OCR Interpretation

Carolina watchman. [volume] (Salisbury, N.C.) 1871-1937, July 06, 1934, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026488/1934-07-06/ed-1/seq-5/

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Sunday Night Storm
Does Much Damage
\ terrific wind, rain and elec
,rlC storm here Sunday night abouj
7.50 o’clock did large damage to
Salisbury and vicinity.
Lightning struck the Park
/\v.nue Methodist churfch where
9 voting people’s meeting was in
progress, and after tearing away
a section of the roof, ripped
through the auditorium and to the
basement, rendering unconscious
Misses Helen Hall and Maxine
p0b\. Both were revived in, a
short time.
The homes of J. W. Kesler of
,his city, D. Li Parker of Spencer,
l \V. Crowell of East Spencer,
and 1. B. Beck of near the city
ucrc struck, chimneys being dam
ped and sections of the roof be
'n.. ruined, but no persons were
hurt Numerous trees were struck
-nj broken by the lightning and
Crops' were badly washed in
some sections, and tall corn was
blown down, but, as a whole, the
were beneficial as crops
needed a soaking rain. The total
rainfall was 2.10 inches, or more
than fell during the entire month
of June.
Lightning ran in on a switch at
the Kluniac cotton mill, sparks
lumped from the connection and
Ignited cotton. The sprinkler sys
tem. flooded the place, and water,
running into the basement damaged
ravon stored there to an estimated
extent of $8,000. A barn on C. A.
Goodman’s place in Steele town
sh,P was burned, but horses arid
mules were *ived.
J* Everest, district manager
of the Southern Public Utilities
company here, narrowly escaped
death ^ by electrocution while at
tempting to warn others of dan
gers following the shattering of an
electric light pole by lightning.
While near Woodleaf, Mr. Ever
est heard and saw lightning crash
into a key pole and shatter it,
throwing high voltage wires across
the road behind him. He turned
his car sol that it would block the
highway, left lights burning as a
warning, and started towards the
other end of the danger zone to
establish warning signals for any
one who might come alone the
road. ,
By aid of his flashlight, he not
ed the wires on the ground and
thought he had all accounted for.
As he was proceeding along, his
head bumped into another wire
sagging from some poles brought
down by the falling wires, a hole
was burned into his hat. he was
stunned for a few moments, and
slight burns suffered on the ear
and neck.
He fell away from the wire,
which carried 4,400 volts, and
soon regained his senses, with no
more harm being suffered.
Tar Heels
Drink Beer
Raleigh— Thirsty Tar Heels
quaffed 45.101,875 10-ounce mugs
i cf beer during the fiscal year end
ed June 5 0. or an average of 14
mugs for each man, woman and
child in the state.
These figures were based on
* gallonage computed from state
revenue receipts of $340,991
gained from the $3 tax on each
; 1 -gallon barrel of the beverage
and on the state’s 1932 popula
tion of approximately 3,200,000
Dividing the total tax collec
tions by S3 shows that Notth
Carolina consumed 113,664 31
galicn barrels or 3,523,584 gal
lons of beer in the 12-month
p-.riod. The total gallonage equals
-51.108.752 ounces.
The cent-per-bottle tax on beer
' not included in these figures.
Maxwell Rules On
Slot Machine Law
Owners or operators of slot ma
tnines have no kick against the
^ate of North Carolna, even
tnough the state has licensed such
machines, if they are seized as il
legal gambling devices, Commissi
oner of Revenue A. J. Maxwell
states, citing a portion of the re
venue act, as fojlows:
Lpon application being made
Jor a license to operate any machine
or apparatus under this section, the
commissioner of revenue is hereby
authorized to presume that the
operation of such machine or apH
paratus is lawful, and when a state
' cense has been issued for the op
eration thereof, the sum paid for
such state licence shall not be re
minded, notwithstanding that the
operation of such machine or ap
paratus shall afterwards be prohib
"She Walked Into His Parlor”—
i 'V Gripping Story of a Modern
-'Usiness Girl’s Struggle fori True
^'e—Begins in The American
x eekly, the magazine which comes
T|ull 8 with the BALTIMORE
;0ur copy from your favorite
newsboy or newsdealer
Black-Draught Good
For Biliousness and
Bad Taste in Mouth
T-w1 ha!e f°und Thedford’s Black
s° good for biliousness,
n the mouth and other
r^w?Sble feeIin«s du® to const!
of ‘ writes Mrs. Mary Gamer,
fT’ TeXaS‘ ‘‘My ™ther
we rtri a number of years and
iheriL n<>t -hmk there Is a better
saw Rv^' 1 Was pleased when I
verti£eri pr °f Black-Draught ad
to my child861111 f°r ^ and gave 14
colds^and (as a laxative> tor
they felt fhen they Wt bad- So°n
Bl^k-nl, ^ ' • • Thedford's
— and Rvrt8ht f°r the ^wn folks
Funeral services were held Sun
day afternoon at 4 o’clock at Stal
lings Memorial Baptist church for
Thomas S. Bridges. 5 8. who died
early Saturday morning at a local
hospital after a brief illness. The
widow. Mrs. Mollie Bridges, and
two children, Mrs. Izola Clark of
St. Petersbu»g. Fa., and Flarvey
Bridges, of this city survive, also
several brothers and sisters.
