Newspaper Page Text
Ina the NevTork Commercial Adnrtiicr. PlviilM, Viafitt rail*. Oct. 8. To? will kir? nco by the frontier newspaper* oo both tides el tbe border, If not bf tho numerous handbill* Ktt? tered in ell directions, utbet aeveral (emleaeo," not in tbe least interested, end in tbe eeoet liberal meaner possible, " lately sssocisted for the purpose cf giving e treat to the ladtea and f entlo nen of tbe United State*, end of tbe provinces of Upper end Lover Cana ds." But do not tuppoae, food Mesa re. editors, because I happeo to be here Joat at tb>? time, that I came for en idle cariosity to witness tbe exhibit ion. Like ? great many other gentlemen from the provinces on both sidea ot the Niagara revuiet, I was called here upon pressing butines*; and being here, I must either abut my eyes, or tee the abow. The arrangements cootemplsted the blowing up o! a Urge projecting rock, near tbe Indian Ladder* el half past 12 o'clock, on Tuesday the 6th, the blowiag off ot a p*rt of Mrs Dawson's island, on the rasrgin of the Bitisb Fills, 1 o'clock, and the bursting off the outer Terrapin rock, at hair past I o'clock, on the mar gin of (he American Falls, near the icr* miaatioc ot the bridge which projects out of the serge of the precipice, from Goat Island, towards the Canadian shore. It was originally intended to have- made a atill greater blast, by throwing off near n quarter of an acre or tbe surface of Tablr Rock, immediately below where tbe large fragment fell some two years since. Tnere is a fissure of sixty or se venty feet long, by more than a hundred deep, which seems now si moat to sepa rate this immense block from the migh ty rampart o'er which it fearfully im pend*. And to tell the truth, from the rapid disintegration of tho shale st its bsse, it slres'y hangs but inaecurely, end thres'eos ere long, to tumble into the abyss by its own aprcific gravity. And it is feared some rash an?' inexpe rienceri young travellers may be stand ing upon its iuToaii?. at the time of its eepara'ton. unleas it sbouH chance to fall ?n he night, as others have fal'en before tt. Unrler these rircu stances, H . r >rsyth had de'ermmed t?? ti*ke off hit c?i? by an artificial earthquake, on *he 6 h ? But the colonial ?0*era m-nt hearing of this jvaject, and S'?" J >h;. Colburne fearing, perhaps, that he whole cataract might be blown up, and ? the upper lake* be let out to drown hi? j beau.iful capital of York. lcj*?ng ?he ] Welland ra.ial high so * dry, issued an i order at once 10 pretent the <-xp| -sion, ?D'< avert the di?-e r ??astrophe Th~ r? xt u trca " wa? to be the da accu oi !b<- aroo.>ni*r at three -Al /ck. j Punctually t-? the hour, the was tnwred J to the 'out oT Grand Islan *, and lef to j her own ^uid^nce. a few degrees n-^rin j north west of ?ne celebrate i cry of Ars? ! rat, fouoded by a threat tabtn of ancient . time*, bat the natneruus spires and tur* rets, and me frowning cities of *hich I cj ild not see, on account of the dense and oeautuul fores s with w? ich the i suburbs of the city were ornamented. ' This was a truly bcauti'ul apectaclc. j At fi s* the Superior looked tike a little j di.kspe' upon the wa'er, it. creasing in . size ts ?t *as borne down the current. ; The wi'ers abate the rapida wee as smooth as a sea ol glass, and the son Shane upou them as upon the sutfaceof a po'ishrd mirror. How deceitfu' the cs;m! A?ui here I might moralize, if I nad ticne. It w*s intended 'hat the schooner ihcuid be down the main cnanocl near 'he Canadian shore. : Her T^lo<"i!y beotne quicker as she j glided gr.ce'uiiy riwi/J, running like a you'S in the #:n ?