OCR Interpretation

Carolina watchman. [volume] (Salisbury, N.C.) 1871-1937, January 17, 1905, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026488/1905-01-17/ed-1/seq-5/

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Local News Items.
^"If ycu should receive a sam
ple copy of The Watchman, it is
an invitation to you to become a
subscriber. $1 per year.
John W. Glover, who has been
traveling in the South for some
time with a Ferris wheel, has re
turned home for a stay of several
S J. Shuping expects to >pen a
jewelry store in Salisbury soon.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pinkman,
who will have charge of Salis
bury’s new hotel, have been busy
for the last few days arranging
the furniture, fittrng up the rooms
anq apartments with the intention
of having the hotel ready for
guests within a few days. As stat
ed bef re no name has yet been se
lected and we understand Mr.
Pinkman proposes a gift to the
f-rk** u t* uumu uuau 13 CL
At a meeting of the stock hold
ers of the Davis & Wiley bank,
held last week, the following di
rectors wrere elected: T. F. Kluttz,
Hon. L. S. Overman, W. L.
Kluttz, W. M. Wiley, 0. D. Dav
is, P. B. Beard, T. C. Linn, and
E. B. C, Hambley. The directors
then elected the following offic
ers : T. F. Kluttz, president; E.
B. C. Hambley, vice-president:
O. D. Davis, cashier; J. M. Mc
Corkle, teller; John W. Davis and
J. M. Davis, book-keepers. A
semi-annual dividen of 5 per cent,
was declared and $3,000 were car
ried to the surplus fund which
now amounts to $35,000. This
adeed to their capital, $60,000,
gives you an idea of the banks re
Information has just 1 een re
ceived here of the death of James
H. Sloan, who left here several
years ago, having joined the Uni
ted States army and served a year
or more in the Philippines. He
returned and located at Oakland,
Cal., where he recently died. Mr.
was a native of this county, and a
relative of theSloans of Millbridge.
He conducten a wood yard here
just before leaving.
In a note received from J. D.
Ketchie, a young man of this
county who is teaching school near
Mazeppa, Iredell county, he says
things are moving along nicely,
that he has about 75 pupils on his
roll and that he now has the ser
vices of an assistant teacher.
Miss Alice Pearson, for many
yeats a resident of Salisbury, was
stricken with paralysis in Char
lotte last Wednesday morning.
She was taken to a hospital for
J. M. Peacock and D. C. Brad
shaw, left for Florida yesterday.
Mr. Peacock has considerable tim
ber interests there.
Aurthur E. Davis, of Salisbury
and Jacob Haynes, of Philadel
phia, are preparing to a lumher
business at denton, Davidson
The old National Hotel, chang
ed ownesB yesterday, R. Harris, of
Danville, Va., being the purshas
er, and the consideration wag
$21,000. Mr. Harris expects to
considerably improve the build
ing. It is now occupied by Gor
man and Green., Mrs. Barker, W.
S. Nicolson, A. B. Goodman and
An effort will be made to-mor
row evening to orgrnize choral
club at the home of Mrs. W. H.
D. L. Leftwich, an entertainer
of some note, will give one of his
entertainments in the Sunday
room of the Baptist church on the
evening of January 25th.
Mrs. Jane Wright, Mother-in
law of R. M. Pendleton, is quite
ill at Mr. Pendleton’s home Mrs.
Wright is about 80 years of age
and hope of her recovery is very
Rev. R L. Bame, who was in
the fruit aud produce' business
here laBt year, but now in business
in Mooresvill, was in the city on
business Monday,
P. B. Beard, who, as stated J
some time ago had resigned his {
position as traveling salesman for i
Peasley, Gaubert & Co., has been |
induced by his old firm to make
another trip, which will keep him
on the road until about Maarch
Lonnie Harrison is the head clerk
at the Mt. Vernon hotel under the
new manrgement.
Early Saturday morning George
Jenkins, who lives near the Morth
Side Mill, was awakened by a man
who nae opened the window of his
bed room and was preparing to
anten. Mr. Jenkins picked up a
shot gun and fired at the fleeing
form, but with aut results.
Another of the city’s fine hors
es, Lucy, valuen at $3,50, died
Saturday morning. It is said
this animals deith was caused by
grief. It was some ot five or six
months ago when her mate, Frank
died and she has been very despoil- I
dent ever since.
T. Edgar Johnson, the poparlar
ticket agent fcr the Southern Rail
way here, who has been at tne
Whitehead-Stokes sanitorium for
eome time ender treatment, has
been moved to his home and his
health is rapidly returning,
A little daughter of Lit Lipe,
at tenant on the farm of C. J.
Lipe, was recently bittenby a dog
thought to have been mad. The
dog belonged to the family and
left immediately after having bit
ten the chiid. Mr. Lipe took the
child to Charlotte where a mad
stone was applied and adhered for
more than an hour.
A. B. Saleeby, Salisbury’s lead
ing confectioner, is making ar
rangements to have a bakery ad- i
ded to his caud kitchen. Mr. Sa
leeby’s ylans rre to build an ad
detion to his present quarters, in
which he will conduct his bakery,
Mr. Saleeby expects to have a
moeern equipped bakery in every
way and the capacity thereof will
be sufficient not only to supply
Salisbury but neighboring towns
J. M. Proctor, who is engaged ^
in farming and mining near Gold (
Knob, this county, left for Phil- ,
adelphia yesterday in behalf of ^
his mining busines.
Dr. J. Rumple, who has been \
ill for several weeks at Red
Springs, wish his daughter, Mrs.
Vardell, is still in a serious coudi- ;
tion and his recovery is not ex- i
