OCR Interpretation

The Tarboro' southerner. [volume] (Tarboro', N.C.) 1867-1873, January 23, 1873, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026522/1873-01-23/ed-1/seq-3/

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The Tarboro Southerner.
.,j? (;Rt'VkR Jt UwTia", :Nety
nape, Adv-rtWi. Aets No. 4'SoJiU,
C-t, Baltimore, Md.;arc duly ;uthr
r Ji ...contr.ct ft-r advertisement at or
' Advertisers i that City arc
reunested to leave ttieir favors with this.
Reported and Corrected weekly by
Mfft-'Bfc yW"-St-r
Tournament -.anji Ball at
riv Goods & Groceries.
Torn, per bushel
Weal, "
Pens, f...
Rnoon IlngRouad. .... . . .
Lord. pr lb...... . '
Eutter Country
rotatoes Sweet, per bushel
Irish, per bushel. .
Tallow, per lb......
Eaprs. per doson
Oh ie'ieivs
.flaps, per lb.
Jteesax, Kr lb
1 !m.f iut lb. ........ . ......
Dried Apples, per fK , 10 ets
Amde Urandv. per gal $2 25
Vinegar, per gal
Urape Juic, per gal
Fresh Pork, per lb
Co ets
75 els
7.r) els
. .12 els
.. .10 ts
; a?
.0 els
50 c's
60 ets
. . , 10 Ct8
.15 to 20 clsi
'25 c's
. . . . . .4 C S
2A ets
28 ets
. ...fi io 8 ets
Gkand Time ' Anticipated TEr,BFAUTY
AND G.VLLAg IBY ,11 ife )SjlKS
1 Manaokus, -Marshals,' &c.
Grim war ha its trophies peace its
ardent supporters pleasure its , eager
votaries. '
.That good old Buffer Tb4shSpvJ. 10.
of our good old Coijtf, Bljecorfibe, pro
poses, on thi 20th of February next, to
combine all tee 'qualities iu a Grand
Tuuj-iumeiH :itl - IiUv"reH-wil! fully
tlomon-ttrate ilsg?tantry on'"h'orse back
tlie ps oiiciuncy of its peaceful citizens as
(lemons! rated by their cuIjuijryropjfat!oiis
and above alt its fove lines and Intelli
gence in the matter T womanhood.
For all these i eqai!te$r -Township No.
10. s pre eminently noted, and we can
confidently predict a grand and successful
affair on the 20th of February.
. ' The Tournament will "be "held at Lewi
Store, arid we are requested to give notice
that allkniphts of the County and from a
distance will report their names aud char
acters to the Secretaries one week previous
Memorial Akbociatiom Ncckssitt for
A cTionOi eon e mm h uw high n" ff-1
spect for tbe good sense and patriotism of
.die ladies of JTrptsinnJ vicinity to sup
pose $A,Ut fill Wf9rgA" taose holy
iiics-Sr at)hf rnfterfaketf by lfierniu
memory of the Conf derate Dead
occasion, and still more fully appreciate the
obligations restiug apon tbjjin jne nam
of J.he gallant Southern Deai. -
"imply idesire iri fliis connection ta:
call the attention of the Ladies ilemoriaf
Assocfatioii to the' coi fiitiin of tfi grave
in tbe Town Cemetery.
The plaid, yet appropriate-, boards placed
a few years since at the head of the grave of
every Cojfediftrnte Soldier have iu some in
stance defeyeiP'and'diappeared; in others
they have fallen dewn and been moved
hither and thither tyy oft tie and Uos
In a short TinW the' Annual'' Southern
Decoration Day will come around, at which
Sknatob McOabb. Somiewjll-dg
fit to censure our co irse iu referring last
week in a courtus manaer to the Radical
Senator, Mc'AMcCab;
-They mtgnt liave wasted their superflu
ous party spirit in a more profitable rnan-
Weknow thaUhaMegt campaign aud shown
lueir Fnrv 'a'v 1Ury, "oo rruu(wi wmyo
than by casirg ioiiOuationj upon us.
well known that .we kive never yet
giveji j quarter to Radiealism either from
tbe btmspp or it the Socthebker.
vTethaW ot failed to c-indeinn where
'feondemnaiion "was das and we have the
ruanlinass to acknowledge anything com
mendatory in oCr opponents, ..Radical
to the 20th.
. . . -JO ets
, . .35 ets
....8 eta
Full arrangements for th Tourjiainent
have not yet been completed, but 'we ac )
authorized to state that three. (3) ring!
will be Vised, according to the recognized
rules. Further renlationsUl b,e duly
announced m the Southkrxer.
A G 'aml Ball will take plaee at nij;ht,
lor which purpose, (and that alone) a large
and handsome building will be constructed
. Ia this connection we are requested to
state for the benefit of all visitors that the
neighbor., including Mrs. Nancy Sugg,
Mrs. Martha Oates, Messrs Hiram Webb,
R. S. Pitt, R. S. Lewis, Calvin Pitt, Levi
Walston and M. B. Atkinson, will keep
open houses, and invite the company of all.
The follow "if gentlemen constitute the
officei s- .
V. B. Sliarpe. Chief HtTshal. (The as
sistants will !'e nniionnced hereafter.)
John I. Lew i, Treasurer.
Some SI 2000 have been pubscribed
by tbe citizens of Yt? i'mingtou in aui
ol the proposed Jewish Syn .ogue.
Tlie cio hou of Mr. Noah Kipgs
of Scotland Neck, caught fire on Mon
day. The flames were d:scovered in
time to sunnress thesa befoie much
damage was done-
Dr. George Grham, son of Hon.
W. A. Graham. w"ho has boen in At
lanta, Ga.. for a year or two past, h
returned to bin nitive State an I pur
poses to set 1 i;i Uaieii and devoU'
himK specially and exclusively 0
the Kye od Kar.