-r.ih ea ol plejsire, to >?>?<t an* cena.n dc??rucurr>. By aftd by, her rj)iS>i were discerna^ie; and lh-u 'h* at^'ak.s upon her sides. Ar.d ti w she approathed ihe rapids. It was a mo men r?? brevhlcss m erest. N jw i she phin. *1 into the oreakfra, and w.;b { a Iwu ! r~t :sn . *.?y wont both mas s in j an irs-sni S "t was now lost ?n the surf; ji?' n't* again alio rose proudly upon 'he surge, and though dmnaoid, ' plrnged gallantly among ihe successive j b 'akers the noble war need in baide. B i her *:rugg!e was short. Sne ha! nn.ered the rapids at too great a distance from the snore; and wheeling I round in ?n eddy, broadside to ' he cur ten*, she s*ry<k upon a flat rork, about mtd^nv between fioa Island and the shore whrre ihe now lies, the hull en tir , *>.df!in/, defian' e to 'he impetuous torreu which comes dashing against and ru?t?i'ig oy he-. Tnu* closed the mem rane 6 not Ost Jber, 1829, >n the Ni fron- i?r_*ith ? premise wuch noh^dy beliesed would be perform- d, that Mr, Sa>nuel Patch, gon>. sh >uld leap 'i?e cataract on the day following, at 12 o'clock precisely. It was arranged 'bit he should leap from a ladder, erected at the loot of ihe precip?ce below Ooai Idaod, midway between the B'itisn and American falls. S>m came out from a cleft in the lock, drc*sed in white, and quickly ascendrd the ladder, amidst cheers ?o loud, that th^y wculd have been heard far abroad, had ?) n ? been f '?r the roaring of tha turbo1' n Niagara. A' length he reach* ed the pi'-ua' le, ? ?rre he aai for a mo ment it *c ? a ?ea gul? upon the corner of a cloud. N >w S<. ??re cbed himself to his full If' g b? f?-.w d js gra. efully as lie could to the g^miemeo? k as**1 hit biOd tp ibu aoitcr sex, aud made hit tearful lup. " What i Call vn that, my countrymen." Hi sank down tod dia ap pea rod in the whirling cauldroo. which closed upou and boiled over him. u Ho baa oaado as everlastiog leap," aaid an old man, wiping avaj a tear. It was now time to look about for the new mes senger to tho deep; and the boat plied briakly round the odd 7, to seize him by the crown as soon as be should rise to the surface. But Sam did'tn choose to fa tor them with his custom* aa he contin uod to scull himself ashore unperceived by any body, and the next vhat was seen efa him be was discovered clambering up the rocks like a soaked muskrati He waa received with hearty cheers, and the people all scampered home to dry their clothes and talk grandiloquently of the hero of the day. At our house, it | was voted nem eon. that Sam Patch ie but a scurvy name for tho boro who was j the first to leep the cascsde, and lsve in the besin of the Niagara, and thst hence* forward he aha!! be known by the more eppropriate cognomen of Samuel O'Ca. tab act, Esq. Africa* CoLONiavriO!*. ? It is now lurn; years since .he Central Association at Washington, aided by affiliated soci eties in many of the states, including se veral slave stste>, conceived and execu ted the plan of establishing a colon? on the coast of Africa, for the recep:?oo of such manumitted slaves or free blacks as might be sent thither. This colony, though asaailed bjr sickness aui war, haa nevertheless signally prospered; it i? now no longer a doubtfnl experiment. Toe annexed article from the Richmond Enquirer, proves that, in that region as elsewhere, the operations of this society are regarded with hope and wih com placency?and the address of tnr man agers of the colonisation S ?cie'y a' Ai bany show how much interest is fe ? :u j our own capital on the snbie - JT. Y. American. From the Richmond Enquirer. The American Col?n.zauon Society has eleven state auxi ianes. Th-J legis latures of eleven slates have publicly expressed their approbation of its plans, and of these eleven six are -uve state*. O ie slave stare has raad<- an annu*! ap. p opriation to aid the society. Among he emigrants recently sent out by the . society were ISO manumitted slaves. I At the close of !f*e year a passage was 1 ?ought for 200 sl?