he T.ir);-:o SmiUiernrr. bi on; U,e Ei.Tpjircr. 31 is. Ei;ms : A friend of ours from Nash ,;u.ily, lie land of Turtles :i u I ao.nl Apnlf F.randv, liand.'.l iu t-.l iy i:W " rme " : iiue stanzas, whic.i w w ;mu rs yon to publish. He disel.dms a!i authorship liitiwlt", but sup poses it to be a production of Thomas Camp bell, an obscure Seoiriih i'oet of this las! -Jenlury, or T:.. Huove the distinguished candidate for Attorney General cm the Luiu laer Ticket ; formerly a Seeeseionish of the 'most violent sect, who feared neither North ern prisons, WVshingum City, nor red hot c iaN. The " Pome " was tonnd in Colonel Hargrove's wake on the day of his departure troui (ireeuville, alter the very svlcr, mural and eloquent speech made in said town by f aid Hargrove on the day before : Tom Campbell Eedivivns. Li (ireeuville when the sun was high, nd bhed its beams o'er earth ami sky, 'ilieu " Loil" NijJ-i" 'ith cuke and pie, ThrongM its streets lumultuously. 11 --it Greenville saw another scene, "When Scalawags both fat and lean, And thirsty " B.immers " vile and mean, Met at Milliard's grocery ! o,d G.-aimy Uilliard, ga baa Brog, Jsecess; ;i Hargrove, Jj.ieLor l'rcg, Aud oiler Buzzards strong in ro2, Were present theie to Up.icjy. Then flowed the " Rrt Gut" fast and mack, And smoke frviit wean cigars grew thick, 'Till Bummer's stomachs turning sick, iiject"d c. n Lents copoiiuly ! 'Tis r i'"i t b".t sf r?e t''fl Coach Shop be J! IVaie 1 !,a .i;.d clear a ringing knell, "When " r'jeLs, thieves," and " iii;i " pell l.ieli. sjjugh: th? Co-.trt House tapidly ! Kn sooner was this notice giv'n, "When rush'.l the crowd like sheep are driv'n. "Without a fear of God or Heav'n, Their wassail deep to j'tstify ! V.'e cannot lin.l fail space and titit To put th i.i ih-re, in decent fl.yn.e, i:,it ly-i r, thelt and whiskey prime, " Were subjects of their eloquence. ! Intoxication spread her wing 4 )'er every Bummer in the ring ; And Milliard ne'er should dare to fling, , A sneer at man or Groggery. ; Mora! idea-;," church aud school. ..' - .i Veep some man from acting fool ; 'h'.t, Ifltikfu will exert its rule, O'er who keep a Grocery ! Lixdex. SPUNGIANA. Although brevity is the soul of wit, did you ever knew a inau tuore i'unuy wheu lie was a little short? Why is a thief in a garret like an honest nuu? Eooau.se he id above do ing wrong. A morulas: p-.iper, in puffing a new t-tylo or patent c. jinn, says, "It has giv er perfect satisfaction to all who have thus Tar used it."" Jo-'i Bi'.linss says be tas seen some awful throat diseases kuuipletoly kured ; i tliree lays by f itijpl y jlning a ten j!.TuriCO society. "I sav. J 'bn. wb.Te d'.d yon qct tliut r..-!shat?" "PIc.sj y ; Li t- L.-.nnr,"' sai.l Joua, "it U vi olj oi.co! ' yo'ir's that Uilvcs gave mo yest'jrdity." Rector's d.aij.ior (m Piiu.bty rcbob ar) "Oh, you have an e! l:r brother; we!!, how old is yeboolboy' j "Dunno, rn.-s; I at he j'i?t started c i eweariu." j A boy appearea in t Sim rraneis-.;. express office the other day, with the inscription: "Jliuek IJare Ef you! don t want to get bit Keep your Ur.ers out of the era.-:." A Jadv b. ir.g asked what was ber husband's occupation, said he was en gaged in ' finishing." It was eubse juently ascertained that it was a term in the penitentiary to which she refer red. A conntry paper requests amateur tportsmen, starting out on a hunt, to kiuily leave their names, ares, and other such matter as may be of service i:i the preparation of obituaries, at the oflije. A cheerful giver put the following note in a pair of pantaloons sent to the Michigan sufTerers: ''There, take 'em ; last pair I've got; don't gtt burned ou again.