Tt is esti-nit- i thif there are 1 300
chUreu i'i Wdiiiuto-i to he bej fit
ted bj the p-ofosed i'ree 'Clio'-. and
t ie epttiuatei cost to ruu tiiem is
7 ("KlO n.r aniiU'O. The aid f rom the
iVahody f'lud Asl'i fiom tha State wi 1 j L
amount to S3 oOO, and ihf city l e- v-
, , ui.' Meak Thisus. No OJie can deny tbe et
ti ett d to make up the bulince. . . . .
1 j isH'iiee ot many mtaa t.'.mg It is mean
Tl. C.mntv rnd Sta'e au hnmi. p ! to opvress a widow, mean to steal a set of
oulu "O watch wuiy of the irareli?)Lf , ar'jial Ir-eth, mean to ridicula the cross
3 vi idlers who are gtiiti through the ! eyd orihe linmp-baeked. mean for a wid
C'nnt'fy ,tu ' ' Ai i t js niiss'iriJ, suii as ower wi.o-.dylps his h-iir to ideep on a ' nice
emigration av:nnt. bokanvl nip pfj- : pillow wit viout a cap, mean for da -cou to
diefii. S'ld thi sellers ot lttcry aim i drink, mean for a bo;: to blow his bom
f'ift enterprise tickets. Mi'.e thefi j when h's movher h-is the krac'iie. mean
tor a ciwik 'o qn t the day be'e re a dining,
Dr. W. Barnes ,
i. .... - - becretaries.
L. s. 1 lusrpen,
Levi Walston, Constructor nf Enih'.ings
D. C If Bamn
F M Win-tcad
E S Thipen
Dr TV p.arin-s.
' Jo' n I I.eivit
! T B SuSg:
Uiran Wel.b, V ! Sh.irpe
li iS 1'iu Col XV h Knigl t
I blui pe Levi alston
di.or'e where they cheat and pu
thcTi! j wl t-possible to krep iLei:
Iroa doiut; hurn't
im tuei hsjuy. ceremnies:wilJ,.o doubt,
e observed, and another yearly "tribute paid
fn tha memnrv of our dead defenders.
Io the meantime . we would respectfullyl
suggest that tlie Association taKe mio con
sideration th condition of the Cemetery,
and take proper action to have the grave
mounas restored and the head board re
In this holy work we can confidently pro-
misethem the active and hearty co-operation
of our male community.
AH of which is respectfully submitted.
CapcFkar AgiucoxI dual AssociaTTo.
Colonel A. A. McKoy, President of tbe
Cape Fear Agricultural Association, has
appointed the f lowing gentlemen mem
ber of the Executive Committer for the
year 1S73:
W L DeRosset, Wilmington. . ..
F W Kerchuer,
J A Willard, "
W A Cum.i;ing , ; -
Dr V G l homas --
John D Taylor, Brunswick.
15 F Arriuton. Waiw. i-'
J U Thigoen, E ;ecoiubjp,' 1
C W Met'lammy, New Hanover.
G orge Z FrtucB, "
I .'ike A i'owe!', .a&jpson.
E E RurrniM, H iUuuig.oa. r; . i i"
Dr 1 B Cur, " '
Death cf an Old Rbsidext. llrs
Margaret E. Ilauiscy, for many years a resi
dent of K eky Monet, died in Wilmi: gton,
Del., ,.u uvs 1-tii hist., in the 53th year.ot
her it.-e. H r remains ivAelied tii.rs place
on ihe 11 A M iraiii last TinsJay, aud wen
buried iu i he jar 1 "of tBe M". E. Churchr )f
which she a.it c ns;vtent and Lfe long
me:ul r. She leaves a Lott of frie ids to
mouru her loss. J'aif.
Vboagh they be' T 1 " ' x
, . Wel cmfidr'llrJ!cCabe ohf' of tb bwS
"Capet-baggers" (if any one so ca'ds him)
left in thei5Wtel and fco Jong as' he" faith,
fully looks"' i Ue lnteSrests of be' section
left In hisVfiandsr we shall endeavor to en
cfcutae him'by our oie. f ; ? r
' ffhe forgets the ebligationa he Las as
sumed, we shall be tbe first to condemn
bin. , .7
A Bio Slow. That indefatigable com
mission and guano merchant, Mr, J. B-
CofHld, has raised acrowa Main Street,
in front of his new brick building, a mams
moth iwinging sign, showing it to be the
Guano Depot where planters can be sup
plied. 'You know how the old thing works,
Go and see it for yourself."
Tesriblb Accidekt A KsQko Girl
Burned to Dkath. Once in awhile we
are called uuoa to record 'the occurrence
of accidents that canse a feeling of horror -
to pervade our entire being. Such is tho
case now, the particulars of which are as
. On Sndaj last a young legrogirl named
iFaany ieffaraon, aged about -16 year a, and
living upon the lot of Mrs. Robt. Norfleet,
was so fcerioaily burned that, death result
ed in a Vew ayt. ' '
It beems that the unfortunate girl was
subject to fits and itjis presumed ) one of
tbese attaaks she fell from her chair into
the fire. The Jiether was attracted to the
i .
room .hy. the jieculiar niell of burning
fleshy kid V;i 'enterimi a iiorrftjfe ght
was presented iu the ap3Arase of r
daughter.Jier face end neck resting in the
H e and horribly disfigured and scarred.
Medical assistauce was ppecdily called
in aud everything done to relieve the suf
ficing of the poor being, but without avail,
A rosoiutio'; to impeach R. M He -rv
Ka.. Soii.-it.or of the 12-b-J udiciul
J)isiirct,' has been introduced int
Ie 'i' iiuri . The charge is drun
: mean to sm ke in the parlor, and m-auei
j st:!l f r a.-iyb.idy to o'j.-ct to one's sminkim;
; i:i the parlor:
i All toe- thin; are mean but t! e Index
I very ju-:ly says it knows a tli; g, in co:u
i p.iri.st-n with the meanness of which tb. s?
arc n it to he c.iiiit"e I.