*v*s. and 2000 wora ( reaJy ?n J :lr '??t to be ac t fr?>m North ' Carol;- a. T' c ?ge?i? o' the S.ate Soci in Kentucky wives, " I a?n perfect- ] ly astonished a' the ardor with which | nun <>? nil rar.ks cn'er in<o the pans of | me tot e y In ,$."??ng round to receive , ?n -mbcr>, I .was informed oy many indi- i vtJuais that t were penectly ready ?o surrender their negroes at any tirno the society miglit he prepared to re ceive them." 1 Manufactured of ?hom. in a*o about Pittsburgh. Ha. U p ;n diligant inquny, we learn that there arr consumed annually, in tho ii( ter-'it foundries, rolling mills and steam engine factories, in and about Pittsburg, ?ix thousand tons of blooms, and five thousand tons of pig metal. Tnese ar ticles are brought principally down the Mo .ongihela and Alleghany rirci. List year considerable quantities were brought up from Ohio and Kentucky, ai.d contracts have lately been made for a lar^e quaati'y frotn Tennessee. The^e ire nine foundries, which use about 3 5 )0 *?>??-. of pig metal, and em ploy aoo it 225 nands. The rod.n^ mills are eight in num* her, and are now principally employed in roll'.ig J mi*. a bljoma.of thry use about 6 000 tons. Tbry alio con sume ah^ut 1.500 tons of pig metal, and employ about 320 hsnds. Tnereare nine nail factories, which manufacture daily about 1 4 tona of n<tils, and employ about 150 hand*. There ar- also seven steam engine factories, in which are employed about 210 hands. As yet but three steam en. gmrs ha?e been aent east of the moun tains, four or five to the northern lakes, and one to Mexico. Within one or two years past, tho casting of sugar kettles, sutfsr mills, and smsll %teatn engines to tfiive them, for the planters of Louisia na, has >ecome a very important branch of our manufacturing business, and ia increasing. In addition to the metal and blooms ab ve mentioned, a Urge quantity of bar iron ia brought to P tsburg from Juni ata. Pitfburg Gazette. Lusus Nature. ? Since the exhibi tion >1 me Siamese youths, accounts of similar prodigies have been published. The Massachusetts Journal publishes an ex ract from a manuscript letter of the celebrated L)r. Cotton Mather, ad. dressed to a member of the Royal Soci e*y of Ljt'don} from which it appears thtt two childrer. (daughters) were born in B istoo in 1713. which were ?? so uni te'! as to tfT?rd a shocking spee'acle.'* J They were in all poios, says the doctor, ?? two lu?ty rhildrcn, oniy 'rom near the tops of th'ir hieasts to the lower par's of their abdomens, they grew together in such a manner that without a destruc tloo to both it woul ' have >een impoasi ble o tiavo paned them. Tneir union 1 f r he w <le b -ad'h .?t ineir chest, and i ten head ? lay on the cheeks of each other, their arms in a mutual embrace ?f their bodies. Tbey died M iooq as | l toy vera born." Buffon's supplements (o Natural Hit- ' tory furnishes to account of ivio liiteri, ; bora at Txoni, Hungary, m the year 1701, who were united together />er let 1 rein a (at the hips ) They were called Helen ami Judith. Helen wis born throe boura before iudi b. The former was very tall and very dexterous; while Judith waa abort and a little humpback ed. They could oot see each other, ex cept by turning their head. Wnen in company, no difference