-' A KtiDsr.s City in in who blew out the gus before retiring, ?aved his life 1 y ru.shing down to. the office of the hole! and enquiring if there was "a glue 1 wo colored u.ea, while digging a ditch uear (.'havleiton a few days since, iti'.e.trtLed a large iron pot filled with Hpnni.-h silver dollars, duublooiss and siinl Mexican gold coins. The lucky iind.rs, says the Sacs, have concluded lo settle in life upon the proceeds of their fortunate discovery, aod vriil doubtless have a special interest the the subject of tlraiaago. ).' r.f Juries Gordon ilenn fill's ruutr fancies was an iijiincus bird c'nje lill.j.J vith tare birds Jioui every ; ciicn of the globe, t-o he bud it i ;:ide as h.r;e us a bouse, and before i ho could stand for hours aud study the habits of the different members i f the feathery tribo. Sometimes he v ould liken his different biros and f i wis to well known public men in retl life. One day he t-riod with a Tiei-ftbor, aud kept him laughing for a long ti:ne. :.s I. a would point them ml, with an ypt riniaik. Pointing i" I i;e r(biu he .'aid that is Henry W'ii.-uij; the wood-pecker, that is 13u. . Jiiiiler; the old t:"';se is Funnier; the - i-p arrow is L-i-m:; the nv.l is Grant; I he parrot is Gam it Pavi.-; the oil . oiler is ('nklint-; the Hawk is Vi en--de'l Philips, und the canary is Fun di Cox, tie. This k. Ilto houre cage is htill lo be tcea at Washi.iton ilcigbt?. What !.';vk i.- Ti? a 'V:' -iax. Wl at a v nderfu! ll.iic l.n'c is to n V :!! ill ' I I I ! w it helps l;er to k i v ibai m i:.e ot,e i.- tihvavs i'oi:il of lier; tl:.'it lojiio, . when hi.e njoic;, and :( iii,v.: v.i iii tlio rkttfc; to he hiire i: ;.t l,t i i:.n!i& in e Itjved. ai.ii that ner I'm ; :: Mi er, to cue, at ie;t.-t, In. u: ! . .1 ... .... I. I. .,,..,! Ihof 1 .K( ii . : i ii i e i a i iiiuiv uu.tnnu, l . v i.i.c jjrei't heart holils her nai-red in Ms if mi n.ot i e(c.-ie.- alo e :;!! w-aei;! r:t- ean do nt-ytlilr -r. le anything, sutler M ;. ti .ii.-, thns uji! e!3. KI;e jrev. pcn'cr tiUiUrti e t-e(t itillu i ri c - hri' liK r. kii.der. fctrone-'r: uv. l l.Ie m.ios .: a ior,":..:!.-ie of iicavc; irni aii La uiuui- iuc ;-uU. jvKW" aih::val or Spring Goods AT Tarboro, 3T. '. Embracing all the latest styles and quali ties from Gi cents, and upward per yard. I have selected a very choice line of DRESS GOODS! which surpasses anything heretofore kept, comprising Black and Colored Japanese SILKS, POPLIN?, ALPACAS, OlllC.NilPLN'K. DELAINES, ftoWv Yavilens My WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT j contains a full line of Checked and fy.vis... ! MUSLINS, JACONETS. PLAIN & pigure; nainsooks, togetlier with a cotnpl.-ie vi iUeiu-l.ed aud Brown Domestic C'.ec'-.s, .tib.cs, Drills, &c. I have a full line of i'ANCY X()TINS, LACES, & EIHIIXGS, of ail descriptions. A large lot of CASSIM!:!; Ko, COTTON APES, KENTUCKY JEANS, .vc. I call particrdar atteution t my wbL r.ivlii containins Ladies', Gents', Doys', 3'i3es and ChiMren's Sewed and I'e'Lil Nhccs1, in Morocco, KM, Orrr, Kip and Cm,'. Be snr.j to :dvc m a. t.:'! and cn will il:;d ; evcmliin-n n.iK-!, '. in :. r..V.-e! ih v ! Goods i;-t April i;o;T. !'. i; Elk. ssaaii&i At) ANL- ! M'j JATj d The Favorite Resort. ryuiE uxDEusrctxrin has ke- ccntiy opciieil an EMahlisliinent el' the abort erd :r, in wiiie'n i e . ;!'. rs supe rior attractiens to pk-a..::rc Ljvers, of Town and County. " HIS LAG Mil REE 11 e the finest and Lout ever 'jro"!it to Tarbero Kill KEb WINE Is proiu.iui.ct d incomparahli HIS C I G A It S Cannot be rivalled. HIS BAGATELLE TABLE Affords innocent, yet exciting uuuscnient, and HIS General Management Id of tlio best and most tle-Kirb:-. character. B.. rceftraliy invites Vu- Vn) lie i- !,is llok.