Newspaper Page Text
v TSiht forest gfjroMifnn. WEDNESDAY MORNING, Al'G. 28, J8J2. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Purge 3 . Wilf Aim. Vonnrilmett T. J. Vim Olrsnn, MHp W. Tnto, 1). W. Cliirk. P. O, Convor, W. I". Mcrrllllott, I.. I,. llnrkrtt. Jimticrs of the J'enceW. P. Morcilllott, P. S. Knox. Vunstalilr J. N.ToltHWordi. Nchonl IHrectnrn .1. Wlnnim, .T. A. Tnln, J. A. Proper, Jacob Blirivor, M. V. Tato, H. U. Irwin. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. President .TitditcW. P. Jenks. Associate Judges J. A. 1'noi-nn, Al- fcllKW t'OOK. MerifTK. T,. Pavi. . Jhstrict AtlorneiV. IV. MASOn. Treasurer H. Kktlkv. Prothonotary, Register it Recorder , Ae. 3. It. Aonbw. (bmrnwrniiMH-IlKWJ. F.t.MOTT, JacoD Mkhcii.i.iott, T. I). CoI.MNJI. ' fb?r.i Superintendent H. V. KonnEn. Jiru 'Omim'Mione'a UuonoH Hiuaixs, W. Pattkuson. Vnunty fiurvetor S.T. Inwix. OironW Johiah Winans. tfotijif.V Auditors Kl.l Uoi.KMAir, W.M. Clark,' T. It. Conn. Member o Congress 10fA urtrfct 0. W. BcoFiKi.n, Assembly 3. D. I.awson. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. I. O. 0. F. A meeting of thoso interested will be held at Good Templars Hall, on Thurs day evening of this week, 28th inst. A full attendance is desired, ns this will be the last meeting before the in stitution of the lodge. J.'N. Tictsworth haa moved into his new house. It is not quite finished yet, but probably will be before win ter. The Printers' B. B. C. of Clarion were beaten by tho Lightfoots of Jkookville, on Saturday Inst, by a score of 58 to 40. I. Ililbronuer, senior partficr of the firm of Ililbrouner & Co. of Phil ndclphia, is in town at present looking after his interests here. Rev. Burton will preach in the M. K. Church next Snbbath, morning mid .(veiling. He delivers his fare well sermon in tho evening. At last nccouuts Mr. Kepler's we.ll up Hunter's Kun was going soven barrels per day, aud had been pump ing at that rate for about four weeks. By an efTurt which was initiated by the liberality of James Green, Kstj., the Sunday School at East Hickory liave secured a nice, new library worth nbout$10. Dr. Winans is putting up a very neat fence in front of bis residence on Kim St. We believe it will be, when finished, about the most nrtutically gotten up fence in Tionesta. Rev. J. A. Hume desires to return ji lhauks to Mr. Vni. Hooker, of Jfewlown, who kindly raised the bal ance of bis claim upon that place. I lis entire salary will bo paid. The Independent Democrat has been enlarged to six columns, and Mr. T. W. Wont, formerly foreman, has taken charge of the local department. "We winh the Democrat financial sue few. Wilier Jamieson is pumping a well on G. Jaiuiesons place, which yields about two barrels per day. If the price of oil comes up to $5 per barrel, he will make a good thing of it. 'The Oil City Register agaiu as sumes a neutral standpoint. The sup port of Greeley and Brown probably did not add as much to the finances of that paper as was fondly hoped by ,the editor. A game oHall was played here on Saturday last between mixed nines of ihe White Pines and Blue Stockings. F. Wenk, Ililands, Dunn and Ilutton played in the White Pines, and Kelly and Bush iu the Blue Stockings. The Bluo Stockings were beaten 42 to 20. Wo understand that the roads from hero to Tylersburg Is again in a fearful condition, and furthermore, if -work is not commenced on them forth with the parties whose business it is to attend to them will be prosecuted. ''A word to tho wise." . ; -Mr. Shortt, Republican candidate for Assemblyman from Warren lias challenged Mr. Green, Democratic candidate for the same office to meet . him in tho various school houses of couufy to tell their grievances to the public. We have not heard whether or not Mr. Green will accept. About twenty Democrats and three Republicans formed a Greeley club at Faguudus the other night, and ''shook bauds across the bloody chasm." The meeting was secret, and was held jn a' building formerly occupied by ('Patch Joe," the barber, who vacated it because it was too small fur his business. After the meeting a gentlo uiau oflered to bet a member curren cy that the majority of tho officers would vote for Grant, Tho bvt was not accepted, Wo notice the