was perceived from other women. Tnev agreed well and were very affectionate. At six "ears of age, Judith became palsied on the left side; and although shs was appa rently cured, there was always an im pression left, which occasioned her mind to be west aod heavy. On the contrary, Helen was handsome and lively, was rery intelligent and even witty. They had at the same time the small pox, and also the measles; but all other sickness or indupositiuns came at different peri ods. Judi'h was subject to cougb and fever, and Helen enjoyed good health. As they approsched the age of twenty two years, J?jdi?h took a fever, fell into a lethergf, *nd died on the 23.J Feb'u ary. Po#r Helen wss cumpolled to fol low oer. Turee mmuies oefore the death ot her sister, sue tell into an ag.? ny, and die*) almost at tho same mo ment. ^Vhirlwind ? I'.r O v>n.Ugo(New I Y h k)^? . ar \ .('JU'!) ? j itr:?fic whirl. ' ?v.?i 1 expcrten-ed an Fr 'if !;? S h ul 'im?, mine *r?!fr "art ;? <ha county: 11 Toe c'ay had '?rc-. \*arrn. <*?:h -how en iTrorn lamrd vt'1 i : rei . u I no"n, when a Iteivjr J-c*. !">ud -p peered ir ?ha north west. >?? .nci> -e *f;tdly. and ? - 1 attended wr.^ h"> uncommon roar. ! A* it approache j. ih - snui .i rr\s*rtuled, | | ut ihfi words of our .t, ?? I I j ids of erap'y barrets i.-iven fiercely over rough ground." i >e iircct?o.? of the whirl "in J (jy o?cr C'fH Lak~, the w.iurs of whrh were *stvcd in ? | I column tererai hundre-i feci aOov? the j i surfsc-., ?.?i carrieu to tho u;ipo?ne i 1 shore. T'ie w dtt? n which 'rce* sod ! fences w-are *ds a?ou*. fif en j rods, though .hf- -oos; corople;? de- j atruction effe .od >n *b'>yt o<:e ihir j i of mat spa.e in :ne centre. N nm?? { was left a -andiag hce. T' c .l?*<?i?in;? f houdc of M-. Cii->oa W'?a unfortuns e;y i situated wirhiu fits rin e, and a ?><? { | moment wnen fin s r i^k t<ie ro i; a? i cen'ied twj hu idr> d itet in o tne nr. . The whole nuilUing wi? co-nol<-te.y d ' tnol.-!icd. F'?i r person* w:r* in it, two I of ?.sci,)0^ wi'hou' ,r.ji. y ?? ;:iird | w-.s pr-cipi d*.ed through in fV> u o J the c?il?r. whitst Mr Cam>rn nj.> 4 .< j; ? broke; . A.ticles of cIo'htn< tr m ?.n?^ houie fell at the distance o* five mil- s, and shingles *>re c ?r led two miles ia' ther. I a forr? *ppars to h^ve been spoilt before e<rMo? Qirni?!u?." ' La Fatettbin r kk Jwitkb Stvtr-. ? \ to. y o. Mr L V>s *. ot*"\ ? has b- en r?"-c.*cd. I ? in two vol-. 8 ' vo. and i* spirr edif *% t ?t en. r ne tol- I lowmq interesting ?-x'ract is 'raoslj-ed. | ??General L-'jyet <?,'* *?y* he nir* , rator. ?' w s dailj n king prep ?rati-jri9 i lor tits return to Ej'opr, but before Icring the soil of A nrrira, he wa? anxious to revisit tome of hit ol 1 friends in Virginia, and especially, h* desire' to see hirn who, as CVel M?K,^lr3te? haH raco *e?J mm at he -*eji o' Gj? eminent, and who, now retrrd to pri? ?ate life, ro ttnurd tci give o his '.el.ow 1 \ citixms an examp e of every virtue, j [The# General ?nenn mtd his wiah io * Presidtnt Ad3m-*, wnn iforaedia'el? of. i fered to accomps.iv fiim >n t;?e vi?u, ' saying 'hit 'he woul < gladly avail ut * lUCh ?n occasion 'o go and off;r to ms . prC'ieces?or, hi* friba'el of rei;?eci and j attarhment.' Oi th* 6h ol \ug<M?t < accordingly, vrr *tar-ed t.jr O <nll, he residrnce of Mr. Monroe. 37 tnile* | from W*shiO?iofi. Mr. A la-ns tooit i the Gcnersl u ni? c?rria?re, toge her with Genrg- Lafa/eiift and ono of fna 4rienda; I ?.