-.c, f illiiL' v t.i'.i lit I fi!' to Mal;; each und visitor puss a pleasant hour or tvvo. 't-? tand Ou tlitVvjrni r i:c ar the eld Gregory Hotel. ED ZOELLER. March 21-tf. TAUl'.OKO. 0. If. DOUGHTY r The wull-kii-.tt.n J'-oot. ;,n ! rhotn.i.Lei- of taheoio. liio t-iio;. is the pluci. io ,t .1 Lasts Fit tea ml nestrvtd i'ir Kvt ry ( usit iiitr. The I'ii iM-r-Me e: i. have what th.-v want i:i THE BEST STYLE. A 1" ! BEioTilliL illu GUIKAKT i'r.D U-it. V.;:.,U, K.C. Mist. i.t.u r:u. The Old Established TARCOUO. Y -AND- Confectionery JACOB WEBER, Proprietor. MAIN STliEET. This Establishment is continually adding new attractions, .with a view' to t till further increasing business The l'uoplo of Tarboro and vicinity mar always coulidently expect to lind here every kind of. PUIIE FRESH CAKES. THE YEI1Y BEST PLAIN AND FKEXC'l CANDIES. A vaiied assortment of liipe Fruits. J'-iii'.v rc ci iv. .1. In f.i c-vcrytiiinrr ker.t hi a First ChiT-t Knn-se of the !,mit-.i!l -. fouut' here, special atteution wili bo gitj tlio Orders vf Pri utile Families which wlU-bo I :-.k;-d on the d-orkl notice OiiDERS FGIl PARTIES AND EALLS PROMPTLY FILLED. 'i'l'.ar;: .-: r.r:- r tnvi, d the imbiio for past pafronap-. hu-I i-oiiii.-.: f;svca of future j.toii!' tne;;j and n iia'.uuty. JACOB AVEBEIl. -Ifi-tf Oiipo.-ii:o Old Ciie;;uiy lltel C Iiaill LC I'lil I H & RftWlSj TARLOEO, N. C, Practical Watchmakers! AN!) de.m.lus i: F I X K J E v i: 1 j 11 Y, Sleriiiig Silver and Plated Ware, WEDDING- RINGS, Scc. Jan. ld-tf. JliEKS' SOX, Cemmissioii Tvlercliantt AGENTS. VASiiLNGTON, N. C. 'I'" I 3-tf Life ftlill YlYii IllSUraiiCO 1 W : . V. i i . N'iW Y'ORK. CASH AS SETTS $ll,0:o,S2i 4; journal mm: viuu coir.wr, ! COLUMLUS, G A. CASH A63CTTS 610,071 42 IMPERIAL FIHE COMPANY, LONDON". CASH ASSETTS ?S,n00,000-Gold. OLD DOMI.MON FIP.C COM PAW, nicimoND, va. cash assztts 6200,000 ORREN WILLIAMS, a ; 1; x t , Cf."co for-ixi'ly, oreujiie'l liy D . N rittnian, in Southen.er btiildjnv. -1- II I Jt ft." Ai IPU AUUS OF 50 1st PKEMICMS AND GOLD AND SILVER MEDaLS Wire Av:ud.!.i . CM A BLEW M. STIKFi" lor iln- i.csi i'iAijS, in eoinp, :!!!,, 11 t It the ieadiiio- M.iiiiifh.'turers in i counl i v. .';; vv waukuooms : -N". -J . Liherty ffiieet, Bull injure, Md. rpilK STi KFF'S F1ANOS COX- -It- iiiUi tho httest iii:ir(iv.-!.i iiis to lje l'"n:id in ufiit cia.-s i'iano. with addition al improveinei.l.s ' l Lis own iiiveiition. not to be. loiiie! iii oilier in-.t Mi mollis, 'j ho tone, toiieli uini 'ii.isii oi'L-.oir in:-tViiinci:ts euniidl hi; txeelleii i y any :n:ur. ilucUired. A lurjre iissoiitneni. of Second Jlnnd I'iiPios aiv..-.;.s fii luind, iVoin $75 to $Jni. I'm lor ;uid Cliuie.b Orvrni, sonic 20 dif ferent styles on hand from 850 and up v;i !!;. Send (or Illustrated Catalogue, contain, iu names of over 1200 Soulbei iiei-s.(")!)(i ol i ieli are. Virginians, 200 North Caii.lh: i.ies, 1.V) H. Teimeseeai.s, and others thio,.-! out tl: South,) ul '.) Iiave boui!it. the Sneii i'iino since the tluatf of tha vur. C. C. LANIER, Agent, TAU 130110, N. C. April lf y. 9 AND Provision Dealer, MAIN STREET, TAKlIOltO, N. O. i I.L KiN'iiS Or C' ! If TT'f I! Y J'h'il- !.. e t i in C-vCiiUit;:e Modi :is P.iw u.. . ce. J Liiu t. Opposite the Court House, Arc n oV receiving their lfarge and complete stock of HARDWARE, TINWARE, Carriage Materials, &e. FARMERS Will find nt their Store everything ii their line, inlncling Shpvels, Kpsides, TToc Hakes, Manure Forks, Trace Chains Plow Lines, Plows, Plow Castings, Coi n S hel lers. Straw Cutters, Gins, Gin Bands, Back Bauds aud Buckles, Swiiiglu Tree, Saddles an 1 Bridles, llames, Collars, &c., &c. CARrEMTERS Will find a complete stock of the very best Tools, planes oj Jill kinds. Saws, A ujrnrs, Bits, Chisels, Snuaros. Also Nails, Glass and Putty. Locks, Screws, Butts, Hinges," and all Kinds oi Budding latenal.