrliw, LiUle K? I KWinarUwi-! f.;r ski- ! link i.u! ji ur j.V 'ial in beauty is Tain. T. V: -l.-.V i 'i. in lire .Vwn! Tin: vkkv. tT Tin; linnow. 1 1 was a wcns'i's fjoe I saw ae 1 irow rein rt Cntbbrrt Hail, a pa!o. cnl:i. iiliiii.'ni prud fne, v.i;h lare cri'.ili; vt i, ami cval l.Ia k hair Ionp- ed a ay from il.i cimk in biavj i-i. i n iur folds. I La. f-eea niaor .nine leautirul filers J -j r i ri c my winierd ia 1'bila 1 1 Cid V.i!iin-ton niy (iiini'ier- Ci'pe May. Newport and Nil'ant; atul, lu-iil'5, 1 wr i sii' to mv.f 4', tin' Ildll arert.ii'i le!leaad Iifir.". a hi.-lrr-iu law of a tr'en.i who Lad in v.'u d me t Lis bnii)!. S' I tali ::Jv a p t.-!-;n lilance lo tbo pa'- s'r.mL'er and tV-n dini'iuutif), r-i'n' i bo bell. A Mrrrit ansvirrd tlio "uimuon. aiiti, coriiii'Mitii; me into bi library, w'nt t ;ali bit m ister, iu a tVw rio.ii.'tits tin d .r opi-'ied, ' mill tLei i.iy wb 'iri I bad eeti ti' ihe; vi"d.'.f eanie in, with two cu'l J h. a b'd i b 'rlren ciiniuj: r.'i i;t b-'r ! S'io b-iilti me ufxd ni'r niitir in a; vnc sweo lb. thrill i f a lute Ktrinir, and sr.iil, with sanio em'cir riissnimit lam t'ory Mr. d Mrs. Cirt.'err are both out riiiid-" ' Aii ! ?i i'.m I." wa ib auswer: 'ip I :ii p i-e ibev ivill rio' ''0 i"nz, fir. tbi'.iiyh tbnv d'd n't r. Xpert. :n' hi d iv. I vr -te tbepi I .Liuld preb-j iblv be l-ere ib' week." ' Tben T"ti aro Mr. 1"' "Iiitii.ird v iticc (it. :tt v-.tir rrvii-r uriii now ir.rr-'dure V'Hi'.-t'lf " "i I 1 am sbe itatHed. wriiin-l i "re of the ,iittl tirlV ritiirlets about ber iinier in ber : rifii.-i );, and be !an airain "I an" On re tii'-re sne beit.ite.3, and I rr--uuied "I have ''.Hesi'd vru are tlie i-rfii''i ! " ihe i-niiled, but her very tt ntph J'iior end iri How that hbi-h .t tbiS tll'tnierji of corses' t'o t, ii fifrt an'i Dea; Hp t!'o brjad aveoue-lpadinjj to the matiji)n. The eoverci-i-a biily left roe, and I f-horllv nf'er 9Jl' her tilk in'.' ;-i my friernl-t rn th? verandah Tbe brief rocf'rc.'H'e over, my iiost an.l ii ste?s entered, and gave mo the eor:lial weleotne which ts eharacter-if-t ic of tbe Smith. When the gret't inus bad been intfrrlangod, I turned to Cnthbert, prid ssid "Pray, here is Miss D.ipont, tbo sistcr-ia-law of whom yeu spok '!" lie and his w'fe exrbfttiired figaif; C8nt orl'inrcs, aDd I ciniinued "! a.-n impatient to reo this par az r d.iii't keep me insuspense." 4 I will not. You wiii see her at. dinroT." The net niomrr.t tb drcr-sing bell rafii, and the host ied the wny to tlie tMi"'t c!.a.!ibi-r, w!:ere he left m t make my toilet. In those days I was ti n, in iifi'.'-rnt to my person-d !ip;i;'tiraiii e. and with the aid ;f an attentive servant arrayed njysolf in 'be most elegant u't mv wardrobe afford-".!. "I w..mlr if I shad suit tbe hi ir .ss?" I ipietied :nen'.a!!y, as 1 t-vik th' las; Mirvey i'i the nitrtor, and de scended to the d'ninsr ball. Nenrtfc.i taiibi sit Cutblurrt .in 1 his wif.', the fare I hud seen at the win d w, i;nd not. far from the gon-rni"-)5 a yi u i !ndv v.i'.h a fiir e-onplexioi), a iiloo r.i-g rheck, th sijnuiest blue -yes, ii p-cfm'Oi of jfolderi .r I was a roiin is ur in ladies' drers Htthat prri.'d.snd I t'k i'i tit a irlnnee l.rr ' st'v India inns' in r "b", wi'b 's HiUi.f Meet li'i l.i"e Jiht sp'etidr of her brai'di'tn. nenklaci. uud ean'roji-i, nd t b" eX'iu;r-i'( i v wri'tifiii jrnldeu 'oiiib, whicii looped up tire rich iri.KHS. Why whs it, thst mv eves Ji'.indered from h -r to the pule. cHtiii truvern-s, with hr binds of raven hair sin! tTrat, el 'i; ifit 'ves. Slid a dres that fell in gra-'efui (olds t.bout brr. "li'anfbe." said mv host, "ailow nie to preaent mv oid and vaitn d friend Kir bard Y -iricra'." The blonde beauty colored and -imoercd lie then presrn'ed tor to tbe rov rrncsis. Sb" erected me with the grace f f iu"en, and I, m respecifuliy as if she hud lu'di one. .aid "We had the pletsure of nnre bi f ae, Cuthbert " "As 1 told ymi." liiurnv.ired the p -.v- rties. "I went dnwn to tell hi ni yoti w en ab.-ent." Tl e reretui.nies ..f dinner now be can ntid as h sest bud been n-.'igr ed to me be.-i!e Ulacohe, I 're I to j.l iy the aitrieable ; but I often found that my th'-uzhts wsndered to' the p:b, s leut irirl opp site When tbe meal whs i.vcr, and tbe ladies li ft the ts W, "Whit do yon think of my si.