If you should at a-iy tim wish to get a
view of j-ist t'ue meanest thiii'z that cau ba
! fouut! on this great e'irth of onr-t, then we
j urge you to turn yoSr eyes upon the hid
eons wretch who spits on tha floor of a
j church. He is prince asi mj petty viiliiius.
j It is no decent, pcrfnrme-ice ;f.ir a ftllow to
so lirt hid embittered saliva c;' tha flior of
r,K Killed. Mr. William It i rt !'nvate lvr'"r' who wonM try such
Wil-.-iuus k.ht-d a genuine e!k down ! a "1'l'-r ei'pl-. would. g-ar.iSly. bo kicked
li e Ko,m i-C riv.r near Si H WrHu;.- 1 ont ia,wtKe wet reward forhi-, tr-uble.
fome time lat week It weighed ttirce j 15 1 t:,at won'J be a t!1Viai or,'nc! V
hundred ronndswus lour F et u.u wit'- thfi morer who would spit on the
5Ka !.;..! at fl-.; 1.5n Ti o i.or.-.s i floor of the Holy Sr. net nary.
nes aid tuipicity to atteaJ to bas
. lirM ha.a also be?n preferred
ti"a!ttst Mr StiileyvSeHatw trow Tr
rel, list &, i by Alex M.-Ivei, E ,
Superiiiteii'1-Mit of I'ublic I istruction .
f.,r olitainin money from tho IWojJv
Fund under laldc pretences.
Tive Presbyterian Churchas have been
recent y orgauiztSd, in' the Ur.itory lying
between the Wilmington & Veldon and
tlie Atlantic &. Xr'.h Carolina railroads and
the owi ctc-ast. l
L't kiXutfortu Lixtls ()xts. Sev
rrii diseases are psvailiug ' about, town
whiei will,' no dou'af, canse' arl anxious
mo hers to-kcp a eareftil wftich and ward
over their llU'cws.
ho;. piag Cough, lleasles, and Dij)the-
r a is coujuion out we ar? nappy io on
Lost. Lost on Monday or Tuesday a
Gold Shirt Stud. It is in the form ot the
letter E, interwoven with dark hair. In
formatioti, will 1e thankfully xiceived by
W. P. MTfiliamsbn, or Editor Sotf ueb'xgb.
m 9 m
' Ocb Expksb AGEStT.-FuHf more than
a Tear past Mr.' A. Mlllspaug , proprietor
of the 'Howard Hotel,' has been tbe Agent
fjurthe Southern "Ex pres Ceropany Tour
ing that ti&e heVas 'perrorafdhis many
and vexatious juries tpljip entire satisfae
ti.iu of the pubfic; and, we here, take this
pMrt unity of expressing to him mr ,ob-
figatifu M-'.Oiuoy.ftlnilnesse and .donrte.
off14gcpe 9?tS f f0 he con
gratulated upon the fact tJiat the negro
M&tp i WCSt jJlsrespHtihle character,
has been deprived ol ins seat' in the
House of Representatives,
";The ejectinent aud the fjcts attend
ing it. are. thus explained by the liai
eigh correspondent oi the Wilmington
Journal. ' '' ' .' '
It will Vh remembered that "tSe scat
of Mabson, a pitting" colored Rer-re
sentative from Edsreoombe ountv.
bas been contested . On Saturday the
rotniiftee'oi? I'rit :leges and hioctions
icporieu aoverseiy io nis ciuiui. itie
turning poiritln this caso was about as
follows:; Mb?on was a citizen of
Edgecombe at tone time dnrinyr the
year 1871; about December in that
jefrAe went a Beaufort "county, and
mere launc acnooi lor two terms ot
four moutlsaach prior to tbe August
election, held in the year 1871,. upon
the Convention question, he was du v
registered ia Beaufort county, afi'e'r
taking; the oatha required by Uw. On
election day he voted in Benufoit
oourty. -' :
5, To rebut . this evidence, going to
ibow a eltango of domicil. Mabson
made affidavit that it was never hie
intention to abandon LU domicil in
KdgecornbeJ that, he was only tempo
rarily aojouruing io Beaufort, that he
had left bis effects in Tarboro, &c :
and that he registered and voted uuder
a. niiftapprchensloti of the law and ol
hia rights ia the premises, i:c The
commt'tee were of opinion that about
the best evidence that could be given
of domicil was the act of taking tbe
oaths required by hw of a citizen of a
coflntyjpf Jf tp" his" registration in that
cbtruty, the act of registration and the
act Lonofc. f; It would, in :ee.l, he a
ctrrioaa 'tniag if a rasn ehoull be al
lowed to make .out. his title to a feat
in the legislature by proving that he
took a ioremo , oath contrary to law,
and that lie registered and voted un
lawfully t. If tho report of the com
mittee shall be concurred in, a new
election will be ordered.
The purest and sweefest Cod-TjTer7 OTn
is Hazard. & .Caswell's, made on ti e sea
shore from fresh, selected liver?, by Cas
well. Hazard & Co., New York. Ii is ab
solutely pure and weet, Patients wro
hav'etuken it prefer it to all othersu. Phy
sicians have decided it superior to any of
tbe other oils in market. Dr.2d-l,2w.
The question has otten been asked by
those interested, ' Can I Lave fny gray
hair restored to its natural color wit hunt
eoWMrnhB jliii?aji(l can my thi locks
be thickened upf'r U'e answer, -Jt can;"
and would advice you to read a treatise oix
the hai-, which is published by It P. Hall
& Co.. Nashua," N II., "who 'send it fre.
upon application- They are the proprie
tor of Hal's Vece'able" Sicilian Halt Re.
newer. We learn 1 om U, tlto hair, in a
perfect, state of health, is constantly allinc
out, ami new hairs jrrow friirn the same
tubes, but, in cuso of any disease of the
scalo, or by the use of ak-hoHolic prepara
tions, the har-tiihe becoiies contracted ai
is month, and prevents the new folicc'e
from reaching the surface. Their prepa
ration will c-reute a perfectly healthy con
dition of'ihc acali, and by its ton:c pr.r
eaties, vil preserve and" strena'hfn the
roots o( the hair. Statesman, Des Moins,
is Is choo!.
o :
The SecABd Reriay la Jasaarj.