->ll ?wcd in a tilbury, with a son of itie Pr- aident? anil thu?, witnout | a suite or ?n eacort, we 1 1 ft the city. At tho bridge ^ver th^ P'/tomac, wo stopped to pay f ol:? .the tolUgatherer after couti'ing the number if persona and r.orscs, received from ihe Presidont the ium rnqoirrd, a id wont on, scarce ly, however, had we prorefded a few steps, when we heard behind us a voice ssyinK, 4 Mr. President, M' Prcn?dent, you hsve pari mo a smiling shor-'* and immediately the toll gatherer cam" run ning up w t'i the money in his hand, ex plaining how the mi? ak? ar?isr. Thi heard him attentively, went over thn calculation with him, and ad* ding that the man was right, pot hi? band out to pay him, whrri all at one* the toll gatherer recognized General Lilayttte io tbe carriage, and forthwith insisted upon returning the amount of his ton, siying, "All hridg<? a ? d all gates arc free to tho G ie?t uf 'he Na tion." Mr. Adams, howev-r, observed that, on this occasion, the General was not travelling ofFt tally, nor as the Guest of the Nation, but simoiy, as an individu al, and a friend olthe President? which character gav< him no till: to exemp tion. This reasoning struck the toll gatherer as |ust? ho took tho rroney and withdrew. Thu? during tho whole course of Ins travols in the United S'atet; the General wit oncc only tub joct to the custetnary tolls; and tbat w<i precisely on the occnuoo when he ?ii tccompaoied by the chief magistrate u( iho N?tioo,? a circumstance which, 10 any other country, would probably have insured hitn the privilege of ex emption." Fro-n the Ne# York Advertiser. RkT'?LUTIOVA** SoLDIKRS II IS 10 contemplation to in-morulizo me ensu ing Coogres* in fivor of such Non-Com missioned Officers and Soldiers ol the Aimy of the R volution, as enlisted for .hree ye^rs, served to the close of the war, and were honorably discharged, and who receive no pension*. With this view, it is expedient to as* certain their numb?*-. Wil aooc per son in each of the U nited State* volun teer in this service, and communicate the result as soon a* practicable to J<me? Fairlee, oaq. City Hall, New Y-?rk? Vne parties interested are most like ly to be found in the humbler walks of lile? Officers of the Revolution, and pal 'ionc rriiens, wiil tnereforc do well I to circulate (his notice: ? tueir patron age it solicited To the gool feeling* and liberality of the pros toward* 'hem. the old A' my are much indented, and by ? gratuitous insertion of this in their respective ps per*. Editors wid confer one inore la I vour (and it has much the appearance of being the last,) on a meritorious *? * r I tn-ii'i injured rennant of that army,' ?ho are ?bou' to ?sk of their country, no' charity but justice. ?NeTE. ? Claimants must be particu lar to put down tnoir whole time of ser vice, whether in one oir more campaigns and 'heir present places of residence, and pay their postaga. Co.. Ru??ell J jr vis of nose pulling J meno-v, ?nd whilome copartner wrh Gen Doff Green u? the U S. Tele L'.'apn, ii written and published is ma ny rs aix numbers to lei toe world know nut nc ?>as oeen m?nt scu'vily used by n's l?.e partner, whom he represent to nc a very ?iipncry fellow indeed. G'eene ha- TJi <!ient the wmle, hut dealt inck with great for -e some ot the lu^.trm wrh wh'ch he hid seen coin pi>m:>:ed hn ch-jaa He even wen ? 3 ls~ >? njj.'er vnn.r ing ku* ? >ug ? ? wmrh (he C'?lonel iti tit? tejo.r 'cr i teas e ) to t-i General. 'list <is he in enisl t<? vi?'* W . ?.nogi >n ve ry sh >rr!y ?no i!'i >e gUJ to see if the G ^eral wi? c?rv ??> * kiclii'v h-j m r. r ? this -be G?nera c^i.ed as f ?;| ?<??: ?* I have seen his let"r N ?. 6. in wVicb br ?a a, l'>st .ie wil! so >n l?r in vV tailing r*n, sod -ss?-s a desire know wheii>er I w.Mild i kick i n if ) i??