following item in tho Oil City Derrick : A Tionesta lady recently presented her lord and master with tlireo bonds of "our mutual love." The poor in nn now talks of forming a producer's league to stop over-production. And tho following from the Titus ville Sunduy Newt: A chap at Tionesta has to get his feet checked wheu ho travels on tho the railroad, and even then is compell ed to rido iu the baggngo car. In answer to tho first slander we remark that tho bonds of "our mutual love" in Tionesta never come in quali ties ; one "bond" at a time being tho rulo, which lias never been swerved from since our acquaintance with Tio nesta. Secondly : There is no chap in or about Tionesta whose feet approximate tho size of BIoss' lips, or smell as bad as his breath. Aud now just because we are build a bridge, a largo hotel, several private residences, and assuming city airs, wo do Rot believe that this is any excuse for editors of papers in towns of less im portance to csnggcrato our "produc tion," or (he size of our citizens' feet. If wo hear any more of it we will send our fighting editor to Oil City and Titusville to make bloody chasms of the editors' mouths for them to shake hands across. Re-Union of tho 83d Pa. Reg't. The third re-union of the survivors of tli is regiment will take place at Waterford, Erie county, on tho 10th of September. Re-unions of the 111th, 145th and 150th are expected to be held at the same time and place. Ar rangements have been made for a grand picnic, procession, speeches &c. The 44th New York Reg't lfhve been invited to participate, aud several members of that regiment will un doubtedly he on hand. We look for a general turnout of the members of Co. G. from this section. Gens. Meade, FiU John Torter, McClellan, Butter- field, Gov. Joshua Chamberlin of Maine, and Gov. Geary of Pa., have been iuvited to be present' and make addresses ou the occasion. This will undoubtedly be the best re-union the regiment has ever had, and we would advise all member of tho regiment iu this section to try and attend. A grand military ball in the evening will close tho exercises. PICNIC AT EAST HICKORY. Hie M. E. Sunday School at East Hickory hold a Picnic in the grove near tho Church ou Ust Thursday. At 11 o'clock tho call to order was made by S. W. Burrows, tho President of tho Day. Short speeches were then made by C. R. Middleton, N. P. Wheeler and Rev. J. A. Hume. The school was then arranged around the tables and after a blessing being pro nounced by Rev. Hume a simultane ous attack was made by all upon the rich repast befoie them. Pie, . cake, sandwiches, green corn, (cooked of course,) apples, candy, lemonade &c, rapidly disappeared and there was enough and to spare. Tho School sang several pieces, led by Miss A. Wheeler, who is now visit ing her brother, and Miss Lizzie Kerr, and then sang Old Hundred and were dismissed with the Benediction. Great credit is due to the Committee of Ar rangements, Messrs. O. Winner, N. P. Wheeler and S. W. Burrows. All were pleased, and went home, feeling that it was good to have been there. An accident happened at Reek's Mill at Ross Run, on Friday last which came near costing Michael Brecht his life. He was skidding logs with a couple of mules, on the side of a hill, when a tree above him fell and slid down, knocking one of tho mules down, hurting him severely and strik ing Mr. Brecht on the hip. He was severely bruised, but fortuuately none of his limbs wore broken. It was a large tree, and it is remarkable how he escaped with his life. Mr. Osgood, who was so severely hurt near the same place a few weeks ago, is improv ing and is likely to get well. Although we have had considera ble rain during tho past spring and summer, the wells which went dry last summer have never fully recovered from their drying up at thattimo. We hear complaints of the same kiud from eeveral parts of the country. Benj. May and wife, of JJorris twon, formerly of this place, were in town last week, an a visit at Mr. II. II. May's. Mr. May is looking hear ty and is warmly greeted by all who were ftequaiuted with hiui when he lived bore. Grove & Wolcott do not yet thrqw up tho sponge. They are sink ing another well opposite Truukey villo about 100 rods farther up the hill. They