&c. WHEELWRIGHTS Will find Vi Spokes, liinn, Hubs; Tire, Band and Round Iron; Springs, ShaRs, Axle Clip.;, il .ihAV A ;.K':ers, Bngry Seats; Cart, Wagou auU Bu-y Ailes. The faiuoiis l':vleiu ii;iggy A-le always on baud. BRICK MASONS Will rind T:ove'.o, "White Wash Brushes, Plum Bobs, Sand Sercen-i, &c, Cc. SAW MILL MEN Will find all kinds of Belting, Files, Axes, Gum Packing, &c, HOUSEKEEPERS Will Cud d:e tiej-t Cook and Heating Stoves ever brought, .to thi.! market, Who Safes. The very best Table Cutlery. Baskets of every description. Clothes; Mai kft, Lunch and Work. The best and cheapest Hollow Ware, Pots, Sliders, Uvons, A,e. Hat Racks, Towel llacki;, Curtain Pins, Scissors, Shears, Needles, IVuitting Pins, Chamber eis, .Movtse and liat Traps, Backets, PuiN, liieclers, &c. SPORTSMEN Will find the be t ami cheapest G ins in the market Sold on trk',1. Powder and Shot. Pistols in ijivut vdrioty, Pisting Tackle, &'c. MERCHANTS ; Will lin-l ' y trial Ciaf t!i - ran purchase Hardware and Tinware at r.s lew rates from ks r.s they 'can u Now York sud Eaiti'uioro. Aud lastly kVERY150DY Will (iiot ti e iaiiir n-i " il l Cucumber Wood. Pumps, and ro.onc who likes economy and cot i"i-l will ro an.,i l.er tftimnicr v-itho;:t it. PlUEiriier, Lewis 6c Co. are l!.c .-!e njM'tils To? this Pump in Edgccuiubo aud surrounding Counties. Every body ca'.N r'. Mmrdl'M)&Te Store to pureliase Hardware, Tinware, Stoves. C irriao, Cart, Wai;oii and Dug y Maleii.Js. Why ? Deeauso they can purchase cheaper and get wlrat they want. 1372. 1072. WONDERFUL ATTRACTIONS run tuk Spring1 and Summer Trade AT THE FAMOUS STOUKS OF r-i-R c 4w fL. r m mm We have "p-t .v'.nn.-d f..:n ILc itortbsm Markets with all the Latest Novelties in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods. (i..r Stock of Heady Made Clothing for Men, Youth's and Boy s wear is large nr.'l complete, and selected with great care. All the latest styles in Business and Dress Sni s which are mado up in tl-.o most artistic style,, and which we offer at the lowest figures. Boots and Shoes of all kinds, and to suit all ages, which can not he surpassed in style and quality in any city. Also, a full line ot Gent's Fur nishing Goods, the largest to bo found in this place. Our selections of CLOTHS. AND GASSIMERES FOR CUSTOM TRADE extensive, and we ofl'er special idduccmcnts and guarantee. a perfect tit. . Garment n.ude up in the latest 81 lob. Call immediate !y and examine our New Goods. H. MORRIS & BRO., Opposite ii B Alsop, and at the corner of Main and Titt Streets. ATTEATIOX FISH BUYERS. OH A AAA I'CUXEI) IIRRRIXGS VU.'M.W f. r s:dc at Si Si) per ttionsaud Albo on hand .SUA! , V. ' "K k STUKGEON H. TV. MIZELL, nny 3")-1tii. JAili-SVLLLE, N. C. FOR THE SPRiNG AND SUMMER HO! MA, YE THAT ARC Thirsty, Tired & Heated Call ininiedhte'y at the well-huown and axsnair- ur thirst, refresh and cool yourselves .w.li Ice d J ultras, I'uuchcs, Coolers, &c. Composed of tho PUREST LIQUORS ever hrought to Tarboro. I have the FINEST UIMM) OF WIHS!lTY ever seen or tasted here. My UAK con tains otherwise a line collection of othe GOOD LIQUORS AM EXCELLKNT CiaAHS- -: o : MY will he open every Tuesday and Saturday, nt which wilMiu louiiJ the best the market aliunir; - A g oi line of