-et bim in t**eatiee:. I a-n not auppriaed to bear it his in-ended visit I krv?* fnuuKii ot bs v mity ?o believe, 'hat he th nka pis a>iack u,>on me w.ll remove mi ooataeb-a u: ot 'he way o ii.s miisiot i" Htvrr or Par ? ? h.?? I n s . be to a?- i C?'t?in 'Kir de?ir- o k ck, a- mt% ?ive ?oe ff -ne of bia j * iriiev Ti?c;e -*re fine pennies an ibat even kicking wou d give ibem c >n?cq jeoce ** I'nij h rutv bs bwug as mustard or rajrc net bu* ai tnr nme time looks kind o* like clawing '.{J Perhaps the old fcon^ of C?p . VVaitle Came across tbo General's rotoo:-^'- When he kick ed M>ti Rowe, ashy, she kirked him again." Norfolk Herald. New Toik, Ortobcr 9. Ju"pj?il r. Dr.LiNqt'BNcr. ? On Wed no-dv ia*i, a merchant in I'earl street sent Ins apprentice, and intelligent lad, IB yars ij? age, to rh? Chemical Uank, w*? $500 which he was directed to de posr.e, an J a check lor $1000, which lie was offered to draw and ^ppljr lo the piyrnenr ul notes in other H*nks. Rut instead of :nn, he pockc'.ed $500 ? drew the $1000 aod pocke'ed that al so?and hat not since been heard of. He is (no son if respectable pa-cnts in N "-w Jersey. Uy this one act of vilainly, ' which cannot escape detection, he Has I blighted a fair reputation, a.>d entaded upon hiniaelf calamines as la ting as life. Let o'her young men lake war* I'ing f.oin his example. Swkahingkn. ? We do not approve of the pomp and parade which marked the execution ol Swoarin^en. As is usually the ca^e with malefactors, lie died a martyr, ?o use hts own language, u in peace with all the world, with his ' God, and with an unshaken hope of j a glorious resurrection." We trust he j did? 'I ho has made hit peace with of- . fended heaven, wc do not regret it. Hut | why announce it lo the gaping crowd, ? whom ?avaga curiosity gathered lo see \ ? hr dying struggles of a murdeier? Why teach them to holuve that the scaffold is a throne or honor, whete the spirit of the mslefacior mounts tu eternal beatitude! If the object of pun- , ishment be to prevent crime by the in- , fluence of example, that is not gained by tho corn on mode of execution. Crime i is commuted in secrtcy and silenrs ? in ' secrecy and silence let it be punished. , ?? III fated, unfortunate, deluded, un happy, S wearing er*l" Such are the epi thets applied by several editors to a man who first brr-ke the heart of an amia ble and unoffending wife by deserting her lor an abandoned wanton; and then filled up the meas*. r<; of bis depravity by shedding the blo'.d of tier whom he had ftworo to love, h .nor and proioci! De tection overlook the sttps of t rima, lie was arretted, tried, convicted, eeateu ccd, executed. Whet claim has suca depravity to our sympathies? \yh_ ebould we be called up. n to weep mourn because guilt has met its punish ment, end wantonness its doom? \\% ebould be taught to contetnplato the murderer with disgust and horror, not with morbid sensibility end unmaoly sympathy. The tenderness of our o?. ture should bo directed to the tick bed of suffering virthe ? to the distress of unfortunate innocence? it should n jt be watted upon him whom evil passion end corrupt feelings have impelled w, the murder of women'* happiness, of their lite. Therefore do we condemn the pomp and show, end exhibition of kind leelings which havo been lavished upon Swearingen, and on the closing scene of his guilty career. .V. V. Courier | RLS5IA AND URK.F.Y. We ha?e occn favoured, says >he Baltimore P.?trio?, the following eat rat t of a letter from Smyrna to ? gentleman of ttvs city, by wb'ch it wo ji,* appear thst the eastern b'.lligarenu ar: abou* to com ? 