deserve a good wcl for their pluck, Tho "White Pines" of this place and tho "Printers" of Clarion will play a match game at Tylersburg, on Saturday, September 7lh, if the weath er proves favorable. There will prob ably bo quite a number of fpectators from this place. Messrs. G. A. Needle & Co. of Tidioute are talking of again starling up the Journal us a daily. We hope the citizens of Tidioute and vicinity will give it a hearty support, and put the chances of another suspension en tirely out of the range of probabili ties. Tho Senecas of Oil City, who won the 1st premium at the Baso Ball con test at Stoneboro recently, played a game with the Enteiprise club of Brady's Bend on Saturday last, de feating them by a scoro of 35 to 20. The Derrick says the Senecas did not let themselves out on this occasion. Trains commenced running regu larly over the Dunkirk & Warren R. R. on Monday last. We have now a straight road to Buffalo from this point, and do not doubt but Buffalo whole sale dealers will appreciate the im portaocc of canvassing along the line of the O. C. & A. R. R. Ry. There is a club of 97 members, of straight Democrats in Corry who re fuse to support Greeley and ask for a straight Democratic nomination. We believe they will get it. There is a similar club of seventy-oue Democrats in Westfield, N. Y. Tho September Number of Peters' Musical Monthly, price 30 cents, con tains the following music, worth in sheet-form, 83.40: Futher of All, sacred song ; Lay me where my mother's Sleeping; Little Dan, song and chorus; Coronation Song, duet or chorus; Merry Insects Flying, duet, English or German ; Lovo Chase Galop, four hands; School Girl's Waltz; Willie's Seholtichc ; Laugh ing Wave Mazurka. Mr. Peters. offers to send July, August, and September numbers, post-paid, for 75 cents, or the nine back number for 1872 for $2. Address, J. L. Peters, 599 Broadway, N. Y. The Aldine for September is a re markably meritorious number, both as regards its artistic and literary at tractions. We feel justified in pro nouncing this one of the most remark able issues of this most remarkable of all periodicals. The poetry and liter ature is as fresh and crisp as ever. For interest and ornament it will havo no rival, when, at the closo of the year, it is bound and laid upon the parlor or library table it will indeed be a royal volume. Subscription (includ ing Oil Chromo), $5.00. James Sut ton & Co., Publishers, 58 Maiden Lune, New York. Harper's Magazine for September is to hand. The following is the list of conteuts : The City of the Sea, with fourteen illustrations; Epitaphs; The Mountains, V., with twelve illustra tions ; Motlier Miclmud, with one illus tration ; Round by Propeller, with twelve illustrations; The Story of a Miniature ; Political Characteristics of the Modern Greeks ; The Golden Lion of Granpere, with thiee illustrations; Edgar Allen Poe, with ;hreo illustra tions, Old Kensington, with two illus trations; Lovers; The Republican Movement in Europe, fourth paper; My Lady Leopard ; Recollections of an old Stager, II. ; Press Management uuder the Empire ; Improvisations, II.; A Simpleton; Love's Home; Editor's Easy Chair; Editor's Literary Rec ord; Editor's Scientific Record; Ed itor's Historical Record; Editor's Drawer. Harper Bros., New York, . We always keep our stock full and complete in the follow ing goods : Dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, tinware, glassware, stoneware, drugs, and patent medicines. We also have a Tailoring Department, where you always find a full assortment of clothes and cassimcres, which we make up to order in the most fashionable styles. Call and cxamhio our goods, styles and prices. We keep the Singer Improved Fam ily Sewing Machine for sale at less than agent's prices. Singer's Sewing Machines take the precedence overall other machines; this compauy having sold over 50,000 more than any other make during last year, and 2,427 out of 2,944 furnished to the sufferers in Chicago were Singer machines each person choosing their own machine. Also the Universal Clothes Wringer, the List, most durable aud serviceable iu use. Call and see us; our room is limited, but we have the goods and will think it up trouble to ehow them. 20 Sui'tniou