Terms as here tc fore. .
Oxford, N. C, Dec. 12, 1872. jany 2-lm
Town Cbekk, Edgkcombk Co., N. C,
January Cth,18T3. J
TO the worshipful Board ot Commis
missioners for the County of Edge
combe The unders'gned hereby resigns into
your hands the office of Constable for
Lower Town Creek Township, No. 10,
which ofiicc he has heretofore held. If
your worships lequire a reason for my re
signation H is this; I have no person at
home capable T attending to niv business.
and, consequently, au unable to attend to
tlie duties ol the oihce. lours. &.c.
Will resume the Exercises of . their
School on '
Circulars forwarded on annlic.nion
I hereby certify to the above state
ment, and lui thei more, that Mr. Winborn
is unlit for the dnties and those that would
necessarily be imposed on him in said
Female College,
warrenton, N. C.
begin on the 15lh January, and eon.
inue 20 weeks.
Board (exclusive of lichts and wh.
ing), $70 00 ,. .
1 union ip regular course, $5.00.
For full particulars, upi'vly to
U 9 tit. T. M. i0ES, Prsf
tf tb' stray bost Lnstrad tt pn jei;tin'
out like the co-nmoo ileor. imh ieii
back towards the neck
efe fiat, bein' Bee -A mciie
We bare orir del.ir3 ioa not entire! v on
the gronnd of the aaucity of the place, but
i .... ii .... t..i .1, ,t : ; n .
! a pl ica 1or assembly ana worsmp; ana
hn .1 one t!i-ii thitlc Ooe of th lor
feet was cloven and the le.r, pinbuil.
havin been injured, wa-i as largo a f
mans. Ater bring hot down he
f light with depuration to .the last.
1'he meat tated rjt n iik" het-t
Tetiis hi. lfe. wis ib-ubil-'ss i
representative of IJs race iu
Sect iou . lioajioke S' v:s.
The Baleieh Aw contain the fo1
lowiuit: Phillip Iliil, r;l .red. died
near 1'ittshoro. N. C, on the 11th iu
slant, at:ed 108 year. He wis former
ly the Biave of Dr. Strou, of Samp-on
crur.ty. farher of George V Strong
Ksq., Dd afr ward- the slave -f the
late Doctor F. J. Hill. He walked to
1'it-tjboto o every election day, ami
always vottd lh straight Democratic
ticke', ca-ting his last vote i'nr Greeie
and Drown He was in the full enjoy
rn!tt of his faculties to tho day ot h
d at h. beiui; wo'iderfully well preserve !
nd bid fair Io live riiaiy years lonper,
but his hous" catching on fire he ma le
such active efforts to subdue I he flames,
&c, as to complettly overcome liiui
and he died in a moment. Ilia Iious.
with iu contents burned to the ground.
to pollute it is to trample oa the rights of
others. Many who go to o ir p:iHic sanct
uaries kneel during prayer, and if they
i Have as a neighbor one ot these Ierociou.s
; and spouting toliacco-griirder?, they may
t ar, j txiifcct to have to bow in tte black-pool.? of
lav I his saliva, and rise agM'u wreaking with the
tilth teat iins g'isaed lrom Lis 1110:1th. e
liave some tiuio ago f;iveu UI' blasphemy,
but if we "cr should g back to it, won't
we let off at these church going heathens?
Every church oaLt to instruct its sexton
to break a stone spittoon over the head o!
every offender. In fact, it would be a good
plan to n quire a fellow who does this thing
to get down there and wipe it tip with the
t ail of his coat. If this should fail to abate
the nuisance, we recommend the killing of
two or three and 6ee- what effect that will
L.ta-.ja scabck. hsaru that ia many
secuo.js of the catutty, esp.-cialiy the upper
porno::, much d.icnl:y has ht-u ex
oer:cnc -d by planters in pbUiinitig a fuJl
sup: ly of tabor tor ihe present year.
A lurge liU'iilier of larmer have fai'ed to
secure a lull q-iola, while others are serious
ly (Jiieient. Vitb larui laixir comaiuudiug
lroi.i u-n to thirt-n d lUaa's per mouth it is
usioaibhing that Edgecombe should u-ot be
fully fcuppiii-d. '
Vv hat has becom-3 of 'be lab n rs ?
Save your mo-iev tv j;oing to the Hard
ware u"u-.e .i FLUMMr.lt, 1-EWl-i & CO.
laiU-a-, N. C, i-r cet .-piecie -l 11a. U
SrnDKx Dsath. It is with sincere regret
that we ii.-.ve berJ ol the sudOeu death of
Col- T. C. Si :g etary. This s.d event took
phie at Green Vil-e on Saturday uiht lust
and has caused uuivetvil nigrot am ng his
l.'.rg; circ't; of Jricn Is and acquain'anei s.
ubU to say t a.t e.y few cases have proved , Kies hon .n, not on'y in capacity of
luTtL . t bat as proprietor of the "tl iward
Hotel." Should ot ier engagemetit re
qntre him to leave Tarboro he will carry
wiih hint the good wishes of many friends.
GoiM'tacfxo Won Our lIouskeep4
and Truck raiser aoout town and vicinity
have enmtaenced oper iiions, maby being
erigsjiel pitting in thu grouo l the earlier
product lors, wtnle otJiers not so desirous
of the early crops are preparing their
fnrnn lr for fut bto wt k.
Iois ciMiticrtion well the attention of
all to the 'large selection of Garden Seed
at tbe.D ug.Stortf of Dr. L. LsStbn,
whi-.-h. he ears, wi! be'sold at the very
lowest price a ten cent paprr for flve cents
. 1 m e : ' -
Sparta. Bairnft--A we expected the
discfutinuauee ol Spar'a Bridge, as a public
work, ha created considerable excitement
in the section most interested.