G-roceries, such as Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Caudles, Snap, Ac., always en hand. 1 tender my : iuee 'e thanks lomy former (patron- and Urn public at large for . their very liberal cncov.rageiULint and promise to do my 1 l' '. for thc-m herenfter, V,.,V , 7. v.; ' l'ivUl-UlLiOi Oi LLCOMJi Kansas Pacific Railway. This favorite line extends from Kansas City and Leavenworth through the fertile State of Kansas to Denver in Colorado, 6o'J miles, llare opportunities areollered to tho public for homo3 in a section of country unsurpassed tor productiveness and healthfulness. The State Capitol, State University, and State Agricultural College arc located along its line, and the general educational facilities are unequal cd. The reputation of Kansas is unsur passed as an agricultural State. By re ferring to the United States agricultural reports, it will be seen that Kjnsas has a greater average yield to the acre of the cereals than any other State; and at tho great fruit fair3hc!diu Philadelphia, Rich mond, ISo.ston and Albany, Kinsas took the first premium for the finest display ol fruits. For the pleasure of travelers or invalids, a varied aud charming landscape is presented; and tho delightful air of Colorado, and the celebrated warm and hot springs near Denver, give renewed life to the sick. To those contemplating going West, wo would advise them to in spect the country aloair' his load. Boot & Shoemaker 0. . D0G&ETT, Ta.iboi'0. N. C. Who is prepared to make all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES in the very best Htvle and workmanship. The very finest FKEftCH CALF SRIS lU OAK SOLE LEATUEK only used lor line. jobs. I guarantee a perfect fit in every instanc or no salc. I liavu been doing business in Tar boro for the past three years, and, although obtaining a larjrc share of public patronage, 1 have never 'yet "had one of mv customers to eon j 'Jr. iii of a bad fit. I keep on hand for sale Henilock Sole. Leather and Russett Kip Skin, and anything else in my line I have recently moved my shop to tho store next door to. BR It. C. BROWS, where 1 will be pleased to sec all my old patrons anil the public in general. A new htock of lino French Calf Skins and Morocco just received. J.eok at the best littiug Bools and Shoes orn by fhc oh1 and young men ol Ta rboro! WJio made them ? Why, nobody else but 0. IV DOGGETT who renpectfulliV's the nblic in g neral Uoihiuiatn..u Xhe. lab st and moot hnj.- ou Laud. at. "ll-tf T.lItKOKU. F. ODE NHEIStEB HAS JUST RECEIVED AT HIS a Large drove cf very fim and also a well sfclecte'd assortment cf to be sold for cash or exchange. Our Inends and also the - putno are rcrpeet fullv invited to call and examine them at the S tables of F. ODENHEIMEH, Tarifjoro, BT. C. May 11. 23-tf D . Merchant Tailor, NEXT DOOR TO EXPRESS OF FICE, TiilBOSO, V. C. I'ETEKSIIUROII. itOVI.ErPT'& TAN NOR co:n:is'oihT merihixts, Nos. Oi cc OG Sjeamoro Street, I3otersbtiit?, Va. JOHN UOWLETT, X. M. TAXOK, J. A. JACKSOX, Sep. t". ly Fall and Winter 1871. JAMES, WRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE AND HETAIL DZALi'.r.S IN staphs &&sn or DRY GOODS SMALL WARES AMD NOTIONS. HEAD QUARTERS FOR Dress Goods, Shawls, ElanUels, Carpeting and othr IIousc krepinj Goods. No. 113 Sycamore Street, Ietcl'sliii, Va. Sept. 7. ly ESTABLISHED 1830. KOIST. A. MAI1T1X. KoBT. K- HILL ROBT. A. MARTI & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION NEIZ CHANTS, No. 2 Iron Front, Petersburg, Va. T71AITHFUJ, PERSONAL AT- -L; tention given to the sale of Cotton, To bacco, Wheat, Corn, .Vc. ITS- Orders tilled for Goods at reasonable