Lvmhek Co. Just received from Superior Mill Store, a lot of Drugs, Tobuccos, Cigars, Tinware, Tubs and a full assortment of good that oro kept in a grocery store, which we offer for sulo ut our Tionesta store. SlTUUOK Ll'MtlKli Cl. I HOW TO GO WEST. This is an enquiry which every one should have truthfully answered before he starts on his journey, and a little care taken in examination of Routes will in many cases save much trouble, time and money. Tho "C. B. & Q. RR.," running from Chicago, through Galcsburg to Bur lington, and the "I. B. & W. Route," mulling from Indianapolis, through Bloomington to Burlington, havo achieved a splendid reputation in the last two years as the leading Passen ger Routes to tho West. At Burling ton they connect with the B. & M. Ii. R. and form the great Burlington Route, which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebraska and Kan sas, with closo connections to Califor nia and the Territories; and passen gers starting from Tionesta, on their way westward, cannot do better than to take the Burlington Route. This Line has published a pamphlet called "How to go West," w hich con tains much valuable information; a large correct map of the Great West, which can be obtained free of charge by addressing the General Passenger Agent B. &. M. R. R., Burlington, Iowa. For Sale. To closo an estate, two tracts of land of about 2000" acres, situated on Millstone Creek, Forest County. Heavily timbered, mainly hemlock, valuable for the bark, and supposed by good judges to bo good oil territory. Map with particulars at this office. "Bilious." If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, despondent, have frequent Headache, mouth tastes badly in morning, irregu lar appetite and tongue coated, you are suffering from Torpid Liver or Biliousness. In many cases of "Liver Complaint" only a part of these symp toms aro experienced. As a remedy for all such coses, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery haa no equal, as it effects perfect euros, leaving the liver strengthened and healthy. Sold by all first-class druggists. 592. Notice Estray. Camo to the premises of the sub scriber, iu Washington twp., Clarion Co., Pa., July 22d, a Brindle Cow, with white f peck led face ; about 12 or 13 years old. Has had a calf since she caine. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, or Blie will be sold according to law. Address JosErii Harmon, 19-3t. Lickingville, Pa. Attention. All thoso knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned, by book accouut, will please call and settle im mediately. Many may not be able to pay, but all are able to settle. I mean business. J. Wixans. Tionesta, July, 20, 1872. Closing out sale of Hummer Dress Goods at a great reduction. We offer a large stock of Summer Dress Goods, consisting of White Goods, Percales, Lawns, French Ginghams, &c., Src, at cost. Those wishing to purchase any goods in this line will do well to take advantage of our very liberal-offer A good investment to purchase these goods for next year. Call early w hile the stock is full aud fresh. Also, a full line of Japanese silks at greatly reduced prices. SUPERIOR LUMUER CO. STORE. A first class quality of Carpet Yarn nlwnys on burnt ut Superior Lumber Co Storo. 8 Table and pqrkct cutlery, always alurge stock on hands mid fur oule hcup at the Superior Lumber Co. Store. 8 Tty our liberal offer to tho Jiubiic through tho columns of tho Foukkt Hk publican, we have haJ a very lively trade in books for a week. AVe will uontinuo ourolforthroo wooksoulyiuirsoiisOiHirliif( to avuil theuisrlvos of this opportunity to furnish their Libraries with sclent reading at lower prices than they will have soon again, should cull Immediately. A first class suit of clothos made to or der, fit Kurauteeri, a good assort incnt of Cassimeres, Cloths and Trimbles, always on hand, at tho Suporior Lumber Co. Store. g A largo assortment of tho latest novel ties iu Men's, Ladios' and Children's boots hikI shoes, at tho Superior Lumber Co. Store. 8 Iteady mado clothing and fients fur nishing goods for ovorybody at bottom prices, at the Suporior Lumber Co. Storo. 8 Tho Singor, the universal family and tailoring machine, witli all its parts aud fixtures for sale at tho Superior LuinW Co. Storo. 