Public opinion- seems to be somewhat
divided : many protecting' against the act
ion of the. roinaiissionets in thiw cutting
them off frora traveling 'fommunicalion--wldle
others say thy do not and have not
neen the necessity of such a bridge.
We have n- oriioiou on the subject and
liaveboen hopin Hd induce a dfacnaiioii of
the merits, or disadvantages, of the- work.
Farmers who look well to their own in
.terest'a buy all their Hardware. Mipplies
at the Hardware House of FLU UU bit,
LEWIS & CO., Tarboro, N . C.
Borrowed Books. A ftiend. who
has saffered from 'tlie evi! complained
of, suggest? the following ankle op
book borrowing:
Oar 'own experience husbeen an ex.
pensive ofie. A large number of our
books areijfjQw 'otit on the borrow.'
Some of than, our most valuable works.
and may hjive been "out, for a year
and more. AJLffjrt. on onr part to
nave tnem oroiugor uoipe bavo proven
Iruitless, and we havo come to the
conclusion hat some of our 'book'
friends' have no" conscience. Why, to
borrow a book, involves certainly as
sacred ad ' obligation as does the loan
of the price of the book in mon - v.
But-there are tnasr people who take
a different view. Ve have loaned ou
large number of books, and eth.-ips
as. many dona were tnkeo irotu our
sheiTes during our absence, an ! with
out permissiou. 0;i!y in a few instau-
ces are they returned. We hear the
same complaint from other people wii
are unfrturate enough to 'own books.'
P. S. Hang 'em.
SotTTHBRifEii Job Office- We would again
call attention of the public generally to the
superior inducements offered for executing
Job Work in the Soctbebnkr office.
It will be done up in a style equal to tlie
best offices in the country, at rates as low as
the lowest, 'and with a promptitude on a
pai with the promptest. i
'We assure our merchants and business
men in general, that now there is no necessi
ty for them to send North to have their work
printed, such as "bill-heads, letter-heads, tc
. Leave your orders with the Southkrxer
ftffice; the same will be filled in a manner
equal to your wishes both in style and
prices thus encouraging home enterprise
Notice The tax paid by W. A. Mehe-
gan, manufacturer of the Banker's C'gars,
the Cniied Sutei Government for the
year 1871, was One Tlfousind" Nine Hun
dred ami Foi'ty-ieveu Dollars and Fifty
Cents $;,047 50. This tax was paid by
the manufacturer of the Banker's Cigar,
and is a larger amount than the combined'
payments of all the manufactu'ers ar.d
dealers in'the City of Nif Ik, Va. Such
evidence is pno!' positive of the merits of
the above named Cijrars.
Improving The many friends ol
Mr. Henry B.yau. one of our most
worthy and respected citizens, will bo
pleas-ed to learn that his hea th is im
proving. We egret, thoush, to hear
ihac he contemplates moving to Oxford
and makiag that his perma: ent home.
The absence of Mr. B., will ba serious
ly felt in this seetion and we congrat
ulate our friends in Oxford on so valu
able an addition to their populationi-
Advance. -
Still a Chance It will be re
menibered that a.iew weeks .since we
cent tbe special' Reportfr of the
SouTirBNER down to Greenville for
the purpose of "taking notes'' contern
ins the haugtng of Edwaid Williams
The hanging did nwt take plane, greats
Jy to the disgust of the put lie general
ly, a"d especially said Reporter
An appel was lakeu io the Supreme
Cnnrt wl ieh affirmed the judgment
of the Court below.
Mr. N. M. Lawrb'nck. It wi'l be Been
by reference to our advertising columns that
the above named geutleman, wcllnhd pop
ularly known to the people of this .-edtron,
has again comtneuced business as geutral
Agent and Commission Merchant in Tar
boro. ,
Mr. LavreitCe has beenengiged in this
kind of business for a number of years, and
now represents some of the finest standard
fertilizers psed by our f a mers.
His pKce of businets is immediately be
low the Southerner office where he will
be pleased to see those Wishing anything
in his line.. , . i
No Meetixg.- -The regular time: for the
meeting of the Edgecombe Agricultural
Society was Tuesday last.
Ta Cou.NTTUainaKs. -rirfports Toa :h us
ffoiai -I! s-. cti-nsof the -county concroniug
i be had conult'cn of tho bri ges, especially
tlie smaller ones, which ara said to bo ia
tha moist dasgeroax state. , , !
We certiitily pay enough taxes iu Edge
combq tokcp up S'-'cure bri Iges over o ir
liigow'ays.au't the propyrauthortties should
uegiect this important niatter no longer.-:.
Left Us. Tho J?aitleboro Advance an
noiiiices the arrival iu that place of Mr B
B. Uuion, who, with his family, has recent:
ly moved there aad a.ys: "It is quite an
acc. snion to our growing twif to liave" such
a wvufiiy aad -iv re ic iscizeu' clloiiso iis
home in our mi 1st mi I we ex'.eu 1 :. him a
c roial wt?lcui?. H t counn uced bus
iness in Mr. Pipe's te-. store Hear the
"Stop My Papbr." Not unfroqaemtly
we.rec?iVj letters fVouj subscribers direct
ing! the disciitjuuan:e of thiir paper, "the
said letter being uuaceompjuijed by aay re
mittance. '. " '
Turning to th books we find, to our as
tonishment, that the writers are indebted to
ua for several years, and, consequently,
should wo strike their names off we should
be minu such arrears. -
We never fail to stop the paper of such
wide-awake gentry, and, as a matter of
c urso, have lost what they owe, as they
think it a smart trick and never pay.
We now give notice that such a course
will be hereafter discontinued -and such
parties are referred- to the following laws
in regard to papers they will be in future
rigidly enforced by the Southkrnkb.
I." Any person who takes a newspaper
regular y irom the posloflice whether di
rec ed to his name ot another, or whether
Le has subscribed or not ia responsible
for the pay.