-tet?" ut-ked Ciilbbtrt. "?;b) is very bcu iful," I replied. "And have you fji!en ia love at lirft si-'hl ' "If 1 have I shall not ted yoa," I exrUiuied, und then we went tin t'hat P ring in a merry strain? Wneu we a-ijourctd to tLe great cool, I JXiirious pallor, fo'jnij Mrs. tjuiLb' rtand htr bitjitr; buttLegov-erne.-s vyas yalk'.ug to and fro oq the tetce, oppareutly absorbed iu ;hougbt. The usuul small talk eusu ed, ttt pti ut ,u' request the heiress eat down to the 'piauo, and played and sang with much fakijl. , 1 bad nlj-ervi'd a Larp'in tbo boudoir adj ieetit, and begged her to sweep its strings for me. 'I rauuot," she said ; ' but Miss Marguerite can. I will cull her." Then, moving to the window, she ixclaiuud, impel ii.u-ly "Come Marguerite, we wish you to !p!y some upou lb.- harp." j Tbe governess beettau d a luomi-iit, lllen came in, oud toek a seat at tie harp. An fbe at there, I noticed for tin ,..'-r r.-,sr 'o ' 1 ", son ( . !.l 0 l-l ii'tiTilan- . "it. i . , l""l'v'-.' .u-, v...-. , tlie ( ,t,r rose o t,;t,i-,. k,-,.,-- , ...,. ..' i ia a whole vear. I ran. thereforp r.Linn i ; " .m "oi'r .1.. u' ' mar.. I Mr Sni.i i .iii'in i tu ii. . ii liVU ' " - - , --i in laiaiu uio nine, - ... ... .... ,.. . . taks aril sat. patii.r.ilv crrect- ' We -'mire to ei- wba' r,,., ! r.iri'.re it) amen. n for tbe misfortune Tbe judge thus appealed to. decid- Leatberby, puiliug off bis coat aad Hid, 1 i-r..iiopi l u. irJT ., k ;.( h w,;jrh ii;,e (if ,p1in bad ,j , -jJ ho ' 3 " ' except by naia l egging your per- ed promptlv. dam-in- aruund Mr. Darthol.mew. becanie tier I ,., i,!,- Ai.r:l Foby beside 1 1 r, -' u,,ytic''ir,. (,f .S:Va wbo,1)n" "The officer is right, u. id awe. I c-au Lck whole Ileputlicaa ji ne resr.i fte --r,arof j which I d-'Utred not was Elled ,vi;h ! Lusent r.i. b'-re " rii.!i.vl the' fdkir "Oh! a oy body couid My all that; You are obliged to Lau over the ; pi".v, frua tbe big whisky thief ami .njj.:..a i.utii her own Jravi;i's 8bo heard mv L, .';"'.. . ,''.r ,1" i!t hnt we'd ?ee if it is true: we'll find dress ..-a the soot." . ! rnsr-ma-ter d-i n to the saeak thief 1 T I I . I W .1.1 IT 1 ... i II " 1 . . . . i.-.,i..., vi.,i "'I " " - ......... w . . . . t IZ S T A 1 Tj T S II l.D ,18 3 7. .le timo tb? t?r- i u! jvu'hc of her heU'! ia tb? sT i'fir nK. I?u: I for got t Ii w J''le the eh'.rd! . . ... of the hurt:, arid t?.s-.f to t-iuif . Was -be ai it provi." atrit'is? I thcubt -be euHt be, pr full of oul was the unish" bo poured f rth j arid, whMi -t;.! bad eotir'uJHf,! a-ted Mrs. Cuth- b 'r' wh.i'O cornte'ltiott it wis. ' Her or-n," fiSo replied, "and thv never tfiows what shepiJ ff-iinar to P'-rforrii wb u she ejaitfjeuees " I ii-ed lo firs cne wifrds c-f iiiidi'io:i to Marirurito, but my vs inn-it bavf :j jk-jrf VOl'imes of apfi'Oi al. - 1 Tbac iiitjLt, whrti I reiircd to rest, my dreams wrre not haii'ted by the heiress, but by th pilnsrftre 1 bad h 'en at the wind'iw th face of Mar- o-iii-rite the cover.'H-s-s. -4 ? ' The n?xt iiiorninrl fa awake at an early boiT and gianjjSng out, saw MarsrueriteiKiinsr aero tee Jawrj I hastened t j in ber. Her cbtMtks wore a richer slow, her Hark lustr.nn eyes were full of liirbt, met lips trem- ulous with s niles, br Ivhite apron wm full of tn v.rv hl').sfei. aod cheiirpv iho neuict. I5.aue'bs Marifuerite hi ? wreathed a s j i a nine iiot tti! ideKness 01 bar ti.ur. ; How -ve be-m to ti!, I seareely know, hin 5 wr.-a t er efcertaiueri bv any wiimtn a- hy her. Icoal i touch n no suibject d iicepitarii or art. wiiii w-i'eh sh was iiiii fa ui!ir, and Mid - if de Smi1 tsi'irbt iisvu'itnvied her c -nver.-ii'i'oi.ii p rs. O itiie iaw.'i we .-e lalat J, Lin whin we nipf ut li".'M'af'i, l'j the p f 1 j, Cathbi-r and tlie si.- . . a v Ip-ri'I m 4 :firi', 1 saw ttfii me nld ! veri;0P-.' I k cad comfcHnck to her .!'", ana sir: w is more reaifent man w is iii-ire reAi'-ent ! ever. 4 'i Ni y fri.Mi i ; r ij"W"d L-'r?el.ick exetjrsi-iti to a b iiii.-j-r hjiji-ig in l!o' n-i!li! irhood, a ml '.vLeaf our party i-S'-itiDii' ! i'n .'' vr'tf!, i tj.ft ;i-i -j i wirh till' k '"Ilir-I .Pt ipiloiOUlll 'il, tbi" ib.' gove-nes was cx-'Iti.Jed. I r-!-it. ihe brbl .! l-.-ii i,f i !, lair II l.i.f!.-. jrtbolodiio! verv pretty ia the b!iiv. jba' i'. and wiiii !)".- veivi't List set c- ' I ipi'-ii-Lly i;b i e h.-r ir'i'Ln tresc, ! i . i . " . Di. t I t mint :i an 1 1: rt io interest ! m v self i i her counn-aplaii tL:t coat j I b it a sense of ndief 'vbjj we dis j uioiinted nt the II i!!, a'nl its s o;i a-. i I had led my piri.Ki i i, I LjUiidedi i , . ! up ti e staircase. Ol tu v w-iv t" tnv stei threshold. Wim!'' .,! ret ;iru"d s s-i evirl.titii!! ' b ve vou i ''. 