8 Purchasers always keep in mind wo liavo less expense an 1 therefore can sell goods for less profit than any other sioro in town. Surmtiou Lummku Co. Stohk. 8 A large assortment of Miscellaneous Literature for salo at cost to reduce the stock. Also a largo assortment of School liooks kept constantly on hand ut tho Su porior Lumber Co, Storo. 8 --Cottonadc. Jeans, Flannels, Linen fioods, Tickings, Tahlo Linens, Ladies Dross Goods, blown and bloodied Shoot- ingsund bhirtings, Hoop Kkirta, and all kinds of goods usually kept in a country dry josls stoi, ut tho lowest prices, ut the Sujierior Lumber Co. Sk.ra. U Now good I New goiwls jusl arrived, a full assortment of spring and summer goods, at tho Superior Lunil cr Co, Story. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. KEEP THEM AND THOU ! SHALT MAKE MONEY. ! Thou Nlinlt Iiavr tin other place to buy Iry Ooods than nt tho N'oro of Ililbrou ner fc Co., Wuter Street, Tionesta, 1'a. II Thou sbnlt not choose to thyself any oth er llrv Goods merchants ; thou shalt not bow down to them nor listen to their tales, for Ililbronuer ,fc Co. are reliable dealers, nnd espablo of serving their customers to tho third and fourth generations. Ill . Thou shalt seek In vain for a good qual ity of Dry Goods, Clothing, nnd Gents' 1'urnlshing fioods elsewhere: for vorilv they can bo found in largo quantities lit iiiiuronner c in, s. IV Tliou sbalt benr in mind tint upon six days in tho week, thou canst mukn thv purchases at tho Dry Goods Storo of 1 1 1 lironner it Co. j but'iipon tho seventh day the proprietors and Lew, tho man of the tape, desire rest from their labors. V Thou shalt honor tho Dry Goods Store of Ililbronuer it Co., nnd thy days shall lie long in me laii'i to enjoy mo u nits inerooi. VI Thoi shalt not noinm it nny outrageous imnronriet v bv foolishly lmrohaslinr thv Dry Goods nnd Clothing elsewhere; but po directly to liilbronner it Co., who will givo you a superior article. VII Thou shalt seek no oilier Dry Goods Store, trying to suit thyself in Drv Goods, Clothing, Fancy Goods, Ca nets, ilatsnnri Caps, becauso you can sn!t yourself better and cheaper ut Ililbronuer iV Co. s than nny place else. VIII Thou shalt not steal fr in the Dry Goods Store of liilbronner it Co.. lor Ihev sell goods so cheap that a felony would b'o tho greater sin. IX Thou shalt not bear falso witness, but horestlv acknowledtro that thou eant-t iret n better nslicleof Drv Goods at Ililbronuer it Co. s than any place elso in tho city. X Thou shalt, not covet thy neighbor's gooos nor ms nargains nut take counsel i f tho wise uiul lirocced straightway to tha nrv noons more ot ji niiioniier v Co. Water Street, Tionesta, l'n. 20 If. Aug. 21, 1ST2. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OP PENNSYLVA NIA. Joint resolution proposing nil amendment to tho Cunstilutiou of l'ennsy Ivania. De it ennetcd by the Neuute mill Uouxe of RejtreHCHtutivca of the Ctimmiinueiiltli uf J'euitHtletiuiti in Mineral Anninlili met, That the following amendment of the Con stitution of this Commonwealth bo pro posed to tho people for Ihheir adoption or rejection, pursuant to the provisions ol tlio tenth article thereof, to-wil ; AM FND.MKNT: Strike out tho sixth section of tho sixth article of tho Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof the following; "A State Treas urer shall bo chosen by tho qualified elec tors of tho State, at such tiinesand for such term of servico as sliull bo ineseribod by law," J WILLIAM KLLIOTT, Speaker of tho House of licpiocnlativcs. JAMKSS. Jtt'TAN. Speaker of ihe Senate. Ai'i"novi:n Tho twenty-second day ot March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred uud sevoiily-lwo. JOHN W. tiK.MlY. Prepared and certificated for publication pursuant to tho Tenth Article of the Con stitution. FKANCIM JOKDAN, Secretary of the Cominoiiwoallh. Olllee Secretary of Ihe Commonwealth, Harrisburg, Juno limb, 11 1. THE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. IF YOU WANT a perfect lit and a good articloof Hoots and Shoes, of tho finest workmanship, go to ii. i.. MK'ixt'irs, Si) CF.NTKK ST'llUICT, OIL CITY, PA. Sutisf.vctiou cuar.nitcid. '.' i If. Ji ' rS v 'A l, o- O iii o 'h a c O x H HI H