Walter F. Shepherd, 44, who
lived on Route 3, died Monday
morning at his home. About six
months ago he fell while at work
for the Southern Railway, spent a ■
number of weeks at the hospital
and was then taken home.
The funeral services were held
Monday afternoon at 5 o’clock at
the home. The widow, Mrs. Ithal
Shepherd, two sons and a daughter
survive, Frank, Hugh Harrel and
Patty Kathleen, all at home.
Word has been received here of
the death in Washington, D. C.. of
George A. Jackson, native of the
Gold Hill section of this county
and who was formerly engaged in
business here. The funeral was
held in Washington and the body
was taken to Richmond, Va., for
burial Monday morning. He died
last Saturday night.
Among the survivors are a half
brother. Rufus Troutman of Salis
bury; a sister, Mrs. Kate Horah of
High Point. He was an uncle of
M . L. Jackson, Jr., Mrs. W.
B. Raney and Mrs. Clyde Bias, all
of this city
Funeral services were held Mon
day morning at Union Lutheran
church for Miss Laura Boger. life
long resident of the Union com
munity, who died Saturday night
at a Raleigh hospital.
She was the daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Boger of
the Union section and is survived
by a brother, John Boger, with
whom she lived, and a sister, Mrs.
jW A. Agnfcr of the county.
Peter J. Cress, 79, widely-known
Rowan farmer who was famed'for
the many national contests he won
for growing corn, died at his home
near China Grove Saturday night.
Funeral services were held Wed
nesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock
at the Mt. Zion Reformed church
in China Grove with burial in the
Greonlawn cemetery there.
Known a$ "Uncle Peter,” Mr.
Cress was born on the farm he oc
cupied all of his life. Ffis pro
gressiveness as a farmer was great
ly known, particularly in growing
Corn, and in 1925 he and his son,
J. Frank Cress, won first prize in
the International Corn show in
Chicago for the 10 best ears. The <
work they did in improving the ,
strain of Shoaf’s prolific” ;
brought widespread comniendation.
WASHINGTON . . . Maj.-Gen.
Benjamin D. Foulois (above), chief
of the Army Air Corps, proposes to
tight to the last ditch his removal as
recommended by the House Com
mittee on charges of “dishonest, in
_"ill "-eoss misconduct.”
HATTIE B. SMITH, Plaintiff
CARL G. SMITH, Defendant
The defendant Carl G. Smith
wi{l take notice that an action en
titled as above has been commenc
ed in the Superior Court of Rowan
County, North Carolina for the
purpose of obtaining an absolute
divorce upon the grounds of the
statutory period of separation and
that he is required to appear before
the Clerk of the Superior Court of
said county in the courthouse in
Salisbury. N. C. on the 28th day of
July, 1934, or within thirty days
thereafter and answer or demur to
the complaint filed by the plain
tiff or the relief herein prayed for
will bo granted.
Dated this July 2, 1934.
Clerk of the Superior Court of
Rowan County.
Woodson & Woodson, Attorneys.
July 6—27.
Pursuant to the laws of the
State of North Carolina, as con
tained in Consolidated Statutes
1931 and Amendments thereto, the
undersigned, Raney-Cline Motor
Company, will offer for saTE at
the Garage of Raney-Cline Motor
Company, 331 South Main Street,
Salisbury, North* Carolina, oij
SATURDAY, JULY 21st, 1934,
AT 12 O’CLOCK, NOON, the
following described personal prop
One 1930 Chevrolet Sedan,
Serial No. 8AD 14866;
Mcttor No. 1698428
The above sale bein'g in order to
satisfy the storage charge of $120,
00 due on said automobile, same
having been stored in July 1932 by
the Police Department of Salisbury,
North Carolina, the owners of said
automobile unknown.
This the 2nd day of July, 1934.
Ffudson & Hudson, Attorneys.
July 6—20.
Pursuant to the laws of the
State of North Carolina, as con
tained in Consolidaed Statutes 1931
and Amendments thereto, the un
dersigned, Salisbury Ignition and
Battery Service, will offer for sale
at the Salisbury Ignition and Bat
tery Service, 122 West Fisher St.,
Salisbury, North Carolina, on
SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1934, at
12 O’CLOCK, NOON, the fol
lowing described personal proper
One 1929 Studebaker-Erskine
Sedan, Serial Nol 5013378.
The above sale being in order to
satisfy the storage charge of $60.00
due os said automobile, same hav
ing been stored in July by the Po
lice Department of Salisbury,
North Carolina, the owners of said
automobile unknown.
This the 2nd day of July, 1934.
Huffman & Burke, Attorneys.
July 6—20.
Having qualified as Administra
tors of the estate of J. S. Camp
bell, deceased, this is to notify all
persons having claims against the
said decedent to file an itemized,
verified statement of same with
the undersigned on or before the
8 th doy of July, 1935, or this no
tice will be pleaded in bar of their
recovery. Persons indebted to
said estate are notified to make
prompt settlement.