1 did n'c espect you f t an h ur or t'-v have rnj iyed yoarsel'." l-bop vou i.h i:a!.'r I t-ass- :ir- . . . . . . ir... , .n.. .1 . i . . . :.H..ti..i . . . . . . ... .. . ni.iit-i ni,i iiiiti lilt iiiiiiiuiii. 1.1 iittv I ..... . ... ........... .. ... f.i... I.... ... ....... . nr t i: k..:i i ;inr n.rir ninnin i. ir cu ui im'i-u oj:u im'iihii "I (iilfie With Vull 1 U'll t'bibil- r-; j iuc iciirxuuuic ui uic inn uiyuvm " ' "o'.' .u.w. ,... ,!. ,. .ri;.t ,.-,. ..( M .-.rir,. Ti.n . '. - ', . . Iprarcelv reachrs two hundred tallies! m.,.i.nnik.i hmjj ii... , I Knuri-.. I'll kb-k vour hpad utT"' u:;u 10 -iiii'jtr, :. saw m i 0:1 trie 1 . o, I have ti n, 1 wa understand e'njU'lte, if you sup- pose governess is to lie made an tip!:'1 ' ! felt A :d ruh to in v brow as I r.-p! e.i ' There ir" maay fa Net notions in s-o-iefy I am sjre Mrs. Cutbbert's ir-iv -rne-s is t he e pial to any one hi r-, sid assocb I regard h"r." Her f-i.'A erimsDiied, and for a time 1 1 here was r-i ce, which I broke hy sch id roi;m ?" -Is this " Yes " It !o iks very oo! and pliaraat. ii My I in V "I .tiijiji i?e Mrs Cwtiibi-n, would o' on tibiectioa." "I h"pe not," and wi;h ihese words I m tied to the table at which sb" was sitting. "D us thir. p -rt!"oli ) belonj ;o you?" irj-piired I, layiair my baud up u tbe article in fpe.-.tiou. She b wed a-si n:. a id i resumed : Shall I hive the pte.isure f e am'. nog P.s c !l ''Oriaii.Iy, S;.e was cal-;, j-r-ive a lit ijuiet; but o-u I d ew f nib tbe piciiin-s and w ';' i exp'iiiiiie, b-r r.-i ici-uce van-i-li-O. Il-r eye iii, her cbet k gl ied. t t-f I'jis thoS ' D'ibie I'p- ot uersj'iirtcd, and .-ho talked wob toe eoti'iU'ia'i-ii of gic fkeii'li'-s were iu'l-ed wo. at i lit I si::d : "It i.-. a h-i!i;e fir Vou, Tro lled .vo! ill your j geoius ftir patuiiug. to drud as a goveriit-.-s. Auniii the peculii.r .aiile fi tted over her fea ure.s as she muriiiu-ed: ibey e,..n, cot what the)- would.'' In t'le uf'ii r.oi'iu as I was loung ing oi a hisuri- us sofi i - tbe libra ry, ti.' d mr opened and Margu-.'ri'e a -;'sred, iiiit at a fight i.f m ,'he pri eioia i-ly ; '"i. . (1 "S;av ! siav I" cried I fallowing her. ". i, ii ), I c'lti it. I was 1 'Uelv, nr:d fume ifoiwn for a bonk " "Co.-ue a -id ljet it." With i-u-me rela 'taiee she re-euter-j ed and to-ik d nvu a spltii-liillv b itind j e-;py of Ta.-so from the shelf. 1 J L'l im-ed ut i and i-ai-1: "Whit do you reiid 1 a.-so;'' "A litile." -Ttien take a i-cat be.-iitle me, a-id ive will r-nd totft-lher." Sin- be.j-tn'1'd an instant and then a--eti!' d Tl.e liipiid Tuscan sound ed very ii-'jiitiru!, syllabled in her scceiils, aud ihe Sjidl wiib which the governess bound me deepened with every passing moment. A month were ;n, and one riiglit I .'lit in my chamber holding commu nion with my own heart. The lace I bad -ecu at the wiadovy ou my ar rival had seemed so pale, so calm, and so cul l ,had since a.-sttmcd every variety e l' exoressi ni. I irattio hither to j woo Uiauche, and: had fallen in love with the governess. 1 Yes, I was iu 1 ve at last. Marguer- iie bauntt-d all my sleeping aud walk big dreams-, I was niU'ing thus when I beard a Up at my door, and (,'u.b bert entered. "Well, a penny for your thought-1," be said. "1 am thinking," I replied, "bow mysterious a thing love is." "Yi'ii are in love then ? (Had of it 1 ''ivo V1'- ' I.lCr ue. tUmv, a bird that feeds applW rP4tfsw-ycttr-it--i, ,2 .tIi,'n'-cre bi i A f iiiu smi;.. pied over h.r fa?.- I "picoileVtbct.-ise'lves, ad ou- 'l I" she mutered, "vou can t ' :b,, As I glad of it. Blanche will be a hap-!a)' py womaa " 'Tis 'tis t.ot Blanche," 1 stam-j mtred, " 'tis not Biaiicbe my benrt bis chosen 1 love the governess " "The governess!" said Cuthbert ; "zouuds man, what do you meau . " "I hare laid buurt, fcand and f.jr- tune at her feet. Ir hs accepts u:a tbo wide U wbali c:jvv i:ibjdv 1 ui world." Cutbbcrt m?Ji:a'.cd awhii- ere rt Sained : 'Yi;u must 'to Vinctre, Vincent or you vvytild not inurry Marguerite." "dlnc'tire, (iod kuoWs 1 am." My host gu.ed at ine, and laughed a merry Iau 'b that rariir loud a:id I. mt 1 .' r-anz-h thi! -My dear fellow," be be-aa, "you uru tbo victim of a little rue. ..My lie ruri'.'. My sister-in-law has bad a mortal f-ir ot falbutr a prey to some f ortuue hmrer; and when you, on jour arrival, mis took her for th-i -;ovcriie-.s, sue cjtild ot ri-irft the tcmpiatioii to carry out . 