,2. Ii a pi rsou orders his paper discontin
ued, he must pay all arrearages or the pub
lisher may c ntiuue to send it until pay
ment i. made, and coll, ot ; the whole
amount Whether it is taken' from the office
or uot. 4. , , '
3. The courts-have decid"d that refusing
Why do people read ail vertisemnts ! To
ee whientcrpriin!J and to learn what ia
joingon. loseeu mere is anytmng new.
or anything that they want. ; To; sae if fhe
season's styles have come in, and to find ont
who has beB. To know ifny. rie is sell
in Off at reduced ratesor to watch the
chance pf an auction. For amusement To
satisfy enriostity. Because they have read
all the stories, marriage, birthsj deaths,
teeale and accidents. JJecanse . they wgnt
to. Because they, can't help lL
; ; i -
. Farmer who look rell to their own in
terest's bnv al! their." Hardware supplies
at th Hardware House ot PLUMMER
LEWIS & CO., Tarboro, N. C.
Sexd for The Nkw York Argcs. an
illustrated, indpendent Democratic News
laaneri devoted to Choice Literature, lio
rnnnbt. News, Ft.sMons, Agriculture. Horti
culture. Arts. Science. Finance ad Com-
merce. Subscription price, $2 per ani!nm in
advance. Prospectus and sample copies
free. AW communications should be ad
dressed to C. P. Sykcs, Publisher. Post
OBee box 5,165, New York. -, , .
, ? ,i-- . : i ' 1
Garden SeiO). Dr. L. L. Staton, at his
Drug Store, is up to the necessities of the
1e has on hand now for sale a splendid
collection of Garden Seeds of .the most
extensive variety embracing thdse'from
all the' leading Florist and Seed Houses,
Families will make a note of the same.
tr i uVa rt uaa ar m wxv fS1 wt r m if m fninvfhu
No meeting was held, and, consequently,, ffi ' - 1 , , -g.
( J CJ
um-itiied for, is prima lacie evidence of m
teutionai lraud.
no report in the SocjthEkxkr this week.
The reasoo of the failuie to meet we have
not ascertained.
Bad Bridoe. The attention of the pro
per authorities is called to the condition
of Bell's-Bridge. It has been reported to
us as being in a very unsafe state and
dangprons for the traveling public. - - '
See to it, ye Comity ofiVlals; and let nor
the untimely end of some valuable life be
laid at your doors.
The finest selection of Studs, Cnffand
Collar Buttons ever brought to that mar
et at Bells . Call and see.
Save vour money bv goinz fo the Hard,
wire House ot PLUMMER, LEWIS & CO.
Tarboro, N. C.t fur every species of Hard
ware. jy.l6-3t.
e i
Baptist. 'Appointments. By Di
vine permission. Elder P. . D. , Gold
will preach io the Primitive Baptist
Church in Tarboro. ihe first Saturday
and St.n lay iirt'Vbniary. He expects
to be present quarterly at the Church
in Tafborn tf'or -th'e rrm'.ths of Feb
ruary, aj August -pmi ioveiuber
Public Documents. Our thanks
are due'Mr. A McCabe, Senator from
Edgecombe, foe a uumber of usciul and
intcresljuti public docauients.
Mr. DoJn, on Sa:iday n'g'it last.
administered ;4 merited rebuke to the
peri-oaa iu hisicooirregati'in who, by
their indecorous coodnut, disturbed his
bearers. . " . ' ,
Pity ye have o't Siore such preach
This ni'rivai'.c-d Medicine is warrented not
to eoiit.-iin a ningle paiticle of Mercury, or any
injurious rxii-jial Miustauce, but- is
For forty years it has proved its great vain o
in all diseases of the liver, bowels and kid
neys. I housands of the good and great in all
parts of the country vouch for its wonderful
and peculiar power in purHyiiif; the blood.
stinutlatio ; the torpid hver and bowels, and
lmuartmznew luc r.ud vwor to tho whole sys-
tesi. Simtnon's liwr emulator is acknowl
edged to have no equal as a
It cotitair.8 rnrrr'Tnciical element, never
muted in the Samo bsppy proportion hi any
utlier preparation, viz: a pentle Cathartic, a
w lulerrai Ionic, an tiiinxeentionable Altera
five an I a ct rtai i Corrective of ail impurities
of the body Jsr.eli signal success has attend
ed im use, that it is now regarded as the
for hver complaint and the painful; ' ffsprin
toueo!. to wit. Livspepsia, eons! rpst ton, iann
dice, billions attacks, siek head a he. colic.
depression of spir ts. gur btoinach, heart
burn, v--.; .Vc.
Regulate tho liver and prevent
-Simmons' I aver ItRu'ator
le liianiifaetured only bv
J II. ZKlLiX cc CO..
. Iaorn. Ga.. and Philadelphia.
rriee tl 00 per pticksiee; sent bv mail, post
aire paid, f i.'fH. Prepared r-.ady for use fi.00
aud 51.0. hold uy a 1 Lrnfr;ist3.
Beware o'all Cbunterfeitj and Imitations
Oa Thursday, 'the lGtliv af tbe residence
of the Brides father. W H Hiiliard. Esq..
by ReG A Wlnbiker. Mr. Sa?i't Hymas,
of Scotia -id Neck toMissMoixiE IIiliiai;;
of NaiSf counfyi
In Charlotte, N. C., ti tle 16th inst., at
the Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Dr.
Miller, Mr J. W. Millsr and Miss Ida L.
Willi avs, both of that city.
In Martin Coiinty, at the residence of
the Brides father, H. D. Robinson, E :q., on
Thursday, 16th inst.j by W W Watts, Esq..
Mr. Wilson OuTKRBitnioK aud Mi.ss Alice
Robixhos, all of 'Martin County.
oarding &. Day School,
H1LLSB0I10', X; 0.
FRED. A. FETTER, A. M-, Principal.