This July 5, 1934.
CAMPBELL, Administrators of th?
estate of J. S. Campbell, deceased
R. Lee Wright, Attorney.
July 6—Aug. 10.
Washington—Joseph H. Chcate,
Jr., looking back on the reborn
liquor industry’s first half year
under goverment supervision, found
the crying need to be social ost
racism of the bootlegger.
"The greatest weapon against
him is public opinion,” said the
director of the alcohol control ad
"During prohibition people
thought that in buyng liquor they
werte sustaining a man who was
fighting a law they thought tyran
nical—niow that is all out. It
takes public opinion some time to
grow, and if public opinion once
gets around to the point where a
man’s friends frown on him for
buying from the bootlegger, we
shall get on fast.
"I think we should mobilize the
profit motive of the legitimate in
dustry against the illegitimate.
Insead of doing anything to drive
a legitimate man out of business
and make it hard for him, I think
we should encourage him, because
he will give the service that the
bootlegger lives by doing.
"He will have a direct personal
interest in finding the bootlegger
and getting him suppressed by the
authorities and he will have a di
rect personal interest in getting his
prices down and his quality up so
as to beat the bootlegger.”
Unemployment Less
New York—Unemployed work
ers in the United States in May
numbered 7,899,000, a decrease of
6 per cent from the preceding
month and 40.2 per cent under the
peak month of March, 1933, the
national industrial! conference
board estimated.
It is not always easy to get la
borers who really labor, but you
can always hire pay drawers.
Checks Malaria in 3 days, Colds
first day, Headaches or Neuralgia
in 30 minutes.
Fine Laxative and Tonic
Most Speedy Remedies Known.
The people who think that ad
vertising adds to the cost of goods
should tell us who pays the in
terest on non-advertised goods
that don’t sell.
After putting inflammable re
fuse in a basement or shed where it
is a fire hazard, some folks think
they have done a great job of clean
ing up
The disarmament movement does
not seem to make any particular
progress over ir* Europe, but any
way the women have discarded
their broomsticks and rolling pins.
The locality that won’t keep re
pairing the little holes that come in
the roads, is apt to be the same one
that has to borrow money for
thorough road reconstruction.
i How to Live to Be 100. Free
dom fA>m Childhood Ailments
During First Fifteen Years May
Settle How Long You Will Live.
Latest Findings of Secience Reveal
ed in The American1 Weekly, the
magazine which comes on July 8
AMERICAN. Buy your copy
from your favorite newsboy or
£! EASY TUG-O'-WAR: With their new 80-horsepower
;£ Chevrolets to do the tugging and a U. S. Royal tire
tread of triple-tempered rubber to stand the strain,
these bathing beauties have found the easy way to
:£; stage a tug-o’-war. L. to R.: Patricia Martin, Mary
•£ Chaffee, Margaret Kaiser, Phyllis Knowles.
An exciting moment in
the Camera-Baer fight
as Camera “hits the.
resin" for the eleventh fc
time. Immediately after
this Referee Donnovan J
stopped the fight, declar- &
ing Baer the winner with |
a technical K O in the |
eleventh round. "
S DISASTER! Photo shows one of the
g huge motors, twisted and mangled,
“after the crash of the passenger airliner
< in the Catskill Mountains, New York,'
* in which seven people were killed._\ '
•‘HAVE A BITE o' my bread and Jam,”x says Mary Lou
to Lanny Ross. “I don't care if I do/' says he, “seeing
that you made the Jam yourself.” These celebrated
radio sweethearts are heard now on a unique Friday
afternoon program—Maria's Certo Matinee—in addition
to their weekly, Thursday evening program.
ZIEGFELD FOLLIES GIRLS drink their beer from half
'gallon bottles: The old custom of selling beer in half
gallon or "picnic" bottles, which originated along the *
Mississippi river back tn the "gay nineties" seems to be
again gaining favor as evidenced in the above illustra- i
tion. Beer sold in this type bottle is not pasteurized and ?
therefore, the same as draught beer. Note the compara- I
tive size of tho two as shown in the inset.
Heat with Coke . . the clean efficient fuel j i
Featuring The Latest Improved I
■Hutfuiinf Electric Ranges! |
• Latest # Lower • New • Longer I
Models Prices Features Terms I
Now Only
And You Have
Months to Pay
Liberal Allowance For Old Stove!
We are determined that every home shall have the opportunity to
own a genuine modern Automatic Electric Range. We are offering
the lowest prices, longest terms and more new features than we I
have ever been able to offer. There is no necessity for you to deny
yourself all the pleasures and economies of Electric cookery when it
is available to you for less than 10c a day. Come in and see the
new models and let us explain this most sensational offer.
Southern Public Utilities Co.
PHONE 1900 j
I Radio Program—WSOC 11:45 A. M. Mon.-Wed.—WBT 11:45 A. M. Tues.-Thurs.-Fri. I
Ride the street cars and avoid the parking nuisance I
A Genuine
Full Porcelain
For Less Than

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