1. ' . . . . I.. .L... l.T. .. .. iue imposiure. iu itu oil 01 a cm- 1 fab we had with bur ou the veraudaK sbj betrjjed ui 001. t uu l.ioeive you, ' au i wt; buaiored n --r whim, i'ie coaxed the co'tiia A'b was stayiu with us to a;:t the partwf lau heiress, a'id as 'be had titurbt the e'uliireu durio? the abpiieo ef ti.'eir Freueti trovernsss. ttiev were u'i iikei v to be j Da, :n. com-,' t'Tc and c ii.fe-.s !"' D.tar. dear. Ilichard. 1 know I c.t.i irti't Vuii." ' r!a-j..'iie in u'lft my ivifi; urd. j);-epiug over my ahoultii-r at iuy utAu u cup-, rhe bills foe :tll the w-rld s:ie bus never repeired ;&e .-iratigem it. at won i;iv love. Iho t'hitriiirro of lllinlostnii M my of ibu.-e i! i ho live iu lb.? t-Heuc" i jo pagoda: .arf.'i ui lea's far -.i-p:t -ri j tl.e pi es ! n if til t i iin u. Uiin-r- 11 .it: ui a 'i ' I ; illi-llt aa! niuiiv ethers who . i pi injure ! ' i .'it to v curiuii-i ;!.i"hit!)"'1i;i ,: ma . ' iiioi-.:i mid catali'p-y up-n t.l-e lir n.'ji.f.n :iial c one iuT..-s their wt'.y that I bve i.Iieit .vmide'el vli'h' tb braliai'iH with tbeir v- o:l: sc: lo-i.-i-.-: ti.ivy :itt nia.te gr.-a li.-eover ill.-nivcr- t'l-. L- iesiti the ipli'siioii wtii:1 t-f in Iv bi'""i agititifii !! ' ' ' i 0.. utit 1'iTi-i m w hi!.' I Had oib ' er w.-r-'-iii i cafA wi'h S:- V ks-ve'' i I (Miriit' fd'b'i-. doh icbv ' o htr '.dure 1 tee ciru-o-r In a !"".v ei, 't -e vs a i lea-; !Iii..i i afirttie fast' aim l tut.. with ai and bronzed e dor enter- I'll, Ti e'l, on ii.s ace,, aii:!-", ui"i. .i'.:j ; loidv n,r- ro-.Ied serpents of diff.-r-j ..nt;:zes. Af-er saluting u I. said: 1 aiiii. arm-", t ti : ir ' . e.,w lout n ya nave notDing out your TL.- serpents raised their be adsaid J p1'"- 1 ''le myself not Fatisficd l,bd !.;it tvith ,;!t sh.iA-;-.:- mv r.n.i with yo'ire.truses, and demand my ri-r. Then taking a vn'.ail. p"'e, i .r(j. I i:ui- j tntthed to a wick in bis hair, he .laced scarce!? audible s itiuds finer no- ot 'as tl.ey tr,u 'h?d the crouD'l thev j Wd about one-third of tin ir b idies, ,i ! to keep tini" to their mas .'-nnt.ed bis instrument and miide j tbi' he wa expected tn duty ' l-i -. with his hands overdo forth, did nor, help matters. ,u 'n of whom their were Mir i ip-l ' about ten, H "' ,h" m -,(-bra sprrirs ef In,li'1- His eyes as-inH-d at once a strange expr '-."S'on. We all fe't an tnd-linnl'le uriea.-ine-s. Rid R-vuh.tft tu-n awov our gsz tVoni -t':... At this in-iiti-at n. smaii 'horra. whose ba-tnesj was t. hau l Or in a senl! hnrirr f"r h-A.Vr, ci- t his inHiienee. liv Po vn shd f-'1! a'ler) Fire mitiii e- tloaen.l thus ami we felt, that if the! .Trt..lrit:rins were to continue few aeronds we sb told a'l fa'l asleep Chondor then I linking two more pos-rs over the sb.cra, - it : (live the commander sot.v fire." The r'"in; serpent r-o", and without tntterm?. came and offered (ire to its I mtS'er. It was p'tiehei!, pule d about, jtill there was no don''- of its being j nrtmllv a-derp. Xor w.mld it move :fro:n S M 'swell's l!e til! -inhred to d so bv tbe fakir. Wo tbn f.b-erveil tire, ' 'i't -r cobras Paralv'.ed bv mi'.jr'teiic ii.!lu"nce. tbev biv ni fiil' ltti.'th .Vu th' tfr-itlfld Oi mkiro- them un we f 'Otid them stiff as stirVs. Trey were i'i a stae c.iLinlete. r itufei.-.V. Tfo fakir hen ow-ikf-ed t'r.i'1,1. tb-V tben returned and roiled tr("nieK'es round ty,A Vdv. On a-k'tiC 'is il ri c.uS.l !.tike us feel ht inli'ienre, he made a few passes over our l-:s. ar.d iostnnllv we lo' the ti" cf these limbs ; we rou'.d not leave our sent 3 He released us as cn'dly ns he had pTIvze(1 ns. Cbonir-.r cbvse-1 hi seance bv experinvnting tio-vi hart-mate oh iPfts P.v mere pa-s-s with bis bard in tb di'cction of tiie i bj.-rr. t-i be nete-d upon, nnd without leaving his s"at. hepiiTeil and eTtin-.-ui-'ied light in the furthest part of the room, mov ed tbe furniture, including the divans upon which we s it, opened and Pli the d ors. Ca'chins siiht of a iin,l,io who was draivinur water from a lr(.ii ;n fl1(. n-drdirn, he mtnle a pass in that direction, and the rope sud denlv stopped in its de.-rent, resisting oil t!ie eff Tts of the a.