'o an adjustment. Smybka, 12th Kug. lv29_ C, P. it. Dkar Sin: A . K jgUsn brig has jm? cumc ?n, la three day* from Constant!. I nop e, having sailed on the 9 h ins:. A passenger reports mat the Sultan has ac. cepioJ the treaty of -.he 6. a July, 182?, I snd protocol ?.l M-rch last, with ccr.aio ' modifi cations not yet divulge vil the allied ministers, British and French, en gage t?? arrang" 'i?c affairs beiwceoTur4 k-y and the Russians. TheKussians con tinued at their posts near Artrianopla Thia newi may be depenjed on, we are told. St. Pe'.eraburg, Aug. 1?. Mohammed Mu>t?ptia. Pnr.ce ?he Afghani, a*rived hero on ihe fih .um Orcoburg. Tho Atghaoa ire j war* like Nomadc people, on ;he IroMi-ri of British InJia, are able to wring .. u( 20,000 ?neo into ihe fir id ?Since 1 8-6, the country hat been goser-.en >>y t*0 brother#, snos of T.mut who died 7 n May, 1793 <).?? of hem, Jar -Mohammed, rev >??? ? Pei?ehiwcr, and the uther. Purdel K.iar.. a: C-n<h bar, west of P^i*?-hasref. The ?? ? broth, rrs are kno?:? m ltdia aa d?s n.-j st?ei warnor*. A tnir<t b*other, D ? Mo h'-tnme K .*n, who resides ?t Cabjl, i wn excelled to I8;<?, oy .Q-. c i?o bru'Ht rsc A ^hans, well at their* hour i he R J .1 ol I.?bore, who lately had i*j \ ?ivassa'to * a Si. Hue >? buigb, j 1 1 -a ? to be tren<f* to Ru'? all. /?' raikfsrd Pafiert, .iug. 26. Tub H 4RTB T IK KWOLMID ? The following psrag'apb is nuppieo irw.y i London paper of the 4:n ol aeptear l?=r-. ? " We have travelled through ie*"i! hundred mile* of corn cuuotry the put ten daya, and have only ?s: two fields of wnrat which remain tu oe harveaied, an1 are rej >?ccd 'o fir.d that this crop is foo'h abundant and of gocni quality." Remarkable Evidence of the Change of Times.-? i ?? prrnons u?im qua?nt<d with toe manufacture of cotton In this country. it will afford socno idea of the a on a zing change that ha? ta ken j.'ace during tho last fit teen or sixteen jears, when we state tl?o f ?! ? lowing fact*: Cloth that, in kh* year* 1 8 1 3 ? 14, wai worth ?wo ?bil lings and ?c?cu pence per yard, <? now valued at eigh?p?nce half-p?nnj! and the wrarinj; of a particular qmn tity of the saoi* article which, to ib* years 1 ? 1 3 ? 14* coat the manufac turer eight aud twenty ahilling-* ?* now done for f>ur and six p? nce or five shilling*! With theae facts be? fore us, who can wonder at the no fortanate condition of thr p>?r wa ver? 1 ah don Paper. North-Carolina llililc Society TRKSfJLVKD, i hat ihe friend. of the Bible cioae throughout the a'ate, especially drlegaiea from Ihe Hiblr Societies within fl"! ?tale, be invited to meet in general eon**" lion, on Wnlne'ilay the IH'h day of Vovem her neat, in the city of Haleicb, for thr pur pose of deviling efficient me*?ures for ftir? n. siting, within a given time, > lie- whole ?Ute Willi an adequate supply oi lliblrs. 1 be managers were lead to the ?doptjor> of tl>e foregoing resolution, at the recurs' ol ? neighbouring Hible Society, und sis" in e"n srqneoce of a fnmmunica'ion received from the N a>c r i can llible Society on the same wb ject. lly order of the Tlosrd, J. GALES, Seer ft **y 0;tober 9. 0-'"" NOTICE. i virtue of a deed of Irnst, exreuted bv Naihaniel J. Palmer for certain purpose therein mentioned, I ahall proceed to sell, f?J caah, >o the highest bidder, brfore th? court house in Hillsborough, en Monday the 53ddiy ; oi November neat, ihe house and lot belong j ?ng to Nathaniel J. Calmer, together with iW building lately removed therefrom. Kdmuiid vStrudwick, Tnut? October 'JO. 01?4* WANTED. AS an annrontice to the Prinlmjl a lad fmeen or aiateen veora of ag?'? muat bring good racoinmenuatioos. Inquire at ?hi? ftsjitoinbar I.