prices for Cash or short tiuio to res nsible, punctual customers. Ju' T. II. GRIFFIN, Rocky Mount, Aft. ESTABLISHED n. D. MCILWAISE, FUASK TOTTS. S. s. nniDnur.R, EDWAKU Gn.VHAM, McILWAINE & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Commission Merchants, lef crsburg", Va. I IDERAL CASH ADVANES C MADE ON J all consignments of Cotton. oct 13-tf CHAS. M. WALSH, 11S and 120 Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, VA. MANUFACTURER OF Monuments and Grave Stones Of Every Description. MANTLKSfc.iLC.. . C. LIVIEK, Agcot. kc; 7-ly jNLRS. A. B. JONES, MILLINERY ii llWMMl FOR 1872 TO MY LADY CUSTOMERS OF VIRGINIA, NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA : Your trade with nicisincrcanin.c:. I shall do all I ean to please by the heat aud latest styles or Millinery, - Consisting of 150NNETS, HATS, . . RIRRONS, SILKS, LA(JKS, ETC., ETC., WHITE & COLORED CKlEl'ES, FRENCH F LOWERS, STRAW TRIMMINGS, STRAW GOODS, all of latest importation. DRESS MAKING in all its branches?, executed nt. short notice. And will here ask my lady iriendrt, that for "Wedding and Party occasions, to fcivo mo a reasonable time to make tho outiit. In idhn,' orders I ill express them to the neare st point; and if requested will furnish Dress Goods, ?Vmmun, etc., etc. Fresh Millinery, every few days during KprhiR and Nnmmcr. Coronets, AVreaths, etc., furnished at bhori notice. Orders solicited. Mrs. A. I). JONES, " S.vca ..ore J.I., 0iteiU; Iron Front. ai. ll-tf. . relcrsburg, Va. Railway's Heady I Relief CUKES 1HE ft'OEST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT OXE HOUR. after readinar thii advertisement need any ono BUFFER WITH PAIN, RAETYAY'J EEADY RELIEF IS. A CURE FOR EVERY FAIN, , It was the first and is . - Tho Only PainkRemedy that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Inflammations, cures Con- f,'estioiis, whether of tho LunfS, Stomach, 1-OTi els, or other glands or organs, by one ap plication. I A' FROM! ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, No matter bow violent or excruciating the pain th RHRUMATIC, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Criprlh Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, Radway's Ready Relief WILL AFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE DOWELS. .The application of the Itrady Itrlfef to the part or parts where the pain or dillicul ty exists will afford fiaise and coiulort. , Twenty drops in alumbler of'waicr will in a few moments cure Cramps Spns.ns, Sour Stomach. Heartburn, STck Tfi'a iaclie, Dian In a, Dysentery, . Colic, Wind in the Rowels, and all Internal IV.ins. Travelers should ahv.tvs carry a bottle of iJadwaj's Ready Ci-liff with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains, from change of water, it is better than French Riaudy or Litters as a stimu lant. F-EVEB AND AGUE. FEYER AND AGUE cured for fiftv cents. Tlu ro is not a remedial agent in this nvorld that will cure Fever and .-iffue, and ail other Malarionp, Villous, Scarlet Tyjhod, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by I'ADWA '.s 1'jLLS) oo rji-ick as R I) WAY'S I'EAJJY I;E HEF. l ii'ty cents per bottle. HEALTH ! BUAVT7!? STltONG AND PURE EICIT BLOOD IX CltF.ASEOFFI.ESH AND WEIGHT CLEAN JSK1N AND BEAUTIFUL COJll'LEX'iiOX 6ECLT1ED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARJLLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MA.DE THE ?.I(HT ASTOA7sniX CCIiEd ; SO QUICK. SO TIAPII) AliE THE CHANGES THE EOJA' CNOEKGOES, FX HEli 5fJlE IXl f.UE.TGE OF THIS TltTJLY "WOXDEiil'UL IViELiICINE, THAT Every Day r.a Increase fn Flesh and Weight is seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PUKH'IEE. Krenj iJrop of the SARSAPAIt T LLIAN P.E KOLYENT coaimnnicates through the ISlood, 8wcaA, Urine,-and other fluids and juices of the system lii,o vior of life, for it repairs the wastes of tlio body with now and sound mate rial. Hcrofnla, S.'7i, Conxir,:tptio?t, Gland nhir disease, Vlctrsinthe Throat, Mouth, Ta hiors, A'u'it in the Glands and other parls of Hie system, SoreE its, Hrumoroiis discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Hkin diseases, Engitions. Fecr Sorts, ticald Heads, Hing Worm, Halt lihenra, Erysipelas, Acle, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the It omb, ami all veakenimj and painful dixchanjai, li'ighi Swat-', Loss of Sperm and all ironies of '.he life principle, are within the curative range, of this vonder of Modern . Cher.vsiry, and a far days' use will prove io anu person tsiu- it for either j of these forms of disease lis patent power io i cure Uiem. Kidney it VSladder Complaints. Urbary, and H'otnb diseases, Gravel Dia beti, Drnpr.y, Stoppage of Water. Incon tinence of Urine, liripht's Disease, Aibu minnria, and in all coses here there are bncK-tUist deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, m::;ed with substances like the wiiitv of an omr, or threads like white silk, or there is a sin-rbid, dark, bilious appear ance, i'ii.! white bone :i;t de;'o--its", ;!m1 wliL-n tlieu- is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small of the Ihit'k ar:d. u;u:: Ibc Loins. Tumor of 12 Years' iiro'.rih fnrtI by Kaduaj's lit. solvent. DR. RAILWAY'S PERFECT FUnCATIVE PILIC, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with ! sweet gnm, pure, regulate purify, cleanse, , ana strengthen, liadway's 1'ills, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Dis eases, Headache, Constipation, Costive ness, Indiestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Billious leaver. Inflaniniation of the Bow els, Piles, and all Derangements of the In ternal .Viscera. Warranted to ell'ect a po sitive enre. Purely Vege table, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs:. A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the system from all tne above named disorders. Price 25 cents per Box. SOLD BY DIJUG GISTS. KEAD FALSE AND TSUE." Send ono loiter - stamp to ilAVAAY & CO., No. 32 Warren Street, New York. Infor mation worth thousands will be sent yon. June 29. 30 ly MISCKLLAAEOIS. S. Kreslowski HAS J UST RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF SPRING & SUMMER CONSISTING OF Ready Made Clolliiiig FOR MEN, YOUTHS AND CHILDREN. A LARGE LOT OF Boots and Shoes, our sroct; OF Ladie's Dress Goods is magnificent. They embrace all the shades iu SILKS, JAP. POPLINS, - DOLLY VARDENS, STRtPED LENOX, WORSTEDS, &c. Wo have a full line of Doinestic Goods In Percales, Marseilles, Jackonets, Swiss and Check Muslins, Calicos and Checks. Our WHITE COOLS de partnieot is complete and will be sold low. AVe have a Hue lot of ; Ladie's IS ATS ANI BOX X BITS which we will sell cheaper than any one else can. . For ISnrgains call at S. KIlESLOHSkl'S a p. 2.3-If CHEAP STORE WILLIAM MITCHELL, House tarpeniei, BEOS LEAVE TO CALL THE AT tcntiyn of tin citiy. ;ns of Tarboro and Edgecombe county to the tact that he is prepared to execute at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms all kinds of work in his line. He refers, bv permission, to Capt. Kobt. C. Urown, (.',. LipNcombe, .buiic.M. licdiuuud and David Pender, '1'j.rboie, N . C. riiov 3D-1 isvs:iiTisI1;V! J. E. SDUUfts, CAHINETMAKEH v UNDERTAKER. U At (ho old stand of White , .;,;,, , l'itt slroct, four doors from ihthj ""' !' TAEEJQO, N. c. ' Repairing of Furniture of ry Description Joncwiti, ,,...'' and dispatch. Specin.1 attenfion paid io I'X )F.;t BUSIXUSS in all its l,-,: (v ' Mahogauy, Walnut, Poplar i j.;, Always on luind at the Lowi ht ...; : J. e. si:.r,;,.