S 8 p H C a to ZH cj W m ft 0 a 8 o 2 -- W k, s a O P cj 1 9 ? I 53 o- OQ A -3 M o HWja ILBRONNER & A HI". CLOSING out (In ir Till 1 winter iV stock of goods nt gieat'y reduced prices to imiko room lor a F?t3t TTTG-STOGK. Now is the time to get goods of all kind", cheaper than ever. S c have now on hand .lew) Irv lio.xes, V"i'Uinir Uoxes, Handkerchief ltoxcs, .M usieal Albums, timbre .tileries, L:ee I iooils, 1 Innmcd and Stitched I iankereliiel's, Lai c llainlki rehiels, While Nubias, all sizes, ninck and While l'riii'jcs, Gold and Mixed Heads, Jewe lry of nil kinds, '1 bread and I'oint e Collars, Zcphrvs of id I colors, lionnanlown. Yarns, New Corsets, Nimv S ylo, Hustles, I loopskil Is, I'lulerwear for Ladies, liii bons, silk and 'ashniero Scarfs, (ileal Inducements by purchasing HANDKERCHIEFS EY THE EOX. GKSTLKMAN'fl LINEN AND LN DKKWIOAI!. Largest and best assorted stock of goods for Men's Wear in this section, which WE MAKE TO ORDER in tho most approved style. No Ut no salo. A FULL LINK OK GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, always on hnnd. A lino and well selected stock of American & Imported Watches. LADIESOPKIIA, LF.ONTIN1'., AND KUCK CHAINS, nrtACKLKTH, LOCK UTS, MINOS, G JO NTS GOLD AND SILVIOlt VEST CHAINS, STERLING SILVER AND PLATED WAKE, Hats and Cups selling ni cost. B OOTf? AND SIIOEC LATEST STYLES V?, R E A D Y-M A D 13 CLOTH I N G, ns cheap as can bo bought in Pa. Xvw Infantry SoUUcr Coats at $'2. Valises, Carpet Sucls, Satchel.!, Tlunls, Ac., always on huwl. Carpets, Brussels, Ingrain, Hemp, nnd all kinds. WALL VAVER,. CURTAINS AC, FOlt SALE CHEAP. I. HILCRONNER & CO. -to tr ALT. EXT. OR. cllRUDlSUUESOf TW THROAXUJNGS.UVER & BLGGS In tha wonderful medicine to which tho Afflict ed aro abovo pointed fur relief, (ho discoverer hclievos ho has combined in harmony more ol Nature' inoit ovfroiua curative jinuiurtu-i, Which God hns Instilled Into tUe vegetable king dom for heal ini; the ficlc, than were ever before combined lu one medic i no. The evidence of thia fact In found In tha treat variety of moct obti nate dleimea which it lmt been found to conquer. In the cure of Hro m-btlU, Severo C'oiiffht and tho early buuck ol Consump tion, U had at mile bed the medical faculty, and eminent physicians prouotiuce It the e,nateit medical dlacovery of the ae. While il cure the evorei't tlouijhi, it strengthen the pytem and purine the blood. Hy It grtat and thor ough blood purifying properties, it curt all Humor, from tho wort Scrofula to common UlotcU, 11 ui pie, or Eruption. Mercurial dicuatu, Mineral puion. and their eilocU, are eradicated, and vloron health aud a sound conrttituliou established. l-:r fl rela ftult Kkmiiu, lever More, Nraly or itougU (skill. In fhort, all the uiunerou di eae l unset! by bad blood, are conquered by thl powerful purifying and Invigorating medicine. If you foul dull, drowny, debilitated, have sal low color of fkin, or yellowish brown pott on face or body, frequent headache or dizzlnc, bad tante in mouth. Internal heat or chlll, alternated with hot flu she, low spirit, and gloomy fure bodiiUfl, Irregular appetite, aud tongue coated, you are autlerinir from Torpid l iver ir Mlllouue." Iu many case of l.lvor Complaint' only pail of there ympiom are exiwrienced. A a remedy for all such case. Dr. 1'ierce' Golden Medical Discovery haa no equal, as it e fleets perfect cure, h aving the liv er strengthened aud healthy. For tho cure of Habitual C'oi&Mtl patlonof the bonel it 1 a never lulling remedy, aud thor-e who hav ued it for this purpose are h-ud iu Its nntise. il'he proprietor oiler (l.Oot) reward fr a medi cine that will equal it for the cure of all the dis eases fur which it i recommended. Hold by druL'L'I'Uat $ per hot He. Prepared h Ji. V. Pierre, M. !.. Solo Proprietor, at his heiuf. cal Laltoratory, VtH tfekeca street liullaio, N. . tieud your address fur a pamphlet. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY Water Street, aiuoini.v; tii K iioi.mi.s;, Tionosta, Pa., M. CARPENTER, . . . Proprietor. k -it r -1 ' .... PMurcMaltou in all tl.e !.;..t Mvl,, mean. H mi hill I mini ! - m i i Vlneirnr fllMer are not a vi!e F.iitcy DrinVV'4 made of Poor Ktrm, WlrsUey, I'roof Spirits and Refu'f', -I Liquors, Hoctor'l, spiral, ar l sn i?tettd plea th'V I tanle, called " Ttmic,' Appetiiscr," " Hetnrer,''4 Ac, that lead the tippler on l tlrnnketincM and ruinl but are a true Medicine, made from the native rooic and herbs offal ifornia, free from all Alcoholic Stimiiljmin.1 They are th Great Itlnod Purifier anil a I.ife-pivitt v J Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Inviporator of thew , System, carrying o(T all poisrmoiH mailer and restoiinx, the blood lo a healthy cond tion, enriching it, refreshinc and invioratinn both mind rftul bnily. 'l'hey are easy of administration, prompt in their action, certain in theirW , results, mfe aud reliable in all forms of disease. i No Prrion cnn Ink tli(a ISKtera teenrd- tnf to directions, and remain long tmwell, providnisfj their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other f means, and tha vital organs wasted beyond ihe (mint of repair. -t W lFpepsla or IiifII(reJoi. lTpadjche, Pain t In the Shoulders. Cou-'hs, '1'ihtiie of the t'he--t, Tii- - -tiness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Taste in the MouLh, Ildwm ArticUs, Palpiiaiion of the ' Heart, I nlhimmatinn of the I. tines. Pain in ihe regions ol ' i the Kidneys. And a hmuliej oilier painful symptoms, i, are the ollspiings cf Dyspepsia. In these complaints J I it has no equal, and one bnine will prove a better guar- antre of its merits linn a lenlbv advertisement. ' f or ireiiitiio otitplMltif i in yotine or old, i fimpiHitif , in young or nm, ?. i the of womanhood, or tho t "ic Hitler displ.iv no decided an y 2 ked improvement is suun peiecp- ' marrien or amie, ai ine turn ot me, lnee lo'iic I influence that a marked i lible. I Ji lor litflnmmntory nnd Chronic Rltett- y Jv tnaitiatn and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indipesnon, Ililinus, s V Kemiltent and Interimitcnt Kevers, f'isetses of the tl Hlood, Liver, Kidneys and Itladdcr, these Hitlers have p t been most succeasfiit- Such Diseases are caused by I. J Vitiaied H'oot, nh-ch is generally produced by derange S 3 tnent of the DiKestive Organs. t TUy sir a Gentlo PnrRnll ve ns well a A TonlCf possessing also the peculi ir merit of aciint; a as a powerful aent in re'ievmir CnnfeKtion or Intlam. X mat ion of the Liver aud Visceral Qig.ius, and in liilion f, i Disease. For Sklia Dlacnae. Eruptions, Tetter. Salt- Rheum, Hlotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Hulls, Car J; bunclcs, kinff-wonns. Scald Head, Sore Kyes, Krv ? sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolnrations of the Shin, Humors J and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, f -1 are literally dun. up and earned out of the system in a i sintrt time ty tlie use ol these i; liters, tine uotiie in such cases will convince the must incredulous of their curative effects. demise tlie Vl(lnfet Dlood Mirnever roti find its impiirilies bnreiiii? llinnij:H ihe skin iu Pimples, Kruplions, or Sores; cleanse it when you Ii ml it ob structed and t'nKKish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is fmi I ; your feelings will iel yn wiien. Keep the blood pure, aud the health of the system wilt follow. i rate fill llioiiartnila proclaim Yinkgan Hit trrs the most wonderful lnvifioraut that ever sustained the sinking system. PI is, Tape, mil otlier Woriua, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually de stroyed and removed. Sm-s a distinguished physioU otist : There is scarcely an indivijo t! upon the face of tha earth whose body is exempt from (he pi usance of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worm exist, hut uion the diseased humors and slimy deposits hteed these living monsters of dnease. No system of Medicine, no vei mifiies, im anthetmiii .tics, will fiee the syitcut fiotuwoims lil.o these Uit tcrs. Blecltnulcftl Dlifitiei. Persons enRiged in Paints and Minerals, such as PlumUers, Tvpe-seiters, Gold beaters, and Miners, ns they advance in life, will be subject to paralysis of the 11 owe Is. To cuard against this take a dose of Wamcer's Vinbcax Ui ticks onca or twice a week, as a Preventive. Ullloit llcmttteiit, nnd Iitf orniltf cut Poren, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially thoi of the Mississippi, Ohi-i, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumberland, A