-tonisbed g-.r- dener. With aiother pass the rope ajrain neseenile d. r tiiV.ut f'lioridor. ' Do vou : .in.iWihi. Mi,! means in ci tin? .; innnimita obrects that vou eh) ujiori IiviDg creatures ilo replied, 'T Lave only one means." '.'What is it?" "Tbe will. Man, who Is the result of ail intellectual and material force3, must dominate over all. Tbe brah man 9 i:a.w nothing fti-sides this " Franco Aim rii 'tn. "You'll never marry ngia,, ' 1- rt - on irriave so artrr J.iri. v as 11 twice you faia'eJ, or three times, at j tbe crave.1 "Bless y-r soul, Sary, il was tree time I fainted, an' de last time nel -her like to kuru to.' 'Ob, Susie, you'll ucbVr marry agin, will ye t?'' "Bless yo' sou!, Frank Dana ast me 'bout dU before mv husband died, J promised bim if be died I'd j have lit, 11, an' I woi.'t tell a !;e " ' ' ; Mrs. Brown tells her bushaad not to sit in his shirt nieeies, or be will catc, cold. 11. w cau a man sit iu bis shiit sle-evca? A Wnmnu Who liiln't Win. At the time wLea the first open court of law was established in Ilus- ie i sia, a lady dresned with the utmost elegance, waa walking on the Mos cow prownade, leanin;' upon licr j husband's armr aud lettiajr the loo? traio of ber droJ,s sweep the dast and dirt of the street. A yoiirj officer, eomiQ hastily from a side s'reet, was so careless ;as V c"ua t,u,J SI)U." ,a ,De ! " train, ann ia au lustaiii, a vrcat plaeo wa-Jtorn out of the costly, bu: frail foatenal of the dress. "I be? a thousaud pardons, mad- am," said the oiricer, with a polite I b )-.v, a'id then was about passing on, I i!iin Iin ti'nj fli.f 'linoil hv i.Km lArlvT husbind. "You hive insulted my wife." ''Noihinir was farther from my iu leniioa sir. Your wife's Iou dress is to Idime fir the accident, wLicb I sincerely regret, and I beg you onee u-'ire to accept my apologies fur any ear'tessiess on my pirt." I'hereup n ;e a'.terup'.td to i.-n. " Y.m) bull not. escape so," said the I'idy wi.h her i;ead thrown back iu a spirited wy. " i'o-d.iy is the lir?t time I have worn this dres, ain it rust two huu- drul rubies, which yon must ma good " "My dca-mudaine, I beg vou ot l . : i .. . i . ; to lit t iltj me I am otnigeil t. go on i duty at oeice As to the two hnu - i ii'tvi ruin." 1 reniiy cnuuoi u"io .1. I ...Ut I ... . . I I I I tie leng! H o; V.nir Uri"SS, vet 1 oeg .tl . . e I I your pareo i tur not being more cau- , ... ! "Whit an inaue demanti."' said ' y il l .l.l'l cl!f t i . t t ' it r. 1 1 til . .rt,-l t- (rk iin it u If 1 4 m .1 h in r i - - - "'--s jtous My wife is right; the dr.-ss; i iiiu-t be made rood." ! The ..P.; -cr grew pale. ; -'-ii f .nr.! me to break through i the ndi-s -f the service, and I tdjaSI ; .,.;) i re-'rtC I'0 P i!iirtjm"ut- . "Pavthetwo hundred rubles and t .i -.t r-i. r.-.-rt ' ' V. . ; . The pi;ckSy clanging color of tbe e.peoi-e of tbe ladv increased who to you oa tbc- .-reet. Yoti uii.-'.ake v"iin-r fdce ,w:raX,u w '"'jevery word until "it was bard to en-j vituperation aul abas,, tor a-gm"r.t. W!,P'1I'V llst,',,fi was; but step- forct. a3y approach to quiet, so thatjaodyou reply to a simple, plain jiio rio-i! up to thrm both, he Said, ! w:tli ajip.irent sen command: j 'You will renounce vour claiar . . , . t j WlK0 I.t-U. ort 1 aa,,.a- P,oorj8oo aspossii M;aD' ?'L tfts n,M 5,n to ,,?e 'l lm "I 0 j" 1 . , '7 tia rI .. il ittu l.tlt- n V. III' ol ." , .'.-..-'t tun iiiiij , in iuu htird tone of a thoroughly uafe-eling woman. "That is true-yro a tmbind added, dutiful "Hv good lurk nnen court ju't now is "That is true you are right," tbe dutifullv supportioe we have. the Bpssinn Iin with us 'W-re the judge and bo will de.-id- the nutter." AH f'irher protestation on tbe of poor and and Out Ufrrsoert to his uniform, and to avoid nn open scene, Le had to jro with them to tbe court room, where the ?nilorv was densely parked with u crowd fif people. Af'er wsitintr some time, the lady httd leave to hrinu her complaint. "Whit have vou to answer to this eoniioit ?'' id the .1 mitre, turning ti t, who seemed embarrass- ed an ' blf in despair. "On -ho vhrt, very little, As the a!l i'n'CS3 f'f tbe hour, and be:n? rr- rpil-ed ot dutv, eomnelled me to bur rv. T did not notice this ladv's train, which n-n 31'ro train ? on 'he errouod. T cenfrbe ore of mr ppnrs in it, and bq.l tbe mi-ifortntiB to tear the dress. Mdme wmib? not receive my ex ei)tp4 hn pprbaps now she mizbt find hrrse'f more disposed to forjrtve neca when T nin drclare, so help me 0"n that I commi'ted this awk wnrd blunder without any mischiev ous indention, and I earnestly beg thut oh will pnrdon me " murmnr ran thrnnirh the callery. oridentlv nkinT side with the d- fendni. nnd "trains? Ion? trains in p-nnprnl and tht lady in particular. Th indee railed to order, and ask ed nre vn antisfipi with the defend fii'i px:i'onnion ?" ne. 