CHAS. FETTER, A.M. Asspcite' Principal
Begin ou THURSDAY, January 9th,
1873, and con'iu-ie twenty weeks.
I lie celebrated water from Kitrells
Springs is used freely and with happy effect
bv Ixiys. hose heall h Tectum s it. 1
Board (includins Fuel aud Litrhtsl and
Tuition, tllo.
For Circular address either of the Prin-
Tii mm mm
Is still fnll to overflowing vita a wagn!-
ficent stock of . , . ;
ci a's.
The next Session will onen tbe
First Monday of Jan., 1873.
A few Boarders can be accommodated.
Terms: Board, includiptr Tmticn. 85
Tuition for Day 'npils, from tlG to 123
Jitisic ana umgitages extra. Charges made
from time of entrance, and no deduction made
lo a librter absence than one month. .
kU Chargra payable ha'f In advnnce.
References: JJev. J. B. Cheshire, D. D.;
Hon. Geo. Howard; Messrs. J. L. Bnders; D.
Pender and W. M. Pippen.
For further particulars address Mrs. Gen.
PESDEli, Principal. dec 12-6t.
Fall & Winte
a- O O B B,
selected with a special alteatoa;te t!
wnts and nccessltiee of this maiket.
tils assortment of
- -
, - will be found anrivalled as to
containing tbe choicest selections of
blacx siLii ';
, Ac, 6c.
Ills assortment of
such as Laces, Edgings, 4C., can not be
surpassed. Particular atteution has been
paid to bis
which embraces the finest specimens o.'
Ladies," Goat's, Boys, Misses &. Children
in Morocco, Kid, Grain, Kip, Calf, te. la
Grocery Department
-'always fnl!! Est '
Factory Cheese & Orange C. Bsltir
consfant'y on hand?
at lowest cesh prices. Tho
Highest Market Price Paid for
0 I K B.
1 vi-
Near Tarboro. on tha 17th inst., Lcla.
infant child ; oftEd ward and Fliilopena
Zoeller, ageJ i Sa3a1li Uwutbs.
At the residedce of M s. M irv W. Fow-
ellWlalifareovifty is'IC'sf lTUh inst.,
MrAAiolRirJjlL'Dijt ia tie 67tli
year af her age, witriw of the late Ben-
jaiui n,D u ua, tZS a ! icjf nnj;,Shoas for
many years a'iemby-r x?bi ' -the Raptit
cnurcn. ' , , ,(
; - At the residence of Mr. PuVne)!, in Hal
. fax, on the eveidug.of $u in,t , Mrs.
TEJyi Allmjiook,' in "the" 73rd year of
her age. She was the daughter of Com
modore William and Mary Eaton.
. : A Healthy Biastion
. Life is rendered niifterahle when the di
gestive organs are impaired. Food be
comes repulsive, tbe lio It emaciated; tlie
mind - depressed an- ' melancholy broods
over.you. ..Tutt's Vegotahler Liver Fil's is
.the .remedy wi ,Hw. rvi s;. tney produce
t,ound digestion- crvte a good appetite,
impart refreahino; hieep and cheerfuh'ess
Chapped Hands, faco. rough skin, pim
ples, ringworm, salt-rhne.m.and other -cu
iapeoui affection .cured, and tbe. skin
made soft and smooth by using the Juni
per Tar Soap, mide by. Caswell, H.. asrd
&,Co., NewYrk.'" Be certain, u get th.e
Juniper Tar Soap, as there are: many
w Tihlcss imitatiens mado with common
tar. .j ' Hr.Zl-iaw.
Extract from Telegraph and Messcpger,
Ms con, G;w . " '. '
We had tested Its virtues personally, and
know that for dpspepia, bilious . ess and
throbbing hedatie arlsina; therefrom; it
is tne best inenicitie tne woria ever saw.
VTf had tried forty other remedies before
the Simmon1 Lwer 'Jiegnlator, but nono
of them gave ns more than temporary
re'ief, tmt the Regulator, not only relieved,
but cured nsr.
i ; ' - Tvrv Teleokapf.
, s. i. mmi k El
Corner Main and Graaby Streets,
Janv 2-ly
ISAAC B. GRAINGER, - . Prrsiijleni
CIIAS. M. STEDMAN, Fice-Prwienf
S.D.WALLACE, - Cashier
ISAAC RATES, - AssistatJ Cashier
13 Sl TO" JEsL
iigUs, Classical,
Mathematical School,
NEAR' - f
Granville County, N. C.
Jt- begin on the
First Monday of February
and of August,
a d continuejfor Twenty Weeks.
Tuition, $25 per Session and Roard in
private (amines at $12 per mor th.
We refer, by permission to- Dr. A'. C.
Harris and ReTv.' Edwd. limes. Sassafras
Fork P. O.; Hon. A. W.V enable and R. A.
Hamilton, Esq., Brownsville, N. C, and
lhomis U. llutiter, Esq., Enfield, N. C.
Fot particulars address
nov. 21-10t Sassafras Fork, N. C.
Capital zni Sirplus,
lizcd Capital,
- $225,000
- $1,000,000
D. R. Mur bison, of Williams & Murchison
!eo. It 1 reiieh, of Gi-o. .' French & Son
H Voilers, of Adrain it Vollera
J V HiniHi: , of Kprn-tt & Hinson
C ii Sti dman, of Wright & tedinaa
Tames A Leak, of Waiiesbnro
M V'eddcll, of Tarboro, XC
E B Borden, of Goldsboro, NO
I. B. Gbaisger, Trcsident,
GoJdsboro Branch.
E B Borden President. R P Howell, Cashier.
E B Bolder, W T Fairch 1h, W F Korncgay
a J (jai:owuy, Herman ieiu
JXr, T,uUvs IJjVjjy e' is tlarmle-?.