i Kansas, Red, (Vilorarto, Itraio, Kio (irando, Peail, Alabama, Mobile, Sivannah, Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa ries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, ami rcmaikahly so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, ate invariably accompanied by extensive deianeemcnts of ihe stomach and liver, and otlier abdominal viscera. There jtre ahvavs more or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable suta of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged tip with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, purgative, cxeilini a powetf d inlluenre upon these various organs, is essentially ncressary. There is tin cathartic fur the purpose equal to Dr. J. Wai.kkV Vinkuah IllTTUMs, s ihey will speedily remove tha dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels ara loaded, at ihe Mine time stimulating ihe secretions of the liver, and generally testuiint-; the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or Klnq'a Kvll, Wl.iie Swelling. Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Nock, Goiter, Sciofulou luflaminai ions, Indoldut InlLiiuniaiitni, luicunal Af fecliuns. Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eves, etc., etc In the', as in all Dis eases, Wai KKn's V I n uq tt lStTTitKS have shown their great curative powen in ths most obstinate and intract able casis. Dr. Wnlkei-s California Vlucffrir lllttcr act on all these cases in a similar manner. J!y purifying; the lllood ihey remove the cause, and hy resnlvifig awasr the eilccts of the intlammation (the tubercular deposit l the alfected parts receive health, and a permanent cur is effected. Tho propertle of Pr. Wai.ichh's Vikboar Hitters are Aperient. Diaphoretic nnd Carminative, Nutritions, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anli-Cilious. Tlie Aperient and mild Laxative properties ot Dr. Wai.krk's Vinkgar Hittkks are tlie best safe guard iu all cases of eniptmns and malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, nnd soothing properties protect ths humors of Ihe fauces. Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stom ich, and bowels, either from inllammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Their Counter-irritant influence extend throughout the system. Their Diuretic properties act on ihe Kid neys, correcting and regulating Ihe flow of urine. Their Atiii-Ltdious properties stimulate ihe liver, in the secre tion of bile, aud us discharges through the biliary ducts, and aie superior to all remedial agents, for the curt ol Ilihnus Fever, Fever nnd Ague, eic. Fortify Ike body against dlsrase hv puri fying all its fluids with Vinkgar Hittkks, No epi acinic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, ihe bowels, the k dneys, and the nerve are rcudetcd disease proof by this great uivifc rant. Direction. Take of the Hitters nn going to bed at night from a half to one and one-half wine-gljusiull. Eat good nourishing food, inch as beefsteak mutton chop, venison, toast bet-f, and vegetables, and taka out-door exercise. They are conixised of purely veget able ingredients, and contain no spirit. J WALKER, P.op'r. R. II. McDONAI.DACO., Druggists and Gen. Agli., San Francisco, Cat.. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sis., New York KOI.D BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND LEALEKS. DRUG STORE! Grandin's Block, Tidioute. BOT.AUI) HUMS., t llu Kui.-U;i Driver Mini-, h.ivo jiit ri"i'cn,.tl a I'l-w I'.ml wry t'.xU'ii.sivo stui k of ofu'.I styles ami prii-i-s, w 1 1 -1 1 tl y ill di Jl.lSO iit' Ut lll loWI'Sl lOs.sil,t! IJlUH I'Oll- histiMit witli lliu cx'im s rimiuti'L'il willi tin- tnuli. They nlvj linvc nn luiml a l:ii;:o sIih-U of DUUGS &. MKDICINTX TAINTS A- OilS WINDOW (il.ASS A HOOKS TLASTKIt ()!' PAULS WATKK l.IMi: C'KMKM &f Ao. Ki littnilu r t!t l!;tfi (UtANUN'S NEW Rl.OCK, -' it tidioi tk r.. ttlLLHMM'OliT l)ll'KISI)N SEMIWRY. Il.l.l AM-IMI! 1', 1'1'Nn'a. Vril'.ST CLASS UiKinlin Seluml lor liotii nee. L I) (' A T I O N Due of tlie v.t lieaiitil'nl in the State. Students Rocoiveri at nny Time. T Kit. MS MuHKKAl K. Hel'erenees -linn, Jmi. A. lliile, Miles W. l':i'e, Ksi,.,s. J. ,,K,.ti. r.-iit. i r-s H w 1 i an