'I SRti--fied. I demand ttv hundred rubles in payment for he forn dress." "Defendant will you pay sum?" this! "I vpniiM bve raid it Ionsr before t'-is had T been in a position to do so. rnfortnnitelT T am poor. My par no n nffieer is all T have to live on "Yen hear.romplainant.that the rle feo'Innt. is not nble to par th um van demand of him. Do rnti still wi-h tbr romnlaint to s-and?" An unbroken silence rriirned throiio-hoi-.t- the hall, and the young rtffieep's breath rould be beard coming hard "I wish it to stand. The law shall L'irr me my rij-bts Titers ran throiuh the rows of people ft murmur d 'nation that sounded like a rishiug watrr. '('.iij'i'ler, corn plain ant. th.; consa- 1 uer,cri rf your demonil The do- 'eiid-iut ran" if punished only tbroush ! h. in- deprived of his wrsonal liber- y, and by that you could obtain no satisfaction, while to the defendant it laiirht prov, the greatest injury in his rack and position aa an officer who is poor and dependent upon bis pay. Do vou still insist upon youi complaint?" The course the affair was taking seemed to have become painful to the lady's husband. He spoke to hid wif-j urgently, font as could be seen bv the woy she held her bead and the energy with which sbu shook it, quite uselessly, luejuuge wus go ing lo tbe further consideration 01 tue case, when a loud . voice was beard from the audience: "1 will place tbo two hundred ru bles at the service of the defendant!" Then followed a, silence, during which a gentleman forced h's way through tie crowd and placed him self at the young officer' side. "Sir. I am the prince W , loud and beg you will oblige me by accept ii. g the loan of the two hundred ru bles in question " "Prince, 1 ain not worthy of jonr WHOLE NO. 1327. kiodness, for I don't koow if I toi!I ever be able to pay tha loan," an swered the youor man, ia a voire tremulous with emotion. "Take the rnonev at all events. I can wait until rou'are able in rwurn . J ... it." Thereupon the pru.c be!d out two notes ot a hundred rubles each, and coming close up to Liiu whimper ed a few words very sofily. There was a sudden lighting up of the nf- ticer's face. lie immediately to ik the two notes, and turn'ng towaril the lady, handed tbem lo Lit with a polite bow. "I hope niadame, you are satis fied." With a malicious smile sbe reecbed ont her hand for the money. -i "1 es; now I am satished Wifh a scornful Blauce over the court and spectators, she prepared to leave the court room on her husband's arm. "Stop, niadame," said the tfilcer, who had suddenly become like anoth er ma'i, with a firm and coufiduut manner. "What do you want?" The b.nk that the viunir wouiaa i ea!!t u,wn hiui was as msuJuair as nos'ible. . ... "(live me your address at:d I will e ?eml it to vou." i "On. mi" uiv dear madiDie. I am ia the hatdt cf taking ray i.urctia.-e al ! - . ot,ee. Favor me with the ihtss iin. ! moitia.iw " 1 J A sbout of approbatioi cama fr m ------ ! the u.lWv "Order!'" cried the ju'Ige. tne laay s nusoauu. -iy wne can- ! . . i l . te L . "? uui iiuurens neri-eu uere. ... haye D0,hw to do with v. u. ; Mir ;Q ,hid matter, but on'v w .th tt.e ! complainant, lie so good," Madame, j to give me my dress immedutel v ! I in uwat hiirrt- iut ..ffa r ..r 'l want my dress," he answered, ou;u oe a ru.e ot oranuea n:a:e;-i.'-with a sliirht but still o ibte bow. i n-rs and convicts, a (iovermens of i p.'-- -j i urgent, and 1 cannot wait a motretit louL'er .... , ..i - ..I ! i tie pleasure oi itie au nenre at in:; fiihpr nurtv ruiiiii b hf-tril nol aov more about it. I a-iii i.,,.rT .ml com ih ir,w. ibie." jesting. 