-- Oct. lC-G:n. r , ' 2ffiMl Possessing powerful inviiror:it:i. Em These Bitters aru positively inviiliblc i -. mm .i -. They purify the Bystem, nud v,m euro Eemittent and Intei-aiittent I'cTcrs, snd arc a preventive of Chill3 anj PcTcr. Ail yield to their powtrl'ui eCicacv. Are an antidote to change oi Water and Lkt. to the vrasted frame, nnd correct all naaiK.ajaiyaigW:MVja'as3 Will save days ef suffering to the sick, an 1 ii i The grand Panacea for all the ills of life. EHYEICIA5S SUL1 rF02 FIE BITTEIIS ".XT' I or Single theo Hitters are uu- tquailcd and havo often ln tluuX meaiis of aavini? life. v T R Y, ONE BOTTLE. VALUAELK PRCri:&TS'FOItS.h"., rjMli: VX1EKH;SED AS AT- ti mm y nfTi i'J for Kaic um of ilw most in-fh.U- i( sii!-i-. i k in tin; Vi-r M-elii.n, 1 - ':--d in tin- l-:ii.i'.ii.. and ijnht m':!:i ..- r. l.ii.iif.'tiin ' i fhe eoiinty of New Ihiin.Mi-. iiie liui ovciilt l:ts ioi.M.;l oi a Vn.il TWO STORY DWELLING. i vnri Ih-ni orih-r. h.-ndHomr. and v. il .;t;i.!. i id, with : huve liiiinhi-r !' r' ::is nb..t j 1 below, situated in :i lovely move of i '. J.le and oak ; also KT'J' HKN. OfTJUAhf' aud all ncci'ssary hiiildiiis, with a NEW STORE HOUSE admirably located, nearly fiuh-hid. A Garden and Orchard are attached to tbe premifos. The j:r. ; r ', iueiaih s '2i acres upland in the corporate ' its of Lillinpfton, and 30 acres good fi u: :: land adjacent. LiihiiKton is at the head of tidewater m. small stream, eight miles from Iloel.v I ii:t en W. Y. IX. 11. and K, iriles by public iurel fo.i WilmhifjioE, the chief commercial city ufNorti; Carolina. This isa fine location fora phjsiei:'ii or im r thant, and the ropertv wlil bo sold verv 1 w. KAML. T. NVILTJAM., Att'v. jc29-tf .tattlcboro, . C, J. M. SPRAGIN'S CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, &f TOYS AND FAXCV ARTICLE S. Feb 8-12 in. aui;o!;o. . X. WALKER, of X. (., WIT1I IS. SMITH. HHJ & El JJIPOKTKKS OF Hosiery, Sotious, White Voote Linen, Embiciucrics, No. 420 .Maiket St. Si 418 Commerce SI. Philadelphia, Pa. ii?. 24, 1S71. :i-"-lv TarlDoro EMALE ACADEMY. . :o: rpiIE FIRST TERM OF Till: TIIIi: : X tcenfli Session will Djieli the M'l: ' Monday in June continuing ei;;ht uceK, when school duties will be suspended lef the same length of time, to be resinned at the Fall Term. From the kind and penerous patronn-j-: extended to me by the citizens of tln town and county, and from recent im provements and additions made t tii buildinp known as the "Tarboro Feunilu Academy,'' I am induced to endeavor t" add to tin; number already under n y cl.:ire,"a limited number of boarders, to whom I otl'er the comforts and kindness 1 a t ome, together with the instructio i and lisciplitie f a scIkioI, which shall he all that the most earnest zeal and the nio&t d:i li jrnt efforts can accomplish. I also take this opportunity of retnin In ii 'ihanks to the Trustees for their l-i"' ne.ss and liberality, of which, I t;nl. : may not prove unworthy. TKiiMs:-rcr Session of Twenty A'e'' English Tuition and Board, exclusive (,; washing, i 85 00. Half ia advance. and Languages extra. - For further partieulai-s, address J. :.f MRS. GEN. PEN D Eli, Frineipid ""nEFKKKXCES: liv. J. Ii. Cheshi'-e. P D. Tarboro; W. II. Johnston, E.-p, boro; I), l'euder, Esq., Tarboro; lion. Howard, Tarboro; John L. Bridgets, 'la. bom; W.M.l'ippeii.Esu., Tarboro.