If vou feel dull, uopm e it, drowsy
debilitated; have lreepiuntiC;Uiauhe, mouti
tastes Dal(y,, poor .itjipi-ute, uitil tonuue
coated, wi'l art! siifiiiug la-oiu n-rpid liver
Or"''Bdioiisnss.'' Ni.hoig wiiK-uio yu
so siieedily add peraja.-tetittv sis D-.
Pierce s G dden Medfcal' Discovery.
"Can't, do WtTaoTjr i ri'-'-rThis is what
Uie sage aud horse car ic-ompanii's, livery
stable keepers, tmembej-s iof ihe turf, and
all grooms and trainers say of the Mustunp
Liniment. 1 hey "canV-di without it.
And why? Because : it 'nfaUibly red ices
the external swelling:?, &e,., which, under
varlons names, tmpa.ir tlie usefulness aim
value of the kiua; of piadrupeds,.Liid also
because," for sprains, strains, o;il!s and
Other itjrie to Whk-h hoise-rlet-h is liable
it ii the moht- truMwoitliy prtparatioti in
the market.- Yet these recommendations
comprise only a portion- of its claims to
public continence. During a period of
more than sixteen years, it has been rec
ognized as x specific -for many of the most
agoniZ!Pg.diorder3 which, -iHl'ct the- hu-
maa family such Ss rheubiatisiri, gout,
neuralgia, lumbago. , tmdaiojeox, sor
threat, earach, toothache: and rkewtse
aa peerless ar-ulieaiioa for cuts, -bruises,
buros ana scalds. -
Tarboro Branch.
M Weddell, P;es't.' J D Cumming, Cashier.
.Tamra 5t Iff dm no, Fred Phillips, W G
Lewis, Matthew WeUdeli.
Issue s CcrtificfiteB ofliep'git bearine interes
Is authorized by charter to receive on de
posit moneys heid in trust by executors, ad-
imiMB'rat rs, Kiiardians, vc-, 4c, ic.
Soils Cheeks on New iork, Baltimore, Nor
folk, J.iehmond, Petersburg, and all the cities
ai d towns in North C roiina.
Buys and sel.g gold, silver, bank bills, bonds,
stoclis, 4c, iVC.
Strict attention Riven to the orders and re
quests of our country lriends by ma.l or other
wise. iov. an, ii ;-:im
(iores5 which destroy and remove the
caucer without the use- of the knife or loss of
blood, aud at the same time, overcomes the
tendency to cancer iu the system.
We also tr at ad forms tf chmBic, long
standing and obscure diseases; with ODpar-
aiei el success, eppci:ay
EP-pLBPS or fits
Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Secondary Syphilis.
Fend for Circulars call on. or address. ;
E. II. GKEENE, M. D , Goldsboro, N. C.
A. H. LINDLEY, 1L D., Charlotte, N. C.
J. E. BEN1LEY, M.D., Sumter, S. C
Female Seminar)'
F. P.. HofioooD, A. 5f ., Principal. "
Rev. A. F. P.eld, A.M., Associate 7'rincipal.
F. A Bc hlmas Professor ol Music.
The Spring sessu-n will open on the . ,
17th of FDRCART, 4873.
The buildinc, havinjr been enlarccd. is
spacious, commodiouaan handsome.
ine Lacernry Department is provided with
a select Library, a lame collection of Geologi
cal Specimeus and a fine Philosophical and
v ui-iinini Apparaius
lue jlnsic Ik) artment is nrovided vith a
large number of good Pianos, two Organs and
& xiaip.
1 lie la ly teachers emnlovod are all First
Class. Hoardimr Dunils are reouired to wear
uniform dress. Bourd and English Tuition
j-iuu j-ir session oi nvo momns.
or particulars, apply for circular. j2-7t
e S-3n. TARBORO.
Tarboro. N. C.
YX7E are now opening the Largest
T Stock of Clothing ar.d Urv Ooodj
in Tewn.
TU"E Make the Finest as well aa
v the cheapest Clut;.ing ia toe
YyE are Practical Tailors and Out
v tcrs, aud Warrant all our Clothes
to Pit.
T7E make Clothing to Order of tb
inest Domestic and Imported
XVTE have the greatest variety ot
' Wens. Hoys and Cluldrena Clothing-In
the State.
"V7E have Overcoats, Talmas, Capes
and Shawls for Men, liiij-s and
IM7E have a splendid assortment of
w f White Liaen Jiu
Josoras and Color
ed Cnse Shins.
V"E have a Large Stock of Gent's
and Boys Ucder.shirts & Draweri.
Bingham School,
I'ng Sup't.
Col.W3I. BING fAM, Sup't.
Capt. T. L. NoBW'uOD.
Spring Session of 1873 opens Feb. 7
a- For Circulars address,
J-J-it Acting Superintendent. '
St. Mary's School,
Rev. BENNET SMEDES, A. M., Assi'j,rl
School will commence on the twenty-fi th
of January, 187i sud continue until the 17th
ofJun j. For a circulao' apply to the Rector.
jany 2-lm,
WE always keep the Latest Styles
of Scarfs, Hows aad Gent's Neck
WE "have a larce line of Ladies
aud Geuts, Kid, liuck and Case
G loves.
WE have a fine stork of Linen Sl
Pupcr Collars, Linen and ether
have, a tremendous ttock of
Shoes iiiid IJ-joU Tor ' Ladies.
Gent's and Children..
E never deceive our Cusfcmore
but fell our' Goods lor. what
they are.
-L January 6th, 1873.
Eugish and Mathematical Tmtion from
twa;uty-tive dollars-to tMrty dollars.
Languages ten dollars each additional.
Charges from time of entrtaee, and no de
duction tor less than four week. Board
H2 50 per mouth.
Afer middle of seesion 12 percent, added
to unpaid charges. Refer to Uie Principal
jany run vi ir
WE have Hats in Silk, Flush mri
Wool, alsi Caps for Men au'J
WE call special ai tent ion to o;:
Fine -Mem and Boys Clothrr,.
WE invito all to examine out
Goods before buying their Win
ters fcuppiy.
H. WrilTLOCK & CJ.

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