1 tiemaud lrom "I can't undress myself bel. -re ail these people, aad eo home without anv dress on," said tb3 youu wo - man. with anger and tears. "You should have thought vi that sooner. Now you have no time t lose. Either give us '.he dre-s of your own accord, or " A nod that could not be misinterpreted hrctrght to the lady's side two oflicers of jus tice, who seemed about to taki! upt.ti themselves the office of ladv's maid "Take your money anti leave uiei my dress." j "On, no, madame: that dress is now worth more thaa two hundred j rubles to me." "How much do you ask for it ?" j "Two thousand rubles," said the j officer, firmly. j "I will pay the sum," the weeping ; husband responded, nror:uIv. "1 i have five hundred rubles. Oivu me pen and paper aad 1 will write an or der upon my banker 'or the remaiu-iag-aueen hundred." Alter he had written the draft the worthy pair withdrew, amidst bi---iutrs from the audience. O'-iery : Did tbe lady ever again let her train sweep the street? Ttie ioti si) leot I'oiuiini !;ruion- "There is one thing." said Mr. Leathbrby, as we were waikintrdown town yesterday morning, "that dia gusts me with politics, and that is the violent and abusive tone tu which our papers conduct th? discussion of every issue aad question which they touch upon." "Judetdyou may well be u.sgast ed by it." replied old Mr. Bartholo mew, who bad ju't joined him. "it is as much as a mau ran d to lift a newspaper off his door-siep with a pair of MDgs. Time and again I throw the paper down half read, and I have seriously thought of stepping il altogether, for 1 consider its pres ence iu my family a eotitamiuatioa." "It ts, iu irutu," replied -Mr. I.eatu- erbv, "it ts worse thau a cjutamin- 1 It is corrupt! mr ; it has a de- j grad;ug, brutalizing iullueuce that is. j convinced, uadermiuing the foundation of our moral structure. The press of to-day is uue great eu gioe t.f abuse, defamation, bad gram mar, rrse langua-re end worse mor als." "I cannot see, for iuy jiart," said Mr. Bartholomew, "why mea caaaot discuss politics as freely, as earnest- Iv. and as entirely free from acrimo - nious expression and fee!. mr. as purt - ly free from abusive language ot aov kind nr heat, atnl nn-er i fact, as they could du-cuss the grade cf a street or tbe style of a coat." "And so tbiuk l."said Mr. Leatb erby, "I eanDot for for my part coa- . j o-- ceive of an intellect so warped and narrow, 11 mind so shallow, that it cannot carry ou a discussion upon any uesliou in polities without fal ling lutotbe asperitieSjVulgarity, abu sive detraction, and shameful slander that is tbe reproach aud di-grace of the newspaper prtus." "It is a form of idiocy, 1 believe," rr til ied old Mr. it is an iudieation of a feeble ciiud that loots upon abuse as aa argument aud bully iug as logic. I am and always have been a Republican, but 1 caa express my disapproval of measures ia a gen tlemanly manner, aud if 1 bad not mind enough to keep my temper 1 would consider that 1 bad 110 right to talk politics." "Vou are perfectly correct, replied Mr. Leatberby, earnestly; "and, while we disagree ou some points in political controversy, I beiug a life long Democrat, jet we can freely and with mutual pleasure, and, I trust, profit, meet and discuss our differen ces iu a friendly way, without giving way to the iosaueaud detestable ex hibition of temper, ignorance aud prejudice which marks the tone, of the ivi,rn!n" rizr-nr beird, add ii, must sjeak bylJiy, de- j lianiy, and in tL tbund.'.- tone-? of i 1 U'hteous denuueidti.n to t3rt!e tbo ' i.. i...: ... . r .1 - ! "" r-i'."u si-iite 1,1 me pL-ril white threatens the coiidtrj troin Kepu'j'ican misrule and tyran ny." "I)y (ii-orge!'' shouted Mr. IJartho lomew, "the Ilfpubiican party "u the las-., the obiy balnark between the lie-public aud eternal ruia. 1 tell you, sir, oticu let the Democratic par ty obtain control of this Government, oace let the infamous organization cf political thieves, kuuck, outlaws and castaw avs take chargo ol our politi cal machinery, and we will find our- ! "elves m tte hands of a horde of the i m,t aO-iLmooea prenigates, luo most . . f, demoralized, unconsrioDab'e, diabolical ;-et of scoundrels that ever Ctr4;ta the gaiiows!" "liy the long horued ppoon!" ioar ed Mr. Leatberby. jerkiog bis arm a a ay iroiii Mr. liartnulomew's band, "if the tiian.c and internal pla33 of the llepublicaa party were carried out., with ail tbeir attendant kaavery and d;:i tucbery, this Oovcinmeat i ii. i i'i.- ij t i felons, a penal colony iu huh the i h ij-tlest!y irreclaimable, grarc- i i'-'s viilaiiia wouiu admioister the Maw. Tt,e ojA faith of the It ptii H- 1 i ; cau ptrtv, its Ii'uouiiqtoU'' rcc.-rd, l'.s j vicious teuduacies, have nnocktd the ! Chrtsitau world, and "luii re a urn. ' yei;ea .ur. Lirim l iiueA-, "and you are just like the rest of your besetted, lowlived, ig uoraiii c!a-"s a low, mean, pilitu', beggarly, uu.