pected. I
Phillip Sowers, a prominent '
farmer of Rowan county, was ;
painfully injured Saturdyy after
noon in a Darticuliar manner. 1
Mr. Sowers is some eighty odd !
years of age but physiccally of
UUUHIUtJi SI>lClJgLll« Vf uno
carrying a large stone he stumb
led and fell and tee stone struck
him pn his chest from the effects
of which he suffered considerably
for several hours. It is said Mr.
Sowers has never hada physician
to attend him.
Has Stood the Test 25 Years
The old, original Grove’s Taste
less Chill Tonic. You kuow what
you are taking. It is iron and qui
nine in a tasteless form. No cure,
no pay. 50c.
■ - - - - o •
John H, Gorman of the firm of
Gorman & Green, spent several
days in Marion last week looking
after the purchase of a jewelry
store there, If this firm secures
the Marion business, it will be
branch house No. 2 as they have
one at Spencer.
The Diamond Cure,
The latest news from Paris is,
that they have discovered a dia
mond cure for consumption. If
you fear consumption or pneu
monia, it will, however, be best
for you to take that great remedy
mentioned by W. T. McGee, of
Vanleer, Tenn. “I had a cough,
for fourteen years. Nothing help
ed me, until I took Dr. King’s
5 New Discovery for Consumption,
* Coughs and Colds, which gave in
| stant relief, and effected a perma
; neut cure.” Unequalled quick
: cure, for Throat and Lung Trouble.
* At all Druggist’s; price 50c and
g $1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle
i free.
I In a
8 Railroad Wreck
1 Several Trunks
i Shoe Drumer’s Samples
I were thrown on the
I hands of the Railroad
1 Company and bought
I in by us—
| They will be put on
1 Sale at this store
I at about 75 cents on
I the dollar of their real
Salisbury Store
4A7 North
*mm i riain St. New Building
1 You are a Level Header
Man, Sir!
You have just proven it. You and your friends
and neighbors.
In fact, this community has shown once more
and for good tnat they know a good tiling when
0 they see it and know how to show their apprecia
0 tion of it.
/I On December 23, just think of it. The SPOT
0 * CASH STOKE waited on 1550 people as indicate
0 ed by our registers. For the 6 days or one week
0 before Christinas we waited on 4593 customers.
0 And for the month of December, 26 days, we
0 reached the total 8750 customers. Now ail this
0 indicates just two things, namely: That you
0 know a good thing when yon see it, and that we
0 introduce the goods and the prices.
T® Oh yes, It is value for the money down that
Tfc catches the careful buyer.
0 We wish you a happy and prosperous New Year
0 and shall do our part to make it so.
V %?
0 Your True Friend, »/
J 0
0 The Dollar Stretcher and 5 and 10 Cent Stores. ||(
0 Where C. S. Minor holds ’em down. ^
1A Merry Christinas I
t Is our Wish to All. S
# #:>
a This is our busy season and everybody's on the
lookout for a present to make some one happy. J
A few suggestions may assist you in your seleo 9
tions: We have the best line of Table Linen and •
2 Napkins in Town, a pretty line of hand drawn •
2 Linen, Center Pieces, Tray Covers, Small Side-* 91
# Table Cloths, Handsome line of all Linen Towells, #
® the prettiest line of ladie’s Linen Handkerchiefs A
to be seen. a
5 Beautiful Sofa Top Pillows. %
2 A splendid line of Umbrellas, bothGladies’ and •
2 gents. Dress suit cases and leather bags, Ladies’ •
2 wrist bags, ladies’ silk hose, ladies’ long kid and •
9 silk gloves. Big line of Dress Silks. 9
i k ii of mi ion mid h. :
A Burs in ail the new things for ladies and chil- %
X dren. Our Isabella Fox Sets and Single Boas and J
Stoles cannot be equaled-in;, town. _JCome see and •
'Jr be convinced. "* 9
2 . •
"Rl O* T.inG of Four-in-hand Ties. •
# -DAB (^nt Kid Gloves. f'
H ^
£ Don’t fail to see our line of furs. ’
m When you read this ad don’t wait a ‘minute, 2
2 come at once. We are having a big rush on 2
Christmas Groods. We can show the goods that ®
® make happy hearts. £
® Yours for business, • 9
\ix \it/ ' M/ \*/ \g/ Mi/ MU/ Mir Nil/ \i/ ^
3 , , - ,
\» lhe RUSH of Christmas is over, and as it is now [)
^ more quiet in business circles, we have more time to P
nj devote to the OPTICAL business. /
(* Remember that EYE SIGHT is PRICELESS, and *
*jj it is imperative that they should have the BEST of £
\i attention and care. \
/ We have a nice Optical Parlor, and have the latest ^
'x and most approved instrument for examination of the £
( eye, arid for the fitting of glasses to them. *
^ If your eyes are troubling you, do not put it off, but »
\ come to us today. Examination FREE, and we sell )
the glasses at a reasonable price. Satisfaction Guar-> £
* anteed. V
® Leading Jewelers and Opticians, L
K /f\7f\7f\7f\^^TJ7f\’7f\7f\yW\7W\7f\7fv7f\V
There is no larger or belter stock of Chairs in J
the State than can be found in this store. vVe W
9 have good chairs cheap, better chairs cheap and the very £
9 best at reasonable prices. We have ornamental chairs and A
^ chairs for good hard service. ^

^ Our Chinaware Department is hard to J
a beat. Our Dinner and Toilet Sets are
'~g splendid specimens of the decorators art
2 and the potters best efforts. Prices to suit
© every one. Come in and look us over.

© ——= ====== =
S Dealing in Furniture is oua main line. It is our aim to
furnish all with comforts for the home, but our list of at
X tractions is too long for enumeration, so you are invited to
© call and give us the pleasure of showing you our stock.
© We also deal in Coffins and Caskets and do embalming.
© Yours to serve,

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