-crupulous and treacher ous set, impudence in asking for th-i votes of honorable men is only equaled by your rapacious and uubrioied irreed for oSiee, your " "You are an old fool!" bowled Mr. f.eatierby, "a reasorious, clamor jus, -corrii'jU', fotil-tongued old reu".b3ie, 1 Il.l. "uo i hi are hit came when I taik ueiueut of facts with mainaat and dtf-niiat ,ry i-iu,ader and caia.-ncy becaus" yi.u can't, answer." "?t;ul i;,!" ebrieked Mr. Uarihoio- me.v "i m't ?av another word j thai pick noes': ma.-s-meetin2' ! I -an 1 ''You're a a U:h'.iuif iiar, and vdu dufrn't take it up!" bowled Mr. IJarth I'l ii ie w, j.oiliog e ff his coat. JTliea Mr. Leatberby ran up and kictted hiin twice while be was strug gling ia the arms f fcis coat, font the old sreDtifcfaau. goi. loose, in a d-sh and hit Mr. Leatberby a resounding thwack ou the nose with hid cane, and, when Mr. Leatberby stopped to b'dd a r'-hitf over his bleeding proboscis, Mr. Bartholomew got in a conple m-:re real good ones wi-h his cane. Tbea Mr. Leatberby went for the nck ia the macadamized street. He fo.-vke two windows in a grocery before he hit Mr Bartholomew, when he caught the o!d gentleman on tbe tejcJ ar;'J dropped bira. Then Mr. Hirtboloniew took to the stone pile, ! ad hit a y juag Iauv on the other hi side ed' the street, aad Mr. Leatherhy hath d a ire !-ier:tious big reck, which ciissfd the old gectieman and black ened the eye i.f a policeman who was comiu-g to separate them, but wa3 so incensed that Le arrested the;n, and they were each flar d len dollars had costs for Saining ia th' street. And they both fiimlv believe that the un- j reasunable ret r iminatioLs and abuse 1 f the papers is iniquitous in its in iiii' tire, and shoti'd be supprssed for tee trend i-f Se cietv. J!"riih'f'.it Hm-li-;.'. SninH Fwi. Tt.R. advices nto, November 2 Official received at Ottawa confirm uQollioial reports to tbe effect thst the most, terrible outbreak of small pox ever known in the history the Ni-rthwest is desolating ti;nitic, am Icclaudie and ?Iennetiite seit.letr.eni of about 7, Oud souls on the t-ast sid of Lake Winnipeg. The deaths average lM) daily. No medical nieo are ou the spot, but the Manitoba (Jovernment is eudeaviiring to eti) d etors. The scourge is alo rjgiiig with tmilde fury ou tbe west side of the lake. Tbe Fort Alexander lu dia :s have been deciruated, ati-.i hua dreds nave died in settlenieut oa tfco 0 d Appe'le river. The Indians are Hee-ing sior.h toward tbe h. ucdary line. The fjr trade is slopped thtophotit the Ne'rihwestby order of the authorities. Florida. New York.. November Tt-e- ! 1 "'e 0;ii ltiH loliowinir speeial: J P.' or State Canxassixh ; Boaup, Tallahassee. Nov. 2'.) I hereby certify 't returus from all the e-ouaties of ta State, ex- !i!rtla;e county, were . this day opened by t' e Board of State Can-vas-ers, ami the vote for electors, as nflic ialiv aanotiaced from tbe face cf the rctarns in detail, aggregate as hi lows: Humphries received 2,32S, Fearer received 21.321, Lonff received 24,-Z2'-, lloiden recnived 24.32S, Young received 24.2S4, Ball received 24.2i, Ildtoa received 2 1.2S3, BulLck. le ceived 21,22. The first f ur are the Bepablicaa 'ar,d thc four he Hemocratie can 11 11 uitrs. Signed W. Lie, A. r. TiiORi-, Clerks of Boari). Neve r let a man imagine that he can pursue a good end by evil means without siuniag against his own soul. Aty other issue may be doubtful; theeffift 011 himself is certain. Ir is rumored tbat a promineaa Democratic candidate has gone into Bankruptcy because he gave several followers tickets, each "Good for one drink, rod they artfully made then read, "(Jood for one drunk." The liar is the devii'a uat friend moat i&L- - i i ... r ''1 had ii ; aticcd it n-.w:', iu .ilo Ihr,ih-F,'jr replied Mr. IJartbe l inie.v, with a show of waken;n,r in terest in the iMnviritiorj, "but when that trashy emocra'.icbec t that pol lutes tbo evening air ia brought tome by ruy neighbor, au ignorant d-Jt who can neither read nor write, but ukes the paper a? a party duty, to ra.1 for him, I am amazed thai the gods of truth aad decency do cot annihilate the infamoa?, puerile theet withtbeir thunderbolts. ' "You niuitbearia m'nd, however," rcjjioed Mr. Leatberby, speaking a trille louder than was neeessary in addre.-nir a eoiopani -m wb'i-e h.i'id waj resiiu on his ar.n, ' the hm t. vrnt lias tiieb a tidj "TrupU'o, such an avulaaehe uf policicil bigot ry and viilaiuT 4 nbtke, tLat it3 vo: e tiiut be raised in order to bo )evr 'J her ran tof iow ach 90 d de i'ht th ed tbe j ia r0 de ad II w d :d i e-